kettle-bird · 5 months
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I've been getting into X-Men lately! Or, well. One specific X-Man.
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farshootergotme · 1 month
Wait, how tf did I miss this.
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #7
You're telling me Forever Evil happened in this universe? You're telling me SPYRAL happened in this universe? I'll have to hope that everything went down very differently because otherwise there's a lot to unpack there that clearly this comic isn't ready for.
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therobotmonster · 4 months
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galaxy-fleur · 24 days
Replaying RE4R, and I am once again thinking of how Leon just straight up murders a guy the moment he attacks. Like yeah, sure, he lunged at him with a weapon, there is a bloody badge of an officer, things are sketchy to say the least, but still. It all happens so fast, I doubt he actually had the time to fully put two and two together quite yet.
And you can't tell me that Leon, a trained agent, just overestimated the power of his kick on accident. That ↓
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Was a pretty much deliberate kick. What's interesting is that in the OG RE4, he at least tells the ganado to freeze a good couple of times (or maybe once, I don't remember the specifics, but my point still stands) before actually proceeding to harm him. Remake Leon, meanwhile... just breaks his neck without a second thought.
And his reaction right after makes it... pretty obvious, honestly.
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There is no strong reaction there to offing an old man in his home. Now, granted, he hears a scream right after, so it's not like he has much time to stand and ponder over what happened! But the only thing he says right after is: 'This is not good.' And, yeah, true, but we do know Leon is capable of expressing some level of distress over something he finds disturbing, and he proceeds to do that literally a few minutes later once you start exploring the village. So really, it's an interesting scene and a very intriguing way of introducing this hardened version of Leon we'll be playing as.
I wouldn't be thinking about this as much if not for the circumstances surrounding it. Not like Leon is aware that this man is infected with anything. Up until the moment he gets back up, he could be just some disturbed, paranoid old man or something. And he did just walk into someone's house. He's an intruder here, really. But the moment danger presents itself, he eliminates the threat without a second thought.
I think it speaks volumes of the past 6 years that passed for him, and how they shaped him. We don't know much of Leon's job: what it entails exactly, what kind of work he does on the daily, how the entire structure operates. And before the events of RE4, it's not like he was a well-known agent, if I remember correctly. It's his successful rescue of Ashley that got him high in the ranks. His status as a Racoon City survivor didn't do that. Throughout RE4R, we see him regain his humanity through the connections with other characters, going from the cold, robotic way he caries himself at the start of the game, to the determined, emotionally-invested man we later see carrying Ashley to Luis' laboratory.
It's very neat to think about! And while we all love Leon for his kind heart and his drive to save innocent lives, he is more than capable of violence, and that's an aspect of him I wish was talked about more. That neck break was definitely not the first one for him, just saying.
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teaspoonnebula · 2 months
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And here we see the exact moment when a young Mycroft Holmes thought "Oh stuff this" and decided to stop trying to solve mysteries and retreat to a life of chilling at his club and keeping records for the government.
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phoenix-arts7 · 10 months
Y'know...right after Rauru seals Ganondorf away, one of the sages could've walked up to the scene and just...plucked the Zonai stone from Ganondorf's head 🤣
Boom. Day saved.
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tmntkiseki · 5 months
So you know how one of the fandom's biggest complaints is that SAINW was never really acknowledged outside Donny's (extremely heartwarming) hug with Raph and Mikey when they reunite during the Ultimate Drako arc finale?
A while back, I was digging around on Peter Laird's blog, and on a post concerning drafts for the scripts of various Ninja Tribunal episodes... well..
Lloyd, Here are my comments on the Ep. 112 final. 1.) Re: the following: "**RAPHAEL Yeah, that was my dream.  There were all these funny lines.  And then, she was at the mercy of the Shredder! ON DONNY, cautiously adding to the narrative. ***DONATELLO I saw that, too! And then New York was transformed into a horror show … like an alternate universe … but worse." It's nice that my suggestion to have Don compare his nightmare to his experience in the Shredder-ruled alternate universe he was sent to in "Same As It Never Was" was considered, but the way it is rendered here misses the point. My idea was not that Don compare this nightmare to just "... AN alternate universe", but to THE alternate universe he was sent to. Here, his comparison of his nightmare to an alternate universe just seems weird and pointless. Here's a suggestion: "DONATELLO I saw that, too! And then New York was transformed into a horror show … sort of like that alternate universe that Ultimate Draco blasted me into… but worse. (Don pauses, shivers.) If that's possible..."
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We were so, so close.
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kurothoughts · 7 months
I know I'm getting too much ahead of myself with this thought but imagine when they get to adapt the Blue Cult arc tho. No, I'm not talking about the cult of stars, the literal bloody schemes, the betrayal, the revenge or whatever...
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it is, mates... the battle of the victorian boy-bands!
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dnphobe · 7 months
everyone should tweet tumblr screenshots and send that to them. praxis innit
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye
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actinganimagus · 2 months
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Are they wildly different universes. Yes.
Has Matt Reeves specifically said he's not interested in doing a cinematic universe? Yes.
Are these takes on the characters stark differences of each other? Yes.
Do these two still fit together perfectly, and their differences are exactly what they SHOULD BE for a "the Worlds Finest" team up? YES.
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mikewhoreler · 4 days
season 3 mike wheeler you are forever iconic
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morgenstern16 · 4 months
in retrospect it was very funny that the first NPC you meet in elden ring tells you you're bitchless and have no hoes, especially since so many people got mad at him for doing so
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emphasisonthehomo · 4 months
This isn't me fishing for attention or compliments, this is genuinely just me needing to get the Thoughts Out.
But it's so frustrating to have no time outside of work and be socially awkward. Because it means I wind up trying to hang out with coworkers. And then they flake on me and I've like fucking pre-heated the oven and texted them about what kind of frozen pizza they want, and then I'm ignored. Because for whatever reason I get stuck w/ flakes.
And I know that I'm kind of an asshole and need more IRL friends, but I'm also fucking 30 and stuck in my ways. I need people to commit when they say they'll hang out, because I do get into Host Mode™ and then am left alone with so much potential for (imho) a good Friday evening, and no one to share it with.
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angeart · 4 months
things i learned today, while trying to make hmtb progress:
you can only type so much in a single google doc document—
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itsscottiesstark · 5 months
What's the point of including the cutest angel!Crowley clip as his nomination clip if you're only going to let it run for 3 seconds?
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