#b.i. scenario
yoonia · 11 months
overdrive (m) | B.I
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⤑ Summary | As his personal manager who always works closely with him in both his professional activities and private matters, it has become one of your duties to cater to his needs, to always be on his beck and call, even if you have to put aside your own needs to please him.
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⤑ Title | Overdrive ⤑ Pairings | Kim Hanbin (B.I) x female reader ⤑ Genre | PWP, Smut, Artist/Musician!B.I, Manager!reader ⤑ Word count | 13,345 words
⤑ Ratings & Warnings | +18 / M for Mature; involves mature and explicit sex scenes, including: sexual tension, groping, stripping/nudity, breast play, hand job, oral sex (male receiving/blowjob), deepthroating, unprotected sex, public sex, tour bus sex, accidental voyeurism, rough sex, praise kink, dirty talk, hair pulling (on both), edging, begging, swearing, breast play, nipple play, panty ripping, fingering, clit play, finger licking, cum tasting/eating, cum swallowing, biting, light restraint, implied creampie, panty biting(?), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, body worshipping.
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⤑ Story Notes | Written in 2nd person POV (in case you’re new to my writing, I don’t use ‘y/n’ coding as all of my lead characters are considered as OCs). This story is purely a work of fiction, with the usage of artist’s/idol’s names as fictional characters. Any similarities in the usage of names for other characters and circumstances are purely coincidental. | PS. This is only roughly edited, but I hope you’ll still enjoy reading the story. 
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It feels like only moments ago this place was thriving with raw energy.
Loud music was blasting through the speakers, while the sounds of fans screaming his name and singing along to his song echoed through the entire venue. Everyone and every part of this place came alive as Hanbin took control of the stage with his mere presence. 
You can almost see him still being there as you look over at the stage, commanding it with his music. You still remember how he kept everyone completely entranced with his alluring voice and hypnotising moves. What he did on stage was pure magic. 
And that magic must have been strong enough that you can still picture him doing his thing on that empty stage. You can still feel his presence even after the lights have been turned off and the crowd has long since left this place to return home. 
Thinking about him like this makes your body burn hot. 
Your heartbeat starts racing the same way it did earlier while you were standing by the side of the stage, watching him move his body to the music. After spending the past year working with him and then joining him on this tour, the reactions he inflicts on you no longer surprise you. 
He captivates you in ways that you can never possibly explain. That you have never experienced before. 
Even once the music has stopped, once his performance has long ended and there are no more of his lively audience around you dancing and screaming his name, you can still feel everything. 
Even without the music, its vibration seems to linger. Still reverberates through the air around you and you can feel it deep within your body. As if the space around you is still humming with his presence even in the silence that remains.
“You’re still here?” a voice calls out, drawing your attention away from the empty stage and out of your thoughts right before they begin to dive into a different, slightly darker place. The road manager comes to your side. The man appears just as exhausted as you are—perhaps even more, knowing what he is required to do before and after these shows—yet he still has a big smile on his face as he greets you. 
“Yeah, I just met up with the promoter, so I figured I’d check in to see how you guys are doing while I’m still around,” you try to make up excuses. Not that he would start questioning further. “How’s everything going?” 
The road manager begins explaining everything—from all the tasks that the road crew had just completed and how they are handing the rest to the local staff. Skipping all the technical details that you have no business with except to report back to Hanbin later. 
Much later.
Once you are done with your actual responsibilities. 
As Hanbin’s personal manager who normally handles his private needs, keeping watch of the road crew dismantling the stage equipment and the stereo system isn’t really a part of your duty in the first place. Especially when there aren’t really that many things they would need to cover in these indoor venues. Getting to know what they are doing isn't even the reason why you still remain here after the show is over. 
You are simply buying time before returning back to him. Which is what you probably should be doing already now that everything else has been taken care of. 
“Everything is packed and ready to go. I think the boys are planning to join the dance crew and grab dinner somewhere nearby, then we’ll be out of here before midnight,” the road manager continues as he walks with you towards the backdoor of the venue. “How about you join us?” 
His offer catches you off guard, yet you quickly refuse. “No, thank you, you guys go ahead. I still have some things to do, so I’ll figure something out later.” 
Just as you are heading towards the exit, you are met with the guys from the dance crew, and Hanbin’s close friends, coming in from the parking lot. Most of them look freshly showered, having found the time to freshen up after getting heated from the show. They all give you a friendly greeting once they notice you there, while Shawn, one of the dancers, steps closer to you to say hi. 
You look over his shoulder to confirm that Hanbin isn’t with them. 
Noticing this, he immediately says to you in a low voice, “Hanbin’s back in the bus. Said he wanted to chill and take it easy for the night. He also said that he’s waiting for you to talk about something.” 
“Ah, I see,” you answer him, trying to stay calm about it when your heart is palpitating at the thought of Hanbin waiting for you to come and see him. 
Which only means one thing—
“We’re heading out to get some food and maybe find some snacks and drinks for the road. Should we get you guys something to eat too?” Shawn kindly offers. You can only smile and nod while trying your best not to take notice of the way he speaks, or the way he is looking at you knowingly. You also ignore the way he seems to be insinuating something else when he speaks about you and Hanbin. 
As if he knows your little secret and the real reason why Hanbin is expecting you. 
“Sure, that would be lovely. Thanks for offering. He’ll probably skip dinner if you don’t get him something to eat.” 
The dancer grins. “I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I were you.” 
Shawn’s cryptic answer stays with you for a while as you walk away from the group. Yet you try not to let it bother you too much as you start making your way to find Hanbin. 
The night breeze welcomes you as you step out of the establishment. Then the silence thickens around you as you walk across the quiet parking lot. You merely take a moment to breathe in the fresh air around you and pay no heed to everything else, having only one destination in mind. But you make sure to remain within the shadows formed under the line of trees on the edge of the parking lot, keeping away from the fans who might still be lingering around or taking their time leaving the place. 
It doesn’t take long before you start seeing them. 
There are some standing beyond the trees in pairs while others are gathering in small groups. Some appear to be lounging around and resting, no doubt trying to come down from the high that they had all gotten from the concert before tracking their way back home or to their hotels. Others seem to linger without any apparent reason. Perhaps nothing other than hoping to get one last glimpse of Hanbin or get noticed by him and his boys if they would just wait around a bit longer. 
You watch them for a brief moment before continuing your walk across the parking lot. Parked at a dark corner at the far end of the parking lot, it feels like it is taking you forever to finally reach the tour bus. As it they had all the intention to tuck it away and keep it from being seen. 
Once the tour bus appears in your line of sight, your heart stutters. 
Under the night sky and kept in the dark, the vehicle looks almost inconspicuous. It doesn’t draw too much attention even with its size and how out of place it seems to be here. 
Yet it draws something else out of your thoughts as you take a good look at it. 
It brings a smile to your face when you remember how it all started, how Hanbin and his team came up with the idea of travelling between places in such a bus throughout this tour. He sold the idea as a way for him to make the most out of it, to embrace every moment that he could get and be able to visit different places in between. He also talked about his wish to live life like a rockstar while he is on the road—something which was quite alarming and made you worry at first, hence why you have been joining him through the whole tour.
So far, it has been rare for you to join him and his tight crew riding on the bus during the overnight drives, except for the short journeys and when you had to work side by side with him between shows. 
Other times, you have been travelling solo whenever you were required to. Only so you could be ahead of the entourage to make sure that all the preparations needed for his show would be in place by the time they arrived. 
Tonight, that would be one of the things that is going to change. 
With one last destination left on the tour, the bus and its passengers will be heading down the road right away instead of remaining in this city for the night. And you are going to be joining them on the bus to get to the next destination instead of travelling solo to the next city. 
But as you walk towards the bus, you can feel, deep down, that the travel arrangement wouldn’t be the only thing that is going to be different tonight. 
The place around you is dark and quiet. So quiet that you can almost hear the sound of your rapid heartbeat echoing around you as you reach for the door. Your breath grows heavy as you open the door and climb your way in. More silence welcomes you, which only thickens further once the door is closed behind you. 
Making your way to the back of the bus, you walk past the seats where everyone would usually waste their time while on the road, loitering and chattering loudly with a ton of noises filling this area. The kitchen and the dining area look partly messy—with bags of potato chips and empty bottles left unattended on the counter, even when the tables are wiped clean—and you wonder just how much mess will be added here later once the boys are back. 
And then you reach the area where the bunk beds are. The sleeping quarters that everyone would use to rest and spend the night in while the bus is driving across cities and between borders. With only individual curtains giving each bunk its privacy, noises from outside can still filter through in the night. 
Thinking about this as you walk through the row of bunk beds only brings you back—way back—to the night which started it all. The same night which gave you the reason to be here, tracing your steps through the bus to look for Hanbin. 
It was after the second show when you tracked down this quiet aisle with the same purpose which led to one small mistake that started an entire ripple effect. You came here that night when Hanbin suddenly disappeared after the show while everyone was ready to grab dinner. You came back to the tour bus to find and fetch him so he could eat, knowing how often he would skip his meal when he was focused deeply in work. 
That night was exactly like tonight, with everyone away and on their way to find the nearest local restaurant, leaving the bunk beds empty. At least, that was what you had expected, believing that Hanbin must have lost track of time when he immediately dove straight back into work the way he often would just to burn out the rest of his energy for the night. 
You were heading further back of the vehicle to find him when a faint sound of a groan caught your attention. It sounded like someone or something was in one of the bunk beds, which drew your curiosity. So you stopped to listen.
A bunch of other noises started to become more noticeable then, and it didn’t take long for you to notice that the sounds came from the last bunk on the row. The one that Hanbin was meant to use during the long trips on the road. You carefully crept closer so you could listen better. To know just what was happening behind the curtain. 
There was a mix of cryptic sounds heard coming out of it—the sounds of sheets ruffling, soft knocking against the side of the bunk, and more soft groans.
You wondered for a moment if it was really Hanbin inside the bunk. But when you started suspecting him to be the source of those sounds, you immediately felt annoyed. Livid, even. When the thought of him doing something as risky as getting it on with some stranger crossed your mind. 
It didn’t help when you remembered about his wish to live like a rockstar. Remembered how he had spoken about it before the tour. The thought further led you into believing that he may have actually done it. That he had invited someone, perhaps a willing fan of his, onto the bus. 
It made you want to strangle him just thinking about him actually doing it. The last thing you needed was for him to get caught in trouble in the middle of the tour. Much less for him to get entangled in malicious rumours if something like this should get out in public. 
As the noises continued, you gently grabbed the hem of the curtain, ready to throw it back and bust him. A myriad of scolding went through your head at that point as you were ready to make him pay for it. 
Another groan was heard and you decided to move once you confirmed that it was really his voice that you heard. Ignoring the way the sound of his pleasured moan sent tingles through your body, you whipped the curtain back to catch him in the act, only to regret it as soon as you saw him. 
Hanbin looked like a deer caught in the headlights when he looked up. His eyes were wide open with fear, yet you could also see a dark need emerging from his gaze which became more visible the moment he realised that it was you. 
But you already had your attention somewhere else to notice it.
Reclining in the tight space within his bunk bed, Hanbin was bare-chested, wearing nothing more but his shorts that had been pushed down under his hips. You just couldn’t resist looking down to see his hand wrapped around his thick cock, fully exposed and standing hard against his stomach.
Once the shock wore off, his truth finally came out. He confided in you about his need to release all the energy that was still boiling within him after the show. That it would have made it hard for him to be able to feel calm in the night unless he had all of that energy drained out of him. To have it tamed, so that he could finally relax and have his proper rest. 
“I don’t really think it’s working, though,” he breathlessly said then with a bitter chuckle. “It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone. And it’s kind of hard to make myself cum when my head is at the wrong places.”
“What if I give you a helping hand? Will it work?” The offer slipped right out of your lips before you could do anything to stop it. You didn’t even realise what you were offering him until the moment you saw the look on his face. He looked surprised, but intrigued at the same time. Then there was this new emotion which seemed raw and fierce coming out through his gaze when he considered taking your offer. 
“Why would I say no to that?” was what he said as he leaned back, allowing you to take matters into your own hands, literally, as you fixed his problems simply with the touch of your hands until he was able to find release. 
That was the first time that you crossed the line just to help him. And it was definitely not the last. 
The arrangement continued after the next show, and the next, and you kept coming to his aid at the end of every concert throughout the ongoing tour. Your help had become the best option available rather than allowing him to find other ways to get out of his predicament once the night got deeper and he was still too hyped up to sleep.
After a short while, your carnal favour has escalated from merely giving him your special aid through your helping hands to taking him deep in your mouth once he needed to be stimulated further. 
That was as far as you had gotten since this arrangement started. Never once had it led to something more. And Hanbin had always been the focus of your “service”, except for the few times he returned the favour by giving you release with the touch of his deft hands when you had to do this in the privacy of his hotel room. 
Your body trembles in heat. Both from reminiscing all the sinful act you had done to help him and from the pleasure that you gained in return through his touch. 
Reaching the end of the aisle, your eyes linger on the last bunk. The curtain is drawn, and there is no sound coming out of it. You can tell that he won’t be there if you pull that curtain open, so you move on.
The only sound that you can hear comes from the small room at the back of the bus instead. The area that was meant to be the master bedroom, altered into a private cabin with sofa beds and desks which would have more purpose for someone like Hanbin. 
You shouldn’t be surprised to know that Hanbin would choose to be there, waiting for you to come to him. Because you know that out of all the sections within the bus, it would be the only place that can provide you all the privacy that you may need to be able to help sort out the uncommon predicament that Hanbin might be facing tonight. 
Right this moment, that is where the faint sound of his moans and slow breaths is guiding you. And you follow its lead, with your heart palpitating the closer you are to get to it. 
As you gently open the door to the cabin, you find Hanbin sitting on the long sofa at the back of the room. The same sofa bed that you would use to sleep on whenever you are riding on the bus, when you are not helping Hanbin finish his work or write his music while everyone else is asleep in their bunks.
You enter the cabin, closing the door behind you. You take a moment to have a good look at him before coming to his side. 
Hanbin still has the same pants that he was wearing on stage. Sill bare-chested after discarding his shirt at the end of the show to toss it to God knows where. The only difference is that he is barefoot, with his shoes left hastily on the floor. The strands of his hair—which appear to be wet with sweat—are now a complete mess with curly strands falling over his face like curtains shielding him from the dim lights illuminating the room.
Hanbin has his head tilted back as he reclines on the sofa, looking awfully exhausted after the hours-long, full-energy show that he had just concluded. You can see his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. His bare skin is glistening with a thin layer of sweat that somehow makes him look even more alluring than he always has been. The glow on his skin further accentuates the lines on his chest, shoulders, and torso, making you feel the urge to touch him there. 
Before you can realise it, your legs begin to move, taking you to him. At first, it appears to you that he has yet to notice your presence. Until you notice the slight tremor in his deep inhale of breath once he senses that you are coming closer.
As you come to him, Hanbin lifts his head to look at you. The dim lighting around you didn’t allow you to see it before, yet as he subtly shifts on his seat, you finally notice that he had left his pants unbuttoned and unzipped before you had gotten here. 
Seeing the sight of his hard-on, partly covered by his pants while the tip is resting heavily on his stomach, it reminds you of the first night you saw him like this. Except that instead of having his hand wrapped around his hard girth, Hanbin keeps his hands to his side this time. Both are clenched tightly into the sofa, allowing you to see the tension rolling out of his body.
That tension seems to grow further when he opens his eyes, watching you coming closer to him with an intense gaze. 
“You’re here,” he says once you are standing right before him. His voice almost feels like an echo in the silence that surrounds you. Still sounds hoarse after the show. 
“I’m here,” you find yourself responding as if you are completely entranced by his gentle voice. You clear your throat, hoping that you can shake away the yearning in your voice before he ever notices it. “I heard you were expecting me. I came right away, assuming that you needed my assistance.” 
You trail your gaze back down on his lap, eyeing closely at the sight of his hard cock. It twitches against his stomach the more you give it attention. You lick your lips, wishing for a taste. Yet you manage to keep your voice steady when you tease him, “I didn’t expect that you would have started already without me.” 
A slow grin appears on his face. “There is no way I could start anything before you got here. I was waiting for you. But as you can see, I needed to do something about it when it was starting to hurt so bad.” 
He stops with a hiss. His body seems to react while he converses with you. “You’re the only one who can help me during times like this,” he says to you before dragging his tongue across his lips. 
There is a subtle disappointment flickering in his eyes when he adds, “Funny, I thought you would be as excited as I’ve been to finally have some time alone like this once the show ended.” 
The look that you see in his eyes and the disdain you hear in his voice catch you by surprise. You didn’t truly expect that he would be anticipating this as much as you have been. It makes you feel guilty for stalling time instead of coming to see him straight away just like you were supposed to. 
You had only lingered back to gather your wits before facing him. It was something that you felt needed to do, after the reactions he wrung out of you while he was performing. 
Even now, you still feel hot as you are picturing him dancing, rolling his body to the music as if he was making love to it. And your body is still reacting the same way. Heat rushes through you, centering at your core. Then you look down again at his throbbing shaft, and that heat shifts into something else. 
You take a deep breath and quickly move your eyes to his face to gain composure. “I was planning to come find you right away, but I had to make sure that everything was going as planned before we could go back on the road,” you try to explain yourself, even if you can tell that what you are giving him is nothing but a lame excuse. 
“Is that so? I guess I can’t blame you for making sure that you’re done with the job. I almost thought that you were avoiding me,” he jokes with a feeble chuckle, to which you quickly respond with,
“I would never do that.” You surprise both him and yourself with your immediate respond. You are mostly surprised at how much you meant it. “There’s no way I could avoid you. Not at times like this, at least.”
