#bada one shot
anadiluna · 10 months
Bada Lee X fem reader.
Reader is the only female member of bts lol
Warnings: angst, fluff as hell, reader is problematic, drug use?¿
It's my first time posting on tumblr so I don't know how to write these warnings or whatever. I'm struggling to find where the hell I should put the title😭.
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I looked so serene, my sleep figure rested on Bada's body, my face buried into her neck, she had her arms wrapped around me, her chin resting on the top of my head, eyes closed and a small smile on her lips, she also looked serene, I admired the picture for some moments, all kinds of good emotions twirling on my chest until something caught my attention, one of my arms rested on her waist and my hand was tugging the fabric of her hoodie as if I was scared that she would escape, I didn't remember doing that when I was woke.
Memories from my past relationship, fights about how emotionally dependent I was, his face contorting in a disgusted frown when I hugged him, suddenly my world was falling apart.
How could I be so desperate to be in her arms? A sense of shame hit my heart and my mind, the realization of everyone probably knowing that I loved her differently made me feel so ashamed, not because she is a woman, I would never feel ashamed of that, just being perceived as someone vulnerable was enough for me.
Moments traveled through my mind, I've been so clingy with her through the last months, I laughed too much, I hugged her too much, I showed all the feelings I wanted to show and didn't even realize, although she never rejected me or said anything bad, but rather happily accepted all of that, I couldn't let go of the feeling that I was probably suffocating her like this, I felt so bad, she probably felt disgusted just like him, right? She didn't say anything about it to not hurt me, she didn't say anything because she felt sorry for the girl who doesn't have anyone besides her members. I felt so disgusted with myself, I just wanted to bury myself alive so I could never bother her again.
The days went by and the rejection feeling I planted on my chest only grew, every time I was around her the feeling of wanting to be in her arms and hug her was terribly strong, but the shame I felt was bigger, and even when she hugged me I couldn't put my hands over hers like I always did.
"Why are you not hugging me anymore?", she said hugging me and leaning her head on my shoulders as we left the practice studio, her voice sounded hurt, but my mind wouldn't let me believe she was hurt.
"Aren't you coming anymore?", she said over the phone, the background sounded noisy, and I could hear Lusher screaming a song in the karaoke room.
"I have to finish a song today, I'm sorry...", I wanted to be there, but I don't know, her friends are probably over me as much as she is.
"Okay, I think... good luck! Good night Harinnie.", she said sweetly but from her voice I could feel that she was quite hurt, again.
My mind was a mess, even if I knew that she was hurt by my actions I also thought she couldn't bear looking at my face.
"Good night.", I said turning off the call.
I looked beside my bed and saw the jar of pills prescribed by the psychiatrist, took more than I could in my hands, and chugged down with water hoping to sleep as fast as possible so I wouldn't have to deal with my emotions.
"I have a deadline for a son..." Haerin tried to lie but she was cut before she could finish her sentence.
"HAERIN!", the smaller girl flinched at Bada's scream. "I'm sorry", Bada said touching her arm, Bada's voice echoed in her head, her sight was blurry, and she was completely drugged as a result of the pills she had been eating like candy every day for the last 3 weeks.
"Tell me what is happening, please.", Bada begged, her voice was sweet but hurt, the usual from the last days. "I cannot pretend everything's fine, you've been acting so different and...", she was teary-eyed and said her words in a choke. "You're hurting me", she sighned lowering her head, she didn't know what to do anymore, it seemed like suddenly Haerin didn't care about anything or anyone, she didn't talk or eat, she just followed her instructions like a robot, not showing any emotion. Bada had seen Haerin going through her ups and downs in their years of friendship, but nothing looked like this, her heart was scrunching and she felt like she lost Haerin forever, she was desperate to take her back to life.
Haerin did not know what to do, she didn't feel guilt or any sense of empathy, she just didn't feel anything.
"When I look at you, I can't even recognize your eyes...", Haerin's eyes normally had the prettiest sparkle looked opaque, the bags under her eyes were in a weird red tone, realization hit Bada, she remembered the fight she overhead one day, where Namjoon was screaming at Haerin for taking more pills than she should. She could almost hear Namjoon's angry statement.
"Look at you, you don't even look like yourself.".
Bada got up and took Haerin's bag, the girl was too slow to react, as expected. She found the guilty, a jar of medicine almost empty.
"That's what you've been doing? That's why you're acting like that, right?", Bada almost screamed, anger and sadness filling her heart at the thought of Haerin drugging herself, her eyes filled with tears, she tried to hold back but it was too much.
"Why did you do that? What is happening?", she asked again but it was hopeless to try and talk to Haerin at that moment, and even if she was angry she understood why Haerin couldn't just talk when facing her downs.
"I don't know... I'm sorry Bada.", Haerin whispered, her eyes looked so empty, so vain, yet she was so vulnerable.
When Bada heard her saying her name all the anger left her body leaving her only with sadness, the tears made their way down her cheeks, she tried not to sob but it was impossible, she knew Haerin just needed someone to understand her.
"I'll take you home, you're gonna stop doing that, I'll be by your side all of the time, and when you get better we'll talk, okay?". Bada wrapped her arms around Haerin's body, she knew Haerin was basically the personification of the side effects of being drugged and that her actions weren't matching her intentions, but still hurt her deeply when Haerin didn't hug her back. "You're gonna be okay. We'll be okay.".
The sea waves break in front of us, and our skin is not burned by the sun but rather caressed by the cold, humid wind. The pain in my heart seems to get even worse when I realize I have nowhere to escape, I owe satisfaction to her, the person who laughs with me in the good moments also wants to cry with me in the sad ones.
"I am the problem, these feelings come and go like waves, they invade my heart and mind intensively as if I'm drowning, until the despair of trying to breathe stops, and suddenly I can breathe underwater, but the burning pain of being filled with salt water stays.", the weight on my shoulders feels less heavy, but now she's just like the last people who loved me and left me, now she knows my downs, I showed to her how messed up I am and everything will start to break in front of my eyes until the day she will disappear.
Her eyes were full of worry, her eyebrows slightly furred, and a small pout on her lips. "I know you hate to show vulnerability and I'm sorry that I forced you to do that, but Haerinnie...", she turned her body to me and intertwined our fingers. "I love you so much. I want to be the person who you will be sincere with, I want you to feel at home when you're with me as much as I feel when I'm with you.", her eyes were teary and her nose a bit red by the cold, the wind made her strands of hair loosen and perfectly flow like waves, she looked like the agitated sea in front of us, the most beautiful mess I've ever seem.
I wanted to say I was a mess and that if she kept seeing how broken I was she would get tired and soon leave, but she would say it's not true, she would promise to never leave me and I would believe with all of my heart, thinking I finally found someone, but as the years go by and time passes destiny would show me I was wrong for the thousandth time, and I would be alone again.
"I'm sorry for making you go through this hell, I will never do this again, I hate hurting you."
Warm tears kept streaming down my cheeks while I sobbed desperately but silently, that pain was too much to bear, watching everything happen again was breaking every piece of my soul and I felt so hopeless.
"My baby...", she said in a choke, she sounded so hurt by just seeing me like that, I can't believe I've done this to her.
"I'm sorry.", I looked down, hands on my head as I colored her blue.
She carefully pulled me into a hug, touching me as if I could break at any moment, my head rested in between her neck and chest, and my tears soaked her skin and shirt. I could feel her shoulders shaking and her uneven breath, her soft cheeks resting on the side of my head as quiet sobs left her lips.
After some moments we both calmed down and all we could hear was the sea waves breaking on the coast.
"Look at me, Haerinnie.", she whispered.
I didn't want to, I felt too ashamed for putting her in that position, for making her cry so much about things she didn't even know.
I hugged even tighter, hiding my face deeper on her neck. A small giggle left her lips making my heart feel a bit warmer.
"Please baby, I want to say something to you.", she said with her lips almost inside my ear, making me laugh and slightly pull away from her by the agonizing sensation.
Our gazes met, she admired me with a loving smile on her lips while caressing my cheeks and fixing my hair. My eyes still glint with nervousness but I could not help but smile at the sight, my hands gently caressed her wrists.
"I am so lucky to have you, you're my favorite person in the world.", she pulled my face closer and gave small pecks on my cheeks.
I pouted at her statements, how can someone be so easy to love? How can someone be so sincere like that? It felt like my heart was melting in my chest.
"I love you so so much.", I made sure to look at her eyes while saying it so she could feel my sincerity as much as I felt hers.
Her smile widened and her eyes had so much emotion. "I love you more Harinnie, my Harinnie.", her arms wrapped around me and she pulled me into one more bear hug, inhaling my scent as she shrugged her face in my shoulders.
While feeling the warmth of being loved I could not help but think about the impact she has on me. I was feeling so down, so desperate, and hopeless for so many days and then she pulled me out of this as if my bad thoughts didn't have any meaning, making me feel so loved, with such eagerness to live life, this never happened before, no one ever had this power over me, her way of thinking and dealing with life was changing me to someone who could be better to myself, the world hasn't been the same since I was met with her happiness.
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Sokka: you can’t just set all your problems on fire
Zuko: you’d be surprised how many things are flammable
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caashmoneynae · 10 months
MY MASTERLIST. -> click here for more!
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SUMMARY: in which Unique & Jaedyn are the '90s version of the 2000s classic "Baby Boy." ✨
"𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗕𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡' 𝗨𝗣 𝗜𝗡 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗡' 𝗔𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗧 𝗠𝗘 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗔𝗟𝗠𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗔 𝗪𝗘𝗘���� 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧." Jaedyn mugged, looking behind the couch and watching Unique scan the refrigerator, as Unique secretly rolled his eyes and grabbed a bottle of water.
"you actin' like you was gon' die cause i left you, Jae'," Unique retorted, closing the fridge, "i had to handle my bid'ness, i was gon' come back."
"yeah, after three months of runnin' the streets with Worrell doin' i don't know what." Jaedyn mumbled under her breath, yet Unique heard her loud and clear as he sipped on his water.
"Jaedyn, don't start this shit again. you knew what it was when you met me." Unique warned, swallowing his gulp of water, as he twisted the lid back onto the bottle and Jaedyn scoffed before looking back at him.
Jaedyn and Unique were as toxic as you could imagine. they always claimed they were done with each other and somehow ended up back in each other's embrace. their good times didn't last long, however, because Jaedyn would always argue with him about little things he did that'd get under her skin, like him staying out for several days because he was too caught up in his street shit.
"Kadeem, you so full of shit. when i met you, you only stayed out until around 1 or 2 o'clock in the mornin'. and i was fine with that 'cause i knew you had shit to do. but lately, you been comin' home days later, and i'm not fuckin' with it," Jaedyn spat as she raised onto her knees and rested her arms against the back of the couch, "you been fucking around, huh?"
"you know damn well i ain't been fuckin' nobody." Unique mugged, looking at her with furrowed brows.
"let me smell ya dick." Jaedyn blurted out, crossing her arms, as Unique scoffed and shook his head.
"gone with that bullshit, yo. that's childish as hell." Unique dismissed as Jaedyn laughed humorously and got up from the couch.
"nah, nigga, let me smell it! you been gone for the past few days and think you can just come in here like shit sweet?! ain't a damn thing in this bitch sweet!" Jaedyn exclaimed, storming into the kitchen, "drop them drawls and let me smell it, Kadeem, i'm not fuckin' playin'."
"and you think i am? i ain't droppin' shit, you overreactin' like a muh'fucka', yo." Unique defended, looking down at the woman, as Jaedyn looked up at him and narrowed her eyes at him, looking him up and down before scoffing.
"you know what... nigga, i hate you. i hate you so fuckin' much," Jaedyn scoffed, shaking her head, as she walked away from him, "you one selfish and egotistical ass nigga, K."
"yeah, i hear it a lot, shorty." Unique shrugged nonchalantly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked towards the front door, opening it and attempting to slam it behind him but Jaedyn stopped him.
"oh, you 'bout to go fuck that bitch, huh?! that's where you goin'?! you just gon' walk out when i'm talkin' to you?!" Jaedyn purposely shouted, gaining the attention of bystanders that were either driving or on the sidewalk, "whatever, nigga, i don't need you to be here! i'm tired of sittin' up in this house not havin' a man next to me when i want 'cause he'd rather be runnin' the streets with his niggas! ooh, i hate you!"
"Jaedyn, take yo' ass back in the house or i swear to God, i'ma hurt you." Unique demanded lowly, his jaw clenching, as he reached into the pocket of his fur coat and pulled out his car keys before Jaedyn quickly snatched them from his grasp and stuffed them in the pocket of her sweatpants.
"no, fuck all'at! i hate you, 'Nique! i fuckin' hate you, i swear to God!" Jaedyn hollered, pushing his forehead with two of her fingers, as Unique grabbed her wrist with one hand and grabbed her throat with the other, making her grip his wrist while her jaw clenched.
"i hate yo' ass too, Jae'. there, i said it. you happy now, yo? now take yo' ass back in the house, stop embarrassin' yo'self in front of all these muh'fuckas', and give me my fuckin' keys." Unique growled as he aggressively let her go and Jaedyn scoffed before pushing him, causing him to stumble slightly but not drastically.
"fuck you, these motherfuckas', and these keys, nigga, you ain't goin' nowhere!" Jaedyn retorted, taking the keys out of her pocket, as she slightly turned around and threw them through the open front door, watching them land on the floor.
"see, why you always gotta' show yo' ass in public, Jae'?! you think this shit cute?!" Unique exclaimed, his brows furrowing, as Jaedyn stepped closer to him and her eyes slightly narrowed at him.
"nigga— fuck you, 'Nique! fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" Jaedyn yelled, jabbing her index finger into his clothed chest with every "fuck" that left her melanated lips.
"fuck you too, yo! you ain't gon' be satisfied 'til i shut you up my damn self." Unique warned menacingly, as Jaedyn smacked her lips and rolled her eyes, laughing in amusement.
"fuck you, nigga, you ain't gon' shit!"
"oh, f-fuck! yesssss, don't stop! ooh, d-don't stopppp!" Jaedyn cried, her brows furrowing, as she balled up the sheets in her hands and felt an aggressive tug on her hair, her back now against Unique's broad chest while her eyes rolled back into her head.
"you still hate me, shorty? huh?" Unique growled in her ear, letting go of her hair and wrapping his hand around her neck, as he roughly squeezed the sides of it and harshly smacked her ass, making a loud moan fall from Jaedyn's lips while her ass stung from his slap.
"n-no! no, Daddy, i-i swear i don't hate youuuu!" Jaedyn moaned loudly, throwing her head back against his shoulder, as soft kisses were placed on the side of her face and her earlobe and one of her hands let go of the sheets to tightly grip her man's wrist.
"tell me you love me, mama. tell Daddy you love him." Unique smirked smugly against the side of her face, gently tugging at her earlobe with his teeth, as Jaedyn squealed loudly and her lips sat ajar, her nails slightly digging into Unique's wrist while she succumbed to his pleasure.
"ooh, i love you! f-fuck, i love you so much, Kadeem!"
"you know these other bitches can't top you, mama. so why you actin' like that, yo? hm?" Unique cooed into her ear, his hips gyrating into hers, as Jaedyn whimpered feebly in response and her brows furrowed, "you know i be busy and i be out late, but you know i'ma always come back home to you, baby."
"i-i know, Daddy... i knowwww..." Jaedyn whined, a stray tear rolling down her cheek, as her vision faltered and her eyes rolled back, a broken moan falling from her lips at feeling Unique's tip jab into her spot.
"so, why you actin' crazy, shorty? why you showin' out like that?" Unique mumbled in her ear, his unoccupied hand caressing her side, as Jaedyn's body tingled from his touch and her hips slightly jolted in his arms, "you missed me, huh, baby?"
"y-yesssss! yes! i-i missed you so muchhh!" Jaedyn cried as her thighs began to tremble and her jaw dropped, "ooooh, i'm 'bout to cum! i'm 'bout to cummmm!"
"y-yes! oh, my God, you feel so good!" Jaedyn moaned loudly, her arms wrapping around his neck, as she bounced up and down hastily on Unique's lap and her head flew back, her silk-pressed hair beginning to frizz up due to sweat and the humidity in the room.
"this pussy so fuckin' good, yo," Unique groaned, his brows lightly furrowing, as he bit down on his lip and his grills glistened under the light in the room, "and you think them bitches could top this... can't nobody top you, you heard? the shit that you do for me is somethin' that can't be replicated, mama. i ain't goin' nowhere, girl. and neitha' are you, you heard?"
"i ain't goin' nowhere... i ain't goin' nowhere..." Jaedyn panted breathlessly, feeling his arms wrap around her torso tightly, as Unique matched the pace of her hips and began to thrust aggressively from underneath her, "oh, fuck! o-oh, m-my— f-fuck, you're so biggggg!"
"yeah? you feel me, shorty?" Unique cooed, smirking, as he looked up at her and watched her nod her head vigorously, "tell me what'chu feel, baby."
"i-i feel Daddy's dick!" Jaedyn cried, her nails digging into his shoulders, as she threw her head back for a second time and her brows furrowed, making a smirk spread across Unique's face while he kissed her neck and collarbone.
"you love Daddy's dick, princess? hm?" Unique smirked, smacking and gripping her asscheeks, as tears of pleasure began falling down Jaedyn's face and she let out a sob.
"i-i love Daddy's dickkkk!" Jaedyn sobbed, holding onto Unique tightly, as her legs began to tremble for a second time and a loud whine fell from her lips.
Jaedyn and Unique engaged in a sloppy and lustful lip-lock as both of her legs rested on his shoulders, his body weight on top of hers while her knees rested against her shoulders. she cupped his face in her hands and held his face close to hers as their heavy breathing filled the kiss while their tongues wrestled passionately, occasional moans and groans filling the kiss while the bed rocked underneath them.
they might've been toxic but the sex was what kept them coming back. no other man could put it down like Unique and no other woman had good coochie like Jaedyn. the sex pulled them back to each other every time, and no matter the circumstance, they'd always find their way back to each other.
pulling away from the kiss, their foreheads rested against each other's as Unique bit down on his bottom lip and breathy moans left Jaedyn's ajar lips, her brows furrowing while her finger gently slid through the gold hoop in his ear.
"i-i love you, Kadeem..." Jaedyn breathily whimpered, looking up at the man, as Unique slightly smiled and gently pecked the woman on the lips.
"i love you more, Jae'."
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edenesth · 1 month
[3:00 PM]
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"Appa, I want to eat!" called the small voice of Choi Bada from the tiny playpen you and San had built for her a few years ago.
"Aww, is my baby hungry? Don't worry, appa's coming!" you heard your husband say as he gently placed Byeol, the family cat, back in her spot before hurrying over to his precious little princess.
You could only sigh, clutching the worn-out plush that once belonged to him, as another wave of pain hit you relentlessly. So much for hoping to spend the day in his loving arms. "It's just you and me now, Shiber. I'm no longer at the top of his priority list."
The man snorted as he scooped up your daughter, carrying her over to the dining table where the lunch he had made earlier still sat untouched, thanks to your late breakfast, and removed the covers. "You do know I can hear you, right?"
You rolled your eyes. "Good, I wanted you to hear," you shot back, grimacing as another vicious cramp attacked your lower abdomen.
He smirked, busy reheating the food, and planted a kiss on the child's head. "You know damn well you'll always be my number one. Besides, I've already pitched a solution, and the offer still stands. If you'd just agree, we could get to work and, you know, banish that pain."
Resisting the urge to launch Shiber at him, you slapped a hand over your forehead. "Please, never mention that 'solution' again. I have never heard anything dumber in my life."
"Oh, come on! It would stop your period for nine months, and Bada would finally get a baby brother," he said, turning to your daughter. "You want a baby brother, don't you?"
Your daughter clapped her hands, grinning from her high chair. "Yes, yes, eomma! Bada wants baby brother!"
Smiling at your little mini-me, you pushed yourself off the couch and walked over, leaning down to kiss her chubby cheeks. "We'll think about it, sweetie. But first, let's eat." You swiped the plate from San's hands, placed it in front of her, and watched as she dug in with her new utensils like the little champ she was.
Feeling your husband's hands snake around your waist from behind, you spun around and whispered with a pointed finger, "Stop filling her head with ideas! Do you seriously think pregnancy is the answer to menstrual cramps? Have you conveniently forgotten about contraction pain, my guy?"
He pouted, tightening his hold around you, pressing his forehead against yours, and whispered, "But my love, doesn't the pleasure always make the pain go away?"
Flustered, your face burned as you quickly shushed him, nodding towards your daughter, who was staring up at you both in wonder. His suggestive expression softened as he grinned down at her. "Is it good, Bada-yah?" She nodded cutely. "Good, then finish it."
Once her attention returned to her food and Baby Shark playing on the TV, San cupped your cheek and met your gaze. "All jokes aside, didn't we agree to have at least two kids? Bada's turning four soon, so maybe now would be a good time to try for another. Don't you think?" he murmured, his presence and touch intoxicating, his lips brushing against yours as his thumb tenderly caressed your cheek.
You felt your resolve slowly crumbling. He was right—you both had agreed to have at least two children so your daughter wouldn't be too lonely. The thought just hadn't crossed your mind yet. But maybe he was right... maybe now was the time.
"I..." Before you could find the words, a whine escaped your throat as another torturous cramp sent you curling into his chest. He held you close, soothingly running his hands up and down your back. "What do you say, my love?"
You couldn't believe what you were about to say, but you had to. Anything to stop this agony. "We'll put the baby talk on hold, but for now... I need you, Choi San."
"Say no more, baby," he whispered before carrying you into the bedroom, but not without first turning on auto-play on YouTube—Baby Shark would have to handle babysitting for a while.
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ATEEZ Masterlist
Everyone, say thank you to @itstheghostofmypast because this timestamp probably would not have come to fruition had it not been for her and the ideas she always gives me❤️
Hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp HAHA and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha |
@haven-cove @idfkeddieishot @vic0921 @vnessalau @apriecotte |
@bangtannie7 @vtyb23 @khjoongie98
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strangeobsessed · 10 months
Bada Lee Fic Recommendations
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*photos are edited by me, pls dont steal!! thank you
note: most of the fics will contain angst, fluff, suggestive/smut, toxic relationship ish? i'll possibly continue to update this list and make a one-shot ver if i don't get lazy. enjoyyy!! btw adding a writers work here basically means i recommend their whole acc!
last updated: 22 dec 2023
Mortal Gods - Bada Lee x OC Team Fem!Reader synopsis: Imagine a ninth team becoming part of the dynamic Street Woman Fighter 2 cast. These remarkable dancers don't only showcase their incredible moves; they possess an enchanting charm that sweeps not just the audience but also the hearts of their fellow competitors. ↳ by @ssivinee
All American Bitch - Bada Lee x Fem!Reader synopsis: Bada's strong opinion of you spreads like wildfire, which turns into nothing but disaster. Neither of you feel sympathy for the other. After all, there are only 3 rules in Street Woman Fighter: no limit, no respect, and no mercy. ↳ by @perfectsunlight
Moth to a Flame - Bada Lee x Fem!Reader synopsis: Y/n L/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. She’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. Apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee. ↳ by @wrosie-writes
Let's Dance - Bada Lee x Jam Rebublic!Reader x Wolf'lo!Chocol synopsis: A professional ballet dancer in Street Woman Fighter Season 2? (Y/N) Bae, a 23-year-old ballerina and dance prodigy enters the fighting arena alongside the infamously known crew, Jam Republic. Making the team's aura and presence far more intimidating despite being clad in soft pink and white clothing, adorned with astonished faces and friendly smiles. As the young woman entered the arena with curious eyes and small smile, the other teams couldn't help but awe at her beauty and elegant aura, unknowingly capturing the eyes of two charismatic dancers. ↳ by @diana-rose-25
Lost Cause - Bada Lee x Reader x BEBE!Lusher synopsis: In which, you can't help but hate being Bada's best friend, even though you love her more than anything. ↳ by @bountycancelled
A Princess' Will - Bada Lee x Princess!Reader synopsis: After an assassination attempt, the queen invites the very best fighters from across the land to compete for the great honor of protecting you, the princess. ↳ by @lovystar
Stolen Hoodie (SMAU) - Bada Lee x OC!Reader (Shin Nari) synopsis: In which a love story begins with a stolen hoodie. ↳ by @badasgirlfriend
No Feelings Attached To The Limit (Part 2) - Bada Lee x Dancer!Reader synopsis: The relationship between bada and y/n had always been flirty. But what if one of them wanted something more? ↳ by @nimxie
The guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all - Bada Lee x Fem!Reader synopsis: As you attend one of Kai's shows, your gaze remains glued to a particular background dancer. Fueled by adrenaline, you gather the courage to approach him after the performance, handing over your number. But what can happen when Y/N realise that the guy she was interested in wasn’t a guy at all? ↳ by @westwoodsvivi
Mafia AU - Mafia!Bada Lee x Fem!Reader synopsis: Your arranged marriage to older!cold!mafia boss!Bada Lee unfolds, revealing that there's more than just ice behind her cold heart. ↳ by @allur1ngs
Losing Touch Untouched (Part 2) - Gang Member!Bada Lee x Reader synopsis: Picking up your girlfriend from the police station does not seem like a good date idea for you. Especially if she refuses to talk about the very things that got her in trouble with the police. ↳ by @beetlejuicyy
The Duplicate Part 2 - Bada Lee x 1 Million Member!Reader synopsis: - ↳ by @throughthebluesea
Speak Now - Bada Lee x Actress!Reader synopsis: You and Bada have been best friends since you transferred to her school during 8th grade. Both are harboring feelings for each other but chose to remain as friends just in case being in a relationship doesn't work out between you. You made a pact to be each other's date during holidays and occasions that carried on to adulthood. You had to go away but Bada's feelings for you remained. She wanted to ask you out when you come back but when you did, she found out you're already engaged to someone else. Will this be a tragic love story or will she finally gather up courage to be with you after all these years? ↳ by @mikachacha
Secret Love Song Part 2 - Bada Lee x BEBE!Reader synopsis: Being in a secret relationship is not easy, especially if you are hiding it to the whole world. — or — the heavy weight of the strained relationship you have with Bada has just become too overwhelming. ↳ by @mikaleialt
Ignited Fire - Bada Lee x Fem!Reader synopsis: Y/n S/n, an Architecture student and Bada Lee, a Performing Arts student shares an apartment at their university. They are doing great until Bada started bringing different girls at night forbidding Y/n to focus on her studies. Things went south when Bada stated her adoration towards Y/n. It all went downhill when one night ruined Y/n’s heart. ↳ by @bleu-seas
Full Moon Part 2 - Succubus!Bada Lee x Fem!Reader synopsis: - ↳ by @sun-nyy
Admire. - Bada Lee x Jam Republic OC!Reader (Lea Chang) synopsis: In which Bada unexpectedly gets to see and battle her long-time idol and crush on a survival show she was in, Street Woman Fighter. ↳ by @yxine
Homewrecker - Bada Lee x Reader synopsis: Bada is lonely, you fix that. ↳ by @sydnerss
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forbebeandjam · 2 months
Please bully G!p and perv g’p
Nxde | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21
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Summary: your bully has a secret only you know about…
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: g!p, fingering, and more smut… as well as bullying and rough sex.
