#back to gif-ing that season
anderwater · 2 years
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SABI & 7VEN SORT OF (2021-) Season 2
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/25/2024 OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Queerties; How to Help; New Renewal Effort Resources; stats; gifs; petition status; morale boost ; self care pitstop; love notes; Rhys
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
While not related to OFMD-- Leslie Jones has been nominated for Outstanding Performance Award from @naacp for "After the Cut" on The Daily Show! Just something to celebrate for our crew!
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Nathan Foad, Samba Schutte, and Con O'Neill are obviously excited about OFMD coming to the UK! All seen on their instagram stories.
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Next, Kristian Nairn answered some fans on the #WeeJohnDays Coming back. You can add to the thread here if you'd like.
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== Queerties ==
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If you're down, please vote for the Queerties each day! If you want to just vote for OFMD categories, feel free to visit: TV Comedy Best TV Performance
== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
= New Renewal Campaign Resources =
Found some cool resources today if you're out campaigning on any of the platforms, feel free to use these, they're all tagged with sources. (These have been added to the Daily Recap Task Lists)
== Stats ==
Srcs (in order of appearance LTR): @lucyrosebutler , @bonnypitty @meowzawowza_ on Twitter
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== Gif Resources ==
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Our lovely @kiwistede made some gorgeous gifs that you can use on social media when you're @ing the networks.
==UK News==
@lamentus1 Gave us a brief update on the happenings in the UK:
Not much to report today, I’ve just been focused on promoting the show off the back of the UK talent, hoping to enlist new fans now that we have a date for season 2 on the BBC. The Guardian article was great, despite ending on a somewhat pessimistic note. It links to the petition though, which is amazing! The Guardian Article
We made it into the guardian! Holy Crap!
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‘Unhinged – in a good way’: Our Flag Means Death was cancelled. Its fans are fighting back"
As @lamentus1 mentioned, yes, the last quote in it is very pessimistic, however I don't think that's the part we should focus on, instead we should focus on the fact the campaign got big enough to warrant getting picked up by The Guardian AND our petition was linked in it. Think of how many new folks will be clicking in?
The 20 best feel-good TV shows
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Finally Confirms UK Release Date
‘Our Flag Means Death’ Season 2: Fans Petition To Save Beloved HBO Show (this last one has a weird date at the end, which @OFMDBingo42 on Twitter speculates coincides with the end of the Social Media Strike for Palestine, just fyi it was confusing many of us).
==Petition Status ==
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Almost at 81K!
== Morale Boosts ==
Feeling low cause things have slowed down? A lot of crew have brought up some excellent points across the platforms as to why things aren't as down as they feel right now. Please check out: @PehmoKoira's Take on Tumblr
== Self Care Pitstop! ==
If you are feeling overwhelmed-- stop by @flowelineblog's post! It's quick, and efficient :)
== Love Notes ==
So while looking for cast and crew sightings I found this lovely message on @VicoOrtiz's IG Story, so I'm going to share it instead tonight by @thebehappyproject.
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Our Rhys picture tonight is courtesy of @rhysdarbinizedarby via a post about "The Jaquie Brown Diaries": Night on the Brown (2009)"
I couldn't get over the look, so now you have to see it. It's literally haunting my dreams and I haven't even fallen asleep yet.
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Anyway, night lovelies, hope you all have a great day/night <3 Stay safe, hydrated, and keep being the ever wonderful yous <3
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freakadr0id · 2 years
LMK Season 4 Spoilers!!! (Episode 4.4 - Pignapped!)
I knew this episode was going to be gay when I took a sneaky peaky at the episodes when they aired in China, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO BE THIS GAY!!
I wanted to hold off on talking about it until tomorrow, but I can't help it. I need to get this out of my system.
First off: It is so sweet how the moment Tang is struggling and feeling dejected, he starts thinking of Pigsy and wishes he was there.
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"Oh, Pigsy... Where are you?"
He's stressed, and sad and who does he think of? Pigsy, that's who.
2: "I'm your Tangy"
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Look at his face! He uses his affectionate nickname! It's so f-ing cute I can't even.
3: "I have devoted my life to this man..."
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I can't explain the noise I made when he said this line. I had to go back and rewatch it just to make sure I didn't mishear it. Yup, he just said that.
I'm sorry, but if you say you've "devoted your life" to someone, then that relationship is almost 100% more than just FRIENDSHIP. I mean sure, you can ABSOLUTELY say that about friends, if you want, but I mean... come on. It's *them*
So, congrats to them on that confirmed marriage.
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The hum and happy noise he makes when he nuzzles Pigsy at the end is just so f-ing cute. He just loves his pig husband so much.
(Yes, Ik I've made this gif before, but I wanted a higher-quality version of it, so here you go).
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Yes, I also mentioned this one before, but this one shot fills my soul with so much joy I can't NOT mention it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but even though I'm not too into shipping in LMK, these two just get to me. I didn't even ship it at first, but season 3, and now season 4, really sold me on the relationship between these two.
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cozy-fantasy-corner · 7 months
Band of Idiots Pt. 4: Coney Island
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, pining, language, Steve being an angsty cat, mentions of violence, alcohol, illness, death, and fondue-ing 
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Steve, Y/n, and Bucky are as thick as thieves. They spend a day at Coney Island together. Feelings are discovered and lies are told.
Author’s Note: It’s been ages since I’ve updated this fic. My apologies. Life got crazy. I graduated high school, moved out of state for college, and then got super sick. But I’m back and better than ever. My inbox and dms are always open!
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(not my gif. credit to the owner)
Brooklyn summers could be unbearable. The molten heat pounding on the asphalt of a concrete jungle was enough to make any seasoned New Yorker feel faint. The air looked like a blur and felt like it was baking the city alive. The sun a constant, unrelenting oven. 
July of 1934 was no different. In fact, it was somehow worse. 
Just two weeks ago, Stevie had his fourteenth birthday. And boy was he rearing to go. The torturous temperatures had Stevie acting like an alley cat. He was always yowling about something and picking fights with any and everyone. 
Three days this week he’d come home while Miss Sarah was at work cut up and bleeding. I’d be an amazing nurse with the amount of times I’ve given that boy stitches and set his nose. 
With Bucky’s new job down at the docks, he couldn’t save Steve so easily from all of his fights like he used to. Poor Buck is so worried about our boy. The thought of him biting off more than he can chew is enough to cause a knot in all of our stomachs. We wouldn’t know what to do without him. 
Today, Bucky had the day off of work and he’d been saving for weeks to take us to Coney Island to blow off some steam. For him, that was spending all his money to impress dames. For Stevie, it was drawing while next to me on a bench or the beach. As for me, I loved to just sit and observe all of the people: the sights, the smells, the sounds. 
The train ride to the amusement park was crowded and boiling with body heat. It smelled like stale sweat and old people in the worst way. The screams of children and the loud chatter from other patrons were enough to give me a headache, even with my bad ear. My back was killing me from standing for so long without a break, forcing me to brace myself on Steve and Bucky’s shoulders. Of course, Mister Meat-Head over here was flexin’ his suddenly very toned shoulder under my grip which caused me to blush. Thank God my face was already red from overheating, or he’d have poked fun at me about it. 
My shitty lungs were being squeezed by the warm, wet air, and I wheezed slightly. My wheezing was met with Steve’s and a concerned glare from Bucky. I moved my hand to my bag, fumbling for my peppermint oil. My fingers met the cold glass and pried it open near our noses. A deep inhale eased the pressure in my chest. 
“You alright, Kiddo?”
“She’s peachy, Buck. We’re on a hot train with a buncha loud, smelly assholes and we both got shit lungs. Wattaya think, ya jerk?” Steve snarked back, radiating thick annoyance. My mouth fell open in shock. 
Bucky threw up his hand defensively, a mildly hurt look on his face. Steve was never this cross, even on his worst days. Something was wrong, had been for weeks. Getting into fights, coming home later, skipping meals, being snippy, even to me. Now it was getting worse. I hoped that it wouldn’t ruin our day out, but part of me knew that things would only go downhill from there. And all I could do was brace myself for impact. 
I pulled my shoulders closer to my neck and inched towards Buck a little bit. My eyes squeezed themselves shut and I tried to breathe in, hoping for calm. All I got was B.O. and a frown from Steve. He knows I only do that when I’m nervous, and he was the thing making me nervous. 
Buck seemed so set on enjoying the day that he glazed over everything and plastered his trademark Bucky Barnes grin on his sweaty face. I almost wanted to pinch his arm just to snap him out of it. No one should smile that much or look that good doing it. Especially not on a train in the summer heat. Honest to God, it was annoying. 
Between Mister Sunshine and Mister Scrooge, the day was bound to be interesting to say the least. 
Bucky had stopped to grab me some pop while Steve stormed off, a bit too eager to be rid of us for my taste. A minute piece of my heart crumbled away. Never, in all the years that I had known Steven Grant Rogers, had he voluntarily put distance between us. I couldn’t figure a rhyme or reason, all I could feel in that moment was hurt. 
I ambled along the dock, book in hand. The salt-tinged air lapped at my frizzy locks and splotchy skin like a cooling balm. It felt like I could fully exhale finally. Deep breaths were a blessing. 
Very little time passed when Buck had bounced up beside me with his angelic grin. His baby fat had melted away in recent months, giving him a devilish yet heavenly appearance. That stupid, perfect grin caught me off guard. I was in awe that my safety net, my friend could possibly be this beautiful. He had always been handsome, but not once in my life had I seen someone, anyone, look so perfect. I wasn’t aware that my feelings for him could grow, but by-golly they did. 
Just staring at him wouldn’t do, so I elbowed him in the ribs. His playful pout made my chest squeeze. It wasn’t in the usual painful way like my attacks. It was something new, unfamiliar. He chuckled and pulled me under his arm as we continued down the dock. I felt so small and safe at his side. Tiny jolts of electricity seemed to pass from his skin to mine with every step. 
Nestled into Bucky’s side, we meandered towards the rides. A good handful of summers had passed since we’d been able to come here, but we had long outgrown the attractions we were used to. We bickered back and forth about which adventure to choose. I was thankfully able to convince him to take me on the ferris wheel at some point today, but I knew I’d have to let him have his fun first. The way his eyes lit up talking about the Cyclone told me that I wouldn’t have any choice but to go with him. God, I hate roller coasters. 
That Godforsaken ride was the bane of my existence, but my boys loved it to death. I always ended up with my head tucked into someone’s chest as we whipped ‘round and ‘round. On especially good days, like today, I was able to hold my lunch down.  
Something about this time felt odd. Bucky kept looking at me with a goofy grin. This smile wasn’t his normal endearing, toothy grin; there was something more to it that I couldn’t quite place. That look had my heart pounding in my chest, not from fear, but excitement maybe. 
Many more strange glances were exchanged over the next couple of hours, Steve’s attitude problem mostly forgotten. I couldn’t help but worry that something was wrong with Buck. Over the last 7 years, he had looked at me a lot of ways: worried, annoyed, caring. Today was a whole fresh set that I couldn’t quite name. It made me uneasy, yet giddy at the same time. A tiny, delusional part of me thought that maybe, just maybe the older boy loved me like I loved him. That would be impossible. He loves me like a sister. 
The rumble of Bucky’s voice shook me from my thoughts.
“How ‘bout that ferris wheel now? I think I’ve tortured you enough for one day.” he said with a chuckle. I nodded eagerly. 
As I went to start walking towards my favorite ride, I felt a hand in mine. Bucky’s. My breath caught in my throat, but I wouldn’t allow myself to freeze up. He couldn’t know how that tiny gesture affected me. Instead, I smiled up at him, squeezing his massive hand as we moved. 
Such a simple motion brought all of the thoughts I had shoved to the side crashing forward. My mind was in such a state that I didn’t even realize that we were at the front of the line, about to enter our car. Bucky moved to help me up with his kind smile and I sheepishly accepted. 
Damn him. Damn his beautiful smile. Damn his gentlemanly ways. 
After we settled beside one another, he took my hand in his again. His calloused thumb smoothed over the back of my velvet soft hand. It was almost like he was trying to tell me something. Lord, I need calm down. 
As we reached the top, Buck peeled me away from his side and turned look at me. He had an energy about him like he wanted to say something. His brow was furrowed, his eyes serious. His hands rubbed themselves down his thighs nervously. I couldn’t help but feel a little scared. Bucky is the calm one, the happy one. There has never been something he couldn’t turn into a joke. His brow only set itself this way when he was uncomfortable. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. 
I gulped. 
This had to be bad, right? But it couldn’t be. Nothing bad could ever come from such beautiful lips. Nothing. 
A sudden warmth on my lips jerked me out of my worry. My eyes blew wide in surprise. The warmth was Bucky, more specifically, Bucky’s lips. Everything faded away, even the shock, as I melted into the soft feeling of him against my mouth. His work-hardened hands came up to cup my cheeks while I sat there limp in his arms. We had all kissed on another over the years, light pecks on the cheeks and forehead. This one was different. 
Bucky pulled back for air and I sighed softly. Our foreheads met, eyes closed. My body was still limp, but my head spun a million miles a minute. He feels the same way. I’m not crazy. What does this mean? What about Steve?
We jumped apart when a sharp, familiar cough pierced through the haze. My startled eyes met Steve’s angry ones. Dread filled my stomach as I clamored away from Buck and onto the platform of the ferris wheel. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
Steve grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me towards a building nearby. Buck ran after us, yelling for us to stop. I was filled with panic and guilt. Steve looked like he was going to kill someone, well Bucky specifically. 
“What the FUCK was that, Y/N?” Steve growled, fist closing more tightly around my bicep. 
Before I could respond, Bucky was towering over both of us looking just as confused as I was. He paused for a second, taking in my shaking figure. His eyes hardened with rage. No one was allowed to scare me, not even Steve. He grabbed his shoulder harshly and spun him around. 
“You wanna let her go, Punk?” Buck hissed. Steve bristled and clenched his jaw. 
In true Steve fashion, he decided to forgo using his words, leaping straight to using his fists. His fist connected with Bucky’s jaw and I screamed. Bucky shot me a worried glance before pinning Steve to the wall as gently as possible. They stared one another down. All of our chests were heaving. 
Steve looked up at our friend with tears brimming his baby blue eyes, “How could you, pal? You know better”.
Bucky’s face softened instantly and my panic grew. Steve has feelings for me?
Buck muttered an apology and let Stevie go. I pushed myself between them, tears rolling down my flushed cheeks. Their gazes on me were piercing, my skin heating under their eyes. I grabbed Bucky’s hand and turned to Steve. He grabbed my free hand and squeezed softly, eyes full of tears and remorse. I put my head on his chest and hugged him tightly. 
“Stevie, what’s goin’ on, huh?” I whispered pulling back slightly. 
He just croaked, his words seeming to escape him. Buck squeeze my hand, whispering his goodbyes. As the sun dipped low, casting long shadows across the alley, a heavy silence enveloped us. Steve's gaze was distant, lost in the swirl of emotions that had consumed him. I stood there, my heart heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and tangled feelings.
"I... I don't know where to begin," Steve finally murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes searched mine, a mixture of pain and longing flickering within them. 
I reached out, gently touching his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. "It's okay, Steve. Whatever it is, we can figure it out together," I said softly, offering him a small, reassuring smile. Of course we could, I love him more than life itself. 
He nodded, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. "I... I've been trying to deny it, but... seeing you with Bucky, it just..." His voice trailed off, his expression haunted.
I took a step closer, closing the gap between us. "Steve, whatever you're feeling, it's okay. You don't have to hold it all in," I whispered, my heart aching for him. I didn’t mean to hurt him. We had promised as kids never to harm the other. That promise lay shattered at our feet, and it was all my stupid fucking fault. 
Tears welled up in his eyes, reflecting the fading light of the setting sun. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion.
I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. We stood there, clinging to each other in the dwindling light, the weight of our unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. I shushed him softly like Ms. Sarah would, hoping, praying that I could ease his pain with imitation of his mother’s love. 
