#he has the perfect animal crossing lips omg
wonwoosthetic · 9 months
Hii, no rush or anything but I was just curious to know when we can sort of expect the next minnie fic?
Give me a few more hours and you’ll get to read it later when I post it today! I‘m just finishing up writing EP1-4. ˙ᵕ˙ it takes just a little longer to write stuff like this because I always have to watch a scene, pause it, write it, watch the next, pause it, write it, and repeat😅😊
In the meantime, look at these pictures from the past few days that made my moots and I on Twitter go absolutely feral:
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And my absolute favourite:
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starrycollesta · 2 years
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━━━━ PARING ! eddie munson x dom!reader
━━━━ WORDS ! 3.3k
━━━━ SYNOPSIS ! eddie goes over to your house and masturbates using your panties. you catch him and to eddie's surprise, you react way differently than he expected...
━━━━ INCLUDES ! pervert!eddie, sub!eddie, dom!reader, vaginal sex, hand job, creampie, lots of talk of cum, panty kink, plot but lots of smut, descriptive sex, smut, scent kink, masturbation, walking in on, degradation, edging, dacryphilia, eddie getting ruined, mentions of pegging, eddie has a secret crush on you, masochist!eddie, sadist!reader, some cute fluff at the end.
A/N: all requests will get done soon. ive been super busy with life so i don't write as much. side note, the gif i picked for eddie is so hot omg
sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes | cross posted on AO3 | MASTERLIST | REQUEST ME !
gif and photos are not mine
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Eddie knew what he is currently doing is wrong on so many levels. You've been his best friend for literal years, yet he couldn't stop the way his heartbeat faster and ached for your touch whenever you were near him. Though he gave the impression of confidence and never afraid to yell his feelings to the world but when it came to you, He just couldn't find the courage to tell you how he really felt about you. He didn't want to ruin years of friendship just because he had a major crush on you.
He settled for stealing your panties and sniffing them while he thrusts up into his closed fist, eyes rolling back painfully like a ravenous animal. Eddie made excuses for wanting to go in your bedroom so he could steal a pair of your panties. You thought nothing of it because how could you know of the dirty reasons behind Eddie's motives.
He remembered the day when you called to him from in the bathroom to grab the pile of clothes from off your dresser. He was already nervous and uncomfortably hard being in your room while you were in the shower completely naked. He had to think of the most unattractive scenarios to make his cock go limp but the thoughts of you lathering soap onto your soaking wet body prevented that.
Taking a deep breath and attempting ignore inappropriate thoughts, he moved closer to the dresser to grab the pile of clothes before stopping dead in his tracks. On the dresser, there was a neatly stacked pile of clothes with lacy bright pink underwear peaking in the mix. Even after being friends with you for years, Eddie has never seen your underwear before. The closest he's ever gotten to that was seeing you like that was when you wore in a big t-shirt that barely went up to your knees.
Without even thinking he grabbed the garment from the pile and brought it up to his nose. Like a pervert, he quietly let out a moan in the panties as he caught a whiff of your sweet aroma. The panties smelled of cotton candy and you. On the accessions he'd been able to smell you, you'd always smell lovely. He sometimes made-up excuses to be around you just to smell you. Being able to smell your scent did nothing to stop his hard-on.
With one last whiff he quickly stuffed the panties into his jean pocket and opened a few dressers to find a different pair of underwear for you. He bit his lip as he found an array of multicolored panties, all different styles. He had to restrain himself from grabbing all the panties and attempting to stuff them into his pockets. He grabbed a random pair of panties and prayed that you wouldn't notice the change in underwear style and possibly question him.
As if nothing ever happened, Eddie knocked on the door and you opened it a crack so he could slip the pile into your damp hands. Eddie could smell the fumes of your favorite shampoo rafting throughout the fogging bathroom.
That night he ejaculated the hardest he ever did in his life.
However, many times he debated with himself to put your panties down and throw them away, he just couldn't bring himself to it. You just smelled so perfect and sweet he couldn't get you out of his head. It was his dirty secret.
He wondered what you'd think if you saw him using your panties while masturbating...
Would you call him a disgusting pervert and stop being his friend? Find his actions flattering and fuck him while you made fun of him for taking your panties? He'd let you do anything you wanted to him. Slap him, call him degrading names, make him your bitch, fuck his ass until he begged you to stop, he didn't care. All he wanted was to be yours and only yours. He wanted to be marked up by you.
He thought of different filthy scenarios about how you'd treat him if you found out about what he's been up to while he wrapped your frilly pink panties around his cock. He arched his back while he moaned as he applied more pressure to his hard cock, pretending it was you gripping his dick so tight. He fucked up into his fist, hoping and praying you'd soon be the one to fuck him.
He laid in your bed, thrusting his hips into his tight fist, eyes rolling back painfully while his toes curled. He was aware he was pushing his luck, pumping his cock in your own bed while you ran a quick errand. At any moment you could come barging in your room only to find Eddie splayed out on your mattress while he sniffed at your panties before returning them back to his manhood.
While that thought should've made him jump out of the bed, it only made Eddie pump himself faster and squeeze himself harder. Your bed creaked loudly, threatening to break, as his hand moved vigorously, panties still wrapped around his dick.
As the minutes dwelled on, he could feel himself get closer to sweet release. He let out a series of low groans and curses before his whole body stilled, violently shuddering.
Almost at perfect timing, the bedroom door flung open in the middle of Eddie's intense orgasm. Instead of tucking himself back in his pants he kept pumping at his cock, aware of that you stood in the doorway, face probably in shock or pure horror. He should've stopped but he just couldn't. The feeling felt too good. At this point there was no going back.
He squeezed his eyes shut as thick spurts of his seed spilled onto his closed fist and your panties, coating them almost completely. He lay boneless on the bed, still recovering from the energy taxing orgasm. His heartbeat so in his chest. He was afraid to look at you and see your face.
Finally, he sat up to look at you, very aware of his nakedness and the weirdness of the situation, "I-I can explain-" he tried to say but was cut off.
"You like using my panties for your own pleasure Eddie?" you asked calmly. You had your hands on your hips, eyebrow raised, waiting for him to reply. Eddie's eyebrows practically raised to his hairline at how serene and calm you looked. The masochist part of him wanted you to get mad at him. Make him feel bad for his actions. Degrade him till he cried and pleaded. He knew he could take anything you gave him.
"I... I'm sorry," he stuttered, quickly tucking himself back into his pants. He knew that was a lame apology. How can you apologize for using your best friend's panties for masturbation? He didn't know what to tell you.
You didn't acknowledge his apology, just walked over to him. He made a move to get up, but you pushed him down on his back once you were near. He went all bug eyed when you pushed him down, a boner threatening to arise at the sudden contact. All too soon you moved your hand away from him.
"How did it feel to use my panties? Did you like getting off on my bed while I was gone?" you asked, face and voice void of emotion. Eddie gulped and avoided eye contact with you. He knew if he looked at you, he'd feel like a bug under your gaze. He didn't know if he wanted to answer that question. He thought maybe he could lie but you'd probably notice, so he decided against lying to you. There was no way to avoid the question. Swallowing down the lump in his throat, he finally answered your question.
"I- I liked it..." Eddie admitted slowly. He glanced at you, still feeling the pressure of your hand on his chest. He couldn't tell if you were happy or mad by his admission. He hoped you were both, if that was even possible.
"You came hard," you commented after a moment, full blown amusement on your previously expressionless face. This surprised Eddie because he didn't think you'd be amused by him using your panties for his own gratification.
You gave him a small but devious smirk as you once again put a hand on his chest. But this time you didn't stop moving it. You traveled to his abdomen, hand massaging his soft abs through his shirt. Eddie bit his lips hard to contain a loud moan from slipping through his lips. He had no idea what you were going with this, but he enjoyed it.
"Does that feel good?" you asked, gaze cast down to the place you were moving your hand. Eddie was pretty sure you already knew the answer. Judging by the way his cock was noticeably standing up in his pants.
Eddie nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, it feels good. Please...touch my cock," he was so starved for your touch, but he needed more. He yearned for you to touch his needy cock. You chuckled and moved your hand completely away from his body. Before Eddie could start whining and begging for you to touch him, you put your hand directly on his bulge and gave it a squeeze.
He gasped as you rubbed him, first going slow then fast. Eddie considered himself in heaven when you moved your hand in his pants and underwear. You were finally touching his cock. He could almost cry in relief. He was so fucking hard and needy for you. Your fingers ghosted over his small patch of pubes before groping his shaft, giving him an experimental pump.
"Fuck yes, please keep touching my cock like that!" Eddie couldn't contain himself any longer. You were making him feel so good. Pride and embarrassment be damned.
You looked over to him, "You really are a filthy slut," you smirked at his needy behavior. Eddie's eyes rolled back at your words combined with your hand pumping at his leaking cock. You moved his cock out of his pants and pushed his pants to his ankles before they fell to the floor. He leaned on his elbows and quickly rid himself of his constricting shirt. Now fully naked and exposed, the air hit his cock, making Eddie hiss and whimper at the sensation.
While pumping your hand up and down his long and thick shaft, you circled his weeping tip, inciting a low moan from the vulnerable man below you. He thrust his cock in your grip for more pleasure only for his cock to be harshly hit by you. He whimpered at the sudden feeling.
"Don't be so greedy," you scolded him. Eddie quickly mumbled out an apology, still recovering from your hand moving up and down his poor cock. Truth be told, he was acting greedy and desperate. It took all of him to not push his hips into your grip.
Gradually, your hand sped up. Sinful noises came out of his open mouth, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes while his eyes rolled back once more at the sense of pure euphoria you made him feel. He felt so overwhelmed and weak, but he loved it all the same.
Your unpreoccupied hand squeezed and fondled his balls while your other hand circled his wet tip and pumped at his rock-solid cock in earnest. He thrashed and moaned under you while you edged him closer and closer to a world-shattering orgasm. You kept circling his bundle of nerves, enjoying the way his red tip spurts out pre-cum down his veiny cock.
"Needa cum s'bad, please let me cum," Eddie begged you pathetically, tears threatening to spill down his flushed red cheeks.
"You really want to cum that bad, huh? After you used my panties for your filthy desires. Why should you get to cum?" you asked him with feign curiosity, hand not stopping your furious pumping. You knew he needed to cum, his dick twitching wildly in your hand, proving that point. It was just his luck that you were feeling generous, even after Eddie got off on your bed like a deprived whore.
"I'm really sorry, please, I need to cum s'bad. I feel like I'm gonna explode~" Eddie cried out and arched his back off the bed, sweat pooling down his face, hairs sticking to his forehead. He looked ravishing, all cross eyed and desperate to cum all over himself for you. He wanted you to see what you were doing to him. How you made him feel.
But you didn't stop your fast pace on his cock. In fact, you sped up. He quickly realized you weren't going to let him cum when you wanted so he once again pleaded. He whimpered, whined, sobbed, and squirmed under your tight and unforgiving grip on his most sensitive parts. Disgusting squelching noises could be heard throughout the room along with pleas and moans. Eddie's deep but silky voice echoed in the room, voice rising gradually as the stimulation became too much for him.
"Need to cum for you, please let me fucking cum for you, it hurts s'bad, can't-shit- hold it any longer, nghhh~" he grits his teeth, hands gripping tightly at the sheets on either side of him. His hips twitched, aching to fuck up into your hand and spurt his hot semen on your fist and himself.
"Look at you, so desperate to make a mess all over yourself like the perverted whore that you are," you degraded him, relishing in Eddie's loud groans and pleas for you to have mercy on him. You lightly hit his balls that hung low and spat on the head of his dick, using it as lube- though his cock was already slick.
"Yes, fuck yes, m'so desperate for you. Wanna cum all over myself for you!" he once again cried out, tears now pouring from his dark eyes and running down his cheeks. He looked submissive and completely ruined by you. He repeated your name like a prayer, pink tongue lolling out of his mouth. He basically melted in your hand.
Finally answering his vocal prayers, you spoke the words he's been begging to hear: "Cum for me Eddie, give me all of you," you encouraged him, making sure to never cease your strong strokes to his hard and weeping dick. Almost on command, his face screwed up and whole body instantly stilled while his mouth opened in a silent scream of pleasure. His balls drew up as ropes of fresh and hot seed shot out of his dick. Shock waves of pleasure went throughout his body, making him shake. During his powerful orgasm, he shudders and cries, body starting to go numb, eyes rolling back as you fucked him through his orgasm, giving him strong and lazy strokes to drag out his already search shattering orgasm.
You wanted him to feel so good he could nearly pass out from the pleasure he felt. He looked so pretty and submissive, you wanted to ruin him. Make him your personal slut and fuck toy who obeys your every whim. You had no shame whatsoever. You continued to squeeze and pump at his cock till he was completely spent and empty of cum to give. His whole chest up to his neck was littered with spurts of ejaculation.
He breathed heavily and hissed once you removed your hand from his softening cock.
"I'm not done with you yet," you spoke after a few minutes of Eddie still recovering from the orgasm you gave him. You were fully naked. He didn't even notice you had removed your clothes because he was in such a daze after his orgasm. He also failed to notice you crawling on his chest, panties in hand, as you made your place sitting above his soft cock.
He removed his elbows that were covering his face and looked at you through dazed eyes. He yelped in surprise when he opened his mouth to speak, you shoved your panties into his mouth. He groaned once he tasted your slick on the lacy cloth.
"There you go, so perfect for me," you pat his red cheeks, eyes looking at him with adoration. Eddie couldn't help but preen at the ounce of praise you gave him. His heart raced while his dick slowly came back to life, "I figured since you love my panties so much why don't I stuff them in your filthy mouth," you added with a giggle.
"Do you want to fuck my pussy, you little pervert?" you tilted your head, looking down at him. He quickly nodded, hair shaking wildly as he moved his head eagerly in conformation, "Are you gonna be a good boy and make me cum all over your dick?" you hummed in question.
This time Eddie nodded with more enthusiasm. He said something but his speech was muffled from the panties occupying his mouth. Satisfied with his response, you lifted yourself off his chest and grabbed his half hard dick and lined him up to your soaking entrance. You slowly lowered yourself onto his dick, moaning as his dick started to fill you up. Eddie groaned once your throbbing heat engulfed his cock.
His dick felt perfect in your pink walls, you clenched and unclenched around him. You didn't move, much to Eddie's chagrin, but adjust yourself slightly, giving him an ounce of pleasure that he was grateful for.
Keeping your emotions in check, you spoke, "If you want to cum, your gonna have to use your cock to make me cum first. I give you permission to touch me, slut," Eddie immediately grabbed your hips and thrust up into your tight heat. You bit your lip to stop from crying out as he savagely drove his cock in and out of your sopping pussy. He grunted and moaned as he did his best to make you cum quick. And he was doing a good job at it.
Soon enough he found your sweet spot and Jack hammered his cock to your g-spot. You moaned as he repeatedly hit your sweet spot, your eyes rolled back.  Eddie's dick throbbed and shook inside of you while wet slapping noises traveled in the room as the man below you drove you closer to an orgasm. You moved your hand down to you pussy and flicked your clit. He gripped your hips so tight, holding you in place while he pounds you into oblivion.
"Fuck, just like that, fuck my pussy just like that Eddie!" your thighs and body shook as you furiously rubbed at your clit meanwhile Eddie fucked you pounded you so well. Who knew your best friend could fuck so good?  
Almost too soon, you felt yourself orgasm, juices squirting down Eddie's long shaft, while you close your eyes, and your mouth drops open as you shake. Just like you did to him, he fucked you through your orgasm, grip on your waist loosening but pace never faltering. You could hear Eddie moan and feel him shoot his sperm into your pussy. He fills your womb as you both come down from an orgasm. You remove the panties from his mouth and slowly lift yourself off of him. You move to lay besides him and rest your head on his chest.
For some time neither of you said anything. You two were comfortable in the silence and feel of each other. Eddie didn't want to say anything, but a question remained in his mind.
"Are we...still friends?" he looks at you and asks, nervous all over again. He was afraid that you'd never speak to him after everything. Noticing his nervousness, you smile at him. A light blush spread across his cheeks.
"I'd say we're a little bit more than friends, don't you think?" you laughed. He smiled back at you, cute dimples on his cheeks.
"Yeah, I'd say,"
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drakenology · 4 years
would you ever write abt hq boyfriend sending your nudes/videos of fuckin to a group chat -🐮
this- it’s wrong but so right at the same time. thank you nonnie.
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Video Phone - ft. Miya Osamu, Nishinoya, Kuroo and Oikawa.
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author’s note: ok like the way I had the perfect photo edited for this kind of hc. i had an idea like this but it rotted in the drafts heh. hope you like this!
warnings: smut, mentions of creampie, daddy kink, college aged bois, voyeurism?, male receiving oral, noya being a himbo, dirty talk, slight degradation
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would send them to the team for sure.
he likes showing you off.
like he highkey wants to do porn with you kssk so this is his way of uh.. getting your content out there
he’ll record everything.
sessions upon sessions saturate this man’s camera roll.
and why not share that with his friends? who is he to deny them the privilege of watching him fuck you into a dirty little cockslut?
you kinda like it so.. why not?
Osamu was feeling friskier than usual; which wasn’t a problem for you since the way that motherfucker looked at you with such unadulterated hunger was enough to wet your panties.
That ‘look’ got you riding his fat cock on the couch, Osamu’s hand holding his phone to record your sloppy cunt the other smacking your ass and fondling your tits.
You kinda knew he was going to send the footage to his entourage which was embarrassing at first. But you found yourself loving the lewd texts his friends send about you; the attention going straight to your pussy. Osamu noticed you liked being recorded when your cunt clenched whenever a camera was pointed at it.
“Ya like putting on a show for my teammates, don’t ya?” Osamu inquires, taking a thumb to toy with your swollen bud. You moan back at him, playing with your nipples and licking your lips as you bounced on his dick, feet planted into the couch. Osamu made sure to get that on film, the sight of you pinching at your nipples made him lose all sense of composure.
Poor boy had no other choice but to throw the phone off to the side to grab your hips and thrust upwards, your screams echoing through the living room. You drool as he praised your sopping wet pussy’s symphony, the sounds of your juices gushing all over his dick was the perfect touch to his latest addition.
“Mmm listen ta that baby, tape’s still goin’. Tell my friends how well I’m fucking ya, will ya? Scream f’me.”
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Yū loves taking pictures of you.
Naked or fully clothed.
He has about a million pictures of you; videos too.
Most of them were really lewd; your supple breasts or that sweet cunt he loves fucking.
even has a gnarly creampie video he revists when you’re not around to dump his load inside.
Tried to put them all in the hidden folder and-
Sent em by accident sksjjsj
looked up “how to unsend photos” a million times
no luck lmao.
Of course everyone saw it. Even Hinata was like “gah damn”.
But you told him you didn’t really mind. In fact it was kinda hot that his friends lusted after you.
ever since then yall have made fucking on camera a nice way to bond.
Nishinoya was embarrassed. Actually he was mortified. He had so much porn in his phone. This he knew. He was tired of directing people not to scroll when he showed someone pictures on his phone; knowing they were gonna get an eyeful of your dripping pussy clenching around his dick. So he decided to clean up his act and simply put all the personal porn in a hidden folder.
Maybe it was when you came into his room and kissed him on the cheek that made him fuck up. Either way, his whole team has seen you naked, spread out and getting absolutely wrecked about thirty different ways.
“Fuck sake, Noya. Didn’t wanna see your balls, man.”
“Shit, Y/N’s pretty sexy.”
“Y/N’s ass is pretty fat.”
“Omg her moans..”
“Woah woah woah! She’s MY girlfriend, don’t talk about her like that.... but ikr.”
You read the texts aloud as Nishinoya frantically tells the story of how it all went down for the third time just in case you didn’t already believe him. Poor boy was so worried you’d be mad. But you feel yourself get hot, the thought of one of his friends stroking their cocks to the sight of you all too intriguing.
So you convince him to record you sucking his dick. And what man would say no to that?
You take Nishinoya’s cock in your mouth, moaning around him as your eyes find the camera.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He huffs, so astounded he almost drops his phone. He loved it all; your drool covering his cock, the sounds of your gagging as you take him in the back of your throat, your enthusiastic moans. You blink at the camera as you completely swallow his dick whole, stuffing your mouth with his length as he groans filthy praise.
