#banana hair ahh boy
magicbunnystar · 1 month
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Gamma jack 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
Omggh I need more milf reader😫 your last post was so good!!!!
GENRE: fluff and smut
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, flirting, kissing, CNC and hot parents.
featuring: sungchan as their baby, jaemin as their teen son, dreamies (with mark this time) as jaemins best friends.
!REMINDER! there is a slight CNC scene in this post!
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“mom?” jaemin calls out with his friends following behind him. “yes—? oh, hi boys.” your hair was damp and your towel clung onto your figure like a koala on a tree.
“i’m sorry. i just got out of the pool.” you held the asleep 13 month old to your chest. “it’s fine, mom. did you want me to put sungchan down?” you smile, that’s your well mannered boy. “if it isn’t too much to ask.” jaemin shakes his head and rushes over to you, taking the boy from you. “nonsense, mom. i’m always here to help.”
jaemin leaves with the boy in his arms leaving you alone with his friends.
“hey, boys. you guys hungry for anything?” the boys look at each other before nodding. “okay, is there anything specific you boys would like to eat? i could make tteokbokki.. stir-fry, alfredo?”
you slid the towel off and unfolded jaehyuns hoodie.
“s—spaghetti?” mark the oldest, asks. “sure, markie. anything else?” they stay silent. “garlic bread— i make one of the best!” you cheer while slipping on jaehyuns hoodie. “y—yes.” they say and watch as you slip the fabric around your breasts.
“alrighty, you boys get comfortable. i’m gonna start on the garlic bread first.” you disappear into the kitchen and they melt.
haechan presses his cheek against the wall with a moan. “the day mrs jeong and mr jeong get divorced— i’m making a move.” chenle shoves the teen.
“don’t disrespect their marriage like that.” jaemin suddenly pops up. “who’s marriage?” haechan stands up straight. “uh, mine in the future.” he says with a head nod. “o..kay— anyway, let’s go upstairs! my dad got me this sick game yesterday!” they follow jaemin upstairs.
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“m—?” jaemins mouth gets covered and his body is snatched back before he can even enter the kitchen. the others look around the corner to find you against the counter with jaehyun behind you.
“honey,” you giggle. “i have to tell the kids that dinner is ready!” you squeal and then moan when he nips your neck. “mmm, they can wait a little.” jaehyun runs his hands under the large hoodie and pinches your nipples.
you tilt your head back and jaehyun begins sucking your neck. “a—and i have to get sungchan from his cr—crib— oh, my god.” you gasp feeling his hands slide into your shorts.
jaemin finally pushes haechan away and wipes his face clean. “mom,” you and jaehyun quickly pull away. “is dinner ready?” you nod and attempt to push jaehyun away with your knee.
“come help set the table?” jaemin nods and looks back at his friends who gave displeasing faces. “i think i made enough for everyone— hopefully i did.” you say holding the bowl of spaghetti noodles.
“mrs jeong!” you look up to see chenle holding sungchan who giggled while jisung tickled him. “ahh, my baby boy’s awake.” you hand the bowl off to jaehyun and you collect the boy from chenle.
“hi mister! did you have a good nap?” you turn to chenle and you pinch his cheek before rubbing it— soothing the slight pinkness. “thank you, dear.” chenle ignores the burning sensation on the tip of his ears and nods. “of course, mrs jeong! i’m happy to help.”
you look back and step aside when jaemin attempts to slide past you and sungchan. “sorry, mom.” jaemin says and sets down the plates and utensils. “no, im sorry. i was in the way.”
you move to the kitchen where your husband was at, still holding the bowl of noodles. “honey, go set it down.” jaehyun softly chuckles when realizing that he was holding the bowl of noodles. “sorry.”
“now, you.” you sit sungchan down on the island. “should we try eating some peas, today?” sungchan whines and you frown. “guess that’s a no— what about.. ou, banana?” sungchan claps his hands with a forced laugh. “so, a yes!”
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“sweetheart,” you hum— your eyebrows softly lifting up. “it’s time for bed, ma.” you crack your eyes open to see your husband in front of you, his hands holding your jaw.
“the movie’s over, it’s time for bed.” you sit up and yawn, your arms and legs stretching before you sit still.
“sweetheart,” jaehyun pokes your cheek. “bed.” you nod and wrap your arms around jaehyuns neck. “okay.” he softly chuckles and stands up with his hands under your thighs.
he lays you on the bed and you quickly sit up. “the boys—?” jaehyun lays you back down. “they’re in jaemins room. they’ve been in there since the movie ended.”
“and sungchan?” jaehyun kisses your forehead. “i put him to bed before i woke you up.” you sigh and nod. “don’t worry, okay?” you nod and jaehyun joins you in bed.
“love you, g’night ma.” he kisses your cheek. “g’night, baby.”
several minutes your legs are straddling him and his hands on your hips. “stop humping me, babe.” jaehyun laughs and you whine. “it feels good.” you whine.
jaehyun tsks and lifts his hips, his sweats are yanked down before he pulls your shorts down. “this’ll feel better.” you moan when he slips in his cock.
“but, i’m tired?” you whine and sigh. “should i stop then?” you shake your head. “i wanna feel good, jae.” your eyes felt heavy. “want me to continue then?” you nod.
jaehyun moves his hips up and pins your hips down. your eyes close and your body relaxes. “fuck, baby.” jaehyun sighs, pulling your ass more into his palms as he moans into your neck.
“shh, shh.” jaehyun shushes you when you whimper loudly.
jaehyun quickly finishes with a heavy sigh. “i love you, gorgeous.” he whispers and hugs you while slowly drifting off into sleep.
“i told you the sleepovers at jaemins house are the best.” haechan says, removing his ear off the wall— even with jaehyun and your room being across the hall, the walls were slightly thin.
“you guys look like creeps.” chenle says with his head rested on jisung who played the switch.
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jhoneybees · 10 months
Ahh!! The Military love one shot is finished!! I completely forgot about it until a couple of days ago lol
In this one shot, Elvis is working as a electrician because fun fact for anyone who doesn't know, Elvis used to work at a electric company called 'Crown's electric company' before he became famous!
Hope you enjoy :)
Summary: An envelope arrives in the mail holding news that the Presley clan was not expecting.
Characters: Army!Elvis, Wife!Reader, 3 kids(Oldest is James, middle is April and youngest is Beth)
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The warmth of the fireplace fills the living room as the distant noises of thunder rolls across the sky and the rain trickling down the windows of your home, you have your youngest child in your arms, Beth. James being your oldest sits on the carpet floor with April your middle child by his side as they work together to build a tower with building blocks.
"Mama! look!" Looking up at the sound of your son's voice and a smile grows on your face as you see James and April presenting a tower of building blocks.
"Good job baby!" The two children giggle happily at your praise, you can't help but giggle yourself. Feeling nothing but love for your little family that Elvis and you have created together. As you were tending to baby Beth by cooing at her, the front door opens and closes, you look up and wait for the person you're hoping to see all day. Your husband walks in from behind the wall and you smile softly. The older kids in unison shout excitedly "Daddy!" Each one of them climbing to their feet before running to hug at your husband's legs, Elvis chuckles and bends down to give them a hug with each arm around each child.
"How was work?" Your voice soft and content, watching as Elvis straightens up and gesture the kids to go back to what they were doing by the flick of his hand and puts his truck keys on a hook beside the door and ruffle his slightly wet hair due to the rain outside. His booted feet dragging on the floor as he makes his way to sit on the couch next to you. Letting out a tired sigh "Long.." he answers, you nod after hearing his understandable words. Your eyes look back down at Beth, watching as she breathes softly and her eyes drooping. "Want a sandwich?" You ask in a soft manner, your eyes being trained on the baby. Rubbing his forehead with index and thumb, Elvis looks over with tired eyes to see you quietly carressing Beth's little cheek with your finger which makes him smile a little. "That sounds nice..." Bringing his eyes to look at the carpet floor again. You hum in response and begin to get up from the couch whilst giving Elvis the baby, taking hold of Beth he smiles pleasantly as he cooes at his daughter.
After some time of preparing the sandwich, you hear James talk in his sweet boyish voice. "Daddy! Did ya fix a lot of things today?" Smiling to yourself, you continue to listen to the conversation between the two boys as you apply peanut butter to the bread. "Yeah I did kid, a lot of fixing light bulbs.." He chuckles sheepishly. James replies with a quiet hum "that sounds pretty boring" Elvis chuckles low "work can often be pretty boring kid" you smile to yourself once more, after some time you walk out into the living room with a plate in hand. "Peanut butter and banana" Elvis nods with a small "thank you" you carefully take Beth away from Elvis so he can eat his sandwich.
You see something out of the corner of your eye and remember there's mail for Elvis to open “Oh honey, this came in” handing the envelope over to Elvis, he takes it from your hand after another bite of his sandwich. The moment the sheet of paper gets unfolded he
chokes on his food.
A big red stamp in the middle of the document…’DRAFTED’
Quickly as you walk into the kitchen to fetch Elvis a water while carefully cradling Beth. Elvis takes a gulp and places the glass down on the coffee table. Your eyebrows furrow, what's got him so surprised?
Leaning over his shoulder, you see the stamp mark, letting out a gasp “No…” James and April curiously turn up their little noses to peek over the coffee table to see what their parents were so shocked about.
Dropping the paper onto the floor, putting his face into his hands. “Why me?” Is all Elvis could say, your free hand covers your mouth as you hold in a sob. The two older kids grow concerned, cautiously walking over. “What happened Daddy?” James asks quietly, feeling more concerned as he glances over at you. April silently places her little hands on your knee, watching your face intently with worry.
Elvis sighs as he lifts his head up, pulling James closer by gently grabbing his shoulder. “Daddy's been drafted buddy…” he says in a defeated tone. James tilts his head to the side “what does that mean?” Elvis lowers his head wishing his boy knew so he doesn't have to explain to him but doesn't seem to have a choice.
“Means Daddy hasta go to the army…and be a soldier, James.”
Hearing his first name from Elvis always meant something serious and after a few seconds the realisation hit, he frowns. “Well I'm goin' too” saying in the most serious tone his little body could ever do made Elvis smile weakly. “You can't go buddy…ya still too little” James shakes his head and stomps his foot firmly “I-i- can manage!” Feeling a tear slide down his cheek Elvis answers, shaking his head silently. “I'm sorry buddy…” The little boy watches as Elvis lowers his head again and that's when he breaks down. Frantically climbing onto his father's lap to wrap him in the tightest hug he could ever give.
April watches the two boys and then looks back at you, she doesn't know what's going on but just seeing you suddenly burst out in sobs, April couldn't help but sob as well. Beth feeling the sadness radiate off her mother making her stir uncomfortably in her sleep.
Elvis sniffles softly, shuffling himself and James on his lap to be closer to the girls. Pulling them into a group hug, heartbreak in everyone's hearts.
“I-I don't know how long imma be in for but no matter what… I will always…love you all” Elvis' voice cracks into a sob.
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daisychains111 · 8 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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since mr gaiman said we could maybe write our notes as we watch each episode i’m going to start doing that because i need to understand what happened the whole season LMAO im so distracted by ep*s*d* s*x
Episode 1 – The Arrival
The thing Crowley is holding looks like the thing he used to stop time
His hair is GORGEOUS
He’s so bubbly and wholesome
Aziraphale didn’t know he was helping to make the stars
This is why Crowley wanted so badly to go to the stars with Aziraphale last season
Crowley sort of refers to Aziraphale as kind of below him? Like rank-wise (note Aziraphale is a cherub?)
Aziraphale looked so hopeful introducing himself to Crowley then he doesn’t even tell him his name LMAO
Is this how he wanted to watch the world go in season 1? From space with Aziraphale?
