#barbara carrington
stoat-party · 3 months
Media doesn’t want you to know this but if a character doesn’t have a canon birth name and you give them one and write their backstory then they’re your OC now.
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denver-carrington · 1 year
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James Healey (Sean) in an episode of Santa Barbara with Carrington Garland. Posted on Instagram by Soap Opera Times.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Carol Diann Johnson was born in the Bronx, New York City, on July 17, 1935, to John Johnson, a subway conductor, and Mabel (Faulk), a nurse. While Carroll was still an infant, the family moved to Harlem, where she grew up except for a brief period in which her parents had left her with an aunt in North Carolina. She attended Music and Art High School, and was a classmate of Billy Dee Williams. In many interviews about her childhood, Carroll recalls her parents' support, and their enrolling her in dance, singing, and modeling classes. By the time Carroll was 15, she was modeling for Ebony. "She also began entering television contests, including Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts, under the name Diahann Carroll." After graduating from high school, she attended New York University, where she majored in sociology, "but she left before graduating to pursue a show-business career, promising her family that if the career did not materialize after two years, she would return to college.
Carroll's big break came at the age of 18, when she appeared as a contestant on the DuMont Television Network program, Chance of a Lifetime, hosted by Dennis James. On the show, which aired January 8, 1954, she took the $1,000 top prize for a rendition of the Jerome Kern/Oscar Hammerstein song, "Why Was I Born?" She went on to win the following four weeks. Engagements at Manhattan's Café Society and Latin Quarter, nightclubs soon followed.
Carroll's film debut was a supporting role in Carmen Jones (1954), as a friend to the sultry lead character played by Dorothy Dandridge. That same year, she was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical for her role in the Broadway musical, House of Flowers. A few years later, she played Clara in the film version of George Gershwin's Porgy and Bess (1959), but her character's singing parts were dubbed by opera singer Loulie Jean Norman. The following year, Carroll made a guest appearance in the series Peter Gunn, in the episode "Sing a Song of Murder" (1960). In the next two years, she starred with Sidney Poitier, Paul Newman, and Joanne Woodward in the film Paris Blues (1961) and won the 1962 Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical (the first time for a Black woman) for portraying Barbara Woodruff in the Samuel A. Taylor and Richard Rodgers musical No Strings. Twelve years later, she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her starring role alongside James Earl Jones in the film Claudine (1974), which part had been written specifically for actress Diana Sands (who had made guest appearances on Julia as Carroll's cousin Sara), but shortly before filming was to begin, Sands learned she was terminally ill with cancer. Sands attempted to carry on with the role, but as filming began, she became too ill to continue and recommended her friend Carroll take over the role. Sands died in September 1973, before the film's release in April 1974.
Carroll is known for her titular role in the television series Julia (1968-71), which made her the first African-American actress to star in her own television series who did not play a domestic worker. That role won her the Golden Globe Award for Best TV Star – Female for its first year, and a nomination for an Primetime Emmy Award in 1969. Some of Carroll's earlier work also included appearances on shows hosted by Johnny Carson, Judy Garland, Merv Griffin, Jack Paar, and Ed Sullivan, and on The Hollywood Palace variety show. In 1984, Carroll joined the nighttime soap opera Dynasty at the end of its fourth season as the mixed-race jet set diva Dominique Deveraux, Blake Carrington's half-sister. Her high-profile role on Dynasty also reunited her with her schoolmate Billy Dee Williams, who briefly played her onscreen husband Brady Lloyd. Carroll remained on the show and made several appearances on its short-lived spin-off, The Colbys until she departed at the end of the seventh season in 1987. In 1989, she began the recurring role of Marion Gilbert in A Different World, for which she received her third Emmy nomination that same year.
