#barbie battle 12
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barbiebattle · 2 years ago
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haveamagicalday · 1 year ago
Battle of the Barbies! Round 5: Barbie as...
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This is round 5 of the bracket. All other polls for Battle of the Barbies can be found here.
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starberry-cupcake · 25 days ago
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Thank you to everyone who was encouraging in my last recap, it's nice to know there's still interest out there ♥ we're doing 1 chapter only today because a) I read it days ago and hadn't had time to recap until now and 2) A LOT happened in this one
previously, in nona del 9:
this happened
this is the general tag, as usual
CHAPTER 12 (we got an apple tree again!)
last we've seen of the scooby gang
(nona is both scooby and shaggy in one, both because it fits and because she's 2 in 1)
(pyrrha is fred)
(palmolive is both daphne AND velma, I know velma is the obvious but he does have a lot of daphne vibes)
(camilla is the mystery machine, because she's the most reliable one)
they got their breakfast interrupted by guns
they pat them for weapons but camilla always has a hidden knife and a very hidden knife
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as someone who takes a swiss army knife with my keys everywhere, I'm very appreciative of secret knives
the BOE folks who are invading breakfast have masks on and take their temperature
that's not really sci fi now that we've gone through what we've gone through as a society huh
they take them in a car to an undisclosed location but don't put hoods on them because nona gets car sick
if I don't sleep during long car travel, the interior of the car gets acquainted with the interior of my stomach
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when they reach the undisclosed location, camilla and nona are separated from pyrrha and made to wait
if you're taking them there, you should be freakin' prepared and not making people wait
what is this, revolution or a dentist appointment
get it together, people
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(rip dame maggie ♥)
anyway, in comes señorita perfecta coronabeer
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remember her? she's rambo barbie now, like we had established
yandere twin is dr reverend emperor john assface knows where being a lyctor and coronabeer twin is rambo barbie
what if they end up having to battle each other to the death? then what?
will they be able to do that, if it comes to it?
who are you betting on?
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coronabeer rambo barbie twin frees nona from the tape holding her arms
when she turns to free camilla, camilla is already free
of course she is, as if tape could stop her
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coronabeer seems to be suspicious about pyrrha
and is keeping the sword, which camilla is rather mad about
coronabeer is like "I didn't take you for a traditionalist" but like, all ownership of the sword aside, I kinda get being mad at her displaying it
coronabeer acted like a necro without being one and taking all the credit for it and now she's acting like she had been a cav, which she wasn't
I know she wanted to be one and had the chops for it, but still, she wasn't
and she says it's for "aesthetic", which doesn't help things
coronabeer says camilla sounds like judith and camilla asks if they've killed her yet
they proceed to describe ways in which judith could be killed
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coronabeer is acting like she doesn't have a big crush on judith, though, as if I wasn't remembering that fact every single second
you can act as high and mighty as you want, coronabeer, but you have a crush on judith, so
what does that say about you
good for judith, though, don't know how she did it, but she did it
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camilla tells coronabeer she sounds like her sister and coronabeer thanks her and thinks she needs more of yandere twin's gravitas
as if people were listening to yandere twin at any given point
she was notorious for being overlooked
which was a mistake, clearly
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coronabeer and camilla keep disagreeing on whether or not what BOE wants is really what will benefit them (and the sixth, I assume)
I got too distracted about nona's description of palmolive telling camilla never to try to stop the dudebros who are harassing them on the street
to notice the first time around that camilla put on dark glasses, probably to obscure (literally and metaphorically) whose eyes she has when talking
or, at least, that's what I think, it isn't established
when they enter the room in which the meeting is taking place, there are portraits of different people and a photo of commander wake with flowers and offerings to her
as someone from a country with a lot of santos populares (people's saints), I'm picturing a commander wake candle to light when you're angry af
patron saint of being pissed off
aside from we suffer, there's a guy with two machetes
he's very dramatic
so, coronabeer presents herself with a long ass BOE name and crown is the first part of it
I thought it was a code name because of corona but I guess she just adopted one of the long ass names
maybe it was also on purpose because of corona
our scooby gang is referred to as 'troia group' which idk if it's a troy reference or what
trying to kill the emperor from the inside didn't work last time, but we can keep trying
pyrrha had totally identified which building they were in so the whole waiting and car and guns and tape theater stuff was totally unnecessary, aside from overly dramatic
like el machetes over there
he shouts too much
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el machetes gets into an argument with camilla about all the murdering that's going on
he's ok with killing people, basically
he calls three of them "zombie loyalists" which I guess are people who are in favor of the houses?
coronabeer gets mad on behalf of camilla and challenges el machetes to throw hands right then and there
remember when camilla annihilated martita because the second thought they were tough shit? good times
camilla would use this guy's body like a mop and leave the undisclosed but obviously located building sparkling clean
we suffer is totally tired of her people being idiots and tells them to quit it
she says that "the negotiator" is in orbit and that has made the whole group a mess of opinions
camilla is taking notes, which I assume are for palmolive, or the other way around if they're switching
nona can see three squiggles and a heart
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(belle is palmolive's favorite princess)
nona also notes that coronabeer's biceps are visible through her shirt
which means I have to bury here my headcanon of coronabeer described as "big" to mean "fat" in the way I was picturing her, because I think the biceps description is made to mean more muscular than what I had in mind
sorry me, it was nice while it lasted
coronabeer also knows about shuttles because she had a crush on a boy who was a shuttle otaku
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"Loved shuttles...didn't look at me twice, so I fell head over heels. Story of my life"
(*more rioplatense slang, don't worry about it)
coronabeer and el machetes start arguing about that too and we suffer is so tired of them
she says "Yes. Good. The intel, I mean, not anybody's romantic history, which I abhor"
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another one for my apparel collection
el machetes and we suffer argue on what to discuss with the antinegotiation faction about all this and about "Varun the Eater"
nona's bestie from the sky
they quote commander wake and pyrrha is all like
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camilla says "either this shuttle's derelict or—it dropped through the River"
el machetes doesn't know what the river is
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we suffer says that the factions are starting to think dr reverend emperor john buttface might be taking them seriously
to which camilla responds "of course, bitch, you're selling him back the sixth"
not in those exact words
pyrrha says that emperor asshat has always taken them seriously
which is true but also not, at the same time
it is, because he cares about them and what they do
it isn't, because the only person he truly takes seriously is himself
one of the factions, the hopers, are asking about nona progress
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they're starting to lose faith in nona
I assume specifically in her going back to who she was
and they start talking about lyctors who served them in the past
she calls them by different names
"joyeuse" and "piotra" got them fleet schematics, the location of the emperor's bolthole and an attempt on his life
so I assume this is agustine and mercygirl? I thought cassiopeia was their contact first, but I don't know timelines anymore
they call not!dulcinea "chrysaor" and talk highly of her mess at canaan house
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(rip viv ♥)
pyrrha and camilla are upset at this, pyrrha doesn't think she was doing it for them and camilla says "anyone who would describe two fourteen year olds as high ranking House personnel isn't interested in Nona as a person"
I should draw a heart in my notes too
we suffer explains that, from their pov, not!dulcinea was stopping the problem from the root, not allowing baby lyctors to be born and destroying what would create them
honestly, though, canaan house was hanging by two threads and used bubble gum
it wasn't a super well oiled machine, the emperor is a clown
anyway, everyone sees an enemy from where they're standing when there is so much that isn't understood and a few people are trying to gain power from other's ignorance and fear
camilla says that not!dulcinea was the only one who got what she wanted in canaan house and that if they're intending to use lyctors as weapons, what will they do with them?
