emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Latest post is making me wonder how Leon would react when he was younger
So I wouldn't be able to write about Taka actually dying younger (if that's the ask you're referring to?) That would mess my timeline up. BUT to compromise, I can have Taka nearly die or something? Like in an accident? And have Leon react to that?
I hope that's okay! If not, please tell me off and I'll write something else for you!
Trigger warnings for car crash, injuries and grieving in this.
Thank you so much for your ask! Really hope this is what you were after.
• When they're in their 30s, Taka gets into a car crash.
• Quite a serious one too.
• He's grumpy, it's a stormy night and he's been away from his family for an overnight stay for a big political meeting.
• And all he wants to do is get home and see his husband and daughter.
• He rings Leon to say he's heading back and that, traffic permitting, he should be back in three hours.
• And into the car he gets and heads off.
• It's two hours into his journey and the weather isn't getting any better.
• Being the sensible driver he is, he takes it slow and steady - not wanting to take dumb risks.
• Not all drivers think the same way, however.
• Back at home, Leon makes his and Kei's dinner and tucks his daughter into bed.
• He puts on a film to wait for his husband, checking his phone for any updates if Taka has stopped for a break.
• He isn't surprised when three hours pass - traffic can add at an hour onto the journey from experience.
• But when hour four passes and there's no updates, he starts to worry a little.
• And by hour six, he's full on panicking.
• He's tried Taka's phone multiple times and it's gone straight to voicemail.
• Oh god, what if he's hurt?! What if he's in trouble?! What if...
• His mobile starts to ring and he sees Taka's name - relief flooding through him.
• But when he answers, it's not Taka on the other end.
• It's a police officer informing him of an accident his husband has been involved in.
• A driver going over the speed limit has lost control in the rain and crashed into Taka's car at 80mph and now Leon needs to come to the hospital in the next city along.
• Leon's heart runs cold and he can't breathe, trying to contain his panic as he remembers his daughter is in her bedroom.
• He gently wakes her up, cradling her into his arms before asking their neighbour to look after her while he dealt with a family issue.
• Once he gets to the car, he realises he won't be able to drive in this state so calls the nearest friend available - Hiro.
• He can barely speak as a full on anxiety attack hits so hard that Hiro rushes over and finds him huddled over the steering wheel.
• After calming him down, Hiro drives him to the hospital - but Leon has entirely shut down.
• As Hiro leads him to the reception, Leon can't get the worst case scenario out of his mind and Hiro has to do all the talking.
• They're lead to Taka's room where he's unconcious - broken bones in casts, face mangled and on a breathing machine.
• And the sight breaks Leon entirely - he rushes to his side and calls out to him, squeezing the couple of fingers that are available whilst ignoring the nurse telling him that he's in a coma.
• The next week passes in a blur - Hiro having to arrange for Kei to stay with Mondo while Leon refuses to leave the hospital.
• Takaaki and his parents also come to help - carrying Leon to a nearby bed whenever he passes out and forcing him to eat.
• It's a few days into the second week, and Taka's taking off the oxygen as his body begins to heal.
• Leon's crying into the mattress once again as he begs Taka to wake up.
• 'Please baby. Please don't leave me. Please come back to me. Just give me a sign you're here. Please baby please...'
• At that, he feels a gentle squeeze on his fingers - and as he looks at his hand, he sees that Taka's fingers have curled ever so slightly in his grip.
• His heart races as he looks back at Taka's face, calling out his name.
• And Taka's eyes flutter open ever so slighly, his head turning the smallest amount to look at Leon.
• 'Taka?'
• 'Mm.'
• Leon's face breaks into a wet smile, running his fingers over his jaw lovingly as he watches his husband groggily try to focus his gaze - calling out to the nurse before laughing happily.
• 'L...Lee...on...'
• 'Shh, shh, baby. You're okay. I'm here, beautiful.'
• 'H...hurts...'
• 'I know, I know, shh. You're all okay now.'
• Too weak to struggle, Taka's eyes finally rest on Leon's face and his body relaxes, a single tear running down his cheek as he tries to squeeze his husband's hand with a tiny whine.
• 'I got you, baby. I won't let you go, okay? Go back to sleep now. I'll be here when you wake up.'
• Taka finally settles down when Leon gently rests his forehead against his, falling back asleep to the soft lullaby that Leon sings him.
• And even as he sleeps, his grip doesn't loosen.
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