#baby blue and baby pink are literally his colors!!!!
teddybeartoji · 1 month
it’s time for my pre-bed Mickey word spiel 😣
mickeymickey imagine comin home from a long day at work and you go to the bedroom and Satoru’s there’s all prettied up for you, with some soft baby pink makeup and matching lingerie (I couldn’t pick just one they were all so cute so imagine a pretty combo of them all!!)
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and he’s just so excited for you to be home, looking so cute and handsome as he grins up at you !! Beckoning you over so that he could kiss you all over in the soft pink lip gloss he’s wearing !!!
“hiii, pretty boyyy! i missed youuuu!!!”
“i just wanted to get dressed up pretty for you, give you some lovin’!”
“shhh, don’t bring up the fact my dick doesn’t fit in the bottoms, we can address that later, tell me about your day while you change into your matching outfit!”
“yes we have to match makeup too!! i practiced all day in the bathroom. at least put the lip gloss on? it’s strawberry flavored !!!”
he literally just wants to get pretty with you and call you all kinds of sweet names because handsome boys deserve to feel pretty too 🥺🥺 !!!
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pls..... he'd help you put on the outfit and then sit on your lap, applying the lip gloss to your lips before just pressing his mouth to yours bc he caaaaaan't wait. he's so fucking excited to have you under him, he's soooooo excited to make you feel good🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴MMMMMMMM LUNARRRRRR I FUCKING LOVE YOU I'VE THOUGHT ABT THIS EVER SINCE YOU SENT ME IT LIKE I CAN'T GET HIM OUT OF MY HEADDDDDD MY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BOY<333333333
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miguelhugger2099 · 3 months
God, I can imagine the situation with Punk! Miguel when he became a father. It’s just that he can literally get a drawing of his daughter on his body, and it will look like some kind of blot, but he will be literally proud of this tattoo, just like a tattoo that is a print his daughter's finger.
But here's the situation. Let’s imagine that some person looks at Miguel’s tattoo and says, “What kind of weakling can give you the number of the artist who will cover it up?” Miguel is literally torn to strike the person opposite but then says “This is my daughter’s drawing”
Punk Dad!Miguel with his family out on the beach.
Punk Dad!Miguel with his two favorite girls: his wife in a cute baby blue lacy bikini and his little girl in an adorable pink tankini with flowers.
Punk Dad!Miguel who looks out of place with his bright sunshine girls while he’s covered in tatts and piercings, tall and strong and very clearly watching out for the two most important people in his life.
Punk Dad!Miguel who keeps an eye on you two while you play with Gabriella in the water. His shades covering his sensitive eyes while he sips on a coca cola under the umbrella, legs spread apart comfortably.
Punk Dad!Miguel who groans internally when the father beside him tries to talk to him again. A family of four where his wife is also juggling with two toddlers. The husband? Sitting on his ass.
“Gotta say man, I wish I could do all that but my wife, y’know how it is.” He chuckles.
“No, I don’t.” Miguel says plainly. He loves his wife.
The man takes a closer look at Miguel arm and snorts. “What the hell is that?” He points to a small flower bouquet that wrapped around his bicep. The bouquet was terribly drawn, stems thick and uneven, petals that varied from round to sharp, colors blended in like it was done with crayon. It was a stark difference to the other well done pieces around his body.
“Now what asshole decided to screw you over that badly?” He cackles. “Oh, man you have got to get that shit covered up.”
Punk Dad!Miguel who chugs the last drop of his soda and smashes the can in his grip. His brows are hard and lips holding back a snarl. He turns to the man slowly.
“My daughter drew it.” He hisses, pushing his sunglasses further up his nose bridge to hide the rage burning in his eyes.
The man gulps. “Oh…I’m—I didn’t mean—“ He’s luckily saved by Miguel’s little girl calling out to him. “Papi! Papi!”
Gabriella struggles to march up the hill of sand, quickly hurrying in the shade to protect her feet from the scorching hot ground. She falls on the towel on her stomach and grin up at him, her hair more curled than usual and drenched from the sea water.
Punk Dad!Miguel who melts and instantly forgets about whatever he was angry at. “Hi Gabi.” He smiles.
Gabriella lifts herself on her knees. “Hi.” She giggles. “Mami said to call you because I wanted to go deeper in the water but Mami said that you know how to swim better.” She recounts her story to him and you slowly come up behind. You sit on the towel with a huff, your hair equally drenched from Gabriella’s play.
He knows you’re just tired and it’s time to switch shifts. He tosses the crushed can inside the cooler of the husband next to him and picks Gabriella up, placing her on his shoulders. “Okay, mija! Let’s go!” Gabriella squeals, lifting her arms high in the air.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
The Fallen
I blame @vecnuthy for this entirely. Seeing all their Sleep Token posts has completely intersected with Steddie and you get this.
Modern AU: Corroded Coffin makes it big. Like Metallica levels huge. Like every up and coming metal band is clamoring to open for them levels of fame. When this metal band, The Fallen comes on the scene and are dismissed as glam rock wannabes.
They are very theatrical. They are dressed in long coats with hoods and face masks. The guitarist, bassist, and drummer all have full Venetian masks of different colors. The bassist has one that looks like a starry night (but not Starry Night if you know what I mean). The Guitarist has a red devil’s mask, horns and all. The drummer is in a black death mask. The eyes of the mask are closed and it looks eerie as fuck. The most dramatic of the masks belong to the lead singer. He wears an opaque white lace mask with the mouth and chin cut out so he can sing.
Their outfits match their masks.
The lead singer, Abbadon, the fallen angel is in all in white with a splash of color on the lining of his coat. Sometimes it’s pink or baby blue, sometimes it one of the colors of bandmates, black or red or starry midnight blue. He wears high heeled boats and not always of the combat variety. Once he wore stilettos with a baby blue stripe up the side. It’s the outfit that gets made into dolls and merch the most. Most of the time he’s shirtless, but has been known to switch it up with lace or sheer tops.
The guitarist plays up the devil persona to a tee and calls himself Asmodeus, the demon of lust. Red leather and fetish gear. Thick red combat boots. His guitar is even blood red.
The bassist is called Astraeus, the titan of the night. While in certain light his clothes look black, but they are in fact a dark blue with bright stars, swirling galaxies, and glowing nebulae. His bass is of the night sky as well.
And finally the drummer, Azrael. Angel of death. Always in black. His drum kit is black with black metal fittings. Even his drumsticks are black.
Like I said, at first dismissed as wannabes but they are killing it. It’s clear that not only are they talented, their flare for the dramatic adds to their mystique. Soon they are the new rising stars of metal.
Dustin is their biggest fan. He loves them. Eddie is offended at the highest level. How dare this little butthead like The Fallen. Dustin rolls his eyes.
“Dude, Corroded Coffin is still number one in my book,” he tells Eddie. “But you can’t deny that Abbadon is a beast on vocals.”
Eddie is forced to concede the point. Abbadon knows how to really get the through to the emotion of a song.
So when Dustin gets front row tickets to The Fallen’s concert in Indy, Eddie reluctantly joins the little twerp.
And the concert starts. First the drummer gets lowered into his seat on giant raven wings.
“Azrael!” the announcer calls out.
And the crowd goes wild.
The man slips out of the harness and wings ascend. Eddie cocks his head, yeah all right that’s kinda cool.
Azrael hits his drums and the bassist gets lowered on to the stage. All shimmering blues and purples, like actual stars, lands deftly on the stage and Azrael hits the high hat.
The crowd is frantic now. Screaming and jumping up and down.
As soon as the wings are unstrapped and lifted away Astraeus riffs on his bass and the crowd eats it up.
Eddie likes this one. It’s unique.
Then Azrael starts up again as another man is lowered and it takes everything in Eddie’s power not to roll his eyes at this one. Red leather gear, horned mask, and fucking bat wings.
He stomps on the stage and really wails on his guitar. Eddie looks over to see that Dustin is absolutely eating it with the rest of them so he wisely keeps his mouth shut.
Dustin is vibrating so hard that Eddie’s fears he might literally crawl out of his skin with excitement.
And then the entire stadium goes silent. Like stock still. Eddie is looking around him confused.
He looks back at the stage and there descends the absolute most devastatingly handsome man Eddie has ever seen and he hasn’t seen his face.
His arms are out stretched and his head is bowed. Once he lands air cannons shoot out white feathers out at the crowd and the wings ascend without this man.
“Abbadon!” the announcer screams for the final time.
“Indy!” he shouts into his mouthpiece.
And the crowd screams could deafen the most resilient of metal goer.
Abbadon starts singing and the crowd is losing their god damn minds. And yeah, yeah. Eddie is one of them.
They’ve got a stage presence that can’t be manufactured.
And then about half way through the concert he sees it. Abbadon turns his head just right and holy fuck, Eddie is losing his mind for a different reason. He manages to take a picture with his phone before Abbadon turns.
After the concert Eddie grills Dustin about the band all the way home. But the only thing the kid knows is how awesome the band is.
He gets to the hotel and starts watching every interview with The Fallen ever. And he pulls up one from about a year or so back where Abbadon is talking about the masks.
Abbadon pulls out a black mask and holds it up to the light. “See? You can tell that the eyes have mesh covering over them. They work the way two way mirrors do. Azrael can see out of them just fine, but you can’t see in.”
There are a lot of impressed nods, Eddie is definitely one of them. That’s certainly a neat trick.
“So what’s the reason for the masks at all?” the interviewer asks.
Abbadon looks at the members of his band and they all nod. He licks his lips.
“Because if we had been ourselves when we started on the scene,” he said, “we would have be called posers and we wouldn’t have even gotten this far.”
Eddie paused the video and took a deep breath.
Just then Jeff wanders into the hotel room and looks at the TV.
“Is that The Fallen?”
Eddie hums. “Yup.”
Jeff grabs a drink from the mini-fridge and makes his way over. “Oh hey is that poser interview?”
Eddie hums again.
“He can’t really be serious about that,” Jeff says with a huff. “No one in the metal scene would call anyone posers, not if they truly loved the music.”
“We would have,” Eddie says with a finality that brings Jeff up short.
“The fuck we would have, man,” Jeff snaps. “There’s no way.”
“We would have it was Steve Harrington’s band.”
Jeff’s eyes go wide. “There is no way that’s Steve Harrington.”
Eddie pulls out his phone and zooms in on Abbadon’s neck. He hands his phone to Jeff.
“Okay so the dude has moles on his neck,” he says handing the phone back, “lots of people have them.”
Eddie goes through his phone and pulls up a picture of Steve. He’s not in the exact same pose but it’s close enough. He hands the phone to Jeff again.
Jeff squints and then zooms in.
“Holy fucking shit!”
Eddie drapes his hand over his mouth and purses his lips.
“Steve Harrington in a metal band,” Jeff says in awe. “All be damned.”
“When The Fallen came on the scene,” Eddie says dropping his hand so his talk, “we were outselling Metallica in records and ticket sales. If the rest of the band are preps like Steve we would have mocked them relentlessly.”
Jeff sits down hard on the sofa next to Eddie. “Shit.”
Eddie buries his head in his hands.
“We got to tell someone, man,” Jeff says. “This is huge!”
Eddie in his haste to look at Jeff accidentally hits the remote.
“Do you think you’ll ever do a reveal?” the interviewer asks.
Asmodeus leans over to speak in the microphone. “Ask us again in ten years if we’re still selling out crowds.”
Eddie fumbles it again, but manages to turn off the TV.
Jeff and he looks at each other.
“We can’t say shit, man,” Eddie hisses. “It would be like outing someone as gay or trans before they want to.”
Jeff slumps in his seat. “Fuck. Yeah. You’re right. Shit.”
They’re silent for a moment.
Eddie cocks his head to the side. “What I don’t get is how the kids don’t know.”
Jeff opens his mouth and then closes it. He shakes his head slowly. “Sorry but if I was Steve I wouldn’t tell them shit either.”
Eddie frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Look,” Jeff says turning to face him, “they’re great kids. Brilliant D&D players, nerds, geeks, and dorks the lot of them. But I would not trust them with a secret that big.”
Eddie thought about all the time that they accidentally blurted out something that didn’t make sense out of context, but once you knew, holy shit was it a miracle these kids didn’t get into more trouble.
“Yeah okay.”
After a moment of silence Eddie looks over and frowns at Jeff. “What are you doing my hotel room anyway?”
Jeff holds up his beer. “Your beer was cold, I forgot to put mine in the fridge when we got in.”
“Asshole,” Eddie grouses, bumping Jeff’s shoulder.
Jeff kisses his cheek. “You love me though.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Steve is in his dressing room after their last concert of the tour for their second album scrubbing the hell out of his face because that mask is prone to giving him the worst breakouts, when he notices the blue roses.
He gets a lot of flowers but never blue roses. He rinses off his face and walks over to the them.
There’s a note and he thinks he recognizes the handwriting. It’s short and sweet and absolutely terrifying.
“I know your secret, sweetheart. But don’t worry, I’ll never tell.”
It’s not signed, but the ‘sweetheart’ gives it away.