which is a very valid question
I think yandere twin also got what she wanted, tbh
it cost her an arm and a chad
coronabeer and el machetes start fighting again and he says she's just "boobs, hair, and talk"
coronabeer says she's "boobs and hair and talk and a hell of a sword hand"
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camilla asks for sixth house proof of life and gets a recording from archivist zeta, who I think was palmolive's mom
I didn't catch that on my first read of the story but you guys pointed that out
I really like her, she's cool, glad that she's still with us
anyway, protect my house
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camolive demands for further confirmation by asking "how many pages in my Scholar's thesis?"
(at this point idk if it's camilla or palmolive at any given time, though nona never said it was palmolive, and maybe she would have mentioned it, because she always does, but sometimes I wonder anyway)
(also, there's never enough pages in a thesis for me, I'm always not even halfway through all I want to say and I'm already over the limit)
so, yeah, further proof is asked and also nona isn't doing great with the part about her remembering who she is
and there's a negotiator potentially in the sky
and varun
and idk where judith is
not making out with coronabeer, apparently
they're being boobies about it still
I'm unexpectedly very invested in them getting together idk I have a thing for their dynamic
that short story really changed my whole perception of judith lol she's just really pathetic and I respect that
she's like a wet mouse, I can't be angry at her for long
and, as for the nona progress, I don't think she's anywhere near close
she's more concerned with the school stuff and sriracha girlie than with any of this
which is a bit annoying BUT
it does help to have someone involved in this who gets actually close to the people suffering, you know?
not the BOE or anyone in the know, just the common man, the people, the ones trying to survive all this
and nona being totally not biased over the conflict because she is in a cumple all the time also helps her be present with the people in their day to day
she has that awareness of the present moment, the observation skills, the communication skills, and pays attention to who she is with at each time
she focuses on people and listens to them and gets to know them
I think that can be very meaningful here
presence and listening are everything in conflicts
so yeah, it's a bit annoying that she acts how she acts, but I don't think it's a bad thing, actually
I think nona is doing good work, as she is
even if I'd like to sometimes put her behind a baby gate
ANYWAY, WHAT A CHAPTER HUH? we met new friends, we saw old friends, we heard gossip about everyone. Always a party with BOE. See you in the next one!
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itsallmouthwashing · 2 months ago
Tulpar- Band AU, Character descriptions
I cannot draw- so have some written descriptions and tidbits about the members of Tulpar! I'm planning more bullet points tomorrow but contemplating how much I want to give away ;)
It's very late, I want to add more but I also want to get these OUT! I have much much more planned so don't worry all the details will come out
Bullet Points here
Our goth bhaddie
Mid-short black hair, undyed (a NATURAL goth queen)
Usually with purple eyeshadow and black lipstick. Her makeup isnt too intricate, but sometimes she likes to do a classic goth look (white foundation, black EVERYWHERE, the works) when she’s feeling fancy. Later when their band goes much more hardcore, she rocks the look more often. It makes her feel powerful and confident on stage!
YES she has Doc Martens. NO she doesn't wear them. They make her FEET HURT!!!
Still likes jogging! Is that jog to the nearest Burger King? Sometimes! 
Her first tattoo is the one she gets with the crew when Tulpar gets signed :)
Has her ears and her bottom lip pierced. She plays with her lip piercing when she’s studying
She picked up bass at 12 
Does Daisuke’s and Curly’s makeup sometimes :)
Perfer’s purple nail polish :)
I put in my Ghost Adventure’s AU that Dai would have dyed his hair pink or purple, so this barbie has pink hair :) He’s got a purple fringe :) Probably short-- think about base game Sims 4 short emo hair-- that one!
Loves to paint his and the crews nails, especially for concerts! It happens so often that it becomes ritual and start times will go over if they aren't finished in time. Daisuke WILL get this hand right and the fans WILL understand (they always do!)
Loves to pair undershirts with his collection of Hawaiian shirts. Of course, his pink hibiscus is a staple, but so is the mesh/fishnet unders he puts on when he starts to transition to an alternative style. 
picked up drums around 15, but got really focused on it and mastered them fairly quickly before they went pro
Prefers his nail polish to match with his shirt that day!
Does not have dyed hair either, but he likes to keep it long-ish. It hides his face better but also gets in the way when he doesn't want it to. 
Had a battle jacket, but the sleeves got damaged when he hosted a bonfire and he did not pay attention to the fucking bonfire. That's alright though, he turned into a battle vest!
Overall more of a grunge aesthetic/style
YES his crust pants are REAL stop ASKING HIM !! 
Songwriting has been a part of him since he was little. it was his way to vent, a way to cope, a way to be in control of the narrative
Didn't know when he was younger, but Jimmy has perfect pitch. When he figures this out, he boasts about it in his guitar classes
Buuuuuut it just means the other kids asked him to turn their guitars. That stopped very quickly after he smashed someone's guitar.
