insertfunname · 25 days
It's been a while again and no I did not forget this place existed this time, I just had the worst flare-up ever and I/m still recovering but did not have the energy to go online so hi all what did I miss (if anything)?
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insertfunname · 1 month
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insertfunname · 1 month
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insertfunname · 1 month
Oh yeah let's do a wee update I'm still sick. I feel absolutely terrible.
That's it. That's the update.
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insertfunname · 1 month
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insertfunname · 1 month
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insertfunname · 1 month
Every mobility aid I've tried gives me pain somewhere else, so I have decided to give up on them and instead get a new body. Wish me luck!
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insertfunname · 1 month
I just woke up. It's the middle of the night. I'm in pain. Idk what to do with my life. Idek why I'm posting this here I don't know anything any more
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insertfunname · 1 month
Sixth post
Sorry guys I kinda forgot tumblr existed for like... a month... Anyway here I am and I have no idea what I'm doing. Going to look around a bit and get more serious about this I think. Still have no idea how anything works but what better way to learn than by doing? So see you around... hopefully
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insertfunname · 2 months
Fifth post
bahaha back with another meaningless post what's up lads and lassies
Okay never saying that again
Anyway. Um. Guess I should make some kind of intro post or something? Not sure but I caught @hugsnkisses-xxx doing one so why not.
Im Róisín, Im 18, I live in Derry (the one in Ireland) and I've got Lupus, which is something that doesn't seem like something to mention in an intro post but it's taken over my whole life so it kinds IS something to mention in an intro post. Don't have any formal qualifications because of that awful disease. I don't do much on any given day aside from babysitting my 2 younger sisters, though one of them mostly just helps me babysit the other because she's not a baby anymore. She's 14 for Christ's sake, she's old enough to babysit herself. To be fair my other sister is 15, but she's got Down's Syndrome and she functions at about a 5 year old level so she definitely needs a babysitter.
What else do I have to mention. Hm. I live with my aunt, she's pretty cool. Um. What else. Really drawing a blank here. Oh, I like theatre and music. Before Lupus ruined my life I was trying to get ahead in the musical theatre field a little. I guess that's a nice thing to mention.
Ill probably add to this if I have anything to say.
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insertfunname · 2 months
Fourth post
okay we're back. Sorry I'm just feeling like shit. Don't know why the fuck I expected life to get better after my diagnosis because it's just got far worse since.
Everything just hurts like hell so this'll be short just what the fuck man
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insertfunname · 3 months
Third post
I do quite like the title function but that's about it. Everyone here seems to have great blogs posting interesting stuff and then there's me lol. Not sure what the fuck I'm supposed to do here. Not even sure if I'll stay at this point.
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insertfunname · 3 months
Second post
No clue what I'm going to do with this tumblr tbh. I'm not sure if it'll be able to replace Quotev. I'm just here to try and figure stuff out.
Im also not feeling too well atm so that's not too good and not very helpful when it comes to figuring stuff out lmfao but we'll see how it goes
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insertfunname · 3 months
First post
How does tumblr even work lol
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