#Minnie asks
wonwoosthetic · 9 months
Hii, no rush or anything but I was just curious to know when we can sort of expect the next minnie fic?
Give me a few more hours and you’ll get to read it later when I post it today! I‘m just finishing up writing EP1-4. ˙ᵕ˙ it takes just a little longer to write stuff like this because I always have to watch a scene, pause it, write it, watch the next, pause it, write it, and repeat😅😊
In the meantime, look at these pictures from the past few days that made my moots and I on Twitter go absolutely feral:
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And my absolute favourite:
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skullsemi · 8 months
you think mortimer and gladstone have gotten into any serious arguments or do they just brush it off
We are talking about the most dramatic characters out there so certainly it happened at some point
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And yes, the consequences of it will absolutely affect everyone
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
i fully believe that James could not tell McGonagalls animagus form from any other cat so he just treated every cat like it was her
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ourdadai · 3 months
✿ minnie ꒰ g idle ꒱ lockscreens !
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minniiaa · 6 months
LawLu hc - Franky built Luffy captain's quarters that he only uses when Law stays over.
YES. Any in-universe OP fic of mine (and a lot of other fic writers) will most definitely have a captain's quarters that Luffy reserves just for his tired emo babygirl (Law).
Ever since they set sail on the Merry, Luffy has slept in the men's quarters. They didn't have a Captain's Quarters back then because there wasn't enough space but Luffy never cared because he hates sleeping alone.
When he was a kid, he always had Ace and Sabo to sleep with but after Ace left on his journey, Luffy had to sleep by himself and he hated how quiet and cold it was without them. Once he was finally able to travel with his crew, nothing made Luffy happier than being able to sleep with his friends again. Sometimes they even let him cuddle with them at night which is Luffy's favorite thing to do with the people he cares about. When Franky was building the Merry, he offered to build Luffy a captain's quarters but he denied saying that he'd rather sleep with his friends.
Then Law comes aboard after Punk Hazard and Luffy couldn't understand why he would never sleep in the men's quarters with him and instead chose to sleep on the deck in the cold. Law refuses to tell him and it drives Luffy crazy because he wants to cuddle with Law so bad. He tries to go on the deck and snuggle with Law but everytime he does, Law shambles him halfway across the ship with no explanation.
Their relationship progresses into something much different than what Luffy has with his crewmates and after much pestering, he finally gets Law to admit that the two-fold reason why he won't sleep with the rest of the men is that he often has nightmares from his dark past which embarrasses him and he also isn't part of their crew so sleeping with them would make it seem like he's accepting that he's no longer captain of his own ship and just one of their nakama like Luffy claims he us.
Luffy thinks this is ridiculous so he secretly has Franky build him that Captain's Quarters he offered before. Franky does, repurposing a random closet of junk into a small but perfect Captain's Quarters. On the night it's done, Luffy drags Law through the new door that suddenly appeared, shoving him on the bed, crawling in next to him, and wrapping his arms around him so tight that Law can't escape.
Law is not sure if he's most confused as to how this new bedroom just materialized seemingly out of thin air on the day they stopped at a supply island or why Strawhat is now alone in bed with him, nuzzling against his neck and holding him against his body. Luffy declares that it's the Captain's Quarters and he had Franky build it so they could have a room for just the two of them. That way Law doesn't have to worry about his nightmares or what anyone else thinks.
Law points out that it's still the Captain's Quarters and Luffy is the Captain and Luffy snaps back with "Well you're a Captain so that makes it your quarters too. It doesn't say which Captain it belongs to," and Law can't argue with that ridiculous but sound logic that only Luffy could come up with.
Law accepts his fate, relaxing in Luffy's arms, realizing that it's been so long since he was able to just curl up under the blankets with someone else. He feels all warm and fuzzy, not only because Luffy is like a space heater, but also because he realizes his alliance mate did all this just so he could have a space he feels comfortable at night. From that day on, he sleeps with Luffy in their room. It does mortify him when Strawhat tells other people that they sleep together every night but at that point, Luffy's already decided that they're dating and he knows there's nothing he can do.
