#im a music fan and maybe a devoted fangirl but i will not hesitate to say when i dont like things
myvillainfam · 2 years
My review of XH's Overload!!
First I'll be giving my first thoughts of the song, typing whatever comes to mind. I'll have my actual review right after. This is a long post so if you don't feel like reading everything, I'll be leaving my overall thoughts of the album and a ranking at the very bottom! :)
Oooo groovy!! GUNIL!!! oh~ okay~ is that ode?? damn okAY JUNGSU!! Tralalala bring it back! Yesssss SING THOSE LYRICS LIKE YOU OWN THEM (cuz you technically do) There's the part from the teaser!!! Ahhh it's so good. Very pop rock!!! The rap part! Ode wtf do you mean you don't know what you did? SIR YOU SLAYED MY HEART. I'M BACK ONLINE FEELING LIKE THE AIR~!!! GOING DEEPER AND DEEPER INTO THE CONNECTION~!!! BANANA GIREO GIREO GI~REO GIREOGI(and I can't make out the rest. forgive me I don't know Korean) THATS IT??? wish it was longer TT_TT
Actual review: 10/10
I loved it! I was a bit hesitant when I heard this song in the album teaser because I though it would sound to much like generic pop. But I'm pleasantly surprised! It's very much in the genre of music I listen to, pop rock!! I also felt a Day6 influence, whether or not they actually intended it. This song is wacky and very fun. It gets you ready to party! It's a great start to the album!
Hair Cut
I listen to this from their comeback show case. Unfortunately I did not write down my first thoughts. But here's my review on it:
Definitely leans more to the rock genre but honestly I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. The bridge was beautiful—the best part in my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised to hear if this song was made with Hello, world! mini album. It has those HW! elements in there. I do like the song but its not the one I'd listen to the most. Score out of ten? 7/10
As I queue this one, I wanna say that I really like how XH explained this song. It sounded like they really had fun making this track. Here go my stream of thoughts!
Interesting. Beginning notes remind me of a "spooky" song. AHH I wasn't expecting that scream LMAO. low-key scared me. oh okay starting with gaon! I'm enjoying the guitar. oh going slower. building up for the chorus? im still hearing the "spooky" sound lol. Oh! oh! bass drop??? YESSS!!! I'm just keeping it right~! this part really reminds me of the band All Time Low, maybe their For Baltimore song? No, but definitely something off of that album, Don't Panic (btw i really recommend to listen to this album if you haven't. its my favorite ATL one) WOW very emotional bridge! The ending was too abrupt! I expected more! I'm too greedy lol
Actual review: 10/10
I think this is my favorite song off of the album. It's just reminiscent of many rock (read emo) bands I used to listen to. After a few more listens, I don't think its very spooky but it's a song I'd listen to when I'd want to feel badass lol. There's just something about this song that really gets me excited.
Crack in the mirror
LMAO the beginning guitar sound reminded me of the Knight Rider theme song. OH OKAY EXCUSE ME I FEEL ATTACKED. MR LEE YOUR VOICE IS GREAT. GIVE MORE LINES TO JUN HAN HE SOUNDS AMAZING (or is that gaon?? either way damn) okaayyyyy giving some bad boy energy i see yall. AHHHH THE GUITAR REMINDS ME OF BMTH ahhhhh i live for this harder rock!!! GAON YOUR ENGLISH IS SO GOOD i melt every time i hear this man sing in english. he has a good deep voice that is just chefs kiss rewinded just to hear that part again and his voice reminded me of Andy Black. ode also has very fluent intonations in his english. if i didnt know anything about this kband I would have thought that gaon and ode would be the english speakers. OMG THE BRIDGE THESE DUDES REALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM
Actual review: 10/10
Another song where i feel badass! This one was hard for me to compare with the rest. I really loved the way it sounded. It goes hard. The vocals in this one are just amazing. I think this one would be one of the songs I would recommend to people that aren't really into Kpop but are willing to give it a try.
ANOTHER SPOOKY VIBES ONE. this time its more like scary clown. IM TELLING YOU GAON'S ENGLISH IS HEAVEN. this whistle part has been stuck in my head this WHOLE DAY (since i saw the showcase. the whistle is ADDICTING. i really like the chorus. ode!! i love hearing him rap. THIS SECOND PRECHORUS DAMN. IM BROKEN~! *whistle*
Actual review: 10/10
Ah I don't even know how to properly put this one into words. It's GOOD! There's a tad bit of aggressiveness in this song with a bit of desperation??? Like I said I'm not sure how to explain it. (I'm looking for the translation of the lyrics maybe that will help me) Okay so it seems that I got the interpretation right. I can think of it like a tragic love where the lover dies or the narrator cuts them out because of their toxicity (i'm leaning toward the latter). Anyways it's a very beautiful song. The whistle is what pulls me in with the "i'm broken~" lyrics. It's paired beautifully.
LAST ONE!!! i'm not ready for this album to end. i'm having fun listening.
OKAY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. UMMMM GAON????? theres a reason this man is my bias wrecker. SPOOKY VIBES IM TELLING YOU oh oh this chorus!!! the prechorus!!! the bass in the second verse!!!!! vibing with this song. JOOYEON THAT BRIDGE WITH JUNGSU. i mean they are the main vocalists for a reason
Actual Review: 8/10
Ah the song where Jungsu said he wanted to play on Christmas. I think it's too creppy to that but it still sounds sort of Christmas-y? This is one of those songs that I don't really know how to feel about it. I guess it kinda has one of those vibes like the Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a "spooky" song but also not at the same time??? It's a good song but idk if I'd rate it top 3.
Overall Thoughts and Ranking:
I really enjoyed this album way more than Hello, world! Their progress from that album to this one is really astonishing. I really did enjoy this album and I've been listening to it on repeat. With that being said, this was a very hard album to rank it tracks mainly because I really got into it after listening them on repeat. It's a solid album. The first track really gets you pumped for the rest of the album that just blows you away. Most of the tracks are really on the same level as each other but if I had to put them into a list of which I liked the best on the first listen it would be this:
Crack in the mirror
Hair Cut
I'm not actually satisfied with this ranking mainly because each song has their own uniqueness that shines thru if your listening for different things.
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