#baby mobile lullaby machine
thefoodiesfithome · 2 years
Unique Baby Gadgets on Amazon
Unique Amazon Baby Gadgets You Can't Skip Over
The access we have to baby goods today is simply amazing. That holds especially true for unique baby gadgets. I’ve found so many solutions to everyday parenting hiccups on Amazon. This is my collection of the best, unique problem solving items I’ve found on Amazon in my first four months of parenthood. Travel Formula Container For my fellow formula feeders, you can’t leave the house without it.…
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thestylesalads · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to Newborn Comfort: Essential Baby Products for First-Time Moms
Welcoming a newborn into the world is a joyous occasion, filled with anticipation and excitement. For first-time moms, navigating the world of baby products can be overwhelming, with countless options vying for attention. To help ease the journey into motherhood, we've compiled a comprehensive guide to essential baby products designed to enhance newborn gifts and delight first-time moms.
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Soft Blankets: Wrap your little one in warmth and coziness with soft blankets made from gentle, breathable fabrics. Opt for customizable blankets online, featuring adorable designs and personalized touches that make them perfect keepsakes for cherished memories.
Ceiling Hangings: Create a serene and soothing environment for your baby with ceiling hangings that captivate their imagination. Choose from a variety of themes and designs, from whimsical mobiles to enchanting dream catchers, to provide visual stimulation and relaxation.
Little Bunny Beds: Give your newborn the gift of comfort and security with a plush little bunny bed. These adorable nesting spots provide a cozy sanctuary for naptime or playtime, ensuring your baby feels snug and content.
Foam Pillows: Support your baby's delicate head and neck with a soft foam pillow designed specifically for infants. Look for customizable options online, featuring embroidered details or monogramming, to add a personal touch to your baby's sleep space.
Nursing Pillows: For breastfeeding moms, a supportive nursing pillow can make feeding sessions more comfortable and enjoyable for both mom and baby. Choose a pillow with a customizable cover, allowing you to select a design that reflects your style.
Swaddle Wraps: Help your newborn feel secure and snug with swaddle wraps made from soft, stretchy fabrics. Look for customizable swaddle blankets online, featuring your baby's name or birthdate, for a personalized touch that makes them truly special.
Soothing Sound Machines: Create a calming atmosphere for your baby with a soothing sound machine that mimics the gentle sounds of nature or lullabies. Opt for customizable options online, allowing you to record your voice or select personalized melodies for a truly unique experience.
Navigating the world of baby products can be overwhelming for first-time moms, but with the right essentials, you can ensure your newborn's comfort and well-being. From soft blankets to customized gifts online, these must-have items are designed to make the journey into motherhood a little easier and a lot more delightful.
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thealphapigeon · 2 years
That post you reblogged with the “they should get their hearing tested” tag made me curious, & you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, that’s fine! As an autistic HOH person, do you have any sensory sensitivities involving sound? Iirc you mentioned not owning birds bc they scream too much. What else is too loud for you? Does being HOH help with some sensitivities? Do you have any sensitivities that are *caused* by being HOH? Thank you for your time!
This is SUCH a fun series of questions, allow me to answer things in a broken up style. This will be a long one lads, I dunno how to stick a readmore in on mobile
As a kid before my hearing began to degrade, I was deathly afraid of noise like thunder, sirens, alarms, balloons popping, applause, hell at family gatherings when I was a baby I'd start SCREAMING the moment everyone started saying a prayer to bless the meal. I was a nuisance lmao
By middle school though those sort of sensory triggers didn't impact me much if at all, both because I learned how to tune things out and my hearing by then was poor enough I required preferred seating in the classroom. I was even a euphonium player in the school band for a few years. So I would definitely say losing my hearing has "helped" with the sensitivity on that front.
These days though I actually need sound to be functional and it has to be consistent, mechanical white noise, especially as I sleep. As a baby my parents wouldn't sing me lullabies, instead they set me on top of the washing machine until I fell asleep, played a recording of the hair dryer on an old cassette tape, or even make a sort of low buzzing sound through their teeth. I was... a weird kid. I have 2 fans going in my room at all times and my favorite place to sleep in the house is the basement, because I can hear the furnace through the wall. Unfortunately I do wake up whenever it switches off. Without consistent white noise, I do start to become aware of the low level tinnitus my hearing has left me with, which while not terrible it does give me a headache after a couple hours.
Going back to the tag I left on that post, I mentioned that because all throughout my life I have never simply.. listened to music because more often than not the lyrics would be only half heard by me and thus would be nonsense. As soon as subtitles started becoming common practice I returned to a lot of movies I loved as a kid and rewatched them. And holy shit did that change things for me.
These days my sensory issues relating to sound are mostly a matter of if I'm already having a rough day, I'm far more sensitive to texture, and my favorite form of stimuli is visual which is why I trend towards maximalism anytime I decorate anything. I love to see 👀
Thanks again for the ask!! I hope that answered some stuff
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niyotech · 2 years
Little Grape Land, Crib Mobile Unicorn Baby Mobile for Boys & Girls Musical Baby Crib Toys Digital Music Box with 35 lullabies Nursery Sound Machine for Newborn Baby to Toddler
Little Grape Land, Crib Mobile Unicorn Baby Mobile for Boys & Girls Musical Baby Crib Toys Digital Music Box with 35 lullabies Nursery Sound Machine for Newborn Baby to Toddler
Price: (as of – Details) 4 Little Grape Land, Crib Mobile Unicorn Baby Mobile for Boys & Girls Musical Baby Crib Toys Digital Music Box with 35 lullabies Nursery Sound Machine for Newborn Baby to ToddlerUP TO 35 LULLABIES! – Press “M” button to change to next song.We use digital music box instead of wind-up ones for our musical baby crib mobile.VOLUME ADJUSTMENT – the volume of 3 gears can be…
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Latest post is making me wonder how Leon would react when he was younger
So I wouldn't be able to write about Taka actually dying younger (if that's the ask you're referring to?) That would mess my timeline up. BUT to compromise, I can have Taka nearly die or something? Like in an accident? And have Leon react to that?
I hope that's okay! If not, please tell me off and I'll write something else for you!
Trigger warnings for car crash, injuries and grieving in this.
Thank you so much for your ask! Really hope this is what you were after.
• When they're in their 30s, Taka gets into a car crash.
• Quite a serious one too.
