#bahaha aw baby
choccy-milky · 2 months
Their kids are so cute omg i'm gonna dir of adorableness
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lewis: then die LMFAOO NO BUT FRR THANK UU IM GLAD U THINK SO🥹🥹💖💖💖all the love for them (esp lewis) gave me the idea to draw him deflecting all the attention so ty for giving me the excuse to post it....we luv our aloof distant boi🥰
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its funny bc i was JUST talking about this recently, but i dont like pet names at all BAHAH, hence why seb and clora dont call each other anything, not even nicknames.... seb calls her the light/princess/a bird sometimes as playful and teasing jokes, but doesnt actually address her like that. and clora always calls sebastian by his full name as well, bc i was basing her dialogue/my writing off the game dialogue...bc for as close as anne and ominis are to seb, both of THEM call him sebastian in full, so maybe it was a victorian thing that nicknames werent really common? plus clora's so proper that it just feels like its in her personality to always call seb "sebastian"... i feel like if she ever DID call him "seb" he'd do a double take and be like ...HUH? who are you???......are you polyjuiced? LMAO. i do imagine seb calling clora "love" when they get older tho (not in hogwarts) bc i like how simple it is, and imagining him saying stuff like 'careful, love' makes me🫠🫠🫠🫠
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aw TYY💖💖 honestly i didnt give the victorian setting TOO much thought, other than making clora more modest/not used to wearing trousers etc. like the actual victorian courting process was that youd ALWAYS be chaperoned by at least 1 other person and you wouldnt be able to kiss or anything, so the fact that our mcs are in a co-ed school with free reign already ruins that, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. a lot of it you can just wave off with the excuse that wizard society is more advanced than muggle society, which is true anyway LOL. i just kept the parts that i thought were fun/made it feel victorian ENOUGH but got rid of the stuff that was too annoying (one big example being the amount of clothing they wear....i said it in the notes for one of my chapters, but i wasnt about to make seb go through like 5 different layers just to touch cloras titty LMFAO) and no i didnt have 1 specific website i used, id just google "blank in victorian times" and look through all the articles and resources i could on that subject, and take little bits of it. SO YEA i wouldnt worry about it too much, just take what you want if you think it could enrich your story, and leave stuff out if its annoying to deal with BHAHA. and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!💖💖
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BAHAHA yeah sebs bark was defs bigger than his bite when it came to actually having kids/getting clora pregnant LOL. he defs loves the pregnancy part, but i feel like seeing her go through the actual labour was super hard on him/made him feel guilty bc he hates to see her in pain, let alone bc of HIM. not to mention that i imagine he would still work even once they have kids, so to leave clora with like 6 kids by herself isnt something he would have wanted to do LOL. once both lewis and celeste are in hogwarts tho i actually imagine seb and clora still doing curse breaking as well (albeit less dangerous jobs/not as far away) BUT YES having a third kid that looks like seb and is sassy like anne would be SO CUTEEE...a happy accident is a good idea too, tho i kinda like the idea of it being cloras idea.....like, she gets baby fever again now that the kids are kinda growing up and sebs like no i dont wanna put u through that again... but obvs seb wouldnt be able to resist if clora was begging seb to put a baby in her LMFAOOO its already as good as done at that point😇😇 AND THANK YOU, and im glad you liked it!!!🥹💖💖💖
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@the-kcm-muggleborn AWWW ur right thats so pretty.....ty for showing me!!🥹and im glad it make you think of clora...SHE WOULD APPROVE OF THESE STUDIES👌⭐🌙
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Danganronpa V3 Chapter 4 Deadly Life Notes:
--- Investigation:
And Kokichi sounds so gay when he says "Woah!" like I can't imagine genderbends because he's so goddam fruity.
--- Summary By Completed Investigation:
So Miu tried to kill Kokichi (this is proved because of the setting she added to him, her touching him makes him unable to move), but an error occured on her avatar making the effect of him not being able to move when he touched her the opposite, so they somehow met, and maybe Miu used the phone and pink mobile to teleport between the chapel and mansion.
That was when the killer killed her in-game somehow... she was clearly struggling, so she was strangled somehow... maybe with the toilet paper. The culprit must have used it to climb on and off from the roof BECAUSE MIU SAID NO MATTER HOW FAR IT STRETCHED RUBBER BANDS WERE UNBREAKABLE.
Her avatar had the object setting on, so no matter how far she stretched she couldn't break. That was how she was strangled.
(Correct/True things highlighted in green)
(Wrong/False/Incorrect things highlighted in orange)
The above colour coding is true for the rest of the gameplay this chapter!
The Trial Begins:
Gonta I love you but stfu "ver-chew-el world" mate please stop I can't spend time explaining this shit to you, I love you alot but stop. :,)
--- Himiko Spits Facts:
Himiko: "Killed by toiler paper... it was... a fitting end for her..." <- LMAO NOT HIMIKO CALLING HER A PIECE OF SHITTT BAHAHA.
Also I bought the perk that lets you see V cuts without using influence, and it's really helpful, you guys should use it it's GOOD!
Wait this trial is so good wtf omg, I'm only about an hour in but this is so much fun! So creative of Danganronpa!
--- Intermission:
"Main I'm bushed. I got no motivation at all. And Monophanies period is late."
Okay number ONE: What the fuck, did Monotaro like... erm...
Kokichi knows more then us. What does he know? He didn't do it... but like Byakuya in THH Trial 2, he knows who did. The antagonists always know. Nagito with Teruteru, Byakuya with Mondo, Kokichi with... whoever did this crime...
This is loosely based evidence but buff characters die in chapter four so here:
Himiko: "She (<- talking about Miu) was smart... but also really, really dumb"
Gonta: "N-No say such mean things."
Gonta: "Killing game bad, not Miu"
Gonta: "Miu not bad person. Gonta think we coulda be friends, if things different."
Kokichi: "Nuh-uh. No way, Jose."
Kokichi: "More importantly, we gotta solve this mystery! Fighting among friends is a waste of time."
That literally contradicts what he just said... but it lines up with exactly what GONTA said. And Kokichi seems to know the whole trial...
--- Me Being an Idiot:
Kokichi calling Shuichi Shumai.
Shumai and Makiroll.
Awe so cute :,)
Monokuma hating Sonic is so uncalled for, what did Sonic do to you?!?!
If Kokichi stutters one more time like that annoying ahh protagonist from "It" I'm going to literally crush him or something I don't know.
"OOH, YOU SO CLUMSY GURLLL!!!" <- He's so gay oh my god-
Goddam liarrr, Kokichi you suspiciousss~
--- Confession by Kokichi?:
He didn't do it, did he?
He's working with Monokuma?
"Well, then... the culprit is Gonta."
What...? He said it so easy... so... simple... is that right? Was I right? What in the world...?
KILLING GAME BUSTERS?! *laughing and crying at the same time*
"WHY I CAN'T BE THE CULPRIT!" oh shit he's gone insane what the fuck.
Never comment negatively on somebodies intellectual ability, that's just so cruel...
Kokichi losing his shit... goddam that poor, misunderstood kid. I'm not making him fanon, but he's being truthful and trying to save everybody and nobody believes him... nobody wants to believe him...
Kokichi just moved up in my personal ranking.
--- Well, on that note it's 10pm where I am, I'll finish the rest tomorrow! Less than two hours to go!
Okay gang, welcome... back? No, you read one sentence to get here, welcome ME back!!! /j
Alrighty I googled it and I have about an hour and a half left of this trial, not long! Let's smash it out, whoo!
--- Incriminating Evidence:
Oh I come back to 2 health hearts. And then get the first question wrong, how cute. <3
Oh my gosh Gonta's VA is actually doing really well "Gonta not lying! You need to believe Gonta!!!"
"But... Gonta holds chopsticks with this hand"
"UWAAAHHH! But that's your left hand!!!"
--- Kokichi Being a Little Bitch (we stan him)"
KOKICHI IS EVIL OH MY GOD! Best antag moment.
So I was right... it is Gonta...
"Miu Iruma's killer... is Gonta Gokuhara!" What a powerful line. Goddam Kokichi you served.
"Gonta, I'm going to look back at the whole case one more time. When you're convinced, you just let me know, alright? Let's end this together." <- SHUICHI IS SO SWEET AHH :(
NGL I love the final case thingy music. Would Miu have gotten away with murder if she had killed Kokichi? Nope. Would I like to see Kokichi dead strangling? Kind of, it'd be interesting.
Shuichi getting eyeliner in his neo-world avatar makes me happy.
And the sign has the word Mirai on it, like SDR2 "Hotel Mirai".
--- End of the Trial:
I GOT AN A AGAIN, I GOT 249 COINS, I GOT -2000 FOR MISSING AND PERFECT SCORE FOR RETRY (I had 2 hearts for almost all of the trial.)
"So... Gonta no could save everyone?" Screaming and crying.
"Just... promise Gonta, everyone can forgive eachother and be friends..."
Kokichi: "W-WAIT, PLEASE! I don't want this! Don't go, Gonta!" <- Fuyuhiko, Ishimaru, Shuichi, Aoi energy???
--- And the BEST antagonis Award Goes TOOOO!!!
Kokichi Ouma. What the fuck.
Put Byakuya togami in a room with this bitch and he does NOT stand a chance.
--- Kaito Being Sick:
(Kaito coughing up blood and dying:
Also Kaito: "My cold just got worse... that's all.")
My Saimota v Kaimaki self is going insane over this plotline guys. (I don't multiship-)
--- End of the Chapter:
Oh Kokichi is red...?
"The world is mine - Kokichi Ouma"
... oh?
V3 is getting really good.
Okay that's all bye guys :3
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mislamicpearl · 2 months
Thoughts about Ninjago DR S2 episodes 14-15:
Spoilers everywhere below the cut.
Awwww that flashback needed to be longer! God I miss seeing all the OG ninja together. And with Wu no less!
Glad Jay's voice actor is continuing to make his voice deeper!
Oh God, that whole scene of Wyldfyre talking to Roby was CRINGE!! What have they done to her?? Listen, I'm a defender of the straight ships in this show despite some people in the fandom saying they're badly written, I think Jaya, Pixane and Kailor are all adorable, and I'm not against the idea of Wyldfyre getting a boyfriend, though I don't think she needs one... but so far it seems all they're doing with this ship is actively TRYING to give the fandom a badly written straight ship, because COME ON! Who is this person acting all silly and awkward and simpering for this shady salesman guy?? Cause that ain't Wyldfyre! I'm not discounting the possibility that this could grow into a good ship with more time, but this is a really bad and forced start, probably the worst out of any in this show.
It really seems like they're planning on retconning the whole "elemental powers are only passed on through family members" rule, cause I don't think that mech was Lilly's. I mean, we already knew Zane's powers weren't inherited of course... maybe they're finally going to explain that?? Now that would be something. (I won't hold out any hope for it though).
Oh, doi, of course Arin's friend's master is Ras, I'm an idiot. And yes I already forgot his actual name because it's stupid, I had trouble even hearing it right in the previous episodes.
Nya has both Kai and Jay's pictures put up like they're dead asdfjkh
I already ranted in a separate post about Zane, but seriously: what the actual FRICK is the writers' problem with Zane?!?!
Love that Cole immediately decided that couldn't actually be Jay because he wouldn't ever forget them.😭
Nya finally tells Jay she loves him!!! Out loud and to his face and everything!! UGH MY HEART😭😭😭 Please let her say it again when he gets his memories back!
Dang, they really brought Jay back just to let him walk right out of the show again ahahaha!
But dang, where's he gonna go?? And without powers now! Lloyd you had better keep that promise to find him later!
"She'll be there when we need her... she always is." AWWWWWW LLOYD'S SOFT SMILE WHEN HE SAYS THAT! Totally giving me Hunted flashbacks. If DR can claim to have done at least one thing right it's the RGB siblings!
Elemental power of balance? Really? Sure, that's at least very useful in this VERY specific rigged game.
Dang Sora, of all the ways you could've used your power on this tech-ridden obstacle course, you chose to make a balance pole?
This race to stop themselves from being disqualified feels like it's just for eating up screen time, and possibly (likely) to promote another set.
"Sounds like we need a vehicle. One problem. We don't have a vehicle." OMG that was one of the most adorable Nya moments we've gotten since the scene of her with the "bunch of little fish" and "I'll show you how I go!" XD
Aw yeah baby it's happening, corrupted evil Arin arc let's gooooo! I am so for this, it would do wonders for his character. It'd be crazy if he managed to learn proper spinjitzu from Ras, he'd become like Lloyd's own Morro.
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softieekayy · 7 months
your tags on my fic make me giggle ^3^ wilson and reader so love each other very endlessly (i know this because it’s me, i’m reader and i love him endlessly) BAHAHA. thank u for ur tags nd such. if u wrote for wilson, i’d def read it :3
Awe! I’m happy that my silly little tags make you giggle. There’s not much Wilson out on this app so I’ll take anything I can lol (but seriously, Wilson and reader need to end up together.)
I was thing about writing for Wilson!! My baby boy needs some love and I’m in love with him! I have a few ideas floating around on what I can do lol. 💗💗
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peanut-tyrug · 12 days
Superstar Saga AU: Long Live the Wicked
Chapter 4: All in at Joke’s End
The Bros. And Prince Peasley begin their next bout in Joke’s End… until a sudden and unexpected visitor comes along. A plan to defeat Cackletta is finally coming underway.
Most characters/ideas featured in this story belong to Nintendo and AlphaDream. I don’t take credit for Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, or the aforementioned characters/ideas within it.
I would like to thank my co-writer, Luigiman64, for assisting me with character writing/characterization, keeping things consistent and accurate to the game , and coming up with ideas for this project.
— Joke’s End —
The Mario Bros. and Prince Peasley stand before their next foes, Fawful and the Koopalings… only three of them, for most were missing.
“Foolish Prince of beans!” Fawful chastises, referring to Prince Peasley. “You are weak and unarmed like a sandwich that is only made out of the bread of your doom!”
“I may not have my sword, but I can still fight!” Says Prince Peasley. “We will defeat you!”
“Then Fawful will let you commence the attacking first!” Says Fawful.
The Bros. turn to the Prince, and begin to ponder their options... just as Prince Peasley scurries away and snags an icicle.
“You call me defenseless, do you?” Prince Peasley asks. “Well, now I have a defense!”
Prince Peasley holds his icicle forward toward Fawful and his troupe. The villains scoff at the Prince’s pathetic attempt at trying to make a comeback.
“You have patheticness!” Says Fawful.
“Try me, fiend!” Says Prince Peasley.