“S’ good baby. Fuck.” He moans, bucking his hips to fuck your mouth, balling some of your hair into a fist.
ahem.. yeah the groupchat got to see that one too.
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Nasty mf likes sending these pics to the groupchat.
He takes the pics for the sole purpose of showing his friends how sexy you are, how well you take his cock.
He’s captain of the volleyball team; even in college he’s the coolest guy around.
Of course the captain had to have a beautiful cum dump girlfriend that the whole campus wants
He sends those videos and pictures because he knows you belong to him anways
why not let everyone know?
“Fuck, Tetsu!” You gripe, your insides coiling as Kuroo stroked your gummy walls from behind. He responds by gripping you by the hair, turning your face towards the camera for his potential viewers to see.
“Go on, baby. Let ‘em know who’s pussy this is.” He grunts, digging his thumbs into your hips as his cock pushed harshly against your spongiest spots.
You can’t say much of anything, his brutal thrusts muddling any words the came from your lips. Kuroo looks at the phone he has propped up against the lamp on his nightstand and smirks, his ego growing at the thought of his pathetic friends jerking off to you, knowing only be can have the real thing whenever the fuck he wants. He puffs out his chest, smacking your ass as you sob out his name.
“Yeah, baby. Tell ‘em who you belong to.”
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also sent them by accident
but it was a happy accident to say the least
even though it was embarrassing at first, oikawa liked the fact he got to flaunt you like a trophy
he coaxed you into letting him record you when you guys fucked; never really letting you know he was sending them to his friends from time to time.
all your unmentionables on display for his buddies to jack off to in their spare time while he gets to pounds you out every night
you’re pussy’s too good to keep all to himself right? it’d be unfair
smug bastard.
You were minding your own business, laying in bed playing animal crossing on your nintendo switch when Oikawa sat on his haunches next to you. He got the most devilish idea and the overwhelming need to fill your pussy full of his cum clouded his better judgement.
You lay there, unaware your boyfriend was plotting to fuck you senseless. He slides your shorts and panties off, grabbing his phone to start taking lewd photos of your now naked cunt.
“Show the camera your pretty pussy, princess.” He coos, rubbing circles into your clit with his thumb. You bite your lip, still trying to play your game as slick starts to gather at your core, legs involuntarily spreading.
“Look at that delicious cunt.” His slender fingers eventually make their way inside you, the digits hooking to steer your attention away. You yelp, dropping your switch onto your chest as he pulls your hips towards the edge of the bed. He switched his phone to “video” and pressed record, taking out his gorgeous dick to tease it along your folds.
“Uhhn, Torū!” You groan, craning your neck to hide the lewd look on your face away from his phone.
“You want me to fuck you on camera, don’t you baby?” He asks sliding his length inside you. Without any time to adjust to his size, he’s pumping like mad, his hand holding one of your legs open to make sure he got every angle of your slutty cunt taking his dick.
“Shit, look how you’re squeezing me , baby. So fuckin tight for daddy aren’t you? Taking me so well.”
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omg omg i love your writing sm- when you get the chance, could you write something where the reader is insecure about their body and he sort of shows how much he appreciates them and stuff- (in his own pomeranian way of course-) anyways, i hope you have a great day 💕
omg yes this idea is so cute !!! so here’s a lil fic just for u @grumpyghosttt !! was v fun to write so maybe i should write from bakugou’s pov more
tysm for the ask :))
Bakugou notices.
The way you’ll make yourself small. The way you’ll wrap your hands around your elbows, press your arms down hard against your stomach. Your face always pinches up then. Goes dark like there’s just too much you encased beneath shrinking skin, and that fact alone warrants punishment.
Its the sort of problem he hates the most because its not one he can solve with his fists. Instead he has to spend all his extra minutes brainstorming ideas. Ideas that don’t involve blood or knuckles or teeth. Ideas that are softer, more gentle, gilded in golden words he’ll never be able to say out loud. But still he tries, tries and tries and tries and never gets the feelings out. Just stutters and flusters and can’t console you in the way he wants to.
But one day he’s had enough. He watches you look in the mirror, cross your arms over your stomach and sneer at his most precious thing.
He snaps. All hope for sweet words is thrown out the window entirely, blood thrumming through his veins like electricity.
“Stop this.” He whispers, frustrated, and takes your wrists in his. Pulls and pulls until he unwraps your arms from around your body. Then he’ll place your hands in his hair, over his shoulders, set low on his hips- everywhere and anywhere he can think of provided they’re still on him. “Fuck are ya hidin’ from me for? Hah?”
You’re still not meeting his eyes, and it just warms him more. Has him seeing red and flaring his nostrils as some snarling, barbaric animal in his chest demands that you come to see yourself the way he does.
Your shoulders shift, face dropping just the same, and then you’re slipping out of his hold. Shrugging him off with that same wobbly look on your face and something in him just ignites.
He’s no good with softness, he knows this better than anyone. All he’s ever been is burning up, like a desert caught in it’s worst heatwave, and he hopes you won’t hold it against him. He hopes you won’t clam up again because he’s already reaching for your shoulders once more, pulling until your back meets his chest.
“Stop fuckin’ runnin’ away from me.” His arms are a blatant claim over your body, hands splayed wide to hold all that he can reach. “I know what’s best. Don’t fuckin’ insult somethin’ of mine like that again.”
He spins you to face him. Runs his fingers down your spine and maps the space between each vertebrae as you look up at him. The sun is hitting your face just right, making you squint up at him and suddenly all his touching just feels like blasphemy. Like you’ll always be this golden, holy thing that he has no business touching with his stained fingers. He’d take his hands off you if he could, he swears he would- but he can’t.
All he can ever seem to do is ask for more, and more, and more.
Katsuki is a greedy, greedy man- devil, actually, and he doesn’t even think to apologize when he surges forward to kiss at the bottom of your jaw. Doesn’t even try to help himself as he drags his lips down the column of your throat. Suddenly he’s reaching the dip of your collarbone and he can’t possibly stop there either- not when you’re trembling beneath his fingers like you are.
“God,” He breathes against your skin, and if it sounds like worship that is no mistake. “Can’t ever fuckin’ think about anything else.”
And he hopes you believe it because that’s the only truth he’s comfortable admitting to out loud. The only phrase that feels less like an admission and more like a fact- because you’ve never left his mind since the second he saw you, and Bakugou can’t fathom how everyone else isn’t caught in that same honey trap.
It’s felt like that since the second he first laid his hands on your skin, and no matter how many times he tells himself that you’re too perfect, that you’re too divine and that he should stay away, Bakugou never does. He can’t and he won’t and he’d rather die than allow anyone else to take his place.
So he’ll make you understand. Won’t let you out from under his fingertips until you do.
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ofallthingsnasty · 3 years
I think we are the same person because Overhaul got me into writing dead dove too. I felt like at the time not many people were writing him how I see him- more than a germaphobe whose afraid to get dirty.
Also I totally get you. I don't think he's a medical professional at all, but I do think he has a fetish for it (or maybe I'm just projecting LOL.) I think medicine is more of a "hobby" for him. Like a mad scientist. He reads about surgery and thinks about trying them out. I mean, nothing can really go wrong considering his quirk. Like if he maims you too bad then poof don't worry.
Omg you're crazy cool btw. I can't imagine being able to do that sort of stuff. I'm thankful people like you exist! Also you'd hate me, I need my wisdom teeth removed but I'm afraid of doctors. (Ironic I know 😭)
He would totally use catheters even when completely unnecessary. You don't want to pee infront of him? Guess what. Catheter time. LOL. Going on a long trip with him? You obviously can't control yourself. Guess what. Catheter time. He'd probably keep it taped to your thigh with a cute bandaid if you're lucky. Maybe cover it with a frilly garter. He'd probably talk really loudly about how you need to be checked and pull your dress up to feel around your tummy. He'd push around your full bladder and say stuff like "Why didn't you tell me you needed to go. This is exactly why we have to do this." Even though he was the one who made you drink all that water and ignored you when you tried to tell him that you needed to go.
You probably wet yourself in fear the first time you met him, maybe he exploded some people infront of you and you just couldn't stop it. Now he has to take care of you 😔 You're so interesting and clearly broken.
Overhaul is really the perfect vessel for gross fetishes. He'd probably get hard giving you a regular ultrasound- let alone a transvaginal one. My gosh I want his gloved fingers in my mouth so bad, just tugging my lips apart 😭 BLAH he sucks. ❤️
Also, another random headcanon I have is that he'd like to use general anesthesia. For fun. He'd force you to inhale some weird smelling stuff while you struggle and then you'd wake up with him all like :) next to you LOL.
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anon shajdhsajk- you NEED to share your writing, your thoughts are making me sweat over here (only if you're comfy with it of course sgahgds) oh and i get my last two wisdom teeth removed in three weeks -- you can do it too!! i believe in you 💖 tw. piss, malpractice, medical stuff
The way he'd be a total butcher... 😭 You need a whole team to perform surgeries and he... has Hari? That's probably it. I think you'd probably die a few times because that even happens in OMS surgeries and when you have to do five jobs at once it's pretty much guaranteed. Just imagine suddenly waking up on that table with a slightly sweaty Overhaul hovering over you because he had to be quick 😭 His quirk really is failsafe- but that also means that he'd experiment on you until he gets the hang of it. Books are all nice and dandy but seeing the real thing is SO different. There is blood everywhere and it's all pink and red and structures vary from body to body. (And he just tries again and again and again.) Just imagine waking up and not being able to move the right side of your face because he cut through some strands of your facial nerve (or something worse, like completely bling or unable to move some limbs). And of course, he could overhaul you but he could also leave you like this a little longer as a punishment (when it fits-) The possibilities are endless and terrifying. 🥴 And omg I had to laugh so hard at the mental image of him being all smiley after surgery - just, him doing that little animal crossing villager happy face but it's totally fake because that man just can't smile to save his life aghasgh - and you're all groggy and out of it, trying to comprehend what's happening. Just staring at him for a solid minute until it clicks. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing more catheter thoughts, I am salivating over them. Ugh the way he's obnoxiously into it 🥴 I just want to be babied like that, okay? Can't even be trusted to use the toilet, one of the most basic things ever hhhh And yeah - the wetting during the first meeting fits sooo well. You, a grown adult, wetting yourself in front of him? God, you're pathetic. Just look at you standing there - trembling, snot and tears all over your face, a puddle of piss at your feet… It IS kinda cute and you don't even run. Of course he has to take you with him, that isn't even a question 🥺
Also may I run away with that catheter idea (with credit of course)? I couldn't stop thinking about it after I answered your ask 'yesterday' (2 am for me haha) and I researched a lot… I'd love to write a short blurb about it, because I am just SO in love with that idea, goodness 😳💖 It just really scratches an itch I didn't know I had hhhh. I am going crazy over this, for real 😳
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Dating HC [Main four + Denki]
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Todoroki Shouto
Dates with this boy would include lots of PDA
he didn’t get enough as a kid so when you popped into his life, expect him to ask for cuddles.
Honestly, reading dates and coffee/tea dates.
Shoto would love a date where it’s just you and him without the whole whole world bothering the two of you.
Would take you to meet his mother as he get’s more comfortable with you.
Expect lots of back hug from this man.
He lives for being hugged out of nowhere
like come running at him for a hug
he will drop everything just to catch you.
Loves to nuzzle into your neck
like neck kisses anywhere
Play with his hair while he’s laying on your lap
Like this boy will fall asleep fast while you’re doing that.
Like just Imagine- 
You and Shouto are laying in his backyard, just basking in each other’s presence, him laying on your lap, his brown and blue eyes watching your face as you toyed with his hair. The soft touches making his mind hazy with sleep. You smiled as his lips curved up into a soft smile, his eyes fluttering shut as his breathing slowed into a steady pace
Like, imagine the Todoroki Shoto sleeping on you,
Anyways, expect this male to be very blunt with his feelings towards you,
Like he will say ‘I love you’, once the two of you are both comfortable with it, out of no where and in front of everyone. 
You aren’t meeting his dad at all!!
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Bakugou Katsuki
First off,
Explosion boy get’s jelly easily
Like, hang out with the girls, he’s jealous.
Train with Kirishima instead of him, he’ll drag you away from ‘shitty hair’ as fast as you can say Plus Ultra-
This boy is possessive.
Will pull you into random kisses just to show the guys who you belong to
Is into holding your hand, because it’s so small compared to his.
It’s also way softer then his calloused ones
He will say you’re ‘too slow’ just to grab your hand and ‘drag’ you, cause he’s a tsuntsun
This boy will send you texts like “Go to sleep dumbass” and “If you’re tired during class it’s your fault”
when he just mean for you too sleep, because he cares about you.
Play with this boy’s hair!!!!
Like run your fingers through his hair, he will calm down like nothing happened.
“Bakugou, you cannot place your feet on the desk! It’s disrespectful!” Iida exclaimed, making his weird chopping motions with his hands again. “Like I could care less four eyes.” Katsuki sneered, rolling his eyes at his blue haired school mate.
“Katsuki, be nice!” You exclaimed, walking up to the to the two guys, moving your hand up to run it through Katsuki’s soft blond locks. The blond’s eyes narrowed as he moved his feet off of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he slumped down into his chair, with a pout on his face. 
“That wasn’t so hard was it?” You beamed, turning around to apologize to Iida for your boyfriend’s behaviour.
“Y/N HOW?” your classmates exclaimed, making you smile at them, “Just be nice to Katsuki!” You explained, making the whole class sweat drop.
Okay okay, there’s your small scenario 
But like dates with this boy-
Your first date would be at an amusement park, fight me
(I’ll make a different head canon for first dates if you guys want)
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Izuku Midoriya
Shy boy loves holding your hand
He will slip his hand into yours whenever you’re next to him
If you like All Might-
Expect him to geek out to you, (which is adorable not matter what, fight me)
Give this boy hugs
Like let this boy hide his face in your chest.
he will die-
Izuku is the type of boyfriend who would send you “Good morning” and “good night” texts.
Also the type of bf who would tell you to sleep if you’re staying up too late, and who would act like an alarm clock, calling you when you need to get up for school.
Honestly Izuku makes my heart go uwu
This boy would take you to meet his mom
and be embarrassed the whole time.
“Oh, you must be Y/n! Izuku talks about you alot! You made my little boy so happy you know?” Inko said as she let the both of you in, ushering you to take a seat as Izuku goes to place his things in his room.
Izuku’s eyes widen as he exits his All Might themed room, watching in horror as his mom shows you baby pictures of him. “Mom!” Izuku exclaims as he sees a picture of him in an All Might onesie. “Awww, Izu you’re so cute!” You squeal at how cute your boyfriend was.
Izuku’s face turned a bright red as he heard you call him cute, making him slouch down on the couch next to you.
“Here’s a picture of Izuku acting like All Might-””MOM”
Having this boy and your bf is amazing
I headcannon that he can cook so-
He’ll make you bentos and like-
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Kirishima Eijirou
Okay, you can fight me but-
This boy just wants to show you off
“Oh, my Y/n is so strong!! Did you see them spar today with Todoroki?”
“Did you see Y/n take down that villain? They’re so strong!”
Like this boy just wants to show the world how amazing you are and how much he loves you.
This boy man will hold you like it’s the last time he’s ever going to.
He will come from behind just to grab you and lift you up
Will drop everything to catch you-
Wants to kiss you infront of everyone because he knows that some people cough cough Bakugou, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Jirou cough cough Might have a crush on you.
But he won’t force you if you’re uncomfortable because that breaks the ‘Manly code’
But if you kiss him first-
Okay okay, back on topic
Kiri is one of the best boyfriends ever
He will do anything for you, as long as it’s sane and not dangerous
Hug for days
This man gives the best hugs ever
You’d think hugs with him would be weird cause of all that bulk he’s built up, but no
they’re warm and cozy
Facetime calls everyday when you guys don’t see eachother.
“Hmmm, Eiji do you think I look weird today?” You asked, turning the camera around to show the mirror you were looking at, to show your red haired boyfriend what you were wearing, a simple black pleated tennis skirt and a red long sleeve. “babe if you look weird then I look even worse.” Eijirou stated through the phone, watching as you posed for him in the mirror.
“Am I over dressed?” You asked, pulling your skirt, making the top of your thigh highs show. “Aren’t you just going out with the girls?” Eijirou asked, watching as you fixed your sleeves. You hummed as a reply, placing your phone down to put on a necklace.
“I think you look perfect, so...” Your boyfriend trailed off, making you giggle. “You think I look good in everything.” you said playfully as you rolled your eyes, making the redhead chuckle, “Well, it’s cause you do silly.” he said honestly, making your face dust with pink.
“S-shut up”
“But i’m just being honest?”
Okay, I went a bit overboard on that scenario,
but I couldn’t leave it unfinished.
 Kiri is the type of bf who sends you morning and night texts, 
saying how much he misses you and everything.
basically 100/100 boyfriend material
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Kaminari Denki
Fight me but I love this bot
Honestly one of the best boyfriends-
Will play any video game with you
Dates while playing Animal Crossing like-
If you’re feeling sad, he will crack a joke to make you laugh
even if the joke makes Bakugou want to kill him-
he loves to brag to him friends about how he has an s/o to his friends
“Oh yeah, aren’t you guys still lonely?”
“yeah, my s./o is pretty hot”
“I confessed first, cause I am a man after all”
But you confessed first because Denki’s a wuss
He loves holding your hand
Like will simp just to hold your hand
This boy will kiss you everywhere
If you’re just trying to eat lunch, he will plant a soft kiss on your cheek just to see you blush
He loves to distract you by kissing your nose
“So you have to bring x over here-” You were trying to explain an equation to your blond boyfriend, only to lose track of what you were saying as he placed a small kiss on your nose, making your face blush a harsh red.
“Why are you like this Denki?” You whined, digging your face into your hands, making the blond laugh at your expression. “But you love me anyway so?” he teased, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest, making you even more red.
“Don’t hold me!” You said out loud embarrassingly, pushing his chest away with your palm. “Oh, baby but I know you want me to hold you.” Denki teased once more, making you give up and letting him hold you.
“See!” He exclaimed, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head making you hum.
“Now can you please explain this to me?” 
I love this man child
He will tease you till the death of you
Like, if you’re shorter then him,
“Is that too tall for you to reach?”
“Do you need my help?” 
he’d ask as whatever you need is placed a few inches above of you.
Will grab what you need and hold it up just to see you jump and pout.
Now if you’re taller then him
“How’s the weather up there?”
“Is that too far down for you to reach?”
He will ask you even if you’re just like an inch taller then him.
100% good boyfriend
just a big tease
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krisdreaming · 4 years
A/N: This is for @briswriting​, because I saw you’ve been having a tough time lately, and I’m hoping this can help cheer you up a bit. i’m here if you need anything at all ❤️ 
It was previously requested by an anon, as well. I’m jumping on the streamer!Kenma bandwagon, and it’s also a college AU. This takes place over the course of one week.
Here’s the 4+1 masterlist
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Four times Kenma thinks he loves you, and the one time he finally says it out loud
i | Saturday
Kenma shifts the grocery bags to one hand so that he can put his key in the lock. To his surprise, the door is already unlocked. He frowns. He’s sure he can remember locking it when he left that morning. A little wary, he swings the door open slowly, and the moment he steps inside, he freezes. You jump to your feet from your spot at his little kitchen table, a smile blossoming across your face. He drops the grocery bags to the floor in the moment before you hurl yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck.
He staggers backwards slightly until he can adjust to your weight. “You’re here,” He breathes against your neck in disbelief. He loops his arms around your middle, holding on tight because he can’t shake the feeling that if he lets go, you might disappear. “You were only supposed to get here tomorrow.”
“I know,” You pull back slightly, just enough to allow him to drink in your face. “I decided to leave school early. I couldn’t wait any longer.” You scrunch your nose, probably laughing to yourself at the expression that must be on his face. “Kuroo let me in,” You add, which answers the next question he’d been going to ask.
“I missed you,” You say then, softer, backing away but still with the fabric of his hoodie pinched between your fingers.
“I missed you, too.” He looks at you standing in his kitchen, bouncing slightly on your heels, grinning at him like he’s Christmas morning, and it crashes over him that quickly.
I love you. It’s three little words, only eight letters, but somehow they’re taking up all the space in his chest. He smiles back at you, and instead of saying a word, he cups the back of your neck and presses his lips to yours.
ii | Monday
"Are you ready?” Kenma glances at you, one side of his headphones cocked slightly off his ear so he can hear your response. You look up from your switch and smile at him, a little uncertain. The faint Animal Crossing background music coming from it is just slightly out of sync with his own.