He messages Robin.
“Get Eddie Munson in here right now!”
She protests that she doesn’t know where he is. But Steve knows he has to still be in the building and sure enough she finds Eddie waiting in the wings, looking smug as hell.
Her eyes go wide and cursing up a storm drags him into the dressing room.
She presses her back to the door.
“Who told?” she squeaks.
Eddie laughs. “No one, I swear.”
“Then how did you know?” Steve asks.
He hands Steve his phone with the picture he took at the concert. Robin wanders over to peak over Steve’s shoulder.
“So it’s a picture of his neck,” she murmurs.
But suddenly Steve gets it. “It’s my moles!”
Eddie nods, pressing his lips together so he doesn’t giggle.
“Shit!” Robin hisses. “Do you think anyone else figured it out?”
“I doubt it,” Eddie says with a shrug. “I’m just obsessive that way.”
“About moles?” Robin says with a frown.
“With Steve.”
Robin blinks. “Right I’m out of here.”
She closes the door behind her and they are left alone.
The night ends with Eddie in Steve’s bed asking him for The Fallen to join Corroded Coffin on their next tour next year and there is no way Steve could say no to that. His bandmates would kill him.
They go on tour and the hardest part is dodging rumors that Eddie is two timing Steve with Abbadon because when The Fallen and Corroded Coffin perform together they make out on stage.
Then for The Fallen’s ten anniversary they do a reveal and Dustin is livid.
Robin and Steve had been telling him for years that they were just low level PAs and not a famous rockstar and his equally mysterious manager.
They’re forgiven when Steve tells him that half the songs on the first album are about him and the rest of the kids.
This is just a rough draft. I might expand on it in full later.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child
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aronkiepronkie · 5 days
haikyuu is having a comeback guys and i need to express my extreme obsession with kenma so lipstick testing ok lets go
your phone rings with kenmas display name glowing on the screen, 'pudding head', it reads. after a few moments he wakes up, answering the phone in a groggy voice. "yn?" he voices out your name and audibly clears his throat. "hey you. come over, i need your help with something." you chirp and ruffle through a bag, lipsticks, lip stains, lip gloss, and even chapstick clanking loudly against each other, kenma hums in confusion when the sound escapes his phone speaker. "come over why? are you gonna do something evil..." he sighs. "just get over here!" before he gets to respond, you hang up and text him hurriedly. "i'll be waiting".
your phone dings, causing your shoulders to jump and you read the notification. "pudding head: knock knock". you spring out your chair and run to your front door, opening it to reveal kenma, in his usual red sweater and he itches his scalp nervously. "are you gonna tell me what happe-" you cut his sentence short by dragging him by the arm and shutting the door loudly, pushing him into your room. kenma has a tendency to observe your room every time hes in it, no matter if it hasn't changed whatsoever. his eyes pause at the absurd amount of lip products splayed on your desk. "uh..." he breaths out. he looks back at you with literal concern on his face and points at it in confusion. "why?" "we're going to do lipstick testing! sit down." he obediently sits down on your cushiony bed and stares at you with expecting eyes while you grab a hand full of lipsticks. "how are you gonna go about this? why do i need to be here...?" he mumbles as you grab makeup wipes, his eyes following your figure as you move around. "just wanna try some colors out on you." you tell him simply and smile at him, dropping lipstick containers into his lap. "on...me?" kenma glances down at the lipsticks and tilts his head to the side and points at himself. "yes, you." you say with a smile, pulling out a few hair clips, some in star shapes, some in hearts, some normal ones, and some sparkly ones. "which one should we use, hm?" you ask him, displaying one of each on your hands. "...why do i need to pick?" he looks up at you with big eyes, his golden eyes meeting with yours for a few seconds before looking down shyly. one thing about kenma is that he absolutely sucks at eye contact, especially during more intimate moments or when your close to his face. "because its going in your hair." he stares at the hair clips, seemingly deep in thought about which one to choose just for him to say a quick, "i don't know." you sigh and put all the clips down. "then i'll choose!" you take two baby blue star clips and lift his face up gently, clipping his silky long blonde out of his face. it truly is a mystery on how hes able to keep his hair so soft and silky even after bleaching it. you start applying a red lipstick on your lips and grab his squishy cheeks, pressing your lips against his soft, slightly chapped ones and he kisses back eagerly. his hands instinctively go to your waist, making an attempt to drag you closer to him but you pull away, he pouts. "why'd you-" "this is lipstick testing kenma, not a makeout session." you chuckle sweetly at his wide eyes and red blush, ruffling his long hair and reaching for your makeup wipes.
after awhile, kenmas soft, blushing face is covered in kiss marks, a variety of reds, pinks, and nudes contrasting with his pale face. "alright, all done!" you exclaim and admire your work with a proud smile, your palms still holding kenmas warm face. "you're done?" he asks, disappointed. "i still want more kisses."
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sleepyjuice · 3 days
If you like crafting and making jewelry, you best bet JJ is wearing every single thing you make him even if it looks tacky or childish. He will wear that colorful beaded bracelet with pride and tell everyone that his talented girlfriend made it for him.
You had started making jewelry half as a joke and half out of boredom. You figured you’d make some silly little bracelets and give them to your friends as a gag gift.
You were just working with beads for now, so you weren’t being fancy by any means.
Of course you had made one for jj. It was full of different shades of blue beads, some white, with some little ocean themed charms. Plus, a few hearts, of course.
When you gave it to him, you would have thought you gave him a fucking Cartier bracelet or something.
“Holy shit, you made this?” He was dumbfounded, his mouth agape as he studied the little bracelet, immediately sliding it onto his wrist.
You laughed quietly, unsure if he was being overly dramatic as a joke.
“Uh, yeah. I mean, it’s nothing crazy, jay. I was bored yesterday and found a case of old beads I had from when I was a kid.” You explained, genuinely not expecting him to be so excited.
“You kidding me? This is sick. You make any more?” He asked, nodding his head in the direction of you cluttered desk, where you did indeed have several more that you made.
“Yeah, but these ones are silly. Seriously, I was just messing around.” You told him, watching as he walked over to your desk, studying all of your other creations in awe.
He was immediately drawn to one you had made for yourself. Pink beads, hearts, butterfly charms, and your name was spelled out.
He grabbed that one, holding it out to you.
“Can I have this one, too?” He asked, dead serious.
Your heart raced at his words, damn near wanting to cry at how sweet he was being. He was being so genuine and supportive and you had never felt someone show you so much love and pride for something quite literally so small.
“You want that one?” You giggled, and he nodded in response, already sliding it onto the same wrist as his other one.
“Baby, you got some real talent here. You gotta start one of them Etsy shops or somethin’.” He pulled you into him by your waist, kissing your lips a few times before pulling back and holding out his wrist to you.
“You gotta make me some more, babe, seriously. Next paycheck imma take you to the craft store so you can get some more stuff.”
He wore his two bracelets proudly, going about his day as usual, not taking them off, even for work.
That was when someone made a comment.
“Shit, maybank, I like the new ice. Didn’t know you had a baby sister.” Someone snickered at him as he bussed tables, causing him to set the buss tub down harshly, turning to face the guy that was talking shit.
“Shut the fuck up, man. My girl made these. Do we have a fuckin’ problem?” jj challenged, ready to fight for your honor.
Say what you want about jj, but don’t say shit about his loved ones.
Fortunately for the other guy, he wasn’t in the mood to fight over a bracelet, even though jj was. So he just held his hands up in surrender and backed away.
“Whatever, dude. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” He concluded, making jj clench his fists as he inhaled sharply, his heart racing in anger.
He didn’t want to let some random asshole get the last word, but he could see his boss from the corner of his eye, so he forced himself to take a deep breath and continue working. He couldn’t afford to get fired, he had to take you out to get more craft supplies.
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dingus11111 · 5 months
So… I binged Castlevania: Nocturne the day it came out.. Now I can’t get over Edouard. I literally love him so much, so without further ado…
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Warnings: NSFW, AMAB anatomy, horny reader, horny Edouard, soft sex, gentle sex, sub!bottom reader, dom!top Edouard, OOC (sorry), feminine reader, size kink, rimming, and teratophillia.
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You had died to one of the vampires living in the chateau and were, of course, thrown into the pile of dead bodies to be turned into a night creature.
The doors of the machine from hell slowly opened with a loud hiss. Steam enveloped your body as you stepped out from the machine forsaken by (the) god(s).
The steam gradually let up, your silhouette became more and more visible. You had an overall human looking body, with the exception of 2 pairs of arms, 4 eyes, 6 horns all differing in sizes, and rosy pink colored skin that was more on the deep red side than pink yet it was still pink. Your eyes glimmered a bright red, and a pair of white wings sat upon your back. You had long, maroon hair that cascaded down your back. It was silky and straight. Your mouth was filled with sharp, white teeth. Your torso was completely exposed; the only clothes you had on was a white loin cloth that did it’s job.
As you stepped out, you stayed silent. You were confused and unaware of what and where you were. Suddenly words rang in your ears, and you knew that you must obey.
“Guard the cell of the night creature who’s eyes shine like sapphires,” the Abbot commanded.
You growled as a way to signal that you understood.
“Good. Now go,” the Abbot ordered.
As you approached the cell you were meant to guard, angelic singing pierced your ears.
As a high note was sung, your eyes widened.
“Why am I guarding this cell?” You thought to yourself.
You sat down next to the cell and looked at the night creature who was in it. Your jaw dropped. He was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. His wavy, long hair that was almost as long as yours gently fell down his back and shoulders. Massive wings that resembled a bat emerged from his back. Horns protruded from his face and head. A gold streak on his lips, and gold, sharp, fingernails adorned the two hands that covered his face as if he was hiding himself. His eyes pierced through you. The blue encompassing your vision. You could only focus on those beautiful eyes. Those sweet eyes. Those eyes that glowed.
Edouard had stopped singing a while back, he was now looking at you. You didn’t notice, you were too busy staring at him.
“Hello?” He spoke.
You blushed in embarrassment.
“Ah- sorry.” You managed to choke out.
Embarrassing yourself in front of such a beautiful man/night creature was not on your bucket list.
You sit down, keeping watch and “guarding” his cell but in reality you were just watching him and only looking away when he glanced at you.
You began to get more self conscious, and shy. Your loin cloth suddenly felt like it didn’t cover enough. You wish your long hair was longer to completely enshroud your body so that he wouldn’t see it.
Edouard noticed this and chuckled. You didn’t seem to be like the other night creatures. You still had some humanity left in you. He found it cute that you were so shy. So adorable. So breedable. Wait, what? Did he just think that? Edouard blushed as his own thought, embarrassed by it just as much as you were embarrassed by your little amount of clothing.
“You seem cold, baby.” He played it cool.
“Would you like to join me in my cell?” He smiled sweetly.
Your eyes widened at the offer. How could you decline? You looked around you with haste, scanning for any other night creatures. You then quickly made your way into his cell.
As soon as you entered it, he rushed towards you and held you close. You flinched, surprised by the unexpected display of affection.
"Please forgive me... I can't control myself.." Edouard whispered lustfully in your ear.
Your breath hitched when you felt something hard against your thigh. You looked down. Pure surprise was the only thing you felt.
A large dick about 9 inches long and 2 inches in diameter was up against your thigh. It only made sense the Edouard was so big due to the fact that he was around 7-8 feet tall.
As you looked down at his hard sexual organ, you began to blush. Yearning and want settled in your brain, taking over your senses. Corrupting them.
You shyly gazed back up at Edouard, a heavy blush covering your face. Your eyes glimmered red as you spoke.
“I don’t even know your name, and yet… I long for you.” You uttered, not knowing where the sudden boldness came from.
He pushed you to the stone wall of the cell, still hugging you.
“It’s Edouard.” He seductively whispered in your ear.
Edouard quickly picked you up, so you were the same height as him. You wrapped your legs around his waist for stability. One pair of arms wrapped around his neck, and the other pair was flush against the wall.
He moved his face from the crook of your neck to in front of your face, just inches away.
As he closed the distance between your lips and his, he muttered something.
“So pretty like this.”
You two began to make out intensely. His tongue pushed against yours, creating swirls and spins together. His hands crept up to your chest, his thumb brushing against one of your nipples. His other hand rested on your hip.
As he broke the kiss, you panted heavily. Even in your human life, you had never kissed someone like that before. Your cock was hard, and leaked against the confines of the loincloth.
Edouard took notice of this and chuckled.
“I have a feeling you’re enjoying this.”
You nodded. Your face was painted with a heavy blush. All you wanted was him.
He leaned back in and kissed your neck. His soft kisses trailed down to your chest. One hand played with one nipple, while he sucked on the other. His tongue swirled around the now hardened bud causing your back to arch in pleasure. A bead of precum leaked from your still clothed dick.
“Ahn!~” You moaned.
You had never felt anything like this. The back of your head gently hit the stone wall. Whimpers and gasps spilled from your mouth like hot lava from a volcano.
He retreated his head away from your chest and back up so that he was at eye level to you. He was panting just slightly.
