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majianguo · 2 months ago
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Beautiful ribbon croissant at Bakerzin located on the ground level of Senayan Park. My wife and I always visit this cafe and bakery when we are in Jakarta being that there isn't any location in Bali.
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baliportalnews · 2 years ago
The Palace X Bakerzin, Kolaborasi Jewelry dan F&B Pertama di Indonesia
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA -  The Palace Jeweler, yang merupakan retail perhiasan di bawah naungan Central Mega Kencana (CMK), yang memiliki slogan National Jeweler, membuka gerai terbarunya di awal 2023 bertempat di Living World Alam Sutera, Tangerang Selatan. Gerai ke-45 dari The Palace Jeweler ini memperkenalkan konsep baru lifestyle jewelry & cafe yang menawarkan konsep berbelanja perhiasan yang berbeda dengan menggandeng merk retail F&B ternama di Indonesia: Bakerzin. The Palace Jeweler - Cafe by Bakerzin ini akan berlokasi di area Ground Floor, Living World, Alam Sutera, bersama dengan tenant-tenant F&B favorit pengunjung, sehingga memberikan kenyamanan dan aksesibilitas yang mudah bagi para pengunjung. Pemilihan lokasi yang dirasa berbeda dan strategis bagi sebuah gerai perhiasan ini seakan mengabsahkan eksistensi The Palace Jeweler sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia, terutama di Tangerang Selatan, yang dewasa ini tengah menjadi salah satu kawasan residensial dan gaya hidup pilihan warga Jabodetabek. Gerai ini juga menambah gerai The Palace Jeweler yang kini resmi memiliki empat gerai di wilayah Tangerang dan lebih dari 40 gerai di seluruh Indonesia. Kehadiran gerai baru dengan konsep yang berbeda di pusat perbelanjaan dan gaya hidup kenamaan Kota Tangerang Selatan ini juga membuktikan kiprah The Palace Jeweler sebagai brand perhiasan yang selalu mengedepankan konsep 3T ‘Therlengkap, Therjangkau, Therjamin’ untuk semakin terdepan dalam memberikan pelayanan dan pengalaman paling berharga bagi masyarakat Indonesia. General Manager The Palace Jeweler, Jelita Setifa mengatakan, dewasa ini, masyarakat tengah berada pada derasnya arus ekonomi kreatif global serta Nasional yang mendorong tiap-tiap pelaku industri ritel untuk mengeksplorasi kreativitas dan kolaborasi tanpa batas. “Salah satunya tentunya kami, The Palace Jeweler, yang melalui gebrakan ini, ingin mengatakan kepada publik bahwa brand tidak hanya konsisten menyediakan perhiasan emas dan perhiasan berlian berkualitas di gerai-gerainya, namun juga menyajikan customer experience yang selalu berkembang,” ucap Jelita Setifa. Direktur Komunikasi Pemasaran Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RI, Yohanes De Brito Titus Haridjati, mendukung adanya inisiatif-inisiatif yang dilakukan The Palace Jeweler, sebagai salah satu mitra co-branding Wonderful Indonesia.
