#back to the Arcana Project. probably
venusinverted · 1 year
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redrawing/slight redesigning my Space Channel 5 oc to match the PXZ Ulala art :)
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sideblogdotjpeg · 1 month
i am not immune to launchpad sol and albin thoughts
#ramble tag#its so like. okay.#launchpad was when they 'peaked'. best years of their lives#the . i think what we canonically know happened at launchpad was like.#laquidditch (fun!) christmas special adventures (fun!)#and then . also#getting deeply bullied. sol lightly kidnapped to launchpad. lizer. claudius. 'you made us run until we threw up' 'im pretty sure he got off#on torturing kids'. literally what the fuck was their deal#getting stuck in a spiders web ???? for a semester ?????#......??? getting chased down by a vaccum cleaner ..........#'it got a lot darker near the end' ... fun pretend child endangerment#like . man.#not to sound CRAZY or anything. does anyone get the impression launchpad was like. a bad ? time ? for them ?? like. it just straight up. bad#by god does it rlly sound to me like#the feeling of when high school was so bad it made ur life a living hell to be in. and u were truly just. surviving#but then youd b goofing off w ur friends in a little dorm. and the stress and the exhaustion seems to color everything that isnt that.#in a beautiful hazy rosy golden film#it hurt but the hurt was monotonous and dull. so all u remember were those shining bright in betweens#sol and albie sneaking into the kitchen and enchanting the self moving cookingware and just seeing what happens#and watching mothership approved saturday morning cartoons in bed#and studying together late at night n sol tucks albin in after hes crashed from hiss allnighter#and passing notes in class#and all that free time over crittermas breaks to do stupid dares and long rambling conversations abt nothing#sol knits albie his first sweater#they have their first beer together#they come back after a really bad day for the both of them and lie on the floor and talk abt anything but that#albin practices spells on sol and its not a good or safe idea but its probably fine#albin pettily bitching about his assigned partner for an arcana class project and sol blindly tsking his side always#only wizards can check out library books and albie checks out all sols books for him#...... anyway
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Full HC: MC becomes an author and starts writing memoirs detailing their adventures with their beloved; how do the M6 react? How do they try to help?
The Arcana HCs: When MC writes their love story
Waaay too invested. Come on. You're writing memoirs about the dramatic, life-changing, whirlwind saving-the-world story that's been your romance? Be still his theatre kid heart
Will ask regularly if you've written anything more and set time aside to read whatever you share with him. Often does so out loud, to whichever patient/clinic assistant/bar patron is nearby
Cannot handle how fondly you describe him
People regularly ask to hear him read the latest installment, just for the sight of the infamous Dr Devorak blushing and stumbling over his words, voice cracking at your loving view of him
This does not stop him from suggesting changes. Specifically, suggesting embellishments. What do you mean the Devil wasn't twenty feet tall? Surely you're misremembering how big he was
Doesn't pressure you to rush your work at all, but is living in perpetual (self-inflicted) purgatory waiting for the story to be finished and to see the book published
Has a spot preemptively saved for it on his library shelf
Coincidentally, half the city plans to preorder it as well
Their curiosity is killing them, but they value your privacy and creative freedom way too much to ask to see what you're writing
The most he does is offer encouragement, compliments, and help
What you don't see is the sheer level of loving gratitude that they feel about what you're doing. They've accepted your previous memory loss, and have been happy to hold your memories for you
But the fact that you treasure the memories you share with him now so much that you're putting in the hours and effort it takes to preserve them for the future ...
It's enough to overwhelm them, sometimes, which can make them seem distant about the project (though you know them well enough at this point to see that this means they're emotional)
Very good at giving you the emotional support you need for a project like this, especially when you have to relive some of the harder parts of your shared history
Always happy to help you remember the details of how something went. He started remembering things for both of you after you came back, and it makes for some tender conversations
Honored. That's mostly what she feels - deeply honored
And a little unsure of how best to support you while you go about your endeavor. Her instinct is to get as involved with it as possible, making sure you have all the resources for success you could need
But she's also aware that this is a very personal thing for you to do, and that the point of it is to write things down from your point of view. This is your project, so she should probably stay out of it ...
Well, offering you her help and "casually" bringing by new supplies every couple days shouldn't hurt
If you didn't have it already, you've got a writing room, strong boundaries around your creative time, only the best ink and parchment, and access to dictionaries and thesauruses galore
Will light up and drop everything if you give her some of what you've written to read over. She's fascinated by your perception of the world (and her) and enjoys learning more about it
She's also extremely knowledgeable about spelling, grammar, and sentence structure, so unless you clarify that you're not asking for feedback you'll get plenty of suggested corrections
He's a little ... embarrassed
Don't get him wrong. He loves that you're doing what you're doing, and deep down he'd fight the world to let you keep doing it
But half the time he catches a glimpse of the page you're writing he can see his own name spelled out multiple times in there and it makes him feel much more perceived than he is used to
He feels like what you're doing is almost holy, though
So much of his life was defined by losing his history, his connections, his chance to share memories with a family
And now here you are, putting hours upon hours into documenting the history and family you've built together and found in each other, until your story no longer depends on being alive to tell it
Which is why he'll dote on you while you work, bringing you water and snacks, ink refills and spare pages, making sure your workspace is well-lit and the temperature is comfortable
He wants to honor what you're doing
He's also very interested in reading it, but he's not going to ask. He'll just linger nearby in case you have a question or something ...
Her first thought is to offer to co-author it
Think about it - you two could write alternating chapters, with the story line switching between your two perspectives!
She's completely understanding if you say no, but she might try to use that to get you to agree to letting her read it as you write it. This is the coolest romance adventure story ever!
Amazing for helping you with the pre-writing creative process. Need someone to bounce ideas off of? Need help structuring your outline or blocking out how much space to give different things?
She's got you. She's quick to notice what boosts your creative flow and will help you get into that groove, whether it's chatting about what you're going to write next or giving you tea and snacks
Her only criticism is that you don't give yourself enough credit in your writing. Otherwise, she loves every word
And by love, that means obsesses. She devours every page you show her and could spend hours telling you why she loves it
It's also a massive boost to her to be reminded that you see her as a main character in your story. It makes her happy cry regularly
On the outside, he's playing it cool
Of course you're writing about the adventures you've had together! You two are the best of the best and you've done some seriously awesome things, writing a killer novel about it makes total sense
On the inside, he's scared
He's not an introspective guy. He spends most of his time in the moment, but on the occasions that he has to stop and contemplate himself, he gets insecure a lot faster than he'd like to
And now you - the person who knows him even better than he does - are writing about him. About who he is to you. About what he means to you. About ... who he used to be to you
That's terrifying
He puts off reading anything you offer to show him, and distracts himself from thinking about it when you sit down to write. He's curious to see what you have to say and anxious at the same time
What if you think he hasn't changed that much? What if writing down what he used to be like makes you admire him less?
When he does read it, he almost cries at how loving it is
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 3 months
(A/N: YOU THOUGHT A MERE HEADACHE WOULD STOP ME? (i threw up 3 times) i made you a shitpost bbs :3)
Asra regularly buys friendship bracelets to bedazzle Faust (there is now a drawer full of them)
Nadia has mild sensory issues and refuses to wear certain fabrics because the texture offends her skin (I'm projecting)
Julian is much lighter than the average 6'3 man and you could probably bridal carry him around
Muriel gets migranes from his bad posture but he'll only stand up straight if you push his back forwards (or if you point out a bird)
Portia owns more comfy socks than any other human being in history
Lucio isn't a natural blonde. His natural colour is actually dark blonde, he bleaches it :((
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tuliptic · 2 years
Messages From The Divine
This Pick a Card/Pile is for you and me to hear the messages from the divine. Who wants to talk to you? What are the messages they bring?
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question. Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Piles go from left to right.
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it means I’m not the reader for you and it’s okay to just drop it. Besides, I do not consent to my work or images being used by third partis on this platform or other websites as well.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck
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Pile 1
Message from the goddess Selene
My dear… -sighs- You’re strong, you’ve fought so hard for everything to be in place, you’ve fought for the world to be in your hands. What does that feel like? You realized that achievement isn’t everything, correct? You realized that you needed more strength to face more things that you used to love, right? I’m not saying you're wrong, I’m just… I just want you to be happier, to be more at peace with yourself.