After Law leaves the crew, the room remains and Luffy only uses it when Law comes to visit him, never allowing anyone else to sleep in 'Him and Torao's room'.
Luffy just wanted a room where he could fuck Law nasty so he has Franky build one and suddenly the Captain of the Thousand Sunny has his own personal sex dungeon for him and his boyfriend.
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musette22 · 2 months
Seb is 6' which isn't small but he looks teeny sat between Chris Pratt (6'2") and David Harbour (6'3") Yes they have a few inches over him but i think just shows Seb's height is all in his legs - he sits down and turns into teacup Seb
Teacup Seb. Teacup Seb. Oh my god that is delightful, I love it so much 😂 Please we all have to use that phrase from now on, it's too good lmao
But yes, I think that's a very accurate observation, he does look small next to them and even though those other guys are taller, they're not that much taller. And we know Seb has long legs, so it would make sense that he'd look smaller sitting down. Ergo, teacup Seb.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
I demand more pics of your cat
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lilac-dreamxxz · 3 months
hi! I love you blog sm <33 I was wondering if you could make some g-idle/minnie themed bios pls
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𔓕 ﹕ mιᥒᥒιᥱ ⠀—⠀𝗴-𝗶𝗱𝗹𝗲
﹙𝟵𝟳﹚⠀₊   ⠀mιnnιᥱ   ˙  
♥︎﹏⠀⠀My ⠀𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦⠀⠀𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲⠀ 🎀 !
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luciopioid · 3 months
Your writing makes me black out you are SO talented!! If you don’t mind, #17 from the more recent list w/ Soyeon? I feel like it channels the same emotions she brings out in Psycho 🎶
#17 from here. “You better watch your fucking mouth.”
soyeon x f!reader
miscommunication. reader has an attitude. soyeon fixes it. fingering. wrap-around. established relationship.
note: OOMFIE THANK YOU SO MUCH AHHH I really liked this prompt for her and I hope it did you and her justice!! Thank you again <3
It’d been a long day. Waking up after Soyeon, expecting her beside you or anywhere else in the house, but to no avail, she was not. Lately, she’s been leaving early and coming home late to go work in the studio. Normally, it didn’t bother you, but today was one of those days where everything did. One of those days where nothing felt like it was going your way. You wanted nothing more than to just lay with your girlfriend, but she wasn’t even there to begin with. She didn’t respond to the text asking if she had lunch or the one that asked what time she’d be home. You were irritated to say the least, but you still went on with your day. That evening, you were getting ready for bed when Soyeon came home from the studio. She opened the door to you fixing the pillows on the bed. “Hey, baby.” She said as she put her bag and laptop on the desk. “Hi.” You say flatly and Soyeon cocked an eyebrow almost immediately.
“Everything alright?” She asks, confusion in her voice. You don’t respond at first, just continuing to make the bed. “Babe.” Soyeon says again, moving closer to you. Turning around suddenly, “What, Soyeon?” You snapped at her on accident. Her eyebrows furrow, her face puzzled.
“What’s wrong?” She asks and you huff and attempt to walk away. She grabs you by your arm. “Stop. I asked you a question.” Soyeon says, gentle but still stern.
You inhale sharply, attempting to keep it together. A part of you felt bad. A part of you was just sleepy. Another part of you just missed your girl. “Nothing,” You deadpan.”I’m just tired.”
Leaving Soyeon’s grip you walk to the bathroom. She treads behind you slowly.
“You sure that’s all?” She asks, leaning against the doorframe. Her eyes not leaving you for one second.
“Fucking hell. Could you just drop it? You’re so…” You sassed, trailing off. Your voice slightly louder than intended. Soyeon readjusts herself, making sure of what she’d just heard. “Watch your fucking mouth.” She warns, dropping the gentleness of it all.
You scoff, walking away to plop yourself on the bed. “Or what?”