In that moment, amidst the chaos of tangled feelings and fractured relationships, the crushing realization that I had potentially destroyed the most meaningful bond in my life washed over me. One kiss and our worlds had crashed apart. 
Steve and I remained locked in our embrace, the warmth of each other's frail presence a balm to our troubled souls. The world seemed to fade away around us, leaving only the echo of our steady heartbeats and the whisper of our shared breaths. Clinging to him seemed to be the only thing keeping the ground from vanishing beneath us. He would never let me fall. 
With a gentle touch, I tilted Steve's chin up, meeting his gaze with a tenderness born of years of friendship and unspoken understanding. "I need you to say it." I whisper, my voice cracking under the weight of years of shared memories and unspoken emotions.
Steve's eyes searched mine, his gaze filled with a vulnerability that tore at my heart. "I love Bucky. More than you will ever know, Minnie." he admitted, his voice raw with emotion. Something inside of me fractured. 
He loved him? I felt betrayed. Steve had known for years how I felt, and he had kept this to himself. To what, protect me? Tinges of frustration bubbled up inside of me. He had lied to me, let me confide in him in the earliest hours of the morning, given me advice. None of it was in earnest. 
My anger fizzled out when I saw the tears falling from his pleading eyes. There wasn’t a way in the world I could stay mad at my Stevie, however betrayed I felt. 
I brushed away a stray tear that clung to his cheek, my thumb tracing a gentle path across his skin. "We'll figure it out together, Steve. Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together. All three of us," I promised, the conviction in my words unwavering. He flinched at my mention of all of us. His eyes begged me to keep his feeling for Buck between him and myself. I nodded knowingly, unwilling to betray him. 
In that moment, amidst the fading light of a Brooklyn sunset, I knew that this God-forsaken mess was far from over. But as long as we had each other, I was certain that we could weather any storm that lay ahead. And with that knowledge warming my heart, I held Steve a little tighter, silently vowing to never let go. 
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Rachel stans are stan-ing again on the glee sub. Someone posted this vid of the miss congeniality pod where these 2 podcasters are basically propping Rachel up and praising her for an entire minute. One of them goes, "I love when the Glee club complains about her and I'm lowkey like you're all a bunch of fuck ups without her".
Rachel fans posting gifs about her saying they love Rachel are upvoted. People who disagree downvoted. One said it was rude because they're insulting the rest of the characters by praising Rachel and that's lowkey insulting the cast too because they made those characters their own. Downvoted bad. The Rachel stans then try to excuse it by saying it's not about the cast but how the rest of the glee club as characters needed Rachel so badly to win. This person responds back that Rachel was talented but so was Mercedes and it's rude to call the rest fuck ups no matter how they try to spin it by saying the glee club needed Rachel. Downvoted for that too.
No one can do anything but compliment Rachel on that sub.
You know what's funny about this? They actually didn't need Rachel to win.
Because somehow the NDs were given an ass-pull of a win against the Troubletones (against Mercedes and Santana) for Sectionals without her. She also wasn't given a solo for Sectionals in season 2 and they won that too. So clearly Rachel isn't actually needed to win. Because when Will actually tries to show off the talents of the rest of the club, they shine just as bright with or without Rachel.
Not to say Rachel isn't talented or doesn't contribute to getting the win. But in a lot of her lead performances, she's backed up by others (mostly Mercedes) who really push it to the next level. Half the songs they performed wouldn't have been nearly as good without Mercedes ending it.
Rachel was never necessary for the win. It just felt that way because Will hardly let anyone else show out and always relied on Rachel. He is partially responsible for Rachel being so entitled. Even if she was like that before, he enabled it by rewarding her. He should have let her quit in season 1, given Tina her WSS solo, and then let Rachel come back of her own accord. Making her think she's a priority over others was where he went wrong, and it ended up hurting her in the long run. That's what makes Schue a bad character and teacher, not necessarily his questionable actions (those don't help though).
(This is a random opinion, but Tina should have been the lead Loser Like Me. Rachel had already gotten to sing her own original song in the competition, plus Tina was the actual underdog of the show (along with Kurt), not Rachel. And I don't even like Tina that much)
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Year of Robin Hood - Update
So at the beginning of the year, I concluded my official "Year of Robin Hood" daily gifsets with the end of Season 5A. I planned to continue gif-ing the rest of the Season and Robin's other appearances in Seasons 6 and 7. And I still do.
It's just that I've hit a snag.
Last year, I retired my old Dell laptop and switched to an HP laptop my aunt had gotten as a gift from her company and that she hadn't been using. And for a while, things were getting great.
A few months ago, I started to experience some trouble. Namely, the computer was telling me that I had no disk space or memory. I sometimes had problem saving documents and I didn't want to chance making gifs if my system couldn't handle it. Not until I found a solution.
Unfortunately, there isn't much of a solution yet. I have no memory and my computer is trying to compensate for that. I'm looking into other options but there's a strong possibility I might just need to buy a new laptop.
So until I decide my next steps, I'm going to have to keep putting the rest of my Robin Hood gifs on hold. Hopefully I'll make a decision soon and we can get back to it in no time.
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Hi, I was wondering, do you know where I can get a good quality download of izombie, your gifs are so clean and they've got me in a real mood to watch it again and I can't find the whole show on dvds you can use in the uk anywhere?
Hey! :)
I actually got the first 3 seasons on BluRay precisely for giffing purposes and then copied them onto my computer. Seasons 1 and 3 were very easily available on BluRay but I had to buy Season 2 used and it was actually more expensive.
Seasons 4 and 5 I 🏴‍☠️-ed and if that's what you're looking for, I can see if I can trace back where I found the HD download (warning though, there are so few seeders left that it took literally 4 days to download the whole thing). If you're fine with 🏴‍☠️-ing, then Seasons 1-3 should actually be easier to get in decent quality because they had their physical media release. If you want to, I could look around and see if I find a link (but generally if you search for 'izombie 1080' on any of those platforms, you should be able to find something)
Not a download but probably the easiest way for a comfy rewatch: If you have Netflix, you could use a VPN to change your location to Germany, because it is still on Netflix here.
Another option that I found and considered (though that would cost money) is on Etsy! At least one user I remember there was selling HD-versions of the entire show on an USB-stick and another was offering a boxset they made for the entire show and it did include seasons 4 and 5, so while it's probably a bit pricy, it would include all the seasons that are hard to get and get you all the first 3 seasons in one purchase. (I purchased a bluray copy of The Gifted from that user, so I can attest that they deliver)
I'm not sure if this helpful in anyway? :/
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idristardis · 2 years
I'm (Kinda) Back!!
*slowly opens door and sticks head through*
Hey guys!! Don't know if anyone I knew is still around here, as I literally haven't posted anything at all in two years (and probably longer for actual fic/gifs). I've been lurking occasionally, and clearing bots out of my followers, but other than that, I know I've been MIA.
But, late to the party though I am, I did hear about the recent canceling of NCIS:LA (booo!!) and am finally, after five years, catching up from where I left off**. I doubt I'll make it all the way to the current episodes by the time things end (I'm just finishing Season 9 now) but it feels good to see those familiar faces on my screen again...it's really like picking up with old friends, in a way.
I'll try to be around a bit more here and there as the final season unfolds (though with two jobs and a hectic schedule, I make no promises), but it's good to be back here too...as I try to remember/relearn how this hellsite we all love functions.
So...hey there, I've missed you all!!
**I stopped watching five years ago, not because of any issue with the show, but because I moved and my life circumstances completely shifted. Writing time went down to about zero percent and while I still longed to watch the show in a way that would let me really delve deep and analyze it so that I could then fic it, I just didn't have the time...so I kept DVR-ing it, thinking "I'll get back to it, I will, I will..." and life kept carrying on, and then my DVR deleted a couple of the seasons, and I nearly gave up...but I've been re-recording all reruns I can find of Seasons 9-13 and slooowly getting caught up. I'm not waiting to watch it in that deep dive way anymore....though that doesn't mean I won't fic it...but again, no promises. I'm just trying to get caught up because I missed enjoying the show for the show's sake.
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
Well if you're gonna breeze through season 2 now, you'll see what I meant last week about Lucy (and Kate) when you get to episode 4 and 5.
Episode 2x02 discussion below...
I have a few comments on when Kate brought Lucy to the BBQ, Lucy and Curtis met before and he was the one that told Lucy Kate stayed, it wouldn't be so far-fetched that instead of that awkward intro where Lucy dead arms him that he say something like I can see why you chose to stay in Hawaii. I loved the montage of Lucy meeting and cheers-ing with Kate's team but to be nitpicky, I would've loved to see Kate's hand on Lucy's back or something touchy during that, I know it was a work event and maybe Kate wanted to keep the PDA to a minimum but it wouldn't have been anything more than that cute cuddle at the end.
You may have to remind me because I think I already forgot what you said 😂 everything is jumbled between me trying to catch up, seeing spoilers on Twitter from episodes airing and then people saying things to me in messages about certain episodes lol but when I get to those episodes we can discuss!
I just finished episode 2! I'll watch episode 3 tomorrow!
I can see why you don't like Alex now lol I really didn't see this annoying side to him in Season 1 though but in this episode he was super annoying. I don't know if there's more to it than him seeing a girl and he's hiding something but he was super rude to Jane and it wasn't the vibe.
I love how they did the whole Kate being nervous but wanting to tell her boss she's dating Lucy and being her to the BBQ! And how he automatically assumed it was a guy and Lucy tried to shrug it off since Kate was already nervous about it but Kate insisted it wasn't okay and how this is all new to her and stuff! All very relatable and realistic things that I love that they just showed so authentically! The end scene when they finally went to the BBQ was super adorable too and I've seen gifs of that scene a million times with Kate having her arm around Lucy haha but it's so cute!
Yes they could've had Curtis say he was the one who told Lucy about the DC job that she turned down! But I liked how they did it still. Also it's really cute how Lucy goes to Jesse for advice and how he even talked to Kate about stuff this episode! He's the best too.
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angisfunland · 2 years
Seasons GIF-ings
I’m going to get back to animating in Synfig Studio again this month. Next month I’m starting a new playthrough on Twitch and my GIFtuber avatar needs a new costume. There’s also a new overlay option for an animated GIF on Ko-fi I want to animate myself. The Read, Write and Type video and Counter Raid animation are still taking a while, with new projects I’ve gotten into as well as old stuff I…
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matterofperception · 4 years
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Deadwind S1E8 - Karppi rescuing (and feeding) Nurmi.
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Jenna and Julien being absolutely cute as fucking s HIT in “making a giant aries cookie”
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shadowsndaisies · 3 years
a cnng blurb - leather jackets & pizza
A cnng blurb!! I've got a couple that might start coming out now, especially since my time between actual updates is going to be inconsistent. Let me know if you have any blurb ideas you'd like to see either pre-season 1 or that's going on right now!
location: follows episode 11 (Terrors)
WC: 1203
synopsis: wally returns yn's jacket, slime free.
main masterlist
codename: nightingale series masterlist
gif source: @the-jason-todd
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You had been using the punching bag in one of Oliver's bunkers when the perimeter alert went off. This particular bunker was only a few blocks from Star City Academy. It could be accessed through the basement of the local library, the sewer, or a secret side alley entrance of the building above. If someone got too close to any of the entries, a perimeter automatically went off. You stilled the bag and, using your teeth, pulled one of the gloves off as you walked to the computers in the center of the base.
Tapping a screen, live footage from the alley entrance appears, and you're surprised to see the familiar quiffed red hair and green eyes. You bite your lip before clicking a button that opens the pathway. The speedster's eyes blow wide as he looks around before ducking into the secret entrance. He's coming down the elevator a few moments later, and you wait by the doors to greet him, now wearing your sunglasses.
"You're a little far from Central City," you tease.
"How'd you know it was me?" he asks.
"We've got security cameras, Wally," you snort, and he nods sheepishly.
"Right," a hand goes up to rub the back of his neck.
You notice the bag in his other hand and purse your lips, "So what are you doing here?"
He drops the bag and pulls out a hanger with your jacket on it. There's a plastic cover protecting the jacket. "I told Oliver I was gonna get it cleaned," he said, handing the hanger to you.
The slime-ing incident had happened less than a week ago, and while you weren't angry with Wally about it, you had been bummed about your jacket. You'd been asleep when Ollie had picked you up, but he told you the next day that he had spoken to Wally about it.
"He told me," you admit.
"I'm sorry for ruining it and for throwing the slime at you," he adds as you start to pull the plastic away.
"You didn't," you tell him, grabbing the hanger and sliding it out. "Ruin it, I mean."
"I didn't?" he asked.
You smiled at Wally while pulling the jacket on, "It was a prank, plus, you fixed it, so we're good, Wally."
Wally smiles back, nodding his head, "But you'll have your revenge, right?"
Your smile turns into a mischievous smirk, "You'll never see it coming," you promise.
"Fair enough," he concedes, shaking his head with a smile.
"Are you heading back to Central?" you ask, walking over to one table that has a lot of your gear on it.
"Yeah, I only came to drop off the jacket. I even zeta'd to make sure nothing burned," he tells you.
"How about some lunch?" you ask with a smile as you begin putting some gear back into your jacket pockets.
"Yes, a meal typically eaten in the middle of the day," you snort.
"You're not gonna poison me, are you?" he shot back skeptically, looking over your shoulder as you continued putting stuff in your jacket. "How much gear can you fit in there?"
"Wouldn't you like to know," you laugh.
"I've always wondered why you never run out of gear, now I know," he muses.
"Yeah, well, it's pretty great, especially for when I'm not in my suit," you admit. "I keep it pretty stocked at all times."
"There wasn't anything in it when I had it, though," he said with a furrowed brow.
"I had already taken everything out," you smiled. "Didn't want the slime to set off anything," you shrug.
"Set off anything?"
Shaking your head, you ignore his question, "C'mon Wallace, let's go get some pizza," you decide.
"You didn't answer my question!"
"Why don't you come with, and maybe, I'll tell you," you laugh as the elevator doors open.
Wally gives you a cautious look before conceding and stepping in with you.
"Where are we going?" he asked as the elevator began moving.
"There's a pretty good pizza place a couple of blocks down, or we could bus across the city to Al's Pizza. They have the best pies in Star City!" you tell him.
"Ha, you think I'm gonna bus?" Wally laughed, scooping you into his arms.
"Honestly, what were you expecting?" he scoffed.
"You don't even know where you're going!" you argue.
"I'll figure it out," he smiled, and as soon as the doors opened, he was running out.
Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt the wind rush past you, arms tightening around Wally's neck. The minute he stopped, you peeked an eye open, and he looked at you with a smile.
"It's not that bad, and you know it," he chuckled, setting you down gently.
"No, it wasn't, but I bet you're starving," you smirk.
"Babe, I'm always starving," he smirked back, causing you to laugh.
Together the two of you left the alleyway he had chosen to zip into. "How'd you find it?" you asked as he held the door open for you.
"I went street by street," he admits, and you can't help but snort.
"Of course you did," you laugh, allowing him to usher you inside.
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You stared in horror as Wally finished his 12th slice of pizza and started reaching for another.
"You're still hungry?" you choked.
"I have a serious metabolism," he answers through a mouth full of pizza.
"No, I know that, but this is a lot," you respond, scrunching your face in disgust.
"Normally, I drink the shakes or eat the bars from Barry. They're designed to deliver more protein in smaller packages for us," he explains.
"What if you don't have access to bars or shakes?" you ask.
"Then I gotta eat more often, and large amounts. The first time we went out after I got my powers, some guy asked me if I wanted to become a competitive eater," he shared, and you couldn't help but snort.
"Kid Consumer has a nice ring to it," you muse, shaking your head.
"Ha, ha," he stated flatly.
"C'mon, that was funny," you shot back.
"Sure, you're hilarious," he answered, rolling his eyes.
"I'm changing your contact info to Kid Consumer," you decide, pulling out your phone.
"No!" Wally's hand shot out, snatching your phone from your hand.
"Kid Consumer, ha! No way, how about, My Most Handsome Friend," he decided, wiggling his eyebrows at you, typing his new name on his contact.
"Now who's hilarious," you deadpan.