You are starting a lot of new projects and you’re slowly draining yourself out. I’m worried about you. Starting one or two is still alright, but the more you start, the more you have to see through it until the end, and that’s slowly eating you up. What started as fun is starting to become a burden, a responsibility you’ll need to bear. Success will be coming your way, but please do not let it lose your sense of fun, please do not let it lose your sense of self.
-Sighs again- I see that you’ll be very busy from now on, with how many projects you’re having with you, and that things are going to be moving at a very fast pace, probably faster than you can catch up. When this happens, know that I’m here for you along with your higher self, and we’ll be communicating with you in your dreams to help you with whatever life has for you. You are divinely protected, especially by me. And as much as changes come, you just… Embrace them, no matter how fast they are, and you adapt.
As much as I worry for you, you seem pretty excited with all these movements. I believe they come as a pivotal change for you to transition into a new phase, into a new you. I am happy for you but I can’t stop worrying about how much you’re starting to put on you. Please remember to take care of yourself, alright? I’ll be here for you all the time, even when you can’t see me. Just look up in the night sky and tell me your happiness, your fears, your success, your worries. I’m listening. I’m here for you as your greatest supporter.
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Pile 2
Message from the goddess Athena
How does it feel like? To finally regain the balance that you’ve always wanted? To finally accept the changes that came your way and make peace with it? You had so much fear, but you still managed to do it. Spectacularly, I’d say. You did a great job and I’m so, so proud of you for getting through those hard times.
Betrayals are such painful things to deal with, especially when it’s people you trust the most being sneaky and backstabbing you. However, fear not, my child. There’s always an end to a tunnel. Trust the process and keep running. Don’t let past disappointments stop you from having hope in this world. Continue giving, and you shall receive. Balance is what keeps the world moving, what keeps the world in a harmonious state. You give, and you shall receive. Even if it’s not now, it will, eventually. Believe that good karma will come back to you when you’re generous with what you have, including time and love.
You should also take some time for yourself, my child. Spend some time with me, meditate and think about where you want to go, what you want to achieve, what you want to let go, who you want to spend your energy on. It is a new phase, a new chance for your own growth, for you to challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone as you head towards illumination. You are a warrior, my child. You know that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny, and you’re ready to take matters into your hands.
Whenever you feel tired or you need help, come to me. If you’re willing to receive help from me and the Universe, help shall fall upon you. Believe. Trust. Love. Live life to the fullest. I am with you.
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Pile 3
Message from the goddess Demeter
My dear child, I’d love to give you a huge hug. Whatever time of perils shall be over soon. Fate is now smiling at you, and the Sun is coming out to give you a warm hug. Do not fear the Sun, for it gives out light and heat to the world, for it gives warmth to the soul. The Sun is always there for you, let its rays kiss your forehead and remind you that you are very much loved.
Whatever painful times, whatever heart-stabbing moments are coming to an end. The swords are falling out and you can finally let yourself be healed. Stop treating your pain like it’s something you imagined. If you see the wound is real, then you can heal it. Be kind to your wounds, spend time and tend to them gently. My dear, I know you tend to have an overly rational approach to your day to day problems, and over-rationalize a lot of things. But my lovely child, reason itself isn’t the answer to everything. Let yourself and your emotions run. Accept that it’s alright to be unreasonable, that it’s already a time for you to let yourself loose. 
It may be very difficult right now, but trust that whatever that’s happening to you right now is intending to build you up to face the future stronger. You’ve been creating strong emotional connections with the important people in your life, haven’t you? Those people, they are here for you. They are always with you, physically or emotionally, and they are determined to bring you to wonderful places that are filled with wonder, delight and joy. 
My beloved child, your family may have disappointed you at times, but you have to remember you’re never a disappointment in my eyes, in the eyes of the people who love you unconditionally. I’m here to nurture you, to bring you to a place where warmth and light resides, to let you be able to release that warmth and light to the people you care for as well. I’m here for you, always, and forever.
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Thank you for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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l3xdrigo · 6 months
Since it's my birthday today and whatnot, this is gonna be a special post :D. I'm gonna show some drabbles and short stories that I've been wanting to share for a while so enjoy.
(also thank you to that one moot(@acesw) that has probably read most of these already and has suffered through my ramblings, appreciate you a lot<3)
(Most of these are Vernetto and Vertin-centric cuz they've been taking over my mind for months)
It's over, the fight between the storm and Manus, it was all over. Many are bloodied, injured and tired yet cheered for their victory. Just outside the Manus's hide out was a new world that will greet them, time will no longer move backwards yet only forward. Opening the door, many arcanist and some humans alike rushes out, yet a figure stood still in front of the open door. What a familiar sight, someone steps outside and looks back and holds out their hand "Timekeeper.. It's okay now, we won, let's go and see the outside world together. Where we are all free" Vertin gave a smile, a somber smile, "I would love that.. but unfortunately I can't join you.."
A click inside the darkness of the building
" I'm sorry Sonetto, enjoy your freedom"
A loud bang echoed into the walls.
doesn't this feel so familiar for you, little puppy.
Sonetto was in a state of shock, her mind not processing what happened as the blood seeped out and spread. "Sonetto! What are you standing there for, come get Vertin and come over here" Lilya was the one who shouted, being meters away from them but her voice still reached her ears. Then, the whole situation sinked in... Sonetto dropped to her knees as it seemed all the strength left in her body was gone.
The hound couldn't protect her, it's bellwether.
(Or the foundation didn't need their timekeeper anymore, so time to let her rest)
The last drop of rain had risen and the sun began to rise, the storm was over. Bodies gone and only clothing was left, the Manus's dark ink-like substance stained the concrete ground. After grueling hours and days of fighting, it was all over, time is moving forward again, both sides had an abundance of followers and martyrs fighting for two seperate cause, they all fought rigorously yet only one remained.
Vertin on her knees stayed there, unable to move as fatigue and the strain of injuries took a toll, but also loneliness. She fought side by side with her team, her family, her herd but she was the only one remaining. Sotheby, Lilya,Regulus, Ms. Druvis, Mr. Apple.. Sonetto, they were all gone, her suitcase was destroyed, the arcanist and humans she's grown accustomed to were also gone. Was it worth it? For the mission of returning to the present but to lose everything to the past.
"One man shall fall and one man shall live to bear the consequences of thy sins" were the last words that left Arcana; the mission is over, take off your hat and face the scene in front, repent and walk to the light, a new tomorrow awaits you, Vertin.
("Are we all alone once again"- The Gleaming)
Sonetto was walking through the halls, passing staff members and managers and exchanging greetings. She was called to get on set today as they needed to record a new scene for the show "Reverse 1999"
Being a part of this project has been great, she's met a lot of directors and producers with a platter of amazing ideas, actors who have made some show-stopping scenes with their talents and.. as she opens the door, there she is. Vertin, with her ash-gray hair tied up in a messy bun, wearing her outfit as the Timekeeper of the show, just minus the coat, talking with one of the managers, smiling and giggling at times as they both talk about how a recent interview went. Oh how gorgeous she was, even after all these years, Vertin was still the one who holds Sonetto's heart captive and it's both a heart warming yet painful feeling.
Both of them have been friends since they were 4, it took Sonetto to grow fond of Vertin as she's been known to be quite a troublemaker but eventually she warmed up to her antics, even if she had to get her out of them most of the time. They both shared a passion for arts and literature, they were interested in theater and would watch them as their bond grew more and more throughout the years. Those times had to end however, as Sonetto flew abroad for college, leaving Vertin and the rest of her friends behind. She's gotten busy and due to that, both her and Vertin have somewhat drifted away from each other, the regret is still eating her even today, to be able to go back in time and fix that mistake. Now, Vertin has grown into an amazing actress and also has made a lot of new friends, she's met some of them, like a girl named Schneider, a bit of a flirt but she's great. There were times where she has gotten a bit envious of their bond, to be able to be so close to Vertin and not feel like her airways collapsed when she tried to utter a word.