A/N: I’m sorry I took long. You also didn’t specify if you wanted a Bada fic so if you want another person bully fic, please let me know and I’ll work on it. Enjoy♥️
You say at lunch with your head hung low. You thought your senior year would be fun. You had your best friend by your side during high school and everything seemed to be going according to your plan.
That was until your best friend's family moved states. They were struggling financially and needed to find somewhere else to live. And you never expected what happened at the beginning of the year.
You accidentally walked in on Bada Lee in the changing room. You didn't mean to. It was your getaway place and you needed a moment of silence. You never imagined that Bada Lee, the most snobby rich, and mean girl would be there, naked.
Let alone seeing what you saw. Her bulging member. You always suspected since middle school that she was hiding something. They acted strange. She would be secretive when going to the restroom or in the playground but you eventually brushed it off.
Seeing it in real life was odd and awkward. You didn't know what you felt exactly but it made you feel so many emotions at the same time.
She yelled at you and you escaped. You ran away and went back to class but she found you. And as much as you apologized, she made it her goal to target you.
Making up rumors about you and laughing at you with her friends. She would tell everyone you were poor and were only accepted in school because your mom was dating the principal.
When teachers weren't watching, she would pull on your hair and hit you. Harass you till tears were flowing down from your face.
So school became a burden to you. You didn't want to go and you begged your parents to not let you. But they were never caring so they wanted you out of the house for as much as long as they could.
And you didn't know why, or maybe you did, but every night, that image would reply in your head. Bada Lee in the changing room. It made you feel things such as warm feelings in the pit of your stomach and a tingling sensation in your core.
"Oh, look Bada. It's our little friend. The little peeking girl," her friend said. She pushed your tray to the floor causing a loud noise in the cafeteria. Everyone looked your way.
"This is our table now. Beat it," the blonde girl said.
"Red, just forget it," Bada said making you look up. Why was she showing mercy for you?
"Don't go soft on me Bada. You know damn well she doesn't deserve to be let off the hook," the girl said again as she grabbed your face.
"Redlic! Stop being childish!" Bada shouted causing the girl to let you go and walk behind Bada.
"Everyone out!" She shouted. No one asked anything and started to leave. She turned to Redlic and signaled her to leave. She was about to protest but Bada shot her a glare and she left.
She shut the doors and windows of the place and made sure no one would have access inside. Her parents funded the school with lots of money, so no one dared to disobey her. Not even the staff.
She walked back to you and lifted your chin with her thumb as she got close to your face.
"Pick it up, sweetie. We wouldn't want anyone to fall, huh?"There it was. Her asshole side.
"But... that's not my job," you said and she grabbed your arm and made you kneel. You got on the floor and picked up the spilled food. You were about to get up to get towels to clean the spilled water.
"Where are you going, babe?" she said and you turned to her with your watery eyes.
"To get towels," you replied trying not to stutter.
"You don't need towels..." she said. You tilted your head in confusion but walked back towards her when she signaled you to. You gulped in nervousness.
When you were standing in front of her, she dragged her finger from your jaw to your neck making your breath hitch. She then made her way down to your blouse and undid a button. You closed your eyes when you felt her rip off your blouse in one swift move.
You hugged your chest with your hands hoping that it would cover your exposed underwear. Bda then threw your blouse on the floor.
"Now kneel and use your clothes. Remove them one by one," she said as she leaned back on the table.
You shook your head and this caused her to scoff. She grabbed your hair and made you kneel.
"Do it, or you will regret it," she firmly stated before letting go. You bit your lip and removed your skirt to soak up all the spilled water. You felt exposed kneeling in front of Bada. You didn't dare to look at her.
"Fuck~" you heard her whisper. You looked at her and tilted your head.
"Who would've thought that body was under those baggy clothes? You are so fucking hot," she said. You shivered remembering you were exposed to her.
"Who do you wear lingerie for, you little slut?" she said as she pulled the strap of your bra and let it go causing a stinging feeling on your shoulder.
"Bada, I feel embarrassed..." you said as you looked down
"Now you know how it feels, huh? To be seen naked without consent. Answer me," she grabbed your neck and brought you closer.
"I... I like to feel pretty. No one likes me or sees me at all. I wear this to feel pretty sometimes," you said looking right into her eyes. She had a dark hue covering her pupils and she was smirking.
You could see how she looked at your lips and back at your eyes before she licked her own not letting go of your neck.
You felt warm. The way she looked at you with desire made you think that there might be a chance that someone does like you. More than that. She wants you and she isn't trying to hide it.
"Let's see..." she said as she made you stand up. She wrapped her hands around your bare waist and brought you close.
"Do you like it when my attention is on you?" she whispered in your ear. You shivered at the dirty thoughts in your head and closed your eyes. You didn't say anything. She chuckled and her hand traveled from your waist to your chest and she lowered it to the elastic of your panties.
"Bada-" you said but she slammed her lips against yours.
"You don't make a sound until I say so. You don't want to get a punishment. Be a good slut for me, understand?" She said siad and you nodded.
She slowly slipped her hand inside your panties and you bit your lip to prevent any sounds from escaping your lips.
"Look at that. Why are you so fucking wet, huh?" she said as he rubbed her fingers around your core. She pulled her hand out and showed you her coated fingers.
"Do you really want me that bad?" she asked. You didn't say anything and looked away from her gaze. She held your cheeks her her hand forcing you to look at her.
"Answer me, Y/N. or you won't get anything," she said using her tongue to lick your lips seductively.
"I... I want you, Bada. Please..." You spat out as a red hue filled your face. With her free hand, she undid your bra exposing your tender breast to her. She groped them and smirked when you became more vulnerable to her touch almost fighting a moan.
"Please, what? Use your words, princess," she said making you feel warm and... wanted.
"Please fuck me. Please," you said again and she chuckled.
"Open," Bada said and you followed. She shoved her coated fingers into your mouth making you taste yourself. You cleaned her fingers and she grabbed your hair making you get on your knees.
You could see the bulge in her pants making your eyes widen.
"It's no secret to you now. So, you know what to do, huh?" You grabbed the hem of her pants and visible boxers and slowly pulled them down. Her member was now rock hard and pointing right at you.
You drooled at the sight of her precum on the tip and used your hand to slowly rub it. She hissed at the feeling making you feel in control of her pleasure. Her eyes were shut enjoying the movements of your hand on her member.
You used slow strokes wanting to tease her more and more. You felt her grab a hold of your throat pressing the sides slightly.
"You know what I want. Use your pretty mouth, slut," she said and let you go. You licked your lips in anticipation and licked the tip. She took hold of your hair and made her swollen cock go deep into your throat, and you took it like a champ.
You began to move your head letting out occasional moans and sending vibrations into her member and she groaned at the feeling. You could feel her twitching in your mouth and you craved her cum inside of your mouth.
You pushed your tongue onto her member to cause more friction and you could hear profanities escape her lips. A shot of the warm liquid was shot into your mouth and she removed her cock from inside of you.
"What a good little slut. Who taught you how to do that pretty girl?" she asked. You swallowed her cum and she cleaned the one dripping from your chin with her thumb.
"No one. I just got carried away. You taste so good," you said still panting and with a raspy voice.
"Get up," she said. You stood up and she immediately carried you attacking your breasts and using her hand to go inside your gummy walls rubbing your clit with her thumb. Shaking whimpers started to leave your lips and she kissed you from your jaw to your breasts.
She started to bite and suck on your skin, marking you as her, and never in your life did you imagine she would be like this. Hungry for you wanting to devour you whole.
Your moans filled the room and you didn't care about anything else than the pressure the tall girl was giving you with her fingers. She removed her fingers from your insides. You felt the cold table against your back as she lay you down on it.
You hissed and she took her jacket off to place it behind you. She removed your panties quickly and gently rubbed her tip against your entrance teasingly.
"Bada... fuck me, please. Don't tease me. I need you inside of me," you said between pants.
"Is that so? You're so wet for me, huh? Your pretty pussy needs me that bad? Let's see if you can take me, pretty girl," she said and immediately shoved her member deep inside of your dripping cunt.
"Fuck!" You shouted at the unbelievable size inside of you. It was stretching you as she started to slowly stroke in and out allowing you to adjust to her.
“More, please. Bada~ mmh” you moaned and she placed her hand on your abdomen.
“I’m going to destroy this pretty pussy, princess,” she said as she started to thrust in and out of you rapidly. The sight of you laying there and your sopping pussy swilling her member drove her crazy. The way your back arched for her and your nipples were perky and rock hard. The way your hands would grip the edge of the table. Everything about you made her want you more and more.
“Mgn… feels… s-so… good. Ah… Mh gonna cum,” you said as she went deeper if that was possible. A bulge was created on your lower stomach every time she would thrust into you hitting your sweet spot.
You tightened around her causing her to groan in pleasure.
“Fuck… that’s right. So tight for me. You take me so well. What a good girl,” she said you started to whine and whimper, and the unexpectedly sweet feeling. She licked her fingers and began to rub your sensitive clit with them and with one deep thrust, you both came at the same time.
But ahead didn’t stop. She then attacked your sensitive bud with her mouth. She started to lick and suck on it as if she had been craving you for a long time.
“Bada! I can’t. It’s too much!” You said trying to push her head away from between your legs. You were shaking and she used her hands to push your legs apart and pin them down.
“Take it like the good slut you are,” she said as she looked into your eyes.
“Only for you,” you replied and she smirked going down on you once again but never breaking eye contact with you. You winced as she sucked on your clit overstimulating you to your limits.
You came all over again on her and she licked up every single drop of you with praises and letting you know how good you did for her. She made you sit up and kiss your lips softly.
“You did so well for me,” she said as she helped you clean up and get dressed. You tried to recover from the overwhelming pleasure.
She kissed your lips again and grabbed your cheeks. She made eye contact with you and you shivered.
“You belong to me. Don’t let anyone touch you or you’ll regret it, you hear me?” She said. You were dumbly nodding as she traced your skin with her fingers.
“Yes. Whatever you say, Bada,” you replied and she chuckled before holding your hand and dragging you to your class.
Thank you for reading 🩵
@babybeastluv2 @jellysaidshit
Tell me if you wanna be added to tag list✨
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flippinpancakes64 · 23 days
The Cullens with a reader who is afraid of needles but has tattoos and piercings?
The Cullens with a Reader who has tattoos and piercings but is afraid of Needles
Again, you guys manage to clock me perfectly. It’s kinda freaky. I just got a new tattoo the other day but I’m still putting off getting some of my vaccines because I’m scared of them.
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He thinks you’re funny
He so fascinated by how your mind works
He went with you once while you got a new tattoo
He was supposed to be there to hold your hand
But you didn’t need it
You just sat there peacefully making small-talk
But then
Carlisle called you into the clinic because you were overdue for a vaccine
Edward thought you were gonna take his hand clean off
He’s tried to talk to you a couple times about how they’re not so different
But you don’t wanna hear it
So he just settles with being there to comfort you every time you need a shot ❤️
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She finds it hilarious
Definitely tells you that you’re overreacting
But she will still comfort you
She loves your tattoos and piercings so much
But she just cannot wrap her mind around why you seem to be petrified of other needles
Oh well
She teases you for it all the time
But that doesn’t stop her from going with you and holding your hand and telling you how brave you’re being
She still tries to convey how weird you’re being
And how they’re not that different
But even she can see that that won’t work
So she just lets you be you
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He may be a vampire
But honestly he gets it
No one particularly enjoys the feeling of something punching into your skin
But it’s easier to cope when you know that you’re getting something cool out of it
Aka a piercing or a tattoo
He understands
So he goes with you whenever you have to get a shot and he uses his ability to calm you down
It makes it easier for everyone
He also may or may not have taken to just asking Carlisle to give you your vaccines when you’re asleep
He can use his ability to keep you asleep
Bada bing bada boom problem solved
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She understands a little bit
But also not really
She remembers getting her ears pierced when she was alive and she absolutely hated it
So she hates needles too
She understands you there
But she doesn’t understand your love for tattoos and piercings
Like obviously she loves her ear piercings and sort of wishes she’d gotten second lobe ones
But the pain is way too much for her
Also she is very reluctant to go with you
She can stomach a lot
But something about needles is a no for her
Don’t get me wrong she will hold your hand and let you squeeze
But her head will be turned the other way
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He thinks you’re hilarious
He teases you for it all the time
Likely won’t let up even if you tell him to stop
He just thinks it’s the funniest shit
That doesn’t mean he won’t go with you to be your emotional support and personal stress ball
It just means that he’ll bully you relentlessly afterwards
He doesn’t actually mean any malice behind it
He’s just a jokester at heart
And if you really, really tell him you don’t like when he teases you about it
He might let up every once in a while
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If she was human, she would honestly be the opposite
In her human life, she could take a vaccine needle like a champ
But even the thought of a tattoo or piercing makes her queasy
She does her best to reassure you of that
Trying to convince you that needles aren’t that bad
But you’re hard to get through to
So she just settles for being there for you
She goes with you every time you need to get a shot
But she stays home from the piercers or the tattoo parlor
Best scenario
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He has a bit of a different approach to this
He knows many people who are afraid of needles
He’s a doctor, it’s bound to happen
Thinks that exposure therapy is the best
He takes you to the clinic with him all the time
Has you sit in on a couple of his patients
And watch them get vaccines
Maybe it works maybe it doesn’t
Can’t say he didn’t try
But he never judges you for your fear
It’s real, it’s valid, and he will never make fun of you for it
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Vampire! Bella:
She understands
I have a feeling she was really in to getting piercings at some point
But I also have a feeling she never took good enough care of the piercings for them to stick around
So when she was human she had a bunch of scarred holes on her ears
But she gets it
She hated needles
But she loved piercings
Honestly wishes she could get some now
But either way, she doesn’t judge
She understands completely
Supportive queen
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bro-atz · 7 months
don't cross that line
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in which: once you cross that line, there's no going back, and you just happened to cross that line with your best friend, choi jongho.
pair: uni student!jongho/uni student!afab!reader
word count: 7.3k
content: light fluff?, smut, friends to lovers au, suuuuuuper plot heavy, drunken kisses, sober sex, bedroom sex, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: for the lovely @yourlocaljonghoe who asked for a jongho friends to lovers au and bada bing bada boom here it is mwah also may or may not be based off true events also i desperately wanted to include a cuddle scene because of this so you're welcome...? AND HUGE THANKS TO @yunhoszn FOR BETA-ING FOR ME YOU'RE A DOLL BABES MWAH
network: @cromernet
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads @hwallazia @dazzlingstarrs @dutchessskarma @/yourlocaljonghoe @st4rhwa @frobin4ever @sanhwajjong @certifiedmoa @therealcuppicake @yuyubeans @hyunukitty @startlinglyoongi @hyukssunflower @chewyhotteoks @alexwritesfics apply for the permanent taglist here!
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“Listen, all I can really say is that if she wanted to do well on the project, she would’ve pulled her weight,” Jongho grumbled.
You and Jongho were getting lunch in between classes. The two of you usually talked about classes during your break, and that day, you decided to bring up the last group project that you worked on. Jongho had to carry his team while you ended up having a blast with your own, making him all the more salty.
“Yeah, but that’s no reason to make her cry,” you pointed out.
“It’s her fault for not doing the work.”
“Jongho, she was your girlfriend. You didn’t have to be so mean.”
“Was, thank God,” Jongho let out a sigh of relief. “Honestly this whole dating thing is such bullshit— I just want to get my degree and get out of here.”
“Wow. How romantic,” you said sarcastically and rolled your eyes.
“Shut up,” Jongho retorted while throwing a fry at your face. “It’s your fault I was dating her in the first place.”
“I said go on one date with her. No one told you to ask her to be your girlfriend.”
“Yeah, well… Shut up.”
You shrugged, a smug smile appearing on your face as you realized that you won that argument. Jongho took a bite of his burger, annoyance written all over his face as you rubbed your smug smile. Jongho chose to fully ignore you at that point, making you turn to your phone to see that you were going to be late for your next class if you didn’t haul your ass out of there.
“Hey, I gotta go. I’ll see you tonight?” you asked him.
“Yeah. See ya,” Jongho responded with a nod and a light wave.
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There was a Tuesday night tradition you, Jongho, and a couple other friends from school had— Trivia Night. One of your other friends worked at the bar that hosted the trivia, which is how you came to know of it in the first place.
That being said, even though you went for trivia, you guys never actually played. It was more of an excuse to go drinking in the middle of the week than anything, which meant every Tuesday, you and your friends were drinking way too much and screwing yourselves over for classes the next day.
“Hey, Joong!” you said, your words staring to slur together. “Let’s do a shot together.”
“Yeah! All of us!” your friend, Mingi, added as he hugged you from behind.
“Fine, last round, and then I’m sending you home,” Hongjoong replied while rolling his eyes, a playful smile on his face.
“Good idea. Y/N’s been getting a little handsy with me,” another friend, Yunho, said as he brushed your straying hand off his thigh— you couldn’t help it; you were an affectionate drunk.
The five of you clinked glasses and took your shots, Yunho and Jongho doing it with ease while you and Mingi made faces as the liquor burned your throats.
“Hey, so did you guys look into your classes for next semester?” Jongho asked.
“Not yet,” Yunho shook his head. “I’m guessing you have?”
“Yeah. We have to take the senior colloquium, so why don’t we all try for the same time and recitation? Keep us sane in our last semester of college.”
“Alright, that sounds good,” you giggled and hugged Jongho. “It’ll be fun to have a final class together.”
Mingi settled for nodding while also giggling. Jongho wanted to talk about the matter further, but you and Mingi were just far too gone to have a proper conversation at that point, so he just settled for talking to the group about it when you all were sober.
You were still clinging to Jongho as he sat quietly and thought about classes while sipping his beer, your head on his shoulder, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he was lost deep in thought, and your drunk self thought it was the perfect time to nuzzle your nose in his neck.
“Alright, we’re going home,” Jongho immediately declared.
“What? Why?” you complained as Jongho got out of your embrace and grabbed your arm to put over his shoulder.
“Because you’re done.”
“How do you figure?”
“Because I know. Let’s go home before you yak on the bar again,” Jongho shut you down and started dragging you out of the bar. “Yunho, let me know how much we owe you after you close the tab.”
“Will do!” Yunho responded cheerfully as he watched Jongho drag you away.
“Bye Yuyu, Mango, Joong!” you managed to say before leaving the establishment.
The walk home was atrocious for Jongho. You refused to walk in a straight line and kept trying to pull him towards any bar that you passed, and at some point, Jongho had enough and made you get on his back so he could piggyback you back to your apartment. His patience was wearing thinner as you started playing with his hair and tickling his neck, but you were his best friend, and you were drunk out of your fucking mind, so he was going to be there for you.
By the time Jongho got you home, you were practically falling asleep on his back— he had a very comfy back, not going to lie. He put you down right in front of your door, but instead of reaching for your keys, you slumped onto him, his chest catching you before you went tumbling down.
And then, you blacked out.
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You woke up the next morning with a horrible hangover and absolutely no memory of how you got back from the bar in the first place— you remembered Jongho walking you home, but how you ended up in your bed was a complete mystery to you. There was a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, that you did something you shouldn’t have, but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what it was, nor did you have the time to ponder it because you had to get your ass out of bed and onto campus.
Your first class was absolute torture, your headache intensifying as the lecture went on and on, and by the time the class was over, you were ready to fall over. You trudged out of the classroom to see your friends waiting for you— they usually waited for you after your Wednesday morning class so that all four of you could grab lunch— Yunho immediately pulling you in for a hug.
“You look like shit,” he commented while hugging you.
“Wow, really? I had no idea,” you responded with heavy sarcasm.
“What the fuck happened to you last night for you to look like this?” Mingi asked. 
“I have no fucking clue,” you groaned. “All I remember is leaving the bar…”
But, your statement was drowned out by Mingi as he dramatically grabbed his chest and gasped, “Did you and Jongho go and drink more without us?!”
“Yeah, no. Y/N was too wasted for that,” Jongho shook his head. “I took her home directly.”
“I guess the hangover is only hitting so hard because I’m not as young as I used to be,” you sighed loudly.
“…We’re all in our early twenties. Shut up,” Yunho said while rolling his eyes.
“I dunno man, Jongho acts like an old man a lot,” Mingi said with a slight giggle. “I think he’s in his eighties.”
As the three boys bickered, your mind lingered on Jongho’s words. He took you home directly, and you remembered that, but… How the hell did you get into your apartment? And why was the weird feeling still lingering?
“Hey,” you pulled Jongho out of the argument and to the side, the two tall men still walking without realizing you and Jongho were no longer walking with them. “Can we talk?”
“Sure,” Jongho agreed, the two of you moving to the side of the hallway.
“Did… Did something happen last night?” you asked. “Because I have this nagging feeling that I did something, but I… I don’t know what.” 
“Don’t worry about it, and just sleep it off,” Jongho replied. “Look, I gotta get to class. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Right, yeah, okay…” you trailed off as Jongho left you standing there more confused than ever.
Because what did he mean by “don’t worry about it”? What the fuck did you do last night?
You decided to take matters into your own hands. After you were done with classes for the day, you went straight to the bar because, Goddammit, you needed answers or at least some clarity.
“Joong!” you called loudly the second you got into the bar. “I have a question for you!”
You plopped yourself down on one of the bar stools and looked at the bartender, a determined glint in your eye, but a heavy sigh on your lips.
“Geez, you look like shit,” Hongjoong commented on your appearance the second he stood in front of you.
“That seems to be the general consensus today… Ugh, anyway. Did I do something wrong last night?”
“What?” Hongjoong’s face twisted in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Like… Okay, I feel like I did something I shouldn’t have done last night,” you explained. “And I’m trying to figure it out.”
“You were fine here— well, you were shit-faced, and Jongho took you home, and that’s about it,” the bartender recollected. “You didn’t do anything outta pocket.”
“Okay… I still feel like… I’m missing something,” you grumbled to yourself, but the man could still hear you.
“Why don’t you ask Jongho since he walked you home last night?”