"C'mon, it'll make you smile when you see it," he teased, tossing your phone back to you and picking up his water.
"Fine, but only if mine becomes your coolest friend," you propose.
Wally smiles at you, whipping out his phone, "My Coolest Friend it is," he promised, showing you your newly updated contact.
"Good," you approve.
"Great, let's get some dessert!" he cheered, standing up and picking up the trash.
You couldn't help but gape at him, "Wally, you can't seriously still be hungry."
"There has to be an ice cream parlor or bakery nearby," he continued.
"You're an animal," you decide.
"A handsome animal," he winks, causing you to roll your eyes once more. "Now lead the way!"
everything tags:
dc taglist:
@grey-water-colors​ @batarella​ @loninctzencarat @fortunatelyoptimisticdeer​​ @escapenightmare​​
​​​​​​cnng taglist:
@babymango-writes​​​​​​ @smile-more19​​​​​​ @ivoryeycs​​​​​ @crookedlyshamelessnacho​​​​​ @truly-dionysus​​​​​​ @farfromjustordinary​​​​​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​​​​​ @dweeb-central​​​​​ @lucy-roo​​​​​ @casedoina​​​​​ @cipheress-to-k-pop​​​​​ @mikey-clifford202064​​​​​ @seninjakitey​​​​​ @explodingwaffle789​​​​​ @whelmedparker​​​​​ @bigtimesexhaving​​​​​ @officiallydarkgeek​​​​​ @midnxghtblue​​​​​ @unini​​​​ ​ @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient​​​​​ @putyourcigoutonmyback​​​​​ @raggedyoldwitch​​​​​ @blairrrose​​ @flaminggryffindorqueen​​​​​ @milk-of-poppies @tinybeantm​​​​​​​​​​ @unicorn-mya​​​​​ @bouqet-of-gay​​​​​ @duckmylife18 @kendallambrosio​​​​​ @hanbedumbaf​​​​ @torchbearerkyle​​ @cynthiarose07​​ @lolsnacks​​​​ @abbyvonschweetz​ @mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea​ @notsostraightweeb​ @cryingnotcrying​ @sassyspanishartist​ @ahyeonah​ @acceber1313​ @abuliawrites @obeyme-arkham
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Snowed In
Best Friend!Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Best Friends To Lovers, Huddle of Warmth, Domestic!AU, Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Mega Fluff, Marking, Impregnation Kink, Thigh Slapping, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Possessive!Hoseok, Ab Worship, Fellatio, Face Fucking, Belly Bulge, Multiple Orgasms, Doggy Style, Spanking, Cream Pie
WordCount: 15k
A/N: Okay! MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS! I’m super super lucky to have all of my darlings in one collab with me! Always a shoutout to my loves @ladyartemesia​, @ppersonna​, @xjoonchildx​ and @underthejoon​ for rooting me on always! Shout out to @hobi-gif​ for beta-ing it and literally helping me learn English lmfao. My other loves @snackhobi​ and @yeojaa​ rooted on the idea for this fic and helped me flesh things out and I’m so lucky I’m constantly surrounded by such amazing people!
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Seasons for most people inspire and bring delight with every change of color on leaves in high up trees. Yet with you, you always hated all the seasons and everything they stood for. Until you met him. Or let him in anyway.
It sounds corny and ridiculous. It probably is.
People always deemed you cold hearted or uncaring and it was all true. But he brought love to your heart. He made colors brighter. He made the world seem bigger and better than you ever noticed before.
He was always around, even if you didn't want him to be. You had some friends from childhood that insisted on keeping him around. He was kind and eager with everything that he did. And it annoyed the ever living crap out of you.
But you slowly opened up that iron cage around your heart and let him in. Even if it took him ages for you to let him in, he was determined.
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You never understood why it always turned terribly cold the day before Halloween. It was a constant as well as surprising. But, what was probably more surprising was that people couldn't give a bigger fuck about frigid temperatures when they had revealing costumes to wear.
"I don't wanna go!" you whine to Taehyung as he takes off his shirt. Rolling his eyes, he throws the fabric perfectly on the top of your head before thrusting his fist up in the air.
"Score!" he cheers loudly as he grabs the top of his costume.
You ball up the tee-shirt in hand before chucking it at him with a sneer.
"Kim Taehyung," you mumble as you look back down at your phone.
"You have to go. Do you want me to not get pussy? Is that what it is? You have an agenda against me? A no pussy agenda? That's fucked up Y/N. I can't even believe you!" He rants as he slips on his top.
"Oh my God," you murmur as you lean back against the headboard of his bed.
Knowing this man since you were six -- nothing has changed. He's been by your side through thick and thin. He has always been a fearless best friend and a fierce fighter for you.
You've never liked people but the one person you've really only cared for has been Kim Taehyung. And, Park Jimin -- but he's a different story entirely.
"Jaemin is going too, you don't want to see your own boyfriend?" Taehyung asks as he stands in front of his mirror.
You look up slowly from your phone only to catch his gaze through the mirror. "Jaemin is his own person. He can do whatever he wants without me having to be by his side like glue."
Taehyung snorts gently as he combs his fingers through his hair.
"Man, I don't know how you keep relationships. You're so mean. Jaemin has a strong heart to be with you," you give him a fake smile as you flip him your middle finger.
"Not everyone needs to be as coddled as you do, Tae," you reply as you stand up off the bed.
"Hey. I'm only so needy and clingy because my parents didn't love me as a child," he says as he puts hairspray in his hair.
You snort gently at his words before the door of his dorm room opens.
"Tae!" you hear Hoseok cheer and you internally sigh.
In your first year of college, Hoseok was in every single class you signed up for. You saw him for multiple hours a day and he was so nice -- so completely nice, that it was terrifying.
No one should be so kind and selfless but that's just who he is. Once Taehyung and Jimin had met him, the trio that you’d always been had turned into some bizarre foursome that you didn't quite care for. You were used to the other two around, but with Hoseok you just became uncomfortable. Maybe it's your crippling anxiety or your extreme awkwardness.
"Hey Hoseok!" Taehyung calls out to him as he grabs his pants.
Hoseok looks around the room before spotting you. His smile seems to widen -- if that's even possible.
He is incredibly handsome. His eyes always seem to sparkle with an energy you've never really seen before. Jimin calls it allure, Taehyung calls it kindness.
“Y/N! Hey! Happy Halloween!” He says happily as he enters the room.
His costume is simple, just a leather jacket, black t-shirt and black ripped jeans with a Scream mask hanging from his neck but it’s nice.
“Hey, Hobi,” you reply, your voice is wrapped with dull tones. Sitting back down on the bed, you look at your phone for a distraction.
“What’s your costume?” he asks as he sits down beside you.
“She’s going as herself. Because, that’s the scariest thing this world can offer,” Taehyung jeers as he puts on his eyeliner.
You give a fake laugh as you lock your phone. “Wow! Tae, you’re so funny! You get all the girls with your quirky humor?”
Hoseok laughs beside you, the sound is endearing to hear, unfortunately. But, you do find yourself giggling as Taehyung flips you the middle finger right back.
“I don’t like Halloween. Or any holidays as a matter of fact… or people,” you tell the cute black haired boy beside you. He hums understandingly as he folds his arms.
“It’s cool to be introverted,” he replies softly which Taehyung scoffs at.
“Not my Y/N. When she’s with me, she breaks out of her shell, right?” you hum uneasily as Taehyung enters the bathroom.
“Because you make me!” you retort loudly, lifting your body off of the headboard of his bed to call out to him. You huff out as you lean back before folding your arms and looking at Hoseok.
“How do you deal with him?” you quip as he looks up at the ceiling.
“He was your friend first,” he replies, a gentle smirk settling onto his features before turning his head to you.
“Touche,” you mutter as Taehyung throws his pajama pants at your head from the doorway of the bathroom.
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Going to parties was certainly not a hobby for you. They’re loud and the environment usually smells like stale beer or high proof vodka. People stumble or shove you out of the way in their drunken stupor. It’s usually a gigantic mess.
But, if you must, you go to parties with your two best friends plus one Jung Hoseok, who is too kind for his own good.
Exactly what you hate is right before your eyes as you all pull up to Jimin’s frat house. The music is so loud, you can practically feel the bass beneath your feet as you step onto the front lawn. Already, there are strewn Solo cups on the ground and girls in tiny costumes. Which doesn’t bother you as much, you dress how you want to dress but it’s just so fucking cold!
You see him in passing, your boyfriend flits away before you can even call out to him. He looks good, really good. Sometimes you’re surprised he asked you out first. His hair is coiffed and you know his costume is supposed to be a zombie jock, which isn’t far off from what he normally is. He’s gigantic compared to you, the quarterback of the college football team and sitting comfortably at six foot five. He’s incredibly handsome and he’s yours. Which is bizarre because you never even thought he noticed you at all around the college green until last year.
“Lee Jaemin!” Taehyung calls out to him as he grabs a beer.
You cringe as Tae calls him, he shouldn’t have to come over if he doesn’t want to...
“Oh shit! What’s up guys!” Jaemin cheers loudly. You can hear the slur already in his voice.
He gives high fives to everyone before planting a sloppy, yet quick, kiss to your lips.
“So, where’s your costume?” Jaemin asks you as he pops the top of his can open.
“I don’t like Halloween, you know that,” you mumble as he ruffles your hair with a chuckle.
“You don’t like anything, baby. Except this dick.” He kisses your hairline before walking away leaving you all on your own.
You scratch the back of your neck uncomfortably, before looking over at Taehyung and Hoseok.
“I’m sorry,” your apology is weak as well as your voice.
God, you and Jaemin are so different sometimes.
Taehyung passed you a beer with a gentle scoff and you can tell that he's holding his tongue.
Cracking open the beer, you take a long sip before staring at the frat house.
"I'm sorry I made you come." Tae apologizes softly as your blue haired best friend begins to bolt towards you all.
You grumble softly in response before groaning as Jimin bum rushes you. Knocking all of the air out of your lungs, you cough loudly as he squeezes you tightly to his body.
"Happy Halloween! You bunch of assholes!" he cries happily as he shakes you around in his arms.
"Get… off!" you wheeze out, slapping his arm with all the strength you can muster.
Once he lets go, your free hand drops to your knee as you gasp for breath.
"You okay?" Hoseok asks softly, a goofy smirk on his lips as he presses his hand to your shoulder.
You give a thumbs up weakly before coughing loudly and standing upright.
"LET'S GO PARTY!" Jimin yells loudly across the lawn as he throws his arms up in the air.
You watch as other drunken college kids cheer along with him and you roll your eyes as Hoseok squeezes your shoulder.
You've managed to avoid conversing or dancing throughout the night which seemed like the only highlight so far. The typical pushing and shoving from drunk people to get places was the norm so far. You've been offered blunts and other varying drugs that you politely refused.
Finally, you found an empty couch in the large living room for you to become a loner in. Watching the drunken couple get up from making out to take their affairs elsewhere, you swooped in like a hawk to sit like a marble statue.
You spot Taehyung, his arm high up on the wall as he cages a girl between his hips. They're talking (more like screaming at each other over the loud music) and you lean your head back on the couch as you watch them.
Tae has always had an effervescent personality ever since you were very little, so it's no surprise as he holds his hand out to the random girl and she takes it willingly. You'll have no ride home tonight, you find yourself thinking.
Jaemin hasn't come looking for you once since you saw him on the lawn. He was a partier, you were not.
"Hey!" you hear someone scream to your right.
Looking to the owner of the voice, you give a small smirk as Hoseok flops down beside you.
"I was looking for you!" he calls into your ear as he passes you a Solo cup.
"Why?" you reply confused as your eyes focus on his handsome face in the dim lighting of the living room.
"Because I knew you'd be all alone!" he quips, elbowing you gently with a smirk.
You roll your eyes, the corners of your lips turning upward and you bring the Solo cup to your mouth.
"It's like watching a group of crazed monkeys jumping around!" He jokes as you both watch people dance.
You can feel yourself giggle softly, you couldn't hear anything soft above the music.
There's silence between you two for a bit, but it's comfortable. You can feel his thigh pressing into yours gently as you both watch people moving along with the music.
"Where's Jaemin?" Hoseok calls once more and you shrug flippantly as you take a sip of the mixed drink.
Vodka and cranberry.
"Did you make this?!" you ask him as he throws his arm over the lip of the couch.
He nods with a smile before raising his own.
"It's my favorite!" you call back to him.
"I know!" he replies happily before looking back at all the people.
He's so thoughtful, it's bizarre. Taking another swig of the drink, your eyes catch Jaemin walking up the stairs to his bedroom. Not even a minute later, a girl follows with a knowing smile set on her face.
Your eyebrow raises at the sight and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.  Sitting up slightly, Hoseok follows your gaze and he practically blanches at what you could possibly be thinking.
"Excuse me." you call to him as you stand up.
"Y/N! Wait!" Hoseok screams over the music but his voice gets softer as you weave through all the people dancing.
You feel his hand curl around your arm and your first instinct is to pull away from him. But, he keeps his grip steadfast.
"Stay with me." Hoseok pleads in your ear.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you rip your hand away from him. You grip the banister of the stairs.
As you look up at the second floor landing, it seems more daunting with each and every step.
"Yo!" Jimin cheers as he climbs up the stairs with you.
"Gonna go get your freak on?!" he jeers. Hoseok is quick to elbow him in the ribs, sending a cautionary glance his way that shuts him up quickly.
"Y-Y/N?" Jimin asks as you clutch tighter onto the staircase banister. Your knuckles turn white and you have to focus on your breathing as you ascend further.
You can’t even begin to respond as you reach the top of the staircase. Your mind is running a mile a minute.
Sure, you and Jaemin weren’t attached at the hip but you’ve been dating a year. He never even has given the hint that he was getting tired of you or bored of your presence. Although you could be completely different at times, you were happy when you were together. You didn’t need to see him every day to feel complete, you thought you both were okay.
“Y/N. You don’t have to do this.” Hoseok says as he grabs the Solo cup from your hand.
You can barely hear him above the sound of your heart beating in your ears.
Everything is muffled, even the high volume music that pumps throughout the house.
You spot Taehyung, making out with the girl from earlier outside Jimin’s bedroom. He catches you out of the corner of his eye and sees how ghostly pale you’ve become, his blood runs cold at the sight.
“What’s wrong?” he yells as he leaves the girl on her own.
Swallowing thickly, you ignore him. Your feet are slow and sluggish but you make your way to Jaemin’s room without a second thought.
Your hand shakes as you reach for the door knob. You can hear loud, bitter whispers from the men behind you as you clamp down on the metal in hand. Taking a deep breath, you thrust the door open.
You take your boyfriend of a year in your sights, his hands on the random girls hips as she straddles him. Apparently, they wasted no fucking time getting naked.
Your eyes flutter shut at the image now burned into your corneas. And, you feel as if a hole has been punched through your gut.
Upon opening your eyes, you see your boyfriend's head angle towards the door. His sideburns are caked down with sweat and with narrowed eyes he finally makes out your figure in the dark hallway.
“Holy shit! Hey, baby!” He yells out surprised as he shoves her off his lap.
Just hearing his voice, how it’s meant to sound playful brings tears to your eyes. Your nasal passages burn with bitter intent and you look down at the floor as he sits up.
“Hey, Y/N! Listen, I-” you’re shoved out the way by Taehyung and Jimin who advance towards the quarterback with venom dripping from their gaze.
“You fucking asshole!” Taehyung screams as he punches Jaemin in the face.
You feel arms wrapping around you, none other than Hoseok’s as he pulls you away.
“Chill man! It’s fucking college! You think I was going to just stay with your introverted little creepy friend for the rest of my life?!” you hear Jaemin scream as Hoseok tugs you towards the staircase.
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You decided to walk home, even though it was freezing outside. The sharp breeze chills you to the bone and sets your mind alight as you trudge through the brown, crinkled leaves that line the sidewalks.
Hoseok has stayed by your side throughout the walk and thankfully, he hasn’t said a word. You were mad at yourself for crying. Stopping every so often to wipe bitter tears off your cheeks as you folded in on yourself.