Picked up guitar when he was 8. His dad was going to throw it out, but little Jimmy insisted he keep it and that he would find someone who would buy it off of him. Maybe a teacher at school or something.
But instead go buying it from him, a teacher sits him down and teaches him how to play. He gets so lost in it, he begs the teacher to keep it here and teach him more after school. That teacher also teaches him how to write music!
Learns how to do makeup because he’s jealous of Anya- always touching his face so gently to fix his makeup. Quickly learns that all he can really do is his own eyeliner, and even then it’s mid
He’s trying though! (when Jimmy clams the fuck down he eventually goes to Anya and asks her to teach him. They have a nice bonding moment. (the worms demand more, so more there will be- here when I post)
Prefers black nail polish, demands he does it himself (Curly convinces him to let Dai do with Jimmy can't get his hands to stop shaking before a concert. Dai continues to do them after)
Bracelets and chains out the waazoo. When he warms up enough, he lets the band borrow some for shows. (Dai does attempt to actually steal one at some point. Jimmy breaks his nose over it (The worms have plans, you’ll find out why!)
Will! It! Boof! Welcome to Jimmy’s favorite game show! Can it be smoked? He’s fucking got it baybeeee!!
That is to say, he smokes cigarettes, vapes, weed, carts, dabs- yeah man. At least the things that wont get him in serious trouble with the law (at least… not for a little bit…) 
The oldest of the group, beside Swansea when he makes his appearance. 
Mid-short blond hair, also undyed. He does get a perm sometimes. When Jimmy does missing, he has a full breakdown and dyes his hair black, but that's later that's later thatslaterthatdlater
Has snakebites and an eyebrow piercing 
Nipple piercings WHO SAID THAT 
When the band goes pro, Pony Express records demands the front man have a certain image because thats what’s hot with audiences and they need to bring in as much revenue as possible with their first album or they get dropped 
Picked up guitar freshman year of high school when he was accidentally enrolled in a guitar class. Some kid said he had perfect pitch, and Curly thought he would be the perfect person to ask about turning his guitar
Only he misunderstood. Though he asked him to tune it for him- Maybe he heard someone ask him about that earlier? He took the guitar with a smile, then smashed It to the ground like he was killing a bug.
The end of freshman year, just before the final for the class, some kid came up to him to tell him his instrument was out of tune. and that he could show him if he'd like. So he doesn't get bumped a letter grade, ya know?
The kid tunes it- just in time, because Grant's name was just called from the now empty class room.
Sophomore year, Curly is enrolled in a choir class, where he discovers his love and talent for singing. Sometimes when he does solos in the classroom, he feels someone watching him from the window in the door.
Prefers yellow nail polish! He loves the contrast of his nails against his outfit since he’s usually in all back 
Wears mostly suits. It's what his parents put him in growing up, so he has a ton and they just feel natural. Does it hurt when Jimmy convinces him to rip them up for a concert? Only a little ;-; Does it make the audience go wild? Only a lot :) 
Wears Jimmy’s chains way before the rest of Tulpar have access to them 
Tulapr’s manager before and after they get signed with Pony Express Records. 
Usually wears a track suit or something, very casual around the crew. After they get signed though, hes always dressing in P.E records merch, ad later Tulpar merch when PER authorizes it!
Keeping his backstory mostly the same, his struggle with addiction does come into play with the story I have in mind 
Used to be really into the punk scene. If you loook really close, you can see the holes from his snakebites and brow bars. No one can see it, but he also used to have a septum piercing. 
He has a stash of his old clothes on the bus when Tulpar is tour-ready! He also becomes the resident seamstress if a costume rips or malfunctions :)
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darkdevasofdestruction · 7 months ago
Your Guardian Angel - Tokita Ohma Love Story ( Kengan Ashura ) ~ On Going
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Once, a great a fighter, yet unknown to the world, fell prey to his first defeat, and he lay on the ground, pitiful and broken, rained down and with ribbons of crimson leaving his body. A shy angel coming home found him and brought him to safety, mending his wounds and tending to his broken spirit, until he had regained consciousness. As he opened his eyes, and witnessed the first person to care for him, he made a vow to always protect her, with his fists, to repay her kindness. It was only then that Tokita Ohma's newfound hope was discovered, and he was ready to achieve his goal in life - To be the very best fighter there is.
Chapter 1 - The Healing Angel Chapter 2 - Debt Chapter 3 - Promise Of Reunion Chapter 4 - The Ashura and The Kitsune Chapter 5 - The Forbidden Technique Chapter 6 - Replacement Chapter 7 - I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES! Chapter 8 - The Betrayal Chapter 9 - Let The Show Begin! Chapter 10 - Strengthening Friendship Bonds Chapter 11 - Am I Wrong? Chapter 12 - Foxes Have Fangs And Rabies Chapter 13 - New Rules, New Moves Chapter 14 - Battle Of The Psychos Chapter 15 - Distress Chapter 16 - Unlikely Best Friend Chapter 17 - The Kitsune Chapter 18 - Le Petit Empereur Chapter 19 - The Return Of The Queen Chapter 20 - Ken Doll and Barbie the CEO Chapter 21 - 👑Kengan de Huángdi👑 Chapter 22 - Crimson Spider Lily Chapter 23 - The Connector  Chapter 24 - Wǒ Qīn'ài de Húxiān Huánghòu
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tiniedemon · 2 years ago
. . .