In 1991, Carroll portrayed Eleanor Potter, the doting, concerned, and protective wife of Jimmy Potter (portrayed by Chuck Patterson), in the musical drama film The Five Heartbeats (1991), also featuring actor and musician Robert Townsend and Michael Wright. She reunited with Billy Dee Williams again in 1995, portraying his character's wife Mrs. Greyson in Lonesome Dove: The Series. The following year, Carroll starred as the self-loving and deluded silent movie star Norma Desmond in the Canadian production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version of the film Sunset Boulevard. In 2001, Carroll made her animation debut in The Legend of Tarzan, in which she voiced Queen La, ruler of the ancient city of Opar.
In 2006, Carroll appeared in several episodes the television medical drama Grey's Anatomy as Jane Burke, the demanding mother of Dr. Preston Burke. From 2008 to 2014, she appeared on USA Network's series White Collar in the recurring role of June, the savvy widow who rents out her guest room to Neal Caffrey. In 2010, Carroll was featured in UniGlobe Entertainment's breast cancer docudrama titled 1 a Minute and appeared as Nana in two Lifetime movie adaptations of Patricia Cornwell’s novels: At Risk and The Front.
In 2013, Carroll was present on stage at the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards to briefly speak about being the first African-American nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. She was quoted as saying about Kerry Washington, nominated for Scandal, "She better get this award."
Carroll was a founding member of the Celebrity Action Council, a volunteer group of celebrity women who served the women's outreach of the Los Angeles Mission, working with women in rehabilitation from problems with alcohol, drugs, or prostitution. She helped to form the group along with other female television personalities including Mary Frann, Linda Gray, Donna Mills, and Joan Van Ark.
Carroll was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997. She said the diagnosis "stunned" her, because there was no family history of breast cancer, and she had always led a healthy lifestyle. She underwent nine weeks of radiation therapy and had been clear for years after the diagnosis. She frequently spoke of the need for early detection and prevention of the disease. She died from cancer at her home in West Hollywood, California, on October 4, 2019, at the age of 84. Carroll also had dementia at the time of her death, though actor Marc Copage, who played her character's son on Julia, said that she did not appear to show serious signs of cognitive decline as late as 2017. A memorial service was held in November 24, 2019, at the Helen Hayes Theater in New York City.
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naran-blr · 5 months
Dorothy Eugénie Brett (1883-1977) pintora británica.
Más bien angloamericana, recordada tanto por su vida social como por su arte.
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Dorothy y su hermana tuvieron una infancia extremadamente protegida. Su padre, Reginald Baliol Brett, vizconde de Esher, era un político del Partido Liberal que se volvió influyente en la corte de la reina Victoria en el Castillo de Windsor, donde las niñas asistían a clases de baile con los hijos de la princesa Beatriz , supervisadas por la reina.
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La familia vivía cerca de Windsor y tenía casas en Londres y en Callander en Perthshire, Escocia.
Dorothy contó más adelante en su vida que un amigo de su padre intentó agredirla sexualmente cuando tenía entre 14 y 15 años, experiencia a la que atribuyó su miedo y desconfianza posteriores hacia los hombres.
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En su infancia, asistió al espectáculo itinerante del Salvaje Oeste de Buffalo Bill. Su fascinación por los indios americanos, que comenzó ese día, nunca la abandonó ".
En 1910 se matriculó en la Escuela de Arte Slade, donde estudió hasta 1916, y comenzó a ser conocida únicamente por su apellido. Junto con otras estudiantes de arte, especialmente Dora Carrington y Barbara Hiles, se cortó el pelo en un estilo que llevó a Virginia Woolf a llamarlas "cropheads".
A través de un compañero de estudios conoció a Lady Ottoline Morrell y comenzó a mezclarse en un círculo artístico y literario que incluía a Virginia Woolf y George Bernard Shaw entre otros.
Su hermana Sylvia se convirtió en Ranee de Sarawak. Durante este período, Dorothy quedó gravemente sorda, lo que le provocó dificultades en la comunicación que duraron el resto de su vida; usó una trompeta y, más tarde, audífonos.