He can see you shivering as you get closer to your dorm and he tugs off his leather jacket. Swinging it over your shoulders, he hooks his arm around you before pulling you into his chest.
You feel too dead inside to move, but the warmth and comfort of his body is nice.
“You don’t have to talk. But, I will.” Hoseok says as you finally reach your dorm.
Opening up the door for you, he waits as you scan the keycard to enter the building.
Once safely in the elevator, you shrug off his leather jacket before handing it back to him with a small murmur of a thank you.
You feel lucky that your dorm room is a single, because tonight you would not be ready to deal with a roommate.
Stepping inside your dorm, you make your way over to your bed before sitting down with a huff.
Hoseok, the handsome, kind man that he is sits in front of you. He crosses his legs and all you can see in his eyes is sorrow.
“You are so amazing. You’re too fucking good for that piece of shit asshole. You deserve so much better than him. Even if you come off rough around the edges, you’re kind to your friends and you care deeply about things that are important to you. You’re smart and confident in what you do know and you’re a force to be reckoned with. Fuck him if he doesn’t appreciate you. There are plenty of people in the world that do. Me being one of them,” he says as he puts his hands on your knees.
You weren’t in the mood for nice comments but the way that he says it, with such conviction makes you feel almost lighter in a way.
You open your mouth to reply but nothing comes out.
“You don’t have to talk, you don’t have to entertain me. I’m here for you to make sure you’re okay.” Hoseok says gently as he runs his hands over your knees.
Maybe you’ve been too harsh with him. Maybe he was someone you wanted in your life. He’s helped you in ways you didn’t even think you would need tonight. He’s dependable.
"Thanks, Hobi." you manage to whisper out.
It was a nickname you made for him and only him. And, only you could use it.
"You can lay down if you want. I won't leave you alone, unless you want me too," he says softly.
You didn't know if you could handle being all by yourself right now after the night you've had.
"Stay," you whisper as you take off your hoodie.
He gives an understanding nod as you lay down on your bed. Pulling the covers over you, he sighs gently as you close your eyes.
You never really understood until now why Jimin and Taehyung brought Hoseok into your group. Of course, he was kind and fun to be around but he was dependable and just a genuinely good friend.
"Sit," you tell him as you push yourself flush against the wall, turning onto your side.
Hoseok seems to be fighting within himself for a second before he's kicking off his shoes to sit up against the headboard beside you.
He brings his knees up to his chest before wrapping his arms around them. You've noticed him doing it several times in the past. It's endearing to watch him do it every time, like he needs to make room for something.
Your eyes squeeze shut as you remember the horrible scene from not too long ago. You really, really liked him. Even if you weren't the best at showing it.
"I thought we were okay. I know that sometimes I can be difficult to be with b-"
"Y/N," Hoseok interrupts you. You look up at him as he angles his face down towards yours, "There is nothing wrong with you. This is his fault. I'm not going to sit here and let you beat yourself up over that fucking douchebag."
You hum unsurely, as your fingers pull at a stray strand of fabric that sticks out from your comforter.
"I just… I don't date people because I'm not confident or anything and look what happens," you reply hopelessly as you turn onto your back. Staring at the ceiling, your eyes flit from one glow in the dark star that you and Jimin stuck up there to the other.
"You're beautiful. Not just your face, but your being is beautiful. Confidence isn't easy to gain but you should have it because you deserve it. You're pretty wonderful." Hoseok says as he looks up at the ceiling with you.
His words are warming, like chicken soup when you've got a cold.
"Thanks for being my friend Hobi," you say as you close your eyes.
"Thanks for being mine," he replies, knocking his foot playfully into your hip.
The bedroom door swings open with your two best friends and you sit up on your elbows as they file in.
Taehyung's knuckles are cut up, dried blood flecks his costume and his fingers. Jimin is the same, but a stream of dried blood is apparent from his nose and your eyes widen at the sight.
Tae looks over you before jumping onto your body.
You groan loudly as he manhandles you. He wraps his arms around you into a bear hug before peppering your cheek with kisses.
"I'm so sorry," he cries out as you push at his shoulders.
"Get off me!" you whine, slapping the bloody shirt away from you.
"What happened to you?" Hoseok asks Jimin.
"Jaemin hooked me when I told him that he's no longer welcome in Alpha Sigma Tau." Jimin spits at the simple mention of his name and you feel your heart almost as light as a feather as he winks at you.
Hoseok high fives Chim before looking back up at the ceiling shaking his head.
Maybe being a weird foursome is better than a trio.
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Being on campus as the quarterback's ex-girlfriend is uncomfortable and a hard pill to swallow. But, it's easier with the three lunatics you call best friends.
"Help me pack!" you hear Taehyung complain as you lean against the headboard of his bed.
Hoseok throws a pair of briefs at him before grimacing.
"Why should we help you pack when you didn't even invite us?" Jimin quips as he lifts his head from the hardwood floor.
The younger best friend scoffs loudly as he throws his skiing goggles into his suitcase.
"Believe me, if I could bring you all to the Swiss Alps -- I would. But, you know how my parents are."
You do in all honesty. Taehyung belongs to one of the richest families in the area and his family is quick to dismiss others who are not of their similar standing. You were lucky that your mother was his father's assistant and the same goes for Jimin with Taehyung's mother.
"What are you doing for Christmas, Jimin?" Hoseok asks curiously as he leans back against the headboard beside you.
"I'm going to France with my younger brother. Our mom got us a good deal at the Four Seasons." Jimin says flippantly as he fixes his varsity jacket.
Hoseok hums before nudging you, "What about you?" he asks softly.
Your heart pangs uncomfortably as you look at your different colored socks.
"I'll probably just stay here for Christmas. I was supposed to spend Christmas with Jaemin and my parents are going out of the country so I'll be here," you reply as you look out the window.
You can see the sudden snow flurry sticking to the bare branches of trees and the windowsill of Taehyung's bedroom window.
You didn't realize just how fucked up your holiday plans would be after Jaemin cheated on you just a month ago.
"Oh. No way." Hoseok mumbles softly and you clear your throat uncomfortably.
"I'm sorry Y/N." Jimin whispers as he sits up.
You shrug as Hoseok puts his hand on your shoulder.
He looks at the other guys before clearing his throat.
"Well… you can come with me for Christmas, if you'd like. You'd be more than welcome," he suggests. Just the thought makes your eyes widen.
"Why would I go home with you for Christmas?" you ask, confused.
You watch the tips of his ears turn red and he shakes his head oddly.
"I mean, it was just a suggestion. You'd be welcome at my house. My parents are really kind," he whispers softly.
Taehyung looks at Jimin and they wink in tandem to one another.
"You should go, Y/N! I'm sure it would be a lot of fun! Better than sitting in your room eating ramen for Christmas!" Taehyung cheers as he throws a bunch of socks into his suitcase.
"I couldn't intrude," you reply softly, looking down at your hands.
Go home with Hoseok for Christmas? Why would you ever do such a thing? Sure, he's one of your best friends but… you would meet his parents. You would sit around the table like a family. That's just… insane.
"You wouldn't be intruding. Plus, my parents know all about you. They'd love to meet you," Hobi says, knocking his knee into yours.
"You tell your parents about me?" your voice is small and distant as you pick at the skin around your nails.
"Of course I do. You're amazing," his voice is enraptured with a breathy laugh and now you can feel your ears starting to warm up.
There's silence for a moment which Taehyung is more than happy to break. "That's perfect! See, Y/N! You won't be alone for Christmas!"
You hum uneasily before looking over to Hoseok as he tilts his head at you. His eyes crease in delight and his expression is one of pure earnestness.
You don't want to be alone for the holidays. Because, when you're truly alone the sadness sets in.
"You're sure it's okay?" you ask him and his smile widens at your words.
"I'm positive," he replies as he slings his arm over your shoulder.
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Hoseok was used to your silence by now. It doesn't bother him one bit, it's just nice to know that you're sitting beside him.
With his wrist up on the steering wheel, his eyes glance over and it warms his heart to see you taking in the colorful Christmas lights strung up on houses.
It's a pleasant surprise to him when you speak first. "I didn't buy your parents any presents."
Hoseok lets out an amused chuckle as he focuses back on the road.
"You don't need presents, you are the present for Christmas." he lets out a laugh as you elbow his ribs. "Hey! I'm driving! You maniac!" he yells as you chuckle.
"I'm serious! I need to buy your parents something at least!" you complain as you enter town from the outskirts.
"We can stop at Jeulgeoum." he replies as you continue to drive.
The town he grew up in is very small. Like it's own community. You feel like the Grinch as Hoseok starts to wave at random people that notice his car in the middle of the street.
You really, really hate holidays. Your parents were never excited to spend time with you like you used to watch in movies. Even if it was two days out of the whole year, it was more like a hassle to them.
As Hoseok continues to wave, you find yourself sliding down in the passenger's seat.  You pull your hood up, eyes fixed on the dashboard.
"That's Mr. Lee. He makes the best mochi in the town center. I used to go into town with my sister and he used to make me dance for free pieces of rice cake." his voice is filled with warmth as he recalls the memory. You find your head peeking up to look at the old man and the corner of your lips turns upwards as he waves wildly to Hoseok.
The car slows down and you look over to the handsome boy as he lowers his window.
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Lee!" Hoseok cheers out the window.
"You as well, Hoseok. Merry Christmas to you and your girlfriend." Widening your eyes, you pull your hood up. You train your eyes on your jeans as you lower your head.
This was a BAD idea. It hadn't even occurred to you that people would call you his girlfriend. Then, you'd have to waste your breath explaining that you're just friends and why you're with him rather than your family.
"Sorry about that." Hobi whispers as he rolls up his window.
You hum in agreement as he puts his hand on your shoulder.
"Just try to enjoy yourself. I know that it's hard but you might just have fun," he says softly.
Hoseok seemed to know everyone which isn't shocking. He's so absolutely kind and he did grow up here.
Entering Jeulgeoum, you're thankful for the heat that rushes to your cheeks as soon as you step in.
"My mom likes glass figurines." Hoseok says as he closes the door shut behind you.
There was glass as far as the eye can see and your first thought is do not fucking touch anything. You will not let your clumsiness embarrass you today.
"Welcome to Jeul- Jung Hoseok?!" The warm voice makes you turn your head and you feel yourself relaxing at the older woman as she smiles widely at the sight of him.
"Hi Mrs. Kim! Merry Christmas!" he says, pulling down the hood of his coat.
His black hair is sticking up at odd ends and you notice how endearing it is. His smile is wide, cheekbones bouncing up to the heavens as the woman gasps.
"Oh my goodness! Merry Christmas!" she cheers, rounding the register to get a good look at him.
Awkwardly, you look around at the glass pieces.
"Well you've gotten so big! It feels like almost yesterday I was kicking you out of my shop with the back of a broom." you smirk at her words, you can't imagine Hoseok running in here like a bull in a China shop.
"And who is this?" your heart begins to beat faster and you look at Hobi as his smile becomes warm.
"This is my friend, Y/N." he slings his arm over your shoulder for good measure.
You bow your head to Mrs. Kim taking off your hood. Her chubby cheeks are jolly and sweet as she bows her head back to you.
"Well, aren't you just gorgeous. A friend or a girlfriend?" Mrs. Kim quips as she rounds the register once more.
Her question makes you blush fiercely, your neck heating up quicker than a fireplace ever could.
"Just a friend. A really, really good friend." he replies as his hand drifts over your shoulder comfortably.
Mrs. Kim hums playfully and you feel him tug at your body. "Let's look for something."
Your eyes are enraptured by the glass figures. They're so incredibly detailed and gorgeously cut. It's really a wonderful skill.
"She makes all of these?" you find yourself asking, your hand reaches for a figure but you back away quickly at the simple thought of breaking it.
"Oh, yeah. Mrs. Kim is an artist with this stuff. I made one once when I was younger. Come look." Pulling you down the long aisles, you reach a glass case at the back of the store.
"All of the kids in town could make one when they turned ten," his eyes glance over the figures before he's snapping his fingers and pointing. "That's mine," he says happily.
Your eyes narrow at the small figure and you tilt your head at it. You try to be polite, humming inquisitively as you stare.
"It's supposed to be a…" No words come to mind as you look at the jagged and misshapen pieces that are seemingly glued together.
"It's the Hulk," he says proudly and you nod slowly, your eyebrows furrowing.
"I… see," you murmur to yourself.
"I'm just kidding, this shit is ugly. I have no idea what the fuck I was making," he says and you elbow him in the ribs with a giggle as you stand up straight.
Looking up at him, it's almost as if you're noticing his eyes for the first time. Cinnamon colored irises with flecks of coffee that send a warmth spreading throughout your chest.
"Come on. My mom really likes snow globes," he says with a wink.
The selection of snow globes was actually surprising. The one that catches your attention first is a small boy standing on one leg as he skates around a pond. The town in the background is so tiny and for some reason it reminds you of the man standing beside you.
Without a second thought, you reach for it and you find Hoseok's hand on top of yours.
Pulling your hand away from the warmth of his, you find yourself smiling almost to an embarrassing state.
"Great minds think alike," he quips as he picks it up.
You snort gently, a breathy noise as he inspects the snow globe closer.
"Looks like me," he decided before pulling you towards the register.
"One Jung Hoseok looking snow globe to go please," he jokes as he pulls out his wallet.
"Hobi," you complain as you pull out yours.
Grabbing your wallet, he stuffs it into his back pocket before opening up his.
"It won't be my present if you pay for it!" you whine gently as he leans up against the counter.
"It's from the both of us," he says as he hands Mrs. Kim his credit card.
Rolling your eyes, you watch the small flecks of fake snow swirl around the snow globe. Maybe Christmas with Hobi isn't so bad.
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It wasn't a long drive from Jeulgeoum to his family house. But, every inch closer you seemed to get, your nervousness was reaching an all level high.
What if his parents didn't like you? What if you were just intruding on their special holiday plans?
"Hey," Hoseok calls to you as he pulls off of the long road. Rows of houses begin to line the street and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Looking over at him, he slows down the car.
"You okay?" he asks, concerned.
"What? Yes. No, I'm fine," you say quickly and he can hardly believe you at this point.
"Whoa. Whoa," he pulls over the car before turning fully to you.
Your eyes focus on a blown up Santa that seems to sway in the chilly December breeze.
"You're going to have a lot of fun. Believe me, and I know you don't do fun. My parents are really, really nice people. You aren't intruding and you aren't unwelcome. I promise. You'll see," he says as he puts his hand on your knee.
You feel him squeeze gently and you find yourself calming down almost immediately.
"Okay," you whisper softly.
"Okay," he replies as he gives your knee one more squeeze.
Parking in front of his childhood home, you can see your friend relax. Almost as if he's been on a long journey and he's finally comfortable again.
The house is big, Christmas lights strung up from the gutters and down the columns that hold up the facade of the house.
"My mom always goes crazy with decorations," he says as he opens up the car door.
He's not wrong, a multitude of lit up statues litter the front lawn but they're all perfectly positioned.
Your favorite is the snowman standing right before the walkway.
Hoseok smirks to himself as he gathers your bags from the backseat.
"It's pretty," you find yourself saying as you climb out of the car.
Tugging your coat closer to your body, something about this feels sweet. Your parents were never that big into holidays and they always leapt at the chance to go somewhere warmer as soon as the temperature dropped.
You find yourself realizing that you've never really had a true Christmas. Or, one like the movies, anyway.
"Hold your snow globe," Hoseok calls to you as he puts the neatly wrapped package on the hood of the car.
You grab the package, holding on to it for dear life as he slings bags over his shoulders.
You didn't pack much but two bags is still a bit much to have on top of his own.
"I'll carry my bags," you tell him as you walk around the Hyundai.
He frowns as you hold your hand out.
"You're going to get me in trouble," he jeers and you shake your hand almost impatiently.
Rolling his eyes, he gives you your bags and he watches as you haul them over your shoulder.
"I can carry them, y'know. I'm not broken," he says as he walks by your side towards his house.
