#knightverse optimus primal
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 5 months ago
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My siblings in Primus, holy fucking shit. I made an Optimus Height Chart. This took me.. SO LONG TO DO. Were y'all aware of how many Optimus designs there are?? Because I don't have all of them on this chart, and I still have TWENTY NINE (29, a 2 and a 9) out of the THIRTY SIX (36, a 3 and a 6) that exist. I didn't include the SEVEN (7) because either they were just a temporary upgraded form, or I already had multiple designs from that universe that were the same height and having all of them is redundant and repetitive.
40 fucking years and nearly as many distinct designs, I deserve a medal, honestly. Optimus has been in every single piece of media the Transformers franchise has ever made. Working on this in tandem with the Megatron one was a wild choice of mine, but I did it.
I included Optimus Primal on this chart. Both are named Optimus, I should not have to explain myself. Big Monkey and Big Truck are the same. No, your honour, I do not plead insanity; why do you ask?
Quick Disclaimer, if any of the images look weird, it's because I had to stitch a few separate images together to create a full body shot of the character.
Links to my Bumblebee Chart and my Megatron Chart. !!NEW!! -> Shockwave, Soundwave, Ratchet, and Ironhide. For future reference, all these charts will be filed under my "Transformers Height Charts" tag and my "aka the adventures of a..." tag. Hopefully, my bumblebee post is acting up and idk if the same issue will happen here.
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Explanations below the cut because I have fucking WORDS to say. This is gonna be a long one... 29 separate designs...
G1 Beast Wars V1 - ~9 Feet (Primal. Straight from TFWiki, converted to feet and rounded, the tiniest baby man gorilla)
G1 Beast Machines - ~8 Feet (Primal. The wiki failed me, but I found a old forum discussion where they made a chart comparing all the BW/M characters. Glorious stuff, I commend their effort.)
G1 Beast Wars V2 - ~10 Feet (Primal. TFWiki with the clutch, I will not always be this lucky.)
Earth Spark - ~15 Feet (Prime. No official numbers have been given, but I have already figured out how tall Bee is, and I was able to compare the two and get a good estimate. This is the shortest non-animal universe to date holy shit. Look at this, I'm showing my work
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I am having a conniption they are so short)
RID 2001 - ~16 Feet (Prime. TFWiki once more, we love one source for everything)
Unicron Trilogy V2&3/ENG&CYB - ~16 Feet (Prime. For the uneducated, the Unicron Trilogy has given each of its 3 seasons separate names and 3 separate art styles. These are the designs used in Energon (S2) and Cybertron (S3). The Wiki had Cybertron's numbers but not Energon's, so for my own sanity, I decided the two were the same height. I could have done something in between Cybertron's and Armada's (S1) numbers, but there was a lot of float between the two)
G1 Beast Wars V3 - ~16 Feet (Primal/Optimal Optimus, this is the result of a fusion between Primal and Prime. The TFWiki says this design is like 40 feet tall, but if that is true, Rattrap, a character stated to be 1.8m or ~6f tall across several sources across several different languages, is actually not that tall. So I call bullshit, this guy is 2.6 Rattraps tall, making him around 16f or 4.9m tall. Checkmate, I win)
Prime Wars V1 - ~17 Feet (Primal. Slight spoilers for further into this chart but I decided that the Prime Wars Trilogy and the Netflix Cybertron Trilogy Optimuses were the same height as the Gen 1 design, because they're nearly identical. So comparing Primal to Prime, Primal comes up to about Prime's tits, bada bing bada boom)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~17 Feet (Primal. Identical explanation to above, don't want to repeat myself)
One V1 - ~17 Feet 10 inches (Prime. Okay, the Wiki says 32.534 feet, and I call Bullshit. A: These numbers are sourced from the Walmart Promotional AR Experience that came out before the movie. B: There are three decimal points, and that number does not convert into a whole number in meters (which is originally what I thought was weird about it). C: The director has said that this movie is both canon to the LA movies and its own separate canon. I already stated all of this in my Bumblebee chart post, and I will be dying on this hill. This is as short as we see OP in the movie, him at his tallest should match his KCV height, he's never taller than Megsy, so knock a couple feet off the biggest number and voila, my brain hurts)
