#b ed course details
cambridgeskills · 1 year
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izzyspussy · 2 months
honestly i think the root of ed and izzy's communication problems was not that they were unwilling to talk about their thoughts and feelings to each other - although of course that is also true and certainly didn't help. no, the root of the problem, and the foundation of their relationship dysfunction, is that they don't think they need to talk about it. they each think the other one already knows.
see, izzy thinks he's simple and ed's complex. it's not that izzy's unintelligent, in fact he'd say he's quite clever, and frankly smarter than most of the men he's sailed with (in his opinion). but he thinks in one fucking straight line, and- well, he frequently doesn't understand even his own feelings, but it seems safe to assume they follow generally the same path. it's just that one straight line, point a to point b, and that's it. no matter how much he tries to bend or take a different direction he just can't do it without someone else dragging him along every step of the way. it's just a matter of fact that he could never understand ed, who is so much more complex and dynamic that he's practically a higher life form. no one would ever expect him to, not without a detailed guide. but of course since ed can think every which way like breathing, looking down izzy's straight line is surely the easiest thing in the world. so obviously ed always knows how izzy will take things. and when ed says or does something that doesn't make sense to izzy and ed doesn't enlighten him, ed is choosing to withhold an explanation. forcing izzy to have to guess, or setting him up to fail completely. maybe to humble him or maybe to punish him, or maybe just to remind izzy (again) that they may be fucking and they might even possibly be friends but they're not lovers and izzy's desire to be so is definitely unrequited.
meanwhile, ed thinks he's nuts and izzy's sensible. it's not all bad to be nuts, you know the line between genius and insanity and yada ya. most of the time he likes being different, he likes being chaotic, kind of indecipherable, ineffable like a god. to most people anyway. because most people are a little bit nuts too, but just a little bit, not enough to do anything really interesting or cool with like ed (also not enough to be as volatile as ed, as dangerous. inhumane - you know, like a god). but not izzy. like obviously izzy has flaws. he's temperamental and high strung and he's got a chip on his shoulder almost as big as he is and he can be absolutely fucking ruthless. but he's logical. he makes sense, and he always notices the little fucking details ed misses and he never loses track of anything. he's so neatly put together and he makes everything around him fall into order too - the ledger, the store rooms, the men (or so ed thinks). obviously if izzy can be so objective about all that shit, he can do that with ed too, solve for him in his head like he does with sums. hell, izzy's so meticulous - and so obsessed with ed - he probably understands ed better than ed himself half the time. he must have all of ed's feelings mapped out like the ship's course. if he ever seems not to get ed, it's only because he's decided ed's feelings are just too fussy and convoluted to humor, or else he thinks they're not even worth pinning down in the first place.
so izzy resents ed for tricking him and for rubbing his nose in his shortcomings, and he never tells ed he feels that way because the only thing bitching about it will accomplish is for izzy to look weak as well as foolish. and ed resents izzy for judging him and ignoring the parts of ed he doesn't like, and he never tells izzy he feels that way because izzy would just double down and tell him to get over it.
the fact that they've spent the majority of their lives in a dog-eat-dog world of treachery and gratuitous violence where any vulnerability is taken advantage of and/or belittled is just one of many icings on top.
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somepsychopomp · 3 months
Winged!Ed AU ft. Hohenheim (Pt.1)
rotating an idea for an FMA(B) AU in my mind where Ed has wings that are typically folded tight against his back and hidden by his red coat. He's basically born a chimera and chooses to hide his status to avoid obvious questions and suspicions.
But I want to lay down the background details, starting here:
Xerxesians, being prodigious alchemists, would of course have dabbled in chimeras and were the first to produce "successful" chimeras- similar to Greed's crew where they pass pretty much entirely for human. Most of their test subjects would have been servants, slaves, poor folk trading their bodies for coin, etc.
that's how we get Hohenheim- or 23, the twenty-third in a long line of chimerical experiments. He himself wasn't fused with an animal, but his mother or father was. 23, in turn, was actually born with a set of wings.
(Hohenheim being born a chimera is important to note bc it means his master not only made a series of healthy chimera, but ones that could reproduce! unfounded at the time)
Hohenheim was born w/ the wings of a lesser kestrel. I chose this bird more because it fits Ed more than Ho, but I just liked a few key details about it!
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The lesser kestrel occupies a territory from Germany across the Middle East all the way to East Asia, which isn't super important given that FMA is set in a fictional world but loosely speaking, it's feasible that a Xerxesian alchemist could get his hands on one for human experimentation purposes.
I like the faintly red-brown coloration the males have on the back of their wings in combination w/ that black- very Ed.
They do well in grasslands/agricultural fields but are also adaptable to urban environments & co-existing with humans.
They are birds of prey!
however, they're quite diminutive birds of prey- meaning they're small and arguably very cute. (They're like 10-13 inches in length and notably smaller than Common Kestrels & other birds of prey)
Hohenheim's wings are proportional to his body tho, giving him the ability to fly.
As a slave, his physical fitness was well tested. He can fly and glide with great agility, but he was never allowed to go far because his master always kept him tethered to prevent his escape. Hohenheim also has a trail of feathers going down his spine but interestingly enough, he lacks a kestrel tail. He supposes that's not surprising, he lacks talons or a beak or eyesight far beyond that of a human. But perhaps he carries the genes for a tail. (Foreshadowing)
As an adult post-fall of Xerxes, Hohenheim found himself lost and shell shocked.
For many years, he contemplated cutting off his wings so he could better blend in with humans. But as a living Philosopher's Stone, he felt like it would be pointless endeavor and instead learned to hide them with a long coat.
Most of his canon story is basically the same until he meets Trisha.
When he fell in love with Trisha, Hohenheim knew full well that as a born and fertile chimera himself, it's fully possible their children will be born like him. He wasn't certain how great of a chance it was, it could be a recessive trait with no hope of ever resurfacing down his family line, or it could be a guarantee.
Hohenheim first has to reveal his wings to Trisha.
Even though he fully expected her to reject him at that point, understandably so, she instead accepted Hohenheim for who and what he was. She understood the possible consequences of their relationship and was completely willing to raise a potentially chimera child, together.
cue their first son.
To be safe, they have a home brith without a doctor or midwife, relying instead on Hohenheim's knowledge of alkahestry and human anatomy to tend to and heal Trisha.
And at the end of it, Edward Elric is born with wings. His were characteristic of baby kestrels, puffy and white and lacking the coloration or streamlined appearance that Hohenheim had as an adult.
Turning Edward over to properly examine his body, Hoheheim is horrified to see a small, tiny tuft of a tail protruding from Edward's lower back.
