ooeygooeyghoul · 1 year
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Finally did the Bahaumut raids last night! Since I'm already LvL 90 in Endwalker I just went through it all solo - which honestly made the experience about 10 times better.
At last, I know the complete story of Carteneau (even though my naive self back when I was in ARR was totally willing to accept the unfinished story at face value since I didn't know the raids were a thing lmaooo). But WOW what a great addition to the ARR tale, I can't believe I went this long without ever knowing it.
Being able to bring the twins closure AND seeing them get the affection they rightfully deserved from their grandfather was such a nice moment. Not to mention watching Bahaumut get rebuilt bit by bit was cool as hell and effectively terrifying.
We love boss fights that play the opening song in parts during their different phases, I wasn't crying at all not one bit.
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ffxivanonymouspolls · 2 months
Favorite Normal Raid series? Coils of Bahaumut, Alexander, Omega, Eden, Pandaemonium? (Arcadion's too new)
EDIT: wow where was my brain for thr ARR one lmao, it was right there too!!! Augh!!!
Crystal tower is supposed to be Coils LMAO
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holly-fixation · 2 years
A couple years ago I learned that Advent Children "was made by people who never made movies before" (real quote) and all of a sudden every decision the movie picked made sense.
Tifa sudden loss to Loz? Win in the fight, lose in the cutscene.
That motorcycle fight in the beginning with monsters and stuff that the protagonist can't beat? Set up for a big boss fight later.
Vincent appearing out of nowhere? Perfect if you're the player getting your ass kicked.
Bahaumut fight? Big Dragon Boss fight. Who doesn't like fighting a big dragon in video games?
All of the cast leaving Cloud to fight Kadaj alone? F it. It's your moment, bro. Go kill the final boss.
Sephiroth being a Ganon "I've been resurrected again" has been said few times.
The remnants sometimes summoning monsters? They'd be great fodder for the level grind.
Motorcycle chases? Multiple Motorcycle Chases? Hope you learned how to play the first time!
All the books to tie the plot together? I firmly believe this would've been flavor text throught the game so you could piece together everything that's going on (along with just having more time to expand things in general). Reports about mako activity, direct messages from the Lifestream as little shiny things you pick up that trigger Sephiroth Headaches TM or something like that to help the player learn details!
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gameguy20100 · 7 months
So. I'm kind of testing the waters here. Might expand this into a whole fic. Thoughts?
Sidian felt the warmth and reassurance he always had after his morning prayer. Bahamut was always at his side. Helping in whatever way he could. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Wyll watching his ritual.
"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?" Wyll asked nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck and cursed as he accidentally nicked the skin. Wyll then looked at his talons and gave a scoff of disapproval. "Still not used to these."
Sidian laughed and flexed his own claws in reply. "Trust me, you never do. And don't worry, Bahamut isn't petty enough to be offended at one of his paladins talking to a friend."
"Well, that's good," Wyll replied. then he took in a deep breath and cleared his throat. " I wanted to talk to you about him actually."
"My god?" Sidian's reptilian eyes didn't display emotions the same way a humans did. But Wyll had spent enough time with the Dragonborn to recognize the shock and surprise in them.
Wyll sighed again, and gestured to his horns. "Ever since these sprouted. I've been worried. I'm a devil now. You say that I'm not, and I trust you. But... the gods might have other ideas."
"You want me to ask Bahamut if you're damned?"
"No," Wyll replied. " I want to be able to fight like you do. The blade of Frontiers was an inspiration to many, and a scourge to the infernal cur that threaten us all. With the divine power you wield, I think I can be the man the sword coast deserves."
"You want to be a paladin?" Sidian asked. to which Wyll nodded in reply. "This is not a path to take lightly Wyll. You'll have to live, and breathe your oath. Or risk becoming an oath breaker. They're considered the foulest scum of our world. Are you sure this is what you want?"
"I have wanted nothing more deeply in my life." Wyll confirmed. "I want to fight for those who cannot do it themselves. I want people to look at me and know that they need not fear the monsters that plague our world. I want to be their blade."
"Vengeance," Sidian said with a smile. "I understand. I can teach you what I know. But first. kneel."