The Prince lunges forward toward Lemmy and repeatedly picks at him with the icicle. Despite him no longer wielding his sword, he was just as agile as he always was. His attacks can’t be beat.
Prince Peasley moves back, and Lemmy scowls. “Hey! That hurt!” Says Lemmy.
“Hah!” Prince Peasley bellows. “How is that for defenseless? Ah heh heh heh!”
“Your attacks are flat like a paper sheet that is bland and flimsy!” Says Fawful.
The Bros. then initiate another Bros. Attack… Chopper Bros., they called it. Mario swings his hammer directly across Fawful’s face.
“Gah! I have fury!” Says Fawful. “Minions! It is time for the attacking of the fink-rats!”
“You’re quick, but I’m quicker! Lemmy quips. “You’ll never get me!”
The small Koopaling reaches for his wand, and holds it up. At his left, right, and front, clones of him appear. They all spin in varying directions, however the effort to disorient the trio seems to fall flat.
“It’s the one up front!” Says Prince Peasley.
The Bros. then initiate another Bros. Attack. Prince Peasley watches in silent awe as he gazes upon the chain reaction of Super Bounce Bros. as the Bros. land directly onto Lemmy’s head.
Lemmy falls to the floor, dizzy. He holds onto his head. “…Ow… my head feels funny…”
“I have fury!” Fawful suddenly exclaims. “Fink-rats! You will not have the beatings of Fawful again!”
“So you losers wanna show your moves too, huh?” Roy questions. “Well, get ready for a smackdown! Bahaha!!”
Roy reels back, and begins shooting fireballs from his maw. Each one hits the Bros., and they dodge with precision, either jumping or using their hammers. The last fireball aims for Prince Peasley, and instinctively, he holds his icicle up in defense.
The fireball hits the icicle, causing it to dissipate… but Prince Peasley quickly notices that the icicle has completely melted. He quickly scurries away for a moment and snags another one.
“Ah… ahem,” Prince Peasley stammers. “Maybe I will stick to evading.”
The Bros., without Prince Peasley looking, initiate another Bros. Attack, aiming directly for Roy. Luigi makes Mario tiny with his hammer and smacks him in the Koopaling’s direction.
Roy quickly becomes disoriented, and holds onto his aching head. “…Stupid punks…”
“Nnrrgh-GACK!!” Fawful exclaims. “You minions have uselessness!”
“…Insolent cretins…” Says Ludwig. He then turns to the Bros. and Prince. “Let’s see you handle me, insects! I’m going all out! It’s Ludwig Time, baby! Bwahaha!!”
Ludwig brings out his wand, prompting a slo of magic to appear. He brings his wand up into the air, and a large ball of pure magic hovers above the trio.
With a flick of the Koopaling’s wand, more magic shoots for the heroes. Each of them dodge, even Prince Peasley. Rather than use the icicle though, he jumps.
The large magic orb then hangs just above the Bros. Prince Peasley, without much of a defense, scoots backward. He leaves the Bros. to handle the orb… since he couldn’t.
The Bros. then smack the magic orb back at Fawful and his troupe. The impact of the orb leaves them all winded, and momentarily knocks them out.
Joke’s End is then filled with a deafening silence. The Bros. and Prince slowly move toward the enemies before them… as they all suddenly come to.
“…Owie…” Says Lemmy.
“…Ugh… what happened?” Roy questions.
“…And what were we doing?” Ludwig asks.
The Koopalings all get up to their feet and group up, and then turn back to see Fawful still laying on the ground, still winded but slowly getting up.
…The Koopalings are then suddenly filled with rage.
“YOU!” Roy exclaims. “You’re the stupid punk who attacked us!”
“And brainwashed us!” Says Lemmy.
“What have you done with Lord Bowser, insect?” Ludwig asks.
“NOOOO!!” Fawful exclaims. “Fawful will not embrace the defeating! You fink-rats WILL soon drown in your mustard of doom!”
“Give up, lackey!” Says Prince Peasley. “You have fallen!”
“I HAVE FURY!!!” Says Fawful. “Fawful will defeat you fink-rats! You will soon eat back the defeatings you have forced-fed Fawful! FAWFUL WILL BE SUPREME LIKE A KING THAT IS GRAND AND SPARKLING!!”
“Hey! You down there!” Suddenly yells a bellowing voice. “STOP FIGHTING!!!”
…Everyone suddenly comes to a pause. They all turn back and look upward to where the voice had come from. Everyone but Prince Peasley seems to recognize the voice.
Lemmy gasps. “It’s him!”
“Lord Bowser!” Roy announces.
From the clouds above Joke’s End, various silhouettes blurred and clear begin to appear. The most obvious shadow being that of a flying ball… the Clown Car.
The Clown Car is the first to exit the clouds. Within the Clown Car, the minions’ leader, Bowser, sat. And at Bowser’s side was a tied up Popple…
Bowser’s Clown Car descends onto the icy floor of Joke’s End. The Koopa King leaps from the Clown Car and stomps toward Fawful, completely ignoring the Bros. and Prince Peasley.
Bowser was practically fuming as he approached Fawful, smoke flowing out from the edges of his mouth.
“GWAAAAARGH!!” Bowser roars. “You got a lot of nerve, you little punk!”
“Fawful has the nerve that would have brought you your defeating!” Says Fawful. “The defeating that Fawful will never have!”
The Bros. and Prince are all suddenly confused… so much had happened. What was Bowser doing here? Wasn’t he with that thief? Why was the thief tied up in the Clown Car? …So many questions…
Mario then jumps upward, alerting Bowser, who turns back to face the red plumber.
“MARIO!!” Bowser exclaims. “What have you been doing!?”
“I believe we must ask the same.” Says Prince Peasley.
“I WASN’T TALKING TO YOU!!” Bowser yells.
As Bowser scowls at Prince Peasley, another small set of minions appear. The four minions; a Goomba, Koopa Troopa, Boo, and Shy Guy all had small flags on their heads.
The flagged Goomba gasps. “Mario!” He exclaims. “I’ll take care of them, Lord Bowser!” He then tries to rush forward, before being stopped.
“Captains! Stop!” Bowser declares. “Can’t you see what I’m doing?”
Captain Goomba then moves back, ashamed. “…Forgive me, Lord Bowser.”
Bowser then turns back to Mario. “…What’ve you been doing, plumber?”
Mario explains everything to Bowser… all the fights they’ve had, places they’ve been, people they’ve met… and asks Bowser the same thing. Just what on Earth was he doing here?
Bowser takes a step back, trying to put his thoughts into words. “…We’re still in an alliance, so I’ll just tell ya all of it. Your ears better be clear!”
— Chucklehuck Woods, after Popple and Rookie’s rematch with the Bros… —
It had been hours, and the Prince was still nowhere to be found… he was either still lost in the woods or he fled somewhere else.
Popple and Rookie, but mostly Popple, began to care less and less about the Prince… making the Shadow Thief finally snap.
“Bah!” Popple exclaims. “That palooka Prince ain’t here anymore, see?”
“….But we haven’t looked everywhere, boss.” Says Rookie.
Popple is completely gobsmacked, turning to Rookie with wide eyes. “What!? These woods are huge, see? There ain’t any point in looking anymore, see? We can always find that green thing on our own terms.”
“…Yeah! We don’t need him!” Says Rookie.
“Now ya see what I’m gettin' at!” Says Popple. “I’ve gotta base in Teehee Valley, so how about we just mosey on down there, and come up with a plot ourselves, see?”
“…What’s a Teehee Valley, boss?” Rookie asks.
Popple looks to Rookie, confused… was he not from here? Not like he really knew a lot of people anyway, though. He ignores the question and gives off a smile. “I’ll show ya, Rookie. Follow my lead, see?”
“Sure thing, boss!” Rookie obliges.
The two set off to approach the edge of Chucklehuck Woods, which thankfully lead to Teehee Valley… they’d likely be there by morning, giving them all the time they needed to plan.
— Teehee Valley —
Popple and Rookie roam through the dry and hot desert that was Teehee Valley. The sand was never ending, and was crushed underneath the duos’ feet. The lands were covered with cacti and fossils… and Popple resided here? In this blazing heat?
Despite the heat, the two kept on… although, Rookie was starting to get tired.
“…I’m tired, boss.” Says Rookie. “How far is your base?”
“Ah, somewhere at the deserts edge, see?” Says Popple. “You’ll make it.”
“But my legs hurt, boss…” Says Rookie. “Red and Green must’ve gotten me too good… I can’t go any further…”
Rookie then falls forward onto his stomach, tired and winded. He remains barely conscious as he lays there. Popple looks back, and becomes slightly concerned.
“Rookie!” Says Popple. “Come on, get up, ya big lug!”
“…I can’t, boss…” Says Rookie, voice dry.
Popple pauses, considering his options… he then groans and pulls out his burlap sack. He digs through it, and pulls out a Mushroom he had stolen from a market.
“Here. Take this, see?” Says Popple. He then opens up Rookie’s maw and places the Mushroom in his mouth.
Rookie closes his maw, and eats the Mushroom in one bite. He seems to become more conscious, and slowly rises to his feet.
“Thanks, boss.” Says Rookie.
“Don’t mention it.” Says Popple. “Now, come on, see? Let’s keep goin'.”
The pair only progresses a bit further, before a voice suddenly stops them in their tracks.
“Lord Bowser!” The voice exclaims. “We’ve found you!”
Out from a fair distance ahead, a whole troupe of strangers appears. At the front was a group of four; a Goomba, Koopa Troopa, Boo, and Shy Guy. The four all bore a red flag on their heads. Behind the flagged minions was another group of four, each baring spiky shells and wands.
“Who’re you palookas?” Popple asks. “Rookie ain’t got business with ya, see?”
The Goomba is immediately appalled at Popple’s words. He gasps. “How dare you!?” He says. “That’s Lord Bowser! King of the Koopas!”
“…King of the hoo-has?” Popple asks… he didn’t know much about anything that wasn’t some treasure.
“Do you live under a rock!?” The Goomba asks. “…No, stay on track… Lord Bowser! Shall we, your minions, take care of this fellow here? Take him as prisoner?”
“…Huh? What are you on about?” Rookie asks. “Who’s Bowser?”
“…Y-you are, Lord Bowser!” Says the Goomba. “Don’t you remember? All of us are here! Even the Koopalings! …We don’t know where Roy, Ludwig, and Lemmy are though…”
Both Popple and Rookie look extremely confused. What were these people on about? Koopalings? Minions?
“Cut the blabberin', see?” Says Popple. “I already said Rookie ain’t got business with ya! Scram!”
As Popple looks on to the strangers, he spots that the four shelled children behind the Goomba all had wands of their own… he’s immediately intrigued.
“…Actually,” Popple begins. “I think you shelled palookas back there got something I want.”
…The shelled children, or Koopalings, seemed to know what he was after.
“Get away from my wand, half pint!” The glasses-wearing Koopaling, Iggy, demanded.
“GUY TOUCH WAND, MORTON PUNCH!” Says the big-mouthed Koopaling, Morton.
“Ah, c’mon!” Says Popple. “I ain’t gonna do nothing, see?”
Popple pauses for a moment… before suddenly charging toward the Koopaling with a bow on her head.
“Eugh!” The bow-wearing Koopaling, Wendy, exclaims. “Get away from me, ugly!”
Popple is shoved away by Wendy. He lands on the ground back first, and almost immediately gets back up to his feet.
“You mess with one Koopaling, you mess with all of us!” Says the blue-haired Koopaling, Larry.
“Nobody messes with Lord Bowser’s minions!” Says the flagged Goomba.
“Ah, so you wanna tussle, see?” Popple asks. “Well, we’ll give you a tussle, see? Let’s show ‘em what we got, Rookie!”
“Sure thing, boss!” Says Rookie.
The marvelous duo swiftly notice how offended the flagged Goomba appears after he hears those words come from Rookie’s mouth. He then shakes it off… and another battle begins.
“Time for you to get royally clobbered! Bahaha!!” Iggy declares. “Give us back Lord Bowser, thief!”
Iggy then spins, practically a tornado. He spins over to Popple and Rookie, and the thieving pair keep their eyes on him. They both quickly become dizzy and disoriented, not prepared for any other attack.
“Get 'em, Larry! Bahaha!!” Says Iggy.
“For Lord Bowser!” Says Larry. He then pulls out a tennis racket, and unveils a fireball from his maw.
Larry hits the fireballs with the racket, shooting the pair with blazing fire. The duo scowls as their behinds are quickly set ablaze… although, Popple’s taking the worst of it.
“EE-YOUCH!! Hey!” Popple exclaims. “We weren’t ready, see?”
“You aren’t SUPPOSED to be ready!” Says Larry.
Rookie then slowly gets up to his bottom, rubbing his behind to soothe the burning… he seemed as if he wasn’t in immense pain like Popple was, for his behind still stung.
“…You good, Rookie?” Popple questions, confused.
“I’m alright, boss! It’s just a scratch!” Says Rookie. “…My heads feeling funny though…”
The flagged Goomba gasps. “Our attacks are jogging his memory! He’s gotta remember something now!” He says. “Keep attacking! …Even if we’re hitting Lord Bowser, it’s all worth it, right?”
“…I’m surprised I didn’t need to tell you that…” Says the flagged Shy Guy. He then turns to Rookie. “Lord Bowser! Whether you’re hungry or not, have a turnip!”
The Shy Guy then readies a load of turnips, and throws them to Rookie in complete succession. All of the hit Rookie, bonking him directly on the head. He then readies one large turnip, and chucks it to Rookie.
Rookie then falls to his behind, dazed. “…Ow… stop! You’re not helping my headache!”
“Get up, Rookie!” Says Popple. “I’ll land a hit on 'em, see?”
As he looks up, he only sees seven Minions… weren’t there eight?
“Hey, where’d that ghostly fella go?” Popple asks himself.
Just as Popple finishes his sentence, he feels something hit his back. He is leapt into the air before falling back down on his feet.
“Hey!” Popple exclaims. “What’s the big idea!?”
“Give us back Lord Bowser, thief!” Says the flagged Boo, who has now reappeared beside the Minions. “He’s our boss! Our King! Not some rookie!”
“Enough with the 'Lord Bowser' junk, see?” Popple demands. “Let me show ya what real 'Lord' can do!”
Popple then pulls out a burlap bag and digs through it. With a large and cheeky grin on his face, he begins throwing hammers at the Minions. Just as the hammers edge to the Minions, the flagged Koopa Troopa stands before the group, and takes the hits.
As Popple ceases his hammer throwing, he stares at the Koopa Troopa with wide and confused eyes… how could anything take a blow like that?