Dear god, his child was even more of a chimera than him! It's devastating to think of, until...
Hohenheim and all his souls cry at the sight of Trisha cooing at Edward as if he were a normal child, kissing his forehead and soothing his chip-like cries. She loves him. She loves their child, even if he was like Hohenheim. So brave, so loving, his Trisha.
But it also terrifies Hohenheim. He knew Trisha wanted at least two children, partly so they could help on their small family farm and partly so that the children could keep each other company.
All he has to go off of is the fact that his one and only child was very visibly a chimera. Ed will always be lesser than those around him- he will always have to hide his true self. But Trisha loved him and still wanted another child with her whole heart.
So they have Alphonse. And to Hohenheim's amazement, their second child has no visible chimera traits whatsoever! He's for all intents and purposes, human! He's human, and beautiful.
And perhaps, perhaps, just perhaps...even if Hohenheim does his best to treat both his boys equally, there's just the tiniest part of him that wants to recoil at the sight of Ed in the bathtub, flapping his wings and sending up bubbles. He's arguably slow to help Trisha bind Ed's wings before he goes out to play with Winry so they aren't seen, as well as when Trisha fits Ed with some kind of outer garment like a loose sweater or coat to hide the shape of his wings. He's possibly, if one looked close enough, a tad bit reluctant to groom Ed's wings. To gently pinch his pin feathers to release them (new feathers are encased in a white sheath as they grow out to protect them before they're fully developed), or combing his feathers or anything else.
The only thing Hohenheim does persistently and with excruciating effort/attention is when he clips Edward's flight & tail feathers so that even if he tried, he couldn't fly. It's honestly better if Edward never, ever learns how to fly and never develops the desire to. Far less a chance of someone ever uncovering his condition.
Hohenheim and Trisha have the same argument many times over the course of the first few years of the boys' lives. Hohenheim, as Ed's father, wants to take responsibility for his son's unfortunate condition by severing Ed's wings and tail before he's old enough to really remember them and the procedure.
Trisha, in contrast, argues that Edward's extra extremities are perfectly healthy limbs, even if his wing muscles are underdeveloped, and that it would be a tragedy to cut out such an integral part of himself.
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merakiui · 2 years
God the apocalypse riddle stuff,,, my mouth is watering.
Just imagine life with him after his baby is born. You’re recovering from a brutal labor and Riddle is so concerned for your health because let’s face it- in a dystopian society run by men, they probably don’t have good sex ed. Riddle had absolutely no clue how hard pregnancy could really be on your body and he’s giving you ample time to rest before impregnating you again. You guys are starting to fall into a domestic rhythm and Riddle’s never been happier.
But gossip has a habit of getting around, and soon word of the Heartslabyul Commander being in an unusually good mood reaches the Octavinelle area. Azul had eyes everywhere and gathers data on you, the person that is making this change happen in Riddle. He didn’t plan on actually falling in love, though.
Azul ends up getting attached to both you and your baby with Riddle because of course he does, he’s a pathetic desperate tako who gets no love. Just let him imagine that you’re his family, not Riddle’s. Azul, being the octopus as he is, decides to investigate a bit and digs up some dirt on Riddle. It would be just disastrous if it got out, right? But maybe a session or two with you might be suitable payment to destroy the evidence. Riddle can sit in the room and watch, but no touching <3
Oh and if the miracle of life happens within that day or two? Well, then there’s going to be a lot more diplomatic visits between the two compounds, then. Azul is slimy and Riddle is furious. And now you have two insane baby daddies on your side.
It's a wonderful plan. Riddle just can't see the benefits because he's so busy calling Azul's interference a "nuisance" and a "troublesome scheme." He tries to protect you from him and his slimy tendencies, but when Azul confronts him with some very secret information he's managed to learn, sighing about how it would be such a terrible shame if it got out and all of the other compounds and their leaders learned of it (perhaps it's about the fact that Riddle is infected with Overblot hehe >:D), Riddle realizes the situation is more dangerous than he initially thought. Azul's interest in you is annoying; Riddle refuses to, as he coldly and crudely puts it, "whore you out" to someone like Azul. But Riddle doesn't hold all of the cards here, and he'll have no choice but to work out some compromise if he doesn't want Azul leaking such damning evidence.
Azul asks for three days. Three days of your time. Riddle knows what that will entail. He shouldn't even have to work it into the fine print because it's very obvious that that's his ultimate goal. Riddle tries to reason with Azul that you're still recovering, that he'll give him anything else but you if he can drop this misplaced infatuation, but Azul is insistent. He'll be gentle; he'll treat you sweetly. Riddle has to keep a level head because if he loses his patience he might not be able to see through Azul's trickery. Three days is too much. Riddle refuses right away, but Azul persists, all with that annoying smile of his. Wouldn't it be better to unite the Heartslabyul and Octavinelle compounds through this? With the resources and manpower of both, as well as the information both have gathered, they would be much stronger, not only in numbers but in everything else as well. The tunnel system beneath the Octavinelle compound is complex and always expanding; Azul could very well start production on a tunnel that leads to Heartslabyul, successfully connecting both compounds via underground passage.
Even Riddle has to admit the idea isn't half bad, but he still refuses to give you up. And Azul refuses to drop the matter, but of course if he continues to be difficult he supposes he can take his leave and the precious, private details he's learned will be shown to the world. Riddle can't drag this out any longer. He adores you, yes, but his reputation is at stake. He can't risk a coup; his compound is so orderly and he's the leader. He can't be overthrown; he can't lose you and everything else he has worked so hard to achieve just because of Azul's pesky nosiness. So he tells Azul one day. That's all he's willing to give him. After all, it's not like you'll get pregnant from just one day spent with Azul. He should be fine. Both men shake hands, sign carefully crafted contracts, and Azul thanks him for his cooperation. Riddle wishes he could cut that slimy bastard's tongue from his mouth.
Azul is a cheat. One day is more than enough for him...in his mer form. :) Riddle never specified he couldn't use that form, and it works perfectly for giving you lots of eggs, ensuring that, at the very least, one will hatch successfully, if not almost all if he keeps you in stable conditions. Azul isn't a brute, or so he insists, and he shares a nice dinner with you, getting to know you through conversation (although everything you tell him he's already aware of), before the main event. Riddle's more than welcome to stand before the aquarium glass and watch if he so pleases. In fact, Azul wants to see just how irritated Riddle becomes when he realizes he's been played, when he sees how good Azul fucks you, when he sees how you fall apart in his embrace, fucked dumb on a thick tentacle, stuffed to maximum capacity with his clutch.