Not aziraphale thinking Crowley was referring to him with the “look at you, you’re gorgeous”
“and I think you’ve done an excellent job” shoot me now
So this is what Crowley is like with a will to live (JOKING)
“stars everywhere” didn’t he say that in the “what are they putting in bananas these days”
Help the music sliding down when aziraphale breaks the news I didn’t notice that before
Crowley’s face
‘call it a nebula’ HE’S SO PROUD OF IT
‘if I was the one running it all’ *immediately looks around nervously*
‘how much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions’ honey you’ve got a big storm coming
Love David tennant getting his name before Michael sheen in the credits
We didn’t see the blimps or raining rabbits in this season – s3?
Switched little sign thingies
“what if I were to take these Shostakovich records without paying for him” HE SAYS IT SO MISCHIEVIOUSLY  
Also I love some of shostakovich’s pieces
“I’m very good at forgiveness, it’s one of my favourite things” PARALLEL TO “I FORGIVE YOU” RAHHH
I like how you can see crowleys eyes behind his sunglasses
“frozen peas” he’s not letting down his man aziraphale
She has her order memorized AHRIOAA
Head empty no thoughts goob intro
‘near one particular person’ ‘no certainly not’ bffr
Was the something terrible thing heaven hunting him down
His smirk at “his royal smugness is in trouble that’s so sad” AHHHH
“you’re funny. I love you” hello?
The fly in the box heh
Aww his face after ‘what box’
I will die for Muriel  
“go back a long time’ ok
‘because there’s a naked man there?’ JEALOUSSSS
“is it something I can help you with?’ JEALOUSSSS
So like we were right about Crowley eating/drinking really fast
“purely selfish action’ not very angelic of you
I wonder what the rest of his keys are for
“ask him properly” I jumped
“I am dusting” HE JUMPED LMAO
Dartmoor sherlock reference I see you
Arguing 25 minutes into the show I see
‘precious, peaceful, fragile’ man
‘if you refuse to help me you’re at liberty to go’ paralleling ep*s*d* s*x is gut wrenching  
“no, I would love you to help me” im crying he really is picking up the pace
How long was that blue car out there for  
Ngl him smiting everywhere was kinda
“you’re misunderstanding me uriel” “im understanding you very well. You think somebody should be giving orders and that someone is you” PARALLEL TO THE END
I unironically love Michael
Crowley looks so tired in his Bentley :(
For a sec I thought we were going to get traitor traitor Crowley  
The way he sprawls lmao
Beelzebub trying to find the man theyre down bad for lmao
The way they converse comfortably instead of Crowley being afraid of Beelzebub  
Aww Maggie being sheltered :(
“theres only room for one of us in this lane and it’s not you” crying
I love how nina remembers people based off their coffee order – That’s Mr Six Shots of Expresso
“my bad” aww
The way he was listing when he did the I was wrong dance WHAT HAPPENED
Were those the years of the flashbacks I’ll check later (1650, 1793, 1941)
I love the dance I need the backstory
“very nice” rolling
“together” im crying
Parenting is going well
‘it would barely move the dials’ okay
They look so determined
Their smiles when they thought they did the miracle right aww
And theres the end of the episode folks what do we think
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seokmashu · 1 year
zb1 dorm dynamics part 2
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room 2: mother + the instigatorz 💫
it's a lil awkward at first between these three because even though yujin is close to ricky and hanbin separately, ricky and hanbin don't really know how to interact with each other
ricky admires hanbin a lot not just because of how he was consistently in the top 2 during boys planet, but also because he's so professional and naturally charming and just a good person in general
picture: ricky and hanbin both going to hao separately for advice until hao goes: "just talk to each other!!!"
while hanbin is thinking of ways to get closer to ricky beyond just saying "hi," ricky goes up to hanbin and asks him if he wants to come with him to get his daily pizza food
even tho it's a little awkward hanbin is touched that ricky is also thinking about him and the two bond over snacks c:
yujin, resident munchkin, starts joining them soon after
hanbin 1000% is an early bird, he probably wakes up half an hour earlier than the rest of the house to make breakfast and coffee
ricky also wakes up early to do his hair LOL
even though he says he doesn't like to get dressed up we all know it's a lie
he probably spends half an hour picking an outfit and accessories and another half an hour just putting gel/mousse in his hair
it gets to the point where gyuvin starts banging on the bathroom door in the morning cuz he just KNOWS it's ricky inside
yujin, on the other hand, likes to sleep in and comes out of the dorm with mussed up hair rubbing his bleary eyes like a lil baby ahh
yujin keeps banana milk in the fridge which he sips on everyday and he shares it with his favorite hyungs (not gyuvin) (jkjk) hanbin is touched to receive one
yujin loves taking selcas, and sometimes he'll prank the hyungs by putting a filter on them when they don't know
they're very considerate of each other's spaces and keep their beds/desks clean- their closet tho? a mess
yujin loves raiding ricky's closet
hanbin keeps a small plant by his bed, which ricky and yujin think is super cute until it dies after day 3
ricky takes care of his skin, and wants to join in on the face mask party in room 1 when jiwoong brings animal face masks to the dorm
yujin likes going off to room 3 to hang out with gyuvin gunwook and taerae
hanbin wanders in and out of room 1 with ricky to hang out with hao
basically they're almost never in room 2 LOL
>> part 1: jiwoong, hao, matthew
>> part 3: taerae, gunwook, gyuvin
let me know your thoughts~
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thedeadthree · 2 years
multiples of five for viktor and an oc of your choice please! 💕
ROSIIEEE hii! i hope your doing well dear! <3 THATS MY DEAR BOY. ive had him for EONS he means the world to me AHH. hmm and for the second one in honor of tlou releasing today on hbo! i'll introduce alaia! <3
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i would say MODUS by joji would be a cute first slow dance song for him! i would say first slow dance parter would go to the lucky dear ness (or nessie as he likes to call her <3 shes aj @jendoe's girlie!)! for a goood chunk of his life slow dances wigged him out u know? it's what his parents did at galas, and furthermore, its what people in committed relationships do u know? so it would take a "love of their life" sort to sway prince skittish of long term relationships <3
to be honest i think until nessie he didn't think himself as much of a romantic? and after they become an item (nessie will likely have to go "LISTENN BUB I THINK UR NEAT" or something like that jksankjn bc for all of his banter and etc etc dear boy was like UHH when it came to the art of courting ahjsabjx). but he'll try his best! its like watching a baby dear learn how to walk which is precious but also PRIME opportunity for teasing (affectionate). wanted to be in love but didn't think it was for him u know?
he's a social butterfly my dear boy sure is! of course soap and willa and Garrick and ghost begrudgingly are the besties and price and isi are like parental figures to him <3. radolfo and alejandro (dad wars between him and price kajnsj their time together in that cell was all the convincing ale needed that vik was to be his son jjhsjh) became instant besties of his <3. he has a number of close friends and fringe acquaintances as well! though the one who will hold the candle as his friend of all friends for him would be his late brother aldric <3
vik gets crushes like his dogs track mud in his house... ALL THE TIME. the essence of the "falls in love with a new person everyday." hehe <3 he took the cake for that until he met *COUGH*!
hES TrYinG hIS BeST his upbringing he's a nepo baby and his tendency towards the dramatic (stubs his toe? shakespearean tragedy.) he makes an effort for practicality but like his mannerisms in the romantic department its like watching a deer learn how to walk <3 viktor "how much does a banana cost? $50?" mason <3
no greater slight he could make to his mother if he didn't put thought into his sense of style bjsbjd and thank the heavens for aldric and his IMMACULATE TASTE bc i am confident dear boy would have considered joggers and a t-shirt as a suitable formal wear jankxdk. he learned all he knows from him! <3
his grandma on his moms side in france pronounced it as meh-meh and as a like seven he used to say it that way until aldric told him its MEME not meh-meh habjsbj (after waiting EONS until vik was fifteen to tell him DARN OLDER SIBLINGS). now, its just around graves to get on his nerves <3. he's a twerp!
he survives only bc select clowns would find his "hot mess with a heart of gold" nature endearing <3 he's beelining for roman, ayrenn, vindamea and enya the moment he sees them! strong badass ladies who can break his neck like a twig? AND upon them knowing him for five minutes if anyone touched a hair on his head they'd zero everyone on the scene hehe <3 he's drinking mead with baelor afterwards and running for the HILLS shrieking and tears in his eyes seeing una on the back of the cannibal <3 its fun!
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i think maybe not a first slow dance song but something for a first emotional moment where the bleakness of the post apocalyptic landscape of the world (which members of her family may or may not have been responsible for the outbreak) and its really getting to her.. i think of DEAL ME by MeLoveMeAlot ft KÅIKÅI? the "you can't kill me I'm alive / you gotta deal me i'm alive ... we all know no paradise." i think would be lovely for her in that moment u know? like a hold her while she sways a bit sort of post panic attack moment?
she was the child of seattle socialites and so the notion of romantics came from her admirers verses from her u know? but! she is for sure with the love language of gifting as that was the way she saw her parents expressing their affections and what people around her would do for her. so sort of a romantic but? not really?
i think between her and viktor she would have more friends but none of them she would consider close, acquaintances at best u know? a lot of her friendships in seattle were superficial. a lot of them were more so to have a connection to her name? to say they knew the family? she was little when the outbreak hit the friends she had and their parents it was like that? she needs friends i am PLEADING. these days its easier for her to have dalliances and acquaintances <3
crushes? in the year of our lord 2023 post outbreak? not on her life <3 she does have more than a few admirers though in higher circles and in leaving the comforts of home traversing the landscape <3.
alaia actually would have that over dear boy vik! i am still working things out (im doing lore diving as im watching the show rn <3) her step father before the outbreak was a neurosurgeon and he was looking into understanding the outbreak. on her defying her dads wishes and finding survivors outside of FEDRA the things she learned from him and the people around her she took to things rather well!
the outbreak broke out in 2003 i believe right? y2k in the post apocalyptic pnw/us fashion icon besties! luxury clothing from the 2000s and 90s inherited from her family! it may be the end times but that didn't mean she had to stop dressing cute!
sending memes? in the year of our lord 2023 in a post apocalyptic era? shes asking "huh?" habjwbdjbj in a no-outbreak au, dear girl was pronounces it as memes! <3 or nuisances <3 (rich people u know?)
oh shes not fighting jkanknw <3 fighting? in these chanel boots? she wouldn't dare! she and narcissa and sybille are sipping champagne as the fighting rages!! she would likely if she must use ye olde charm and request damiano to protect her (AND HE OBLIGES *cough* clown <3 but also love that for her! and he's valid for it!) and that's how she walks out of the conflict without a scratch <3
#🌹: rosie#rosebarsoap#oc: viktor mason#oc: alaia alcántara#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#TY TY ROSIEE FOR THE ASK <3 i hope ur doing well dear!! this was the cutest to do and to develop them with!#i don't have much on her at the moment but i did do some reading and i may have her bio dad be the head of fedra?#so on her learning he made it VERRY clear they weren't to provide aid any further survivors she was like YEEA no bud <3#they fully expected to learn she was dead within the week.. i would almost also say they sent out parties to look for her?#but she knew how to thwart them <3 she had been doing it for years so it was no challenge!#(at a point she also meets tommy right and learning she came from a well off upbringing he was like?? how are u not dead?)#(shes a smart cookie bestie! i don't think she informs who she is for a WHILE but <3 yea <3)#theyll either be besties or something more i haven’t decided sksjjxjx 🤍😵‍💫#totally not for the giggles after the final question thinking of a crossover thing jasnknkw it would be inch resting!#ocs from the fantasy verses interacting? with the modern clowns? funsies! neat!#vik is being held together with star wars duct tape and glue but he's doing his darnedest and I love him <3#he was easily spooked by relationships prior to nessie <3 congrats dear! u did it!#the new banners and how they look for them both turned out so pretty GAHH im emotional <3#i had to make new ones as the old banners are on my old m*acbook and i love love how they turned out <3 and the babies deserve it <3
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myvillainfam · 2 years
My review of XH's Overload!!