One V2 - ~18 Feet 10 Inches (Prime. Same explanation as above, but taller than he was without his cog, because he got bigger)
Gen 1 - ~19 Feet (Prime. TFWiki has saved me the effort of figuring it out myself)
Prime Wars - ~19 Feet (Prime. As I said before, since this design is identical to Gen 1, it is the same height)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~19 Feet (Prime. I've said it twice now, identical, therefore same height)
Knight/Capel-Verse - ~19 Feet 4 inches (Primal. No Robot height given, I have his monkey form height from TFWiki, but comparing him to Optimus he's only a few inches shorter)
Prime Wars V2 - ~ 20 Feet (Primal. Compared to Prime, Prime comes up to about Primal's nose area, and we all know how tall I think this Prime is)
Animated - 20 Feet 6 Inches (Prime. This number actually comes from @phoenix-inanis and the glorious calculations they have done on the TFA Characters. Go check it out, because animated has literally no actual numbers -> https://phoenix-inanis.notion.site/TFA-Height-Chart-f6ad2960ca8c4c5b859ee4958723aaa4?pvs=4)
Knight/Capel-Verse - 20 feet 10 Inches (Prime. TFWiki has graced me with a number)
One V3 - ~20 Feet 10 Inches (Prime. If it's canon to KCV, then it's canon here. I've already told you my reasons)
Cyberverse - 21 Feet (Prime. Oh, shitty screenshot from a random Russian YouTube video; you treat me so well. I would adore a better scan of this if anyone has one)
Unicron Trilogy V1/ARM - 22 Feet 11 Inches (Prime. Technically, this number is for the Armada video game, which isn't exactly canon to the show. But I don't have any other numbers and my brain is tired, so CANON IT IS)
Aligned Cont. RID15 V1 - 25 Feet (Prime. I'm really proud of this one: I can already hear some of your questions. "But I thought his second form was as tall as his TFP V2 form, and this one was as tall as TFP V1," "but his V1 forms and V2 forms look like each other," You thought Wrong!! And I can Prove it!! Let's refresh ourselves on the height difference between TFP V1 Prime and Bee.
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As we can see, Bee comes up to the top of Optimus's hips. Lovely. Now, let's look at RID15's height difference when Optimus first returns. Keep in mind that RID15 Bee and TFP Bee are the same height.
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Look, Bee comes up to Optimus's chest in this form, not his hips. He comes up to a similar point on Bulkhead in the previous picture. Let's look at Prime's second form.
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This is from the intro; yes, Bee is crouched, but look, if he stood straight he only comes up to about Prime's hips, JUST LIKE IN TFP!!! With this evidence, we can conclude that Prime's first RID15 form is similar in height to Bulkhead! I was so fucking excited to show y'all this, I was so proud of myself, I still am)
Bayverse V1 - 28 Feet (Prime. From the first 4 movies. Straight from TFWiki, because Mr. Michael Bay loves me)
Bayverse V2 - 29 Feet (Prime. Only in The Last Knight. Mr. Bay has lovingly kissed my forehead because he always gives me numbers for his movies)
Aligned Cont. WF/FOC/TFP V1/RID15 V2 - 30 Feet (Prime. TFWiki/Fandom/Me respectively. I love you, Video Game Info Screens. I am still pretty syced about figuring RID15 out, oh I feel so good. Almost makes me forget about how FREAKISHLY HUGE this universe is. And how the games concretely prove this fact)
Aligned Cont. TFP V2 - 35 Feet (Prime. Yes this number comes from Fandom, but this entire universe is monstrously huge for no reason, I believe it. Go look at my Bee chart for more in-depth and insane rant about how huge this universe is compared to other universes, it's at the end of the post)
Not Pictured: Aligned Cont. Rescue Bots and Rescue Bots Academy Optimus Prime - 30 Feet. (Yes, Optimus in the Aligned Continuity has 7 distinct designs across the whole thing. I am in physical pain. SEVEN?? ONE GUY?? SEVEN??), Bayverse Optimus Prime Power Up - 40 Feet. (It's an upgrade form that does not stick around, why should I include it), RID 2001 Super Mode - ~21 feet (Optimus can turn it on and off at will, it's just an upgrade mode), Unicron Trilogy Energon & Cybertron Optimus Prime Super Mode - ~20 Feet (Once more, upgrade mode, it's like stilts, you don't count something you don't always have on.)