Wyll did as Sidian asked and got to his knee, resting his right hand on his heart, and meeting Sidians gaze. As his red eye met Sidians's green he felt an instant connection between them.
"Wyll Ravengard. Do you swear to serve Bahaumut and his will?"
"I swear."
"Do you swear to uphold justice, and protect the weak?"
" I swear."
"Do you swear to show no mercy to the wicked, and smite those who would harm the innocent?"
"I swear!"
Sidian's entire body became a beacon of golden light. His pitch black scales shined like onyx, and his eyes glowed as bright as any star.
Sidian held out his hand and gave a nod of encouragement. As Wyll took his hand he felt the energy flow into him. The sensation of a roaring fire on a cold day filled him with fire. It was different from the fires of the hells, but just as potent.
"The oath of vengeance, is now yours to fulfil. Arise, paladin!"
As Sidian gave the order, the light and heat dimed and Wyll rose to his feet. Wyll's joy soon shifted to determination as he steeled himself and met Sidian's gaze.
"Thank you, my friend. You will not regret this." Wyll promised.
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digic300 · 1 year
I also re-created my first ever D&D character. Saving her for a rainy day in case i want to go through Act 1 again
Phae, my half-elf domain of life Cleric. Worships Bahaumut and i hope to multi-class her into a sorcerer
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knowonesdesigns · 8 years
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Finished #Kingsglaive bahaumut badge pulled from the mold and painted!! Working on wigs and finishing touches on the rest of this stuff today!! #ffxv #nyxulric #cosplay #chocobros #finalfantasy
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
For context, my Paladin follows the Church of Bahamut, and it’s… not really popular in the DM’s setting. DM: “You see that the church is mostly empty, and that the priestess at the front of the pew looks very stressed. The church is disrepair and even the outside looks in disuse.” Kriv, the Paladin (Me): “… I’m upset now.” Treble (Our Bard): “Well, I’m about to give you the best goddamn PR campaign you’ve ever seen!” Me, OOC: “Oh yeah, what’s that?” Treble’s Player: “Bahaumut-Chan.” Kilgin’s (Our druid) Player: “… what?” Me: “I concur, what?” Treble’s player proceeds to produce a picture of Luccoa from Miss Kobayashi’s. Treble: “Bahaumut-Chan. Basically, we turn your god into a waifu, and we start to get people interested.”
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canikeepmystick · 4 years
I wonder what the Tomb Takers did with the tapestry of Bahaumut.
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brokenxfragments · 3 years
When was the time you were the most frightened? (Rosa, for science.)
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100 important character questions
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❝I... cannot think of a single time in particular.❞
Regardless of either verse of ffxiv, the Calamity would be one prime example of when she was at her most frightened, as she had witnessed some of it from where she was at at the time, including when Dalamud broke apart to reveal Bahaumut which would tear at the world & wreaking destruction in his wake. Needless to say that the moons that she once stared up at for comfort had been objects of fear for awhile after that event.
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Name/Title: Forsaken Shard
Battle Music: Alluring Secret Black Vow (Instrumental)
Appearance: Phase 1: Phoenix Stance, she still holds her form however she has a buff called “Flame Skin”, she’s always protected by fire. It’s just boosted defense. Stage is very similar to Ifrit’s.
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Phase 2: Bahamut Stance (Changes at 50% Health) - “Flame Skin” disappears. New buff “Akh Mourn” is boosted strength. Lilith looks more like her WoL form than she did in her Phoenix stance. She has faint aetheric wings, much similar to Bahaumut’s. Bahamut is summoned in the background, however she’s channeling the summons power through her own attacks.
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Final Phase: Persephone (Changes at 20% Health) - “Akh Mourn” disappears. No more buffs. Stage change to Amaurot. Music change to Mortal Instants.
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Start of Battle Quote: “...You summon me for my aide, and now you forsake me?”
Tank Buster moveset name: Light Flare (basically just Bahamut’s Death Flare), she calls out the name of the move
DPS Check, moveset name or quote said when casting: Summon Egi, “please, come aid me, my children” -- she summons an Emerald, Topaz, and Ruby carbuncle. If they’re not defeated in time, it’s an insta-kill move called “Everlasting Flight” where everything on the field turns to ash.