First I'll be giving my first thoughts of the song, typing whatever comes to mind. I'll have my actual review right after. This is a long post so if you don't feel like reading everything, I'll be leaving my overall thoughts of the album and a ranking at the very bottom! :)
Oooo groovy!! GUNIL!!! oh~ okay~ is that ode?? damn okAY JUNGSU!! Tralalala bring it back! Yesssss SING THOSE LYRICS LIKE YOU OWN THEM (cuz you technically do) There's the part from the teaser!!! Ahhh it's so good. Very pop rock!!! The rap part! Ode wtf do you mean you don't know what you did? SIR YOU SLAYED MY HEART. I'M BACK ONLINE FEELING LIKE THE AIR~!!! GOING DEEPER AND DEEPER INTO THE CONNECTION~!!! BANANA GIREO GIREO GI~REO GIREOGI(and I can't make out the rest. forgive me I don't know Korean) THATS IT??? wish it was longer TT_TT
Actual review: 10/10
I loved it! I was a bit hesitant when I heard this song in the album teaser because I though it would sound to much like generic pop. But I'm pleasantly surprised! It's very much in the genre of music I listen to, pop rock!! I also felt a Day6 influence, whether or not they actually intended it. This song is wacky and very fun. It gets you ready to party! It's a great start to the album!
Hair Cut
I listen to this from their comeback show case. Unfortunately I did not write down my first thoughts. But here's my review on it:
Definitely leans more to the rock genre but honestly I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. The bridge was beautiful—the best part in my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised to hear if this song was made with Hello, world! mini album. It has those HW! elements in there. I do like the song but its not the one I'd listen to the most. Score out of ten? 7/10
As I queue this one, I wanna say that I really like how XH explained this song. It sounded like they really had fun making this track. Here go my stream of thoughts!
Interesting. Beginning notes remind me of a "spooky" song. AHH I wasn't expecting that scream LMAO. low-key scared me. oh okay starting with gaon! I'm enjoying the guitar. oh going slower. building up for the chorus? im still hearing the "spooky" sound lol. Oh! oh! bass drop??? YESSS!!! I'm just keeping it right~! this part really reminds me of the band All Time Low, maybe their For Baltimore song? No, but definitely something off of that album, Don't Panic (btw i really recommend to listen to this album if you haven't. its my favorite ATL one) WOW very emotional bridge! The ending was too abrupt! I expected more! I'm too greedy lol
Actual review: 10/10
I think this is my favorite song off of the album. It's just reminiscent of many rock (read emo) bands I used to listen to. After a few more listens, I don't think its very spooky but it's a song I'd listen to when I'd want to feel badass lol. There's just something about this song that really gets me excited.
Crack in the mirror
LMAO the beginning guitar sound reminded me of the Knight Rider theme song. OH OKAY EXCUSE ME I FEEL ATTACKED. MR LEE YOUR VOICE IS GREAT. GIVE MORE LINES TO JUN HAN HE SOUNDS AMAZING (or is that gaon?? either way damn) okaayyyyy giving some bad boy energy i see yall. AHHHH THE GUITAR REMINDS ME OF BMTH ahhhhh i live for this harder rock!!! GAON YOUR ENGLISH IS SO GOOD i melt every time i hear this man sing in english. he has a good deep voice that is just chefs kiss rewinded just to hear that part again and his voice reminded me of Andy Black. ode also has very fluent intonations in his english. if i didnt know anything about this kband I would have thought that gaon and ode would be the english speakers. OMG THE BRIDGE THESE DUDES REALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM
Actual review: 10/10
Another song where i feel badass! This one was hard for me to compare with the rest. I really loved the way it sounded. It goes hard. The vocals in this one are just amazing. I think this one would be one of the songs I would recommend to people that aren't really into Kpop but are willing to give it a try.
ANOTHER SPOOKY VIBES ONE. this time its more like scary clown. IM TELLING YOU GAON'S ENGLISH IS HEAVEN. this whistle part has been stuck in my head this WHOLE DAY (since i saw the showcase. the whistle is ADDICTING. i really like the chorus. ode!! i love hearing him rap. THIS SECOND PRECHORUS DAMN. IM BROKEN~! *whistle*
Actual review: 10/10
Ah I don't even know how to properly put this one into words. It's GOOD! There's a tad bit of aggressiveness in this song with a bit of desperation??? Like I said I'm not sure how to explain it. (I'm looking for the translation of the lyrics maybe that will help me) Okay so it seems that I got the interpretation right. I can think of it like a tragic love where the lover dies or the narrator cuts them out because of their toxicity (i'm leaning toward the latter). Anyways it's a very beautiful song. The whistle is what pulls me in with the "i'm broken~" lyrics. It's paired beautifully.
LAST ONE!!! i'm not ready for this album to end. i'm having fun listening.
OKAY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. UMMMM GAON????? theres a reason this man is my bias wrecker. SPOOKY VIBES IM TELLING YOU oh oh this chorus!!! the prechorus!!! the bass in the second verse!!!!! vibing with this song. JOOYEON THAT BRIDGE WITH JUNGSU. i mean they are the main vocalists for a reason
Actual Review: 8/10
Ah the song where Jungsu said he wanted to play on Christmas. I think it's too creppy to that but it still sounds sort of Christmas-y? This is one of those songs that I don't really know how to feel about it. I guess it kinda has one of those vibes like the Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a "spooky" song but also not at the same time??? It's a good song but idk if I'd rate it top 3.
Overall Thoughts and Ranking:
I really enjoyed this album way more than Hello, world! Their progress from that album to this one is really astonishing. I really did enjoy this album and I've been listening to it on repeat. With that being said, this was a very hard album to rank it tracks mainly because I really got into it after listening them on repeat. It's a solid album. The first track really gets you pumped for the rest of the album that just blows you away. Most of the tracks are really on the same level as each other but if I had to put them into a list of which I liked the best on the first listen it would be this:
Crack in the mirror
Hair Cut
I'm not actually satisfied with this ranking mainly because each song has their own uniqueness that shines thru if your listening for different things.
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
Media Content I consumed/devour
Last update on Saturday October 22 2022
Anime I have already watched:
to be organised later kind of mind dumping !
/!\ Some of these do contain triggering topics please proceed with caution( bc I did not mention for every single one what it is about and the genre. In the near future I might or not I'll see...)
You will also find in-between parentheses my opinion about anime as well as me exposing myself, if it's mature bl(boys love) or not and some trigger warning too labelled like this /!\ + the content it deals with.
This list is under constant construction so do not expect it to ever be complete simply because it won't!!
91 days( All of it-spoiler: this anime is pain layered), 2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu, 25-sai no Joshikousei(more of hentai I should say), 6 Lovers, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan, Houkago no Shoukuinshitsu, Actors: Songs Connection, Ahiru no sora(spoiler if you're a sore loser don't watch this at all), Ai no Monogatari, Ai no Kusabi(not suitable for everyone- spoiler rundown: people are in this sort of futuristic world and some are used as sex slaves again not for everyone bc here they literally own people), Aoi Bungaku Series, Akame ga Kill, All Out, Angel Densetsu, Antique Bakery, Africa no Salaryman,
Babylon(I still do not understand what happened in it- I'm reading the manga), Banana Fish, Baki the Grappler, Baki( all of it), Bartender, Be Boy Kidnapin' Idol, Bem, Bio Hunter(got me into monsterfucking oh yeah this one right here), Black Jack, Black Lagoon(Women had me like 🫡 yes ma'am anything you desire!! not me exposing myself like at all, Bleach(stopped at episode 300 sum bc seeing Ichigo in pain is not my thing at all, but read the whole manga. The Men in here: got me confused, lost, flabbergasted, triggered a third existential crisis and surprisingly I said I don't like men, I don't bat an eye in their presence but guess what honey out of all these one got me. That man is Kyoraku san plus he's a cancer like what this can't be a coincidence at all. Ahh, je m'emporte à nouveau. Like I said, he's so fine if I am trying to become a parent in this lifetime only he could provide me with them period I said what I said. Pleath!!! What you've read up until now was just a sliver of someone that is going to get their period. I wish you a lovely day, morning, afternoon, night wherever it is that you are currently at 😊), Blood, Blood-c(all), Blood +, Bronze Koji Nanjo Cathexis, Bronze: Zetsuai since 1989, Boku no Sexual Harassment(I feel like this anime right here needs another name than this one bc let me tell you it's way more than what the title entails...), Bungo Stray Dogs (All),
Captain Tubasa, Cardcaptor Sakura, Castlevania(Three main characters are sooo good looking and do I have to highlight the Adrian Tepes and his ethereal beauty like... sir you don't even need to do me like that 🥲 had me questioning my whole existence as someone that has never once in my life fancied men. Should I or shouldn't I? The question remains unanswered.), Close the Last Door, Crayon shin-chan(This kid is so vile Oh my goodness, if you are well acquainted with Japanese customs in terms of politeness you already know what I mean 🙃), Crows
Dakaretai Otoko Ichi ni Odosarete Imasu( anime+movie), Days, Death Note, Demon City Shinjuku, Demon Slayer, Devilman, Devilman Crybaby, Devil's Line, Doraemon, Doukyussei, Dragon Ball Z, Drifters(Men: their attitude, resolve, conviction and goals plus how they look!!!!??? Got me like 🫣 Honourable mention for Oda Nobunaga and his crazy obsession about powder long haired men own my soul 🫠🫡😩), Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru, Durarara,
Enen no Shouboutai(Daddy Leo what's up Debby Ryan hair tuck behind ear and run. But on a serious note why most men here are hot as hell, give me a damn break will you!!),
Fist of the North Star, Finder no Hyouteki (/!\ rape, drugs specifically aphrodisiacs, Chinese and Japanese Yakuza) Fudanshi Kokou Seikatsu, Fugou Keiji; Balance Unlimited, Fujimi Orchestra, Fuyu no Semi (Mature Bl- spoiler: I cried for this one too, such a beautiful love story with a tragic ending!), Free, Fullmetal Alchemist
Gakuen Babysitters, Gansta, Gibiate, Ghost Talker's Dream, Given(Bl), Gokushufudou, Great Pretender(1-2), Gunslinger girl
Haru wo Daiteita, Haikyuu, Hamatora, Re- Hamatora, Handa-kun, Hellsing(/!\ Necrophilia, Paedophilia by religious entity, the main character has suffered so much that it hurts my soul yet he's so badass) , Hey, Class President, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Hinamatsuri, Hinomaru Sumo, Hitorijime My Hero(Bl), Horimiya, Howl's Moving Castle, Hunter x Hunter, Hybrid Child(Mature Bl with censorship), Hyperventilation(Mature Bl with censorship),
Inuyashiki: Last Hero,
K-on, Kabukichou Sherlock, Kachou no Koi, Kengan Ashura( 1-2. The Fang is that black bodysuit, standing in the middle of that arena, with his hair down, Adonis physique had me drooling in front of my screen like no other man could, drenched sweat in blood unlocked a blood kink in me! I was 😯 and he was there all proud ✨ ), Keroro Gunsou(Soo funny I cannot stress this enough. My favourite one is Tama Tama, so adorable!!), Kirepapa, Kizuna, Kite, Koisuru Boukun, Kyojinzoku no Hanayome(Bl), Kuiba: Shu Tu, Kuroko no Basuke, Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Daibouken, Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari( Kirishima is my kind of man- Alexa play it's raining men 😉),
La Maison en Petit Cubes, Legend of Duo, Love Stage, Loveless,
Jieyao, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's( 1-6: Kakyoin Noriaki is one of the several perfect husbands I have like his style, manners, politeness and his life story: I just want to hug him so bad ), Juni Taisen: Zodiac War, Jujutsu Kaisen(the movie + the anime- Nanami-san and Chousou are hubby material no cap, I do not need to back this up), Junjou Romantica,
Maiden Rose(This Mature Bl is paired up with violence just so you know also I should say there is somewhat of a power dynamic in there-people that watched it know what I'm on), Maison Ikkoku, Mangirl, Meikyuu Black Company, Michiko to Hatchin, Minegishi-san wa Oostu-kin ni Tabesasetai Mini Anime, Mindiao Ju Yi Wen Lu( I forgot the name of the white long haired dude- me and my Amazing memory an immaculate duo- but he's so damn fine Daddy what's good, let me know when you're free? Horny hours got me captive💀 ), Midori(if you are not acquainted with the mangaka's influences in his works, I suggest you do not check this. It tends to disgust people), Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, My Hero Academia (1-5), Monster, Mushi-shi, Music up- Reborn, Mugen no Junin,
Nanatsu no Taizai, Neon Genesis Evangelion(spoiler: this one is beautiful but the ending is going to make you depressed that is if you aren't already), Ninja Hattori-kun, Ninja Scroll, Noblesse(Men in this anime are ✨scrumptious✨ I have a soft spot for Frankenstein and M21 👀🫦),
Ojamajo Doremi, Okane ga nai(Mature Bl- it deals with let me see if remember this one though... I do well, it's about this main character : thé epitome of european beauty standard blonde hair blue eyed you get what I am saying. This is fairly rare in the setting of the anime keyword here rare so summed of this beautiful character whose name I no longer have in mind is sold at an action yes you read that right! The man that bought him is... a pervert and human trafficking not suitable for everyone so beware), Orange(about suicide so pleath proceed with caution. I was such an emotional mess (yes I cried watching each episode because I dealt with this topic myself) , Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Papa Datte Shitai(Bl), Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Persona 5, Pokemon
Queen's Blade( anyone that is fond of oppai this is is might be your Tengoku- I'm not going to lie it was for me 😏)
Sakamoto desu ga, Slam Dunk, Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan, Shakunetsu Kabaddi, Shingeki no Kyojin, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi(Bl), Saezeru Tori wa Habatakanai(BL-all), Samurai Champloo, Sex Pistols(Bl), Super Lovers(Bl), Sword Art Online, Shigurui: Death Frenzy, Super Crooks, Sk8 the Infinity, Supernatural,
Tenkuu Shinpan, Thermae Romae, Thermae Romae Novae, Tight Rope (Bl), Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Revengers, Trigun, Twilight of the Dark Master,
Urotsukidōji: The legend of the Overfiend(this is better labelled as hentai by the way, again not suitable for everyone...)
