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chaoticrosesimp · 11 months ago
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The empire of the wolf commited so many crimes , specially to my Rose.
Someone pay me to fix them all , please BBC Give me your money.
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dragoneyes618 · 9 months ago
The thing is, all four members of the Hood-Badwolf family must have no friends, or nearly none. They can't risk letting anyone too close, for risk of their secret being revealed.
Red lives in a cottage far away from the rest of the village.
Bad lives and works at the school, despite the rest of the Wolves living in the forest around Hood Hollow.
Ramona's only friend seems to be her roommate, Justine.
Like Ramona, Cerise only seemed to make friends this year, and only with Maddie, Raven, and Cedar; the first two know the family's secret, the last is her roommate.
They push people away. They don't talk about things. They don't invite anyone over. They can't risk having normal healthy relationships with other people, lest it come at the expense of the family.
They've sacrificed friendships for family, and they have each other...but, shrouded in secrecy, is it enough?
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athena-xox · 8 months ago
The eah bitches r fighting and once again the TikTok community is blissfully unaware
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raine-st0rm · 6 months ago
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daily-eah-headcannons · 4 months ago
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@oklotea Ramona time baby.
She has anger issues... she gets it from her mom.
People assume any sort of mental disorder she has is from her dad's side because it is a "bad thing" but no, they're all hereditary and from her mom's side.
Between her, Cerise, and Red Hood Professor Badwolf has only one or two shirts because they keep stealing them.
She is a mommas girl.
She has a wolf form but just like Cerise she doesn't use it in public.
However it isn't uncommon to see a big wolf with his two cubs curled up next to him.
She takes ballet but only because of Justine and she only agreed to it if she could play the male parts...they agreed because there's only two guys in the class and one of them is a Nutcracker.
Her favorite meat is actually pig...she has eyed The Three Little Pigs several times when she's hungry.
She's a lesbian. Girl is as straight as a circle.
Badwolf, bless his soul, does not know how to shop for her whatsoever.
She's like a older sis to Sparrow Hood.
Red gave birth to her in Wonderland. It was supposed to be just a simple trip to see her friends.
Due to that Ramona's full name is Ramona Rouge Badwolf Hood.
To keep the secret safe both hers and Cerise's birth certificates are in the hands of Mad Hatter.
Mad Hatter is a close family friend.
Ramona is close friends with Lawrence Bonecrusher The Third.
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(This dude)
She can see in the dark.
She's also Red-Green color blind.
Source: My big brain.
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hanaezicha · 2 years ago
i loved how you drew cerise's dad ,could you do one in his human version please
Sorry for the wait!! Driving school is taking all of my time
anyway! I'm not really used to draw men, like, grown men, so it was a bit of a challenge for me lol but here it is!!
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he loves his wife U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U
and here's something funny I thought about while drawing him
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What if we always knew?...
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badwolfrose34 · 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler Additional Tags: Episode: s02e03 School Reunion (Doctor Who), Episode: s02e04 The Girl in the Fireplace, Pre-Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, True Love, The Doctor Loves Rose Tyler, Canon Compliant, Rose Tyler Loves the Doctor, Tenth Doctor Era, Dreams and Nightmares Summary:
After “School Reunion” Rose starts to doubt her relationship with the Doctor. This rumination leads to a very upsetting nightmare about the Doctor falling for another woman and leaving her in harms way to spend time with the other woman. Can Rose overcome her doubts or will this forever alter her relationship with the Doctor?
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eremorte · 1 year ago
Badwolf’s graduation day
So recently I’ve been thinking about the last episode of ever after high. Specifically the scene where Professor Badwolf warns his daughters about being too obvious about their heritage/relationship, and then follows up with
“Until graduation our family must remain secret.”
This makes no sense to me. What is he still worried about?
At this point in the series the Story Book of Legends is revealed to be a macguffin that is more symbolic than anything as if his family exsisting for roughly two decades wasn’t enough proof (I’m including his relationship with Red in this).
What, pray tell, changes for Ramona and Cerise between that argument and graduation? I’m sure the radical youth of ever after royalty will probably write a few new laws in place to be more just (or the commoners demand it) but ultimately it’s the same rule book pre/post graduation day.
Cerise has been at school the whole time and has befriended a lot of people (list below) despite her supposedly withdrawn persona. (Which I imagine is more a product of familial conditioning than what she would be like if she was allowed to breath) including literal royalty which should have an impact on how safe her family is if they were to every travel outside of the dark forest.
In no particular order Cerise has befriended🫂/cordial with 😊/knows her family secret 🐺 with the following:
Raven queen 👑🫂🐺
Cedar wood🫂
Madeline hatter 🫂🐺 (and her dad)
Lizzie hearts 👑😊 (spring unsprung)
Hunter huntsman 😊
The charming trio 👑😊🫂 (Darling and Daring both have a respect for Cerise and their own reasons to sympathize with her cause. Dexter would be fine regardless of how cannon the cerise and the beast book is)
Briar beauty 👑😊 (diaries)
Rosabella beauty 👑🫂 (doll box)
Ginger breadhouse 🫂 (doll box)
Jillian beanstalk 🫂 (Doll box)
Tiny 😊 (also the fee fi go fum deal has me believing that he knows Cerise’s secret but doesn’t say anything)
Kitty Cheshire 😊🐺 (I remember photos from epic winter which make them out to be friends, but like ehhh)
dishonorable mention: Blondie lockes 😊 (diaries and epic winter).