“See, I tried doing that, but he told me “don’t worry about it”,” you said, exasperated, while using air quotes. “What the fuck does that mean— What should I not worry about?!”
“I don’t know!” Hongjoong held his arms up as if you were holding him at gunpoint and demanding answers. “The only thing I can say is ask him again, or maybe sleep on it, and it’ll come to you.”
“So helpful,” you couldn’t help but be sarcastic. “Fine, I’ll sleep on it. Thanks for the help, Joong.”
You got off the stool and were about to head for the exit when the bartender asked, “So you’re not going to get a drink?”
“Are you fucking kidding— No! Bye, Joong!”
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“Hey, Jongho?”
The two of you were sitting on your couch— Jongho came over after he finished his classes for the day.
“What’s up?”
“Are you sure I didn’t do anything that night?” you asked him, your voice slightly wavering.
“I told you not to worry about it,” he responded with a sigh.
“No, but I’m going to worry about it because I want to know!” you exclaimed. “You being all vague and shit about it just makes me more concerned, and I just need you to tell me for my own sanity.”
Jongho let out yet another sigh. He looked straight at you, his eyes meeting yours. You never realized how pretty his eyes were until you made proper eye contact, and the bigger his eyes got, the prettier they became. Then, you realized that his eyes were not getting bigger, but he was moving closer to you. You leaned backwards, your back hitting the arm rest as he pinned you against it, his light exhale flitting past your cheek.
“You really want to know?” he asked, his voice lower and softer than usual.
“I… I do. I do want to know.”
Shocks ran through your body when he caressed your face lightly, his dainty fingertips rubbing lightly against your ear. He leaned in closer to you, making you squeeze your eyes shut since you assumed that he was going to kiss you. Instead, he whispered in your ear, “You told me you loved me.”
He leaned away, allowing you to look at him with complete and utter shock. You tried to brush off the tension building in the room and between your legs as you responded as light-heartedly as you could, “But I always tell you that I love you.”
“Yes, but…” Jongho placed his hand on your thigh and slowly moved it upwards, his voice dropping even lower. “Last night, you told me that you meant it, that you were in love with me.”
Your jaw dropped. Your eyes darted back and forth, and your heart rate picked up as you tried to make sense of the situation— his words, his actions, and your body’s reactions.
“I— I did?” you whispered.
“Yes, and then,” Jongho’s voice also hushed to a whisper as he leaned close to you once more, his hand going further along your thigh, nearing your crotch. “You kissed me.”
“I… I— I,” you stammered, not a single coherent thought left in your brain.
Your brain only got emptier when you felt his soft lips against yours, your body immediately melting into his comfortable touch. You reciprocated his kiss, your hands unconsciously moving from his shoulders to his neck, bringing you closer to him. Your body lurched towards his when you felt his hand move around to your ass, the man firmly cupping it while his other hand slipped under your shirt and traced the curve of your waist, a soft moan playing on your lips.
“Just admit it,” he said softly with his lips still pressed against yours. “You love me, and I love you, too.”
His teeth got a hold of your lower lip and tugged it upwards as his hand started kneading your breast, making you gasp. Then, his patience started wearing thin. He lifted your shirt and moved your bra up to reveal your breasts, his mouth immediately going right for your nipple, and as he sucked, his hands pulled your pants down to reveal your soaking cunt. You were moaning loudly at that point, Jongho’s name barely rolling off your tongue.
When Jongho slipped his slender fingers into you, your entire body reacted. Your back arched, your toes curled, and your hands ran through his hair and gripped it tightly, his fingers pleasuring you greatly. He kept curling them inside you, searching for your G-spot, and once he found it, you cried loudly and sat up in bed.
In bed?
You looked around. Jongho was nowhere to be found, and you were in bed, awake. What the fuck… was that? You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and shifted in bed, only to feel something wet between your legs. You lifted your duvet to see that you were sitting on clean sheets, but soaking up your panties was your arousal.
Did you seriously just have a sex dream about your best friend?
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You were mortified with yourself. For the rest of that week, you avoided Jongho like the plague because every single time you saw him, guilt pricked at your skin, brain, and heart. How could you dream of your best friend like that and then see him in the same way ever again? How were you supposed to act normal around him?
And so, you avoided the shit out of him. Seriously. You made sure to use the other exit from your classroom so that you wouldn’t have to deal with the group walking with you, and you ditched all of your regular spots because, fuck, you had no idea how you were going to be normal around him when you couldn’t even be normal with yourself before sleeping.
Because, truth is, that dream did something to you. Any time Jongho popped into your mind, your cunt would clench, and your body would rush with heat; and if you thought about him at night, you desperately had to do something about it. So, basically, every night, you were touching yourself while thinking about your friend— your best friend. What the fuck was wrong with you?
You were forced to meet with the group on Tuesday— Yunho left you a very long, very angry, very drunk voicemail telling you that if you didn’t show up on Tuesday, he was going to murder you. You doubted him, but when you heard Jongho and Mingi try to hold him back in the voicemail, you decided it wasn’t worth risking it.
You and Mingi were the first ones there, the two of you sitting in awkward silence as Hongjoong served you your drinks.
“Okay, um, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Mingi asked after taking a solid sip of his beer.
“W-What do you mean?”
“You’ve been avoiding us all fucking week! Did we do something wrong, or like, do you hate us or—”
“Oh my God, Mingi, no,” you immediately assured the guy. “I wasn’t trying to avoid all of you! Just…”
“Just what?”
“I was avoiding Jongho…”
“What the fuck? Why?” Mingi’s tone went from accusatory to worried and sympathetic, making you relax a little bit.
“Okay, so, uh… The other night… I… I may or may not have had a sex dream about Jongho… And when I woke up, I just… I got super turned on.”
“Wait, was it a wet dream?”
“I don’t know… Can girls even have wet dreams?”
“Well… Sounds like a wet dream to me,” Mingi answered after pondering the idea for a little.
“Great. Either way, I can’t even look at him the same way anymore. Fucking kill me,” you groaned as you laid your head on the bar top.
“Wait, so why’d you even dream about it?”
“I don’t know, man! I’ve been friends with the guy for fucking years, and this is the first time I’ve ever dreamt about him like that— and what’s worse is that he was so fucking good in my dream! Ugh, I wanna die!”
Mingi, who found the whole ideal hysterical, was laughing his ass off as he watched you get more and more mortified by the second.
“Did you ever figure out what happened that night, Y/N?” Hongjoong entered the conversation, making Mingi’s laughter die down a little.
“No,” you sulked. “I never got the chance to ask him again… I asked him in that dream, though.”
That made Mingi laugh all over again. He was clutching his stomach and laughing until he started crying, and he continued to laugh his ass off even when Yunho arrived. Well, he was still laughing, but he was able to wheeze to Yunho, “Dude, listen to this—”
“Mango, shut the fuck up!” you kicked Mingi in the shin, although that did nothing to the guy.
“Y/N had a random sex dream about Jongho!” Mingi barely said before laughing all over again.
“Really?” Yunho asked— he didn’t seem surprised, though.
“Yeah,” you said sadly.
“Well, I guess it makes sense that you’d have a sex dream about him considering what you did,” Yunho pondered out loud.
Mingi stopped laughing, and you, Hongjoong, and Mingi all stared at the tall man, Hongjoong asking, “What the fuck did she do?”
“She kissed him.”
The three of you stared at Yunho with wide eyes and dropped jaws.
“Yeah, Jongho told me about it.”
Your brain, at that point, was erroring out as it tried to recollect the events of that night while Mingi, on the other hand, was so insulted.
“You knew about this and didn’t tell me?!” he asked, feigning injury.
“I thought he told you! What do you want me to do about it?”
“Just check in with me next time! We should share everything with each other, Yunho.”
Yunho and Mingi continued to bicker in the background as you finally, finally, remembered what happened that night.
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“Y/N, you’re home,” he said quietly while standing you upright. “Where are your keys?”
“In my pocket," you said with a slight giggle— the jeans you had on actually had front pockets, so you usually stashed your keys in there so you wouldn’t have to wear a purse when you had those jeans on.
With a sigh, Jongho carefully dug into your pocket, his fingers lightly grazing your upper thigh. You couldn’t help but let out a little moan; his action was so minimal and unintentional, but it still felt fucking good. God, you were definitely wasted.
Then, a crazy thought entered your drunken brain. You realized that you needed to thank Jongho for getting you home safe. Granted, it was his job as your best friend (not really, but what are friends for?) to make sure you made it home, but you still had to thank him, right? So, right after Jongho unlocked your door and opened it for you, you grabbed him by the collar, and you thanked him by kissing him.
To be honest, it was the world’s most anti-climactic kiss. Your lips just pressed against his, and that was it. When you moved away, you could see that Jongho was in complete shock, his jaw dropped slightly. His eyes were darting back and forth as he tried to decipher what the fuck you just did. His hands, which were previously on your shoulders, dropped to the side, limp.
That’s when you made the situation worse. You pulled him towards you again and kissed him properly. It was a gentle kiss, your lips enveloping his upper lip, your hand moving from his collar to his neck to make the kiss the slightest bit more sensual. And, to your surprise, you felt his hands on your waist. He reciprocated the kiss, bringing his body closer to yours as he kissed you more passionately. You were practically melting in his arms the longer he kissed you, your brain officially erroring out as you lost yourself in him.
When the chain of kisses ended, you found yourself dazed. You truly didn’t know what to say or do, so you just patted his chest and whispered, “I… Uh… Good night, Jongho…”
Jongho seemed unfazed, as if he wasn’t just making out with you seconds prior. He nodded and patted your head while responding, “Good night, Y/N. Sleep well.”
“Yeah, you too…”
Brain fuzzy, you crashed in your bed, your face still rosy and your lips slightly sore from kissing your best friend. Your best fucking friend.
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You buried your face in your hands when you realized what you did, your mind chanting “what the fuck?” over and over again. You felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, but there was no way you were going to be consoled so easily.
“Y/N, don’t worry about it. It was a tiny mistake,” Hongjoong said softly. “We all know that you’re not usually like that.”
“I’m sick and tired of people telling me not to worry about it,” you groaned. “And being drunk is not an excuse… I… What do I do?”
The four of you were silent until Yunho said quietly, “I think you should just talk to him.”
“Yeah, just talk it through. You guys are best friends, and I don’t like seeing the two of you avoiding each other.”
“Wait,” your head snapped up. “What do you mean each other? I thought I was avoiding him…”
“Why do you think he’s not here right now?” Yunho pointed out.
You gaped. Trivia was about to start soon, and Jongho was nowhere in sight.
“Where is he?”
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All you did was kiss the guy, but you felt the guilt weighing on your shoulders not just because of the kiss but because of everything else you did following the kiss. The guy was your best friend for crying out loud. If it was just the kiss, you would’ve apologized immediately, and all would’ve been well, but the dreams just made it so much harder for you to do anything— even knocking on his apartment door was fucking difficult.
You somehow mustered the courage to do it, and after a couple of seconds, Jongho answered the door. He was wearing his standard class outfit: jeans, a hoodie, and a jean jacket; but he looked so fucking hot, so boyfriend material in them, that your heart actually skipped a beat or two.
“Hey,” Jongho spoke first, pulling you out of your head before you could spiral into a dizzy daydream.
“H-Hey, uh… Can I come in?”
Holding the door open, Jongho invited you in. You walked in hesitantly, awkwardly. You’d been in his apartment so many Goddamn times, so you shouldn’t have been so timid, but your anxiety truly got the better of you.
The two of you ended up taking a seat at his tiny dining table, the man sitting across from you. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt as you looked down and tried to spit out something, anything.
“So…” you finally uttered. “I wanted to apologize.”
“For what?” Jongho genuinely sounded confused.
“I got really drunk the other night—”
“Y/N, it’s fine. I told you not to worry about it.”
“No! It’s not fine, Jongho,” you shook your head. “I— I came onto you, which was totally not cool of me, and I’m really sorry for that. I don’t like that you’re uncomfortable around me, which is totally valid considering what I did, but like… You’re my best friend, and it’s so weird that we’re avoiding each other like this…”
“Wait… Huh?”
“I didn’t think you remembered, which is why I told you to not worry about it,” Jongho explained.
“I mean, I didn’t at first, but then it came rushing back to me like just now at the bar after Yunho told me what I did, and God, I feel awful for doing that to you,” you rambled.
“Why do you feel awful?”
“Because I kissed you without consent…? Isn’t that why you were avoiding me?”
“That… That wasn’t nonconsensual, Y/N…” Jongho started mumbling as the tips of his ears turned red.
“What… Um, what do you mean, Jongho?” you asked in a small voice.
“I mean…”
Jongho pressed his lips together and looked away, his ears turning redder as he ran his fingers through his hair. The guy was embarrassed as fuck, but he still managed to look so attractive that it made your heart, and your cunt, clench hard. He left his hand on the back of his head as he brought his gaze back to you.
“I kissed you back…”
Your jaw dropped slightly. Stammering, you asked, “S-So… What, uh.. What does that mean?”
“That I kissed you because I wanted to. Because I like you. And I was avoiding you because… Well, I didn’t want you to know that I, uh, had feelings… For you…”
Your face erupted into flames. You looked straight down at your lap, your eyes darting back and forth as you tried to make sense of the situation. The two of you were absolutely silent as clouds of embarrassment and slight tension filled the room.
“Wait…” Jongho broke the silence. “So, if you just remembered, then why were you avoiding me?”
“O-Oh… Because…” you forced yourself to get the words out— knowing him, he wouldn’t let you go without a proper explanation, and there was no way you were going to be able to lie to him at that point. Plus, even if you didn’t tell him, Mingi was going to, and it was definitely better that you told him than your dumbass friend.
“Spit it out, Y/N,” Jongho said, his voice breaking you out of your trance.
“Right.. Because I, uh… I had a sex dream about you… And now I can’t… Not see you… In… That… Way…”
And with that, you buried your face in your hands, trying to extinguish the red on your face; you could practically feel steam leaving your ears because of how embarrassed you were.
Jongho, meanwhile, was completely taken aback, but in the best way possible. If you were dreaming about him in that sense, did that mean you liked him back? That the feelings were mutual? That the kiss actually meant something whether you realized it or not?
While you were dying of embarrassment, Jongho hugged you— he thought he was reassuring you, but it only made you more shy and a little turned on feeling the way he hugged you securely to his surprisingly firm yet soft chest (you hugged him all the fucking time, so why you were only noticing it now was a mystery to you). You were so ready to let out a squeal— more like a dying dolphin noise— of embarrassment when you felt him choke down a chuckle and start petting your hair. Goddammit, was he trying to drive you insane?
Luckily, Jongho didn’t push the topic further (yet). The embarrassment slowly died down, and when you felt your heart unclench, you timidly hugged him back, and once you calmed down enough, he let go of you. Then, he fucking made your heart skip a million beats when he brushed your hair out of your face and looked at you with the softest eyes you had ever seen on him. You had seen him with plenty of girlfriends in the past, but this was the first time you had ever seen him display so much affection— and for you, of all people.
At some point, the two of you migrated to his sofa where you were sipping on water on one end of the long sofa and he was sitting in the arm chair next to the sofa like a fucking king. You had to keep your eyes on your water because if you got even the tiniest glimpse of his thighs and the way he was manspreading, you would fully combust.
“Y/N,” Jongho asked, his voice softer than ever.
“Yes!” you sat up attentively. “I-I mean, yeah…?”
You for sure thought Jongho was going to laugh at your actions, but he didn’t. He looked like everything was normal, but his ears were bright red once again.
“So…” he started. “In this dream… What happened?”
You choked on your water. You knew he was going to ask at some point, but you didn’t think he would actually ask you. You set the cup of water down on the coffee table in front of you and sighed softly before explaining the dream to him.
And as you explained your dream to him, Jongho’s face didn’t change in the slightest. He took all of your words in and just kept nodding, making it a little easier for you to tell him. Finally, after you finished retelling your dream— you only told him the dream that started all because God forbid he ever found out about you touching yourself while thinking about him in your dreams— he nodded and said, “Oh, wow… Hopefully, I live up to the way you dream made me out to be… Well, only if you’re okay with that.”
You blinked and froze, the words slowly starting to sink in. Was he asking for consent? Oh my God, did he want to fuck you?!
Without realizing it, you nodded slowly, your body taking over your mind. Then, you whispered, “I’d… I’d like to experience it for real…” giving him the verbal consent that he wanted.
Jongho held out his hand, willing you to hold it. He tugged your hand to make you get up and stand before him, and before you knew it, you were straddling him, your ass pressing against his knees. He was looking up at you with the softest, sparkliest eyes that you’d ever seen on him, making your heart skip a beat but in a way that was different from the way your wet dream version of him did.
With one hand on your back and the other weaving his fingers through your hair, Jongho led your head to meet his, his lips pressing against yours softly. He kissed you slowly, passionately. You were holding onto his shoulders at first, only for you to move your hand to his face and cup his cheek, the kisses deepening, your tongue slipping into his mouth as you felt your body slowly start to heat up.
His hands moved from your hair and back to your thighs, the palms of his hands rubbing against your clothed thighs so slowly and sensually that electricity zapped through all of your nerves. He let out little gasps and groans in between your kisses, his fingers pressing into your thighs when you tugged upwards on his lower lip.
Jongho was a lot more calculative with his actions in real life than in your dreams. His hands trailed from your thighs to around your butt, only to rest on the small of your back, his fingers teasing you by tugging at the waistband of your pants but not actually moving them down. You whined lightly against his lips, your hands gripping the collar of his jean jacket to get him to stop teasing you and start stripping both you and him down.
What sold him on moving faster was not the threat of your grip, but the way you were rolling your hips into him, the slightest movement making the bulge in his pants grow bigger and tighter; and it certainly did not help when you ran your fingers along his neck, one finger lingering on the little mole on his neck.
His intensity increased immediately. His hands went under your thighs and shifted you so that you were straddling only one of his thighs. He pushed down on your waist so that you were fully sitting on his thigh before running his hands up your shirt, his fingers brushing along the sensitive spots on your back.
The two of you only stopped kissing when you forced him to take off his jacket and when he helped you get out of your shirt, his eyes scanning your body as you tossed the shirt to the side.
“W-What? What is it?” you whispered, suddenly self-conscious and slightly reluctant to take your bra off.
“You’re stunning, Y/N,” he breathed out, his hands tracing the curve of your waist.
The compliment made you all sorts of shy all over again, making you bury your face in the nook of his neck. Jongho used that opportunity to unhook your bra, the straps slipping off your shoulders the second the band released. You ended up slipping the bra off, leaving your entire torso exposed. You felt the blush on your face get more intense when his hands and lips roamed your body, the man’s eyelashes fluttering as he left tiny, soft kisses along your skin.
Your hips resumed rolling, your clothed cunt rubbing along his thigh as his hands cupped and clutched your breasts. His hands kneaded your breasts continuously as he left little pink marks along your collarbone, chest, cleavage; and finally, when his mouth found your nipples, his hands moved back to your ass and held the underside of your ass securely as he sucked and nibbled on your tit.
“Jongho!” you cried as you flung your head back. “I— Angh— I—!”
You couldn’t form a single thought the second he started moving the waistband of your pants down. The only thing you could do was forcibly move his head up so that he was forced to look into your eyes, his dark hair covering his sparkling eyes slightly.
“I want you to fuck me already,” you whispered— more like whimpered— while grasping the collar of his shirt.
Wordlessly and effortlessly, Jongho stood up with you in his arms, your legs automatically wrapping around him as he carried you to his bedroom. He laid you down on his bed gently before starting to slowly remove his own clothes.
It was dark in his room, but thanks to the moonlight and the lights from the city, you were able to see his muscles and toned body reveal themselves as the clothes came off, and when he took off his pants, you saw that his cock, his girthy cock, was impatient and ready to go— you couldn’t even imagine the amount of self-restraint he was using if his cock was that red and angry.
Jongho turned to his nightstand and produced a condom. He tore the packet open and tossed it somewhere before rolling the condom on and getting on the bed next to you.
“C’mere,” he whispered as he laid down.
Soon, you were straddling him once more, your wet cunt hovering above his erect cock. At first, you thought he was going to ask you to ride him, but instead, he pulled your arms down so that you were essentially pinning him down, his lips making contact with yours as your chest pressed against his. His fingers ran through your hair and held the back of your head as he pushed your face closer to his, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth.
You were so distracted by his tongue dancing with yours that you didn’t even realize his hands moved to your ass and his cock, lining up your entrance with the tip before pushing you down slowly, the girth of his cock spreading you so wide that you thought you were going to tear.
You cried against his mouth as he filled you up, your ass pressing against his thighs as he remained still inside you. Your walls clenched tightly around his fat cock, making him sharply inhale in between kisses, a little grunt escaping him shortly thereafter.
After a couple of seconds, you were able to relax your pussy just enough to start moving comfortably, your ass slapping his waist lightly as you moved your waist up and down. You moved slowly and gently at first as you moaned against Jongho’s lips, your chest rubbing against his, your nipples getting more sore by the second.
But, you were going a little too slow for the man underneath you. His hands, still on your ass, held onto you tightly as his waist jerked upwards. Your ass slapped against his waist so hard that the sound echoed in the room, and it felt so fucking good that your lips left Jongho’s so you could cry out in pleasure.
Jongho wanted to hear those cries more, so he continued to ram his waist upwards, and as he did so, he moved your ass so that he was continuously rubbing against your G-spot, making your orgasm arrive way sooner than you expected. You moaned loudly and dropped your head into the nook of his neck as you came, your cunt creaming around his dick.
You were panting heavily as Jongho sat up, his cock still deep inside you. Yet, he didn’t move. You remained seated on his lap as he gave you a second to recover and blink the stars out of your eyes as he moved his lips to your neck, peppering small kisses along your soft skin. His arms wrapped around you, his fingers pressing lightly into your waist and back, his nails tickling you ever so slightly. You rested your arms on his shoulders and let out euphoric sighs as he kissed you all over, leaving the occasional pink mark on your skin as he worked his way around the blank canvas of your body.
He started leaning into you the more he kissed you until he had you pinned to the bed. He was hovering above you when your back settled into the mattress, his hands laid flat right above your shoulders. The two of you just stared at each other, your mouths slightly open as you breathed in unison. Jongho’s hair was covering his eyes slightly, but you could still see them sparkle as he gazed into your eyes. His soft touch brushed against your temple as he moved your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear before cupping your face and kissing your lips lightly, a small smile appearing on his face.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and brought him closer to you, your lips yearning for him to kiss you more deeply, more passionately; and your waist shifted slightly and impatiently as you waited for him to fuck you. The second he locked lips with you again, his hips gyrated into yours, the light slaps of your waist meeting his filling the room.
Jongho’s pace slowly started speeding up, and the intensity of his thrusts increased exponentially as your cunt started taking the shape of his cock. Your insides started heating up to the point where you thought the friction was going to start a fire within you, and every time his waist rammed into yours with a satisfying slap, you let out a gasp mixed with a moan, your head pushing back further into the mattress.
Your legs wrapped around his waist completely, allowing him to thrust even faster into you. Jongho kept gasping your name softly as his orgasm neared, the melodic sound of your name leaving his lips making your body tingle all over and your toes curl. You hugged him even closer to you so that his chest was against yours and his nose was rubbing against the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” Jongho gasped as you clenched around him.
You bit your lower lip and nodded, stars reappearing in your vision. Just seeing you bite your lower lip was enough for him. Jongho snapped his hips into yours with such force that made you cum hard, your walls fluttering as your arousal squirted out. Jongho, meanwhile, also came, his cock twitching as his cum filled the condom.
As you recovered from your high, Jongho pulled out and removed the condom before stroking himself a couple more times, ropes of cum decorating your torso as he finished completely on you, a groan of pleasure and relief rumbling in his chest. Then, wordlessly, he got off the bed and disappeared into his apartment.
You were able to push yourself up by the time Jongho returned with towels and water. He handed you the glass, and you took tiny sips of the water as you watched him wipe you down.
“Tell me something,” he said to you. “Was that as good as your dream?”
Jongho looked up at you as he waited for you to respond. So, you cupped his face and led him towards you to leave a lingering kiss on his lips.
“No, it was better.”
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You thought you would be waking up from another dream, but no. This time, when you woke up, you woke up to see your best friend’s sleeping face right in front of yours, his soft features relaxed and beautiful. He looked so peaceful, so pretty while sleeping that it kind of made you jealous that he could look like fucking Sleeping Beauty.
You shifted slightly, immediately making the sleeping man hug you closer to his bare chest, his soft skin making you shiver slightly. And when you felt his gentle exhale flit past your ear before he buried his nose in your hair, every single nerve in your body tingled happily.