29 pngs, holy shit I've done it. This took so long. If anyone has any suggestions for which transformer I should aggressively analyze next please tell me I don't know which ones to do next.
Here are the different layers separated, just so you can see all the many Optimuses (Optimusi?) clearly. I know my og chart is crowded, there's 29 pngs on there you don't think I noticed?
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cybertron-after-dark · 1 year ago
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Conducting some research, reblog for bigger sample size, and tell me who you voted for and why if you'd like
Propaganda welcome.
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textsfromcybertron · 5 months ago
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(510): So nowhere in the dress code does it forbid me from showing up to City Hall in a gorilla suit to meet the mayor.
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 4 months ago
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aecholapis · 2 years ago
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shattered-ass · 2 years ago
Rise Of The Beasts official trailer. Finally.
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k----a27s · 2 years ago
spoilers for rotb
So. . . we got a lot out of this movie!
Optimus losing his shit as he should for Scourge did was needed wholeheartedly!
Mirage and Noah exploring each other bodies on the regular
Bumblebee pulling a Jack Sparrow and reviving, kicking ass as he should!
Optimus Prime and Primal's lil bantering
Optimus being a tired father with three kids and now two humans
I believe that Optimus is in fact done with people's shit and is just polite about people but he can and will kick someone's ass
Elena being a girlboss fr
Noah being inside Mirage
Bumblebee being banned from the drive-in movie theatres by Optimus (TFP Knockout and Knightverse Bumblebee is a win)
The unhinged Optimus coming back at it again with the pinning of people against a hard place
Nightbird R.I.P.
The list goes on and on you know!
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sonicasura · 2 months ago
Ironically enough for myself while I was writing about Transformers and Monster Hunter idea I came across some fabulous art someone did of Optimus Primal with a Rajang Alt-Mode.
Which gave the idea for the Knightverse Maximals too gain upgraded Beast and Maximize Modes from the Monsties
May I offer the idea of a Nargacuga Cheetor
I imagine this being a reaction to Rider's Kinship Stone. The ore alone has quite the list of mysteries to it. Especially if exposed to foreign elements.
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melishade · 2 years ago
So this trailer FINALLY CAME OUT, and it looks great! Trailer music choice...eh. But no Michael Bay, so that’s a win.
I still got beef with Anthony Ramos though. Every time I see him now I just glare and say “Ramos.”
Besides that, watch the trailer.
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palewyrmnerd · 6 years ago
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Rip I suck at editing
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ratgirl112 · 5 years ago
*In all stories Kitty doesn't transform and she has a human holoform she uses for as a disguise.*
*Kitty is a doctor/healing bot and heals with a single touch*
*Kitty does fight if she has too. Except in More Than Meet the Eye, she doesn't have the strength to fight until later in the story*
*In all Continuities Kitty can fly by a pair of wings that she can retract at any time she needs to. How she got them is different in every continuity. In TFA/Beast Wars/Beast Machines/TFP/RID(2015)/MTMTE/Rescue Bots Academy, Optimus Primal created the wings and had them built into her as an upgrade. In Generation 1 and Headmasters, Ratchet already built in the wings when she was created. In Cyberverse, she created the wings herself and had a doctor put them on for her.*
Generation 1: Kitty was created by Ratchet around the same time the Dinobots were created(seems logical). Soon she started to become smarter than the Dinobots and she was able to heal bots by the touch. Soon she has feelings for Ratchet, her creator, and has a relationship with him until his death. Kitty went crazy after Ratchet's death and joins the Deceptions with Galvatron and Cyclonus as her leaders. She likes to tease and flirt with Rodimus and even says at one time that he reminds her of Ratchet. Kitty doesn't transform and has a human holoform that she uses as a disguise. She tends to be beaten by the Deceptions because they believe she's still an Autobot. But she thinks it's better than being an Autobot and feel guilt-tripped because she feels that she could of saved Ratchet and blames herself.
