#babysitter joyce
harringtonstilinski · 3 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Thirty-Three: Papa
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 5,826 Warnings: squint for fluff, angst, canon violence, liv being indecisive but go with it, buggy = shopping cart in southern terms, Smut: no | yes; 18+ MINORS DNI: A/N: Hi, friends! I can't believe we're one chapter away from the end until Season 5 comes out! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Everyone jumped into gear, trying to find music for Nancy so that we could bring her out of her Vecna trance. Steve and I locked eyes as he freaked out while trying to wake up Nancy. “Whatever you guys are doing up there, hurry up!”
Erica and I looked at each other then booked it to the backroom, which I guess was Eddie’s room. “Steve says you need to hurry the hell up!”
“Yeah, no  shiiiiiiit!” Dustin yelled.
“We’re trying,” Max said. “We can’t find anything.”
“Seriously, what is all this shit?” Robin asked.
“I mean, wh-wh-what are you even looking for?” Eddie asked, running back in the room, a bunch of cassettes in his arms as I stood next to him.
“Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles! Music, we need music!”
Eddie held up an Iron Maiden cassette as he and I yelled, “THIS IS MUSIC!”
I grabbed the cassette from his hand before grabbing the cassette player, running back to the mattress… only, when I got there and looked up to tell Steve we got the music, what I saw brought me back to our Junior year when he started dating Nancy; Steve holding Nancy in his arms on the ground, her telling her that everything was okay and that he was there for her.
I looked down as I heard footsteps rushing towards the mattress, tears lining my waterline. I sniffled a little then looked up, seeing Dustin looking at me, puzzled. “Uhm,” I said, wiping my lower lash line. “She broke out herself. She’s fine.”
Sighing, I said, “I’ll be outside. I just need some fresh air. Ya’know, being stuck in the Upside Down all night.” I lightly chuckled with no humor behind it at all. Before I could step around him, Dustin gave me a hug, one that I returned, tightly. He pulled away before looking up, asking Steve and Nancy if they were ready to come down.
I stepped outside, sitting on the porch that was off the right of the door… or left, depending on which way you were looking. Part of me wanted to go into Eddie’s stash to look for something to calm my racing thoughts, another part wanted a cigarette, and the last part wanted to go off into town and steal something, but I resisted all urges when I heard the door open, a voice following after, “There you are.”
Looking to my left, I watched as Steve carefully made his way across the small patch of grass that sat in between the porch and the steps to the front door, careful not to step on any sticker bushes.
“Hi,” I said, quietly, turning to face him, my legs dangling over the side.
Steve stood in between them, his neck at my eyeline. Bringing my hand up, I lightly traced over them, smiling a little, more to myself than anything.
“You’re smiling at my wounds?” he asked.
Lightly shaking my head, I snickered before looking at his eyes. “You make wounds look good. I mean–” I sighed, dropping my head again. Looking back up at him, I said, “This whole look you’re sporting right now has got you looking–” I brought up the okay hand gesture while winking and clicking my tongue once before continuing, “Fucking amazing, and I would love nothing more than to sneak off somewhere, kiss you stupid and do things to you, clothing optional.”
Steve laughed, resting his hands on my outer thighs. “I love you. And I would love to do all that, too, but we can’t, unfortunately.” He was quiet for a minute before he spoke up again. “You gonna tell me why you’re really out here? Dustin said something about you needing fresh air.”
“You don’t buy it?” I asked.
He sighed. “I do, but I know there’s more to it.”
It was my turn to sigh, my hands barely skimming over the makeshift bandage we made out of Nancy’s shirt. “Just… the way you were holding her brought me back to when you two were dating. I know I shouldn’t let it affect me, but… I guess it still kind of does. I mean, she’s been gawking at you the whole time we've been in this little group together. I just–” Another sigh. “I don’t know. I’m not jealous, but I guess I’m a little annoyed that she’s gawking at you when she clearly has Jonathan, she’s put herself in charge of this group, she’s being aggressive with her words towards Eddie, and–”
My words stopped as Steve’s lips pressed to mine, and I instantly shut the hell up, wrapped my arms around his neck gently to not hurt his wounds, and closed my eyes, relishing in the way his lips felt on mine.
I always had this feeling with Steve. I always enjoyed being with him, sexually and non-sexually. Steve was my soulmate, I could feel it. Since we were kids, I’ve always enjoyed being around him. He made me laugh, cry, feel better about myself, and I’m sure I’ve done the same with him.
He knows my boundaries, he knows what I do and don’t like, he knows my favorite song from all the artists I listen to. He just… knows. And I him. I know every single thing there is to know about Steve Harrington. 
When I felt his hands under my shirt, resting on my waist, I was fucking done for. “We–” I said, pulling away from him a little. “We better stop or else I’ll be screaming your name on this porch.”
He laughed lightly at that, taking a small step back. “Well, let’s go then. The sun’s about to rise.”
We’d all decided to go across the road to Max’s trailer, it being big enough to house all of us. Steve, Eddie and myself were all sitting on the couch, Erica on one of the arms, Nancy sitting on the chair across from us, Dustin standing next to the couch, Robin sitting on the floor, leaning against the entertainment center, Max on the other side of the couch near the kitchen, and Lucas standing on the other side of Nancy by the door.
She looked traumatized as she explained what Vecna showed her. “He showed me things that haven’t happened yet. The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this… this giant creature with… a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn’t alone. There were so many monsters. An army, and they were coming into Hawkins, into our neighborhoods, our homes. And then he showed me my mom.”
I looked over at Dustin after she said that about her mom, fear in both of our eyes at our mom being hurt or worse… dead. I didn’t want to find my mom’s body because of Vecna because if I did, I wouldn’t stop looking for him to kill him right on site. 
“And Holly… Mike,” Nancy continued. “And they… they were all…”
It was quiet for a moment while she quietly cried before Steve sighed next to me, saying, “Okay, but… he’s just trying to scare you, Nance. Right? I mean… I mean, it’s not real.”
“Not yet,” she whispered. “But there… there was something else.”
“Care to share with the rest of the class?” I asked.
“Liv, I’m getting there.” She looked down and around at nothing as she said, “He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie’s trailer, but they didn’t stop growing. And this wasn’t the Upside Down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home.”
I looked over at Steve, seeing him moving from the corner of my eye. His hands were at his mouth, one covering the other, his eyes closed. Wrapping my hand around his upper arm, I leaned my head against his shoulder, feeling the weight of what Nancy had explained.
“Four chimes,” Max said. Every single pair of eyes looked over at her, her words continuing, “Vecna’s clock. It always chimes four times. Four exactly.”
“I heard them, too,” Nancy whispered.
I sighed and closed my eyes, not really wanting to deal with any of this right now, but as I opened my eyes, I saw that we were all looking back at Nancy.
Taking a deep breath, I released it while picking my head up, saying, “He’s been telling us his plan this whole time.”
“Four kills,” Lucas said. 
Turning my head to look at Lucas, all I could do was press my lips together, annoyed.
“Four gates,” he added, looking at Max.
Standing, I released an annoyed breath, walking to stand between Nancy and Lucas by the door. “I’ve been saying that for a couple days now. But no one listens to Olivia! It’s basically the end of the world.”
“Liv, if that’s true…” Dustin said. “He’s only one kill away.”
“Yeah, and who the hell do you think he’s gonna come back after.” I gestured towards Max. “Our lovely little redhead.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie said, burying his face in his hands. “Jesus Christ.”
“Try ‘em again,” Steve said.
Oh, did I mention that once we got to Max’s we tried calling the Byers’? No? Oh, well… we did, and no answer.
“Try ‘em again.”
Max went into the kitchen to try making that phone call again to the Byers as I heard my name being whispered. I looked over at Steve, knowing he was the one to call my name. Walking back towards the couch, he reached out his hand for me to take, which I gladly did.
I sat down between him and Eddie again just as Steve sat back on the cushions. He pulled me into him, getting into our normal sleeping position, just… sitting up on a couch.
A few seconds later, Dustin asked, “Anything?” to which Max replied, “No. Rang a few times, then went to busy signal.”
“Maybe you punched it in wrong,” Steve said. “Try it again.”
“I didn’t punch it in wrong,” Max replied.
“Well, I don’t know.”
“Dude, I think she knows how to use a phone,” Dustin said.
“I’m just saying, she could’ve typed it in wrong.”
Max had called again, so when I heard her hang up the phone again, I sighed. “Same shit,” she said.
“How is that possible?” Lucas asked.
“Maybe they’re actually busy, or they’re not home,” I said.
“No,” Dustin said. “I told you guys, Joyce has this telemarketer job. She’s always on the phone. Mike won’t stop whining about it.”
“Okay, yeah, but this phone’s been busy for, what, three days now?” Max said. “That’s not Joyce. No way. Something’s wrong.”
Taking a deep breath, I shifted on Steve, trying to get more comfortable. “Maybe they’re off on their own little adventure.”
“Max is right,” Nancy said. “It can’t be just coincidence. It can’t be.” She got up and walked to the front window, looking out of it as she continued, “Whatever’s happening in Lenora is connected to all of this. I’m sure of it. But Vecna can’t hurt them.”
“Doubt they know about Vecna,” I deadpan.
“Not if he’s dead.” Quickly turning back around to face the group, she said, “We have to go back in there. Back to the Upside Down.”
“Whoa, no, no, no, no, no,” Steve said as Eddie also said, “Nope.” Sighing, I stood and looked at her, all the seriousness I could muster in my eyes. “NO one is going back to the Upside Down. Not a fucking soul.”
Steve stood up and walked over to Nancy, standing in front of her. “Now, let’s think this through.”
“What is there to think through?” Nancy asked.
Moving to stand in between them, I looked at Nancy, rage in my eyes. “My boyfriend almost got murdered, Nancy! What if it was Jonathan! You wouldn’t go back in there!”
“She’s right,” Steve said. “We barely made it out of there in one piece.”
“Yeah, because we weren’t prepared,” Nancy said. “But this time, we will be. We’ll get weapons and protection. We’ll go through the gate, we’ll find his lair, and we’ll kill him.”
I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at Nancy as Steve said, “Yeah, or he’ll kill us.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” I asked. “The only fucking reason you survived was because he wanted you to. He’s not fucking scared of us.”
“Language,” Nancy said.
“And for good reason,” Robin said, standing. “We were wrong about Venca. Henry. One. Sorry, wh-what are we calling him now?”
About four people gave their opinion, confusing Robin, to which I said, “Robs, focus, babe.”
“Right.” Not sure who she directed that at, but I’ll take it. “We’ve learned something new about Vecna/Henry/One. He’s a number like Eleven, only a sick, evil, male, child-murdering version of her with really bad skin, but my-my-my-my point is, he’s super powerful. He could turn us inside out with the snap of his fingers. It’s not a fair fight.”
“So then why fight fair?” Dustin said. “You’re right, he’s like Eleven.”
“That gives us the upperhand,” I added. “We know her strengths, and weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses?” Erica asked.
“Yeah!” I said, a small smile appearing on my face. “When El remote travels–”
“She goes into this sort of trance-like state,” Dustin said. 
“Bet it’s the same for Vecna.”
“That would explain what he was doing in that attic,” Lucas said.
“Exactly!” Dustin and I said. He continued with “When he attacks his next victim, I’ll bet’cha he’s back in that attic, physical body defenseless.”
“Defenseless?” Steve said. “Yeah, what about the army of bats?” He gestured to his neck, making me a little sad.
“Right?” Dustin said. “True, we’ll have to find a way past them. Distract them somehow.”
I sighed, now seriously aggravated. “No one is going back to the Upside Down!”
“And, uh, how do we do that, exactly?” Eddie asked.
“No idea.”
“By not going,” I added.
“Dearest sister, once they’re gone, he doesn’t stand a chance!” Dustin said. “It’ll be like slaying sleeping Dracula in his coffin!”
“That all sounds good in theory,” Robin said. “But there is no pattern to Vecna’s killings. I mean, at least not one that I can decipher.”
“She’s right,” I said. “You don’t know when he’s going to attack next. Or who, for that matter.”
Without missing a beat, Max said, “Yeah, we do.”
“I can still feel him.”
“I’m still… marked, Liv. Cursed.” 
“Don’t even think about it,” I said, pointing in her direction.
Max continued, “I ditch Kate Bush, I draw his focus back to me.”
Tears sprung to my eyes as she said this. I could see why she wanted to, but I didn’t want her to basically sacrifice herself just for Vecna to be distracted for a moment. With a couple of tears streaming down my cheeks, I whispered, “Max.”
She looked at me before Lucas added, “You can’t.”
“He’ll kill you,” Lucas and I said.
“I survived before,” she said. After a few seconds, she added, “I can survive again.”
Wanting to rip my hair out, I made a frustrated grunt, while also wanting to throw or punch something.