“Um, yeah. I think so. Are you sure you want me to be in your stream?” You’re seated just at the edge of the camera view, half in and half out. 
“Yeah,” He says, nodding, reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair away from your face. “You’re gonna have to scoot over a little bit if you want to be on the screen.” You comply, your arm brushing his. Both of your faces are completely in view now, and he shoots the you on-screen a small smile. “The chat is probably going to be a little crazy,” He warns, making a few last-minute adjustments before going live, mouse hovering over the button. “You’re at the airport?” He confirms with you one last time, and you nod. No sooner than the feed goes live, chat messages begin to pour in. He’s used to it, and even Kenma can barely skim over them fast enough.
“Hey, guys.” He greets, “Welcome to the Monday night stream. I have a special guest tonight.” He glances over at you then, and he watches as you drag your eyes from the scrolling chat messages to the camera and offer it a smile and a small wave. Something squeezes in his chest. “This is Y/N.”
“omg, this is so cute!” “I didn’t know Kenma was dating anyone.” “you guys are dating, right?” “did you see the look on his face???” “is anyone else seeing all those little glances he keeps stealing??” The messages keep flooding in as you play. You’re a little stiff at first, but it isn’t long before you begin to loosen up and start talking and laughing naturally. 
You’ve played countless hours of Animal Crossing together. It had been one of your favorite things to do while you were apart. Even so, nothing quite compares to playing with you right beside him, seeing your reactions first hand and hearing you get excited and laugh. The viewers seem to be eating it up, and he keeps seeing snatches of messages in the chat about “chemistry” and “love” and how happy he looks. 
They’re right about that. In this moment, he’s beyond happy. When you pause to smile at him, he thinks he loves you so much that his heart might burst.
iii | Tuesday
Waking up next to you has to be one of Kenma’s favorite things. He can tell it’s pretty late by the way the sun is streaming in through the window, but you’re still sound asleep, with your cheek pillowed on your hand and your lips just slightly parted. 
He can’t blame you for being tired. The stream had lasted longer than usual the night before, and it had been well past midnight by the time the two of you had gotten ready for bed and finally snuggled up together to fall asleep. He thinks it must have taken you a while to fall asleep, too, because you’d been chattering to him about how much fun you’d had and bringing up different moments from the stream, too hyped up to be tired. It had been that way for his first few streams, too.
He can’t help but smile at the memory, looking at you sleeping so peacefully now. This sort of thing, something as simple as waking up in the same bed as you every day, is what Kenma wants. Someday soon, he knows you’ll get there. The long distance will be over and you’ll be together.
As if you can sense him thinking about you, you stir with a soft hum, eyes slowly blinking open and a smile sneaking across your face when you see him and remember where you are. “Morning,” He whispers softly, finally letting himself reach out and brush his fingertips across your cheek, tracing the features of your face like he’s memorizing it.
“Good morning,” You murmur back blearily. He leans in and presses the softest kiss to the tip of your nose, grinning at the way it scrunches up when he pulls away. I love you is hovering there again, right at the surface, but somehow he can’t quite get the words past his lips. He presses his lips to your skin, instead.
iv | Thursday
It’s all your idea. “We should go up to the roof,” You suggest, out of nowhere.
“Why?” He can’t mask his skepticism. “You won’t be able to see the stars, you know.”
You shrug. “Yeah, but we’ll be able to see the whole city from up there! I bet it’s beautiful - all the buildings and lights.” Suddenly, there’s a dreamy look on your face, and he thinks as he does sometimes that he wants to see the world the way you see it. That’s why he agrees, and you’re dragging blankets and mugs of cocoa up the flights of stairs.
“Ooh,” You breathe the moment you step out into the cool night air, walking to the edge and surveying the city all around you, the twinkling lights and the muted sounds of traffic below. “Isn’t it beautiful?” You look at him then, and in the semi-darkness the only thing illuminating your face is all those city lights. Yes, he thinks immediately, You are. And he isn’t quite sure where that came from.
“It is,” He says, wrapping the blanket around both of you because all the way up here, despite it being almost summer, there’s a definite chill in the air. You lean your head on his shoulder then, and he wraps his fingers around the warm mug in his hands. He rests his cheek on the top of your head, and you sit in silence for a while, just looking at the city stretched out all around you.
“I love being here with you,” You murmur suddenly, and he turns to look at you. You’re already looking at him, a soft smile on your face backlit by the city lights. “It just feels so right, you know?”
He hums in agreement. “I love having you here with me,” He says, and it’s so close, but so far, from what he really means to say.
v | Saturday
It’s bittersweet. The evening had been as close to perfect as it could be. You’d had dinner at one of the nicest restaurants he’d ever been to and walked around a nearby park afterwards, just talking and laughing and enjoying your last evening together. You’re leaving tomorrow, heading back to school, and he wishes there was a way to slow down time so that he could live in these last few moments forever.
Time is running out, he knows that. If he wants to say it to you in person, it’s going to have to be tonight. You’re already back at his apartment, and you’re in the bedroom changing out of your fancy clothes while he’s in the bathroom brushing his teeth. You come up beside him, then, in one of his old t-shirts with your hair soft around your face, and reach for your toothbrush.
“Our last night,” You say softly, wetting your toothbrush and reaching for the toothpaste. He hums, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing his mouth before replying.
“Yeah. It went by so fast,” He puts his toothbrush back in the cup, and it’s silly, but he can’t help but think that it will look so lonely without yours next to it. His apartment will feel so empty without you in it.
“It always does,” You offer him a melancholy smile, and he reaches for your hand as you make your way back to the bedroom, lacing your fingers loosely together as he pulls you down to sit next to him on the bed.
“Before you know it, you’ll be moving in here with me,” He says, as much for his own benefit as yours. “Just a few more months, and you’ll be graduating. And then you’ll be in Tokyo with me.” He feels his lips curve upward at the thought. You’re smiling a little brighter, too.
“Hey Y/N,” He says then, holding your hand a little tighter, “I’m really glad you could be here with me this week. It was perfect, really. In every way. And I can’t wait until every week can be like this week. Because... I love you, Y/N.”
He watches as your eyes blow wide, and you’re smiling at him, something that can’t quite be contained so it spills out as a quick burst of laughter. “Kenma,” You throw your arms around his neck, and he immediately holds you close. “I love you, too,” You say, and the words are muffled into his t-shirt, “So, so much.” You pull back and he’s kissing you then, or maybe you were the one to kiss him, he’s not quite sure. All he knows is that he loves you, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon.
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4+1 taglist (let me know if you want to be added!):
@luna-barnes14​, @herow1n​, @disgruntled-gay​
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angstyaches · 4 years
Please Please Please could you maybe do the next part of that Felix "drinking blood and getting a tummy ache" fic??? I'm just craving tears and fluff and tummy rubs and just 🥺🥺🥺and you are also so talented omg
Aagghh, I promised this so long ago, anon, I’m so sorry! I was reluctant because I thought I had to write emeto into it and Felix would be so ashamed and guilty and I couldn’t bring myself to do it (Fee’s already got quite an angsty storyline coming up), but your request was perfect.
CW: accidental stuffing/overdoing, drinking blood, mention of a dead animal, guilt and worry (but it turns out okay), nausea, stomach ache, mention of emeto (no actual emeto)
Continued from this fic.
“Fee? How are you doing, boo?”
The haze of something between sleepiness and drunkenness was thick as Felix looked up at his talking pillow, Elliott, from the taller boy’s lap. He took a moment to let his hammering heart calm down from the fear of whatever he’d been dreaming about, and admired the wide curves of Elliott’s jawline from below, and the soft smile it was offering.
Remembering the events of the afternoon made something like an anchor sink in Felix’s gut, a metaphor that here was quite appropriate. He wasn’t exactly sure how much a typical anchor weighed, but the weight in his belly must have been at least somewhat comparable.
Then, in a flurry of panic, Felix realised that they were both in the back of Ryan’s car without seatbelts.
He pulled himself forward, feeling Elliott’s hand rest on his back to help ease him up, but the movement was still way too strenuous for his full, aching stomach. Felix whimpered, feeling as though something with giant feet had just tried to use his belly as a trampoline.
“Fee.” Elliott rested his hands on Felix’s shoulders. “Boo, take it easy.”
“Seatbelts.” Felix’s voice was thick and heavy. “We have to put on – put on seatbelts.”
“We’re sitting in the driveway,” Elliott half-laughed. “We’ve been home for about an hour, but I didn’t want to wake you in case you felt sick.”
Felix felt a flash of gratitude amidst the pain radiating from his gut, and turned his body slowly in the seat so that he could face his boyfriend.
“Thank you, darling.”
Elliott gave a tight smile and nodded, as though agreeing that he should be thanked. “My legs are very numb.”
“Sorry. Ugh…” Felix mumbled, easing his back into the seat and running his hands carefully over the swell his belly had made beneath his green, loose-knit jumper. He heard Elliott getting out of the other side of the car, but closed his eyes quickly after.
His senses were tingling with acute awareness, probably heightened by whatever chemicals were produced in a vampire’s body during a hunt. He wasn’t used to feeling like this, to noticing the rhythm of his own heartbeat, the whistling rush of air in his throat and lungs, the volume of liquid in his stomach rocking back and forth like it had its own tidal pull.
He also remembered it all way too vividly, with too much colour and saturation; he remembered getting caught up in thirst and lust and the need to try to impress Elliott by being on the same level as him. He remembered feeling the creature’s meat between his teeth as he sucked the blood from its veins, though it was still pulsing so quickly that it probably would have filled his mouth quickly even if he hadn’t sucked. It had been so fresh, so freshly-delivered from the condition of being alive.
Felix winced as tears sprung to his eyes, partially from the ache in his belly and partially from the memory. It was like all of the nausea and regret of waking up with a hangover.
He opened his eyes again as Elliott slowly opened the car door.
“Come on, Fee,” Elliott coaxed as he offered Felix his arms. His voice was soft, like he was trying to soothe a frightened dog.
Felix took the help with a little pout, leaning his weight against Elliott’s chest when he could. He whimpered when he felt strong arms close around his back, careful not to pin him to tightly.
“Oh, my gosh,” Felix groaned. “Elli, I drank too much. I drank so much –”
“Sssshhh, no, no, no, you’re fine,” Elliott whispered.
“No, I’m not, I – I’m weak, Elli.” The sob that shook Felix’s frame was dry and gentle, like all of his muscles were conscious of the swell of pain in his gut, and knew that sudden, harsh movements would make everything so much worse. “I can’t do a single thing I set my mind to.”
“What are you going on about, boo?”
“I’m just so weak...”
“Come on, crazy, we’re getting you inside.” Elliott’s sigh made his chest rise and fall in front of Felix’s face. “You can take another nap if you want, and I’m sure Ryan has something you can take if it hurts too much. How does that sound?”
Felix ran a hand over his sore belly, shuddering at the oppressive warmth radiating out from it. His stomach was churning in an optimistic attempt to be productive; it hadn’t accepted the fact that it was futile just yet, even if Felix had.
A wet belch rumbled up, tying a knot in his oesophagus somewhere along the way. Felix promptly pressed his fingers a little harder against his stomach to coax up one more burst of air, this one sounding hollow as it made its way up.
“There you go,” Elliott chuckled, rubbing a hand across Felix’s back before attempting to direct him towards the front door. “Does that feel better?”
“No? I hate this so much,” Felix whimpered, lips trembling miserably as he allowed himself to be led. He still held onto his belly, as though afraid of what it would do if it was left to its own devices.
“I know you do,” Elliott assured him. “You’re doing really well, though. Let’s just get you inside.”
He held Felix up as best he could until they made it inside the front door. Felix sensed his boyfriend hesitating in the hallway by the foot of the stairs, as though considering whether their bed would be a better option.
Felix peered up at Elliott from behind drooping eyelids.
“The front room is fine, darling,” he groaned. “I can’t walk upstairs right now. No chance.”
Elliott scanned Felix’s eyes very carefully while holding him in place. “How about a bathroom?”
The trembling in Felix’s lips still hadn’t subsided, and was even creeping into his jaw and making his teeth rattle a bit. There was no doubt that he would probably empty his stomach of every last drop if he was given a toilet to lean over, and his tummy even gave a pleading whine at the thought.
“N-no, I – I don’t want to be sick.”
Elliott’s eyes stopped searching Felix’s, and began to cross over his pale face instead. “You mightn’t have much of a say in that, Fee.”
“I’ll be fine, darling, I promise.” Felix gulped, his throat bobbing ominously. “I just want to lie down. It hurts so much.”
The sofa in the front room was a dark shade of beige. Everything in this room was styled to look a little earthier than the rest of the house. The absence of pure white walls was an instinct relief, but it was nothing compared to sinking down into the cushions and curling up.
“Oh – ow,” Felix whined, unfurling his legs to stop the pinching cramp that gripped his belly. He rolled halfway onto his back so that his stomach wasn’t being pressed into the sofa either.
“That’s it; I’m going to get Ryan,” Elliott decided.
“N-no, darling, don’t.” Felix took hold of Elliott’s hand, drawing it to his chest before holding it gently against his belly. “Please, I just need you to be here with me.”
“What if something’s wrong –?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Felix let out a shaky laugh between gasps of discomfort. He could feel how pale he face must have been, along with a ripple of cold sweat that broke out across his forehead and shoulders. “You know me, Elli. I just like to complain.”
Looking unconvinced, Elliott turned his hand over so that his palm rested against Felix’s stomach, just as the unsettled thing let out a growl. Felix felt the grumble begin in the swollen point beneath his ribs before it bubbled down and tapered out somewhere just above his belly button.
“Look like you’re not the only one complaining,” Elliott pointed out, smoothing his hand over Felix’s belly with the slightest amount of pressure.
Felix hummed under his breath, all too aware of the sensation of digestion once again trying to take place inside his stomach walls. He could feel a shift in his throat, a quickening of his heartbeat. A shaky hand went to his mouth, hovering uneasily, but there wasn’t even any air trying to escape.
He shivered without warning.
“Are you okay?”
“Mmm – yeah,” Felix mumbled thickly. His throat bobbed with another nauseous gulp. “I’m getting there.”
Elliott’s frown deepened as he kneaded his hand softly over Felix’s abdomen. He paused to redirect his hand whenever a gurgle was emitted from an unexpected area, doing his best to seek out the most uncomfortable points without pushing too hard on anything.
“I know you’re hung up on this,” he said after hearing a growl that travelled halfway up Felix’s chest, “but there’s really nothing to be ashamed about, if you feel sick –”
“’M okay.”
“Okay.” Elliott’s lips were pulled into a thin, resigned smile. “How the hell can you say you’re weak, hmm? You drank almost as much as I did, and you’ve got a much smaller – you know.” He patted Felix’s belly very gently. “Capacity.”
A shaky sigh left Felix’s lips. “My capacity is still very achy.”
“I’m not doubting that at all. Just try to relax. I’ve got you. Okay?”
“Mmhmm. Okay.”
He didn’t know if it was the relief of finally being home, or the gentle press of Elliott’s hand, but the gurgling in Felix’s tummy eventually didn’t feel (or sound) quite so angry anymore. In its calmed state, it swirled and bubbled with the motion of Elliott’s hand, continuing to do so even when Felix’s drifted into a light, if somewhat twitchy, sleep. He smiled semi-consciously at the sensation of Elliott’s lips pressing gently against his cheek.
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Yandereplier x anxious reader
An: Idk if anyone is going to read this but if you do and somehow like it HIT that reblog button babey! And also hit me up with a request if u want. Anyway, this was a request from Wattpad, and I have more one shots on there! The name of said wattpad is in my bio! :3 ALSO TRIGGER WARNING: Reader has an anxiety attack! So if that triggers you or anything please skip this! And read some of my other fics bc yes I’m plugging!
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It all started with that nightmare.
Yan and you sat underneath a cherry tree in full bloom, each pink petal a promise, each soft flower a gentle declaration of love.
The sky was a beautiful island blue, and the clouds looked like they were painted onto the sky, just for you. You could see patches of them through the dark, curved branches of the tree, and feel the warm sun, sweet like honey, shining on your face.
Everything was.. perfect. You wished you could stop time forever, make this moment into a crystal bubble, preserve it in a snow globe forever.
"I have to tell you something." Yan said suddenly, fingers unwrapping from yours.
You turned towards him, taking in his gentle eyes— a beautiful brown that in the right light, looked red.
"Yeah?" You whispered softly, a love struck smile on your face.
He looked away from you, up at the sky, cracking his knuckles, "You know how I said I'd love you forever?"
"Of course! You tell me everyday—"
He took a deep breath, "That's changed. I found someone else."
You sat up suddenly, looking down at him in confusion, heart pounding fiercely in your chest, "Wh-what? Yan.. Yan that's not funny—"
"It's not a joke, senpai— wait, I can't call you that, anymore, because you're not my senpai. I can't believe I even dated you! You were just trying to waste my time and keep me away from my real senpai!"
"Wh-what?! No!"
"You're so stupid and worthless, all you do is whine and I honestly can't believe I even loved you!"
A pair of legs appeared in front of Yan, a faceless figure standing in front of him. The opposite of you, everything you couldn't be... smart, witty, attractive, actually deserving of Yan's love. You watched Yan sit up, a smile on his face— a smile that used to belong to you and you alone.
He got up, hugged the mysterious person, and grabbed their hand, "Let's leave this freak! I missed you so much!" He cooed, leaning on their shoulder, completely love struck.
"Y-Yan! Wait!" You stood up, wanting to chase him, but you couldn't. You were stuck, as if your legs had been welded to the ground below you.
"See senpai? I'm so dedicated to you. I broke their heart to prove how much I love you— do you want me to break their bones too, senpai?"
The world stopped. Everything froze like an icy tundra. You fell to your knees, looking at them going further and further away, seeing Yan going further and further away.
Your heart felt like it'd been pulled out of your chest and beaten with a baseball bat full of nails. All you could do was watch Yan leave, seeing his red hair fade away. You sobbed as your everything—the only person you truly trusted left, laughing wickedly, not even caring about how you felt, not even caring.. not caring at all.
"Yan!" You screamed.
You stood up. Legs finally moving.
Maybe you could convince him! You loved him! You could convince him! You— you loved him!
"Come back!"
You began to run, legs finally working, you desperately reached for him, the world a blurry mess of tears, "YAN! COME BACK! PLEASE—"
But he didn't.
He disappeared. Didn't look back. kept going. Leaving you like an old doll he'd gotten bored of, finding a new toy instead.
You alone. Again.
With no one to turn to. Again.
Nobody to care for. Again.
Nobody caring about you. Again.
Alone. Again.
Blackness crawling into your chest again, loneliness nesting inside of your rib cage, cocooning itself inside you. Again. Again. Again.
You woke up with a soft whimper, heart pounding in your chest as you felt warm tears falling down your cheeks. You closed your eyes, crying softly and hugging your pillow.
Maybe you should call Yan.
He'd be more than happy to comfort you! You sat up, grabbed your phone of the charger, and noticed the time— School was in hour. You sighed. He probably wouldn't even be awake now.
You lay down back down, wondering if you should text Yan.. everything that happened in your head kept ringing over and over again, especially what Yan said. You knew it was a nightmare, but it felt so real. Like it did actually happen.. like.. like it was going to happen. Could Yan ever.. ever find someone else? Someone who was better than you? He probably could, right? Then.. then he'd leave you all alone..
Your stomach curled into a tight, knot, and you felt the familiar fear run like a spiked metal wire in your veins, causing your heart to pound harder. What if it was all gonna happen? Not today or tomorrow, but.. someday? He could easily find someone else. He was so amazing and you.. you weren't.
Yan always said he loved you but.. but.. did he really? You were an anxious mess with too much emotional baggage, and sure, he had his problems, being possessive and clingy but.. but he didn't have the type of background you had. It just didn't make sense why he would choose you of all people. Your anxiety  just made the thought worse, dangling it above your head and maliciously smirking.
You closed your eyes, listening to the voice in your head telling you that Yan was going to leave you, and that you might as well get ready for it. Prepare for the inevitable. Did you really think he would actually wanna stay with you? Really? Really? Look at yourself, you're crying over a stupid bad dream, almost always insecure and almost as clingy as Yan. You were surprised he didn't find the constant need of reassurance from him annoying yet.