The Headmasters: Kitty goes back with the Autobots and has a relationship with Rodimus. She's not really part of the story, and she's mostly just a side character. Doesn't transform and has human holoform to disguise herself.
Beast Wars: Kitty comes in a pod and doesn't remember anything and she can't transform. She messes with Rattrap alongside with Dinobot, which leads to her having a relationship with Dinobot. She's good friends with Airazor and is as close to her as Cheetor is with Tigatron. Of course, Kitty is buddy buddy with Cheetor, considering the fact that they're both Cheetahs. After Dinobot's and Airazor's deaths she loses her mind and almost joins the Predacons, but Blackarachnia stopped her and she becomes close friends with her because of those events. She soon has a relationship with Waspinator and protects him when the others mess with him.
Beast Machines: When they get back to Cybertron, Kitty can't find Waspinator and spends the whole time trying to look for him. While Thrust,(who has Waspinator's spark), tries to flirt with her. She gives up and believes that her Wasp is dead.
Transformers Armada/Energon: She doesn't do a lot in the show, but she flirts with Hot Shot and Rodimus a lot. She occasionally gets into fights with the Femme Deceptions.
Transformers: Animated: Kitty is an autobot and she was originally a cheetah, but was created when the Allspark fragments had spread through the planet and created them, she's an autobot, but she can not transform, she was with Waspinator until he was destroyed, she was also good friends with Black Arachnia. Black Arachnia had sent Kitty to Earth through a portal to send a message, when Kitty came to Earth, she showed up on the Dinobot Island and met the Autobots when she helped people out of a burning building. She now stays with the Autobots and she found out that she was sent to Earth because she's the Guardian of the Allspark and meets Prowl because he's within the Allspark.
Transformers: Prime: Kitty is from the past back during the Beast Era. She is the only living Beast that hasn't been experimented on by Shockwave and isn't a clone. She has an interest in the doctor Ratchet and works with him a lot with helping the bots heal and get better. She later has a relationship with Ratchet and stays with him through the entire show. When Knockout joins the team he flirts with her and gets smack by Ratchet when he does so. By the end of Prime, Kitty stays on Earth with Ratchet when the others go on Cybertron.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise(2015): Kitty is second in command on Bumblebee's team and is a little Fiesty towards the whole team. She acts like a cat whose tail was just stepped on. She doesn't get along with Drift and has a love-hate relationship with him. When Ratchet comes back she can't stand to look at him and when he's around, she's not around.
Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy. She stays on Cybertron and helps out Optimus once in a while to train the new recruits on Cybertron at the Academy. She's like their Gym coach and will push them to their limits if she has to.
Cyberverse: In the past, Kitty was a laid back type of Femme and she liked to play tricks with the other bots. She liked to tease Hot Rod the most and said that if she could, Hot Rod would be the mech for her. In the present, Kitty is awoken with the other bots and is a wise Femme and is careful with her decisions. She remembers what she said to Hot Rod, but wants to wait until the war is over to settle down with him. Even if he begs her to be with him. She basically is a Femme version of Optimus.
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye/Lost Light: Kitty joins the Lost Light crew because she admires Rodimus and wants to be just like him. She a young bot and is inexperienced when it comes to fighting until Drift trains her and she becomes a ninja bot. Drift helps Kitty get closer to Rodimus and is insanely blushing when she first meets him. She has a great relationship with Rodimus and soon become Conjux Enduras, which Ultra Magnus asks Kitty why Rodimus out of all mechs. By the end of Lost Light, she dies during the final battle and promises to Rodimus that she will be watching over him and thanks to him for all of the fun that they have together. She is close friends with Tailgate and she protects him at all costs.