Azul never truly leaves after that, and construction is underway to join the compounds together. He's always there like a nasty stain that won't wash away no matter how many scrubs it's treated to. Riddle apologizes to you often, mourning the fact that you're stuck between him and that annoying Octavinelle compound leader. But even so he feels immense pride when you cling to him, holding his hand, hiding behind him when Azul's around. You like Riddle more than you like Azul. Riddle is safe and trustworthy, certainly more than Azul is, and knowing this warms Riddle's heart. You may be carrying Azul's children, but that doesn't mean your love for Riddle or your baby has wavered. If anything, it's only gotten stronger. <3 naturally, Azul will have to work harder to charm you and he is nothing if not dedicated.
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gerrystamour · 1 year
because no one can break my heart like i can
Rated E | Steddie | 2400 Words | Complete
Related B-Side to i could be honest, i could be human
Usually, he could get away with changing the music without too much fuss, as long as Eddie wasn’t in one of his moods. Eddie would go through periods of absolute obsession, where something he liked became something he needed for survival, like air or food. Eddie got that way with music, and at the moment he was that way specifically about Dio. CW: This is PWP, and features rough sex in the back of Eddie's van. It's also part of my switch!Eddie & switch!Steve agenda, where Eddie does bottom.
May 1987
The thing about Eddie and Steve was that they would say they would do something in bed, and then never actually do it.
A lot of it came down to them just forgetting. Well, all of it did. They always just got swept up in each other when they had the time and privacy to be intimate, so their grand plans and fantasies always fell by the wayside.
Unfortunately, that didn’t mean they were completely forgotten. Naturally, they were also never remembered at convenient times for Steve.
One such fantasy that was haunting him nearly daily was the one that Eddie had mentioned on his birthday, about how much he wanted to be fucked while they listened to Dio.
It was silly, stupid honestly, because Eddie hadn’t even gone into explicit detail about this fantasy like he did with others.
That didn’t stop Steve from imagining fucking Eddie on or against the nearest available surface every time Dio came on. Which meant he would usually be half-hard by the end of the song, which was annoying.
But it was avoidable for the most part, even if Dio had risen in the ranks of Steve’s personal favourite bands.
The only place he couldn’t avoid it was of course when Steve was in Eddie’s van. Usually, he could get away with changing the music without too much fuss, as long as Eddie wasn’t in one of his moods.
Eddie would go through periods of absolute obsession, where something he liked became something he needed for survival, like air or food. Eddie got that way with music, and at the moment he was that way specifically about Dio.
It didn’t help that Dio was releasing an album in a couple months. That only made Eddie’s obsession stronger which Steve honestly never thought possible.
Everything came to a head when they were driving around the outside of Hawkins, just taking in the countryside a bit while they had the afternoon free. They had spent the morning helping Claudia with groceries and cleaning the house, and then they had picked the kids up from school and dropped them all off at the Wheeler’s place.
They didn’t feel like just going back home, either to Steve’s or Eddie’s, but they also had nowhere else to go. So Eddie just kept driving. Eventually they had to switch because Eddie’s leg was getting tired after the busy morning on top of driving the van.
The entire time, Dio was playing and slowly driving Steve insane, his cock staying half-hard because all he could think about was fucking Eddie.
“Eds, can we listen to something else?” Steve asked, even though he knew the answer.
Eddie scoffed. “Nope,” he said, just as Steve predicted, and just reached over to turn the song up. It was one of Steve’s favourites, and if Eddie hadn’t apparently tied Dio to Steve’s libido permanently, he would be happily singing along with him.
Steve frowned as his cock throbbed in his jeans, but the expression eased as he saw a familiar turn-off up ahead.
“How’s your leg?” he asked, and he knew the somewhat hoarse quality to his voice would probably give him away. If Eddie was in pain, it wouldn’t be fun for him to fool around, but if his leg was just tired…
“My leg’s fine, Stevie. You’re worrying too much,” Eddie snorted, completely missing that his boyfriend was getting desperately hard in the seat next to him. Leaning forward, Eddie turned the music up louder and began yelling along with the lyrics.
Steve grit his teeth and carefully turned off onto the dirt road which followed a tree line before it went into the trees.
“Wait, where are we going?” Eddie asked, turning down the music as he glanced around.
“Taking you to a special little spot I know,” Steve replied shortly, taking a deep breath in, hoping Eddie didn’t ask something dumb.
“… Why?”
Steve rolled his eyes and reached over to grab Eddie’s wrist, yanking his hand over to rest directly over his aching hard-on. “You tell me, Eds,” he challenged with a side-long look, and he smirked at Eddie’s stunned expression.
When Steve reached a break in the trees, he carefully backed the van into the space, getting them off the road and out of sight unless someone looked directly at them. When Eddie seemed about to crawl across the bench, Steve held his hand up with a shake of his head.
“Back of the van,” he said, reaching under the driver’s seat to get Eddie’s cane for him. “Don’t climb over the benches, walk around. The ground’s pretty even here, so you should be okay.”
Eddie blinked and nodded. “Okay, yeah, sure,” he said as he opened his door and carefully got out of the van. Steve waited until Eddie shut the door before switching the cassette to Holy Diver and turning the music up a bit.
Steve met Eddie at the back of the van and opened one of the doors for Eddie to scramble inside. Following him, Steve shut the door and grabbed Eddie before he could pounce on him.
“Stevie,” Eddie whined before realizing the music was still on. “Wait, what—oh.”
The blush that came to Eddie’s cheeks was perfect as he connected the dots. Where they were, Steve’s favourite Dio album playing, the fantasy Eddie mentioned months ago…
“Oh, shit,” Eddie added eloquently, and Steve grinned wolfishly as he leaned in to kiss Eddie’s throat just below his ear.
“Tell me about that fantasy of yours,” Steve said in a low growl against Eddie’s ear, and Eddie shook.
“I mean, I just want you to fuck me while we listen—” Eddie started, but hissed when Steve pinched his nipple through his shirt.
“I want the details, Eds. I want to know exactly how you want this,” Steve groaned, pushing Eddie’s coat and battle vest off his shoulders.
Eddie shuddered. “Wanna be bent over while you fuck me, with your hand in my hair, using it for fuckin’ leverage,” Eddie gasped out, his eyes dark with his blown pupils when Steve pulled back to meet his eyes.
“What else?” Steve asked, and Eddie let out a frustrated groan.
“Stevie, I don’t know, all the blood in my body is pooling in my cock, you can’t expect me to narrate my biggest fantasy I’m about to fucking realize,” he complained, and Steve sucked his teeth.
“I can expect whatever I want from you, Eds,” Steve sighed, and Eddie stilled at his tone. Taking some pity, Steve asked, “Are we naked, or—”
“I’m naked, you keep your clothes on. Just open your fly to get your cock out and fuck me,” Eddie immediately blurted, the blush on his cheeks darkening, and Steve rewarded Eddie with a small kiss below his earlobe.