“I’ve never wanted someone this badly.” His hot breath puffed onto your face.
Edouard then put you down so that you were standing.
“Can you turn around and lean against the wall for me, baby?”
You turned around, excited as to what would happen.
When you leaned against the wall, Edouard grasped your hips and pulled them out. He proceeded to undo your loincloth. Your hard cock sprang out, precum dribbling down the shaft.
Edouard kneeled down, still behind you and spread your ass cheeks. Your hole fluttered for him.
“My nails are too sharp to finger you, love. I hope you can enjoy what I’m about to do as a replacement.” He spoke.
Your face turned bright red in embarrassment. The expression of shame was wiped off your face and replaced with one of pleasure.
“Fuck!” You gasped.
His tongue swirled against your hole and occasionally pushed in. He was eating you out like you were a 5 star meal. A soft groan escaped his throat as he thrusted his tongue in and out of your hole.
Loud moans flew out of you and filled the cell, even roaming down the halls to the other night creatures.
Edouard stopped rimming you, and quickly smacked him palm over your mouth.
“Please be quiet, dear. You wouldn’t want to get caught, would you?”
He breathed onto your neck before sinking his fangs into you and biting down, drawing blood.
“Mmphh!~” You screamed against his palm.
Your dick twitched from the intimate pain. Another bead of precum appeared on the tip.
He soothed over the bite with his tongue, lapping up the blood. His arms snaked around your waist, holding you close to him as he continued to lick the bite.
Once he was done, you were trembling mess. You wanted him so badly. Wanted him inside of you.
“Would you like to continue?” Edouard asked, wanting to make sure you still wanted this.
You nodded vigorously, wanting him more than anything.
He turned you around and picked you up so that your pretty chest was flush against his own defined pecs. You wrapped both sets of arms around him and your legs followed suit. He held you with one arm as he guided his large cock to your hole. He slowly sunk you onto it; the delicious burn singed through you. A hiss of pleasure and pain erupted from your plump lips.
“Shhh… It’s okay, baby.. it’ll feel good really soon.” Edouard cooed.
Eventually, he bottomed out. Edouard held you there, feeling your tightness get used to his girth.
Soon enough, you signaled for him to move and he obeyed. He slowly bounced you up and down on his shaft. You let out a soft moan of ecstasy.
As If overcome by something, you gained enough confidence to pull his face into a sloppy and passionate make out session as he continued to fuck you. Your tongues danced while your bodies moved in sync for each other.
He adjusted the angle just a bit, and hit your prostate dead on. Your eyes went wide and mouth fell slack. No noise came out of you. You trembled. He continued to pound into that spot. Your eyes rolled back as you tried to stifle your moans.
“G- gonna cum!” You whisper yelled.
Edouard grunted before responding.
“Me too, my love..”
He sped up, wanting you to feel even better. You cried out in bliss as you came all over his and your abdomen. He still pounded into you after you came, chasing his own release. He placed one hand against the back of your head and brought you towards him for another lustful, heavy kiss. As you kissed, there was a hint of sweetness. Suddenly, a low growl emitted from his throat as he came. He stopped moving you and came inside of you, filling you to the brim. Cum leaked from your hole, even though he was still inside. He slowly pulled out; his cum dripped from your gaping hole, down your thighs and legs.
He still held you close as he sat down with you. He pulled you even closer to him.
“You’re so beautiful.” Edouard smiled happily at you.
He stroked your head lovingly as you fell asleep next to him.
(I didn’t know night creatures could sleep, but they do now.)
“Goodnight, baby.”
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SO! That was my first smut fic posted on this account! YIPPEE! It was kinda short, so sorry about that- 😭😭😭
If you have any requests, feel free to ask, I’ll try my best to write them!
ALRIGHT- love you guys! Bye! 🫶🫶🫶
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st4rb3rries · 11 months
OMG I LOVED UR STAN AND KYLE BSF HEADCANNONS!! Can i req one with the main four, like what its like to be in a group w/ them?? have an amazing day <33
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 18+)
summary; chaotic friend group hc's!
warnings; cussing
a/n; hi and ty hope you have an amazing day too!!
key colors; blue= stan green= kyle orange= kenny red= cartman pink= reader
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late night skate boarding with them. it's always cartman who texts you guys to go. in reality he only wants to go to just to start shit. in my opinion kenny is the best skater out of y'all. but cartman is the worst💀. "you guys you guys look im gonna go down the ramp!!" "cartman that isn't a good idea your not ready-" "WAAAAAHHHHH" laughter is coming out from you, stan, and kenny. kyle wants to laugh but he ain't risking it😭. "GAWDAMMIT KYLE IM BEAT YOUR J-" cartman stops himself because he knows damn well not to rip on kyle in front of you. so he switches up real fast 🙄. "you guys i seriously think i broke a bone" "whatever cartman you just switched up cause you know y/n would kick your ass" 5 minutes kenny is teaching you, stan, and kyle a trick. "ok so next you gotta-" "get a room lovebirds i mean come on🙄" "CARTMAN STFU!!" "yeah dude stay mad because your not psychically able to do any of this🥱" this all happens in less than 15 minutes, like why can't y'all just be a nice friend group😭. moments later stan was about to go off a ramp. UNTIL HIS WHEELS BROKE OFF THE SKATEBOARD. i wonder who unscrewed them..... "AAAUAGHHHHHH" "DON'T WORRY STAN I GOTCHU!!" and there he was, stanly marsh in your arms. "W rizz stan or nah😏" stan could feel his face heating up fr. "damn dude that should've been me not stan😔" "kenny shut the hell up💀" "wait a minute where's cartman he literally almost killed stan tf????" cartman isn't trying to get his ass kicked in front of people so he ditched and went home. classic cartman.
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karaoke night. you guys are definitely singing 2000's songs. but it always seems like you guys get interrupted no matter what. karaoke night was started by cartman, which is so surprising?? "I WANNA HOLD'EM LIKE THEY DO IN TEXAS, PLEASE" "FOLD'EM LET'EM HIT ME RAISE IT BABY STAY WITH M-" stan and kyle always hating cause you and cartman sound a little too good. "BOOO GET OFF THE STAGE" "YA MY EARS ARE BLEEDING" "OH FUCK OFF GUYS LET US SING" "you guys have been singing this same song for 2 hours bruh😭" "2 minutes kenny get it right" they just hating cause they can't handle real talent. sometimes when the karaoke gets intense you guys act like judges for americas got talent💀. "is this kenny mccormick from south park colorado?" "yes" "and what will you be doing today?" "YOUR MOM AHAHA" "disqualified poor people can't seem to have talent" "CARTMAN WTF" "NEXT" "no wait i'll sing with him" "oh god" if kyle and stan think you and cartman sound a little too good. JUST WAIT UNTIL THEY HERE YOU AND KENNY. "THIS ONE IS FOR THE BOYS WITH THE BOOMIN SYSTEM" "TOP DOWN AC WITH THE COOLER SYSTEM" super bass by nicki minaj is y'alls go to song. every time you guys finish that song your out of breath and laugh so much😭. "AND THE CROWD GUYS MILD🔥" "NEXT" "cartman we are done playing americas got talent" "dude let me and kyle sing next we haven't sung at all🥹" "fine" "ah hell nah it better not be anything emo💀" *30 seconds later every one starts singing* "BUT IM A CREEP" "IM A WERIDO" "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOIN' HERE" "I DON'T BELONG HERE" suddenly the tv, microphones, and speaker goes out?? "LISTEN UP BITCHES IM NOT HAVING AN ALCOHOLIC, A JEW, A FATHERLESS DAUGHTER, AND A HOMELESS POOR BOY SING RADIOHEAD AT MY HOUSE‼️‼️" guess who got jumped that night🤔???
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riaki · 7 months
santa claus and his treats | satoru gojo x f!reader pt.1 of christmas event! wc: 3.4k oops i went overboard | cw: petnames, literally j pure fluff ur both STUPID in love, he’s the cutest! happy birthday pretty boy 🧸
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"'toru?" you called, voice filling the dimly lit room as you peeked your head in through the door. the curtains were drawn, the iridescent green tinsel dotted with soft yellow lights framing the doorway of your bedroom scratching your neck as you spotted the white-haired boy sitting on your shared bed, picking at something on his lower lip.
you took a moment to drink in the sight— his soft white hair that fell over dazzling sky-blue eyes, the color of the lake dotted with fragile crystalline snowflakes that melted into fresh spring streams that fed nature with new growth and fresh flower buds, a tangible warmth when his gaze fell on you and an easy smile stretched across his pink lips. a little too easy, you think. easy enough for you to miss the way he swipes a coffee brown crumb from his cheek; the smile has too much sugar and cream for you to buy it.
your eyes slowly drift from his charming grin to the rest of the room. there's a forest green tuft of leaves hanging from the ceiling on a thin golden string; you recognize the crimson red berries and waxed leaves with spots of pearl dotting as a bunch of mistletoe, hanging right over the mattress. clearly, he thought ahead.
you snuff the flush from your cheeks as he perks up at the sight of you, straightening his back. "hey, baby! you must be my present from santa this year," he laughs, holding his arms out, an invitation for you to crawl into his arms and curl up on his lap like two warm cats by the fireplace. you almost gave in— until you remembered why you were looking for him.
"you're getting coal this time, satoru." you said, huffing as you walked over to the mattress and put your hands on your hips, attempting to come off as intimidating in front of your boyfriend as you leaned over and stared down at him. he just giggled that sweet, boyish laughter of his, scooting closer and capturing you between two strong arms to tug you onto the bed with him. the sheets were soft, and they smelled like him as he pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you like a life-sized plushie, all warmth and soft comfort that he craved so much.
"aww, really? but it's my birthday today," he sighed loudly, shaking his head as he firmly planted his hands on either side of your head to prevent you from worming away and planting a loud smooch on the top of your hair, before laughing as you pulled away from his grasp and gave him a glare. “besides, you’re anything but a bad gift.” he smiles.
“don’t sweet talk me, ‘toru. you’ve been naughty this year.” he wiggles his eyebrows at that, and you shoot him a sharp glare which just earns you a light scoff, but there’s a smile mirrored on both of your lips.
(maybe they’ve met so many times in the past that they know how to copy the other flawlessly.)
"but you're already here, my love. lookin' all pretty like the angel on top of our tree." he hums, crossing his legs and holding his ankles as he rocks back and forth; the teddy bear he won you from the arcade on your first date is face planted into the pillows by his side, donning a festive red santa hat. the white fluffy pom pom looks like satoru's hair, and you stifle a laugh at the thought.
"how kind of you, satoru." and you mean it— he looks like his own christmas angel; snowy hair and pretty blue eyes clad in a loose black tee with cheap printed red and green christmas lights over his chest. he looks unfairly attractive with those gray sweatpants on, too. you wouldn't mind wrapping him up in yellow ribbon and presenting him to your parents this year as your holiday present from santa, and then having your own fun with him later. you suppose you must've been perfectly good to land him; so pretty and fun, bubbling laughter that speaks of his care in volumes. and he’s their soon-to-be son-in-law, after all. and he’s a golden catch.
but it’s time for this white betta to be put in his place; he’s gone snooping where he shouldn’t have— or rather, scavenging would be the more appropriate choice. and he’s about to be skinned for entering the lion(fish)'s den. your matching red-green plaid pajama pants won't save him this time.
"sorry, baby, but you can't talk yourself out of this one." you said firmly, scooting closer to him as you sat back on your knees and gave him a look as pointed and narrow as the icicles melting on the frosted awnings. to anyone else, you might look like a wet, angry cat— but to satoru, it was enough to strike fear straight into the center of his heart. his fight-or-flight response kicked in (it only ever did with you)— and it was as if you could see the change in his demeanor. his eyes voluntarily softened, lids drooping as a lazy smile drifted over his lips like fluffy white clouds over a pale sun on a winter's morning.
"aww, don't be like that. my princess looks so much prettier when she's happy," he coos, all milk and honey as he reaches out and catches your wrist, rubbing his thumb over your pulse beating beneath your soft skin as he brings it to his lips and kisses your knuckles. so he chooses to fight, and you almost fold— almost.
you twist your arm in his grasp, eliciting a whiny yelp of pain; getting him to let go of you as you quickly flick his forehead. even so, he lets you-- he never turns infinity on around you, even at the price of his own sanctity.
you sighed when he gave you a dramatic pout, sticking out his bottom lip as he hung his head low in defeat like a golden retriever being scolded by his owner, soft hair falling over his pretty blues. his hands come up to cradle his head, rubbing the spot where you'd knicked him. "don't play around, satoru. where are the cookies i baked last night?" you asked, reflecting his frown with a pointed glare. if looks could cut, he'd be a red christmas on the cloudlike sheets. you were tired of beating around the bush, especially when satoru had a knack for making it utterly exhausting. nevertheless, it went on.
"maybe santa came early," he quipped, giggling at his own joke. "you never know, huh? he's an unpredictable old geezer. likes his milk and cookies, or so i heard."