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Vassalord, Vanitas no Carte
Wicked City(Maki is such a beautiful woman Oh my goodness don't mind me simping), Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashi,
Yamishibai( 1-6), Yarichin Bitch-Bu(Hella graphic Bl), Yebisu Celebrities (Mature Bl), Yes ka No Ka Hanbun Ka, Young Black Jack, Yowamushi Pedal (all of it)
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yuri on Ice, Yuukoku no Moriarty,
Zetsuai 1989( This is exactly what made me fall in love with anything that revolves around the Yansen world- it is a mature bl anime with tad censorship so watch at your own risk!!)
Cartoons I already watched
Power Puff Girls, Samurai Jack, Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry, Dexter's Lab, Code Lyoko, Codename: Kids next door, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd and Eddy and Johnny Bravo.
Cartoons I occasionnaly watch
We Bare Bears, The Amazing World of Gumball, Oggy and the cockroaches.
Series I watched
Everybody hates Chris, True Blood,
Live Action
Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Mugen no Junin,
My fave genre of manga is horror so Warau Kyuuketsuki by Maruo Suehiro is a must imo
Book/Poetry authors
Mary Shelley, Henry James, Marquis de Sade, Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Charlotte Brontë, Samuel Beckett, Maupassant, Christiane Rochefort, Honoré de Balzac, André Malraux, François Mauriac, Shakespeare, André Gide, Sophocles, Émile Zola, Jean Rhys, China Miéville, George Orwell, André Brink, Webster, Fitzgerald, Defoe, Tennessee Williams, Michael Ondaatje, Ngūgī wa Thiong'o, Kate Grenville, Osamu Dazai, Edogawa Ranpo, R.H. Sin, Rupi Kaur, Rumi,
List will come soon
Current taste
A lot of Classic music, Pearl Center, The Japanese House, Super Beaver, Green Tea Peng, Denai Moore, Macroblank, Pop Smoke, Bad Hop, St. Vincent, Majid Jordan, Hump Back, Giveon, Back Number, Ten's Unique, Hideyoshi, Jay Park, Beach House, Teru, Tony Fika, Mitsume, Beach Bunny, Mono no Aware, Lijemea, Sho Time, Plaza, Grapevine, Tricot, Ze Espanhol, No Buses, Histujibungaku, Soul Media, Kaneko Ayano, Mc Tranka Fulha, Ichiko Aoba, Ferro Gaita, Yzerr, Deb Never, Kana-Boon, Hiroshi Suzuki, Mega Shinnosuke, Morena Santana, Avu-chan, Mol-74, Cody Lee, Tony di Frank, Taeko Ohnuki, Peach Pit, Goldlink, Indigo La End, Tota Lopi, Never Young Beach, Toe, Lücy, Tempalay, Denzel Curry, Willy Semedo, Brockhampton, Miyachi(I got Kansai Life on repeat 😊), The 1975, Boy Pablo, Ryo Kawasaki, Hiromasa Suzuki, Kiyoshi Sugimoto, Indigo Jam Unit, Jiro Inagaki, Agatha, Hidehiko Matsumoto Quintet, Tadao Hayashi Harp Trio, Polkadotstingray, All That Jazz, Elisa, Hatena, Number Girl, Kotringo, Jin Dogg, Mamerico, Miyako Hasegawa, Does, Tiji Jojo, Casiopeia, Keytalk, Passepied, Spicysol, Temporex, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Annabel, Goose House, Civilian, Theatre Brook, Rookiez is Punk'd, Howl be Quiet, Humbreaders, Vicke Blanka, Shirō Sagisu, Kenshi Yonezu, Meiko Nakahara, Galileo Galilei, Kenichi Kurosawa,
Showmore, Zeca di Nha Reinalda, Bulimundo, Tendre, Sirup, Djoje, Bôa, YeYe, Lucky Tapes, Mondo Grosso, Kinoko Teikoku, Official Higedandism, Fujii Kaze, Amazarashi, W.o.d., King Knu, Chilli Beans, Scarlxrd, The Pillows, Omoinotake, Kali Uchis, Shishamo, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Tomoko Aran, Haruka Nakamura, Helsinki Lambda Club, Fleetwood Mac- Witchy vibes, Macaroni Enpitsu, Yasuha, Miki Matsubara, Anri, Junko Yagami, 1986 Omega Tribe, Mariya Takeuchi, Tatsuro Yamashita, Junko Ohashi, Takako Mamiya, Jorge Neto, Mai Yamane, Eve, Radwimps, Jun Togawa,
Used to Listen to
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkin Park, Beadoobee, The Police, Tears for Years, Evanescence, Travis Scott, The Doors, Brent Faiyaz, Metallica, Sade, Dido, Bruce Springsteen, Playboy Carti, Harry Styles, Dua Lipa, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Aerosmith, Drake, Bees Gees, Eminem, The Ruling Stones, Tupac, The Beatles, Bad Bunny, Led Zeppelin, The Weeknd, Black Sabbath, Rihanna, Queen Eagles, Sza, AC/DC, Men I Trust , The Stooges, Adele, Journey, Current Joys, King Crimson, Ariana Grande, Ramones, Billie Eilish, Blondie, The Clash, Bon Jovi, Guns ‘N Roses, The Cure , U2, Depeche Mode, Motley Crüe, Def Leppard, R.E.M, Surf Curse, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Radiohead, Greenday, Weezer , Foo Fighters, Blink 182, Rage Against the Machine, Jane’s Addiction, Sonic Youth, The Cranberries , Blur, The Verve, Pixies, TLC, Spice Girls, Tom Odell, Lewis Capaldi, London Grammar, Tyler the Creator, Kanye West,
Anime I currently watch:
Ultraviolet, Argento Soma, Bayonetta, The Skull Man, Vatican Miracle Examiner, Kokkoku, Akiba Maid Bar, K, Kachou Ouji: The Legend of Black Heaven, Gintama and Wild Adapter.
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Toilet bound.........Len-kun??
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basilly · 3 years
˗ˏˋ life’s a beach | a dsmp beach house series masterlist ´ˎ˗
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 ☼summary: in which the dsmp goes to a beach house for the weekend... full of sand, laughter, and smiles, they’re memories to last a lifetime. 
☼ includes: oneshots/hcs for the dsmp members- there is no storyline or plot, but just scenarios if you guys went to a beach house!
☼ cc’s included: (all romantic except minors & jack) cc!dream, cc!george, cc!sapnap, cc!karl, cc!quackity, cc!wilbur, c!technoblade (modern au), cc!bench trio ft. cc!jack, cc!awesamdude, cc!callahan, cc!nihachu, ft. cc!philza 
☼ warnings: swearing!
☼ gender/pronouns: gender neutral, they/them 
☼ status: finished!
☼ updates: no schedule but prob twice a week
☼ taglist: closed!
☼ note: AHH i can not tell you how excited i am for this series- huge thanks to all of msgi for their help and support, esp @inniterhq​ for brainstorming a lot of this with me <33
© basilly 2021. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work
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ೃ⁀➷ the only fish in the sea for me | cc!dream x reader
what could happen when you and dream sneak off at midnight? .... swimming??
ೃ⁀➷ stay salty | cc!sapnap x reader
when the ‘property of sapnap’ isn’t well-known enough~
ೃ⁀➷ naps in ... not so paradise | cc!george x reader
george's nap is rudely interrupted, he will never get a moment of peace <3
ೃ⁀➷ bonfires, blankets, and bbqs | cc!karl x reader
gathered around the bonfire makes for warm snuggles after a long day of sandcastle competitions and naps
ೃ⁀➷ long walks on the boardwalk | cc!quackity x reader
enjoying a stroll with your duck boyfriend at dusk- where he finds amusement in the little things
ೃ⁀➷ memories saved in the sand | cc!wilbur x reader
soaking up the rays from the warm sun sounded like a great idea- at least to you. wilbur on the other hand...
ೃ⁀➷ shells of love | c!technoblade x reader 
modern!au : making a small craft from nature’s love is more frustrating than it seems
ೃ⁀➷ banana boats & babysitting | cc!bench trio & jack x reader (platonic)
a day out boating with the boys... time for babysitter y/n to make their appearance
ೃ⁀➷ sun freckles | cc!awesamdude x reader
he wants to show you a little spot he found on his adventures- and soak up some sun while you’re at it
ೃ⁀➷ salty hair with no care | cc!nihachu x reader
after some salty sea fun, niki provides relinquish and comfort under the shade
ೃ⁀➷ the quiet before the tsunami | cc!callahan x reader
the quietness of the morning is always elevated by the comfort of your boyfriend and his cooking
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banner creds: @/aube_blue on twt
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pervy-king-taijitu · 2 years
Yang has always been an overly protective big sister and kept the boys away from Ruby. She forgot to also keep the girls away.