reasons kenny mccormick has been banned from us mall retail stores
definitely takes off running with a makeup pallet for marjorine
trips and falls into a rare beauty display
sprays an entire tester bottle of cologne in the fragrance section
hot topic
connected to the speakers somehow and played material girl bass boosted for 45 minutes straight
customer couldn’t find a shirt so he went in the back to search for it
attempted to climb the wall to get a shirt and ripped four wall hooks out
played tag with the hot topic employees in a skirt he didn’t pay for
taste tested every bottle of flavored lube in the store
shattered three ash trays on the floor
opened a pack of incense and lit it for a smell test
tried to sell a vibrator he didn’t pay for for double the price
assembled a skateboard in the corner of the store and then skated around the entire store
tried on every sock in a pack of socks and tried to return them (he didn’t pay for them)
tried a hat on without realizing he had lice
victoria secret
took lingerie off the display model, spit in the bra, and put it back on
drank a bottle of perfume for $5
asked every employee if they thought his dick could fit in a thong
stood on top of a display table and danced, broke the table
tried to fit into a onesie and ripped it
ate an entire eyeshadow pallet
hid inside of a rug until after closing
put his fist through a painting
apple store
set a picture of the inside of his nostril as the phone background
played cotton eyed joe staggered on every display device full volume
tried to return his samsung.. to the apple store.. that he didn’t get it from
accidentally spilled half a bottle of water on a macbook
played the penis game with craig from across the store
rode a skateboard he was forced to buy from zumiez across the store
spilled an entire bottle of hand sanitizer on the floor and then ran through it and fell on his ass
bath & body works
stole two pockets full of hand sanitizer
lathered his body in lotion and told the employees he was having an allergic reaction
spit in a bottle of perfume and took it to the counter and tried to get it for free because it was contaminated
lit five candles, arranged them in a circle, and held a seance
sprayed 12 cologne testers on a test strip and ate it for $5
toys r us
had a nerf battle with craig in the middle of the store
took a doll out of the packaging and drew pentagrams and penises all over the face
arranged two barbies to look like they’re fucking
programmed every voice recording toy to say “eating ass is good for your mental health”
threw a bopit at craig and broke his nose
food court
food fight
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emilija04acer · 9 months ago
Cartoons and Anime from My Childhood (part 1)
Born in 2004 in Serbia, I cherish the memories of a time when cable TV was a luxury that only became available to us when I was about 12 years old. Most of my cherished shows were watched at my grandma’s place. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane with this list!
This is part one; I'm not certain how many I will create, but I'll begin with some that have significantly influenced me. They are listed alphabetically, and most are anime.
(I included a short description of each show)
Of course please share your favorite cartoons!
“Angel Friends”: Angels-in-training, Guardian Angels and Demons. First Angel x Demon ship that I sailed.
“Angelina Ballerina”: A dancing mouse with big dreams and a passion for ballet.
“Atomic Betty”: Intergalactic adventures with Betty, the space-faring superhero.
“Avatar: The Last Airbender”: “Water. Earth. Fire. Air.” A beautifully crafted world, elemental bending, and Aang’s quest to restore balance—this 2D gem blended adventure, humor, and wisdom.
“Barbie Movies”: Every Barbie movie—magical adventures from princesses to explorers.
“The Secret World of Benjamin Bear" Heartwarming adventures with this lovable stuffed bear.
“Bibi Blocksberg”: A young witch named Bibi and her magical escapades. Also Bibi and Tina.
“Bratz Movies”: Fashion-forward Bratz dolls navigating high school and friendship. That one with Paris traumatised me. ( the bone ageing thing)
“Captain Keroro” (Sgt. Frog): Frog-like alien invaders attempting to conquer Earth.
“Code Lyoko”: Virtual reality, secret codes, and a group of students fighting digital threats.
“DelTora Quest”: Lief, Barda, and Jasmine’s quest to restore the seven gems of the Belt of Deltora. (Barda was one of my first fictional crushes guys… 😭 don’t ask)
“Digimon”: Digital monsters, DigiDestined, and epic battles in the Digital World.
“Dragon Ball Z”: “Kamehameha!” The battles between Goku and his formidable foes kept us on the edge of our seats. The iconic transformations, energy blasts, and the quest for Dragon Balls fueled our imaginations.
“Galactic Football”: Futuristic football matches in outer space—goals, teamwork, and cosmic challenges!
“Holly Hobbie and friends”: The adventures of Holly Hobbie, a creative and kind-hearted girl.
“Mermaid Melody”: The enchanting story of mermaid princesses who use their voices to save the ocean. (Other first crush…)
“Mia and Me”: A girl named Mia discovering a magical world with unicorns and elves.
“My Little Pony (MLP)”: Friendship is magic in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle and her pony pals.
“Naruto”: Believe it! Naruto’s ninja journey, friendships, and determination. Who didn’t watch this?
“Nodi”: The little blue train Noddy and his friends in Toyland. (This and Strawberry Shortcake where my everything at like 6)
“Pokémon”: “Gotta catch 'em all!” Ash Ketchum’s Pokémon journey, Pikachu’s thunderbolts, and Team Rocket’s antics—this show captured our hearts. The Pokémon theme song is forever etched in our minds.
“Postman Pat” (Postman Pete): Delivering mail in the charming village of Greendale.
“Sailor Moon” (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon): “Moon Prism Power, Make Up!” Magical girls, cosmic battles, and the power of friendship—And of course censorship!
“Strawberry Shortcake (2003)”: The sweet adventures of Strawberry Shortcake and her berry friends in the magical land of Strawberryland. (Logorovanje/ camping episode was my fav
“Tokyo Mew Mew”: Magical girls with animal DNA fighting to protect Earth from alien invaders. (Ren can get it)
And of course as I lived in Vojvodina, “Hungarian Folktales”
Here are some links... Sadly I couldn't include the images that I wanted...
Strawberry Shortcake (2004): Wikipedia, IMDb, MoviefoneWonderful Galaxy of Oz: Wikipedia, IMDb, Oz Wiki
Mermaid Melody: Wikipedia, IMDb, Trakt
Tokyo Mew Mew: IMDb, Wikipedia, IMDb for New Series
Galactic Football: IMDb, Wikipedia, SideReel
Sailor Moon: Wikipedia, IMDb, JustWatch
Winx Club: IMDb, Wikipedia, Netflix
W.I.T.C.H.: Wikipedia
As you see I had great taste! Please share yours!
If you are from Serbia... Do you remember ULTRA?! Half of my nostalgia comes from the ads that were on that channel!
Do you remember this people!?
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princesssarisa · 11 months ago
I wonder… What are the meaning names of the 12 dancing princesses?
Well, they have different names in different adaptations.
Let's look at the Faerie Tale Theatre version, The Dancing Princesses, where there are only six princesses, and where their names all end in "etta," which means "little":
Jeanetta: "God is gracious."
Coretta: "Maiden" or "heart."
Dinetta: "Judged" or "religion."
Musetta: "Muse" or "bagpipe."
Wanetta: An Anglicized form of "Juanita," which means "God is gracious."
Loretta: "Laurel."