"didn't know santa claus had the six eyes." you deadpanned, crossing your arms over your chest and looking him square in the eyes. "and he shaved his beard off, apparently." he feigns hurt, holding a hand over his heart in mock anguish.
"i'm no thief! it hurts me to know you think of me so low, sweetheart." he sighs dramatically, shaking his head. outside, the snowy wind howls in agreement. "besides, it's my birthday. you're suffocating the spirit, honey." he drawls.
you just roll your eyes at that, crossing your arms and shifting to sit closer to him. you will your irritated expression to soften, and it's reflected in the way satoru immediately relaxes, shoulders sagging as the anxious look in his eyes vanishes like the wilting ghost of fall on a christmas eve, leaving behind the scent of bluebells and frost on the wind. he thinks you've forgiven him.
that's just what you need. for him to let his guard down so you can spring the trap on him. santa may be able to get away with his yearly trespassing, but satoru's entered the property of more than your heart this time, and it's time for his holiday retribution.
"give me your hand, satoru." you said softly, voice barely a breath above a whisper. he obliges almost immediately, scooting closer on the bed so that his knees graze against yours, and you hear him suck in a little breath at the contact as your hand finds his.
you take his palm in your own; his hands are considerably bigger than yours, but you still manage to run a thumb over the ridges of his knuckles, gently massaging the soft skin over weary bones. a sweet little noise leaves his breathless lips; it's almost like a purr, and when you glance up at him he's almost as red as the glittering velvet bulbs dangling from the primmed branches of your christmas tree. he looks away, a subtle pout weighing down on his lips as he coughs loudly, as if the amber sap of a pine tree has caught in his throat, scratchy like tree bark.
"what are you doing?" he whispers, voice rough and hoarse, like someone took a fireplace stoker and poked his throat. almost a protest.
but you can feel him melting into you, and soon enough, he’s sandwiched you between his warmth and the fluffy blankets, the scent of apples and cinnamon weaved between the strands of his soft white hair as they tickle your flushed skin. his lips are soft and pliant and warm against your own; he's all over you, hands finding your wrists to trace tender, wobbly circles over your thrumming pulse with his thumb. he's robbing your lungs of air, needy in the way he cages you between his lanky limbs, lock and key with his free hand threading through your hair. he can never get enough of you, and he throws his inhibitions to the frostbitten wind if they mean learning to resist you.
it's spread around you like ripples on the surface of a misty lake, and when he draws away to stare down at you, eyes blown wide with a certain shine in his eye that reminds you of glowing embers, jumping from the lively blossom of fire on the grated dark metal of a hearth, there's a cheeky lopsided grin on his glossy lips. his fingers are slender, pale and callused, a gentle flushed at the tips.
"there was a mistletoe," he says breathlessly, as if that'll excuse him. as if he needs an excuse to kiss you. you just laugh, reaching up to trace his jaw with a finger, and he shudders despite the heater inside your room. the bunch of green leaves and red berries hanging above you sways in agreement.
but you can't focus on the dreamy look on his face; that lazy smile that dances over his lips and illuminates his features like twinkling christmas lights catching on each edge of a carefully cut snowflake, the sky's jewels. every time he looks at you as if you've crafted each intricacy of his world; patched the colors together and taught the light to reflect, you feel as though there are bubbles in your throat, and you have to cough them away when they're accompanied by a familiar rush of heat to your face.
it's all overpowered. strongly, by the rich taste of cinnamon. rich, sweet, distinctly festive, mixed with brown sugar and cookie batter; flour on the matching aprons satoru bought for the two of you, except the 'he' on 'he cooks' has been messily crossed out and replaced with a scribble that says 'she', and vice versa. it's on his tongue, his lips, the little dips on the corner of his mouth that makes him look like a kitten every time he grins. it tastes like wearing matching christmas sweaters, sampling sweet treats fresh out of the oven and laughing cheerily in your little cozy kitchen of warmth when he burns his tongue, a sour look on his face that wrinkles his nosebridge.
but, most importantly, it tastes like condemnation.
you sit up, briefly (and painfully) knocking foreheads with him when he's too slow to mirror your actions, but the complaint that's ready to stain the air like chimney soot dies on his tongue when he sees the look on your face. you look the same as you did the first time you found out he'd forgotten to pick up megumi and tsumiki from school. in other words, pissed.
"hey, pretty girl. you should smile; you look less like an ogre when you do—" he hastily starts, laughing nervously as he runs his hands through his messy hair. you've noticed that whenever you neglect to toy with the silky soft strands when you're tangled with him, whether it be kissing, cuddling, or... something else, he'll do it afterward as if to emulate the feeling of your fingers in his hair, even if it 'screws it up'. apparently, his skyscraper ego is too fragile to ask for headscratches.
"just a minute, satoru." you cut him off through gritted teeth, lips that should be stretched in a wide smile pressed together in frustration. your eyes narrow as you straighten up, sitting back on your ankles. "you ate them, didn't you?" your fingers dig into his skin, pinching his cheek. if his skin wasn't already stained crimson with boyish excitement, it would be an angry red now. you give killer pinches; he knows firsthand.
which is why he should've thought ahead and listened to the angel on his shoulder when you were knocked out earlier, curled up in a fluffy blanket on the couch, snoozing away. what was he to do? the cookies you'd made were calling his name. and it was for his birthday, and they were made for him. so why couldn't he indulge?
this was why.
and you know you've pinned him with your accusation like a throwing dart on a cork board; the way his gaze bounces around the room and his smile turns a hint sheepish and a handful guilty speaks volumes enough before he can even protest. but he can feel your wrath like an entire mine's worth of coal in his stockings, so he quickly throws his hands up, shimmying away from your angry pinch. the sheets bunch beneath him.
"listen, sweets, i just thought that— well, i'm sorry, baby, they just looked so good. and i only ate a few! i swear." satoru says solemnly, getting on his knees and throwing himself before you. he knows you're unamused— sitting there, crosslegged, looking down at him as if he's some chewed up gum you found on the bottom of your shoe. he might as well be. blueberry flavored, maybe? or mint, he's fine with that too—
"so you did." you just sigh, flicking his hunched shoulders, before you go soft again, and he sees pink. you reach forward, fingers creeping beneath his chin to tilt his face up. his skin is soft and warm beneath your skin, thrumming with a life and heat the poor overworked radiator in your room could never measure up to. and when he does look up, his starstruck gaze meets your own; you look ethereal in the warm light, and he wonders why he hasn't put a ring on your finger or started a family with you yet. maybe that can be the last gift to top off the cake of your overflowing knitted stocking, hanging from the kitchen counter; a mahogany box with golden hinges who's shine pales in comparison to the diamond ring in the center of the velvet.
he tucks the idea into his mental notes and grins, a cheeky flash of teeth. "so you forgive me, right?"
wrong. he should know better than to push his luck. especially when it comes to you.
the hand beneath his chin creeps up his face to squeeze his cheeks together, forcing his lips to pucker like a fish out of water as he tries to escape to no avail. you glare down at him, all needles. not at all in the holiday spirit, if you ask him. his face is squishy as a pillow beneath your fingers, and a smile resurfaces on your lips after a long struggle to keep it submerged.
he opens his mouth, no doubt to wail like a newborn, and you quickly withdraw, knowing better than to continue your assault. "geez! okay, fine. sorry. i ate them, you grinch." he grumbles, rubbing his squished cheek as he pouts and looks away, shrinking in on himself. his shirt is bundled beneath his arms, slipping off one of his shoulders to expose a pleasant flush on his neck. "seriously! you're such a killjoy. there's no fun in waiting," he smiles mischievously, wiggling his toes and nudging you with his foot. the fabric of his fuzzy reindeer socks bumps against your thigh, and you make another face at the red pom poms on the crudely-knit rudolph face.
"apologize." you emphasize each syllable, letting them fall off your tongue. they jut into his side like blows to his ribs; he falls back onto the bed for extra dramatics, letting it squeak beneath his weight.
"oh, the horror! to think that i'd be reduced to such a state—"
"—that i, head of the gojo clan, the honored one—”
"satoru gojo."
"should be forced to bow to such pious customs at the foot of scrooge—"
you reach over to threateningly pinch him again, and he rolls away, tossing a fuzzy pillow into the air and kicking it at you like he's playing some cursed form of tennis. you scowl, catching the cushion and tossing it back at him. it lands square on his face, and he whines, crying about how you've ruined his beautiful, youthfully full, gorgeous face; how is he ever going to pretend to be santa and let pretty girls sit on his lap now? —and that one earns him another pinch to his arm.
"okay, okay! i'm sorry, my love. you're not the grinch, or scrooge, and i shouldn'tve eaten the cookies." he sighs, excruciatingly slow as he inches towards you again, wary of but wanting your warmth all the same. it's too cold to be alone this morning, anyway.
"without me." you corrected, unable to wipe the light grin from your face, and you watch as his face lights up, like a kid seeing his dream christmas present in the window display of a bright shop, hidden behind frosted glass and cold air.
he sits up again, scooting close and opening his arms once more. this time, you oblige, throwing yourself onto him and wrapping your arms around his neck. now he’s the one with his back flush against the mattress, soft as a cloud of cotton candy. he laughs, and it rumbles through his chest when his hands find the back of your head and he tucks your head beneath his chin, cradling your neck.
"without—" punctuated with a kiss to the top of your head, "you." satoru finishes, and you can hear the grin in his voice, cheery as a christmas carole. his arms snake around your waist, squeezing lightly as one hand slips beneath the hem of your shirt to gently rub your back. his fingers against your skin feels like the touch of a butterfly, wings like stained glass.
"how about this, pretty? we can make more together." he suggests, resting his chin on top of your head. you're smushed into his chest, the printed material of his christmas light t-shirt scratching your face, and the only thing you can manage to breathe is the cheap cologne you bought him (you don't understand why he uses it when he could afford the best of his own), but suddenly you can't bring yourself to mind. so you nod, and he chuckles.
"d'ya still wanna do cinnamon?" he asks softly, slipping his free hand into your hair to play with the strands, holding you close and cozy in his embrace. the burning heat of friction between your numb hands or a roaring fireplace don't compare to the warmth he brings you, soft and sweet and painfully human. and you can't really make yourself feel upset at the pretty boy with snow-white hair holding you anymore.
"nah. let's do peanut butter chocolate chip." you hum, muffled, and he laughs, hearty and full, the kind that makes his entire body tremble a little. and you can feel it, so you tilt your head up to peer up at him. there's a stray pine needle in his hair; must've been from your hazardously decorated christmas tree. he looks down at you and smiles, brushing your hair from your eyes and leaning in to kiss your forehead. it’s like a crimson wax stamp sealing his love letter to you.
he cuddles you close, tufts of his soft hair tickling your face like a tacky christmas sweater. "sounds unhealthy. but whatever you want, baby. santa's gonna give you all you ask this year." and this time, he doesn't use the mistletoe as an excuse to brush his lips against yours when you move to pick the pine needle from his hair. he smells like vanilla, swirled like espresso with a hint of cinnamon.
he may have enjoyed his cookies and milk without you, but there's nowhere else he’d rather be— no one else he'd rather share the rest of his time with, be it baking, decorating, or lazy naps in each other’s arms. after all, half the jolliness of the holiday season comes from being with you.
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fish analogies went crazy… happy bday gojo !!! my (riaki) stuff. don't repost and/or plagiarize !