She's here now but the distance still feels far, funny isn't it, she thought, 'how are characters we play fight against the reversal of time yet all I want is to go back and experience the past we had before' Sonetto could only sigh deeply, taking one last glance before one of the staff had called her, maybe she wasn't so different from the character she plays.
(Or maybe it wasn't just the lack of communication but another event that left them distant; actor au)
"How the moon stares at the sun"
Vertin stared at Sonetto as she smiles in the sunlight, gently reaching out to a butterfly. Sonetto looked ethereal, her orange hair slightly flowing in the wind, green eyes almost shining as brightly as the sun. Vertin knew how beautiful Sonetto was before ever since they were children of the foundation but right now really proved that thought a hundred times more. Warmth spreading to her cheeks as she just stared at her for what felt like an eternity but the moment Sonetto looked back at her, she immediately hid behind the safety of her hat.
"Timekeeper, are you alright?"
"... yes Sonetto, I am fine"
Sonetto tilted her head a bit, like a curious puppy who's also worried. It took a while for the "stoic" timekeeper to regain her composure again, though still feeling her heart beating like a drum.
"Let's go back shall we, Sonetto"
"Of course timekeeper!"
Sonetto happily followed as Vertin gave a small smile;the moon cannot shine without its sun.
(Look, lesbians)
Vertin fought against forget me not and some manus followers, both are in equal battle but Fmn has the upper hand, catching Vertin off guard and using an attack that exploded a chunk of the right side of her head to bits. Her body falls to the ground, blood seeping almost immediately as in Fmn eyes, he won, she's dead, there's no way she could get up now, the deep wounds of the fight and a good chunk of her head and skull destroyed, she's dead. They retreat as the storm is here, leaving the timekeeper's body to rot.
As raindrops rise from the ground, it hits the corpse, but instead of just rising to the top, some of the raindrops were starting to affect the body. Vertin is immune to the storm's effects, but it seems that some part of that was false. Colorful liquid like substance starts to form on the sounds and the side of her head, being reversed to their original state, slowly but surely. Reversing the atoms and nerves and bringing life to her once more. She awoke again after a while, breathing heavily as the storm do it's job. Slightly touching the side of her head that was originally exploded, it still feels like liquid but she can feel some part of the bones restoring, it's best not to touch it as it actually quite hurts. Slowly getting up, and seeing the Manus nowhere to be found, she needs to head back to her team, she's worried that the Manus might try to do something.
Fmn attacks were getting stronger as the timekeeper squad casted incantation after incantation, just when Forget me not was going to land a tremendous attack, a strong attack from behind the head was enough to knock him out. The group looked at the source of the attack and spotted a familiar blue hat, Vertin stood there, clothes bloodied and parts of her body weirdly had clusters of colorful liquid. They stared for a moment, not really knowing how to process.
"I'm guessing you would like to know what happened?"
Regulus quickly answered back, Vertin internally sighed, this is going to be a long explanation.
(Vertin being able to heal in the storm was an interesting idea I've had)
"Clinging onto a thread"
As Vertin, Regulus, Sonetto, Mr. Apple and lilya are walking to Madam Z's office after getting back from the island and that god-forsaken first field mission, Vertin speaks up.
"Umm...Regulus, you know it's okay to let go of me now right? "
Regulus could be seen clinging onto Vertin's left arm and Mr. Apple was holding onto a small part of Vertin's hat, she shook her head.
"Nah mate, from the amount of bull crap we just went through, I'm not letting you go. And besides, I'm not the only one clinging to you"
At her right, Sonetto could also be seen clutching at her arm, looking somewhat calm but the way she firmly holds her arm says otherwise.
Vertin just stays silent for a while, and continues to walk. It would be pretty hypocritical of her to make them let go, as she herself has been holding Lilya's hand, the eagle has been guiding them back the entire time.
(It's crazy to think that the island thing was their first-field mission)
"Can you please stop taking their timekeeper away every 5 minutes"
The timekeeper squad was in Madam Z's room, currently talking about some important matters as there was a knock on the door, Madam Z gave the permission to enter as a foundation staff walked into the room.
"excuse me Madam Z, we need to take the Timekeeper for a few moments to evaluate some reports about the recent storm."
The staff was immediately bombarded with questions.
Regulus: You're taking her already?? When will she come back?
Foundation staff: in maybe a few hours
Lilya: And how long are those "few" hours?
Foundation staff: it is estimated to be around 1 or 2 if the evaluation goes smoothly
Sotheby: You're not going to bring her anywhere else right?
Foundation staff: of course not, just to the research Center.
Druvis: After the evaluation, is there anything else she would do after?
Foundation staff: umm,, it depends but I'm certain that it's only an evaluation, nothing more after that.
The foundation staff looks at Madam Z if she can take the timekeeper who's been standing next to the foundation staff and seemingly waiting patiently.
"Just let her take her leave as soon as the evaluation is over, but other than that, yes the both of you may be excused."
The two left the room and it felt very awkward. Vertin apologized for what happened, telling the poor staff that they were just worried about her after the recent events, the staff brushed it off, saying that it's fine. Though deep inside it was incredibly scary, even the Apple seemed intimidating.
(Can we please stop taking their timekeeper away, they need her as much as she needs them🥹)
"Sleeping in"
Vertin slowly woke up, the fresh sunlight hitting here skin through the windowsill of her room. It's been a few days since the disastrous mission that her team just went through, being put on break as all recovers. Something was missing, or she should say someone, getting up groggily, she drags her body out of bed and outside her room. After walking in the suitcase for a bit, she spots what she was missing, Sonetto.
She spotted her right away and was about to greet her when Vertin wrapped her arms around her waist, bringing her to a hug. Sonetto lets out a small squeak from the unexpected action but quickly recovers and wraps her arms around her as well. "Are you still tired? " the timekeeper only let out a small hum as a response, the two have gotten closer since that mission, finding it hard when both were seperated, so the two prompted to sleep in together, not like both of them minded it(Sonetto was a flustered mess at first but hey, she's fine) . Finding comfort and solace with one another, through their aching pains and injuries, both have enjoyed each other's company and warmth.
Sonetto looks at one of the clocks for the time, it still seems too early for the two of them to be up, the rest of their team still asleep. "It seems a bit too early for you to be up timekeeper, would you like to head back to bed?" Earning another hum from the timekeeper, both make their way back to the bedroom. Maybe sleeping in wouldn't be so bad, they are on break after all.
(They deserve some eepy and cuddles. Again, lesbians)
(Idk if I'll add more to this later but damn this took a while)
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lunarsilver · 2 years
What awaits you in December?
As always, choose the picture or number you feel most drawn to.
I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist, a therapist nor a psychologist. Tarot readings will never replace meetings with them.
It’s a general reading, so not everything will resonate.
If you can’t choose between two piles, probably both of them have some messages for you. You can also not identify with any of them and that’s okay too.
Readings can help you make a decision, but they shouldn’t be the main reason of making it.
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1 ~ 2 ~ 3
Theme (Major Arcana only): The Lovers – Back of the Deck: The Empress
More info: Ace of Pentacles (R) – Ace of Cups (R) – The Fool – Back of the Deck: Seven of Swords (R)
Oh man, so many cards related to new beginnings!
The theme of your December will be relationships and feminity (regardless of your gender). The deck I used for this part of the reading futures characters from a certain game – both of them are young girls being in touch with who they are and what they want (maybe some of you play Genshin Impact and Barbara or Fischl are somehow special for you). There’s this stepping into your power and embracing who you are. Even if some may think your hobbies or how you express yourself is weird or cringe, there is also a lot people out there that would adore you and appreciate what you do for them.
As I said at the beginning, the second part of the reading kinda shocked me, literally all of the cards except the one at the back talk about some sort of a new start, pretty straightforward. This December is a whole new beginning, why wait for the new year. Be careful, there’s some chance you can miss if you won’t act. Plan ahead. There will be some looking into yourself, understanding your emotions. Do you have an imposter syndrome? There will be harder moments, but The Fool heralds a new beginning, stepping into your power and having fun with discovering new things. Seriously, getting to know yourself better and embracing it just keeps popping up. A truly „stop cringing, embrace the cringe” message.