You wiped your tears and turned your phone  back on and opened  up your messages, reading a few from Yan—
Omg Senpai! I just saw the cutest person today! You'll never guess who!
....It was you! Love you! <3
A smile crossed your features and you wiped your eyes, of course he loved you. Of course he did. You scrolled up and read another one.
Senpai I can't wait for you to come over this weekend! :3 I'm so excited~! We're gonna watch so much anime and cuddle so much! :D I love cuddling with you, you're perfect cuddle size. uwu
Your cheeks flushed a little, and the voice in your head snickered. You really think he loves you? It asked, swirling in your head like a snake of smoke, all those cheesy messages don't mean shit. Maybe he does love you now, maybe— but don't you think he'll get tired of you?
You frowned, arguing with it. Wondering why Yan would say those things if he didn't mean them. Of course he meant them! You knew he did. He wasn't the type to lie about loving someone. That just wasn't Yan at all!
But how do you know? And maybe he does mean them.. or maybe he did mean them, but he doesn't mean them anymore because you were so annoying and he was just saying all those things to get you to shut up. The voice filled your head, burning up all the messages with questions of why, and how and really? What if it was all a lie? What if he used to like you and now he didn't— You slammed your eyes shut. Covering them with your hands as you gritted your teeth, asking yourself if you really were gonna cry over something so stupid?
How could Yan even love you when you were like this?
Your alarm rang and you gasped, sitting up, remembering you had to pack— today was Friday, you were supposed to go over to Yan's house for the weekend. Would you be annoying? Maybe you should cancel? Say.. say you couldn't come over? But.. he got everything prepared and— you sighed softly, rummaging through your drawer and stuffing clothes into your backpack.
Your phone buzzed, you looked at it before picking it up from your bed, turning it on and opening it. Reading  the message from Yan—
Good morning Senpai! It's Friday and I'm so excited!! Don't forget to pack! :3 Also love you and have a good day! I'll see you soon! Love you! Ok bye
A small smile bloomed on your lips, and you texted back, hearing that small seed of doubt as you did. You ignored it, sending a message that read— Morning Yan-Yan! Can't wait to see you and stay over, and don't worry, I packed up. Love you too and see you soon~
You placed it back on your bed and fixed up your hair before brushing up your teeth and getting dressed, making sure to grab your phone and headphones before you did. Then you went to school.
When you arrived, you met Yan in the cafeteria, he brought breakfast for you, which was an unexpected surprise, and all he asked in return was a kiss. (Which you found adorable, and of course you gave him one.)
The two of you ate outside, watching the sun rise as you talked. You wondered if you should tell him about your nightmare, but you didn't want to ruin his happy mood, or be annoying. Before you knew it, your first class started and Yan walked you to class, giving you a kiss and a hug before running to his class.
The rest of the day.. was.. a day.
Your anxiety kept piling up, and then just found more reasons for Yan to hate you—
looks, grades, the way you speak, how you talk too much, your smile, your eyes, the way you walked, the clothes you wore.. everything.
By the time the day was over, thoughts swirled in your head like a tornado, and when you went to meet him by your locker, it took everything in you to not cry and panic. Your stomach hurt and your heart pounded as your brain kept saying— he's gonna leave. Not be here. You'll be all alone. He won't miss you. He doesn't need you. Can't you be better?
You leaned against your locker, head swirling as your chest felt like it was being wrapped up in a giant fist. Your lungs constricted. Your heart pounded. Palms sweated. Throat dry. The world blurring, people becoming slashed of color, the school becoming nothing but a blur that felt.. that felt like distant waves at sea. Real, recognizable, but not entirely there, dreamlike in a sickening way.
Your eyes snapped up, focusing on him, the world a buzz of noise. You were so stupid! You just had to go and panic, didn't you? Ruin everything like some sick disease—
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.
You couldn't breathe.
He should've been yelling at you! Scolding you! Punishing you! Giving you a reason to cry! A reason to be scared so why, why was he being so nice?
Air rushed in and out your throat as you tried to speak, words replaced with shallow harsh breaths. You placed a hand on your chest, heart pounding loudly in your ears.
Softly, Yan grabbed your hand, holding you close as everything crashed— crashed, crashed like a boat in the middle of a fearful storm, crashed like a frantic car speeding down the high way and off a cliff, crashed.
Yan pushed people out the way, practically slamming the school doors open before picking you up and cradling you like the gentle cargo you were. Fishing the keys out of his skirt pocket, he clicked the button, unlocked his red Cadillac, before opening the back seat door and placing you there, climbing in next to you and closing the door shut.
You looked at him, the eye of the storm, the patch of sky in the middle of the tornado and—
"Don't leave me Yan!" You sobbed, clinging on to him desperately, hands digging into the soft fabric of his white shirt and you cried.
"Leave you Senpai? Why would I leave?"
You couldn't even answer back, your breathing was too rapid, too much, your nerves felt like they were on fire, and the world wasn't real— or was it real and you weren't? Or was none of it real and you were just floating? And scared? And alone? And—
"Senpai." Yan whispered, his voice a soft breeze, "I'd never leave you, senpai. Never."
You only responded with a gasping sob, throat feeling like it'd been scratched over a thousand times.
Yan placed a hand under your quivering chin, lifting your face turning your face towards him.
"Breathe senpai, breathe— slowly." He murmured, scooting closer and using his other hand to stroke your cheek, "breathe.. breathe.."
You closed your eyes, taking a shaky breath, feeling your lungs expand like blooming pink flowers.
"That's right Senpai, just breathe for me, okay?"
You nodded, swallowing back tears and feeling him shift and wrap his arms around you loosely.
"Breathe out.."
You let out a deep breath.
"Breathe in."
You breathed in through your nostrils, feeling the air travel down your throat as you calmed down and wiped your tears away.
You nodded.
He wrapped his arms tight around you, kissing your forehead, "I'll never leave you Senpai."
You snuggled into his chest, saying nothing.
"I mean it. No matter what that mean voice in your head—who I really need to beat up by the way— says. I love you Senpai. You and only you."
You looked at him, eyes big and wide, vulnerable, begging him to reassure you like always. He practically read your thoughts.
"I mean it Senpai," he whispered, "I really do—
And I don't care how many times I have to tell you, because I want you to believe it, so if I have to say it a hundred or a thousand times then I'll say it. Because I love you."
You gave him a watery smile, warm tears pricking the corners of your eyes, "I love you too Yan-Yan."
He smiled, kissing your forehead, before tucking your head underneath his neck and softly rubbing your back.
“I love you so, so much Senpai," he whispered, "I'd do anything for you, and I mean anything."
Your heart pounded like always when he said those type of things— his words were so reassuring.. you snuggled into his chest, wrapping your arms around him.
"I love you so much— I'm.. im surprised you haven't left me yet, senpai..."
You gasped, pulling away momentarily, "Oh Yan! I'd never leave! I love you too much!"
The yandere smiled, grabbing your hands in his, "That's exactly how I feel Senpai.."
You smiled softly, wiping the last of your tears before hugging him again. The two of you cuddled for a while before you let out a yawn, exhausted from your anxiety filled day.
“Let's go home, senpai! Then we can take a nap!"
You nodded and agreed, crawling into the front seat, Yan followed and started up his car, clearly excited. His cheeks flushed and a smile crossed his face— causing your stomach to flutter like always. Yan didn't even know how beautiful he was, sometimes.. nor did he know how cute he could be. His hand rested on the gear shift between you, while the other one held the wheel as he backed out of the school, once he was onto the road, you grabbed his hand.
"Yes senpai?"
"Y-you know how you have nightmares?"
"I had one this morning.." you said softly, sadly, "and it was about you leaving.. and I just thought I should tell you.."
Yan stopped at a red light and looked at you as you continued, "I-it was about you leaving me and finding someone else.."
"Senpai.. I'd never, ever do that. There's no one else as wonderful and amazing and— and ahhh senpai! There's so many things about you that I love.. and I know you're scared of me leaving, but I promise I won't, okay?"
You nodded, biting your lip.
"I really do mean it, senpai. I love you so much. I— before I met you.. I.. I didn't feel anything at all, and I'd always have to pretend to be happy.. b-but.. when you came into my life.. I felt.. I felt so.. happy—" tears welled up in his eyes, and he turned towards the stoplight, realizing it was green with a nervous laugh, "I'm such a baby— the lights green!"
He pushed the break with his foot and continued driving to his house. You couldn't help but feel your heart pound, not out of fear.. but out of pure love for your Yan-Yan. Your stomach looped itself into playful knots as his words played over and over again in your head.
"Yan.. I feel the same way. Ever since I met you.. I.. I.. know what it's like to be happy.." you whimpered, eyes welling up again, causing you to wipe your tears, "and that's why I get so anxious— and why you get anxious too.. because we're so afraid of losing each other but.. but.. I.. I know that I'd never leave you.. and I'm starting to believe you'll never leave me either.. and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to believe it.. I'm always used to people leaving."
You saw Yan smile softly, and then his smile widened, brown eyes shining with determination, "Well senpai! I'll just have to make sure you believe it! Because I really mean it, I won't ever leave you!"
You smiled again, cheeks flushing, "Thank you Yan.. I— I love you so much."
His face turned red as his smile grew, "I love you too Senpai."
Soon enough, the both of you pulled into his driveway and got out the car, going straight to his bedroom and changing into pajamas. After that, the both of you snuggled underneath the covers, exchanging love struck glances and soft kisses, until.. you both eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, LIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of ROMEO. Admin Minnie: How many times can we tell you how much we love your Roman, Lia!! Our darling boy has changed so much since you began writing him, and it’s been a wild ride and an honor to see him develop. The crown weighs heavy on those whose hearts still believe in good, and Roman is proof of the burden of carrying that weight. I can’t wait to see how you continue pushing Roman forward and capturing our hearts and imagination with your writing. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Lia
Age | 21
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | 6/10. I’ll actually be more active than usual since my classes are online for the time being, but in general, I’ll be able to pop in a few days a week to do replies.
Timezone | EST.
Character | Romeo— The beautiful boy king Roman Montague.
What drew you to this character? | Mannnnnnn… Honestly, my entire body and soul belongs to Roman. Watching him grow in the RP has really been like watching a child grow up??? (yeah I don’t have kids so idk how accurate this statement is) But I wanted to revist the *cough* second time I revisted this part of the application.
“There’s something I’ve always loved about his inherent goodness, and how much he was loved for it. He was never a false prophet, he didn’t need to formulate a false persona, he was always himself, and that was enough for him to be adored. To Verona, Roman was proof that there still was some goodness in Verona, that there was some hope that the entire city wasn’t completely doomed and corrupt. He was proof that the gods hadn’t completely forsakened them. So what happens when he is no longer being shielded from the destitute of Verona? What happens when it begins to corrupt him, when it permeates through his essence? This is exactly what I intend to explore, especially with it being my second time around, and with Roman being a bit more in touch with his sinful side than I left him. ;-)”
He’s just so much more than people give him credit for? And that leads him to be underestimated, but boy— is ready to prove everyone wrong. >:-)
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
(I’ve kept the majority of the previous plots as they are still plots I hope to see through!)
MOTHER DEAREST | There’s no secret that Alba’s mind is deteriorating, and Damiano and Roman’s dismay, not even the best doctors, flown in from all over the world, are able to find a cure. I’m interested in seeing how this would affect the Montague empire, with Roman’s own mother being one of the biggest risks for the empire. I think this would force him to make some tough decisions, ones not even his father is capable of considering, absolutely blinded by the love he has for his Alba.
KING’S NOT DEAD | Roman’s gradual transition of power from his father is occurring much faster than he’d hoped for. Although he’s learning the ropes of being a boss rapidly, it would be interesting to see how he’d react to suddenly being forced to step in for Damiano unexpectedly. Maybe his father suddenly has to suddenly go away on business, or something involving Alba. Shadowing is one thing, but actually acting as the boss, that’s something else entirely. Will Roman be able to step up to the task? Stay tuned and find out ;) (I figured this is something to further be discussed with the admins, lol.)
NO LOST LOVE | If there was ever a woman suitable to rule alongside Roman when he eventually inherits the throne, it would absolutely be Pandora Phan. She is a soldier at heart— clever, determined, and unrelenting. But despite having this in common— the two couldn’t be any less alike. It would be a union devoid of love, completely for purpose and betterment of the mob. Roman understands this, but his love is something he is unwilling to compromise about. Although he’s agreed to the engagement for now, he’s only been keeping it up for the purpose of appearances, and he’s been secretly plotting about a way to end his engagement. It’s only a matter of time before he lets Pandora in on it.
MOST YOUNG KINGS GET THEIR HEAD CUT OFF | Not to say that we have Dark!Roman now, but… we kind of do? I think what is drawing me to Roman once again is his multifacetedness. He’s gradually become a person that is no longer an extension of his father. His motivations have shifted enitrely— before he wanted to take over the mob to appease his father, but this is no longer the case. He recognizes what he’s capable of now, and honestly seeing my bb believe in himself now is amazing. He’s becoming the leader he was always meant to be.….but he’s far from perfect. He’s growing more comfortable with his own depravity. He used to be disgusted at the idea that he took pleasure in the harm of another, but there’s something oddly satisfying about watching the Capulets fall, and rightfully so at that. It makes him feel good— in a twisted, fucked up way actually. It’s as if he’s purifying the streets of Verona. To him, the destruction of the Capulets is his way of serving the greater good. He also now recognizes the benefit of his charm— more than charming people into bed, that is. When he was younger he was just naturally charming without any other ulterior motives? But now he recognizes the advantage it gives him. The adoration that it emits from the people of Verona. They worship him for it. And Roman likes to be worshipped. I think this is a dangerous line for Roman to be crossing… and I am excited to explore this further.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? |  Yeah kill him with fire honestly
SIDENOTE: So, I wanted to revisit Roman’s first heartbreak as a way to show his growth. This is still under construction honestly (as I would like to develop in further for in character purposes), but for now… here you go! I was hoping to show a shift in dominance??? Damiano’s voice is the dominant voice from the beginning, but in the second para, it shows how much he’s grown into himself by how he stands up to his father and by his taking control of this part of the narrative. :)) I’ve been Roman for so long good lord, so I felt it was only right to give you guys something fresh to show just how much he’s grown over time! Sorry this is long as fuck omg forgive me.
VERONA, 2012
He heard him before he saw him.
It had been Damiano’s idea to have Rafaella write the letter. In reality, Alba wanted to do far worse, but with time, he’d been able to talk her down. It was he who realized Rafaella had been playing him, something the mafioso suspected from the start— but Alba’s insistence that Damiano’s interference would only cause Roman to despise him—beyond repair that is, as he’d already been aware of his son’s distaste for him—led him to sit back and allow everything to play out.
You have to allow him to make his own mistakes, amore mio. We mustn’t interfere until it goes too far— until we suspect he’s putting the mob at risk.
It wasn’t long before the information got back to him— information that could only have been acquired from the loose, fickle lips of his heir. Rafaella had become untouchable and she’d known it. Allowing her back into society, with all the information she’d managed to extract from his gullible son had been risky— but having her blood on his hands would be even riskier. Roman would already despise him for her exile, but her demise? That wasn’t something he was confident his son would bounce back from. The mob was no longer the place for his delicate heart. The loving bubble in which his mother had carefully surrounded him in would no longer do. It was now Damiano’s responsibility to prepare him for his destiny— and he would do so on his own terms.
He recognized the sounds that could only be likened to a wounded animal— the quieted, choked back sobs that Roman so desperately attempted to disguise. Damiano sighed, a mixture of pity and disgrace surging through him. The letter, to put it plainly, wasn’t cutting it. He needed the truth. It would be the only way for him to learn.
Damiano pushed the slightly ajar door open, before taking the seat across from Roman’s bed. He did not acknowledge him, but he attempted to quiet his cries even more. Neither of them said anything for several moments.
“There’s more to it— isn’t there?” Roman began softly, his hands still firmly gripping the dampened letter. “I know it was your decision to make her leave, but I also know there’s more to it.”
Damiano placed his elbow on his thigh, cradling his head carefully in his hand.
“It’s only fair that I give the girl the credit that she’s owed. I wish I could say that this was wholly of my own volition, but unfortunately, there’s far more to the story. Far more than I wish.”
Roman’s head turns up slightly. It is not anger that contorts his father’s face, but disappointment. “C-Credit? For what?”
“She was playing you, figlio. And you made it so easy for her. But I recognized that weakness within you long before she did. You were raised that way, after all. But it will be this way no longer. I can no longer do you a disservice by allowing you to be weak. Naive. Gullible. Because if I do?” Roman recoils as if he’d been struck with every name that falls from his father’s lips. “Then another Rafaella will come around, chew you up, and spit you out effortlessly just as she did.”
“No… Rafaella wouldn’t…. would she?” His eyes searched his father’s for sincerity. Possibly for comfort, he would not receive. It was comfort he’d never received from Damiano, but he still sought it out anyway. Pathetic. Even after everything, he still could not fathom that her love wasn’t true.
“She would, Roman! And you know why? Because the entire purpose of her involvement with you was to undermine you. To undermine our family. She didn’t love you and you need to recognize this. You need to be able to recognize the weakness within yourself, to prevent such ridiculousness from occurring again. You made it so easy for her. Do you know what you do the next time you feel inclined to confide in someone you love?” He paused for a moment, knowing good and well Roman didn’t know the answer to that. “You don’t. Not people outside of the family, at least. People like Rafaella— the recognize what you have. You’ll come to learn that this life— the life of a princeling is a gift and a curse. You’ve never needed to want anything, but everyone will want what you have. And they’ll do anything to get it. When you lay with rats, Roman, you realize that every inch of their being is committed to not appearing like one. But a rat is still a rat. And you gave the rat everything it wanted with minimal effort on its part. And my biggest regret is I allowed it all to happen. I allowed you to be stupid— to be foolish, to believe that what the two of you had, that superficial—” He could not even bring himself to say the word love, not after knowing what true love was. As if Roman and Rafaella’s dalliances were a disgrace to the word. “Do not embarrass yourself like this again. If you are going to be a fit leader, then you can’t continue being somebody people recognize as vulnerable. They’ll never respect you.” His only regret was not turning Rafaella into a weapon— such wasted potential on the slimy Capulets. But even Damiano was not convinced his efforts would work on a pest so deeply committed to being a pest. She’d been better off with Cosimo and his deplorable ways.
“I don’t respect you. You make it so hard to do so when you… ” he bites back his disgust, but he recognizes his efforts are working. The gradual chipping away of Roman’s soft exterior. He would shed his skin in favor of an armor far thicker. “But nevermind that. Your official training begins tomorrow at sunset. We’ll be interrogating a suspected informant. Be prepared for things to get messy. Don’t embarrass me either.” Damiano stands up swiftly, no longer able to stand the sight of his son.
“Papa?” Roman utters quietly before Damiano has completely exited the room. “Would you not allow me comfort? Not even this once?”
“Comfort doesn’t win wars. Neither does compassion. I won’t do you the disservice of believing it will get you anywhere in this city. Not in this life it won’t. Do you know where comfort and compassion got you, Roman? Mourning the likes of your rat lover. A person who probably hasn’t even given you a second thought. And you really think that I came here to comfort you? Don’t be inane. I came to give you a wake-up call. You’ll probably hate me for it in the long run, and guess what? I’ve accepted that. You’ll be a better man because of it. A stronger one. And that what matters. You’ll soon realize that you can have practically any woman or man you’ve ever wanted— but never allow them to make you weak. Never allow them to steal your honor. You’re a Montague. It’s time to start acting like one.”
VERONA, 2019
He heard him before he saw him. The hurried footsteps. His father was late.
Roman watched as the minute hand abandoned it’s partner, opting instead to move forward, now noticeable enough that his father was obviously late. Instead of quickening to anger, he focused his attentions on the paper lantern on his desk, attempting to funnel his emotions inside of it. It’d been easy enough in that current moment, but would it when it actually counted for something?
The door to his office opened and closed swiftly, but even as his father settled himself into the seat across from him, his eyes still remained on the paper lantern.
“Roman,” Damiano stated in a low, habitual growl.