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jawz · 6 months
i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the way my ethnicity affected the way i was gendered as a child, my drive to transition, and even my detransition…
as a hispanic growing up with my white mom and white stepdad and white brother and white extended family in scandinavian hell (minnesota), i always felt different, always felt wrong. (my parents divorced as a baby, and my dad and his family, cuban and italian, all live in florida.) my neighborhood wasn’t so bad; it was way more diverse than the metro area itself. growing up i had mixed friends, i had friends with curly hair… but us trailer park kids were only a fraction of the population of our schools and district. a sea of blonde hair. there were times in elementary school i would literally pray to god to make my hair straight, make my eyes blue. grown-ups touched my hair and always asked “is it naturally curly?”. my classmates urged me to straighten it and by age 13 it was part of my ridiculously time-consuming “feminizing” beauty rituals.
much earlier, by the age of 8 or 9, i already had thick, dark hair growing on my legs. other kids, boys and girls alike, called me “gorilla girl”, faked gagging when i wore shorts, insisted i was actually a boy. that one became more and more common as i came into my personality: bold, class clown, competitive with the boys. (always wanting to charm the girls, but i didn’t recognize that back then.)
my mustache was there by 8, as well. just a little peach fuzz above my lip but dark enough to notice. are you even a girl? my mom would spread wax over her own face and soon began waxing my stache as well. it hurt so badly. i put up with it because she said it would make the kids stop teasing me. of course i was a girl- she was a woman and she had peach fuzz too!… but i felt self-conscious at the fact that my body hair was so much more noticeable, even as a child. my mother’s hair is very thin, straight, lighter brown; her complexion is warmer than mine, pink where mine is olive, green and yellow. i worried you could see the strands about to burst through. i was worried that to be a girl- a woman- i must hide parts of myself every day. i must cover the shoots of grass, the weeds that reveal that i’m not fit for society, that whisper i’m wild and untamed.
it wasn’t actually until i was 18 at least that i actually started to consider myself latino. i had sometimes said ‘hispanic’ growing up, as that’s what my family in florida called themselves; they referred to themselves as “spanish”, which i found out was not quite true after compiling my family tree and discovering that those ancestors emigrated from havana. in their minds they were white: “descended from spanish royalty” (as if!!)… i had spent my youth constantly trying to claim solely whiteness, confused as to why everyone was asking me “are you mexican?” “are you jewish?” “are you middle eastern?” - even though inside i think i knew. i knew my family didn’t look like me. i resented my surname being changed to Lind when i was five, my stepdad’s name, in order to give me the same name as the rest of them. despite my apparent envy of swedes and norwegians i knew it wasn’t my name; i still stood out terribly. i glared at myself in the mirror every day, i never could move past how the kids at school said my eyes were the color of shit, that my hair looked like pubes, that i must have had a sex change without being told because that would explain the mustache, the aggression…
by the time i was fourteen i was entirely primed to accept an alternative explanation to what was “wrong” with me. my sexuality was becoming more and more apparent but before i could ever come out as lesbian or even bi, i had discovered what it meant to be trans. i was so immediately certain that this was the key, THIS was why everyone said i didn’t fit in, THIS was why my behavior wasn’t girly, THIS was why i wanted to date girls. it was 2011, still deep in the “brain sex” era of the trans community, and i was sure without a shadow of a doubt that i was physically female, mentally male. all that needed to be done was to “correct” my body and bring it in line with my brain. despite the fact that very few people knew what transition actually was back then, i genuinely assumed it would make sense to everyone else, too: they had told me i wasn’t ‘really’ a girl so many times i had no trouble believing it.
transition, of course, did not suddenly de-latinize me LOL. first i became a total Other, outside of both the minnesotan ethnic norms and the gender+sex norms; eventually, with hormones and surgery at a very young age, i was able to pass as a boy, but by the time i could grow actual full-on facial hair, i realized i was still the pan-latin american enigma to people around me. multiple times someone would call me “sanchez” as some sort of attempted insult or joke. police looked at me differently than they had before. shop owners followed me, accused me of shoplifting. and sometimes, the white girls i dated told me that i was way cooler than all the boring white boys they knew. one girl even called me “exotic” to my face. it was, apparently, a compliment.
when i was 21 i heard that my girlfriend had referred to me to others as “a POC who identifies as white”. it felt as though she didn’t even know me at all. i’d never claimed either of those things to her.
moving to the west coast (socal specifically, where being latino/a is not considered ‘abnormal’) illuminated a lot of the bizarre and unnatural racial expectations of my midwest upbringing; i think by this point i was beginning to realize what so many things from my childhood had meant. that they weren’t really saying i was a boy. they were saying we don’t like girls who look like you, and we’d rather not have you included in our category.
it took me another three years to fully reckon with this. by the time i decided to detransition i had a much better understanding of the circumstances of my life; conversations with close friends who are also latina and have walked similar paths to me, heard similar insults, similar “compliments”, opened my eyes to the fact that i was not alone. i no longer feel weird for thinking the race/ethnicity boxes on government forms are hopelessly reductive. i know who i am and who i am not.
(around this time, i happened upon some old pictures of my dad’s side of the family. beautiful and glamorous women: adela, my uncle’s mother, the piano player; melanie, my aunt, the wife, hostess, and addict; lauren and andrea, my cousins, the restauranteurs; stella, my dad’s mamma, the widow and matriarch. and on all their faces, thick dark eyebrows, and, yes, that ever-familiar peach fuzz. i swear it healed something in my soul. despite my lack of beauty and glamor, we are not so different after all.)
that’s not to say all things are easy now. i’ve spent three years living as a GNC woman and if that wasn’t enough to confirm most all of my hypotheses on people’s perceptions of me, i don’t know what is.
detrans spaces (like most trans spaces) are overwhelmingly white- or at least that’s who dominates conversation. i see SO much downplaying of the things that naturally hairy women go through societally. i see trans allies who purport to be “okay” with detransitioners, saying “what’s the big deal? if you took testosterone you can just go off it and get laser hair removal!! :)” as if laser isn’t expensive as hell, painful as hell, and also WAY more of a process for a woman with dark curly hair than it is for one with straight blonde hair lmfao!!! i see detrans women obsessed with removing all traces of hair from their bodies (even though most of them clearly don’t have a neverending five o’clock shadow like some of us do! my lower face has a constant blue-green disturbance under the surface which makes female spaces incredibly daunting) and insulting the rest of us for being ugly and hairy and making no effort to look like women or what the fuck ever. basically, a lot of people who claim to support us are just racists and essentialists and believe that sex is visual and not biological…🤨
anyway… i guess my main takeaways from all this are:
1. please stop acting like detransition is an entirely internal process and that it’s easy for all of us to be seen as our sex again (some of us like. actually transitioned and passed as the opposite sex), or that potential physical interventions aren’t incredibly invasive and difficult
2. stop assuming all transition and detransition journeys follow your own experience of lifelong whiteness and hairlessness
3. it is a distinct experience to be regularly de-gendered or denied your sex, PRIOR to ever thinking of yourself as literally trans. many trans/detrans people had this happen to us (we were once the vast majority of trans people). but many did not, and generally shock others when they begun breaking gender norms. i really think people from the second group often have trouble understanding that for the first group, changing gender expression is basically a bandaid over an abscess… we have lived entire lifetimes being denied our sex, being told our bodies are not “truly” ours, that there is someone else inside trying to break out. kicked out of the bathroom, the changing room, alienated from single-sex peer groups. transition just flips this experience and instead separates us from our preferred gender group, reinforcing the feeling that we have no place, anywhere.
race/ethnicity, being homosexual or bisexual, mental illness stigma, disability, and low economic class all play an additional role in this. stop perpetuating this and denying us our biological sex.
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moralesluvr · 1 year
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♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x fem!black!reader (this is HEAVILY black coded bookies, a little self-indulgent lmao) ♡ warnings: miles being a teeny bit of a watcher, him also being a lil' jealous, thats it? ♡ summary: what it's like to date our boy ♡ a/n: i love this boy sm y'all pls ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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when miles first saw you, he knew that he was smitten.
you were just perfect with your dark curls and your bright, glowy makeup...the dark pink lip gloss that shone against your gorgeous two-toned lips...yeah, he was done for.
he watched you for a while before mustering up the courage to even talk to you. he'd sit at lunch with a couple of his friends and as they would talk to him, he would be completely zoned out, too focused on the way you looked so pretty sitting at your lunch table with your friends, head drawn back as you laughed at someone's joke
he couldn't help but stare. you were pretty, and he knew this, but he was upset by the fact that other people knew it too. but he couldn't really be jealous because you weren't even his
miles was determined to have you 100%.
but he never found the courage to talk to you. he would wake up in the mornings and convince himself he could do it, that he wouldn't embarrass himself, and then go to school and literally not say a word to you.
he knew it was getting bad when he'd ask mrs. morales to go to football games every single friday, no matter how far away they were. she just wanted her son to get out a little so she'd say yes, but little did she know, he was going for you.
you were a cheerleader, so miles would drive however far just to sit in the lop lefthand corner with his sketchbook cracked open, pencil dancing gently against the pages as he drew you in all types of positions-- smiling, cheering, touching your hair-- he'd draw you in any way he saw you move.
eventually, you picked up on the fact that you saw miles all the time, even when you weren't in school. but your own fantasies began to stir when you caught him staring at you one day as you got up to throw your lunch trash away
he was glancing at you, and he was doing it hard. so you shot him a sweet wave and smile, and he immediately shot you one back
he was cute. very cute. and you didn't even know him, but you started to develop a small crush on him
your passes through the hallways weren't by coincident. miles rerouted his entire way to get to each class just so he could see you for five seconds. but those five seconds were so enjoyable and made his heart melt, so he didn't even mind the extra walking
this went on for months. this man had filled up an entire sketchbook with your face, and he knew that he needed to do something because there were only a couple months left of school, and the only thing you guys have exchanged is a wave, a smile, and a spare pencil.
which, when you offered him the pencil in art class, he literally acted like it was his prized possession. it was a baby blue color with a light pink tip, and it actually smelled so much like you. he felt a little embarrassed by how happy he was about it, but he would find himself placing the item under his nose when he needed to focus on something
eventually, more months passed, and you were starting to think that he didn't really want you, he just liked looking at you. looking at your frilly skirts and pink sweaters, your chunky doc martens, your shiny black curls and your pearly dangling earrings. but your mind quickly changed when he came up to your locker one day, palms sweating and voice cracking as he finally spoke to you
"hi...um, y/n, is it?"
he played dumb, as if he hadn't been watching you for months. but you just went along with it and introduced yourself with a smile, and for a minute, he just stared at you and didn't say a word, until you gave him an inquisitive look.
"miles, everything alright?"
"s-sorry, yeah...i just wanted to, um..say hi?"
it honestly comes out like a question, but you giggle at his attempt to charm you
your conversation is short lived until days pass, and miles finds himself growing more and more comfortable about talking to you.
you even invited him over to your table for lunch, which utterly shocked him because the people you sat with were like...random
as in it was a random assortment. some jocks, some art friends, some musicians..
he was grinning from ear to ear when you invited him to come sit directly next to you. your thighs were touching his and he was freaking out inside because your skin was on his, and although it was subtle, he could still feel it and the contact made him happy.
he was infatuated with you. wherever you went he couldn't help but want to follow because your presence was so warm and welcoming
after what felt like years, he finally asked you for your phone number. he became full with greed-- seeing you at school wasn't even close to enough, he wanted to be talking to you or be with you at all times.
you obviously gave him your number by writing it on a pink sticky note, signing your name under it in cursive with a heart drawn at the end. he admired your handwriting, he's never seen someone write so beautiful, and he placed that sticky note in his journal that really was just a museum of you
anything you gave him he kept. gum wrappers, pencils, sticky notes, little trinkets and gifts-- he kept it ALL.
one night, he was up late texting you and literally grinning at his phone so very hard...he just loved talking to you.
miles: You awake?
you: mhm, can't sleep :( why are you still up?
miles: I dunno, can't sleep either I guess. Why are you up?
you: why not?
you replied to a message: and i'm up just thinking about stuff...my mind won't let me fall asleep :/
miles: I get that! I actually can't sleep either because of that reason
you: oh? whatcha thinking about?
miles: You.
his text honestly threw you for an entire loop and a half. he had finally said something to indicate your feelings for you, and you were literally geeking so hard about it
once he knew you felt the same way, your texting sessions became more frequent, and way longer. he eventually got a hold of your social medias and would check them so often it was borderline unhealthy
he snapped you throughout the day, never left you on opened or delivered without reason. unless it was for spider-man stuff...which, you had yet to know about until you both finally planned a picnic date.
you got all cute, hair done up and makeup flawless, clad in a flowy, long skirt and a white crop top with accented sleeves.
you were literally walking out of the front door until you got a text from miles, apologizing for the inconvenience that he wouldn’t be able to make it. you were so bummed out, you found a tear leaving your eye and you walked back to your room, disappointed.
miles was literally crumbled at the fact that he had to miss your date, your first one at that. so he wanted to make it up to you.
he quickly finished up his patrol work and threw himself back into his house, quickly saying hi to his mother before showering and getting dressed, spraying on cologne and grabbing his wallet and keys.
“mijo, where are you going?”
“out! te quiero, i’ll be back!”
mama rio obviously picked up on the fact that he was seeing a girl, but she just kept it to herself as miles flew out the door, running to the closest flower shop, and then apartment and knocking on the door. he expected you to answer, but your father did instead, causing him to literally shrink in his own skin as he said hello to him.
he was scared that your father didn’t know who he was until he said “you must be my daughter’s boyfriend!”
“oh— boyfriend? i-“
he was very quickly dragged inside your home. he conversed with your parents for a while as they welcomed him, and he eventually found himself at your room’s door with your flowers clasped in his palms, which were sweating with anxiety.
you told him to come in, and your sadness was lifted as he gave you a smile and a wave, handing you the flowers. and you were so ecstatic that you kissed his cheek, and he swore he almost died inside.
he took you to a rooftop and you had your picnic there, where he held you in his arms as you admired the night sky, until he pulled one of your curls behind your ear as you laid in his chest.
“y/n…can i…can i be your boyfriend?”
it was so random and unexpected, but you whispered to him with a smile,
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tags!: @queenesther996 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @starhrtz // @daisydark // @randomhoex // @solanawrld // @whore4hobie // @tanakaslastbraincell // @simp4miguell // @nyrovi3 // @aziulsworld // @enchantingfoxsparkles // @mancerseedu // @cafehyunji // @personofyou // @mcdvsr // @calliarlerte // @pr0wlerpunk // @tzuyuzzs // @clearskiiiess // @vienreina // @pixqlsin // @stvrgrl // @zerosinterweb // @mookiebut // @urmotherswhor3 // @cumbermovels // @asmobeuses // @yanghees // @popeheywardssecretgf // @mxspiderman2099 // @scryarchives // @rksses // @mmst4rz // @ilyless // @milesmolasses // @laylasbunbunny // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @bl00dsuccker // @adoremvney // @anikaluv // @qtdenks // @art-598
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jaybirddreads · 7 months
Trolls Band Together
I watched Trolls 3 and I loved it. It's not the perfect movie (there are so many plot holes and things that don't make sense), but it's still really good and entertaining. The story itself was very heartwarming and moving for a 90-something-minute kids' movie.