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Después de visitar Taos por primera vez en 1923 por invitación de Mabel Dodge Luhan y luego regresar a Londres, el novelista DH Lawrence celebró una cena en el Café Royal (al que llamó "La Última Cena"). Allí trató de reclutar amigos para mudarse a Taos con el fin de "crear una sociedad utópica a la que llamó 'Rananim'", una idea que había propuesto por primera vez en 1915.
Si bien casi todos los que asistieron habían "acordado seguir a Lawrence a Nuevo México... cuando llegó el momento de hacer las maletas para la partida, sólo había un recluta: la Honorable Dorothy Brett".
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En marzo de 1924, Lawrence, Frieda Lawrence y Brett llegaron a Taos y se quedaron con Mabel Luhan. Inicialmente, todos se llevaban bien, "pero las tensiones aumentaron gradualmente... y Mabel, una rica mecenas de arte, en un estallido de generosidad (y probablemente para mantener a Lawrence en Taos) le ofreció a un terreno de 160 acres en su rancho" ubicado a unas veinte millas. al noroeste de Taos.
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Lawrence rechazó la oferta de Mabel Luhan, pero Frieda la aceptó y la escritura estaba a su nombre. Después de algunas renovaciones, el trío se instaló en el rancho en 1924 y Brett tomó la más pequeña de las dos cabañas de la propiedad.
Pasó gran parte de su tiempo allí pintando "o ayudaba a Lawrence mecanografiando sus manuscritos".
Entre los logros de Brett cuando vivía con los Lawrence se encontraban sus "excepcionales... habilidades de mantenimiento, incluida la carpintería", pero "las tres mujeres, Frieda, Mabel y Brett, compitieron por la atención de DH Lawrence. Las rivales a menudo se llevaban bastante bien unas con otras, pero a veces no".
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A principios de 1926, Brett y los Lawrence se volvieron a encontrar en Capri. Desde allí, DH Lawrence y Brett viajaron a Ravello, donde permanecieron juntos durante diez días, mientras Frieda permaneció en Capri.
Después de que los Lawrence abandonaron Nuevo México en 1925 y su muerte en 1930, Brett permaneció sola en el rancho antes de mudarse a Taos.
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Allí vivió en la pobreza durante varios años, en un caso obligada a compartir una letrina en invierno con el vecino y autor Frank Waters. Se las arregló para sobrevivir vendiendo sus pinturas de los indios pueblo, producidas para el mercado turístico a precios de saldo. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, su arte adquirió una cualidad mística y comenzó a ser adquirido por museos de todo el país. 
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Se convirtió en ciudadana estadounidense en 1938.
Falleció en Taos con 93 años.
Le ponemos cara.
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s-tarplatinum · 11 months
CAI O PANO: O ÚLTIMO CASO DE POIROT | Agatha Christie, 1975
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"[...] Agora, você precisa saber de uma coisa Hastings. Todo mundo é um assassino em potencial. Em todos nós, surge, ocasionalmente, o desejo de matar, embora sem a determinação de matar [...]"
Sobre o enredo:
O capitão Hastings retorna à Styles, após longos anos, a pedido de seu querido amigo Hercule Poirot. A mansão agora é uma pousada dirigida por um casal de idosos e hospeda suspeitos inusitados do novo crime que Poirot previa estar prestes a acontecer. Uma nova cena de assassinato em Styles.
Nos deparamos com a filha do capitão Hastings, Judith, entre os hóspedes. Uma jovem cientista, dona do próprio nariz, que trabalha com um médico focado chamado Dr. Franklin, esposo de Barbara Franklin, uma inválida hipocondríaca, cuidada pela enfermeira Craven.
Do casal que dirige a hospedaria, a sra. Lutrell é quem dá conta da administração e finanças. Completamente temperamental, humilha o marido por diversas vezes. Nos encontramos também com William Boyd Carrington, homem agradável, conhecido de juventude da sra. Franklin. Stephen Norton, aparentemente inofensivo, cujo hobby é observar pássaros. Allerton, um galanteador de má fama e uma mulher por volta dos 30 anos, a srta. Cole. Pessoas maravilhosas, nas palavras de Poirot. E um deles é o assassino.