“Father. You’re late,” Roman says plainly, something that takes Damiano off guard, mocking laughter vibrating his large frame. There was an energy radiating off of Roman that had not been there years prior. Confidence. He was not asking for respect, but commanding it. Damiano recognized that there was little option for him in the matter. Had he been…? Had that time finally—
“I’m serious.” He momentarily tears his gaze away from the lantern in order to meet his father’s. “I expect the same standard of professionalism you’ve always held me to. If I am to take over the mob one day— I expect that same level of respect.”
This response is enough to quiet the mob boss— maybe more so out of shock then the respect he deeply desired, but it was a start. “I have several issues that I hoped to address with you today.”
There was a fierceness to his silence— one that subdued any ridicule, any possible patronization emitting from his father. He watched as his father’s eyes searched his stoic expression, waiting for the exact moment in which he would realize. He’d suspected it, but acceptance would take much more effort on both their parts. Roman no longer feared him. He had cursed the invisible hand that guided him. bit it, fought it, bloodied it, rebuked it. The heir refused submission— he refused to be a vessel for his father to enact his torment. He wholly accepted his destiny, no longer seeing any use in running from it— but the power he now recognized was entirely his own. Damiano had no choice but to listen. And this had been everything that he’d ever wanted. Everything he’d ever hoped for. A son who refused to take a shit, even from his own father. He had to ensure that it was not good to be true. That Roman was not merely enacting the facade of a leader.
He nodded, waiting for his son to continue.
“As of recent, there are a few concerns I’d like to address regarding the mob’s administration,” Roman began cooly, eyes still searching the paper lantern. “Long story short— you’ve lost your touch. I don’t think your pride would ever allow you to admit that to yourself, but everyone can see it. The world can see it. I know how much you care about the reputation of the mob— which is why I’m offering you an easy way out.”
Roman could see the tinges of anger permeate through his father’s being, but it meant nothing to the man who did not fear him. Not a boy, not a princeling, but a conqueror. Hearing that you’ve lost your touch is never easy, Damiano knew better than most that he was getting old. He knew the time to usher in a new regime was rapidly approaching. But he also knew that Roman could not be asked to take the throne. He had to do so of his own volition. He had to command the throne. Demand that what was rightfully his be handed to him.
“The easy way out would be you gradually transferring your duties as mob boss to me. You’ll tell everyone that in your old age, you think its best for you to spend time with your sickly wife. That it is time to usher in a new era. You’ll tell them that your mind isn’t what it used to be, that dealing with your wife’s debilitating disease has driven you to irrationality.”
In all 27 years of his life, Roman had never driven his father to the point of stupefaction. Confidence surged in every word he spoke. But he could not lose momentum. “The difficult way out is you’ll be forced out. I mean, technically, the first option doesn’t leave you much of a choice either, but at least in that instance, your exit will be effortless on your end. I currently have a board of advisors within the ranks. I won’t reveal their names quite yet, though several of them will be fairly obvious. They wholly support my transition to the throne.”
Goade him. Test the thickness of the armor; ensure that it is authentic. Better you than anyone else. “You can’t seriously believe that you’re—”
“No!” Roman begins through snarled teeth. “You don’t get to do this to me anymore. The gaslighting, the berating— you can entirely fuck off with all that, dad. I didn’t call you into my office for you to listen to yourself talk. You’re going to listen to me. I won’t let you destroy everything we worked for. I won’t let you destroy me. Not anymore.”  What was it that swelled in Damiano’s chest? Had it been… pride, perhaps?
“I’m ready. In fact, I’ve always been ready, father. I just was never what you wanted me to be. And I’ll never be who you want me to be. I’ll never be you and I’ll be a better man for it. A better leader for it.”
Damiano looks at Roman challengingly— expecting him to back down, to recoil as he always has— but Roman does not flinch. This was not the same boy who once mourned his lost love. Maybe Roman liked to believe so, but Damiano knew his son far better than that. He was different, maybe not in the way that he’d raised him to be—but he’d been different. He had not molded himself to be fit for the throne but instead shaped it into something that would be fit for him. Damiano’s test had been nearly complete. “You expect to lead a mob? Do you truly think you can garner the respect that I have?”
“And that’s the difference between you and I. Me— I never respected you. You convinced me that was what respect was, but that isn’t respect. That is fear. Do you truly think this city respects you? They’re terrified of you! But me? I don’t have to scare people into following me. They follow me out of choice— not because they believe it to be the only option. So let’s not make this any harder than it has to be, dad. It’s over. You’re over. What good have you or Cosimo brought to Verona from this stupid fucking war? Do either of you realize how ridiculous this all is? People are dying for your petty fucking war, and you don’t even care!”
I came to give you a wake-up call. You’ll probably hate me for it in the long run, and guess what? I’ve accepted that. You’ll be a better man because of it. A stronger one. And that’s what matters.
The authoritative air that seems to shimmer around Roman— it was real. Roman was not performing heir as he once had. This was real and even Damiano could now recognize it. He’d underestimated his son, a fault within himself that he was able to recognize. Maybe it’d been a result of his pride. Maybe he had lost sight of things. Maybe he and Cosimo had truly resorted to a petty pissing match. But nevermind that now.
He leaned back in his chair leisurely, hands coming together in a slow, dramatic clap. “I’m impressed, son. Truly. This backbone— where is it coming from?”
“I know you would like to think it’s from you,” Roman begins, laughing almost mockingly. “I know that you’re apart of me. I’m your blood after all. I tried to run from it— fearing that I would become you and lose every other part of myself. I thought becoming you was the only way that I would be able to rule, and that scared the shit out of me. But then I realized something— you have no true power. You only have as much power as everyone believes you to have. Without them— your power means nothing. So if you would like that illusion to be kept for the remainder of your days— then I wouldn’t cross me. You’re in the way of what I want, and if forcing you out is what it takes— then so be it.”  
It had been this way for eons. Just as Kronos had overthrown his own father, Zeus had overthrown him. It had only been a matter of time. Even the gods got old and lost their touch. Even Damiano’s own father, who’d barely possessed such likeness in the first place. It would happen to Roman with his future child eventually— maybe not quite on the same terms, but it would happen with time.
“This is your final offer, father. I truly wanted to make this as easy possible for you, even if you don’t deserve it. After everything you’ve done— you deserve far less courtesy than this. So let’s not make this difficult for either of us. You knew this day would come. You just never knew when. Let my board of advisors and I proceed as planned, and your retirement will be a happy and prosperous one.” He smiles that 1000 watt smile— the one that will bring Verona to its knees. The smile that would end the war, that would finally usher in a new era. That smile had been the greatest weapon Damiano could’ve ever hoped for— how was he just now realizing this? That was the advantage Roman had and the one Damiano possessed no longer.  That tantalizing charisma, and a clean canvas of a mind.
His work here had been done. Damiano had been convinced. Roman’s belief in himself had been genuine. He felt warmth— something he rarely felt at this point in his life, but it felt good. He was proud of his son. Of the leader, he’d become. But compassion had never been his way. Hw fumbled for the right words to say, something to encapture the depth of the pride he felt for his son—
“You don’t have to say it. I know you’re proud of me. I know that for whatever stupid reason you can’t admit that to—”
“No, Roman. You and your mother have shown me that it isn’t always a weakness that comes from compassion, but vice versa. Sometimes it is your own weakness that prevents you from showing compassion. A valuable lesson I needed to learn— even if it took more than half a century. Verona will be a better place because of you.”
He could see the emotion rousing in his son, the wetness settling in his eyes, and gods he had no desire to wait around while Roman ruined the moment.
Damiano began his exit in a single, furious motion.
“Thank you,” Roman manages, stopping him in his tracks. Damiano offers him a single nod before shuffling out of the office.
And for the first time in 27 years, Roman Montague had the last word.
SIDENOTE: This was actually the first part of the long ass sample I made, but I realized it had LITERALLY 0 to do with Roman??? Like he wasn’t even born let alone a thought? But it did help me find my daddy Dami and Mama Alba voice so it was fun afjwaeifj here you go!
VERONA, 1989
He heard her before he saw her.
There was something utterly engrossing about her voice, with the smokey richness only comparable to his favorite bourbon. But it was the huskiness that sold him— her passion unwavering even as her voice threatened to fail her, presumably from her repeated shouts.
Damiano stopped briskly in his path. He was late, but his curiosity bested him.
She was ferocious in every aspect— from the way her curls pooled heedlessly around her face, to her slender brows furrowed in determination. The dripping sweat only enhanced the bronze glow of her skin. Her willowy frame had been draped in a loosely fitted, Angela Davis t-shirt and dark bell-bottom jeans. She was chained to a towering tree, repeating over and over again,
Morte per gentrificazione!
Death to gentrification.
It was then he noticed everything else around them, the outside world previously silenced at the sight of her. Several police vehicles littered the surrounding street, as well as several aggravated men in suits discussing something fervently with a construction worker. He did not care to hear the circumstances of the situation from them, finding himself instantly pulled in the direction of the woman, disregarding the announcement made by several people that this was indeed private property he was entering. Even if he hadn’t been so focused on her— he couldn’t have cared less. He stopped at what he thought was a respectful distance, close enough to hold a conversation, but hopefully not close enough to impede her personal space. His mouth opened in preparation to speak, but the stranger managed to beat him to the punch—
“You can tell your bosses to stop sending stuffy fucking corporate lawyers my way. I gave them my terms already, and they’re non-negotiable.”
He blinked stupidly, not knowing how to react to her mistaking him for a stuffy, fucking corporate lawyer.
“I— was actually hoping to gain more clarity on the circumstances of your protest. I just moved to this part of town, and I’m not too familiar with the area.”
Her facial expression softened slightly, her eyes meeting his own with a raised brow. “Quite the nosey newcomer I see,” she begins challengingly yet playfully. “But this, mio amico, is the location of homeless shelter and soup kitchen. These bastardi di maiale—” she shouts in their direction as she states this, “—want to tear it down to build luxury apartments.”
This had evidently been enough to draw the attention of one of the bastardi di maiale, as he began his commute from the other bastardi, his face a sickly shade of salmon.
“This is my property. What don’t you get?! I have a right to do with it as I please. Now, if you don’t plan on getting off my property, I’ll have you forcibly removed, cang—”
All it took was Damiano’s hand positioned in front of his face to disrupt his throaty rant.
“I would stop while I was ahead if I were you,” he offered to the significantly shorter man. “You wouldn’t want to say anything you’d later regret.”
Gargles of protest exited his throat as he attempted to scramble for a retort. “Excuse me? How dare—”
“You’re going to sell me this property and go about your day. Understood?” Damiano says, lowering his hand. The woman watches him curiously, but his eyes remain on the bastardo.
“Now why the hell would I do that? This property is a gold mine! I’ll make mi—”
“Because your property won’t be worth merda once I’m finished with it. Build your luxury apartments. Fine. You will be reminded of my wrath each and every day. Your tenants will gradually forget what peace ever felt like. I’ll buy your property for whatever you paid for it plus 5%. And the more you run that bastardo mouth of yours, the less generous I feel, and the lower the offer will become. Do I make myself clear?”
The coloration of his skin reddens— a mixture of rage, embarrassment, and most likely fear. He did not truly need to build the apartments there, he supposed, and for some reason— his eyes met Damiano’s momentarily before returning to the ground— this man was someone he did not desire to have on his bad side. Maybe building luxury apartments on the property of a homeless shelter hadn’t been good—
“Sir? Have you considered my terms?” Damiano says smoothly, but there is no tolerance in his tone.
“I— accept your terms. We can draw up the paperwork immediately. I-It will be a pleasure doing business with you, signore—”
“Montague. Damiano Montague.”
The man’s eyes widened; he’d heard that name on some occasions, but never had the opportunity to meet the man in person. He’d been the man taking Verona by storm, with such a tightly held grasp that he did not need a face to accomplish such feats. He simply needed a name, and that was enough to bring the despondent city to its knees.
“Si-Signore Montague, it’s a p-pleasure—”
Damiano’s hand returned to its former place, heading the man’s blubberings once more. “Now, I would like to return to the conversation I was having with my companion before we were rudely interrupted by your ramblings. For the moment being, I’d like you out of my sight.”
His lip trembled but he did not protest— returning to the group of now wide-eyed bastardi di maiale. He returns his attentions to the strange woman— her arms now crossed, studying him peculiarly, attempting to figure out what he was after.
“Now that he’s taken care of—” he began with a sigh of relief. “Tell me more about this building. I hope to restore it to its former glory. In fact, I hope to make it even grander than before; in order to reach even more people than the original owners could’ve ever imagined possible. With your help, if you’d be willing, that is.”
She undid the chain, before sizing Damiano up, something not difficult for her to do as she could not have been more than two inches shorter than him. He couldn’t blame her for being wary of his intentions. This had all occurred in a span of fewer than fifteen minutes, after all. “Why would you need my help? You seem to have things pretty well handled.”
“This place means something to you. It means something to you to the point where you were willing to chain yourself to a tree and face off with these wealthy bastardi di maiale. You didn’t care about the consequences you might possibly face. The people are what was most important. They mean something to you, and quite frankly, something tells me you’d do a much better job of running it than I.”
She ponders his proposition silently for a few moments, before offering him her hand to shake. “Sounds like we have a deal. Alba Fascelli.” He shook her hand, before carefully bringing it to his lips, silently requesting her permission, only proceeding when she nodded. “I hope you know it’ll take more than a grand gesture to win me over, Dami. You haven’t even asked me out on a date yet.”
Damiano smiled warmly, as the familiarity the nickname roused within him made him feel as if he’d known her for years. “Trust me— I knew from the moment I walked over here that it would take far more than this to win you over. But I’ve never been one to step down from a challenge.”
She allowed her hand to linger in his for a moment longer, before crossing in front of him and releasing it. “0458446149. I’ll let you know when I’m available. Do forward more details about To Tame a Soup at your earliest convenience.”
He waved stiffly, still slightly stunned over her presence. “Addio, Alba.”
Alba. The name whose meaning he would come to understand later on in life. Sunrise. It would take meeting Alba for Damiano to realize that in his 27 years of life, the sun had not truly risen— not until meeting her, that is.
here’s his inspo tag!
there’s probably hella typos pls forgive me and tumblr deleted all my bold stuff and i’m sickkkkk but i’m too tired to fix it :/
4 notes · View notes
sian22redux · 7 years
He followed me home
Title:  He Followed Me Home
Pairing:  Chris Evans/Reader
Rating:  T for tooth rotting fluff!
Setup:  Ok..so in a rash moment of weakness I bet @theycallmebecca that my beloved Cleveland Indians could best her Boston Red Sox in the latest series.   Whoever won got a drabble.   It was close and an awesome game but unfortunately an L for Cleveland.   So here is her choice:  Chris and Reader adopt a puppy and have to decide on its name:  from the Patriots. Bosox or Disney.   Aannd because I can never write short it’s more of a fic.    Enjoy! 
The whole world gets involved when you and your new boyfriend, Chris Evans, adopt a friend for Dodger but then can’t settle on a name.  
Thanks so much to  @mypatronusismrpricklepants   and  @arizonapoppy for their awesome help. 
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 Chapter 1:  Surprise, March 2018
“He followed me home…”
As defenses for impromptu madness go, it’s a little bit predictable.   You’re standing, sheepish and flustered, with an armload of wriggling, wagging tricolor fluff while your boyfriend Chris leans against the front hall closet door.  
His arms are folded across his chest.  His deep ocean eyes are bleary and amused at once.  It is technically his Laurel Canyon home, although your socks and books and curling iron moved in two months ago.  Long enough to feel a bit like they belong, but not long enough to be certain if you’ve erred.  
“Oh really.”  The sound of Boston twangs as one skeptical eyebrow raises.  
It was just the first thing that popped into your head.  Chris pauses to take in the mammoth paws, the blunt short snout and drawls, “So SuperPuppy jogs a cool tens k’s?”    
“Maybe,” you squeak.  It’s not easy to shuffle one’s feet while juggling a possible hot potato in canine form.  
Chris laughs and shakes his head as much at the sound as the ridiculousness of it all.  
On the scale of crazy spur-of-the-moment things you’ve done this falls somewhere between late night skinny dipping in his mother’s pool (scary but fun) and filling La Jolla High’s atrium with foam (fun until you all were caught).  
You sincerely hope this is closer to the first.  
“Y/N, you are so full of shit.”    
Behind you the door is still ajar—open to the bright spring day that lies lazily golden and blue under California sun.   It’s ten o’clock and only seventy degrees.  Dry with just enough heat to remind you summer will be soon, just enough breeze to lift the sweet scent of  Sierra Salvia blooming beside the walk.
Perfect weather for a mid-morning jog  (or a mid-morning nap if one is desperately jet-lagged two days after crossing eight time zones from damp and windy London).    
Chris yawns and rubs at his eyes.   His hair is mussed; his t-shirt’s askew and you can tell from the creases on his cheek that he’s been crashed on the man-eating white leather couch.  Probably with Dodger on his chest.  
While you’ve been out burning off the prickling excitement of reunion after two weeks apart, the pair of them, inseparable since the moment Chris walked through the door, have been busy catching zzz’s.  
You smile wanly at the dark smudges under those dark and ridiculously heavy lashes.  
He so needs it.  The press for Red Sea Diving has been brutal tacked onto Avengers 4.
“Dodger missed you while you were away,” you offer by way of explanation.  
This is true, but not perhaps entirely the whole point.   The pair of you had talked about the problem just the night before.  How Dodger pined terribly for Chris while he was in South Africa.  How you two had whispered the word ‘airport’ but still Dodger had gone crazy when he saw the latest suitcase coming out.  That it might be a good idea to get him another friend; a constant pal when he has to shuttle between L.A. and Massachusetts; crashing for months at time with Chris’s sister’s kids.  
At least the heavens had aligned for the latest trip.  You’d dog sat and watched the house, spoiled him with lots of love, but still Dodger moped, ignored his ratty favorite blanket and had to be coaxed to eat.   Change was hard for animals.  
But even so, this follow through might be just a teensy bit premature.    
How do you explain?  You’d finished breakfast, thought it a good idea to give the two best buds space to chill and took yourself off for a longer run.   Turned right instead of left along Mulholland and wound up outside Ace of Hearts with its ‘Dog of the day” sign plastered on the window.   So cute, and so in need.  
You’d given in, asked to see their featured rescue and wound up outside puppy’s cage, getting a hopeful shy wag and your fingers licked through the metal bars.
How could you resist?  Puppy looked small and alone and so very sweet.
Isn’t this supposed to be one of the things Chris loves about you?? That you are ridiculously spontaneous while he struggles not to overthink every little thing?
“I didn’t plan it,” you admit.  “It just kind of happened.”   Chris’s eyebrows rise even higher.  
You lick your lips nervously and try again.   “I…” you start but don’t get a chance to explain because fifteen pounds of black and white and brown fluffball wriggles harder in your arms. You’re standing in runners and shades, long brown hair pulled up under a sweaty baseball cap.   At your feet are two shopping bags from Village Pet and in the waistband of your jogging shorts are the rumpled adoption papers
Dodger, that pure soul of joyousness, is not helping things. He’s excitedly jumping up on his hind legs, pawing and yipping, trying to get closer to the pup.    The little guy whimpers mournfully.   You lift your shoulders, struggling to hold him a little higher, crooning softly to reassure.  The smells and sounds are new.  There’s a strange dog who is trying to say hi and a big, broad, bearded man who is leaning over to inspect him.  
It’s overwhelming and a bit startling to go straight from a 2x4 metal cage to an open expanse of cool and white.    
And Dodger’s idea of friendly can sometimes be a little much  
“Come on pal, leave off.”   Chris grabs at the red collar in tawny fur, pulls the mutt back, clamps his knees around the wriggling and whining, overly enthusiastic host.  The ghost of a beginning grin on his handsome face fades quickly to a frown of concern.  
Puppy is still scared.  He’s shivering silently in fear, trying to hide himself underneath your chin.  
You can almost hear Chris Evan’s enormous heart melting on the spot.    
“Hey, it’s ok… don’t be afraid,” he says, softly, hunching his huge shoulders down to make himself a little less imposing.  “Don’t mind this big, crazy lug.”   A free hand that knows something about anxiety reaches out to stroke the black wavy fur, caressing it slowly, in time to slow easy breaths, resting gently against the little warm body until the shivers ease.  
Chris, thrilled at his feat, smiles wide and looks up underneath your brim.    “Boy or girl?”  
“Boy.  He’s a Bernerdoodle...” you say as if this explains everything.  