One thing that I noticed about specifically Branch and his brothers is that they are so much duller than all the other trolls. It's very obvious when you compare their Brozone-era selves to their adult selves. Compared to other pop trolls, the Brozone brothers dulled as they aged. I don't think that it's just because they got older, because we see Poppy and Cooper as babies and they didn't really change in color as adults (you can kind of argue that Poppy got brighter if you look closely at her as a baby and as an adult). Another troll character that we see two versions of is King Peppy. We see him as an old man and we see a flashback of him, 20 years younger, in the first movie. Even then, the only difference between current King Peppy and younger King Peppy is the gray streaks in his hair.
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These three characters are all consistent in their colors. Poppy is pink. Cooper is pink and blue. King Peppy is pink and orange.
And then you have the Brozone brothers:
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Now, not all of them had a drastic change like Branch did, but all of them are definitely duller than when they were young. I think that Branch dulled the most, followed by John Dory, Floyd, Clay, and Spruce. Since we know that Branch lost his color due to his clear decline in mental health (especially after his grandmother's death), I think that that's why Spruce was the one who lost the least amount of color. I think that out of all his brothers, he's the one who's done the best for himself after leaving.
Spruce is a business owner; his business partner is his wife (I loved Brandy so much) and he's a father. I think that of all his brothers, he and Clay were the ones that really 'grew up'. Spruce talks about how he changed his name to Bruce to leave behind his boyband days when he became a father. In the first flash back, Spruce is the one that butts heads with John Dory the most. During the scene where John Dory, Spruce, and Clay argue Spruce says "Why do you think I left? So that no one would treat me like you did." to John Dory. I think that even though Spruce was upset with his brothers and affected by the end of their band, he managed to get back some happiness with the family that he formed.
Clay is the second on my list because I think that he was able to find support in Viva and the other Putt-Putt trolls. Out of all the brothers (excluding Branch) we know the most about Spruce and Clay's lives after Brozone. And while Spruce found solace in his family, Clay had the Putt-Putt community. Clay, during the band days, was considered the 'fun one' and people (John Dory) did not take him seriously because of it. With the Putt-Putt trolls, Clay is well respected as the 'boring' half of the operation (in Viva's words). Clay has moments in the movie where he denies having any fun at all. We also see at the start of the movie that Clay can feel insecure when he looks out into the crowd and mutters how much pressure the performance is during the first flashback. Between him and Spruce, they are the only two brothers with cemented careers (Spruce as a business owner and Clay as a licensed CPA).
Floyd is third on my list because of one real reason and the rest is speculation. The reason why is because we know literally nothing about anything that he did after he went off soul searching. I assume he probably just wandered around by himself for a while or (my personal favorite headcanon) he lived with another type of troll, personally my mind goes to the rock trolls.
John Dory is after Branch because I don't think that twenty years of isolation is good for anyone (I mean, look at Branch). From what we know about John Dory he spent twenty years alone with only Rhonda (and we don't even know how long he has had Rhonda by his side). I think that she might be the reason he isn't gray-gray like Branch is, because we see how much he loves and cherishes her.
Branch is first, obviously because he's physically the dullest one and we know the most about him. He was abandoned by his brothers when he was a child, a few years later his grandmother was murdered right in front of him and he blamed himself. He isolated himself in a bunker that was meant to be a hideout for himself and his brothers (who abandoned him) for years-- let's say fifteen-ish years-- before Poppy wormed her way into his life. At the end of the first movie he regains his colors and in the first holiday special, we see that his colors have faded a bit. He's not as gray as he was at the start of the first movie, but he's also not the same vibrant blue that he was at the end of the movie. Throughout the movies and holiday specials his colors fluctuate, but he never really goes back to gray or blue.
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hathay · 6 months
❄️twst christmas/winter headcanons❄️
disclaimer: this does contain content about christmas, i know i know they don’t celebrate it i just thought it’d be cute, bUtttt i tried to make it more festive instead of geared towards christmas!:)
includes: general ones then all the dorms & dorm members <3
- there’s a school wide secret gift giving event which is just pure chaos and cuteness as people scramble to get other people gifts even if they don’t really know the person. each name pulled comes with a little something about the person they got for the gift exchange.
- there’s also a year vs. year snowman building/decorating competition (they take it very seriously)
- (people also try and sabotage other years snowman’s so they learn special magic to protect their snowmen.) (meaning if you hear/see someone being shot into the distance, chances are they messed with the 3rd years snowmen.)
- the school is decorated all over with winter decorations like wreathes, colorful string lights, as well as soft snow.
- students go sledding on the hills, having sledding competitions.
- (they also like to have a dorm decorating competition but no one likes to actually talk about it, they just know it’s happening, and they definitely know who is winning, and it’s NOT the other dorms.)
- let’s not even try and act as if there wouldn’t be PLENTY of snowball fights constantly. you’re just minding your own business walking around NCR, when suddenly a cold, wet ball of snow pelts you right in the back of the head. glancing over and that face you love so much just shrugs with a smile, before a full on blur of snow hits them right on that pretty smile.
- it would be utter chaos after a bit, floyd and rook would take it so seriously. like what do you mean rooks snowball basically curved around other people to hit you??? meanwhile floyd’s rolling a snowball so large it would practically knock someone down if thrown.
- you think azul is going to let cold weather and festivities stop him from making money??? absolutely not. he is profiting so hard. hot chocolate? on the menu. oh you’re cold and wanna sit by the fireplace??? $8 please:).
- he makes floyd dress in a santa costume and take photos with students. (sometimes floyd gets really into it, other times you just see a quick flash of blue hair in a santa suit running after a terrified first year)
- jade loves it. adores these times. the snow?? imagine how pretty it looks on mountains right now, or what kind of mushrooms would THRIVE in this. he often wears one of those necklace string lights that are just so tacky, but i mean, who would tell him not to.
- jade loves antagonizing people about the cold. you’re cold? interesting. imagine being in the deep depths of the sea, imagine that coldness:)
- they go around in their regular uniforms, wondering why everyone is such babies about the cold. floyd goes as far as to wear shorts around just to poke at people, what do you mean your cold? he’s literally wearing shorts, you’ll be fine.
- you think idea wears sweaters too much before it gets cold????? imagine him when it’s cold out, so bundled up, there was barely a chance of getting him to leave his room before, now there’s a zero percent chance.
- ortho wears scarves and little mittens even though he obviously doesn’t have to.
- let’s not forget how idia is secretly trying to outdo all the other dorms. those lights that spell out words and play the theme song to idias favorite shows, who would’ve possibly put those up!!
- idia loves the holidays even if he won’t admit it, geez why do people go crazy. and gifts? who would want a gift from a stranger?
- that is until ortho shows up outside his door, handing him a plate of cookies you made and thought he would enjoy! and uh oh, suddenly his blue hair starts turnings a pale pink.
- riddle is also violently bundled up.
- ace is an absolute menace as per usual. yellow snow? he’s either eating it or convincing unsuspecting people to eat it, someone please get him AWAY from deuce.
- deuce is constantly calling him mom telling her he can’t wait to see her soon, and sending her selfies of him all bundled up, he forever feels the need to make up for his past wrongdoings.
- adeuce definitely sneak out and join the other first years for late nights leading competitions, and they all end up back at ramshackle, freezing cold, dying laughing at each other. they even stay up late tracking santa on their phones knowing damn well he’s not real.
- trey makes plenty of cookies and makes sure everyone’s all warm, he’s oddly okay with the cold, just wearing a light jacket and feeling perfectly fine. he gets super annoyed at how his glasses fog up everytime he walks into the cold outside from the nice and toasty inside.
- trey rocks scarves so hard, like cater is so jealous because he thinks scarfs just look so silly on himself.
- speaking of, all the lights? the decorations??? cater is going to have a FIELD DAY with all these perfect backdrops for his magicam.
- ace is buying an elf on the shelf and you CANNOT stop him. and he will most definitely be using it to scare tf outta people. he kept on moving it around when no one was around, freaking riddle out.
- until…ace notices the elf moving spots without him doing it. deuce and ace become absolutely CONVINCED the thing is possessed or alive, meanwhile it’s cater and trey fucking with them.
- cater would even go as far as to make it it’s own magicam account for updates.
- ace is a menace and starts playing holiday music on november 1st. he has no decency. trey tries to bribe him with sweets to at least wait until december (he takes the sweets and plays the music regardless)
- you have never seen such a well versed winter selection of clothes until you see what vil and rook wear in the winter. vils mitten collection? it would make designers incredibly jealous.
- and then you see epels selection. it’s much…homelier. it’s very cozy!
- vil is not a fan of the cold. it’s just..too cold. he prefers it to be lightly cold but definitely not like this. but he’s not gonna let the cold stop him from shining out within the crowd.
- he will string some nice tinsel up along with some plain colored lights, but definitely not those hideous multicolored ones.
- vil would LOVE hot chocolate but would refuse to ever admit it, denying it instantaneously because what person who respects their body would digest that.
- afterwards though, he will be downing some ginger to cleanse his system a bit.
- epel and rook would INDULGE so hard in hot chocolate
- rook adores holiday, everyone looks so nice and warm he can’t it! compliments are flowing from every angle with this man, your scarf! his mittens! their boots! he’s thrilled and he’s taking note of who seems to be affected more by the cold and who is quite quaint to it.
- epel is taking the first years sledding he couldn’t fathom not doing so. he feels so at home in the cold.
- leona hates it. so bad. like why in hell is ruggie basically putting a wreath on leona’s head and giggling about it.
- leona hates the cold so bad, he’d sleep next to the fireplace.
- ruggie hates the cold too, he’s had a few too many unbearable cold nights back home.
- but what he does love? gifts and treats. you’re telling me someone’s gonna give him gifts?? and people are giving treats? he’s over the moon.
- he also can’t wait to give someone a gift, sure he likes his money and is stingy, but he likes to give certain people things, he gets how it is with no money or no gifts. he likes to make other people happy.
- jack loves the cold. adores it. he’s like a human heater, it’s perfect!
- he can’t wait to go sledding with the first years, and loves giving his gifts to people. it embarrasses him a little bit, his cheeks heating up, but as soon as the certain someone tells them he loves it, his tail is going CRAZY. he couldn’t be more happy.
- leona acts like he hates gift giving, just as he hands over the most sincere gift physically possible.
- they have the option of either hats without ear holes, leaving them with cold ears, or they can walk around with hoods/hats on, sticking up in the odd shape it forms around their ears. it’s lowkey adorable but the beastmen hate it.
- kalim is LIVING. all these pretty lights??? giving people things??? he’s so happy. he wants to decorate so much. he would want to give every single person something, i mean, they deserve it!!
- jamil is…less excited. he enjoys the holidays, but only when he’s around people he can actually tolerate.
- if you pass by jamil and he’s wearing a tacky string light necklace with this face :|. just…don’t mention it. but when you pass by a gleaming kalim wearing the same thing, it’s obvious whose idea that was.
- maybe if you can convince one of them, they’ll take the magic carpet out for a spin, flying above the school looking down at all the snow, the decorations, lights, and all the people living life below.
- jamil is freezing cold too. he cannot stand it, this man would walk around in layers on layers, yet he’s still freezing.
- he catches kalim making snow angels and ushers him up because he’s going to get sick.
- wait..is that ace? talking to kalim,,, near YELLOW SNOW?? dear god this man is going to have a heart attack.
- lilia is getting everyone matching sweaters. it’s happening as we speak. sure sure they have ones from past years, but they need new ones are you crazy???
- sebek wears his so proudly knowing he matches with lilia and malleus, why does silver need to match them too though.
- malleus wouldn’t completely understand the holiday fuss, but he would love it, everyone seems so happy, humans are so cute! he’s never celebrated like this, would you be so kind as to help malleus decorate his room as you did ramshackle?
- if you ask kindly enough i malleus supposed he could let you decorate his horns as well.
- silver questions who put tinsel around malleus horns while lilia & the mc look away unsuspectingly as malleus just beams.
- sebek absolutely hates the idea of santa. what do you mean a large man comes breaking into homes??? near his malleus??? are you insane?
- silver isn’t the biggest fan of the cold, all indoor places are just so so warm and cozy, he can’t help it as his eyes start to drift close.
- silver will wear the cutest holiday hats, he loves them, the also cant wait to give his gifts, he just hopes the person likes it.
- a little gift exchange is just so cute, they’re just a little fae (and honorary fae) family experiencing human customs, fully embracing it.