Hanbin falls silent, making you tense for a moment. Until he lets out a relieved sigh. “That’s a relief to hear. I’m glad,” he says. A subtle tremor rises from his chest just then, and you can tell that he is still brimming with adrenaline. 
The same adrenaline that he had gotten built up from the stage, and the one that you will have to tame down for him to be able to sleep during the night. 
The same way it has always been. Once the music ends, the overflowing adrenaline that still remains in his body becomes out of control. And it is your job to help him come down from it. 
Only that it would need a different kind of high to make it happen. 
After tonight’s show, you know for sure that this would be a challenging of a task for you to deal with. You can only hope that you won’t get devoured by this new raw energy of his.
“How can I help you this time?” you offer with a soft voice that is nearly drowned by the sound of your rapid heartbeat. 
“Can you—” he starts to say in a whisper, “can you strip out of your clothes this time? Please, I want to see you.” 
His words, despite sounding like an inconspicuous request, are still enough to make you feel the same rushing heat building back up in your body. The only thing that you aren’t completely sure of is whether this feeling comes merely from lust. 
Because the rapid flutters rising in your chest are telling you that there is something else that is present there. Something that is insisting on blooming within you despite all of your efforts to keep it away. 
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” you ask him, trying to make sure that he knows what he is asking of you. That he realises that complying with his request now would only mean that both of you are crossing a new line. 
“I wouldn’t be asking you this if I wasn’t,” he firmly says to you, and you can almost hear his voice growing deeper and heavy with his desire for a moment before he covers it all up to say, “but you don’t have to if you don’t want to go that far.” 
But you do want to. Even if it means you are crossing over boundaries, and things may escalate further than they usually would. 
Somehow, you had predicted that things may turn out differently this time. Unlike those previous nights, lending him your helping hands may not be enough for you to solve this problem of his. Not tonight.
You already felt it since the show earlier, when there was a new raw energy emerging from him throughout the show. As if he was letting loose every pent-up desire on stage, which brought up the rumbling energy now still emerging through his body as he is sitting there, waiting for you to make a decision. 
Fulfilling his request seems risky when you are already getting too deep. You were never supposed to get your emotions involved. Yet it still happened. It happened before you realised it, and now it appears to you that it is already too late for you to try and stop it. 
You have made up your mind to try and ignore your treacherous heart. To focus on doing your job until the final day of his tour. Except that the answer you give him next doesn’t seem to support your decision and your mind decides to take a new risk instead.
“It’s fine. I’ll do it,” you calmly say to him while doing your best not to show how much his words are affecting you. 
“It would be better that way, after all, since you nearly ruined my favourite blouse when you made a mess on me the last time we did this,” you simply add, as you try to convince yourself that there is really nothing else behind this. That you just want to make it more practical. 
Your comment draws a grin to his face, as if he is recalling that salacious night in his head right after you brought it up. The night when you slipped into his dressing room right after a show, using the limited time you had to fix his problem before you were supposed to drive him and the dancers to the hotel where everyone could rest for the night. 
Except that in the rush of him finding release, Hanbin made a complete mess out of himself, and you, when drops of his essence fell all over your blouse. It would have been impossible for people not to notice you coming out of his dressing room wearing nothing but his sweatshirt, had there been people still loitering around after the show was over. 
You had initially believed that your secret was safe with you when you managed to slip out unnoticed, until you remember Shawn’s sly grin earlier when he spoke to you about Hanbin. 
Once again, you try not to dwell on it too much and focus back on the present. Back to the man who is sitting right in front of you, with his chest and cock partly out, as he waits for you to make a move. 
Looking straight into his eyes, you reach down to grip the hem of your blouse and strip it off of your body. Your trousers come next, as you unbutton them at the waist and start pushing the fabric down your hips.
Hanbin’s eyes never waver from you while this is happening. The way his gaze is so focused on you seems to only urge you to continue putting on a show for him. So you begin to sway your hips from side to side as you slowly peel your pants off of you, before letting everything fall on the floor.
Stepping out of your shoes and the pile of your discarded clothes, you leave your undergarments on and stand right between his parted legs. His gaze follows you as you lower yourself to the floor, kneeling down right before him. 
“What do you need me to do next?” 
Hanbin drags his tongue across his lips as he considers his options. Having you kneeling in front of him, with your face hovering close to his crotch is already enough to taunt and challenge him. 
Tension rises between you as he makes you wait. 
The air feels cold on your mostly bare skin, yet your body feels hot as your anticipation increases with each passing second. Being in this position makes you feel completely exposed and helpless, as if you are submitting to his control. Slowly, your knees begin to feel sore from holding up your weight. The rising ache only brings forth the other sensations rising in your body, making you feel sensitive to the slightest movement he makes when he shifts in his seat. 
This wouldn’t be the first time that your body is showing these reactions. When you are made to feel your own carnal desire rising in your body at the thought of pleasing him and fulfilling his needs. 
And this was the reason why you took your sweet time coming to him. Because you couldn’t face him when you had a myriad of emotions rushing through your body. You are already made weak by your forbidden feelings, and it would only be made worse once he brings out your dark desire. 
Because you know that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself once that happens. 
A gentle touch on the top of your head brings your attention back to him before your mind gets too far and your insecurities take over. At the same time, his touch calms you down. 
The moment you look into his eyes, everything else seems to fade away. This is no longer a part of your job, and the world outside of this cabin no longer exists. It stops you from questioning your decision of ever getting yourself involved in this whole thing.
“Help me take these off. I can barely move a muscle since I got here,” he calmly claims with a soft chuckle, completely oblivious to the turmoil happening in your head. 
He probably doesn’t even know how his simple request is making your chest dip. 
You bite back the bashful smile that comes to your face. “Oh, poor you. Here, let me help,” you say to him with a tease, even if it falls short once your eyes return to his twitching erection.
You ignore the warm flutters rising in your chest as you reach up to grab a hold of his waistband. With a firm grip, you start pulling his pants and boxer pants together. Which doesn’t really take a lot of effort when they were barely holding on around his hips, already pushed down just enough for him to free his rigid cock from its restraint. Your fingers graze his skin as you keep pulling them down his hips, causing him to tremble under your touch. 
It gives you some self-satisfaction to be able to draw this kind of reaction from him. It feels good to see that you are not the only one getting affected by all the tension. So you tease him further, keeping light contact with his skin as you continue to bring his clothes down his legs. 
“There. Better?” you ask him with a low voice once the intrusive clothes of his are now gone. 
Seeing him sitting there completely naked leaves you breathless. Yet you find it hard to look away. His erection seems to grow harder under your perusing gaze. It causes the urge to touch him to grow stronger. 
“Touch it,” he suddenly says, as if he knows what you are thinking just by looking at your clenched hands. “Please,” he adds almost breathlessly, “I want to feel your hands on me.” 
Words fail you. While his words pull you like a spell. You reach out to touch him, starting from his thighs, where you trace his skin lightly with the tips of your fingers, drawing light shudders through his body. You continue until you finally reach the area between his legs when you finally stop.
His whole body tenses. Anticipation rolls through him as you move your hand closer. Light fingers start hovering lightly on his hard-on, with only a subtle brush or two grazing at his cock. Each light touch you give him only makes you want more. You want to feel his skin under your palm. To feel the familiar pulse coming from his cock the moment you touch him. Yet you resist the temptation just a bit longer. You want to tease him enough to the point that he feels like he is on the edge before you finally continue. 
And he doesn’t disappoint you when he soon reacts. With a soft whimper, Hanbin subtly pushes his hips up, as if trying to guide you into touching him further.
No longer able to deny your own desire, you finally give in and wrap a gentle hand around the base of his cock. 
At your touch, Hanbin reacts with a groan. His chest trembles as he tries to calm himself with a deep inhale of breath. His hips almost come up from the sofa when you start moving your hand, sliding your gentle grip up and down the length of his cock. 
You continue to move, keeping a steady pace and drawing more and more reactions from him. His rocking hips, his rumbling chest as he moans in pleasure, and his hands that are clenching tightly right by his side. 
You soon notice how quickly he loses control of himself once he starts thrusting back up into your hand. Seeing how badly he needs this release, you give a firm grip around his girth and slowly pick up your speed, moving your hand up and down his length until the sound of his laboured breathing fills the room. 
“Fuck, that’s it. That feels perfect,” he groans with his head tilted back. Shudders after shudders rush through him, and you keep up what you are doing now when he doesn’t make a move to stop you. 
Until you start to feel it coming. 
A pulse rises from his girth, pressing against your palm. and you take it as a cue that it is time for him to reach his climax. After giving him a few more strokes, you lean down and tease the head of his cock with your tongue. He lets out a deep groan once he feels your lips wrapped around the tip, covering him with your warm mouth. 
You continue the light strokes along the length of his shaft and reach down with your other hand, touching his balls with a light hand and start massaging him lightly as you begin licking your way up and down his member. As the sound of his moans increases rapidly, you finally take his whole cock into your mouth and slide all the way down, taking as much as you can until he is deep in your throat. 
You suck hard as you push him in and out of your mouth, swirling your tongue around his tip each time you come up and tightening your throat when you come back down to swallow him. With your hand, you continue stroking the rest of his length that you cannot cover, until you feel his muscles tightening, his moans stuttering with heavy breathing, a sign that he is ready to explode. 
With one last stroke, and giving him one last hard suck, you swallow him deeply until it finally happens. His hands come up to the back of your head to keep you in place as he rocks his hips, thrusting into your mouth. It takes only a few thrusts before he finally comes into your mouth. His warm release falls on your tongue and the cavern of your mouth, with some drops shooting their way to the back of your throat. 
The last one makes you gargle, yet with his hands keeping you in place and your mouth still pumping his length, you make no move to pull away. You continue sucking, swallowing every last drop until the only thing that remains is the constant pulse of his blood pumping from the base of his cock to the tip that is still buried in your throat. 
You don’t stop, until he finally has enough and releases you, and you pull away so his cock pops out of your lips and falls back onto his stomach. 
You take a moment to catch your breath. But once your mind is cleared, you realise too late how hot your body feels now, triggered solely by the act of pleasing him. There is heat rising between your quivering legs, and you somehow know that if you reach down, you will find yourself growing wet. 
Hanbin’s hands return to you, touching your face gently so you can look at him again. 
His face seems flushed after his release, with a mix of afterglow and raw, unfulfilled hunger that refuses to go away. The glow in his eyes makes you grow curious at first, until your eyes trail down his heaving chest, stopping at his toned stomach to see his cock, still hard and mostly rigid even after its release. 
“As you can see, seems like I’m going to need a little more than that,” he says with a lack of regret shown in his voice. 
This situation makes you laugh. “A little?” you tease him, making him grin.
“Okay, maybe a lot,” he returns with an easy shrug, while your chest feels heavy at the thought of this continuing into something else. Something more risky. 
You realise that you are not feeling this way because you are unwilling, but because deep down, you know that you want this. You have wanted this for some time, ever since the pleasure which you gain from helping him becomes so addicting and your feelings become deeply involved. 
You can barely hear your own voice under the sound of your heartbeat when you ask him, “So what do you have in mind?” 
Hanbin opens his mouth, only to close it again. “I don’t want to make you do something that you don’t want to,” he says while gauging your reaction. Ever since you started spending close, nearly intimate moments like this with him, you have learned that he can be a bit perceptive when it comes to you. 
And it does a lot of things to your heart when he can easily tell what you need. How he always keeps a close eye on you to make sure to notice any discomfort coming from you. 
“No, that’s not what this is,” you answer him with a soft voice as your hands return to touch him again. You trace your fingers on the inner side of his thighs, stopping before you reach his cock when you finally admit to him, “I want this. I want to do all I can to help you.” 
And help myself satiate my needs, the little voice in your head whispers just as your eyes find him. You hate to admit how hopeful you are feeling as you wait, expecting him to express to you exactly what he needs. 
The same way you always make it happen. It makes things easier for you when he guides you through it. Even though it has never been easy for you to deal with the lingering aftermath.
“Good. Now come up here,” he breathlessly says. The need in his voice feels so intense that makes you feel entranced. Pulled by his demand as you carefully plant one knee and the other on either side of him to get over his lap. 
Hanbin has his hands on your waist, helping you up with a gentle hold. Which only makes it hard for you to remain calm when his touch makes your heart stutter. Butterfly wings fluttering wildly from deep within your chest just from that simple touch alone.  
“What’s wrong?” he asks you, as he notices how you become still under the touch of his hands. There is a deep sigh in his voice. It makes you wonder if he is getting affected by the contact at the same time. 
“Just a bit nervous,” you find yourself admitting to him before you can stop it. You quickly bite your tongue, stopping yourself from suddenly dumping your true feelings and trying to divert his attention. “I never realised how tight this sofa is until we’re both sitting on it together like this.” 
He softly chuckles. “I’ll take care of you,” he says to you gently as he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you up against his chest. “But if you’re not sure about this—” 
“I’m sure. Positively sure about this,” you quickly cut him off. The words just come out of you before you realise it happening. 
A smile grows on his face. One that makes you swoon and you simply melt into his hold. “That’s all I need to hear,” is all he has to say to you, before he surprises you by pulling you to him and pressing his lips on yours. 
You grow tense for a moment and he slows down, giving you a chance to process this over. Maybe push him away if you are feeling uncomfortable. 
Because he never kissed you on the lips before. Not like this. Not with this much passion and tenderness that makes you feel like your heart has grown wings and they are fluttering wildly in your chest. 
Slowly, you begin to relax, returning his kiss with the same gentleness that he is giving you. The kiss continues on, and on, until he suddenly traces your lips with his tongue, and you are made to feel as if you are melting into hot lava. 
Hanbin’s hand slides up your back. His touch feels distant as you have your mind muddled by his hot kiss. Though your body still arches into his touch, as if having a mind of its own. You run your hands through his messy hair, pulling at his locks while you are returning his kiss. 
A soft tug is felt against the skin on your back. The next thing you know, he is pulling your bra off of you. He pulls back from the kiss as he throws the bra away, while you let out a gasp when a cold breeze touches your skin. 
Hanbin licks his lips as he takes a good, intense look at your bare breasts. “All this time, I’ve always wondered—” 
The sound of the door at the front of the bus being opened cuts him off before he can finish what he is trying to say. Then the sound of low chatters and laughter follows. You immediately wrap your arms around yourself when you realise that some of the boys are already returning from dinner. 
Blood is drained from your face at the thought of being caught in the middle of this. “Oh no, I forgot to lock the doors.” 
“It’s okay, baby,” Hanbin hushes you with a soft murmur while pressing a finger on your lips. “They know that we need our privacy, so no one will be looking for us back here. Just remember to keep it quiet while they’re still out there.” 
Before you have the chance to ask what he means to say, he pulls your head down and presses his lips on yours. Once again, he silences your thoughts until the only thing that you can focus on is the present. 
To focus on him. 
For someone who is filled with tension, Hanbin’s kiss feels gentle. As if he wants to take it slow, to take his time while making sure that you won’t break. The soft touch he keeps on your waist makes you realise that he is giving you a chance to set the pace, to allow you to slip away if you want none of this. 
But there is no escaping this when have already given in, allowing yourself to submit completely to your true desire. It isn’t hard to let yourself go when you can feel from the way he is kissing you that Hanbin wants this as much as you do. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders as you allow yourself to take more. You meet his kiss by responding to it with the same fervour. You return every mesh of his lips on yours with your own, then you open your mouth to let him slip his tongue right in. 
Hanbin seizes his chance right away, deepening the kiss by pressing harder. His breathing grows heavier as he swirls his tongue around yours, to which you respond by sucking his tongue and pushing back, drawing a faint sound of a groan rumbling through his chest. 
You feel his hands moving right then, tracing your skin and rubbing at your curves, before finding your bottom cheeks. He covers your soft flesh with his palms and gives it a light squeeze, pushing you further into his chest and drawing a warm pulse deep inside your core when your covered pussy rubs against his cock. 
Feeling delirious from his touch and his hot kiss, you run your hands over the smooth muscles on his chest. The tips of your fingers slide down the thin layer of sweat that is covering his skin, while feeling him growing even hotter under your touch. 
All of a sudden, Hanbin pulls away from the kiss. He narrows his eyes when he looks at you, giving you a look filled with lust. 
His gaze moves away from your face as he moves his hands again. His eyes follow his touch as he traces his way up to your breasts. A tremor is visible in his inhale of breath as he gently presses his palms on your soft mounds, matching the subtle tremors that come awake through your body from his touch. 
As soon as his fingers touch your breasts, your nipples grow hard in an instant, and they seem to grow more sensitive the more he touches you that even a soft blow of the breeze makes you shiver. Once he takes notice of this, Hanbin bends his head lower and takes one of the pulsing buds between his lips. He gives a light suck, then brushes his tongue against it. You grit your teeth at the sensation that he is bringing out of you.
You almost forget where you are or the fact that you are no longer alone as Hanbin scrapes his teeth against your flesh, teasing you for a moment before biting to the point of pain. While you resist the urge to moan, your hand wanders down his chest, feeling his heartbeat stuttering under the tips of your fingers, then you continue your way down to his stomach. 
Within moments, your fingers brush the head of his cock. The need to touch him grows stronger then, and you trace your fingertips along his shaft. He moans against your breast, affected by your soft, yet indecent touch, and it pushes him to move further. 
His hand moves down your waist, pulling the waistband of your panties and tries to slip his fingers into the fabric to touch you. Yet your position above him isn’t allowing him to dive deeper to find the source of your pulsing heat. 