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The Palace X Bakerzin, Kolaborasi Jewelry dan F&B Pertama di Indonesia. Sumber Foto ; Istimewa "Indonesia merupakan negara yang dikaruniai berbagai potensi pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif termasuk keragaman kriya. Kualitas kriya Indonesia dapat dilihat melalui brand seperti The Palace Jeweler yang selalu konsisten dengan prinsip 3T-nya, serta selalu berinovasi menghadirkan pengalaman-pengalaman baru bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini tentunya menjadi nilai tambah bukan hanya bagi kriya Indonesia sebagai salah satu dari 17 subsektor ekraf, namun juga bagi pariwisata Indonesia,” jelas Yohanes De Brito Titus Haridjati. Megastore Perhiasan dengan Layanan Terbaik Untuk memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang unik dan berbeda, The Palace Jeweler mengusung konsep megastore perhiasan. Hal ini pun berlaku pada gerai baru di Living World, Alam Sutera. Demi menghadirkan layanan terbaik bagi para pelanggan, gerai didesain agar menjadi ’one stop shopping destination’. Dengan begitu, konsumen tidak perlu berpindah-pindah tempat untuk mencari perhiasan incarannya. Melengkapi layanan tersebut, The Palace Jeweler juga menawarkan perhiasan berkualitas, mulai dari diamond jewelry, gold jewelry, hingga precious stone. Semuanya tersedia dengan grade terbaik sesuai standar quality control (QC) dari CMK. Koleksi Perhiasan Therlengkap, Therjangkau, Therjamin Kini Lebih Dekat dengan Pelanggan Merek perhiasan dengan slogan ‘National Jeweler’ ini memiliki tagline utama 3T atau ‘Therlengkap, Therjangkau, dan Therjamin’. Tagline tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana kualitas produk dan layanan yang ditawarkan The Palace Jeweler secara garis besar. Therlengkap karena The Palace Jeweler menghadirkan beraneka ragam koleksi perhiasan, mulai dari berlian, emas, hingga batu mulia. Kemudian, Therjamin karena seluruh piece perhiasan yang ditawarkan The Palace Jeweler terjamin kualitasnya dan telah sesuai dengan standar. Terakhir ada Therjangkau yang berarti The Palace Jeweler menawarkan perhiasan dengan harga yang terjangkau oleh pencinta perhiasan, bahkan oleh mereka yang baru mulai mengoleksi perhiasan. Siap dengan Perhiasan Terbaru Moela Collection Terkenal sebagai merek perhiasan yang Therjangkau, gerai The Palace Jeweler di Living World, Alam Sutera menghadirkan exclusive diamond jewelry melalui Moela Collection. Koleksi perhiasan tersebut ditawarkan mulai dari harga Rp888 ribu, sehingga cocok bagi konsumen yang ingin mulai mengoleksi perhiasan berlian atau perhiasan emas. Selain Therjangkau, koleksi ini pun telah Therjamin kualitasnya. Tiap berlian yang tersemat dalam piece perhiasan dari Moela Collection memiliki kualitas H-VS, sedangkan kadar emasnya adalah 18K/75%. Koleksi perhiasan ala Korean style ini hadir dalam lima seri yang berbeda, yaitu Bermoela, Kamoela, Trimoela, Lovela, dan Modela. Grand opening gerai baru The Palace Jeweler Living World, Alam Sutera diselenggarakan pada 11 Januari 2023. Detail informasi mengenai peresmian gerai dan beragam koleksi perhiasan terbaru dapat diakses melalui website resmi The Palace Jeweler dan akun Instagram @thepalace_id.(*/bpn) Read the full article
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lisaliecute · 2 years ago
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Mengisi energi yang cukup terkuras setelah ngurusin yg mau berangkat..... 😁 *maklum udah lama ga pontang panting di airport...* Doa2 supaya aman dan lancar2 sampai di tenpat tujuan.... 🙏😇😊 #NgurusinOrangBerangkat. #Lunchie #Bakerzin #Terminal3SoeTa (at Bakerzin Terminal 3) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnGnyW4BmeW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gilangtrip · 3 months ago
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Design Seasonal (Crookie) - Bakerzin
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lokerjabodetabekid · 6 years ago
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[LOKER ALL JAKARTA AREA] . . BAKERZIN OPEN RECRUITMENT. LET'S BUILD YOUR CAREER! . . [WALK IN INTERVIEW for BAKERZIN JAKARTA] . Posisi yg dibutuhkan: - CDP - COOK 1 WESTERN - SENIOR BARISTA - CAPTAIN - BARISTA . 📃Kriteria: - Usia maks. 32 th - Pendidikan min. SMA/SMK sederajat - Pengalaman min. 1-2 th dari restoran - Siap bekerja di hari libur dan shifting - Penempatan di ALL JAKARTA (lokasi outlet tertera pada gambar) . Walk In Interviewnya kapan ya? Silahkan lihat waktu dan tempat yg ada pada gambar ☺️ . . . #bakerzin #lokerjabodetabek #loker #loker #lokerjakarta #lokerjkt #lokerjakarta2019 #boga #lokertataboga #lokerresto #lokerwaiter #infokerjajakarta #infojkt #infojkt24jam #infokerja #infolokerjakarta . . ----------------------- Find more about our brand: @bakerzinjkt - Find out more us: @bogagroup_id @bogacare_centre @bogaculinary_consulting https://www.instagram.com/p/BzC9RQbHNLt/?igshid=1rhae0oxjzr7r