Then there's the Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics anime adaptation, The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes, where there are only three princesses:
Genevieve: "Of the race of woman," "woman of the house," or "white wave."
Julia: "Youthful."
Louise: "Famous in battle."
Now let's look at the Barbie version, where there are twelve princesses, named alphabetically:
Ashlyn: Either an Anglicized form of "Aisling," meaning "dream" or "vision," or a form of "Ashley," meaning "ash tree clearing."
Blair: "Field."
Courtney: "Short nose."
Delia: "Of Delos" or "noble."
Edeline: "Noble."
Fallon: "Leader."
Genevieve: "Of the race of woman," "woman of the house," or "white wave."
Hadley: "Heather field."
Isla: "Island."
Janessa: "God is gracious."
Kathleen: "Far off" or "pure."
Lacey: "Of Lassy" (a town in Normandy) or "resembling or trimmed with lace."
Then there's Jessica Day George's novel Princess of the Midnight Ball, which I haven't read yet but which I'd like to because I have read and loved some of George's other books. In that retelling, the princesses are all named after flowers: Rose, Lily, Jonquil, Hyacinth, Violet, Daisy, Poppy, Iris, Lilac, Orchid, Pansy, and Petunia.
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meh-kris · 8 months ago
BUT BUT BUT listen it was it was aitasjsisisk
So basically I'm currently fixating on Ramshackle rn, and I've been very interested in it since the day I watched it (June 20 something). As you know, in the fandom there's lots of people who simp for Stone, one of the main characters (to be honest I get it he's hot) and sure he's cool and all but I wouldn't necessarily like fangirl over him but yesterday night.. DURING MY 12 HOUR SLEEP!!!, I had a wonderful dream
(But it was a dream sooo)
Picture it as a type of farming simulator kinda town, like Hay Day perspective(if that works). So BOOM an orangey bronze missile launches from the sky and then it causes some zombie virus thingy, I became this Anna from Frozen looking player and perspective shifts to an animatic style looking invaded town. The only survivors were Vinnie, Stone, Skipp, Pinkie Pie (??)and Barbie (??) and then we had to find the medicine thingy which was out of the town.
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So urmm me and Stone (hehe) had to split into a field, but I got lost. I kept walking through it (pretty grassy but there was a dirt path) and there I found an abandoned house. Yes it was a bad decision but i wanted to explore it and then I went up and a comically large pencil unknowingly spawned on my hand and then I heard some noises of a little girl laughing and I got scared and RAN towards the balcony where it turns out that it was just some little kid doing her homework with her caretaker. I had a conversation with them about school and then I just tried to calm down (the run made me tired)
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and then I spotted Vinnie and Stone, they were being led by yet ANOTHER ANNA GIRL??? Who turned out to be a doppelganger. They all spotted me and she just turned into her true zombie like state. She had an HP bar above her head and it was like 15HP but it turned out to be a lot of HP for a boss so in an attempt to save my 'friends' (I assumed they were) I just jumped and pressed space bar and I could FLY IN MY DREAM!! So I flew in their general direction and plunged directly into the dupe doing like 8DMG (which was a lot) but then she pushed me out which made me stunned from battling. But I trusted Vinnie and Stone and they managed to defeat her!!
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Then Stone (here's where I started liking him) held out my hand and placed some debuff on me and said 'Dont try to do dangerous stuff like that again, okay?' and GODDAMN I found it so hot but I just nodded.
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Then Vinnie said she'd find some new recruits so me and Stone were asked to find Barbie and Pinkie (they contacted about the medicine). As we were going, there happened to be some zombies preparing to attack (sound activated kind of so we had to make no sound it doesn't really make sense BUT ITS A DREAM) so then I just spoke in Morse Code(??) with Stone and hinting him where to go. He just SMILED a bit and said thanks. So then we found Pinkie and Barbie and we met up with Vinnie and it was GO TIME. We hit the zombies with SYRINGES AND BOTTLES OF CANNED MEDICINE FROM SOME AEROPLANE THINGY
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and then I woke up :(
Very fun dream!! 9.5 cuz there was less Skipp. Honorable mention moment: I held hands with Stone while we were walking his hands were fucking freezing
(Stone, Vinnie and Skipp are all @zeddyzi 's creation!!, go check the ramshackle pilot on YouTube I HIGHLY recommend!!)
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barbiebattle · 2 years ago
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haveamagicalday · 1 year ago
Battle of the Barbies! Round 5: Barbie as...(Sub Round 2)
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This is round 5 (sub round 2) of the bracket. All other polls in can be found here.
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catboygirljoker · 2 months ago
6, 7, and 12 for the general kh asks
Kingdom Hearts Ask Game !!! :>
6. Favorite song?
fun fact! my top spotify artist last year was Yoko Shimomura. lol. first tracks that come to mind are "The Key" (perfectly captures the tone of being on the edge of the world's fate), "Master of Masters" (with 12 years of piano education i know that it's not easy to compose or play music that dissonant and have it sound that good), and the version of "Vector to the Heavens" used in Xion's data battle in 3 (that fucking 2 second drum breakdown before it goes back into the main melody UGHHH pure catharsis)
7. Which moment left the biggest impact on you?
i connected emotionally with KH right away when i first got into it, just from the opening cutscenes. i didn't even grow up with it, and i still think it's high-octane nostalgia in a bottle in all the best ways. but the moment that KH went from a passing curiosity to "this is going to be really important to me" was the Road to Dawn scene in CoM.
due to a lot of personal stuff i was dealing with at the time, i really resonated with this idea of choosing a path not of dogmatic refusal to accept any inner darkness, nor of nihilistically embracing that darkness, but rather a path of progress. a path that accepts that there will always be darkness, but a path that insists that there will always be light, too.
there's more than one answer to these questions, pointing me in a crooked line / but the less i seek my source for some definitive, the closer i am to fine. (oh it looks like that song was on the barbie soundtrack? neat i guess. the link is to the original version.)
12. Favorite platonic ship?
obviously because of the above i really like the relationship between king mickey and riku. there's a running motif in the series of Authority Figures Failing Those Under Their Authority, but i think mickey and riku's relationship is KH's model for what a good master-apprentice relationship looks like. part of it is that, even before riku becomes a keyblade master, mickey treats riku as an equal, doesn't hold his authority over him, is willing to learn from him without any apparent pride. it's so different from nearly every other master-student relationship we see in the series!
granted, mickey still fails riku, unwittingly sending him into a trap during the mark of mastery exam in DDD. but then, i dont think there's a single master who DOESN'T fail their apprentices in some way.