Poirot, já idoso, paralítico, expõe cinco casos, supostamente desconexos, ao capitão Hastings, e pede que seu amigo seja seus olhos, ouvidos, braços e pernas, pois há um envolvido X entre esses casos, e haverá um assassinato em breve.
Sobre a leitura:
Um livro relativamente curto. Leitura boa, porém as últimas páginas sempre tem aquele gosto de "não acredito que chegou ao fim", pelo menos para mim. Terminei no horário livre da faculdade, em uns três dias, acredito eu. Gostei bastante da proposta do último livro de um detetive, afinal, quem melhor para cometer um assassinato perfeito do que o próprio?
A moral da história pode ser resumida como: não coloque a mão no fogo por ninguém. Nem por si próprio.
Todos estamos sujeitos ao desejo de matar, basta que esse desejo se encontre com a determinação e as circunstâncias certas. Quantas vezes não mentimos para nós mesmos dizendo que nunca faríamos algo e hoje vivemos exatamente isso? Quantas vezes não nos desmascaramos hipócritas diariamente? ou mesmo, quantas vezes confiamos cegamente no que as pessoas dizem? e, quantas vezes somos influenciadas pelas pessoas nas nossas ações?
São questões a se refletir quando você se depara com uma figura de justiça, que passou a vida inteira dedicando-se a defender os inocentes, chegando ao fim de sua carreira com um assassinato. Poirot matou. Arthur Hastings também matou. Stephen Norton, principalmente, se mostrou o verdadeiro vilão da trama: sempre no lugar certo, com as palavras certas, para as pessoas certas. O nível de manipulação dele nos cinco casos e durante os acontecimentos em Styles mostrou que Poirot chegou ao seu extremo, completamente desafiado. Todos chegaram ao seu extremo, na verdade. Tudo completamente calculado.
Uma história em que eu não tive empatia por nenhum personagem, para ser sincera — exceto pelo Hastings, porque Poirot estava meio de lado, pela sua condição. Não gostei de ninguém, haha. Mas vale a pena passear pela forma que a história é delineada. Cada livro, um tipo diferente de assassinato, algo novo, um formato que não tinha lido dela antes. Acredito que a sequência que li as obras foi sensacional e não deveria ser de outra forma. Leituras proveitosas, vou sentir muita falta (meus livros físicos acabaram, li tudo). Tentarei me programar para ler outras coisas e outros autores, mas não garanto nada.
Au revoir, mon ami Poirot.
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tomsland · 9 months
Aloha! He decidido hacer este FC Masterlist en lugar de una muse page porque durante 10 años de rol tuve más niños que una guardería. A continuación encontrarán faceclaims que he roleado/roleo/me gustaría rolear. Los escritos en negrita son personajes ya creados y el icono de estrella señala a mis musas principales, pero siéntanse libre de pedirme a quién sea que tengan como wanted opposite porque me abundan las ganas de rolearlos a todos.
