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thatoneitaliangirl · 2 years ago
The Hat Man
(Just as an FYI, I change from past tense to present tense a couple of times. This isn’t a serious written work or anything, just a recollection of a dream so I don’t really care if it’s written that well, but I figured I’d give you a warning anyway cause I know stuff like that bothers me when reading lol.)
Long time no see! Sorry to my all of 2 followers that actually interact lol. But for serious, I am sorry for being gone for so long and not finishing things and leaving requests hanging. Its a bad habit of mine- I also got a boyfriend. We’ve been together for over a year now, and when we got together I kinda gave up fanfiction all together. I didn’t want to per say, it’s almost like I didn’t need it anymore. My Love took away my loneliness!~ But I still miss fanfiction lol. It just doesn’t feel the same anymore. 
I’ve recently started on Anti-depressants and ADHD medication and I’m starting to get back into the things that I used to love. I’ve been wanting to write again for some time, but just wasn’t sure what to and if I’m even capable of coming up with a unique thought right now lol. So, instead of coming up with something unique, I figured I’d tell you guys about the weird ass dream I had a while back. I’ve been thinking about it constantly and just had to tell the internet because spooks. 
I’m not exactly sure when I had the dream. It was a hot minute ago, like maybe 2 months or so? Before I go full into it, I would just like to state that, at the time, I had never heard of the Hat Man before. Which, now that I know, I’m surprised I hadn’t cause its right up my ally lol. But I hadn’t which makes this so much worse. 
My dream starts with me as a kid, maybe around 5 or 6. I’m wearing a long sleeve dress and I’m playing with other kids outside in the woods. It was Fall, the leaves where brown and falling off the trees and there was a nice breeze. I grew up in Florida in an area where there were no large forest like areas. The only thing I could think of this coming from would be an area by the neighborhood gazebo that had a bunch of trees we used to climb, but no matter where you were in it, you could see houses, it wasn’t very large. Anyway, I was playing with other kids my age and somehow I got separated from them, but I wasn’t scared or lost, I was just alone. I come across this large tree that looks a bit different than the others in that it looks older and maybe darker. At the base of the tree is a small wooden box, about the size of a jewelry or music box. It was made of a light colored wood and had very minimal carvings on the side. I remember opening it and then time rushing forward in the dream of stuff happening around the house and me blaming the Hat Man and nobody believing me. They would think I was lying to get out of trouble but eventually it got so bad that they sent me to a mental hospital. The Hat Man in my dream looked very similar to the descriptions of him on the internet. He was very tall and was wearing like a ‘50′s style suite and hat with a long coat and he had a red tie and no face. 
Time skips again but to the present. I’m my current age, 21, and I’m sitting in my room at the mental hospital talking to my therapist. She’s not anyone I recognize in real life, but she was really pretty I remember. She had long brown hair and was maybe in her early 30′s and spoke in a very kind and happy voice. She was discussing with me about how well I had been doing the past year and that the papers for my release had been signed, I just had to wait till morning. She was saying how she was so proud of me and how she was gonna miss me but she knew it was for the better. 
I’m not sure how any of you feel about the paranormal or spiritual stuff, but my family and I believe in it. I have this one family member who is very in tune with that kind of stuff and for some reason, she was in my dream. This is probably one of the reasons this dream freaked me out so much, because I literally never dream about her. I honestly can’t even remember ever dreaming about her, and so I felt like there was a reason she was there. What’s weird though is that I never actually saw her in any form, I just knew that it was her. In the dream, she was in the same hospital as me, just down the hall in another room. 
Later that night, I head to her room to tell her the good news, but I find her dead and run back to my room. I know that it was the Hat Man, and I begin freaking out that he was coming for me next. It was like he didn’t know where I was, but now that he did, he wanted to give me a warning. 
In the morning, the therapist comes in to get me but sees me sitting on my bed, rocking back and forth. I didn’t sleep the whole night and I just kept mumbling to myself that the Hat Man was coming for me. She was confused because I had been perfectly fine the night before and hadn’t had an episode like this in a year. Suddenly, there was commotion out in the hall, and she runs to the door and sees a bunch of nurses and doctors running into my family members room. She grabs the first nurse she sees and asks them what’s going on, and she just shakes her head. The doctors begin to pull my family member out of her room on a stretcher, but we can’t see her cause she wrapped in a pink blanket and only her arm is sticking out. An older nurse sees me standing nervously and shaking behind my therapist in my bedroom entryway and glares at me. She suspects me because I knew who was killed and later on they see me on the security cameras walk down the hall to her room, enter, and immediately run back to my room. Because of this, I’m put under lockdown. I’m not allowed to leave the room and they have someone watching me constantly. The therapist is in complete disbelief and is conflicted. On one hand, she’s known me for years and knows I would never do that, but on the other hand, she saw I was having an episode and there was a lot of evidence suggesting I was the murderer. 