“A what?” Chris is chuckling, quieter than usual so as not to startle the poof of dark wavy fur.    He snickers, clutching lightly at his pec, imitating Ned Flanders nasal accent perfectly.    "Homer, I can see your doodle…"    
You roll your eyes elaborately, thinking not for the first time that omg this man is such a kid. Yes doodle is slang for penis.  It is also a recognized crossbreed.  
You shake your head and very very carefully shove him with your hip.   “Shuddup.  A Bernerdoodle is a Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle cross.  You shouldn’t tease the little guy.  He’s had a really rocky start.  Was just busted out of a puppy mill.  He’s the last of his litter. No one wanted him because his markings aren’t symmetrical.
They aren’t.  Puppy has two white paws, one fore, one aft; a white blaze on his chest and a white stripe down his nose.  His eyebrows are tan, as is half his muzzle.  Quirky and utterly adorable.    You give him a gentle hug and a small pink tongue licks at the bottom of your chin.
Chris leans close and wrinkles up his nose as he too, gets a lick.   “Awww.  Sorry dude.”  
You shift the warm furry load at your hip.  A moth flutters past and Chris looks up, startled, realizing belatedly you are still standing in front of the open door.  
“Whatever he is, he’s a cutie that’s for sure.  Bring him in.”    
He lets Dodger go and swings the white oak door shut, picks up the shopping bags while you walk over to the couch, balancing the awkward bundle of big paws and floppy ears and tail.  So much for cardio, it is suddenly resistance day.  
You lower yourself gingerly to the deep expanse of butter-soft, not-claw-proof leather as Chris slides across, dropping the bags to one side. The space is light and bright and so relaxing:  white walls and furniture, low rough wood tables and dark grey carpet. A haven from the bustle and noise of life.  
“You, too.  Sit,” Chris says, pointing a finger until Dodger finally masters his inner zen to settle down beside your knee.  The older dog is upright, tongue lolling and one ear cocked.  A picture of controlled enthusiasm.  His amber eyes keep flicking from puppy back to Chris.  
Puppy nestles into your lap and makes himself at home, sniffing at the air and taking in members of a new pack.  You are clearly alpha female, chief cuddler and source of safety.   Chris is the alpha male:  one pat and the little guy rolls over to show his belly for a rub.  
Chris obliges; bends down to tickle warm pink spotted skin and gets licked excitedly on his chin for his efforts.    “Ow.”  he announces, laughing and holding a hand across his nose
The white milk teeth are sharp.  And curious. “Watch it little fella.
You smile because obviously Puppy’s starting to feel a little braver now but the sight of him mouthing earnestly on Chris’s offered fingers makes you wonder:  how does one keep a puppy from chewing up the furniture? You hadn’t thought beyond getting him safely home.   The expensive designer to-the-trade originals do already have a few puncture holes--Dodger is rambunctious but he wasn’t a baby when he came home.  It’s been years since you had a pet.  Your old dog, a white heinz 57 collie-samoyed mix with the honest-to-goodness name of Buck passed away your second year of college. He lived to be seventeen.  You can’t even remember what it was like to break in a puppy but there must be somebody around to give you tips.  
“We need to set some water out for him and the new wee pads.” you note.  He has been so good.  Didn’t piddle once on the Uber ride home, or even when he was scared.    
Chris nods, unerringly reaching to scratch behind soft and silky ears. Puppy cocks his head and whines. “Check.  In a sec.  Does he have a name?”  
“No,” you admit. “The breeder had shitty records.  At Ace they called him by his number.  They think he’s about ten weeks old, just enough to be separated from his dam.  I bought some food and stuff.” you add, waving in the general direction of the bags. There’s a blue collar to match Dodger’s and a new leash,  a comb,  smaller steel bowls.  Hopefully they show you weren’t completely off your head, totally mesmerized by dark liquid eyes and a cute as a button nose.  
You blush, remembering the excitement of signing for him, holding him for the first time:  all pink toe beans and soft silky fur and new puppy smell.  Pure heaven.  And the right thing to do, give a home to a poor little abandoned soul in need of loving.  
(No ticking clocks, here.  Nope.   None at all.)
Puppy whines and sits straight up.  Coughs once.  Then twice. It’s a huffing, wheezy sort of hack that shakes the little dark body shake from pink nose to white tail tip.    
Chris looks over at you alarmed.  “Is he ok?”    
This time it’s you that melts a little.  Chris worries.  Always. Empathy, wrapped in caring, wrapped in genuine unselfishness.  
“He will be,” you explain, biting nervously at your lip. “Just needs a little time.  He’s a rescue from a puppy mill.  The whole litter had pneumonia and he almost didn’t make it.”
“Oh fuck.”  Chris’s growl is quiet but you know he feels about animal abuse the way you do. Enraged.  
You pull the adoption papers out and pass them over.   Chris scans them, turning them over and checking the certificate from the shelter and its vet.  All is in order.  Case # A201206 has been dewormed.  Had all shots.  Weeks of Baytril for infection and supplements.   Has been off his feed because of illness.  Is paper trained.
“He’s done his shots and antibiotics, but needs a special diet ‘til he’s all better.”
Chris is nodding, taking it all in, trading the pages back to you for a now braver little guy.  You reach down to pull a water bowl and a new blanket and Kong toy out of the first paper bag.
Puppy sits on the soft grey flannel of Chris’s sweat pants and leans against his chest, raising up one enormous paw to ask for attention.    Chris catches it in his own equally enormous hand and lets his blue gaze slide to the rubber chew toy that is easily twice as big as your fist.  
“How big is he gonna get?”
You flush.  This is the tricky part.   “Ummm, the lady said they don’t think he’ll get much bigger than seventy pounds.”
“Seventy pounds?!”
Incredulous, Chris looks down at Dodger obediently flopped on the floor and back up to the pup.  Dodger is lean and wiry, all muscle and energy; straight flat fur.  Puppy is a small mountain of dark wavy coat, paws not quite like dinner plates.  Hefty and solid.  He’s sitting placidly, taking up a good half of Chris’s lap at less than three months old.  
“Dodger’s only thirty pounds,” he frowns.
“I know,” you nod, “but his father was the Bernese. They’re more than a hundred.”  
Chris chokes.  “Jesuz, Y/N, that’s a pony not a dog!”    
You hold your breath.   This is a gamble.  Chris is obviously a bit thrown by how big the pup will grow.  You can see the doubt begin to whirl like a cyclone in his head. “I don’t know…”  
You slide closer, up underneath the long, ridiculously muscled arm laid along the couch’s back,  reach out to stroke lovingly at his cheek.  A big dog is a big commitment, but from everything you know it fits with his big, golden heart.   “Chris, I feel like this meant to be.  You’ve said yourself that if you were an animal you’d be a St. Bernard.  He’s like your kindred spirit.  Bernese are also big and loyal and loving.  They adore kids.  But they get a little anxious in new and different settings.”      
“So you’re just like me, hunh?”  he says, a little skeptically, lifting the little guy with a firm grip around the middle. “Seventy pounds.   I’d be doing curls with you…”    
Puppy, oblivious to the moment, tries to gnaw on his largest knuckle.  
Doubt starts to curl low below your heart.  
Usually if Chris is into something new, your bouncy, exuberant Labrador of a boyfriend will be all over it.  Keen on it right away.  This time there’s an unsettled crease of worry between his brows and Chris is frowning.   Perhaps you hadn’t thought this through? This a puppy and a larger dog.   Perhaps you hadn’t considered how much more work one seems.  There’s a press tour to do for Avengers 3 and 4. US press for Red Sea Diving.  Possibly another Broadway run.  There’s a lot on Chris’s plate in the coming year but you’d just felt so bad for Dodger missing his big guy while he was half a world away.  
And, if you had to be honest with yourself, you admit a needy pup would keep you little more occupied too.   Your job, back-of-house production, keeps you mostly in L.A, tied down and unable to go on tour.  It’s out of the Press’s eye which has its good and bad at once.   As far as much of the world knows you don’t exist.  You’re a name on the end credits.  Known as a studio employee, someone no one bats an eyelid to see Chris with.  A colleague. No biggie.
For the first months of your relationship it was actually kind of great.  Chris, beyond tired with the relentless attention messing with romances, treated it like a game.  You can go out and no prying idiots think you’re his date.  No one’s calling you a bitch on Twitter.  No one’s staking out your house.    Above the table top you are talking about scheduling and below his toes are running up  your calf. Hidden. Secret.  Just for you two. It’s a thrill and nervous making all at once.
You’re happy to have found the one awesome, caring, gorgeous guy in Hollywood who doesn’t brush his hair more often than you do.  Doesn’t tell you to keep out of his better side. Who isn’t jealous and gets your irregular, have-to-stay-at-the-last-minute schedule. Who shares your manic love of baseball and the Pats.
But you’re a little unsure of where this is going.  Sure he asked you to move in, but both of his best friends have been missing Chris so much.  The frequent long distance trips make it hard.  Each time you are together it is as if you are on vacation: a treat, easy and relaxed but it’s also always reset mode.   Constantly catching up.  Two steps forward and one back.   Texting every day is great but it’s hard to properly communicate.   Case in point:  today, when you made a snap decision without discussing first, without thinking that he’s about to go on tour for weeks.
“Sorry��.” you admit in a tiny, plaintive voice.   “We do have a week to take him back,” You start to pull away, thinking you’ve overstepped the line.  
“Hey…hey, no it’s ok.”  Chris grabs your hand to pull you closer. Plants a kiss on the top of your sun-faded Bosox cap.  He sighs. “This was a really good idea.  I might be crazy but I’ll make an appointment tomorrow for him to see Dr. Beltran.”
“Really?”  You sit straight up.  Dr. Beltran is Dodger’s veterinarian.  He experienced and no-nonsense.  A pro. You’ve met him once, taking Dodger in for heart-worm meds
“He can stay?  You’re not mad at me?”
“Of course I’m not mad, Y/N.”  Chris’s spare hand reaches down to play, as it always does at home, with your long ponytail. Relaxed.  Easy. Intimate.  It sends a shiver down your spine.  
“How can anyone resist this face?”  he says, tickling Puppy under the chin.  It’s true. The little guy’s face is the sweetest thing—a black nose with a pale dot in the middle, bright dark eyes and the most adorable pink tongue sticking out.  You’re lost, the both of you.  
Chris offers Puppy a thumb to chew and grins.  “I was just surprised.  Needed to think it through is all.  Next time you decide to add to our world, can you give a guy a little warning?”
“You seemed so tired and I didn’t want to wake you,” you start to explain,  but then suddenly his words sink in.
Our world.  
“What do you….?”  
You stop and take in the pure unfettered delight on Chris’s face. He knows he has surprised you.  ‘Our world’ means this is for keeps.  Serious. He wants you to be an official couple. It’s overwhelming, and unexpected.  Perhaps the constant roadblocks are wearing on him too.  
Your heart does a heavy flip, somersaulting with giddy happiness.  
Chris smiles, drops a gentle kiss to your lips, holds it until the pup begins to squirm.  
“Babe, this last tour, oh fuck, I missed you so so much. London’s great but I couldn’t wait to get back and be with you.  Knowing you and Dodge and this little guy are happy and at home, here,—that will mean the world.”    
You pull away but not too far, lay your head down upon his shoulder, so choked up you don’t know what to say.  Going public seems like a giant step.  Your bosses, the Russo brothers, know about it, as do both families and close friends—but they’re sworn to secrecy.  Chris is gunshy of the media this time—how Jenny was treated really hurt and he wanted things to grow away from the harsh glare of publicity.
You take a deeper, unsteady breath.  This is truly what you want but can you make it work?  
Chris, as always in tune to you, gives you a soft quick hug and elects to change the conversation.  He stretches, holding one big warm hand under puppy and the other up toward the ceiling.  “Man you were right about the tired though. Shit.  I am getting old.  The flights are getting harder.”  
“If you’re old, what does that make me?” you ask.  You are almost, not quite, two years ahead.  
He ducks a tastefully neutral, well-used, toss cushion that flies past his head.  Dodger’s head pops up.  If pillows are flying and his human is stretching then a game of tag might be just ahead.  He gets to his feet, yips excitedly but instead of playtime he gets wobbly curiosity.  Chris sets the puppy on the floor.  The little guy promptly lunges for a shoe, trips over his own feet and tumbles snout-first into deep grey pile.
You all laugh.  Puppy looks up at the sound and you could swear he grins.  This new development is surprising but not scary.  He sneezes, rights himself again, sits down with a blink and barks.  
“Woof!”   It is a surprisingly deep sounding voice.  
“Ho boy, has he got a set of lungs.”  Chris is laughing.  Puppy seems very pleased with himself.   A few minutes cautious exploration brings him over to the wide back windows.  Outside the morning is clouding over.  It will keep the heat from climbing and for a miracle it might just rain.  Puppy wags his tail and barks at a passing bird.  Dodger stands sentinel behind, tail waving slowly, resident expert at communing placidly with the neighbourhood.  
Pup looks to him and back.  “Boof!”   Nope, the new kid on the block isn’t going to get a rise out of Dodger.   Birds and bees and butterflies are people, too.
They seem fine to let be left alone for a just minute, so you rise and set about getting organized.   A second dish of water goes beside Dodger’s in the kitchen.  Pad are laid beside the back door.  The new blanket is draped beside Dodger’s wicker basket.  You set the ingredients for puppy lunch on the countertop and pull the rudiments of a sandwich from the bursting fridge
From the couch you can hear Chris’s stomach grumble loudly.   He may be exhausted but his stomach thinks it’s almost time for English Tea.    
“Come on, you never ate,” you say, pulling him up and guiding him over to the kitchen.  “Lets get the little guy’s space all set.  He’ll need to eat soon and then go out.  We can play with him outside and then it will be time for a nap.”  
Over by the windows Dodger has brought puppy a bedraggled, one-eared teddy he uses for a friend.   They play tug of war, shaking their heads and mock growling at each other, the pup repeatedly losing his grip but bouncing forward to catch a leg again.    It’s hilarious and sweet.  Big brother playing with the little guy,  but just when you think they’ll start another round the little guy plonks down on his butt, opens his jaws wide and yawns.  And coughs.  
He’s scooped up into Chris’s big strong arms and nestled against that wide, sleep-inducing chest.   A whine turns into another mighty yawn, the baby is getting tired.   It’s been a busy day and he isn’t quite over his sickness yet.  
You wrap your arms around them both and Chris drops a kiss onto your head.  He smells like spice and soap and Dodger and the warm-cinnamon-bun perfection of new puppy smell.   Intoxicating.
As you brush your fingers lazily across his back he grins, folds you under his shoulder where you fit the best.  There’s a twinkle in his eye.  One you’ve missed for two whole weeks.
“How long does a puppy sleep?”
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funkzpiel · 7 years
Your ideas are destroying me
Hi you’re wonderful, and terrible for getting the idea of a transfigured Red Panda! Graves stuck in my head grrrrrrr stop being perfect, Funkie. Here’s a story just for you 😀, and happy 500+
Seraphina tightened her grip on the railing, leaning into the cool metal, she dipped slightly over the side trying to get a better view. “And you’re sure this is the right place, Ms. Goldstein?” The president looked at the large metal cage cautiously. Morning sunlight danced off the vertical bars, and the worn grass twitched slightly.
“Yes Ma’am, I’m sure,” Tina drummed her fingers on the railing her head tilting about, she searched. She looked towards the far away entrance gate, and back towards the empty enclosure, “Bronx Zoo.”
Seraphina nodded lips pursed, then her head tilted towards Tina, “Where’s Mr. Scamander?” She was shifting in place, visibly unsettled by the sleepy children gathering at the empty enclosure, their parents clutching their hands and wiping at their cheeks, pointing at the empty cage and chirping at their children who blinked and swayed staring through the spectator railing; they were not tall enough to look overhead.
“He went to find a keeper I believe he should be back any-”
And Newt was upon them laughing and bright, hands moving in excitement, a woman with dark curled hair in his wake. She had on a dark uniform, a flat topped hat crooked on her head, and a white stained apron covering her front. She moved the bucket from her left to her right hand, and Newt passed a file to Seraphina who took it one eyebrow raised. “This is Amelia, she helped me get medical records for the red pandas.”
Amelia smiled, “Sorry the file’s so small. The reddies are relatively new here.” She nodded towards the empty cage, “They should be letting them out in a bit.”
Seraphina opened it, Tina checking over her shoulder. “And this will help us?”
“Muggle zoos,” Newt said his gaze glued to the thin bars. “And yes, Any sort of medical abnormality in a standard check-up would work.”
“He’s right,” Amelia piped up picking up her bucket again and straightening her apron. “That should help you find your, Mr. Graves.”
Tina and Seraphina stiffened staring at Amelia. Tina’s hand ducked into the pocket of her coat.
Newt put up his hands, “Wait, she’s a witch.”
Amelia nodded, and the company relaxed, but Seraphina still remained perplexed that any witch or wizard would choose such work.
The crowd pulsed around them, gathering to see the red pandas trundle out in the daylight. “Here,” Amelia offered, “I’ll take you around the back, give you some privacy.”
Newt was smiling giddy, and excited eyes. Seraphina shook her head minutely, “Fine,” and she held out her hand gesturing for the magizoologist and zookeeper to lead the way.
They slipped through the alleyway of the cages and came onto the unglamorous behind the scenes. Men in dark suits shooed off wandering children and nodded towards them, keys jangled on their belt loops. Amelia patted the bars, they were now looking out across the cage and towards the gathering spectators. To their right was a hut-like structure, connected to the back of the cage by a wooden tunnel, there was the stench of dirt and shit in the dusty air around it.
“They’ll be letting ‘em out of their nighthouse now.” Amelia spoke calmly, leaning on the bars. She looked over at her guests, “To be honest with you I haven’t noticed anything really strange, each reddie has their own quirks.” She shrugged and pushed dirt with her boot, kicking the metal cage.
Seraphina stepped up to the bars turning her head she tried to get a better view of the tunnel’s exit into the cage. Tina spoke up, “We’ll know which one is him.” She paused, her eyes searching the air, she said softer “Hopefully.”
Newt was running his hands along the cage, searching. He found the gate, human-sized and secured with a padlock. He tugged at it, testing.
“Sorry, I can’t let you in, you might startle them.”
He nodded, “Of course,” and his hands fell away.
The red pandas were stumbling out into the light. Pushing each other out of the darkness of the tunnel, they padded out into bright sunlight and the squeals of a delighted crowd.
“Shit,” Seraphina said, “They all look the same.”
Red glistening fur and stumpy agile legs, they tottered towards the leaning branches at the middle and gracefully scaled them. Curling their bushy tails around the bark, their beady eyes cast judgement on the humans scattered around their enclosure. One more red panda peeked out, dark nose first, then he darted back in. The red pandas around the branches yipped and chortled with each other. Finally one leg then another, then his whole body slinked out, and the last red panda was tumbling across the grass.
“That’s Spook,” Amelia said pointing to the last panda.
“Spook?” Tina asked arms crossed watching the panda weave and waver.
“Yeah, everything seems to spook him, he’s an emotive little guy.”
Spook’s dark ears twitched and he turned to look at them, adorable wide-faced and pinched nose. It’s maw opened and closed, and unlike the coherent noises of its cage-mates strange disconnected whines bubbled out. Spook’s sharp white teeth were bared and his ears flicked wildly.
Seraphina took a step back from the bars, “Is he-”
“He’s fine. I think he’s just different,” Amelia scratched the back of her head.
“What if,” Newt had his hands curled around the bar, “He’s trying to speak.”
Spook’s attention snapped to Newt, and the red panda’s mouth stuttered shut. Tina backed away when she saw the look in its eyes. Was it possible for an animal to look like that? Spook’s fluffy ears were down, and his muzzle contorted. An expression that Tina registered as utter and complete disappointment. It moved possessed, scrabbling and rushing at the bars across the grass. But, a rock was in the way. Stubborn and unexpected Spook’s little paw brushed against it and the red panda tumbled away. Little eyes wide, he reared up on his hind legs hands up, and glowered at the rock, his soft tail moving lazily. For all the world it looked like that little red panda was standing there, demanding the rock to submit beneath its mighty will, and apologize for its transgressions.
“That’s him,” Newt and Tina said together, but Newt was moving for the lock.
“No,” Tina hissed, and Seraphina reached to pull Newt back from the lock, but he had already cast Alohomora and slipped inside.