“How long do I prepare your tight little ass?” he asked, tugging Eddie’s shirt off over his shoulders.
“You don’t,” he confessed, and Steve pulled back. Eddie wouldn’t even look at him.
“What?” Steve asked, eyebrows quirked at his boyfriend.
“You don’t prepare me. Just… lots of lube and shove it in. Fuck me while I’m crying, while I’m still getting used to it,” Eddie elaborated, and Steve felt his stomach swoop and his cock throb at that.
“Condom or—”
“No condom,” Eddie immediately supplied, his voice going breathy. “Wanna feel your cum dripping down my thigh after you pull out. Wanna feel you paint my guts after you fucking rearrange them, Stevie.”
Steve groaned and hauled Eddie in for a deep, filthy kiss that had them both panting. Reaching down, Steve began undoing Eddie’s pants, and with some fumbling they managed to get them off. With one last searing kiss, Steve grabbed Eddie and spun him around to hold onto the back of the bench while he opened one of the many tackle boxes along the one side of the mattress to grab the lube.
“You want me to finger you a bit?” Steve asked, and Eddie immediately shook his head with a whine.
“No, I want—fuck, Stevie, I want it to hurt,” Eddie whined, looking over his shoulder to watch Steve slick his cock.
Smirking, Steve rubbed some of the excess lube on and around Eddie’s hole, massaging the ring of muscle and threatening to push inside but never actually following through. With a smirk, Steve pressed against Eddie’s taint and pulled a cry from his throat.
“Steve, please,” Eddie begged, and Steve couldn’t deny him anything.
Pouring more lube onto his hand and spreading it over his cock, Steve lifted onto his knees to line himself up.
“How fast?” Steve asked, gently pressing against Eddie’s hole.
Eddie shook and swallowed audibly. “Not slow. Just… get your cock inside me and start fucking me,” he insisted, and Steve didn’t ask again.
Steve pushed, Eddie’s tight hole stretching tightly around his cock while he sunk into his hot core. Eddie sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, his whole body shaking at the punishing slide of Steve’s thick cock into his ass, and normally that sound meant he would stop and go back to fingering Eddie open.
This time, Steve just pressed in harder, sighing happily as he bottomed out. Eddie’s hands gripped the back of the bench in front of him in a white-knuckled grip. His forehead was dropped forward as well, hiding his face from Steve which wasn’t allowed.
Grabbing a fistful of curly brown hair, Steve forcibly turned Eddie’s head so he could watch his tear-stained face.
Pulling out, Steve watched with fascination as Eddie’s eyes widened, his mouth turning down in a small frown with a pained whimper, and yet he rocked back to meet Steve’s next thrust back in. Eddie screamed, the sound a mixture of pain and pleasure, and the way his hole clenched around Steve was absolutely sinful.
With a growl, Steve refocused his grip on Eddie’s hair while his other hand wrapped around the front of his hip. With another hungry sound, Steve picked up the pace to match the song that was playing now, dragging Eddie back onto his cock with the grip in his hair. It was Steve’s favourite on the whole album, one he thought about fucking Eddie to constantly and now he finally got to.
Eddie was sobbing as Steve pounded into him, choking when Steve timed five powerful thrusts against his ass with the drums of the song. Then the song went into the guitar solo, and Steve twisted Eddie’s hair around his hand and wrist before dropping forward to grip the bench as well.
His hips sped up against Eddie’s ass, keeping time with the guitar solo and punching little, hiccupping cries out of Eddie. Pulling Eddie’s hair and forcing his head back, Steve gazed down at Eddie's tear-streaked face, his dark eyes hazily meeting his own.
“Stevie,” Eddie sobbed through another shudder, his hole clenching around Steve’s girth.
“Gonna feel me for days, huh, Eds?” Steve cooed, and Eddie sobbed and tried to nod, but Steve’s hold on his hair didn’t allow for it.
“Yes, fuck, yes, Stevie. Make me feel it,” Eddie gasped out, practically screaming when Steve returned to the short, powerful bursts of thrusts as the song was getting closer to ending. There was a moment where the angle changed and then Eddie was screaming, his hole becoming impossibly tight around Steve.
There was something about Eddie coming untouched, his orgasm ripping through him despite only being fucked. There were no hands on his cock, just Steve’s dick pounding into him and just barely catching his prostate on the slide inward.
Steve went to pull out when Eddie reached back to stop him.
“Don’t stop!” Eddie begged, shaking so hard Steve almost ignored his plea. “Please, Steve, need you to come inside me, need it, need it, need it—”
Steve stopped Eddie’s frantic chanting with a quick snap of his hips, driving into Eddie with his selfish desire to come. He wasn’t sure just how long it took Steve to chase his release, fucking Eddie’s tight hole with abandon and spurred on by his boyfriend’s shattered little noises.
Finally, Steve felt the coil in his gut go taut, ready to snap. With a grunt, Steve thrust into Eddie four more times, the way his hips met Eddie’s brutal and unforgiving. When his balls pulled tight, Steve dragged Eddie back to sit on his lap and lean against his chest, driving his cock as deep as possible as it began to shoot hot, thick ropes of cum inside him.
In his lap, Eddie shook helplessly, his head falling back to rest on Steve’s shoulder. Curiously, Steve could see that Eddie was still hard, so he reached around and grabbed his cock. The sound Eddie made was absolutely wounded as he bucked between Steve’s hand and the dick in his ass.
Steve did not waste time before he was pumping his fist up-and-down in a quick, determined pace, curious to see if Eddie would come again so quickly. Just when it seemed doubtful, Eddie arched and writhed through another orgasm, his voice breaking around his cry.
They sat there panting for several moments in the now-quiet van, the tape having already ended.
“How was that?” Steve asked knowingly, and kissed Eddie’s throat.
Eddie mumbled something, the words slurring together a bit, before he cleared his throat. “You know how that was,” he managed eventually, his breath leaving him again as he shifted his ass on Steve’s lap, the softening cock inside him allowing a slow trickle of cum to come out around it.
“Still wanna hear you say it,” Steve sighed, lifting Eddie off of him and propping him back up against the bench to look at his hole.
It was red, a bit puffy and stretched out, but ultimately okay. Being a little mean, Steve probed the abused pucker with his fingers, shivering a bit at the wet sticky mess he left there with his release. Eddie was whimpering against the bench as Steve worked one and then two fingers in and out of him.
“Steve, I can’t—no more,” Eddie finally gasped out, and Steve immediately withdrew, groaning as a thick drop of cum came out of Eddie’s ass with his fingers. “Holy fucking shit, Stevie, that was—fuck, how am I supposed to fucking sit now?”