“I just–I need to keep him busy long enough so that you guys can get into that attic. Then you can chop his head off, stab him in the heart, blow him up with some explosives Dustin and/or Liv cooks up. I honestly–I really don’t care how you put this asshole in his grave. Just… whatever it is… whatever you do…” She looked directly at me, eyes intensely locking on mine. “Try not to miss.” 
Dropping my head back, as well as dropping my arms from their crossed position, I groaned before closing my eyes. Feeling hands on my shoulders, I picked my head up and opened my eyes, meeting Steve’s somewhat worried one. “You guys stress me out.”
Eddie had grabbed a phonebook, telling us all to gather over at the dining table. I was standing between him and Steve with everyone else crowding around us as Eddie slammed the book down onto the table, pointing to a spot on the page he had opened it up to, an advertisement for The War Zone. “Check this out. The War Zone. I’ve been there once. It’s huge. They got… everything you need for, uhh… well, uh, killing things, basically.”
“Fake Rambo got enough guns there, Eddie?” I asked. “Bro, is that a grenade?”
“I mean, how is any of this legal?” Robin asked on Eddie’s left side.
“Well, lucky for us it is, so…” Eddie said, sarcastically. “This-this place is just far enough outside of Hawkins.”
“Just as long as we steer clear of the main roads, we should be able to avoid the cops and angry hicks,” I said. At the looks everyone gave, I breathed in annoyance. “For Eddie, dumbasses.”
“If we’re trying to avoid angry hicks,” Erica said. “Maybe we shouldn’t go to some store called The War Zone.”
“Normally I’d agree, but we need the weapons,” Nancy said. “So, I think it’s worth the risk.”
“Me, too,” Lucas sighed.
Leaning onto the table with the palm of my hands, I chuckled while hanging my head forward, my chin meeting my collarbone. “You guys are still fucking nuts.”
“Language,” Nancy muttered.
“Coming from the girl who said bullshit about five times in a freaking row,” I said, picking up my head to look at Nancy. “You guys are nuts for wanting to venture back to the Upside Down, and for wanting to put Eddie’s life in danger.” Turning my eyes to my brother, I said, “Dustin, what’s your stance on this? I mean, Eddie’s your other older male best friend.”
“Is it worth the time? It’ll take all day to bike there and back,” he replied.
“Who said anything about bikes?” Eddie said.
“You got some sort of car we don’t know about?” Steve asked.
Standing up straight, Eddie looked over my head at Steve, smiling as he said, “It’s not exactly a car, Steve. And it’s not exactly mine, but, uh… it’ll do.” Turning around to face Max, Eddie said, “Hey, Red, uh, you got a ski mask or a bandana, something like that?”
Audibly taking a deep breath, I turned my head to look at her, a sly smile on my face. “You got that Halloween mask from ‘84?”
She smiled a little at me before going into her bedroom to retrieve the mask, giving it to Eddie, who went outside with all of us following him. We made it to the side of one of the trailers before he put the mask on, poking his head around the side, causing me to laugh quietly. 
We ran past the trailer that was across the way from us before going around the side of an RV, Eddie jumping in first. As I jumped in with Steve’s help, I heard Eddie say, “That was suffocating,” after he discarded the Michael Myers mask.
I looked back, watching as Steve jumped in behind me, everyone else following after him as I followed Eddie to the front of the RV. Watching as Eddie reached under the steering wheel, I asked, “Whoa, hey, what’re you doing?” He cut a cord as his answer, my eyes going wide. “You’re hotwiring it?”
“Where’d you learn how to do this?” Steve asked.
“It’s simple,” I said. Silence filled the air for a moment as I looked back at Steve, who had his brows scrunched. “Oh, you weren’t asking me, okay.” Turning my head back to face Eddie, Steve said, “We’ll talk about that later.”
“Ed-Eddie? Wanna answer?” I said.
“Well, Henderson, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hotwire. Now, I swore to myself I wouldn’t wiiiind up like he did, but now I’m wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto. So, uhh, I’m really living up to that Munson name.” As he explained all this, he was cutting what he needed before brushing the wires against each other.
Robin came up behind us, saying, “Uh, Eddie, I’m not sure I love the idea of you driving.”
“Oh, I’m just starting this sucker,” Eddie said. “Harrington’s got her. Don’t ‘cha, big boy?”
I looked at Eddie, confused, as the engine started, the owners demanding us to open the door that Eddie had locked upon arrival inside the RV. 
“They locked the door!”
“Well, are we just gonna stand here and look pretty while they try to bust in and call the cops on Eddie, or are we actually gonna steal this fucking thing?” I asked.
“Shit, go,” Steve said, pushing Eddie out of the driver’s seat. I moved to sit in the passenger seat. 
“Babe, it’s just a car,” I said, seeing the panic in his eyes.
“Everybody, hang on to something!” Steve yelled, turning to face the back for a moment.
I saw Nancy moving towards the front as I looked back to see where Dustin was sitting as Lucas said, “Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Let’s go! Let’s go!”
“Drive, Steve, driiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!” Dustin yelled.
I watched as Steve put the RV in drive before putting his foot on the gas pedal, sending the vehicle forward, Lucas’ repeating of the word “Go!”
“Shit, they look pissed,” Dustin said.
“I mean, it’s not everyday you lose your house and car in one fell swoop,” Robin said. 
Even through my excited laughter, I still heard everything they said. 
“Hold on, hold on, hold on!” Steve said. He swerved a little, running into the trash cans at the side of the road, before making the widest turn onto the main road, almost taking us off said road a couple times. 
When my laughter eventually died down, I turned to look at Steve, chuckling, “Remind me to never let you drive an RV again.”
He chuckled while trying to get a feel for it. “Okay.”
The further we drove, the more stable the vehicle seemed to be, which told me that Steve was getting a handle on it. I couldn't help but smile at him as he got more comfortable with it. Almost reminded me of when he learned how to drive, how comfortable he got in his car after his parents gifted it to him.
I could feel Nancy’s eyes staring into me as I just looked at Steve, taking a deep breath to start a conversation. “How’s it handle, babe?”
“Not half bad,” he replied. “Considering that this is a… house.”
I chuckled. “Was that a sarcastic comment I just heard?” I watched the corner of his mouth lift up a little, a quick and quiet chuckle coming from him. The moment it was quiet, I listened to the radio, singing along to what was playing on the radio, “They let me know you were gone.”
Sighing happily, I turned my head over my shoulder to look at Steve, smiling. “Do you remember when we were in, like, 7th grade and we heard this song for the first time?”
I saw the look on his face like he was thinking about it. “What’s this song again?”
“Fire and Rain by James Taylor. I remember just sitting in your room one night and this song came on the radio, and I instantly fell in love with it.” I knew he remembered what the song was, but telling him the first time I ever heard this song will forever be my favorite. That was also the night I knew I liked him as more than a friend.
“I know you know a lot about me and my… dreams, or whatever, but I don’t think I’ve ever told you this,” he said.
“Told me what?” I asked, turning a little to face him.
“Ya’know, it’s… it’s silly, but I… I’ve actually, uhm… I always had this dream that I’d have this really… really big family,” he explained. “I’m talking like a full brood of Harringtons. Like, five, six kids.”
“Six?” I asked, incredulously with my brows raised. 
“Yeah. Six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys.” He chuckled as he continued, “And-and every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and… just see the country.”
I looked at him, falling even more in love with him as he continued, “Ya’know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone.” He looked at me for a moment, that same look in his eyes that I was giving him. “End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand. Learn how to surf or something.” “I could see you surfing,” I said, quietly, after a moment before adding, “But, that sounds amazing.”
He looked at me, asking, “Yeah?”
I nodded my head, smiling. “Yeah.” I wanted to lean over and kiss him stupid, but couldn’t or else we’d crash. “Uhm, except for that six kid part. I love you, but that sounds like a total nightmare with a migraine.”
He looked in the back of the RV for a quick second, saying, “If only I had some practice.”
Looking back at everyone in the back, I smirked, chuckling to myself. “Yep, that’s fair.” I stretched my hand out for him to take, to which he quickly did, lacing our fingers together.
“I would kiss your hand, but I’d drag you out of your seat,” he said, chuckling, looking at me for a moment.
“I wouldn’t mind.”
He turned his head back to look out at the road as I started to sing along to the song once more, turning my own head to look out at the road.
I guess I had dozed off or something because I was being woken up by Steve whispering my name, saying that we were at War Zone. He gave me the option of staying with Dustin or coming inside. I chose the latter. Dustin could take care of himself, but that didn’t stop me from telling him to not draw attention to the RV.
Erica, myself, Steve, Max, Robin and Nancy went inside the store after having parked out back. We stood there as we all looked around, seeing a shit ton of people inside.
“So much for avoiding angry hicks,” Robin said.
“Let’s just get what we need and leave,” I said. “And, please, don’t draw attention to yourself.”
“Let’s be… fast,” Nancy said.
“Yup,” Robin added.
“Definitely,” Erica retorted.
Steve took my hand and led me to the men’s clothing section, where he picked out a leather jacket, a camo style shirt, a random pair of socks and some combat boots. After I had found a similar outfit for me that was more my style, we found Robin putting some gas cans into the buggy.
“How many of these do you think we need?” she asked.
“Five or six,” Steve answered, putting a couple more into the buggy.
I noticed Robin standing still, looking off, so I looked in the direction she was looking in before looking back and forth between her and the girl she was looking at as I remembered who that girl was. “What’cha gonna do, Robs?”
“Just stand here and gawk at her?” Steve added.
“Shut up,” she said. She took one step forward before stopping, some guy having come up to Vickie, scaring her. 
The three of us watched their interaction, my excitement dwindling as I felt Robin’s confidence start to plummet. We watched them kiss, my heart breaking for Robin. I wanted to kill that boy for interrupting the moment Robin was having. 
Vickie turned to look at us - well, Robin - before her boyfriend decided to do so as well, my best friend turning and running away from us as Steve and I called her name.
Erica found us a couple of minutes later, saying that Jason and his basketball buddies were in the store. Once we found Nancy, we all hauled ass out of the store, paying of course, all of our gear in all of our hands as we booked it back to the RV.
Steve opened the door, walking in first as Lucas asked what happened. “We gotta go.”
“Your old friends are here,” Erica said, sitting next to her brother.
I walked in the RV, going to sit in the passenger seat, Nancy having beat me to it. Thank God Robin had called her name, giving her a look that made her roll her eyes before getting up. I sat down as Max climbed in, closing the door.
Steve found a big ass piece of land to hide out at, everyone getting out to set up different stations, I guess. Nancy and Max were at one station with the shotgun we had purchased, Lucas and Erica making spears with knives and big ass sticks at another, Eddie and Dustin making shields out of metal trash can lids at a third station, while  Steve, Robin and myself were sitting in front of the RV making homemade molotov cocktails with gasoline.
We were sitting on various flat items as we did our task; Steve to my right, Robin to my left. It was quiet for a moment between the three of us as Robin was pouring the gasoline into the bottle that was in my hand. I was looking at Steve as he was contemplating something before he spoke.
“It just doesn’t make sense,” he said.
“What doesn’t make sense,” Robin and I asked.
“That was Dan Shelter. He graduated, like, two years ago.”
“And you’re hung up on this why?” I asked.
“Because he’s in college, babe, which means he was visiting on Spring Break. I mean, wouldn’t you visit me if you were in college?” 
I sighed. “Yes, but I’m not.”
“Anyway, Fast Times was returned, like, I don’t know, a week ago?” Steve said. “Right? Unless she’s got some horndog brother that we don’t know about. Which is possible. Or she’s just, like, really into Judge Reinhold?”
I watched Robin’s reaction as he went on about Vickie’s boyfriend. “Babe, I love you and this outfit is, like, top tier, but if you don’t stop talking, I’m gonna murder you in your sleep,” I said.
“Steve,” Robin said, eyes closed in what is clearly discomfort.
Steve looked over at her, asking, “What?”
“I don’t care,” she said. “And I don’t understand why you do either with everything that’s going on. Honestly, this feels like the perfect time for that little pull of the rug… because in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, looking down. “I mean, I get you there, but… I still have hope.”
I gave Robin the bottle that I put a cloth in before Steve handed me another one. “Not everything has a happy ending,” I said.
“Yeah, yeah, believe me, I know,” Steve said, looking in front of him before back down at my hands.
I sighed in annoyance. “She’s not talking about failed romance, babe. Besides, you have me now.”
“She’s right,” Robin said, pouring the liquid into the clear bottle. “I have this terrible, gnawing feeling that…” She stopped pouring to look Steve in the eyes as she continued, “It might not work out for us this time.”
“Robin, stop,” I whispered, setting the bottle down on the ground to stand and pace in front of them.
“You think we shouldn’t be doing this?” Steve asked.