Adelaide Kane
Alexandra Park (Eleanor Henstridge - Canon)
Alexis Ren
Alycia Debnam Carey (Saoirse Townes - OC) ★
Ana de Armas
Ariana Grande (Arielle Pavlak - OC)
Ashley Frangipane "Halsey" (Gemma Lovegood - OC)
Barbara Palvin (Sophie Blackwood - OC)
Bella Hadid
Bill Skarsgard
Britt Robertson
Candice Accola
Chace Crawford
Charlie Cox (Matthew Murdock - Canon / AU )
Chloe Bennet (Daisy Johnson - OC )
Chris Evans (Oliver Cohen - OC )
Chris Wood (Diego Casillas - OC) ★
Daniel Gillies (Ezra Sofianos - OC)
Danielle Campbell
Diego Boneta
Dylan O'Brien
Elizabeth Olsen (Winter Snow - OC)
Emeraude Toubia
Emilia Clarke
Emily VanCamp
Emma Roberts
Eugenia Suarez (Fernanda Acosta - OC)
Evan Peters
Francisco Lachowski
Gigi Hadid
Grant Gustin (Barry Allen - Canon / AU)
Halston Sage
Harry Styles ( Andrew Levine - OC ) ★
Henry Cavill (Louis Graham - OC)
Ian Somerhalder
Jack Falahee (Santiago Cardona - OC)
Jennifer Lawrence
Jensen Ackles (Zane Davenport)
Joe Jonas ( Jose Alejandro - OC )
Joseph Morgan ( James Black - OC ) ★
Josh Dallas
Katherine Mcnamara (Isis Sofianos - OC)
Kendall Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Lauren Jauregui ( Olivia Waldorf - OC )
Leighton Meester ( Brooklyn Swarovski - OC )
Liam Payne (Carter Disney - OC)
Lily Collins (Rosie Dunne - Canon )
Lily James
Louis Tomlinson (Thomas Crawford - OC)
Luke Hemmings (Blake Parker - OC) ★
Marie Avgeropoulos
Martin Garrix (Matthew Hale - OC)
Michael Fassbender
Niall Horan (Demian Ramsay - OC)
Nick Jonas
Nicola Peltz (Darcy Styles - OC )
Nina Dobrev
Richard Madden (William Hilton - OC) ★★
Riley Voelkel
Scott Eastwood (Lucas Prescott - OC)
Sebastian Stan ( Alexander Yasikov - OC)
Selena Gomez (Reign Carrington - OC)
Sophie Turner
Shay Mitchell (Chantelle Cooper - OC)
Tom Austen (Jasper Frost - Canon )
Tom Hardy (Jim Westminster - OC )
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland (Harry Gallagher - OC)
Zayn Malik (Nicholas Stronghold - OC)
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pastedpast · 1 year
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As I'm currently indexing this blog or, rather, meta-tagging posts in my new version of it on the Blogger website (I will post proper link as soon as it's finished), I decided to compile a list of all the women who feature (or receive a mention however fleetingly) within it. I have tried to trawl the blog ''with a fine toothcomb'', but I'm bound to have missed a few names - oh well! Here is the list as complete as I can muster. The women appear in (broadly) alphabetical order by first name. *** NB it is still a work in progress ***
Alice Waterhouse (flute) * Amy Winehouse * Angel Olsen * Annie June Callaghan * Ari Up & The Slits * Be Good Tanyas, The * Billie Holiday * Bjork * Black Belles, The * Cait O’ Riordan (Pogues) * Calista Williams (Bluebird) * Cindy Wilson & Kate Pierson (The B52s) * Cistem Failure * Clementine Douglas * Cosey Fanni Tutti * DakhaBrakha (well, 3/4 of them!) * Debbie Harry * Edith Piaf * Elizabeth Morris (Allo Darlin') * Holly Golightly * HoneyLuv * Katy-Jane Garside * Kelis * Kim Deal (Pixies & Breeders) * Maxine Peake * Maxine Venton & Mimi O'Malley (Captain Hotknives) * Meg White * Melanie Safka * Nico * Nina Simone * Patti Rothberg * Penny Ford (Snap!) * PJ Harvey * Rhoda Dakar (Special AKA) * Seamonsters, The * Siouxsie Sioux * Suzanne Vega * Tray Tronic * Trish Keenan (Broadcast)
Annegret Soltau * Anne Ophelia Dowden * Artemisia Gentileschi * Barbara Regina Dietzsch * Beverly Joubert * Camille Claudel * Clara Peeters * Dale DeArmond * Doreen Fletcher * Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale * Élisabeth Sonrel * Elisabetta Siriani * Elizabeth Mary Watt * Ella Hawkins * Evelyn De Morgan * Frida Kahlo * Gertrude Abercrombie * Helen Martins * Kate Gough * Laura Knight (Dame) * Leonora Carrington * Lily Delissa Joseph * Liza Ferneyhough * Magdolna Ban * Mandy Payne* Mary Delany * Miina Akkijrkka * Ndidi Ekubia * Pamela Colman-Smith * Paula Rego * Rachel Gale * 'Romany Soup' * Sarah Vivien * Shirley Baker * Siirkka-Liisa Konttinen * Sofonisba Anguissola * Sonia Delaunay * Tish Murtha * Vali Myers * Vanessa Bell