“You may hit me bit by bit,” Says the Koopa Troopa. “But you will never land a proper hit!”
…The air goes silent… and the wind softly blows. The tension around everyone seems to have suddenly faded.
“…That rhyme stinks, see?” Says Popple, breaking the silence.
Just as Popple finishes his sentence, two rounds of rings appear around the pair. The rings close in, hitting and damaging them both.
“HA!” Wendy bellows. “You better learn to pay attention next time, thief!”
Popple and Rookie slowly get to their feet, dazed. Popple turns to Rookie, giving an angry and fierce glare.
“Rookie!” Says Popple. “Come on! Hit 'em while we’ve got the chance, see?”
Popple then notices how… confused Rookie looked. He appeared as if he was having some epiphany or enigma… like he was slowly recognizing something…
“Rookie!” Popple calls. “What’s up with ya!?”
“…I don’t know, boss.” Says Rookie. “I feel weird… my head feels weird… I can’t think right…”
“Well, ya better think right now, see?” Popple demands. “We’re sittin' ducks!”
“He’s starting to remember!” Says the flagged Goomba. “Come on, everyone! Keep at it!”
Just after those words slip from the Goomba’s mouth, Morton suddenly dashes toward Popple, becoming a blur to the other Minions.
Morton brings Popple down to the floor. Popple only lays there as he is suddenly hit by shock waves sent from Morton constantly stomping up and down.
“Rookie! ROOKIE!!” Popple exclaims. “I’m gettin' pummeled over here! HEEELP MEEE!!”
Rookie only stood in his spot, and acted like he blotted out everything and everyone. To him, his surroundings were nonexistent… he was so confused…
As the Minions look on to Rookie, the flagged Goomba seems to have an epiphany.
Their attacks were getting to him, sure… but they’d be here for hours on end, trying to jog their master’s memories back. It would take time that none of the Minions actually had.
The Goomba then puts on a poker face… he reels back slightly, readying his tiny and stubby legs… and rushes toward Rookie like a pint-sized truck.
“Lord Bowser!!” The Goomba exclaims. “I’LL SAVE YOUUU!!!”
The Goomba then bonks Rookie directly on the head with ferocious force. The Goomba bounces off Rookie’s head and lands to the sandy ground with a small thud.
Rookie only stands still, stunned. He was blank not in just his face, but also his eyes… as if everything was suddenly coming back to him.
…Plumbers that wore red and green. A beautiful mushroom Princess, whom he wanted oh-so badly. Breaking into the Princess’ castle only to find her crying. Learning that her voice was stolen. Making an alliance… it had hit him like a truck.
He was no rookie for some lowly thief… and he never was.
Rookie growled, smoke trailing from the edges of his maw. Everyone, including Popple and Morton, looked on at the display as the large shelled Koopa reeled back and suddenly took on a triumphant pose.
“GWWAAAAAAAAAAARGHH!!!” The shelled beast roared.
Out from the beast’s maw came an entourage of fire. The fire rose into the sky far above Teehee Valley, and slowly fizzled away.
“I REMEMBER! I REMEMBER NOW!!” The beast exclaimed. “I. AM. BOWSER!!! KING OF THE KOOPAS!!!”
The Minions all suddenly cheer… all while Popple remained completely awestruck, yet horribly confused.
“Lord Bowser! Lord Bowser!” The Boo cheered. “You’re back!”
Bowser lets out a hearty laugh. “I don’t know what I was doing before, but I don’t care!” Says Bowser. “I remember now! I AM BOWSER THE KING!!! You Minions really have some use after all!”
“It’s Captain Goomba you must thank, Lord Bowser!” Says the Koopa Troopa. “For it was he that gave you your reminder!”
Bowser then raises a brow at the Minions, and turns to his side. He spots Captain Goomba, innocently looking up to the Koopa King.
“…Really? A Goomba?” Asks Bowser.
“Yeah!” Says Larry. “He bonked you right your head!”
“It was pretty courageous… especially for a Goomba.” Says Wendy, mumbling that last part to herself.
“I’m surprised he did it all… such is the way of a loyal Minion, I guess.” The Shy Guy says to himself.
Bowser continues to look on at the Goomba, before straightening himself. “Bwahaha!!” He laughs. “I should promote you, Captain Goomba!”
Captain Goomba immediately seems to become teary eyed. He tries to suck up the tears before his King, and proudly looks away. “…T-thank you, Lord Bowser.”
Bowser nods, and turns away from the Goomba, giving an affirming glare to the Minions. “Now that I remember, where did those plumbers go!? And where’s Roy, Ludwig, and Lemmy?”
“I’ve recruited Minions to help find them, Lord Bowser!” Says Captain Goomba. “…But we don’t know where the missing Koopalings are… or the plumbers.”
The air is silent… before a Lakitu suddenly appears.
“Lord Bowser!” Says the Lakitu. “The Mario Bros. AND the Koopa Cruiser have been spotted in Joke’s End! The missing Koopalings are with some green guy…”
“Great, Lakitu! We can just go over to this 'Joke’s End' place and…” Bowser pauses. “Wait, what did the green guy look like?”
“There were two of them, Lord Bowser.” Says the Lakitu. “One with sparkly hair… and another had some kind of gear on his head…”
“…'Gear on his head?'” Bowser questions. He then taps his foot in thought… and his eyes suddenly widen.
…The guy that destroyed the Koopa Cruiser and caused them all to crashed… he had gear on his head…
Bowser growls, before letting out another mighty roar. “GWRAWR!! The stupid green guy has the missing Koopalings!? …Ohh, when I get my hands on that overgrown weed…”
“Ah, excuse me?” Popple asks from afar. “I still don’t know what a Koopa is, see?”
Everyone turns to the right, seeing Popple still laying on the ground. Bowser walks up to him, fury in his eyes.
“I’M a Koopa, short-stack!” Says Bowser. “…And you got a lotta guts if you think I’m some rookie.” He says with a growl.
“You’ve always been my rookie, Rookie!” Says Popple. “Cut the games, see?”
“I’LL CUT YOUR GAME WHEN I—!” Bowser exclaims; before stopping, taking a deep breath, and calming himself. “…You’re a pain in the neck, you know that? Maybe I’ll just throw you in the Castle dungeon or something…”
Popple recoils at the thought of being put in the slammer. He gets on his knees and begins to plead. “Ah, c’mon, Rookie— AH! I mean, Bowser! LORD Bowser, I mean!” He says. “I gave ya that Mushroom before, see? I helped ya! A-AND!! I helped ya take us to Chucklehuck Woods! Eh? Eh?”
Bowser folds his arms, and begins to consider his options… he turns back to Popple, knowing what he wants to say. “You know what? I’ll spare ya, short-stack.” He says. “Minions! Tie him up and put him in the Clown Car! We’re going to Joke’s End!”
From beside Bowser, the Clown Car suddenly appears. The Minions tie Popple up and head to the Clown Car.
“Wait!” Says Popple. “What’re you tying me up for, see!?”
“So you don’t do anything weird! AND BE QUIET!!” Says Bowser. He then turns to the Lakitu. “Where are the other Minions?”
“They should all be at Joke’s End, Lord Bowser!” Says the Lakitu. “I’ve informed them all of the Koopa Cruiser! It should be half-way done by the time we get there.”
“Then what are we sitting here for?” Bowser asks. “Let’s get moving!”
“Right, Lord Bowser!” Says the Lakitu as he stands beside the Clown Car, awaiting take off.
…Bowser then turns to the Captain Goomba, who is standing beside him.
“Hey, how about you sit with me in the Clown Car?” He asks. “I’m very proud of the work you did.”
Captain Goomba is awestruck by the request. He doesn’t respond for a moment, before shaking off his amazement and giving Bowser a firm glare. “Yes, Lord Bowser!” He says. “I will gladly take the offer!”
“Great!” Says Bowser.
Bowser then jumps into the Clown Car, Popple at his right and Captain Goomba on his left. The Koopalings sat at the back, or wherever they could fit. As the Clown Car slowly hovers into the air, Bowser points forward.
“Lakitu!” Says Bowser. “Take me to Joke’s End!”
“Will do, Lord Bowser!” Says the Lakitu.
The Clown Car soars into the air, with Lakitu and the rest of the Minions behind it. Captain Boo carried the other two Captains, and followed the Clown Car to Joke’s End… which could barely be seen in the distance.
— Back in the Present… —
“…That’s it.” Says Bowser. “That’s all that happened… you get all that, plumber boy?”
Mario nods, confirming he got all of it… despite how much it was.
“Good. We’re all caught up to speed.” Says Bowser. He then turns back to the Koopalings. “You lot alright back there?”
“We’re good, Lord Bowser.” Says Roy.
“…My head’s still fuzzy though…” Says Lemmy.
Bowser growls. “…Stupid green guy… messing with MY Minions…”
“The name is Fawful, fink-rat!” Says Fawful, who was now tied up. “Fawful does not need those Minions anyway! They have uselessness!”
“They’re only sometimes like that, half-pint!” Says Bowser.
“Fawful would say otherwise to you!” Fawful quips.
Bowser growls, and turns back to Mario. “You mentioned a 'Cackletta' earlier right?” He asks. “She’s taken over this Kingdom? What about the Mushroom Kingdom?”
Mario explains all he knows… and Bowser grows furious.
“GRAAAAAGHH!! SHE HAS PEACH!? AND THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM!?” Bowser exclaims. “EVEN IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO, I WILL PULVERIZE THAT WITCH!!! …Matter of fact, why don’t we just go there now, plumbers? Come on, hop in the Clown Car!”
Bowser tries to head back to the Clown Car, stomping with rage… before he’s suddenly stopped.
“Wait! …Bowser, was it?” Prince Peasley questions.
“It’s LORD Bowser, half-sized beanpole!” Bowser grumbles.
“…Yes, Lord Bowser.” Says Prince Peasley, ignoring his insolence. “If we are going to beat Cackletta, we need a plan. We can’t just barge in.”
“…Ah, I get it. You want in on our alliance.” Says Bowser. “Well, I’m not having it!”
“Lord Bowser, if you just go in the castle, it won’t be an easy fight.” Says Prince Peasley. “…I feel it would be better if we joined forces. We all want to defeat Cackletta, correct?”
…Bowser grumbles, left without an argument. He turns to the Prince, defeated. “Fine. I’ll let you join our alliance.” He says. “You better not turn your back on me!”
“I would never.” Says Prince Peasley. “We all have the same motive. I’d gain nothing from it.”
“…Yeah. You better not do anything weird.” Says Bowser.
“My ears are not crazy, correct?” Fawful asks. “It would be best to have the regroupings to give Cackletta the tasty and sweet defeatings?”
“Why do you ask?” Prince Peasley questions, turning back to Fawful.
“Yeah!” Bowser butts in. “Don’t you work for that old hag?”
“…Fawful used to.” Says Fawful. “The hag-rat threw Fawful out like garbage that had laid in the sun to grow in stink… her stabbing of Fawful’s back brings me fury! I have fury!!”
The Koopa King and Beanish Prince consider Fawful’s words… Cackletta had just let him go? Felt she no longer needed him? How cruel…
“She just booted you?” Bowser asks. “I’d never do that to my Minions! …Even if I kinda want to sometimes…”
“…I see… just as unjust as she’s always been.” Says Prince Peasley. “If you wish to fight alongside us, I need you to actually help… no leading us to our doom.”
“…Fawful may not like you fink-rats, especially the Koopa-rat… but Fawful also has geniusness. Fawful knows how to play his cards.” Says Fawful. “Fawful will not have the schemings against his allies.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, Fawful. We’ve reached a compromise.” Says Prince Peasley. “Now, all we need to do is devise a plan to sneak in and snag the Beanstar and captured Royals…”
“What'cha got, beansprout?” Bowser asks.
The Bros. and Prince Peasley all become deep in thought… before someone interjects.
“You’ll need someone to teach ya the ol' Shadow Thief way, see?” Says Popple, popping out from the Clown Car. “I can help you get in. And! If there’s a lock, I can unlock it, see?”
“Fawful can do the same!” Fawful interjects. “Fawful knows the castle like the front of Fawful’s beautiful face! …Fawful can also take care of foes like a fox that is sly and in the shadows.”
“…You are not planning are killing the guards, are you?” Prince Peasley asks. “Don’t kill the guards.”
“Fawful will do no such thing!” Says Fawful. “…Fawful can have the confirming, no kill havings of the guards.” He says in a stern tone… he was being serious, oddly enough.
…Prince Peasley nods to Fawful, then turns back to the group. “Does anyone else have intel, or is that it?”
Bowser steps forward, and takes a triumphant stance. “Minions!” He declares. “Once the Koopa Cruiser is fixed, all of you will head back to the Mushroom Kingdom, and defend it from whatever Cackletta’s thrown at it!”
“Really, Lord Bowser?” Asks Captain Boo, who stood off to the side with the other Captains.
“Yes!” Says Bowser. “…I’d rather Peach’s Kingdom be nice and pretty than in ruins.”
“Will do, Lord Bowser!” Says Captain Goomba. “We’ll defend the Princess’ Kingdom, and it’ll look good as new!”
“Oh, and I’m putting Captain Goomba in charge of this mission.” Says Bowser. “I’m certain he’ll be capable of it.”
Captain Goomba can barely contain himself after he hears those words. “I will fulfill your orders until the very end, Lord Bowser!”
“Lord Bowser!” Calls a voice from inside the crypt, Lakitu. The Lakitu exits, and reveals himself before his master. “The Koopa Cruiser is almost complete!”
“Good work!” Says Bowser. “Tell the Minions to head straight to the Mushroom Kingdom when it’s done! I need Peach’s Kingdom defended!”
“On it, Lord Bowser!” Says the Lakitu. “I’ll show you where the Koopa Cruiser is held.” He then rushes back into the crypt, everyone else following him inside.
Everyone laid dormant just near the exit to Joke’s End, the late afternoon sky made everything feel deeply peaceful… despite everyone’s circumstances.
Popple and Fawful were dawdling around, Fawful picking at his headgear and Popple pacing back and forth. Bowser stood a fair distance away, giving orders to his Minions. Things like 'You better come back safely!' or 'Show me that I can count on you!' were said and discussed.
As the Bros. turn around, they notice something… Prince Peasley seemed to be missing.
He wasn’t near anyone else, and as Luigi turned his head over to one of the small ice pillars, he spots the Prince. Prince Peasley appeared deep in thought… almost troubled.