Kinda an afterthought, but your relationships with family can be important, most likely with your parents and/or siblings, especially with your (older) sister.
Theme (Major Arcana only): Death (R) – Back of the Deck: The World
More info: Queen of Wands (R) – Three of Pentacles – Five of Pentacles – Back of the Deck: Knight of Wands
Looks like you will experience some blockages and stagnancy, but it’s also pretty clear this December is all about your inner self: seeking closure and inner transofrmation. It isn’t really about outer world, more about you yourself. Maybe some of you will feel a little stuck in your spirituality or disconnected from your ancestors/spirits. In case any of you plays Genshin Impact, I used a deck with characters from it for this part of the reading and the ones on your cards are Hu Tao and Paimon, maybe they’re somehow significant to you.
Now, going more into details – we have Wands and Pentacles here, fire and earth. Do you plan to visit some older building, all in white and beige, maybe abandoned, full of plants? Pretty specific, but it came to my mind when I was looking at the pictures of the Pentacles cards, they have both a pretty similar vibe, calming and kinda mysterious. A museum? Renaissance vibes.
Yeah, this Queen of Wands in reverse? That’s what I was talking about earlier, you concentrate energy on yourself now. You may spend more time alone, to understand yourself better. However! It doesn’t mean you won’t have people around you, after all we have two cards from the Court here. You will work on some project together. Remember about clear communication with each other. Nearer the end of December you can have some struggles; save some money for sure, and remember to have reliable people around you. You know, if you ever feel lonely, remember it’s always temporary. Knight of Wands says you’ve got it! You have this passion and determination, pile 2, you can do this! Oops, the Knight slided out of the pile and The Lovers showed up from under it. So, there was this feeling in me that for some of you The Knight can actually represent someone else that will be important for you during December, and I feel like these Lovers kinda confirm it. Some bond, maybe? As if this Knight was about to bring a precious relationship, you are the queen and someone else is the knight – for some, of course. Alternatively, it’s a confirmation of my words: you will do it. Some choices are to be made, and you have the fire in you to make it.
Theme (Major Arcana Only): The Tower – Back of the Deck: Justice
More info: The Hanged Man – King of Pentacles – Six of Swords – Back of the Deck: Knave of Wands (R)
Okay, guys, some major, sudden change, a big event or process that can be hard for you to handle. After The Tower usually something better comes to us, so keep it in mind when it won’t be easy for you. This change is related to what Justice represents: clarity and truth, cause and effect, Justice doesn’t take anybody’s shit. Whatever it is, justice will be served. For some, it can be more literal, be about law. For others, maybe someone who treated you unfair or bullied you is going to deal with the consequences. If you feel like you can be the bad guy in someone’s scenario, it’s time to change. Wow, sorry for being so serious here, just gotten into this mood after seeing the cards. In case any of you plays Genshin Impact, I used a deck with characters from it for this part of the reading and the ones on your cards are Raiden Shogun and Jean, maybe they’re somehow important to you. Some problems with keeping balance in your life?
Moving on, the beginning of this December is about letting go, stopping for a moment, reflecting, looking from a different perspective. It looks like you will be in your power, pile 3! Money, work – you have this under control. Maybe you will be some kind of a leader. Working on some passion project? There’s this stability and reliability in you, even thought different things can be frustrating. Remember to be patient. The end of the December will bring you a transition of some kind, leaving something behind – probably The Tower will be in ruin by now and you will start something new, better than what this Tower was. We have here Major Arcana, Pentacles, Swords and Wands, we only lack Cups (I actually saw a reversed King of Cups while shuffling but it didn’t pop out) – this can signalize a disconnection from feelings. Remember to give yourself some time to think about why you feel a certain way.
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dislyteshack · 5 months
Originally I did not know what to do with my Odysseus esper but after listening to some epic the musical songs I have some really cool ideas
Basically like he hasn't technically seen his family in 10 years but that's only because he was in the union all this time but then
Starting from 2027 he's like unironically missing
And also for context I have his son as an esper of Patroclus
Achilles esper event: Adrian helping his boyfriend track down his dad
Also I like to think that they end up metaphorically encountering some events that are inspired by obstacles in The Odyssey
It's going to be very very very very loosely based
I am including certain espers with patrons like Scylla calypso and what not and they are going to be a few new OCS
Some of them non esper but representing Odyssey characters
Some of them existing espers who might not be in the same mythology but they do serve a purpose
Oh epic the musical we're really in for it now
I know technically it means the event technically focuses more on relationships other than Adrian himself but like he's kind of like the glue starting it and moving stuff forward
And there is in fact a personal character arc for him in there
I'm going to be putting a bunch of four stars in this event
I imagine some of the events happened to Peter and it would be Adrian and Orion walking in on the aftermath
While some of the loose events would happen to the boys directly
It's probably going to be like an odyssey Saga where the characters kind of move back and forth between the worlds but it's held together by the story
So there's going to be an event for
Adrian (Achilles)
Orion (Patroclus)
And Peter (Odysseus) to tie it all together
Although I am a little torn as to whether I should put Orion first or Adrian
Because technically you can count them as both protagonists because they're the ones following the trail that was left behind by peter
Peter can also be counted as a protagonist but I'm having parts of his perspective obscured until his event
Supporting characters include dahlia, Meredith, a little cameo from leora or David maybe
I was almost thinking about Arcana making an appearance but no one will probably need to give me propaganda for that dude to make me consider
Biodina has a partial role that shares loose similarities to Poseidon's actions but it's more impersonal
If anything she would be acting on behalf of a client or someone who had accompanied Peter on his personal project that caused him to disappear but then they disappeared too
I think you can tell I have kind of been listening to epic the musical because this is why I have so many thoughts on this
I Def am planning on Peter having certain espers as temporary traveling companions
For the prophet who ends up giving the prophecy on one hand I could take a certain canon character who is already predisposed to seeing the future but on the other hand it would not be wrong for me to make an entire OC
But also dont I want to go through the effort?
Because they effectively share the same purpose of saying a prophecy
And also I think the problem I have the most is that like I already have arcs planned out for Orion + peter
It's mostly me figuring out stuff for Adrian
All right I did figure out a reason for the disappearance
Basically I kind of engineered my own ocean monument where I imagine there's like a bunch of Raya shit in there and then initially Peter owed a favor to someone and they decided to cash in on that favor so that he investigates the archeology site for him but then after that stuff starts going wrong when he decides to turn around and go home after they got everything
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sixthwater · 2 years
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no what do you mean i didn't impulsively get this idea and then fuck over my sleep schedule to do it Hi :) I like music. So I did this. That's it.
This is a very quick personality like pac and the way this is going to work is, I viewed you as if you were a song (pretty straight-forward) so the questions that were asked were:
Q1: Overall Theme (Archetype & Divine Tarot) Q2: Mood of the Song (Astro Oracles) Q3: Type of lyrics (Affirmators)
This is not my normal in depth readings (even though some piles tried to be) but I hope you still enjoy it.
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 5)
Decks Used: Archetype Oracle, Tarot of the Divine, Arcana of Astrology Oracle, claves astrologicae, Affirmators!
Disclaimer | Pinned | Paid Readings
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Pile One
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Transformative songs. You let every situation you encounter fully consume you and spit you out as someone else — not completely different, but more experienced. Your songs don’t shy away from your faults, they toss they into the spotlight actually. They inspire you to create and motivate you to change, as well as to help others through tough times. Your songs can seem a bit negative, especially if you pay attention the lyrics, but they’re supposed to be comforting. They remind me of those songs that have a very soft melody while the lyrics are talking about how much of a wreck their life is, or how at the end of it all nothing matters. You spill your thoughts, they’re on full display for others to take comfort in the fact that they’re not alone with those worries or troubles. You also don’t wallow in your pain either. You’d express that it’s okay to show moments of vulnerability, and when you’re ready, you have the ability to stand up and face your fears to overcome challenges you thought you’d never overcome. You’d probably find yourself sitting in people’s motivational or safe place playlists.