Power of the Prime Trilogy: In Combiner Wars, she was only just a minor character, only showing up for the final battle between Starscream and not explaining how she got there. She mentions that she used to have a relationship with Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime but broke it off because he was always busy and was never talking to her. In Titans Return, she works with Perceptor to figure out what the Titans want and figure out how to stop them, she occasionally flirts with Perceptor but is turned down every time, with Perceptor saying that science is more important than love. In Power of the Primes, Kitty meets Optimus Primal and falls head over heels for him. She instantly tries to protect him at all times even if it gets her almost killed and ripped into two by Overlord. By the end, she creates a relationship with Primal.
Bayverse(Michael Bay Movies): Kitty is first introduced in Age of Extinction and has no back story, but says that she did once have an interest in Drift but was never with him. In The Last Night, she has a relationship with Crosshairs and always flirts with him, which gets Bumblebee mad a lot.
Knightverse: She shows up on Earth shortly after Optimus shows up on Earth. She mentions having a relationship with Hot Rod but never goes into depth about it. She gets into arguments with Arcee a lot because Arcee says that she deserves Hot Rod and not Kitty. Optimus or Ratchet usually have to break up the fights.
War for Cybertron Trilogy(Video Games): Kitty isn't much of a warrior and more of a medic, she was only on the field fighting when she needed to grab injured Cybertronians. She's with Rodimus and works with him until his dying breath. Kitty doesn't see him die on the field, but she hears about his death from Optimus and screams. She wanted to stay with Rodimus and wished that she could have saved him. After a short time, Cybertron was destroyed, Optimus calls a team of Autobots to join him on Earth. Kitty decides to go to this planet to see new scenery, she knew Optimus and wanted to join him, she wanted to try to stop thinking about Rodimus and accepted that he was gone, no matter how hard it was, she couldn't ever forget about her Roddy.
Transformers: More than Meets the Eye Part 2: Before Kitty went to join the Lost Light, she was in the DJD, she was in a relationship with Glitch and stayed with him when he became Tarn. She was crazy enough to stay with him, he did show her affection, but when she failed, he would punish her for her mistakes, so she had to leave when she heard that the Lost Light was asking for people. When Tarn was getting destroyed by Megatron, she took his mask and holds on to it remembering the good memories she had with him when he was still Glitch. BTW she gets therapy from Rung.
Transformers: Cyberverse Part 2: Before the war, she was with Starscream, but was torn apart from him when it came to choosing sides. From time to time Starscream still calls her his queen and always says that when he becomes the next leader of the Decepticons, she will be forced to be with him.
Robots in Disguise 2001: Kitty is basically a child in this series, she basically messes around with SideBurn and teases him about red sport cars. When Ultra Magnus came around, she was amazed by how professional he was, she would always follow him, but not follow what he does, she still takes orders from Optimus, unlike Magnus. Sky-Byte is amazed by Kitty and she's worried because he likes her, but she's an Autobot and he's a Predacon. Even though she's with Ultra Magnus, she still thinks about Sky-Byte. BTW Sky-Byte doesn't like the fact that she likes Ultra Magnus and always keeps an eye on him.
IDW Comics(Before More Than Meets the Eye): Kitty starts off as a Decepticon, originally created by Overlord and Trepan as an expirement. She was infused with a special energon that makes her different than anyone else, which is why Megatron recruited her to be with the DJD, but unlike the others, she kept her name, she loved to feast on the Cogs after Nickel didn't need them, but only if they were damaged, which didn't happen very often, but she still enjoyed it none the less. Although she had a relationship with Tarn, she still messed around with the other DJD members, including Nickel. But before she joined the DJD she went against her creators and became an autobot for a short time, but after confessing her love to Ratchet and being rejected because he didn't like her back, she went crawling back to Overlord and he recommended her to join the DJD. When she was an autobot, she had a thing for Glitch, which is why when she joined the DJD she fell in love with Tarn because she knew what he once was.