Luigi steps away from Mario, heading to the Prince. Mario notices his brother’s departure and follows close behind. It doesn’t take long for Prince Peasley to notice the Bros. as they sit themselves beside him, and give him a concerned look.
…Had something happened?
Prince Peasley could tell what they wanted to know. He didn’t even have to ask. He takes a deep breath, and sighs.
“You weren’t there to see it, but you probably noticed anyway. My bout with Cackletta… it did not go very well.” Says Prince Peasley. “…It’s beginning to eat at me…”
The Bros. couldn’t help but wonder why. They continue to give the Prince that same concerned look… and Prince Peasley quickly seems a bit upset. He takes another breath in attempt to calm himself.
“…I-it is a long story. A complex one.” Says the Prince. “But I know I can trust you both with this knowledge.”
The Prince schuffles a bit in his spot, moving slightly to face the Bros… he takes another breath, and begins his tale.
“…The Beanbean Kingdom had a King once. He was a fine, upstanding man. The perfect ruler for a fair Kingdom such as this.” Says Prince Peasley. “Years ago, my mother and father were going to have a child… and just days before I was born, my father was killed… I never met my father…”
Prince Peasley then becomes strained… just speaking of it made his heart ache. He turns away, and calms himself before continuing.
“My family has been in constant mourning since his death. I am no exception.” Says Prince Peasley. “…You can likely see where I’m getting at… Cackletta killed my father.”
The Bros. are quickly taken aback. As if she couldn’t have stooped lower… the very person that caused a whole family to be in constant mourning… if this was how Prince Peasley was handling it, then how did Lady Lima and Queen Bean take it…?
“…It never helps that Cackletta…” Prince Peasley stops for a moment, scowling at the simple thought of what he wanted to say next. “…Cackletta is my mother’s sister. I’m her nephew. We are related by blood.”
…This simple piece of the puzzle only made it all hurt more… Prince Peasley’s very aunt was responsible for his father’s death?
“Cackletta taunted me about it for most of our fight. She knew she could use it against me, and swiftly took that opportunity when she was losing.” Says Prince Peasley. “I could’ve fallen to her tactics… but thanks to you, I didn’t… but I still scowl at her foul and sick ways she taunts my family and I…”
Prince Peasley then gets to his feet and stands before the small ice balcony. He stares out into the land and sky, his hair and cape swiftly blowing in the wind.
“…No matter what it takes, her venomous and sickly words will not taunt me again. I will not fear her, for she will fear me.” Says Prince Peasley. “I will avenge my father, if it’s the last thing I do…”
Prince Peasley’s tightens his grip on the wall as he stares out into the distance toward the Beanbean Kingdom’s mainland. The Bros. step to the Prince, and Luigi squeezes his shoulder slightly.
The Prince sighs, and turns back to the Bros. “…I thank you both for your compassion… I’m somewhat glad I’ve gotten that off of my chest.” He says. “You both truly are saints.”
The Bros. look back at Prince Peasley, genuine smiles on their faces… then, the sound of the Koopa Cruiser starting up knocks them out of their heads.
The trio turns back, and sees the Koopa Cruiser begin its journey to the Mushroom Kingdom. As they watch the Cruiser leave, Bowser turns back to everyone else.
“What’re you standing around for?” Bowser asks. “You chumps ready or not?”
“I’m ready, see?” Says Popple. “I’m just itchin' to break into somethin'!”
“Fawful is ready to have Cackletta’s doom crash onto her like an intimating and doom having wave!” Says Fawful. “I have vengeance!”
“Oh yeah!” Says Mario, triumphantly holding up a fist.
“Let’s-a go!” Says Luigi, also bringing a fist up.
“As if I wasn’t already.” Says Prince Peasley.
The group then prepares their ploy to sneak into the Castle… it’d be awhile until they’d get there, but they were ready.
Cackletta wouldn’t know what hit her.
Next Chapter: TBA
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First Chapter:
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ran-orimoto · 2 years
Choose 3 jobs you would have given each Frontier memb instead of the canonical ones I don’t like.
For each of them? 3? This is kinda hard, let’s see what I can do🤣. Should I add Izumi too, though? Izumi has got no canonical aim besides her modelling part time job. In my headcanons she ends up becoming a chef bahaha XD.
• Takuya: The F1 driver, possibly in Ferrari, because it’s flaming🔥🔥🔥. This has got no sense but Takuya gives me the vibes of a F1 pilot. He has got enough fire and steam in his heart to pull it off. Next, crazy I know, is an airforce military (because of the Moon episode. Dying) and…I can’t pick another one, help! 🤣 This is happening because I like Takuya as a football player, so I’ll stop at the second one. Fail👏! No, but really. I like him in that field. I want him to show the world the most eccentric hairstyles. Ok, listen, Kouji cutting his hair; Takuya growing it out. Third…………Could he be a fire fighter ? Another dumb idea because he has got no patience. He wouldn’t wait forkitty to get down a tree.
• Izumi: Ok, so, the chef has already been said and it’s one. The second one is the lawyer, because she’s extremely diplomatic and has got oratory skills; maybe she could be specialized in international law? The third one is the languages teacher, but I’m not sure if she would like other languages besides italian. I can just embrace the idea thanks to the drama, in which she teaches italian to Takuya but I know it doesn’t really mean anything. She has lived in Italy since she was a little girl , so ,of course, she can be helpful with it. It doesn’t really mean she would enjoy other languages she doesn’t know. If she stuck with teaching italian, I don’t really know in what kind of school she would do that. Honestly, who would teach italian in Japan nowadays? Teachers from cram schools, perhaps? Who knows if Junpei actually studies italian in a cram school because his pronunciation is pretty good ahaha.
• Junpei: The architect engineer obviously comes to my mind immediately. Let my boy use as many blueprints as he wants🤣! Still, I prefer him as a train driver, ngl about this. Besides the fact a bio says he collects model trains (adorable ), he interacts with Trailmons a lot in the series and I can’t care less about Takuya winning the race in that episode. Junpei or Izumi were supposed to win that! They were the ones immediately taking the reins of the situation and riding the Trailmons. The third one is the kindergarten teacher, which makes me awe but also laugh. Big man taking care of bbies who are so small compared with him. I can’t, okay. I can’t. I think a good compendium of what he has shown throughout the series could be represented by that job: him knowing magical tricks, him having entertaining skills, him being able to lift the mood (THINK ABOUT THE LIBRARY SCENE OMG), him playing with the baby digimons at the KINDERGARTEN, him bonding with the bby Kokuwamon, him lifting the Motemon up and down, him (and Izumi) being the first ones proposing to take care of the egg bbies. And let’s not forget about his relationship with Tomoki, which shows he would also be a great elementary teacher …? THESE ARE FOUR, ZURA GAHHH. But I love Junpei in teaching and bless God most opera singers eventually land in that field when they’re older.
And Junpei could also be a carpenter or an act- TIME OUTTTTTTTT.
Can I stop here because I have no clue about the remaining ones and because you would tell I don’t care that much about them 🤣. I mean, I like Tomoki, but not as much as Junpei, Izumi and Takuya? He’s a bby but his story doesn’t make me that intrigued. But whatever…
• Tomoki: He’s too similar to Izumi when it comes to me depicting him as both a cook or a lawyer. The politician is perfection for him, but let’s also add the social worker, because he could deal with problematic kids and families? And he could also be a model for children in that way, but on a less popular scale, of course.
• Kouji and Kouichi. God Lord, I can’t really think about anything. I’m doomed. I love Kouichi as a doctor and I can’t see any other job fitting him. Instead, Kouji could be a florist too and that’s it *shrugs*. I just believe he could be a florist while being a backpack traveller, at the beginning of the carreer at least. Where would he find money ??? Kouji????
Yes Anon, I wasn’t the right person to send this ask to💕💕💕, but thank you for the ask. I’ve tried.
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star-1111 · 2 years
Hello <3 req. Cc Dream and reader break up and dream meets a new person but everything they do together reminds him of reader. Sorry for my bad english 😸
OKAY! sorry for the wait!
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~Dream x gn!reader~
~warnings: slight language, arguing
One sentence.
One sentence was all it took for your world to crumble around you.
"Fine, then I think we should break up..!"
That was it.
It all started one evening. An evening like any other. You and your boyfriend, Clay were eating dinner. He was acting off, and you were concerned for him.
"Babe? Is everything okay?" You asked, after swallowing a portion of your food.
He kept his gaze down, looking at his plate. He hummed in response.
You didn't believe him. You had told him many times before that he could talk to you about whatever was going on in his life.
"Are you sure? Is it the food? I can order us something else, y'know."
He kept his gaze down, now pulling out his phone. He scrolled through what you presumed to be some type of social media. "Im fine." He responded. Brows furrowed, you scooted a little closer to him. This caught his eye. He looked up at you, glancing around in confusion.
"..What are you doing?" He asked, much to your dismay.
You placed your hand over his, the one that held his phone, a soft smile on your face. "You can tell me y'know. I just wanna look out for you." With that he groaned, standing up. He threw his food away, going to his room.
You sat there for a moment, unable to properly process what just occurred.
Did he just push me away? What did I do wrong?
You hesitantly followed behind him, knocking on his doorframe. "Have I done something to upset you?" He scoffed, shaking his head to himself. You entered his room, going over to sit in a chair he placed there for you, so if he was watching YouTube or wanted to show you something, you'd be comfortable.
That was a move that you should've never done.
Instantly he snapped his head to look at you. "God, can't you just leave me the fuck alone? What, are you like some sort of dog? Waiting for me to give you some fucking orders?"
Your eyes widened in shock. "..What? Why the hell would you even say something like that?" He threw his arms in the air, quickly exiting the room.
You, of course, followed.
He glanced over his shoulder at you, immediately facing you.
"You're still following me? What, do you- do you not have anything better to do?"
"What the hell is your problem? I was just checking to make sure you were okay. You have no right to talk to me like that. I'm not a fucking dog, and I don't want to be referred to one." He threw his hands in the air again, before resting them on his hip. "Oh, oh so now you care about me?"
"What is your problem?"
He scoffed, faking a laugh. "Are you serious right now? You're acting like a baby." He paused for a moment. "I'm having a shitty day. And you're making It shittier. In fact, I've been having an awful week. Now you notice? Now you notice that I'm not okay?"
You furrowed your brows.
"I've been working day and night shifts, and on top of that I'm doing online college classes." He scoffed. "You act like that takes fucking time."
"It does! What do you do? You sit around. Most of the time, you're talking to George, or Nick, or whoever!" He stormed around the house, presumably trying to calm himself.
"Listen, I'm sorry if I'm not working hard enough to- enough to make you happy. But I'm trying. I'm seriously fucking trying to make you happy."
"Well, you're doing a fucking great job!" He yelled back with sarcasm.
You argued back and forth, until he said that sentence.
The sentence that caused your world to shatter around you.
Nearly two months later, he was with someone else. He had met a girl, who he assumed would make him forget about you. Someone who would open his eyes and let him move on.
But fuck, was he wrong.
The way she smiled, and laughed, and had the same humor as him.
The way she ranted about her special interests, and held him close at night.
The way she made him feel safe, and loved, and the way she reminded him that she'd always be there for him.
She was just like you.
He tried to think of something else. Anything else but you.
But no matter what she did, no matter how she did it, he always thought of you.
One night, he told this girl he needed some time to rethink whether he liked her platonically or romantically. A little shocked, she said 'okay. just lemme know what you decide. I'll be understanding either way.'
So, he drove around, late at night.
He remembered those nights, when the two of you would sit in this very car, and sing songs and record silly videos- or even just sit and enjoy each other's presence. His hand would rest on your thigh, giving you both a sense of security.
He found himself driving to your house. Or, well, the house you both shared. The house you two had grown to love, and the very house your relationship had ended.
He exited his car, going to stand before your door. He patted himself down, making sure he looked nice, before hovering his finger in front of the doorbell.
He felt anxious. But he knew he had to do this.
With a deep breath, he rung your doorbell.
He felt his heart increase at the sound of your voice. God, how he missed the way his name rolled off of your tongue oh so perfectly.
When you opened the door, your eyes interlocked immediately.
"Clay? What are you-"
"y/n. y/n, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for lashing out at you, and for making you upset, and for breaking up with you. I was so stupid, and-and so blind. I should've been a better boyfriend to you. I should've been there for you, too. I should've talked to you, instead of acting the way I did. Please, please I know you're probably angry at me, and you're probably going to scream at me to leave, but please. I love you. I love you so fucking much. I'd do anything to prove my love for you. The Greek God, Narcissus would look at you instead of his reflection, and instantly he would admire your beauty instead of his own. All the flowers of the world turn to look at you instead of the sun, because you shine the brightest. Any star in the sky is envious of you, because you'll always be brighter than them. I know I'm being cheesy, or probably too much, but please. Please, y/n. I'm sorry. I fucked up so badly. Please."
You stared up at him, a light blush coated your cheeks. He felt embarrassed, reaching up to scratch his neck. Within seconds, you wrapped your arms around him, wrapping him into a hug.
"I missed you. I missed you so much."
With relief, he wrapped his arms around you, too.
(insert really adorable way to end story)
I hope you liked it! I really reached into my greek mythology phase for this one ^^
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Bet after DUM-E and you get fond of each other he simply doesn't wanna share you 😤😠 so whenever you're in the lab with Tony and the bots, DUM-E assumes it's y/n-DUM-E bonding time! So if Tony tries to hug you or kiss you he gets in between you two and tries to push Tony away. If Tony manages to approach you without DUM-E noticing, once he does notice he'll throw something at Tony and push him away. If you come down to the lab and greet Tony before you greet him, he'll be so sad and you'll have to give him lots of pats 🥺
Eventually Tony will have to have a talk with DUM-E and explain that the two of them can and should share your attention, c'mon! Plus, you're Tony's girlfriend, he's the one that made the bridge that made the DUM-E-y/n friendship possible! DUM-E will still be a bit sour about it for a while, but eventually he's okay with sharing your attention. And to show he's okay, he makes a drawing: you in the middle of Tony and DUM-E as they're both hugging you or holding hands with you + a very beautiful heart
He’s just a baby, really! Sure he has an AI, but I’m sure the social intelligence isn’t quite as exercised as JARVIS’, and like many AI he probably learns and develops every day. Whether the bots really have emotions or are just programmed to have them, who could say? Or maybe DUM-E simply learned his jealousy from Tony? Either way, he’s pretty darn cute :)
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insertfunname · 2 months
Fifth post
bahaha back with another meaningless post what's up lads and lassies
Okay never saying that again
Anyway. Um. Guess I should make some kind of intro post or something? Not sure but I caught @hugsnkisses-xxx doing one so why not.