• He's grumpy, it's a stormy night and he's been away from his family for an overnight stay for a big political meeting.
• And all he wants to do is get home and see his husband and daughter.
• He rings Leon to say he's heading back and that, traffic permitting, he should be back in three hours.
• And into the car he gets and heads off.
• It's two hours into his journey and the weather isn't getting any better.
• Being the sensible driver he is, he takes it slow and steady - not wanting to take dumb risks.
• Not all drivers think the same way, however.
• Back at home, Leon makes his and Kei's dinner and tucks his daughter into bed.
• He puts on a film to wait for his husband, checking his phone for any updates if Taka has stopped for a break.
• He isn't surprised when three hours pass - traffic can add at an hour onto the journey from experience.
• But when hour four passes and there's no updates, he starts to worry a little.
• And by hour six, he's full on panicking.
• He's tried Taka's phone multiple times and it's gone straight to voicemail.
• Oh god, what if he's hurt?! What if he's in trouble?! What if...
• His mobile starts to ring and he sees Taka's name - relief flooding through him.
• But when he answers, it's not Taka on the other end.
• It's a police officer informing him of an accident his husband has been involved in.
• A driver going over the speed limit has lost control in the rain and crashed into Taka's car at 80mph and now Leon needs to come to the hospital in the next city along.
• Leon's heart runs cold and he can't breathe, trying to contain his panic as he remembers his daughter is in her bedroom.
• He gently wakes her up, cradling her into his arms before asking their neighbour to look after her while he dealt with a family issue.
• Once he gets to the car, he realises he won't be able to drive in this state so calls the nearest friend available - Hiro.
• He can barely speak as a full on anxiety attack hits so hard that Hiro rushes over and finds him huddled over the steering wheel.
• After calming him down, Hiro drives him to the hospital - but Leon has entirely shut down.
• As Hiro leads him to the reception, Leon can't get the worst case scenario out of his mind and Hiro has to do all the talking.
• They're lead to Taka's room where he's unconcious - broken bones in casts, face mangled and on a breathing machine.
• And the sight breaks Leon entirely - he rushes to his side and calls out to him, squeezing the couple of fingers that are available whilst ignoring the nurse telling him that he's in a coma.
• The next week passes in a blur - Hiro having to arrange for Kei to stay with Mondo while Leon refuses to leave the hospital.
• Takaaki and his parents also come to help - carrying Leon to a nearby bed whenever he passes out and forcing him to eat.
• It's a few days into the second week, and Taka's taking off the oxygen as his body begins to heal.
• Leon's crying into the mattress once again as he begs Taka to wake up.
• 'Please baby. Please don't leave me. Please come back to me. Just give me a sign you're here. Please baby please...'
• At that, he feels a gentle squeeze on his fingers - and as he looks at his hand, he sees that Taka's fingers have curled ever so slightly in his grip.
• His heart races as he looks back at Taka's face, calling out his name.
• And Taka's eyes flutter open ever so slighly, his head turning the smallest amount to look at Leon.
• 'Taka?'
• 'Mm.'
• Leon's face breaks into a wet smile, running his fingers over his jaw lovingly as he watches his husband groggily try to focus his gaze - calling out to the nurse before laughing happily.
• 'L...Lee...on...'
• 'Shh, shh, baby. You're okay. I'm here, beautiful.'
• 'H...hurts...'
• 'I know, I know, shh. You're all okay now.'
• Too weak to struggle, Taka's eyes finally rest on Leon's face and his body relaxes, a single tear running down his cheek as he tries to squeeze his husband's hand with a tiny whine.
• 'I got you, baby. I won't let you go, okay? Go back to sleep now. I'll be here when you wake up.'
• Taka finally settles down when Leon gently rests his forehead against his, falling back asleep to the soft lullaby that Leon sings him.
• And even as he sleeps, his grip doesn't loosen.
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emiliarowan · 5 years
Lena knew, in her rational, scientific mind, that the human heart only stopped beating if a person was dead. A fluttering heart was the result of a medical condition, not an emotional state.
And yet, even after knowing Kara Zor-El Danvers for the better part of a decade— three years of friendship, eighteen months of dating, a six-month engagement, and now three-and-a-half years of marriage— Lena swore that sometimes her heart would actually stop beating in her chest.
Sometimes it was for good things— one of Kara’s megawatt smiles, or a heated look across a crowded room, or the brush of her hand against Lena’s lower back. Other times it wasn’t so good— when Supergirl was being beaten up by some superstrong alien, or when Kara took a particularly dangerous assignment as a reporter. Lena was used to these moments, when her heart felt like it had taken up residence in her throat instead of her chest, when it felt as if her pulse was suspended and her body froze in excitement or fear.
But she wasn’t expecting her heart to stop as soon as she walked into their apartment at eleven-thirty pm, after a late night conference call with Japanese scientists that had lasted far longer than Lena thought necessary. Her exhaustion was immediately replaced by panic as her heart lodged in her throat at the sight that greeted her, only returning to a rapid pace when her fear was partially replaced by frustration.
“Shh, I just got her to sleep,” her wife whispered. Kara was dressed in her pajamas and floating five feet off the floor in the middle of the living room. She wasn’t in her normal position for flight, but instead was reclined onto her back, body slightly curved to cradle around the bundle she held in her arms.
“I thought we agreed that there was no flying while holding the baby!” Lena whispered accusatorily as she unceremoniously dumped her coat and purse on the foyer table.
“It’s not really flying!” Kara defended in a stage whisper. “More like floating.”
“Do not try to play semantics with me Kara Zor-El Danvers!”
“Oh, are you forgetting it’s Kara Zor-El Luthor-Danvers because you’re mad at me, Lena Luthor-Danvers?” Kara teased as Lena came to stand beside her.
“Don’t try to change the subject,” Lena said, reining in her emotions as she came to stand beside them.
Louisa Grace Luthor-Danvers, their Lulu, was stretched out like a starfish across Kara’s chest, head nestled against the soft swell of her breast, arms and legs dangling over the sides of her torso. Her eyes were closed but even so Lena could tell they were swollen, and her cheeks were still red from crying. Her bow-shaped lips were parted in sleep and a small spot of drool was forming on Kara’s top. Lena ran her fingers lightly across the thin dark curls atop her daughter’ head, reassuring herself that everything was fine. She sighed and pressed a resigned kiss to Kara’s cheek.
