#baby spa
givemegifs · 2 years
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bebe-troll · 2 years
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f1-birb · 2 months
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*gasp* a baby!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
[ cw: assumed death / assumed sibling death / assumed child death / solitude ]
Thinking about Leo being trapped in the Prison Dimension and keeping himself warm through the power of his own ninpo - this ability is shown to us as a flame, after all, so imagine if, when he lets his mystic energy run through him, it warms him up, just a little.
In this desolate place, all cold and alone, he focuses on that flame and leans into its warmth.
He relies on it, and he realizes it that he’d relied on it too much when it goes out, and he’s once again cold.
(In another dimension, the Hamatos believe they lost one of their own.)
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nonamenonamenon · 3 months
Across all three realms, Solomon is a sorcerer known to all as fearsome and powerful.
He has a notable amount of demons under pacts with him, and his magical prowess is nothing to laugh at, either.
Some even tell the tale of the sorcerer being able to wage war on the entirety of the Devildom, with only one man, himself, backing his corner.
To his friends and acquaintances, he's an eccentric human with a love for cooking. His love for the act doesn’t mean he’s good at it, though.
Rather than fearing his skills and abilities when it comes to magic, his cooking is the most fearful thing about him.
He’ll serve you food that looks like it’s been made out of poison and objects entirely unfit for making dishes with a handsome, close-eyed smile.
He’s entirely oblivious to the deadly effects that his meals dish out to those who eat it, with his cooking being bad enough to make even the most fearful demons in the Devildom keel over and faint simply by having a taste.
However, known to you, and only you, is a softer side of Solomon not often seen by others. Among every human, demon, angel, reaper, and any other race in this world, you feel as though you’re blessed by the Celestial Realm itself to be the only person to see all of his sides so wholly and so intimately.
As his adorable apprentice (as the sorcerer often calls you,) you’re all too aware of his skill when it comes to magic. In your eyes, he’s stellar, and an amazing teacher. While being his pupil isn’t easy, he makes sure to know that you’re doing well through praise, offering a kiss for every spell you get right, and other rewards that… aren’t exactly age appropriate enough to mention.
Though, you think he enjoys these acts a lot more than you do.
When it comes to domestic things, Solomon is all too elated by the act of cooking for the one he holds most dear. He puts all of his heart and soul into the meals he creates for you, though that doesn’t mean they’re any better. Living with Solomon… is no easy task. Especially when it comes to eating his cooking.
Unfortunately for you, your love for Solomon and the guilt of having to stare at his sad face when you reject his meals overpower your distaste for his cooking, so you grin & bear it, even if you’ll end up with nasty side effects after.
The soft, quiet, and romantic moments with Solomon are what you treasure most.
The ones where you sit, studying together in a comfortable silence, where you simply exist in each other’s presence, feeling the other’s warmth.
The moments where you’re quietly observing his peaceful sleeping face, and the moments where he’s giving you much needed comfort and affection, consoling you without needing to say any words.
It’s heartwarming, and it makes your stomach churn & flutter in a good way.
He once told you that he never had anyone in his life that cared about him so deeply, or anyone to care for in the same way.
Throughout your entire relationship, and for your foreseeable future with him, you make sure to never let him feel that way ever again.
It’s a gross underestimate to say that you two only love each other.
What you have with Solomon goes deeper than words can describe, and what you two feel for each other is more than you can express.
It’s why the quiet moments with him are your most treasured.
In each comfortable silence that the two of you share together, no matter when it is or where you are, the both of you know well that there’s a million words (and more) of love and affection being said.
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il-predestinato · 1 year
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The TV director understands the assignment. 👁👁
Close-ups of Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc during the delay to the start of SQ1 at the 2023 Belgian Grand Prix. 🎥: F1TV
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sincerelywhistler · 1 month
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Many moons ago, before more canon demon races were revealed, I had introduced my psychosis demon OC, Saiph. Since that time, a lot has changed with how I wanted their character to look, act, behave, etc...