Im Róisín, Im 18, I live in Derry (the one in Ireland) and I've got Lupus, which is something that doesn't seem like something to mention in an intro post but it's taken over my whole life so it kinds IS something to mention in an intro post. Don't have any formal qualifications because of that awful disease. I don't do much on any given day aside from babysitting my 2 younger sisters, though one of them mostly just helps me babysit the other because she's not a baby anymore. She's 14 for Christ's sake, she's old enough to babysit herself. To be fair my other sister is 15, but she's got Down's Syndrome and she functions at about a 5 year old level so she definitely needs a babysitter.
What else do I have to mention. Hm. I live with my aunt, she's pretty cool. Um. What else. Really drawing a blank here. Oh, I like theatre and music. Before Lupus ruined my life I was trying to get ahead in the musical theatre field a little. I guess that's a nice thing to mention.
Ill probably add to this if I have anything to say.
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buckybabieboy · 2 years
So I've read several smut fics about Bucky's first time after 70+ years but never a combination of these:
- touch starved Bucky, him begging the reader to touch him where he needs it the most
- him being iper sensitive, just a simple touch makes him whimper
- cumming a lot, reader can't even manage to suck him or stroke him properly
- still being hard after cumming several times
- he's just a moaning mess who needs attention, his metal hand isn't enough anymore
- his thrusts getting harder and deeper while he loses himself in the feeling, not even able to form a sentence
...could you please write something like this? If the f!reader and Bucky are friends, friends with benefits, in a relationship, how it starts, how it ends... it's up to you.
Wow. Here goes nothin’ BAHAHA.
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⚠️TW: NSFW, sub!touch-starved!bucky, dom!fem!reader, blowjob(m!receiving,) p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, slight overstimulation, cockwarming, Bucky being a touch starved and needy little thing, much more lol just read it
☁️Summary: You make Bucky cum for the first time(s) in over 70+ years. Your touch starved little baby.
📝A/N: Thx for this request babie. I tried my very hardest to include everything in here! P.S: I’ve been a very busy person lately, which meant no time for writing. I’m so very sorry! You guys sending in requests really motivates me though. <3 I even used some of your exact words if you look closely, anon ;)
You and Bucky had a relationship that was indescribable. He was honest and open around you, which was something that nobody else could ever say. Wherever you were, so was he, and you didn’t have a problem with that. 
During the time you’ve spent getting to know Bucky, you’ve come to 2 conclusions; James Buchanan Barnes was a broken and damaged man, but that will never mean he’s any less worthy of love. You also noticed a certain desperation in him. The slightest touch would make him go rigid.
You can recall multiple occasions where you’d grab his hand, kiss his head, or simply pull him in for a hug and he’d be all flustered and glossy-eyed. He’d beg you to do those things again. To touch him literally anywhere. It didn’t matter where because to him, any sensation was a good sensation, just as long as it came from you.
Which led you to your second conclusion; Bucky was longing for touch. He was a touch starved, delicate, little thing that just needed to be taken care of. And you had no problem being the one to fulfill his needs. 
As of right now, Bucky has made himself comfortable in your arms, eyelids shut and mouth agape as he indulges in your soft, delicate touch. He’s on your lap and facing you, so you notice even the slightest twitches of his beautifully flushed face. Your fingertips slowly scratch at his scalp, and you feel him fall limp in your arms, as if he’d given himself up to you.
“l- I love that, y/n. please don’t stop...” Bucky mumbles. 
“when you touch me.. f-feels like m’ floating...” Bucky continues to babble and whimper from your simple movements. He’s literally shaking in your lap, which makes your mind wander into filthy places. You’re still awed about how the simplest touches from you make him go mad.
“yeah? feels good?” You ask quietly in response, and he nods his head yes. You feel subtle, but noticeable movements against the skin of your right thigh. His metal fingers were lightly tapping your thigh, as if he needed something to hold on to, to ground him here on earth so that his now ‘normal’ headspace wouldn’t become a fuzzy and floaty one.
“my sweet boy..” you whisper to him, brushing his hair away from his face and behind his ear. He gives you a weary and desperate look in response, and you give him a soft kiss on the nose as an attempt to calm him down. You began to feel something on your thigh again, but it wasn’t his metal fingers. You look down and see Bucky grinding against your thigh, whimpering and hyperventilating while doing so.
“f-fuck, I c-can’t! need more…” Bucky whimpers, hot tears falling from his baby blue eyes. He was so frustrated that he could never do it for himself, it was humiliating for him. You know he’s tried to cum by himself, but his metal hand just wasn’t enough. Poor little baby just couldn’t get himself there, and he needed you to do it. You wipe his tears with your thumb and begin to shush him. He was stiff in his pants, and the fact that he was wearing his comfy gray sweats didn’t make it any less obvious.
“shh… you’re okay James. What is it that you need, hm?”
Your voice was soft and delicate to his ears, which was something that Bucky appreciated. He was feeling so many things right now, it was all so overstimulating for him, but you’re sweet, sultry voice reminded him that he was okay.
“please do something. anything! it hurts, y/n… make it stop, please…”He whimpered, avoiding your eyes. His cock was leaked and stained his sweats.
 His whimpers have gotten even more high pitched as he’s become more desperate for you. You palm him through his sweats which makes him jolt in your lap, practically screaming at the sensation. You haven’t even touched him yet and he’s already so spent.
“get up, baby. gonna take care of you now.” You whisper to him. He gets off of you and sits on the edge of your shared bed as you get down on your knees in front of him. You take off his shirt and undo the drawstring to his sweats, taking them off along with his boxers. You stare at his body in awe. He was so beautiful, so ethereal. All his scars and bruises were so perfect in your eyes. Even that metal arm of his, the one that he would be insecure about from time to time. Your eyes trail down to his aching cock, loads of precum having spilled out from before.
You get up to kiss him on his adorably pink lips before coming back down to leave a trail of kisses down both his trembling thighs.
“y/n, please! Please touch my cock, I need you there!” Bucky yelps at the feeling of your soft, plush lips kissing his legs. He’s so sensitive and whiny, just needing you to touch him where he needs it most. You hum in response and move up to his twitching cock. You plant a kiss on his tip, causing him to let out a gasp and buck his hips up towards you. You notice how stimulated and sensitive his cock is, which wasn’t very surprising. His cock must be aching from being hard and not releasing for so long.
“you’re so hard, sweet boy...let me know if it’s too much, okay?” You say before taking his red tip into your mouth, sucking on it softly. You make sure to make your movements slow at first, not wanting to overwhelm him. The moment your soft, moist lips wrap around him, you hear him stifle a pathetic whimper. When you’re halfway down his shaft, you begin play with his balls with one of your hands.
“keep goin… please don’t stop!” Bucky cries, both his hands gripping the sheets. You finally take his whole cock in your wet mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you go. Bucky had no idea such ecstasy existed; the feeling of your wet tounge on his sensitive cock was almost driving him mad. You could feel his poor cock pulsating in your mouth, which motivated you to continue your movements. You reach down into your shorts and rub yourself through your soaked panties. You didn’t even notice how wet Bucky’s pathetic sobs and whimpers made you.
“f-fuck, y/n that's so good! feels so, so good! gonna make me c-cum!” Bucky continues to babble and cry, the poor little baby couldn’t even manage to speak one complete sentence. He was literally finding it hard to breathe because of the way you were making him feel. This would be the first time in over 70 years since he’s last had an orgasm, so he could feel every little thing. Every flick of your tounge, the vibrations of your moans, the way your fingers fondled with his balls. 
Bucky’s chest rises and falls as he pants heavily, shaking and trembling as he cums in your mouth, his cum painting the back of your throat. He didn’t even notice how much he was cumming until he felt the cold air hit his sensitive cock after you let it out of your mouth. Replacing your mouth with your hand, you start to pump him. Loads of cum continue to spurt out of his cock in long white strings, coating your hand and his spasming thighs. 
“y/n...can’t stop..” Bucky whimpers wearily as he thrusts his hips rapidly into your fist.  
“awh, can’t stop cumming, sweet boy?” you coo at him, continuing to pump his spasming cock, milking him for all he’s got. His cock and your hand were now painted white with his cum. Once you’ve pumped out the last of his creamy warm liquid, you sit next to him on the bed so you could check on him. He immediately falls into your arms, whimpering and babbling like a little baby. 
“need more..wan-wanna be inside you...please? please let me be inside you, i need it!” Bucky cried. Your sweet baby boy was sobbing, visibly frustrated because he still wasn’t satisfied, and you didn’t expect him to be after only one orgasm.
“shh, of course you can, baby. you can have anything you want.” you assure him, understanding how overwhelming this all must be for him. You take his hands in yours and kiss them, and an adorably pathetic whine escapes from him.
His precious eyes glistened, tears falling from them. He was so desperate for you; he’d probably take anything you gave him at this point.  You take off your clothes before scooting back on the bed, laying down and spreading your legs for him. You smile at how Bucky just stares at you, eyes wide at the sight of your wet, glistening pussy.  
“you can touch me, y’know” Bucky's precious turquoise eyes narrow at your words, as if he wasn't certain this was real, as if none of this was, and he was merely dreaming of this euphoria he was experiencing right now. Before you knew it, he’s scrambling to get above you as he thanks you over and over again.
 His flesh fingers glide over your silky skin, traveling from your cheek, down to your neck, before hesitating over your boobs. His cheeks have become flushed, and you giggle softly at how adorable he is. You take his hand in yours and place them on your tender breast, and you watch at how his once flustered and shy expression became a hungry and erotic one.  You give him a soft kiss on his plush lips before gently grabbing his aching cock and aligning it with your entrance.
“m’ ready whenever you are, baby” you coo. Bucky nods his head in response, and slowly enters you. He gasps at the sensation and remains motionless inside of you for some time as he tries to get used to the intense and overwhelming sensation of your warmth.
 “too much f’you?”  You ask him, more than willing to call it quits if he wanted to. Your main focus was to keep him comfortable. You only receive a breathy “nuh uh” in response, and before you knew it, Bucky was pounding into you relentlessly. “Bucky!” You moan blissfully, throwing your head back against your pillow, and wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him even closer.
“f-fuck y/n, s-so warm! feels so good!” Bucky slurs as he continues to jackhammer into you, the feeling of your wet pussy tightening around his cock sending him into overdrive. He buries his head into your neck, whimpering and whining for you. 
You bring your hands to his hair, tangling your fingers in his soft brown locks, which is something that Bucky couldn’t get enough of. You were practically screaming at the way he thrusted in and out of you rapidly. Each time he’d thrust back into you, he’d hit that spot inside you that sends you right over the edge.
“Bucky, you’re doing so well, making me feel so good!” you praise him. He rutted into you even harder at your praise. The sounds you were both making were those of a pornographic film, one you would definitely watch.
 Bucky was a pathetic, babbling mess for you, tears streaming down his face from how good you feel.
“m-my cock... s-so deep inside you...!” Your sweet boy was so pussy drunk; he couldn’t form a complete sentence. His thrusts only got harder and deeper as he loses himself in your feeling. He sobbed, the thought of filling you with every last drop of his cum making his balls tighten. 
“fuckfuckfuck, so close! can I please cum in you? can i? want to cum in you, y/n! I need it!” Bucky pleaded as he continued railing into you balls deep like a savage animal. 
“Go on, sweet baby. cum in me, fill me up.” You say between heavy pants. Your back arches, your hips meeting his as you chase your own orgasm. Bucky’s mind went blank as he released his load into you, his cock pulsating extremely fast in your pussy, which in turn makes you cum right after him. He never stopped his thrusts into your now sensitive and fucked out pussy.
“James, too much okay? m’ sensitive..’’ you mumble shakily, trying to recover from that intense orgasm you just had. 
 “please, y/n.. one more, just feels so good..”
 You nod your head, giving him permission to cum a second time. You tried to pay no mind to how overstimulated you are as Bucky begins to fuck you into the bed, chasing his orgasm for the third time today. He gripped your hips and angled you so he could get deeper inside you. 
You scrunch your face in discomfort at the almost unbearable sensations you were feeling, but the pain quickly subsided into an undeniable pleasure. Your legs begin to tremble around Bucky’s waist, and you bite your lip to stifle a whimper.
Bucky leaned down to bury his face in your neck again, and you felt hot tears fall onto your skin. He wanted to scream out-- his third orgasm was only seconds away, but he couldn’t manage any words. Only broken and pathetic whimpers came from him, as he railed in and out of you, over and over again, neither of you caring how overstimulated you were. An intense shiver runs down your spine and through your body. You almost couldn’t take it anymore, the feeling of his swollen cock hitting your g-spot making you lose all control,
“fuck Bucky, gonna make me cum again!” You wail. You can feel that he’s close too, his cock twitching madly inside your velvety walls. Bucky lets out the most broken and pathetic cry as he bites your shoulder, making you wince slightly.
“y/n..feels so good, feels so fucking good..” Bucky cries softly in between thrusts. “f-fuck! m’ gonna cum inside you again!”
“go ahead, baby. m’ right behind you..” You whisper as you stare at his beautifully fucked out face, nearing your orgasm as well. His thrusts become sloppier and more desperate as he cries out for you.
 You watch Bucky’s eyes roll back as his warm cum fills you up. You follow after him, pussy fluttering around his pulsating shaft. Your liquid drips out your pussy and onto the bed. He thrusts in you balls deep a few more times before falling limp on top of you, cock still buried inside you. 
You and Bucky were both too exhausted to move as you lay there panting heavily. Your fingers massage his sweaty scalp, and his breathing begins to even out slowly.
“that was so.. you made me feel so-” Bucky tries to speak, but only manages to make a few words come out. You kiss his head softly, and he sighs contently as you continue to play with his hair. 
“you did so well, Jamie...” You praise him before looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside you.
“come on, Buck. It’s getting late. let’s clean up, okay?” 
Bucky shakes his head no at your words as he buries his face deeper into your neck. 
“don’t wanna pull out just yet. you feel so warm..” Bucky mumbles, pulling the covers over the both of you. He was already exhausted from cumming all those times today, and the feeling of your fingers playing with his hair ever so softly made him even more sleepy. Just this once you would make the exception of sleeping on sheets this dirty. If it were anyone else you would have refused immediately. 
“okay love, we’ll stay here for a while then.” you coo at him, shifting slightly and relaxing in the position you were in. Bucky lets out the cutest little yawn, and a few moments after, begins to softly snore. You stay there, watching your little baby looking the most peaceful you’ve ever seen him.