As Jongho continued to sleep, you observed him, your eyes landing on the little freckle on his neck. You absentmindedly traced your nail along it lightly, tickling him and subsequently waking him up.
“Mmm, good morning,” he uttered, his low morning voice echoing in your ear.
You’d had many sleepovers with him in the past, and you’d heard his morning voice many, many times in the past, but having him talk right into your ear like that was too sexy, too stimulating for you that early in the morning, your heart and cunt fluttering.
“Good morning, Jongho,” you whispered back.
Hugging you even closer, Jongho let out a happy exhale before leaving the faintest of kisses on your temple, making your heart skip and making you realize that you were falling for him.
But he didn’t need to know that. Not yet, anyway.
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ssivinee · 11 months
❇︎Global Domination❇︎
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BEBE! Bada Lee x OC Team! F Reader: Finally, in Korea, your crew was about to experience the brutality of the Korean dance scene, but you seemed to enjoy it more than others thought.
Word Count: 4.5k
Note: I had too much fun while making this one ngl😭. Also, the following isn't following the accuracy of the actual show.
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Two weeks had passed since your crew's arrival in Korea, and a sense of anticipation had replaced the initial excitement of exploring the country. Today marked the first day of filming for Street Woman Fighter 2, and the girls were a mix of nervousness and excitement as they sat in the van, awaiting their moment.
As the van pulled up to the venue, you all stepped out and were met with the sight of the massive "Street Woman Fighter" logo emblazoned on the black building. A surge of determination flowed through the team. You gathered the girls and delivered an encouraging pep talk.
"Let's walk in there confidently and show them we're ready for a fight," you urged. The group nodded in agreement, and with a collective display of charisma, you all strode towards the entrance. The cameras started rolling before you even set foot inside the building.
In an attempt to boost the team's morale, you led the way, strutting with confidence and casting a sly, determined look at the cameras. You wanted to show that your crew was ready to showcase their talent on this international stage.
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With your newly dyed blonde hair cascading over your shoulder, you struck a fierce pose, setting the tone for the team. The others couldn't help but giggle at your confident display, but they quickly followed suit, standing beside you and posing with equal charisma. As you entered the building, all eyes fell on the trophy presented for every crew, a tangible symbol of the challenge ahead.
"Whoa," Athena exclaimed, her eyes widening at the sight of the trophy. "This is so cool," Maya added, practically shaking with energy. You smiled at the younger members of the team and urged them to move forward. "Let's get into our rooms. Come on."
The crew entered a long corridor, marveling at the colorful doors lining the hallway. It was an unexpected sight, and the attempt at intimidation was noticeable as you walked past each door. The girls couldn't resist glancing at the blackboards of the other crews, sharing amused comments about some and the not-so-friendly state of 1Million's board.
Outside the forest-green door, you paused, eyeing the blank blackboard. "So, what do you guys want to write?" Athena, ever the joker, took the marker and playfully pushed the team aside. She wrote in green, presenting the board with jazz hands.
"SWF 2 is our kingdom?" Bell read aloud, and the team shared approving smiles. "I like it."
As everyone entered your hideout, you translated the statement into Korean, writing it boldly. Meanwhile, inside, the girls chatted excitedly as they waited for the signal, settling into the room.
Unbeknownst to you and your crew, the other teams were also buzzing with anticipation. The addition of three international teams, including yours, had sent ripples of excitement through the domestic participants. With well-known crews like yours on the stage, the competition had just gotten even more thrilling, and everyone was eager to see what each crew would bring to the battle. The Korean teams, in particular, couldn't hide their surprise and curiosity as they watched your introduction on the screen.
“Lotus? No shot.”
“As in the famous dance teacher?”
“It couldn’t have just ended at Tsubakill, huh?”
The TV screen was dominated by your striking image, and your impressive accomplishments filled the other half. The teams gathered around, and as they absorbed the information, a wave of awe and curiosity swept through the room.
"Dude, the list just goes on and on," Nob of Lady Bounce pointed out. Your credentials went beyond choreographing for artists; it extended to years of victorious battles, securing numerous first and second-place finishes.
"All the battles are first or second place," Yeni Choi of Wolf’Lo noted, her eyes scanning the extensive list. "I thought we would be the only battlers here. I guess not," Baby Sleek chimed in, emphasizing the competitive edge that your crew and Mannequeen brought to the competition.
Another team, on the other hand, couldn't contain their excitement. "Lotus? Is this for real?" Minah gasped into her hands while the other girls stared at the screen, the younger members of the team eagerly fangirling over your face. "She's so pretty," Tatter mumbled, her astonishment evident, and Lusher nodded in agreement.
Their leader remained silent, captivated by your beauty and entranced by the information on the screen.
Bada knew exactly who you were – the famous Y/n Pereira, aka Lotus. Your reputation extended to both choreography for artists in the States and work with Korean trainees. The presence of not just Kirsten but also you, a well-known figure in the dance world, made Bada contemplate the upcoming competition.
Describing Bada's feelings as mere excitement would be an understatement. She was intrigued, thrilled, and stunned by your presence on the show. Your seductive gaze on the screen felt hypnotic, and she couldn't wait to see you in person. Her body warmed with anticipation, though she concealed it well, all while looking forward to the upcoming challenges.
As your crew sat in the green room, the TV’s abrupt, loud sound had Maya scared, a loud yelp coming from her. The girls giggled as you clapped your hands, “Alright, let’s get it, girls.”
Before you walk into the fight zone, your eyes linger along the long walkway. “This place is massive,” you hear Emi whisper, marveling over the size of the production. “They're being serious about this season,” Serena mumbles, the first time you heard the quiet girl’s voice today. 
Leading your team down the stairs, the fight zone buzzed at the sight of your team's presence. “Wha~, they’re so tall,” Yoonji points out, feeling the pressure of the final crew.
“They can all be models.”
“Having beauty and the skills to dance is unfair.”
“They’re like goddesses in front of us.”
As the comments and speculations about you filled the room, you couldn't help but smirk in response, an air of intrigue surrounding you. The reactions didn't go unnoticed, and other teams began to wonder about your background.
"Does Lotus know Korean?" Cheche mumbled to her leader, who responded with a shrug. "I mean, she is half, so maybe she does?"
Bada's reaction, however, remained subtle but striking. The moment she laid eyes on you in person, she was taken aback. Seeing you up close made her question whether the cameras had done justice to your beauty. She hadn't expected the long blonde hair, but it left no room for complaints. You appeared angelic in the green dress that accentuated your tall, commanding figure, and the black-heeled boots added to the authoritative presence you radiated. Your presence was truly captivating.
“A video should be showing,” you tell the girls, and everyone hears your soothing voice. The team stood beside you as the video played, showing your group choreography to ‘Pump It’ by the Black Eyed Peas. You watch with a smile adorning your face, finding the piece fun to see all over again. That didn’t last for long, as comments started rolling in.
“They’re good. The world of dance respects them, that’s for sure,” JJ of DeepNDap explains, and Gooseul could be seen nodding beside her. “Their dance styles are way too different, though.” It switches to Harimu of 1Million, and you nod, acknowledging her words. 
“I picked a variety for a reason,” you calmly state in Korean, shocking the other crews who were unaware you spoke the language.
Jam Republic is then put on the screen, Audrey speaking about you guys, “They’re probably our biggest rivals,” the other girls nod. Kirsten follows up, “Not because they're another international crew, but having versatility in style puts them at a high advantage.” You smile, Kirsten getting your thought process right away.
“We still beat them in battles, though,” Baby Sleek says, and Heachi laughs, “They dont seem that strong in that aspect, only Lotus.” You can only smirk. They were underestimating your crew's abilities, and they were about to be in for a ride. The no-respect stickers appeared, and it made you laugh. You and Emi had one, Athena had two, while Serena had 4. Boy, these girls were going to be surprised, that's for sure.
Your section was beside Lady Bounce, directly facing Bebe. So, as you take your seats, Bada’s eyes never left your figure. She was truly in a trance, staring at you as you talked to Serena, who sat right behind you.
“Unnie, you might burn holes into her,” Minah teases the older girl from behind, and Bada shakes off her comment, trying to focus on the show again.
The loud bass then scares the crews again, telling them the games are about to begin. Each of the girls cheered seeing Kang Daniel strut down with his cue cards in hand. “Hello. Welcome to the Mnet original dance series, Street Woman Fighter 2. I’m your MC, Kang Daniel.”
“This season, global crews have joined us, making this a bigger international dance competition. You’ll fight to crush all the other crews, and reach the top. Only one crew can do that.”
As the girls listened closely to their translator, you held a fist, gesturing a crushing motion on your other hand. Not noticing Bada does the same thing, Tatter laughs, “You guys are like soulmates or something,” she teases. Bada’s ears grow slightly red at the comment.
“We’ll be starting with Mnet’s iconic mission. No respect, battle with the weakest dancer,” everyone cheers at the announcement. “Alright, now please change for the battles. We’ll meet back here in the fight zone.”
The crews began to head up, but before you could make it to the stairs, you felt a hand tug on your arm. You peak over your shoulder and see Kirsten standing there with a wide, eager smile.
You wrap your arms on her shoulder as the two of you walk up the stairs with your crews following behind you. “How have you been?” You question the shorter girl and she pats your waist. “I’m doing amazing, love. I’ve missed you,” she explains, and you can’t help but giggle at your long time friend.
“I’ve missed you too,” you tell her, and you never noticed all the stares the two of you got. Soweon looks at the duo, shocked at the sight. “They’re close?” The youngest of team Bebe can’t help but ask. “It seems so,” Kyma says and Bada looks at the two dancers confusingly.
She was aware that a lot of the Jam Republic dancers were friends, but she didn’t know you two would be so close. Her eyes travel to Kirsten’s hand that is placed comfortably on your lower waist and Bada wonders how close you two truly are. 
She couldn’t think about that, not right now at least. Her main objective should be the competition, not you.
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When all of you reach your hideouts, the girls feel the rush of adrenaline kicking in, flushing out any nerves they had before. Everyone had changed, and you stood there stretching as Emi talked, “Let’s go out there, have fun, and feel the music.”
“Do what you usually do, guys,” you finish up the words of encouragement. The younger dancers smile at their leader and sub-leader, finding their validation calming. You all head out to the fight zone once again and only see Jam, Bebe, Lady Bounce, and Wolf’Lo down there. So you had the chance to mingle with the pink crew.
“Auds!” You greet the youngest girl on JR, and the sound of your voice has the girl jumping. “Lo!”
You had worked with Audrey multiple times in the States, and seeing her again after several months made your heart swell. The girl felt like a younger sister you never had. Even your younger brothers complained that she seemed more like your sibling compared to them.
“God, I haven’t seen you in so long. Don’t think I forgot about you, Ling.” You hug the oldest member of their team, who gives you a warm hug. “Lo, this is Latrice and Emma, by the way,” Kirsten introduces you to the unfamiliar girls, and you shake their hands.
The other three crews watch your interaction, wondering how you knew the girls of Jam. You had gone to New Zealand several times for workshops, and you had the privilege to meet the Royal Family multiple times during their competition seasons.
“She can literally make anything look so good,” Bada mumbles, taking in your natural outfit that was simple yet stylish. “Unnie, let’s not fall in love too fast now,” Lusher jokes, and Bada groans, leaning her head back. “You guys really won't leave me alone about this. Just let me be~” Bada whines slightly, but the pitch of her voice alerts you, and you make eye contact for the first time today.
Bada practically freezes as you give her a friendly smile. You took in the other tall girl’s appearance, finding the choice of outfit insanely attractive.
Now, Bada didn’t know if she was going crazy, but if you were checking her out, she was about to pass out. You were about to walk over and introduce yourself, but when you saw Tsubakill come down, Akanen ran over to you, hugging you eagerly.
The sounds of the Japanese leader giggling as she called you "Lotus-san" didn't go unnoticed by Bada. It seemed that you knew all the Jam Republic dancers except for her. This new realization left Bada with a sense of sadness. After all, you had visited Korea several times, and as a member of Jam Republic, she contemplated why the two of you hadn't crossed paths before. The absence of any prior interaction left her wondering what might have prevented such a meeting.
The others begin to trickle in as Daniel begins to announce again. “Now, let me introduce the other three fight judges who will be the judges of your dance-offs. She's a dancer with unique moves who was born to be a woman of power. The leader of Prowdman, Monika!” The dancer of season one runs in, showing the choreography she made. “The artist is known for his powerful and sexy performance. The leader and main dancer of Monsta X, Shonwu!” Some of the dancers began to dance Shoot Out, and you laugh, seeing Harimu really feeling it.
“Let me introduce the special judge for this battle. The leader of the worldwide renowned dance crew, the Kinjaz. Mike Song!” The three international crews visibly calm down, seeing a judge who can help judge them with no bias.
Not that Monika or Shownu would, but Mike Song felt like the international safety net. The dance battles began, and first off was Redy. She teased, coming over to the front of your crew before turning around and calling out Bada.
As you observed the interactions and conversations around you, it became apparent that there might be some underlying history between Bada and the young dancer. However, as you looked at Bada, her calm demeanor and relaxed stance made you wonder if the hostility was more one-sided than it seemed. Her self-assured confidence was an attractive quality that caught your attention, and you appreciated her presence as she stood before you.
As "Temple" by Baauer began playing, Redy took the stage, executing a series of movements, including a spinning fan kick. Despite your prior knowledge of Redy's skills, this performance didn't seem to showcase her best. The routine felt somewhat lackluster, with repetitive spins and points, and you couldn't shake the feeling that Redy was blending into the stage too much, almost disappearing.
Leaning your head on your fist, you counted down as the performance came to an end. "Five, four, three, two, one. Switch! BEBE’s Bada." The song "BBHMM" by Rihanna started playing, and your intrigue heightened. You sat up straight, eager to see if Bada lived up to the reputation you had seen in videos.
Bada began with a spin and immediately invaded Redy's personal space, using her height to intimidate. A laugh escaped your lips as she playfully swept the top of Redy's head. As the song progressed, Bada's performance unfolded with pops and gun gestures, and despite not being the most exceptional at freestyle, her energy and aura carried each movement flawlessly, keeping the audience entertained.
"She definitely knows how to use energy to her advantage. A true performer," you remarked to Emi, leaning closer. "Oh, for sure. All the crews are hyped up because of her."
Bada utilized her lengthy body with a mix of sexy moves, including kneeling on the floor, thrusting, and body rolling. The performance reached its climax as Bada bit a piece of paper and blew it out, concluding her dance. Your thoughts solidified – you were definitely intrigued by her.
Well, not her specifically, but her dance. 
There's no harm in getting close to another Jam Republic dancer, right? You smirk at the thought, and as the judges reveal three light blue cards, you nod while clapping your hands. “Rightfully so.”
The battles continued, and the cheers from every crew echoed in the arena. Your cheers were particularly deafening during Audrey's battles, as the rest of your crew hadn't taken the stage yet. Audrey consistently showcased her freestyle prowess, outclassing many of the other contestants.
As the battles progressed, it was now Kirsten's turn, and you braced yourself for the unexpected. You knew she wouldn't pick someone she considered weak. Kirsten sought a challenge, a display of power. You couldn't help but smile at the anticipation when she stood up with a devious laugh.
"The person I pick as my no-respect dancer is…" Kirsten started in the middle of the stage but then moved to the far corner, standing in the vicinity of your crew. "Lotus."
A chuckle bubbled up from deep within as you rose from your seat. The ripple of surprise spread through the crowd, amplifying the shock, particularly due to the assumed friendship between you and Kirsten.
The spotlight seemed to intensify as you stood, focusing on the unexpected choice. The question lingered in the air like a suspended note waiting to be played. Daniel directed a question with a quizzical expression towards Kirsten, breaking the silence over the arena.
"Kirsten, why did you choose Lotus as your no-respect dancer?" The question hung in the air, prompting not just curiosity from the spectators but also an air of anticipation as if the answer held the key to unraveling a mysterious connection between you and Kirsten.
“I wanted a challenge, and I know she can give me that,” Kirsten announces, and everyone goes ‘oo,’ finding her words cool and respectable. “Let’s have some fun?” You ask through the mic, and the other leader nods as the crews get excited for this one.
“Leader versus leader? This is gonna be good,” you hear from behind you. “Kirsten and Lotus was a battle I wasn’t expecting, but I’m not complaining about it.”
You hear ‘Get Ur Freak On’ by Missy Elliot, and you can’t help the amused look on your face. You knew she would kill it, and you were ready for that. Kirsten starts, moving her hips and waist like water, and your face looks disgusted, an impression of how well her body moved.
As an amazing performer the Jam Republic leader was, Bada could only watch you as your body swayed ever so lightly on the sidelines. When Kirsten hits some moves of afro dance, you bite your bottom lip, finding the movement sensual as her gaze never leaves yours. “Lotus hasn’t even started dancing, and she’s already feeling the music,” Tatter points out, almost breathless at the two of you on stage.
It all seemed a blur for BEBE, but they then heard ‘Backseat Freestyle’ by Kendrick Lamar, and you jump around hyping everyone up. As the chorus hits, you pop your chest, throw your arms around your head, and quickly reverse it. Your aggressive stomps had people rowdy. The Krump style being used made everyone wild, as your lengthy body had so much power.
As you belligerently use your arms, the other crews stared at you, feeling many mixed emotions. Krump wasn’t a “clean” style and it wasn't common for women in Korea to use this style. So actually seeing a Korean woman do it, made them feel somewhat gratified. You finish off by kneeling, your heavy breaths were visible as your chest rose up and down. 
The standing ovation was a testament to the intensity and brilliance of your performance with Kirsten. As you both bowed multiple times, soaking in the applause, the judges' faces revealed their struggle to reach a decision. In a rare moment for the show, all three judges displayed both pink and dark green cards, leaving everyone, including the audience, in gasps of surprise.
"All three? That’s insane," Minah exclaimed, capturing the sentiments of those witnessing the unprecedented outcome. The smiles exchanged between you and Kirsten suggested a shared desire for a rematch.
Returning to your positions, their was anticipation in the air. The prospect of both of you dancing simultaneously added a layer of complexity. Both you and Kirsten were known for utilizing a lot of space in your performances. The question loomed in your mind—how would this dynamic unfold?
You heard ‘Good Feeling’ by Flo Rida and everyone starts clapping at the hype song. The two of you mimic the lyrics, ‘oh~ sometimes, I get a good feeling,’ and you hit a propeller kick. Everyone screamed as you did a Windmill and followed up with an Airflare.
Bada’s eyes could leave your body as you spun and flipped. “How the hell does she move like that?” She asked, and it was a very good question. It has the other girls excited and intimidated at the same time. Who was gonna be able to beat you?
Kirsten seamlessly followed your lead, playing around your spinning body with a synchronicity that showcased the enjoyment shared between the two of you. The energy was infectious, and it wasn't long before everyone, including the judges, joined in on the collective enjoyment.
As the duo battle reached its conclusion, the applause echoed through the arena once again. "As expected from two big international dancers," Bada remarked, her statement met with nods of agreement from the younger members who were still in awe of the mesmerizing performance. The collaboration between you and Kirsten had not only met expectations but had exceeded them, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.
The judges deliberated, their expressions revealing the weight of their decision. Finally, three green cards were revealed, and a sigh of relief escaped your lips. Pulling Kirsten into a celebratory hug, the victory felt like a culmination of the collaborative effort between you two. As you settled back into your seat, your team erupted in applause, a collective acknowledgment of the well-deserved success.
"Killed that shit, girl!" Ball exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious, prompting laughter from you. "No, literally," Maya chimed in with a playful remark, adding a touch of humor to the celebratory atmosphere. The camaraderie within the team mirrored the triumph on stage, creating a moment of shared accomplishment and joy.
Other battles continued and after 30 minutes, it was finally time for a 10 minute break. 
Taking a moment to confer with your team, you couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes on you. Scanning the room, your gaze landed on Bada, and she didn't look away. A small wave from her drew you in, prompting you to excuse yourself from your team with a smile.
Approaching Bada's team, you noticed her adjusting herself to face you properly. "Bada-nim?" you greeted respectfully.
"Lotus," she replied, bowing as she remained seated. "It’s an honor to meet the most viral choreographer right now."
You reciprocated with a bow, but Bada swatted her hand, appearing slightly embarrassed by the acknowledgment. The other members of BEBE observed the interaction, their eyes held a hint of intimidation in the presence of your close proximity.
“I don’t deserve praise from you. Your THE Lotus, famous for training some of the best dancers out there,” you chuckled at Bada’s words. “That’s me,” you shrug, used to hearing the words, but it still pleased you to hear it from fellow dancers. “Anything I can possibly help you with?” She questions you with a curious face. “I just wanted to meet a fellow Jam Republic dancer.” You tell her honestly.
"Well, you're really good too," you expressed, the unintended sensuality in your voice evident as your eyes seemed to darken. Bada, taken aback by the unexpected intensity in your gaze, grew nervous. Unaware of the unintentional effect you had, she continued, "U-um, thank you, Lotus-nim." The exchange left a lingering atmosphere, a subtle tension that hovered between the two of you.
“Oh please, just call me unnie, Bada,” the younger dancers squeal behind their leader and you chuckle at their sounds. You decide to introduce yourself to the entire team and they all noticeably fangirl, especially Tatter and Minah who just kept looking at you with starstruck eyes. 
As you engaged in conversation with Bada's crew, she couldn't help but observe your subtle mannerisms. The way you casually combed your hair back with your fingers while explaining things, the unconscious habit of licking your lips when you laughed, and the preference for rolling up your sleeves to your shoulders—all these gestures seemed to have a mesmerizing effect on Bada.
To her, you appeared as an almost unreachable figure in the dance industry, an undeniable stunner. Your every move left Bada weak at the knees. The similarities between you and her, both tall in height, boasting plump lips, sporting long dyed hair, sharing similar styles, and dancing with a captivating allure that seemed aimed at attracting women, only fueled the fascination.
"I wasn’t expecting them to be so pretty," Downy remarked, and Locker Z inquired, "who?" "Bada and Lotus," Locker Z nodded in agreement.
"I should’ve brought two wedding rings, for Lotus and Bada," JJ quipped, eliciting laughter from Minny. The room seemed to buzz with discussions about the two dancers—half fangirling over their ability to attract women, while the more mature half spoke highly of their impressive dance skills. The magnetic presence of both you and Bada had ignited conversations that spanned admiration for both your aesthetics and dancing prowess.
The break concluded, and the girls returned to their seats. Bada, now set for another battle against Redlic, took the stage. As she danced, her focus seemed to gravitate more toward you. Her unwavering gaze remained fixed as she executed a series of movements—grinds, thrusts, and hip sways—all in perfect synchronization with the accompanying sounds. The intensity of her performance seemed to carry an unspoken message, one that resonated with the captivating connection between you and her.
You could only stare at her with hungry eyes, if she wanted to play that game, you would give that to her. That would have to wait though, since the tension with Mina Myoung and Lia Kim had been spiraling in the air for the entire day and they were finally gonna battle it out. 
You’d have to wait just a little longer to play.
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gezelligs-world · 1 year
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I want to wear her initials
(Bada Lee x Singer!Fem! Reader)
Warning: slight NSFW
(I was supposed to post this yesterday but was not able to ಥ_ಥ)
Today is Bada's birthday and both of you are away from each other. You are in London because your band got the opportunity to perform there while Bada is in Korea maintaining her dance career. You know to yourself that you cannot miss Bada's birthday. You decided to surprise her, without her and her dance crew knowing.
"Hey Y/n, where are you?!" Howl said through the phone.
"I'm here! Wait a second." You pull your luggage with you and go outside the gate. You see Howl waving at you, you approached him and fist bumped each other.
"Bada will be extremely surprised. When I say 'extremely' both of you will kiss for a long time." I just looked at him with a disgusted expression and shook my head.
"Let's just go." I said and went inside the car.
"So..." I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.
"What's your gift for Bada?" I tried to not blush so much but Howl quickly noticed it, laughing at me.
"It's a necklace with my initials in it. I'm also the same kind of necklace but with her initials." I showed him the necklace hiding under my turtle neck.
"I see... I see, but I thought you don't like wearing necklaces?" Howl asked.
"I can't make someone an exception?" I said and both of us laughed.
I assembled the candles and the desserts, including the cake. Howl just updated me that Bada is on her way to our apartment so I'm in a hurry. I tried not to make too many foods since she already had a birthday celebration earlier.
I heard the door opened, Bada already arrived. I went to our room to hide. I heard Bada let out a surprise gasp and also Howl's voice?
"Did you do this? Thank you!" Bada said. Bada face timed Howl, I heard Howl chuckled at her statement. I guess that's my cue to come out. I sneak behind her slowly.