"I'm not broken either," you counter and he chuckles to himself.
Stepping in front of the snowman, he tugs off his scarf. He wraps the warm fabric around its neck before smirking.
"Now he's ready for Christmas." The act makes you smile and he winks at you as you walk up the long walkway towards the house.
You take large, deep breaths as shadows flit by the windows.
"Just enjoy yourself," Hoseok tells you as he jogs up the steps of the patio.
He checks on you once more, rubbing his hand over your arm before knocking on the door.
The sound frays your nerves as you clutch tighter onto the gift box in your hand.
You can hear animated talking behind the front door. As the door opens, you find yourself smiling as Hoseok throws his arms around who you assume is his mother.
"Merry Christmas!" he cries out happily and she replies with a giggle.
"Merry Christmas, my Seok," he chuckles as he squeezes her tight to his body.
Pulling away, her eyes find yours and the smile she gives is so like Hoseok's you suddenly feel comfortable. Running her fingers through her black bob cut, she looks you over before frowning.
"Yah. Why is she carrying her own bags?" his mother chides to her son.
He narrows his eyes at you playfully before folding his arms, "I told you, you got me in trouble."
With a smirk, you shrug to him.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N! We've heard so much about you! You're very welcome here," his mother says as she hugs you tightly.
It takes you a second, not quite used to parental affection, before you're hugging her back.
"Who's that?! My smelly brother?" you hear from inside and you giggle as Hoseok grimaces.
"Hi noona!" he calls loudly from the doorway.
"Come in, come in." his mom ushers you in and he holds his arm out for you to go in first.
How gentlemanly.
You can smell spices in the air, can hear animated talking and it feels strange to be in such a comforting atmosphere. You've never had this in your life.
"Thank you so much for letting me come, Mrs. Jung." you say softly as Hobi pulls the bags from your shoulder.
Taking off her apron, she clicks her teeth.
"Nonsense. We've heard all about you from Seok, it's like we know you already. And, please, call me Eunsook," she says as his father stands up from the couch.
You're used to sons shaking their fathers hands. Taehyung and Jimin do it on the regular so it's weird to see Hoseok hug his father so tightly.
"Welcome home, kid." he says before pulling away.
Mr. Jung looks over at you, a kind smile plastered on his face as he leans in for a hug.
"Welcome Y/N. Please, call me Baekgu," you nod as he pats your back gently.
"Thank you for being so welcoming," you whisper.
"Okay, let's not overwhelm her. It must be odd to be surrounded by new people. Why don't you both go upstairs and get comfortable. Then, when you come down maybe Y/N can help me make my sugar cookies." Hoseok was raised so well by his folks.
"I'd love that," you reply earnestly.
"Come on," Hoseok whispers in your ear.
Starting to pad up the carpeted steps, he turns his attention to his mother as she calls his name.
"You'll be sharing a room, hope you don't mind. The extra guest bedroom was converted to a home office," your eyes widen as you stare down at the carpet.
"Oh Jesus," you whisper fiercely to yourself.
Hoseok chuckles uncomfortably as he pulls the bags tighter to his shoulder.
His childhood bedroom is nothing like you thought it would be. Most kids, including yourself, had posters covering every inch of the walls but not his room. It's chic and stylish which isn't far off from how he is now.
You can hear gentle Christmas music wafting through the slightly cracked door as you look at his bed.
You've slept in the same room before while studying or if you all drank too much. But, you've never slept in the same bed as him. And, you've never been alone with each other.
"This'll be fun," he sounds confident and you're not sure if he's trying to mask nervousness with his tone.
"Yeah," you reply breathlessly as you sit on the edge of the bed.
You hear the bags thump onto the ground and you can hardly believe that you're here.
"They're nice, right?" Hobi asks as he shrugs off his coat.
"So nice, no wonder you grew up so well," you say, earning a smile from him.
"Get comfortable and then we'll head back downstairs. My mom must really like you, not even my sister gets to help her make sugar cookies," he calls as he enters the en suite bathroom.
Looking down at your knees, you find yourself smiling. How have you never noticed how precious he is before?
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"Y/N! They're coming out perfectly!" Eunsook cheers delighted as she peeks into the oven.
She's so cheery, it's kind of amazing. Your eyes flit to the open living room watching as Hoseok sits beside his father watching Home Alone.
This is so… normal. So perfectly normal. You've never done this before with your parents. You've never felt 'at home' or comfortable around them and they gave birth to you.
"So Y/N," Dawon, Hoseok's sister, calls to you as she fills up your glass with more red wine, "Hoseok never shuts up about you."
"Noona!" Hoseok yells from the living room without even turning his head.
You smirk fondly as you lean down on the island counter.
"What does he say?" you find yourself whispering.
She tilts her head, fingers carding through her brown hair as she leans in. “Mostly how perfect you are.”
“Noona!” Hoseok yells once more and you find yourself smiling above the lip of your glass.
“Hobi is really great. I’m really lucky to have a friend like him,” you reply.
You feel a hand drift over your lower back as he walks into the room.
“Oh, Hobi is it?” Dawon jeers to him.
“Shut up,” he whispers in her ear through clenched teeth before opening up the fridge and grabbing a beer.
She holds her free hand up, a perfect smile plastered on to her face.
“Hoseok tells us all the time how happy he is to have found such a good friend. But, he never told us how gorgeous you are.” Eunsook says, wiping her hands on the kitchen towel that is over her shoulder.
“Yes I did,” he replies as he cracks open the bottle cap.
The warmth that radiates over your neck makes you clear your throat. He really has spoken about you to his family. It’s pretty special in your opinion. He could talk about so many other things but he chose to talk about you?
“When?” Dawon counters as she sits up on the barstool.
“All the time,” he mumbles as he throws the bottle cap into the garbage.
“All you told me was that Y/N was so beautiful and you’re so lucky that you get to spend time with her even when Taehyung and Jimin aren’t around,” your eyes find him as he pushes his sister with his shoulder like a warning.
“Yeah… Well… Dad? Did you call me?” he asks, craning his neck to the living room.
“No.” Baekgu calls back but you can hear the humor lacing his voice.
“Oh, that’s so weird. I thought you definitely called me,” Hoseok says, pushing off the kitchen island with widening eyes as he scurries back to the living room.
You find yourself chuckling at his antics and you watch as the legs of your thick red wine slowly make their way back down to the glass.
“Hoseok is amazing. You raised him so well,” you tell Eunsook as she pours herself a glass of wine.
She hums in agreement watching as Hoseok sits down beside his father. “Yes. He was always such a good boy. Hopefully he can find a girlfriend that appreciates him like we all do.”
You nod slowly and it’s the first time anyone around Hoseok mentions a girlfriend. You didn’t even think of that. But, just the notion makes you uncomfortable and you gulp a large mouthful of the red wine to steady yourself.
“You’d be a good girlfriend, of course.” Dawon says flippantly as she clutches the red wine to her chest.
“Noona!” you hear Hoseok scream and all three of you laugh gently as the timer dings signifying the cookies are done baking.
Sitting down at dinner, you find yourself staring into the pot of stew as the others talk around you. Why haven't you ever given much thought to Hobi who’s been by your side for so long now? Eunsook bringing up him getting a girlfriend earlier seemed so far beyond your imagination. But, you couldn’t even imagine him being in a relationship. You couldn’t imagine him not being with you or the other guys anymore. You couldn’t imagine him not being by your side.
“You’re thinking too hard.” Hoseok whispers in your ear.
“Huh?” you ask as you turn your head to him.
“Eat.” He murmurs with a smile, nodding his head to your bowl. You hum in response as you pick up your spoon.
You feel his knee press against your thigh and it’s become a constant that you welcome so dearly. It grounds you, in all honesty. Brings you back to reality.
“So, Y/N. Seok tells me that your parents went on vacation for Christmas.” Baekgu says as he sets down his spoon.
Clearing your throat, you look up at him. “Yeah. My parents don’t really like the cold or… festivities so they usually just go away for most major holidays.” You reply as you tuck into your stew.
Eunsook hums curiously and you know you should probably feel embarrassed but you’re already so comfortable here that it doesn’t seem to bother you as much.
“Well, you can come here for any holidays. If Hoseok starts coming without you then I’ll be very sad. You’re a great girl,” his mother says with a smile.
This is family. And, you can’t believe you’ve never really had one before.
Hoseok smirks down into his bowl before pouring you another glass of wine. “See. Told you,” he whispers in your ear.
By the end of the evening, you found yourself laughing loudly and listening attentively which is something that doesn’t come easily to you.
Hoseok probably has never heard you laugh so earnestly and the noise is just as gorgeous as you are.
Leaning back against the arm of the couch, he watches you as you listen to Dawon. God, you don’t even know how amazing you are. But, he does. He always has known. You were in every one of his classes and he found it so difficult to pay attention with you around him.
You were so opinionated. So smart. So beautiful. You were everything he loved and you couldn't even see it.
He smiles as you press your thigh against his knee. Even if he could only ever be your friend, he’d be okay with that because being around you was worth it all. Every single second.
“So Hoseok thinks it would be funny to throw my favorite doll out the window. So what do I do? I threw his action figures up onto the roof and he was crying for hours and hours until dad went up with a ladder to go grab them.” Dawon says animatedly and you giggle along with Eunsook as she tells the story.
Turning your head to Hobi, you find he’s already staring at you. His cinnamon irises are alight with warmth and joy. It makes something bloom inside of you, something so precious and perfect.
“She’s missing out on the detail where I threw her doll out the window because she tripped me up the stairs,” he mumbles as he brings his beer bottle to his lips.
"It was an accident!" she counters from underneath the Christmas tree.
"I was five. Nothing was an accident back then," he chuckles as you giggle, leaning back into the comfort of the couch.
"Yeah, well I was nine and it was an accident."
You hear them continue to bicker as you stare at the fireplace. The embers burn hot, rising high into the air. You watch the logs crackle, small veins burning bright oranges and reds. Feeling Hoseok's hand absentmindedly pressing to your back, you tilt your head to the lip of the couch.
You wouldn't want him to get a girlfriend. You wouldn't want to be without him.
He takes away all your loneliness and your pain. He makes you smile and he makes you happy. He makes you think that just being in his presence, it's like being with someone that's your own.
"Let's go up to bed," he whispers in your ear.
You force yourself to sit up, eyes ripping away from the fire.
"Good night," you tell his parents and they reply with the same.
"Use prot-" Dawon's voice is cut off by Hoseok as he follows you to the stairs.
"Noona!" he calls quickly, narrowing his eyes at her as she giggles.
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"My sister can be annoying sometimes. I'm sorry," he says as he closes the bedroom door behind you both.
You smile fondly as you sit down on the bed. "I really like your sister. She's incredible."
He hums with a chuckle as he takes off his shirt.
"Yeah. Okay," he quips back.
Your eyes rake over his toned upper body. The way his abs press against his golden skin has you averting your eyes so quickly. Suddenly, it feels like it's a thousand degrees in here.
"Why'd you invite me?" you find yourself asking as he throws on an oversized t-shirt.
Stopping in his tracks to the bathroom, he turns on one heel to look at you.
"Because you deserve to be with loving people for the holidays or just in general, really," he answers you with a raised eyebrow.
"So you were taking pity on me? I'm a charity case," you whisper.
Maybe it's all the wine or maybe it's just how insecure you truly are but this is coming out of nowhere and you can't stop it.
"What? No. Of course I'm not taking pity on you. I wanted to spend Christmas with you," he replies, confused.
"Really? Because it feels like maybe you're just entertaining me because I had nowhere to go. Maybe you should have brought a girlfriend or something!"
Ah, there it is. It's jealousy. The combination of jealousy and wine is not a fearsome friend to you, apparently.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" he asks, appalled as he leans against the door frame of his bathroom.
"You should have brought Hana or Jaeeun with you, they like you and want to be your girlfriend," you say as your toes dig into the carpeting beneath you.
He scoffs loudly, his head lolling back at the simple mention of the other girls.
"I don't want Hana or Jaeeun to meet my fucking parents! I wanted you to meet my parents!" he counters as he walks towards you.
"Why me? So I could see what I'm missing in my own family?!" you ask, standing up.
"No! I wanted you to meet my family because I fucking love you!" he yells as he steps in front of you.
You blink slowly at his confession. The only sound in the room is his ragged breathing and you stare at his neck as it begins to flush pink.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles, his fingers carding through his hair as he takes a deep breath.
He goes to walk away but you grab onto his shirt to keep him in front of you.
"You love me?" you ask softly, almost as if you can't believe what you've heard.
"Yeah. Of course I fucking do. Don't be ridiculous. I've always loved you, since Advanced Science in freshman year. I was so pissed when Jaemin asked you out before I could. And then I was even more pissed when that son of bitch cheated on you. Because you don't deserve that. You deserve everything. And even if I'm just your friend, I still try to give it to you," his admission is like a loaded hand grenade that's been thrown at your feet.
"Hobi," you whisper and he runs his hands over his face.
"I don't want your pity or whatever it is you think you're going to give me," he mumbles as his eyes flutter shut.
Looking up at his face, you watch his perfectly shaped lips part for breath. You've always been so dense to not realize it. Everything that he does when you're together, it's all for you. It's all to make you smile. To make you happy.
Standing up on the tips of your toes, you press your lips to his. He shudders against your lips, eyes widening for a second before cupping the sides of your head.
He pulls you closer, deepening the kiss as his thumbs graze over the apples of your cheeks.
With a gentle sigh, you feel your body relax and melt against his.
He's always been for you. Even if it's taken you this long to understand.
"Y/N." Hobi whispers against your lips confused but you silence him again with another kiss.
He moans against your lips gently, pushing you down into the bed as his fingers intertwined into your hair.
"What are you telling me?" he asks as you run your hand over his arms.
"That I'm yours," you reply.
That was the first holiday he brought love into your heart.
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Every holiday afterwards was just as perfect.
He kept up stupid traditions that were so corny that you couldn't help but love. Even making Arbor day special. Yeah. Arbor day. He bought a sapling just for you both to plant on the campus before you graduated so there was always something blooming from where you first met.
He's lovesick and adoring. And, he's all yours.
You loved spending Christmas and Chuseok with him. You've grown to love his family like your own and even five years later nothing has changed. He was so perfectly yours every second of the day.
"Baby girl," you hear from the bedroom. Your head turns to your husband's voice and you smile at how whiney he sounds.
"What's wrong?" you ask as you get up from the couch.
"What sounds better, deck my balls or stop staring at my presents?" Hoseok asks as he holds up two of his ugly Christmas sweaters.
You grimace, leaning against the doorjamb as he smiles widely.
"You are not wearing those to the cabin," you tell him.
With a pout, he tosses the sweaters onto your bed. "And, why not? They're festive."
"They're an abomination. If you wear those sweaters, I'm not sucking your dick until the New Year," you retort as he wraps his arms around you.
"No ugly sweaters. Got it. Yes, ma'am," he mumbles as he leans down to kiss you. Giggling into the kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck.
"I feel bad that we aren't going to your parents this year," you whisper against him and he wrinkles his nose cutely at your words.
"Well, we should have a Christmas all to ourselves sometimes too, baby. We're married now, we have to make traditions for ourselves too," you hum in agreement as he hugs you tightly.
"Can I bring the 'it's not going to lick itself' candy cane shirt?" he asks with a gorgeous smile.
"I will hit you," you threaten as he pulls away.
Holding up his hands, he chuckles to himself before going back to packing your bags.
The journey up to the cabin is peaceful. You stare at the snow covered limbs on the trees as you continue to drive down the long road.
You feel Hobi squeeze your hand and your eyes are on him in seconds.
"I love spending the holidays with you," he says, bringing your hand up to his lips.
With a smile, you angle your body closer to his upon instinct.
"I kind of really love you," you tell him as he looks over at you.
"Such a weird coincidence. I was thinking I kind of loved you too," he jokes as he looks back at the road.
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Pulling up to the cabin, you take in the absolute splendor of it. It's so simplistic and so welcoming. Icicles and snow dot the edges of the awning. You breathe a happy sigh, your breath fogging up in front of you signifying just how cold it is.