The red pandas huff-quacked, the ones higher up barked all defending their territory. Except Spook, he was still glaring at that rock.
When, Newt cast revelio, cautious and quiet just above a whisper, Seraphina sighed. Deep and long, and was it too late to resign?
Tina opened the gate and started talking quickly to Newt. Amelia untied her apron and found her way inside with the magizoologist. Seraphina turned to find the nearest keeper, “Do you have a communications office?”
“Yes, Ma’am. It’s where all those telegraph wires meet.”
“I’ll be right back,” She looked at Tina, the Auror’s eyes were wide and her face red, her fingers tangled in the gate. “We’re gonna need to obliviate this whole damn zoo.” And Seraphina stalked away from the fray.
The whole damn zoo moved and rippled in front of the red panda enclosure. Mothers and fathers tugged their children away red-faced and tight-lipped, the kids clawed at the hands sloppily covering their faces. Young couples and lonely zoo attendees flocked to the cage and reveled in the interesting sight of a naked man standing in the cage, arms crossed and brow furrowed, gaze fixed on an innocent rock.
Newt cautiously approached calm, practiced strides. A tap on his shoulder interrupted him, and Amelia shoved a white apron into his hands. She stalked off, Tina in tow to control the squealing crowd.
It wouldn’t take long for Seraphina to return with Aurors. The dark-suited wizards pushing back the crowd, and casting glances inside the enclosure. Inside Newt danced about apron in his hands trying to snatch up Graves. The man disobediently twisted away whenever the apron swiped close to him. He growled and made a sort of quacking bark, all the while shaking his ass. Graves’ Aurors would later deny looking, red-earred and guilty.
Graves would deny the event entire.  
(Historically men’s nipples weren’t freed till the 1930s, so not only would seeing Graves nip nops be a shock, but also seeing his dick would shake any public crowd to it’s core.)
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THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER OMG I LOVE ALL THE RED PANDA!GRAVES and yes, bless you for writing about him in the zoo where Grindelwald left him, because I am so in love with Graves’ righteous fury being shrunk down into such a cute small body and being left to a mundane enclosure to be stared at by children while he can’t control his stupid mammal instincts, bless. And the huff-quacking, all the huff-quacking. AND THE FUCKING FACT THAT HIS NAME IS SPOOK, I LOVE IT. I’d like to think that Newt never really stops calling him that. Sera, too. 
Bless you @nihilistlovernihilistlover LIKE OMG, DAY MADE. WEEK MADE from all this Red Panda love, I’m in heaven.
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ohmythatoikawaboy · 8 years
Season 2 Episodes 4 and 5
Since episode 4 doesn’t have much to talk about (it’s mostly build up for future episodes) and it’s pretty much linked to what happens in episode 5, I’ve decided to treat them as a whole unit.
What we’ve seen so far: Hinata, Kageyama, Noya, and Tanaka have been struggling with their exams, and episode 3 left us with the biggest cliffhanger ever: will they pass?
It’s time to solve the mystery!
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Okay, these two idiots are in Tokyo, so that must be a good sign, right?
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That says it all.
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Chill omfg
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Suga is me.
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Omg Yachi
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Bless our Lord and Savior Saeko
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This was absolutely unnecessary but it’s Saeko so I don’t mind
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That feel when everything goes wrong but there’s always something that can make it worse
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Hey hey hey!
So there they are, the four rival teams that will be training with Karasuno. The fact that they left Fukurodani for the end says something: they will probably be the ultimate rivals. Otherwise, they would have left Nekoma as the last one. Just saying. #TakeThatAsAPrediction
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Kiyoko sounds so sweet here, it’s incredible.
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Oh, it’s Bokuto!
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Now Hinata starts to overthink, and this is important because it’s what will lead to the events in the following episodes.
Aka pain. Lots of pain.
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Save Kenma
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RIP Hinata
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He really has to die in every episode, right? #PoorHinata
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Every character has to get a bottle scene at some point
Episode 4 closes with Nekoma’s coach thinking about which way to go with his team, and wondering which way Karasuno will choose as well.  The answer will lie in how its team members evolve, of course, and episode 5 will tackle the beginning of that evolution.
Disclaimer: it will hurt.
Meanwhile, in Saeko’s life…
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She was sleeping in a classroom omfg (and not wearing pants).
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This isn’t good
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Ukai will be growing too as a coach
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That’s it. Hinata dies in this episode as well.
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Ukai has beautiful lips, damn it.
Baby crow is Problematic.
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“I’ll stop closing my eyes.”
These screencaps say it all, really. Hinata wants to evolve. So far he has been okay with learning the basics and letting Kageyama do the hard work, but that’s not enough anymore. He has a goal in mind and he wants to be the best, and that means he has to be the one who does the job as well.
Everyone: shook
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What hurts here is that you understand both points of view and, what’s worse, both are right.
But none of them are capable to communicate what they need and why the need it, or to understand why the other says what they say.
While Kageyama isn’t reverting back to the tyrant king, he is certainly being too straightforward about what he thinks, and the way he words it is painful for Hinata. Kageyama is probably right and Hinata would miss the toss, so he doesn’t want to risk setting to him if he knows he will fail, at least not during a match and without having practiced earlier. It makes total sense to me. Yet, Kageyama doesn’t refuse to listen to Hinata later, once the match is over.
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Ah, the perfect balance inside a team and how the actions of one person can destroy everything.
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It’s rare to see Asahi being afraid of someone younger. While Asahi is usually a mess of anxiety, he isn’t really jealous of other people. And yet, he is now well aware that his position as ace is now threatened by someone younger and, perhaps, more talented.
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I love how Nekoma’s coach won’t stop annoying Ukai, haha.
(Ukai’s lips, omg. Beautiful. And the level of detail of the animation is spectacular: if you pay attention, you will see the holes in Ukai’s ear, even if it wasn’t really necessary to draw them.)
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This is an idea I agree with.
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This all sounds so convincing that it took me three rewatches to actually see that there’s something off in this argument.
Kageyama said it: The setter brings out 100% of the spiker’s strength. He says he realized that during the Seijoh match, but did he?
No, he didn’t.
Because he isn’t bringing out any of Hinata’s strengths with that quick. Kageyama is doing all the work. Sure, Hinata can jump high and is fast enough to be there for that quick, but otherwise? “Your will is not needed for that quick.” And that’s why it’s faulty. Since there is no will, Hinata can’t control that spike. That toss is using 100% of Kageyama’s strength, and none of Hinata’s.
And this shows that Kageyama hasn’t really learned everything he needs to learn about being a setter.
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It surprises me that Suga is convinced by Kageyama. But sure, the argument was convincing enough.
Yet, there will be a couple of people who won’t be entirely convinced by this, and that’s what we’re going to see in the following episodes.
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Hinata’s despair breaks me. Nobody believes that he can do it.
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(Hinata remembers his first match against Seijoh)
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And then Ukai doesn’t let Hinata play anymore and it hurts.
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Oh, just your usual “everyone is tired and sleeping in the bus” pic, right?
Kiyoko looks dead.
Asahi is sitting alone, and is awake, just like Suga is.
Hinata is sitting on his own, and Kageyama is on the opposite side. I don’t remember if they usually sit together but it kind of seems like they’re avoiding each other and it hurts.
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Oh, wait, this frame confirms it. They are avoiding each other.
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Get ready for the Pain™
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Well. They tried to do it. Kageyama actually tossed to Hinata again and again and it didn’t work even once. So I get why he’s angry.
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This is getting tense and you have to remember that these two have been on edge since they lost to Seijoh, and Hinata is so determined to evolve no matter what, while Kageyama still has his pride as a setter, and they are both exhausted from the training camp, where they have lost again and again, and once they returned they kept on training and failing, so their physical and mental exhaustion is adding to the fact that things haven’t been working between them lately.
And you have the ideal recipe for a serious fight.
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And #PoorYachi is there too.
Imagine being in Yachi’s situation. She’s smaller and physically weaker than these two, so there’s no way to stop them if they start fighting. She sees how this is getting worse and her only weapon is words. She tries to make them be reasonable and listen but they are past that point.
She must feel so powerless here.
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As I said above, the fact that they are both right is what hurts so much from this.
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This is the point of no return.
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My poor Yachi is still trying to avoid the fight but I’m sure that deep inside she’s terrified because she has no idea how this is going to end.
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Yachi runs away to look for help and it makes me so sad.
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They don’t understand each other anymore.
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Thankfully, Tanaka is here now to stop them.
But I can’t stop thinking: what if Tanaka hadn’t been around? These two had been training for a while, right? At least for ten minutes. It could have been possible that nobody was around anymore. What if Yachi hadn’t found anyone to help? What would have happened to Hinata and Kageyama? Would they have hurt each other seriously? And this is such a stressful situation for Yachi.
Everything makes me feel so sad.
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I wonder if she’s really fine or not.
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My heart can always break even more.
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This is the only thing that can give me a bit of hope for the moment.
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Bless his face omfg
So, the episode ends with Hinata asking Ukai how he is supposed to train. Interesting, hmm? Quite interesting after an episode that left me heartbroken.
So let’s look back at the last part of the episode.
Why is this fight so effective to change the mood of the audience? Why does it weigh so much? At the very least, it has affected me a lot emotionally, and every time I rewatch it, it makes me sink in despair.
The reason is probably a mix of two main factors: the fact that, in Haikyuu, serious fights are not commonplace, plus the fact that these two are both right in their arguments.
The first factor is pretty clear: there are several characters who react in violent ways, but it is almost always used in a comical way. The consequences are never serious and none of the characters who receive that violence are seriously affected by it (the worst case I can remember is a bloody nose and the one affected by it couldn’t care less). When you look at the moments of real tension in Haikyuu, all of them are handled without violence. I’m always surprised at how, no matter how much two characters hate each other, they always solve everything with words (even if those words are charged with hostility, but they never cross that line). The best example I can think of right now is when Kageyama and Tsukishima had problems understanding each other during the Seijoh match in season 1, and yet they solved their communication problems by talking quite civilly.
The second factor is the one that weighs the most here. We have two physically and emotionally exhausted teens who are right in the age when emotions affect you the most but you’re still not mentally mature enough to handle them properly, so you kind of feel like punching those who wrong you. And yet, as much as these two have always been arguing, and started as archenemies who later became teammates quite unwillingly, they have never actually fought seriously. Sure, they insult each other all the time, and Kageyama is always angry at Hinata. But none of it has actually been important.
Whenever I think of other shows I’ve seen in which two people argue, it’s always the same pattern: one is right, and the other one is wrong. The person who is right has to prove to the other one that they’re wrong.
But here, both are right. Sure, they’re not seeing the situation from the point of view of the other person, but both are guilty of that. Both are stuck in the same problem. Maybe Hinata is slightly more open to understanding Kageyama, but definitely not enough, and Hinata has been guilty of ruining the mood for the whole team because he overstepped his boundaries. So there are no real heroes in this fight. Maybe the audience tends to side with Hinata because you naturally expect him to evolve eventually, and you want him to be able to improve his quick, so Kageyama’s plain refusal and his cruel words might not sit well with part of the audience. And yet, you can understand his point of view. It’s pure logic. There’s little time left before the competition and they need to improve the things they already can do.
This fight hurts because you are able to see both sides of the problem, and you know that, if they just communicated their needs properly, and if they just listened to each other without judging the other, they could solve this easily. But at the same time, who hasn’t been in this situation? This is how real life works: many times, both people who argue about something are right, but fail to understand the point of view of the other person, their needs, the reasons why they think like they do, and fail to offer solutions that can help both sides.
In the end, once Hinata and Kageyama solve this problem, they won’t just be solving a problem in their playing skills. This is not just a matter of technique, but also of communication. And I think that, once they finally learn to communicate with each other properly, they will be invincible. That’s why this fight is so important, because it’s the first time that these two actually address a series of problems they had been suffering for a while, and this will lead to their evolution as players and as teammates.
It hurts, but it will be better afterwards.
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sleep-jpeg · 8 years
This may be weird but can you talk about your current favorites? haha I love your blog and your art!
Ahh Tysm!! music, book, tv, food, fashion, apps, Animal Crossing friend code, and beauty faves!! Please check it out! There’s a lot of great stuff in here. (Everything mentioned below are linked!)
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O. When - TodayO. When - WhenPaul Kim - I’m Not the Only One (cover)
Paul Kim - Rain (Acoustic Ver)
Lorde - Liability 
Eden- Fumes (honestly I like the night core ver better lol)
One Ok Rock - American Girls (i’ve fucking loved OOR since like 2013)
One Ok Rock - Adult Suits
So… much… J-Rock… If you’d like a full J-rock list let me know!! I would love to share all of my bbs
Almost done listening to: Dawn of Wonder by Johnathan Renshaw
A coming of age story about a very intelligent boy, Aedan, becoming a military officer, and all of the hilarious and exciting tales throughout his journey! Lol I explained this like shit, but it’s a great listen!! The voice actor from Audible does an amazing job and the differences in European accents is entertaining in itself. Check this out if you like: Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, etc? I’ve laughed so much whilst listening to this book :3
THE OFFICE - OMG I LOVEEE I’ve grown so attached to all of the characters alskdjflsdkf :’) At first I hated Michael because he was so problematic, but he was just a smol bb that needed a healthy love :)) My fave characters are: Jim (obvs), Dwight, Pam, and Kevin lol I finished this series in like a week in a half. I really really recommended it, even though everyone’s seen it except for me lol
ONE PIECE - I recently got a Hulu account, because Hulu is so much better than Netflix let me tell you. Their anime selection is out of this world they’ve got everything!! Even Steven Universe and Adventure Time!!! I had gotten a Monkey D. Luffy figure from a Loot Crate box!! And the character design was so unique, I checked out One Piece…. and I have been laughing so much. It’s one of those fun light hearted shows that you can just enjoy! Zorro and the chef guy are my faves so far hehe :3 Luffy is honestly so straight forward and a bit air headed that everything he says and does makes me LMAO You really need to check this anime out!! Such a classic!! Just going to warn you that there are like 11 seasons lol, I’m almost done with the first one, but!! The episodes are like 15 minutes? Not counting the intro and the outro lol
THE SOUND OF YOUR HEART- THIS IS A MUCH WATCH FOR ALL RUNNING MAN FANS OR PEOPLE WHO LOVE CRUDE HUMOR!! This show is from Korea, but is on Netflix! It’s an adaptation of a very popular webtoon called “The Sound of Your Heart” lol. The infamous Lee Kwang Soo plays the lead, and honestly this webdrama will have you clutching your bellies and wiping your tears from laughter. I finished this show within a couple hours. There are about 10 episodes all 20 minutes a piece. Please just check it out. I have no words to describe how glorious this show is.
This super cute Soldier 76 t-shirt- I legit where this all the time I got mine from jinx.com! They’re legit from Blizzard, and are made from amazing quality! My only gripe is that there’s not free shipping :( Mine is in a Men’s M
(Yes I do play overwatch)
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Beauty Faves
Aritaum Mirror Gloss Tint in Cinnamon Beige- Best mlbb tint, very moisturizing, and leaves a very pretty tint after it dries! I wear this lip every day
Etude House Dear My Lips in PK004- A super cute coral color that’s perfect for spring! I like to dab this onto my lips and leaves a soft finish! Make sure to apply some chapstick before, because it is a lipstick and can be a bit drying. (But I also live in a very dry climate so…) Also I think this is Red Velvet’s Joy’s pick from the line :3 
Heimish Glow Base - GURRLLL If you wanna have that I woke up like this type of glow. GET THIS it’s like that super popular Etude House primer everyone loves, but BETTER. I personally get more a glow with this Hemish one and it looks natural!! The Etude House looks natural as well, but less GLOW. Plus!! The Hemish Glow Base has SPF!!! On good skin days, I usually just do my brows, slap this on, and the Etude House Dear My Lips lipstick. I highly recommend this primer!
Baloons TD5- this used to be huge back in 2013ish lol, but I’ve been obsessed with this game
Grid Diary- a cute way to keep track of your day! I bought the full ver for like $5 but honestly, it’s worth it. I use it every day, and I can customize a number of grids I want to write in and customize the questions I want to answer about my day! I honestly can’t keep a journal, so this was a great alternative! I like to record my dreams, what I spent money on that day, how I’m feeling, the weather, what I did with my family, etc! It’s an app from Korea, so the interface is nice, clean, and minimalistic. 
Nature’s Path- Love Crunch Granola - Dark Chocolate and Red Berries
THIS WITH SOME ALMOND MILK IS MY NEW HOLY GRAIL BFAST/SNACK FOOD. It’s not too sweet bc it’s dark chocolate, but you get little sweet bits of freeze dried strawberries and raspberries!! I’m in love with this granola. the only thing is I can’t eat this dry, it has to be with almond milk. please check this out, you can get it at walmart
3DS- I finallyyyy purchased the galaxy 3ds! I’ve been playing animal crossing alot! It’s so cute and so much fun!! The only struggle is that I’m broke lol… Send me your friend code so we can hang out!!! (mutuals only)
Nail Care- After 18 ½ years of not caring about my nails, your girl has finally jumped onto that cuticle oil and nail file life lol. I’m having so much fun, please message me your favorite nail poilshes!! I have like 0 colors TT_TT
Loot Crate- I finally caved and bought last month’s Loot Crate and the theme was together? It featured: Haikyuu, Boy and his Beast, One Piece, and Ostumatsu- San!! I got a Haikyuu (full karasuno team) t-shirt, a Boy and the Beast book, a Luffy Figurine, and a Ichimatsu (my fave character) phone strap!! I’m in love with all of these products and it got me into One Piece!! The t-shirt is sosososo soft and comfy I love
Thank You So Much For Taking The Time To Read My Favorites!!
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leiaorganawrites · 8 years
Well, hello! How about the pirate AU where Vex gets in trouble and gets in jail, and while the crew is making plans to save her, Percy sneaks out and save her... With a bloody cannon.
Yes yes yes, amazing! You’ll find it under the cut. (SORRY IT GOT SUPER LONG OMG) 
Give me some prompts!
In Percy’s defence, the plan had been absolutely and utterly stupid to begin with. It wasn’t like he was to blame that it had backfired. Maybe he was, a little bit, but that wasn’t something he was willing to admit. 
What they had to do was easy; nothing that the crew hadn’t done before. During the couple of months he had been travelling on board the Vox Machina, Percy had seen them pull much riskier stunts - and had participated of most of them-. There was no reason for this to go wrong, but alas, this particular group of misfits seemed to have a knack for things to go south very easy very fast. 
It had been some days since they had heard some of the village guards had snatched important documents containing ships’ descriptions, captains’ names and details about legal and no so legal trading routes. Now, in the wrong hands that information could be catastrophic for every single pirate out there. If those papers reached their destiny, they would have armies all over them in merely a few days time. The need to get the papers back as soon as possible went without saying. Of course the extra knowledge that would fall on them when they did was always a more than welcome plus. 
The mission would have been simpler had they been in Emon. They were used to bypass Emperor Uriel’s Royal Guard. They had even made friends - sort of - among their lines that would have been able to aid them. This was Wildmount, though. This continent had no sovereign and each region had its own leader and military. According to what they knew, most of the guards were as corrupt as the worst pirates they knew, so this was unfamiliar ground. Scanlan had pulled some strings and found out the name of the tavern the group of soldiers in possession of the documents were staying in for the moment, before reporting to their authorities they assumed. He had had to cash a couple of favours for it, but you didn’t get to be the captain of a ship like the Vox Machina without gaining some important connections on the way up. 
Percy had stated his opinion from the beginning. There weren’t a lot of guards, the tavern didn’t have a very good reputation. They would most likely be able to take them and go in and out with the papers without causing much fuss. Grog, obviously, had agreed. However, it hadn’t been that long since he had started travelling with them, since he had become the ship’s new member, in charge of the artillery and most weaponry. Unfortunately, being the newcomer meant that most of the others didn’t trust him enough to make strategic decisions yet. They wanted to be sneaky about it, so after much deliberation and despite Grog’s protests the plan was finally laid. 
Vex’ahlia was going to be in charge of creating a distraction while Vax’ildan and Scanlan himself sneaked into the guards’ room to steal the papers. Percy, Grog and Pike were supposed to go to the tavern with Vex and act as a contingency plan in case everything failed. 
“You’re not coming, then?” Percy had asked Keyleth once everyone had left to get ready. 