(for some it’s just the tempo, for some it’s the lyrics) Songs: Catastrophe – Forever The Sickest Kids, I’m Not Okay But I Know I’m Going To Be – Raleigh Ritchie, Masterpiece Theatre I – Marianas Trench, As Good As It Gets – Set It Off, if we never met – John K, Only You – Ellie Goulding, Strangers Like Me – Phil Collins
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Pile Two
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Before I fully get into this, Golden by Fall Out Boy keeps standing out to me. It’s not really going to be like the rest, but it feels more like a catharsis underneath it all; like ‘I’ve ruined so many things, I’m putting on a brave face like it’s okay but it’s not’ type of deal. It’s funny too because I wasn’t done wrapping up Pile One and this pile was trying to grab my attention, and look at your cards lol. So anyway. This pile reminds me of Saucy Santana, Lizzo, or a few other specific songs that I’ve found on the BBE playlist. Very light-hearted but in your face. It also feels a bit defensive or protective of it’s own energy like some of Meg’s recent songs (I’ve only heard a snippet of some so I might be wrong). All the artists I’ve listed so far are either mainstream or they’re popular on tiktok so that’s also a vibe I guess. Overall, there’s the theme of doing what you want when you want, regardless of what people say. I can see some lyrics in there that would be seen as ‘firing back’ at others as well when there’s critique. I don’t know why this feels like a celebrity reading all of a sudden lol. It really reminds me of Lizzo though because as much as I enjoy her sometimes there’s this feeling of subtly being on the defense and being very loud about your personality and going ‘yeah I’m that bitch’ even when no one really asked. Now getting back into Golden from earlier: there will definitely be some breaks within this projection. If it’s not ‘I’ve ruined some things with how I’ve acted’, it’s a sense that your inner pain seeps through and you need to let it out, and people don’t expect that much hurt from someone who is so outwardly strong.
(for some it’s just the tempo, for some it’s the lyrics) Songs: Golden – Fall Out Boy, Material Girl – Saucy Santana, Set Off – Hey Monday, Hide&Seek – Namie Amuro, All You Wanted – Michelle Branch, Everybody Dies – Kim Petras, One Of Me (feat. Elton John) – Lil Nas X
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Pile Three
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Ugh, I get it parents just don’t understand. Quick note, struggled to control getting your cards. Very explosive, loud, innocent and childlike sort of. Very reflective of the cards I’m seeing, this quick pick a card is just turning into a normal one you guys. This pile is pretty straight-forward so it might be a little short. Loud in showing up for other people who come from broken homes or troubled childhoods and helping them own their own colors. Showing them that they’re not the problem, they’re not outcasts, they’re fine just the way they are. Music is loud, something to purge emotions to, but also somewhat playful sometimes. It’s reclaiming your childhood. Opening up about a shitty past and seeming like a ‘light’ for those who seek that comfort, while also showing that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel (with the bad comes the good). Coming to terms with the past through creation. There are minor similarities with Pile One but the delivery of it is vastly different.
(for some it’s just the tempo, for some it’s the lyrics) Songs: Walking Disaster – Sum 41, Pop Punk Pizza Party – Sunrise Skater Kids, Dani California – Red Hot Chili Peppers, Your Star – Evanescence, I’m Not Okay (I Promise) – My Chemical Romance, Dangerous – Set It Off, No Parallels – Hands Like Houses
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Pile Four
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Okay, very interesting combination of cards guys. Finally got my love song pile though. I believe there might also be a mix of just feel good songs though too, but definitely more romance songs. It feels more like pining at times, or songs that describe their ideal partner. Some of you will be in that pool, while the other group of you are in the batch of expressing how much of a catch you are. What’s interesting is that I’m not getting any songs that are in the typical mood of love. They’re all intense and grungy, or not about love period. Which I think this page of pentacles is attributing to. Aaahh it’s reminding me of Taylor Swift a bit lol. This is. Objective. It feels like a very dreamy and idealized perception of what love is, to the point of being taken advantage of. When that happens, there is a lot of aggression and vengeance that pops out because the emotions would be poured out into the song. I’m only really familiar with one song so there might be a better song but yeah. It’s essentially like, the highs are high and the lows are low. Very emotional music and can absolutely make people feel things, kind of like Lana Del Rey (I just have to trust others on that one, also don’t listen to her haha). Yeah oh my god all the music I’m getting is intense as hell lmao I was expecting some of my softer sweeter music to come through but everything so far is heavy. For songs that aren’t romantic, it’s about not growing up in a sense, like not losing your innocence or seeing the world through your pure eyes and being very adamant about it. None of that ‘nice guys finish last’ bullshit. Yes it can get you into hurtful situations, but you’d never give up that quality of yours, and you base your music around it, because part of this pile feels more of like a personality reading.
(for some it’s just the tempo, for some it���s the lyrics) Songs: Gashina – Sunmi, Afraid – The Neighbourhood, Bad Blood – Taylor Swift, Louder – Roselia, GONE, GONE / THANK YOU – Tyler, The Creator, 2 Soon – keshi, Run the Show (feat. Don Omar) – Kat DeLuna, Decided to Break It – Marianas Trench
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Pile Five
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Okay Aquarius. Your songs stand out in a crowd, but they’re also a reflection of you mental and emotional state. As well as your opinions on the state of the world. It’d be very easy to go back and check on where you were at in your life by cycling through your albums. I can see a lot of distinct sounds in your music. It doesn’t have to be weird or off-putting, but compared to the artists that would be within your circle (if you really belonged to one), you would definitely not blend into the background very easily. I can see your emotions not coming through so easily within your music, but your viewpoints or reactions to things? That’s immediately pinpointed, maybe even presented on a silver platter with the theme. Feeling kind of like how My Chemical Romance with their stories and themes, but specifically for you I’d say Danger Days. Not the song, but those topics specifically. I do sense that maybe your music may have impulsive reactions without the full truth which can cause some chaos, since it’s fueled by your emotions or slight insecurity (caused by constant scrutiny or criticism) — so your reaction might be a bit intense since you hold your emotions back within your music so it seems like the response is out of balance. Your music would probably be an outlet for a lot of unspoken thoughts or feelings though, hence the prominent ‘new phase and transformation’ or ‘time for clarity’ cards. Through this, you can figure yourself out and do some spring cleaning. I do feel that sometimes you might just say shit or run with rumors about you for fun because people should be able to do some research and not believe everything they hear or read, and that might cause a little bit of trouble as well. It’s like ‘oh everyone says I’m a drama queen so yeah you know what they’re absolutely right the theme for this song is that I’m 100% hard to please’ and people take you seriously lol.
(for some it’s just the tempo, for some it’s the lyrics) Songs: Courage – P!nk, Villain – Stella Jang, Creepshow – Kerli, Cyber Stockholm Syndrome – Rina Sawayama, Two Princes – Spin Doctors, Haunted House – DBMK, Too Much – Carly Rae Jepsen, Robot Rock – Daft Punk, My Own Dance – Kesha
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enddaysengine · 5 months
Horned Dragon (Paths Beyond)
My patrons expressed interest in a few of the remastered monsters that got a facelift, and I am thrilled to present the first one: the horned dragon. With the remaster project, Paizo had to chuck the classic chromatic and metallic dragons out with the bathwater. Or at least they had to check their names out. While Monster Core is full of brand, new and deliciously weird dragons, there is a familiar face. The green dragon has been redubbed in favour of its horn, making it clear all the dragons we love to love and love to hate are still around. Expect the other metallics and chromatics to reappear with a fresh coat of paint as time goes on. In the meanwhile, horned dragons have literal decades of lore we can draw upon. 
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Art by Ben Wootten
The most notable change to horned dragons in the Remaster is trading the arcane spellcasting tradition for primal. This aligns with their fondness for woodlands and linguistic talents for both elven and fey, although their erudite minds still resonate with the arcane tradition. There is an overlap between the two in shapechanging  and elemental magics, which suggests some themes to worm horned dragons around. And, as I will frequently say when dealing with the Remaster, there's no reason you can't just go with the classic arcane caster and all that entails, especially if that's what makes sense for the story.