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rynwritesstuff · 2 years
i absolutely adore your Eddie stories and i think i’ve read them all like 5x each bahaha bit obsessed
i’d this is something you’re not comfortable in doing then that’s completely fine but is there any chance you could do some sort story where Eddie sees the readers SH scars for the first time,(obviously they’re old and have been clean from it for a while) and how he’d react to seeing them, like obvs feeling sad he never knew about it but being proud they’re clean now <3
Awe, anon, thank you for your kind words! I know this is a sensitive topic, so I approached this very carefully. I hope I did alright!
Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: (TW!) Self-harm scars, talk of self-harm, Eddie being proud of you, fluff, comfort
Eddie finds out that you used to self-harm. - Oneshot
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This is Eddie's first time seeing you in one of his band t-shirts. It's a larger one, one of the biggest ones he owns, and it fits you adorably. You smile at him as you sit down on the edge of his bed.
"What do you think?" you ask. Eddie smiles at you fondly. The two of you have only been together for a few weeks, and god, seeing you like this . . . He can't tell if he's aroused or overwhelmed by cuteness.
But then, he glances at your arms, and he suddenly realizes that he's never really seen you without long sleeves. It takes him only a moment to put the puzzle pieces together.
His stomach drops. His eyebrows furrow. He looks up at you, concerned.
"What?" you ask, disturbed by his sudden change in attitude. You glance down. Oh.
"They're old, right?" he asks. You nod.
"Yeah, yes, they are," you say quickly. "They're old."
Eddie's jaw clenches.
"Why did you . . .?" he asks, taking your hand and playing with your fingers. You hesitate.
"I felt alone," you say softly. "Felt like no one really cared. I . . . I thought I deserved it, you know?"
Eddie chews at his lip, guilt pulsing through him. He feels horrible that you had to go through that, but he's unbelievably proud of you for staying clean.
Eddie nods.
"I, um . . . I'm sorry," he says. You shake your head.
"Don't be," you say. "It wasn't your fault, we didn't even know each other yet."
You nudge him.
"It's okay. It's not a big deal. It was a dark time in my life, but I'm better now, and I've been clean for a year or so."
Eddie smiles as he presses a kiss to each of your fingers.
"Mm. You know, you can always talk to me about shit like that," he tells you. You nod.
"I know, baby, thank you."
He glances at your scars again, then looks away.
"I love you," Eddie says softly. You smile, running your hand through his hair.
"I love you, too, sweet boy."
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. sexual tension !! and umm sexual frustration ;p, not explicit but prob rated 16+, just read the title of this chapter BAHAHA
A/N. sorry this is coming a little later than planned ! :( but i hope the dressing room scene can make up for it u.u tysm for reading and for all the feedback! enjoy :3 xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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What were you supposed to wear to a shopping date? you asked yourself. Not that today was a date or anything. Though maybe you sort of wished it were… 
The Naruhata Charity Gala was in a little over a week and Shouto would be coming over to pick you up in less than one hour and you still sat in your room with nothing but a towel on feeling more and more hopeless. 
It was a strange dilemma. He met you in your work apron wearing an unflattering work shirt and work pants. And when you met up over the weekend previously, you never paid too much mind on what you would wear. In fact, you were positive he wouldn’t even care how you looked. So why was it such a big deal to you now? 
Probably because of your recent admission of your growing feelings towards him, you thought crossly. 
In your defense, it wasn’t like it was your fault! Right? Seeing someone everyday… Wanting to see someone everyday… Texting regularly about the most random things, having the most banal objects you saw throughout the day remind you of something Shouto did or said… With all those occurrences it would’ve been practically impossible to not start crushing on him! 
Time passed as you stared at your ceiling blankly. If you kept this up, he was bound to show up in your house and find you half-naked. (Now that you mentioned it, that didn’t sound like the worst idea. But it wasn’t something you’d randomly spring upon someone.)
“Get up, Y/N!” you scolded yourself, rolling off your bed and heading towards your closet. 
In the end, you ended up settling for another variation of your usual go-to outfit and called it a day. It happened to be perfect timing since, by the time you finished getting ready, you got a new message on your phone. 
Shouto: Parked in front of your place
Shouto: Sorry I’m a little early. You can take your time getting ready :)
Y/N: it’s okay i’m ready now!! 
After hitting send, you put your shoes on, gathering your belongings you wanted to bring with you, and headed out the door. Excited to hang out with Shouto again, you walked with a skip in your step down the path until you reached his car. 
“Hi!” You waved through his half-opened, tinted window. To no one’s surprise, his car was a sleek black color with dark, tinted windows, and gold details along the sides. If it didn’t look so oddly sexy you would’ve laughed at how cutely dorky he was for matching his car with his credit card. “This is one hot car.”
He turned his head to the side when you entered the passenger’s seat. “Should I turn the AC higher?” 
“Huh— Oh!” You stifled a giggle when you processed the pun he made. “You’re funny, Shouto.” 
He only looked a little confused. “Thank you.” 
The interior of his car was no less—for lack of better term—sexy than the outside. Leather seats, a large screen for the radio and carplay, and the dashboard and side doors lit up a nice blue color. 
“Pretty!” you complimented, poking at the colorful light.
“Want to pick a color?” 
Your eyes widened. “It can change colors?!” 
Shouto nodded.
“Can it be pink?” you asked intently. 
“Light pink or hot pink?”
He swiftly obliged and with a hit of a touchscreen button, the interior lighting changed from blue to pastel pink. 
It turned green.
Cue the orange. 
Once you were thoroughly satisfied with Shouto showing you the whole color selection (you were almost embarrassed to admit it kept you entertained for a good ten minutes), you settled on a bright turquoise that reminded you of the color of his left eye. 
“Ooh, this color! My favorite,” you said simply, giving him a wide smile. 
A faint blush dusted his cheeks as he developed a sudden interest in adjusting his rearview mirror. “Hm.”
Shouto drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, occasionally asking how your week was outside of work and what type of outfit you wanted to wear so he could have a better idea on where to take you. 
“Did you eat?” he suddenly asked when he hit the next stoplight, one hand holding the wheel and the other resting comfortably on the gear shift. 
His hands looked nice and slender and soft to the touch. Pretty hands, you thought but shook yourself out of it because you could go down a rabbit hole of examining his hands and going into detail about them. 
You remembered the single, measly granola bar you had due to your rush getting ready. “I didn’t really eat yet, no. Did you?”
He shook his head and pulled into a food plaza with lots of stores to choose from. The two of you agreed on a noodle restaurant that apparently had some of the best cold soba (once you learned it was his favorite food, you wanted to be able to have some with him and today was the perfect opportunity to do just that) and promptly headed to the location. 
In the shop, a waiter sat the two of you down at a dimly lit booth with the perfect amount of ambience that if someone were to casually look over, they might even mistake this outing as a date. 
You grinned at the thought. 
“Excited for the soba?” asked Shouto, examining the smile on your face thoughtfully. 
That’s not why you were smiling, but it was close enough. “Mhm. And the udon. You can never go wrong with noodles!” 
Yes, you got both udon and soba. But in your defense, where else would the fun in life be if not in sugary sweets and carbs? 
As the two of you waited for your main dishes, you ate some fish cakes and edamame while talking about the ways in which capitalism could be dismantled. Rather sexy of him, if you did say so yourself. 
Before you knew it, you were done with your meal and headed back into his car to go fancy-people shopping. On the remainder of the ride, you asked yourself what color you should pick that would match well with both you and Shouto. After all, nothing said a cute couple who totally liked each other going on a totally real date to a gala like color-coordinated outfits, right?
He parked in front of a street of buildings with a dark glass reaching from ceiling to floor with security guards at the door. Just standing near it made you feel fancy. 
“This is a place my sister told me she liked,” he said, leading you to the store front with his hand on the small of your back to guide you. “I hope you’ll find something to your liking.”
You tried your best not to pay too much attention to the warmth you felt both on your back and your stomach from the fuzzy feelings that spread. 
“Hello, welcome!” the both of you were greeted as you walked through the doors. The interior of the store was lined with designer dresses, some long, some short, and all incredibly stunning. There were only a few other patrons in the store, but all of them looked so elegant as they tried on their dresses. “It’s so lovely to see you again Mr. Todoroki.”
Shouto nodded subtly. “Hello. This is Y/N, my date to the gala who’ll need your assistance today.”
“Hi!” you chimed in at his cue. “Nice to meet you.” 
The worker smiled and made her way over to you. “And you as well. I’m Masuda and I’ll do my best to make sure you leave the store satisfied with your purchase! Did you have a particular style or perhaps color in mind?”
“Umm,” you said sheepishly, looking around the wide variety of clothings and unsure where to start. “I’m not too sure. It’s my first time going to one of these things so maybe something comfortable, but also still...fancy?” You scratched the back of your neck. “Does that even exist?”
“Of course— Just have to find something that feels comfortable to you.” She told you to hold on one moment as she disappear into the rows of fabric. 
As Masuda collected some starter dresses for you to try on, a customer walked by with bags of clothes in her hands, her gaze lingering on Shouto, though neither of you paid her much mind. 
“In this setting, you look almost fit to be a sugar daddy,” you said jokingly, looking around in awe at the sophisticated yet lavish dresses. “You take all your sugar babies here?”
“Only the ones I really like,” he teased back. His voice was deadpan but there was the telltale hints of a smirk on his face to let you know he was only messing with you.
The door chimed to signal that a customer left and by then Masuda had returned with bundles of fabric draped on her arm. She led you away in a hurry and you hesitantly looked back at Shouto who followed in a safe distance. Seeing your moment of panic, he gave you an encouraging smile that somehow was enough to ease a significant fraction of your nerves. This may be new and confusing territory, but at least he was here to help you through it. 
Masuda set a dressing room up for you—it was one of those rooms in the middle of the store with curtains that reached the ceiling and mirrors all around—and placed a bunch of outfits she thought would suit your taste. It reminded you of when a bride would go wedding dress shopping with their family. When you had enough outfits for the first round, she told Shouto to sit down on a leather seat in front of your dressing room while he waited for you to try the different dresses on. 
In a way, it felt oddly intimate: Shouto sitting just a few feet in front of you as you undressed, only separated by the veil of a curtain. Would he offer to help button the back of your dress up, fingers brushing against your bare skin? The thought made you feel almost hot inside as you changed out of your street clothes and into the first dress. 
Unfortunately for you, this dress had no such difficult buttons to reach. 
“How’s it look?” you asked shyly as you emerged from the dressing room. 
The dress was pretty and didn’t feel uncomfortable to walk in, but there wasn’t any sort of attachment you felt towards it. In other words, it was simply...meh. 
Shouto looked up from his phone to take in the sight of you. He smiled. “You look amazing as always.” 
“You think so?” You spun around and curtseyed jokingly and he chuckled. “I don’t think it’s bad, but I’m not sure if it’s the right one.” 
“We’ll be here until you find the right one you want, then. Take your time, Y/N.” 
His voice was normally on the deeper side, but it sounded even more sensual and gravelly at this very moment. You felt goosebumps on your arms and it wasn’t just because of the sleeveless dress you currently had on. 
“T-Thanks, Shouto,” you murmured, turning around and walking back into the changing room to hide the look on your face. You didn’t even know what kind of look you had on your face, but you knew it was one that might give too much away. 
It wasn’t fair that he had to be so sweet and caring and thoughtful and handsome and rich… Most guys you met barely fit into one of those criteria, let alone all five. (Sure, the last two weren’t necessary in your opinion, but you couldn’t deny they were a nice bonus.) It was too bad you had no clue how he felt about you. 
There were moments where he felt flirty and teasing, like maybe he viewed you in a more-than-friends way. But other times he was so polite and proper and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just being nice because that’s simply the sort of person he was to everyone. 
While you were trying to sort through all your thoughts, you completely forgot to change into a new dress the whole time you were in here. 
You saw a shadow at the floor of the curtain before a voice said, “Y/N? Are you okay in there?” 
Jumping at the sound, you scurried to put the next dress on, a blue one with almost translucent fabric and a delicate neckline. Judging from the proximity of Shouto’s voice and the shadow of his shoes, he was right next to you as you changed. 
“I’m okay!” you managed, hoping you didn’t sound as wobbly as you felt. You held the dress closed at the back, fumbling with the fastens. “I just, ah, needed help buttoning this one up.” 
A light ruffle on the curtain then a pause. “Should I...come in and help?” 
Your eyes widened, not expecting him to actually offer to button it up like you fantasized earlier. You fully thought he might called the worker to aide you just so he wouldn’t risk making you uncomfortable. (Not that he would’ve. At all.) 
“I apologize,” he said somewhat tensely after you didn’t respond. “That was indecent of me—”
“No, no!” you said profusely, poking your head out of the curtain while holding the fabric at the front of your dress to your chest. You tilted your chin to meet his gaze with a determined one of your own. “I’d love your help, Shouto.” 
With a dusting of pink coloring his cheeks, he nodded and entered your dressing room. “This dress is a nice color on you.” His voice was loud against the silence. 
Shouto ran his hand down the length of your spine and then up to unfold the column of buttons on your dress that curved inwards at your movement, his knuckles grazing against your skin like lightning striking water. You jolted at the sudden feeling but he didn’t remove his touch when he felt it.
“Sorry.” His voice was low, almost like a whisper. “Was just getting the buttons out.”
“N-No worries!”
His fingers began working on the bottom-most button at your lower back as he applied a steady pressure on the base of your spine to control the motion. Shouto slowly began his way up, fingertips cold to the touch. But you knew that wasn’t the only reason you felt yourself shiver. As he fastened the dainty buttons with immense concentration (much more concentration than was actually needed to fasten buttons, you were sure), you felt the heat of his breath tickling the back of your neck. You almost couldn’t keep yourself from arching your back in a mixture of anticipation and delight at his constant touch. 
When he finished the last button, Shouto let one hand rest on your hip, grasping the fabric between his fingertips to examine its silken texture. Your breath caught in your throat as you stepped back and bumped into his chest, but he was already there to steady you. 
With his arm on your waist and your back leaning against his chest, you made eye contact through the mirror in front of you. You weren’t sure if the pounding you felt was from your heart or his or a combination of both. 
There was something almost erotic about holding each others’ gaze in the mirror after Shouto just helped you dress, the two of you still not letting the other go despite the task being complete. 
“The dress… You look gorgeous,” he said, not taking his eyes off you for one moment. 
You nodded slowly. It did look amazing on you. And it was breathable and soft. (Plus, Shouto liked it, which made you happier than you’d care to admit.) “The only downside would be I need help getting into it.”
“We could get ready together so it’s no issue.” 