“Wha- no, not really. Not much of a fighter, and not much of a talker either.” She had shrugged. “My specialities lie elsewhere. Besides, someone has to stay here in case we need to bolt.” The redhead girl had leaned forward and whispered “Which honestly happens way too often.” 
Percival should have known there and then. 
A group of pirates like them - and Percy couldn’t deny he was more than a bit surprised when he started considering himself as a pirate - had no problem blending in the second they went into the tavern. The bear that accompanied them was a different story.. 
“I don’t mean to offend anyone but I believe the sensible thing would have been to left Trinket behind.” he commented, already expecting Vex’s snarky remark about her animal companion. Most ships’ first mates had parrots, monkeys, even eagles. This woman travelled with a bloody bear. A giant one. But if there was something Percy had learned during his stay on board so far, was that there was nothing ordinary about Vex’ahlia. The remark never came though, and he stopped on his tracks to look behind him. “Wait, where’s Vex?” 
“She disappeared right at the door. She does that sometimes, pretty much like Vax. It’s kind of their thing.” Pike had offered a soft smile to conclude her explanation, while patting Grog on his back. He also seemed confused about where the other woman had vanished to, but had quickly shrugged it off and started talking to Trinket. The animal was following them, seemingly undisturbed by the fact that they were inside an establishment full of humans that were giving him foul looks. 
The place was uncommonly filled with people, even at that time of noon. Once they found a place to sit, Trinket easily curled on the floor behind Pike, Percy noticed the stench that surrounded them. It was a mix between sweat, salt, and alcohol. There was a band playing some awful tunes in the corner, but the musicians seemed a bit too scared by the drunken men dancing around to even try to change their style, as out of tune as it might have been. “Well, I don’t know if Scanlan is already here but he must be horrified at this.” Pike laughed as she brought a bottle of rum to the table with two glasses in her other hand and some ale for Grog, who cackled in return. Percy just chuckled and shook his head briefly, searching around for the guards; a feeling of discomfort settling in his stomach. “Who are we looking for exactly?” He didn’t even turn to look at his companions while he threw the question in the air. The fact that Vex wasn’t there worried him even more. It was not as if he thought she couldn’t protect herself, but lately he found the he felt more at ease if she wasn’t out of sight. His eyes scanned the place once again, trying almost desperately to spot any stain of turquoise among the crowd. Nothing. 
“Yeh, where are them, Pike?”, Grog asked, his face already buried in his beverage. 
“I’m- well, I’m not really sure. Vex will let us know. Just pay attention and we’ll know when we see her.” And as if it had been previously planned, as soon as the blonde woman finished her sentence, Percy saw her. Her hair was down, bright blue feathers entwined with black wild silk waves; her lips were red and full, evidently exalted by some sort of makeup. She was wearing a dress now, in contrast to her usual pants, boots and loose shirt. Vex was very comfortable with her body, that much was clear, so this was not the first time Percy had noticed her figure; but this dress was something else entirely. It fit perfectly in all the right places, it showed just the right amount of skin to keep anyone wondering, it was definitely a sight. Giving the nature of the distraction she had planned, he figured that was kind of the point. 
He adjusted his glasses as his eyebrows went up in what was probably the most unoriginal move ever. His jaw hanging would complete the picture of a pathetic being, but he managed to gather some self-control. She wasn’t the only woman dressed like that inside the establishment and he had known enough of the world to understand how a courtesan was supposed to look, but she stood out so naturally with her graceful movements and her sharp looks; it was a fool’s errand not to be mesmerised by her mere presence. 
“Hello boys.” She approached three men nearby with a wink, sitting on their table and shamelessly crossing her partially uncovered legs. Percy felt his cheeks flush and tried to look away, failing completely. It was only when he heard Pike’s voice behind him that he was able to blink a couple of times and snap out of the trance. 
“Percy are you listening? Percy! Hey!” She tapped his shoulder delicately. 
“Yes, yes dear, I’m sorry. I was just-” Staring. He was just staring. He made a quick scan of the men sitting next to Vex. Definitely soldiers. He needed to come up with something clever to say to save what was left of his dignity. “So there are three of them. It doesn’t seem they’re waiting for anyone else. They’re armed, but not heavily so. It’s plausible they have left some weapons in their room.” 
“That’s good, isn’t it? Will make it easier if- well, if everything goes to shit.” There was a little giggle escaping from Pike’s lips and he found himself chuckling fondly as well. 
“Funny. Keyleth basically told me the same thing on our way out.”
“It’s been over two months, you’re no stranger to our plans now. Or to how they have this tendency to go terribly wrong.” Her tone was amused and relaxed, almost as if the fact that they were actually risking their lives there was an ongoing joke. 
Pike’s words ended up being prophetic once again. Vex was playing her part to perfection, making the large men paying drinks for her, winking, subtly placing her hands on their knees, stalling. Vax was supposed to give some sort of signal when everything was over and done with, so she could make an easy escape. At the moment the soldiers - more drunk and nastier by the minute - were discussing which of them was going to be lucky enough to take her to their room. 
“Let’s all take her. We can take turns. She seems like a tough one.” The guard whose back was nearest to Percy grabbed her forcefully by the waist, trying to plant a kiss on her. 
“Sorry darling.” Vex didn’t seem to lose her composure. “No game until you pay.” 
“Oh come on! We need a little taste before we give up our money. Don’t be feisty.” One of them stood up, hovering over her. Two towering bodies cornered her in a split second, while the third one kept her firm with a massive arm around her. 
“… Pike.” Percy’s brow was furrowed and he was instinctively reaching for his gun. 
“Don’t worry, she will ask for help if she needs us to intervene. Believe me, I’ve known Vex for years. She’s really tougher than she seems.” But even though Pike’s voice seemed as steady as before, her eyes were fixated on the scene in front of them. Grog had also stopped drinking and had an expression of alertness, pretty much like a beast getting ready to attack.
And then he saw her look. Or at least he thought he had seen a look. A single glance of discomfort that had him freaking out immediately. He breathed once, twice, considering what to do. When his mind reached its own accord, he nodded to himself. Percy stood up and walked towards one of the corners of the place. One, two shots directed at random targets. One glass broke, a simple hat got blown up. That was all it took to start the brawl. 
While Trinket launched at the three guards, Pike pulled out her sword and Grog started simply using his fists. Ducking under a table, Percival crouched and moved towards Vex, but he hadn’t been fast enough. 
“You’re coming with us, love.” The man grabbing her by the waist was suddenly carrying her on his shoulders. 
“The fuck I am.” Vex’s dagger was swift, but she was clearly overpowered and outnumbered. 
“Well, well, well, someone’s pretty arse will be thrown into jail for obstruction.” 
That was the last thing he had heard before someone had collapsed on top of him and he had lost sight of her and her captors. Trinket hadn’t had any luck either, returning to them some minutes after with an injured paw. 
Now Vex’ahlia was being held at the stockades and they were all back on the ship, planning once again, sitting around Scanlan’s table. 
“Leave this to me. No one interferes. I sneak in, I get her, I sneak out. Done. We got the papers, we don’t need to draw any more attention to us or they will find out.” Vax was adamant, and when it came to his sister, no one seemed to be able to deny whatever decision he made. Percy cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses. 
“It’s too risky. There are more than three brute soldiers there. Do you think you can take them all? With your sister who is mostly unarmed and unprotected? It is madness.” 
“It was too risky to go ahead n’ try n’ play prince charming, De Rolo, and that definitely didn’t stop you.” Vax’s stare was more piercing than his daggers at the moment. Percy, however, was not easily intimidated. Never had been. He just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. “Grog, if you please? I need your help outside for one moment.” 
Once he was alone with the massive man, he crossed his arms and leaned onto railing. “I’m having a thought, and I believe you will appreciate it. We need a distraction if we’re going to make this work, preferable of the explosive kind.” As imagined, that definitely peaked his crew mate’s interest. 
Sneaking past the militia and knocking two poor devils out to steal the armour they wore as some sort of uniform was no challenge. Grog’s didn’t fit very well, but it was not like they were going to keep the clothes anyway. The artillery at the stockades was poor, to say the least, but Percy found what he needed after some minutes. The old cannon hadn’t been used for years, he could tell, but it couldn’t be that difficult to make it function. The wheels under the base that supported it needed a bit of mending, but Grog’s strength came in handy for that. He then proceeded to quickly pack the black powder and grab the ammunition. 
“Listen to me Grog, as soon as we leave, I will fire this thing and you take care of the poor assholes that come running. I will go to the cells and get Vex out and then we run. Fast.” The man in front of him nodded, wide grin plastered on his face. 
“Yeh, let’s fuck shit up.” 
And so they did. As soon as the east part of the stockades blew up in the air, a group of more or less ten guards ran towards them without their armours and barely carrying any weapon. Grog practically cackled, and Percy nodded, leaving him to his fun while he moved towards the cells. It didn’t take him too long to find the entrance. Two guns in hand, he knew his distraction had worked when he didn’t find more than two or three guards on his way. He reached the prison and the sight there made him stop altogether. 
Another couple of men were knocked out in front of an open prison door, key hanging from the lock. He easily recognised two of the ones who had been at the tavern previously. Unsure of what to do, he looked around, not knowing what to expect. 
“My hero.” 
Vex’s voice came from behind him, leaning against the wall, her lips curved in a smug smirk. So much for a rescue mission. She chuckled and walked towards him, her brown eyes scanning his form up and down. Percy’s cheeks felt warm again, and a sudden feeling of self-consciousness took over him. He held her gaze for a moment, before looking away at both his hands. 
“Your bow was… a little complicated to bring along. We left in a rush. Can you handle one of these?” He handed her one of his guns. 
“Come on darling, what kind of pirate would I be if I couldn’t shoot one of those? I’m just old school. Let’s get out of here while they’re paying attention to the BOOM.- wait, did you bring my hat?” 
This time it was Percy’s time to chuckle. With a pompous bow, he passed over the three pointed hat to her. It was a gift from Scanlan, and from what he knew she was supposed to wear it every time she stirred the ship. Now it was just a habit. She gently placed the hat on her head. Her hair was back in her usual braid and the dress’ skirt was now turn to shreds, probably self destructed to give herself more mobility. She examined the gun closely for a second and just when he thought she was going to walk out of the place, she moved to stand even closer to him. 
“Thank you. For everything. Really.” The smirk turned into a fond smile, and as she stood on her toes, he felt a soft kiss on his cheek that lingered one second more than it probably should have. But as fast as it came, it was gone. Vex was already going for the door and he stood there, blinking and touching the place where her lips had been with his now free hand. He snapped out of it right before she rolled her eyes and took his hand in hers, practically dragging him outside. 
“Percival! we have to get going now!” 
“Yes, of course, we just have to make sure to pick up Grog on our way out.” 
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heyhosam · 8 years
i love all of your headcanons oh my god :^) could you write jikook headcanon based on snow white AU?i imagined that jimin would be perfect with snow white (i mean his fair skin, plump lips, smol figure) thank you so much before and may i ask you if you write ff? if you do, i would love to read your ff ;) kyaaa you're the best❤
;-; thank you so much pup omg writing tag, hope you enjoy the read~~
//”mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the prettiest of them all?”king jin is not very pleased with the mirror’s response. “park Jimin, your highness.”
//jimin comes from a really poor family. he’s kind a sweetie, always helps the grannies, plays with the kids....so it’s really a surprise when kin jin puts price to his head.
//the poor kid is forced to leave. it’s not that he had much to begin with, but he managed to have a place he could call home. not anymore.
//he ventures to the depths of the woods by himself. it get colder and darker the further he goes, but he can’t go back when he knows the king is still searching for him.
//it’s four days after, with a tummy practically empty and body shivering from the cold that he finds a cabin. at first glance looks like no one is there and even if someone were inside, jimin is too cold to care.
//when he’s inside he scrunches his nose in disgust. the cabin smell pretty bad, a mix of dirty socks and rotten flesh that makes his eyes water. whoever lives here is a pig and careless (bc who leaves their house’s door unlocked?)
//he spots some edible food and his mouth waters instantly but the bad smell of the house kinda tamers down his appetite, so he cleans all the mess the best he can  before cooking something to eat. he falls asleep on the blankets thrown in the floor, with tired feed and full tummy he heads off to dreamland with a small smile on his face.
//he wakes up to bunch of voices. he can’t pint point what they are talking about because they all talk over each other, but jimin thinks he can count five different voices. he opens his eyes slightly, enough to see what’s unfolding around him and is met with five very tall figures looking down at him with a mix of curiosity and wariness.
//”he’s awake!” one of them yells and the other fall silent. the boy kneels beside him to introduce himself with a cheery yell of his name “kim taehyung, very pleased to meed you!”
//jimin starts to introduce himself but the tallest of them all with blond hair interrupts him.“why are you here? this is not a hotel”“I, ugh....sorry i’ve been walking around the woods for days and i needed refugee and food and the door was unlocked-”“Hoseok you forgot again?!” another one yells. he’s the tinniest of them with gray hair and cat-like eyes, but he looks the scariest.Hoseok yelps an apology and hides behind the only one of the room that hasn’t spoken yet. he’s tall also, big doe eyes and dark hair that falls on his eyes. jimin gulps nervous when he notices the boy’s eyes are fixed on him.“he can’t stay.” the gray-haired one says after hitting hoseok on the head. “but he’s so cute.” pouts taehyung poking at jimin’s cheek. “and it started snowing, we can’t let him wander around the woods, he could die”“not my problem.” mumbles the grey-haired one.“he’s right yoongi.” the tallest blonde says, rubbing at his chin. “we will let you stay until it’s safe outside.”“thank you.”
//turns out the snow storm takes longer than expected to so jimin is stuck with the five boys for days. jimin learns namjon, the tallest with blond hair, is their leader and the smart one, but also is all long and awkward limbs, clumsy to no end; taehyung is a precious little ray of sunshine, the happiness of the house. always smiling, singing and putting on a smile on everyone; hoseok is really sweet, also cheery and taehyung’s playmate, but gets scared easily about everything (which is taehyung’s favorite game); yoongi is lazy and a bit grumpy, but jimin sees the fondness on his eyes when he talks with the other boys, gives them extra food and puts up with taehyung’s and hoseok’s antics pretty well (better than namjon, tbh); and then there’s jungkook, the youngest and the most quiet. jimin hasn’t heard him speak much, if not anything, since he’s in the house. he seems to  always be on own little world, but his big curious eyes tell jimin he is very aware of everything around him (jimin thinks jungkook is the most perceptive of them, maybe even as smart as namjoon)
//jimin helps them around the house. the five boys are pretty much a bunch of pigs that wouldn’t mind at all sleep on smelly clothes for days. jimin manages to get the cabin clean and smelling good, for them to bath and wear nice clothes.
//he grows really attached to them. apparently the five boys were practically brothers, since they grew up together on the orphanage. once jungkook was old enough to work, they decided to leave town and leave on the woods where no one could ever molest them, where they can live happily being themselves. they have a beautiful bond and as the days go by, the boys start to be nice to jimin as well, even jungkook smiles at him.
//once the snow starts to melt away, the boys have open path to go work in the mountain to extract pretty stones they will sell later. The weather and roads are also good enough for jimin to depart, but no one mentions anything.
//the days pass, the snow isn’t around anymore and the flowers start to blossom, the animals start to reappear and the sun starts shining brightly.“thanks for coming with me today, jungkook.” smiles jimin picking up another wild flower. they are good for medicine for upset tummies (which the boys get commonly since they eat a lot.....). usually it’s taehyung or hoseok who accompany him, but the two were asleep and jimin felt bad to wake them up. when he was heading up, jungkook appeared out of nowhere, took the basket from his hand and walked silently beside him.Jungkook gives a curt nod in response and a smile.“you don’t talk much, huh?” jungkook shrugs and keeps walking.since that day jungkook is the one that comes along whenever jimin has to go out. despite not talking much and always looking like he hates the world, jungkook is actually a really sweet kid that has the pretties smile jimin has ever seen.
//one day that the boys are out working jimin decides to go out for a walk. the day is nice and the birds are chirping happily and the flowers smell deliciously. really a beautiful day of spring.
//he crosses path with a young man on the river. he seems to be a soldier if the armor hugging his torso is anything to go by. jimin knows the king is still searching for him so, since the other hasn’t noticed him, jimin turns around but being the unlucky teeny human that he is he trips and falls with a loud yelp. 
//surprisingly the soldier doesn’t try to capture him, instead helps him get on his feet and even asks worriedly is he’s ok. the man is young, handsome, tall. everything jimin find attractive in a man and his heart flutters when the other catches his hand delicately.“im prince lee jaehwan.” the man says. jimin gasps and releases his hand to bow to the prince. “don’t please, im just a man here. who i have the pleasure to meet with?”“park jimin.”“a true beauty, park jimin.” the prince says while leaving a chaste kiss on jimin’s knuckles that has jimin’s cheeks tinting a beautiful pink.
//jimin doesn’t have the chance to meet up with the prince again. he walks the same road from that day a couple of times trying to find him but without success. jungkook comes along, having become his partner for walking outings, and silently listens jimin talk about that prince and how would it feel like to find true love.
//jimin stops talking about him days later after seeing the frown on jungkook’s eyebrows every time the prince is mentioned.
//someone knocks on the door and jimin stops doing laundry to answer. he’s met with a hooded figure, bended slightly forward and supporting their weight on a wooden walking stick. the old man asks for jimin’s benevolence, tells the young boy he’s been walking around for hours and is lost, he needs rest.Jimin, being the sweet kid he is, allows the man inside and offers him a cup of water.
//the old man doesn’t talk much, just seeps from his water silently while observing jimin.“thanks for the water, young man.”“no problem. I hope you are feeling better.”“Oh, yes, thank you.... are you alone in here?”“Yes, my friends went out to work.”“then i will tell you my secret..... actually, I came to these woods because there is said there is a tree that gives magical apples that grants one’s wishes.”“oh, really?”“yes, and since you were so nice and caring to me I will pay you with one of them.”The old man takes one from the basked he had been carrying around. jimin didn’t even notice it was full of apples of a deep red color. they are beautiful, and look delicious.“I can’t accept them...”“Don’t you have a wish to ask for? maybe more money, or happiness.... true love, perhaps?” at that jimin perks up. he would really like to find true love.
//it takes a small bite for jimin to feel the poison stain his lips. the burning sensation slides down his throat quickly and his eyes start to water from the pain he feels on his body. he falls limp on the floor,hand reaching out to the old man to ask for help, but he just laughs at him and stares down at him maliciously. jimin watches in horror as the grandpas’ faces transforms into the king’s.“how-” tries jimin, how did the kind find him? he wants to ask, but his body is getting drained of energy by the second, he can’t even breath properly.“you shouldn’t trust anyone, pretty boy... not even princes”
//“now no one will be prettier than me...” he chuckles to himself. “Since you are so adamant to find true love,” he says now to jimin, “let’s see if someone who truly is in love with you will break the curse. only a kiss of someone who loves you deeply will wake you up from your restless slumber...”
//the five boys find jimin like that, thrown on the floor with pale face, red lips and eyes closed. he’s not dead, but he’s not awake either and they carefully put him on his bed, praying their sweet boy will wake up.
//it takes days, weeks and jimin is still asleep. they take turns to take care of him. the house has turned grim, sad; they miss jimin so much.
//Jungkook sits beside jimin’s bed the most. his hand always on jimin’s cold one and stares sadly and with teary eyes jimin’s peaceful pace.He leans forwards, until his lips are beside jimin’s ear to whisper “I never had the chance to say how much I love you.” before touching very softly jimin’s lips with his own.
//jimin’s eyes flutter open seconds later and is met with jungkook’s teary ones.“Jungkook?” the mentioned nods before burying his face on jimin’s neck, sobbing loudly.Jimin lifts his sore limbs to hug the crying boy on his arms, breathing in his scent, feeling the softness of his hair on his chin. and his heart flutters in happiness. so this is how it feels to find true love.“i love you jimin.” whispers jungkook.“I love you too...”
//they party big and loud when jimin wakes up, and even celebrate more the fact that he and jungkook finally admitted their love for each other.
//the king appears again one day after the magic mirror tells him jimin is awake, but the five boys fight him and chase him away. king jin is found dead in the river days later by some of his soldiers and prince lee jaewhan. no one cries his death.
//jimin and the five orphan boys live in the woods for the rest of their lives happily ever after. Jimin has found a new home, true brothers and the love of his life.
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