Alicia Eyo & Carol Morley ('Stalin My Neighbour') * Claire Foy * Daisy May Cooper * Gabrielle Creevy & Jo Hartley ('In My Skin') * Isadora Duncan * Jessica Williams ('Love Life') * Lesley Sharp, Michelle Holmes & Siobhan Finneran ('Rita, Sue & Bob Too') * Michaela Coel ('I May Destroy You') * Morgana Robinson * Samantha Morton * Yasmin Paige (Jordana Bevan in ‘Submarine)
Agatha Christie (MBE) * Andrea Dunbar * Anaïs Nin * Angela Thirkell * Anna Funder * Anna Wickham * Edith Holden * Elizabeth O'Neill * Enid Blyton * Harriet Beecher Stowe * Helen Castor (Dr.) * Hilary Mantel * Janina Ramirez (Dr.) * Jeannette Kupfermann * Jenny March (Dr.) * Jenny Wormald (Dr.) * Lia Leendertz * Mary Oliver * Orna Guralnik (Dr.) * Rachel Beer * Susie Boniface * Virginia Woolf
Anne, Queen of Great Britain * Anne Boleyn, Queen of England * Anne of Cleves, Queen of England * Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni * Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes * Catherine de’ Medici, Queen Consort/Regent of France * Catherine Parr, Queen of England * Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England * Catherine of Valois, Queen of England * Christine de Pizan * Cixi, Empress of China (aka  Empress Tz'u-hsi ) * Eleanora of Austria, Queen of France * Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of France; Queen of England; Duchess of Aquitaine * Eleanor of Castile * Eleanor Talbot ("The Secret Queen") * Elizabeth I Queen of England * Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England * Elizabeth of York, Queen Consort of England * Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia * Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt *Hildegard of Bingen * Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France * Isabella I, Queen of Castile * Isabella of Aragon, Princess of Asturias * Isabella of Portugal, Empress Consort of Holy Roman Empire and Queen Consort of Spain, Germany & Italy * Isabella of France, Queen of England * Jacquetta of Luxemburg * Jane Grey (Lady), Queen of England for Nine Days * Jane Seymour, Queen of England * Juana (aka Joanna), Queen of Castile * Katherine Howard, Queen of England * Louise of Savoy, Regent of France * Margaret of Anjou, Queen Consort of England * Margaret of Austria [check which one] * Margaret Beaufort, Lady * Marie Antoinette, Queen of France * Mary I, Queen of England * Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland & Ireland * Mary, Queen of Scots * Mary of Austria [check which one] * Mary of Burgundy, Duchess * Matilda, Holy Roman Empress * Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem * Sophia of Hanover, Electress * Tatya Betul, Empress of Ethiopia * Theodora, Empress of Byzantium * Victoria, Queen of England & Empress of India
Anna (wife of Tobit) * Apollonia (Saint) * Barbara (Saint) * Catherine of Alexandria (Saint) * Ecclesia * Eve (the first woman) * Felicitas of Rome (Saint) * Genevieve (Saint) * Godeberta * Jael * Jezebel * Judith * Lucy (Saint) * Margaret of Scotland (Saint) * Mary Magdalene * Rahab * Rose of Lima (Saint) * Synagoga * The Queen of Sheba * Thérèse of Lisieux (Saint) * Virgin Mary, The* "Whore of Babylon", The * Ursula (Saint)
Anat * Asherah * Astarte * Atalanta * Aurora * Baba Yaga * Circe * Chhinnamasta * Clio/Kleio * Demeter (Rmn: Ceres) * Dido, Queen of Carthage * Durga * Elaine of Astolat * Europa * Eurydice * Hathor * Hesperides * Io * Isolde/Iseult * Isis * Juno (Gk: Hera) * Kali * Kriemhild/Gudrun * Kudshu * Lakshmi * Persephone (Rmn: Proserpine) * Radha * Sabine Women, The * Sati * Sedna * Sirens, The (half-female, half-bird) * Three Graces, The * Valkyries, The * Venus (Aphrodite)