“Why are you floating with her?” she asked.
Kara sighed. “I don’t know what got into her. She was fine for dinner and her bath, she seemed content while I was reading her a story and settling her in her crib. But as soon as I left the room she started crying. I tried everything— checked her diaper, soothed her lying down, rocked her in the glider, walked her around the apartment, laid her in the bed with me, sang lullabies, put on the white noise machine— and little miss here was having none of it. She cried for over an hour, Lena, and she was so mad, her face was so red. I know it’s impossible but sometimes she was crying so hard that I swear she wasn’t breathing. Floating was my last resort, I swear.”
Lena nodded. She knew from reading that eight months was when a lot of infants went through a sleep regression, so that didn’t surprise her. Neither did her daughter’s stubborn refusal to be calmed and sleep— she had inherited her stubborness honestly, and it sent a spike of dread through Lena everytime she envisioned what they would have to deal with when Lulu reached adolescence.
“At first I think she was just bewildered,” Kara went on. “But after a minute she stopped crying and just seemed to enjoy the motions. I can move in different directions flying, I think she likes that.”
Lena placed a hand on Lulu’s back, feeling the rise and fall of each breath and the soft pattering of her pulse beneath the elephant-print onesie. “I’m not sure why that’s surprising. Remember when I was pregnant and you would fly me home sometimes? Even if she was kicking away before we took off, she always settled down when we were in the air. I thought it might be a response to my adrenaline”— Lena still hated heights and flying, even if she knew her wife would never let her fall— “ but maybe the motion soothed her even then. Figures my child would actually like flying.”
Kara grinned. “I guess she gets that from my side.”
“Mmm,” Lena murmured in agreement. Now that she was over her initial panic, the scene in front of her sent warmth through her chest instead. Lulu wasn’t really any further away from the ground than she was when Kara was standing holding her. “Just as long as you’re close to the ground, no flying through the National City skies with a baby strapped to your chest, Supergirl.”
Kara gave her that smile that made her heart flutter. “Yes, my love.”
“Do you think we can try putting her in the crib now?” Lena asked. “As much as I love her and want her to get all the mommy cuddles in the world, I’m dead tired and need some cuddles from my wife as well.”
Kara nodded. “I think that can be arranged.”
Lena padded along behind them as Kara floated down the hallway to the nursery. Lena had picked out the monochromatic gray paint and white furniture, but Kara had painted the ceiling in shades of navy and purple and used glow-in-the-dark paint to create constellations, both those from this galaxy and those she remembered from Krypton. A solar system mobile with tiny felt planets hung over the crib— a gift from Lulu’s Aunt Alex and Aunt Kelly.
“Let me have her for a minute?” Lena asked as Kara touched down on the plush rug. She took a seat in the glider and Kara gently passed the sleeping infant into her arms.
Lena breathed in Lulu’s delicious baby smell and felt her heart flutter again. She had never been one to dream of being a mother. She never thought she would be a very good one. But being with Kara slowly soothed her insecurities, and watching her wife interact with Clark and Lois’s son, and Alex and Kelly’s adopted daughter, and even teenage Ruby, all opened up a longing in Lena that she had never felt before. So before she really knew what she was doing, L-Corp was investing in medical research that would allow same-sex couples to have children together. And a year later Lena was crying in their bathroom, holding a positive pregnancy test, after wiggling her way around federal regulations to become a subject in the clinical trials.
Nine months later she held Louisa Luthor-Danvers in her arms for the first time and knew she was made for this, because her daughter fit so perfectly in the grooves of her body, as if they were sculpted from complementary pieces of clay. Even as she grew Lulu always fit perfectly in her embrace, and at eight months her head tucked perfectly beneath Lena’s chin, her fingers curled around the collar of her blouse, her soft tummy fit into the dip between Lena’s breasts. Their hearts beat inches apart, just as they had when Lena carried her daughter within her body. In moments like this, Lena thought she might believe in the divine.
How else could it be possible that a being from another galaxy could come into her world and make everything right? That they could make something so infinitely perfect?
The thought made her heart stop.
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magnoliasinbloom · 6 years
AO3 :: Previously
Chapter 14
Jamie got his way in the end, of course. He went to Mum and asked her instead. She was only too happy to oblige. He drove us to the clinic, glancing every so often at me fuming in the backseat.
As we waited, I gave up being annoyed. I was a little more than 25 weeks along, five months pregnant. Dr. Raymond could probably tell now whether it was a boy or girl.
“You’re sure ye want to know?” Jamie paged through a magazine carelessly.
“Of course I do. I have to pick a name, buy baby outfits.” I smiled to myself.
“Any more thoughts on names?”
“I guess I like Alexander for a boy.” Jamie smiled widely—it was one of his many names. “Oh, stuff it. But I still don’t know about girls’ names.” The receptionist looked my way and nodded towards the door, smiling. I stood up heavily, and Jamie took my arm and guided me into the examination room.
Dr. Raymond greeted Mum and me, and glanced at Jamie, smiling. He extended his hand and Jamie shook it. I introduced them briefly.
“Hello, nice to meet you.” The doctor looked to both of us uncertainly. “Would you be the father?”
I flushed darkly, unable to look at Jamie. This was beyond embarrassing.
“Och, no, just a friend.” Jamie smiled reassuringly at me, seemingly unbothered by the comment.
“So, Claire, how are you today?” The doctor recouped and sat at his desk, my file open before him. Mum and Jamie sat on either side of me, listening.
“Alright, I guess. Very tired lately, sleepy. Hungry.”
“Cravings? Nausea?” Jamie grinned at the doctor’s question as he jotted down something in my file. I knew he was remembering the chips and I clipped his ankle with my foot.
“Not really. I try to eat light every four hours, crackers, juice. I’m taking the pre-natal vitamins, lots of water. We’re good.” I patted my belly.
“Alright then. Let’s weigh you and get you on the table.” Dr. Raymond stood and so did we. He glanced at Jamie.
“It’s okay. He can come too.” I ignored him while I took off my shoes and stepped on the scale. “He’s going to medical school. He wanted to come because experience, you know.” I snorted and Jamie chuckled. He heard my unspoken words: Not just because he’s tremendously annoying.