Without missing a beat, I turned my head in their direction to say a hard and quick, “No!”
“I think we’re mad fools, the lot of us, but…” Robin said, starting to pour the gas again, but stopped after her statement to sigh and look out at everyone to add, “if we don’t stop him, who will?” She looked back at Steve, saying, “We have to try, right?”
I stopped my pacing to look at my boyfriend, seeing him nodding his head ever so slightly before looking over at Robin to say, “Yeah.” He lifted the bottle in his hand before saying, “To killing Vecna.”
She grabbed one of the bottles next to her, holding it up, replying, “Slash Henry.”
They both turned their eyes to me, an expectant look in their eyes. I sighed exasperatedly and walked over to Robin, picking up another cocktail we had prepared, holding it up in the air as I walked to stand in between them, saying, “Slash One.” We clinked our bottles, Robin and I setting ours back on the ground. 
I honestly didn’t know what else to do, so I walked into the RV, running my fingers through my hair once I was inside, my pacing starting up again. I didn’t even realize I had started crying or that someone had walked into the RV with me until my face was being buried into the person's chest.
I knew that person was Steve. I felt his hand on the back of my head and his lips on the top of my head. Wrapping my arms around his middle, I let out a quiet sob that made him hold me a little tighter. 
“I know,” he whispered. “I’m scared, too.”
“I’m not scared for myself,” I whispered back to him. “I’m scared for Max.” Looking up at him, I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I sniffled. “She’s just a kid.”
“I know, baby, but she’s a strong kid.”
Sighing, I looked at a spot on his shirt for a moment before closing my eyes. “I’m also scared of losing you,” I whispered. It was so soft, I wondered if he heard me or not.
I got my answer as he replied, “Hey, look at me,” while putting his finger under my chin, lifting my head up so that our eyes could meet. Shaking his head while cupping my cheeks, he said, “You’re not going to lose me, you’re never going to lose me.”
I placed my hands on his wrists, more tears streaming down my face. “Do you promise?”
He nodded, quickly. “I promise. I have to kiss you stupid for the rest of our lives.”
I chuckled through my tears, sighing. “I like it when you kiss me stupid.”
I couldn’t tell you how long Steve and I held each other in the RV before the sun started to set. Everyone pretty much sat in the same seats we were all in before. Shit was getting real and our situation was starting to set in as we drove to the Creel house to drop off Max, Lucas and Erica so that they could execute their part of the plan.
Feeling Steve’s eyes on me, I looked over at him, giving a shy smile, the words “I love you” being whispered from his lips. I whispered them back before sighing.
This was going to be a long night.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: i just wanted to say a quick thank you to my readers on this series for being incredibly patient with me these last few weeks. i've been under a lot of stress, and i think it all just came to a head when my kids were a couple days out from spending time with my dad. my anxiety and depression took a hit because of it. i'm sorry everything is coming out late. it was not my intention. thank you sticking around. it means more to me than you truly realize.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on June 10, 2024 *Happy Pride Month to those who celebrate!*
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inspired by this post by @scoupsahoy
Eddie died. Max is in a coma. Lucas and Erica are traumatized. And Steve Harrington is crying in the cold tub bloody, dirty, and clutching Munson's battle vest.
It was one mistake. It was a lapse of judgement on Steve's part. He just got tired of being a babysitter once and look where it got him. He killed them, he was the reason they died. Max wasn't supposed to be in a coma. She was supposed to be alive making snarky remarks of how close they were from being dead or how Vecna deserved to get his ass whooped by a sawed off shotgun. She was supposed to be here, held by Lucas, held by Steve.
Eddie... he wasn't supposed to be involved in this. He wasn't supposed to be bait. He wasn't supposed to be a hero. He was supposed to be alive, to be with Dustin, to be with Hellfire. It was a lapse of judgement. It was the moment when Steve knew he'd lost a friend was when he took Eddie to his back and ran as fast as he could. He couldn't even care less about the vines. He just had to keep Eddie alive by some miracle. But he didn't. If... if only he'd run fast enough. Maybe if he didn't trip, maybe Eddie is still alive. Maybe Eddie would be back in his Uncle's arms again.
But for now, he sobbed for their loss.
“Steve, you need to eat.” Nancy gently cooed. He has been staying beside Max for almost a month now. Just alternating between sleeping and breaking down. The Party had took turns on leaving him some food, sometimes the containers would be empty, sometimes it hasn't been touched. Robin has been worried over Steve. He already lost his job at Family Video. He's already so thin. He never left Max's side unless he's sure she'd be safe but he's never gone longer than 2 hours no matter how much they force him to go home and take a nap.
Those hours, he'd go home take a freezing shower to calm his nerves and if he feels like it, he'd snatch an apple then hit the road to go to Eddie's headstone. He paid for the funeral, the casket, the service, everything. He felt responsible for not being able to save the only one person who genuinely thought Steve Harrington is a good person. The only person who showed that someone actually believes in him. For Eddie Munson, this is the least he can do. He'd left the jacket on his headstone, washed but not truly clean. Steve assumed Eddie would look at the bloodstains as ‘very metal.’
‘He always comes back.’ Dustin thought. Steve was great at bouncing back from the horrors of the Upside Down but not this time. He knows how Steve cared for all of them, and losing Max has been his breaking point. Dustin barely recognizes Steve anymore. The glassy, tired eyes, the thin line of his lips, the dark bags under his eyes, even his hair lost all it poof. If Steve Harrington was drained before, he's devoid of color now.
Robin tried to talk to him, to tell him that its alright. That he didn't have any fault in this. That he was also a victim too. Yet no matter how much she tried, Steve wasn't having any of it. It shocked her to her core with how much Steve blamed himself for everything. He never dived deep to any of his troubles but what he said was enough for Robin to know that his bestfriend is spiraling down and has always been trying to hide everything in a smile.
“Steve, Dustin needs a lift.” it's still one the responsibilities of his that he remembers to do. He just nodded softly and took his keys before nodding to Robin about Max. He hasn't talked after the whole incident, just quiet, thinking, hoping. Dustin babbled the whole ride about Suzie and school, the kid was careful not to let anything slip about Eddie or any of the Hellfire guys, specially some of Gareth's news about Uncle Wayne.
Steve hasn't talked to any adult, not even giving an alibi or a statement. The police figured he's too shocked to even talk, The Harrington's paid a hefty sum just to keep Steve of the newspaper and the rumors.
As soon as they went to Dustin's house, Steve was greeted by Claudia Henderson with a warm hug. it wasn't too much, but it wasn't formal either. Just like a warm hug from a mom seeing his new son's friend. He almost teared up by the gesture but he held it in. He nodded and almost walked back to his car before Claudia held his wrist gently and sat him down in one of their couches. He felt the couch sink as she sat beside him too.
“How are you doing, Steven?” if he answered the question, it would be the first conversation he's had after everything but maybe Claudia was the best person to start all over. His head hung low trying to hide how easily his eyes starts to water.
“I'm doing great, Mrs. Henderson” he said without even looking in her eye. He can get used to this. Just lying to keep everyone from knowing he's suffering because they don't deserve to know. They're already happy. He's just a liability waiting to happen.
“You’re an good child, Steven. I don't think I could see anyone taking care of Dustin like you do. But you have to take care of yourself too we know you're hurting too. Dustin knows.” she took his hand and held it. He couldn't take it anymore, the walls he'd put up for the past month has been breached. Steve let his tears fall has he tried to hide it with his free hand.
“I couldn't save them, they should've been here instead of me. I was supposed to be the one who dies. I was supposed to have it under control. I shouldn't have left them for a while.” his voice was hoarse as he said this. Claudia squeezed his hand and enveloped him in a warm hug as Steve cried on her shoulder. She knew he was suffering but she didn't know he blamed himself for everything let alone wished he'd be the one who dies. She let him sob while rubbing his back.
“You're a good person. They wouldn't make it out alive if it wasn't for you. Don't be too hard on yourself. You saved them, even Max.” she said as she held him. He tried stopping the tears from falling but he can't. He just sobbed quietly.
“Thank you.”
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truefangirl-13 · 2 years
I feel like as a fandom there’s not enough talk about how Steve Harrington definitely has a care package put together for when one of the female party members starts their period. Stocked with everything from pads to information pamphlets. Ready to go in a moments notice.
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everly98 · 2 years
Now I'd like to play a game with you! :D
Can you imagine a story, where Murray babysits Hawking's gang! Where Murray for some strange reason has to babysit Will, El, and all his friends! Where it more or less goes well at first! But it happens and panic goes! And I'd love to know what would happen, so enjoy! :D
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coinywords · 2 years
When I died all this would become known to me.
When we die all becomes known.
— Joyce Carol Oates “Babysitter “
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famousblueraincoatmp3 · 9 months
complete stories by clarice lispector lapvona by ottessa moshfegh tales of mystery and imagination by edogawa ranpo the count of monte cristo by alexandre dumas war and peace by leo tolstoy five spice street by can xue liveforever by andrés caicedo earthlings by sayaka murata the round house by louise erdrich the satanic verses by salman rushdie
honorable mentions: lolita by vladimir nabokov, slouching towards bethlehem by joan didion, the tenant of wildfell hall by anne bronte, in cold blood by truman capote
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s-wordsmith · 2 years
Idea that I cannot escape since it popped into my head: the Stranger Things characters fixing up the old Creel House and most of them moving into it together.
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eva248 · 2 years
Lecturas de diciembre. Quinta semana
Lecturas de diciembre. Quinta semana
Babysitter / Joyce Carol Oates. Editorial Alfaguara, 2022 Corre el año 1977 y Hannnah y Wes Jarrett, un respetable hombre de negocios y miembro de una de las familias más poderosas de Detroit, viven felices junto a sus hijos de cinco y ocho años en su casa de las afueras. Ismelda, su criada, hace que en el hogar todo sea más llevadero. Pero su vida y la de sus vecinos se ve sacudida por la…
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harringtonstilinski · 5 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Six: The Hellfire Club
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,303 Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I can't believe we're on the last season!! Buckle up, friends, 'cause it's a lot this season!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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The phone ringing startled me awake as I sat up straight in the bed. Looking at the clock, I tried to count three hours backward from the time shown, slightly struggling before jumping to my feet and rushing to the phone, answering with a groggy and breathless, “Hello?”
“Can I read this to you?”
I sighed at the sound of El’s voice before answering, “Of course, sweetie.”
She always read me her letters that she wrote to Mike, asking for my advice on whether or not it sounded good enough. “Okay. Here it goes. ‘Dear Mike, today is day 185. Feels more like 10 years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travelers if you think about it. For example, this week is going very fast. I think because I am so busy. I have to make something called a visual aid. I hope Mrs. Gracey will give me an A. Some exciting news; Joyce got an amazing new job. She gets to work at home. She says she loves the freedom. Will is painting a lot, but he-he won’t show me what he’s working on. M-maybe it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes. Because he has been acting… weird. Jonathan is acting weird, also. I think he is just nervous about college. He is still waiting for his big letter. I hope he and Nancy get to go together. But I don’t know how he’ll ever get to college because his car is still broken down. His funny friend Argyle has been taking us to school. His hair is longer than mine. And he and Jonthan like to smoke smelly plants together. Jonathan says the plants are super safe because they come from the Earth, but to not tell Joyce. Me? I’m twice as happy now. You were right. It just takes time. I think I have finally adapted. At first, I missed all the spring flowers, but now I find it pretty here, too. I even like school now. I am still best at math, but my grammar is good now also. Thanks in part to Olivia back home. It helps that everyone is so nice here. I have made lots of friends. Even so, I am ready for Spring Break, mostly because I get to see you. I am so excited to see you, it is hard to breathe. Are you excited, too? I think you will love it here like me. I think we will have the best Spring Break ever. I hope my spelling was better this time. Miss you. Love, El.’”
She breathed deep on her end of the phone, silently asking me what I thought. Taking a drag from my cigarette, which I rarely ever do, I nodded my head before saying, “It’s good! But the part about friends? I’m not sure that should be in there.” El’s kept her word on telling me every detail when she calls me. This bitch Angela bullies her to no end, and it pisses me off to the point where I want to get in my car and drive to California to beat the shit out of this girl… but I can’t since she’s a minor and I’m 19 years old. “Maybe just tell him the truth?” I took another drag, holding it for a moment as I said, “The truth–” I blew the smoke from my lungs. “Is a lot better than having to cover up your lies in front of him when he’s there in a couple days.”
“Livvie! Are you smoking again?” Mom hollered.
“Shit,” I whispered, dabbing my cigarette.
“Steve will be here soon!”
Holding the mouthpiece of the phone, I hollered back, “Okay!” Sighing and shaking my head, I removed my hand, saying into the mouthpiece. “Listen, get ready for school, do the finishing touches for your visual aid that I know you’re gonna kick ass on, and have a good day at school, okay? I’m sorry this phone call is short.”