[remembers how aqua is kairi's master now] uh oh. uh oh! noo kairi watch out, the recurring motif is right behind you! oh no she has airpods in!! kairi!!!!
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joker1315 · 7 months ago
All the movies and tv shows you can find on this blog
Use the following link and insert the tag you want to see:
#: 300 - 10 things i hate about you - 12 years a slave - 1899
a: a cure for wellness - a knights tale - after the rain - alice in wonderland - the alienist - all of us strangers - anchoress - andor - angels and demons - around the world in 80 days - assassins creed - august osage county - australia - the avengers - awake
b: bad influence - barbie - the battle for rome - birdland - black mirror - black panther - the blacklist - blackout - blackpool - blood - blood diamond - blow - the book of boba fett - boston legal - the boys - the brave - bright young things - broadchurch - brotherhood
c: captain america - casanova - case histories - cellular - centurion - charlie and the chocolate factory - chocolat - chumscrubber - the cloverfield paradox - clue - colonia - coriolanus - the counselor - covenant - crimson peak - critical care - the curse of the midas box
d: the damned united - dangerous lady - dark - the dark knight - the dark knight rises - dark shadows - dates - the davinci code - dead man - deadpool - the deal - the death of stalin - detective pikachu - die tür - dig - doctor strange - doctor who - dolly partons heartstrings - donnie brasco - dracula - dream lover - druk
e: ed wood - en kongelig affære - en kort en lang - exile - the expanse
f: the face of an angel - the falcon and the winter soldier - the fall - fantastic beasts - fantastic four - far from the madding crowd - fear and loathing in las vegas - the fifth estate - filth - finding neverland - fish tank - fleabag - the fountain - four rooms - fright night - from hell
g: gallowglass - der ganz grosse traum - good - good omens - the good thief - gotham - gothika - the great dictator - the great race - guardians of the galaxy
h: halt and catch fire - hamlet - hannibal - harry potter - heart - heartlands - high rise - his dark materials - the hobbit - the hollow crown - home again - how to train your dragon
i: i saw the light - the imitation game - the impossible - indiana jones - inglourious basterds - inkheart - iron man
j: jagten - james bond - jessica jones - the judge - jurassic park
k: kate and leopold - the kings speech - kingsman - kiss kiss bang bang - kong%3A skull island - ku'damm 59
l: l. a. without a map - the ladykillers - laws of attraction - the legend of 1900 - legion - the libertine - life on mars - little favour - loki - london - lord of the rings - love actually - lucifer
m: macbeth - macgyver - mamma mia - the mandalorian - marvel - master and commander - masters of sex - miranda - moon knight - mortdecai - moulin rouge - move on - mrs. doubtfire - much ado about nothing - much ado about nothing (1993) - mulan - the muppets most wanted
n: the necessary death of charlie countryman - the night manager - the nightmare before christmas - nine-1%2F2-minutes - not another teen movie - nu
o: the oa - once upon a time - only lovers left alive - oppenheimer - oscar wilde - oslo - ostfriesenblut - ostfriesenkiller
p: paddington 2 - parades end - passengers - patrick melrose - the patriot - peaky blinders - the pelayos - peter pan - pirates of the caribbean - polar - the power of the dog - the practice - preacher - present laughter - the prestige - prey - pride - priest - prodigal son - prometheus - pulp fiction - puncture - the pursuit of love - pushing daisies
r: rab c. nesbitt - ratatouille - rejseholdet - reprisal - reservoir dogs - resident alien - richard II - the right stuff - robin hood - rocketman - rocky horror picture show - rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead - rush - rush (series)
s: the salvation - the sandman - der schuh des manitu - secret window - secretary - shadow and bone - shame - sherlock - sherlock holmes - the silence of the lambs - the singing detective - single father - sleepy hollow - slow west - small island - the snowman - soldiers girl - the special relationship - spiderman - the stag - staged - star trek - star wars - stargate universe - the stickup - storage 24 - submergence - sucker punch - supernatural - supernova - sweeney todd
t: tatort - tatort berlin - tatort saarbrücken - the thick of it - third star - thor - to the ends of the earth - tolkien - torchwood - the tourist - the town - transcendence - triple frontier - tron - true lies - twilight - twin peaks
u: uncle frank - underworld - unthinkable
v: velvet goldmine - vildspor
w: wandavision - war horse - watchmen - welcome to the punch - whats eating gilbert grape - whats your number - wimbledon - windtalkers - the witcher - the wonderful story of henry sugar - the words - wreckers
x: x men - the x-files
y: yellow submarine
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insanepoll · 2 years ago
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[ID: Photos of all the 111 characters competing on this round in a graveyard. /End ID.]
Upset your favourite character lost? Here they'll battle for the chance to be one of the four to come back! The goal of this round is to eliminate as many characters as possible. Each group will have two polls who will later battle against each other to be the sole survivor of their group. ROUND ELIMINATION PART 1 will begin on MONDAY 14TH OF AUGUST.
Groups below the "keep reading" line.