“I’d...also need help getting out of it.” 
You held your breath as his eyes darkened, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly in a way that made you curve your back before you remembered you were flush against Shouto and he could feel even the most subtle of movements coming from your body. But by the time you stopped yourself, it was too late. He already felt it and you wanted more.
His voice was hoarse. “I could help you with that too.”
Instead of beginning to unbutton the dress like part of you thought he would, he surprised you by spinning you around to face him, your shoulder blades pressed against the cool glass of the mirror and your palms lingering on the muscles of his warm chest. The contrast of the cold glass and Shouto’s body heat left a shiver down your spine.
“And how do you plan to help take off my dress when you can’t even see the buttons?” you said challengingly, a smirk on your face despite knowing full well your body was showcasing just how affected you were by this situation. By Shouto.
He tilted his head to the side in response to your daring tone, hands swiftly finding their way to your back and unbuttoning the top five buttons. It wasn’t enough to completely expose your breasts, but it was enough to loosen the fabric at the neckline in a way that made you gasp. 
“Seems doable to me,” he commented. 
You tugged him down slightly by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t quite believe you. Maybe you should prove it.” 
A guttural noise sounded from the back of his throat as he cupped your jaw and leaned in closer. You inched forward, eager to meet his lips. But before they could touch, a knock came from the wall next to the curtain, causing the two of you to freeze in your spots, bodies pressed against each other in an intimate flush.
“Hello, Y/N?” said Masuda cheerfully, blissfully ignorant about what was about to happen in a public dressing room in the middle of the store. “How are the dresses coming along? Did you like any?”
“Ah, actually…” you trailed off, exchanging frustrated but amused glances with Shouto. “I think we’ll take this one.”
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a/n: so...mirror sex/sex in a dressing room as a bonus chapter? u.u why yes of course. i’m one step ahead; did u even have to ask? LMAO and hm i wonder if y/n’s fEeLiNGs~ are reciprocated skfkfkdg ALSO THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO KISSING BUT DIDN’T I CRY hopefully the wait will be worth it ;3
what to expect in the next part:
yes y/n finally gets the fancy candy they so desired
we get to see shouto’s sexy penthouse
shouto says eat the rich >:c
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
😂😂😂 did Mrs. Kim even notice her sketch pad gone??? especially since it was a PARTICULAR sketch pad 😛😛😛 did Mr. Kim know his wife had a whole ass sketch pad dedicated to his Nudes™
also not the teacher flipping through the sketch pad and salivating over Mr. Kim 😂😂 “There’s one without pants?!” HAHAHAHAHAHAH like father like sons, i guess. everywhere they go tongues wag in their direction 😜😜 now im curious: has there ever been a time where Mr. Kim saw how much of a MILF his wife was and therefore she got EYES on her 👀👀 Jealous Mr. Kim Jihu… id love to see it 👁
aww baby tae :( “(a little sad and defensive) Yeah, well, MY style is different. My eomma says we all have different styles.”
it must have been weighing on his child mind as to why he couldn’t draw like his eomma :( the ‘little sad and defensive’ broke my heart :( thank goodness Mrs. Kim was (and still is) an amazing mother, because it didn’t seem to break his spirit at all because look at him doodling on his notebooks! his tests! the love notes his eomma slipped in his lunch box!
Bahaha, Mrs. Kim, keep an eye on your stuff!! What a huge heart you have for Tae! You're so right -- instilling that spirit in her boys helped him stay true to his voice! And as far as MILFs go...
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At the movies.
College Mrs. Kim: And a big popcorn, please?
Movie Theater Attendant: (gazing at her) Whatever you want. (grabs a box of candy from the stand) You want some free chocolates? Here. Take 'em. As long as you take my number, too.
College Mrs. Kim: (giggles)
College Mr. Kim: Ooh, free candy? (wraps arm around Mrs. Kim's waist) Sounds great. Can you make that two?
College Mr. Kim places a sloppy kiss on Mrs. Kim's cheek, making her laugh, tickled by his jealousy and protective streak. The attendant frowns, and pulls another box of candy out from the counter.
At one of Mr. Kim's work dinners, in a fancy restaurant.
New Doctor: (sidling up to her at the bar, watching her take a drink) Hi there.
Mrs. Kim: (nervous, sweating in her gorgeous baby pink gown) Oh, um, hi.
New Doctor: You new here, too?
Mrs. Kim: (looking around) Yes, actually, and my---
New Doctor: I just started on Monday.
Mrs. Kim: Oh, that's nice. (a moment of recognition) You must be the doctor who just got back from Doctors without Borders?
New Doctor: (glimmers in his eyes) So you've heard of me! (grinning) I almost wish I could say the same for a stunning creature like you, but I'm happy that I get the chance now. (scoffs) Cheapskate bosses didn't even get us an open bar. But maybe I buy you another drink and we find a cozy little corner to tuck into and---
Mr. Kim: (appearing from thin air) Ah, Dr. Yang! I see you've met my wife?
New Doctor: (gulps, terrified) O-o-oh, hi Dr. Kim---
Mr. Kim: She is a stunning creature, isn't she?
He lifts her free hand, and as she sips her drink, she does a cute twirl, a routine that they clearly have down pat. He pulls her into his side, and she rests on his shoulder.
New Doctor: Yes, uh, very, uh, stunning. Why don't I buy you both drinks? My treat?
Mr. Kim: (smiling, too serene) That would be wonderful. Thanks.
At a drive-thru.
Mrs. Kim: (sweetly) Aaaaaaand, um, how about a large peach shake?
Cashier: (flirting) You have a lovely voice, you know that?
Mrs. Kim: (giggles) Aw, well. Thank you.
Cashier: Come on up to the window. I'm dying to see what you look like.
Mrs. Kim pulls the car forward.
Cashier: (places his hand on his heart) Oh, I knew it. You are absolutely gor---
Mr. Kim leans forward in the passenger seat, scowling. He's livid.
Cashier: Oh!
Mr. Kim: Can you make that two peach shakes? Extra large. (smiles at Mrs. Kim) I got a hankering for one after you ordered yours.
Cashier: So t-t-that's, uh, two---
Mr. Kim: One extra large burger with all the toppings, one extra large order of fries, and two extra large peach shakes. Apart from the additional shake that I just ordered, I believe that's what my wife said. (narrows his eyes again) In her lovely voice.
Cashier: Oh god.
Mrs. Kim: (grinning, loving this) Gotta eat. (opens her coat a bit to show her very pregnant belly) This one's starving.
Cashier: (sweating bullets, stuffing the just-made order through the window) C-congratulations! Uh, this one's on me! No payment necessary! Enjoy!
They take the food, and Mrs. Kim stops the car at the plaza exit, waiting for the traffic on the main road to clear.
Mrs. Kim: (smirking) Do you even get jealous anymore?
Mr. Kim: (eating freshly cooked fries out of the bag) Not when we get free stuff, I don't.
Read the A Map of Mrs. Kims original story and follow the #AMOMK tag for drabbles! Full fic coming soon!
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koishua · 3 years
First impressions of your moots vs impression now
part one, because i have another same ask <3
@yyxgin was always someone i had admired from afar, seeing how immaculate her writing skills and her entire essence was as an online persona. like, oof- she was amazing and so bright!! now, we have evolved from being a fan and idol relationship to being a mother and daughter one lmao pls keep taking care of me <3 she is genuinely such a kind soul and very easy to get along with!
@whiteprincessofnohr think we first met through a mutual chat group for a friend group. she was a mutual of my mutuals and i went through her super cool make a wish themed blog and thought she was such a cool and badass person. now, she is one of the people i interact with the most often and i love talking her! she doesn't intimidate me one bit and I'd fight anyone who says so /j
@imkyunies was also a mutual of my mutual and i think she first introduced herself to me on my blog through an ask. she was extremely sweet and friendly and i was in awe, because she is studying medicine and working in the field as well and that's still super cool for me. now, she is someone who always takes care of me like a motherly sister and i love her so much :(
@oifelixcmerebrou and i go back way earlier than 90% of my mutuals haha. i don't exactly remember how we became friends, but I'm so glad i did! she was such a cutie oml i adored her even while first getting to know her! she was, for a while, the only person i would talk to and rant about stuff on this site, kind of my saviour. i love her to death and even though we don't talk as much these days, she always has the softest, warmest place in my heart. she is such a fun and wild person and i would adopt her irl if i could. like, either I'm flying all the way to where she lives, or I'm buying plane tickets for her to come and be my actual sister >:( will protect her from anyone and anything that tries to hurt her even if I'm not right next to her.
@fairyjunn angel that i really don't remember how we met :( she was always one of the kindest and sweetest person i have ever met here. a piece of our souls are just hanging up in the air, connected: my soulmate, basically. we shared so many things in common and i remember us freaking out about our exactly same taste in music ahhh good ol' times. today, she is still the same pure soul i remember her being all those months ago. she has given me so, so much love up till now and I'd be lost without her encouragements. I don't know how I'll ever repay her kindness.
@nakamotocore ah yes, i think we bonded over badminton and how our mothers don't want us getting buff with martial arts bahaha. i came into her blog blindly when i saw her reccommended to me. im so glad i did, though! she was calm on the first few days i met her, but oh boy, she is a force to be reckoned with. good luck handling her wildness that we all live for.
@mochiable don't know how i followed her, but she had the most calming of aesthetics and had an impressive masterlist. i didn't interact much with her until i ranted about some stuff and she came running to my help. she was a literal heavenly being descending upon a child in need :( she always listens to me and she is such a gift to everyone here, including me. i now see her as the fun older sister figure that i can talk about absolutely anything with, be it boys, entertaining interests, or mental health. she is also weak for this one man—
@channoticedmeuwu she and i had tumblr's biggest showdown smh. first thing we do is pick on each other and fight in front of everyone bahaha it was super entertaining. after a while, we ventured out of the enemies area and more into a duo zone. we have established that the child is my cute little spitfire devil (trust me. she deserves this glorious title) and im her own mini angel <3 my precious kai :( i really cherish her so much. she is one of my oldest moots on this site and i love her to death. will POUNCE on her for a bear hug the moment we meet irl.
@jaemotel oh wow another one of my tumblr kids. a while ago, i had followed her for her fics, but never really talked to her. one day, i was adopting lin and she asked if she could join as my child bahaha ofc i said yes and then suddenly, i became her representative parent. then, we fell out of touch and she forgot that she had a mother smh i am HURT— /j haha my babies. i love you all <3 she was very cool back then, but now I'm just thinking that she needs some sleep :(
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 41 was another fun one! It doesn’t seem related to the main plot, but that’s ok because we needed more world-building. And it does give us a bit of character development. Most importantly of all, it’s the DESPERATELY needed Sora-focused episode. And it’s all hers. We really needed this for Sora and I’m really happy with how it went down. It’s a simple, easy to follow story, and yet it was still cute and funny and good for Sora.
My one complaint would be that, though it’s great to see Sora be awesome and see her friends appreciate her, she didn’t seem to have something she needed to “overcome” like Jou and Koushirou, or something she had to prove like Yamato and Mimi. There’s definitely an important theme for Sora which, like the others, is related to her Crest. It just didn’t have the gravitas I felt it needed. It was a much sillier episode than Yamato’s, for instance. (But nowhere near as silly as Jou’s.) Still, overall very good.
Pic of the day:
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A vision of perfection.
More below!
First off, the animation in this episode is really nice. Almost uniform througohut, and some seriously great expressions. CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE
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The kids are taking a break (yay!!!! again!! I sweat the producers are reading my blog, HELLO PRODUCERS, THANKS FOR GIVING ME EVERYTHING I ASKED FOR, lol). Taichi and Sora spend it teaching the Digimon to play soccer. Interestingly, some of the Digimon evolve in order to play x’D I guess I can see why Gomamon can’t really play unless he’s Ikkakumon. Plus Tailmon is already Adult level anyway.
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It’s really fun to see how much Sora and Taichi both love soccer and love playing it together. Koushirou has a cute moment explaining to the others how awesome Taichi and Sora’s teamwork is.
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Sora blows the whistle on Tentomon for grabbing her because you don’t do that in soccer. I think this is a little unfair given that Tentomon can’t really kick the ball that well since he’s got bug feet xD
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The whistle Sora has, for some reason, is Jou’s, given to him by his brother so that if he runs into a bear in the woods, he can whistle for help. Lol. That is adorable and hilarious. Still wish it was Hikari’s whistle though
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Speaking of Hikari, she and Takeru are happily engaged in making flower crowns together while Patamon smushes the grass.
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All of a sudden, these weird, veiny meteors come crashing from a huge island floating in the sky, leaving a crater in the field. Could be dangerous!
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Taichi: I’m not afraid. Besides, I’m curious.
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Yamato: Be careful, Takeru.
Takeru: Yeah, be careful, Hikari.
omg too cute
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I mean look at these expressions and body language. It’s fantastic. I love how Taichi looks like he’s trying not to get too close as he pokes the object with a stick and how Koushirou is like hiding behind his computer lol.
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They discover it’s not a meteor, but a fruit. (And look another adorable Taichi face!) Question is, is it edible?
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Agumon: Sure is!
Taichi: D:
no seriously I love Taichi being freaked out by his own partner. Lol. It’s one of the best things about Taichi & Agumon. I ate it up in Tri lol
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So, I expected Yamato to be the downer of the group here along with Jou, but he’s just concerned that the fruit is too small for everyone to share. Aw what a mom.
It’s also pretty funny that, when a floating island appears and a mysterious fruit falls down with enough strength to leave a crater in the ground, the kids’ reaction isn’t to wonder about what’s going on, but to try to figure out how to eat it lol.
At this point they’re just so used to floating islands that it’s lost all novelty. They’re like, “oh, floating island, been there done that”
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Agumon comes up with the obvious solution and Taichi and Sora fly up to the island together to get more fruit. Why only two of them go... is convenience for the episode xD
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But it does lead to some good Sora moments and Taichi/Sora friendship. First, Sora is absolutely adorable. Even Agumon comments that she seems in a really good mood and Taichi can tell it’s because of how much she loves playing soccer. The way Sora talks to him, all fast and excited, is just so cute. You can tell she really loves soccer, especially with Taichi.
This episode kinda made me ship Taiora ;_; it was honestly more Taiora than any one episode in the 99 show...
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Meanwhile, another giant object starts falling off the island towards the rest of the kids, and Palmon makes THE WEIRDEST SOUND. Like SO WEIRD. I think Yamada Kinoko passed out and made this noise while recording or something bahahahaha
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Anyway it’s a refrigerator. Now appliances are falling out of the sky. I don’t understand why it makes the same size crater as the fruit despite being way heavier.