With a groan, Hanbin pulls away. He opens his mouth, and you begin to move back, expecting him to tell you to strip out of your panties. But he stops himself as he looks down, studying the offensive fabric for a brief moment before his hands slip under the waistband and he starts pulling.
“Wait, what are you—” You are just starting to question what he is up to when the ripping sound of the fabric fills the room. He doesn’t tear it into pieces like how you had often read it in those steamy romance novels, and he isn’t doing it so expertly either. His brows are furrowed deeply as he struggles with it and it takes him a while before he can get the job done. But as soon as he has the sides ripped up, he pulls the entire thing off of you and tosses it away while cursing out at it. 
“Are you crazy?” you ask him with your mouth gaping open, while he only exhales sharply. 
His brows are still furrowed when he answers you, “I didn’t want you to step down. Can you please wear something thinner next time so it’ll be easier for me to take it off of you?” 
“You can’t be serious?” you ask him with a baffled laugh. 
“You know I don’t joke about things like this,” he says with a sly grin. He may not seem so serious about it when he said it, but knowing him, you know that he truly meant it. “Now, where were we?” 
You are still baffled by his words that you fail to respond in time, and he takes the chance to move his hands down your hips. Hanbin has one hand holding you firmly at your hips as he dips the other between your legs, tracing the tips of his fingers up your inner thighs while gently guiding you to part your legs a bit wider. 
It feels like a struggle to get into position, but you somehow manage. Then he wastes no time to move his hand upward until his fingertips come brushing at your nether lips. 
Your hips lurch forward to meet his touch as he parts them and starts tracing your hot sex. With how sensitive and needy you have become, it doesn’t take much for him to make you start moaning and panting. 
“You’re so wet,” he murmurs while looking amused, but not surprised. He also seems mesmerised as he looks down at his fingers as he slips then between your folds and easily finds the slick mess that was formed while you were pleasuring him. 
He continues stroking your wet slit, drawing more and more of your arousal so that you can hear the slick sound he makes with his fingers. 
His touch draws a gasp out of your lips, and just when you are just beginning to feel high with pleasure, Hanbin bends down and starts sucking at your breast again, intensifying the sensation further that you simply lose all control of your body. 
Your hips begin to rock, moving back and forth against his touch and in tune with each stroke of his fingers on your slit. As he slides his fingers to find your clit, your moan grows a bit louder, and your movement becomes more erratic as you are drunk with carnal pleasure. 
Hanbin takes this chance to grow bold with his touch, as he gently slides a finger into your tight pussy. He feels you clenching around him tightly in response, and he begins pumping his digit in and out of you, drawing more shudders through your body with each stroke. 
While he works his fingers into your pussy, he uses his thumb to explore around it. He glides the wet digit over your clit and presses down while he pushes the rest of his fingers into your depth. 
You let out a breathy moan. Something that isn’t meant to happen, but the wanton sound comes out with your exhale of breath. And in your effort to try to hold back from erupting in pleasure, you simply fail to control yourself. 
Yet the sound you are making only draws an approving sound rumbling through his chest. He gives you a muffled moan as he keeps his mouth latched onto your breast possessively. 
Beyond the blissful fog filling your head, you can hear the faint sounds of footsteps walking away, bags being dropped, and then the distant voice saying something about leaving dinner behind and getting drinks, before you can hear the door of the bus closing. You can barely recognise those sounds, and it doesn’t register to you what it means at first, until you finally remember that you haven’t been alone on the bus for quite a while. 
Yet now that they are gone, there is nothing left behind but silence. The sounds of your ragged breath and his soft groan are the only ones left to fill the room. 
Hanbin finally releases your breast with the sound of a pop coming out of his lips. His hand quickly comes to where his mouth has been, though it doesn’t mean that he is done working his mouth on your skin. From your breasts, he traces your skin with his hot lips—up to your collarbones, then lingering on the side of your neck. 
Your head falls back. A content sigh slips out of your lips from the way he is tasting you, kissing and nibbling around the spot beneath your ear which has always been quite sensitive.
“I need to be inside you,” he finally asks you with his lips grazing against your neck. He makes it hard for you to respond with his hot kisses pressing on your skin and his fingers moving in slow circles against your slit. 
The pleasure that he wrings out of your body feels maddening. It builds in a slow rise, but is still enough to make you feel high in bliss.
“I—” you sigh out an answer, only to continue with a series of moans as you rock your hips on his lap. Too lost in your wanton need, you grind against his fingers, needing something more. Something to get you to find your release.
“I know that you want it too. I can feel it whenever you try to hold back,” he whispers as he leans back, searching for your truth with his deep gaze looking straight into your eyes. Then he surprises you, making you wonder if you have always been so transparent when he asks, “Don’t you ever feel frustrated at night when you need something but can’t have it? Why deny yourself of pleasure when I’m right here?” 
You hate how right he is and you hate that you can’t even deny every word he just said to you. 
Every time you are done with your carnal favours, you always come out of it feeling unsettled. You have always found yourself struggling on your own in the aftermath, left to spend the long hours in those nights tossing and turning in bed. 
Alone and horny. 
Frustrated because you are left with a need that has yet to be fulfilled. 
Disappointed because you have no other way to find release other than your own touch. Which would never be sufficient to give you exactly what you need.
He pushes his fingers back into your pussy, drawing a low moan out of your lips which he covers with a kiss. “Let me return the favour, baby. You’ve done so much for me. Let me do this,” he murmurs against your lips before pressing a gentle kiss, giving you time to answer, while using every sinful touch he is giving you to push you into opening up. 
Though there is really no need for him to do it, when you have already made up your mind the moment you heard his offer the first time.   
Because how are you supposed to refuse when he keeps saying all the right things? And when you can clearly see how genuine he is being? Or when your body is humming with a wanton need that keeps begging to be released, and he keeps touching you at the right places which gives you carnal pleasure? 
“If you want to talk about returning favours,” you start to answer him with a sigh while running your fingers down his heaving chest, “you should know that I only take what I am owed.” 
Hanbin grins at this. He pulls back slowly while drawing his fingers out of your tight pussy, leaving behind a shuddering bliss in its wake. You watch him bring his fingers up to his lips, each one coated with your slick arousal, which he lowly licks with his tongue until he tastes every last drop. 
The sight of him drinking your essence captivates you so that your head spins, almost making you miss what he says to you next, “You don’t have to worry about that at all. I plan on paying everything that I owe you—” he says before tasting the last drop and bringing his hands back to your hips, “even if it takes all night long to pay my debt.” 
“Really?” you ask him, “I’ll keep that in mind, just don’t take back your words once we begin.” 
You reach down, grabbing his hard erection and finding it already grown back to its full girth while he was pleasing you. You give him a few strokes, drawing a gasp from his lips, before aligning the hard tip of his cock right at your entrance. 
The urge to sit down on his hard-on feels so strong. Yet you fight it just a bit longer. You have known that you have grown awfully wet down below, and there is no doubt a mess has been created there from his sinful touches. You can hear the sound of your slick arousal echoing in the room as you guide the tip of his cock back and forth against your slit, coating him with your essence. 
You continue this until you are ready. Until you feel him pushing his hips upward slightly to press his cock against your pussy. With a shudder, you put his cock right back at your entrance and slowly start lowering yourself on him. The sound of his deep moan erupts as you slowly sink down the length of his cock, stopping briefly when there is some restraint from your pulsing walls, keeping you from taking him deeper. 
“Fuck, so tight—” he groans deeply, while you can only respond back with a soft mewl. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“Mm,” is the only thing that you can give him when words fail you. Spasm after spasm of pleasure rocks through you even when you are both silent, remaining in a standstill while your bodies are slowly adjusting to one another. 
“We need to move, baby. You’re sucking me and we’re barely starting.” 
It feels tight, and your legs are trembling so much that it almost makes it hard for you to move. Even pushing yourself up and down his length seems like an effort. 
But once the series of pulses begins to wane down, you finally gather enough will to start moving. After moving slightly back and forth, nearly rocking against him, you manage to take more of him. Taking him inch by delicate inch until he is completely embedded inside your slick heat. 
With a shuddering moan, you slump forward against his chest. Because the pleasure you are feeling with him buried deep inside you is too much. 
He makes you feel full. His girth seems to be the perfect fit inside you. He also makes you feel a myriad of sensations that you have never felt before even just by filling you up like this. 
Perhaps it has been too long since you have gotten laid that your body responds to him so easily. It has been hard for you to hook up with anyone while you are attached to this job, and while you dedicated your long hours to fulfil his needs. 
Hanbin notices the way your body is taking its time to adjust to the sensation rushing through you. Instead of rushing through things, he tightens his hold on your waist to keep you close, holding you up while you let the shudders pass. 
Hot kisses are pressed on your neck, chin, and then your face, as Hanbin tries to soothe your body to relax against him and help you embrace the pleasure. It takes a moment, but you finally feel the tension in your body lessening in his hold. 
That is when you start moving. 
Starting with tentative rocking at first, before you slowly start gaining more and more confidence just as the rush of pleasure continues to build up and take over. Scooting forward and back, you rub yourself against his length. Then you gather enough strength on your legs and begin moving up and down his length, causing his cock to retreat and reenter you with each move. 
Your carnal desire quickly takes over control, and your body continues to move naturally in a steady rocking. He raises his hands and begins caressing your breasts, using the rhythm of your rocking hips to gently knead your soft flesh. 
“That feels—good,” you moan softly, mewling while arching your chest into him so you can press your breasts into his palms. He takes this chance to pinch your nipples, playing with them by rubbing and rolling them between his thumbs and forefinger, until he draws an intense wave of pleasure rushing throughout your body. 
Your rocking quickens, and with the way you are arching into him, you are inadvertently grinding your clit against his pubic bone, drawing more and more of those delicate shivers of pleasure surging inside you. They rise through your chest and neck, and once your legs begin to quiver harder, you start losing balance and the rocking of your hips grows unsteady. 
His hands come down to your hips, giving you a firm hold to keep you from flailing and falling back from the sofa. Humming softly, Hanbin becomes aware of the way you are shaking on top of him. He gives you a moment to ride your pleasure before he takes over and starts pumping his cock into you. 
“I...fucking…knew it,” he groans, saying each word between each thrust he is giving you. He slams harder and harder, closing his eyes as he takes this moment to savour the pleasure that he is feeling from being inside you.
“I’ve pictured this so many times, and it feels way better than I imagined it would,” you hear him say with ragged breaths. Your hips buck in surprise, but he tightens his grip on your hips and increases the pace of his fucking, pushing all thoughts, any word you wanted to say to him, out the window. 
Your fingers sink deeper into his bare shoulders as you hold on tightly to him through the rough fucking he is giving you. The pleasure feels so intense. But the sudden tightness in your chest has nothing to do with the sparks rising right where you are joined, when your heart seems to swell at his admission.
To even think that he has been thinking of you this way, for wanting this same thing as you do for a long time, seems unfathomable. 
But you cannot say that you had never suspected it before. You still remember faintly hearing him say your name on that first night you caught him pleasing himself, even if you had suppressed this memory to the back of your mind in your denial. Though the rest of the time you saw the signs had been real, when he kept his eyes open each time you assisted him with his needs, refusing to look away from you as he embraced his release. 
You open your eyes just as he does the same. The look you see coming out of his gaze makes your heart lodged higher in your chest. Because beyond the lust, beyond the desire, you see deep longing looking back at you, returning every yearning that you feel for him as he continues to rock his hips in rapid successions. 
Hanbin pulls your head down until your mouths are joined. He drinks in the sounds of your moans with a deep kiss. Your breasts bounce with each hard thrust he keeps giving you. Each hard tip keeps rubbing against his chest, drawing more wicked sensations through your body which pushes you closer towards your climax. 
Right before you can reach it, Hanbin suddenly stops. He trembles as he holds back from his own release, starting from his legs that are locked under your weight to his chest which heaves with deep, ragged breaths. 
You open your mouth to protest and whine, but stop yourself when you look into his eyes. You can see his intention looking back at you and instantly know that this is not over yet. 
He may have denied both of you from your final release, but he is not done with you yet. 
Keeping his hands on your hips, he gives you a firm hold as he rolls your bodies together, flipping your positions until you are laid right beneath him. 
He lifts your legs in the air, sending you sinking into the sofa as he places your legs on his shoulders. In a blink of an eye, he slides his cock back into you, drawing a sharp gasp from your lips when he pushes in with one firm thrust, drawing a rapid set of spasms from your walls pressing around him. As you look up to him, his eyes are dark with lust, clear desire written all over his face when he begins rocking, thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace. 
“Hanbin—!” you hiss out his name as he continues fucking you to oblivion. 
Yet hearing you calling out his name seems to work like a spell. It draws him to move quicker, pumping deeper inside you, until all that you can feel is his hardness pushing in and filling you up completely to the brim. 
Allowing himself to get lost in his carnal desire, he no longer cares about the noises that he draws out from both of you while he chases for his release. It feels so intense, so hot, so carnal, that you almost feel like you are melting into the sofa while your whole body trembles violently under each of his hard thrusts. 
Being in this position, you are made helpless. With your body being folded under his weight, it makes you feel off-balanced. There is no escape as he drives into you, pushing you into the height of bliss. 
But you refuse to stay still, wanting to give back and push you both further and faster to find climax. Reaching up, you hold on tightly to his biceps. Keeping a steady leverage there as you rock your hips back up, returning every thrust he is giving you with your own push. 
You scream out his name at how good it feels. The pleasure that feels like ecstasy rolling through your body, shooting straight back up to his rocking hips until you feel him shuddering above you. 
“That feels so good. I’m close, baby,” he groans, just as you feel the first wave of your climax building rapidly inside you. 
“Please, Hanbin. I’m also close,” you moan deeply, almost breathless with the intensity of your pleasure taking over your body. “I’m going to come.” 
He reaches down between your rocking bodies without missing a single thrust. His fingers come down right at where you are joined. With a trembling groan, he finds your clit and gives it a pinch. 
Pain and pleasure spark through your body. Your muscles grow tight, clenching around him, before your orgasm comes crashing through your body, one intense spasm to another. Hanbin cups the nape of your neck as he continues to pump into you hard and fast, fucking you through your orgasm until it feels like it will never end. 
“Fuck—you’re so tight, baby,” he grunts. “You’re gripping at me.” 
His voice fades in and out as your orgasm rolls through you. Once again, your pussy clenches tightly around him, and your final orgasm finally pushes him through his own. He comes with a shout, and you feel him twitching inside you before he starts shooting his warm release inside you. His slow rocking carries on with pulse after pulse of his climax until he fills you up with the very last drop of cum. 
Exhausted and spent, Hanbin collapsed on top of you, completely out of breath. While you no longer have the energy to push him away. He waits until all the spasms growing in your bodies start to calm down when he finally pulls out of you. 
While you fall helplessly on the sofa, breathless and high in your blissful fog, Hanbin moves away to grab a clean paper towel before returning to you. 
He takes his time taking care of you, gently cleaning you off from the mess that has been created from your intense lovemaking. Each delicate brush on your skin draws light sparks from your body that still feels sensitive to the touch. Slowly, he draws your senses back alive, yet his soothing touches help you relax with a content sigh. 
Once he is done, Hanbin rolls you over to face him as he falls right beside you on the plush sofa.
As you lie there by his side, in a post-orgasmic bliss and limbs that feel too heavy for you to move, your mind begins to race. There is no stopping it when you start wondering, questioning about what will happen next. You have crossed boundaries as his personal aid, and what you had taken as your personal responsibility to take care of him has now become something else. 
“That was—” you try to speak once you find your voice again. Yet no words come out of you when you have no idea what to say to him. 
“Amazing? Sensational?” he teases you while wiggling his eyebrows. 
You laugh, shaking your head even when deep down, you cannot really deny it. It was amazing. Shocking and fully insane, may also be the perfect way to describe it.
As you lie down beside him in the tight space of the plush sofa bed, you look at his face closely, still unable to believe that what just happened was real. 
“I mean, whatever works. As long as you enjoyed it,” you find yourself saying this to him as you try to process this moment. 
Because everything feels like a dream. 
Except what remains from your orgasm still lingers like a murmur through your entire body, showing you how real everything was. There is the slickness you still feel oozing out of you when you shift closer to him. Not to mention the soreness between your legs that is still present.
Even lying down side by side with him like this doesn’t feel real at all. You may have spent the past few weeks flirting, teasing, and even satisfying each other. Yet post-coital intimacy has never been a thing to share between you. 
Never before tonight. 
“Me? What about you? I thought I was paying my debts to you?” he asks you with a tease, though he seems genuinely curious to hear your answer. 
“I—” you try to speak, feeling a tug at your heartstrings knowing that he cares. “I thoroughly enjoyed it.” Your smile grows when you see him smiling at your answer. “Let’s just say that it was a good start to pay back what I’m owed.” 
Hearing this, Hanbin laughs. 
He surprises you once again when he pulls you to his chest and gives you a kiss, as if it is the most normal thing for him to do. And you return his kiss as easily as though you are two regular lovers. As if this isn’t the first time you are being this close. To be this intimate, aside from the special arrangement that you have made with each other. 
“Can we—” he says breathlessly as he breaks away from the kiss. “Can we continue like this for a while, just until this tour is over?” 
Just like that, any hope that had a chance to bloom in your chest is depleted. Disappointment washes through you for thinking that this actually has an expiration date. Just when you finally have the courage to admit your true feelings. 
But then your spirit is quickly lifted when Hanbin continues to add, “Once we’re done with this tour and later when we’re back home, let’s talk about this further. That is, only if you want to. I just don’t want you to think that I’m only taking advantage of you and forget everything once we’re back.” 