The doctor stood next to me and recorded my weight. I had gained a stone already. I reminded myself that it was mostly baby weight, since I didn’t really look that heavy. I gave Jamie a tiny smile as I excused myself to the bathroom to put on the flimsy paper robe over my clothes. When I came out, I moved on to the examination table, and Jamie helped me up. I kept the robe tightly shut, even though nothing showed. Mum stood in the background, uncharacteristically quiet.
Dr. Raymond took his place beside the table and flipped on the ultrasound machine. He spread cold gel on my stomach and I winced at the feeling. Jamie edged closer and took my hand.
The cursor moved over the slippery surface of my skin, and the monitor flickered with shapes. At first it only looked like electronic snow. Then the doctor pointed out a head, body, and arms. You could see stubby hands waving around; even though I was seeing it, it was hard to believe I held a little person inside me.
Tears prickled my eyes. I sniffed and covered my mouth with my free hand, holding back sobs. Jamie squeezed my fingers. He looked a bit choked up himself.
“Are you ready to know the sex of the baby?” the doctor asked.
“You can tell now? For sure?” I propped myself up on my elbows, excited.
“Yes, we can be fairly certain of what it will be.”
“Yes. I want to know.” I peered intently at the monitor, even though I could barely tell the head apart from the feet.
“Give me a minute… let’s try to turn the baby around.” He shifted the cursor all over my belly, trying to find the right angle. Finally, he stopped and hit a button on the console. The image froze on the screen and he pointed at the fuzzy shapes.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl!”
~ ~ ~
A girl. I lay in bed that night, the ceiling fan whirring. I pulled the covers up. I remembered Mum’s look of delight, tears in her eyes. Jamie gave me a hug as soon he helped me off the table. Dr. Raymond printed out another image of the baby, which I immediately handed to Jamie. “I promised, didn’t I?” I told him, when he wouldn’t take it.
The ride home was marked by Mum calling her friends, and of course, Dad. She handed me her mobile so I could tell him all about his granddaughter. I was over the moon myself.
I had to pick a name soon. I would consider my mother’s name, and some of Jamie’s picks as well.
Before I fell asleep, I recalled Jamie’s interest and enthusiasm for me and the baby. He talked nonstop on the way home; he wanted his parents to know, and Jenny, so that his Mam could organize a baby shower. I closed my eyes when the darkened bedroom became a blur. I felt so tired…
As I drifted off, a thought less substantial than smoke suggested, Jamie loves you… like a dream, it vanished.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist as of Oct. 1st, 2024
This is a list of every fic I have written. If there are any links that don’t work, please let me know. And if you have any requests, let me know as well. 
**Now includes links to my AO3 Fics.**
Characters I’ve written that are on this list:
Chibs Telford, Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Happy Lowman
Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Charles Xavier 
Crowley, John Winchester, Sam Winchester
Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pratt, Jason Momoa, Mark Sheppard, David Harbour, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jared Padalecki, Machine Gun Kelly, Henry Cavill
Carter Baizen, Owen Grady, Star Lord, Jimmy Darling, Negan, Bjorn Ironside, Mickey Milkovich, Clark Kent
*= Drabble (Under 1k Words)
Italics = Contains Smut (If I remember lol)
Bold= Series
The Miserable Six*
Southern Strip Tease
The Costume Debate*
Fear Never Works for a Parent
The Process of Losing Weight*
The First 2 Miles*
Disney Secrets*
Stepping Up – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
The Other Costume Debate* 
Teller-Telford Pumpkin Picking*
The Santa Mishap*
Stepping Up Again – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Family Matters – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Bikers Don’t Belong in Wyoming – Part 1 / Part 2
What Happens Next – Part 1 / Part 2
Life On The Road – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Always - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Scottish Prince Charming -  Part 1 (Continued exclusively on AO3, link at bottom.)
Fright Night*
Truth or Dare: Redwood Edition*
Half Blood, Whole Heart-
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15
Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20
Part 21 / Part 22 / Part 23 / Part 24 / Part 25
Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 / Part 29 / Part 30
Part 31 / Part 32 / Part 33 / Epilogue
Halloween with the Winston’s*
Pumpkin Carving Contest*
My Hero*
Star Crossed Rivalry - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 
Little Goes to Disney World*
A Puppy For Bucky
Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover
Captain Bucky*
Bucky Goes To Woodstock*
Freaky Friday
Whiskey Lullaby
Forever Young 
Double Surprise
S.S. Desperation
Fate – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Destiny - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Don’t Let Go – Part 1 / Part 2
Other World Love – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
The Other Winter Soldier – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Six Limbs- Part 1 / Part 2
The Chef - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Avengers MC - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
The Cards - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 
I Got You - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Goddess I Am -  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 
Winter Wolf -  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16
Fresh Start - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
A Christmas Gift - Part 1
Small World - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Saving Bucky
Alphas- Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
A Gift From Crowley
The Beauty Of Sight
The Healing Powers of Harry Potter
What Happens in Vegas*
The Daddy Dilemma*
Over My Dead Body*
Little Ladybug
Dog Days
Selling Souls*
Baby Crowley
The Botched Hunt*
Laundry Mat Romance*
Pregnancy Hell*
Heaven Nor Hell
Crowley's Sorrow*
Little Soul Mate
King No More
His Little Buzz Lightyear*
Fall Leaves*
The Ring and The Cure - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
One More Night
If You Stay
The Right Call
Witches Lie
The Broken Arm*
The Chicken Pox
Meeting the Neighbors
Seven Times Great – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Snow Storm - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Adventure -  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Wasn’t Expecting That
A Gift From Sam*
$200 Baby
Wayward Hounds
Sam and the Book Reference*
Natural Born Killer (Dean x Reader but changes in continuation series)
Natural Born Killer - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
The Winchester Blood Line - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
This Is Why I Can’t Have Nice Things
Seb’s Halloween Surprise*
Premiere Surprise*
Kaylee – Part 1 / Part 2
One Night at Hellcat Annie’s – Part 1 / Part 2
Into The Ocean – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
I Can't - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
I’m Coming Home 
Breaking The Curse - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Assholes and Award Shows
Halloween Reveal*
Star Shooter’s Halloween*
Get Up*
The Wedding Date – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Little Moments - Part 1 / Part 2
Drunken Consequences - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Find Your Light - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
The Better Man - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Daddy, Please - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Still On The Road - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 
Quads - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Lucky Number Seven - Part 1 (Continued exclusively on AO3, link at bottom.)
