#bark europa
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ltwilliammowett · 5 days ago
Bark Europa at sea
Source @edo_somenzi
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Shrouded in Mist, Spectral Icebergs Float Around the Antarctic Peninsula in Photos by Jan Erik Waider
In late 2019, Jan Erik Waider boarded the Bark Europa, a 56-meter-long wooden sailing ship constructed in 1911, bound for the Antarctic Peninsula. The Hamburg-based photographer, whose work centers on polar landscapes (previously), captured the multifaceted forms of glaciers and icebergs, steely grays of storms, and shrouds of mist during the 24-day voyage. Waider is known for his documentation of dramatic northern destinations like Iceland, Norway, and Greenland, and a trip to the southern extreme proffered an opportunity to expand on his series of atmospheric vistas with the project A Faint Resemblance.
All images © Jan Erik Waider
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guy60660 · 1 year ago
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Lars Udsen | Bark Europa
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victusinveritas · 1 year ago
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The breakfast porridge was thick yesterday morning. Anyone who has sailed onboard with Europa before will know what that means. The galley team makes no mistakes.
For those who don’t know, thick porridge means big swell. Lotte plans every detail meticulously, so that despite the fact we all stumble along the corridor sideways, still waking up from a night of rolling around the bunkie, our porridge won’t spill over our bowls. Yesterday morning, however, there were other problems. Clara saw the entire porridge bowl sliding across the sticky mat and ran to it’s rescue- as any good deckhand would. But she later told me that there soon were more pressing matters, as she heard a gushing of water and slamming of doors.
It is hard to explain to someone who has not been to sea what 50-knot winds and 9-10 sea-sates look like. Photographs never capture the looming height of waves as they swell past, the screaming wind battering sea spray and rain into your face isn’t even something I noticed until I went back inside and everything was quiet and still. I was hypnotized by the roll, the deep allure of the glassy blue waves topped by light froth as they churn, the occasional patch of serenely still, Mediterranean blue waters, and the railings slipping further into the boiling ocean with each passing wave. While at the helm, the periodic dull thud of water slapping Europa’s hull indefinitely forecasted a showering of seawater.
- Abi, Researcher Read the full story in the Bark Europa's logbook: www.barkeuropa.com/logbook/detail/the-depression
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ifisthemiddlewordinlife · 11 months ago
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calochortus · 8 months ago
Not always sunshine by Peter Hungerford Via Flickr: A view from a recent trip to Antarctica on the sailing Bark Europa: A view during snowfall.
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croziers-compass · 11 months ago
The Love of my Life
Bark Europa
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a-solitary-sea-rover-backup · 2 months ago
Time travel? Not quite. Damien Seguin meets the tall ship Bark Europa while rounding Cape Horn.
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alebrijediscordico · 6 months ago
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im going to sob.
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nordarknessdimsthesky · 2 years ago
A linguistic analysis of tumblr hyperbole in the tags
This post expands my previous analysis of hyperbolic reactions to cluster tags by themes. There were too many themes, some of them overlapping, to create a cohesive graph. Instead, I present several overarching themes from a data set of 50 tags observed and documented in various corners of tumblr.
1. Feeling Normal™️
Tags within this cluster profess Normal feelings (read: extreme excitement, enthusiasm, obsession, derangement, etc.).
#mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #absolutely not rending my clothing #feeling very normal and not feral at all #i will simply never recover #gif sets sent to personally destroy me #i can't cope #the eyes #i'm a puddle #i am INCONSOLABLE #i am DISTRAUGHT #IM NOT OKKAAAAAAYYYYYY #FEELING TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NORMAL
2. Feralness
The following data points conjure animalistic behavior. There’s a non-zero amount of biting and chewing involved.
#chomping biting barking #biting my arms off #rattling my cage #[incoherent biting noises] #chewing glass #chewing through wood #*shaking the bars of my enclosure* HELLO!!!!!!!! #climbing the walls #biting gnawing chewing #im gonna rip off my front door and eat it
3. Noisy Emotional Outbursts
These tags encompass crying, screaming, yelling, and other loud reactions.
# shaking sobbing crying #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #*no thoughts only wailing* #i am SOBBING #IM CRYING LIKE A BITCH #*just fucking yelling* #S C R E A M #screeching into a pillow #brb sobbing for 5-7 business years
4. Throwing
All of these tags except the last one involve being thrown instead of throwing things. I, personally, am entertained by the range of places/situations people are throwing themselves into.
#i am going to THROW MYSELF into the SEA #hurl me into the sea #hurl me into the sun #trebuchet me into the sun #hurl me straight at europa #vent me out of an airlock #slam me against a wall #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #throwing myself into traffic you know? #just defenestrate me already #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass #i'm going to start tossing furniture
5. Bodily Harm
There’s a good deal of overlap with the previous theme. Nearly all of the tags involving throwing would result in varying degrees of bodily harm. Here are the tags outside of the Throwing subgroup.  
#im going to throw upppppp #tearing my hair out #banging my head against the wall #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #biting my arms off #microwaving myself #crumple me up and microwave me
6. Absurdism
My personal favorite cluster. The imagery conjured and resulting comedic hyperbole is just [chef’s kiss].