First Phase Change: “This is the true power of those chosen by Hydaelyn!”
Second Phase Change: “That’s right... I was... I am...”
Party losing to Primal WoL quote: “Just like all my foes before, you too, have fallen.”
Primal WoL losing Quote: “... Hades... Hythlo... I remember...”
Feel free to add whatever else you can think of!
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skyrealmtravelguide · 6 years
Progression Road Map
Click on any benchmark to read more about what it is and why it’s significant. Bolded items are especially important, and bullet points are secondary topics that become relevant at that point.
Clear Chapter 4: join or make a crew
Limited Time Events
Rank 10: Co-op mode
Rank 10 + advance story far enough to have met them: normal primal raids (Tiamat, Colossus, etc)
Raid etiquette 
“star” power values
Clear ch 8: first side stories
Clear ch 8: casino
half elixir and soul berry management
Rank 20 + advance story far enough to have met them: Hard Primal Raids
Rank 30: Omega (”Magna”) Primal Raids
Grid theory
What summon should I use?
Team building
Rank 30: Primarch Trials
Seraphic Weapons
Rank 40: Tier 1 and Tier 2 Summon Raids
Clear ch 44 + Chapter 30 free Quest: Inchoate World: unlock Arcarum 
Clear ch 54: What Makes The Sky Blue side story
Bahamut weapons
Rank 50: join Proto Bahaumut Raid
Rank 50: join Grand Order Raid
Tier 4 classes
Share Chest and Share Chest etiquette
Clear ch 63: Mechanic and Dancer ex class free quests
Rank 80: host proto bahamut and Grand Order
Rank 80 + clear ch. 92 + host and clear Grand Order: Ultimate Bahamut Raid
Atma/Ultima weapons
Rank 100: enter to High Level “HL” content
For now, that’s the end of the scope of this guide. I’ll be preparing you for some stuff in HL, but whether I actually continue into that realm with this guide or not will wait till later to decide.
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criticalrolo · 7 years
Let me tell you about my shitty human paladin of Bahaumut. she's a narcissistic, pansexual disaster and throws herself headfirst into battle. her parents ditched her from birth onto the Order of Bahaumut and was raised to be a holy force of good, but accidentally doomed her village and father figure (the local priest) when she made a deal with an evil spirit (she doesn't know it's a demon) trying to save them from a threat. she carries the guilt of their murders but she's trying to get better :)
Wow that's a great story line!!
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nothiel · 6 years
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Day 5 of Inktober. This one isn't complete, and I ended up rushing it because of how late it is getting. I still have things I need to get done before I crash for the evening. Anyway! In the current D&D campaign I am playing, my human paladin of Bahaumut has a Guard/War Drake as a mount. It says that in the manual that the drakes can be created of any color dragon. So, why not silver? He's a good paladin, so he needs a good mount! So, he has a silver drake. Unfortunately, there's not really any art that I could find of any of the Drakes that isn't blue. They're supposed to resemble the dragon breed they're of, an silver has a very nice distinctive appearance. So, this is my take, albeit rushed, play on how one would look.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
Bahaumut-Chan, Part 2
Part 2 of the Bahaumut-Chan saga. Later on, my Paladin is communing with Bahaumut. Kriv (me): I am so sorry about Treble and his… antics. Bahaumut: Oh, I think it’s funny. And on top of that, it’s helping the church in your world. Continue with my full blessing. Kriv: What? Cue Treble cheering in the background.
Treble (OOC): YEAH! Me, OOC: I’m gonna have to get an image of Bahaumut-Chan on my sword now, you know this. Kilgin, OOC: NO! Treble, OOC: DO IT! Me: I’m gonna do it!
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atolmdragon · 10 years
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Cards that came with Final Fantasy Type 0 collectors edition.
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allusgeeks · 10 years
Attack Wing Dungeons and Dragons month 3 OP prize kit quick look. Jordan takes a look at the Attack Wing Dungeons and Dragons month 3 OP prize kit.
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