Mark’s Halloween Surprise*
I Warned You*
The Look*
Mark’s Jeans*
Your British Knight - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
A Recipe for Happiness - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
The Difference - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Nobody’s Perfect – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Came Here To Forget - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Ain't Sayin' She's a Gold Digger - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
This Is Why You Can
She's Not Ready
Meant To Be - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12
Too Smart for Your Own Good - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Ripped Dress
More the Merrier: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /  Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
MARRY YOU*- Choose your own Chris
One Love
New Year, New Leaf - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
We’re Not In The Navy Anymore
Terran Omega
Debt Repaid*
Lobster Boy & Monkey Girl
The Killers
Fairy Dust
Taking The Shot – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
The First Mistress – Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Ohana - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Matching Crazy - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
The Unexpected Protector - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Bad Things - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 
Unlikely Parents - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Pure Hearted Prince - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 
The Resistant Omega - Part 1 /  Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Managed - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Forever (x OFC)
The Glitter Tie - Crowley x Reader
Little Exposure - Sam Winchester x Reader
Little Beach Day - John Winchester x Reader
The Mermaid Room - Crowley x Reader
Dr. Daddy - Sam Winchester x Reader
Red Handed - Crowley x Reader
Crystal Hunting - Jason Momoa x Reader
You’re Safe Now (Daddy!Sam x Little!Reader AU)
The Mix Up (Construction Worker!John Winchester x Heiress!Reader AU)
The Bachelorette (Astrophysicist!Bucky x Disney Animator!Reader AU)
Love is Blind (Negan x Blind!Reader TWD Universe)
Unexpected (Opie x Escort!Reader SOA Universe)
The Bitch of SAMCRO (Natasha x Patched Doctor!Reader, Past Denny Duquette x Reader, Chibs x Reader SOA Universe with a slight Grey’s Anatomy Crossover)
Widow in a Werewolf World (Natasha x Hunter!Reader MCU/SPM Crossover)
Hard Road Ahead (Jason Momoa x Reader continuation of Life on the Road)
The Phoenix (Geralt x Reader)
Evil’s Turn To Win (Chibs x Reader SOA/OUAT crossover)
A Pair of Pyros (Opie x Reader, Ex-Jax x Reader)
Blast From The Past (Syverson x Stripper!Reader)
Cap ‘n’ Gunny (Syverson x Army Gunny!Reader)
Like Mother, Like Daughter (Opie x Chibs’ Daughter!Reader)
The Feral Omega (Alpha!Negan x Omega!Reader)
Lucky Number Seven (Jason Momoa x Reader)
Scottish Prince Charming (Chibs x Reader)
Two Worlds: Henry Cavill x Reader (Harry Potter AU)
Stark's Daughter: Future Bucky x Reader
Outcasts: Eddie Brock x Reader
The Lost Children: Negan x Reader
Second Chances: John Winchester x Reader
Design: Crowley x Reader
The Soulmate: Bucky x Reader
Abduction: John Winchester x Reader
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technodabhi · 2 years
FEISIKE Crib Mobile Motor, Baby Music Box Spinner with 3 Modes(Turn & Music,Turn Only, Music Only) Volume Control,12 Lullabies,Portable Sound Machine Baby Sleep,Auto-Off 30 Minutes, Battery Operated
FEISIKE Crib Mobile Motor, Baby Music Box Spinner with 3 Modes(Turn & Music,Turn Only, Music Only) Volume Control,12 Lullabies,Portable Sound Machine Baby Sleep,Auto-Off 30 Minutes, Battery Operated
Price: (as of – Details) To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. 【portable baby sleep machine】At just 3.4″ in diameter and 3.6 ounces,the motor fits easily in a diaper bag…
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robin-g-house-blog · 7 years
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(( I normally don’t draw gory pictures but I got this idea for a canon for Robin.
Robin wanted the American dream a husband, a house, a white picket fence, and a family, but with Mr. House being extremely over protective of her it was impossible for Robin to find a husband let alone talk to anyone.
Finally she couldn’t put up with her brother interfering in her life in such a way. The two argued both not wanting to give up on what they want for Mr.House it was his sisters safety for Robin it was her freedom. The two finally came on an agreement. Robin would stay under the protection of her older brother as long as she could have a baby. She couldn’t adopt do to all the suspicion it would cause if the papers were signed by House. The only option was through a donor. Mr. House didn’t want to see his sister go through that but he agreed to let her start a family. He did a thorough background check until he found a donor that met his standards (Even then they were still to low for Mr.House’ s liking) .
Robin went through the procedure and within a few weeks she found out she was pregnant. Robin was so happy. The happiest Mr.House had seen her in a long while. Robin was so excited to be a mom. Jane and Marilyn were excited because in some way they were going to be aunt’s and Mr. House was going to be an uncle. Even Mr. House was getting excited though he didn’t show it. Robin’s pregnancy made Mr. House more determined to protect Vegas.
But sadly it wasn’t to last. Robin became sick and she lost the baby. Robin was devastated. She became very depressed. For days and weeks she hardly slept, hardly ate, she’d break out into sobs every now and then. Mr. House, Jane and Marilyn were there for Robin but they didn’t know what to do. 
One day Robin sat in the nursery she had made for the baby. She was slumped in a chair a few bottles of wine sat on a nightstand next to her, sad Opera music playing while she swirled a half empty glass of wine as she starred at the mobile hanging above the crib.
Robin felt ready to snap as the mobile was turned by a gentle breeze from an air vent causing a few notes of a gentle lullaby escape.
Just as she was ready to smash the nursery to pieces a securitron called out her name to ask Robin if she would be coming up to the penthouse for dinner. Robin looked over to the mono wheeled robot and froze. She starred at the police faced securitron before walking up to it. She gently placed her hand on its screen before saying in a low voice. “I know what to do”. As she suddenly rushed down the stairs into the basement passing by her brother in a mad dash into a workshop where they assembled robots.
Concerned for his sister Mr. House quickly followed suit. He caught up with Robin who was gathering pieces and placing them on a nearby assembly table. Mr. House asked his little sister what she was doing. Robin responded “Making a baby the only other way I know how”. At this point Mr. House was very concerned and was about to tell his sister she needed to see a doctor before he paused in thought. It made perfect sense Robin was unable to adopt and unable to have a child in the natural way of course creating a mechanical one was completely obvious. Robin knew what to do she watched her brother and his team create robots and their programming numerous times and maybe in a weird way Mr. House hoped creating a robot would help her cope with the loss.