Steve just grinned and leaned over to kiss the back of Eddie’s shoulder. “Happy?” he asked instead of answering Eddie’s question.
Eddie shuffled until he was cuddling up to Steve comfortably. “Yeah, Stevie, I’m happy,” he sighed, gazing lovingly at Steve as he shifted so they were laying down together. “I love you.”
Steve grinned and kissed Eddie sweetly. “Love you too, Eds,” he replied, deepening the kiss and squeezing Eddie tight against his chest.
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@scarcrossdlvrs, @patchworkgargoyle, @indigohightide, @steddieas-shegoes, @mylilplanet, @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa, @afewproblems
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The press vs democracy
July 3, 2024
The media has latched onto the Joe Biden debate performance and has anointed itself as the kingmaker of Democratic politics. They have concluded that Joe Biden is out of touch and unable to focus. They are telling the American people what to believe because—of course—we should believe the press, right? When has the press ever been wrong before? They want Joe Biden out of the race—damn the damage to democracy!
For example, please read the following description of the president and then wait for the reveal at the end:
“For a smart man, President Biden professes to know very little about a great number of things,” said Dana Milbank in The Washington Post. Biden’s problem is not that he’s disengaged; it’s that a lot of his aides are doing lousy jobs, and he won’t fire them. “Those aides seem to tell Biden very little,” said Hendrik Hertzberg in The New Yorker. Peter Baker in The New York Times said, “But if Biden keeps saying, “I didn’t know,” people will begin to wonder “Just how much in charge he really is.”
Sound familiar? It should. It is from an article about President Obama in 2015. See The Week (1/8/15), “Obama: Is the president out of touch? (I replaced “Biden” with “Obama” in the above quotes from the article.)
Here’s my point: The thrashing that the media is giving President Biden was also administered to President Obama. On Tuesday, stories with nearly identical language were circulated among the Trump-curious outlets and then dutifully repeated by major media outlets based on reports from anonymous “senior aides.”
The media is whipping itself into a self-sustaining nuclear reaction of disinformation—because they can smell the increase in profits just over the horizon if they can force Joe Biden out of the race.
As Jason Karsh wrote on Twitter,
The political press seems dug in. The trade-off they seem to want is, ‘Give us a brokered convention—or at least another nominee so we can cover the chaos or we’re going to ignore the Republican effort to end democracy all the way through November. Your choice.’
Karsh’s words hit the mark. Today, the NYTimes wrote about Biden’s challenges and then buried this gem 20 paragraphs into the story:
Mr. Trump, 78, has also shown signs of slipping over the years since he was first elected to the White House. He often confuses names and details and makes statements that are incoherent. He maintains a lighter public schedule than Mr. Biden, does not exercise and repeatedly appeared to fall asleep in the middle of his recent hush money trial. His campaign has released only a three-paragraph health summary. Voters have expressed concern about his age as well, but not to the same degree as Mr. Biden’s.
This is “But her emails” all over again. The Times’ obsessive and unfair coverage of a non-story about emails handed the 2016 election to Trump. The Times now seems hellbent on repeating the same mistake. The Times has not only put its thumb on the scale to disadvantage Trump's opponent (again), but has also removed the scale and said, “Trust us. We know better than you.” The day we surrender our political judgment to the New York Times is the day we lose our democracy.
There is some pushback (noted below), but the fecklessness of Democratic leaders is beginning to hurt Joe Biden. Jamie Raskin was the first to suggest that Joe Biden will “at least” be the keynote speaker (not the nominee) at the Democratic National convention; Nancy Pelosi has had to walk back two sets of clumsy remarks about Joe Biden; Jim Clyburn said he will meet with Joe Biden this weekend to give him “an assessment” of where things stand. And Democratic Rep. Jared Golden of Maine published an op-ed that said Biden will lose, Trump will win, and “I am okay with that.”
Joe Biden deserves better treatment from party leaders, lifelong friends, and congressional colleagues, regardless of their views on his ability to continue. If they have something to say to Joe Biden, they can say it in private. Making qualified, hesitant, or cryptic remarks in public is shabby treatment for the best president of the last 75 years.
But not everyone is giving up. Stuart Stevens wrote a stirring defense of Joe Biden in The Atlantic, The Absurdity of the Dump-Biden Uprising (accessible to all, and I ask you to read the whole article in fairness to Mr. Stevens and The Atlantic after my lengthy quotation below):
Stevens writes,
The Democratic Party held 57 primaries and caucuses; voters in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories had their say, as did Democrats abroad. Joe Biden won 87 percent of the total vote. He lost one contest, in American Samoa, to the little-known Jason Palmer. Suddenly, there are cries in the Democratic Party that, as goes a single territorial caucus [American Somoa], so should the nation. I worked in five presidential campaigns for Republicans and helped elect Republican senators and governors in more than half of the country. For decades, I made ads attacking the Democratic Party. But in all those years, I never saw anything as ridiculous as the push  . . . to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. For many in the party, the event raised genuine concerns about the incumbent’s fitness for a new term. But a president’s record makes a better basis for judgment than a 90-minute broadcast does. Biden has a capable vice president, should he truly become unable to serve. The standard for passing over Democratic voters’ preferred nominee should be extraordinarily high—and has not been met. The fundamental danger of Donald Trump is that he’s an autocrat who refuses to accept the will of the voters. So, [is] the proper response is to throw out millions of votes, dump the overwhelming choice, and replace him with someone selected by a handful of insiders? What will the message be: “Our usurper is better than your usurper”? What is it about the Democratic Party that engenders this kind of self-doubt and fear? At a moment when Democrats’ instinct should mirror what Biden declared in a rally the day after the debate—“When you are knocked down, you get back up”—some in the party are seized by the urge to run, not fight. Think about how this would look: Hey, I guess Donald Trump is right; our guy isn’t fit to be president. We’ll give it another shot. Trust us, we’ll get it right eventually. Madness. Trump is the candidate of chaos, uncertainty, and erratic behavior. Democrats can win a race against him by offering Americans the opposite: steady, calm, and confident leadership. Joe Biden has provided that. His record is arguably the most impressive of any first-term president since World War II. My advice to Democrats: Run on that record; don’t run from one bad debate. Show a little swagger, not timidity. Forget all this Dump Biden nonsense and seize the day. Now is the worst time to flinch. Your country needs strength. You can crush Donald Trump, but only if you fight.
Worth repeating: We can crush Donald Trump, but only if we fight!
