#anyway Train of hope is amazing with that Junpei singing Puccini
ran-orimoto · 2 years
Choose 3 jobs you would have given each Frontier memb instead of the canonical ones I don’t like.
For each of them? 3? This is kinda hard, let’s see what I can do🤣. Should I add Izumi too, though? Izumi has got no canonical aim besides her modelling part time job. In my headcanons she ends up becoming a chef bahaha XD.
• Takuya: The F1 driver, possibly in Ferrari, because it’s flaming🔥🔥🔥. This has got no sense but Takuya gives me the vibes of a F1 pilot. He has got enough fire and steam in his heart to pull it off. Next, crazy I know, is an airforce military (because of the Moon episode. Dying) and…I can’t pick another one, help! 🤣 This is happening because I like Takuya as a football player, so I’ll stop at the second one. Fail👏! No, but really. I like him in that field. I want him to show the world the most eccentric hairstyles. Ok, listen, Kouji cutting his hair; Takuya growing it out. Third…………Could he be a fire fighter ? Another dumb idea because he has got no patience. He wouldn’t wait forkitty to get down a tree.
• Izumi: Ok, so, the chef has already been said and it’s one. The second one is the lawyer, because she’s extremely diplomatic and has got oratory skills; maybe she could be specialized in international law? The third one is the languages teacher, but I’m not sure if she would like other languages besides italian. I can just embrace the idea thanks to the drama, in which she teaches italian to Takuya but I know it doesn’t really mean anything. She has lived in Italy since she was a little girl , so ,of course, she can be helpful with it. It doesn’t really mean she would enjoy other languages she doesn’t know. If she stuck with teaching italian, I don’t really know in what kind of school she would do that. Honestly, who would teach italian in Japan nowadays? Teachers from cram schools, perhaps? Who knows if Junpei actually studies italian in a cram school because his pronunciation is pretty good ahaha.
• Junpei: The architect engineer obviously comes to my mind immediately. Let my boy use as many blueprints as he wants🤣! Still, I prefer him as a train driver, ngl about this. Besides the fact a bio says he collects model trains (adorable ), he interacts with Trailmons a lot in the series and I can’t care less about Takuya winning the race in that episode. Junpei or Izumi were supposed to win that! They were the ones immediately taking the reins of the situation and riding the Trailmons. The third one is the kindergarten teacher, which makes me awe but also laugh. Big man taking care of bbies who are so small compared with him. I can’t, okay. I can’t. I think a good compendium of what he has shown throughout the series could be represented by that job: him knowing magical tricks, him having entertaining skills, him being able to lift the mood (THINK ABOUT THE LIBRARY SCENE OMG), him playing with the baby digimons at the KINDERGARTEN, him bonding with the bby Kokuwamon, him lifting the Motemon up and down, him (and Izumi) being the first ones proposing to take care of the egg bbies. And let’s not forget about his relationship with Tomoki, which shows he would also be a great elementary teacher …? THESE ARE FOUR, ZURA GAHHH. But I love Junpei in teaching and bless God most opera singers eventually land in that field when they’re older.
And Junpei could also be a carpenter or an act- TIME OUTTTTTTTT.
Can I stop here because I have no clue about the remaining ones and because you would tell I don’t care that much about them 🤣. I mean, I like Tomoki, but not as much as Junpei, Izumi and Takuya? He’s a bby but his story doesn’t make me that intrigued. But whatever…
• Tomoki: He’s too similar to Izumi when it comes to me depicting him as both a cook or a lawyer. The politician is perfection for him, but let’s also add the social worker, because he could deal with problematic kids and families? And he could also be a model for children in that way, but on a less popular scale, of course.
• Kouji and Kouichi. God Lord, I can’t really think about anything. I’m doomed. I love Kouichi as a doctor and I can’t see any other job fitting him. Instead, Kouji could be a florist too and that’s it *shrugs*. I just believe he could be a florist while being a backpack traveller, at the beginning of the carreer at least. Where would he find money ??? Kouji????
Yes Anon, I wasn’t the right person to send this ask to💕💕💕, but thank you for the ask. I’ve tried.
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