Pulling your coat tighter to your body, you watch the man you love gather the multitude of bags from the back of the car.
"Let me help you," you insist as you walk around the car.
"Back off, woman. This is your man's job to do.” Rolling your eyes, you fold your arms as he drapes bag strap after bag strap over his upper body.
"Carry this," he says, handing you a bag of groceries.
You feel the light weight of it before peeking inside.
"This just has bread in it," you say confused.
"Exactly. You hold the bread," he says finitely before slamming the trunk down.
Tossing you the keys to the cabin, he looks up at the wooden house before smiling.
"This is perfect," he whispers to himself.
"Fuck, it's cold." You complain as you enter the cabin. The wooden boards creak under your feet as you step inside. It's so homey in here. So completely domestic.
"Can you put the groceries away while I light a fire?" Hoseok asks you sweetly.
You nod with a giddy smile as he throws your bags down on the large bed.
The fake Christmas tree is kind of adorable with lights strung up in the corner as well as all of the gingham patterns that surround you.
"How do I light this?" Hoseok calls and you snort gently as you start unpacking the groceries.
"With gasoline?" you ask confused, tossing stuff into the fridge.
"You want me to blow up the cabin? I got a renter's fee,” he asks appalled and you shrug with a chuckle.
You watch him as he crouches before the fireplace, how breathtaking he is. You can feel your stomach flipping and coiling with each passing second as you stare.
You were his and he is yours.
When he turns to you and he gives you a smile, you can see the small dimple below his bottom lip that sends a smile spreading over your own face.
He's always had the most gorgeous bone structure. His cheekbones are so high and the apples of his cheeks are so plump in all the right ways.
You find yourself leaning down on the counter with your elbows as your fists tuck beneath your chin.
"Hey!" he cheers as the wood catches on fire.
You giggle, watching as he thrusts his hand in the air.
Shrugging off his coat, he stands up tall. His body proportions are so astounding.
Finally, his eyes meet yours and he tilts his head to you. His eyes flutter shut as he gives you a wide smile.
"You're such a bad worker," he jeers as he walks toward you.
You hum in agreement as you stand back up.
He helps you toss the rest of your groceries into the fridge before wrapping his arms around your waist as you slam the refrigerator closed.
"This is perfect," he whispers in your ear, pressing his chest to your back.
With a smirk, you look around the cabin and you find it hard to disagree.
"Everything with you is perfect," you reply as he squeezes you tight.
"Now you're just saying that to flatter me," he jokes into your ear.
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Cuddling up on the sofa, you lay your head on his shoulder as you watch Home Alone. It's a Christmas tradition for Hobi you've come to love. He's watched it every year since he was six.
"They've got good reception up here," he announces as you sip your wine.
"Yeah, they d-" Fatal last words as the electricity cuts out.
Hoseok sits up as the cabin creaks loudly with the sounds of harsh blowing winds.
His head turns to the window and you crawl off of him.
"Oh no," he mumbles, walking towards the windows.
Pulling back the curtains, you watch as large snowflakes fall onto the ground.
"It's a blizzard," he tells you with a wince.
Standing up, you sip your wine as you walk to his side.
The snow is piling up generously and you have a dull, nervous feeling aching throughout your chest.
Your husband gets to work, lighting candles around the cabin like it's his job.
"This is what happens when we don't go to your parents’ house," you sing as you help him light a few candles.
"This is going to ruin my plans," he grumbles to himself before throwing another log into the fire.
Opening the front door to the cabin, you can feel the harsh chill as it whips around outside.
"Oh Hoseok!" you call to him and he turns to the doorway before sighing gently.
There's a wall of snow built up at the door and it looks like you would not be going anywhere for awhile.
"We're snowed in," he mutters before running his fingers through his hair.
You decide to close the door as another breeze bursts through. Turning to your husband, you watch as he picks at some skin on his lip.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," you can hear the sadness enrapturing his voice and it's jarring.
It's rare to ever hear him sad. You don't like it.
"It's okay. We can just lay down and cuddle," you say, setting down your glass of wine on the counter.
You open up your arms to him, wanting a hug and wanting to give him some peace of mind.
He pulls you in, cradling your head to his chest with his hand as he looks around the dim cabin.
"I had plans for us. To go out and build a snowman. To go into town tomorrow and watch the caroling," he murmurs, dejectedly.
You hum as you pull him over to the large bed. "Christmas with you is perfect just on it's own. I don't need all those things to be happy. I have you."
It astounds him sometimes how much you've broken out of your shell.
He pulls back the gingham comforter, letting you crawl into bed first. And then, he's quick to crawl in behind you.
His arm wraps around your waist as he presses his chest flush to your back.
Your fingers begin to play with his, staring at the olden looking paintings that line the walls.
"I can remember the first time I ever saw you," Hoseok whispers in your ear as he cuddles closer to you.
A smirk begins to spread on your face as he kisses the shell of your ear.
"It was in Biology. You were wearing a black hoodie and those black skinny jeans. You didn't have a backpack and you didn't even have a pen. You flipped your notebook open and just fell asleep," you giggle at his words, hearing his smile widen with each word he says.
"I did like to sleep in Biology," you quip.
"But, you always passed the class. You never got lower than a ninety on a test. I was jealous, I used to think to myself, 'Damn. This woman is so fucking smart.' Then I saw you in Advanced Science. That's where you really paid attention. You used to twirl your hair and your finger when you were thinking hard about something," you hum as your eyes flutter shut.
The warmth of his breath spreads over your neck as he buries his face.
"I told Taehyung the first day I saw you without even knowing you were his best friend, 'I'm gonna marry that woman. I'm gonna have kids with her.' I was so… enraptured by you," he breathes out as his hand splays over your stomach.
You can only smile as he presses his hips harder to your backside.
"I was so fucking angry when that guy broke your heart… I can't even remember his name anymore but, I can remember how hurt you were. How broken you were and you didn't deserve it in the least. I wanted to fucking kill him," his hand begins to trail below the hem of your shirt and you shiver at how chilly his skin is.
"I was so fucking happy when you were coming home with me for Christmas our first year. You were so nervous. But, I knew you would love my family and that they would love you. I used to talk about you all the time. My mom would ask me how school was and my first thought would be to tell her how much fun I had with you during a study session or something," your eyes flutter shut as his hand ascends.
"Sounds like you were too busy paying attention to girls than to focus on school," you joke breathlessly as you press your ass against his crotch.
You can hear him moan gently against your ear, his perfect teeth graze your lobe and your lips press into a straight line.
"Then you got into that fight with me in my bedroom. Telling me to take other girls home with me for the holidays. I was so angry that you would even insinuate something like that.  And then… then you kissed me. And, I melted. Like snow on the first day of spring," he nibbles on your lobe, his growing erection digging into the globe of your ass.
You moan gently as you feel him grow hard behind you. Your stomach begins to flare with desire. Loins curling with aching need.
"I remember the first time I ever touched your body. You were wearing a blood red thong. Your skin was so flushed for me. Begging me to touch you," his breath is heavier now and you can hear him groan wantonly at the memory.
His hand cups your breast, squeezing gently as he kisses over your shoulder.
"You were so hard," you reply as he presses his now fully hardened erection between your ass cheeks.
"You always make me so fucking hard," he retorts as his free hand pulls yours to his crotch.
"Oh," you whisper breathlessly as he ruts against your palm.
You can feel the thin fabric of his pajamas becoming wet and sticky with precum. Rolling his tongue over your neck, he flips you onto your back.
In the fireplace glow, you watch his black hair fall into his eyes. His pupils blown out with lust, the cinnamon irises you love so deeply growing smaller by the second.
His perfect lips part and his eyes fall to your lips. They linger for a second before he's kissing you passionately.
The tip of his tongue licks over the seam of your lips and you part for him with a whine. His hand grips your breast harder, groaning long and low into the kiss as his tongue runs over yours.
Your hips buck up, your arousal starting to seep from you. You can feel your pussy clenching around nothing, begging to be filled by your husband.
He pulls away for only a second, taking off his shirt with hurried hands before he's kissing you once more.
Your fingers graze over his golden skin, the feeling producing goosebumps on his body.
You can remember how gorgeous his chest was when you were in his childhood bedroom that first Christmas. How his abs pressed and flexed beneath his skin. Nothing has changed.
Running your fingertips over the plains of his stomach, he gasps into your mouth gently, a carnal needy sound that sends you whimpering below him.
"Oh fuck," he whispers through gritted teeth.
You can smell his gentle cologne as his lips drift over your jawline. He smells of alderwood and citrus. The scent is so wholly him and so perfect.
"Get this off," you hear him command in your ear as he tugs on your tank top.
With a whimper, you sit up on your elbows discarding the fabric and his eyes harden at the state of you beneath him.
"Fuck," he curses before his lips are back on your skin.
Your legs part for him as he situates himself between them. His hands reach behind your back as he kisses down the column of your neck, slowly pulling down your bra straps.
He leaves his marks, pretty red and pink patches that signify you as his.
"I want everything with you. I want it all," he whispers against your collarbone.
"You have me," you reply as you card your fingers through his hair.
"I want to have a baby," he says as he pulls away from your skin.
Your heart begins to thud faster in the recesses of your chest. You've mentioned it in passing, you've commented on it in short spurts but you've never talked about it.
If it just happened, it happened. But, to hear him say it. For those words to pass his lips, you can feel yourself almost becoming euphoric.
"I want you to have my baby inside of you. Want to feel my baby growing in your belly," his voice is almost a plea and your hips lift at the needy sound.
"Yes," you reply.
His lips are on your fiercely once more, kissing your lips red and raw as he tugs off your bra with feral desire.
His hands palm your breasts, thumbs lovingly swiping over your hardening nipples. Gasping into his mouth, he swallows the sound.
He kisses down the valley of your breasts and you can feel his erection throbbing with desire against your clothed thigh.
"God, you're so beautiful, sweetheart," he sounds almost drunk off of his desires and you lick your reddened lips as he lowers his head.
His tongue runs circles over your nipple, your back arches with a moan and he wastes no time sliding his hand beneath your back to hold you up against him.
His lips pluck at your nipple, free hand pinching and rolling the other dexterously between his fingertips.
You feel almost crazy from his love. You can feel the desire pumping through your veins like each and every time before.
"Hobi!" you whimper out as your head lolls back.
"That's it, sweetheart," he whispers above your breast before showing the same treatment to the other.
You feel so hyper aware, especially when his hand glides over your stomach and downward. He pulls at the hem of your leggings, letting the fabric slap back to your skin with a gentle sting. You gasp with anticipation, your hips wiggling at the simple thought of being naked before him.
"Behave, sweetheart," he reminds you and you bite your lower lip, raising your hips patiently.
He kisses over the skin of your stomach, fingers enmeshing in the sides of your leggings and underwear before tugging roughly.
Strings of arousal break and cling to your thighs and your sodden lower lips.
"There she is," he mumbles, throwing your pants over your shoulder flippantly.
His back bows down, arms looping over your thighs locking you in place.
Licking his lips, he looks over your body like you're a meal. Your skin is flushed with wanting and your pussy begins to weep at the sight of him between your thighs.
"What do you want, sweetheart?" he asks rhetorically, just to hear the words fall from your lips.
You open your mouth to reply but it isn't fast enough for his liking, slapping the sensitive skin on your inner thigh. You mewl loudly, back bowing off the bed as you spread your legs wider.
"I want you to eat my pussy. It hurts," you whine, nestling your fingers in his hair.
He hums gently, watching your breath hitch in your throat. He gives you a smirk, one that sends your sex weeping more for him.
He rears his head back, his index and middle finger splaying open your lips with a V motion.
"Your little clit is so swollen, baby. You want me to touch you?" he teases and you nod enthusiastically as you grip his hair harder.
He groans softly at the feeling, his eyes on your breasts as he spits on your sodden cunt.
You shiver at the feeling, lips parting for air as he watches his spittle mix with your arousal.
"God, you're fucking soaked," his voice is that of wonder. You sink down into the bed as he licks a flat stripe up your swollen cunt.
Whimpering his name, your eyes flutter shut.
"Open your eyes. Watch me eat your pretty pussy so well," he commands.
With opening eyes, you moan loudly as he begins to ravage you. His tongue is so fast against your cunt, flicking and pressing into your swollen clit.
"H-Hobi! Fuck!" you cry out as your legs try to press to either side of his head.
His biceps ripple and strain as he holds you apart, suckling and flicking at your bundle of nerves. You find yourself babbling almost incoherently, begging for more as your hips raise.
"Filthy little thing," he whispers against your cunt, his hand leaves your thigh to finger at your tight entrance.
He teases you for what feels like an eternity before thrusting a finger inside of you.
"So tight," he sounds breathless, his cheeks and lips tainted with your arousal.
The sight is almost a visual overload, your hips buck and a loud whine emits from you as you look down at him.
Curling his finger up, he watches how blissed out you are before him. His cock strains against the fabric of his pajamas and he moans softly against your throbbing bud.
"Tell me how much you want my baby," he commands before spitting on your twitching sex.
You can feel your insides bubbling, your stomach flipping and feeling heavy within you as your orgasm approaches.
With a muddled mind and hoarse voice you reply, "S-So badly. Want to have your baby so badly, H-Hobi. I want to give you a baby."
Pleased with your answer, he slides a second finger into your heat. His fingers brush against the soft patch of nerves within you so fast, you feel the air escaping your lungs at a rapid pace.
"You beg to cum for me, sweetheart. Don't forget that. I own this pussy," he reminds you as he pinches your clit.
He watches your hips roll, he hears his name tumble out of your lips like a prayer and he knows just how close to release you are.
When you give him your pleasure, it's like art. So beautiful and so defined.
"Who does this pussy belong to?"
"Y-You! Only you!" you whine as your eyes squeeze shut.
You can feel the pleasure course through your bones. You can feel your mouth going dry as the bubble inside of you threatens to burst.
"Wanna cum! Please! So close!" you beg as you grip his hair harder.
He can feel your pussy clenching around his fingers rhythmically, begging to release.
"Hold it," he instructs as he pinches your clit once more.
Shaking your head, pleasurable tears spring to your eyes. "Want to cum so badly for you. Want to have my pussy open for your cock and cum."
He shivers at your words, tongue lapping at your arousal like a man starved.
"Hobi… Baby, please! I need to cum!" you beg your husband as he adds a third finger.
He watches your chest heave, your breasts thrust up to the sky with stiff peaked nipples that beg for attention. Was there anyone more gorgeous? He can't possibly think so.
"Cum," he commands and you fall back down to the bed.
You orgasm around his fingers, your moans echo off of the cabin walls as you call his name.
With spotty eyes and deaf ears, you can feel him pull out of you.
You feel drunk from pleasure, your head swimming. Hoseok wipes the tears off your cheeks, entering his cum soaked fingers into his mouth.
He moans at your taste, licking up every drop of arousal he can get.
"Shit, you taste so fucking good," he whispers.
Sitting up on your elbows, you focus on his crotch. His fingers hook into the sides of his pants before tugging them down roughly.
His cock slaps headily to his stomach and you lick your lips at the sight.
Long and thick, his cock stands erect. It's always a welcome sight to see. The way his rose veins pepper the length and the way his bulbous head is a needy shade of pink.
Your mouth waters as the seam of his cock begins to spurt more precum. You watch it traipse down lazily towards his balls with rapt fascination.
"Come here," he whispers softly, sitting back on the balls of his feet.
His hands palm your breasts, fingertips plucking at your nipples as you kiss over his chest.
He sighs so gently, almost in disbelief that you're still in front of him naked five years later.
"I can't wait till your tits swell with milk. I want to taste it," he sounds so hopeful, so absolutely enraptured in his dream.
As you lick over his abs, he takes in a sharp breath through his teeth. His eyes rolling back as he palms your breasts rougher.
"Y/N," he moans softly and you practically mewl at the sound.
You take his cock in hand, feeling it twitch with need. He groans loudly as you begin to pump along his shaft, feeling his velvety smooth skin quiver with wanting.