Jaune walked up to the door to team RWBY's dorm, where Yang was standing in front of and blocked access. "Hello, Yang. Is Ruby in?" he smiled. He held up a bouquet of red roses. "I have something for her."
"Nope." Yang snatched the flowers and dropped them next to Blake, who was reading a book while she sat on the floor. Next to the flowers and Blake was a pile of other gifts such as boxes of chocolates, more flowers, love poems, and cards. Blake continued to silently read as her girlfriend collected the 'contraband.'
"Nope." Yang cut Jaune off. She jerked her thumb as a silent way of telling him to leave. Jaune sighed and walked off.
A few minutes later, Sun walked up to the door. "Hey! Is Ruby in there?" he smiled. He held up a banana wrapped with a red ribbon.
"Don't even think about it," Yang said and grabbed the banana.
Deciding not to test the wrath of Yang today, Sun backed away slowly.
"'Sup ladies?" Neptune grinned at the pair outside the dorm room as he walked over to them. "Mind if I go in and say 'Hi' to Ruby?"
"Not on my watch." Yang crossed her arms. "Hit the road."
"Come on, just a quick word with her?" Neptune flashed the blonde a smile, but Yang was unimpressed. She pulled out a spray bottle and dosed him with water. "Ahh!" Neptune ran down the hall in terror.
In the dorm, pressed up against the shower wall, Ruby loudly moaned and kept her arms and legs wrapped around her lover. "Ah, ah, ah! Weiss~!" she held Weiss close as she rode out another orgasm.
Weiss turned Ruby's head so she could deeply kiss her. "Quiet, you dolt!" she huffed. "We don't want Yang to hear us!"
"But Weiss..." Ruby moaned and shifted her hips, enjoying the feeling of the strap-on buried inside her. "You make me feel so good." she kissed Weiss again.
"Hmph, dolt." Weiss couldn't help but smile after the kiss. She let the scythe-wielder down. As Weiss began to take the toy off, Ruby moved behind Weiss and rubbed her hands down the heiress' back and down her slender legs. With the strap-on out of the way, Weiss turned around to face Ruby.
The younger girl gave her a soft kiss before kneeling before her lover. Ruby gently ran her fingers across Weiss' pussy. Then she slowly placed kisses along Weiss' inner thigh until she reached Weiss' opening. The heiress moaned as she felt Ruby's tongue slide past her folds.
"Ah~ Ruby..." Weiss moaned and tangled her hands in the hair on top of Ruby's head. Spurred on by hearing the moans, Ruby moved her tongue deeper into Weiss. "Mmm!" Weiss tilted her head back. Next, Ruby slid her hands up her partner's legs; one hand moved around to Weiss' rear, and the other hand began to play and tease Weiss' clit. Weiss wiggled her hips as Ruby pleasured her and moaned some more.
"Now, who needs to be quiet?" Ruby paused her antics to tease her.
"Shush!" Weiss pulled Ruby's head back into her crotch. Ruby moaned and was happy to return to her work. She flicked her tongue against Weiss' clit and slid a couple of fingers inside her. She moved her fingers in and out of Weiss before adding additional fingers. "Ruby, I-" the heiress moaned and bucked her hips, wanting to feel more from her lover. "I'm close!" she warned. Ruby didn't stop her treatment, even after Weiss nearly screamed out Ruby's name. "Okay! Okay, enough..." Weiss panted and lightly pushed Ruby away.
"Aw..." Ruby giggled. She stood up and wrapped her arms around Weiss to hold her close. "Should we actually shower before Yang gets suspicious?"
"Yes. And remember to clean and pick up your toy." Weiss said, nudging the strap-on with her foot.
"Maybe I'll hide it in you later," Ruby spoke softly into Weiss' ear, causing her to blush.
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hansolmates · 3 years
shiver | 08
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banner done by the lovely @dnrequests​
summary; jungkook changed since he moved out of his small town church community and attended college. when he returns for a christmas mass, you suddenly crave a taste of his fun and carefree life. in exchange, jungkook craves a taste of you pairing; bad boy!jungkook x church girl!reader genre/warnings; childhood friends to lovers, brief childhood friends to enemies, fwb!au, catholic guilt, jungkook is a meanie who eventually turns into a soft tsundere, bicuriosity, sexual exploration, virgin!oc, eventual smut w/c; 874 a/n; AHH i really have no words rn. enjoy! [shiver masterpost]
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“You’re going to let Jungkook penetrate you,” Sana echoes around your apartment, making you freeze up in the middle of your smoothie making. 
“I know.” 
“You told me you never wanted to speak to him ever again.” 
“I know,” you unpeel a banana, chopping it with your knife by using more force than necessary. 
“And you’re still going to let him breach you—” 
“Ohmygod—Sana!” you slam your blade down, stalking over the couch where Sana’s folding your laundry. 
Sana’s eyes widen comically, her face breaking into a smile as she watches you with excitement. It takes a lot for you to break yourself down, to wear away at the mask you’ve so carefully curated over the years. Turns out Jeon Jungkook is one of those weaknesses. 
“It’s just that y’know,” Sana resumes her previous activity, folding your laundry. She isn’t really folding it, just pushing it together it like a piece of paper and throwing it in the plastic light blue basket. She holds up a baby pink slip, the flimsy negligee glistening like ice in the light, “ah, so that’s why you messaged me about your underwear order? You’ve been planning this!” 
“No, I haven’t!” you jab your finger into the blender button, watching as the strawberries and bananas blitz. 
“As much as I love to see you grow because it makes me feel like a proud mother—” Sana pointedly ignores the childish snort you let out, “doesn’t it make you no better than Jungkook? I mean, he used you and now you’re about to use him.” 
“It’s fine, Sana,” you pour the finished concoction into two portable cups. When you realize that you made a little extra, you throw the excess smoothie into a glass mug. You hear a knock on your door, and you move towards the front with your mug in hand. “Besides, it’s just sex.” 
“Bold of you to say ‘it’s just sex’ when you’re a virgin.”  
You open the door, thinking it’s probably an old neighbor asking for sugar or something. The one in 3B always asks for some random ingredient, they’re always in late-night baking stupors. But to your chagrin it’s Jungkook, looking very disgruntled. He’s sockless, wearing a large hoodie and sweatpants. His hair is soft and tousled, looking shiny like it was washed just last night. 
“Bunny, it’s 7AM and you’re so loud,” his voice is gravely, rough around the edges. He clamps his hand on the doorhenge, leaning in to twiddle his fingers in front of your friend, “hey Sana.”  
“Hi, Kookie!” 
You arch your body so you block Sana’s, leveling Jungkook with a stare, “Sorry, we’re just about to leave.” 
“I would also appreciate if you don’t share our potential sex lives,” you feel your body shrivel up, mouth dry as you regard Jungkook’s sleepy gaze. “Any questions you have about what we’re doing together, you should be asking me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you lower your head, the gesture automatic. 
“I’m not mad,” Jungkook bends his knees, pressing the pad of his finger to your chin so you’ll tilt up, “is it making you nervous? Your yelling scared the heck out of me, are you getting cold feet?” 
“No. I don’t know. I mean, it’ll only be fifteen minutes—” 
“Whoa. We’re taking things slow,” Jungkook makes a face, and you can’t help but twist in response, “what do you think sex is? A hurdle?” 
“But, I don’t want you sleeping with other girls while we’re also doing it.” 
“I’m not going to be sleeping with other girls,” he replies, “and if it makes you feel better, I’ll get tested.” 
“It does make me feel better,” you feel impossibly small, unable to look at him in the eye. 
“You’re making it sound like I don’t care about you.” 
It’s so much easier to overlook the two decade lifespan you’ve spent with Jungkook, especially without the backdrop of Sunday mornings and Youth Group. Here, an hour away from your tiny hometown, you’re nameless and faceless. You can go wherever you want to go with no repercussions, and your friends aren’t dictated by your worship or theirs. 
Jungkook is someone you can’t bypass. You can hide all you want with Sana, because you’ve only recently met. You can tell her what you want to tell her. Jungkook knows it all, from when Jimin had to tie your waist with his cardigan when you got your first period to when you accidentally ate all of Auntie Nessa’s ginger cookies for the choir. 
Even if it’s by mere obligation, proximity of being near each other for so long, Jungkook cares about you. It would be an insult for you to assume that this transaction would be minute. 
“Let’s have dinner this Wednesday,” Jungkook looks like he wants to say more, but refrains when he remembers you still have a guest in the room. He snatches the glass from your hands instead, your extra smoothie going to him. “Thanks for breakfast,” he winks, turning away to go back into his apartment. 
As soon as you slam the door shut, you give Sana a pointed look. “Don’t say a word.” 
“Wasn’t going to say anything,” and because Sana can’t help herself, she blurts, “your dirty little secret’s safe with me, Bunny.”  
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love With a Single Mom HCs
Osamu x fem!Reader | Atsumu x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFics ]
Request: Idk if anyone’s requested it already but your head canons are just giving me a bunch of baby fever so can I request some with the Osamu and Atsumu 🥺🥺 —anonymous
a/n: thank u for absolutely tolerating my perpetual baby fever 🥺🥺 i had so much fun writing these, i might even do oneshots god i loved atsumu's part so much pls do tell me what you think!!
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❀ it was almost closing time for Onigiri Miya, people already filing out the restaurant after having their fill of good food
❀ but there you were, in your corporate uniform sitting in front of two 7 month old little boys
❀ osamu looks at you fondly from the counter, cheek resting on his hand with his elbow propped
❀ you always drop by when the shop is about to close, too tired to fix up dinner for the three of you— or so he assumed
❀ you let your boys gobble on their own onigiri's, occasionally turning and patting at the other's cheek
"They seem to like the new stuff", he commented as he walked over to your table with the excuse of clearing up the plates you were done with, "Are you done with these?"
"Oh yes, thank you. Yeah they've always had big appetites, I figured I'd let them try something new this time"
Just when Osamu was about to take the empty katsu plate, one of the twins whined in protest, clumsily swatting at his hand, "Eung! Nuh!"
"Oh? Not yet?", he chuckled as he let go of the plate, letting the younger twin pick at the crumbs
❀ you laughed at each other— him noting the way your eyes drooped slightly in exhaustion and he couldn't help but empathize with you
❀ he knows how stressful it is to raise twins, and twin boys? even more so
❀ he grabbed a nearby chair and took a seat
"Is it alright if I crash your dinner for tonight?" he asked before you could even react, "I'd even throw in two orders of tempura and some sake for you"
You yield with smile, only shaking your head since you have no idea how to even reject his offer— not when he has the sweetest smile on his face
❀ since then, he would join you for dinner and let the twins try new onigiris he made
❀ he always has a fond expression on his face when looking at your children, especially when they're stuffing each other's face with the food he made
❀ you two grew closer over sharing food and fawning over the twins
"So you take the both of them to work? And then come here for dinner before going straight home?"