Mr.House was about to offer his help before he found the double doors to the workshop closed in front of his face. Not knowing what else to do Mr. House sat down and waited for his sister to be done.
Hours went by Mr. House would anxiously pace the floor worrying about Robin. Another half our passed before Robin stepped out holding a small computer chip gently in the palm of her hands. She looked over at her brother. “I need a blank securitron”. Robin said. Mr. House quickly rushed out of the room before wheeling in a blank securitron.
Robin opened up her pip-boy and installed the chip among the other circuitry. She fiddled with the nobs of the pip-boy for a little while before the securitron sparked to life a face of a cowboy appearing on its screen.
The robot looked around dazed and confused. “Who are you”? Who am I”? The machine asked looking around. Robin smiled tears of joy gently rolled down her face as she gently grabbed one of the securitrons arms cradling it in her own. “Your Victor”. Robin said “And I’m Robin...I’m your mom”. She continued. Victor looked at her a puzzled look flashing on his face. “I’m Victor”? He asked pointing a claw at himself. Robin nodded her head. “And your...mom?” Victor continued. “Yes” Robin replied happily. Robin then pointed to Mr.House. “And that’s your uncle Mr. House.” Robin said. “Mr. House”? Victor repeated. Mr. House approached Victor and gently placed a hand on the bot. “Yes, and the three of us are a family” Mr. House said.
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kristablogs · 4 years
The best vibrating sleep aids for a fussy baby
Sleep soundly. (Ciprian Sam via Unsplash /)
Having a baby almost guarantees that your nights are going to get a whole lot shorter and a whole lot louder. Thankfully, there’s a quick, straightforward solution to help you finally get some decent shut-eye. Bassinets and bouncy sets designed with gentle vibration features can soothe crying fits and softly lull your baby to sleep. Plus, some of them come with helpful bonus features, like rocking motions and relaxing music.
Here are four options that will give your baby (and the rest of the family) a peaceful night’s rest.
Includes a nightlight and relaxing music options. (Amazon/)
Tuck your baby into this cozy white bassinet, which comes with a vibration setting and rocks gently back and forth when prompted. You can create an even more sleep-inducing atmosphere by making use of the nightlight and a variety of built-in soothing sounds and music tracks. There’s also a helpful storage basket underneath and locking swivel wheels, so you can easily move the bed from room to room.
Comes with a colorful, removable toy bar. (Amazon/)
Whether you need to keep your child entertained or desperately want to stop a crying fit, this bouncer has your back. Designed with a comfy machine-washable seat pad, this pint-sized resting spot comes with vibration features that promote sleepiness and relaxation. A removable toy bar, featuring lion, monkey, and zebra spinners, can be attached for some time-passing fun.
Gentle vibrations in a compact product. (Amazon/)
Want to make sure you have a quick and easy fix for a fussy baby, whether you’re at home or on the go? Snag the Summer Soothe and Vibe Portable Soother. Designed with adjustable vibration speeds, this compact gadget comes with hooks and loops that can be attached to cribs, bassinets, carriers, and strollers. There’s also five built-in songs and sounds, including white noise, lullabies and heart beats, to help ease your baby to sleep.
A star-shaped mobile helps bring on the zzz’s. (Amazon/)
This soft mesh bassinet delivers the total package of relaxation – complete with vibrations, a nightlight, and a detachable mobile with twinkle lights and plush star toys. The lightweight frame makes the bed super easy to move around and comes with a removable canopy that helps darken the bassinet during daytime naps.
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scootoaster · 4 years
The best vibrating sleep aids for a fussy baby
Sleep soundly. (Ciprian Sam via Unsplash /)
Having a baby almost guarantees that your nights are going to get a whole lot shorter and a whole lot louder. Thankfully, there’s a quick, straightforward solution to help you finally get some decent shut-eye. Bassinets and bouncy sets designed with gentle vibration features can soothe crying fits and softly lull your baby to sleep. Plus, some of them come with helpful bonus features, like rocking motions and relaxing music.
Here are four options that will give your baby (and the rest of the family) a peaceful night’s rest.
Includes a nightlight and relaxing music options. (Amazon/)
Tuck your baby into this cozy white bassinet, which comes with a vibration setting and rocks gently back and forth when prompted. You can create an even more sleep-inducing atmosphere by making use of the nightlight and a variety of built-in soothing sounds and music tracks. There’s also a helpful storage basket underneath and locking swivel wheels, so you can easily move the bed from room to room.
Comes with a colorful, removable toy bar. (Amazon/)
Whether you need to keep your child entertained or desperately want to stop a crying fit, this bouncer has your back. Designed with a comfy machine-washable seat pad, this pint-sized resting spot comes with vibration features that promote sleepiness and relaxation. A removable toy bar, featuring lion, monkey, and zebra spinners, can be attached for some time-passing fun.
Gentle vibrations in a compact product. (Amazon/)
Want to make sure you have a quick and easy fix for a fussy baby, whether you’re at home or on the go? Snag the Summer Soothe and Vibe Portable Soother. Designed with adjustable vibration speeds, this compact gadget comes with hooks and loops that can be attached to cribs, bassinets, carriers, and strollers. There’s also five built-in songs and sounds, including white noise, lullabies and heart beats, to help ease your baby to sleep.
A star-shaped mobile helps bring on the zzz’s. (Amazon/)
This soft mesh bassinet delivers the total package of relaxation – complete with vibrations, a nightlight, and a detachable mobile with twinkle lights and plush star toys. The lightweight frame makes the bed super easy to move around and comes with a removable canopy that helps darken the bassinet during daytime naps.
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archerlmxq623-blog · 5 years
Sleep Apnea: Signs, Causes And Treatment Options
Research studies have been performed to show how hypnosis assists smokers to kick the routine. There have actually been many factors offered for the success of this process however one thing for sure is that hypnosis is one of the most efficient techniques of fighting this addiction. Nevertheless, you can't force anyone to stop smoking through this procedure. The subject must be ready in order for it to work.
Cancer And Sleep Problems
When an individual spends hours without sufficient oxygen, blood oxygen levels drop lower and lower. See above, we know that. Sleep apnea can drop these levels so low it can set off a heart attack. Even death.