“It’s okay,” El said. “Can I call you tonight?”
“I’ll be at Steve’s, but sure,” I smiled. “You can call.”
“Okay. Argyle is here. I finished my visual aid before I called you.”
“Okay, sweetie. Have a good day at school.” “I will. Bye, Olivia.”
“Bye, El.” I hung up the phone, yawning after I did so. Going into the kitchen, I made myself a cup of coffee, adding my sugar and cream into it before taking a sip and walking back into my room.
No, Steve’s parents didn’t come home last night. Dustin needed help with something for school, so I told him I’d come for the night to help him. My plan was to go back to Steve’s, but I ended up falling asleep on Dustin’s bed, him waking me up to kick me out of his room. As I entered my own room, my phone was ringing, so I walked to it, picking up the receiver, answering with, “Can’t I just enjoy a cup of coffee this morning?”
“Good morning to you, too,” Steve said.
Sighing, I said, “Oh. Morning, baby.”
“Hey, listen. I’m gonna leave here in a few minutes to come get you and then pick up Robin, okay? So, be ready this time.”
I chuckled. Last time he had to come get me from my house I wasn’t ready for work. He and I had had… a night and I was super tired the next day, so I didn’t wake up with my alarm. We were late for work and Robin was late to school that day.
“Okay, I’ll be ready.”
“Promise! I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I hung up the phone, taking another sip of my coffee while looking at my closet door. I set my mug down, walking towards the door when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. “What?”
“Liv, I need you to stall Mom,” Dustin said.
“And why, pray tell, do I need to do that?” I asked, turning to look at him with my arms crossed.
“I’m talking to Suzie and I need you to not tell her what’s going on behind my door.”
Scrunching my face in disgust, I said, “Dustin, I don’t need to hear you two have radio sex.”
“We’re not! It’s something about school,” he exclaimed.
Sighing, I said, “Fine. Whatever. But you owe me.”
“Thank you!” he said, running back across the hall to his room, sliding his door closed.
I turned back to my closet, finally able to go into it to pick my outfit for the day; a graphic tee, comfortable but tight-fitted jeans and my Converse. I’ve been working with Steve and Robin at Family Video since October and I have to say I quite enjoy it. Not the whoring out my boyfriend part, but everything else about the job, aside from Keith, is awesome!
Once I was dressed, I heard talking on Dustin’s Cerebro, that he somehow installed in the house, so I poked my head in to see what was going on.
“That’s a negative, Dusty-bun,” Suzie said.
“Son of a bitch,” Dustin said, pressing a button on his radio. “Try tigers86.”
“Tigers86, copy that.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, walking into his room, sliding his door to a crack.
“Liv, not now,” Dustin said. 
I sighed, “Alright. Oh! I can’t pick you up tonight. Steve and I are going to the game and then I’m going back to his house.”
“Fine, whatever,” he said, going back to his radio.
“Jiminy Crickets, Dusty,” Suzie said. “I’m in.”
“Holy shit,” he said.
“Wait, is she… is she hacking into the school system?” I asked.
Dustin and I jumped at the sound of hearing pounding on his door, Mom’s voice ringing on the other side, “Dusty, what’s going on in there? You’re gonna be late.”
Mom went to open the door just as Dustin shouted, “Don’t come in! I’m naked!”
She shut the door before saying, “Oh, Livvie! Steve’s here!”
I said, “Shit!” at the same time Dustin said into his radio’s mouthpiece, “Running out of time here!”
I walked out of his room as I heard Suzie tell him to hold on. Walking past Mom in the hallway, she told me to grab a slice of toast on my way out, which I told her I would, grabbing it and a banana before rushing out of the house, hearing Steve honk his horn. “Alright, Harrington! I’m coming!”
Opening the passenger side door, I tossed the banana at him, my piece of toast hanging between my teeth. As I buckled my seatbelt, he backed up out of our driveway and started towards Robin’s house before he sighed out and said, “Good morning, Henderson.” “Harrington,” I said, muffled through a bite of toast. I shook my head while taking the toast from between my teeth, saying, “Ew. No.”
He chuckled, handing the banana back to me. “You’re lucky I let you eat in my car.”
“At least I brush the crumbs off my legs when I get out of the car.” I finished my toast by the time we got to Robin’s house. Getting out of the car, I brushed the crumbs off my jeans, turning to go back in the passenger seat when Robin called out, “I need the front, Henderson!”
When I turned to face her, she shoved her shako into my hands, the yellow and white plume sticking out of the top. Yes, I know marching band lingo, shut up.
As we started driving, Steve was telling her about our date we had the other day when we had the day off. “And then we went to Enzo’s and had an amazing dinner–”
Leaning between the seats, I interrupted, “I literally thought he was going to propose, it was so freaking romantic.”
“And then we went back home and watched a movie–”
“Cuddling on the couch before I fell asleep to the movie.”
“What, no sex?” Robin asked.
Chuckling, I said, “No. Not that night. The next morning, however…”
“You asked!” I exclaimed.
“Liv, I’m not fully awake yet. It is 7:00 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse.” She pulled her face back after fluffing her hair a little bit.
“Oh, you’re worried about a basketball pep rally?” Steve asked. “You expect me to believe that?”
“Newsflash, Steve, you were in the pep rallies, remember?” I said, poking his cheek.
“Yeah? So?” Robin said. 
“We all know what this is about,” I said, looking at her profile. “He’s not buying any bullshit. This is about Vickie.” I smiled at her as she turned her head to look at me. “Absolutely not.”
“Yes, it is, and you know what else I think?” Steve said.
“I don’t care–”
“I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around her.”
“You just gotta be yourself, love,” I said.
“You’re both quoting me to me, you do realize that right?” Robin said.
“Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself,” Steve said. “Ever think about that, smartypants? I mean, I listened. Look at me. Boom. Back in business.”
Looking at him, I deadpanned, “You’ve been in business, Steve. For over a year!”
“It’s not the same thing,” Robin said. “And Liv’s right.”
“Plus, when you asked out girls, they all said no,” I said. “Big deal. Nothing happened, other than your ego getting bruised–”
“I ask out the wrong girl, and bam, I’m a town pariah,” Robin added. 
“Yeah, I’d buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl,” Steve said.
“We just don’t know that, do we?”
“She returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who pauses Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?”
“Oh, my god,” I breathed. “People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew, don’t say boobies!” she said.
“I like boobies, Steve definitely likes boobies, you like boobies! Vickie definitely likes boobies,” I said.
“Wait, you like boobs?” they both asked.
“We’re not talking about me.”
We got to the high school, Robin and I getting out before I handed her her shako hat for the pep rally. We hugged before she ran off with her friends, chatting and walking them as she met up with them.
“Were we like this?” I asked, leaning over a little bit.
“Yup,” Steve said. 
I looked at him, our eyes meeting. I smiled as he leaned in closer, our lips meeting for a second before I heard kids through the opened windows saying, “Get a room, Harrington!”
We pulled apart as I groaned, resting my forehead on his shoulder. “Get me off this campus before I beat the shit out of these sophomores.”
He chuckled, driving off to our day job that helps with the bills… metaphorically speaking.
I was standing with Steve on our side of the counter when the phone rang, and because I was standing by the phone, I turned around and picked it up, answering it with “Family Video, this is Olivia speaking. How can I help you today?”
“Liv, I need you tonight for Hellfire.”
Chuckling, I said, “No way, Dustin. Not tonight.”
“What?! Come on!”
“I don’t even know how to play! Plus, I’ve got a date with Steve tonight.” I turned my head over my shoulder, watching Steve help out a female customer. 
“Just move your date this one time! Come on.”
“What, to hang out with you and Eddie? I’ll pass this time.”
“What about Steve?”
“Negatory, little brother.”
“He’s just jealous because I have another older male friend.” 
I heard the smug little smile on his stupid little face. “Yeah, I don’t think he feels the same. Besides, Steve and I really dig each other. I think that he could… well, I know he’s the one.” I watched as some girls walked into the store. “Oh, I got– well, Steve has customers. I’ll call you back.” I hung up the phone, faintly hearing Dustin say that he’s at school.
Turning my head over my shoulder, I whispered, “You're on, babe.”
Once we were done with our shift, Steve and I went to grab a bite to eat before heading to the basketball game. I said hey to Nancy as we walked in and gave a small wave to Lucas with a thumbs up. He slightly smiled back at me, going back to his warm ups.
After Steve and I found a spot in the bleachers, I turned into him after he put his arm around my shoulders once we sat down. I looked up at him, asking, “Baby, would it bother you if we won this game after we’ve graduated?”
“Interesting point,” he said. “Thanks for bringing that up, babe.”
I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his middle while still looking at him. He looked down at me, giving me a chaste kiss on my lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, a smile ever present on his face.
The principal came up to the microphone that was in the middle of the gym, asking, “Everyone now please rise for our national anthem.” You could hear everyone standing, collectively. “Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!”
I clapped while looking confused at Steve as he looked over at Robin, a confused look on his face as well. Tammy started singing, the microphone giving feedback as she did.
“Told you,” Steve whispered. “Muppet.”
“Oh, my god,” I whispered, trying to hold back my laugh at either Steve calling her a muppet or her singing, I couldn’t decide. Maybe a little bit of both.
“Okay, she does sound like a Muppet,” Robin whispered.
“Oh, my god, totally,” I heard Vickie agree. “She sounds like Kermit.”
“I was thinking it was more like Miss Piggy.”
I snorted, turning my head into Steve’s shoulder, his hand coming up to rest on cheek from my shoulder.
When the game started, we got two baskets right off the rip. I honestly didn’t get basketball, I just knew the basics from what Steve had tried to explain to me over the years. But everytime he got to what he thinks is interesting stuff, I would always fall asleep. 
I swear I was getting whiplash just watching the boys run up and down the gym, shooting baskets, colliding with one another, almost getting into fights with other team and the ref.
Seeing movement from the corner of my eye, I looked in Lucas’ direction, seeing him running onto the court. “Oh, my god. He’s putting Lucas in. He’s putting Lucas in!” I exclaimed, jumping in my seat, happy that one of my kids is actually playing.
I knew three of them were on school grounds with Hellfire, so I wasn’t worried about them. I wasn’t worried about Lucas either, moreso happy for him that he’s finally getting to play.
Steve was enthusiastic as ever, standing and shouting at our players to shoot the ball, to pass it, to not travel with the ball. I swear to god, seeing him in this element turned me on like no freaking other.
Steve and I were standing, the ball being passed and dribbled around before he said, “Shoot it!” as one of our players got the ball, making the basket.
A few more points in and Jason, the captain, called a timeout. The team huddled together as the drumline started to play a cadence. I secretly did band throughout middle school and freshman year of high school. I quit once Steve became King, not wanting him to be associated with a “nerd.”
Once the game continued, Jason got the ball, and from what I heard from Dustin, Jason’s a cocky motherfucker who thinks he's the top dog of the high school just because he’s King. No one will ever meet up to Steve as King.
Jason shot the ball, not making the basket at all. Ha ha! That’s what he gets. Lucas grabbed the ball as it bounced off the rim, breaking out of the huddle to run a few feet from the basket, turning around to make the shot as the buzzer went off.
You could hear everyone collectively stand again as the ball flew through the air. I could feel Steve behind me as we watched the ball bounce off the rim to the backboard and into the basket, giving us the Championship win!
Steve and I jumped, excited for Lucas and excited for the win. He wrapped me in his arms, giving me a kiss on the lips as the players and cheerleaders ran over to Lucas, chanting his name.
We had waited outside for the team to come out after hitting the showers, Lucas spotting us right away.
“Oh, my god,” I exclaimed, giving him a big hug. “Congratulations!” 
“Thanks, Liv,” he said. When we pulled apart, he kept his hands on my shoulders. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course!” I said. “I wouldn’t miss my little brother playing for the world!”
He smiled before looking at Steve, giving his thanks to him as well. Jason and his small crew came out, calling Lucas over to them. He walked with them as Steve and I started our own journey to his car. 
I stopped him as I watched Dustin and the rest of Hellfire walk out of the school. He spotted me, raising his hands in the air. “Liv!” Dustin shouted. “We won!”
Giving him a smile, I raised my thumbs out to him, letting him know I was proud of him.