"Sounds about right, yeah"
"No husband?" "Nope" "Boyfriends?" "I don't have time for any", you chuckle
It was a Friday evening and you two chatted over a bottle of sake, each having a twin snoozing on your laps
"What do you say we change things up a bit? Let me take you out tomorrow"
He was now reaching for your hand which was wrapped around your sake cup, the heat that was rising from your chest certainly not coming from the alcohol
❀ Miya Osamu was never one to dawdle, ever the straightforward gentleman
❀ that's why he didn't waste time telling you how he adored you and your boys— and wanted to be a part of your family as soon as you would permit him
❀ he definitely changed up your weekday routine— instead of coming home with the twins after dinner at Onigiri Miya, you found yourself coming home to him and your kids cuddled up on the couch, the smell of food wafting throughout the house
❀ you take turns taking the twins to work and always made time to eat dinner together, bonding over food and the twin's milestones for the day that the other couldn't witness
❀ your hands were full with the boys starting to walk and run but your heart was definitely fuller at the sight of the grey-haired man they're always running to, toppling over him as they giggle in delight and you just can't help running into his arms as well, giving him a kiss as a silent thanks for finding you three
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❀ you were a fan of the black jackals and have been pestering your high school friend to let you meet the team for the longest time
❀ hinata did his best to slip you in between their busy training schedules and whatnot, finally introducing you to the team one weekend after their practice
❀ well, introducing your daughter first
❀ you handed her over to hinata before excusing yourself for the bathroom real quick
❀ he waltz in the locker room and i kid you not, bokuto and atsumu were all up in their faces the moment they laid eyes on her
❀ the 16 month old girl in pink wasn't too impressed
"Gimme her, I'm really good with kids" Bokuto insists while making grabby hands but your daughter only turned away and laid her head on Hinata's shoulder
"Move over, Bokkun, lemme try"
❀ you bet bokuto was dejected for the rest of the day
❀ Hinata lowered the little girl to the floor, keeping her steady as she tries to gain balance
❀ Atsumu sat on the bench near her, calling out to her with a wide grin but she only whined and turned back to Hinata to be picked up again
"Banana! D'you like bananas?" was his last resort, grabbing one from his lunch bag which Samu prepared
Her ears pricked up at the word, turning to look at him with hopeful eyes, "Pana na!"
Atsumu leaned back to the bench, his hand propped behind him as he watches her waddle over to him "Ahh she's so cute"
"Yeah, makes me want one of my own", Meian chuckled, watching the scene unfold
Your daughter reached him, patting at his thighs as she chants "Pana pana na" when she hits his pockets and a crinkling noise caught her attention
"Oh you want this instead?" he asks her, taking a piece of chocolate from his pocket
❀ he watched as your daughter's eyes light up in delight at her first taste of chocolate, drool dribbling down her chin which he quickly wiped with a tissue
❀ the team watched as the 16 month old little girl climbed up to Atsumu to settle on his thigh, happily munching on a mini snickers bar
❀ the look you had when you entered the locker room wasn't as delighted though
"Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find th— what's that in her mouth?"
"Oh, Y/N!" it was Hinata who greeted you before turning to the setter, "Atsumu-san gave her chocolate"
"You gave her WHAT?"
You could only rub your face with your hands and exhale in frustration, "Why would you give a 16 month old some chocolates? Oh my god"
❀ you explained to the team that you were avoiding giving her sugary treats so as not to get her used to it, only feeding her fruits and yogurt for snacks
❀ they all apologized in Atsumu's stead who only had a pout in his face as he murmured "I didn't know, I'm sorry" again and again
❀ you relent and tried to get your daughter from the setter, to which she whined, chocolate-covered fingers gripping at Atsumu's shirt
"She likes me" he beamed at you as if he wasn't looking as dejected as Bokuto a few moments ago
"You bribed her with sweets" you deadpanned, making Atsumu pout at you
❀ your daughter didn't want to let go of him, squealing and whining when you tried to pry her off him so you just let her cling to the faux blonde setter for the rest of your stay
"Come on, baby, it's time to go home"
You tried getting her for the nth time but she just grunted and nuzzled against Atsumu's neck
"My arms are kinda numb"
"Do you want to take Atsumu-san home?" Hinata suggests, effectively sending a wave of heat to yours and the setter's cheeks
"Uhn! Mumu-tan!" he could only chuckle nervously as she patted and squished at his flushed cheeks
❀ you decided, albeit with a drawn out sigh, to take Atsumu home with you, knowing your daughter will get fussy when she starts to feel a bit sleepy
❀ Atsumu spent the rest of the day over at your house, bouncing and playing around with the little girl as you tried to get chores done, preparing dinner for them while you're at it
❀ after eating, you went to do the dishes, noting the eerie quiet as you had your back towards the living room
❀ you spot him completely knocked out on the couch with your daughter, head dangling on the backrest as he had a hand on your daughter's back, soft snores coming from the both of them
❀ you couldn't help but smile at them, quietly sitting and leaning back beside the two as you let the peaceful quiet lull you half asleep
❀ atsumu awoke with your face in front of him and he could just trace the exhaustion from your dovish sleeping expression
"Ahh she's cute" he whispered to himself in a smile before adjusting his position, shuffling closer and pulling your head over to lean on his shoulder as he tried to continue his nap
"You two're the absolute cutest" he sighed as he nuzzled against your daughter's head, squeezing her even tighter
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @shou-kunn @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies @toosaltyforacookie @mrs-kuroojinguji
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dreamermoonshine · 3 years
Short story 4 💘❤🌇
Now United Dream the Next level 2.0 episode 21 I be there for you .... I love you
As Victoria came to Manila for visiting me before going back to London for the showcase in Wembley area I had to reflect that mistake that I have been in the past with Vic.
a/n: Be there for you is the favorite theme for Y/N and Victoria when they feeling in love and feeling down of themselves it just a ballad kpop music and another Måneskin song is vent'anni is the and kissing and sunset part is well.
As we walking into the Manila Bay before the sunset sets at 18:07pm Manila Time when the sunset arrived Me and Vic were arrived at the footpath of the Manila Bay and look around at the sunset and I had to apologise and tell her that How much I love her and miss her she told me that she bring me back to London and back to rehersals with group before the area showcase in Wembley
Victoria: Oh look at the Sunset baby we should have a look.
Y/N: Hold on Vic, I had buy something to drink
salamat po
After I buy a diet coke in plastic that's tradtion of filipino drink in the Philippines is call soft drink in plastic and Banana Q Victoria is reflecting the feelings that she in love and mistakes that has for me.
Y/N: Ciao, I brought you something
Victoria: aww grazie, Y/N what is it?
Y/N: It's coke zero on a plastic bag and Banana Q is caramelised banana stick
Victoria: oh nice and that's how Filipinos do
Y/N: We eat certain things they have only here in the Philippines.
Victoria: yeah, oh god.
And she started to crying on you
Y/n: Vic, what's wrong? why are u crying?
Victoria: I'm sorry, everything the mistake that done to you I know you been stress out of rehersal because of
Y/N: Because what
Victoria: I miss you... and I be thinking about you whlie I'm at the dorm or at the rehersals with the boys and I just wanna know that..I'm be there for you for me and hannah I will support you no matter what and
and she holds my hand
Victoria: Ti amo, Ti amo from the bottom of my heart.
then I stated crying
Y/N: I know, I know, I know I'm sorry too because I'm too much carried away because of stress that is going on at the dorm and thinking about I felt myself down because I miss my members, my friends, Hannah and you because I care about you, feelings that have been through, the sex, that love that you have gave because of you and I love you so fucking much, Victoria de Angelis and I always will till moon and back
Victoria: awww
and we both started kiss at the sunset and I feel happy that she kiss me after a four day break from the group and she will ask me that she going back to the group in London ready for the grand showcase
Victoria: So are you ready to back to London mi amore
Y/N: Fuck yes, il mio cucciolo amore
and we kept kissing and kissing and we watching the sunset and she grabbed my arm, putting her head on my shoulder and I smell her hair
Y/N: ahh Marlena,
Victoria: yeah
Y/N: what shampoo are you using because your hair so sweet and nice though you showred this morning in the condo though
Victoria: it's Ethan's sercet shampoo you had to thank him when we get home
Y/N: oh Vic, you so funny
I kiss her in the forhead instead of her hair and we watch and enjoy the last Manila sunset before leave London tomorrow then we straight back to my condo with My Puppy.
I will upgrade later
@its-afucking-mess @selenophiliaxx @wannabemarlenabutiscoraline @maneskinslave @bidet-and-legolas @teenyweenynightghost @cheese-toastie-11 @cherubinas @damianodavidwife @mywritingonlyfans @iochoventanni @ethanesimp @ethaneskin @ethantorchio @ilbxllodellavita @makeavvish @teatro-dira @cantaraiilmionome @juststalking @teatrodellavita @ventvnni @sunflowerpumpkinpie @fandomfoodiedancer @97skitten
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 18)
Chapter 18 - Is this a bad start?
Word count: 5.4k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hello! How is everyone doing? It’s July already wow how time flies ><. Also, here’s Chapter 18! I miss you all and I hope you all enjoy this one 🧡
The next day came, and it was officially your first day as a proper tutor for the YG staff that were assigned to you. You were excited for your very own session with your small group so today you arrived at work a little early.
Opening the door of your assigned meeting room, you skipped happily towards the end of the table that was directly in front of the whiteboard. Placing your bag onto the table, you took out your small bottle of perfume and started spraying the perfume at the corners of the room to get rid of the dry and unoccupied dust smell.
“I wonder if this room was ever used, like, ever,” you said to yourself since you’re pretty sure no one has used this room before.
You exited the room and stood near your new favourite spot since yesterday, the railings in front of your meeting room. You leaned against it, scanning the interior of the building and waiting for the staff that were supposed to be in your group.
 Treasure Dorm #1
“It’s almost 9am, where’s Junkyu??” Hyunsuk asked, a little concerned that he hasn’t seen Junkyu leave his room yet since they were supposed to leave early for a schedule at 10am today.
Haruto shrugged as he munched on the piece of banana in his hand, his hair uncombed and a little wet from his shower earlier.
Yoshi entered the kitchen and grabbed himself a glass of water. He was dressed in his white graphic shirt with khaki loose pants paired with his black beret.
“Hey, Yoshi, did Junkyu leave his room yet?” Hyunsuk asked.
“Oh? I’m not sure, I didn’t check,” Yoshi answered, pulling out a piece of banana for himself as well.
“Aigoo that kid. I’ll go check on him,” Hyunsuk sighed as he left the kitchen.
Hyunsuk walked up towards Junkyu’s door and knocked on it several times. “Junkyuuuu. Junkyu-aa, wake up! We have a schedule at 10 today! You better get up and get dressed,”
Hyunsuk waited for while, waiting for a response from Junkyu.
He knocked again onto the door, this time a little louder.
Hyunsuk sighed. Might as well just enter this guy’s room, he thought.
Hyunsuk twisted the doorknob and entered the room,
“Kim Junkyu—”
Hyunsuk stopped himself when he saw that Junkyu’s bed was empty. His pyjamas were laid on his gaming chair, which meant that Junkyu had already gotten up and got dressed too.
Hyunsuk looked around the room, making sure that this boy wasn’t really there. When he was 100% sure he wasn’t just imagining Junkyu’s absence, he headed back towards the kitchen to where Yoshi and Haruto were.
“Hey guys, Junkyu isn’t in his room.”
“Huh?? Where would he go this early??” Haruto asked.
“Beats me,” Hyunsuk shrugged. “I’ll give him a call to see where he is,”
 YGE Building (3rd Floor – Practice Room)
Junkyu paced to and fro in his group’s usual practice room. The air conditioner was on but Junkyu still felt restless.
He stopped walking around the room and decided to lay down on the floor. The cold floor touches his arms and Junkyu sighed out loud.
Now, why was he here so early? Sure, they were going to have a short recording for their Treasure Map episode at 10 later, but him being here 2 hours early was something rare.
Junkyu stared at the ceiling above him. Thoughts running around, making him more restless.
Junkyu groaned out frustratedly. He couldn’t sleep last night, he couldn’t bring himself to eat anything this morning, well, let’s just say he couldn’t seem to do anything because he kept thinking about his conversation with Jihoon the other day.
“Agh, this is killing me!” He yells as he sat back up onto the floor.
“Do I like y/n? Or do I not like her? Is she annoying? No….but she makes me feel weird about myself so—that means I don’t like her, right?? But then again, if I do like her…what would happen?”