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne) VS Tuco Salamanca (Better Call Saul) VS Renfield (Dracula)
The Master (Doctor Who) VS Cheryl Tunt (Archer) VS Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin) VS Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development)
Delirium (Sandman) VS Alexander Hilbert (Wolf 359) VS Roman Roy (Succession)
Doomguy (Doom) VS Dr. Franken Stein (Soul Eater) VS Jack (The Shinning)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) VS Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)
Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Dabi (My Hero Academia) VS Seo Moon-jo (Strangers from Hell) VS Jinx (Arcane)
Aerion Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Goro Akechi (Persona 5) VS Bubby (Half Life: VR but the AI is Self Aware) VS Sebastian Morgenstern (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
The Narrator (Fight Club) VS Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) VS Orochimaru (Naruto)
Dottore (Genshin Impact) VS Ice King (Adventure Time) VS Millions Knives (Trigun) VS Trexel Geistman (Stellar Firma)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Eliot Cardale / Eli Ever (Villains Duology) VS Donatello Hamato (ROTTMNT)
Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter) VS Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche) VS Dennis Reynolds (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) VS Max (Sam and Max)
Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) VS Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS The entire cast of Blaseball (Blaseball)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) VS Spinel (Steven Universe) VS Midori (Your Turn To Die)
Chat Blanc (Miraculous) VS Leopold Fitz (Marvel) VS Tsukishima Hajime (Golden Kamuy) VS Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate)
Tokishige Usami (Golden Kamuy) VS Jīn Guāngyáo (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)) VS Roberto (Futurama) VS Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) VS Dr. Baxter Stockman (TMNT 2003) VS Cicero (Skyrim)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune) VS Denji (Chainsaw Man) VS Kira Yoshikage (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Magic Man (Adventure Time)
Jevil (Deltarune) VS Helena (Orphan Black) VS Starscream (Transformers)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (Star Wars) VS Enerjak (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders (Heroes)
Alfred Drevis (Mad Father) VS Loki (The Mechanisms) VS Tyrian Callows (RWBY) VS The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Evan (EverymanHYBRID) VS Eric Cartman (South Park) VS Simon Keyes (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets) VS Fintan Pyren (Keeper of the Lost Cities) VS Darcy (Amphibia) VS Hamlet (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)
Will Graham (NBC Hannibal) VS Simon Laurent (Infinity Train) VS John Kramer (Saw) VS Bibble (Barbie Fairytopia)
Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files) VS The Observer (TribeTwelve) VS Galahad (The Mechanisms)
Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stray Dogs) VS Castiel (Supernatural) VS Ben Chang (Community)
Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho) VS Xue Yang (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)) VS Kristoph Gavin (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
Knock Knock (Phantom Spirits (2002)) VS Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights) VS Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) VS Billy Lenz (Black Christmas (1974))
Shou Tucker (FMA) VS The Antagonist (Hatred (2015)) VS Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous)
Tim Drake (DC) VS Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-girlfriend) VS Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
Fëanor (The Silmarillion) VS Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) VS Lee Dongsik (Beyond Evil) VS Ultra Violet (Lego Ninjago)
Professor Henry Hidgens (Hatchetfield) VS Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire) VS Wade Wilson / Deadpool (Marvel) VS Samarie (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina)
Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow (DC) VS Komaeda Nagito (Danganronpa 2) VS Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
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donut-cloud · 2 years ago
Lifesteal incorrect quotes
Spoke: I took a calculated risk but boy I am I bad at math
Vitalasy: Wow, all of lifesteal lost power.
Subz: You know, I’ve always kinda liked blackouts. Listen to how quiet it is. It’s so peaceful.
[ Lifesteal being Lifesteal. ]
Subz: Nope, it immediately turned into a purge. Way to go, Lifesteal.
*Everyone blowing up and killing everything in sight*
Life-stealers : LETS GOOOOOOOOO
Clownpierce: If there is such a thing as true love, I’m sure I’ll never find it.
Branzy: Oh don’t worry! I’m sure that you’ll find it someday. Maybe you and I can find it together.
Clownpierce , under his breath: I think I just found it.
In circus...Branzy wanted to surprise Clown for his anniversary...
Clownpierce : What is one thing I told you not to do?
Branzy: Don't burn the circus down...
Clownpierce : And what did you do?
Branzy: Made you dinner~
Clownpierce*Raises an eyebrow at him*
Branzy:... and burnt the house down
Poafa: Can I share a hotel room with someone else? Zam has a really weird alarm.
Vortex: What do you mean?
Poafa: It’s a recording of him going, “Come on Barbie, let’s go party” over and over, but he just gets more terrifying each time.
Zam: Tell me a single time you didn’t sing along.
Poafa: …
Vortex: He has a point.
Poafa: Goddamnit.
Subz: Do you think he's the one for me?
Woogie: Vitalasy? Oh, yeah. He's tons of fun and you're no fun at all. He completes you.
Ro: Mappic… Did it hurt?
Mappic: What? When I fell from heaven? 
Ro: No. when you died.
Mappic: What the fuck do you think? It was a damn crowbar and a bomb. You tell me.
Things said out of context
Leo: You know, everytime we have to say "technically it's not murder" it doesn't sound as great as we hope it so.
Branzy, very tired: I suppose I shouldn't ask about the Bomb flying of your window this morning?
Zam: I'd really hope you not.
Spoke: I'm JUST SAYING, that IF "hypothetically" WE both showed up in battle  wearing  parrot onesies, hood down and then lifted up the hood just to show matching mowhawks we could both have the joy to see everyone  pissing on their pants.
Parrot putting his book down: I'm listening.
Rekrap: Just- Just be nice about it, for once in your life okay?
Pangi: Hn. (lying)
Branzy: I'd like to remind all of you that I have a terrifying death clown.
Vitalasy: The fuck you mean by that????
Branzy: No reason. Just saying. In case we all forgot.
Ashswag: We are all aware that Spepticale isn't fond of violence *loads glock*.
Spepticale, 10 years old talking about Ashswag to Clutch : Yeah, he just comes here, eat all our food, argues with Reddoons for 45 minutes and goes away.
Pangi, 15 years old, also talking about Ashswag to his school friend: He just comes here-
Branzy, very, very tired: So... a bomb.
Terrain: Do it.
Cube: Dude what the fuck.
Zam, 7 nights awake in a roll: Do you think if I just scream loud enough Clown will come here and put me out of my misery.
Mid, 12 nights awake in a roll: He won't.
Mid  at 3 am: I'll pay you fifty bucks if you pretend you never saw me here
Zam, 17 years old: The fuck are you doing here.
Clown, with a shitty ass grin showing the engagement ring on his finger: I live here.
Branzy: Listen-
Zam: Some of you still don't eat the crust on your sandwich like absolute fucking cowards. It's just bread. Are you a toddler? Does your mommy tuck you in? Eat the crust, you stupid baby.
Also Zam
Spoke: Clown, can I have a silenced pistol?
Clown: Shouldn't you ask Branzy?
Spoke: He said no. 
Clown: Then why're you asking me?
Spoke: Because he's not the boss of you.
Clown: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Bacon: how do you ask someone out?
Vitalasy: Well, first-
Subz: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot.
Bacon: …And you said yes?
Clown, to Branzy: We had a date!