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Part 3: Overlord and Trepan found Kitty's parts to build her from scraps that were left after an area that was destroyed by Rodimus. So Overlord and Trepan knew this and told Kitty, so when Kitty met Rodimus she was a little scared, because she was an Autobot when she met him and he's the captain of a ship even though he destroyed an area full of Autobots. When she confronted him about this, he said that it was the only choice and was sorry. She also told him that her parts came from there and he was shocked, Kitty was one of the only people who saw the true Rodimus and she trusted him more now that she knew the truth about him. He was shocked to learn about her past.
Beast Wars 2(The Anime): Kitty was always getting herself in trouble, even though she wasn't a Destron. She always seemed to get captured by either Starscream or Megatron, Lio Convoy always wondered if she liked to get kidnapped or if she was just getting herself into trouble. Tasmania Kid even had to watch her one day when she tried to sneak out of the ship to find Starscream or Megatron. Tasmania wondered if she liked them.
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sonicasura · 2 months ago
Now for the last potential iteration of Transformer is the Knightverse and the hidden Village. I am not sure about what do for this one as there was only 2 Movies and a lot wasn't explained which is a shame because there was potential.
The best idea I have is the Transwarp key signaling the Hidden village and bringing them out too investigate.
Also for the this crossover Airazor, Optimus Primal, and the others are shocked and overjoyed when they learn the hidden village has other Maximals that survived the destruction of there planet
There haven't been any other material than a sequel for 2026.
I definitely see the villagers investigating the signal though. Cybertronian artifacts usually aren't detectable on radar unless they're pretty powerful. Nevermind the huge impromptu lightshow.
It's enough to warrant an investigation from Vice. The Maximals definitely would be happy to know there are more survivors. An accidental arrival as one of the Cybertronian villagers wanted to experiment with a Gate Card.
Something that lead to an even more impromptu rescue when the planet eating monstrosity became very apparent. Leonidas absolutely blasted Unicron with Omega Eraser to buy extra time. Can't exactly have him trying to sample the village through the Gate Card.
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ratgirl112 · 6 years ago
A.N. All Kitty Continuation Stories Part 2
Power of the Prime Trilogy: In Combiner Wars, she was only just a minor character, only showing up for the final battle between Starscream and not explaining how she got there. She mentions that she used to have a relationship with Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime but broke it off because he was always busy and was never talking to her. In Titans Return, she works with Perceptor to figure out what the Titans want and figure out how to stop them, she occasionally flirts with Perceptor but is turned down every time, with Perceptor saying that science is more important than love. In Power of the Primes, Kitty meets Optimus Primal and falls head over heels for him. She instantly tries to protect him at all times even if it gets her almost killed and ripped into two by Overlord. By the end, she creates a relationship with Primal.
Bayverse(Michael Bay Movies): Kitty is first introduced in Age of Extinction and has no back story, but says that she did once have an interest in Drift but was never with him. In The Last Night, she has a relationship with Crosshairs and always flirts with him, which gets Bumblebee mad a lot.
Knightverse: She shows up on Earth shortly after Optimus shows up on Earth. She mentions having a relationship with Hot Rod but never goes into depth about it. She gets into arguments with Arcee a lot because Arcee says that she deserves Hot Rod and not Kitty. Optimus or Ratchet usually have to break up the fights.
War for Cybertron Trilogy(Video Games): Kitty isn't much of a warrior and more of a medic, she was only on the field fighting when she needed to grab injured Cybertronians. She's with Rodimus and works with him until his dying breath. Kitty doesn't see him die on the field, but she hears about his death from Optimus and screams. She wanted to stay with Rodimus and wished that she could have saved him. After a short time, Cybertron was destroyed, Optimus calls a team of Autobots to join him on Earth. Kitty decides to go to this planet to see new scenery, she knew Optimus and wanted to join him, she wanted to try to stop thinking about Rodimus and accepted that he was gone, no matter how hard it was, she couldn't ever forget about her Roddy.
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