This time, when you feel that unsolicited hope brewing in your chest again, you do nothing to suppress it or hold it in. You don’t even try to deny it. There is no point in denying it now, after all. As it will always be there, no matter what you do to ignore it. 
And now that the final line has been crossed, you know that there is no turning back. 
“Sure, I’d like that,” you whisper to him with a smile, and with a genuine trust knowing that Hanbin always keeps his words to you.
Just like how he keeps his words about spending the entire night making up to you for all the favours that you are owed. 
Hours later, as the bus continues its journey towards its next destination, both you and Hanbin are still huddled up in the back cabin. The room has grown hot, and the passion that you share has yet to come down. 
A soft moan escapes you when he rocks his hips, pumping deeper into you in a series of rapid thrusts, and he quickly presses a finger on your lips to stop you from making too much noise. “Keep your voice down, baby. You’ll wake everyone,” he urgently whispers. 
Being in your current position, with your folded knees sinking deeper into the sofa and your hands barely able to hold your upper body up against his relentless pounding coming from behind, it really is becoming impossible for you to hold back. “I can’t,” you whisper to him between your strained moans. “It’s too much.” 
After a series of orgasms that he has been giving you all night, with only a brief reprieve taken when you took a break to have dinner—specially delivered to you by Shawn and the dancers while you were both busy in the back—it really is becoming a bit too much. 
Your body has taken a lot of his rough lovemaking that a single thrust is enough to ignite the sparks within you. Your skin has grown too warm, your pussy is tender, and your muscles are getting too sore to keep you up. 
“I know, I’m so sorry. Just a little bit more, okay?” he pleads with you as he continues thrusting in and out of you, slowly quickening his pace as he feels the spasms of your climax rising yet again, with your muscles pressing around his cock in a possessive grip. 
You bend forward and lift your hips higher to take everything that he is giving you. While his words echo through your mind as you embrace the building pleasure, reminding you of the promise that he gave to you earlier. 
Until this tour is over. 
Just one more show. 
You hold on to those words to gain strength. But after what you are experiencing tonight, and after witnessing the adrenaline rush that went through him after tonight’s show, the final arrangement waiting for you at the end of this tour no longer seems to be an easy fix. 
“I doubt that it’ll be anything ‘little’ when it comes to you,” you retort back to him with a moan, “you’re insatiable.” 
Hanbin lets out a soft chuckle as he presses a kiss on your bare shoulder. “It wasn’t my fault this time. You started it first.” 
You hide your smile at his words. Because he was right, after all.
After your tryst continued for a while and you were lying on his side, tracing the lines on his bare chest, the memory of his alluring dance came through your mind. It took you back to the moment you were made to feel hot from the sight of him rocking his hips, and how his sweat-covered chest kept glowing under the stage lights while he was dancing, keeping you under his spell.
That memory gave you the urge to start touching him. Starting with the touch of your fingers tracing down his skin, before you replaced your naughty hands with your lips when you traced the lines on his torso with your kisses. And you kept going lower, and lower, reaching the source of his arousal, until he finally snapped. 
“Guilty as charged,” you admit to him with a deep moan just as he pushes deep into you. “I’ll take all the responsibility for this one.” 
“Good. Because I’m not going easy with you this time,” he says, as he starts thrusting into you harder, faster, while you can only take everything until you are quickly pushed towards the precipice of your climax. 
He makes you bite your ripped panties as he keeps pounding into you, stopping any sounds that may come out through your lips as you embrace your climax. Making sure that your voice won’t wake the boys who are sleeping soundly in their personal bunk beds while the bus continues to drive through the night towards its final destination. 
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⤑ Author’s Note | This was supposed to be posted on his birthday, but as always, things don’t always go as planned when it comes to scheduling in my case. I’m glad that I still got to finish this because the idea had been stuck in my head since I’ve been following B.I’s journey through his European tour this year, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it if I didn’t write it down right away. I hope you enjoyed this thrilling experience. Please leave kudos/likes, comments, and share/reblog it if you liked what you read. Any other form of feedback is also welcomed. Thank you for reading!
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— © 2023 @yoonia (Tomoe Dia), all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, and unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed. | First publication & writing on Nov 10th, 2023
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mykoreanlove · 11 months
Who Are You Dating?
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Your friend was sitting opposite of you with crossed arms and pouting lips, being visibly upset with you.
“I just don’t understand why you are keeping this a secret from me! Don’t you trust me, y/n?” You laughed sheepishly.
“Of course I trust you. But just like I said, now is not the time to reveal his name. Not yet.”
Your friend sighed in annoyance.
“Fine. Keep your stupid secret then.” She gulped her drink in one go and thought about her next move for a minute.
“Hey, y/n!” You leaned over the table, paying her your utmost attention. “Since you won’t tell me the name of your famous sweetheart… can you at least tell me what he’s like? Is he treating you well?”
Your lips turned up into one big smile. Was your boyfriend treating you well? Was he paying attention to you and your needs? You took a sip of your drink and nodded, smiling nonchalantly.
“You could say so, yeah.” Your friend got up from the table and strode over to the bar, leaving you alone and confused. She came back with a bottle of soju in her hands and determination in her eyes.
“Do you know what this is?” You looked at her bewildered. “Soju”, you answered.
“Yes. Soju. This is a special kind of soju. With each shot we take, I get to ask you a question about your secret romance guy which you have to truthfully answer. Got it?” You admired your friend’s determination – she always had been stubborn and now was no exception.
“And you think you will figure it out that way?”
She smirked at you, then proceeded to pour the first two shots. You were nervous, yet amused. Would she figure it out? Or were you smart enough to keep your idol boyfriend’s identity a secret? You leaned back in anticipation and mustered the shots.
“Game on.”
Your friend clanked her glass with yours and both of you downed the bitter tasting alcohol in one go.
“Waaah”, she sighed in relief. “Nothing beats soju if you ask me.” You on the other hand winced in dismay as you weren’t the big drinker your friend wanted you to be.
You heard your friend clap her hands together, signaling that it was time to start her questionary game.
“Question one, and I’ll go easy on you with that one, is: when and where was your first date?”
You thought back to the first time you met him, smiling unconsciously.
“Well, it had to be months ago. Oh I know, it was the beginning of April. Shortly after my dad’s birthday. Even though I had met him weeks prior our first date was in April.”
“You met him weeks prior? What? Was he too shy to ask you out?” You threw your head back laughing.
“No, not at all. He asked me out right away – he didn’t waste any time on making clear that he liked me. However, it took us some time to meet up because he had to work non-stop. He was out of the country a lot and all his plans to take me out fell through. But then-”, you stopped with a big smile. “Then, it kind of happened spontaneously.”
Your friend looked at you skeptically. “Spontaneously?”
“Yeah. He was alone in the office, working on his music. It was late at night, so he ordered a cab for me and met me in his company’s building.” Your friend looked disappointed.
“That’s not the love story I wanted to hear, y/n.” You laughed in amusement.
“But why? He worked with what he got. He found some mats and a blanket and used those to imitate a picnic. He literally got all the snacks the office had to offer and he even found some fairy lights that he hung up to set the mood.” You smiled warmly, thinking back to how your boyfriend looked in those golden lights, admiring you just as much as you admired him.
“We talked all night and even slept there until we got woken up by the sun. I know it sounds like it wasn’t that much but it was actually very romantic.”
Your friend smirked. “Did something remarkable happen?” You blushed and looked down at your lap. “OMG, y/n. Spill the tea!”
“He, uhm, he actually showed me what he was working on. It was a love song, a very sexy one, too. And I loved it – he is so great at his craft. After he made sure that I loved the song he confessed to me – he actually wrote it for me. And then he kissed me.” Your cheeks grew redder by the second.
“No way, that sounds so lovely! He wrote a sexy love song for you? Can I hear it?” You chuckled silently.
“You already have.” Your friend’s eyes grew wide in surprise.
“What? No way? I have? He actually published a song he wrote for you?!” You smiled proudly while nodding your head. Your friend clasped her chest in amazement. “Damn.”
You took the bottle of soju in your hands and poured the next shots. After your friend had composed yourself you downed the next round. “Okay, now tell me. What is his best quality? And leave no part out!”
You leaned back in your chair, thinking about an answer that would do him justice. His best feature? You thought about his exceptional good looks – driving not only you, but thousands of fans crazy. He had those beautiful, yet intense eyes that could pierce right through you with just one glance. He had that cute nose that you could admire all day. You thought of his very sweet and kissable lips that you loved to hang unto. As you pictured your boyfriend’s face you automatically started recalling his body. The muscles on his back or his well-defined arms turned you on indefinitely. His strong legs or selient abs made you weak, as well as his cute little tushy did.
But was that his best quality? No, far from it. He was a very handsome man on the outside, but even more so on the inside. You admired his intellect, especially his emotional intelligence. He always knew how to take care of you and what to say to soothe your wounds. You admired his hard work and determination – you had never seen someone so ambitious and goal-focused as he was. You thought about his kindness – no matter how hard the day had been or which brutal lies had been spread about him, he always wore a smile on his face and treated the people around him with kindness and compassion.
“Hello? Earth to y/n? Are you still debating on his best quality?” You laughed at your friend. “Hey, it’s hard. He is such a great person. I-”
Suddenly you thought back to a moment in which you were laughing hysterically together about the most profane things, holding your stomachs while gasping for air. What you admired the most about your boyfriend was his humbleness – he never forgot where he came from and he always tried to stay down to earth while being his best self. A proud smile covered your lips again.
“His best quality is that he’s real.”
Your friend re-filled the shot glasses while monitoring the remaining soju. “Alright, I guess I have about 2 questions left, so I better make them count.” You both downed the next shots, which you started to regret immediately as you felt yourself getting dizzy. Your chest got warmer, you tongue got looser and your impulse to overshare grew quickly.
Your friend cleared her throat before posing her next question. “Is he dominant or submissive?” You nearly choked on your own spit after hearing that one. “What? It’s something your best friend should know!”
By now your cheeks were dark red – a mixture of the soju in your blood and the shyness you felt in your body. You were no prude but talking about your sex life made you feel awkward. Especially in a public place like a bar. About your super famous boyfriend that nobody was supposed to know about. You tried dodging the question but your friend was merciless.
“Kind of both I guess?”
“I guess? I guess? Who is fucking him? You or me? What do you mean I guess?”
“Oh my god”, you whimpered as you lowered your head and hoped that the floor would swallow you this instant. How were you supposed to answer that?
He was in fact both – most of the times he loved to take on the dominant role. Usually he was the one seducing you, mounting you and having his way with you – which you totally loved. You loved getting on your knees for him, begging him to make you feel good and give you what you wanted. You loved when he was using his strength over you, pressing you into the mattress until not only your legs shook but also the walls around you. You fucking loved it when he was degrading you, being rough with you until it was over and he would pamper you like a princess.
But sometimes it was reverse – sometimes the responsibility of his work took a toll on him and he was happy to be submissive. He enjoyed being indecisive, not balancing the world on his shoulders for once and then he behaved like a brainless puppy that followed your every word. A pussydrunk boy that would burn the world down if you asked him to.
Your friend watched you debate your answer for what felt like eternity until she smirked naughtily. “You’re thinking about him fucking you for like 5 minutes and your face tells me everything, y/n. You don’t have to answer me. Lucky you though!” She stuck her tongue out and erupted in laughter afterwards.
You were eyeing the bottle of soju which was nearly empty. “Thank god”, you mumbled under your breath.
“Oh”, your friend pouted. “The bottle is almost empty. This game is so much fun – why don’t we get a new one after?” She beamed at you in excitement which you shut down immediately.
“If we get a new one, you’re the one answering questions, missy!” She rolled her eyes at you in annoyance.
“Drink up!”
Just one more question. You just had to answer one more question and you would be released from this torture. You did well until now, you had not said his name so far. You grinned at yourself proudly, congratulating yourself for your willpower.
“So, your special secret guy. Has he been in love before you?”
You felt your chest tighten. The alcohol in your blood made it impossible to hide your true feelings, so it was written all over your face. “Shit, wait. Is this a touchy subject?”
It was. In fact, it really was.
You sighed in dismay, taking your time before answering truthfully. “There has been someone before me that he was deeply in love with. His feelings were reciprocated and they shared a very beautiful, yet intense time together. It didn’t work out because there were a lot of obstacles in their way, rendering their love impossible.”
Your friend watched you silently for some time. “Y/N, it’s over between them, right? Why are you so disturbed by this?” You chuckled awkwardly.
“It is over between them, that’s true. And I shouldn’t be jealous or pissed off because of it but I find it very hard not to be. Especially when he sees that ex every day.” Your friend’s eyes widened in shock.
“Every day? Was he dating a staff member or something?” You shook your head.
“No, he was dating one of his members.” Your friend’s jaw hit the floor, leaving her silent for the first time that evening.
“You got to be shitting me. He was in a relationship with one of his members? Holy fuck. I thought those boy on boy ships were made up by crazy fan girls but they actually exist?”
“Of course they exist. Imagine spending years with someone that you like. You go through thick and thin, that person understands what you are going through like no other. It’s only natural to develop feelings in that scenario. Especially with all those sexy dances and touchy photoshoots.” Your friend nodded in agreement.
“Does he know?”
“About my insecurities? No. I try my best to hide them. What’s done is done, right?”
You glanced over at the bottle of soju. “It’s almost empty.“
“Almost”, your friend poured the remaining sip into your shot glass. “This is like half a shot. Do you get to ask me half a question then?” you grimaced.
“Haha, smart ass. Save those comments for your boyfriend. Let me think. We’ve covered your first date and his best qualities and we’ve talked about him in bed and his history with love. Oh! I know.” Your friend looked at you with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. You looked at the shot in your hand for the last time this night and downed it in one go. It actually didn’t taste so bad after four of them.
“Does he love you?”
Did he love you? You grinned the widest grin while thinking about all the ways he made you feel loved every single day. You swore yourself to secrecy in the beginning of the game but after all that soju you couldn’t help yourself. You gestured your friend to come nearer to you.
“Pssst”, you whispered, “Want to know how he loves me?” Your friend nodded while you checked your surroundings like a criminal that was about to confess his sins.
“Okay. He says ‘I love you’ obviously but you know that words are words and actions are what I’m about, right? Listen to this. When I wake up alone I always get a sweet good morning text. He randomly sends me songs that remind him of me. He loves to cook my favorite dinner. He gifts me presents all the fucking time. He calls just to hear my voice. He buys me lingerie only to take it off in 5 seconds. He sends flowers to my house just because I like flowers. He brings me soup when I feel sick. He even kisses me when I have a runny nose. If I complain about something that’s broken in my house he makes sure it gets repaired. He always asks about my family. He always compliments me – on my body and my character. He leaves random notes in my house. He always has the snacks I love most. He tracks my cycle and gets me pads and chocolate when my uterus is out to kill me. He leaves kisses all over my body. He helps me studying Korean and is so patient with me while I’m literally slaughtering his native tongue.  He always checks in on me and reassures me when I feel insecure. He teaches me his dances and pretends I’m good at it. He laughs at my jokes – I mean obviously he does because I’m hilarious, but it’s like he laughs extra hard. And when I’m sad or down the drain he makes sure that I laugh a little bit more. He always makes sure that I know how proud he is of me. Even if I have to date him in secret right now I know that he loves me with all of his heart.” You looked at your teary-eyed friend.
“So, did you figure it out?”
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ollssl · 3 months
mdni .
you woke up on your bed when you smelled something from outside of your bedroom. getting up from your bed, bring the headache straight to your head. ah i went crazy last night.
trying your best not to bump into the walls while walking to the kitchen till you see someone’s back, cooking something, smelled like pancakes. his back turned around, “youre awake?” you nodded.
“did you sleep here, bin?” he nodded, “i fell asleep on the couch, i was planning to drive back home but yea” he shrugged. “i see. are you making pancakes?” “yea, i made some hangover soup for you too. go wash your face first”
after brushing your teeth and all, you started eating the soup hanbin made for you, “bin” he looked at you with pancakes full in his mouth. you chuckled, “i want to ask you something” he nodded, “go on”
“did i do something yesterday..?” he tilt his head, “what do you mean?” you sighed, “did i… sleep with someone..?” he stared at me with a shock face “wh-.. i.. uh.. no..” you frowned, “really? youre not lying right?”
she doesn’t remember.
but she has the right to know, hanbin.
you shrugged, “i asked because when im drunk, i’ll wake up with someone beside me. but, i’ll just believe you. thank you for the soup, i feel so much better now. youre done right? i’ll go wash the dishes” you were going to take his plate but he hold your wrist, “i lied.” you looked at him, “hm?” you sat back down.
“i..u- we..” he stuttered. “what is it?” you asked. “we..” we?… oh … oh. “hanbin, did we..?” he tries avoid your eye contact, “i couldn’t.. hold myself.” he sighed, “imsosorryiknowyouhatemenowyoucanpunchmeslapmeitsmyfault” you chuckled and hold his hand, “hanbin, i dont hate you.” he looked up to you, “but-“ “im pretty sure its my fault” you looked down. silence came for like 5 seconds till he speaks up, “i didn’t hate it though..” you smiled, “even though i cant remember it, but i didnt regret it. im glad it was you. its really a shame that i cant remember it” you caressed his hand before letting go and took the dishes to go wash it. he sat there, eyes widen a little when he heard you say that. then his mind went back to last night..