In response to the uproar over the debate, Pro Publica published an unedited, twenty-minute interview with Joe Biden from a single camera angle (to prevent claims of misleading editing). The interview took place in September 2023—ten months ago. If you doubt Joe Biden’s competency and want to replace him (even if you don’t), watch the ENTIRE twenty minutes. Joe Biden is smart, coherent, knowledgeable, and truthful. Unedited: ProPublica Interviews President Biden, September 2023. In the interview, President Biden discusses fine points of the Constitution—a document Donald Trump has never read and attempted to overturn on January 6.
To similar effect is Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, who makes the compelling point that the election is now about Donald Trump and the extraordinary powers granted to the president in Trump v. US:
The election is about Donald Trump and the Supreme Court, the two forces working to overthrow the American republic. That’s the subject. It’s not Joe Biden. So, both substantively and politically it makes all the sense in the world. The Court has done us all the favor of not always being as aware as it might be of the political and electoral dimensions of the justices’ bad acts. Yesterday’s ruling is a helpful if disastrous reminder of what the election is really about.
I also urge you to watch this four-minute video by the Lincoln Project: Democrats: Stop Panicking.
But . . . there are millions of Democrats who believe President Biden should step down. I feel like I have corresponded with most of them over the last four days. After many unsuccessful, pointed, and heated discussions, I am now focused on process and unity. At the end of the day, Democrats must be unified. Tearing the party apart over this discussion is exactly what Donald Trump wants. We can’t give him that gift.
So, here are my observations:
If you want Joe Biden to resign, you should do everything in your power to promote a realistic path to victory. “Joe should resign” is not a path to victory, nor is “An open convention.” Get behind a competitor, play by the rules, and work your ***** for your chosen replacement to emerge as viable candidate to beat Trump. The convention will be too late. That’s a heavy lift, but if you want change, it’s up to you to bring it about.
Don’t demean and belittle Joe Biden in an attempt to convince him, or others, that he should resign. Some readers have made vile, disrespectful, mocking statements about Joe Biden in attempt to dissuade me from my support for Biden. He doesn’t deserve that. And, at least as importantly, if you adopt the tactic of attacking Joe Biden, you offend the millions of Democrats who love and respect Joe Biden, and who have worked their tails off to help elect him. At the end of the day, you need them, and they need you to defeat Trump. Don’t create divisions or grudges in your effort to persuade the party that a different path is the only way to victory.
Don’t attack those of us who believe Joe Biden is the best candidate and only viable option. We disagree with your view. Don’t accuse us of “gaslighting” you or being “rigid” or “unthinking” in our support. We hold our opinions in good faith. At the end of the day, you need us, and we need you to defeat Trump. Don’t create divisions or grudges in your effort to persuade the party that a different path is the only way to victory.
My final plea is this: Don’t let the media tell you what to believe. The media has lined up in lockstep to hound Joe Biden out of his candidacy. Over the last seven years, we have seen with our own eyes that the media is biased, cowardly, greedy, short-sighted, and inaccurate in its coverage of Trump and his opponents. They have not magically put all those faults behind them and suddenly become paragons of truth and justice.
No, they are up to their old, hackneyed attacks—just like the similar attack on Obama in 2015. With very few exceptions, they are in it for the money, clicks, and fame. Do not allow yourself to fall victim to the media’s campaign against Joe Biden and democracy. That is what Trump wants; that is what Fox wants; that is what Rupert Murdoch wants; that is what the WSJ wants; that is what NewsMax wants; that is what Leonard Leo wants;—and sadly, sadly, sadly that is what the New York Times wants.
Make up your own mind, based on everything you know about Joe Biden and apply your common sense about what it takes to run and win the most expensive campaign in history. Polls are not elections; political insiders are not voters; television pundits are entertainers; and the media prioritizes profits over truth and democracy.
Voters will have the final say, so stop obsessing over what the media is saying and work to convince the 80 million “Did Not Vote” voters of 2020 that they must show up in 2024. That is the most productive use of your time.
Heather Cox Richardson on Trump v. US
Many news organizations are attempting to minimize or soft-pedal the implications of the holding in US v. Trump. Heather Cox Richardson gave a tour-de-force smackdown to the GOP spin that “There’s nothing to see here, move along.” See Historian discusses Supreme Court's immunity decision and shift in presidential powers (youtube.com).
HCR’s discussion is six minutes long but worth every minute. I assume 100% of my readers also subscribe to Heather Cox Richardson, but if you don’t, you are missing out on an essential voice defending democracy. Check out HCR’s Substack here: Letters from an American.
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes gets it right
The Supreme Court considered two cases this term that dealt with constitutional provisions that affect the president. The first considered the Disqualification Clause in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibited Trump from appearing on the Colorado primary ballot. The second dealt with Trump's defense of presidential immunity.
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes commented on the disparate treatment of those two constitutional questions as follows:
Grimly hilarious to compare the textual foundation for disqualifying Trump for insurrection (right there in the 14th Amendment) and the foundation for absolute criminal immunity for official acts (nowhere to be found in the Constitution despite explicit grants of other forms of immunity).
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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kylarsugarlife · 23 days
NSFW alphabet– Kyju
I'm sorry
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Juno: Tries to clean up a little, gives kylar kisses and offers water. So many cuddles. Bandages up wounds if they did bloodplay.
Kylar: Dazed. She tries to help Juno with light cleanup, but her limbs usually feel like jello. Sex practically makes her melt into a puddle.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Juno: Her favorite part of her body is her cat ears. She likes how expressive they are, and also the feeling she gets when Kylar touches them. Her favorite part of Kylar's body is her neck... also her face. She loves giving kisses and licks, and those are the most easily accessible when they're in public. Sometimes she can't help but leave a mark, but Kylar forgives her.
Kylar: Her favorite part of her own body is her breasts. She didn't like them for the longest time, even for a while after she and Juno started dating. Too small, not girly, not what she thought to be Juno's preference. After Juno started worshipping them and playing with them at every chance she gets when they're making love, she came to appreciate them. Her favorite part of Juno's body... it's tied between her breasts and her thighs. She also loves her back. Look, she loves every part of her body. Boobs are fun to squeeze and suck rest her head on. She loves the feeling of being between her thighs, feeling the muscle underneath the layer of fat, and of course, lap pillows.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Juno: Both of them have vulvas. Can't exactly give each other cumshots. Juno has no strong feelings about their girlcum though. Licks up Kylar's after eating her out.