Horned dragons have a reputation for being intellectuals, but they do have a gap in their knowledge: the outer sphere. For those of us who harken back to the Planescape days or focus our planar games on the afterlife, that sounds like a significant gap. Likewise, they know relatively little about outsiders, and the undead. It is worth remembering, however, that this is the only gap in their knowledge when it comes to planar affairs. Horned dragons are trained in Arcana, Nature, and Occultism, with even a young dragon able to beat expert level DCs reliably. Add in the fact they’re experts in society as well, and they know about almost every type of monster that’s out there too. Horned dragons don’t just have a reputation for being smart, they are genuinely brilliant and unlikely to let you forget it. What that means is that horned dragons could be the masterminds behind any plot involved in the planes. Or they could be the ones who dispense a crucial piece of information to the party. Or both. Probably both.
Deep within the Hanging Bower is one of the Green Mother's favourite concubines: the horned dragon Urðvox, the Hungering Mind. Her title was bestowed by her Eldest mistress, for Urðvox role the Green Mother's court is to speak for and embody mental seduction. Hours of conversation with the ancient worm pass in the blink of an eye, but the horned dragon only hints at her great knowledge. Those who wish to learn her secrets must tease apart the few crumbs the dragon give, all while being careful not to get drawn in too quickly.
The oddest monastery exists in the Napsune Mountains, founded by Zestrex, a young but capable horned dragon. The dragon is enamoured with the Laws of Mortality, scoffing at the prospect divinity makes one more worthy than intellect. Upon arriving in Rahadoum, Zestrex found many restless spirits, mortal and elemental alike, and resolved to gather them to himself. Now, Zestrex studies the primal and occult forces at work within his disciples while helping them move on or return to their planes of origin.
Imetx lives a contemplative live of seclusion and reflect on the Ethereal Plane. She considers herself a gardener, but unlike horticulturalists on the Universal Plane, what she cultivated are emotions. Anger blossoms, red and stinging, on fleshy vines that must be constantly trimmed. Joy is a field of yellow blooms, as far as the eye can see. The white stalks of fear are rarely seen, for it is never Imetx’s own fear, but that of those who see her imposing form. An authority on the In-Between’s emotional resonance, Imetx can provide information or ritual components relating to aura reading.
While horned dragons are known for pursuing self-perfection, they can be protective of other beings they view as perfect, to the point of possessiveness. Giorgis the Pure sees unicorns in this way — they represent perfect virtues, are perfect horses, and serve as perfect emissaries between the mortal world and the First World. The horned dragon obsessively tracks in the comings and goings of all unicorns within the forest where he lairs, as well the portals they use to commune with the fey. He has a violent and deep hatred of alchemists, blaming them for alicorn poachers, whether or not they deal in such substances.
Note: If you want to get a vote in the what monsters I cover out of order next, come follow the link at the top (and right here)
I do have some Monster Core writeups done (you can also find them at the link), but I'm waiting for Archive of Nethys to update so I can include art.
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strange-destinations · 3 months
question, is there a way i can learn more about SUNFLOWER SONG . its such a great song and i want to know more about it and story behind it, cause the description is very interesting
it's from The Spread, which is a music project I was going to do as my final graduate project before i moved to working on Aisling Green (which was a much less ambitious project, i'm glad I switched!). It's a set of 22 songs, all themed after the major arcana cards of the tarot deck, with several interlocking absurdist plotlines. Sunflower Song was #3 (the Empress), and one of the only songs I managed to draft fully before I switched projects.
Hopefully I can come back to working on the Spread eventually! It's a bit of a weird project (inspired a lot by Ghost Quartet, actually) and would require a lot more external assistance from various musicians and singers to pull together properly, but I'm not discounting it entirely. At the very least, if/when I do manage to finalize other songs from the project, I'll throw them up onto Youtube too. Probably out of order.
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szkicel · 7 days
Welcome to my art page!
Hi, I’m Lucin, also known as Szkicel, and I’m a bug artist working on a few projects - mostly webcomics and games!
Instagram | Twitter | Bluesky | ToyHouse | ArtFight
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I’m tagging this post with all my tags that I use, so it’s easier to find stuff on mobile~ (will be updated as time goes on)
Let me introduce some of my projects under the cut :D
Sayta & Neska are two cockroach sisters working as bounty hunters to put some food on the table. Sometimes Neska’s best friend Artun also tags along to help them out. They all live in the remains of a human house, where a lot of other bugs built their towns and cities.
This is the project that currently I’m putting the most focus on, working on the script and hopefully soon - drawing the pages of the comic!
RO.Bug sideblog: @ro-bug
Characters & plot - summary
RO.Bug on ToyHouse
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RO.Bug: The Sinking Ruins
This is a project of a game that I worked on for my thesis. It takes place in the same universe as RO.Bug of course, but it focuses on a different location and different characters.
Isel is a moth traversing the old ruins on their robotic wings, trying to find a way back to their kingdom and to the man who took their wings in the first place.
RO.Bug: TSR on ToyHouse
I also had ideas for multiple spin-offs that take place in RO.Bug universe, mostly games with a couple webcomics, but right now I’m focusing on the two RO.Bug projects mentioned here so I won’t introduce the rest until I have more concrete concepts.
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A concept that started out as an idea for a comic, that later turned into an idea for a game due to its complexities and different endings. I don’t want to spoil it too much, so all you need to know about this for now is that it takes place in the afterlife and the main character wants to learn about their life and how they died.
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MetalHero / Stage Heroes
I’m still not 100% set on the title for this one because I’m still looking into what isn’t copyrighted yet or how many protagonists I want to include (it started out with one but as more characters arrived the more it seemed this story could benefit from either having multiple POVs or being an anthology series)
It’s about superheroes with powers based on music - different genres, specific bands, artists or even instruments and songs. One of the heroes we follow is MetalHero (again, probably the name will be changed bc this one might be copyrighted), a friendly silly guy who just happens to be into metal - and also everyone in his city knows his identity and is chill about it~
It will start off as a webcomic, even though it could benefit from being an animated series.
Currently I don’t focus too much on this project, because the bugs take all of my time lmao but if you wanna see some of my old artwork featuring these guys, you can scroll down my instagram :D (I probably posted about them here too, but it’s easier to find them there) also if you have any questions regarding this series, feel free to ask~ !
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Other Stuff
I also draw fanart from time to time
Here’s some of the media and music that I enjoy and I might draw stuff for (no promises tho):
Hollow Knight
Bug Fables
JJBA (esp part 3, 4 and 6)
Spiderverse (both movies)
Samurai Jack
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Adventure Time (haven’t watched fully yet so no spoilers pls)
Owl House
Undertale & Deltarune
The Arcana (current hyperfixation, mostly Muriel and Nadia lmao haven’t finished yet so no spoilers pls)
Baldur’s Gate 3 (current hyperfixation, not a player and I barely scratched the surface lol)
Ghost (the band)
Caravan Palace
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Thank you for reading :D
I’m open to answering any questions regarding my projects so feel free to hit me up here or on instagram!
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2sleepy4dis · 2 years
╰┈➤ ❝ The Chain as Social Link ❞
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° yesss, let's go with the puuuun lmao. The big reason why I wanted to make this crossover ahah;;; I swear this was a difficult one. "Once you know a Link, you've known them all '' and that couldn't be truer while I was giving them the arcana— anyways, I managed to play and fit it!
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° I'll put the symbolism, game-wise and story-wise!
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Linked Universe x Persona Crossover
┊・❥ Time - The Hermit
Symbolizes wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches.
Gameplay-wise they deal with mental-ailments and are hermit figures...
Story-wise, I was debating whether to put Hermit or Hierophant but in the end I chose the former!
Both plays the "wise mentor" however the Hierophant leans more on a religious figure which I suppose Time tries to stay out of for reasons.
So, Hermit Arcana! Time spent his life "hidden" voluntarily and involuntarily.
Was hidden in the forest, was hidden in a sacred realm, his adventure became a story in the adult timeline and forgotten in the child timeline— that's probably a few of it!