- grim puts poorly wrapped tuna cans under the tree they have set up, but it only last for a few days after mc catch’s grim feasting on them like it’s his last mean.
- we all know he has fur that keeps him well warmed, but that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna parade around in a cute little sweater anyways, come on mc has one just like it after all!
- a gingerbread house?? mc is going to create such a cute house while grim pitches in, and once they finished and mc took a photo, grims bouncing up and down begging to eat it whole.
- the ghosts decorate with tinsel, a tree, lights, and even mistletoe in the entranceway. though ramshackles foundational quality may not be the best, it sure is a sight to see with decorations lining it.
- grim tried his hardest to decorate the tree but it really just looks like a hot mess.
- grim and mc spend the holiday together, they bake cookies, watch holiday movies, even the ghosts join!
- they have a present exchange, and they video call some people they’re missing a bit too much.
- guess mc just has to invite her favorite people over to help her fix it! would sure be a shame if mc caught a certain someone at the entranceway under the mistletoe.
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carringtonsgf · 1 month
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pairing: dad!nate x sls!reader
summary: in which nate and sls find out the gender of baby #3.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy,crying,fluff.
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my sister and nate decided to let me the keeper of the gender for her gender reveal. it was such a sweet thing and a special moment for me to be able to find out the gender first. she gave me the enevlope that had the gender and i was now in my room alone about to open it.
i had the vlog camera out and set up as i started to record. “hey guys you wont see this for a while but im here about to find out the gender of nate and y/ns baby because she let me be the keeper of the gender.”i said to the camera.
“im scared.” i chuckled as i started to open the enevlope.
“lets see what baby doe #3 shall be.”i said as i opened the envelope that had the ultrasound of the baby and their gender.
the ultrasound was folded up so i unfolded and it revealed the gender. the paper said its a girl.
i let out a loud squeal as i covered my mouth with my hand getting teary eyed. not was i only so happy that im finally getting my niece but i was happy for my sister who’s finally getting her girl that she has dreamed of having since she was a little girl.
the tears slid down my cheeks as i looked at the camera. “its a girl!” i said quietly so nobody in the house could hear.
the gender reveal was in two days and tomorrow i was gonna go get everything for the party. i planned on ordering cake pops and only one of them had the gender in it. i also was gonna get some smoke cannons filled with pink smoke and some extra little things.
im so excited to see how my sister is gonna react when she finds out that shes gonna have a girl. im happy for her and nate. i always had a feeling that one day they would be together. i could tell by the way they both act around eachother.
they both have always looked at eachother like they are the only person in the room. they both have a little sparkle in their eye as cheesy as that sounds. you could just look at the both of them and tell how inlove with eachother they are.
i loved having nate as a permanent part of our family even though he always has been but now he’s literally like our brother in law and it was great. he was so sweet to her and sweet to their boys. i couldnt wait to see both of their reactions to having a girl.
today nate and i would be finding out the gender of baby #3. nick was throwing the gender reveal party for us.
we were currently on our way to my moms where nick was throwing the reveal at in her backyard.
i had on a light pink mini dress that showed off my bump and nate had on a light blue shirt with some khaki shorts. leo was matching his daddy and owen had on a light pink shirt with shorts. nate was team boy and i was team girl.
nate had his hand on my thigh while he was driving us. he looked so good. i loved watching him be a dad because he was so sexy.
we now were at my moms and we have been here for about 30 minutes and we all have been standing around talking as nick is getting the reveal ready.
nick came outside. “alright guys im gonna give each of you a cakepop. one of these will have the gender in it and we will all bite into them at the same time” he said as he gave everyone a cake pop.
“okay on the count of one…two..threee. lets do this!” nick said as we all bit into our cake pops looking for the color. none of us got it yet til justin spoke up.
“i have a color!its pink!” justin said as i looked at the cakepop then back at nate.
suddenly a bunch of smoke cannons went off as pink smoke filled the air. everyone squealed and screamed as the gender was revealed.
i let out a loud scream as i jumped into nates arms. “IM HAVING MY BABYGIRL!” i said as i started to sob in his arms as he held me. nate had a big smile on his face
“i know baby! you have your girl.”nate said smiling as he kissed my forehead holding me close to him.
“i got my girl.”i sobbed as he pressed a soft kiss onto my lips.
he put me down as everyone came over to us. my mom hugged me as we both cried as nates mom hugged him while she was crying aswell.
my brother justin pulled me into his arms giving me a big hug. “congratulations y/n you finally got the girl of your dreams.” he said smiling.
“im so happy to finally have my girl.” i said.
matt and nick were talking to nate as chris came over hugging me. “im happy for you sis.” he said as he had tears running down his cheeks.
“chris why are you crying?” i giggled as i hugged him.
“im just so happy you’re finally getting your girl”he said.
we talked for a while til nick came over to me congratulating me as we both cried about me having a girl.
nate and i opened the gender reveal gifts we got and thanked everyone.
it was now nighttime after we had the gender reveal and nate and i were currently back at our apartment with the twins laying in bed.
i had owen laying on my chest as i rubbed his back as he was fighting his sleep. leo was sound asleep on his daddy as we were watching our show.
i love having little moments like this with our boys. i loved being a mommy so much its the greatest gift nate has ever gave me. i couldnt wait for our girl.
owen was starting to get fussy as he laid on my chest. “shhh owie its okay baby mommy has you.” i said as i held him closer to me rubbing his back.
“go to sleep owie baby youre so sleepy.” i said as i kissed his forehead.
after a bit of me rubbing his back and talking to him he was finally asleep as i looked over at nate and leo both of them sound asleep.
i started to cry as i saw them both asleep together looking so perfect. leo was a perfect mix of me and his dad mostly looking more like his dad as owen looked a bit like the both of us more.
i wiped my tears as i scooted closer to nate leaning my head on him as i started to fall asleep.
my little family. we cant wait for you to come babygirl.
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TAGLIST: @sturniololoves , @milesfordays11 , @freshloveee , @zayyluvz , @luvr4miya , @delusional-4-fake-people
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Minju invites you inside her place to have sex. Would you rather watch her undress while following her to the bedroom or undress her yourself?
Undress Under duress
Male Reader x Kim Minju
Length: 2876 words
Tags: teasing, undressing, outfit change, dirty talk, clothed sex, touching and feeling yourself, watch don't touch torture, rough sex, quick sex, standing sex, from behind, hair pulling, self-indulgence, creampie, Minju is the hottest thing ever, literally the sun can't compare, cursing, teased!you
Inspiration: apart from ask, mostly just the outfits and Minju being so damn hot that I can't help myself
(A/N: Lol that was so easy to write wtf. Yes, I'm working on other stuff, especially the 69th idol story, but those take a lot longer than a quick Minju smut.)
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Terrible flirtatious greetings often lead to rejection and a bit more tequila in your veins. But not tonight. Tonight it leads to horny giggles by you and the girl that just opened the door for you. The two of you met last night at the most cliche college party you have ever been to. A cliche party deserves some cliche pickup lines, you told yourself, and dropped one after the other until this gorgeous girl gave you her number.
“You look good, standing in this door frame,” you slowly hum, and reach for the top of said frame and lean on it with stretched arms, “but I bet you look better laying in bed.”
She giggles again, bright teeth shine through an even brighter smile. She is one hell of a catch. It’s incredible that she fell for lines like this, in all honesty, you didn’t even try, it just rolled off your tongue. 
“You want to find out?” she asks and you scan her outfit one final time: the baby blue denim of tight jeans is a perfect tease to hide what you assume are amazing legs. Her fuzzy long-sleeve crop-top looks perfect to tear off of her torso and reveal her collarbone and breasts. The fact that she is not wearing shoes makes it even hotter somehow.
“You don’t have to ask twice.”
Enter the small apartment. It's really not that special, minimal decorations, the typical college student chaos of textbooks and papers, an old couch in the corner. The only thing that catches your attention is a large mirror opposite of said couch. It hides the entire wall, floor to ceiling, thus making the room appear much larger than it actually is.
“Sorry, I didn’t find time to clean properly,” the girl says, her back turned to you for a second. You immediately take this opportunity to hug her from behind, arms firmly wrapped around her small waist and wide hips. 
“Don’t worry, Minju, I like dirty things~” you say and place a peck on her cheek. She brushes her hair to the side to give you easy access to her smooth neck, but before you can suck on the skin, she invites you into her mouth. 
The taste of juicy mango on light pink lips is a welcome surprise, so you attack her mouth further with your tongue until you find a quick, thrilling rhythm in which your tongues swirl. Saliva is exchanged, heartbeat increased and your fingers already fiddle with the top button of her pale blue jeans.
“Ha, stop,” Minju moans and reaches for your invading hand. “Sit down. I want to give you a show.”
“Oh, wow, I did not expect this. Alright then.”
You take a seat on the couch opposite of the mirror. Luckily, you don’t have to look at your flushed, horny face for long, as Minju steps in front of it and starts to play with her hair. Her pointers twirl the chestnut colored strands. She pulls the curls that form, making her hair bounce, all the while smiling widely and narrowing her fuck-me eyes.
Suddenly, her hands jump to her collar. Minju makes sure you are attentive, that every ounce of your attention is filled with her every movement, before she gradually moves her hands downwards. They glide through the fuzzy fluff of her white crop top, moving slightly up to pass over her mounds, but they never halt. 
Minju's insane lack of speed makes you shift forward in your seat. You want to, you need to jump up and grab that stupid white piece of clothing and tear it off. But the young woman just smiles seductively and shakes her head. Her hands continue their slow journey, over her toned abs, that beautiful navel until she finally tugs down her jeans a bit.
The first button pops free. That’s it. She doesn’t drag the denim down, doesn’t remove the prison of her legs. Only a slight tug and you see the hem of her what appears to be black lace panties. Your mind begins to melt. You grab the rest of the sofa, squeeze it, almost break it. It’s all right in front of you, but yet so far away.
“You like it~?” Minju teases with a husky whisper.
“Fuck, you’re such a tease,” you respond, eager to see what happens next.
You did not expect Minju to turn around. Sure, her back looks good, at least the parts you can see, but it’d look a lot better if you were railing her from behind, without the stupid crop top in the—
One pull and the crop top flies open. You couldn’t see how Minju did it, but by quickly adjusting your posture, you see in the mirror the reflection of her upper body. A black lace bra, very expensive and luxurious looking, covers her modest breasts. When she gets rid of the crop top all together, you drool at the sight of flawless skin on her collarbone, shoulder, arms.
“Minju, fuck.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
With that said, Minju takes a step backwards, away from the mirror, towards you. Her rear end is still covered by the tight pants, but when you hear her zipper, a rush of hormones and adrenaline engulfs you. Both her hands are at her hips, slowly creeping into the jeans and guiding them down as she bends over. More and more of the hem of her panties is visible, yet she still keeps her ass hidden. God, so close, you want it so much, you are ready to fall on your knees and beg. 
Minju catches your gaze through the mirror. She winks and puts out her tongue to taunt you, the deeply breathing, incredibly horny guy a meter away from her butt. Even though she could drag this torture out forever (and frankly, you would sit there and drool forever), she pulls back her tongue and bites her lip.
The firm skin of her cute ass comes into view. A black thong runs in between the well-formed cheeks. Minju lets the pants rest right underneath her butt and straightens her posture. A tiny shimmy, the cheeks begin to wiggle lightly. You are out of breath.
“I know it’s not the biggest, but it seems you like small butts,” she giggles and continues to let her pants fall in short hops. Her meaty, perfectly formed, round thighs make your heart flutter to an extreme you could not have dreamed of. For some reason, the finish was too fast. You can’t just jump up and fuck her now, but it’s exactly what you still desperately desire.
“You are such a slutty tease. I’ll fuck you so hard—”
“This was only part one,” Minju says. Her laughter rings through the apartment as she jogs out of the room. 
Minju returns shortly after with a completely different outfit. A simple pink dress with tiny gems spread all over it in simple patterns. The marvelous, mouth watering width of her hips is accentuated perfectly and invokes a want in you, a want to cum inside her. Not only cum inside, but also hold her hips while doing it and feeling her womanhood suck you dry. 
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“What do you think of it?” she asks and turns around once.
“It’s good, good, but for fucks sake, I want it on the ground,” you grunt. 
“Do you know why I like black thongs the most?” Minju asks, completely ignoring your response. Her eyes have this gleam of unbridled sex, as if nothing else mattered now, just raw, primal sex. But yet she still seems cool, unaffected, the lust is not overtaking her.
“No clue.”
“Because you can’t see how wet I am.”
With that said, she grabs the hem of the dress and gently lifts it up an inch. Your orbs widen and focus on her gap. Sure, she might show more of her delicious thighs, but you want to finally see her pussy. You expect her to pull up a bit more, but instead, she moves her fingers to the sides and sways the dress as if it were a skirt waving in the summer breeze. Her cute giggle would fill your heart if you weren’t so damn blinded by how much you hate her tease. 
