#baldoni vs lively
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saveme-storybrooke-potc · 21 days ago
the Baldoni vs Lively/Reynolds lawsuit is EIGHT TIMES the amount of DeppvsHeard OH MY GOSH
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bigleoenergy · 1 month ago
The patriarchy is inescapable because people would rather jump to assume Blake Lively is either lying about being assaulted or wanted it initially just because she has a history of being annoying and mean over like actual evidence
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nottcommitting · 2 months ago
mastermind activity is Ryan Reynolds dancing to Bye Bye Bye, by NSYNC {JUSTIN timberlake's group} in the opening sequence to his Deadpool & Wolverine movie, while he literally murders contracted special ops
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Blake and Ryan's PR Games :
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Jan 16, 2025
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horizon-verizon · 1 month ago
Did you catching up with Blake and justin drama? Can't believe dany would be mention in this drama lol.
I did see Blake mention Dany, and I was not-so surprised bc Dany is a cultural phenomenon. Dany is a source of inspiration for the girls, gays, theys, and anyone who happens to understand or need political revolution. Blake is a woman, albeit a white wone but yes they too can love a powerful young female dragonrider who rises to where she is now on wit & belief in herself, from abuses conventionally used against children and women that would have killed her otherwise. As privileged as someone like Blake is, a woman like her is still going to have conditions of oppression. When oppressive or perceivingly oppressive stuff happens, all these groups mentioned will inevitably think of or mention Dany. I have from time to time.
Now whether or not she's simply mentioning Dany for public support (I know lots of people wondered or just believe so), idk. It could be BOTH that she always loved Dany or admired her and she sees how people hate her, sees PoCs and Black women love Dany (the demo that notably joined to say that Blake is a typical white woman manipulator or implied such from their own experiences coupled with Blake's very stupid choice to marry on a slave plantation), sees she could lose the war of public opinion like Amber Heard under Baldoni's smear caimpaign, and choose to publically try to drawpeople in simultaneously.
Either way, unless she makes a pattern of just throwing beloved female characters on the wall & demonstrates insincerity, I don't think it's that big of a deal.
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yourgoldennotebook · 2 months ago
you know what gets me? it isn't that justin baldoni is a fucking creep. he's a white man who likes to randomly sage people against their consent, fine. but the fact that this premeditated, targeted smear campaign was spearheaded by two women who knew, in no uncertain terms, precisely what this man and his buddy, jamey heath, were doing? i feel violated and betrayed and disgusted on so many different levels.
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anienirvana · 28 days ago
Justin Baldoni vs Blake Lively
All the tea!!!
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jeshaisabookworm · 20 days ago
Smear Campaign Against Blake Lively Real? | BLAKE LIVELY VS JUSTIN BALDONI
My short opinion is the question would be no. Given the subject matter of the movie she was starring in it would be ridiculous to promote a beverage line and hair care. The movie is an adaptation of a book that discusses the tribulations and psyche behind a domestic abuse victim. Transitioning from victim to survivor and the struggle that came with such trauma. It was tacky and distasteful when…
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saveme-storybrooke-potc · 1 month ago
So what's everyone's opinions on the Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, and Justin Baldoni drama?
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nottcommitting · 2 months ago
i find all of this absolutely insane too because Justin Baldoni literally has a non profit organization / podcast about men showing accountability. is Man Enough a fucking joke to him????
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elyalovi · 6 months ago
La pelea de Blake Lively y Justin Baldoni es fascinante desde el enfoque de relaciones públicas y de marketing. "Rompiendo el Círculo", una película que trata sobre la violencia doméstica, tuvo una campaña promocional caótica. Por un lado, el director de la película, Justin Baldoni, hablaba sobre el tema central, mientras que por otro, Blake Lively y el resto del elenco, incluyendo a la autora del libro Collen Hoover, han sido acusados de trivializar el tema de fondo promocionando la película como si fuera una película romántica que puedes ver con tus amigas. Todo este drama detrás de fondo aun no termina, pero ya está malogrando la reputaciones de ambos. 