Provent Nose Plugs: A Brand-New Sleep Apnea Treatment
Establish a bed time routine that is good for child and you. Sing a tune ie. lullaby while bathing infant. Cuddle and check out a book or listen to music created to promote sleep. Inspect Amazon.com for titles. If child is picky, consider a mild back rub. But don't let Sleep consultant on the stomach.
(5. If infant seems unhappy or fussy, many moms have actually had exceptional results with infant slings. It makes good sense that some babies require a long time to adapt to the world. These sensitive souls miss out on the movement of your body and feeling near to you at all times. Perhaps the usage of a sling will get you through this period of change and enable you to get a couple of tasks done while you're at it.
Cpap Machine Sleep Apnea Treatment
Once again, this is a terrific concept in theory-- cpap sydney but one person's 'soothing' is another person's. well, Hootie and the Blowfish, for example. Sure, their music is soft and lilting, but 'easy listening', my sleep-deprived ass. My ears would find steel-wool Q-tips more 'calming' than that audiodrivel. Fortunately, any music can relieve the insomnial monster, so long as it's played softly enough. Sometimes, Rage Versus the Machine at three-and-a-half decibels-- cpap machines sydney or Nine Inch Nails, at a volume just dogs can hear-- sleep apnea machines is just what the Sleep Doctor purchased.
"Wakemate" Is Mobile Phone Sleep Therapy
Imagine your computer running and running and running, not able to close down, not able to fix and not able to defrag. It is simply a matter of time till your computer system breaks. An advantage about Sleep Therapy with therapy such as CPAP, after a couple of weeks of deep sleep, the brain will be able to reset.
Get Silence Sleep With Perfect Sleep Apnea Treatment
Hypertension that does not http://dve-mz.com/conwyn39ro/post-much-better-sleep-165092.html react to medication, strokes, and increased insulin resistance are a few of the things that can happen. And insulin resistance is what links diabetes and sleep apnea.
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rylanqjhj325-blog · 5 years
Fixing Your Kid'S Sleep Problems - benchmark cpap 5 Ideas That Can Help
Oily face. Do you understand what is related to that? Revolting pimples. Discouraging acne. What is acne, by the way? Acne is a skin problem that causes a swelling of the face due to bacteria. These cystic developments are because of the fact that there is sebum, an excess of oil production on the face that triggers the bacterial infection. That becomes the acne.
Get Silence Sleep With Perfect Sleep Apnea Treatment
The point is that you would think that all you need to do is present yourself to the nearest Medical professional and Bob's your uncle. Not so. A Psychiatrist treats the worst cases however sometimes a Psychologist is the answer to get some good old made one on one. You will come throughout the Call me when you Sober brigade. Carry on.
The Best Sleep Music - cpap sydney Sound Devices For Peaceful Sleeping
A very reliable method when you mention is making a Sleep consultant. Speak soothingly or sing lullabies to the kid. Now let us broach methods to keep baby cool. Give him as much of fluids as http://wiihealthy.com/villeehttq/post-quotwakematequot-is-mobile-185585.html his system has the ability to take.
There are a variety of reasons for absence of sleep. Some people might have a household history due to certain physical qualities that might prevent them to sleep peacefully. Other reasons are the ones that might be connected to life designs of people and sleep apnea.
Crucial Sleep Aid Tips For Everyone
"If Dr. Murray had actually imitated a doctor the very first time Michael had actually stated, 'I require propofol to sleep,' Dr. Murray would have stated, 'You have a sleep disorder and you require to be evaluated by a Sleep Doctor. I am not providing you anthing,'" Shafer told the jury.
Getting The Ideal Help-Big Time Important."Call Me When You Sober"
Imagine your computer running and running and running, not able to shut down, unable to fix and not able to defrag. It is simply a matter of time up until your computer breaks. An advantage about Sleep Therapy with therapy such as CPAP, after a couple of weeks of deep sleep, the brain will be able to reset.
Sleep Apnea Treatment - cpap machines sydney Is Sleep Apnea Is Treatable?
Mirota ruins the plan, stating that the "cure" is really just sugar water before he falls unconscious to the disease. Yusuke ends up being fed up and punches the medical professional through a window that sends him ricocheting a number of backyards. The medical professional lies still and all of an abrupt, everybody progresses and the pests disappear.
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kritchie38-blog · 7 years
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magnoliasinbloom · 6 years
AO3 :: Previously
Chapter 9
I lay on the examination chair, waiting for the doctor to perform the ultrasound. I gripped Mum’s hand, nervous. It wasn’t the first time I would see the baby on the screen, but now it would be different; it was bound to be bigger, maybe more recognizable. My mum was excited, happy to see her future grandchild for the first time. We’d switched doctors, to one closer by. It was mildly embarrassing to have a man for an obstetrician, but he soon put me at ease with his easy-going manner and friendly banter.
Dr. Raymond jotted down my medical history, ordered blood tests, and weighed me. I was slightly above average weight for my height—even though I had lost a lot of my appetite since I found out I was pregnant. I stood on the scale in a flimsy paper gown.
“Alright,” he said, “I think you can stand to gain about 15 kilos total, by the end of your pregnancy. I’m feeling generous today.” Dr. Raymond grinned.  15 kilograms? Two stone? I swallowed hard and stepped off the scale, feeling like a whale even though I was barely showing. I had lain back on the examination chair with my legs on the stirrups, fuming. That was when Mum joined me in the room and took my hand, expectant and eager.
Finally, the doctor placed the cursor on my belly. He moved it around for awhile, and there it was. He pointed it out on the screen, amidst the electronic snow. It was bigger, maybe the size of my fist. Mum squeezed my hand, her eyes welling up. Immediately, my mind jumped to Frank. I couldn’t believe he was not the one standing next to me, with me. Something tugged at my heart, acid and painful.
I tried to keep my expression neutral, as Dr. Raymond told me that everything looked fine, but that it was too early to tell if it was a boy or girl yet. He printed another picture of the sonogram directly from the machine; I’d make a copy for Jamie. I thanked the doctor as I lifted myself off the chair, with Mum’s help. As I dressed in the small bathroom, my mind raced with everything the doctor had said, with thoughts of Frank mixed in for added confusion. I felt bone-tired.