She chuckles, joining you on the bed. You turn your head away from her. Soyeon scoots closer to you as she places her hand on your neck, turning your face towards hers with her thumb and index. She eyes your lips and then your eyes, forcing you to hold her gaze.
“What’s with you tonight, mm?” She hums, her voice low. “Trying to get on my nerves? Is that it?” She asks into your ear. You roll your eyes, shoving her hand away.
Soyeon sucks her teeth. “Such a damn brat.” She places a kiss to the shell of your ear. “I think I know a way to get rid of this little attitude of yours.” You feel your breath hitch.
Soyeon moves so that you’re sitting in front of her, her chest warm against your back. She slides the strap of your shirt off and places a warm kiss there. Her hands move down to your hips and pull you closer to her. She grabs a handful of your hair and pulls your head back, leaving your neck exposed at her leisure. Your head drapes over her shoulder as she kisses at your neck. Her hands trailing over your waist and torso, grabbing at whatever they could.
“Please.” You croak, only loud enough for her to hear. Soyeon’s hand crawls up your shirt and her hand covers your breast, giving it a light squeeze, your nipple being pinched between her fingers. Soyeon ignored you as she continued to tease you, leaving evident marks on the side of your neck. You ground yourself against her mindlessly to which it was then that she took the hint and trailed her hand down from your stomach to the front hem of your shorts. You squirmed under her touch, desperate for her to give into you.
“Don’t tell me this was all you wanted,” She taunts. Her hand slips into your shorts, “Getting all pissy with me when you just wanted to be fucked.” Soyeon rubs your clit over your panties with her middle fingers and you let out a needy and desperate whine. Her fingers move down and she gasps ever so softly, “So wet,” She comments under her breath, her fingers moving around your pussy in a whirling motion, “Aww so needy.” She says in a mocking tone.
“Please, Yeonnie.” You buck up into her hand while her other hand still pinched at your nipple. She chuckles as her fingers hover over your entrance. “Please, what?” She teased. A smirk evident in her voice without even being able to see her.
“Want you inside me.” You whisper. Soyeon doesn’t move the hand in your shorts at all.
“Oh yeah?” You nod, still writing for her. “You want me to fuck you?” She asks, stating the obvious. You nod again.
“Use your words.” You roll your eyes, growing more desperate and impatient by the second.
“Just fucking–”
“Mm-mm,” Soyeon says, followed by a tsk sound, “There you go again with that mouth. Ask me nicely.”
You inhale sharply, biting your lip to stifle any other words from coming out. Soyeon notices your lack of response and her hand slowly starts to pull out of your pants–
“Wait–” She stops.
“Please,” You exhale, “Please fuck me, Soyeon.” You whine and you can practically feel her grin.
She moves her hand back down, her fingers moving your panties to the side. “There we go,” Her hand circles your entrance, still not giving you what you’ve been begging for. “Now tell me,” She whispers into your ear, “Are you gonna stop giving me all this fucking attitude?” You nod your head in compliance, but it still wasn’t enough for her.
“Say it.” Soyeon commands with a little more bite.
“Yes.” You blurt out as she continues to smirk.
It was then that you felt Soyeon’s long and smooth fingers slip inside you. You let out an involuntary gasp, taking in the feeling of her filling you. She moves her fingers in and out of you at an excruciatingly slow pace. You could feel just how wet you were by the slickness of her hand movements alone.
Soyeon pinched your nipple again with her other occupied hand and your breath shudders. You felt her fingers curl slightly inside of you to which she continued to move them in a fluid motion inside of you, causing you to mewl and throb around her. Soyeon places a gentle kiss over the marks she’s made on your neck already. She bites at your shoulder before soothing it with a kiss as well.
“You sound so pretty, baby.” She coos, her fingers deep inside of you.
“Faster.” You mumbled and for the first time, Soyeon complied. She picks up the pace a bit, her middle fingers separating slightly. She’s probing you with curved long fingers, your juices spilling out over her hand. Your wanton moans fill up the room alongside the sound of your pussy being fucked into. “Yeonnie…” You whimper as your hand goes to grip at her arm, your nails digging into her flesh.