"The one who truly did it is the one that deserves the 'thank you'." I backhug her and when she turned around, she covered her mouth with her other hand while backing up. Me and Howl laughed at her reaction.
"I'll talk to you later- YOU'RE HERE!" Bada hugged me tightly with her hand on my waist and the other caressing my hair.
"What kind of girlfriend am I if I missed your birthday?" I said and pecked her lips.
"Come, let's eat." I said and pulled her to the table. Lots of caressing, feeding each other, and kisses happened. A proof that we badly miss each other.
"I still can't believe you're here..." Bada said while caressing my shoulders. We're now cuddling, me in her lap and her head buried on my neck.
"Believe it or not, I'm here for you." I kissed her forehead and she nuzzled on my neck. It's time to give my gift.
"Close your eyes, I have a gift for you." She then closed her eyes with a little smile plastered on her lips. I pulled out the necklace from the box and put it on her neck. She opened her eyes and touched the necklace.
"Your initial huh? Is that an indication that I'm yours?" I rolled my eyes.
"It's because you know me inside out and still choose to stay...and vice versa." I said and showed her the necklace on my neck. She smiled and cupped my cheeks.
"I love you...so much."
"I love you more." We leaned and our lips touched each other. She caressed my waist and I caressed her silky hair. She began to kiss my neck making me shot my head back.
"B-Bada" I said breathlessly.
"Shhh" she hushed me and began sucking my skin. She's creating a hickey!
"Now, you have a necklace and that." She said indicating the hickey. I slapped her shoulders and covered my face with my hands.
"Don't hide." She said and removed my hands. We stare at each other for a moment until I remembered something."
"Oh yeah...I forgot something..." Bada tilted her head in confusion.
"Happy birthday..." I leaned and whispered at her lips. Bada smiled and pulled my head for a kiss again.
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mikaleialt · 11 months
Caught in 4k
Bada Lee x Youtuber!Reader
Synopsis: A famous youtuber who uploads dance covers and sometimes even her own choreographies is actually Bada Lee's girlfriend?!!— or — you suddenly got exposed during a livestream, now people knew of you and Bada's relationship
Cw: nothing just fluff
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After your youtube channel reached the 5 million subscribers milestone, you decided to do the most requested content of your viewers which is a livestream.
They wanted you to do a livestream where you perform some dance covers and teach some of your latest choreographies. Of course to make it more fun and interactive you decided to add some Q and A segments, to be more interactive.
You started youtube way back, but before your contents used to be just a simple vlog about your everyday life, but soon shifts into posting some dance covers and sometimes even posting some of your own choreographies. Your old viewers are already aware of your talent in dancing and are so happy that you finally gained confidence to showcase your talent.
You still do some vlogs here and there, but most of your content now is about dance.
Now in the present, you are standing in your bedroom, the camera setup is facing one of your bedroom wall that serves as your background, while your monitor is next to it, where you read the live chats and manage the whole stream.
The title screen "live starts in 5..." is the only thing your viewers are seeing at the moment as you do some warm ups first. You stare at the viewer count that reads there are almost 15k people waiting on your live.
Once you feel that you are all set, you removed the title screen and waved at the camera.
"Hello everybody!" You did your intro and started doing small talks with your viewers as your chat feed floods with more people, telling you how excited they are.
"Your top looks familiar" you saw the comment passes by your screen which made you realize that the shirt you're wearing is one of Bada's shirt, and not just any shirt. It was the same shirt she wore on her first dance battle with Redy on swf 2.
You tried to ignore the comment and continue reading a few more before your viewers started begging you to teach one of your latest dance choreography, which you did.
You stand at the center of the screen once again and looked at the camera before looking back at the monitor.
"Ok ok, we'll start with the 'dance lessons', you guys wanted" you said as you prepare the first song you'll dance to.
"Oh before I start, just a quick announcement, I am not a dance teacher, nor do I have any experience teaching dance. This is literally my first time teaching, so thank you for being my guinea pigs for this experiment" you joked before starting teaching the choreo to your viewers.
Coincidentally, the first song is 16 shots, which made the person who commented earlier appear again as you read the comments in-between teaching your choreo.
"The song and the shirt really makes me feel like I've seen it already somewhere before" the comment said. To which you ignored once again.
You feel a slight blush, it's really all just a coincidence, you're not really thinking of anything when you decided to take Bada's shirt on her closet to wear for the livestream, and it's also a coincidence that you made a choreo to the 16 shots a few days ago.
Your livestream goes on for a bit over 30 minutes now and you are currently taking a break mid-stream and just chatting with your viewers.
One question after another you answer your viewer when a particular question pops up.
"You dance so well, are you taking any dance class?" You read the question out loud and the question seems to catch the viewers attention as they flood the chat feed once again with comments about how they are also curious about it.
"Honestly, I was self taught, in terms of dancing that is. But a few months ago, I joined this dance academy just for the fun of it. I just wanna improve my skills more, you know what I mean." You answered, but your answer just sparked more questions.
"What dance academy?" Is the only thing that you can read from the chat feed. You contemplate whether you should tell them or not. And after tons of viewers begged for your answer and a chat dono appears, sending you 500 dollars with a message "please tell us", you finally give in.
"It was at JustJerk" you said and immediately viewers went wild. Some even commenting "maybe it's time to enroll for a dance class too" or "no wonder your style seems familiar". But another question pops up and it caught everyone's attention.
"Do you see Bada Lee on JustJerk?" The chat read. And every viewer saw it so you can't ignore this one.
"Yeah, sometimes..." you said, and it was a lie. You always saw Bada there, no scratch that, you are always with Bada there. How can you not see her everytime you go there, she is your girlfriend, you always go to the academy together.
"OMG YOU SHOULD COVER BADA'S CHOREO FOR SHIRT" a comment pops up again and the chat once again goes wild.
"Fine, fine... wait give me a minute I'm trying to remember the step again" you search up the dance cover and watch the video before learning the choreography once more.
Meanwhile, Bada had just arrived at your apartment and was looking for you, when she heard Shirt by Sza plays over and over again coming from your shared bedroom.
Slowly, Bada creeps in and peaked by the door to see what's going on and saw your livestream setup. You are too focused on your live that you didn't even noticed her leaning by the door frame, watching you.
"...ok I think I got it" You said as you ready yourself before playing the song once again and you start moving to the beat.
Bada is in awe once she realized you are dancing to her choreo, and to Shirt even. Her jaw drops as you execute all the moves perfectly, but boy it doesn't stop there.
"...Damn, you ain't deserve~" the music subsides for a bit, you twirl around before the beats drop ones again as you move your hips to the beat before looking up the camera and hitting the beat once again.
Bada squeals as you finish dancing, she can't get over at how sexy you look earlier. You turn your head to the door as you see your girlfriend kneeling on the ground.
"Oh my god, when did you arrived?" You said, your viewers were curious on who were you talking to as they flood your chat feed once more with questions.
"Wait I moment... I know that voice" the same person who commented earlier appears again.
Bada runs up to you, and hugs you tightly, planting tons of kisses on your face. "You look so sexy just now" your girlfriend gushes over you.
"I KNEW IT! THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING" the chat feed was bombarded with surprised emotes and messages like "holy shit, they are dating?!!!!".
You face the camera shyly as Bada breaks off from you and hugs you from behind as she hides her reddened face on the crook of you neck.
"Uhmmm yeah so... I think this is where I will end my stream" you chuckled lightly as Bada cowers in embarassment behind you, now realizing that your relationship was revealed to more than 35k people right now.
"This is not really what I planned when I first decided to do the livestream but yeah, I hope you had fun dancing with me... and yeah me and Bada are dating... anyway that would be all byeeee!" You quickly cut the cameras and ended the live.
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A/n: and that is all for this story, thank you all for choosing this. I hoped you liked it. Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Requests are open
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anadiluna · 8 months
Your Waves...
Warnings: pure fluff, kinda cringe idk
I don't even know how to use tumblr properly or how to post here so I'm sorry, but I'm planning to post regularly for Bada🫡
Yes, I also post on wattpad and I'm lazy as hell.
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Luna was too tired to keep a conversation with her fellow members and dancers or to simply sit up straight, she laid down on the floor of the practice room during the break, the collective sound of people gasping with exhaustion mixed with some random laughs here and there sounded almost melodic to her, the feeling of working exhaustively with so many people who had the same passion filled her heart with emotions that she couldn't name it, sharing that moment, with all of that people was one of the reasons why she loved being an artist, seeing so many people work hard towards a project that her and her beloved members worked so hard from scratch made her feel appreciated and respected, specially when her favorite person in the world, Bada, was one of those people who were working so hard to make justice to their hard work creating and directing a mesmerizing performance to their comeback.
Her chest went up and down with fatigue, it was hot and the lights were right on her face but she didn't care, she closed her eyes and took the time to feel the moment, a little smile rested on her lips, a comforting feeling took her entirely, at that moment she felt like life was worth it.
Then a shadow blocked the lights above her head and when she opened her eyes she was greteed with the most beautiful scene, Bada stood tall over her laying figure, her black and blonde strands of hair illuminated by the lights, the sweet smile on her face got wider by each second showing off her dimples and cute eye smile, to Haerin, Bada was the most mesmerezing live portrait displayed in slow motion, while absorbing each and every detail of Bada's face, the warmth that was just comforting her soul exploded like fireworks in her heart and she couldn't hold back the most sincere giggle she ever let out in her life.
"Are you okay?", Bada asked following Haerin's giggle, she didn't understand why the girl looked so happy all of sudden, but when Luna smiled so happily like that she couldn't help herself, she felt every inch of her body being filled with so much love that she completely forgot where she was and just stood there, admiring her.
Haerin nodded positively, smiling fondly.
Bada thought Haerin looked beautifully lost in her own little world, as she admired her smile and the way little wrinkles formed on the side of her eyes as her smile got bigger, with her hair all messy and all giggly like that she looked like the happiest girl in the world, and that's exactly how Bada wanted Haerin to always feel.
"Teacher, can you help us with the formations?", one of the dancers of the foreign crew interrupted the moment, Bada should feel ashamed for being caught completely lost in her co-worker's eyes, but instead she felt frustared as she had to go back to work. Bada and Haerin had been working together for years now, and the giggles and butterflies seemed to never leave them, everytime Bada looked at Haerin she had to repress the urge to hold the shorter girl close to her heart and never let go of her.
When Bada went back to work Haerin rolled her body to face the wall so no one could see how whipped she was by Bada's smile. Her hands closed in a fist on her chest like she was trying to physically control the turmoil of feelings inside her heart, her cheeks burned with the thought of someone catching her smiling like that, anyone that saw that would be sure she's completely in love with her best friend.
Her eyes met with Jimin's, her friend smirked to her in the cutest teasing way, he didn't said anything, only noded his head, showing he saw everything. Her cheeks turned into a deeper shade of red, she covered her face and sat in front of him, still against the mirror wall so the dancers and Bada couldn't see her face, It was not on her plans to tell him about her feelings, but she was so happy that she just accepted she couldn't do or say anything to change his mind as he just caught her whipping.
"She's so-", she slightly pulled her own hair, joking as if she was going crazy because of her feelings, she couldn't properly say how pretty she thought Bada was or how she felt about her, she preferred to joke around the matter so she wouldn't feel so embarrassed.
Jimin covered his face with his tiny hands and laughed at Haerin's way of confessing her love, he never thought she would stop denying or admit she was in love with her best friend after all those years, specially like that, pulling her own hair and mumbling words in embarassment, he found it cute and was impressed by how open she was being about it, he realized once more that Bada changed her for the better.
"Okay guys, that's enough rest! Let's go back now! Last section and we can all go home.", Bada stated in her loud teacher voice while walking to the center of the practice room as everyone followed her.
"She's attractive isn't she?", one of the male backup dancers whispered to his friend while checking Bada as if she was a piece of meat, his friend smiled doing the same. "She's beautiful, but calm down man, you're not the only one looking at her, even the girls can't stop talking about her. Can you believe Emma is planning to ask for her number?".
Haerin couldn't be more offended, she silently gasped and looked at Namjoon, asking with her eyes if she heard it right. Her leader laughed and whispered in korean "What? You're the only one who can talk to her?".
She frowned and turned back to Bada who was explaining something about how the performance was going to be on stage and other things she couldn't really pay attention because of the jealousy that consumed her entirely, and without even realizing an annoyed expression rested on her face for the rest of the practice.
Haerin made sure to scan each and every dancer of the foreign crew, trying her best to discover who Emma was. She couldn't blame the dancers for liking Bada, they must've gone crazy when they realized she has a bright and bubbly personality besides the serious dance director persona during the work hours, but even so, why do they have to act like that? They would all go to back to America soon so why would they want her number? Haerin knew she was overreacting, but she couldn't help herself, just the thought of Bada going out with someone killed her.
Thankfully the dancers left not too long after the practice ended, Haerin made sure to keep Bada busy since the second the music stopped, asking inumerous questions about the performance so no one would have time to talk to her. Namjoon, who realized why Haerin was so talktive, convinced the other members to leave earlier.
Bada touched my chin with the tip of her fingers, making me look up at her. "Something wrong?", she mumbled mirroring my pout, exchanging glances between my lips and my eyes.
"U-um.", I nodded negatively, even though I was quite upset I wouldn't bother her with something so irrelevant, also, I wasn't right on the first place.
"Then why are you pouting?", she moved her soft and long fingers from my chin, now caressing my cheekbones with her thumbs.
"Your expression was different some minutes ago. Is there something or someone bothering you, hm?", she asked lowering her head to make sure I locked eyes with her, making our faces come so close that I could feel her breath on my lips.
I chuckled softly, the way she would always make sure no dancer was bothering me, touching me weirdly and just making me uncomfortable in general made me feel safe, made me feel like I was hers.
"It's nothing. I'm just tired.", I gave her a reassuring smile but her arched eyebrows clearly show me she didn't believe me.
"It's nothing, really. I just wanna rest.", I gripped the fabric of her shirt on the back of her waist and hid my face on her neck, hoping that she would give up, but she didn't.
"Haerinnie... you're hiding something. Say it now, or else I'll ask the boys and you know they always tell me.", she said in a demanding tone but the way she caressed me head gently showed me she wasn't angry, just impatient.
"Agh... the dancers behind me were talking about how beautiful you are and how everyone on their crew is simping for you and... a-and there's a girl that wants your number, I got jealous and didn't want them to talk to you so I kept talking so she wouldn't have a chan-"
Her sweet laughed echoed in the empty practice room like a beautiful melody.
"You're so cute.", one of her hands cupped my face and her thumb gently caressing my cheek while her other hand firmly gripped on the side of my neck pulling my face even closer to hers, seeing her bright and beautiful smile up close and knowing that Ibwas the reason for it made me feel like I could have a stroke right there and die happily.
"Well, I guess we're even even now.", she said almost in a whisper, smiling cheekily.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"I *kiss on the left cheek* told *kiss on the right cheek* Kai *kiss on the nose* that you *kiss on the chin* you were dating when he asked me for your number.", Bada said the last phrase looking at me with a satisfied ironic smile.
"You what?", I asked in disbilief. I tried to sound mad or slightly annoyed by the sudden confession, but the little smile creeping on the side of my lips showed my true feelings.
"Don't come at me, you wouldn't go out with him either way.", she said letting go of me and taking her bag.
"Yeah, I wouldn't. Who is the lucky guy that got to be my boyfriend?", I asked ironically also taking my bag, vasually pretending that I wasn't feeling butterflies in my stomach with the thought that she also didn't like the idea of me going out with other people.
"Well, I didn't especify who was your boyfriend. But it could be me, right?", her teasing smile made me chuckle again.
"What do you want to eat today?", she asked holding my hand as we walked out the room.
"I don't know", I interlocked my fingers with hers, I couldn't form a proper sentence now as suddenly she was being so freaking forward, I could feel my heart beating on my throath and couldn't hear a word of what she was saying about which restaurant should we go today.
Our plans, or better, Bada's plans of taking me to a new restaurant went down the hill when the boys insisted that we went to our old shared house that now we used basically as a basement, to drink in celebration of our comeback, and as Bada was also involved on the making process she couldn't deny.
Soon enough they were completely wasted by the alcohol, as dawn creeped in, the place filled with laughter and talks was now with a comforting silence interrupted by some snores here and there.
Bada and Haerin snuggled on the couch laughing of Jungkook's and Namjoon's deep snores, they slept on the couch of the other side of the room with mouths open making the scene even funnier to the girls.
"How can them make these noises and not wake up?", Haerin whispered trying to hold back her laugh.
"I have no ideia. I think I would wake myself up if I snored like that.", Bada said following Haerin's laugh.
As if it the universe heard them, Namjoon snored loudly and woke himselp up, looking around startled he found the two girls laughing uncontrollably at him but just ignored and went back to sleep.
Haerin threw her head back trying her best not to laugh so loudly. Bada, who was just tipsy, also laughed but took her time to stop and admire Haerinnie's happiness, she thought she looked lovely with messy hair and flushed cheeks throwing her head back laughing like a kid.
"C'mon Bada-ya, let's get out of here before they wake up and curse at us.", Haerin got up and took Bada by her hands to her apartment some floors above.
Bada felt herself going insane, everytime Haerin drank she would call her with the cutest pet names, "my baby", "my love", "my darling", just like she would casually do to Haerin everyday, but when Haerin called her "Bada-ya" with the softest tone she felt like her heart was melting in her chest, her name fell from Haerin's lips as if she was casting a love spell.
"Here, drink everything.", Bada said sitting besides Haerin and giving her glass of water.
Haerin took a big sip of it, just like she demanded, she chuckled at the girl's obedience while fixing her hair that was flying everywhere because of the wind. Even though it was cold Haerin insisted that they stayed for a bit on the balcony, she loved to just look at the city lights and imagining how each street looked like at that time.
"Isn't so beautiful how the city lights reflect on the Han River water?", Haerin admired the river far away, her eyes fixed as if she haven't been doing that everyday for the last two years since she moved in.
"Yes, it's beautiful, Haerinnie.", Bada smiled at the sight of the river. Before meeting Haerin she used to watch the water's flowing while in deep thoughts about life, or even herself, because of the name she was given, but now, everytime she sees any body of water, like a river, sea or lake the only thing that comes to her mind is how much Haerin would appreciate the view, how she could spent hours just admiring the water flowing with her innocent and bright eyes shining more than the stars on the sky.
Haerin looked deep in thought watching the river, Bada laughed to herself knowing that, at this point, the shorter girl was probably imagining she was a fish swimming there. Haerin's love for water fascinated her, she loved everything related to it, but was so scared when it comes to swimming, she would give the most screeching screams at any tiny wave that hit her body when she went to the beach.
"Bada-yaaa.", with eyes still fixated on the river Haerin chuckled to herself calling Bada's name with the softest tone again.
"What?", Bada asked exchanging glances between the shorter girl and the river, wondering if she was too drunk to realize she was still there.
"I know Han River it's not a sea, but you are.", Haerin laughed lovingly, Bada couldn't help but laugh at Haerin's drunk state, she looked at the shorter girl with the prettiest glint on her eyes.
"Do you know why I like to watch the river flowing?", Haerin mumbled in her own words, the alcohol effect still on her body.
"Why?", Bada's heart skipped a beat, she knew Haerin was going to say something related to her and that made every single part of her feel an overwhelming happiness even though she knew Haerin was completely out of her mind.
"Because of you. Everytime I watch any body of water my mind goes straight at you... I'm enchanted to think that your name fits you so perfectly.", Haerin's fingers carefully traced Bada's features. "You know how people say that we should swim to wash our worries away? It doesn't matter that I'm too scared to do that because my worries are washed away everytime I look at you, the bad things on my mind are just words written in the sand that your waves easily make it dissapear in a second. It's really beautiful to me, Bada."
At this point Bada was a complete mess, her heart swelled with love, she tried to hold back and not let her feelings take control of what she was going to say or do, but Haerin looked at her with so much love, touched her face with so much tenderness and said thing in such a loving way that she couldn't help but just stand there and look at her girl with bright puppy eyes and pull her even closer.
"My angel, you have no idea of how much your words mean to me.", Bada choked in her own words, throughout her life some people had said beautiful words to her, but never this way, all Bada could feel in Haerin's words was pure, pure love, she made Bada feel vulnerable in a way that no one ever did.
"Ever since I've met you it seems like life's better, everything I do and feel has so much more worth, your words and actions towards me are always so sweet and loving, you make me feel so in touch with my emotions, you make me feel safe. And I love how you view the world, I love to see how your eyes shine at the littlest things, I love how passionate you are about your work, the way you smiled at me during the practice today made you look like the happiest girl in the world, and that's how I want you to always feel, I want to be the person who will be by your side, I want us to feel this kind of happiness together, I just need you by my side." Bada sniffed trying to hold her tears but it was impossible, she lovingly stroked Haerin's cheeks. "I love you so much."
Haerin was not much better than Bada, the tears fell from her eyes like an broken faucet.
"I love you more.", was the only thing Haerin could answer with an trembling voice as she looked at Bada with the biggest puppy eyes, almost pleading to be kissed by the taller woman.
Her hands that now rested on Bada's collarbone gently made their way to her neck and face, applying a slight pressure pulling her closer, her gaze was intense and vulnerable at the same time, she silently asked for permission, after all this, if Bada didn't touched their lips at that moment it would mean that Haerin was going crazy and Bada didn't have feelings for her, she felt her heart wrenching as the seconds went by and Bada didn't do anything besides looking at her with the same puppy eyes.
Bada's lips felt as plump and soft as Haerin imagined, her touches were so soft she could feel the love running through Bada's veins as the tip of her fingers pressed her waist pulling her impossibly closer and sending eletric waves wherever they touched. That moment was heavenly for both, so many years of love being repressed by fear of being rejected finally came to an end, the tears streaming down their cheeks made their lips become salty making them break the kiss to giggle, they snuzzled their noses with closed eyes, feeling their hearts beating dangerously fast.
"I can't believe this is finally happening. I'll always love you, my Haerinnie."
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throughthebluesea · 11 months
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The Duplicate. (Special Chapter)
pairing: bada lee x 1million member!reader
genre: fluff, a bit humor-ish... bc... king bada is here again. overprotective bada, the rest of team bebe being the biggest instigators.
den's notes: i suggest reading the first part here. ♡ this is dedicated to team bebe, our champion crew! also, this is dedicated to those who enjoyed the first one-shot i posted here. i never expected the support. 🥺 anyways, this is not proofread, but still enjoy!
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D-Day. The finale episode has arrived, and everyone has been practicing hard, perfecting their final routines. You and Bada became so busy with your crews that the two of you only meet after long hours of dance practices. The both of you understood and instead became each other's support. The two are in the final four crews, after all.
One thing that piqued their interest is that they will be shooting with Street Gagwoman Fighter 2 casts. The other members are not worried, but you're a different case.
You would recall Bada getting jealous over your interactions with King Bada. Although you had assured her many times, she would still get affected whenever their closest peers from different crews tease you because of it. (You guys had a big group chat with all the 8 crews, and the Wolf 'Lo ladies won't shut up about it. They love teasing Bada about it.)
And now, Bada told you that she will shoot with King Bada and her crew.
Before the shoot starts, you went over their crew room, greeting all the girls good luck then head over to Bada and surprised her with a tight backhug.
"Hey, cutie."
You can feel her flinch and turned around quickly, her eyes wide when she saw you. "Baby! You're here! Are you done with the voting ad shoot?" She asked as her hands find your cheeks and cupped it gently.
"Already done! I begged PD to let me in here and watch."
Just as Bada is about to reply, Mijin, the one who plays King Bada enters the room all smileys yet you can feel her nervousnes as she is going to finally meet her.
The rest of BEBE were in awe to see King Bada, and gushed about how she looks extremely similar with their team leader.
Mijin spots the two of you and waved, to which you reciprocated. You felt her arms tightened around yours and you looked up at Bada, staring at her doppelganger.
Tatter and Kyma were the first ones to notice the actions of their leader towards you, then approached Mijin, whispering something to her and her reaction to what they told her gained laughter from the rest of the team.
"You can do it, King Bada-nim!" Kyma cheered, lightly pushing Mijin towards you two. Tatter on the other hand were laughing hard behind her. Lusher and Cheche just shook their heads while Sowoen and Minah stood there, utterly confused.
Mijin, or King Bada strided towards the couple with confidence, with her hands on the pockets of her khaki pants.
"Lee Bada." Your eyebrows raised when Mijin approached you and Bada, confused as to what she's going to do.
"King Bada." Your girlfriend answered while her arms tightened around you more.