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jeanblackthorn · 7 years ago
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dinner night accompanied with O.D.D by Hey Violet💜
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julioaw-blog · 8 years ago
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Sausage & Potato by @bakerzinjkt 😁 Link in BIO😇 • • • • #me #my #i #goodtravelblogger #julioaw #plazasenayan #indonesia #blogger #food #foodies #foodporn #foodlover #foodblogger #travel #travelblogger #mall #good #haha #lol #latepost #lit #breakfast #bakerzin #yennymakanmulu (à Bakerzin Jakarta)
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Heyy! I’m back with a review of one of the high end restaurants among youngsters in Jakarta, Bakerzin. Bakerzin is actually quite famous for their desserts. But well, we ate there for it’s savory items. This time, I got to go here with 2 of my siblings. Lucky enough, we got a voucher from aunt so we could eat IDR 350k worth for free, and if we want to eat more, we can just pay for the rest. And yea, I can only go there if there’s vouchers like this. I went to the branch in Kota Kasablanka Mall. And so! Let’s take a look at what we ordered.
* Red Velvet Frappe (comes with cream cheese ice cream on top) IDR 45k * Garlic Butter Spaghetti IDR 85k * Sirloin Steak with Brown Sauce IDR 155k * Tuna Melt Sandwich (oops didn’t have record for that. So sorry!) * Beignets & Bacon Ice Cream IDR 65k
What came first was our Red Velvet Frappe. We were so curious about the taste and we were so excited about the cream cheese ice cream. It was so good! But then, maybe it’s our mistake, we didn’t dissolve the ice cream to the drink. So all we could taste from the drink was chocolate. Yup, like you know the Cadbury’s instant hot chocolate powder? It’s exactly like that. Well I understand that Red Velvet is actually made out of chocolate. But I was a bit disappointed that it’s too similar to the instant hot chocolate. Maybe someday I’ll try mixing it with the ice cream. But by the way, the taste wasn’t bad and not too sweet, it’s just how I like it. But price wise, ummm not worth it for me.
Garlic Butter Spaghetti was the menu my brother ordered. To be honest, I’m kind of sick of pasta. I ate a lot of those back in Europe. But this one, it is REALLY REALLY GOOD! It has a hint of chilli and pepper and they’re quite generous for the chicken to me. The chicken was very good too. As an Asian, i approve this flavor. It’s not spicy, but the flavor is there. I TRULY RECOMMEND THIS, GUYS! Definitely one of the best pasta I’ve had in a while. The price is worth it, at least for me since nowadays cafes and restaurants in Jakarta also have quite similar prices compared to this one.
Sirloin Steak with Brown Sauce was the menu that I was looking forward to. I asked the waitress for recommendation of the most tender steak. She said Sirloin should be best compared to rib eye and tenderloin. I was a bit suspicious since tenderloin sounds more tempting (there’s the word “tender” duh) *sorry I sound so stupid* But yeah, I decided to trust her. I wanted it medium rare for this time. Usually I eat it medium well-done since I have kind of trust issues when it comes to food hygiene in the process. But since this restaurant is the professional kind, I decided to try. When I saw my plate, I was expecting a more sheered outer. But then it was not bad. Turns out it was pretty good at first bites, even tho it is kind of rare for me (look at the pic and see how red it is. Please leave a message if you know more about steaks and tell me if I’m wrong). It’s not a bad taste afterall but then I don’t get excited at each bite. I just wanted to finish it quickly. Not a very good thing for me. What’s worse is that the fries that comes with it was very soggy. I was kind of disappointed. I don’t recommend this. Maybe it’ll be better if it’s medium well-done. The brown sauce was such a delight tho! I couldn’t have a bite of the steak without having the sauce with it.
Then my sister’s menu was Tuna Melt Sandwich for the day. It also comes with salad and fries just like my steak. There awas only tuna spread and melted cheese inside I had a bite of it. It was not bad but I would love it to be a bit more toasted since it become too soggy from the cheese and a bit too salty for me. I liked it but I bet my sister is not full from it. Well, it’s not meant to be eaten as lunch indeed.