“we shouldn’t…” his mouth said it while his body reacted the opposite, his hand on your waist, pulling your close even though he keep repeating shit like “we shouldn’t” “we cant”
“i know you want it too, bin..” he hates how right are you and that he cant deny that. the way your hand feels on him. no, she’s drunk. you cant hanbin. “you wont regret this, i promise.” you whispered as your lips brush against his. im fucked. “ah fuck it” he groans before smashing his lips into yours, immediately entering his tongue in.
pushing you down your bed, both instantly taking off your clothes. “do you have any condom, princess?” you shakes your head, “fuck me raw, hanbin.”
his mind went back, looking down to his pants, seeing his hard cock already bulging the pants. he turned to you at the sink, before biting his lips, trying to stop himself. i didn’t regret it. thats what she said. she didnt regret it.
you heard hanbin standing up from his chair before you feel his presence behind you, when youre about to turn around, he hugged you from behind. “han-“ then you feel it. something poking your ass. he sighed into your neck, “i cant stop thinking about it..” he mumbles. you can feel your face turning red. “you’ll remember this time, princess. please just let me..” he starts grinding on you slowly. you turned to him, “do whatever you want to me, bin.” he stared at you before smashing his lips on yours.
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li-bruh · 2 years
masterlist ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
・❥・ Please remember, that English is not my first language. Even though I constantly put in effort to improve and expand my vocabulary, try and have patience with me.
・❥・ M I N O R S D O N O T I N T E R A C T!
࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.
a t e e z ♡ Seonghwa in bed ♡ Hongjoong in bed ♡ Hongjoong's kinks ♡ Wooyoung in bed ♡ Mingi in bed ♡ San in bed ♡ Yeosang in bed ♡ Jongho in bed ♡ Yunho in bed ♡ Wooyoung's kinks
b t s ♡ Yoongi in bed ♡ Hoseok in bed ♡ Jungkook in bed ♡ Namjoon in bed ♡ Namjoon's kinks ♡ Taehyung in bed ♡ Jimin in bed ♡ Jimin's kinks ♡ Jin in bed ♡ Jungkook's future spouse ♡ Junkgook's kinks
e n h y p e n ♡ Jake in bed ♡ Jake's kinks ♡ Jay in bed ♡ Jay's kinks ♡ Jay's ideal type ♡ Jay as a boyfriend ♡ Heeseung's ideal type
n c t ♡ Renjun in bed ♡ Renjun kinks ♡ Mark in bed ♡ Ten in bed ♡ Jaehyun in bed
s t r a y k i d s ♡ Hyunjin's ideal type
s e v e n t e e n ♡ S.Coups in bed ♡ Vernons kinks
c h i n e s e z o d i a c s i g n s ♡ Short notes on the signs
m i s c ♡ birthstones ఇ flowers ఇ colors
‎* .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆‎* .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
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kcake555 · 2 days
Kim Hanbin cake 🍰
(My ult 😍)
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tangylemonade · 2 years
𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐
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𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚋 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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⚠︎︎: 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝
𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜: 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚡 (𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐). (𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚍𝚍 ☺︎︎)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝟷.𝟾𝚔
𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 & 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑!
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎!
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Your head turned to the door the moment you heard the sound of the code being entered. The phone that you’d been mindlessly scrolling on completely discarded as you jumped up and made your way to the door excitedly. It was nearly 3 am and your boyfriend was only just getting home.
“Hanbinnie!” You said excitedly, falling into his arms the moment the door opened.
Between you being busier these days with your ever increasing workload and Hanbin working on his comeback you two found yourselves constantly missing each other. This was due to either partner being asleep when the other came home or leaving before the other could awaken.
His arms wrapped around and squeezed tightly while walking you two deeper into the house and closing the door with his foot.
“What are you doing still awake babe?” He asked, his voice close to your ear as he nuzzled his face into your neck not wanting to release the hug.
You giggled and gently pushed on his chest so you could look at him. Once he reluctantly let you go you leaned against him, looking into his eyes.
“Well I got your schedule…“ You started to say but before you could finish your sentence he cut you off with a soft kiss against your lips, his index finger and thumb gently cradling your chin.
Your eyelids fluttered as you tried to recall the rest of your sentence.
“Sorry I couldn’t resist.” He said softly, his lips still tantalizingly close. “You can continue now.”
“Huh? Oh.. yeah I…uhm.. ugh, you can't just kiss me mid sentence. I don't even remember what I was trying to say.” You huffed.
He softly laughed at you “You were saying you got my schedule…?”
“Right. Yeah uhm I got your schedule and…uhm…”
The way he gazed at you made it impossible to finish a thought. “Oh forget it.” You said, exasperated by how flustered your boyfriend still made you after all this time.
“The point is my schedule is clear tomorrow and so is yours.”
“Really? There were like 7 meetings I had to be at tomorrow.” He questioned all while his hands slid lower and lower down your back.
“Moved.” You said simply, becoming more and more distracted the lower his hands traveled.
It actually didn’t matter to him how tired he would be tomorrow, looking at you right now made him realize the level in which he missed you. Your gorgeous smile, your melodic voice, your beautiful laugh, your sexy body, all which were enough to keep him wide awake.
Your eyelids became heavier as he leaned in closer to you, your lips mere breaths away from touching when he suddenly pulled away and made his way to the bedroom.
You glared at him when you caught sight of the smirk that playfully teased the corner of his mouth.
“I’m gonna go shower, it’s been a long day.” He said before disappearing through the door.
You did the last bits of cleaning in the kitchen and then went and got a towel to throw in the dryer to get warm for him. A little something you liked to do for him ever since he expressed to you how much he didn’t like being cold. The laundry machines were in the bathroom so you quickly grabbed a towel from the dresser and brought it to the dryer.
He was already in the shower and you could see his silhouette through the fogged glass, aiding in working you up more than you already were. He was humming and paid no mind to you entering the bathroom like you always did. You turned to exit the bathroom but paused when Hanbin called your name asking if you could pass him the shampoo.
You got the shampoo from the sink cabinet when a mischievous smile blossomed on your face at a thought that had just sprung into your mind. You slowly pulled your tee shirt above your head tossing it onto the floor along with your underwear. You held back a giggle as you snuck over to him.
You slid the glass quickly yelling boo, bursting into laughter at his startled face. He frowned at you but you continued to laugh until you felt his hand wrapped around your wrist. Suddenly you found yourself pressed against his wet, warm, hard chest… the hot water from the shower now flowing down your back. You looked up at his dark eyes causing your breath to stop in your lungs. His expression was one of pure infatuation, your naked bodies completely flush against each other.
“It seems we had similar plans.” He said.
You tilted your head inquisitively and he gestured to the open shampoo that was already in the shower.
You gasped dramatically, “You planned to pull me in the shower all along didn’t you?”
“And you already planned to join me.” He replied with a smirk.
You shrugged nonchalantly before bringing your hands to his face, caressing his cheek with one and moving his wet hair out of it with the other.
Without another word your lips quickly tangled with his as if it were the most natural thing in the world. His hands that craved to feel you now relished in their victory.
Hanbin caressed your every curve taking extra time on your ass which he was ever so obsessed with. He squeezed your hips and thighs before playfully giving your ass a slap, the water making it sting more than usual. You gasped into his mouth and he used that as a chance to slide his tongue in and take control of the kiss. He pulled your leg over his hip and you felt his hard member against your core, making the heat of your desire much more intense.
He pressed your back against the wall continuing in his plans to ravishing your supple flesh. His soft lips bounced from one spot to another, never forgetting to give attention to all the ones he knew you loved. A particularly hard suck against your bosom earned him a playful slap against his shoulder which to your secret delight encouraged him more than discouraging him. You loved to be marked by him, to have something to remember him by while he was away.
His hands massaged you as his kisses and kitten licks traveled lower and lower, down the valley of your breast, over the beating of your heart, past your navel, stopping right at your aching heat.
Hanbin lowered to his knees in front of you, your leg lifted on his shoulder while he continued his work. You threw your head back, almost falling the moment his tongue entered you. Your fingers laced through his hair and pulled with every flick of his skillful tongue causing him to moan against you, the vibrations making everything more intoxicating.
Your breathing became more rapid and your moans more desperate, the sensation of his mouth against your pussy beyond mesmerizing. And just like that your body shook as your orgasm rushed through you. Hanbin held your hips still as he lapped up your juices, overstimulating you in the process.
Once Hanbin pulled away you quickly tried to catch your breath but he clearly had other plans. His lips crashed against yours, your leg back wrapped around him. He braced you against the wall just before pushing his length inside of you, stretching you ever so deliciously. You cried out as tears pricked your eyes, the intensity of the post orgasm sensitivity paired with the sudden fullness was disorienting.
Hanbin slowly began to move inside of you while he littered breathy kisses against your damp flesh. Water poured between your bodies and he held you tightly so you wouldn’t fall. You could hardly process anything as he pounded into you, the pleasure already balling in your stomach. Your cries echoed against the shower walls and his breathy moans filled the remaining pockets of quiet.
Hanbins movement stuttered and you could feel that he was getting closer. You were practically whimpering when your coils finally snapped again, rippling through your body stronger than the last. Your juices mixed with his pre cum and dripped from your swollen pussy down his cock. He pulled out and watched as the water carried your essence down your thigh. Hanbin hissed through his teeth at the sight. He could never get enough of you.
He used his index and middle fingers to tenderly push the juices back into you before using his cock to stuff it deeper. This time you collapsed into him, the intensity being too much for you to handle. You were sure you didn’t have anything left in you but as he began to move you felt the tightening feeling of another high approaching. His hips snapped into you and you felt as if you would split open. He reached so deep inside of you, his body pressed up against you as he stretched you more than ever.
“Y/N…” he grunted. “You have no idea how much I've missed you.”
You responded with your lips against his, too disoriented to do anything else but messily kiss him.
You could feel him twitching in you already signaling his quickly approaching release. Hanbin spilled into you and with that once again an orgasm shocked through your body. This time your body was completely exhausted so he had to hold you up against him so you wouldn’t fall.
Your labored breathing was what sobered him. You could tell he felt a little bad by how gingerly he washed you, holding you up in the shower. Hanbin took the warm towel out the dryer and wrapped it around you before carrying you into the bedroom and laying you on the bed. He knew how much you hated dry skin so he diligently helped you lotion before pulling one of his shirts over your head, kissing you furrowed brow when you grimaced from the movement. He finished by pulling a pair of panties onto you, giving your butt a gentle smack after you had rolled over and reached for the covers.
Hanbin finished up with himself and then slid into bed with you who was drifting off. You rolled into him and he rubbed your back, shushing you comfortingly when he heard you grimace from the movement. You knew you were gonna be sore as hell in the morning but you didn’t care.
“I love you.” You whispered in a half slurred voice.
“I love you more, babe. Sorry, I got a little carried away.” He said rubbing your hip to sooth you.
“Don’t apologize, I loved every bit of it.” You said snuggling into his embrace.
“Naughty girl.” He said playfully tickling you until you used your last bit of energy to swat him away.
“Only for you.”
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wonuwrites · 7 months
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. howdy cuties! read me before interacting / requesting things ✫ REQUESTS ARE: Open :) // For Seventeen only ✫READ BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE Absolutely I will NOT write smut involving minors. As someone who is 27, it is uncomfortable and of course wrong. Because of this, if you are not 18+ please do not interact with me or my blog. I appreciate you but I will be writing smutty shit and I don't feel comfortable with it. There's plenty of other blogs you can read, just not here. <3
✫ At the moment I write mostly for: Seventeen, Ateez, SHINee, Winner, Monsta X, and Got 7. // Soloists: DPR Ian, Bloo, Sik-K, PH-1, Jay Park, Simon Dominic, B.I, Woodz, and Wonho
✫ Am comfortable doing requests for following groups but won't go out of my way to write for them if I have an idea: TXT, Stray Kids, NCT, BTS, ikon, Big Bang, Super Junior, EXO
✫ I will write smut, fluff, sad, and FICTIONAL things. Anything I write will not be true unfortunately i wish too. Please note that this is just for fun and a creative outlet for me.
✫ I work a full time job so I won't always be active but I will try my best <3. Keep an eye out on my requests being Open or Not x
✫ I'm the shyest ENJF so I won't interact with others first but I hope that writing can help me make friends x
✫ Even if requests are closed, my DM's are always open if you want to fangirl together.
✫ that's all I can think of right now, hope y'all enjoy this chaos <3
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vinyl-head · 2 years
Anyone with a version of ‘BTBT’ without Soulja Boy’s rap hmu
It’s the only way I can enjoy it
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131shxx · 2 years
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“the elementary schoolers who used to listen to that song are now entering high school?”
“time really does fly”
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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harry potter headcannons
s.o sends an inappropriate photo
you’ve changed
i missed you too
bf! b.i
why did you leave so soon?
and you are?
coffee shop confession
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valentinebae · 1 year
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yoonia · 2 years
what you wanted (m) | b.i
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➬ Summary | You have no idea how you ended up here. It all started with an innocent date, which escalates into something more. Something that is not quite so innocent. But he gladly follows your lead, always ready to give you everything that he could offer, knowing that—deep down—this is exactly what you wanted all along.
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➬ Title | What You Wanted
➬ Pairing | Kim Hanbin (B.I.) x reader
➬ Genre | Smut, PWP(?), Virgin!reader, Boyfriend!Hanbin, First Time
➬ Word count | 10,060 words
➬ Ratings & Warning | 18+/Mature; a bit of a plot if you squint, explicit sexual scenes, including: soft dom Hanbin, shy reader, dirty talk, swearing, stripping, kissing (lots of them) and making out, dry humping, groping, grinding, manhandling (kind of lol), finger sucking, fingering (female recipient)/finger fucking, hand job, long foreplay, breast play, nipple play, biting, pinching, first time sex, praise/praise kink, protected sex, minor aftercare, post-coital cuddling
➬ Main Masterlist | Navigation Page | Mailbox
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The bed dips as he lies down beside you. 
His shirt is gone, leaving his chest bare. 
Getting a good sight of him from up close, your body flushes in response. The warmth running in your blood escalates further when you look down, noticing his unzipped pants with the waistband of his boxers peeking from beneath.
“Is this okay?” he gently asks you, his voice comes out in a whisper, but you can still feel his words caressing your skin.
Your body becomes tense at this point, filled with anticipation. Your nerves seem to take up the space in your mind, and they are beginning to spark like haywire when you feel Hanbin shifting closer. You can feel his warmth touching your skin even before he makes any move to touch you with his fingers. It makes you feel more hyperaware of his presence and, for the first time tonight, your self-consciousness takes the front seat.
Unable to look up at his face, you can only respond to his question with a short nod. This only draws a chuckle out of him, and he leans in, his fingers are gentle as he tips your chin up until your eyes can meet his glowing ones.
“Don’t be shy, baby. We can take this slow.” His words are reassuring, but the way he says it, with his face and smile soft yet his voice comes out almost growling with need, it drives your senses to start running wild. At the same time, it slowly strengthens your confidence to be able to ask for more when he asks again, “Tell me what you want. I’ll only do what you want me to. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so—”
“I…I want to have my first time…with you,” you whisper softly, your voice almost fading into the room, yet it also sounds a bit too loud for your own ears. Your heart starts pounding in your chest as you look up to see his reaction when you repeat yourself again, “I want to have sex with you. I want…”
Pressing a finger on your lips, Hanbin stops you from talking. “Are you sure?” he asks you. “You won’t regret it?”
It feels reassuring when he does something like this, when he shows you how much he truly cares about your feelings. You love how he keeps making sure that you know exactly what you are asking of him. But you know exactly what you want, though you can understand why he keeps worrying about it when this feels so sudden. Neither of you had expected that this would be the way you are ending the night with him. It isn’t like you had planned this all along when you first invited him into your apartment for a movie night and an extended stay-in date after coming back from your dinner date. It was an offer that you would always make after going out on a date with him, and one that he would gladly agree to whenever he could spend more time with you.
On those other nights, Hanbin would be the one to initiate it when things get heated up by the end of the night. He would be the one to make the move, to start things through his teasing words or hot kisses until he leaves your blood boiling hot with desire and need. On those intimate nights, he would always stop before things would escalate into something more, knowing that you weren’t ready for it.
But just like your invitation and your initial request, you had been the one to initiate everything this time, starting from the moment when you climbed onto his lap sometime in the middle of the movie and started grinding against his crotch until you were both high with desire. And it had been you who pulled his hands away from your breasts, snapping him out of the daze that he found himself in while he was groping at your soft flesh, admiring them while impatiently crumpling your top in the process. You never had any intention of stopping him when you grabbed his hands, however, when you suddenly had something else in mind.
“My bed. Now,” you almost begged him, and never once you had seen him moving so quickly in response. He said nothing as he lifted you up in his arms with your body wrapped around his and carried you all the way to your bed. As if your words had sent him into a trance-like state, and he stayed in it until the moment he laid you down on your bed.
Picturing what happened earlier have you smiling to yourself. “No, I know I won’t regret it. I know what I want,” you answer him with a smile. Despite never planning this to happen tonight, you have actually given this a lot of thinking, and it has been plaguing your thoughts since the day you decided you wanted to do this. With him.
“I know I asked to wait and take things slow, but…I’m ready. I want this.”
You swallow hard and muster the courage to reach up to him, to graze his bare chest with your fingers. His skin feels warm under your touch. Slightly warmer than he usually would. Moving your fingers up to his shoulders, tracing along the lines of ink marked on his skin, you feel his heartbeat pumping steadily in his chest. It grows even faster as you keep running your fingers on his chest, letting you know that he welcomes your touch just as much as you do his.