Kylar: Loves tribbing and scissoring so their fluids can mix together right there between their pussies. Loves to basically drink it when she gives cunniligus, might try to save it... Sometimes if she cooks something for Juno she'll mix her fluids in and doesn't tell her until after she eats. She finds it thrilling, and Juno doesn't mind.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Juno: She gets off to the knowledge that Kylar's watching her all the time. At first it was a wholesome feeling, that someone finally has her back and is protecting her. When she found out the owl has a camera in it, at first she was put off. Cringing about how Kylar even watched her sleep, touch herself, stand in the mirror scrutinizing her presentation (at least before she had her makeover). But she never threw it away nor confronted her girlfriend. It became a comforting presence. Send Kylar kisses and hugs while they're apart, put on a show for her hoping she's watching. She uses it to be Kylar's personal camgirl sometimes.
Kylar: Obviously steals Juno's dirty panties, has been doing so since a little after they first met. Her favorites are the ones from when Juno's on her period, the smell is very distinct. She also obviously has that sex doll. This one, Juno doesn't know the details on. But Kylar practiced kissing it before they dated, then practiced eating it out and pleasuring in different ways and positions in preparation for when Juno would finally have sex with her. Since their sex life took off it's remained mostly untouched in the basement, but sometimes Kylar returns to it and ponders updating its appearance.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Neither of them have ever had sex before, not even kissed anyone else. Kylar's knowledge at first all comes from porn, both 3d and hentai. Mostly hentai. It kind of twisted her idea of sex. Juno never was really interested in such things. Just got what orphans were taught in sex ed (tweens got sex ed at the orphanage to supplement what isn't taught at school since they're more vulnerable)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Juno: Since her sex drive usually isn't as strong, when Kylar needs sex she usually has her grind on her thigh at first, then gives cunnilingus and fingers her. She enjoys face sitting both on top and underneath. When she's in a big mood for sex she'll go for tribbing, scissoring, sharing sex toys and anything Kylar suggests or she wants to try. When she's in heat, absolutely everything is on the table.
Kylar: LOVES 69ing, also loves scissoring while sharing a double ended dildo. Those are her absolute favorites. But she loves any position!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Juno: It depends on her mood. She loves to tease, so most of the time she doesn't treat their sex as something they need to act serious in. Obviously taking care to be safe, but generally keeps a light hearted atmosphere.
Kylar: Always serious!!! Definitely!!! Ignore the goofy grin on her face and the fact that her heart is always fluttery. She tries to act serious, but simply can't with Juno. The love of her life is too adorable in any situation.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Juno: Trims every once in a while. Hates the idea of shaving though. Would never put a blade near her cooch. Waxing seems like it's more trouble than it's worth too. Her pubes are brown, the same as her natural hair color.
Kylar: She's tried shaving before. Didn't go well. She'd try again, or wax, if Juno wanted her to. All she does is trim with scissors when she's bored. Black pubes matching her black hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
So much kissing from both sides. So much. Both tell each other how much they love them, how beautiful they are. Even when they're fucking like animals, there are gasps and moans of "I love you!"
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Juno: Doesn't do it very often. For a while she felt guilty about thinking about Kylar when she got horny. Even when she knew Kylar's a bit of a pervert (stealing panties, huffing her bedsheets) it felt like she was crossing a line. She grew gradually more comfortable with it though, especially when Kylar asks her about her fantasies (what do you imagine? What am I doing? Do you wanna try it?)
Kylar: PERVERT!!!! You can already guess what she gets up to. The one thing is, whenever she's done, she feels a bit empty. It'd be way better to have Juno with her.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
These two are pretty in sync with kinks
• Bondage– Juno likes being tied up, Kylar loves tying her up. Sometimes they'll use blindfolds on each other or one gets handcuffed to something.
• Knifeplay– Kylar has a knife, Juno's into it, they sometimes cut each other up a lil
• Bloodplay– Period sex goes crazy. Also ties into knifeplay. Kylar draws hearts on their bodies with the blood, they already have matching blood necklaces, though Juno chooses not to wear hers. Kylar usually does when they're planning on having kinky sex.
• Body worship!!!– Both of them absolutely adore each other, of course there's body worship!! It's not even necessarily intentional, they just treat each other like dieties in bed.
• Somnophilia– This one's more of Kylar's thing. Before their relationship she'd sneak into Juno's room to watch her sleep, then touch herself on top of her. When they sleep together, Kylar feels an urge to touch. Feel. Taste. She doesn't always get Juno's consent ahead of time :/ Usually they plan for it though
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Kylar's bedroom. No chance of an orphan barging in. Nice and quiet and private. Naturally dim too. Also it's where all the sex toys are stored.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Juno: Her sex drive is lower so it takes more effort. Porn works a little. Dressing up in sexy clothes helps a lot. A shit ton of foreplay usually does the trick.
Kylar: Teasing gets her going. Juno showing some skin off "on accident" and light peppery kisses. Proximity and skin-on-skin contact is another one. Nibbling Juno's ears, the process of tying her up when they do bondage, undressing her. Don't let them stay squeezed together in public for too long.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Juno: Degradation, and anything that would hurt Kylar more than knife and bloodplay. She makes sure Kylar keeps the knife sharp to minimize pain and complications.
Kylar: She'll go along with anything Juno asks of her, but she would cry at any verbal degradation and can't stand the thought of doing so to Juno. But she feels like she can be prepared for any physical pain Juno inflicts, and sometimes fantasizes about her going way further than she actually does.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both prefer to give! Kylar is surprisingly good at it (this is due to the previously mentioned sex doll), and Juno had to read up on strategies for it. Having a textured (cat) tongue does help though.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends entirely on their moods and libidos. Can't even say how often they switch between fast and slow. Just, when Juno's in heat it's 100% going to be filthy and rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Neither of them like the idea of doing it in public. Quickies only happen when sexual tension builds up during school. Kylar pulling Juno into a closet, Juno taking her to the restroom to finger each other.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
They love experimenting together!! How do you think they found so many kinks? It does get a bit risky, such as with knifeplay, but Juno makes sure to have safety precautions ready.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Depends on their moods and libidos. Usually they can go about three times per session though. Kylar lasts shorter than Juno, but that's okay. She'll make up for it :3
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
They have a couple dildos, a double sided dildo, several vibrators for different sensations. Their strap is extremely handy. Sometimes Kylar uses them when masturbating and sometimes Juno takes a bullet vibe home to use.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Juno: Teasing ALL the time! Before they even start, she caresses Kylar with barely-there touches, spends ages undressing, and pesters her girlfriend with questions about what she's feeling and wants to do until she's in tears from being pent up. Okay, maybe not to tears, but she likes hearing Kylar beg.
