#bakugan: defenders of the core
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hexados-on-a-string · 1 year ago
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ive never played defenders of the core but finding out that the core we're apparently defending is GOD HERSELF????? absolutely wild.
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fabiasheen · 1 year ago
when the
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helixtheman · 4 months ago
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kazamiis · 1 year ago
this is an enormously new and inactive blog (made only because i am incapable of not making a new blog for every interest I have) but I am so bothered by the voice acting in Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core (2010, Xbox 360) that I have to come out here and say it
i have quite literally no problem with bad graphics, video game graphics especially. honestly, for a low-budget 2010 game, the graphics esp for the xbox were quite good. however, the voice acting, especially, ESPECIALLY for mylene and dan, was absolutely ABYSMAL. to the point that i carve time out of my day to log into my shit ass little bakugan blog that i have yet to create a post for-- the FIRST post i make myself is about how bad the Defenders of the Core voice acting is.
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hellman55 · 11 months ago
Longplay of Bakugan: Defenders of the Core
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wheredreamsareforged · 9 months ago
Elfin is best girl
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DEFENDERS OF THE CORE i loved that game so much when i first got a copy of it (still have it too)
Also fr, she's just a big Sailor Moon reference to me (though I prefer Percival over the rest of the OG Resistance's bakugan)
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sonicasura · 2 months ago
You know I just realized how much of a bomb shell the Bakugan Batyle Brawlers game would have a dropped on the story if it was canon.
Leonidas was born in the Doom Dimension a place were things only decay and die not give way too new life. He was made from the collected resentment and anger of the dead Bakugan and on top of that is the only Bakugan not born from Code Eve
Than there is Vladiator who was banished too the the Doom Dimension by the Six Heroes themselves. Vladiator was so strong that it took the Six Heroes too banish the guy. Also that was likely eons ago and during all that time Vladiator survived which speaks volumes about the guy's strength as Bakugan don't survive most likely than a couple months.
Leonidas and Vladiator 2 walking anomalies
Also I can't wait too play around with this when ever I get too doing the Story of Defenders Of The Core
It adds more weight to the Legendary Bakugan's prowess than just taking down a massive swarm of Gargonoid. These very origins is why neither went to New Vestoria after it was restored. It wasn't required for them unlike the others.
Vice stayed with Marucho after the events of the first arc. It took some convincing though as they still weren't comfortable around the other Brawlers. They do warm up to the Aquos Battler.
Vladiator and Leonidas weren't spoken about that much on New Vestoria. Only hunched whispers refer to the duo as the 'Gravekeepers' since their connection to the Doom Dimension never disappeared. The tale behind them was more of a tragedy than epic like the Guardian Bakugan.
You can say the Vestals in general weren't prepared for Vice due to Vladiator and Leonidas' rumor status.
Slightly unrelated but I just imagine everyone's faces when they mention their past adventures. Like the Defense Force upon learning Leonidas is younger than Vice despite being a dragon who looks like he benches buildings on a daily basis. Someone, definitely Soshiro, Kafka and Narumi, will calm him 'kiddo'.
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fluffomatic · 10 months ago
Yeah no Gus was SO obbious. Meanwhile Spectra was subtle as all hell. Even in the show, some of his scenes were cut that implied it in EN (i.e. during Gus being gone, he misses hi during lab work)
I will never forgive the EN dub during the reveal scene. Supposedly in JP Gus says "MY master spectra" and I have never recovered since
BUT OMG SHE IS SO PRETTY,,, I adore her design so much, I have way too many OC ideas (one based on the Battle Brawlers and Defenders of The Core games), brawler and Bakugan alike
If you even wanna infodump about your ocs (Bakugan or otherwise),,,, I would be happy to listen (read???) I love ocs so much
Oh yeah! I've seen so much cut shit that implies Spectra's more subtle crush on Gus, and I haaaaaate Canada for that. (No real hate to Canada)
Thank you so much!! She's such a special OC of mine that I haven't really thought about in a long time. She's a favorite, of course. One day, I'll have to info dump about her! I'd love to talk Bakugan with you forever, actually 🤣
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ledybas-the-ledybest · 1 year ago
Britain? You mean from Bakugan: Defenders of the Core?
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s0robi01 · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Xbox 360 Dragon Ball Z Bundle, Qty. 5 Games, Used.
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hexados-on-a-string · 2 years ago
obtained the most cursed fuckin knowledge. fire emblem engage is one of my favouritest games of all time, right? so im looking through the voice actors out of curiosity, just for funsies.
now tell me WHY this guy:
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has the SAME voice actor that ace, shadow, spectra, and wilda do in defenders of the core. the absolute whiplash that gave me. it feels like cursed knowledge somehow that a game made in 2023 shares voice actors with fuckin. bakugan.
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konosuba5ds · 2 years ago
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Bakugan Defenders Of The Core (2010) Nintendo DS
Cult Classic
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stardustsynchro · 2 years ago
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Bakugan Defenders Of The Core (2010) PSP
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gamerlinear · 2 years ago
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Bakugan: Defenders of the Core Gameplay Nintendo DS https://cartoon360.pics.ee/55bq7r
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infamous-raven-x · 2 years ago
I don't think Vestal would win here are the reasons!
—Gundalia and Neathia have been om war for over decades Vestal haven't been seen in a conflict let us remember that they use tecnology against bakugan but is like trying to compare the Spanish colonization with world war 2.
—Not gonna lie but all the Staff of Gundalia and Neathian castle seams more competent to me that the guards on Vestal.
—Even if you have like the Vexos there, that wouldn't change the fact that we still have the resistant fighting for the Bakugan in New Vestroia, even if you put like... the Vexos from Core defenders, they would just use the funky crystals and call it a day, Neathia still has code Eve on there favor.
—Spectra would get his ass obsess on getting his hands on code Eve
—Making war against to worlds that are ready to be in war would put Vestal in a bad situaction to begin with they can develop tecnology yes but they wouldn't have the chsnge in a massive ataque with out losing first.
What do you think if the Vestals met with the Neathians and Gundalians, who would win?If the event of the second season when Zenogeld was King and the Vests found their planets. I personally think that Vestal is more technologically advanced than neathia and gundalia and definitely won the war.
sorry but i genuinely don't care to think abt which of these three races would win in a hypothetical war.
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thebeastunleashed · 5 years ago
matt suffer
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