That’s right, Junkyu had started arguing with his own thoughts, trying to convince himself that he doesn’t like you that way. Maybe he likes looking at you, that’s all.
Junkyu stared at his reflection in the mirror opposite him. His eyebags were showing today, and his hair looks dishevelled too.
He shook his head and started combing his hair with his fingers, trying to make it look neat like always.
“I probably just need some air,” he mumbled to himself as he stood up.
Tugging his BonBon hoodie on, he took a deep breath as he opened the door of the practice room.
His eyes were greeted by the railings in front of him. He instantly remembered how he was simply resting there yesterday and he suddenly noticed you leaning against the rails on the floor above. He remembered how surprised he was to see you since he didn’t expect you to be anywhere near their practice rooms.
Well, technically, you weren’t close, but this was as close as it could get to him.
Junkyu remembered how he decided to just stare at you yesterday, how his heart beat quickened every time you made small movements like fixing your hair or how you closed your eyes for a minute or two before getting surprised by Chani who appeared out of nowhere in his opinion.
His foot stepped forward towards the same spot he stood yesterday, eyes slowly glancing up…to see—no one on the floor above.
Junkyu felt himself breathe out a breath of relief. He chuckled to himself, thinking how crazy he felt for being so bothered by you, someone he barely knows.
Suddenly, Junkyu’s phone rang from his pocket and he pulled it out to see who was calling.
“Hello?” Junkyu said as he answered the call.
“Ahh, sorry hyung, I got up early today so I thought I might as well just leave for work early today,” he said into the phone.
“Yes, I’ll see you all later. Bye,”
Junkyu shook his head as he kept his phone into his pants pocket again after the call ended. He should’ve at least informed his dormmates that he left early, he thought. He must’ve made them worried about him just now.
Junkyu leaned back towards the railings again, wanting to rest for a bit and maybe get some air before he enters the practice room again.
His eyes roamed around the floor opposite him and slowly, he raises his head to look at the floor above.
And right at that moment, he felt his breath hitched.
He felt his body stiffened up and he couldn’t even turn away no matter how many times he kept telling himself to do so in his head.
Instead, he kept staring.
He kept staring at your figure, that was staring back at him from above.
He could see your eyes, slightly widened, probably as shocked as he was to see you there.
The both of you knew that you both were making eye contact, so there was no way to pretend this isn’t happening, he thought.
He tried blinking his eyes a couple times.
Slowly, he raised his hand and waved awkwardly at you.
He notices your gaze towards him relaxing and then slowly, he sees your soft smile forming on your lips. You waved back at him as you smiled.
Junkyu felt his face heat up, and he stopped waving at you.
That’s right. He couldn’t do this. This was too much for him to handle.
Clumsily, he backed away from his spot and he ran back inside the practice room.
As he closed the door behind him, he placed his hand on his chest. His heart was pounding so fast he could literally hear the sound beating in his ears.
He walked back towards the middle part of the room, plopping himself onto the floor to rest.
His eyes caught his own reflection in the mirror in front of him, and he noticed, his face red and his hands slightly shaking from what happened earlier.
Junkyu couldn’t get the image of you smiling back at him with that pretty smile of yours out of his mind.
He’s always thought you looked pretty when you smile. He rarely sees you smile like that when he’s around, but he had always noticed this pretty smile of yours when you were around Hyunsuk or the other younger members.
But today, for the first time, Junkyu felt like he had seen you smile the prettiest smile ever. And it was for him.
Junkyu looked at his reflection again.
“No way…Kim Junkyu…you do like y/n,” he said to himself.
 You were kneeling down to peel off the sticky paper that you noticed was sticking out from underneath your heels when you heard a phone ringing. You checked your skirt pocket and surely enough, it wasn’t your phone that was ringing. Then whose phone was it?
You stood back up and your eyes unconsciously looked over towards the other side of the building since you sensed that someone was there.
The ringing had stop and you saw on the other side, a floor lower than you, was a guy talking on the phone.
You continued staring at him because something about him seems familiar. Especially that hoodie design… You tilt your head, trying to figure out who that person is.
And just as you were leaning forward towards the railings to continue staring at the guy, he stopped talking on the phone and was looking in your direction.
That’s when both of your eyes met.
You weren’t expecting it to be him at all, hence, you were clueless on how to react. Instead, you just continued staring at him in shock.
Well, to be fair, he looked just as surprised as you were too.
You saw him slowly raising his hand and waving at you, and that’s when you felt more relaxed.
Okay, be cool, y/n. Why are you acting all nervous? It’s just Junkyu. Just raise your hand and wave back at him.
You waved back at him and smiled at him. That’s right, girl! Just smile and wave, just smile and wave.
But then, you saw Junkyu’s expression stiffened and then out of sudden he dashed off into the door behind him, almost tripping at it too.
Your hand still in the air, you frowned. You felt confused as to what just happened.
 YGE Building / Lunchtime (Cafeteria Balcony)
You were resting your head on the table, eyes closed and enjoying the quiet surroundings when suddenly a voice startled you.
You furrowed your eyebrows and lift your head up to see Chani with a tray full of food in his hands.
“What is it? Why are you being so loud??” You asked him, shooting him a glare.
Chani placed his tray onto the table and pulled out the chair opposite of you. He lets out a heavy sigh and pulled his drink closer to him so he could sip on it.
Still shooting him a glare, you waited for him to explain why he woke you up from your short relaxing nap.
Chani wiped his chopsticks with the serviette he had gotten from the cafeteria earlier and started mixing his rice with his side dishes. His eyes glanced up to look at you.
“Now, the real question here is that—why aren’t you eating anything,” he said matter-of-factly, making you roll your eyes at him.
“I’m not hungry. Now shut up and let me go back to napping,” you huffed as you rest your head onto the table again.
Chani clicked his tongue and decided to pull your hair so that you wouldn’t go back to napping.
“Ow! Hey, what gives??” you said, half-yelling. Your hand rubbed your head at where he had tugged your hair earlier.
“No way. I’m not letting you nap. You still have 4 hours left of work and you need the energy from food, not from sleeping! You can sleep at night later on,” he nagged at you.
You grumbled back at him. “Fine, fine. I’ll go get myself some food.”
Chani eyed you and you shifted in your seat slightly.
“Okay fine, you got me. I’m not getting up to get any food. To be honest, I’m not in the mood to eat anything right now, Chani,”
Chani stared at you for a while before letting out a sigh. “Okay then. Don’t get up then,”
Chani spooned some rice from his bowl and lifted it up to your face.
“Eat some from mine then.”
You sighed. “Chani I told you—”
“I know, and I’m not telling you to go get yourself a full course meal from inside. Now eat up before I start another series of nagging here,”
“Okay, okay! Sheesh, you’re pushy,” you muttered as you leaned forward and ate up the food from his spoon.
“Good girl.” He smiled at you before he starts eating his own food again.
You looked away from him and chewed on the rice in your mouth slowly.
Chani continued eating a few spoonsful before he asked you, “Hey, is everything alright?”
You swallowed your food and pointed at his drink, in which he nodded at you, implying that he’s letting you drink it.
You grabbed the glass and took a big gulp from the drink.
“Whoa there, slow down, that’s still mine,” he reminded you.
“Sorry,” you said as you placed his glass down onto the table again.
“Uhuh, sure. Now, what happened? Why do you look so glum?”
“I don’t know Chani…today…didn’t really go as I expected it to be…”
“What? But you were so excited about today! I had to listen to you talk about your whole module plans for a whole 15 MINUTES yesterday!”
“It’s just 15 minutes, Chani. Don’t make it sound that bad,” you scowled at him.
“15 minutes of you talking about something I have no interest in? It felt like I was in prison, y/n,”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Whatever, Chani.”
“Ugh, look at you and your grumpy attitude. It’s like our first lunch together all over again,” he chuckled.
You pushed your hair to the back of your ears and sighed out heavily again.
“Hmm,” Chani said as he chewed on his food. “Let me take a guess. Your group members are all uncooperative,”
You shook your head.
“They all slept throughout your session?”
“Oh my god.” Chani dropped his spoon into his bowl as his eyes widened. “DID THEY HARRASS YOU??”
“Shh! No! Now chill! You don’t have to shout!” You said, trying to calm him down.
“I mean, you were all glum! What else could it be??”
“Chani—nothing happened today, okay??”
He scoffed at you. “Puh-lease. Nothing??”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Yes, Chani. Nothing happened! You know why? Nothing could happen, since there was no one in my group!” you said, your eyes tearing up at this point.
Chani saw your frustrated expression and stopped for a minute.
You blinked back your tears, not wanting to cry in front of your friend. You reached out to grab Chani’s drink and sipped on it slowly, your eyes avoiding his.
Chani stared at you, his face filled with confusion. “Just how…Wait, what do you mean you have no one in your group??”
 “Teu-bye!!” All the 12 boys said as they waved at the camera.
“And, cut! Good job, everyone! You’re all dismissed!” the director said to everyone in the room.
The boys thanked everyone in the room before they took off their mics and proceeding to pick up their bags from the back of the room.
“Hahah! You have some flour on your hair!” Jihoon said as he dusted off the flour stain off his best friend’s head.
“Speak for yourself, you have some colouring on your shirt,” Junkyu pointed out back at him.
Jihoon looked down and noticed the red spots on his shirt. “Aw man. That’s not gonna come off easily.”
Junkyu chuckled at his best friend. “Where are you headed later? You don’t have any schedules, right?”
“Nah, we can all head home now. I checked everyone’s schedule today. The only thing we had today was TMap recording.”
“Okay. Wanna go grab some early dinner?”
Jihoon slip on his bag on his shoulder and nods at Junkyu. “Sure. I’ll ask the rest if they want to join as well,”
Junkyu nods at this. “Sure. I’ll wait outside.”
 Junkyu watched as his best friend jogged towards him.
“The rest said they’ll just order from home. I guess it’s just the two of us.”
“Alright then.”
Jihoon wrapped his arm around Junkyu’s shoulder. “So, anything you have in mind?”
Junkyu shrugged. “I don’t know…maybe some garlic tteokbokki?”
“Aigoo, that again, huh? Sure sure,” Jihoon said as he grinned.
Junkyu smiled back at him and the both of them headed towards their usual tteokbokki spot not far from their apartment complex area.
 After their super early dinner, Junkyu and Jihoon decided to just walk back to their apartment complex since it wasn’t too far from their dinner spot earlier.
As they leisurely walked home, the both of them talked about the incidents that happened during their recording today, mostly all the funny moments.
“Did you notice how Doyoung accidentally whisked Asahi’s team’s batter instead just now? Because of that, his team had to rush and work on their batter extra time!” Jihoon said as he laughed out loud.
Junkyu too, laughed at this. “No wonder his cake didn’t bake in time!”
“Oh, oh, Hyunsuk’s cake! He wanted to mix blue and red colouring to make purple frosting but he accidentally poured green instead of blue!!” Junkyu added, still laughing.
“Huwaaaaaa my cake!!! It’s all smurfed up now!!” Jihoon imitated Hyunsuk’s wails from their recording earlier.
“Hahahahaha! You sound exactly like him!” Junkyu laughed harder.
The both of them enjoyed talking and laughing until they reached the front gate of their apartment complex.
Jihoon suddenly stopped walking.
“Jihoon? What’s wrong?” Junkyu asked.
“Aish! I forgot to buy some bread for the kids in my dorm! I totally forgot we finished up ours this morning,” Jihoon answered.
“Ahh. Do you want to run back to that convenience store down the block? We can go back there,”
Jihoon shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine. I can go on my own. I’m pretty sure you’re tired too, right?”
Junkyu shrugged at this. Honestly he doesn’t mind it if Jihoon had wanted him to tag along.