Branzy: *aggressively points to Spiderman Coloring Book*
Ro: Hey guys what’s up?
Mappic: Silence! this is a debate I intend to win.
Ro: huh?
Clown *eating popcorn* : You’re gonna wanna see this 
Clown: They’re fighting over who was the one which caused the most chaos 
Ro *reaches for popcorn* 
Clown *slaps his hand* : Nuh-uh Ro only the one with the title of MOST CHAOTIC lifestealer gets to eat popcorn 
Ro: what now-
Spoke: I was literally broke ALL the rules in lifesteal AND SUMMONED THOUSANDS OF MOBS
Clown: You’re all just competing for second place 
Ro: .. wait what about me? 
Everyone *stops and stares* 
Mappic: Ro, this is serious
Parrot: Yeah dude I remember your reputation and you haven’t changed 
Branzy: .. are you all done? 
Zam: BRANZY! Just who we want to see! So.. tell us, who was the most chaotic lifestealer ever 
Branzy*without hesitation* : Ro 
 Rek: Yeah it was Ro
Ro*steals popcorn* : Y’all better start putting respect on my damn name
Behind the scenes
Ro: 2 hearts for you to say me 
Branzy: deal
I attempted  to write angst but kind of gave up in the end 
Momento mori = remember you must die (learned this in my arts class)
He stood near the cliff as the sun was setting. The wind blew his black hair left and right. The sun in front of her created a golden lining almost too faint to see. He watched him not wanting to disrupt the incredibly angelic scene in front of him.
In hopes of replicating his feelings, Branzy took a deep breath and walked towards Clown. As he turned around, he expected to see his bright red eyes almost gaze into your soul, you stared at them for long enough. Clown's head had turned around by the time his head was out of the clouds.
Branzy gaped in shock as he backed away, Clown’s eyes had been gouged out, and his lips, as well as his skin, had been ripped off of his face, blood was dripping down from everywhere, and the blood gushing from his eye sockets made it look like he was crying out blood, The bacteria in the air had started to rot away at his muscles. The blood continuously dropped on the green grass, turning a deep shade of maroon.
Branzy stared at him in shock and horror. He tried to run but couldn't. No matter how hard he tried something in him wouldn’t let him.
Branzy jolted awake as sweat dripped down his forehead. His breath became shaky as he tried to calm himself down from his nightmare. 
It had been years since Clown had passed away but even to this day, he couldn’t escape the guilt. Clown died because of him. It was his fault. If he had never taken the job, Clown would be with him. 
But life gives no second chances.
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epiphanylore · 5 months ago
a/n: this is a work in progress of my masterlist for all my content, but mainly consisting of polls. will be updating frequently :)
✅ - completed
✍️ - currently open (ex. active polls)
strike through - eliminated
#1: OG & G - Pink & Blue lover bodysuit VS. Gold & Blue lover bodysuit ✅
#2: Princess & The Pauper - Purple lover bodysuit VS. Pink lover bodysuit ✅
#3: Tangerine Man- Tangerine Lover Bodysuit VS. Silver “The Man” jacket ✅
#4: B&B (Black & Blue) - Black “The Man” jacket VS. Blue/Purple “The Man” jacket ✅
#5: Staring at the sunset - Pink “Barbie” “The Man” jacket VS. Tangerine “The Man” jacket ✅
#6: Gold Rush - Short Gold Fearless Dress (OG) VS. Long Gold Noodle Fearless Dress ✅
#7: Silver Scene - Long Silver Noodle Fearless Dress VS. Black & Silver Fearless Dress ✅
#8: Last and First - Tiger Stripe Fearless Dress VS. “A Lot Going On At The Moment” Red Shirt✅
#9: Like Ever? Ew, No. - “Who’s Taylor Swift Anyway? Ew.” Red Shirt VS. “We Are Never Getting Back Together. Like Ever.” Red Shirt✅
#10: I Bet You Think About Taylor’s Version - “This Is Not Taylor’s Version” Red Shirt VS. “I Bet You Think About Me” Red Shirt✅
#11: rep vs. rep - (OG) red snakes reputation bodysuit VS. NEW gold cobra reputation bodysuit✅
#12: Troublesome - “I Knew U Were Trouble” 22 shirt VS. “All Too Well 10 min. Version” jacket✅
Debut - #11💚✅
Fearless - #9💛✅
Speak Now - #3💜✅
Red - #6❤️✅
1989 - #5🩵✅
reputation - #10🖤✅
Lover - #8💘✅
folklore - #1🩶✅
evermore - #4🤎 ✅
Midnights - #7💙✅
Track 1️⃣✅
Track 2️⃣✅
Track 3️⃣✅
Track 4️⃣✅
Track 5️⃣✅
Track 6️⃣✅
Track 7️⃣✅
Track 8️⃣✅
Track 1️⃣1️⃣✅
ERAS TOUR RECAPS 🔃(last leg)
Miami N1 (10/18)🎤
Miami N2 (10/19)🎤
Miami N3 (10/20)🎤
NOLA N1 (10/25)🎭
NOLA N2 (10/26)🎭
NOLA N3 (10/27)🎭
Lover bodysuits✅
The Man (Lover) jackets (+ update)✅
(In her best dress), Fearless✅
Holi-tays 🎄
Was Taylor in your top spotify artists? (2024)✅
Were any Taylor albums in your top 5? (2024)✅
Which album gives off the most holiday vibes? (2024)✍️
What is your favourite eras tour moment? ✅
Favourite outfit from each era?✅
Pick from my LEAST favourite Eras Tour outfits✅
Favourite of my (glitchy livestream) surprise songs? ✅
All my album rankings (pt.1)
All my album rankings (pt.2)
Pick from my… (music)🎶
Pick from my daylist pt. 1✅
Pick from my daylist pt. 2✅
Pick from my daylist pt. 3✅
Pick from my fav vault tracks✅
Pick from my least favourite taylor tracks✅
Pick from my Current Taylor faves✅
Pick from my repeat playlist✍️
Mashup song battles🤺
#1 DBATC x getaway car - London N5✅
#2 TLGAD x Run - Hamburg N2✅
#3 Dear John x Sad Beautiful Tragic- London N5✅
#4 This Love x Ours - Dublin N2✅
Songs on TTPD +TTPDTA that could fit on evermore🍂📜
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