Temas en el video:
¿Quién es Justin Baldoni y qué otras controversias ha tenido? 
¿Quién es Blake Lively y qué controversias ha tenido? 
¿Por qué se pelearon Justin y Blake? 
El caótico tour promocial de "Rompiendo el círculo".
Barbenheimer y la Deadpool-ción de "Rompiendo el círculo"
Las teorías sobre el aislamiento de Justin y por qué se vendió la película como una romántica 
La insensibilidad de Blake 
Blake vs Justin: Reputaciones arruinadas
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lobotomiesatclaires · 2 months ago
I am shaking as I write this. I dont know if I will keep this up. But I feel like I need to write this. The Blake vs Baldoni case makes me remember something.
Now, I am not saying that Blake or Baldoni are innocent or haven't done things that were rude, ect. That not what I am here to argue. But when I look at the 'receipts' of Blake Lively in the text messages, it reminds me of how I was silenced when I dealt with inappropriate behavior in my first college. I think so often women have to make themselves small and agreeable in a situation in order to survive an ordeal. Then after that ordeal is over, our behavior in making that situation bearable is used against us without considering what it was like to be in that situation.
For me, I had another 'pickme' woman as my thesis supervisor and she did everything to sabotage me. She never read my thesis drafts and left me sitting outside her office when I had booked a meeting only to show up half an hour late. Sometimes she wouldn't show up at all. I had another lecturer who made very inappropriate sexual comments about me and surrounding me (one in particular I remember him asking me would I do sexual favors for him in order to get him drugs, since I was a girl and could get them easier for him). When I made it clear in a polite way that I was not interested (in either him or the drugs) suddenly my grades took a sharp decline in his class.
In the final months of my degree during COVID, I had to deal with a group project that had two people drop out due to severe mental health issues (including suicidal issues) and I, as the woman of the project, had to undertake three other peoples workloads to get our group project over the line, only to be given the same low grade as the rest of the group who skated by on my hard work.
When I was putting in all my work for submission I was told that It was bad practice to leave out the acknowledgements section thanking members of staff and that I could be marked down if I didn't. So I had to thank members of staff who made my life hell during that time so I would not be penalized more. Additionally when I sent in my complaint discussing the failures I had experienced, that exact acknowledgment was used in their rebuttal against me to make me look like I was just a crazy angry woman. That I was annoyed that I hadnt got a higher grade. It was used to smear my name in the industry I wanted to go into (which is very small and tightknit) and everyone in my course believed the rumors about me, that I was just a bitch that deserved what I got. I was only 21.
I was so demoralized by the situation I began to believe all the lies about me, that I was talentless, that I should have tried harder (despite the fact the year nearly killed me) and despite the fact I was not the only person who filed a complaint, it was all in my head. The other person who filed a complaint did so anon so they never received the backlash I did.
It was only till I did my Masters and met all my wonderful masters lecturers that I realized how horrifically I had been failed in my previous course. To go from a thesis supervisor who was so steeped in internalized misogyny that (in my mind) she felt threatened by another woman and wanted to slam the door in my face (metaphorically), to a man who was aware of internalized bias and intersectionality and did his best to uplift me. It was such a change to go from being under a lecturer (who in my mind) was angry that I was not stupid enough to sleep with him and tried to punish me, to a masters course and college which actively combated these behaviors in their college. I went from a bachelors course which punished me for trying to speak out by awarding me with the lowest grade without failing me to getting an honor's degree award in my masters. An establishment is only as strong as its complaints department, one of my masters lecturers once said to me. I fully understand why she said that now.
When I see those messages of Blake Lively with a friendly tone in her messages to Baldoni, to the assurances that she is okay on set, I am brought back to my 19 and 20 year old self freezing when my lecturer begins to tell me about the issues in his relationship and how 'men are not meant to be monogamous' and chatting about how sexy I am while inviting himself along with other lecturers to a student meetup at the local bar. I had always thought it was weird but I tried to be friendly because I was too young to know any better. I feel really sick when I look back. But at the time too many people in the college, workplace, and in my course normalized it and made me feel weird for bringing it up. Years later I heard from another person who had attended the same bachelors course, that allegedly, the lecturer in question had to step back into a minor assistant role due to sleeping with a first year student. He later then moved colleges, running overseas where he could start afresh. I cant say whether or not the allegation of him sleeping with a student is true but for me, it rings true of my experience of him. I wonder if the college had taken me seriously, would that have saved another girl from my experience or worse.