Hoseok grips your hair, making a make-shift ponytail for you before running his thumb over your cheekbone.
"I love you," his words are so sincere, dripping with ardent desire.
"I love you too," you reply.
Swirling your tongue around the head of his cock, you moan at the taste of his precum. You can feel his shudder above you, gripping your hair harder. Tucking his bottom lip between his teeth, he whimpers as you slide down his shaft.
Your cheeks hollow and your hand jerks whatever doesn't fit into your mouth, sending your husband above you murmuring your name incessantly.
"Oh shit. Just like that. Your mouth feels so fucking good. Christ," he cries out as you work assiduously on his cock.
His ragged breathing sends your loins unfurling once more, begging to be touched by the man you call your own.
"Can I fuck your pretty mouth? Please," you hum in agreement, eyes fluttering shut as he wraps his hand around your head.
The first thrust is gentle, trying to pry open your throat for him. You sputter gently on him, eyes welling up with tears as you grip his thighs.
"Fuck, you look so hot. I love fucking my cock into your mouth," his thumb brushes away a tear as it trails down your cheek.
His thrusts begin to get rougher, his moans become louder. Lapping your tongue along the base of him, you feel your heart swell every time he moans or curses above you.
"Wait until your belly gets nice and big. I'm gonna use you like a little cocksleeve. Bet you'd like that wouldn't you, sweetheart? Me gripping your belly while you take my cock deep into your throat," you moan around him, excited by the idea. The vibrations your moans shoot through him makes his cock twitch in the recesses of your mouth.
"Stop, sweetheart, stop." he instructs as he tugs your hair gently.
Pulling away from him, you raise an eyebrow.
"Was it not okay?" you ask softly.
He shushes you with his lips, arms coddling around you to lay you down.
"It was perfect. I'm saving my cum for your pussy."
Spreading your legs wider with his knees, he kisses you so passionately you think your heart might have stopped.
"Shit," he whispers against your lips.
Prodding the tip of his cock to your entrance, he simply loses himself in your presence.
How long and often he's adored you before you even knew. How lucky he is to have you now.
Entering you slowly, your mouth drops open at how completely full you feel. He grunts gently at the feeling of your velvet walls around him. He kisses you leisurely, taking his time to shower you in pleasure.
Drifting his hand over your womb, he moans your name.
"Fuck baby, look at how tight your pussy is. I can see how big my cock is," he says, drawing your attention to where you're met. You can see the outline of his cock clearly within you and it sets your loins ablaze.
He groans when your cunt throbs around him, "You're going to take my baby, aren't you, sweetheart? Get nice and pregnant for me?"
You nod incessantly as he sits up on his knees. Pulling almost all the way out of you, he slaps your clit with his fingers. Raising an eyebrow, he looks you in the eye.
"Words, sweetheart. You know this," he chides as you squirm on his cock.
"Y-Yes. I'm going to take your cum and get pregnant for you. Get really big with your baby."
Pleased with your words, he thrusts deep inside of you.
Your legs hook around his hips, moaning his name like a prayer as he begins an unrelenting pace.
"Fuck, you're so tight! Shit!" he cries out.
You can feel the emotional pull then, this sexual encounter has so much meaning. Making love to Hoseok was always special but the intent behind this experience is overwhelming.
"God, you're so incredible. Who does this pussy belong to?" he asks, punctuating each word with a harsh thrust.
Hooking your ankles over his shoulders, you preen loudly as each thrust hits the soft spot within you.
"You do! You own my pussy! It's all yours!" you cry out as you grip the bedsheets on either side of you.
"That's fucking right I do," he seethes through his teeth.
The sound of wild winds hitting the cabin walls is drowned out by the fiercely pornographic moaning and obscene squelching of your cunt getting fucked,
Your husband presses one hand to your womb, letting the full feeling of his cock inside overwhelm you, and the other situated at the apex of your thighs. He rubs quick, rough circles to your clit, adoring how high and short your moans are getting.
Your cunt flutters around him, sending his eyes rolling back once more as he fucks you faster.
"Beg for it," he reminds you, a breathy moan attached to the end as his head lolls back.
He knows you so well, he can practically sense what's next.
"P-Please!" you moan feebly, your knuckles go white as your pleasure courses through you.
"That's my good girl. Fuck, you look so pretty on my cock, sweetheart. You look so gorgeous when you're about to burst," you gasp gently, the bubble inside of you expanding to the point of popping.
"Hobi, pl-please!" you beg, letting go of the sheets to grab his arms.
"Cum for me, baby. Cum on my cock, show me how badly you want my child," he concedes as his balls begin to tighten.
Your eyes scrunch closed as you orgasm the second time, you can faintly feel your arousal squirting onto his cock and thighs.
"Shit. That's so hot, good girl, sweetheart," he moans, letting up on his thrusts before pulling out.
You whine at the loss. Eyes opening, albeit they're heavy with drunken lust.
"Turn over for me," your husband whispers in your ear, staving off his oncoming orgasm by kissing and suckling the skin of your neck.
With a gentle sigh, you turn over for him. Perching your ass in the air, you bury your face into the pillow.
"God, I'm so fucking lucky," Hobi says as his fingertips drift over your swollen cunt.
Gripping your hips roughly, he pulls you back to his cock without another word.
Spanking your ass hard, you can barely let out a gasp as he sinks back into your heat.
He curses loudly, rubbing the now smarting skin on the globe of your ass.
He doesn't relent as he pulls you back onto his cock. His hand reaches from your ass to the back of your neck before he's gripping with fervent need.
"God, fuck!" he curses through his teeth.
You can only feebly whimper his name into the pillow.
"You're gonna cum again for me," he insists, snaking his hand around your thigh.
"No, Hobi. It's too much!" you cry out.
"You can take it, sweetheart," he whispers and you gasp gently at the feeling of his cock throbbing so quickly inside of you.
"I can't wait until your belly is nice and big. Let everyone know I fucked my baby into you. You're gonna look so fucking gorgeous with a big belly and those pretty milk filled tits," murmuring his name incessantly, you lift your head as he rubs circles on your clit.
Looking behind you, you take in the beauty that is your husband. A thin sheen of sweat is on his body, his sideburns and bangs are stuck to his face as he fucks you for all your worth.
His eyes meet yours and your pussy clenches around his cock at the sight. With half lidded eyes, he tucks his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Hobi," you whine, tears of pleasure filling your vision as he brings you closer to your third orgasm.
"That's it, sweetheart. Say my fucking name," his hand grips harder at the back of your neck.
"Come here," he groans out, lifting your body to press flush to his chest.
Pressing his hand softly to your throat, his thumb pushes your chin towards him. Kissing you fast and rough, he groans into your mouth.
"Cum," he commands and you fall apart as his will.
His arms encircle you, keeping you upright as he fucks into you.
"Oh, baby. I'm cumming! Fuck! I'm cumming! Take it deep. Give me a baby," you hear him moan loudly in your ear. He presses his forehead to your temple, his thrusts becoming erratic and slow.
He whispers your name once more before he stills within you, finally.
You can feel the warmth of his cum rush into you as he fucks rope after rope inside.
"Oh my God," he grumbles breathlessly.
He pulls you down with him onto the bed and you can't keep yourself from giggling as he holds you so tight.
The sound of the wind is the only thing that draws both of you back to reality.
"I hope we get pregnant," he whispers into your neck.
Humming in agreement, you look out the window as snow continues to fall.
"Me too," you reply truthfully.
His fingers trace undefinable shapes on your stomach as he kisses your shoulder.
"As nice as this is maybe next year we should just go to my parents," he says with a chuckle.
Laughing along with him, you turn your body.
"Maybe that would be best," you say, jutting your thumb towards the snow covered window.
"But, hopefully we'll have a baby to bring with us next year," you can hear the hopefulness in his tone.
You can see his excitement in his tired eyes.
Christmas with Hoseok really isn't so bad.
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Snowed In Taglist- @sunkissed725​
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
Hello! I just want to say I’m glad you’re back because your gif sets of Jancy really highlight their beautiful love story. I do agree with the previous anon that Nancy’s neutral stance this season in regards to Steve seem to be expanded to everyone in the group she was with this season. The most she opened up to someone outside of UD stuff were Fred and Robin where she only talked about Jonathan. And N not holding on to S after Vecna compared to holding J after the UD tree in S1 speaks volumes
Continuing from the other ask, isn’t showing neutral feelings toward someone worse than showing any feeling? It’s like Steve doesn’t make Nancy feel anything no matter how hard he tries. She pushes away from him after the UD earthquake, doesn’t hold him back after Vecna, and forgets his existence when Jonathan shows up until he mentions him. Narratively Jancy is the only thing that makes sense. If St*ncy happens Nancy will just be a robot with her character development down the drain.
Thank you so much, Anon!! I greatly appreciate your comment and take it to heart. I view gif making and gif set creation as a visual display of my own thematic analyses which end up telling the story of/giving insights into these two characters and the fact that they’re so expressive and have so much chemistry in their scenes together makes gif-ing them so much fun. When the sets end up pretty and eye-catching, that’s just a bonus :)
In regards to Steve and Nancy’s character interactions in ST4, I don’t think Nancy’s muted reactions are an accurate representation of her feelings towards Steve. I think this season focused on letting Steve shoot his shot with Nancy and show he still has feelings but doesn’t let her react so that it can be addressed in the final season. It’s almost like they symbolically slapped some duct tape over her mouth so that she could only minimally respond and that way the story will wrap in ST5 instead of ST4. And I do think there are muted moments with Jonathan as well (Though their interactions were overwhelmingly more heartfelt, emotional, and touching (I’’m totally not biased)). For example, that scene at the cabin is VERY confusing and I really don’t know what to make from some of the lines and character expressions without giving me a headache. But I think what Nancy’s actress (Natalia Dyer) says in her interview with Variety last month rings very true for the whole Steve and Nancy thing:
 “What this season [season 4] touches on is the fact that these two people [Nancy & Steve] do care about each other and that hasn’t gone away. What that is and what label you want to put on that, I don’t know, but we see these characters meeting again after growing up and going through life with it.” 
Steve is giving off romantic intentions, but Nancy could be (and I believe she is) experiencing admiration, nostalgia, and other non-romantic forms of care for Steve which is beautiful but I wish it was more clear. Remember: Nancy likes Steve, but she doesn’t love him. And Murray is never wrong. However I understand why they chose to make it all vague and that is because they want the drama of a love triangle and that just sucks. But I’ve accepted it. 
Look, I don’t really want to make 1,000 more posts on my thoughts on the love triangle and all my conflicting thoughts and theories. Not to mention I have been very wrong before. Look at a lot of my analyses and predictions pre-volume two that are just wrong (but ARE logically sound if I do say so myself). I stand by what I said here (making it make sense) and especially here (insights with distance). But if you (or anyone else) want to message me “so about that whole love triangle thing...” I will happily unload all of my unhinged thoughts on you, Anon. 
I still believe in Jancy, even if that means they break up in ST5 and the writers leave Jancy’s ending ambiguous in the final epilogue.  I truly believe they’ll find their way back to each other no matter what. And that is beautiful.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
New Romantics | Part Three
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Summary: She needs help studying for her Case Exercises at the Academy, He needs a date for the annual Banquet... they just so happen to be neighbours who aren't afraid to lend a helping hand, or in this case, a helping kiss.
Categories: Fake dating, neighbours, strangers to lovers, mutual pining, Angst with a happy ending, Smut *as selected by my poll on what you wanted to read*
Warnings: Season 9 Spencer (no Maeve arc), Angst, kissing, drinking, police training mentions, case details, canon typical violence, self-doubt, autistic!spencer, age gaps (24/33), FWB relationships, period mentions, anxiety attacks, crying, misunderstandings,
Word Count: 4.7K
a/n: this chapter covers the whole week from Monday to Friday, thank you @awrfhi for making the gif I used here <3
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Monday morning she’s in his arms still, and then again on Tuesday; he basically lives with her when he’s not on a case. They make dinner together at night and they drive in together every morning, and they have had sex all over her apartment… and he loves her but he was tired when he said it and in a post-orgasm haze and he’s her best friend.
But he loved her— just not the way she loved him. She was sure of it.
Tuesday morning at 10:53 am, she cracks her fake case. They’re apprehending the unsub by Noon and then she has the rest of the week off. So she heads to the main Quantico building, she gets a visitor's pass and she takes the elevator all the way up to the BAU.
She walks through the bullpen doors and Spencer is sitting at his little desk with his head buried in a book. Penelope sees her first, wrapping her up in a hug that gets everyone’s attention as she rocks her back and forth while telling her how much she likes her.
“You are so pretty, and nice and cute, and your hair smells so good?”
“Thank you, it’s Spencer's shampoo,” she laughs as she holds her back, “I just wanted to come and see him really quick?”
He’s standing beside her and she doesn’t even know until Penelope releases her from her grasp. He wraps her up next, “why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
She kisses him right on the mouth, holding his face in her hands she has missed him too much to wait till they are alone again, “I caught the unsub.”
“No way?”
She nods feverishly, “yeah remember I found that stray hair on the crime scene? Everyone was fighting over why there wasn’t a sexual aspect and I was trying to convince them she was a women unsub when the hair came back matching our victims best friend, who also knew victim number 1.”
He’s so happy, his smile is the biggest any of his teammates have ever seen, he lifts her and twirls her around and no one can believe the sight. Spencer Reid the uptight, overly smart, always following proper procedure, Doctor at the FBI; was spinning his girlfriend around as he kissed her cheek.
“You are a genius,” he compliments her as he sets her back down and places another kiss on her lips.
“I know,” she laughs, “I beat your score by one day.”
“I hate you,” he kisses her again and by now they don’t realize they have an audience. It’s incredibly convincing to everyone except each other.
“No, you love me,” she whispers, kissing him again before they hear someone clear their throat.
“Do you want to help with ours?” Derek asks, jumping into the moment and reminding them that they’re in public. “We’re just doing non-urgent consults today.”
“Am I allowed?” She lights up.
Derek nods, “I don’t see why not, as long as you just tell your ideas to us and don’t file anything then I think it’s legal?”
So she helps and it’s the most exhilarating thing since having sex with Spencer. She’s in her element, looking at small details and making connections that even leave Spencer humming and ha-ing. She has a younger insight than the rest of the team, she’s exactly why they hired Spencer in the first place and now she was shining brighter than him.
But he loved it.
Every time she made a connection or she had a suggestion that helped one of them on their own train of thought, Spencer would smile at her like she hung the stars in the night sky. He was proud of her in a way she hasn’t seen in many people before, filling her heart with warmth and hope that maybe he can love her for real one day.
She was possibly the love of his life and the more he saw her work and the more he knew her mind; the more he fell. She walked around his office and talked to his friends as if she was always meant to be there, and a part of him really wanted her to be.
He snuck away to go talk to Hotch, closing his office door as he sat down, “what’s wrong?”
“Y/N isn’t really my girlfriend,” he whispers. “She’s pretending so I could get everyone to stop bothering me about dating, and I understand it looks like she’s using me to get close to the team but I really do think she would be an excellent asset to the unit even if she was just in the office—“
“Reid,” Hotch cuts him off and a smile builds. “I already sent her an offer to take Anderson's job while he’s out on paternity leave.”
“Oh,” he smiles to himself. “Pretend I never said anything.”
“It stays in these 4 walls, don’t worry,” Hotch smiles back, “but you should tell her.”
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re in love with her.”
“I’m not,” he lies, “really, I do love her but I’m not in love with her, there is a difference.”
“I know,” Hotch reminds him. “Did you know that I only joined the school musical to get close to Haley? I did whatever I could to get her to fall in love with me and didn’t even realize it when she did because I was so worried she didn’t.”
Hotch nods with another smile, “you don’t have to tell her until you’re ready, obviously, but you should tell her before it’s too late.”
“I will,” he whispers. “Thanks, Aaron.”
“Why don’t you guys head out early?” He offers, “we could all use a day off with the people we love.”
When he walks back down from Aaron's office, Y/N is with Emily and JJ discussing how she caught her fake unsub at school that morning. She doesn’t brag, she loves to mention her classmates by name and verbatim explains how they helped her. She is a team player, a genius, beautiful, kind… she really is the love of his life.