She fucks into you faster now, each pump from her hand earning a lengthy moan from you. Your head was dizzy from the sensations, your jaw slack and hanging open.
“You’re clenching so hard, baby,” Soyeon mutters low into your ear, “Are you close?”
You nod as you whimper, your stomach feeling tight. She continues pumping in and out of you as she whispers praises and compliments into your ear.
“I’m gonna cum.” You whine out and Soyeon fucks into you faster, bringing you closer over the edge.
“Come for me, princess.” She grunts and in seconds you're clenching around her fingers even harder and panting like a dog. You let out combinations of curses and moans and other unintelligible nonsense all while her fingers still pump into you.
You come down from your high, breathing heavy and hard in Soyeon’s embrace. She moves from behind you and lays you down onto the pillow. She wipes the sheen of sweat from your forehead and places a soft kiss there.
“You gonna tell me what that was all about earlier or…?”
You frown. “You left without saying goodbye, first of all.” She scoffs into a smile. “Second. You’ve been practically ignoring me all day. I just–” You trail off. “I missed you.”
“You didn’t read my note.” Soyeon realizes, putting the pieces together.
“What note?”
She reaches over you to grab something from the space between the bed and bedside table. She pulls out a folded piece of paper.
“I left this on the table.” She says, handing it to you.
You looked so beautiful while you were sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you up. I have a lot of work to do today, so I might not be on my phone as much. I’ll call you on my way home. Love you baby.
You pout, holding back a smile. “Well…you still didn’t call me on your way home.” Soyeon chuckles and nudges you.
“You’re such a brat.”
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heyniniy · 8 months
✿ gidle [ minnie ] lockscreens
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myminazinha · 5 months
◜ ཐིཋྀ ◝ yuqi & minnie ( (g)i-dle ) locks .
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wonwoosthetic · 4 months
So are all of the members aware of mimiwon or just Vernon since it’s not an easy topic to bring up so easily? If not, are the members suspicious but aren’t bringing it up since they rather them do it?
So I do plan on writing maybe a chapter about this but I have to think about it more carefully ˙ᵕ˙
This is how I imagined it: The others definitely know SOMETHING is going on bc they’re way too obvious for it to stay as a secret. Some of the members got too nosey for their own good and have definitely asked about it, but the three just treat it casually and kind of just go with the flow and are like “yeah, it’s just casual fun and whatever” bc it’s definitely, like you said, not an easy topic (for people around them but also for them as it’s not the ‘norm’ like it’s socially acceptable). So most members just watch and find it adorable, but let them do their thing, in my head ˙ᵕ˙
Due to Minnie and Vernon’s closeness and him being a quiet observer, he definitely knows a bit more than the others haha
I’m also still trying to figure out how I want to write them and approach this topic, so any input and ideas/thoughts are very welcome! I only have one person in my circle that’s in a poly relationship, so I kinda take her advice and what she tells me what it’s like with her and her boyfriends🤭
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skullsemi · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons on whether the fab five have favourite Disney characters (that aren't part of the Mickeyverse)?
Like I know that Mickey and Minnie aren't the type to show favouritism but I feel like they would have a soft spot for Snow White since she was the very first animated movie.
I also feel like Daisy and Tinkerbell would be BFFs.
I know I sound like a broken record at this point but House of Mouse was all about that! Many interactions with them all!
I do agree about how Mickey and Minnie genuinely adore Snow White, she shows up and they just
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And absolutely Tinkerbell and Daisy together is such an adorable idea!
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good people of tumblr I have a question. out of disney’s sensational six (which is the like main Mickey and friends characters) who’s your favourite???
let me know in the tags who you picked and I’d love to hear why :D
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ourdadai · 4 months
✿ minnie ꒰ g idle ꒱ lockscreens !
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koaluark · 5 months
minnieㅤㅤ𖩣 ㅤㅤlockscreen
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