Hanbin keeps his eyes on your face as he takes your hand, bringing it up to his lips. Dragging a kiss on each of your knuckles, he draws a shudder running through your body. “I’ve been waiting for this moment—” he says between each kiss, his eyes growing darker with passion and lust with each passing second and with each kiss he gives you before adding, “—for a long time.”
As if his words aren’t enough to draw a reaction from you, he takes the tip of your finger between his lips, sucking it gently until he can hear the sound of your gasp. The corners of his lips curl up to a smile, and he slowly leans back, giving you some space. Though he doesn’t give you much time to relax when he whispers, “Take off your top for me. Let me see you.”
Sitting up on the bed, your hands are trembling as you slowly pull up the hem of your top. You can feel his eyes on you, watching closely as you carefully, tentatively, peel your top off your skin. Even with your bra still on, your skin grows hot and you feel naked and exposed already once the shirt is gone, tossed away to the side of the bed. Licking your lips, you turn to Hanbin again, catching his eyes flickering down your body. His deep gaze trails down from your chest, lingering briefly on your cleavage before going down to the exposed skin on your torso, then stops at your flimsy shorts.
Before he can say anything, you lift your hips and pull down the offensive item of clothing by the waistband, peeling it down your legs. A faint sound of moan is heard, coming from none other than your boyfriend, and it makes your skin grow tight and hot knowing that you are drawing this kind of reaction from him. You lie back down once you are done, feeling even more exposed under his gaze as he leans closer, hovering right above you.
“Beautiful,” he groans, making your chest expand under his praise. You are surprised to find how good it makes you feel to hear his compliments, and how it draws the heat from your chest down to your pulsing core. But you welcome the delightful feeling that suddenly comes rushing through you. It happens merely for a brief moment, yet you immediately crave to experience it again the moment it fades away.
Hanbin takes this moment to push himself off of the bed and start undoing his pants. His action mesmerises you, drawing you speechless until he returns to your side and snaps you out of it with a whisper, “Come here, let me take a good look at you.”
You look up at him, wondering what he meant by it. But then Hanbin gently wraps his arm around your waist and carefully brings you closer to him.
You react with a squeal, but easily melt into him when he puts his hands on you. He leans over you and starts kissing your cheek, slowly moving down to your neck after. His mouth feels so good on your skin, his warm breath fanning over your delicate neck as he continues trailing kisses around your pulse. He kisses his way down to your shoulder, before going back up to trace his lips on your chin. Your breathing starts growing quicker, and sparks of electricity begin running down your body.
While he is busy making you grow wild with his kisses, he starts rubbing his hands up and down your arms. He does it in a soothing manner to stop you from growing tense beneath him, but that only lasts until his hands make their way to your covered chest.
His hand moves slower once he reaches your thin bra. His fingers are tickling over your flesh, skirting around the curve of your breast. Your chest arches into his hand when his thumb comes up brushing across the lace cups of your bra, starting with an innocent touch that feels so delicate, before it shifts when he grows bolder with his touch and presses down on your covered nipple. Your body shudders, soft gasps escaping your lips when his kisses run lower, grazing across your heaving chest.
He stops just before reaching the top of your mounds and glances up at your face. You can see his eyes darkening right before he plants his lips right over your covered nipple, brushing a kiss from over the lace, the fabric barely does its job to shield you from his hot kisses when heat shoots right through you upon contact. Distracted by the work of his mouth and his alluring gaze, you don’t notice his hand making its way down, not until his fingers graze across the waistband of your panties and he begins toying with it. His touch moves lower, and he doesn’t stop until his fingers find the wet spot that has appeared right at the center.
“Oh, God—” you hiss out loud when he presses down it, consciously giving your folds enough pressure that you can feel his touch reaching deep within you. The sensation peaks when he does it together with the work of his mouth, as he nips and nibbles on your puckered nipple through the thin bra still covering your skin, drawing a few cries out of you.
It feels so good. The sensation fills your brain. But just when you are starting to give in to the pleasure he is giving you, Hanbin stops and pulls away, putting everything to a halt when he looks up at you.
“Can I take these off?” he whispers, but his words take a bit of time to register into your slow mind. The moment you realise what he is asking, you gently push him away and sit up.
“Let me do it,” you breathlessly say to him. Your body is still quivering, but you still manage to peel your undergarments off of your body before coming back down on the bed. But just then, as you are lying down with him almost hovering above you, his perusal gaze running down your naked skin, your self-consciousness returns. Your instinct kicks in, and you immediately cross your arms over your chest and press your legs together to cover yourself as much as you still can.
“I’m sorry…I don’t know why I’m feeling so nervous, and—”
“Sshh—Don’t be. It’s okay,” Hanbin says, smiling patiently. “I’m nervous about all of this too. It feels like a huge honour that you are asking me to do this with you.”
With his whisper, Hanbin leans in to capture your lips in his. He starts with a slow kiss, yet it feels passionate and delicate at the same time. You part your lips when you feel his tongue slipping out, allowing him to deepen the kiss, taking away your apprehension when the kiss grows heated and your mouths seem to melt with each other into one. His hand reaches down, tenderly grazing on your thigh before he pulls on it, guiding you to part your legs for him. Slipping his other arm around your waist to hold you up against him, the hand that has been gripping at your thigh moves upward, capturing your wrist, and he gently begins pulling your arm away from your chest.
“I can’t look at you if you keep covering yourself,” he whispers against your lips. Pulling back, he brings your hand to his face, his lips pressing down on your palm, then to your wrist, leaving you completely transfixed to his motions and the mix of sensations which he keeps bringing onto your body.
He slides his other arm away from your body and gently captures your other wrist, pulling it away from your body before he repeats his action, kissing your palm and wrist the same way he did the other. His action is so captivating that it takes a while for your slow mind to notice what he is doing. It isn’t until he gently pulls your arms further away from your chest, once your bare chest is exposed to the chill breeze flowing in your bedroom, when you finally realise what he has been doing to you.
“These arms—” he whispers hoarsely as he lowers your arms to your sides, “—stay here. You are free to grab the sheets or the pillows whenever you need to.” Rubbing your forearms, he sets down your hands to rest on the sheets. The gentle way he is tending to you soothes your nerves, only for him to spike them up again when he smirks at you and says, “Better yet, just grab onto me. I wouldn’t mind having your hands all over me.”
The way he says those words draws an audible gasp out of you, while your reaction brings a smug grin to his face. He leans away, pushing himself up to get a better look at you now that you are no longer covering yourself.
Under his gaze, you feel completely exposed—bare to his eyes not only for your naked skin, but also your bare soul. And the feeling intensifies when his dilated eyes are drawn to your naked breasts. As if mesmerised, Hanbin runs his gaze down your body, taking everything in with rapt attention. He waits until you are no longer tense before he finally releases your wrists.  
His gentle hands move down your body, finding your waist first, then proceed to trace his way down. Past your hips, he continues to go down, then carefully slips his palms to cup the underside of your thighs, bringing your legs apart. He does it ever so gently, not rushing while trying to make sure that you are still comfortable with the way he is handling your body. He stops just enough to give him space to shift on the bed and take his position between your legs. Once he is settled nicely over your body, he then runs his hands upward, tracing the inner side of your thighs with a delicate touch that still sends your skin prickling with need.
Your body tenses for a brief moment when his fingers reach up between your legs, and you hold your breath, anticipating his touch right at your tender core. Yet, he simply moves his hand away, reaching around it to return to your waist. You feel yourself relaxing from it, although there is still a hint of disappointment lingering in your chest for not feeling his touch. But that feeling quickly fades the moment you realise that he is still tracing his fingers up your torso, carrying on his journey to make his way up your body while feeling your soft curves with his palms.
He doesn’t stop until the tips of his fingers gently graze across the underside of your breasts. The touch draws an immediate gasp from you, and it surprises you when your body jolts to the touch of his fingers. Never once have you experienced this kind of sensation. It feels different compared to all those times you were touching your own breasts while trying to picture how it would feel to have someone embracing you there. Not even when he would innocently brush his fingers over them through your clothes while you were making out with him, teasing you about it without actually making it happen. And now he is making all of your fantasies come true, and the sensation is way beyond what you had ever imagined, as his hands and fingers set alight the delectable tingles which bring all your senses awake. Your back arches when he continues further, when he tenderly cups your soft flesh with his palms, feeling their weight on them.
Despite the confidence and reassurance that he has been showing you, you keep sensing all the subtle hints that he might just be as nervous as you are at this moment, allowing you to believe his words when you can feel them resonating from him. You could feel it from the first touch, when you felt him trembling, faint shudders coming out of his fingers which faded merely moments after he laid them on your skin. And now, you can feel it again, when he stalls just for a second before he begins kneading, giving tender massages on your soft mounds.
His palms and fingers move around your breasts, working on your body by giving you a gentle caress. Hanbin keeps his eyes on your face the entire time he is doing this. He keeps actively searching for a sign of discomfort, making sure to catch it in case you suddenly want things to stop.
You open your eyes and arch your back once more when his touch becomes bolder, and he takes this as a sign that you are doing okay. Still paying attention to your reactions, he moves one hand to graze the tip of your breast. A shuddering wave rocks through you when he brushes against your nipple. You can feel your nub hardening under his touch, your skin growing tighter, while your blood boils hotter when he continues, repeating the tender movements until you are used to it. He then takes your pebbled nub between his fingers, giving it a few slow strokes and pinching it in between.
Moans after moans keep slipping out of your lips, when each stroke he gives you lights up delightful sparks rushing through your body. Loving how responsive you are, he then moves to the other breast, giving it the same treatment as the previous one until the tip grows just as hard as the other. He keeps rolling his fingers around your hardened nipple, then leans down, capturing the other into his mouth.
“Oh—” you react with a gasp. Hearing this, Hanbin immediately stops and looks at your face.
“—okay, baby?” he asks you and stalls for a moment as he waits until you are giving him the green light to continue. His voice sounds breathless, but it is the way his words seem to fade in and fade out through your head which makes you feel unsure if you had indeed heard him whispering them to you.
You take this time to inhale a deep breath, and give yourself a moment to process this new sensation flowing through your body. It felt maddening when the moment his mouth grazed across your nipple and it felt like you were struck with something hot, rushing through your blood which was flowing down south. And the feeling still lingers even as he pulls away. Your nipple is still slightly wet, allowing you to feel the pulses that appear on the tip from your rushing blood, while his lips remain to hover right above it. So close, but not touching, though feeling his warm breath falling on your sensitive bud make it seem like he still has your nipple captured between his lips.
You try to focus to relax, to brush away your nerves until you are no longer fighting against the rush that is coming to life inside you. Once you are ready, you look at him and nod your head, whispering, “I’m okay,” so that he can continue.
You watch with bleary eyes as he once again takes the tip of your breast into his mouth. He starts with a light suck, kissing it briefly before wrapping his lips around it once again. Then his tongue comes licking, lapping, before he goes back to sucking again. He keeps alternating between each ministration while he maintains giving the other breast similar attention, using his fingers as he keeps rolling and pinching on your nipple, giving you a mix of sensations that keeps running wild through your whole body.
Slowly, the pleasure you are feeling from the work of his mouth, tongue, and hands begin to reach its peak. While your mind is muddled by the overload of emotions, your body seems to gain a mind of its own as it begins to move without you realising it.
Your hand comes up to him as he keeps devouring your breast, fingers sinking between the strands of his hair to keep him attached to you. Underneath his weight, your hips start moving, instinctively matching the rhythm of your pulse that comes in a constant wave from your core. The more you are lost in the pleasure, the harder you are grinding your center against his crotch. The stretchy fabric of his boxer briefs feels rough against your bare pussy, making your whole body tremble each time you rub against him.
Hanbin gives your nub a light bite, and your hips jolt upward, sending your folds brushing just a bit harder against his covered hard-on, drawing a cry out of you when you feel how hard he has become. Even while tending to your needs, Hanbin’s need begins to become more evident when he starts rolling his hips in response, grinding his covered cock against your wet core.
He releases you with a grunt just then, when all the rubbing and brushing are starting to affect his body. With a shy grin on his face, he slips his fingers through the waistband of his briefs and begins pushing them down his hips. His hard shaft springs out, pulling your attention to it. Your eyes seem to be drawn to it that you cannot look away, not paying much attention to him as he pushes the briefs all the way down his legs.
The moment he returns to you, Hanbin is completely bare. His cock twitches under your perusal gaze, while your body seems to throb. It starts from deep within your core, as the thought of him burying himself inside you comes flashing into your mind. Then it rushes upward, swirling inside your chest. It builds up your expectation, and in return, something warm is brewing inside. Something similar to a sense of hunger.
It doesn’t take long for you to recognise this feeling as desire, lust, and you choose not to fight it. The feeling isn’t something new or unfamiliar, yet you have never felt it affecting you so strongly before. Never once has it made you feel so wanton with need before the way it does now. Nothing that had felt so carnal you just feel like you are losing control of your own body just by the sight of him, or by the touch of his hands the moment they return to you.
His eyes glint an amused glow when he seems to notice this change in you, and he continues running his hands down your waist, slowly grazing your hips, and then he moves lower. Cupping his palms on the under curves of your bottom, he gently lifts your hips up, just slightly off the bed with your thighs parting further for him, giving him a clear view of your pulsing center and the wet mess that you have created.
“I wish you could take a look at yourself,” he hums as his penetrating gaze lingers on the area between your legs. The way he is staring at you feels so intense that you could almost feel it, like he is touching you without his hands or fingers, and your pussy pulses in response. “Can you feel it? You’ve grown wet down here. I bet you’d feel hot too if I touch you now. You even stained my briefs, and I’m usually the one staining them whenever you rubbed against me,” he murmurs absently while he starts tracing the tips of his fingers up and down your thighs. He stops when he gets too close to your center, yet keeps his fingers hovering just an inch away from the source of your wild throbbing.
“I—yes,” you gasp softly. Even without him touching you directly, the throbbing intensifies further, and you can feel something cold on your skin when you try to move your hips. “I didn’t realise I was making a mess on you,” you add, as you slowly process his words. Your face immediately burns hot as you recall all the time that you spent with him, all the nights making out either on his couch or on your bed, just like this.
Almost like this.
Before, you would still be able to keep your clothes on. The farthest you had ever come was when he pulled you onto his lap, the first time he introduced you to the pleasure of an orgasm with his sinful hands gripping the soft flesh of your bottoms while you were grinding wantonly against his covered cock. The memory from that night has been permanently engraved in your mind. You still remember the mind-blowing pleasure erupting from your body, something that had kept you awake on the long, lonely nights that you spent replaying that moment over and over again inside your head. Right now, as you are lying still beneath him, feeling the same desire brewing inside your body, you nearly fail to resist the urge to rock your hips to ease yourself from it.
Your body has silently been begging to feel his touch, to be relieved from this carnal need you are having. It makes you feel—worried. Not completely sure how to process this new feeling taking over you. Your instinct is telling you to fight it until it goes away, while your curiosity is slowly growing stronger, pushing you to give in and let things happen.
As if Hanbin could read through your mind and hear you questioning yourself, he gently caresses your hips, just when you are beginning to grow tense beneath him in your uncertainty. “It’s okay. Take your time. Take a deep breath,” he says, helping you to relax. So you take a moment to take in everything while trying not to panic when the rush comes back in small waves.
Every doubt quickly fades when Hanbin suddenly moves his fingers. A subtle graze comes across your folds, a brief touch that quickly arouses your senses before he takes it away. “Can I touch you here?” he asks as he once again brings his fingers closer to your center, with just the tip of his thumb teasing your folds. Your hips jolt upward. You are surprised to notice how quickly your body reacts to his touch and how sensitive you are feeling with one subtle brush of his finger.
This wouldn’t be the first time he would be touching you there. But it would be the first time for you to be able to feel his touch directly on your skin. Before tonight, you could only imagine how that would feel like. Because on those previous nights, he could only press down on your cunt from over your shorts or panties, creating a wet spot on your undergarments instead of capturing your wetness from its source.
With not a piece of clothing getting in the way this time, yet another part of your fantasy is coming to reality, and your heart beats faster as you anticipate his touch.
“Yes—” you whisper to him, ready to feel his hands on your heat the way you had always wanted. “Touch me, Hanbin.”
Hearing your plea, he no longer holds himself back. With one hand resting on your waist to keep you still, he moves the other closer to your center. He starts by rubbing his fingers on your folds, up and down, back and forth, slowly inching his way to your slit. Looking down, he drags his tongue across his lips slowly, deeply focusing on the task in hand as he gently spreads your folds, exposing your wet pussy and your swollen clit that suddenly throbs under his hungry gaze.
Hanbin gently presses the tip of his finger at your throbbing entrance, drawing a low, keen moan from you. The sound you are making seems foreign even to your own ears. It makes your skin hot, and your face flushes with embarrassment, though it slowly fades when you look at his face and notice how much he seems to enjoy watching and listening to the way you are responding to him.
He licks his lips and presses a bit harder. This time, your body doesn’t tense as much as it did, and you can start feeling the pleasure that his touch is giving you as you feel him dipping in, stopping right the moment he has the first knuckle of his finger in. Your body seems to welcome him, the unfamiliar feeling of your muscles straining to let him in gives you a slight discomfort for a brief moment, though it quickly fades as he continues. He moves his finger in and out of your pussy, and your body reacts with your muscles straining and loosening around his digit, taking time to adjust until you begin to feel a new sensation building up.
“Is this hurting you, baby?” he asks while keeping his eyes on your face, searching for any sign of pain or discomfort. Whatever he sees only makes him seem amused, however, yet he remains patient, waiting until you can find your voice and let him hear your thoughts.