"I'm taking my girl back." Mijin/King Bada responded with confidence and tried pulling you to her side. The girls gasped and squealed in the background. Bada scoffed and pulled you back. "You mean, my girl?"
Not gonna lie, this exchange with the comedienne and Bada being more quite possessive is hot, you thought. Mijin just cowers and hid behind team BEBE, muttering apologies and that she was just joking, even telling that it was Tatter's and Kyma's idea.
The two instigators just laughed their asses off, satisfied at how the exchange turned out to be.
Before Bada became sulky, you cupped both her cheeks and assured her. This calmed the female down a bit and let go of you to greet the comedienne, apologizing for her slightly hostile behavior towards her.
They proceeded with the shoot. A couple of takes has been made but they finished just in time. You were watching from behind the scenes and you noticed that Bada and her crew are doing very well. The atmosphere lightened up and as they finished the shoot, they took pictures with Mijin while they praised her.
Lusher slides herself beside you and placed an arm around you. "Unnie, your presence here boosted the morale of the team, especially Bada-unnie's."
You smiled at the younger's words, "Well, even though both of us are competitors in this show, we promised that we'll be each other's support pillar when times got hard."
"Bada-unnie's happiness is ours."
You patted the small of her back, thanking her for being so appreciative with your relationship with their leader.
"I think you, Bada-unnie, and King Bada-nim needs a selca. The fans would love it!" Lusher states with a mischievous grin and dragged you towards them.
Lusher told the girls about her idea, to which they agreed with. Bada was hesitant at first, since it's her sub-leader's way of teasing her for her act recently. Mijin was stuttering when she asked her if she wants to take a picture with you and Bada in it.
She eventually gave in, and gladly played along. The rest of Team BEBE were fangirling so hard with the choice of poses the three of you did. Bada then hugged Mijin after, thanking her support and love for Team BEBE. Mijin joked that she was originally a 1Million fan but shifted to Team BEBE after being tasked to portray the leader.
It's your turn now to scoff and try towering her, jokingly telling her that you were disappointed and all. Everyone laughed at your feigned disappointment with Mijin had said.
The photos were uploaded after the live finale episode by Lusher. It trended quickly, but it's the least of your worries. Your focus is on the teary-eyed victor, who is still looking over the trophy in her hands. Team BEBE became the winning crew, and your team landed on the third spot. You could've worked harder, but Lia and the rest of your crew already took this as a big win.
Amongst the crowd of your fellow competitors, you made your way towards your girlfriend. When she spots you, she immediately engulfs you with a tight hug.
The two of you didn't say a word. All you two knew is that both of you are proud of each other and what you two achieved in the competition.
- fin.
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caashmoneynae · 10 months
MY MASTERLIST. -> click here for more!
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JOEY BADA$$ x @thatone-girly 🤎
SUMMARY: in which Jo-Vaughn persuades Bianca to go on a family trip with him and their son. little does she know, the trip was a plot to get her back. ✨
"𝗜 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗡' 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗬𝗢' 𝗙𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗘𝗗 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬𝗗𝗔𝗬, 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟," Bianca chuckled, folding up the clean and dry colored laundry, as she shook her head and Nia laughed at her reaction, "okay, finish the story. tell me how the date ended."
"okay so, after him talkin' about himself the whole date and not even giving me room to talk, reply, add on to what he was sayin' — nothing at all, the waiter came and dropped our bill off. after he paid for our food, this muh'fucka' said "you the quiet type, huh?" and bitch... when i tell you it took everything in me not to yell at that man inside that restaurant with all them white folks in there," Nia exhaled dramatically, curling her ginger hair, as Bianca let out a giggle and folded her cropped tank top, "that man was literally about to have me lookin' like a crazy ass mad black woman! like, nigga, this ain't no Tyler Perry movie!"
"and i'm not bitter. i'm mad as hell!" Bianca mimicked, quoting a line from "Diary of a Mad Black Woman", as she and Nia laughed in sync and Nia slightly jumped from almost burning her hand with her curling iron.
"bathe him, feed him, clothe him... uh, stop makin' those bubbles," Nia quoted, pointing her curling iron at her phone, as Bianca giggled and sat the folded laundry inside the large white basket, picking it up and tucking it under her arm while she grabbed her phone and headed for the staircase, "it's safe to say that i ain't go home with him and i blocked him when i got home. i can't stand a chatterbox ass nigga that don't give me room to talk, B. i'm so glad i drove myself there because i'll be damned if i'ma let him see where i stay."
"preachhh. it's one thing for me to do all the talking and you to talk back or for us to evenly engage in conversation, but it's another thing for you to do all the talking and i ain't got one word in! that shit gets annoyin'," Bianca exclaimed, shaking her head, as she walked into Kamari's — her 5-year-old son — room and sat the laundry basket on his toddler bed, "so, where you 'bout to go? 'cause i know you ain't gettin' dolled up for no reason."
"i'm surprised Joey even let you date with how obsessive he is over you," Nia joked, smirking, as she playfully winked at her phone and Bianca chuckled while she put away her son's clothing, "but i got a brunch date with this lil' white boy on my roster. i ain't never dated outside my race before, so we gon' see how this go."
Joey — also known as Joey Bada$$ or just Jo-Vaughn — was Bianca's baby father and old boyfriend. they were like two peas in a pod until they broke up a week before his tour for his '2000' album started. there was no bad blood in the breakup because the two just felt like they had drifted away from each other and were no longer compatible. they remained friends and still kept in contact with each other since they had a son, and they co-parented so well that most people still thought they were together, which the two of them were grateful for because it kept the media off their backs.
neither of the two wanted to be posted on blogs just because they broke up, so they continued to front for social media like they were still together, even though you could clearly tell they weren't.
despite this, Bianca still tried to branch out and date other men, but it never worked out because Jo-Vaughn would always find a way to chase them away, and sometimes Kamari would chase them away as well. ever since April — specifically, after he dropped his R&B single "Fallin'" — he had been trying to get Bianca back, and so far his attempts had been unsuccessful because Bianca didn't feel a desire to return to him. sure, he was an amazing boyfriend and an even better father, but Bianca believed that the two were better apart than they were together.
as long as their son was happy, she felt no need to return to his father, despite his numerous attempts of trying to romance her and make her his again.
"listen... we don't talk about that, okay? i'm lucky i managed to keep the boy i'm talking to now," Bianca chuckled, shaking her head, as she closed Kamari's closet and shut one of his drawers while she picked up the laundry basket and headed to her bedroom, "and girl, it's like 5 o'clock in the afternoon, what you mean 'brunch'? but okaaaay, i see you with the white boy on ya roster! you better work, Kali!"
"you a whole fool! but like i said, we goin' to brunch, i don't care what time it is and neither does he," Nia laughed, unplugging her curling iron, as she pushed her curled hair behind her shoulder, "and if i know Joey like i think i know him, he gon' run ole' dude off next, trust me. wait, speaking of him, where my nephew? i wanna see lil' KJ before my date, he's my good luck charm."
the "ole' dude" Nia was referring to was Malcolm. he and Bianca had been talking for about two weeks and had been taking things slow since he had just gotten out of a relationship. he was sweet, caring, had manners, and was good with kids since he had two nieces, and that alone made Bianca fall for him harder every day.
there was no doubt in Bianca's mind that Jo-Vaughn knew about Malcolm, but since he had never brought him up, she assumed that he didn't know.
little did she know, she was completely wrong.
"K is with his daddy. you know this week was his week to have him," Bianca chuckled, sitting the laundry basket on her king-sized bed, as she began to put away her clothing, "they should be here in a few minutes tho', the sun 'bout to start settin' in about an hour or so."
"take a picture of him for me and send it to me 'cause i ain't got a few minutes to spare, i got a date to go on," Nia advised, chuckling, as she put away her now cold curling iron and grabbed her phone, "i'ma call you later on tonight to tell you what happens, and if you don't receive a call from me tonight, i got covered in snow."
"Nia, please get off my phone with that shit," Bianca laughed, shaking her head, as Nia giggled and playfully stuck her tongue out at her, "have a good time playin' with ya snowman, Ni'Ni."
"shit, hopefully. bye, mamas!" Nia smiled, waving her goodbye, as Bianca smiled at her and let out a chuckle before waving back to her.
"bye, sunshine." as the call ended, Bianca chuckled at her friend's behavior and she shook her head as she put away her undergarments, tucking them inside a drawer before her doorbell suddenly rang and her head raised at the sound of it.
shutting the drawer, Bianca grabbed the laundry basket and carefully jogged downstairs as she headed to the laundry room, sitting the basket in the corner of the room close by the dryer while she speed-walked to the front door. unlocking and opening the door, Bianca was immediately greeted by Kamari hugging her leg, making the light-skinned woman smile widely while she bent down to pick him up.
"hi, papaaa!" Bianca smiled, wrapping her arms around him, as she kissed his cheek and Kamari giggled in her arms, "you had fun with Daddy this week?"
"yeah! we played gamesss, went out to eattt, and— Mommy, i made some friends at the playground!" Kamari smiled widely as Bianca let out a soft chuckle at his enthusiasm and ran her fingers over his neatly braided black cornrows.
"that's good! i want you to tell me allll about it when i finish talking to ya daddy, okay?" Bianca asked, lowering the toddler back to the ground, as she looked up at Jo-Vaughn and held out her hand, signaling for him to put his backpack in her hand while she grabbed the strap of it and handed it to Kamari, "go upstairs and unpack your bag, and when i'm finished talking, i'll come get you."
"yes, ma'am!" as Kamari excitedly ran off towards the staircase, Bianca and Jo-Vaughn locked eyes, and she noticed a small flirtatious smile on his face, making her let out a soft chuckle.
"why you lookin' at me like that, J?" Bianca asked, chuckling, as she looked up at the 6'1 male and rested one of her hands on her hip.
"i can't look at you?" Jo-Vaughn playfully smirked, running his tongue over his lips, as Bianca raised her brow at him and the two soon laughed in sync, "nah, i'm just playin', girl, how you been?"
"you askin' me this like you didn't see me last week," Bianca chuckled, earning a soft chuckle from her baby father, "but i been good, what about you? and how was Kamari?"
"a week is a long ass time, B. but i been good too, and you know KJ ain't never no trouble. he has his moments when he gets wanna throw tantrums 'cause he can't get what he wants, but other than that, he was good. he spoiled just like his damn mama." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, slipping his hands into his pockets, as Bianca laughed and raised her brow at him.
"who spoiled his mama tho'?" Bianca asked, crossing her arms across her chest, as a small smile crept onto her face and she awaited his answer.
"ya mama and daddy did. that don't got nothin' to do with me 'cause i'on know nothin' about that," Jo-Vaughn jokingly shrugged, looking off to the side, as Bianca laughed and reached out to hit him, making him laugh while he grabbed her wrist, "a'ight, i spoiled you, damn. you out here tryna' get domestic and shit."
"because you lyin' like you ain't used to spoil my ass when we was together. and you wonder why 'Mari so spoiled... nigga, that's yo' doing, not mine." Bianca laughed as Jo-Vaughn laughed with her and let go of her wrist.
"if i have your permission... i wanna spoil you and him again." Jo-Vaughn announced, a smile on his face, as Bianca raised a brow and looked him up and down.
"what you got planned in your mischievous ass mind?" Bianca asked, leaning against the doorway, as she crossed her arms for a second time.
"i wanna take all three of us on a lil' family trip to Orlando. i know lil' man starts Kindergarten next month, so i wanna take him to Disney World before school starts, and i want you to come with us." Jo-Vaughn explained as Bianca glanced down at their feet in deep thought before looking back up at him.
"i'on know about that, Joey. i mean, it'll be good for him, but—"
"B, c'mon, man, you gotta' come with us. it ain't a family trip if he ain't got his mama. don't be like that, baby." Jo-Vaughn pleaded as Bianca cracked a small smile at him referring to her as 'baby' and she let out a soft chuckle.
"i told you about callin' me that, boy," Bianca chuckled as she pushed her black knotless braids behind her shoulder, "but i guess i'll tag along. for him, not for you."
"girl, stop frontin', you know you still love my ass." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, waving her off, as Bianca playfully rolled her eyes and softly chuckled.
"when we leavin'? and at what time?" Bianca asked, raising a brow, as a smile rested on her face and Jo-Vaughn smiled at her.
"tomorrow morning at 8. we flyin' over on my private jet, so go pack you and KJ a bag for the weekend and i'll see y'all tomorrow."
"all done, papa," Bianca cooed softly, smoothing the rest of the Vaseline on her hands on Kamari's brown-skinned face, as she gently kissed his nose and let go of his face, "go downstairs and lay on the couch. you can go to sleep until Daddy gets here."
"yes, ma'am." Kamari yawned softly, rubbing his eye, as he stood up from his bed and walked out of his room while Bianca rubbed her hands together to get rid of the excess shine the Vaseline had left.
surprisingly, getting Kamari up and ready at 7 A.M. wasn't as hard as you may have thought it was, and usually, it was difficult for Bianca to get him up early because he wasn't a morning person, but today was different. it was kind of challenging to get him out of his bed, but other than that, things went smoothly, which gave Bianca a slight shock.
nonetheless, she was grateful it didn't take him long because if it did, she most likely wouldn't have time to get herself ready.
walking into her bedroom, Bianca stood at her vanity mirror as she adjusted the zipper on her baby blue romper, her braids up in a ponytail and swinging easily with each movement her head made. while she adjusted her breasts in her top, her phone suddenly began ringing, and she walked away from the mirror as she walked to her bed and picked up her phone beside the packed suitcase, realizing that Nia was calling her and not Jo-Vaughn.
"good morning, sunshine." Bianca smiled, answering the phone, as she walked back over to her vanity and propped up her phone, seeing Nia's face pop up on her screen while she walked to her closet to pick out a pair of slides to put on.
"good morning, mamas— ooh, where you goin'?" Nia asked, noticing her attire and the bag on the bed, as Bianca chuckled and slipped a pair of her white Nike slides on her feet.
"Joey's takin' me and KJ to Orlando. i gotta' keep my voice down because he doesn't know yet, but he wants to take him to Disney World and wanted me to come along so it could be a family trip, so i told him i'd come," Bianca explained lowly, adjusting her feet in her shoes, as she walked over to her phone and noticed a smirk on Nia's face, "what you smirking for?"
"i'm not gon' say nothin' but this: when y'all asses come back from Florida, y'all gon' be back together. mark my words, B. you gon' forget allll about that nigga you talkin' to when you see ya baby zaaaaddy." Nia smirked, making Bianca laugh, as Bianca held onto her phone and shook her head, peeking out of her bedroom window and seeing Jo-Vaughn's car pull up in her driveway.
"whatever you say, Ni'Ni. just because i'm goin' outta' state with him doesn't mean i'ma go back to him. this is for Kamari, not us," Bianca chuckled, walking away from the window, as she walked over to her bed and zipped up her suitcase, "and speaking of him, he just pulled up. so, i'ma talk to you later on. make sure to run me in on what happened with Mr. White Chocolate last night."
"deny it alll you want to, B, i know him and i know you. he ain't gon' stop 'til he gets you back and you bound to fold underneath all that pressure, respectfully. it's only a matter of time, sweetness," Nia chuckled, raising her brow, as she adjusted the bonnet on her head, "but, i got'chu, i'ma definitely run you in when you get time. bye, mamas, have a safe trip."
"bye, sunshine, and thank you. i'll make sure to send you some pictures of your nephew to make your day." Bianca chuckled, smiling, as she pulled her suitcase off of the bed and rested it on the floor.
"you better. or i'ma hop on a plane to Orlando and beat yo' ass." the call ended after Nia's remark, and Bianca laughed at her statement as knocks sounded off at her door, making her smile slightly widen because she knew Jo-Vaughn didn't want to ring the doorbell in case Kamari was asleep.
walking downstairs with her suitcase and phone in her hand and her crossbody purse on her shoulder, Bianca sat the suitcase next to the couch and slipped her phone inside her purse as she walked over to the door and unlocked and opened it, revealing her baby father.
"i'm glad you knocked 'cause he's asleep." Bianca chuckled, stepping to the side and allowing him to come in, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled and cracked a smile at seeing Kamari asleep on the couch.
"i had a feelin' my lil' man was sleepin'." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, carefully scooping the toddler off of the couch, as Kamari gently writhed in his arms and Jo-Vaughn grabbed their suitcase, making Bianca furrow her brows.
"you gon' carry him and the suitcase?" Bianca asked, her facial expression resembling one of confusion, as Jo-Vaughn looked over at her and chuckled at her reaction.
"you carried him for 9 months, the least i could do is carry him to the car," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, making Bianca crack a smile, as Bianca let out a soft laugh and the two headed for the front door, "plus, you know i ain't never let you carry no bags, girl. especially if they heavy. you think just 'cause we not together no more that i was gon' stop doin' that?"
"just a lil' bit." Bianca chuckled, closing the front door, as she locked the door and tucked her keys into her purse while she walked to his car.
"well, you thought wrong, B. i'm a gentleman at heart, pretty girl," Jo-Vaughn flirtatiously smirked, winking at her, as he walked to his car and opened the back door, gently sitting Kamari inside while he buckled his seat belt and closed the door afterward, "and you bet not touch that door handle."
"yes, sir," Bianca joked, quickly putting her hand down since she was already reaching for the door handle, as Jo-Vaughn opened her door for her and Bianca smiled while she climbed into his passenger seat, "i done told you about that flirting, boy. but thank you, baby daddy."
"anytime, baby mama."
"ooh, nice jet." Bianca smiled, holding Kamari in her arms while his head rested on her shoulder, as Jo-Vaughn rolled the luggage to the plane and let out a soft chuckle.
"thank you, B. nice things don't come cheap," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, earning a small laugh from Bianca, as the two approached the jet and a man dressed in pilot attire walked out of the door, "B, this is Francis, he gon' be our pilot and our chauffeur when we touch down in Orlando. Francis, this is Bianca, my beautiful baby mama."
"it's nice to meet you, Ms. Bianca. i've heard so much about you," Francis smiled warmly, holding out his hand, as Bianca smiled back at him and shook his hand, keeping one of her hands on the toddler on her chest to keep him from falling, "if you don't mind me asking, who's the little guy in your arms?"
"it's nice to meet you, too! and this is Kamari, our son. he's not a morning person, so you'll probably see him awake once the plane lands." Bianca smiled, chuckling, as Francis smiled at her before his eyes landed on the bags in Jo-Vaughn's hands.
"i'll take those on the jet for you, sir, if you don't mind." Francis offered as Jo-Vaughn glanced down at the bags in his hands before handing them to the pilot.
"i 'preciate that, F. i'll make sure to leave you some tips before the day's over with," Jo-Vaughn smiled, watching him grab the suitcases, as Francis smiled and nodded his head before walking back up the stairs, making Jo-Vaughn look over at Bianca, "ladies first, right?"
"yeah, i'm glad you remember," Bianca joked, jokingly mugging him, as Jo-Vaughn laughed at her and Bianca made her way up the stairs, looking around at the interior of the jet with a smile, "oh, my God, it's gorgeous in here."
"i'm glad you like it. i was hopin' you did," Jo-Vaughn smiled, closing the jet's door behind him, "i know you probably wanna go back to sleep, so there's a bedroom back there for you and him to go. i'ma be back there in a minute."
"yes, baby father." Bianca joked, earning a laugh from Jo-Vaughn, as the two parted their ways and Bianca made her way to the back of the jet, opening the door of the bedroom and walking inside.
"oh, i just know this bed is comfortable as hell." Bianca mumbled to herself, looking at the queen-sized mattress, as she gently laid Kamari on the bed and took off his shoes, sitting them by the door while she took off her slides and placed them by his.
taking off her purse, Bianca sat it on the small wooden table next to the bed and unzipped it as she sat down on the bed and pulled out her phone, checking her notifications and going through them while she heard footsteps come closer to the room.
"made yourself at home?" Jo-Vaughn chuckled, a small smile on his face, as he closed the door and took off his shoes, leaving them beside Bianca and Kamari's shoes while he walked over to the bed.
"somethin' like that," Bianca chuckled, texting Nia back, as she turned off her phone and slipped it back inside her purse, "i can't wait to sleep on this comfortable ass bed. you picked a good ass mattress, J."
"you gon' be complimentin' me all day, huh?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, chuckling, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and sat it on the other small wooden table on his side of the bed, "we got about a 4-hour flight anyways, so you'll be well-rested before we land."
"i just might, depending on what other surprise you got up yo' sleeve," Bianca chuckled, putting her legs on the bed, as she carefully grabbed Kamari and laid him between her and Jo-Vaughn, "and shit, i hope so. with how comfortable this bed is, it feels like i'm layin' on clouds."
"yeah, and you wonder why i bought it," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, laying on his back, as he rested his arms underneath his head and closed his eyes, "goodnight, baby mama."
Bianca chuckled softly and lay on the bed as she laid on her right side and her eyes gradually shut, "goodnight, baby daddy."
"Mommyyyy, wake up!" the sound of Kamari's enthusiasm-filled voice rang through Bianca's eardrums and she felt his dainty hands shake her by the shoulders, making a smile slowly spread across her face while her eyes fluttered open, "we're hereeee!"
Bianca's eyes locked onto her widely smiling child and she looked around the room to spot Jo-Vaughn, but he was nowhere to be found. assuming he was in the cockpit with Francis, Bianca let out a giggle at Kamari shaking her again, despite her being fully awake, and she wrapped her arms around his body while she sat up.
"your daddy told you where we were goin', huh?" Bianca asked, chuckling, as she smiled at the elated toddler and Kamari nodded his head eagerly.
"yes, ma'am. he told me we're going after we stop at the hotel." Kamari smiled, resting his hands on her shoulders, as Bianca reached into her purse and grabbed her phone.
"you know the name of the hotel, papa?" Bianca asked, turning on her phone, as she checked her notifications and Kamari played with the ends of her braids.
"yeah, but... i don't know how to say it. Daddy told me i said it wrong." Kamari explained, occupying himself with her hair, as Bianca chuckled and went through her unread messages, seeing some texts from Nia and Malcolm.
"it's the Waldorf Astoria hotel," Jo-Vaughn chimed in, walking into the room, as Bianca glanced up at him and Kamari looked back at him, "i was stuck between choosing that one and the Ritz-Carlton, but i made my decision about two nights ago."
"aren't both of those expensive 5-star hotels? don't be spendin' all that money at one time, J, i told you about that." Bianca advised, shooting a text to her friend and her talking stage, as she turned off her phone and slipped it back into her purse.
"as long as i'm makin' you and my son happy, i don't care 'bout nunna' that, B. and you know that," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, walking towards the bed, as he plopped down on his stomach beside Bianca and Kamari, "plus, it ain't like i'm not gon' get it back. the money flow don't stop, baby. ain't that right, K?"
"yeah!" Kamari smiled, watching his father raise his hand, as Kamari gave him a high five and Jo-Vaughn smiled at him while Bianca let out a laugh.
"you two are gonna be the death of me one day," Bianca chuckled, untying the black durag on Kamari's cornrows, as she removed the rag from his head and ran her fingers over his scalp, "where's Francis?"
"he went to go get the Rolls Royce so he can drive us to the hotel." Jo-Vaughn explained, watching Bianca slip their son's durag in her purse, as Bianca's brows furrowed and she looked over at him, playfully tugging at the gold hoop in his ear before reaching to remove his stocking cap.
"Jo-Vaughn, how much money have you spent?" Bianca asked, raising a brow, as she removed his stocking cap from his low-cut hair and ran her fingers over it while one of her acrylics slid through the side-parted cut in his hair.
"i'm not tellin' you all'at... you gon' be tryna' whup me." Jo-Vaughn defended, chuckling, as Bianca playfully rolled her eyes and the sound of a car horn sounded off from outside, causing Bianca to glance out of the bedroom door.
"Daddy, what's a Rolls Royce?" Kamari asked cluelessly, watching Jo-Vaughn get up from
the bed to grab his shoes, as Kamari climbed off of Bianca's lap and sat at the end of the bed so his father could put his shoes on.
"it's a car, little one," Jo-Vaughn explained, crouching down in front of him, as he grabbed one of Kamari's feet and slipped his shoe on, "remember when you saw that car on TV with the stars on the ceiling?"
"it's one of them?" Kamari asked in awe, his eyes lighting up, as Jo-Vaughn put on his other shoe and looked up at him with a small smile before nodding his head, "i wanna see!"
"Mr. Scott, i've prepared the car!" the sound of Francis's voice caused electricity to run through Kamari's little body, and he hopped off of the bed and ran out of the room as his eyes locked on Francis, who was standing by the door of the jet.