Steve and I went home that night and celebrated with a movie and popcorn, clothing optional.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
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Posted on April 22, 2024
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solarmorrigan · 2 years
Okay, but imagine the absolute shit fit Eddie and Dustin would throw when it’s not either of them that finally manage to convince Steve to play D&D with them. It’s not Lucas, or Will, or even Erica, in all her terrifying, businesslike glory
It’s Mike fuckin’ Wheeler
Mike, who Steve has technically known longer than any of the other kids; who had never made a secret of when he’d thought Steve was a douchebag; who, even after Steve became de facto babysitter to the group and Mike could admit he didn’t entirely dislike him, had never quite warmed up to him the way the others had. Mike
Dustin has been on Steve’s case to join the game since they became friends, and Steve has said no every time. At first because it sounded complicated and boring and he had no interest, but later because he knows none of the other kids like him as much as Dustin does, and that’s fine, but he isn’t going to sit through something complicated and boring while a bunch of other kids glare at him
Sometime later, on one of the few nights neither Joyce nor Jonathan are available to pick Will up, and Steve is driving him home, Will mentions that it would be cool if Steve wanted to join in and play – since he has to schedule his nights around their games sometimes anyway, after all. Steve smiles and tells him thank you but no thank you. Will is kind, and patient to a fault, and Steve has no doubt Will would genuinely try to include him, but he doesn’t want anyone to feel like he should be invited as an obligation. He really doesn’t mind driving
After Steve starts playing basketball with Lucas, Lucas invites Steve in turn to play D&D with The Party. Steve turns him down, saying he’ll stick to what he’s good at. He wonders if maybe Lucas feels like they should do an exchange—Steve has given him some pointers on basketball, so maybe Lucas will give him pointers on D&D—but really, he’s happy spending his time playing with the kid. He doesn’t need to be offered anything else
Steve turns Eddie down flat no matter how much he wheedles, whines, or offers bribes of various favors and orgasms. He knows Eddie’s previous reputation, that he hasn’t been inclined to accept or be entirely patient with novices at the game in the past, so he’ll either sweep along as usual and leave Steve in the dust, or he’s planning to change his entire style to hold Steve’s hand and help him figure it out, probably to the detriment of everyone else’s enjoyment. Neither option is appealing
Erica asks Steve exactly once, telling him that the only way anyone is ever going to shut up about it is if Steve agrees to play. Steve tells her that, unfortunately, she’ll just have to continue putting up with their whining. She doesn’t seem happy, but she’s certainly not going to beg him to play, and that’s that
But then, one night, Mike watches the whole song and dance routine as Steve drops off Dustin, Lucas, and Erica; tells Dustin that no, he’s not going to stay tonight; kisses Eddie hello and also tells Eddie that no, he’s not going to stay tonight. Mike sighs loudly as Steve moves to head up the stairs and out of the basement
“Dude, we both know Eddie and Dustin have made, like, a dozen characters for you. Just pick one and play with us.”
And Steve stops
Because Mike has never pretended to like Steve. Mike has never pretended to like anyone. He’s jealously guarded membership into The Party, denying anyone he isn’t one hundred percent certain about. He’s about as protective over his nerd game as Eddie is (and as protective over his friends as Steve himself). And with no clear reason to, he’s asking Steve to join them
And Steve can’t help but admit that Mike may actually just want him to play – that maybe they all do (and maybe he sincerely does want to join them, even if it still sounds complicated and might still be boring; maybe he’ll just like spending time with them)
So he sits down and asks what the hell he’s supposed to be doing
(He’s never had so many people try to show him how to do something at once)
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Everyone jokes about Steve being the babysitter or the mom friend, but no one actually appreciates everything he does until he gets sick. Steve is the epitome of a doting parent; sure, he's only twenty and the seven kids he's adopted aren't actually his in any legal way, but those kids are his pride and fucking joy. Anyone who sees Steve with those kids can tell that he loves them deeply, which is why Steve is the only person in the Party that can convince their parents to allow anything- their parents KNOW that their kids will not only be well looked after, but they'll be genuinely enjoying themselves too.
Because he's a single mom except he's actually just barely out of his teenage years with no kids, he gets a lot of shit from everyone about it; he's known almost exclusively to the Party as Mama Steve (when he isn't in earshot of course). That's all fine by Steve, he always wanted a big family and now he has it. The problems start to appear when the Party realizes that Steve Harrington flat out ignores his own needs until they're so pressing that he's physically unable to do anything.
It all starts when Robin is told by Keith, of all people, that Steve has called in sick. Robin, of course, panics and calls him, and when he doesn't answer she calls Eddie to check on him. He and Steve had gotten closer since spring break, so it wasn't unusual for a member of the party to call either Eddie or Steve to check in on the other.
Eddie checks in to find Steve Harrington, badass warrior prince incarnate, sobbing from a blanket mountain on the couch in his living room. No one has ever actually seen Steve cry before, so Eddie freaks out, but it's just the result of a high fever and watching Old Yeller by himself. After calming the sick man, Eddie managed to coax some medicine into him and call Family Video to let Robin know that, yes, Steve is alive and no, he wasn't going to die of fever, but he only manages to get Steve to sleep by reading to him (Eddie finds it disgustingly adorable, even more so later when Nancy mentions that Steve loves stories but struggles with what he calls "moving letters"). And for the next two weeks, Steve is down for the count. Joyce and Claudia Henderson take turns making sure Steve is alright (Joyce because Steve is one of Her Kids, and Claudia because Steve is the Older Son she never had) while Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin all try to take his place.
By the end of the first day, Nancy calls it quits: Mike is a bullheaded terror who only ever seems to like Will, El, or Eddie, and even then he doesn't always listen to them, so the Wheeler siblings fight even more ferociously than usual. She can't get El or Erica to listen, either; Erica is a force to be reckoned with, and El will only nod passively before doing what she wants anyway. By the end of day three, Jonathan is out. He won't say what happened, but he told Max to be nicer to the Party one time and, ten minutes later, he was tearfully saying that the kids were little monsters.
Robin lasts longer, almost an entire week, by chattering at the kids until they give up and listen to her. She meets her match when Dustin and Erica try to commandeer the Family Video computer again: Dusting sneaks past and almost breaks the computer just trying to get to it while Erica does Erica and argues until Robin the Rambler runs out of words. The morning of day seven is very dark for her.
Eddie, through what he believes to be the universe's acknowledgement of the depth of his affection for Steve and also sheer force of will, lasts the whole two weeks, but just barely. Mike argues over everything, no matter what; Will is skittish at the best of times and disappears constantly (thankfully, not like his Upside Down episodes - the boy just can't stop getting distracted and wandering away from the group), only to reappear directly behind Eddie and scaring him into an early grave; Lucas gets frustrated easily and can never seem to find the right words to communicate his thoughts and feelings, so he snarks and lashes out before awkwardly trying to mend the situation; Erica is so completely herself that it can be dizzying when the full force of that hurricane is directed towards Eddie; Dustin practically follows Eddie around like a little duckling, demanding updates on Steve or ranting about one of his many interests; El spends most of her time with the Party learning about how girls her age act through Max or practicing her braiding on Eddie. The worst of them all, though, is Max. Despite having healed up, she's still in physical therapy to rebuild her muscle strength and dexterity, and her eyesight is bad enough now that there's talk of her getting a service animal. It isn't that she needs a little extra attention that makes her the worst, though: it's that somehow, she still chases the most mischief. Eddie has only narrowly managed to keep her from assaulting no less that nine people in the two weeks that Steve is sick, and he knows she's definitely tried to commit arson at least twice that often.
Finally, after two weeks, Steve feels better enough to return to his usual activity, and Eddie begs him to never get sick again.
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stevie-petey · 8 months
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episode four: will the wise
“What do you want, Hargrove?” Steve asks, situating himself so that more of his body is in between you and Billy.  He sucks his teeth and then lets out a cold chuckle. “Nothin’, just didn’t know that this little sweetheart had it in her.” “Don’t call her that–” “I mean, her boyfriend runs off with your girlfriend?” Billy chuckles again. “I’m surprised Y/N Henderson ran into your arms, Harrington.”
summary: jonathan is gone for one day and suddenly all hell breaks loose, your hesitant friendship with steve is already rocky (thanks billy) but steve is hot when he's angry tbh, you become a couple's counselor to lucas and max (sorry dustin), and you're now officially the world's worst cat owner ever. and babysitter. but what else is new ?
Rating: general, swearing
Warnings: use of y/n, fem!reader, mentions of blood and scars and knives
Words: 5.7k
Before you swing in: hello ! happy friday, heres chapter 4 :) before i say more, i wanted to inform yall that i started doing blurbs for come home if youre interested in seeing more lil scenes between everyone. they can be found here x. anyways, i absolutely cannot believe we're already halfway through the season (im skipping episode seven obviously, since its just an entire el ep). this chapter we see a liiiil more of readers dynamics with the kids, so im super happy about that. next chapter we finally get steve, dustin, and reader so !!! hella excited about that. for now, pls enjoy &lt;3
Mike and Lucas split up and go outside while you, Dustin, and Max start running through the halls, shouting Will’s name. 
“Will!” You’re more pleading rather than shouting. It’s happening again. It’s fucking happening again. Your mind is running a million miles a second, you feel the cold hand of fear twist around your throat. The last time you felt fear like this was when you showed up at Jonathan’s house and collapsed in his arms right after finding out Will had gone missing. 
And now he’s gone again, but Jonathan isn’t here this time to keep you steady. 
Dustin cups both hands over his mouth. “Will!”
You all turn a corner but Will isn’t there. Nothing. 
“Dustin!” Joyce rounds the corner, alarmed. “What’s going on? Where’s Will?”
The woman is moreso asking you than the kids, but you can only shake your head at her helplessly. “I don’t know, Mrs. Byers.”
Joyce holds your gaze and you feel so ashamed of yourself. You’ve let her down again. She’s always been so trusting of you with her children, and here you are, once again a fucking wreck trying to find the son you’ve lost. 
Down the hall, a door flings open. “The field!”
The four of you turn and find Lucas standing there, panting and out of breath. He motions for you all to follow and in a heartbeat you begin to run outside after him. 
There, you find Mike in the field with Will standing next to him, and for a second you feel relief wash over you. He’s okay, he’s safe and isn’t in another dimension. But as you get closer, you notice the stiffness in Will and the way Mike is shaking his shoulder. 
Something isn’t right. 
“I just found him like this!” Mike is shouting. “I think he’s having another episode!”
This would make two in two days. 
When you reach Will, you finally grasp how dire the situation is. He looks horrible, his eyes have rolled into the back of his head and are spasming. His body shakes, his fingers twitch by his side and the veins in his neck strain. 
Joyce quickly grabs him and starts shaking his shoulders, pleading with him. “Will, sweetie, wake up! It’s mom!”
You cover a hand over your mouth as you watch, horrified. Dustin and Lucas stand next to you, each clutching your shirt in fear. Their fear grounds you, making you focus back on them and pull them closer to you. You try to give them as much reassurance as you possibly can, but you know it’s useless. All you guys can do is wait for the episode to end. 
Max stands across from you, watching the situation unfold with her own uncertainty. She doesn't understand what any of this means. Why this is happening to Will, and why you’re close to tears as Joyce pleads with her son to come back to her. 
The fear on her face is why you agree to Mike to not let Max into the party. They’re all so fucking young. Too young for any of this. 
“Will, can you hear me?” Joyce pats Will’s face and you pull the boys even closer to you. Mike refuses to leave Will’s side. 
“He’ll be okay,” you whisper to the kids, but you’re selfishly trying to comfort yourself. 
Tears form in Mike’s eyes and you just want it all to stop. Will isn’t waking up and Dustin is shaking against you and Joyce’s pleas have become more like begs and it’s all too much. 
Then, Will’s eyes snap open and he takes a sharp breath that hurts your own chest to hear. 
You release the breath you’d been holding. The worst of it is over.
Will looks around shyly, as if he already knows it’s happened again. Joyce exhales and kisses his cheek and wraps him in her arms. Mike and the others look around, uncertain but relieved, while Max stands off to the side. 
You wish you could explain it all to her, but it wouldn’t be right.
Slowly, once Will has recovered, you and the kids walk with Joyce back to their car. Dustin’s hand hasn’t left yours and you secretly wouldn’t let him go anyways if he tried. 
“Have the episodes always been like this?” You ask your brother, now remembering that he had to witness that alone on Halloween night. 
“Yeah,” Dustin responds, his voice small. 
You squeeze his hand and follow after Joyce. In your head, you’re creating a list of all the baked goods you can make with the ingredients you know you have in your kitchen. They all deserve some oatmeal raisin cookies after this.
When you get to the car, you break away from the kids and step in front of Will. He’s pale, paler than he’s been in a while, and it’s only now that you see the bags underneath his eyes. He’s gotten worse, how could you have missed that?
You should’ve seen the signs sooner. 
“Did I scare you?” Will asks, and you immediately grab his hand. 
“No, never. You just… gave me a reminder that I love you. Go get some rest, little bee.” You kiss his cheek goodbye and he quietly gets in the car. 
Joyce is behind you, and once Will is safely in the car you turn to face the woman. “Call me if anything else happens, please?”
She nods at you, already understanding why you need the reassurance. There’s a warmth in her eyes, even if every other part of her seems exhausted. “I will.”