Idk how widely spread out everyone is due to the show not elaborating on what the kingdom borders are (if mentioned in the books I have since forgotten) but that shouldn’t matter much. And while Badwolf and Cerise might not get the chance to catch up all that much I’m pretty sure he’d be aware of at least Raven, Cedar Rosabella, and Ginger. Raven has a lot of power behind her and would be willing to go to bat for Cerise if for whatever reason some other royal Royalty has control over hood hollow and wanted to be petty and cruel about the hood/Badwolf union.
Why would they really need to care that much about all the other kingdoms knowing? Are they known to be this unhinged? This line also implies to me that the events of Unfairest of them (book) all haven’t happened in the show which is fine I don’t remember that many events from the series I am aware of discrepancies between cannon and IMO show wins out. But if they had they begrudgingly accept Cerise and Ramona.
The last obstacle I can think of is Milton. But that man fell into obsolescence that Spirng Unsprung if not Thronecoming he doesn’t appear to make anymore threats about destiny though I understand if his presence still holds weight.
I also refuse to believe that the events of way too wonderland SBOL being split up weren’t broadcast absolutely everywhere.
The only reason I can think of is selfish preparation on part of both red and badwolf. Like they can’t adjust their plans or badwolf is planning to quit his job and they all plan to move somewhere else. (In the event show cannon wouldn’t have lined up with book cannon regarding hood hollow acceptance) Or maybe it’s connected to why Ramona got sent to the reform school?
if there are any details I missed or someone has an answer I’d be glad to hear it.
Edit: 3/19
Reread Unfairest of Them All specifically the section(s) on Hood Hollow and I was partially right. The family is kinda just waiting for Badwolf to feel confident enough to show off his family.
"I could loose my job for going off script, but even worse your mother and I could be banished along with you."-Badwolf (Chapter 8)
EXCUSE ME? His fears are valid even after the basket run trial but the guilt trip? Wouldn't it be better if all three of you went instead of just Cerise? And Cerise is completely fine with it. Red says nothing does she agree with him? She was crying her eyes out at the idea of her daughter dying by mob a few sentences ago.
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mylifeiscomics · 2 years ago
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I want more Badwolf…
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thesketchfox · 2 years ago
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chaoticrosesimp · 11 months ago
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Bad Wolf not only saved the doctor , she saved the whole show.
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Fun fact this is the first fanart i did after watching i think series 2 but i finished Rn.
i love that her Bad wolf form has glitter.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 month ago
The rumor mill always whispered about Ramona's mother. She was long dead, maybe, or perhaps she had abandoned her husband without a thought for their daughter, or maybe he'd never even been her husband at all.
Nobody ever bothered asking. Nobody really cared what the truth was.
It wasn't villains who got happily ever afters, after all.
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athena-xox · 10 months ago
Look at how badwolf talks about EQ. I wonder if something went down with them and red. Perhaps the wonderland curse, was more of a party crashing of red and badwolfs wedding.
Or badwolf could be mad about dragon games but still. I think it’s more interesting for them to have had a fall out.
“The Evil Queen?” Mr. Badwolf snarled. “Well, she’s the hexception. The Evil Queen finds ways to get what she desires.”
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irrelevant-86 · 2 years ago
Okay I need some help finding a Doctor Who fic!!! I for the life of me can’t remember the name of it (though for some reason I keep thinking the name of the fic was some type of flower, possibly a flower that begins with a D?). The basics of it was that the doctor (from the first all the way up to the 8th) keeps meeting Rose at least once in each incarnation. Rose doesn’t tell him her name or let him touch her the whole time, and the Doctor mentions she smells like time/the time vortex. And since he didn’t know her name he called her Sweetie (?I think? It was either sweetie or darling one of the two?). I also remember in the chapter where the 7th doctor met Rose again he’d taken Ace to The Library, and let Ace go running off around the library while he went looking for info on Rose. But just as he was about to pick up a book on The Doctor and his Badwolf, Rose showed up and stopped him and then the two went to get chips together!
And then it gets to nine and he meets Rose again only it’s Rose’s first time meeting him. And then Rose becomes his companion. And the last chapter I remember reading was about Aliens of London/World War 3 and the 12th Doctor was there helping out.
I can’t seem to find it and I’m really hoping the fic didn’t get deleted. I’m pretty sure it was on AO3 but it could have been on fanfiction.net!!!
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confused-robot-cat · 1 year ago
Russel T Davies: Davros is problematic so we gave him back the use of his legs.
Wheelchair users: We get this comes from a place of compassion but this is incredibly patronising and we don't want this. If anything, you're the only one associating wheelchair use with evil, and being offensive. We're not above human folly. We're not exceptional. We just want to be treated like everyone else.
Millions Of "Liberals" Nobody Needs To Hear From: Shut up sweetie we're doing it for you. :)
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