It could come out that this is all Blake's fault. It could be that she is the devil that people are so quick to call her. I recognize that she at times was weird and rude and unlikable. But its so easy to just look at a message of a woman being agreeable or kind and write off that she is comfortable and happy. You never get to see the full picture. I wish she hadn't cut messages and misrepresented conversations as she did with emojis and such. But very often its a catch 20/20 for women and minorities when we expect them to smother their own discomfort for everyone else comfort. As an autistic woman I look at interviews with Blake and feel an awkward kinship with how gawky she comes across. She has been rude in interviews, sure, and tone deaf but so have many of your male heartthrobs.
I consistently look back at my bachelors college experience and think 'maybe if I hadn't have laughed at his joke to make everyone comfortable' or 'maybe I shouldn't have given my real opinion' or 'maybe I shouldn't have shown I was upset' maybe then, I would have been likable enough to warrant protection.
To be honest I don't know.
'Everybody supports women until a woman's doing better than you
Everybody wants you to love yourself until you actually do
It was something about her hair, so perfectly fallen She was nice, and smart, and funny, and got everything she wanted
And she does charity, isn't that the most obnoxious thing you've heard?' - Sofia Isella
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Artwork : Hanging Between 11 and 12 Sunday Service - Artist - Amber Cohen
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bitchesgetriches · 11 months ago
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Retirement and How to Retire
How to start saving for retirement
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Procrastinating on Opening a Retirement Account? Here’s 3 Ways That’ll Fuck You Over.
Season 4, Episode 5: “401(k)s Aren’t Offered in My Industry. How Do I Save for Retirement if My Employer Won’t Help?”
How To Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment 
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
The Financial Order of Operations: 10 Great Money Choices for Every Stage of Life
Advanced retirement moves
How to Painlessly Run the Gauntlet of a 401k Rollover
The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting
Ask the Bitches: “Can I Quit With Unvested Funds? Or Am I Walking Away From Too Much Money?”
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 4, Episode 8: “I’m Queer, and Want To Find an Affordable Place To Retire. How Do I Balance Safety With Cost of Living?” 
How Dafuq Do Couples Share Their Money? 
Ask the Bitches: “Do Women Need Different Financial Advice Than Men?”
From HYSAs to CDs, Here’s How to Level Up Your Financial Savings
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?” 
Speaking of advanced money moves, make sure you’re not funneling money to The Man through unnecessary account fees. Roll over your old retirement accounts FO’ FREE with our partner Capitalize:
Roll over your retirement fund with Capitalize
Investing for the long term
When Money in the Bank Is a Bad Thing: Understanding Inflation and Depreciation
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
Investing Deathmatch: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA
Investing Deathmatch: Stocks vs. Bonds 
Wait… Did I Just Lose All My Money Investing in the Stock Market? 
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)
The FIRE Movement, Explained 
Your Girl Is Officially Retiring at 35 Years Old
The Real Story of How I Paid off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years 
My First 6 Months of Early Retirement Sucked Shit: What They Don’t Tell You about FIRE
Bitchtastic Book Review: Tanja Hester on Early Retirement, Privilege, and Her Book, Work Optional
Earning Her First $100K: An Interview with Tori Dunlap 
We’ll periodically update this list with new links as we continue writing about retirement. And by “periodically,” we mean “when we remember to do it.” Maybe remind us, ok? It takes a village.
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Holy Justin Baldoni that’s a lot of lengthy, well-researched, thoughtful articles on the subject of retirement. It sure took a lot of time and effort to finely craft all them words over the last five years!
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whitegownsandflowercrowns · 2 months ago
I��m reading the lawsuit now. I’m not sure. How can I tell if it’s legit vs lies?