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OMG baby Taichi’s hairrrrrrr I cannot
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Soon they come across Flymon (why do Sora episodes always involved bugs...? This is the third time lol) who’s abducted a very helpless looking Digimon. They decide to help. Agumon gears up his Baby Flame but is stopped by Sora, who realizes that if they attack they might hurt the victim as well. I assume this is meant to tell us that, while Taichi’s brave and a strategist, another pair of eyes from someone like Sora whose first priority is others’ welfare is a big help.
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... except that Sora’s plan for “tackle them” doesn’t seem to me that much better xD It still results in the poor abducted Digimon falling through the sky to her doom... I guess it’s better than falling out of the sky and alsobeing on fire tho
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They catch the Digimon, who is Pomumon and just as pathetic as he looks. Meanwhile they’re being attacked by... Tropaliamon? Tropicanamon? lol I already forgot, a big bird with the ability to MELT ENTIRE FORESTS.
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Pomumon explains that Evil Tropical Bird-mon and his Flymon invaded the island and started turning all the Pomumon into fruit. When the fruit ripen, they eat them. Pomumon is now the only Pomumon who hasn’t been fruit-ified.
Agumon: ... so... does this make me a cannibal?
Taichi: Maybe now you’ll be mindful of what you eat!
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Okay and now the most AMAZING interaction ever, between Yamato and Mimi, and seriously it is a TRAVESTY that they don’t interact directly in the 99 series, I mean LOOK AT THE GOLD WE GET HERE,
Mimi says she hopes there’s fruit or juice in the fridge. Yamato makes an expression like someone just insulted his mother.
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They then proceed to argue over what constitutes “juice” and Yamato’s all fired up about it and Mimi’s just like “lol not listening”
IT IS HILARIOUS. Quality content. Mimato shippers eat your heart out
And... this is all they do for the rest of the episode. bahaha. I DON’T EVEN CARE. I love the idea that they fought over this the WHOLE time and never even opened the fridge. The others just had to listen in baffled astonishment xD
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Taichi and Sora fight Evil Tropical Bird-mon to save the Pomumon, but Taichi and MetalGreymon get knocked into the pitcher plant that turns Digimon into fruit.
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Metla Greymon doesn’t quite fit into the fruit, his horns are really stretching it out lol.
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i really shouldn’t be as amused as I am
now... I have to say it - the one thing here is, the show has already played its trump cards like Omegamon and WarGreymon. I am sure they have more in store before the end, but the point is, it’s hard to believe Taichi is struggling against Digimon who seem like they shouldn’t have a chance against him. It’s like, you can defeat DoneDevimon, but not Evil-Tropical-Birdmon? You can escape the influence of Millenniumon’s miasma, but not a pitcher plant?? lol
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Sora gets ANGRY when Taichi becomes Taichi-fruit. Her Crest of Love glows and brings out Garudamon. Taiora fans around the world screamed.
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One way or another, this leaves Sora on her own (yay). And she is a busy girl. She wants to save Taichi first, but Pomumon also needs her help, and Garudamon needs her support while fighting the enemy.
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Pomumon: don’t worry about me! I can fly on my own! *fails miserably*
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Sora’s face says “I just don’t understand this world,” lol
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They are then attacked by Flymon, and Pomumon still pretty much expects Sora to protect him. Sora’s like, “Fine, I’ll deal with Flymon, but you have to go save your friends,” and when Pomumon asks how, she just says “GOOD LUCK” and tosses him away, which honestly made me laugh out loud, you go girl
she’s like QUIT BEING SO USELESS DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN and just chucks him
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Pomumon, despite being useless, is able to free one of his comrades. After a brief discussion about how useless they are, they go to save the others.
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
think about it every night and day
spread my wings and fly away
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Sora thinks back to yet another soccer game where another student did a foul, I guess, on Taichi, and knocks him to the ground. Seeing Sora get so angry and protective of Taichi - omg, it totally squeezes my heat, gah. And it also makes her look so cool. Not just the girl in the back who comforts you when you fall down - also the one who runs up and tells the bully to back off!
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that hair tho
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Even though he’d been hurt, Taichi encouraged Sora not to quit playing and to win the game. In present time, Sora recalls that instance and uses it to push herself onward:
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At this point, I could’ve gotten annoyed: as much as I loved the Taiora friendship and seeing their teamwork, it’s Sora’s episode, and I didn’t want her to succeed because of “what I learned from Taichi.” However, it’s very similar to Koushirou’s episode, where it was the faith Taichi had in him that gave Koushirou the confidence to find the courage he already had. It’s similar for Sora. Plus, since she’s got the Crest of Love, it makes perfect sense that love for her friend would be a motivating factor here.
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On top of that - the things Sora thinks about Taichi are then echoed by Garudamon, only about Sora. Sora won’t give up because Taichi never does - and Garudamon won’t give up because Sora never does. You can see the chain reaction: friends building each other up through their support and faith in each other. Very sweet.
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buhahahahahaha the freaking taichi blueberry
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I really expected Taichi would be a little more wigged out about having been TURNED INTO A FRUIT,  but once he’s free he’s like “Thanks, now let’s get back to the fight!” lol
to be fair there were only a couple minutes left in the episode, no time for freak outs i suppose
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They save MetalGreymon who goes to back up Garudamon, but then Sora comes up with a plan.
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Of course, it’s related to soccer.
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Obligatory Cool Girl Soccer Star Sora shot
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They kick the ball to lead the Pomumon’s seed? attack directly into Evil Tropical Bird-mon’s mouth. This... seems to be our kids’ favorite play this season, lmao
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While choking on seeds, Garudamon and MetalGreymon launch their attacks and finally defeat him. Yaaaay goodbye weirdass fruit transmogrifying cannibal Digimon bird thing
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Taichi tells Sora she’s awesome T______T It’s soooooooo sweet. My Taiora heart leapt
and my Taishiro heart whispered “he said カッコよかった to her but saves すごい for Koushirou <3 “ lol
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Soooooo cute. MVP
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Garudamon agrees that Sora is awesome
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Ending card
So... the honest truth is yeah, this episode wasn’t necessary for the plot at all, and it would have been nice if it had been. But not all of the others’ center episodes were plot-related either. The important thing was for it to be wholly Sora’s episode and give her some Crest-related development. It did both those things.
I really would have liked a conundrum for Sora to fix, but I think the problem there is, since before now she wasn’t getting attention at all, they hadn’t set much of a foundation for that conundrum. The first time around, it was “oh, Sora is kind, so she wants to help anyone she sees” and there was a bit of personality clash with Yamato. Though it was small, it was a good bit of development and useful for two characters. It also led to Yamato and Sora’s friendship strengthening. With Taichi and Sora, we’ve been told they’re friends and teammates, but have not seen many strong examples of that. And, if there’s a fight between them, it could easily turn into a Taichi episode... that’s what I think anyway. So I guess the focus point for this episode was showing how Sora’s deep love for her friends strengthens her already, and maybe there’ll be more complex problems in the future, perhaps when she gets her next evolution... We’ll see.
Anyway. Good episode. So glad to see this show seems to be pretty solidly back on the rails. We only have like 20 episodes left though, seems like a lot but it’ll go fast.
That’s why I’m a bit surprised to see that next week looks like another not really plot-related episode:
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Takeru and Yamato are going to a theme park. There’s no context for why they’re not with the others, but my guess is Takeru wanted to go and Yamato took him... easy as that xD I guess we’ll see, but I really hope this doesn’t mean the team is splitting up again.
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However, we really do need quality time with Yamato and Takeru as well, so I’m all for this. It’s like the show really has got some self-awareness about how lax it’s been developing characters and relationships thus far and is now cranking it HARD to fit everything in we’ve been missing. Good.
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strawbrieshortcake · 4 years
Shopping w/ Aoba Johsai,Nekoma, and Karasuno
Summary: Shopping shenanigans with the boys 
Warning/s: fem!reader, swearing? Yeah that’s it karasuno’s is a lil longer 
A/n:I just felt like writing these? I was eating strawberries and was like “woah memories” so here we are! Based off true stories-
Aoba Johsai:
-So the shopping trip with the boys was simple, really
-You guys needed to go to the mall to get a few things to restock the snack bag you have you mom and such
-then it kinda turned into h e y let’s hangout
- let's get one thing s t r a i g h t 
-Iwa is the one with the cart, no questions asked. 
-Despite being a mom, you are NOT responsible enough to handle the cart
-You may be the manager, but you and Oinkawa Oikawa, TOGETHER with MONEY? No.
-You guys act like strippers by the watermelons, shoving them down your shirts 
-So now you were at the grocery store 
-on a saturday 
-with money
-and Iwa as a chaperone 
-So Iwa has the cart, you and Oikawa on each side, Makki and Mattsun in the front and everyone else behind you
- I know for a FACT you will distract Iwa while Oikawa would put random ass things in the cart
- And you will get your underclassmen to help you
- “Hey Iwa! Look at this d o g” you point at the dog food at the top of the shelf 
- Oikawa shoves a bag of cat food like he has a cat smh he is the cat
“AW that's a cute dog y/n!” “are you talking about mad-dog kindaichi” “Kunimi stfu” “no you Yahabababababa” 
-You can f e e l the crackling from Makki and Mattsun behind you
-Iwa and Kyotani are still shaking their heads to this day
-SPEAKING of my boy Kyo-kyo he totally respects you
-yeah you’re a mom 
-you guys totally share pocky together 
- “y/n! Can we get this?” um kindaichi we don’t need a steak knife 
-okay okay but you, makki and Mattsun would totally bully Oikawa into buying everything
- “C’mon pretty boy we know you got money,I mean you almost went to Shiratorizawa didn’t you” 
-Makki with the shots omg 
- y e a h Oikawa threw a fuss and left the store 
- he came back when nobody followed him drama queen
- “But Iwa-chan! Who knows what you guys would’ve done without me!” he acts like you guys can’t find another sugar daddy smh
-Kenma wanted to go get a new video game for his switch
-who are you to say no?? Yeah that’s what I thought
-He just wanted to go with you and Kuroo
-kuroo doesn’t know how to shut tf up so the whole team is with you guys 
-Kenma didn’t care he just didn’t want Lev there
- “kENMA!” he just turns around and walks away with that look on his face 
-can i just say how nice my boy Yaku would look? Bby boy 
-N E WAys
- Yaku would be in control of the cart with lev standing r i g h t behind him
-yk those kids you see at the store just standing as close as they can to the parent??
-yeah that's Lev
-Kenma is totally trying to run away but kuroo keeps on grabbing him to stay 
- “this is team bonding! Right y/n?” Kuroo is totally using you as the last resort into keeping kenma with you guys 
-”um yeah :) “ tbh you just wanted to get the video game and get boba with kenma but you still love your boys!
-”stfu kuro” “okay kenma” yeah kenma just stays for you 
-Yamamoto?? This boy is trying to do WHEELIES in the cart
-him and Yaku are fighting for ownership while lev is just :)
-you and Kai would be giggling in the background sweet babe 
-Fukunaga would just kinda bonk Yamamoto
-by bonk I mean karate chop his big ass head 
-Shibayama would just be trying his best to defuse the situation with words! But yk that didn’t work 
-I feel like Inukoa would join you guys later? He would get lost in the store 
-But when he does show up
-he would show up with minecraft merch all over 
-manz would sword fight you and Lev
-he would just hit you in the head with a minecraft sword haRD
-then would just start laughing at you??
- *kuroo laugh* “y/N HAHAHA” he can’t even make out WORDS 
-you stab him in the back 
- more kai giggles aw
-then all of you guys just kinda,,,,fight to the death
-you guys got kicked out HAHA
-kenma got so pissed but let's be honest
-he had a good time attacking Lev without getting in trouble 
-Yall get boba after and did that thing when you close your eyes and stabbed the boba 
-and it spilled EVERYWHERE
- kenma never got his game smh 
- SO you,kiyoko, and Yachi wanted to go to the crafts store near your school
-and made the plan for the following weekend 
-but tanaka and Noya heard yall and was like
-”you know what that means right RYUU” so BAM they invited everyone 
-so they wouldn’t look like stalkers AAHAHa
-But when you saw them there you were like
-”yall hear sum”
-you and your girls wanted to have a good time!!!
-but it's okay bc they are your boys 
-you swear you saw coach Ukai too but we aren't talking about that
-So you walk to the painting aisle and you legit saw Asahi admiring the paintings
-then Suga walked in and started bullying teasing him about it 
- Dadchi Daichi suggested you should all get a basket
-then Suga said ACAB and got a cart
-Tanaka and Nyoa lost their shit over it
- Cue Daichi and Asahi comforting each other
-this babe is just happy to be included 
-You, Yachi, Hinata, and Yama? Baby squad coming up with ideas to make the gym look prettier
-fake flowers in the cart
-Tsukki is trying to act cool
-You saw Tsukki get excited for a paint your own dinosaur when he thought nobody was looking 
- “I see you tsukki” 
- Kags? He got soooo happy when he found some cleaning things for his volleyballs 
-I know he got like 10 volleyballs at his house,
- “Kageyama, you know we have that in the gym right??” 
- man just STARES at you 
- “It’s not the good stuff” and just walks away like kid-
-Tanaka and Noya get a big brain moment 
-and it's scary they stole the cart from Narita and Ennoshita
- “y/n….hinata… get in the cart”
-and of course you and hinata get in without another thought 
-hinata is sitting in front of you 
-then noya sits under the the cart 
-then yall go zOOOOM
-tanaka is RACING in the aisles, turns, wheelies, jumping?? 
-bro you thought you were gonna DIE
- “tanakAAAA STOP” “TAnaKA SENPAI STOPP” you BET you were holding on to Hinata and the side of the cart
-Noya you ask? Boy is having the time of his LIFE 
-then he flips you on the gROUND 
-Hinata started crying 
-you were shaking 
-Noya was screaming of joy 
-then you see suga wow what angel
-then he comes back 
-he is gonna save you guys now right???
-he gets a roller chair and seats himself in front of the cart and Noya holds him from under
-then the workers told you guys to put the chair back smh 
-While all of this is happening, Yachi,Kiokyo, and Asahi are in the other side of the building looking at the fake flowers and being beautiful babes
-when Ennoshita saw you guys?? He was soooo disappointed and pissed 
-he hit Tanaka so hard
-Cue tsukki and Yama giggling in the back 
- when Daichi found out?? He was MAD
-The workers of the store went to go talk to him
- they were like “sir control your children”
-you bet Daichi made you guys run laps around the parking lot
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