“No, not really. It feels…weird,” you mutter, not completely sure how to explain what you are feeling to him or to describe it with words. You feel no pain nor discomfort, just the unfamiliar sensation building up into a hot, intense rush that keeps on growing the more he continues, going an inch deeper as he strokes his finger back into you.
While you are busy processing the waves rolling up and down your body, Hanbin shifts on the bed a little, and pulls out his finger from your pussy. Before you have the chance to protest, he slides back in, changing the angle just enough to let you feel the rush multiplying into waves of pleasure, growing from small spasms to a series of intense shudders that makes your entire body shake. “Oh, that feels good.”
Hanbin takes your reaction as a cue, and he continues to slide his finger in and out of you, keeping a slow and steady pace until you are finally adjusting to him. Once he senses the change, with your hips slightly lifting to welcome the thrust of his finger and soft moans slipping out of your lips, he pushes his way in, adding another inch to reach deeper. Curling the tip of his finger as he is doing so, he brushes against your sweet spot. The first touch draws a gasping moan out of you, so he knows that he is doing it right. He keeps repeating the motion, over and over, keeping his strokes gentle all the time until you become a quivering mess under the magic that his hand is making. You grow wetter under his touch, as you embrace the pleasure that is slowly rising by rocking your hips, matching his rhythm as you grind your pussy against his hand.
“Hanbin…Hanbin, baby,” you keep chanting his name with a series of gasps and moans slipping in between. You can feel him reaching as deep as he possibly could each time he pushes his way back in, and it is starting to take him a bit longer when he withdraws from you. With each stroke he gives you, the slick sound of his finger going in and out with the help of your arousal starts getting louder and louder, just as it gets easier for him to move.
“Open your eyes, baby. Look at me. Look at what I’m doing to you.”
His voice fades in and out, yet you feel it sinking into your head after a brief moment. Slowly, you open your eyes, finding his face lowered just enough to get closer to you. You didn’t even realise that you had your eyes closed shut, a reaction that you made subconsciously at the height of this new sensation that has yet to show any sign of waning down. Your gaze drifts down, and only then do you finally have a closer look at what is doing to you.
His hand pushing and pulling between your parted legs, his finger going in and out of your pussy, getting more and more wet and slick after disappearing for a brief second. But the one thing that you only start to notice now is the way you are steadily moving with him, your hips rocking into his hand, as if having a mind of its own as you move rhythmically to match the movement of his hand.
“Do you see what I’m doing to you?”
Nodding your head, you reach out to grab a hold on him. Your hands find leverage on his upper arm and shoulder as you continue to rock your body onto his hand, embracing the pleasure that he is giving you.
“Tell me with words. Tell me what’s happening.”
Biting your lips, you try to push down the heat rushing onto your face before you can find the right words. “You are—” you gasp when his finger pushes against a spot inside you that causes your body to tremble. “You are fucking me with your fingers.”
Almost instantly, your face flushes with heat. You rarely ever cursed or said these words, yet it feels so right given to this very moment. As if he wants to reward you for it, Hanbin smiles and leans in to press his lips on your temple. His gentle kiss distracts you from his other hand that reaches down, grabbing gently on your wrist to guide your hand down between your bodies.
“Touch me, baby,” he whispers with a hoarse voice, his chest trembles under your palm while he moves the other all the way down. The tips of your fingers brush against his rigid shaft, drawing a gasp out of your lips when you realise what he wants.
“Okay, baby?” he tentatively asks you, only for you to nod. It brings a smile to his face, and you drift your gaze lower, watching as he helps you wrap your dainty fingers around his girth. He feels warm and sturdy against your skin. A few subtle pulses appear from the length of his cock just as you touch him. You can even feel him twitch under your touch, and as if it is even possible, he seems to grow even harder and bigger between your palm.
“You’re so hard,” you whisper to him before you can stop yourself, causing him to chuckle a little.
“Because you’re touching me,” he whispers back with a groan. Placing his hand above yours, he gently starts guiding you to move your hand, sliding it back and forth on his length to give him a light stroke. “Do it gently. Like this,” he says, and you follow suit, doing just as he is showing you. You feel him twitching in your hand again as you go back and forth, up and down his length, until he quivers a little and a soft groan is drawn out of him. “That’s it. That feels good. Keep on going, baby.”
As you continue stroking him, keeping the pace steady, he gently withdraws his finger out of you. You look down to watch him pull out, and softly sigh as he adds another finger on his way back in. “Oh…oh, God,” you gasp at the feeling of being stretched out further, and at the way your body reacts to the delightful sensation that you are still quite unfamiliar with yet definitely welcome.
The sweet pleasure runs rapidly through you. Some parts of you begin to pulse, pacing at the same rhythm as his touches. Your inner walls are clenching around him each time he draws his fingers inside you, while the tips send your body rocking with a maddening wave of bliss as he curls them to rub against your walls.
Right at the same time you are savouring your pleasure, Hanbin starts giving in to his own. You look up at him as he rocks his hips, thrusting his cock into your hand while you continue stroking him. His eyes are partly closed, while his jaw has grown slack. The sound of his breathing is mixed with a few soft moans. You take in everything, refusing to close your eyes to see what you are doing to him. Knowing that you are the one drawing these reactions out of him helps make you grow more confident.
Strangely enough, your body also grows hotter seeing him like this.
“I want to put my lips—” he says between each stroke he is giving you, pressing hard into your pussy as he breathes out, “—right here.” You gasp as you imagine him crawling down, his lips pressing on your nether lips to give it a kiss, and his tongue—which makes an appearance as he slides it across his lips—would be tasting you, pressing into your slit and moving the same way he is rubbing his thumb across your clit. Your body shakes more intensely, and you instinctively begin to rock your hips harder, faster, hoping that his touch would help snap off the knot that keeps tightening in your core.
“I want to taste you. But I’ll save it up for next time,” he groans softly. “Right now, I want to look at your face when you cum around my fingers.”
And just like that, the tight knot that you have been feeling in your core snaps. With a single thrust of his fingers inside you, a firm press of his thumb on your clit, and you come into a shuddering climax. You cry out his name as it comes through you like a wave, your entire body keeps vibrating with intense pleasure as it strikes you again and again.
Everything feels like such a blur while you are lost in the sea of bliss, that it feels like an eternity lasts while your body is jerking and spasming as you are consumed by the pleasure. Though you can still Hanbin’s presence, as he helps you ride out your high with his fingers moving slower, much slower, before he eventually comes to a halt and gently pulls out of you. His kiss on the delicate skin of your neck draws you back in, helping you to gradually start coming back to the present.
Yet the fog only fades when his grip on your hand tightens. You open your eyes, realising that in the height of your pleasure, you haven’t lost your steady hold on his hard-on. Your hand, the one that wasn’t holding on tightly to his arm, is still wrapped around his cock. The fact that you hadn’t been so lost in your bliss to squeeze around him too hard is beyond you, but you managed, and you instinctively start loosening your hold around him, only for him to stop you from making it happen.
You are unable to because he still has one hand wrapped around yours. And that same hand is still guiding you to move, even if you have been stroking him at an unsteady pace. Gathering your bearing just enough to command your body, you try to control your pace, finding a steady rhythm that would help make him feel the same pleasure as the one he gave you.
And it doesn’t take long for you to get what you want.
You continue to stroke his cock, his breath and his moans growing louder and more rapid once you repeat the ministrations at a steady pace. Not too fast, and definitely not too slow. And you are no longer gripping him too tightly, just enough to make him feel the clamp of your touch keeping a possessive hold around his pulsing cock. You keep stroking until his moans turn to whimpers, until the movement of his hand starts losing its vigour and he starts letting you set up the pace.
Soon, there is a twitch pressing against your palm, a sign that he is close. His hips shudder as it happens, and Hanbin quickly captures your wrist, stopping you from going further. His hot blood continues to pulse under your palm when everything comes to a halt, and Hanbin opens his eyes, smiling at you when he says, “That felt so good I almost came.” He starts chuckling, sighing deeply when he admits, “I don’t want it to end so soon. If I have to cum, I want it to happen while I’m buried deep inside you.”
He pulls your hand away and entwines his fingers with yours as he lowers himself. You can smell his arousal in the air, mixing together with the sweet scent coming from your body. You can feel his rapid heartbeat when his chest comes pressing against yours. Even the trembles that you caused on him are still there when you press one palm over his shoulders, though you can also feel your own trembles when his thigh comes nudging against yours, parting your legs further for him.
He then takes your attention away from everything with one lingering kiss. He kisses you on your lips, your chin, your neck, moving unhurriedly before returning to your lips with more vigour, his kiss grows so intense he completely swallows the sound of your moans.
He kisses you for a moment longer, then pulls away to reach out to the box of condoms on his nightstand. Watching this, your heartbeat begins racing.
It’s happening, you silently wonder as you watch him move.
Hanbin’s hand trembles a little as he rips the box open. The same box that you had bought on an instinct, hours before things had even begun to escalate into this very moment. He returns to you with a piece of the condom between his fingers. His gaze finds yours as he rips it open, and your hand flies up to stop him from pulling it out.
He frowns, suddenly looking doubtful. But that look is gone when you whisper to him, “Let me put it on you. I already told you that I want to learn everything.”
With a sigh of relief, Hanbin allows you to take over. His hand comes down together with yours to guide you through it, and you watch amusedly how his body quivers as you roll it down his length. His words fade into a groan when he feels your fingers on him, as if your action only turns him on even more. Again, this gives you more confidence, enough to get you to run your fingers teasingly along the entirety of his length once you are done.
Once the condom is on, you lie back down, bracing yourself and opening your legs wide for him. Your eyes are wide open as you wait for him to continue. Hanbin leans in, kissing your temple gently while slowly sliding in to take his place right between your legs. The moment he crawls on top of you, a wave of fear washes over you as reality sinks in so suddenly.
He must have seen it, because a warm smile comes to his face and he takes your hand in his. He takes a moment to kiss your knuckles, before brushing a thumb across your cheek. “You have to tell me if this is truly what you want. We can stop now if you think we’re going too far,” he whispers, and you quickly nod your head.
“I do. I still want this,” you breathe out. “I want you. I want to try and do everything with you. I’m not going back down now.”
With a proud smile, Hanbin covers your body with his. His lips return to your skin, finding your lips briefly then down to your neck again, kissing and suckling softly as the throb of his hard shaft is teasing you so mercilessly as it is laid between you, pressing against your mounds. He makes a low, rumbling groan when you subtly rock your hips against him, brushing at his length.
He is almost breathless when he breaks the kiss and pulls away, but the desire in his eyes comes out so strongly that you easily get lost in it, and you nearly miss it when he settles down in his position against your center. He takes his rigid shaft in his hand and presses the tip to your petals. You look down, noticing your glistening folds spreading around his crown, but he makes no move to push forward. With a brush of his thumb across your cheek, Hanbin calls for your attention so he could ask you one last time,
“This is it. Are you ready?”
Overwhelmed with nerves, you can only nod your head to answer. But he isn’t having it and asks again, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, baby. Please, I can’t take it anymore,” you finally answer him with a soft whisper.
In return, Hanbin presses one hand on your hips, holding you down while he reaches down to wrap his cock with his other hand to guide himself to your center. The next thing you feel is a nudge as he aligns himself at the entrance of your pussy, the thick head of his cock pressing in, and your heart starts galloping in your chest. As if he can sense your body growing tense, he looks deep into your eyes and whispers, “I’ll make it so good for you, baby.”
You look up at him as you sigh, giving him a smile. “I know you will.”
He presses the head of his cock against your pussy lips again, giving it more pressure. This time, your body no longer tenses upon contact. He also makes it easier for you to adjust to him by rubbing his cock against your slit, going back and forth with a couple of slow strokes, gathering your arousal while making your body shudder with his steady rocking. Soon, your body relaxes, and the shudders you are experiencing begin to draw soft moans coming out of your lips. And he knows right then that you are ready.
"Here we go, baby,” he says with a soft groan, and pushes the head of his cock into your tight virgin pussy.
“Ah—” you scream out when a sting of pain shoots right through you, causing you to take a sharp inhale of breath.
You had expected that it would hurt. Yet, instead of feeling as if you are being ripped into two the way you had imagined it would, the sting only comes in for a brief moment before it slowly begins to fade along with the pulses from your rushing blood. The pain feels sharp and hot that you can feel it rushing all the way down to your toes, your legs become tense because of it. Your body becomes still, while your mind seems to take a while to take in all this new sensation overwhelming you—the subsiding pain, the spasms building up inside you that are pressing around him, his presence that makes you feel so full.
Hanbin doesn’t move, giving you time to adjust to him while he waits to make sure that you are no longer in pain. He leans down and starts kissing the column of your throat, the side of your neck, pressing his lips against your pulse to help you relax. You can feel the pulses between your legs shift from pain into pleasure, your muscles beginning to welcome him instead of fighting his presence, and you begin to slightly lift your hips, rocking in small increments as your silent plea for him to start moving.
This time, his body reacts first. He quivers on top of you and subtly gasps, but he is quick to gather himself and pulls away. You open your eyes, looking up to his face to see the look of love and adoration coming out of his eyes. It warms your heart so much that it adds to the sensation when he slowly begins to move. He pushes inside a little more, gently stretching you out until he feels your muscles growing too tight for him to continue and pulls back, just enough for him to leave the head of his cock inside you.  
While you dread the thought of him pulling out of you, the delightful feeling of his girth sliding and pressing against your pussy walls is distracting you enough to stop you from protesting, and so does the sight of his chest and arms flexing as he moves above you. Hanbin seems to be affected by the pulses enveloping him as well, when he moves with a low, deep groan coming out of his lips. He waits for another pulse to subside and pushes his way back in, pushing deeper this time before sliding back out. He repeats it a few more times, moving in small increments until your muscles are no longer clamping around him, allowing him to move much easier.
Soon, he begins thrusting and sliding his hard shaft in and out of you at a steady pace. With each stroke, each deep thrust he gives you, the pleasure comes in waves, rising rapidly just as he begins to push harder.
“Ohhh…fuck!” he curses under his breath, his mouth falling open. In your eyes, he appears like a whole new man overcome with lust as he rocks his hips, pumping his cock inside you faster once he gives in to his desire.
“Oh, Hanbin,” you moan loudly when he hits the right spot. You just cannot help it when your body rocks back to welcome him. The feeling of him filling you up so completely, how he keeps bottoming out at your utmost depth as he thrusts inside you is overwhelming, but you take it all, spreading your legs wider to allow him to move freely over you.
He keeps repeating the motion, delving in deep and spearing you beneath him. Low grunts keep escaping his lips with how much pleasure he is feeling from being buried inside you, while your own voice comes out almost breathless, the silent cries of pleasure you are making fading beneath the constant sounds of skin slapping against skin, the bed creaking beneath your weight, and the force of his lovemaking that keeps rocking you to a new height.
You force yourself to keep your eyes open, taking it all in, making sure not to miss a single moment of your first lovemaking. This moment feels magical, but nothing defeats the beautiful sight of your lover embracing this moment together with you. How his eyes are locked on yours the entire time he is pounding into you, how his soft cries keep escaping between his ragged breath, and how his body moves so fluently, mesmerising you while he is doing all the sinful things to your body.
You can feel him throbbing within you, just as intensely as the throbs that are formed within your pussy walls. There is so much desire written on his face while his cock seems to respond to your body. He gives one hard thrust, and you feel your muscles quivering, the familiar spasms of your impending climax coming to wake.
The tempo of your tryst continues to build up, and you almost believe that you can feel him bulging inside you and growing thicker, stretching your walls further around his width. It feels amazing, completely maddening, even, when the pleasure just keeps rising, and rising, until you feel like you have nowhere else to go from here.
“Hanbin, baby…I’m close—” you whimper to him just when your pussy walls clamp around him, your stomach coiling tightly with the need for release.
“I…so do I, baby. You feel so damn good,” he gasps, nearly growling as he speaks. He forces his head down to press his lips on yours again as he starts to cause your body to shake with his pumping hips and cock. His lips brush against yours in a sweet way while his body burns hot with lust. Then he growls to your ear, whispering in an almost commanding way which immediately sets you off, “Let go for me, baby. Cum around my cock. Come with me.”
He picks up his speed, fucking you harder and faster. A jolt of pleasure shoots straight through you, but it isn’t enough. While he continues to rock his hips, you reach down between your bodies to find the little bud that he was teasing earlier to make you come. The sensitive flesh is still vibrating with need, sparks start going through your entire body the moment you touch yourself.
But Hanbin isn’t having it, refusing to let you please yourself when he wants to be the one to give it to you. He reaches down and pulls your hand away, replacing it with his fingers instead. His thumb comes pressing on your clit, circling it better than you ever could. Your body arches as he touches you so expertly, his thumb gliding over your clit, pinching on it, making you cry out his name in your carnal pleasure.
The rush of your climax grows stronger, and you simply let go of your inhibitions. Immediately your mind goes blank, leaving no room for others but the intense pleasure ripping through your body as you fall into your blinding orgasm. Your climax sends him falling to his own, his face contorting as he embraces his release. He gives you his one final thrust, pushing into you so deep until you are screaming loudly once again when you feel like your whole world is shaken with its force. He holds you there as he makes you take his entire length as it throbs and pumps into you.
“Hanbin!” you cry out again when a smaller spasm of your climax washes through you. You welcome it by grinding against him wildly while being pinned beneath him, and he bucks into you, his cock pulsing against your walls as he spurts every drop of his release into the condom, though you can still feel the heat of it filling your insides.
Silence falls soon after, once everything comes to a halt. There is nothing left but the sounds of your ragged breathing and your pounding heartbeat. A thin layer of sweat appears between your bodies, while you feel like something is pooling underneath, something slipping out of your throbbing cunt.