Genuine thanks for this question and not just immediately assuming that she's lying.
Look, at the end of the day, none of us were there. The only people that know what truly went down are the people that were on that set (which is true of any lawsuit), but here's what's really convincing me.
First things first, Baldoni hired Melissa Nathan back in August to run his public relations (and this article even mentions the allegations that he made Lively uncomfortable). Nathan worked for Johnny Depp during his defamation trial against Amber Heard, and it has been found that a technique called "astroturfing" was used against Heard on social media during this trial. Astroturfing is defined as "the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public." Basically, artificially creating hate or hype for a public figure but making it seem organic. If you remember the Depp/Heard trial, you remember how much social media seemed to turn against her. If you remember this summer, you remember how much social media seemed to turn against Blake Lively. The fact that the same public relations team was on the other side of both alleged smear campaigns is a red flag.
Second, the text messages that have been released between Baldoni and the PR team are, in my opinion, incredibly damning. One member of the team, Jennifer Abel, texted Nathan "I think you guys need to be tough and show the strength of what you guys can do in these scenarios. He wants to feel like she can be buried." Nathan responded "Of course - but you know when we send over documents we can't send over the work we will or could do because that could get us in a lot of trouble. We can't write we will destroy her. Imagine if a document saying all the things that he wants ends up in the wrong hands. You know we can bury anyone." Right below are some screenshots from the New York Times article:
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Later texts also involve praise for this article
Now, is it possible that all of these texts have been faked? Of course. But they are also lengthy (I did not include all of them here) and considering what I mentioned above, unlikely.
Thirdly, I'm just considering who has more to gain from this. I will admit my own bias here - I've never bought the idea that women by and large make allegations to become rich or famous or to gain sympathy. Amber Heard is probably still one of the most hated women on the planet. Name five of Bill Cosby's accusers off of the top of your head.
But what does each party have to gain? If Baldoni loses this case and is found in the public eye to have sexually harassed the women on the set of It Ends With Us, that's probably the end of his career. As far as I know, he doesn't have the industry goodwill that Roman Polanski or Woody Allen or even Johnny Depp do, and he will most likely start losing acting and directing roles. If he wins, and the public decides that Lively is lying, his career won't be destroyed. It will almost certainly have been set back, and there will always be people who'll look at him differently, but overall he should be fine. He may even gain a new fanbase.
If Lively loses this case and is found to have been lying, her career is tarnished forever. She will undoubtedly be known as the "next Amber Heard," and she will lose out on acting roles. The taint may even carry over to her husband. If she wins, and the public decides that Baldoni did in fact sexually harass women on set, she will probably be fine. Like Baldoni, there will always be people who'll believe that she was lying, but she'll be overall fine. However, it's important to note that she had a third option: to not pursue this at all. If she chooses not to pursue legal action against Baldoni, both of their careers remain unimpacted. While there would still have been a negative public perception of her, it probably would have blown over eventually. A lawsuit and possible trial is much more permanent in people's memories. So to me, the fact that she's choosing to pursue this knowing what the outcome of her losing would be speaks volumes.
Finally, the fact that her lawsuit states that other women on set were harassed and felt uncomfortable. Again, could be a lie, but that is a lie that is very easy to disprove. And if the women who worked on this set testify that they never felt uncomfortable, that will permanently damage her case. It just feels like too much of a risk to play with if you're lying.
Of course, don't just take my word for it - do your own research, seek out differing opinions, etc. but those are my views. I hope they helped in some way!
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yourgoldennotebook · 2 months ago
i think that a lot of us (including me, and i am trying to educate myself otherwise) believe that social media bots and mass smear campaigns look a lot different than they actually do. it's about conversations they start, and continue to have. they add nuance to make it believable. people want to go viral, and they help them to encourage more discussion on a topic they create the fodder to manipulate.
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yourgoldennotebook · 2 months ago
and before anyone says everyone makes things about taylor swift? do not tell me it's not a conspiracy. (x)
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justin baldoni and sc**ter br**n they could never make me like you
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