┊・❥ Twilight - The Moon
There's a lot to unpack but in short it represent being attuned subconsciously to the world and gaining the ability to sense things
Kinda like psych which works with Twilight becoming a wolf
Was thinking if to give this or not since story-wise of persona this arcana tends to project their fears or faults on others, which mainly the protagonist.
Gameplay-wise this arcana excels in physical abilities with average magic which fits Twilight!
But I could see some way this would work with all the shadow and other world stuff going on.
I feel like because of his experience with shadows he is more sensitive to the Reader who is in contact with them too.
And due to his supportive side he tends to look out more to the reader. Like, uh, platonically explained? He is a protective big bro!
┊・❥ Warrior - The Chariot
Symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war and command.
It's fitting just on-point for Warrior.
Gameplay-wise they excels in physical attacks and figures of warriors.
They also have special physical skills! Which Idk how to implement since all Link have it. I think Warrior gives special effects like how in-game of HW the weapons have elemental skills.
Edit: I remembered that skill which instant-kill the enemy. With Warrior who's game is more hack&slash.
Story-wise figures also tend to hide their doubts and weaknesses. This is Warrior we talkin' about. He hides them with smug, flirts and jokes. That mistake of power getting through his head was a scar on his back. Ouch.
Please give him a pat on the shoulder to reassure him ó_ò)
I'd also like to imagine Warrior being the one to teach the Reader about fighting instead of just being Time ^^) he trained with the knights so he does have the experience in teaching and sparring!
┊・❥ Wild - The Hanged Man
Symbolize self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment and paradoxes that hangs between sky and earth and also renewal.
Gameplay-wise they excels in survivability!
I guess he could provide Reader about the necessity? Like Iwai who can provide weapons to the Protag—
Story-wise, this the card of the martyr.
Wild life is surrounded by sacrifices. For the champions who sacrificed themselves, Zelda, the King, Hyrule itself.
Wild was in a situation which he had little control over. Not only the calamity, but also the burden he has. The eyes on him.
Yet once the eyes and expectations were gone, he still held on to his task and ended what's left.
Also what I like about this is the hanged man have a leg crossed to the other forming a "4" which makes me think of Wild and the four champions 🫠
Anyways, characters with this cards are in dilemma about their loss. Unable to move on, they can't choose without making sacrificing part of their identity.
So the relationship that the Reader build with them is to face the problem head-on.
Doesn't mean in the end, it's gone. The characters problem with consequences that remain but won't burden them (*cough*tearsofthekingdom*cough*)
┊・❥ Sky - The Justice
Symbolizes the strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis.
The card represent up-coming trials which are fitting for Sky's journey.
Gameplay-wise they excels in light-ability which fits on Sky since he is more close on the divine ones: Zelda as the reincarnation of Hylia, he is the first reincarnation of the hero, if we go to joke he lives literally above the clouds, a very lightened place lol
I have no idea what kind if ability Sky can give to the Reader and I can hear y'all yelling that Sky have more affinity at sword-wielding probably more than Warrior but listen—! ...Maybe I'll give him the bonus: detecting enemy stats, better communication and increasing critical hits 😊
Uuh, story-wise… for those who played persona, knows the tendency what this arcana has and I don't want to spoil others.
Sky. He is just there standing in the background and is mostly viewed as the soft-sky boi but when you push that anger too far?
Funny fact, this characters tend to be stoic individuals but when pushed too far they tend to take drastic measures.
He did have to deal with bullies, unfairness in competitions, his bird being treated unjustly— he gone for blood during his battle with Demise—
Anyways, I'm curious how to implement this in the story 👀
┊・❥ Legend - The Star
The arcana also symbolizes hope, fitting for Legend who brought the timeline in its Golden Era.
Gameplay-wise they excel in elemental attacks and represent multi-talented figures.
So I was thinking about skills gained by Hifum* Tog* since Legend have more experience (and worked in team in TriforceHeroes) to leave battle strategy with him instead of Four and Warrior.
Story-wise they are also multi-talented individuals which can resonate with Legend's journey. He ain't called "vet" for nothing!
Although they also deal with internal and external struggles.
┊・❥ Hyrule - The Magician
It symbolizes power, potential, and the unification of the physical and spiritual worlds.
Uhm, basically stern will and unfailing determination, also a resourceful individual which fits Hyrule so well... if you played his game (I saw a gameplay and that's...that requires a loooot of determination to finish;;;)
Gameplay-wise they excel in magic!
In simple words, he can teach Reader magic.
Also story-wise, they also tends to be the protagonist first friend.
Warrior deals with physical combat teaching so if Reader wants to learn magic Hyrule would be the one and be glad to help! And it's a good form of bonding since you both are gonna be together for.. knows how long.
┊・❥ Four - The Temperance
Symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites.
Gameplay-wise its figure is well-rounded and figures associated with balance
Story-wise, Four is probably the most balanced in the group, through and through.
Perhaps it's just me but he hasn't got a lot going on with him… on the outside!
He is good at hiding it and has to remind himself about self-control to not use the four sword.
┊・❥ Wind - The Sun
Symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment
It literally represented by a child riding a horse (in Wind's case a boat)
Story-wise, these characters find themselves in severe terrible situations but they still manage to keep optimistic despite the tragedy of their past.
No one has been this arcana in team-party in persona so game-play wise idk how they are besides being associated with light, sun and fire.
This is kinda like every Link ngl.
Unlike in Declined Hyrule which focuses more on hopefulness, the New World does focuses more on optimism to find something else beyond in the Great Sea.
Perhaps Wind didn't have a tragic story like Wild or a big one like Time. And the light-hearted style of the game (with dark story) but it does have it's message of letting go of the past and moving on to a better tomorrow.
»»———-  ———-«
That's it! That's all! For now!
A/N: Thanks for reading all the way here! I'm thinking to separate the list in parts because it's too long but at the same time I don't wanna to not... flood the tags about my crossover junk QwQ) What do you guys think?
Next time I'll give info how the Reader summons their, uh, persona UwU)
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rilin · 8 months
Little ramble about a personal project I'm starting! SO if you know me, you probably know that I'm slightly (very) obsessed with a song artist called Jonathan Coulton, AKA JoCo! I've been a fan of his stuff ever since around 2006 when Spiffworld on YouTube started making World of Warcraft Machinimas of JoCo's songs. I used to listen to his music a lot on my little mp3 player that couldn't shuffle (I prefer to shuffle when I can) so I'd memorise all the songs and the order they were on that mp3 :D Then 2007 comes along and a little game called Portal comes out, with of course, the classique Still Alive that was written by JoCo himself! I was more hooked then ever, lol. I've been lucky enough to catch him live twice when he was in the UK, but that was over a decade ago now :O (JoCo pls come back to UK!) ANYWAY, flash back to half a year ago - a project by the user @baalzebufo pops up on my dash called the Weird Al-Cana and HOLY HECK is it awesome!! (please check it out!) I'm instantly inspired, and with their blessing, I decided I was gonna do a silly personal project called the... *drumroll* JoCo Tarot! I rarely get such an urge to do personal projects as a freelance artist nowadays. I love my job but sometimes the guilt for spending art energy not on work is tuff! So to have such a big spark for this is so refreshing, and one my my own personal resolutions this year is to spend some time each Saturday doing something for myself! :D This project will be the Major Arcana only (to save my wrist). I've gotten all of the song choices 99% fleshed out, and I'm still in the process of deciding what sort of style I'm after for the project. I'm not well practiced in inanimate objects, so it's some will definitely be a challenge in that regard lol! I will say that some of my picks aren't the most obvious of choices, and I'd love to explain my thought processes with WIP's! In fact, the point of making this post is to give you guys a tag to follow (JoCo Tarot) if you're interested in seeing the WIP's and stuff!~ It feels weird to put my heart on my sleeve regarding self-indulgently things, but GOOD >:D I hope that this can find it's audience somewhere (I know u JoCo fans are out there!) And that in turn will inspire me to keep going with it! My dream would be to get this thing printed and give out some copies if I ever one day get to go on the Cruise!