Anastasia Romanovna (wife of Ivan the Terrible) * Anne Hyde (1st wife of James, Duke of York; she did not live long enough to see him become James II) * Anne Lovell (wife of Sir Francis Lovell) * Anne of Denmark (wife of James VI of Scotland/James I of England & Ireland) * Bella Chagall (wife of Marc Chagall) * Catherine of Braganza (wife of Charles II) * Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Queen of England as wife of George III) * Clementine Churchill (wife of Winston Churchill) * Diane de Poitiers (royal mistress to the French king, Henry II) * Emma Hamilton, Lady (mistress of Lord Horatio Nelson) * Evelyn Pyke-Nott (wife of John Byam Shaw) * Françoise Gilot (partner of Pablo Picasso) * Frances Grey, Duchess of Suffolk (mother of Lady Jane Grey) * Henrietta-Maria (wife of Charles I) * Lady Martha Temple (wife of Sir William Temple) * MacDonald sisters, The (Alice, Georgiana, Agnes and Louisa) * Marguerite of Navarre/Angoulême (sister of French king, Francis I) * Mary of Modena (2nd wife of James VI and I, King of Scotland, England, and Ireland) * Mary Shelley (mentioned as wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, though a renowned author in her own right) * Mary Soames (daughter of Winston Churchill & wife of Christopher Soames) * Mary Stuart (daughter of Charles I and mother of the future William III) * Mary Watts (wife of George Frederic Watts, and designer and artist in her own right) * Olga Khokhlova (1st wife of Pablo Picasso) * Portia (wife of Brutus) *
Christabel Pankhurst * Emily Wilding Davison * Emmeline Pankhurst * 'Gulabi Gang' * Hannah Hauxwell * Helen Keller * Hilary Clinton * Liz Truss * Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll * Mata Hari * Melina Mercouri * Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe * Rahima Mahmut * Sylvia Pankhurst *
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mancino · 2 years
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Buon compleanno Linda Evans nata Linda Evenstad!(Hartford, 18 novembre 1942) è un'attrice statunitense.
È nota al pubblico televisivo principalmente per il ruolo di Krystle Carrington nella soap opera Dynasty, interpretato dal 1981 al 1989 e in un film nel 1991. È inoltre ricordata per i ruoli di Audra in La grande vallata (1965-1969), Barbara in Love Boat (1981-1983), e Rose in Nord e Sud II (1986). Grazie a queste interpretazioni è diventata un'icona della storia della televisione.
Per i suoi contributi all'industria televisiva, Linda Evans ha una propria stella nella Hollywood Walk of Fame. L'attrice si è quasi definitivamente ritirata dalle scene, limitando le proprie apparizioni a qualche ospitata televisiva. Nel 2009 ha vinto l'edizione britannica del reality culinario Hell's Kitchen.
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6aryfox · 1 year
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Este es el "Libro de las Sombras" utilizado por los practicantes del ocultismo y la brujería. Está rodeado de piel de ciervo y símbolos que se han quemado a través de pólvora; Barbara DuBois y el Dr. David Carrington de la Universidad de Norwich c.1996. La carne fue sembrada con catgut común durante el siglo 19 (c. 1800-15). Fechas y varios símbolos ocultos
Fuente: Blog Unexplained-Events
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mumbojumbo84317 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to actress, #LindaEvans, who turned 80 today. She is known primarily for her roles on television. In the 1960s she played Audra Barkley, the daughter of Victoria Barkley (played by Barbara Stanwyck) in the Western television series #TheBigValley (1965–1969). She is best known for portraying Krystle Carrington in the 1980s #ABC primetime soap opera #Dynasty, a role she played from 1981 to 1989.