"Mr. Francis, does the car really have stars on the ceiling?" Kamari asked, smiling widely, as Francis looked down at him and smiled at his ecstatic face.
"yes, it does, little man. you wanna see?" Francis smiled as Kamari jumped up and down in excitement and quickly nodded his head.
"yes, please!" Kamari exclaimed excitedly as he and Francis left the jet, leaving Jo-Vaughn and Bianca there by themselves.
"his lil' ass gon' be bouncin' off walls all day long," Bianca chuckled, grabbing her purse, as she stood up from the bed and walked towards the door of the bedroom to slip on her shoes, "and i don't know how many times i gotta' tell you to stop callin' me pet names, especially in front of 'Mari. he's young, he could get confused."
"ain't nothin' for our lil' man to be confused about. his daddy loves his mama, that's all that is," Jo-Vaughn declared, a small smirk on his face, as Bianca slipped on her shoes and attempted to walk past him but Jo-Vaughn stopped her by wrapping his arm around her waist, "and i ain't stoppin' 'til i get you back, B, i told you that. you can resist it all you want, but by the time this trip ends, you gon' be all mine again, shorty."
Bianca stared into his eyes and her body tingled from his touch as she rested her hands on his chest and thought about pushing him away, but she soon got lost in her thoughts instead of acting upon them. his words sounded eerily similar to the words Nia had spoken to her this morning, and it made her wonder if Nia secretly was in on what Jo-Vaughn had planned, but knowing how Nia is, she wouldn't admit it unless it worked in her favor.
sooner or later, Bianca would eventually cave into Jo-Vaughn's advances. since the two were together for a few years, he knew all of her weaknesses, and he could easily use them to his advantage, which made Bianca slightly nervous.
one usage of one of her "worst" weaknesses, and she was bound to be bent over in their hotel room at the end of the night.
"whatever you say, Joey," Bianca mumbled, breaking their eye contact, as she felt
butterflies in her stomach and lightly removed his arm from around her, "stop tryna' romance me and let's go. Kamari ain't gon' be occupied with those stars for that long, J."
Jo-Vaughn chuckled and cracked a smile as he followed behind Bianca and the two made their way to the exit of the jet, his eyes trailing down her figure and stopping at her ass while he ran his tongue over his lips, "you got a point... but i know what can occupy me."
"Jo-Vaughn, i'ma slap yo' nasty ass with my purse."
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"this room is beautiful... you really outdid yourself with this, J." Bianca chuckled, smiling, as the three walked into the hotel room and Kamari immediately took off running down the short hallway.
"i had to get the best for you and KJ, so i got a luxury suite. there's two bedrooms in here, a master bedroom and a kid's bedroom, so—"
"wait. one master bedroom?" Bianca asked, her brows furrowing, as Jo-Vaughn looked over at her and nodded his head, "so i gotta' share a bed with you?"
"you got a problem with sleepin' next to me, B?" Jo-Vaughn asked, chuckling, as the two made their way down the hallway and walked into the master bedroom that was across from the kid's bedroom.
"i'd rather sleep on the couch—"
"Bianca, if you think i'm lettin' you sleep on the couch, you must not know who you had a baby by," Jo-Vaughn cut her off as he sat their suitcases on the king-sized bed, "you not 'bout to sleep on that couch when this bed is sittin' right here, you heard? i'on know what typa' man you think i am, but i ain't the typa' man to let his lady sleep on the couch."
a sly smirk crossed Bianca's face at him fussing at her for wanting to sleep on the couch, and butterflies filled her stomach for a second time as she dropped the smirk from her face once she saw Jo-Vaughn look back at her and the two locked eyes while Bianca crossed her arms.
"yes, baby father," Bianca jokingly grouched, playfully rolling her eyes at him, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled at her and Bianca walked out of the room to check on Kamari, "Kamari Jahlil, stop jumpin' on this bed!"
Bianca laughed at seeing Kamari bounce on his bed and he giggled at her fussing at him as he slid off of the bed and walked over to Bianca, holding his arms up and signaling for her to pick him up.
"you wanna go look at the view with Mommy?" Bianca asked, smiling, as she picked him up and sat him on her hip while Kamari nodded his head and the two made their way to the living room.
opening the sliding door to the balcony, the summer breeze gently slapped the two in the face as they stepped onto the balcony, looking out at the clear blue sky and the warm sunlight shining over the sand and ocean across from them.
"it's pretty." Kamari spoke softly in awe, his dark brown eyes watching the sun reflect on the ocean, as Bianca smiled and nodded her head, removing her braids from underneath Kamari's arm and feeling them sway behind her head.
"it really is, papa," Bianca smiled as she heard footsteps behind her and looked over her shoulder, seeing Jo-Vaughn standing in the living room with his phone pointed towards her, "are you recording us?"
"maybe," Jo-Vaughn smiled, playfully winking, as he posted the video to his Instagram story with his song "Fallin'" attached to it and stuffed his phone into his pocket, "y'all ready to go to Disney World or y'all just gon' stand there and look at the view the whole trip?"
"i'm ready!" Kamari exclaimed, smiling, as he jumped down from Bianca's arms and ran over to Jo-Vaughn, making both of the adults laugh while Bianca walked inside and closed and locked the sliding door behind her.
"okay, Spongebob Jr, let's get you to Disney World."
"bye, Mickey!" Kamari smiled, waving goodbye to the employee in the Mickey Mouse costume, as the employee waved back to him and Bianca smiled at the sight, holding into his small hand while he clutched three of her fingers since her hand was too big to hold.
not only was the trip to Disney World enjoyable to Kamari, but Bianca and Jo-Vaughn enjoyed themselves as well. the family of three road rides together, took pictures, and even indulged in some of the food they had. despite underestimating how much fun she'd have, Bianca was starting to become grateful she agreed to come on the trip. though it was only for Kamari, she managed to enjoy herself as much as he did, and the smile on her face was almost as big as his.
though Kamari looked like Jo-Vaughn, it was safe to say that he and Bianca shared more mannerisms than he did with his father.
"you enjoyed yourself, papa?" Bianca asked, smiling, as she adjusted the Mickey Mouse ears on his head and the charm bracelet Jo-Vaughn bought for her at the gift shop jingled on her wrist with each movement her hand made.
"yeah! Daddy, can we go back one day?" Kamari smiled widely, looking up at his father, as Jo-Vaughn looked down at him and adjusted the matching Mickey Mouse ears on his head while he smiled at him.
"we can back for ya birthday next year, deal?" Jo-Vaughn offered, raising one of his thin brows, as he lowered his right hand down to him since he was holding onto his left one and held out his pinky finger, making Kamari's smile widen while his dimples poked through his cheeks and he locked his pinky finger with his.
"deal!" Kamari smiled as he and Jo-Vaughn gave each other a high five and Kamari looked up at Bianca while he held his pinky finger up to her, "Mommy, you're coming too, right?"
"of course, 'Mari. i wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." Bianca smiled, lowering her left hand down to him since he was holding onto her right one, as she locked her pinky around his and Kamari giggled in delight, the two sharing a high five while they approached the white Rolls Royce that Francis was sitting in.
"what else you got planned, J?" Bianca asked, averting her attention to her baby father, as she fixed one of her braids underneath her Minnie Mouse ears and Jo-Vaughn looked over at her, causing the two to make eye contact.
"you like boats?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, a small smirk on his face, as Bianca raised her brows and let out a soft chuckle in shock, watching him open the car door for her while Kamari slipped inside the backseat.
"Joey, you didn't." Bianca spoke in disbelief, getting into the seat next to Kamari, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled at her reaction and closed her door, walking over to his side and opening his own.
"i definitely did," Jo-Vaughn smirked, getting inside the vehicle, as he closed the door behind him and gave Kamari his Donald Duck plush while he looked up at Francis in the driver seat, "yo, Francis, you remember that boat dock i was tellin' you about two days ago? i need you to take me there."
"right away, sir."
"Jo-Vaughn!" Bianca gasped, her jaw dropping at the sight of the boat, as she looked over at him and noticed a wide smile on his face, "this is... oh, my God, it's so pretty!"
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"and before you ask me about the price, i ain't buy it. i rented it for the day," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, holding Kamari in his arms, as the driver of the boat appeared before them and Jo-Vaughn bent down to dap him up, "wassup, bro. Bianca, this my homie Alejandro, he gon' be drivin' the boat for us. Al, this is my baby mama Bianca and our son Kamari."
"ah, so you the girl i hear him talk about often. it's nice to meet you," Alejandro smiled, his Spanish accent heavily audible in his speech, as he shook the woman's hand and looked over at Kamari before holding his hand up to give a high five, "hey, little guy."
"hi," Kamari smiled softly, giving him a high five, as he heard the sound of a dog barking and his eyes lit up, "you have a dog?"
"a baby French Bulldog, to be exact. you wanna see her, buddy?" Alejandro asked, smiling, as Kamari nodded his head and looked at his parents for permission, the both of them nodding their heads while Jo-Vaughn lowered him down onto the boat.
"Mala don't bite, do she?" Jo-Vaughn asked, holding onto Bianca's hand, as Bianca cautiously stepped down from the dock and into the boat.
"nah, she's a sweetheart. i made sure to train her well so she wouldn't attack non-threatening people," Alejandro assured as Jo-Vaughn stepped down into the boat and the sound of dog claws hitting the ground got closer to them, making the four of them look back and see the 2-month-old gray French Bulldog approaching them, "Ms. Bianca and Kamari, this is Mala, my dog."
Kamari smiled at the sight of the dog and approached the animal as Mala sat in front of him and looked up at him, watching him lower his hand down to her head while he pet her. Mala leaned into Kamari's hand and Bianca smiled at the sight as she pulled out her phone and started recording, making sure to get the adorable sight on camera so she could send it to her best friend.
"if you'll excuse me, i'll go start the boat."
"so you talk about me, huh?" Bianca asked, smirking, as she looked over at Jo-Vaughn and Jo-Vaughn chuckled, looking over at her while his arm rested behind her.
"it's hard not to talk about a woman that's heaven-sent," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, running his tongue over his lips, as he looked down at the floor of the boat and watched Kamari pet Mala, who was half-asleep in his small lap, "i still talk to my friends and my mama about you."
"Mama Scott still asks about me?" Bianca asked, her eyes lighting up at the mention of her ex-mother-in-law, as Jo-Vaughn looked over at her and nodded his head, a small smile creeping onto his face once he noticed the sparkle in her eyes.
"mhm. she still calls you her daughter-in-law," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, a smile on his face, as Bianca cracked a smile and looked out at the view, "when i told her i wanted to get you back, she told me she believed in me because she knew how much i love you. she told me "a man who truly loves a woman will fight for her", and it made me realize how much i care about you because i haven't given up on us."
Bianca felt butterflies flutter in her stomach for a third time and she looked over at him as the two stared into one another's eyes, their pupils dilating in love while Bianca's smile slightly widened. though she was talking to another man and going on dates with him, nobody could ever compare to Jo-Vaughn, and she knew this. she couldn't love another man as much as she loved him, but she had no shame in trying to see if she could find love in another person.
the men she dated after Jo-Vaughn were sweethearts and so was the one she was talking to now, but with how much time and effort Jo-Vaughn put into pursuing her, it seemed as if trying to date other men was practically a waste of time.
without either of them realizing it, their faces had gotten closer to one another's, causing Bianca's breathing to slightly speed up, and before the two could share a kiss, Jo-Vaughn moved his face back from hers, a small smirk on his face while he watched her mindlessly squeeze her thighs together.
"this motherfucker here." Bianca thought, feeling a pulse between her legs, as she wiped her sweaty palms on her romper and watched the man look out at the view.
"the view's nice, ain't it?" Jo-Vaughn complimented, changing the topic, as Bianca slyly pulled out her phone and opened her camera.
"it really is," Bianca added, glancing up at the scenery, as she raised her phone, "pose for me real quick."
looking back at her, Jo-Vaughn noticed the phone in her hands and he chuckled as he posed, making Bianca smile while she took the picture and went to her camera roll to see how it turned out.
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"ooh, who that is? he look like he the man." Jo-Vaughn joked, a playful grin on his face, as he looked at the photo and Bianca laughed while she shook her head at him.
"don't get cocky, Joey."
"can i have a dog like Mr. Al?" Kamari asked, looking up at his parents, as the adults chuckled and Jo-Vaughn unlocked the door to the hotel room, opening the door and letting Kamari and Bianca walk in first while he walked in behind him.
"if you're good, i might buy you one for Christmas," Jo-Vaughn chuckled, closing the door behind him, as he watched Kamari walk down the hallway and Bianca walk over to the couch, "don't neither of y'all get too comfortable 'cause we leavin' in a minute."
"leaving? where we goin'?" Bianca asked, her brows furrowing, as Kamari peeked around the corner and looked at his father in slight confusion mixed with excitement.
"we gotta' eat, right? so i'm takin' y'all to The Palm." Jo-Vaughn smiled as Bianca's face dropped and her brows raised while Kamari's little brows furrowed and he looked between his parents.
"what's The Palm?" Kamari asked, leaning against the wall, as Bianca looked over at him.
"it's a fancy restaurant, papa," Bianca answered as she turned her attention back to Jo-Vaughn, "and it's extremely expensive. you don't listen to me at all when i tell you not to spend so much money, do you?"
"it's for a good cause, ain't it?" Jo-Vaughn asked, raising his brows, as Bianca playfully rolled her eyes at him and Jo-Vaughn chuckled at her, "now you and K go get dressed."
"Joey, i didn't pack anything that would fit the atmosphere of a fancy restaurant—"
"who said anything about what you packed?" Jo-Vaughn asked, a small smirk on his face, as Bianca's brows furrowed in confusion and Jo-Vaughn's smirk widened at the sight, "go look on the bed in our bedroom, B."
Bianca stepped away from the couch and made her way down the short hallway with Kamari by her side and Jo-Vaughn walking behind her as she walked into the bedroom and saw three dry-cleaners bags on the bed, a shoebox on top of each bag and making a wide smile cross Bianca's face while she looked back at Jo-Vaughn.
"what's all this?" Bianca asked, smiling, as Kamari walked over to the bed and ran his tiny fingers on the small bag of clothing, lightly tilting his head at it to see if he could make out what was in the bag.
"i had Francis go pick up some clothes and shoes for me while we was on the boat. while you and K walked down the dock, i was talking to him about restaurants i could take y'all to and he told me about The Palm. as you could tell by the three bags and boxes, i ain't pack no appropriate clothes for a fancy restaurant either," Jo-Vaughn explained, chuckling, as Bianca approached the bed and her eyes lit up once she realized the bag in the middle had a dress in it, "the first one's mine, the second one's yours, and the third one's KJ's."
"now, for the second time, get dressed." Jo-Vaughn playfully smirked, raising his brow, as Bianca and Kamari looked at each other before looking over at Jo-Vaughn.
"yes, sir!"
"...it takes time to look this good and you rushin' me?" Bianca exclaimed from the bathroom, adjusting her ponytail, as she pushed up her breasts in her dress and made sure her areolas and nipples were covered and not slipping out, hearing footsteps approach the bathroom door and immediately recognizing whose they were.
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though Bianca was slightly taken aback by Jo-Vaughn remembering what size she wore in clothes and heels, she couldn't lie and say that he didn't have good taste. he knew what looked good on her, and it was evident due to the dress he had Francis purchase.
"girl, if you don't—" Jo-Vaughn cut himself off once he saw her and a smile crept onto his face as he analyzed her from head to toe and licked his lips at the sight of her, "i knew you'd look good in that dress."
"i'm surprised you still remember what size i wear." Bianca chuckled, adjusting the silver 'B' necklace around her neck, as she picked up her silver hoops and put them in her ears, her eyes landing on Jo-Vaughn through the mirror while she slightly smirked at seeing him be memorized by her appearance.
"i remember everything about you, B." Jo-Vaughn admitted, admiration shining in his tone, as Bianca's heart fluttered from his words and she looked away from his reflection in the mirror, looking back at herself and watching a big grin spread across her face.
"you do?" Bianca asked, grinning, as Jo-Vaughn looked at her through the mirror and nodded his head, "so, you remember how i reacted when you told me that "Love Is Only a Feeling" was about me?"
"man," Jo-Vaughn laughed, shaking his head, as Bianca laughed and turned to face him, "you cried like a baby when i sang that shit to you. i ain't know whether to keep singin' or hold you."
"and you did both. i still remember that moment," Bianca smiled, chuckling, as Jo-Vaughn smiled at her and Bianca soon started blushing, making her break their eye contact while she turned off the bathroom and grabbed Jo-Vaughn's hand, "now c'mon and let's go eat. i know K's probably hungry as hell sitting in the living room in his lil' tuxedo."
"you put 'Mari to sleep?" Bianca asked, walking out of the bathroom, as Jo-Vaughn stood by his side of the bed and put his phone on the charger, laying it on the bedside table while he looked up at her.
"yeah, i just laid him down. after he went to sleep, i took a shower in the other bathroom so i wouldn't bother you," Jo-Vaughn explained as his eyes scanned her attire before locking on her oversized shirt, "you still sleep in my shirts?"
"i never stopped. you left some of your shirts at my house, so i kept wearing 'em." Bianca chuckled, earning a smile from Jo-Vaughn, as she walked over to her side of the bed and grabbed her phone changer from her bedside table, plugging her phone up and sitting it down.
though Bianca scolded Jo-Vaughn about how much money he's spent, dinner was probably her favorite part of their eventful day. the family of three conversed, ate, and still managed to have smiles on their faces. after they ate, Kamari had gotten sleepy, and he ended up falling asleep in the car on the way back to the hotel, which resulted in Jo-Vaughn carrying him up to the room and giving him a bath before putting him to bed.
Bianca's bath had left her relaxed and refreshed, and all she could think about was crawling into bed and heading straight to sleep, but with Jo-Vaughn around, she knew it wouldn't be that easy.
"i remember one time i came home from tour and saw you wrapped up in one of my hoodies." Jo-Vaughn chuckled, smiling, as Bianca laughed and walked over to the vanity near Jo-Vaughn's side of the room, sitting down on the cushioned chair in front of the mirror while she grabbed her head scarf.
"i was lonely and it smelled like you, okay? don't bully me for that." Bianca laughed, wrapping her scarf around her scalp, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled and walked towards the end of the bed, sitting down on it while he looked at her with love in his eyes.
"i miss you, girl." Jo-Vaughn spoke with an unintelligible tone in his voice, a small smile on resting his face, as Bianca looked at him through the mirror she was sitting in front of and ran her fingers through her braids.
"how can you miss me when i'm right here?—"
"nah, B, i'm talking 'bout when we was together. i miss us. i miss how shit used to be. i know we ended on good terms, but sometimes i can't help but to think about what would've happened to us if we didn't grow apart. you would've probably been my wife by now," Jo-Vaughn admitted as Bianca's eyes broke his eye contact and looked down at her lap, "i miss hearin' you call me all them cute nicknames. i miss kissin' you, holdin' you, spendin' time with you... i miss being with you, B. not being with you feels like a part of me is gone and there's a void in my heart. you're the missin' piece of my puzzle piece, girl. without you, i'll always remain incomplete."
"Jo-Vaughn..." Bianca spoke softly, searching for words to form a proper response, as she looked up at him through her mirror for the second time, letting her eyes tell the story her mouth couldn't say.
"i know you miss me too, B. you been frontin' for too long and i can see through all'at shit," Jo-Vaughn added, standing up from the bed, as he walked closer to Bianca and stood beside her, "but there's one thing standin' in my way of gettin' to you, and i know you know what it is."
Bianca parted her lips to speak but no words exited her mouth as she looked up at Jo-Vaughn, confusion filling her mind before it abruptly clicked that he was talking about Malcolm. Bianca's mouth shut at the realization and she swallowed the lump growing in her throat as she watched Jo-Vaughn's demeanor change and she wiped her now sweaty palms on her thighs.
"h...how do you know about him?" Bianca asked, her voice as low as a whisper, as Jo-Vaughn chuckled and cupped her face in his hand, rubbing her cheek with his thumb while he leaned down to her.
"you think Kamari not gon' tell me 'bout the nigga you been bringin' around him?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, raising a brow, as goosebumps spread across Bianca's body and her throat became dry, "you forgot that you mines, mama? hm? or do i gotta' remind you?"
Bianca gently gripped her knees to keep herself poised and her breathing turned irregular as she looked up at her baby father and swallowed the second lump growing in her throat before parting her lips to speak, "...remind me."
Bianca's eyes rolled back as the bed rocked underneath her, a pillow wedged between the headboard and the wall to keep from making too much noise. Jo-Vaughn's hand rested on her mouth to silence her loud noises and the arch in her back deepened at feeling him roughly smack her ass, making her whimper in his palm while he grabbed a handful of her braids and pulled her back to his chest.
"you been frontin' all day, baby. now look at you. being a good girl and takin' this dick how you 'posed to," Jo-Vaughn cooed, a small smirk on his face, as he let go of her hair and rested his hand on one of her breasts, teasing and tugging at her nipple while he kissed her earlobe, "you missed me, pretty?"
"y-yes! oh, God, baby, don't stop!" Bianca whimpered against his palm, gently wrapping her hand around his wrist, as she rested her other hand on top of the one on her breast and her brows furrowed while her nipples hardened against Jo-Vaughn's touch.
who would've known that this would've been the end result of their first day on their family trip? Jo-Vaughn might've known and Nia knew off the bat, but Bianca? poor Bianca was clueless about what was to come later on.
"youn' know how bad i been missin' you, B. how much i craved havin' you like this again. i missed hearin' you call out for me and moan my name while i gave you this dick like my life depended on it. i missed feelin' you hold on to me as tight as you could because i was overstimulatin' you and you couldn't take it. i missed watchin' those tears roll down your face as i hit that spot," Jo-Vaughn spoke explicitly in her ear, kissing her earlobe, as he sneakily slid deeper and Bianca let out a squeal against his hand, "hearin' you say my name gives me the best ego boost of my fuckin' life, mama. the way you moan it, whimper it, whine it, cry it out, drag it out... the way it rolls off your tongue could make a nigga buss right then and there."
"Jo-Vaughnnnn..." Bianca whined, her hips slightly bucking at feeling him thrust from a different angle, as she gently squeezed his wrist, "you m-make me feel so g-good, Daddy..."
"just like that, baby. say my name just like that. you look so pretty when you say that shit," Jo-Vaughn groaned in her ear, lightly tugging at her earlobe with his teeth, as the speed of Jo-Vaughn's strokes sped up and Bianca's eyes rolled back for a second time, "you got me hooked on you, girl. and you think i'm gon' let another nigga experience this? you got me fucked up, B."
"can't no other nigga make you feel the way i make you feel, and you know that. so for you to prance around with all these niggas on ya arm like they could even top me is some fuckin' bullshit, yo," Jo-Vaughn growled, removing his hand from her mouth, as he wrapped his hand around her neck and roughly squeezed the sides of it, "they can't make you cum like i can, make you moan like i can, make you run from the dick like i can, make you squirm like i can, make you cream like i can... shit, them niggas can't even eat this pussy like i can, baby. can't none of these muh'fuckas' compare to me, and you know that, shorty."
"you let them niggas in my pussy? huh?" Jo-Vaughn asked, his tone aggressive, as he turned her head towards him, "and look at me when i'm fuckin' talkin' to you, shorty. show me those pretty brown eyes."
"n-no, Daddy, i swearrrr! i-i swear, i didn't give 'em yo' pussy," Bianca whimpered, her submissive gaze locking with his dominant one, as she bit down on her bottom lip to suppress her moans and she felt herself become wetter from his possessiveness, making a feeble whimper come from her lips while her eyes fluttered a bit, "i-i was keepin' it t-tight for you, baby..."
"aw, you kept it tight for me, princess?" Jo-Vaughn smiled sadistically, shoving his inches deeper inside of her walls, as Bianca's jaw dropped and no sound exited her mouth while she vigorously nodded her head in response, "you ain't let ya old niggas hit? not even ole' dude you with now? — and you know exactly who i'm talkin' 'bout, so don't play crazy. i'm glad he ain't get to experience it... shit, he wouldn't be able to handle all this good ass pussy even if you offered it to him."
"well guess what, B? i'm comin' back for good, so let that nigga know all this shit mine," Jo-Vaughn growled, smacking her ass and leaving a red handprint behind, as Bianca felt his tip aggressively smash into her g-spot and she gasped, her grip suddenly tightening on him while her brows furrowed, "make any type of loud ass noise and i promise you i'll leave you here wet and horny without a single orgasm."