“It’s fineee! Now, hurry back. Get some rest,” Jihoon said, his eye-smile showing.
Jihoon immediately walks off outside the gate of their apartment complex and as he went, he managed to turn around and tell his best friend to proceed going home another time.
Junkyu watched as his best friend’s figure got further and further from his view.
Shrugging to himself, he continued walking towards the front part of his apartment block.
 You smiled as you waved goodbye towards the cats that you had just fed.
One of the cats purred loudly and started rubbing its head at your leg and you giggled to yourself, thinking that this act of clinginess was just too cute to resist.
“Okay fine! 5 more minutes, and then I’ll head up, okay?” you said as you kneeled back onto the ground, watching over the cats that ate up the wet food you had bought on your way back from work earlier.
You petted the clingy cat and smiled at them all, feeling at peace after what had happened today.
Truthfully, you had felt a bit down since no one had entered your meeting room at all today.
Did they get lost? Were they not informed of you being their tutor??
These thoughts kept running in your mind the whole day.
At first you thought that maybe these staff had another meeting to attend and that maybe they would show up for your session after lunchtime, but alas, you literally spent the whole day staring at your own reflection in your meeting room and with no one else at all with you.
You sighed as you stood back up from your position earlier. The cats in front of you stopped eating and glanced over at you.
“I hope you enjoyed the food,” you smiled. “I’ll come back tomorrow, okay?”
You turned around to head back towards the front entrance of your apartment block, which was only a few steps away from where you were since you were just feeding the cats at the side of the entrance.
As you got close to the front entrance, your eyes landed onto a familiar figure walking up towards the entrance as well.
The both of you stopped in your tracks, both making eye contact with each other now.
 The both of you stood in front of the elevator doors, waiting for the elevator to come down from the top floor of the building.
The both of you decided to just wait for the elevators together since you both had bumped into each other. It’s not like any of you could run off, right? Because that would have been super awkward.
But then again, as you stood there beside him, his tall height looming beside you, you felt small and awkward. Maybe it’s because it’s never been just the two of you alone, you thought.
As the both of you stood there in silence, you subtly looked at the guy beside you, noticing that up close, this close, Junkyu looked like one of those perfect dream boyfriends that people would go crazy for. Okay, let’s just admit it, Junkyu is indeed a good-looking person. You wouldn’t deny it, when you first met Junkyu, you thought he was indeed handsome. But then, you also knew that the both of you never really talked much to each other. You had always been close with the other members, but Junkyu? It’s almost like as if there was a wall built in between the both of you.
Why is it like that?
“It’s on it’s way down now,” his voice said, startling you.
You immediately looked straight at the elevator doors, hoping that he didn’t notice you had been staring at him for the past 5 minutes.
“Uh, okay. Thanks,” you muttered under your breath.
Again, your mind went back to thinking. Why was it that among the rest of the members, Junkyu was the only person you had trouble being friends with? Are you both that different from each other?
But then, you suddenly remembered how cold Junkyu had treated you at times. Sometimes you notice him giving you looks that showed how much he despised you, but then again…sometimes, he acted normally around you. Like today. He waved at you today, didn’t he? That’s not a sign of him hating you, no?
DING! The elevator door opened up in front of the both of you.
The both of you entered it at the same time.
Junkyu stood at the side, near the buttons panel.
“6th floor, right?” Junkyu asked.
“Y-yeah. 6th.”
Junkyu reached out his finger to press the 6th and 16th floor buttons.
“Oh? Green,” you said in all of a sudden, making Junkyu turn around to look at you.
“Oh, sorry. I mean, uh, your hand. It’s green,” you stammered. You lift your finger to point at the green coloured stain on his hand.
“Oh, that,” he said. “We had a bake-off for our TMap recording today,” he chuckled.
“T…Map…?” you asked him, not understanding the abbreviation.
“Treasure Map,”
“Oh! Yeah, that. Your show,” you said to him.
Junkyu nodded at you and then the both of you kept quiet again.
“Have you ever seen TMap?” Junkyu asked, in all of a sudden.
“Uhh, well, to be honest…no.”
This made Junkyu turn his head to look at you, a shocked look on his face. “Not even one episode??”
You shook your head. “No…I mean, don’t get me wrong! I know who you guys are, I’ve listened to your songs and I love your songs but well, I never got the chance to watch any of the episodes because well, I don’t watch videos much…”
This made Junkyu blinked several times, his face showing that he was thinking hard, trying to understand what you said.
DING! The elevator stopped at the 6th floor.
The door opens and you slowly made your way out. Junkyu, oblivious that this was your floor and not his, followed you, walking by your side.
“Wait, if you don’t watch videos, what do you do when you have free time??”
“Well, I read books, listen to songs, clean the house, take walks…” your voice drifting when you realised how Junkyu might be seeing you as a pretty boring person by now.
“But you have a TV! Don’t you watch anything on that thing??” he asked, still baffled with your sense of entertainment.
You stopped in your tracks. “Well, the TV… I well, I… I don’t really know how to work it…”
Junkyu shot you a weird look. “What?”
“It’s difficult to figure out the stations! There’s the mode, the channel, the freaking satellite button, like, which ones should I press anyways??” You complained, slightly in a nagging voice.
Unconsciously, Junkyu grinned at your complaint. “Look, you could’ve asked us you know. We’ve been over to your house couple times now,”
“And look like an idiot? Uhh, no way,” you scoffed.
Junkyu smiled a little at your response.
You looked around you and realised that you had been stopping for a while now and that you were only couple doors away from your apartment unit.
“Oh gosh, this is my floor,” you said, slightly embarrassed as to how you had made Junkyu followed you until here.
“Oh, right. I forgot we don’t live on the same floor,”
You nodded at this. “Well,” you huffed. “This was nice…Junkyu. Thank you for walking me up to…my floor?” you chuckled, not knowing how to describe the situation you both were in.
Junkyu pursed his lips and smiled at you with his cute smile. “Sure. I’ll see you around then. Bye,”
You walked in front of him and turned to wave at him.
Junkyu raised his hand and waves back.
“Oh, right! I still have your shirt with me,” you called out to him now that the both of you are further away from each other.
“Nah, you can give it to me some other time. I better be heading home now.”
“Okay. Bye Junkyu!” you said with a smile.
“Bye!” Junkyu waved at you as he entered the elevator doors again.
As the elevator doors closed, Junkyu breathed a sigh of relief. He felt…less nervous?
When he bumped into you earlier, he was panicking on the inside because he wasn’t sure if he could navigate any conversations with you. But then, after just now, he felt that talking to you wasn’t that bad at all. In fact, talking to you felt so natural its as if you were a friend he had known for a year or two.
Maybe talking to you isn’t that bad after all. Maybe if he had tried to talk to you more often before, he could’ve been close to you like the others do. And maybe…just maybe, if the two of you had gotten close before, you would’ve liked him too, he thought.
 Treasure’s Apartment floor (16th floor)
Outside Dorm #1
Jihoon rang the doorbell of his best friend’s dorm.
He heard footsteps approaching and as expected, the door opened and Jihoon saw Junkyu behind it.
“Man, why’d you ring the doorbell? You know the combination lock to this dorm, right?”
Jihoon grinned at his best friend. “That’s because I’m not here to visit. I’m here to give you all these,” he pointed out to the bag of bread he was holding in his hand.
“Oh? But I thought you went to buy these for your dorm??”
“I bought extras, silly. Here, here, take two of these,” he said as he shoved two packs of bread into Junkyu’s hands.
Junkyu clumsily received the breads from his hyung, “Uhh, thanks,”
“No problem!” Jihoon smiled. “I’m heading back now,”
“Uh, wait! Jihoon-hyung,” Junkyu called out to him before he could leave.
“Hm? What is it?”
Junkyu looked over behind him and quietly stepped outside his front door. Closing the door behind him, he spoke to Jihoon in a soft tone, “I uh, I bumped into y/n just now after you left,”
“Oh?? Really now?” Jihoon’s teasing smile formed on his face.
“And well, we uh, talked. Like normal people do.”
“Of course,” Jihoon nodded, still smiling.
“I think…y/n doesn’t make me uncomfortable in a bad way anymore…”
“Aww look at you! You’re all grown up!” Jihoon teased him as he ruffles Junkyu’s hair.
Junkyu felt himself blush and so he defensively replied to his friend, “Hey, hey. I just said we talked like normal people that’s all! Nothing more to that!”
Jihoon tilt his head slightly, a soft smile on his face now. “And that means…you don’t hate y/n, right?”
“What, no! I don’t hate her,”
“Yup, and this means you like her?”
“Yeah, I guess it means that—HEY, WHAT??” Junkyu said, almost screaming since his best friend almost tricked him into admitting that he has feelings for you.
Jihoon laughed out loud seeing his best friend’s flustered behaviour now. “I’m just messing with you! Don’t get all worked up over this,” he said still laughing.
Junkyu pouts at this. “Just go home already, Park Jihoon,”
“Haha sure, sure,”
As Jihoon turned around to leave, once again, Junkyu called out to him.
“Yes, Junkyu?” he turned around.
“Do you know how to shop for girl stuff online?”
Jihoon looked at him in disbelief. “Whoa Kim Junkyu…what happened to you,”
“Not for me, silly! It’s for y/n…Like you said, I ruined her shirt that day…so I was thinking of buying her something to make up for it.”
“Ahh, I see,”
“Could you maybe help guide me with the buying process later?”
Jihoon shook his head, amused with his best friend’s cute attitude. “Yeah, sure. Just let me know when you want to shop, okay?”
“Okay!” Junkyu said cheerfully.
 Treasure Dorm #2 (Jihoon, Mashiho, Doyoung, Jeongwoo)
“I’m homeeeee” Jihoon chimed as he entered their front door.
“Welcome home!” Jeongwoo’s voice responded from the living room.
After taking off his shoes and arranging them on his shoe rack, Jihoon entered the living room to see Jeongwoo sitting on the sofa, staring at the screen of his laptop.
“What are you watching?” Jihoon asked.
“Just a video Yoshi-hyung shared to me just now,” he said, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“Okay.” Jihoon proceeded towards the kitchen and placed the bread he bought onto the kitchen counter.
He washed his hands at the kitchen sink, drying them with a paper towel right after.
Jeongwoo, who had finished watching the short video on his laptop, showed up in the kitchen.
“Oh? Hyung, why’d you buy us more bread? I thought we still have some left from the ones Mashiho-hyung bought yesterday,” he said as he checked out the paper bag that Jihoon had placed on the kitchen counter.
“Ah, I must have forgotten we still had some,” Jihoon chuckled. “Oh, by the way, did my package arrive today?”
“Yup, I kept it in your room. What’s inside it?” Jeongwoo asked, being his usual curious self.
“It’s nothing special,” Jihoon said as he grinned at his dongsaeng.
“The box looks pretty fancy, hyung. It has yellow flowers painted all over it, are you sure it’s not special?” Jeongwoo said as he looked at his hyung, sceptically.
“You know how much I like flower designs, right? I asked for the limited-edition box, that’s all. I wanted to pair up the box with some of Romy’s merch. Don’t you think it fits Romy?” he answered Jeongwoo with a soft grin on his face.
“I guess it does fit Romy…Are you gonna put in your Kaikai Kiki merch in there too?”
Jihoon shrugged. “Maybe, I’ll see if it fits,”
“Heh, sounds cool. Oh! Something funny happened at school today!”
“Aigoo Jeongwoo-yaa, you’re crowding me. I need to go shower up,” Jihoon nagged playfully at him.
“Aww come on, hyung! Hear me out for a bit, I promise this one is funny!” Jeongwoo whined as he chased after Jihoon that was already heading out of the kitchen.
 To be continued…
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