For some reason, I’m not sure why, she decides to look into the Hat Man. Why she didn’t do this any other time while she was treating me is beyond me, but dream logic. 
She goes to this really large and old library and spends hours looking through books and records and news articles that talk about the Hat Man. Late at night, she’s sitting in the library alone. Just a single lamp on the table and the moon shining through large windows behind her are the only light sources. She sees something in an article or a book that shocks her enough to believe that this entity could actually exist and she calls me to ask me what I know. I tell her that he can only come for you at night and if your alone in complete darkness. Just as I’m telling her this, you see him walk past the window behind her and she runs out of the library. She spends the rest of the night in bars, diners, and other 24 hour spaces until dawn breaks and she rushes back to the hospital to see me. 
Somehow we figure out that my family member may have known something and was trying to protect me from the Hat Man, so she “breaks” me out of my room and we head down the hall to the murder scene to look for clues. We find a teddy bear that had a button to record but it’s missing the batteries. We quickly find some, put them in, and a message from my family member starts to play. All it says is for me to tell my aunt about the Hat Man and then I woke up. 
As you can see, this dream freaked me the fuck out. Not only because of how insanely detailed it was, but because of the family member dying, the message, and just the over all fact that I always felt creeped out at our old house and so this just confirmed in my head for that time that spooky stuff was happening. In reality it was all in my head OR SO I THOUGHT  but back to that later. Now that I’m typing this out, I realize that I had this dream at our old house so definitely not 2 months ago lol. We moved like 4 or 5 months ago- my sense of time is so freaking bad-
Anyway, I told all my family about the dream and they all agreed it was really creepy but that was kind of the end of it until I told my boyfriends friend. We were having a little game night and I don’t remember how the topic came up, but I ended up telling her about my dream and she was like, “Ah yes, the Hat Man. He comes to get you for not taking your ADHD medication.” And I was like WHAT???? She was shook I didn’t know about the Hat Man, and I was shook BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING REAL????? Or, not real, but that the concept was an actual thing and I didn’t just make it up in a weirdly vivid nightmare. 
She explained a bit about him to me and I looked him up on the internet. What’s funny is that, while I have ADHD and have been diagnosed with it since the 2nd grade, I’ve never taken medication for it before until literally 2 days ago. So I just kinda thought that was funny. I’m sure somewhere in the past I stumbled upon a meme or a joke about the Hat Man and my subconscious just kinda filled him in there but I still have no recollection of ever hearing about him before. And while I’ve thought about this dream on and off for the past few months, I only really started thinking about it again because my family recently told me that there was something in our old house, more that what I had originally knew. Like I said, I always got a weird feeling in that house, kinda like I wasn’t alone even if I was the only one in the house. My cousin had told me there was a spirit of a little boy but that he was harmless. Still, I felt off about it but I just kinda chalked it up to me being creeped out over everything, even if he was harmless- not sure if I ever mentioned it on here before, but one day I was in my room, home alone, and I got out of bed cause I had to use the bathroom and I was watching a tik tok and as I looked up from my phone to grab my door handle, the knob was turning on its own and I decided that, maybe, I didn’t actually have to use the bathroom and went back to bed. My aunt told me it could have been one of the cats, but I didn't really believe that. And now, the other day, I’m told that there was something bad in the house that the family member that died in my dream found and it freaked her out. And guess what fellas???? The reason they never told me about it was because IT WAS IN MY FUCKING BEDROOM so moral of the story is, trust your gut, dreams can’t hurt you, and the Hat Man is real. 
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thehoodedfigure · 2 years ago
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Sleepless night... #awaken #sleeplessnights #purpleaesthetic #baddream #nightlife #hopethisworks https://www.instagram.com/p/CpspplaPWIY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raveinecat · 3 days ago
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bad dream or bad real?
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fairymermaid7 · 6 months ago
What's been playing in my head 24/7 these days.
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justabaddreamm · 1 year ago
I walked to my car with my speaker in my hand? I didn’t even realize I was holding it??