Bianca quickly covered her mouth and her eyes rolled back as her inner thighs began tingling, pleasure coursing through her veins while she felt herself slowly being pushed into overstimulation. tears pricked at her eyes and muffled moans and cries fell from her covered mouth as her headscarf slipped off her head and onto the bed, making her quickly grab it and toss it on the floor so it wouldn't be covered in her juices.
"babyyyy," Bianca whined, her brows furrowing, as she rested her hand on Jo-Vaughn's toned lower abdomen and attempted to push him away, "i-i can't—"
"mm-mm, move yo' hand, baby. you know you can handle this dick, c'mon now. look at how good you creamin' around it, princess, and you tellin' me you can't take it?" Jo-Vaughn questioned, a smirk on his face, as he raised his brow at the woman and watched her slowly retreat her hand from his stomach, making his smirk widen while he watched her body temple, "there you go, mama, look at you. takin' this dick like a big girl. i knew you could do it, you takin' all of it so good."
"it's s-so muchhh," Bianca cried, tears slipping down her cheeks, as a sadistic smile found its way onto Jo-Vaughn's face for a second time and he lightly tilted his head at her, "y-you hittin' my spot, Daddyyy..."
"i wish you could see how pretty you look right now. tears rollin' down ya face, hand coverin' ya mouth, eyes unfocusin' and rollin' back... you look so fuckin' good with that fucked-out look on ya face, mama," Jo-Vaughn cooed, biting down on his bottom lip, as Bianca's legs began to tremble and her cream and wetness began coating her inner thighs due to how rapidly it was oozing out of her, "i'm the luckiest muh'fucka' ever, mama. as long as i got you, i'll be the happiest nigga on the plant. this fame and fortune don't mean shit to me if i ain't got you to share it with. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Bianca. and i'll be damned if i gotta' stand by and watch another nigga experience the way you make me feel. i love you too much to let that shit just ride past me."
"i-i love you so much more, Jo-Vaughn," Bianca moaned, both of her hands now covering her mouth due to how much intense pleasure was hitting her at once, as her eyes rolled back for the millionth time and she tossed her head back onto Jo-Vaughn's broad shoulder, "o-oh, my God, i'm 'bout to cum!"
"tell me you mines and i'll let you cum. c'mon, let me hear those words leave those pretty lips," Jo-Vaughn cooed, kissing up and down her neck, as Bianca roughly bit down on her lip to suppress the loud moan that wanted to exit her mouth and her grip tightened on her face, "if i don't hear you say it, don't even think about bussin', pretty."
"i'm yours! yours, yours, yourssss! please, please, please let me cum! i can't hold it anymore!" Bianca cried loudly, her loudness being muffled by her hands, as tears streamed down her face at a quicker rate and she sobbed into her hands, her orgasm practically screaming to be released.
"cum for me, princess. let it alll out on yo' dick. gimme all that good shit." Jo-Vaughn's words made Bianca's knees buckle, and she leaned onto him for support as sounds of her gushiness sounded out into the bedroom and her jaw dropped, her eyes rolling back and her back arching deeply while her climax hit her like a freight train. a squeal fell from her lips as she came, her walls clenching and unclenching around Jo-Vaughn's phallus and earning groans from him as it did so.
her body tensed up and her bottom lip retreated between her teeth as she bit down on it so hard that it nearly bled, her chest heaving up and down at an irregular pace while Jo-Vaughn's deep strokes began slowing down. he placed kisses on her neck, ear, and the side of her face as he stroked her through her orgasm, his grip loosening on her neck while he caressed her breasts. removing her hands from her mouth, Bianca let out a soft and heavy sigh and her body relaxed as her vision corrected itself while she stared at the ceiling, letting everything that happened marinate in her mind while she breathed in through her nose and out through her parted lips.
"you know i love you, don't you?" Jo-Vaughn mumbled against her neck, making Bianca smile, as Bianca chuckled and ran her tongue over her lips, letting go of his wrist and wrapping her arm around his neck while she rubbed the nape of his neck.
"I know, baby, I know. I love you too."
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perfectsunlight · 6 months
✧ 𝟬𝟳 ✧ nonchalant
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: n/a
𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 | 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁
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there were very few things that made bada lee feel scared.
but she never thought an upset american girl would be one of them.
“leaving your things in my room is a bit childish, don’t you think?” bada’s tone was sarcastic, but laced with a hint of pointed blame at the younger girl. her back was leaning against the cement wall, arms folded against her chest in a manner only described as nonchalant. or at least, attempted nonchalance.
the older girl merely shrugged at y/n’s silence, her expression still unreadable. “apologies aren't really your thing, are they?” she remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice. "but don't worry, i'm used to it."
silence failed to fill the void because of y/n’s feisty remark. “oh that’s rich coming from you, don’t you think?” the younger girl hissed, pointing a finger up at the taller girl. it took every fiber in her being to not punch bada square in the face. 
the last time they were this close, she almost did.
bebe’s leader scoffed lightly, feeling her patience already wearing thin. y/n king always had a knack for making the waves choppy.
she narrowed her eyes slightly, scanning the younger girl’s face for any sign of emotion other than anger and annoyance. “why did you leave it there? because i know i didn’t grab it.” 
y/n’s expression hardened, her jaw set in defiance as she squared her shoulders. bada was entirely taller than she was, but the younger girl didn’t care. it wasn’t like it made her any less punch-able.
she was never scared of bada. not even now.
“and what if i did?” the younger shot back, her voice sharp with defiance. “what are you going to do about it?”
bada pushed herself off the wall and closed the distance between herself and the younger girl. the familiar scent of chanel perfume lingered in her nose before she leaned back slightly.  “you think you can intimidate me with a jacket?” she murmured, her voice low and almost scoffing.
“you're delusional, y/n.”
the american’s eyes narrowed, a cold smile playing at the corners of her lips. “am i?” she whispered, her voice light but dangerous. truth be told, bada was already anxious about this competition. but with y/n being in it?
she was terrified.
“we both know there's more between us than just a jacket.” 
bada's breath caught in her throat, a wave of conflicting past emotions washing over her. of course y/n would bring that up now.
“there is nothing between us,” she quickly stated, her voice strained but defiant.  “and what happened has got nothing to do with this competition.”
it almost felt like she lied through her teeth. but nevertheless, she was a leader. and team bebe needed her to focus on nothing else but the competition ahead.
silence passed between the two for less than a moment, and it almost felt like y/n was giving the older girl a chance to take back her words. 
needless to say, she didn’t. 
there were very few things that made bada lee feel scared.
but nothing scared her more than the upset american girl in front of her.
y/n's smile widened, a cruel glint in her eyes. if bada squinted, she could make out her own reflection in the younger girl’s eyes.
“oh, but it does," the american replied, her voice dripping with pure malice. it was a tone bada had never heard before, not from y/n or from anyone. it made her uneasy. it made her feel out of place.
it was an odd feeling, especially for someone of her caliber. but nothing made her blood run cold like the way y/n’s next words did.
“because this time, i'm going to make sure you lose everything.”
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✧ 𝗧𝗔𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧 ✧ ⸺ @10cmpulisic22 @zhivaxo @the2ndl @moonsvrse @arievlaw @awkwardtoafault @mightymyo @1luvkarina @jisooftme @angel-hyuckie @bangtancritterrrr @unforgivenangel @starchasermyloves @deadgirlwalking3 @cosettesrants @faatxma @santasbitch @jaeneohee @jxrdxnh @kaaylvst @jesuschrist2006 @enhapocketz @stinkbvgs @neuftaeng @sinifere @ocyeanicc @svt-rei @l-a-u-r-a--b @yunjinwrld @leo-dragon @phamminji
⸺ ✧ 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗗 ✧ ⸺
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beetlejuicyy · 10 months
Part 1 • Part 2
Bebe Gang AU
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Pairing: Gang member! Bada x reader
Synopsys: Bada takes you with her to a party. Her mistakes cost your safety as you're kidnapped by Wolf'Lo.
Warnings: none
Notes: im back!!! ive been wondering how to make this story more interesting so i hope you enjoy being kidnapped by chocol? hope you enjoy as always
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“That’s actually not as bad as I expected.” Bada sighed in relief when you came out of the room. She was lying down on your bed, scrolling through her phone while she waited for you to decide on what to wear.
“Do you mean I don’t know how to dress?” You asked. Still, you posed in front of her earning a wide and loving smile.
“No, I mean I thought you’d choose something more…” Bada waved her hand through the air as if searching for the word. “Racy? Is that a word?”
“So you thought I’d be a slut the very first time you actually include me in your mafia activities?” Bada rolled her eyes at you, as you checked your outfit in the mirror again.
“Don’t romanticize that.” She let the phone drop on the mattress as she walked behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and looking at both of your reflections in the mirror. “I just know that I have a gorgeous girlfriend.”
“I can’t kick your ass in laser tag in a cocktail dress after all.” You said.
Your girlfriend had been very spontaneous when she asked if you wanted to go with her to a chill get together at one of the guys’ house that night. They were going to get a special delivery of laser tag guns and it was gonna be fun, she promised. You were almost euphoric when you heard her. Somehow, it felt like Bada was being more serious about your relationship, since she was willing to bring you in the middle of her friends.
You were anxious though. In the back of your mind you couldn’t completely ignore the fact that some of those people were dangerous. Of course, not to you in particular since you were Bada’s plus one. The people she introduced you to were a few sweet girls that, between dancing classes, were buying and selling guns and weapons on the black market. Your girlfriend was the one administrating this whole deal, and it took you a bit of time to wrap your head around the idea that the very dance academy they were working at was basically a money laundering scheme.
When you finally arrived to the place, you were left speechless. Bada grinned as she was undoing her seat belt.
“Am I in a rich people drama?” You mumbled to yourself and she giggled because that had been her reaction too when she came for the first time. Now it was quite obvious that you were at the head of the gang’s house. Because it was more of a mansion. It made sense now, how they could play laser tag at home with that much space. You got out, anxious knowing you were about to meet so many new people. But you were happy because Bada would be next to you at all times.
The moment you got in you noticed how something in her attitude changed. Of course, you thought, around all these people she was something other than the sweet and playful girlfriend. From the moment you saw her outfit, black ripped jeans, a tight crop top, a black and white racer jacket and a black cap, you thought she looked cool. There were times when she would effortlessly look like a model no matter what she put on and your heart fluttered knowing you could call this gorgeous girl yours. But now, in a room full of guys with sleeve tattoos and girls who looked like they could beat those very guys up, Bada had a much more imposing posture and an ever cooler air to her. She greeted a lot of people, high-fived some, said a few jokes here and there as you were making your way to the kitchen. She introduced you to everyone you met on your way but you would forget the names as soon as another person would pop out of nowhere. Some people would play cards at a table, others would do shots or play on the gaming consoles. In a room to the right you saw a ping pong table. You tried your best not to look at them in an inappropriate way, knowing you’ve never been to this kind of big parties with this kind of people before. But, as Bada was pulling you by the hand through the people, you knew you looked like a confused deer in the headlights and it was obvious by the way some people would look at you from head to toe that they knew you were an outsider.
The kitchen was thankfully not as crowded, except for some people who would just come and go occasionally. The chairs around the kitchen table were missing so you looked around awkwardly, not knowing how you should sit or act. Bada crouched down, opening a cabinet and reaching out to grab a can of beer for each of you. It looked like it was a secret place, because she waited for two guys to lesbe the kitchen disappointed they didn’t find any more alcohol in the fridge. You hopped on the table, finding it a decent spot to sit, as she leaned against the counter in front of you. You gulped down the beer, realizing how refreshing it finally felt to lessen the tension in your body.
“Someone was thirsty.” Bada said, looking at you and it seemed that only now when you were sitting on that table she noticed how good those low waist cargo pants were hugging your hips. You noticed her eyes quietly taking their time, resting on your bare shoulders as you were wearing that off the shoulder T-shirt she loved on you.
“It’s your fault for looking like that.” You said and she grinned, coming closer to you. She leaned over you, her hands placed on the table at your sides supporting her weight.
“We just got here.” She said and the visor of her cap pushed against your forehead playfully.
“Are we interrupting something?” Lusher asked, obviously knowing the answer already. Bada pulled back and fixed the cap on her head with both hands and you looked the other way in embarrassment. The girls giggled and Bada leaned against the counter just like before, folding her arms in an awkward gesture. She was always close to her girls, you knew that much, but she would always get shy when they would see her crossing the intimacy boundaries with you.
As Lusher, Tatter and Sowoen walked into the kitchen you noticed they were wearing the same jacket as your girlfriend. They really looked like a gang from the movies now. They chatted with you for a while, making sure you felt comfortable and spilling some tea on the people around. You also found out from them that Minah, CheChe and Kyma were on their way to bring the main attraction of the night, the laser tag guns. It was on Bada’s orders, Tatter said, because she trusted them enough to let them deliver some real guns to another gang in the area on their own. They must have already finished the exchange and should have been on their way with the toy guns for the party. You looked at your girlfriend who was rather silent, enjoying to simply watch over her girls chatting. Bada was a very good leader for them, you thought.
Dragged by Sowoen, all of you went to play some games. She was very excited because, apparently, it was her first time at this kind of party too, although she was more laidback and carefree than you since she was familiar with most of the people. It was impressive to see how every time you got close to some group people would greet Bada first and immediately offer to make room for you or simply give up the game for your sake. It happened with Xbox, twice with ping pong and some guys rushed to bring more chairs for you around the table where they were playing cards, even if you were just watching. Lusher winked at you playfully almost like saying I-told-you-so without words. You’ll see how popular Bada unnie is. She had told you in the kitchen. More than popular, you were amazed by how respected she was. She would only decline the favors once, in a very cheerful tone, mostly because that was the polite way. However, they would insist and she would always find a place for you first, then sit right next to you. Now she was playing cards with a few guys and you were quietly sitting next to her.
Outside, you could see a group of people smoking something thicker than the usual cigarettes and you guessed it was cigars. Tatter had told you there was no reason to feel out of place here, after all a lot of people were coming with their plus one. Looking around, you noticed a few couples getting a bit too touchy. You saw two girls hurrying up the stairs holding hands to what you assumed would be a bedroom.
“I’ll go take some air.” You leaned to whisper in her Bada’s ear and she only nodded, looking very concentrated on the cards in her hands.
“I’ll finish here and I’ll come too.” She replied.
The night air was cold but refreshing after spending so much time around so many people. It was almost midnight when you checked the time on your phone and decided to stay on the terrace where those guys had smoked before leaving. You could see Bada through the window, although she didn’t know you were watching her. You saw Lusher walk towards one of the guys and grab him by the hand, cards falling from his sleeve. Your girlfriend slammed her cards against the table laughing. She took her cap off her head and brushed her fingers through her hair, a habit of hers that you found very sexy. As grateful as you were that she brought you there with her, you really wanted to go home and get laid. Or maybe there was an empty room for the two of you right there.
At some point you heard the engine of a car, then you saw Bada stand up and joyfully greet someone you couldn’t see. Now she wasn’t in your view anymore but you guessed that Minah, CheChe and Kyma were finally joining the party with the long awaited laser tag guns. The music was still loud and you had no idea what was happening but you knew your girlfriend would come for you when she was done, as she promised. Besides, it was such a pretty night and you rarely got to be outside this late.
“The party’s inside.” You heard an unfamiliar voice and realized you’ve been too lost looking at the stars. At an arm’s length away from you was a woman with orange toned hair and brown eyes piercing through yours.
“I was… taking some fresh air.” You said, startled. It was almost terrifying to you that she could get so close without you noticing.
“You’re not from here, are you now?” She asked, a grin curling at the side of her lips. She took one hand out of her pants’ pocket in a greeting gesture, closing in the distance between the two of you. “I’m Chocol.” Her voice was low and relaxed and for a moment you thought that you shouldn’t be talking to people without Bada around.
“I’m y/n.” Pressured by the social expectations or simply by Chocol’s persuasive look you took her hand and answered appropriately.
“You really are not from here.” She repeated, making your heart beat faster. You felt threatened for some reason, although her voice was gentle and she never showed any intention of harming you. From her reaction, you could tell that your choice to take her hand and introduce yourself was the wrong one.
“I haven’t seen you around either.” You said, although it didn’t mean much. She let go of your hand.
“There’s a lot of people here tonight.” She shrugged off your comment and you couldn’t argue. “Let me guess. You’re… someone’s plus one?” Chocol asked. A part of you wanted to run back inside. But she gave you no reason to – besides her pressuring stare as if trying to read your mind.
“Yeah I’m here with Bada.” It seemed like the safest thing to do in that moment. You had just witnessed how respected your girlfriend was amongst all those people. Dropping her name would be your easy way to get rid of this uncomfortable situation.
“Really?” She grinned. She was quite good looking, you thought. Your instincts were telling you something was off but if you thought about it she had done nothing wrong. Maybe you were exaggerating. “You should stick around her then.”
You only nodded in agreement, hoping the conversation would end here. Maybe you would both go inside. The music volume inside the house lowered all of a sudden. You found it odd.
“Who knows what alpha males started fighting now.” Chocol yawned, noticing you looked worried. “I wouldn’t go inside.” She said, as if she could read your mind. She seemed to know a lot of things, after all it was obvious she was part of this world.
But she also told you to stick around your girlfriend. You pondered on those words for a moment. It had been a while since you were out and Bada said she would be coming for you but she hadn’t. Now it looked like something was going on inside and maybe that was keeping her busy. You decided to look for her.
Just when you were taking your first step towards the door, you felt Chocol’s hand grab you by the wrist. The sound of a familiar hip hop song was gradually getting closer and louder as a car passed the front gates. Before you could react, Chocol had both your hands behind your back and a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t let out a sound.
“Sorry babe. You’re just collateral damage.” She said and, as your back pressed against her body, you felt the rough edges of the gun she had under her jacked.
Bada was growing bored with the game. Maybe it was more rewarding to have you by her side as she flexed her popularity and skills because ever since you went outside she wasn’t really into it anymore. Lusher noticed it and did her a favor by pointing out the obviously cheating player and everyone dropped their cards. A few words about the situation were exchanged and then she could finally join you. By the time she was ready to excuse herself, three girls came in, followed by two guys carrying a large and seemingly heavy container. People got excited, the main attraction of the night was finally here.
On her way to you, Bada decided to welcome her girls and congratulate them for their first independent deal. She was always with them, guiding and protecting especially the younger ones, but it was time to put her trust in them, although some unfriendly voices had told her it was too early. Minah was experienced enough, she argued, to take CheChe and Kyma and seal a simple deal. After all, the biggest advantage Bada’s girls had was that, looking at them, no one would think they were smuggling guns. On many occasions their innocent faces and charms fooled the police and mafia alike.
“Look who’s here!” Bada’s excited voice covered the noise as she opened her arms to welcome the three girls in a warm hug. She was proud of them and they started talking over each other about who they met, how everything went and how scary Minah looked when she was serious. They laughed together as the guys put the container on the floor with a loud thud and opened it. “What’s wrong?” Bada asked as the murmur of people grew quiet and the mood seemed to change around them.
“These are not laser tag guns.” One of the guys said. Stepping closer towards the box to see with her own eyes, she felt her heart stop for a moment, realizing what was going on.
“Girls?” She asked hesitantly but they were already next to her, wide eyes looking down at the container full of pistols. “What are these?” She asked, in a scolding tone. However, it was obvious that more than mad she was growing worried.
“It’s… the delivery for Wolf’Lo.” Minah said in a low voice.
“And what did you deliver?”
“If the real guns are here…” CheChe muttered but the pressure of everyone watching, witnessing a mistake like this was too pressuring to let her finish the sentence.
“Didn’t you open the container in front of them? Who picked them up?” Bada inquired. She had thought that it was an easy task, they never had issues with the girls from Wolf’Lo and besides she was friends with Yeni Cho, who assured her she would pick up the delivery. Everything was supposed to go smoothly, it should have been an opportunity for her youngest members to gain confidence and experience on their own.
“Yeni Cho said it’s not necessary… That she trusts us.” Minah answered.
“You’re supposed to do it no matter what.” Bada said between clenched teeth. “You just sold toy guns to one of the biggest and oldest mafia network in the country.” She knew she had to do some damage control. Give some calls, assure people it was a genuine mistake. Although, in this world, people rarely cared. She only prayed that Yeni had the sense to check the guns before taking them to her team. The music coming from the speakers was long paused. As she was pondering in silence on what was the best approach in the situation, the growing sound of a hip hop track signaled they had company.
“I’ll handle it.” Bada said when a few friends of hers showed their support, ready to fight if necessary. Things had to be clarified as calmly as possible.
She stormed outside the house with more people following behind, the sound of charging guns clicking alongside their steps. Bada was grateful that you were not there at the moment, you were safer this way.
A black SUV pulled up right in front of the house. It was indeed the source of the loud classic hip hop song that stopped once the engine of the car stopped as well. Bada’s fists clenched as three people got out of the car and walked towards them in an almost insultingly relaxed manner.
“Bada Lee, now you have the decency to show up.” The woman walking at the front said in a cocky tone. She had short bleached blonde hair and an annoyed grin. Behind her, a girl with brown hair and gentle features was standing awkwardly, a totally opposite attitude.
“You know it was a genuine mistake, Halo.” Bada said with a calm and conciliatory tone. Halo only clicked her tongue in disapproval. “Yeni, tell her.” She pleaded. The brown haired girl kept looking down at the ground, gulping in guilt.
“Where there’s respect there’s no room for mistakes.” The third person said, a tall lanky even more threatening woman than Halo although she was half a step behind her.
“Tell her, Yeni.” Halo said mockingly. “Isn’t Baby Sleek right? Where’s the respect?”
They were just three women in front of tens of people with Bada in the front but, besides Yeni, the other two didn’t seem scared or intimidated. On the contrary, the power dynamic was the opposite of their numbers, judging by their attitude.
“We have your guns. We can give them to you right away. This misunderstanding can be settled.” Bada tried not to let herself be intimidated. Underneath the visor of her cap her eyes were piercing directly into Halo’s eyes. The more you showed them your fears, the easier they won. That was the first lesson she learned on the streets.
“And how do you settle the moral damage this misunderstanding has brought on us?” Baby Sleek asked back. Halo only nodded in approval.
“You must know that it is a very humiliating gesture. You sent your kids to meet our people and didn’t even bother showing up. Are we that irrelevant to you, Bada?” Halo continued.
“No.” Bada had no choice but to play by their rules. “What’s your price?”
“Three times as many guns. And our money back.”
“That’s ridiculous.” Yeni muttered behind Halo. She had been silent all that time. A part of the fault was hers, she knew, but Halo would never admit that in front of outsiders.
“It is a bit unreasonable for our part.” Bada replied.
“We take what’s ours, even if you give it or not. Although, for the sake of our future business partnerships, it would be nice of you to comply.” Halo was close to mocking her now. Bada felt like her blood was about to explode in her veins. How was she supposed to find that many guns and cover their expenses?
“Halo, please.” She asked again, with a stern tone. “You know it can’t be done.”
“Not even for the sake of your pretty girl?” Another voice ringed in everyone’s ears. Turning to the side, Bada’s eyes widened and all her tough act vanished. There you were, with a gun to your head, a woman taller than you keeping your hands behind your back roughly. You looked terrified, you could hardly breathe, and when your eyes finally met hers tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“Let her go!” Bada yelled, taking a few steps in Chocol’s direction. In a instant, the gun at your head clicked, ready to shoot at the next pull. All the people behind Bada took out their guns and pointed them towards Chocol, and you, or towards the other three women. Halo only laughed, her posture still very much relaxed even with all those guns pointed at her. “Drop the guns, idiots!” Bada’s voice was loud and angry and desperate as she gestured to her friends without taking her eyes off you.
“Good choice.” Chocol said. She pushed you forward, forcing you to walk towards Halo and the others, passing unnecessarily close to Bada in your way. “Don’t worry.” The red haired woman said winking at your girlfriend. “I know how to treat pretty girls.”
It was impossible for her to stand still. Her fists ached for violence and she wouldn’t stop until you were safe back in her arms. But she didn’t have that luxury now. Tatter and Lusher had to forcefully hold her back for your sake, as Chocol pushed you to walk towards the car. Halo walked up to Bada until they were inches apart. Although she was significantly taller than Halo, the shorter woman was dominating as Bada kept on fighting to free herself from her friends’ grip.
“You have until dawn.” Halo said. “Three times the amount of guns and the money back in exchange for your little bitch. Let’s see how much you care about her.”
With that she turned around and walked back to the car, getting in the driver seat. Bada watched as the car got smaller and smaller as it drove off, and she fell to the ground when Lusher and Tatter finally let her go. She was crying and hitting her bare fists on the asphalt, as the mass of people behind her had already started making calls at midnight trying to find the amount of guns necessary until dawn.
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