Facts about Saiph:
• Saiph, meaning 'sword', is a star located in the constellation of Orion
• Saiph is also selectively mute! They’ll communicate telepathically only if truly necessary
• Their original dorky Serenity Daemon personality, pre-sovereign tampering (read below), shows itself much more once they satiate their hunger/post-feeding
• Xe have a special interest in planets and celestial bodies so much so that xer “nest” is in an abandoned observatory, cloaked behind a ward so that it isn’t at risk of humans rediscovering it
• Saiph is one of the more gentle of the Psychosis Daemons, however still incredibly dangerous, especially when hungry bro they’ll fucking kill you
• Why, yes! After they feed, they do feel guilty for being a literal murderer once it’s said and done! Only for The Hunger to take hold again and then they don’t care who they gotta kill, so long as they get to eat! It’s tragic!
• The kind of mf that curiously cocks it’s head when listing to you speak
• They’ll make sure that the last thing you see before you die are the stars sparkling above, the ones of which they believe all living things have come from. It’s their inner conscious’s twisted version of showing it’s prey mercy during their final moments
Here's how the inner-workings of how my Psychosis Daemons work:
• Psychosis demons, also referred to as Nightcrawlers, feed from the inherent feelings of delirium, psychosis (obvi), and hysteria
• This is a hostile sub-class of daemon, though not necessarily by choice
• The Sovereigns toyed and experimented with Serenity Daemons in a similar vein to how they once did with Concubi, corrupting and warping the peace-seekers into its antithesis— into something so violently obsessed and aggressive in finding their picture of perfect and 'divine serenity' that they spiraled and drove themselves into an enraged madness
• Thus classifies them as a sub-class to Serenity Daemons, so they get to keep the (a) in their Daemon title. Nightcrawlers did not coalesce— they were forged, making them only a handful in numbers and very old beings
• They were initially experimented on with the intent of being forged into unrelenting weapons for the Sovereigns to use during the Cacophony
• Psychosis Daemons often appear to look starved and malnourished, their physical bodies reflecting how that their dietary demands are hardly ever satiated
• The shape of their horns represent sharks teeth, because the teeth of a shark are angled inwards in such a way that it's nearly impossible for prey to pull free from its jaws once bitten. Once these Daemons have its grip on you, you’re done for.
• There are so very few existing Nightcrawlers that they used to be practically considered a myth until modern Department technology was able to better track and contain them for research purposes. D.U.M.P. has aptly given this subclass its name, as the majority of documented Nightcrawler feeding patterns display nocturnal behavior
• Saiph's kind is extremely patient and meticulous when picking their meals, so rather than feeding from a gathering of people in a single passing go, this race modifies one single human's memory by implementing overwhelming senses of deja-vu and confusion into their minds. This piques their curiosity, which then lures the human into the Daemon’s “nest” while kept in a trance-like delusion
• They literally stalk their prey before Getting You
• Nightcrawlers keep their prey around for the rest of the duration of the human's life as a thrall of sorts, because the further into delirium the person strays, the stronger the emotions these demons can feed from
• The human's worsening psychosis provides such a substantial amount of emotions that only one person is needed to feed, a 'mate-for-life' type of relationship. However, between their aggressive feeding habits, tendency to push the human mind too far, as well as the intensity and obsessive frequency at which they feed, the person's life is often cut extremely short. Then the cycle begins again.
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wejustvibing · 1 year
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lol legend
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girlygirlwebdiary · 1 year
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Self care summer 🩷🧖‍♀️💄
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tpup · 2 months
contamination OCD be damned those toes can get sucked
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russellius · 1 year
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2023 BELGIAN GP : Saturday
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
That's a giggly babygirl
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666frames · 9 months
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Manhattan Baby (1982)
Death Spa (1988)
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tavotabotato · 5 months
I doodled
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lunnessey · 4 months
fabian aramais seacaster is going to take one (1) look at that baby and love them for all of eternity, time quangle be damned. but maybe his newly purchased munitions will help when he's hunting his banker for sport
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grogumaximus · 5 months
Max Verstappen at the 50th anniversary of Red Bull Racing's partner Mobil 1.
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