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samanthasgone · 2 years ago
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Apparently YouTube music does my top ❄️ Winter ❄️ Recap. 🎼 💿 🎤 🎧🎸 🔘 My top Winter Artist ❄️ 1) Don Broco 2) Parkway Drive 3) Kylie Minogue 🪩 💃 4) Spirit Box 5) Asking Alexandria 🔘 My top Winter Tracks ❄️ 1) The Void - Parkway Drive 2) Bleach Bath - Spirit Box 3) Bad Dream - Cannons 🎹 4) Citizen - Northlane 5) Let’s bury the hatchet … in your head - Ice Nine Kills 🪓 🔘 My favorite remix of Winter ❄️ Synthwave remixes of popular rock songs | retrowave rock mix 🎸 🎶 🔘 My top winter genre ❄️ 1) heavy metal 🎸 🤘 2) rock 🤘 🎵 3) independent music 4) pop music 🎤🎧 5) rock music in Ukraine 💿🤘❄️💿🤘❄️💿🤘❄️ #youtube #youtubemusic #youtubemusicwinterrecap23 #northlane #spiritbox #parkwavedrive #kylieminogue #cannons #iceninekills #ink #askingalexandria #donbroco #bleachbath #thevoid #baddream #citizen #letsburythehatchetinyourhead (at Youtube Music) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOYZQmvnOA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sonic-cinema · 2 years ago
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With the #oscars tomorrow, it’s the time where I finally unveil my 10 Best Films of 2022. Even by the standards of being the best of a year, 2022 has probably one of my strongest slates of films. An emotional story of family set around the concept of a multiverse of possibilities for life (#everythingeverywhereallatonce). A heartfelt story of how much humanity can be experienced by artificial intelligence (#afteryang). The Caped Crusader in a Gotham fully realized and populated (#thebatman). The personal portrait of the tension between family and filmmaking (#thefabelmans). A beautiful, heartbreaking film as women discuss the challenges ahead of them when they decide enough is enough (#womentalking). A darkly comic tale of fractured friendship (#thebansheesofinisherin). A lovely tale of an unusual bond that forms (#marceltheshellwithshoeson). An epic adventure of rebellion with jaw-dropping action and musical moments (#rrr). A folk horror film about a young girl whose past finds her again (@maya_folkhorrorfilm). And a short film about the real-life nightmares of being Black in America (#baddream). This was a collectively great year, though. To listen to more about my Top 10, and the Oscar nominees, you can listen to my annual episode @ https://sonic-cinema.com/wordpress/2023/03/episode-129-oscar-thoughts-with-amanda-spears-brians-top-10-of-2022/ #movies #films #cinema #bestof2022 #oscars2023 #podcast https://www.instagram.com/p/CppuzEXszH2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lemonboywriter · 1 month ago
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All text bc my writing tends to be messy
Mk-"Has that always been like this?"
Mk-"Oh Shi-"
Nezha- "MK-!"
Nezha- "Oh wtf-?"
Mk- "I can explain?"
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dudydoodie · 2 years ago
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D. (52)
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thehoodedfigure · 2 years ago
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Sleepless night... #awaken #sleeplessnights #purpleaesthetic #baddream #nightlife #hopethisworks https://www.instagram.com/p/CpspplaPWIY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cdcm · 10 days ago
2/23/2025 2:34 AM
The dream I had looks so real,
A shadowed world, I can feel.
Whispers echo, shadows creep,
In the silence, secrets keep.
Chains of fear wrap tight around,
In this nightmare, lost, I drown.
Painful visions, haunting fright,
Yearning for the dawn's soft light.
Waking gasps, heart skips a beat,
Relief as reality's sweet heat.
Yet in the dark, I still can see,
That dream haunts quietly, haunting me.
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meinkampfgegendepression · 6 months ago
Ich fühl mich einsam in der Nacht, in der schwarzen Dunkelheit, wo keiner über dich Wacht.
Wo dich keiner sieht, und du alleine bist, und jemand anders deine Fäden zieht.
Du keine Kontrolle über deine Träume hast, dich unfassbar machtlos fühlst, egal was du dagegen machst.
Du kämpfst von Tag zu Tag, obwohl dir lange klar ist, das das Leben dich nicht mag.
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lekshana · 2 years ago
பலவீனமான கனவுகளுக்கு A treatment for weak dreams ஒரு புதிய சிகிச்சை இனிமையான கனவுகளை வழங்குகின்றது!
தொடர்ச்சியான கனவுகளால் (A treatment for weak dreams) வேட்டையாடும் நபர்களுக்கு தொந்தரவு இல்லாத தூக்கம் ஒரு கனவாக இருக்கும். இப்போது ஒரு சிறிய பரிசோதனையில், நரம்பியல் விஞ்ஞானிகள் ஒரு நுட்பத்தை நிரூபித்துள்ளனர்.
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kisses-huggs-club · 2 years ago
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horrororman · 11 months ago
Released April 8, 1988.
#slasher #thriller #horror
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taiyejeremiah · 1 year ago
How Jesus Christ helped me to get rid of evil dreams & nightmares while sleeping🤔🤔🤔
#evildreams #nightmares #evil #dream #night #sleeping #sleep #scary #fear #fearful #witch #wizards #beast #devilisafraid #threattodevil #swordofGod #Bible #bloodofJesus #blood #Jesusname #powerofJesus #testimony #powerofGod #dontbeafraid #rejectbaddreams #baddreams #Godisgreater #donotfear #Godiswithyou #called
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