“I know I’m not a scientist, or–or a licensed therapist but I just–”
“Sweetie, I understand. Apart from Hopper, you’ve done more research and reading than anyone else. If Will gets worse, I’ll call.”
You smile at the woman appreciatively. “Thank you.”
She squeezes your shoulders and then gets in the car, driving off. You stand there for a moment, needing a second to compose yourself, before turning around to join the kids standing on the school’s steps. 
They seem to have all forgotten about Dart, but you sure as hell haven’t. Dustin fiddles with his walkie and won’t meet your eye, which only reminds you of how weird he had been acting in the bathroom earlier when he conveniently couldn't find Dart.
The two of you are definitely having a code blue tonight. 
“Dustin, you’re my ride to work.”
“Jonathan can’t take me, so I have to ride on your pegs.”
“Who’s Jonathan?” Max asks. 
You give the girl a thumbs up. “Love the enthusiasm to understand everything, unfortunately I need to get to work and lecture my little brother.” 
“Good luck, Dustin.” Mike snickers. 
Your brother waves him off. “Yeah, yeah.”
You say goodbye to the kids, giving a stern warning that if they find any signs of Dart to tell you immediately. “I’m looking at you, Wheeler.”
Mike groans and you leave him to wallow as you hop on Dustin’s bike pegs 
“She always this bossy?” Max mumbles to Lucas.
He shrugs. “Yeah, but she’s also always right, so.”
You blow a kiss towards the boy, and he blushes. Once Dustin is ready, the two of you head towards town. 
The bike ride is quick, one of the small perks of living in a small town. The entire ride, you and Dustin are quiet. You both know that you have many choice words to say, but Dustin still looks shaken up from Will’s episode and you’re not doing too well, either. 
When Bookstrordinary’s sign greets you, you tap Dustin’s shoulder to alert him to stop. You can walk the rest of the way, you don’t want him out too late in the dark. 
“You’re lucky I can’t call off tonight, otherwise I’d kill you right now.”
“You’re such a great big sister, Y/N.”
“Thanks, I try.”
You hop off the bike and sigh. “When I get home tonight, you and I are talking.”
Dustin looks down, but takes a deep breath and salutes you halfheartedly. You laugh a bit, salute back, and then tell him to bike home safely. 
After a very long and anxious shift, you ask your coworker for a ride home.
Alex almost drops his keys and looks around, as if you could be talking to anyone else in the empty store. “M–me?” 
“Yes, Alex. I need a ride home.”
“Where’s Jonathan? I won’t like, die if I drive you, right?”
You roll your eyes. “No, he’d only kill you if you didn’t drive me home since it’s late.”
Alex exhales, relieved. “Okay, yeah. I can take you home, then.”
By the time you get home, it’s later than you anticipated. Alex was kind enough to drive you, but had you known he was a new driver who went ten below the speed limit, you would’ve just walked. 
You walk inside and all the lights are off. Your mom is on the couch with Mews, softly snoring while some program plays on the TV. She tends to do that now, fall asleep on the couch rather than her bed. Too many memories, she explained once to you. 
Quietly you take your shoes off and grab some leftovers in the fridge. Dustin’s door is closed and his own light is off, which you sigh at. 
He could be tricking you into thinking he’s asleep, but you could just be overthinking it. Dustin has been having more nightmares recently, you’d feel horrible if you knocked on his door and woke him up from his much needed sleep. He’s been through enough today. 
You eat your dinner, alone at the table, and you wonder how exactly you’ve wound up here again. Monster on the loose, Will in danger, Jonathan off with Nancy. 
Seems like you can never have a normal November ever again. 
After you’re done eating, you tiredly head to your room and collapse on your bed. Except, instead of landing on your soft pillows, you land on a hard body instead.
“Oomph–” A voice groans underneath you. 
You fling yourself off, finding Jonathan laying there. “Jonathan Byers, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
He rubs his eyes. “Said we’d call tonight.”
You stare at him. “That doesn’t at all answer my question.”
“We said we’d call tonight, but then Nancy and I realized our calls could be traced here, too. To your house, but I promised to keep you updated, so… Here I am.”
“And napping in my bed was just something you had to do?”
Jonathan yawns. “Yup.”
You flick his forehead. “Scoot over.” 
He makes room for you on the bed so that you lay side by side. Technically he’s not supposed to sleep in your bed, but your mom never said anything about naps or cuddling. You nuzzle against Jonathan’s chest, allowing the fear and anger from today leak out of your bones as you rest them. He’s always had that effect on you.
Here, in Jonathan’s arms, you feel the safest.
“What did I miss today?” You ask once you’re settled in. 
Jonathan thinks for a moment. “Well, Nance and I got the tape recorder and then drove to her house. She called Barb’s parents, told them she had to confess something about Barb and to meet her tomorrow at Forrest Hills Park in the morning.”
“She’s a genius.”
“She is,” Jonathan lazily responds. He’s drawing small circles against your hand, which is splayed against his chest. His sweater, one you bought him for his birthday, is soft against you. Jonathan seems happy right now, or at least content, and you almost don’t want to ruin the moment. 
It’s so rare to have him like this these days. The old Jonathan, shy and quiet and bashful. 
But he has to know about Will and Dart. It’s only right that he knows. 
“Something happened today, at the middle school.”
There must be something in your voice, because the second the words leave your mouth, Jonathan sits up to look at you. “What happened?”
“My brother found a baby monster from the Upside Down, named him Dart, hid it from me, and now he’s lost.” Jonathan stares at you and you can only sigh. “Will also had another episode. His second one in two days.”
“Yeah. Got to the middle school and suddenly I was chasing around some lizard looking thing from the Upside Down. Pretty typical day, honestly.”
“I wish I could’ve been there, I’m sorry. I can help you look for Dart tomorrow–”
“It’s okay,” you reassure Jonathan. “If anything, this all just proves that you and Nancy are onto something. I mean, it’s been a year and we’re still dealing with so many fucking problems due to their carelessness. How the fuck does a creature from the Upside Down just happen to survive and find its way to my brother? I mean, what if someone else had found it?”
You shake your head. “Something’s going on. You and Nancy need to keep going. Expose those evil fuckers.”
Jonathan frowns. “But what about you? What if the baby monster has a bigger, angrier mom and you get hurt?”
You hadn’t thought about that, honestly. “Huh, that’s a great question.”
“I’ll be fine, bee. Those assholes at Hawkin’s Lab need to pay.”
Jonathan throws his head back, closes his eyes, and sighs. He knows he can’t argue with you about this, you already willingly took over the role of babysitter, but he still doesn’t like it. Sometimes your selflessness makes him want to scream.
“I hate that you’re always right.”
“I personally love it.” You respond, and Jonathan laughs. He uses his whole chest, it’s breathy and deep and full of warmth, and you smile and kiss his cheek as he laughs. 
No other conversation follows, you and Jonathan are content with just laying there in silence. It’s been a while since you guys were this close. Limbs tangled with limbs, the warmth from the body heat almost too much to stand, yet just enough to love. 
He stays for a while, but eventually he kisses your forehead and tells you he has to go. “Early morning, but I promise I’ll be back the next day.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
Jonathan laughs again and untangles himself from you. He presses another kiss to your forehead, playfully tucks your blanket underneath your chin like a child, and then wishes you a goodnight as he leaves through your window.
For some goddamn reason, you miss your four fucking alarms this morning and oversleep. By almost an entire hour. You’ve never, ever slept through your alarms this horribly before, and you’re blaming the Hawkin’s Lab people for it. 
Now, you know the real reason is because you’ve spent every night for the last three weeks obsessively researching post-traumatic stress disorder, but blaming Hawkin’s Lab makes you feel better. 
You get ready as fast as you can, and of course this happens the one morning Jonathan can’t drive you to school and you have to bike. Your mom and Dustin have already left, which. Fuck. You still have to talk to Dustin about Dart. 
Not off to a great start this morning. 
It takes a burnt piece of toast for breakfast, cramped calves, and a lot of prayers, but you manage to make it to school only minutes before the first bell rings. When you arrive, you have just enough time to notice that both Steve’s car and Bllly’s car are parked in the lot. 
Great. You have to deal with them both alone today. 
As you’re walking inside, you hear a few people whispering about Jonathan and Nancy. Seems like word has spread that they skipped fourth period together yesterday and still haven’t returned yet.
Awesome. Steve will definitely be in a great mood today once he hears about that.
He can’t seem to catch a damn break. 
And neither can you, because you quickly realize how weird it is being at school without Jonathan and Nancy. It’s lonely, and Steve still seems to be hiding from you. 
No, not hiding, you remind yourself. He’s still hurt, he asked for space and the least you can do is give it to him. You told him where to find you.
And find you Steve does. 
You’re in the lunchroom, staring sadly at your pathetic lunch consisting of a handful of granola bars, resolving yourself to a lonely lunch without your friends, when Steve’s body slides into the seat next to you. You look up, surprised, and he raises his eyebrows at you. 
“We need to talk.”
“Okay… About what? I forgot what topic we’re on. Are we still on the whole friends conversation?”
Steve isn’t in the mood for this. “Where did Jonathan and Nancy go?”
You look around the lunchroom, scared that the wrong people could be listening in. “I… Okay, I know we just had a whole conversation about being honest and I begged to be your friend again but… I can’t tell you.”
Steve takes several seconds to respond. You know he’s doing everything he can to not completely snap at you. “You… can’t tell me where my girlfriend ran off to?”
“You recognize how fucking stupid that sounds, right?”
You swallow. “I do.”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s so beyond pissed off right now. Yesterday you were in his car, reassuring him that he’s a good guy and charming and pretending to be his friend again. Now, you won’t tell him where the fuck his girlfriend has gone. 
Steve isn’t an idiot. He knows there’s more to why you ditched him this summer, something you refuse to tell him, and he respected that. He did. He hadn’t wanted to push you too far, but it’s pretty damn ironic that you’re trying to get back into his life while still fucking lying to him. 
You see the obvious frustration on Steve’s face, and you wince. You take another look around, deciding to risk it. This isn’t fair to him, he deserves to know because from an outside perspective, you’d also be incredibly pissed off if your girlfriend just up and left with the guy she has weird feelings for. 
“Listen,” you lean in close, whispering, “Jonathan and Nancy went off to get evidence about who really killed Barb.”
Steve whips his head back. “What–”
“Shh!” You reach behind his head and shove him back down so that you can whisper again. “That’s all I can tell you. There’s… There’s people who could be listening, bad people who could hurt us and–”
“Well, what do we have here?” A voice interrupts.
The hair on the back of your neck stands up. 
It’s Billy.
You and Steve break apart, but he places a hand on the back of your seat in a protective manner. You lean in closer to him, trying to make yourself smaller as if Billy doesn’t already have his eyes on you anyways. 
“What do you want, Hargrove?” Steve asks, situating himself so that more of his body is in between you and Billy. 
He sucks his teeth and then lets out a cold chuckle. “Nothin’, just didn’t know that this little sweetheart had it in her.”
“Don’t call her that–”
“I mean, her boyfriend runs off with your girlfriend?” Billy chuckles again. “I’m surprised Y/N Henderson ran into your arms, Harrington.”
Billy learned your name. 
You don’t want to know how. 
“I mean,” Billy shrugs. “It’s a genius plan. Scorned lovers pissing off their exes. But from what I’ve heard, the school’s sweetheart wouldn’t even hurt a fly.”
“Jonathan and I aren’t together.” You finally find your voice. 
This only seems to entice Billy. He takes a step forward and leans against your table. “So, you’re single then?” 
Steve’s hand tightens around your seat and you feel his body tense. Billy seems to notice this, too, and shakes his head. 
“I know I promised I’d leave you some, Harrington. But this one?” He leans in closer to you, his breath minty and cold as it ghosts against your face. “She’s cute. I think I’ll keep this one.”
A chair goes flying across the room as Steve stands up. He has his fist raised and you’ve never seen his eyes so cold before. He hates what Billy is implying about you, as if he has some claim over you, as if you aren’t a human fucking being. 
You’re so much more than that.
“Don’t talk about her that way.” Steve growls out, his face inches away from Billy’s.
Billy seems to come to life, having finally cracked Steve Harrington, and within a second he has his own fists raised. You’re aware of everyone’s eyes on you in the lunchroom and vaguely you remember Steve confessing to you how much of a hardass his father is on him about school. He can’t get into any more trouble, especially not because of you. 
You shove yourself between Steve and Billy, despite how much your body screams at you to run away for being so close to the other boy. You ignore him, and force Steve to look at you. “Not here. Please.”
Steve looks between you and Billy, sees the pleading in your eyes. He sighs and reluctantly backs down. 
“Seems like the sweetheart has you whipped, Harrington.” Billy remarks, a pleased smile on his face. “Makes me want her even more–Shit!”