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blackjackkent · 9 months
All right, home from a very chaotic holiday travel and ready to settle into almost two weeks off of work, all full of Baldur's Gate 3 shenanigans. :P Picking up Hector's story in the midst of the Act 2 climax, which has so far been a pretty intense experience for him.
We've most recently been navigating around the underbelly of Moonrise Towers which is full of creepy flesh and creepy people. It seems like this is the heart of the operation, as the particular area we just wandered into is labeled "Tadpoling Center."
And hey, we just found one of our side objectives!
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Most of the NPC indicators on the map are the intellect devourers wandering around - but one isn't.
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Oh, boy.
Actually, this is, it turns out, a much more interesting situation than I originally thought, because I went to look at where her icon is on the map and found this:
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????? Yo, what?
It's kind of blurry, but that is most definitely Mizora IN the mind flayer pod, writhing around and looking quite unhappy.
Presumably we'll get more information shortly, but my immediate interpretation is that this has been a situation like Sorceress Sellen from Elden Ring, where the interaction we've had with her was basically a projection while her real body has been trapped here this whole time. Which definitely explains why she was agitated enough about her task for Wyll that she was willing to bargain his freedom against it.
I think Hector and company all probably get a visceral reaction to even seeing one of these pods active again. Hector finds himself thinking back to those first terrible days of the adventure - breaking Shadowheart out of her pod, running through the nautiloid in terror, the crash, the fall.
He's come a long way since then, for better or for worse.
Time to go see what this is all about.
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"Mizora?" Wyll says, visibly bewildered, his tone more than a little strained. "You're Zariel's asset?"
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Mizora smiles coldly at him through the pod's cover. Despite the tenuousness of her position, she seems calm, even disinterested - or at least is putting considerable effort into seeming so. "My dumb little stinker," she says coolly. "Took you long enough." The smile fades into an authoritative scowl. "Now, by Graz'zt's cock, get me out of this thing," she snaps.
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Wyll's eyes narrow, his shoulders squaring in a determination very unlike the submission he has shown towards her in the past. "I'll do it - and you'll set me free," he answers. "That was the deal."
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"Yeah, yeah," she scoffs dismissively. "So get to it already."
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Hector squints at her skeptically. There's no question she's in a precarious spot - but even so, she seems... too acquiescing, for a devil. He is fully prepared for there to be some loophole, some backstab, something she will try to put her on top of the situation again.
Still... the agreement seems clear enough on the surface. Let her out, Wyll goes free. So he might as well try to hold up their end in good faith, at least until the other shoe drops.
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Narrator: Wyll's eyes turn to the control panel next to the pod. It has two devices marked with illithid symbols. The controls are open to your tadpole's command - to your authority.
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Examine the device on the left.
Narrator: [ARCANA] The symbol's meaning comes into focus: 'annihilate.'
Examine the device on the right.
Narrator: [ARCANA] You decipher the symbol. It's an illithid sigil meaning 'unleash'.
Interesting. This is something of a conflicting moment for Hector. His instinct is always towards honesty - but he is dealing with a devil, someone whose instinct is almost certainly towards the exact opposite. And his friend's fate hangs in the balance.
If he were sure of what it would accomplish... perhaps for Wyll's sake he would be willing to suffer through breaking his word and killing Mizora in her cage. But what would that do to the contract? It very well might be considered a rebellion against it, even if Wyll's isn't the hand that pulls the trigger.
So much for the 'annihilate' button.
The 'unleash' one is more concerning. Admittedly, his interpretation of it is based entirely on his hazy understanding of the illithid symbols granted by the parasite - but if that interpretation is correct, the word choice is... troublingly ambiguous. It could mean 'release', letting Mizora out of the pod... but it could also mean to unleash her 'potential' - i.e. turn her into a mind flayer herself, as they saw happen to the unfortunate trapped woman all the way back on the nautiloid.
There is, of course, a third option, more direct than either of the controls. And, under the circumstances, perhaps it's the only one he's willing to risk.
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[STRENGTH] Gather your strength and smash your foot through the pod.
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Hector's foot plows through the machine's delicate biomechanical circuitry in a shower of sparks. As the pod's cover recedes, Mizora climbs from the broken shell, her wings spreading, stretching imposingly around her.
She draws a slow breath and lets it out with an air of satisfaction before striding down off the pod casing and into the muck that surrounds it. Her eyes flick past Hector to fix on Wyll with casual disdain.
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"You did all right, Wyll," she says with a shrug. "I'd give your belly a good rub, but never could stand the smell."
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Wyll glares at her. "You're free, Mizora. I held up my end. Now you hold up yours. Sever the pact."
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Mizora looks at him steadily for a moment, then smirks and makes a show of dramatically clearing her throat. "Mm. Hrm. Mm-mm-mgh-AHEM. Clause Z, Section Thirteen. 'If the soul-binder consents to separation, she will release the soul-bearer from all obligation within six months."
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Hector winces, and fire flashes in Wyll's eyes. "Six months?" he snarls. "Gods *damn* you."
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"Ignorant thing," Mizora sneers. "It's always the terms and conditions that get you."
Hector senses Wyll's desire to lash out, and hastily puts out a hand against his friend's arm. Realistically - this is probably the best outcome they could have hoped for, and he can't let Wyll break the contract now after coming so close to being freed from it. Still, he can understand the Blade's fury; even after what they've done for her, Mizora is still, ultimately, just toying more with him.
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[PERSUASION] "You'd think we'd get a reward for going through all this trouble," he says carefully. He's only half-expecting to get anywhere with the request, but perhaps if Mizora has anything else to offer, it will help mollify Wyll long enough to get them away from here.
For a moment, he thinks she's going to refuse outright, but then she cocks her head to one side and smiles with a strange facsimile of pleasantness.
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"Another one? Well, after jumping through all those hoops, a little treat wouldn't hurt." Light flares around her fingertips, out towards Wyll, surging over his body, lifting him off the ground.
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As he settles back to the ground again, the light begins to coalesce in front of him into the shape of a sword - a long, thin rapier of intricate metal with flame pulsing in the blade.
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Mizora watches thoughtfully as he grasps the sword's hilt. "All that power. And to think, you want to throw it away." She shrugs casually. "Now - you've got business in the Towers to take care of. Don't you fret - I'll find you soon enough. You're going to need me. Count on it."
Her lip curls playfully. "Oh, and - go ahead, tell your chums how we met. It's a real cracker of a tale. Ta-ta!"
And then she's gone in a burst of consuming light.
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"Well," Hector says cautiously after a long pause. "It's a nice sword?"
Wyll grimaces. He turns the blade in his fingertips, then reaches into his sheath, pulls his current rapier out and tosses it into the muck. "Gods damn her," he mutters. "Always more games. Always more taunting."
"But you will be free," Karlach puts in, her tone gentle. "That's something, right? When you're stuck with a devil you don't usually get to have an end date to the arrangement."
He glances at her, hesitates and then shrugs slightly. "Yeah. It's something."
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solar-tl-27 · 11 months
Hello hello hi hi hi hi
I have gotten back into being able to do semi daily art SO WE ARE PICKING UP THE ART TRAIN AGAIN
That’s right (hopefully) semi regular art posts again!
I’m currently working on a project with the reignited characters to draw them as tarot cards!
Now disclaimer: I don’t plan on making these cards a part of the story in any way these are more just surface level designs based on the descriptions of the cards and what character I assigned them with.
Basically my plan is to do some research on the major arcana and assign them with a character from my rewrite.
Draw them in a way that fits them and portrays the card in a way
And then show of each card separately so that i can go into more detail about why i chose to portray the characters the way i did!
They can be pretty lore heavy and it’s also a great way for me to practice composition and other elements of design. It’s a way for me to be more expressive with the characters and for you guys to get more lore! I am already going to say that some of these drawings will have a trigger warning over them…. But a more precise warning will be given when the time comes to show off that card! (Nothing major rn the only current warnings are like vomiting so no worries)
Furthermore my current plans are to do 23 cards because i have done the hanged man card twice because it fit both of the characters in different ways.
Now i hope you look forward to the posts! First one will probably be Blush a character i made for s4 because as a new face she will have a lot of lore to talk about!
Have a sneak peek ty ty
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