#im gonna rip off my front door and eat it #crumple me up and microwave me #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass
7. Keysmashes
These tags center less around meaning and more around style, so they form the last group. A handful of these could fall under Noisy Emotional Outbursts because they represent reaction noises. In my linguistic judgment, keysmashing increases the hyperbole – consider augh versus aughfhghghghhh – the latter reads as prolonged and more intense emotionally.
#aghdjakgsjadhjaka * #hrhrhrhgnnnghhhhh #aughfhghghghhh #mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #waughfhghghh #oughhhhghghhh
*one digression in a friend discord server was how people interpret keysmashes in their minds. Some hear the first couple letters and then some sputtering, others hear static. It’s a common joke that you need a minor in linguistics to understand conversations in this friend group. Such is the nature of things when the chaos linguist energy is strong.
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plaguedocboi · 11 months ago
Top 5 sailing ships?
1. Götheborg. She’s so pretty auuaghhh
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2. Hermione. Woagh.
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3. The Bark Europa! You’re nailing those Antarctic expeditions girl.
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4. Tres Hombres. An actual merchant ship of modern day! A symbol of sustainability and ethical trade.
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5. Nao Trinidad. A working replica of Magellan’s ship and I met her in real life ;)
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months ago
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Rigging and Sails - Bark Europa
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Shrouded in Mist, Spectral Icebergs Float Around the Antarctic Peninsula in Photos by Jan Erik Waider
In late 2019, Jan Erik Waider boarded the Bark Europa, a 56-meter-long wooden sailing ship constructed in 1911, bound for the Antarctic Peninsula. The Hamburg-based photographer, whose work centers on polar landscapes (previously), captured the multifaceted forms of glaciers and icebergs, steely grays of storms, and shrouds of mist during the 24-day voyage. Waider is known for his documentation of dramatic northern destinations like Iceland, Norway, and Greenland, and a trip to the southern extreme proffered an opportunity to expand on his series of atmospheric vistas with the project A Faint Resemblance.
All images © Jan Erik Waider
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guy60660 · 1 year ago
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Lars Udsen | Bark Europa
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somefishycat · 24 days ago
WIP Wednesday 2/19/25
Edited more of mw2. New sentences under cut.
marble wall 3 for @oriharaizayadividesintoslytherin @eriquin @nonbinary-octopus @zyrafowe-sny
(Hunter notices. Belos took him to see the basilisks once. Number Five, the smallest of them, stayed curled in the corner of her cell the whole time while the others snarled. Most of them escaped shortly thereafter. Hunter himself was sent to help collect the body of Two, and then briefly to search for the others. She recognizes him. Of course she does. Why is she here? Why is she pretending to care, why doesn't she just eat him already?) Luz, Willow, Amity, and Gus start digging. None of them speak, which is… that was what he asked for. He didn't want any speeches or anything like that. It would have felt awkward. It's awkward anyway.
ones left behind for @wizisbored @phantom-z0ne @kallisto-k @thefandomlesbian @combeferres-mothematics
@stonemaskedtaliesin @asha10100101010
Eda stuffs them in her hair. “So what made you come all the way out here? Kinda stupid if you ask me.” “Oh, we all know,” Raine laughs. “But we knew you were here, and we wanted to look for the kids. And Darius said something about needing to know if Belos is dead?” She snorts. “Sure hope so.” Eberwolf barks suddenly, getting both of their attention. He points down over the edge of the hole in the floor. Darius is not with him. “Looks like he found something. Let's go see what it is?” They follow Eber down the set of stairs carved into the fossilized bone. At the bottom, Darius stands frozen among a vast pile of bone and golden armor. In his hands, he grips a shiny mask like his life depends on it. “I knew he must have been executed. I knew the official report was a lie. I never knew about this,” Darius says quietly. He looks down at one bare skull in particular. Slowly, he places the mask next to it.
50 Years for @whimsicalmeerkat @auburnlaughter @akumteir @meggiejolly @allofthebeanz
hello pioneers 10 and 11, voyagers 1 and 2, ulysses, and new horizons. it’s me, it's your friend juice again, you know, the only one who ever talks to you guys anymore. i’m still orbiting jupiter. y’all remember jupiter, right? do any of you miss it? i kinda feel like i don't appreciate it much sometimes. i mean, i’m just kinda stuck here, right? jupiter, and all these fuckin moons, that's really all i get to see but most of you don't even get to see much of anything anymore, do you? very distant stars, maybe, but your camera’s’ve gotta be shit for that. we're not telescopes i’ll uh. i’ll send you all a postcard [image of Juice in front of Jupiter, cropped from the Juice mission poster to roughly postcard dimensions, with sparkly pink text added: “greetings from jupiter! :)”] i guess orbiting jupiter’s better than being inside jupiter did any of you know galileo or cassini? or or juno and europa clipper. i woke up after juno was already gone, missed em by just a few years, but i remember clipper. i miss clipper
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ifisthemiddlewordinlife · 10 months ago
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Bark Europa
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