You hate the way your perfectly fitting pants become uncomfortable  to wear. You despise the fact that your boxers are ruined by a stain of precum already. You can’t deal with her delighted mood, not at all innocent, but also not uncontrollably horny. Minju is in control, and for some reason, through all your hate, you fucking love it.
“Minju, please,” you squeeze out through gritted teeth.
“Please what~?”
“Please… pull the damn dress up.”
She laughs. “But only because you asked so nicely.”
The pink cotton moves up to reveal her midriff and crotch, the former bare, toned and beautiful, the latter only covered by a thin, ornate thong. It’s sexy beyond belief, but the black barrier still blocks your view of what you imagine is a shaved, wet pussy.
“Fuck,” you gasp.
“You want more?” Minju whispers, the bunched up dress firmly in her hands, ready to give you more—or is it just another tease?
Minju raises an eyebrow at your lackluster answer. “Yes what?”
“Yes, please. Please, Minju!”
“There you go,” she bluntly says and easily pulls the dress over her head, then lets it fall out of her relaxing hand. Tension visibly leaves her entire body, she relishes in your gaze as it wanders up to her bare tits. They are a bit smaller than you assumed after seeing the bra, but your monkey brain wants to reach for them, pinch the hard nipples, and suck on them with reckless roughness. They are perfect, flawless, if you actually think about it. 
“I can’t hold it anymore, I need you now.” 
The words come from your mouth quickly. You stand up, hands already tearing open your pants, but Minju is a bit quicker. She places her hand on your heaving chest. In her deepest, most seductive tone yet she strikes you an offer that cracks the foundations of your imaginations.
“Before you go at me, hear me out. Either you can stay here, suck my tits the entire night and fuck me once with one of your stupid condoms.
“Or you can sit down again, watch the final show, and I’ll let you do anything to me. You can let all of your frustrations out, fuck me senseless with your hard cock. I don’t care if I can’t walk or talk anymore, I don’t care if I leak your fucking cum all over the apartment. Yes, you can even do it raw.”
You struggle to pull your pants back together. Your cock was almost free, now it’s not only getting blocked by clothes and the short distance between it and Minju’s cunt, but also Minju’s insane offer. Her hand is still on your chest, applying a small bit of pressure. You let yourself succumb to it rather than the spontaneous lust. Fall back into the couch and simply nod. 
“I think I know the answer.”
Minju winks and sneaks out of the room slowly, her hips swaying to the point where your head just sways along with them. This time, she stays out for longer, but what even is the time you have to wait in light of what is to come afterwards? Even if she walks out wearing an entire hanbok, you’d wait for her to finish this torturous game, undressing each layer of the excessively large dress.
“What do you think of this~?” the brunette moans as she enters. Your jaw drops and your eyes become unfocused. Minju hit another spot.
“Fuck,” you repeat your new found mantra at the sight of Minju doing gradual body rolls in her final outfit, another crop top and hotpants, both come with a catch. 
The crop top is black but slightly see through, to the point where you can make out that she is not wearing a bra. The gray hot pants are frayed at the edges, to the point where you doubt they cover her full. As Minju continues her little dance, you catch glimpses of what is below those pants. Nothing. No thong, no panties, just her juicy pussy lips. 
She is skilled however. You can never get a satisfying look at her entrance. These milliseconds are just another way to tease you. The way her hips move, Minju makes sure to not give you enough, to make you more addicted to the drug that is her body. You’re about to burst, in more ways than one.
“You’re doing fantastic,” Minju says and makes her hands go down her waving body, over breasts, abs, thighs, you know the drill. “I’ll give you a look.”
This time, no button is popped open. Minju wiggles the tight gray denim down until it’s loose enough. She drops it to her knees in one motion. Her pussy is finally exposed, free of any teasing blockades. It’s even prettier than you imagined. Smooth, shaven skin around it, pink labia, cute hidden clit. 
“Do you like it?”
“Do you want it?”
Nod, nod, nod, a million times.
“Then what do you say?”
“Please~ oh my God, please, Minju!”
Your desperate, pleading shout makes Minju stick out her tongue as she gives tiny rubs to her more than wet clit.
“Come and get it.”
Jump up, pin Minju to the mirror. Your cock spring free on its own—nah, she was helping, but what’s the difference really? To her audible surprise, you don’t kiss Minju or remove her clothes. Instead, you pull her hot pants back up and tear them open. They are unusable in public now, but they are more than useful for what you’re going to do with her. 
“Hey, those were my favorites!” Minju protests.
“I don’t care,” you growl and lift her left leg up.
“You better don’t care. Use me like a fucking sex doll. No more hesitation.”
“You’re one to talk, teasing slut.”
Align your cock with her entrance. Hot and wet, like your tip already is.
“Fuck, I’ll probably cum immediately. Shit,” you curse and feel like hitting yourself for this lack of self-control.
“No problem,” Minju responds, needily, holding onto your nape, “I’ll make sure to keep your cock warm and clean it so you can repeatedly fuck me. 
“Also, I’m going to cum too.”
Piston your entire dick into her with one thrust. She pulls you in at your nape, you pull at her back. The two of you let all of your emotions out in screams and growls, before grunting and moaning when you start to fuck her against the mirror. It rattles each time you force Minju’s butt against it with your pelvis. 
You lose your mind to the pressure on your shaft. Minju’s pussy was loose, easy to penetrate at first, but now her walls grind all around your cock. Things get even better when the young woman cums with an erotic, feminine moan. Her cunt milks you, it’s ripple and hotness too much to handle. After mere seconds you burst.
Engage in a torrid make out session as you flood Minju’s tightness with your seed. The teasing session had the same effect as edging. You blast and blast and blast, huge, thick spurts of cum until Minju disconnects her lips to let both of you breathe. 
“Fuck, keep it in me. I’ll keep it war—”
“Shut up, slut.”
Your blunt response is followed by an even blunter action. Pull out of Minju and spin her around. With a lewd squelching sound, a considerable amount of your baby batter falls onto the floor before you can plug the hole again. She gasps in shock as you pin her body between you and the cold mirror. 
“You’re not going to give me commands,” you grunt into her ear and start to pump your spent, still hard cock into her leaking cunt. Eager to feel all of you, Minju presses her ass backwards until your pelvises meet. Get a handful of her hair while you take her from behind.
“Fuck, that’s the spirit,” Minju babbles through her drooling mouth. You firmly grab her hip to make the fucking easier. Your eyes go to the mirror. The reflection is not embarrassing to you anymore, you feel fucking feral at the sight of two bodies in their prime fucking. 
Minju must think the same thing. She can’t stop gawking at her own image, feeling herself, her body getting plowed. This self-indulgence, this arrogance she possesses makes you livid. She only wants to be looked at, her moves, her teases. She acts like you’re not there—although your cock reaches her womb and hits her cervix again and again. 
You increase the pace and press her stupidly gorgeous face against the mirror.
“You like your face, slut?”
“Then make out with it.”
And as Minju closes her eyes and slobbers all over the hot image of herself, you don’t hesitate to slap her hourglass figure to make sure she remembers you. You are there, you were there—and you’re gonna stay for a bit longer, always cumming into Minju’s cunt.
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A Family Thing | Yandere Blue Exorcist
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Yukio Okumura has had to limit and expand his definition of family many times on his exorcist journey. His brother was the only constant, which he was fine with. That is until his own demonic half awakened. Now alongside his brother, his identity morphed again like his pointed ears. He did think this might happen but he couldn’t help but connect the dots. But you know who made it easier? (Y/n) Pheles. 
You came to him and Rin on a cloud of strawberry-scented smoke. Literally. Wiping at your suit and tie you explained how the last demon you had fought had made its final stand in a churning pot of strawberry jam. You told them not to think about it too much.
With a smile that blinded them, you told of how you took a long trip around the world to meet the boys Mephisto was so keen on watching stalking. You gushed over them like the older sibling neither of them had. That is until you officially moved onto campus. Where exactly? That was never known for sure. All they could gather was that you were close enough to appear at a moment's notice to pinch their cheeks, ruffle their hair, and coo at them as they did their casual routine. 
He knew it was easy for Rin to lean into you, who openly gave affection to him. Yukio knew he couldn’t react as warmly. Was it his fear? His maturity? He just couldn’t do it. Wouldn’t. He thought you’d grow to love Rin more than him because of this only to be beautifully surprised when you lovingly held him in your arms.
“Hey, I love you both all the same. You’re my ducklings through and through! I’ve decided from this day on!”
Soon he was placed with that familiar ache when you waved goodbye from the window of their dorm on training camps. It was a good ache that affirmed the stringing demand that was creeping up his throat. He couldn’t let you leave them now. 
He can pinpoint the exact moment when this feeling first bloomed in his heart. It was so long ago, if he was anyone else he would have written it off as simply being a child, which he did for awhile, but he knew it was something more. It was back in preschool, Rin had returned to the class after a violent outburst at some kid he later claimed was a bully. While the teacher and other students avoided him like the plague there was one who refused to leave. Following Rin from afar, slowly inching her coloring station toward his–he couldn’t tell anyone why this irked him so. He also couldn’t defend his meddling when he crumpled the flowers left in his twin's cubby. He was his brother, who was she to take that from him?
It was an ugly habit of obsession one he realized he shared with his brother, as Rin mused absentmindedly. 
“Why…don’t we just keep them to ourselves, yeah? That way…they…won’t leave us.”
I mean it’d be bizarre if it weren’t for the two of them. With Rin’s inclination to have you baby him dividing your attention and his own perfectly timed conversations, it was nothing but a game to smother your ringing phone. Silencing it hours in advance so that any alarms or texts from whoever this 'persistent dude’ was. It was a tireless pursuit that seemed to unite him and Rin more than their shared demon heritage. 
It came to a head on a Summers's day watching from afar as you chased Rin with a hose. Yukio was particularly peeved not because he wasn’t on duty for distracting you that day he totally was but because your phone had been ringing off the chain. And whoever this mysterious caller was had caught on, texting you with random excuses about a glitching phone. Every time. He. Deleted. The contact. 
“You think you can keep this up?”
The coy question came from a familiar white terrier with a pink polka-dotted bow. Yukio groaned, harshly pushing up his glasses and biting back a snarl of his own. 
“Do you know who Denji is?”
The terrier's ears flattened and if it was possible its eye furrowed in anger. After a minute of likened frustration, an idea was spawned. Bringing a metaphorical smile to the dog’s face as he birthed a plan only obsessed freaks would concoct. 
“So? Will you help me?”
“Fine. But you can’t keep them to yourself. We won’t let you.”
“Of course not. I could only wish.”
It wasn’t long before there were some changes: a ring on your finger, you carrying that stupid dog around with you, and wearing strangely bright accessories that most certainly weren’t yours. All indicative of the newest addition in your life–a fiance named Mephisto Pheles. The principal and their current guardian: Mephisto Pheles. 
Suddenly Yukio and Rin are subjected to chaotic dinners with you and Mephisto. Days that were previously filled with your voice encouraging them were complimented by Mephisto’s ominous laughing and playful insults. But you were there and you were theirs, a promise you firmly upheld whenever you began an uncomfortable talk about your relationship. 
And even as you reached over your purple-haired husband to wave goodbye, blowing kisses as the limousine revved up, Yukio notes the sound of unsatisfied obsession. Watching the hands that linger around your waist and the caked-up makeup on your neck. He makes the realization that this too was a case of that feeling bubbling to the surface. The obsessive arm around your shoulders, the out-of-place stickers on your things, and the oddly convenient way Mephisto was always at the door, waiting to escort you home. 
It dawns on him how similar they are. Perhaps the string of obsession was a family thing. He didn’t entirely hate that.
“Welcome to the family (Y/n).”
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Do you have any Astarion headcanons you’d like to infodump about? :)
Not as many as some, but why not. Let's info dump. Also, disclaimer; I have not played the games and likely won't for the foreseeable future, not unless somebody wants to Venmo me $500 for a PS5. So, if there is some inconsistency in characterization, that's why.
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More of a dog person than he lets on. The idea that anything will give him unconditional love is frankly overwhelming and he doesn't know what to do with it, so he makes a show of not liking dogs so they don't get too close. If one does, however, he will do anything to protect it while opening complaining how he doesn't even like the mangy thing.
He deserves to be somebody's queer uncle. I would not trust him with a baby and he has no idea how to provide a small child with proper emotional support. However, what he is good at is talking to them like fellow adults. As a kid this is so vindicating and they will open up to tell him literally anything they've heard other adults talk about. Watch him nod along as a five year old spills the tea on your entire divorce.
Not as okay with poly as some of the cut scenes show. Personally I can't see a guy with that much sexual trauma being emotionally stable enough to open up a relationship in a healthy way. He'd agree to it because he thinks that's the condition to keeping you around, while wracking his brain thinking about what he might be doing wrong for you to seek out somebody else. He might get there eventually, but that's gonna take a lot of communication and therapy.
Favorite colors are the pinks and blues of dawn. I don't think I need to explain this one.
Doesn't really know how to dance. He can fake his way through it, but his skills lay in getting people off the dance floor. Easier feat to achieve when you're not on it in the first place. Plus, it attracts less attention.
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