Milk drips down Billy’s entire shirt. 
“Oops,” you say, without any ounce of sincerity. You set the empty carton down and give the boy a aren’t I such a clutz? look. “God, silly me! I can’t hurt a fly, but it seems I also can’t hold a milk carton properly.”
Steve stifles a laugh next to you, and around the room a few others are brave enough to laugh as well. You smile innocently at Billy, who looks five seconds away from flipping the table. “Sorry about that.”
Billy, knowing he’s being watched, forces a smile himself. “You’ll pay for that.”
“Oh, I’m sure the shirt was only worth $5 anyways.”
This time Steve lets his laughs out and it calms you, steadies the shakiness you feel as you stand off against Billy. You hope you’re hiding how fucking terrified you are right now. 
You wait for a response, but Billy only storms out of the lunchroom. It’s quiet for a few moments, but slowly the usual buzz in the room returns and everyone goes back to their conversations. You stand there, your heart still in your throat, and Steve’s hand brings you back. 
“Hey, sit.” He tugs you back down and you’re too numb to fight back. “That was awesome, but are you okay?”
“Honestly? No.” 
He thinks for a moment. “Alright, well. I’m still mad at you, so… Would it be shitty if I left?”
Despite everything, you find yourself laughing. “No, Steve. I understand.”
He lingers. “Are you sure? I mean, I can stay…”
“No,” you squeeze his hand. “We can talk more about this later. Alone, without possible psychotic spies around. Go.”
Steve bites his lip, but he’s still angry at you and he has so many things he wants to ask but you’re pale and still shaking from Billy. If he demands more from you, Steve knows it wouldn’t end well for either of you. You both need your space right now, that’s one thing he’s come to learn about you and relate to himself. 
Sighing, he stands up and, to try and make up for being the asshole who leaves a vulnerable girl alone, Steve ruffles your hair. “Stay out of trouble, will ya?”
“No promises.” You smile up at him, though you know it looks as tired as it feels.
He hesitates again, pauses for a few seconds, but eventually he leaves. And then you’re left alone again. 
As soon as school lets out, you march straight over to the middle school, knowing the kids are bound to be there. Dustin, specifically. He’s managed to slip through your fingers three times now. 
Holy shit, you’re really losing your touch.
The second you find the little asshole you’re going to demand a code blue, doesn’t matter where you’ll be, and then interrogate him about Dart and figure out whatever the hell else he’s hiding from you. Then, you’ll make him clean Mews’ litter box for a whole month. 
You’re so lost in your revenge planning thoughts, you almost walk right past Lucas and Max arguing in the parking lot. 
“What is wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” Max flies past you, her shoulder knocking against yours. You steady her and notice she’s talking to a very nervous looking Lucas. 
Oh dear. 
“I don’t understand!” He calls after her.
“Hey, what’s going on?” You try to intervene, but Max rips herself out of your grasp and gets in Lucas’ face. 
“No!” She’s shouting now. “I don’t understand! You guys act like you want me to be your friend but–but then you treat me like garbage?”
Huh. She’d get along great with you and Steve. 
Lucas looks over at you, helpless. “That’s not true!”
“Don’t look at me, buddy.” You tell him. 
“Yes, it is! You go and hide in the AV Club, keeping secrets like we’re in second grade or something…” Max’s words catch in her throat, giving you a glimpse of the hurt girl underneath her indifferent exterior. “You know, I thought you guys wanted me in your party.”
You step close to her. “Max, I know it might not make any sense but–”
“Don’t tell me you’re in the party but I’m not.”
Now it’s your turn to look towards Lucas for help. 
He sighs. “Look, we want you in our party, but it’s…”
“But what?” Max looks between you and Lucas, obviously becoming more and more hurt the longer this conversation goes on. 
“There… there are just things.”
“Things, yeah.” You unhelpfully echo, but Lucas glares at you. “Sorry.”
He tries again. “There are things we can’t tell you, alright? For your own safety.”
“Lucas,” you warn, scared he’ll say too much, but Max just gets angrier. 
“My own safety?”
“Because I’m a girl?”
Well, that’s certainly one way to look at it.
Lucas scoffs. “What? No!”
You step in between the kids. “Alright, no. That’s not it at all and this conversation will just keep going in circles.”
Max ignores you. “Did you keep secrets from El?”
You and Lucas share a look, and then, at the same time, ask, “How do you know about El?”
“Did you?” She presses, but she’s looking more at you now than Lucas. She’s expecting you to take her side, to tell the boys to be nice to her and let her into the party, but the scar on your upper arm burns and your ankle faintly throbs. Those wounds will never fully go away; you’ll carry them with you your entire life.
You know how shitty it feels to be left out, but you also know how shitty the nightmares are as well. Max can never be brought into the Upside Down. Not when she has the chance to live a happy and normal life, free from any danger and turmoil. 
“That was different,” you tell Max, trying to be as gentle as possible. “I really, really wish I could explain, but I can’t. It’s for your own good. If I could’ve prevented the party from going through what they have, I would’ve. But I couldn’t, and it haunts me every day.”
Max stares at you, and you admire how much spunk she has in her. You can see her thinking about what you’ve said, analyzing your words for any lies or deception, and you know she’s spent years doing this on her own. Your heart breaks for her.
Billy’s anger flashes in your mind. Max is an intelligent girl, but you know he’s the reason why.
When she can’t find any lies in your words, she just sighs and shakes her head. “You know what? Forget it. Okay? I don’t want to be in your stupid party anyway. I’m out. Have a nice life.”
Lucas stands there for a moment, processing what’s just happened. “Max!”
“You still stink, by the way.” She calls back, and you step back a bit from Lucas. 
“Not to make this worse, but she’s right.”
Lucas glares at you but then sniffs his jacket, cringing with repulsion. “Oh, shit!” 
He throws his hands up in the air and starts walking back towards the school. You don’t follow for a second, instead you watch as Max skates down towards the parking lot, where Billy is waiting. He has his arms spread against his car, and he seems to have noticed you long before you noticed him. 
Billy’s eyes pierce yours and you shudder. There’s a hatred in his eyes that you’ve never seen before, unlike anything else. Again, your heart breaks for Max. You can’t imagine having an older brother like him.
You force yourself to turn around and join Lucas up ahead. Gross, sleazy men are the least of your concerns right now. 
But then Lucas turns and makes eye contact with Billy before you can warn him not to. “Why is that guy glaring at us?”
You shove Lucas to keep walking. You don’t at all like the disdain in Billy’s eyes. “I poured milk all over his shirt today. Keep moving.”
The boy trips over a rock. “You what?”
“Long story, can we please just go inside and find Dustin? I need to talk to him.”
Lucas sighs, knowing that what he’s about to say will only anger you more. “I can’t find Dustin either. We were supposed to meet by our lockers after school to keep looking for Dart.”
You stop walking. “And he didn’t show?”
“I’m going to kill him.” You know exactly where your brother is: at home hiding Dart and trying to figure out what to do with him. 
Lucas senses you know something. “Y/N, what did he do?”
“Nothing!” You cover for Dustin quickly, because he’s your idiotic brother whose problems are also somehow yours. You’ll always have his back, but you also hate lying to Lucas. “He just probably had to head home immediately. Our mom has guests over.”
“Yeah! Totally unexpected, I know, but you know how our mom is.” You start speed walking towards the bike rack. You need to head home. Now. 
Lucas doesn’t believe you. “Y/N–” 
“I’m sorry about Max, by the way!” You call as you run towards your bike. “Talk to her! Obviously don’t mention the… Stuff, but just know if it doesn’t work then it’s for the best! We have to keep her safe!” You’re rambling as you unlock your bike and hop on. 
Lucas is not far behind you. “Are you seriously giving me girl advice as you’re running away from me to go cover for Dustin?”
“Yes. Bye, Lucas!” 
He lets out a frustrated groan and calls after you, but you kick up your kickstand and immediately pedal away, leaving him in the dust. You feel bad, you do. Lucas is one of your favorites to interact with, he’s always been the most rational, but right now you have to go make sure your brother doesn’t burn down this entire town.
You’ll bake Lucas brownies later. 
“Dustin Henderson, you’re so dead!” You slam the front door, sweaty and out of breath from your frantic bike ride.
“Y/N! What’s going on?” Your mother clutches her chest, obviously frightened by your sudden entrance. 
You quickly walk towards Dustin’s closed door. “Everything’s fine, just sibling stuff.”
“Oh, well have you seen Mews?”
The door is locked. Of course the fucker locked the door. You start pounding on it. “Dustin, let me in before I radio all your friends.” Then, you call to your mother in the living room. “And no, I haven’t seen Mews, mom.”
You hear her sigh and mutter to herself where Mews could be, and you figure you’ll help her look after your idiot of a brother lets you into the room. 
Again you pound against the door. “Dustin, I swear to god–”
The door swings open and a hand grabs your shirt and flings you inside, before promptly slamming the door behind you. Once you’re inside, Dustin turns to you, worried. “We have a problem.”
“Damn right we have a problem, where the hell have you been–” There, behind Dustin, is his turtle’s tank, completely shattered. Bile rises to your throat. “Please tell me Yurtle suddenly got super strong.”
Dustin walks over to the tank and holds up what looks like slimy plastic. “So, I kept Dart.”
“And he grew. A lot. This is his old skin.” He throws it back down. Then, backing away from you a bit, he admits, “I also can’t find him.”
It takes everything within you not to strangle the kid right then and there. You start pacing the room, mumbling to yourself, “I’m a good sister, I’m a good sister, I’m a good sister.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, alright? I just, I got excited and Dart likes me and–”
A loud growl cuts your brother off. In a heartbeat, he’s back by your side, clutching your shirt in fear. Instinctively, you pull him behind you and reach for your switchblade that you always keep in your pocket now. After everything that’s happened, you find comfort in having the weapon always close to you. 
Slowly, you and Dustin start walking towards where the growl came from. Your hand never leaves his back, ready to push him out the door in case anything happens. There’s horrible grunting noises coming from the corner of his room. As you walk closer, you see a trail of dark red scattered across the carpet and his chair.
It’s blood. 
The realization makes your breath hitch. 
The grunting gets louder as you approach the chair, and then, slowly, you peek behind it. There, you’re met with a gruesome sight.
Dart is eating Mews.
He's bigger than he was yesterday. Way bigger. Dangerously bigger.
You scream, unable to help it, and Dustin quickly covers your mouth so that you don’t alert your mother. The sound seems to alert Dart, however, and he raises his head from Mews’ stomach, covered in blood, and lets out a horrific screech. 
Its mouth opens the same way the monster’s did at Jonathan’s last year, the same monster that had almost killed you and your friends. The sight paralyzes you in fear as the memories come crashing back from that night. The scar on your arm burns again. Your ankle twings in pain, and you feel sick. 
Your cat is dead. 
And Dustin has been hiding a fucking baby demogorgon in your home. 
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strawberryspence · 2 years
happy birthday, @stevesbipanic! i am glad you were born, you amazing human being. I hope you get to drink the coldest, most delicious, bougiest milo you can have. ILY broccoli! 💛
Steve has never had a birthday cake. He doesn't count the first six cakes his parents had for him, because he's pretty sure it was only for appearances.
He remembers his seventh birthday. How badly he wanted to have a Flintstones themed birthday party, and how his parents called it tacky. Instead, Steve had a lavish tea party with all of their investor friends. He remembers hating it.
After that, there's— nothing. There were Nannies or Babysitters that tried to make him feel better by bringing him to Benny's and he's thankful for that. But there's always that heart wrenching rip in his system when he sees a child. Surrounded by family, singing happy birthday as they wait to blow on a cake.
And the thing is if Steve never gets to have that, it’s okay. It’s really, really, really, okay. That also means he’ll do his best to give all the kids the best birthdays they can have, so they can never feel what he felt. If El wants a day just full of craft making? Sure. Dustin wants to visit this damn planetarium in Indianapolis? Okay. Mike wants to dress him like him for an entire day? Alright.
Steve is happy that way, until Eddie Munson comes crashing into his life with a broken bottle. And okay, maybe it’s not a great idea to lie in the biggest and probably the most important relationship he has right now, but he’s not going to tell Eddie his little sad secret.
What he forgot to account for is the fact that his boyfriend is the biggest snoop to ever exist.
“Wha— What’s this?” Steve stammers as he enters his house. It’s almost always dark when he comes home, the house dull and empty.
Tonight, it’s different. After having his birthday dinner with Robin, Steve drives them back to his house so they can have movie night. Supposedly.
Instead, Eddie’s standing behind the long wooden dining table that never gets used, with 20 different cupcakes, all lit with a candle. There’s food and banners and balloons with streamers.
Robin pushes him forward with a smile, “So…” Eddie walks towards him, “I found some of your childhood pictures.”