It seems that the two of you have become a complete mess as you found your climaxes together. Completely sated and drained, neither of you makes any move to let go of the other, still embraced in each other’s arms while his shaft is still buried inside you.
The silence seems to last long, until he finally opens his eyes, his gentle gaze looking back at you when he smiles. Hanbin bends over you, exhaling a deep breath before giving you a slow kiss on your lips.
Keeping you distracted by it, he gently pulls out of you. The sting of pain that was left forgotten during your heated lovemaking makes its return as he slides against it, drawing a shocked gasp from you. But the sting doesn’t last, as the remnants of your climax pulses around him, your pussy still vibrating with the shadows of your pleasure to help you relax.
It takes a while for him to discard the soiled condom, and you make use of the moment of silence to gather your bearings. A touch of a warm cloth appears when he returns, and you open your eyes to see him gently tending to you, cleaning you up before wiping himself clean. You were so distracted with the waning pleasure and pain that you didn’t even notice what he was doing, but it feels so nice to be taken care of the way he is doing it to you, and you enjoy seeing him so focused on it he barely pays attention to you watching him.
Hanbin throws the cloth away once he is done with it and searches through your face upon returning to you, as if he is worried that the regret will begin to sink in. But you reach up to him, pulling him down to you so you can kiss his lips. Sighing into the kiss, Hanbin is overcome with relief, and immediately reciprocates by kissing you deeply, passionately, enough to steal your breath away yet again just when you had just managed to control it.
“Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?” he begins asking you nonstop once the kiss stops, his concern is written all over his face, and you reach up to cup and stroke his cheek.
“I’m fine. I feel so good, actually. So good,” you answer him with a deep sigh, relishing on the final spasms fluttering in your core. “I’m glad I did it with you. You kept your promise on making it good for me. Thank you.”
Hearing this, Hanbin gives you a shy grin, the same grin that would always make you swoon. The wild lustful man that had taken complete control of your body is gone now, replaced by the shy and gentle young man that you have come to love so much.
“No regret, then?”
You shake your head. “None, whatsoever. And you were amazing too.”
His adorable grin widens at your compliment. “No, you were amazing,” he says, kissing the tip of your nose, while you are once again pleased with his praise. A spark of mirth appears in his gaze as he looks at you then, giving you a thrill even before he makes his promise, “And this is just the beginning.”
Your heart flutters. “Promise?”
Hanbin gives you a soft chuckle. “I always keep my word,” he whispers deeply, and you don’t really have to question him twice to know that he is definitely going to keep his word in the near future.
You part your lips to say something else. Yet instead of words, a long yawn is the only thing that you can give him.
“Tired?” he chuckles, while you can only nod to him, your mind and body grow weary as if you had just gotten all of your energy sucked out of you. “That’s fine. We’ll talk in the morning, okay?”
As he takes you in his arms, your eyes flutter shut, and you sigh heavily as you take it all in. Feeling sated, you fall deeper into the dreamlike state you have been in. You breathe in the scent of sex mingling in the air one last time, and allow yourself to be wrapped in his warmth with his hard naked body pressing against you.
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—  © 2023 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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kpopreac-tion · 2 years
hello beautiful people. I am finally back (kinda) so send in requests for:
You can request one group per question
If you want to request individuals, you can request up 5 individuals
I don’t do smut
I refuse to do anything sexist, racist, degrading or anything rude
GOT7 (Hyung Line Only)
NCT 127 (Excluding Haechan and possibly other members of NCT)
Stray Kids
Monsta X
Red Velvet (Excluding Yeri)
Girls Generation/SNSD
Eric Nam
(If you want a different group or artist, let me know and I can see if I can make it happen)
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cryingatships · 2 years
Kim Hanbin.
Kim Hanbin.
Kim Hanbin.
Kim Hanbin.
GOd I'm gonna slip and start writing drabbles about this man.
I've never done xreader before and I will now. Cause of this man.
Tumblr has corrupted me
Kim Hanbin-
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
What are they hiding from you?
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Group 1 - Howl
Cards : 5 Ochre Sea Star - embrace rapid changes, king of wands, Power, Moonstone - find your natural rythm
There are a lot of sexual references subtly hidden in these cards. As I was shuffling your cards, the song Okay from Chase Atlantic was playing. Then as I started with the reading, two other songs played : Aerials- System of a down & Tied to your body - Monsta X. If you were doubting this person's attraction for you, here is your confirmation that they are into you. They feel a lot of desire for you and apparently they have finally decided to act upon it. There's a lot of fire in the air, excitement, giddiness. They can't wait to see your reaction when they reveal to you what they were hiding. And looking at the cards, that could be happening really soon. I'd say within a few days. This person will either bluntly tell you about their intentions or they will let something slip that will betray them. I was picturing fireworks for some reason. Maybe there's a carnival going on in your town or a festive even of some sort that you will attend to together. This would make sense because of the moonstone card I'm getting a night time energy. The next new or full moon seem to be significant. FIY, the next new moon happens on the 5th of July. Oh and July 4 is Independance day. It is a celebration. Well, if you were planning on celebrating this commemorial day with friends, the night could turn out to be interesting to say the least ;) The next full moon is happening on the 21st of July. So maybe these two dates will be important for you and the person you're thinking about.
Group 2 - Haku
Cards : 13 Dumbo Octopus - Stop chasing and attract what you desire, 2 of cups, reclaim, Bismuth - rewrite your code with rainbows
While I was shuffling your cards, the song Attitude from The GazettE was playing on my speaker. And as I started channeling and writing your messages, Teardrops from BMTH started playing. This person that you're thinking about is tired of waiting for love to come to them. They are tired of trying relationship after relationship just to be heartbroken and deceived by people. They are tired of waiting for you to make the first step. They want to hide from you that they love you and intend to conquer you. They want to step into your connection with a better and healthier energy than what they were into before. They are reclaiming their power and their place in your heart. They may have lost track of who they were and what they wanted from love, from the connection you shared, from their partnerships in general. They came out of a state of confusion and sadness. They've realised that they only live once, that fighting only to mourn what was lost is meaningless, that everything has a start and an end. Including their own life. They don't want to waste time crying or doing meaningless things. They want to live, to love, to laugh, to have fun with life so that they have no regret. They know that if they had given up on you, they'd have regreted it so they intend to come back. The reason they hide that from you is because they fear rejection. It may take some time before this person states their truth. If I had to give you an estimated timing, I would say several months.
Group 3 - Ashitaka
Demons in your dreams - Motionless in white BTBT - B.I ft DeVita and Soulja Boy Honeymoon avenue - Ariana Grande blueberry eyes - MAX ft SUGA
Cards : 25 Mantis shrimp - don't give up now, Destruction, Agate - find your solid ground, 8 of cups
There were several references to demons in the songs that were playing during your reading. Combined with the energy of Mantis shrimp and Destruction, it feels like your person is fighting inner and external battles. For some it could be related to addictions. This person is trying to move away from something that is detrimental to their healt, whether it's a person, a situation or a material thing. I'm picking up on several scenarios. I was getting for some that they are actually trying to cut ties with you. They are tired of fighting for something that they know deep down they can't change. They've been trying really hard but now they realize that moving on is the best thing they can do. But for others, this person is attached to you and loves you a ton but they know that there are things and people in their life that prevent them from being there for you, be a good person to you. Again that could be addictions, certain connections, or a toxic attitude overall when it comes to you. They are willing to put in the work in order to be a better version of themselves that you would be safe with. They are not telling you this because it is a very vulnerable period of their life which they do not wish to show. They feel like telling you would hurt you and the last thing they want to do is destroy what you have, regardless of whether they intend to stay or not. They don't want to be bad to you, they still care enough to be the bigger person and do what is necessary.
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gyuzoh · 5 months
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summary: bartender kim mingyu, who you have the undeniable hots for— denies your advances due to your promiscuous reputation as seoul’s newest and upcoming hottest female dj.
therefore you make it a mission to prove your god-sculpted eye candy, wrong.
playlist: pour up (dean), you know (jay park, okasian), 2nd thots (jay park), freak like me (camo), btbt (b.i)
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, drugs and sex.
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chapter three.
you wake up to the sound of a running shower, the air smelling of a husky cologne. as you sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes, they scan the unfamiliar room. it belonged to a guy for sure.
looking down at the dark grey bed sheets, you notice you’re wearing a hoodie that you don’t own, and possibly wouldn’t ever be able to afford. dior.
last nights memories were failing to come to mind in this moment, and the thought of you in an unknown man’s room made your head hurt.
you glance down and notice the dress you had worn to the party last night was scattered on the ground of the bedroom, along with your heels, leaving you essentially half naked under this hoodie you’re now clad in.
thoughts were racking your brain, making up possible scenarios as to why you’ve awoken alone in a strangers queen sized bed, did you sleep with him? how much did you actually drink last night to not be able to remember it?
you felt scared at the endless possibilities, not knowing what happened or who with, your heart fell to your stomach. shit, fuck, fuck.
you ruffle your hair in frustration, unsure of who to expect to walk out that bathroom only a few meters away from you. you’d never had a one night stand before, are you supposed to stay? do you leave secretly when they’re unknowing?
before you could make the decision of leaving, the door to the bathroom opens, and the first thing you notice as the man emerges from the room is the incredibly large chest and sculpted bicep muscles to match. “oh, you’re awake.”
you glance up from the wet body, eyes widening at the realisation of who’s house you were at. kim mingyu.
at this point, your mouth was agape from the shock of the situation. you were basically half naked in the room of the man you were practically a dog for. yet you felt safe.
“did we sleep together?” the question blurted from your lips before you even had time to think about what you wanted to say, to which mingyu responded with a hum of agreement.
he walks towards the closet which stood opposite of the bed, the water droplets dripping off his back made you gulp. this man was gorgeous.
“well i mean, you didn’t let me sleep on the couch.” the disappointment was real, though you were also glad you had some sort of self respect.
mingyu grabs a white tee from the closet and throws it over his head, now covering his godly body, the towel that was around his shoulders now drying his hair.
he notices how your eyes were scanning his body, and he lets out a little chuckle at your obviousness, which made your cheeks turn a light shade of pink at the embarrassment of being caught.
“how are you feeling?” he asks you, sitting on the edge of the bed making it dip from his weight.
“i’m feeling okay, but i don’t remember anything past the halfway of my set.”
mingyu nods his head in understanding, unsure of whether to tell you about what happened last night, ultimately deciding it was better to tell you than to leave you in the dark.
“someone put something in one of your drinks,” he begins, twirling his thumbs and observing your bare face that he struggled to wipe with the makeup wipes he bought after he laid you down in his bed.
your mouth opens and lets out a quiet ‘ahh’, nodding your head and looking down. how stupid could you be to be accepting drinks from intoxicated strangers, the thought of not making it home safe, or to even be alive made you shiver.
“i took you here after seeing you fighting with your ex boyfriend, he said he didn’t do it, but you can never be too safe.”
you shake your head no, taehyung was a douche bag for sure, but he’d never put your safety on the line. you were somewhat thankful that man had morals. “thank you, for taking me here.”
mingyu smiles, “no problem,” getting up from the bed and walking out the room to get you a glass of water. but you still had one question for the man.
“why am i not in my own clothes?” he stops at the door and looks back at you, stifling laughter that was music to your ears.
“you kept complaining and asked me to change you.” he leaves.
once hearing those words, scenes started flashing in your head— the way you whined until the male unlaced your dress, his hands grazing your bare back and waist, looping the hoodie you currently wore over your head.
you groan in embarrassment, cheeks tinging pink again as you put your head in your hands. this man has seen your body that not even your ex boyfriend had been able to.
then it hits you, this man took you to his home, dressed you, taken off your makeup, slept in the same bed as you, all the while he had a girlfriend. somi.
the guilt was evident, sure you disliked the woman but you’d never homewreck a relationship, not after knowing the pain of being cheated on.
mingyu comes back into the bedroom, handing you a small glass of water and beckons you to drink it. you drink the clear liquid and hand it back to him once you’re done.
his large hands place the cup on the bedside table and he hands you your now charged phone, which was left with a few dozen calls from your little brother, messages reading concern of where you were and why you weren’t home.
“i should probably, uh, head home,” you say quietly, messaging heeseung that you’d be home within the hour and that you’re safe.
mingyu hums in response and starts to pick up your clothing on the ground and placing it in a paper bag for you to take home, then grabbing a pair of grey sweats from his closet, chucking it toward you. “it’s cold out today, wear these pants.”
you slowly get out of his warm bed, slipping on the sweats he handed to you, with hopes he doesn’t see anything you didn’t want him to.
though he had basically seen all of you last night due to your intoxicated, clingy state.
“i’ll take you home.”
the ride home was comfortable, music playing as you guys shared small talk. you’ve arrived at your apartment, mingyu walking you to the door as he carried your bag and clothes in his hand.
your hand reaches out to unlock the door, but it opens up wide before you could even jingle your keys. “where the hell have you been?”
you finally remember how you had told your worried sibling that you’d be home by 3am, and how you’d definitely be safe.
heeseung stands before you, his hair a mess due to waiting for you the entire afternoon.
“i was out-“ heeseung cuts you off before you could finish your sentence, pulling you into a hug and releasing a quick sigh of relief.
mingyu stands there watching the two of you, but he wasn’t exactly as relieved as heeseung was. not with knowing the events that took place last night, if you were his girlfriend, you’d never been allowed to go to a party unaccompanied.
“you just let your girlfriend go to a party all alone? do you even know what happened? do you even care she’s come home in another man’s clothes?”
both you and your brother pull apart from eachother, the dots slowly, but finally connecting for the two of you. so that’s what he meant by boyfriend.
“this is my sister, you idiot.”
mingyu’s eyes widen, looking at the two of you properly for the first time since he had met youse that night two weeks ago.
you nudge heeseung, scolding him for being rude to an elder.
mingyu finally notices the resemblance between you and heeseung, the high nose bridges and the plump lips you had both received from your mother. “did something happen last night? are you okay?”
you shake your head no and smile at heeseung, not wanting him to know you’d been almost admitted to the ER if not for mingyu. and more or less, taehyung.
pushing heeseung inside, you take ahold of your things from mingyu, grabbing your phone and opening instagram— handing the phone to mingyu in attempt to get his username.
he raises an eyebrow and gives you a slight smirk, his hand reaching out to grab your phone. “just so i can return your hoodie.” excuses blurted out of your mouth, anyone would know you just really wanted his instagram.
“you can just keep it, no?”
achieving mingyu’s instagram was finally a success, as well as somewhat proving to him you weren’t just some cougar. on top of that, you got a free, expensive hoodie that smelled of his cologne, leaving you kicking your feet in the air.
you’re laid on the bed of your room, finally opening messages from worried friends, noticing a few texts from wonwoo, a ‘call me when you see this’, catching your eye. so you do just that.
the dial tone rings once, and his deep voice answers almost immediately, worry evident in his tone, “hey, how are you? did mingyu get you home safe?”
you were being bombarded with questions from the concerned male, which made you smile.
“hey wonwoo, i’m feeling good, i’m sorry if i worried you or soonyoung last night, i don’t really remember anything.” wonwoo tells you not to worry, and that he’s just glad you’re home safe.
the two of you exchange a few more words, laughing at the small talk. “i feel bad you went through that, can i take you out for dinner to make it up to you atleast? i’m the one who invited you in the first place”
wonwoo was too sweet of a person to you, and it made your heart clench. you respond to him with a hum of agreement, “yeah, i’m free whenever you’re free.” how could you deny a free dinner?
“sweet, i’ll pick you up friday evening?”
mingyu sat engulfed in his own thoughts on the ride home, drowning in embarrassment. that was her damn brother, mingyu. he was so caught up in listening to those rumours of you, he couldn’t even notice the obvious.
mingyu arrives back at his shared apartment, as he’s about to unlock the front door, he’s stopped by arms snaking around his waist, the strong scent of perfume overtaking his nose.
somi stood behind him, head leaning against his toned back. “i missed you.”
the male sighs at the girl wrapped around his body, hesitant to reciprocate after the events of last night.
he had known somi was overprotective of him, but the disappointment he had felt in her with the nonchalance to you being in a dire situation, had him feeling uneasy around somi.
last night had opened mingyu’s eyes, it felt as if though the woman standing right there wasn’t the same sweet, innocent somi he had developed feelings for years ago. though, that may be his own fault.
somi could feel mingyu wasn’t feeling up to her shenanigans, though her predictions of why weren’t exactly on point. “did you sleep with her too?”
mingyu shakes his head no and removes her hold from him, turning to face her with a solemn expression.
“no, we didn’t sleep together,” he explains, “but i don’t know why it matters to you whether i did or not.”
the female sighs, “because you like me.” her reasoning made mingyu seethe with frustration, a hand reaches up to his face as he pinches his forehead. sigh escaping from his thin lips, biting them.
“because i like you? are you okay in the head?” at this point mingyu has had enough, he was tired of playing games with somi, always running to her when she called at late hours of the night, intimacy together only when it suits her own personal needs.
he was tired of being treated like a second choice.
“what’s wrong with that reasoning? am i wrong?” somi exclaims with her hands thrown in the air.
“you think that just because i liked you, it gives you reason you use me as you see fit? you think i’m not going to get tired of the way you act? of you?”
somi never would’ve expected those harsh words out of mingyu’s mouth, tired? of somi? there’s no way that’s possible— not to her. she wasn’t half wrong though, deep down mingyu knew he only half heartedly meant what he said. “can you just leave? i don’t want to see your face right now.”
taglist: @mochami-mochi @gyuwoosbabie @minmangyu
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