As Mum and I took the subway home, chattering happily all the way about the baby and the good news, I stared morosely out the window at the speeding walls. The one person who should have shared these moments with me was still completely absent, both physically and emotionally. I knew that being pregnant was not the same for me as for Frank; I had proof inside me that I would soon be a mother. He just didn’t see it, or feel it. It terrified me to think that he might never do so. Nodding mechanically at Mum’s words, I gritted my teeth and resolved to try one more time.
Where did Frank fit into all of this, where did he want to fit, if at all? I still had many plans to make; all of them would be incomplete as long as he didn’t make up his mind. I needed to know for sure whether he wanted to be part of them or not. His actions of late certainly spoke for him. His lack of involvement hadn’t ceased to surprise me, but I was reluctant to push him too much, afraid that he might go over the edge and refuse to see me at all.
My parents didn’t pry too much, acknowledging that I was old enough to deal with the situation—minor or not, I would soon be 18. I wasn’t sure Frank’s parents knew they were about to become grandparents; my money was on no. I would have thought perhaps his parents might want to be involved, or contact me somehow—but they hadn’t, and probably wouldn’t.
Why didn’t that matter more to me? I cradled my belly. Apparently love was not only blind, it was incredibly stupid. I still tried so hard to justify Frank’s attitude and actions, when they did nothing but hurt me more. What seemed more important, it hadn’t infuriated me as it should. I knew it should bloody piss me off, that I had all the right in the world to be more self-righteous. As I sat there, I grew more agitated and angry.
It was time to lay everything on the table—again—and hope for the best.
Frank’s mobile was unavailable. I peered out of the back room at Waterstones. I hung up on another call, unanswered. I couldn’t believe it—we lived in the same city, and he couldn’t come see me for five minutes. Jamie, on the other hand, called me every other day and was planning weekends for us to spend together regardless of his medical studies.
Mum and Dad had stopped asking about Frank. They were worried about me, my evident sadness. Frank was never at the dormitories when I called; I had given up on hearing excuses from his small circle of friends, tired of Jack’s apologies and Alex’s explanations.
I was angry for feeling like I had to cover for him—pretending things were simply on hold for us. I felt like clawing up the walls in frustration. I was distracted with work, could barely concentrate in class, and was losing what little appetite I had left. All this stress couldn’t possible be good for the baby.
One last time—I took the tube to the University of Glasgow campus on my day off. The air was frigid, and I bundled up in my winter coat. My stomach was permanently clenched. I felt nervous. I walked up the stairs to his room, huffing and puffing all the way. There were a few empty cardboard boxes outside his door. I called his mobile and heard it ringing inside the room. I knocked on the door at the same time and figured one way or another, I would speak to him.
Frank answered his mobile first. “Claire?”
“I’m outside.”
The door was yanked open as he hung up. I stepped inside his room without waiting for an invitation. I caught a glimpse of my reflection on the window; I took in the light purple circles under my eyes and tangled curls. Where was the pregnancy glow? I looked like shit, tired and careworn. Frank closed the door behind me and sat in the desk chair.
I laid my hands in my lap, where my fingers interlocked nervously. My heart skipped a couple of beats. Frank’s presence used up all the air, leaving the atmosphere heavy and tense. Finally, I couldn’t bear the silence.
“I didn’t want to show up like this. But I needed to talk to you, and you haven’t been taking my calls. As usual.”
“I’m sorry.” He offered no further explanations.
“I told my parents already.” A few weeks ago. The air grew charged.
“What did they say?” Frank was carefully composed.
“I was surprised. They said they would support me and help me. With money and the like. They were shocked, to say the least. But they’ve assimilated everything. Sort of. They’ve been great.” I looked up at him, and Frank avoided my eyes. “So. Are you telling your parents?”
Frank remained silent. My breathing accelerated with each passing moment.
“It’s not easy for me,” he began.
“Easy?” I interrupted. “Of course it’s not easy. I thought I would throw up. I was very upset. I didn’t know how they would react.” My voice rose a full octave in anger. I reminded myself to breathe.
Frank sighed. “You don’t understand. I’ve got things going for me now. I might get a scholarship to go abroad. There’s no way I’d be earning enough for awhile to support us.”
My fingers knotted together. “Back in December, you practically told me I could live with you, that your parents would understand. Now you’re telling me that what, they’ll disown you or something?” I softened my voice. “They can’t be that unreasonable.”
“They could be. If the scholarship doesn’t work out, and now this, they could cut me off without a cent. School, expenses, other things—they could take it all away.” He crossed his arms. That only incensed me further.
“You’re afraid of losing money? So get a job, like I did. Anything. We can’t afford to be picky. I’m still standing—juggling work and school. I’ll keep at it. I expected you to take some measure of responsibility.”
“But I don’t anymore.” I forced myself to drag the words out. “I want this to be simple for us. I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m not asking you for money, either. I just want to know if I should include you in my plans—to have your support.”
“Look. Maybe I could give you some money, every week, monthly even. I could give the baby my name, whatever help you need. But I can’t commit to more.” Frank’s voice was hard; tears choked me and for a moment I couldn’t speak.
“So your parents would have a secret grandchild they’d never know about?”
“I’m sorry.” He looked away. Nobody spoke for nearly five minutes. The silence grew painful.
“Please don’t make me choose,” I said in a small voice.
“I’m not making you choose anything.”
“You are. And I know what my choice is. I’m not asking for money, I told you that. I don’t need your name on a piece of paper. That means nothing.” I swallowed past the knot in my throat, trying to sound firm. “I’m giving you an out. Tell me, are you with me or not? I won’t be mad. I won’t contact you anymore. You’ll never have to hear from us again. You can walk, right now.”
The stillness emanating from Frank was nerve-wracking. He still didn’t answer. Fear closed an icy hand around my heart, as it tried to beat steadily on. What was I doing? I realized then, I was waiting in vain for him to take my hand, touch me, hold me close and make me feel safe.
“I think…  give me a few days.”
“Now, Frank. In or out?”
“I’ll call you.”
“You won’t. I’m done waiting.”
“Please, Claire. I need to make some decisions. For both of us.” He pursed his lips, glancing at the grey-hued sky through the window. Finally, he leaned in and gave me a goodbye peck on the cheek. Dismissed, I walked to the door, my motions slow and paused. I put my hands in my pockets, so that the shaking would not betray me. Franks’ dark hair was mussed, his own face tired, too. He opened the door for me, and I left. I did not look back, as I once would have done. The door shut behind me.
That was the last time I saw Frank.
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