“Oh.” Steve breathes out.
“Look, maybe I am wrong. Maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe your parents just weren’t the kind of people that liked taking pictures and having to develop them. Maybe someday, you’ll tell me why you only have one childhood photo album or why there’s no pictures of your birthday parties past the age of six.”
Eddie says, hands nervously twisting around his hair, “But, on the off chance that I am right,” He shakes his head in disbelief, “On the off chance that you haven’t had a birthday cake or a birthday wish in 14 years, I got you 20 birthday cupcakes.”
Steve can barely hold himself anymore, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “Why 20?”
Eddie smiles at him, and his eyes sparkle at Steve like he hung the damn moon and stars, like he fucking created the whole universe, “One for every year my favorite person has been alive.”
Steve chokes down a half sob, half whine as he slaps a hand on his mouth.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Eddie whispers as he wraps Steve in a comforting hug. They stay like that for a minute before Eddie says, “I am so happy you were born. There’s a few more people that are happy, they’re all hiding in the kitchen right now.”
“What?” Steve pulls back, hastily wiping his tears.
“The kids are all here. Nance, Jonathan, and Argyle.” Eddie tenderly wipes a stray tear off his cheek, “Even Wayne, Hop, Joyce, and Mrs. Henderson is here.”
Steve’s not sure if he wants to know, but he still asks, “Why?”
Eddie visibly softens, but before he can answer Robin answers for him, “Because we all love you, Dingus.”
“So, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to sit behind the cupcakes and they’re going to come out from where they’ve been eavesdropping.” Steve laughs when Eddie emphasizes the word, and there’s a clatter in the kitchen followed by whispering, “They’re going to act normal. And we’re going to sing you a song. Okay?”
Steve smiles, nodding, “Okay.”
“Okay.” Eddie says as he runs to the kitchen and as Robin ushers him to sit in front of the cupcakes. She forces a birthday hat on his hair, and he doesn’t even argue.
They all come out from the kitchen, all smiling and wearing ridiculous birthday hats. Even Hop and Wayne are wearing them and it might actually be the funniest thing he’s ever seen. The kids have blow horns that fill the silent house with joyous sounds.
They sing him a birthday song. It’s loud and it doesn’t exactly sound good. Dustin’s trying a new other pitch and Lucas has never been a good singer. Max is drumming on the table and El has a small tambourine. Mike and Will are trying to do some kind of duet in their own little bubble. But it’s the most beautiful, harmonious sound to Steve.
And as they all urged him to make a wish, Steve is struck with awe and disbelief, a feeling of realization sparking in his veins. Steve’s got everything he’s ever wanted right in front of him. He just wants all of them to be safe and sound.
He smiles at his family, as he lets his eyelid flutter shut.
And for the first time, Steve makes a birthday wish.
Steve smiles, happy and content, as everyone chitchats around him.
"Hey, Eds?" Steve calls out for his boyfriend who's busy stuffing his face with bread rolls.
"Yeam?" Eddie replies, still chewing on the bread.
"Can I have a Flintstone themed birthday next year?"
Eddie swallows his bread with water, before turning to Steve with a smile so bright it could blind him. He moves closer to give his temple a light kiss.
"You got it, sweetheart. I'll be Fred, you'll be Wilma. It will be perfect."
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coinywords · 2 years
If you inhabit a riddle the only way to solve the riddle is to push forward to the end.
— Babysitter
Joyce Carol Oates
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withacapitalp · 8 months
Hurricane Joy
Written for the STWG Daily Prompt "applesauce". This is just a little snippet of a universe where Steve's parents left him with a little half sister, and he and Eddie are dancing around some feelingsssss
“Joy, I’ll pay you five bucks to eat. You want five bucks? You can do so many things with five bucks!” 
“Careful there, Harrington. Don’t all those parenting books say bargaining with children develops bad habits?” Eddie asked as he entered the kitchen, finding Steve sitting in front of Joy with applesauce absolutely covering both of their faces. 
“They’ve never had to take on Hurricane Joy and the applesauce of doom,” Steve groaned, pouting in Eddie’s direction as he walked further into the room, pausing to pat Steve on the back as he approached the two. 
“So how is our baby bean today?” Eddie asked, pressing an exaggerated kiss to the top of Joy’s head and listening to her squeal in glee as he did. 
Sure, she had been named after Joyce, but a part of Eddie was honestly convinced that Joy had heard her name once and then made it her mission to live up to it every single second of the day. Even her epic meltdown moments ended up being funny to watch. 
“Well she’s happy as a clam, but breakfast has taken,” Steve paused to look at his watch, sighing and shaking his head when he saw the time, “Over an hour. Applesauce is my enemy, Eds, I swear to god it is.” 
“Well maybe if you stop making faces at her it would go faster,” Eddie suggested, barely holding back his laughter as Steve gave him the world’s bitchiest look before turning back to Joy with renewed vigor. 
“I’m not making faces,” Steve said, continuing to make weird faces at the baby as he tried and failed to spoon applesauce into her mouth. Joy cooed at her brother’s antics, smiling a bright gummy smile as the applesauce dribbled out of her mouth. 
“C’mon, Joy, work with me,” Steve begged, holding out the spoon, “Don’t you love me? Don’t you want me to be happy?” 
Joy burbled, grabbing at the spoon and trying to yank it out of Steve’s grip, flinging applesauce everywhere as she did. Eddie dodged the bit that had been heading for his hair, trying not to burst into laughter as he watched a glob land directly in the middle of Steve’s forehead. 
“Maybe her favorite babysitter should give it a shot?” Eddie offered, trying to act like he wasn’t dying from laughter inside. Most of the time Steve took things fine, but Eddie knew there was a deeply hidden part of his best friend that took every single ‘failure’ as even more evidence he wasn’t cut out to raise his half-sister on his own. 
“Her favorite babysitter is Wayne and you know it,” Steve said with a sigh, voluntarily releasing the spoon and walking over to the sink to wash himself off. 
“Yes, but Wayne was the one who used to get me to eat when I was in silly moods too,” Eddie replied, unable to keep from changing his tone to complete babytalk as he sat in front of Joy. It was just impossible to not want to make those chubby cheeks turn up into a big grin, “Yes he was. I was a silly boy just like you’re a silly silly girl!” 
Joy wiggled in her high chair, slapping her hands down on the tray table as she babbled. 
“And how exactly did he do that?” Steve asked dryly, wiping his face on a clean washcloth and tossing it over his shoulder as he leaned against the sink. 
“Usually with pliers and a crowbar,” Eddie immediately shot back. 
He waited for a few seconds, watching Steve get paler and paler until he was forced to put the man out of his misery. 
“Kidding! Geez, Stevie, lighten up.”
“Sorry I guess I’m just nervous,” Steve said, flapping a hand as he walked closer, reaching down with the washcloth to clean up Joy’s face, “Since it’s the first time…”
He trailed off with a sigh, avoiding eye contact with Eddie and focusing on Joy. Completely unaware, she looked up at her brother, sticking her tongue out and cackling to herself as she did. 
She truly was the world’s cutest baby, but Eddie had someone equally cute he needed to focus his attention on. 
“Everything’s fine now, I promise.” Eddie said, putting down the cup and spoon and coaxing Steve into a hug. He held Steve tight, feeling the other boy clinging on just as hard, burrowing his face into Eddie’s shoulder as he released the tension that had been holding him hostage since the moment Eddie walked in.
It made sense that Steve was so frazzled. This was the first time he was leaving Joy home without him.  
“You’ll go to your shift, you’ll come home with a VHS, we’ll put the baby down, and we’ll celebrate, just you and me” Eddie said, laying the day out in easy to follow steps and hoping that would ease some of Steve’s anxiety, “Me and Joy will stay here the whole day. The only place we’ll go is in the backyard, and I’ll make sure she wears a jacket and shoes if we do,” 
“Starting to sound pretty domestic there Munson,” Steve mumbled, but Eddie could hear the smile on his lips. 
“I’m a regular Lucy Ricardo,” Eddie declared, pulling away from Steve and gently pushing him towards the door, “Now shoo. Go bring home the bacon, Big Daddy.” 
Steve turned red in a second, even the tips of his ears burning a dusty rouge as he shoved Eddie away and spluttered for something to say. It was a lot harder for Steve to think of snappy comebacks now that he had implemented a no cursing rule in the house, and Eddie was planning on taking advantage of that in every way he could. 
Joy was amazing for everything she did, even the unintentional things. 
“I love you, baby. I’ll be home soon. You be a good girl for Eddie,” Steve crooned, giving Joy a thousand kisses before he turned to leave, pausing for a second before walking back over and pressing a firm kiss to Eddie’s cheek. 
“Be home at five, Darling. You better have dinner in the oven and waiting,” Steve ordered, flashing Eddie a tricky little grin before he disappeared out the door. Eddie blinked rapidly at the air in front of him, as if he could will Steve back into existence so he could demand to know exactly what the fuck had just happened. 
“Your brother’s trying to kill me, Joy.” Eddie moaned, hiding his face behind his hair as Joy continued to shout nonsense words in his direction
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 months
been having lots of babysitter! jonathan thoughts, so could you possibly do like cg!steve needs to go out for the day or has a long work day when little! reader is feeling really tiny and super fussy, so he has jonathan come over to babysit, maybe argyle is there too?
I just imagine he'd be really quiet and gentle with reader in babyspace and patient when they are nonverbal, just like sitting with them and giving them a bottle, and when they're feeling a bit better after being sad about steve being away so long, they have a dance party in the living room 
(sorry if this is like way too long or if you dont write like babysitter stuff, theres absolutely no pressure!)
˚. ❝₊˚ last minute ❞ ˚₊·
» johnathan byers x reader
» a/n: omg this request is over a year old, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get to 😭 also sorry I couldn’t fit everything you asked for in, I had trouble figuring out how to write jon
» warnings: fussy reader, crying, pet names, bottle feeding
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You cling your hands tighter onto Steve’s yellow sweater, face stuffed into his chest, a wet spot of tears under you that’s only growing larger as he tries to hand you off to Johnathan.
“I’ll be back tonight, I swear baby.” Steve assures for the millionth time, it does nothing to help you calm down. You’ve dropped younger than normal and while Steve hadn’t wanted to leave you, Robin already called out with the flu so Steve doesn’t have the option of staying home. It’s hell for him to see you so distraught.
“No!” You cry and Steve lets out a sad sigh. It’s been five full minutes of you, Steve, and Johnathan standing in the doorway of Steve’s house waiting for you to let go of Steve and for Johnathan to take over caring for you as he’s the only one around that’s able to watch you on such short notice.
“It’s okay little one, we’ll have fun while Steve’s gone.” Johnathan ducks his head to meet your eyes when you turn your head against Steve’s pec, only offering a sniffle in reply to Johnathan.
“See? Jon’s a good caregiver, you guys will have a great day. Now I- I gotta go-.” Steve starts to pull you off of his chest and instantly more tears start to streak down your face, hiccuping cries leaving your throat as Johnathan takes over holding you on his hip.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll be back.” A kiss gets pressed to your forehead before Steve’s bounding down the driveway to his car, probably already ten minutes late for work, which is the only reason you decide not to put up much of a fight when Johnathan takes you inside.
“I know we don’t know each other that well but I want to help you and for today to be a good day. Is there anything you want that I can do to help?” Johnathan speaks softly, it reminds you of how Joyce talks to littles, kind and caring in that signature Byers way.
“Bottle?” You ask shyly but Johnathan instantly nods and hefts you up to get a more comfortable hold on you before walking to the kitchen.
Nothing is said as Johnathan makes the bottle, you point to the cabinets everything’s in and then lean against him as he starts to hum a song under his breath. The rumble of his chest is grounding in a way and lets your tears turn to sniffles before ceasing all together- you still miss Steve and wish he didn’t have to go to work- but Johnathan isn’t so bad.
“Let- let me know if I’m tipping it too much.” Johnathan says with a nervous undertone to his words, you know he has nothing to be nervous about, you’ve seen him take care of Nancy plenty of times and he’s never done anything to raise concern.
You nod anyways and latch onto the bottle once he holds it out for you. He has one bent arm under your head as you sit on Steve’s couch and his eyes don’t leave your face, gently scanning your features for discomfort as you suck down the drink, slower than you’d usually drink it. You’re honestly exhausted from earlier and don’t have the energy to move with the speed and eagerness you normally have.
“All set? Do you wanna watch a movie?” It’s obvious you’re close to falling asleep but Johnathan flicks the Tv on despite it, shifting to get more comfortable on the couch as he suspects you’ll fall asleep in the position you’re in right now.
“You can nap if you wanna.” The assurance is all you need to close your eyes and curl into Johnathan more, hoping you’ll sleep long enough that your emotions won’t be so intense when you wake up and maybe you can enjoy having Johnathan here more.
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