Photographers include Archive Photos/Getty Images, ABC Photo Archives/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images, Hulton Archive/Getty Images, LGI Stock/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images
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oldofbadchoices · 5 years
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@ocmultiverse aka katie cassidy in multiple fandoms
EVERYTHING TAG  ― @megdonnellys @anotherunreadblog @witchofinterest
OTHER TAGS  ― @randomestfandoms-ocs @newthomally @lizziesxltzmxn
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ofbadcharacters · 4 years
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OC INTRODUCTION     ›       barbara carrington in budding empress
Barbara Carrington was privileged and she had come to appreciate it over the years, especially since it meant she was able to do what she loved without fear of not being able to survive if she failed. If she had those fears, they would be unfounded because at the age of 17 she was already selling paintings in New York art shows. Her home life however, was not all it was cranked up to be, sure she lived it a big room but it only made her loneliness clearer and no amount of painting was going to help her with it, add that to an absentee mother and a workaholic father, Barbara was lucky to have her siblings to keep her sane. At east that was what she thought, when she was 24, her father made an ultimatum and suddenly she found herself working in her family’s company, which was the last thing she wanted. Two years later, after she had finally made piece with her current situation, Blake Carrington decides to throw another curve-ball in her way.
taglist: @megdonnellys @anotherunreadblog @witchofinterest @perfectlystiles @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @seize-the-droid @lizziesxltzmxn @ocfairygodmother (want to be added to any of my taglists? shoot an ask)
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originaldynasty · 5 years
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Show me the 80s in a nutshell...
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dynastycloset · 5 years
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02x16 “Miserably Ungrateful Men” - March 29, 2019
Barbara Bui “Tailored Blazer Jacket” - $1,570.00
Worn with: Oscar de la Renta earrings, Barbara Bui pants, Aquazzura pumps
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Dorothy Brett (1883 - 1977) was an Anglo-American painter, remembered as much for her social life as for her art. Born into an aristocratic British family, she lived a sheltered early life. During her student years at the Slade School of Art, she associated with Dora Carrington, Barbara Hiles and the Bloomsbury group. Among the people she met was novelist D.H. Lawrence, and it was at his invitation that she moved to Taos, New Mexico in 1924. She remained there for the rest of her life, becoming an American citizen in 1938.
"Dorothy Eugenie Brett was born November 10, 1883. She was the eldest daughter of the second Viscount Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, who was the Liberal MP for Penryn and Falmouth. Her mother was Eleanor van de Weyer, the daughter of the Belgian ambassador to the court of St. James and a close advisor to Queen Victoria. She was called ‘Doll’ by her family, and like many upper class children of the Victorian era she was raised separately from her parents, receiving little formal education. She went to dancing classes with members of the royal family at Windsor Castle under the supervision of Queen Victoria, but had little contact with other children her own age, apart from her two elder bothers and younger sister sylvia who scandalised the family by becoming the Ranee of Sarawak.
This state of being secluded persisted until she was in her early twenties, and was exacerbated by a progressive deafness following an attack of appendicitis. Her attempts to make relationships were met with disapproval by her parents. She was packed off to their summer house in Scotland. But whilst she was there some of her drawings were seen by Sir Ian Hamilton, a friend of the family who persuaded her parents to send her to art school.
She was accepted into the Slade School on a provisional basis in the autumn of 1910, which turned out to be good timing and a propitious move. She was taught by Henry Tonks, and came into contact with a talented coterie of fellow students who like her were throwing off the shackles of the Victorian age and forging a new form of Bohemianism. She met and befriended Dora Carrington, Mark Gertler, David Bomberg, Stanley Spencer, and Isaac Rosenberg. It was a tradition at the school to refer to everyone by their surname, so she became ‘Brett’ to everyone but her family, in the same way that Dora Carrington was addressed simply as ‘Carrington’."
Continue reading https://mantex.co.uk/dorothy-brett-biography/
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