Then last but not least, we had dessert which was Beignets & Bacon Ice Cream. The description says it was a New Orleans’ style Beignets served with vanilla Bailey’s sauce and bacon ice cream. Beignets were only like a regular donuts with powdered sugar on top of it. It tasted so good, by the way! It was fried properly so it was crunchy outside. I could barely taste its vanilla sauce. The highlight, Bacon Ice Cream! We actually ordered this since in the menu it’s included in chef’s recommendation and we were so excited and curious about the Bacon Ice Cream. Turns out it’s just like another vanilla ice cream. I could barely taste the bacon, but there was a hint of saltiness though. I would still prefer regular vanilla ice cream. Well, while eating the dessert all I could think was “I should’ve ordered anything else”. Not bad, but not worth the money spent.  
Overall, it was a great experience trying food from this restaurant. We were quite satisfied from it and we kind of had to take a walk after it. I love having this chance to try unique foods like this.
Rate: 3.75 out of 5
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lastlifeinuniverse · 2 years ago
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Bakerzin Spring is in the air
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majianguo · 4 years ago
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Bakerzin, Central Park Mall - This was one of many restaurants that my wife and I had passed a thousand time but never had the chance to go inside.  They specialize in western food which is slightly above par but overall good for the price.  Here is my wife about to dig into a piece of red velvet cake.  There have been a number of restaurants that have closed recently due to the economic downtown so we are trying to not only support but also explore restaurants in the area before we move.
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gilangtrip · 3 months ago
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Design Seasonal (Crunch Puff Dip) - Bakerzin
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milkfrost · 6 years ago
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Resting our feet at @bakerzin.sg cos we were caught in the rain after getting out of the flower dome 😁 . . #shotbygooglepixel2xl #googlepixel2xlpix #googlepixel2xluser #googlepixel2xl #multiplephotos #bakerzin #gbtb #gardensbythebay #teabreak #latergram #throwback🔙 (at Garden By the Bay Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqs6CgLhkt6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rf4hdi4xv5s2
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mltumblog · 7 years ago
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ว่าจะไม่ละ...แต่ฝนตกไม่อยากออกข้างนอก...a Lovely #Bakerzin "love sweets, love life" 😘😋 (at VivoCity Singapore)
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hobinyaria · 7 years ago
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Bersyukur karena bisa menikmati #seafoodsoup by @bakerzinjkt @plaza_indonesia bareng emak. . . . . . . . #food #foodie #foodporn #foodlover #foodgasm #foodblogger #foodblog #foodpics #foodpic #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #pergikuliner #idfoodblogger #zomatoid #nibbleapp #foodyid #bakerzin #plazaindonesia (at @Plaza Indo,bakerzin resto)
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foodescapecom · 7 years ago
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Loving the new menu line from @bakerzinjkt and love how they include many Indonesian-inspired fusion dishes, such as this Duck Confit paired with tasty kecombrang!😋 It’s time for another visit, yes!😎 _____ Duck Confit and The Kecombrang IDR 98,000 _____ 📍Bakerzin PS Plaza Senayan 2F Jl. Asia Afrika South Jakarta 10270 _____ ‼️Don't miss updates from us: 👉🏻Turn on post notifications 👉🏻Click our Instagram Stories for live updates _____ #FoodEscape #FoodEscapeXBakerzin #Bakerzin #BakerzinJKT #Nikon #NikonD850 #NikonFoodID #jajanbeken #foodies #food #foodporn #foodphotography #eatfamous #eeeeeats #f52grams #tastespotting #instafood #buzzfeedfood #beautifulcuisines #feedfeed #top_food_of_instagram #seriouseats #9gagnomnom #bestfoodworld #insiderfood #bogagroup #duckconfit #kecombrang (at Bakerzin Jakarta)
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msmt86 · 7 years ago
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Oglio Olio Pasta with Salmon at Bakerzin #latepost #pasta #agliooliopasta #salmon #bakerzin #foodlover #foodie #MsMtfood #MsMtinSurabaya
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