“Hey,” he places his hand on her lower back as he slides into the conversation. “Hotch said we can all leave early if we wanted?”
“Sure,” she smiles, “actually, did you want to come with me to buy a dress for your thing?”
“That would be fun,” he agrees, wrapping his other arm around her so he can rest his chin on her shoulder and hold her. “Remember I’m buying it so don’t stress about the price.”
“You’re too nice to me,” she replies.
“I just love you,” his voice is as low as he can make it but everyone still hears.
She holds him back tighter, in a silent ‘I love you, too’ and they hear JJ and Emily swoon.
They’re quick to get their things and head out, she hands Spencer her keys and lets him drive to the mall so she can relax, she’s done a lot today.
She’s so quiet on the drive, she holds his hand like she always does and she just looks out the window, she’s peaceful and content with the nothingness of spending alone time with Spencer. They were always just quiet together, sometimes they laughed till they cried and sometimes he could make her scream but most of the time they were quiet.
“Have you checked your email?”
She smiles as she turns to him and her grip on his hand tightened, “what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, I just told hotch the truth so that he could offer you a job, but he already had before I went in there but he’s a good secret keeper, believe me.”
“Oh,” her smile disappears. “So he knows we’re not really dating?”
He nods, “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I guess we’re going to have to find a convincing way to break up for them and still be able to hang out all the time,” she worries aloud. “Because I don’t want to stop this any time soon, I hope you know that. I really like spending time with you.”
“I feel the same way,” he agrees. “I promise, we can just tell them we work better as friends and they might believe us?���
“I don’t think they will,” she frowns again. “JJ told me not to break your heart today, but I feel like if we break up I’m going to break all of theirs.”
“We could have a fake ugly breakup, and not talk to each other publicly for a bit and then be friends again?” He suggests, “Penelope and Kevin did that.”
She nods, still frowning. She interlocks their fingers this time and she holds his hand instead of just anxiously fiddling with his fingers. She really doesn’t want to let go, and he’s almost convinced she feels the same way.
The banquet is on Saturday, she has one last week of school before her graduation and then they’re done. He thinks about asking her, about what would be the best time to tell her he was in love with her and ask her to be his real girlfriend.
Maybe he’ll do it after the banquet? Maybe he’ll do it after her graduation? He just really wants to do it before she meets his mom. He wants his mom to meet her as the love of his life and his best friend.
He hated many things, but as he kept glancing at her as he drove he realized he hated one thing most of all. He hated that he couldn’t love her as much as she deserved, at least not yet. He wanted to shower her in love, he wanted to protect her and care for her, he wanted to show her off and make love to her and never leave her side.
It hurts, his heart physically aches as he thinks about that. If he had to feel like this to know his love was real, then the pain was worth it. She was always worth it, and he would hurt as long as possible, forever even, if it meant he could be around her just as long.
He held her hand tighter in the silence which made her turn to him, he had no idea he had been crying until she leans over and wipes his cheeks, “I love you, you know that?”
“I love you too,” he smiles but he can’t keep the conversation there, he’s feeling trapped and so he changes the topic. “What colour dress were you thinking?”
The quick-change makes her laugh, “probably black.”
“Are you sure?”
She nods, “I don’t need to stand out beside you any more than I already do.”
“What does that mean?”
She bits her lip, “some of the people in my class are saying that I’m only doing so well because you’re helping me cheat and that I’m just fucking you to get a job… just like I thought they would.”
“At the end of the day, we have a friendship they will never understand, we have great sex because we want to, you’re smarter than me, and the BAU wants you… so who is the real winner?” He’s always going to be her number one cheerleader.
“You’re right,” she smiles again finally, “as always.”
He convinces her to get a red dress.
She hasn’t had a pretty dress like this one since her prom and that was 6 years ago. She hasn’t been to a party or mingled with people in just as long, she didn’t realize how lonely she had been while chasing her dreams until Spencer came along.
He was one of the dreams. She saw him talk once, years ago on a school trip, and she fell in love with him a little, even back then. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be him or be with him back then, doing everything in her power to get into the criminal psych degree at her local college, she just wanted to be like him.
Now she’s liked by him.
Every night he goes to his home across the hall and he does his own nightly routine before coming back to her apartment for the night. She’s too emotional to sleep with him today, she knows that if she has sex with him she’s going to say something stupid or cry after because being this close to him without being honest with him is killing her.
Something in him has changed too, he’s less scared to initiate contact, he doesn’t jump anymore when she hugs him or when she smacks his bum as she passes him. Now he’s wrapping his arms around her while she cooks dinner, and he kisses her cheek randomly when they’re in public.
He tells her that he loves her.
She’s confused and she has no one to talk to about it.
She lays back against her pillows and closes her eyes, she knows she’s going to cry soon, and she doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t want to cry in front of him and he would be upset if she told him to not come back tonight.
The stress of the situation just makes her cry more as she stresses herself into another anxiety attack, much like the first night she talked to him. She just lets it happen, the anxiety in her stomach builds and the tears slip past her eyes and suddenly she’s sobbing into her pillow hard enough that she doesn’t hear him come back.
She jumps at the feeling of his hand on her back as he sits on the edge of the bed, “what’s wrong?”
She just sits up and hugs him, and he hugs her back and they stay there like that for a while. When she calms down, she pulls back from him and wipes her eyes, “my period is coming.” She’s not really lying, and he believes her.
“Does it normally make you this emotional?”
He’s never really experienced her mood swings, he has no idea what he’s in for, she nods. “Yeah, and I have really bad anxiety which just gets worse around this time.”
“And you’re not on anything?”
She shakes her head, “I’m waiting to get onto the good healthcare when I get a job with the bureau, I can’t afford to work and go to school, I’m glad I had enough scholarship money left to rent this place long enough to go to the academy.”
She just nods, “I’ve never had much money like my parents have been saving for 2 years to buy plane tickets to Virginia so that they can see me graduate. They started saving before I even got in. I went to community college on a scholarship and I get a lot of money from applying for bursaries.”
“Are you going to take the CARD job or the BAU offer?”
She shrugs, “I’m not sure yet, but probably CARD.”
“I can’t work with you,” she whispers. “It makes me feel like I don’t deserve to be there like I’m using you and that all my work isn’t that great. I’m just Doctor Spencer Reids girlfriend.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way, imposter syndrome is a leading factor in depression among child prodigies, once you reach a certain age and you stop receiving awards for your work, it’s hard to believe that you’re still doing a good job.”
She knows he gets it, he has probably said the same fact to himself to calm down before. “Thank you.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
She nods, pulling back the covers and moving over so he can snuggle in beside her. She holds him, resting her head on his chest and taking a deep inhale of his cologne, this was the love of her life and if this was as close as she was ever going to be to him, she was going to take it.
He kisses the top of her head and holds her in his arms at just the right pressure to calm her down. She feels so comfortable with him but she still feels like shit, she doesn’t stop crying, and he just holds her through it.
“Do you want to tell me what’s really wrong?” He whispers after a while, he sounds worried.
“No,” she whispers. “I can’t.”
“Is it about me?”
“Yeah,” she cries again, “and I don’t have any other friends to talk to about us and now you’ve told hotch and I have no one to talk to about how this is kinda stressing me out.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” his voice is still scared and she knows he’s going to panic regardless and just send them around in a circle of constant anxiety. But his tone is more apologetic than one fuck up.
“Who else did you tell?” She sits up, “I thought this was just between us?”
“I needed advice, the same reason you are reacting right now, you’re stressing me out,” Spencer finally talks back with passion and she knows they’re about to fight for no reason.
“I never said you were stressing me out. I said our situation was, but I think I need to sleep alone now, Spencer” she’s confident and stern even though she’s crying.
“We can’t go to bed mad at each other. You even said the mornings are the worst, we can’t hate each other for no reason tomorrow,” he starts to cry, not knowing where he went wrong and she can see it on his face.
“I just don’t have what you have, and I’ve always been trying to copy you…”
She sighs and wipes her tears, “I have had a big fat, fan-girly, crush on you since I was 18, I came here with my class to watch you do a talk on philias and phobias and then I knew I wanted to get into the academy and I wanted to beat your record and join the BAU, and I just thought; one day I’m going to be friends with this guy and catch bad guys with him and now I am and I’m so alone.”
“You have me?”
“I know,” she tries to smile, “but I only have you and I can tell you almost everything. Like my biggest stressor right now is that if just looking at fake crime scenes for 3 weeks has made me this anxious; what if I’m not cut out for this? What if I get to a real crime scene and I pass out or—“
“That’s only human,” he presses his lips together, awkwardly, and very Spencerly. “If you didn’t feel like this job makes you hate the world and untrusting of everyone around you; then I would think you’re crazy.”
“How do you do it?”
“I open up and let people in, but I typically wait till I’m at my lowest; crying in my friend's arms because I don’t know what to do anymore,” he smiles again, wider and toothy as she smiles back.
“Thank you,” she can’t help but tilt her head and smile as her heart settles and her brain calms down a bit, “I love you.”
“Can I kiss you or is that too much right now?”
She gets in closer to him, laying back down on the pillow and looking at him. They’re closer enough to kiss, and she just takes a moment to look at him, resting her hand on his cheek as he wraps around her waist and pulls her in closer.
“We’re okay?” He asks with his lips right against her, his breath is hot and he smells like toothpaste.
“We’re okay, but no more talking tonight, okay?” She whispers.
He nods, leaning in and kissing her finally. She knows she shouldn’t be kissing him, she knows that she should be mad at herself, but she also knew that even just pretending that he loved her back was good enough.
He gets called away to a case on Wednesday morning, he’s too busy to really call her and he doesn’t text back. He feels bad about it but he knows she wanted space to think anyway, what he didn’t expect was for her to reach out to Penelope.
She’s in the office with her on Friday, tired of Spencer ignoring her so she went to the one place he couldn’t avoid her; Penelope’s office.
“How can I help you today, my fine furry friends?” Y/N answers the phone with a smirk, copying Penelope’s line perfectly, they can hear them high five through the line.
“Y/N?” Spencer is the first to catch it, “what are you doing there?”
“I came to meet Anderson and see if I’d like to take his job or not,” she teases, pretending she wasn’t there just to bother him.
Hotch cuts in, asking the question he needed to ask before hanging up, “not sure what’s going on at home but we’re too close to cracking this case for schoolyard games.”
“Yes sir,” he nods and looks away, retreating to the other side of the room to stare at the map and pretend to find connections.
“Crack this and you can go home to her,” Derek whispers with a smile, thinking he’s helping the situation.
“That’s not where I want to be right now.”
“Woah,” Derek catches it, “what happened?”
“Nothing,” he’s quick to get him to stop it but he really wants advice, “she’s stressed out and she took it out on me and I wasn’t very nice back.”
“You said sorry and you pretended you were over it, didn’t you?”
He turns away from Derek with a nod, he wants to come out with it and get it over with and he’s so mad and embarrassed he just starts to cry a little, “I don’t want to lose her.”
“How could you?”
“You have no idea,” he rolls his eyes lightly and scoffs, confusing Derek.
“And I won't unless you want to talk to someone about what’s really bothering you, but you’ve been happier since you met her and I like seeing you happy, and Savannah likes double dates,” he scolds him with a smile, patting his shoulder lightly. “now let's crack this and maybe on the plane you will tell me what’s up?”
“Sure,” he says, but he doesn’t want to.
However, Derek Morgan is good at a lot of things, and one of those things is getting Spencer to calm down enough to tell him anything. Everyone is asleep on the plane, it’s just the two of them at the back together when Spencer finally feels confident enough to say it.
“I lied to you, a long time ago… and it’s just the first one.”
Derek doesn’t look angry, “okay, explain your thought process. I need to know how this pretty brain of yours works.”
He smiles a bit, “I slept with Elle the night before she shot that rapist in Ohio.”
“You did not?” Derek's voice gets a little too loud and they stop to make sure no one woke up.
“I did, but you still always made jokes about finally getting me some lovin’ and it bothered me for a while and I never told you, instead I offered to help my neighbour with her homework if she pretended to date me,” his voice lowers as the words continue and he only stares at the table between them.
“Spencer, I’m sorry,” Derek apologizes first. “I didn’t know I was upsetting you, is there anything else I do that upsets you?”
He shakes his head in a silent no, still not looking at him, he can't.
“What happened between you and Y/N?” He jumps to the main issue, fine with what happened because he feels bad for causing the issue in the first place.
“We started sleeping together.”
Derek sighs, “you have such a big brain, you can remember everything she’s ever said to you and yet you can’t see that she’s in love with you.”
“She’s good at pretending,” he pushes it away.
“No she’s not, because she’s pretending she doesn’t love you right now; the same way you are and you’re both fucking it up for each other,” Derek gives it to him straight. “You have always been loveable, but you have a very hard time accepting it, Spencer.”
“Yeah,” he starts to cry a little more.
“Go home and talk to her and tell her the truth,” it’s the best advice he can give and Spencer knows it. “What’s the worst that can go wrong?”
“She does love me back but in a few years, she realizes I’m too much and she leaves me,” his voice is the saddest Derek has ever heard it.
He gets up from his seat and hugs Spencer, sliding into the seat beside him and wrapping his arms around him, “you have never been too much. You just surround yourself with people who aren’t good enough to love you for who you are.”
“She’s better than me.”
“Which is exactly what I mean, she’s not going to leave you, believe me, once you love Spencer Reid for who he really is, it’s hard to stop,” he speaks from experience, thinking of what could have been between them if either of them had tried harder in the past.
“She’s the love of my life,” he confirms, “I’m never going to love anyone else the way I love her.”
They get the word that they’re going to be landing soon, Spencer wipes his tears and buckles in for the descent, avoiding everyone’s stares and questions on the ride back to headquarters. He’s nervous to see her, he knows his face is puffy and she’ll be there waiting for him with Penelope, but he has to do it.
“Would you wait here, I need to tell her now and she might not give me a ride home if it doesn’t go well,” he asks Derek before heading to Penelope, “she was already mad at me for telling Hotch the truth.”
“Okay, sure,” Derek smiles, reaching out a hand for Spencer, “come to me when you need me next time, okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees with a small smile, heading out to find his fake girlfriend.
She’s not with Penelope, no she’s in the filing room with Anderson and the other temps all talking and laughing, and it sounds far too interesting to interrupt. He waits outside the door and smiles at her laughter until he hears it.
“So be honest,” Agent Camden asks, “are you sleeping with Reid for this job?”
“If I was sleeping my way to the top, don’t you think I would have picked Morgan? Or Prentiss even?” She laughs and it’s like someone stabs a knife through his heart.
He turns around and heads back to Derek, “take me home.”
“Okay,” he doesn’t pry, he just grabs his coat and keys and follows Spencer to the garage.
He’s really ignoring her.
She finds out from Emily that Spencer left with Derek, and that he looked rather pissed off when he asked for a ride. It breaks her heart a little and she doesn’t know what to do next, she just drives home and finds herself knocking on his door.
“Let me in, please, Spencer!” She begs from behind his door.
He opens it and looks at her with a puffy red face, tear-stained cheeks and swollen lips, he’s been crying for a while. “What?”
“What did I do?”
“You slept with me,” he whispers, “and I told you I wouldn’t react well.”
“Is it my fault you’re crying?” She asks softly and he nods, “do you want to tell me?”
He closes his eyes and shakes his head, “are we still going to the banquet together tomorrow?”
“I really fucked up,” is all he can muster, crying again as he closes the door and goes to cry in his room.
She just opens the door again and follows him inside. Kicking off her shoes she crawls into bed beside him and wraps herself around him, “you don’t have to tell me but I am here for you, always.”
“I love you,” he says it like it’s the problem before he rests his head in the crook of her neck and holds her back for the first time in days.
“I love you, too, Spencer,” she cries along with him. They cry until he’s asleep and she’s just there holding him in her jeans and she’s really uncomfortable but she loves him too much to let go.
“More than you will ever know.”
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