Kylar: She tries to get back at Juno but always ends up spoiling her. She simply can't help herself, she loses all self control seeing her beloved hot and bothered. The most she teases is when Juno's tied up nice and secure. That way she can't tempt her with caresses and kisses.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Juno: Pretty quiet. Most noise she makes is during attempts to speak (and mostly failing)
Kylar: At first she thought she needed pornographic moans but Juno called her out on it and told her it's unnecessary. Her natural vocal tendencies are squeaks and loud breaths that turn into moans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Juno: Has no idea what to do with her tail, to be honest. It's somewhat an erogenous zone but very little compared to others. She does like sticking it up straight in the air when she's presenting her ass to her girlfriend.
Kylar: She can smell her girlfriend's arousal. Even with clothes on, if they're close enough she just can. Neither would be able to tell you why or how, though.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Juno: Her body is toned. Still has enough fat for Kylar to squish. Double D cups, a fairly average ass.
Kylar: Skinny, very skinny. She's not starving (at least not anymore) but now it's just difficult to put on weight, and she doesn't exactly care unless Juno says something. A cups.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Juno: Lower sex drive. Probably gets horny on her own once a week. Her heat cycle is debilitating though. When she's in heat all she can think of is sex and having sex.
Kylar: Very high sex drive. Down to fuck anytime. Best time of the month is Juno's heat.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Juno: Usually stays awake after, but stays in bed especially if Kylar's falling asleep. She always makes sure to cuddle her babygirl.
Kylar: If they fucked for a very long time, lights go out immediately. Usually she's fine though.
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naranjapetrificada · 2 months
Okay I've gotta come into your askbox to scream about From the Firmament!! I am just so continuously impressed by the obvious care you put into every single sentence. Anyway (and this totally isn't just me fishing for more about the next chapter): what's the latest on the Izzy POV section? He's so frustrating for me to write personally (lack of joy and whimsy gets to me 🙃) so I can't wait to see how you handle him!
You are always, always welcome to scream into my ask box, my dear! And it's funny you should ask about the Izzy POV section, because I actually have a draft WIP Wednesday post from this week that was gonna include a snippet of that. In the way that I needed to get the first chapter posted in order to get certain worldbuilding facts established or I was never going to move on, it kind of feels like I need to get eyes on Izzy as he appears in the world of FtF.
It's not even his character that I feel like I'm struggling with anymore, it's mainly a) creating a believable voice and even moreso b) deciding what information to reveal/examine through him vs other characters. His voice is tricky for a lot of reasons but at the end of the day I can wave my AU magic wand and attribute things to the circumstances being different. The other thing though? God.
It feels so fundamental that his perspective should be heavily skewed and extremely divergent from Ed's in particular, and that's felt so hard to pull off. It matters what elements of their shared backstory get revealed through Izzy and what gets revealed through Ed, because things that seemed important to one of them are almost guaranteed to be incidental to the other.
Like a good example is how Izzy has this awe about him (even if he's in awe of an imagined version of Ed) that means that in any universe, he probably places greater weight on the first time he met Ed than Ed does. If you ask either of them what they remember about something they experienced together, Ed's recollection will zoom in on details that Izzy missed but ignore other things. But because it's a shared history, you could look the eyes of either one to explore it.
Because the options feel so endless, the parts of the Izzy POV that have remained fairly static are the ones where he's not directly thinking about Ed or the [redacted], [redacted], or [significantly longer redaction] in their past that would inform how he sees the scene he's narrating. His intro paragraph, initial reaction to Stede, and discomfort with the sense of freedom that always lingers in Stede's wake were super easy to pull together because it's all right there in canon. But in order to figure out anything else I've had to keep writing and rewriting certain things from his perspective or Ed's, bouncing back and forth until it feels right. Which makes the act of writing chapter 3 literally take longer of course, but also makes it harder to approach because it feels like a much bigger task.
Not to turn this into a general chapter 3 update but basically:
Stede's section (yes, only one!) is pretty much done beyond line edits.
See all of the above paragraphs for the Izzy of it all.
Ed takes me a long time, but most of another Ed section has been done since before I even posted the first chapter. A lot of the initial worldbuilding came out of that part, even! Ed also opens the chapter, and I've mostly got that part squared away too.
So basically all that remains is The Izzy Question and the final section, which I know the shape of and shouldn't have anything like the Izzy issues with. It feels like not a lot at all, but also like so, so much. Maybe you asking will give me the courage to share a couple paragraphs from his section though? I was actually poking at it this morning. Maybe getting something out there will settle some of these open questions for me and I can move on?
Thank you sooooo much, I could talk about this forever. If anyone else wants to, you are always welcome to send an ask about my fic if the mood strikes.
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plubos · 5 months
I’ve just been using Pluto as my courier’s name as like a placeholder. Anyway on to more bits between them and yes man.
I projected my autism onto the courier and got Pluto.
So before getting shot by Benny I like to think that Pluto took on the job of courier cause it was a simple delivery job taking stuff from point a to b. It doesn’t involve talking much either! So what was supposed to be an easy to understand gig for someone who has a difficult time with regular jobs and social interaction.
I also like to think they weren’t selectively mute before getting shot but just was so bad at social interaction that they didn’t have many people to talk to. But I’m sure if they did find someone to talk to they yapped as much as they could before continuing with a delivery.
Post-Benny though, I have it so the damage they gained actually made it difficult for them to formulate sentences properly and so talking took a lot of effort and was exhausting at first. So for most of the storyline they remained mute and only spoke with one word responses.
After getting Boone at Novac to join them on the revenge quest they began practicing how to do small signals with Boone as another way of communication. ED-E was the next companion and Pluto spent their alone time with ED-E practicing sentences and responses. Mostly cause they get embarrassed when trying to talk to others so practicing with someone who doesn’t have any opinions on their speech was a welcome addition.
When they got to the strip they had already accumulated a fair bit of caps and payed for fake passports in freeside. But once in the strip it was already a bit overwhelming with all the lights and sounds.
Making their way to the tops casino was easy with help from Boone. The only out of the ordinary decision Pluto made when confronting Benny was using the black widow perk and making short but effective charms to lure Benny away. After the whole sleeping together and shooting him after bit there was a fair bit of regret in the choice as instead of feeling satisfied with Benny being dead it just felt kinda hollow.
But after a bit of snooping and wearing Benny’s suit, they come across the guy to answer all their problems.
See interacting with robots is so much easier than humans. And that’s cause they aren’t mean or judgmental, well at least all the ones Pluto’s met.
Talking came easy after all the practice with ED-E with a handful of a few mistakes hear and there.
Yes man at the time being forced to be very very nice and unable to say no didn’t go unnoticed but with the couriers help they used some loopholes to help yes man give honest answers.
Having someone wanting his honest opinion was a welcome change for yes man and having a friend that explained stuff in the simplest way possible was always welcome for Pluto.
And so a close friendship began and a plan to take over the Mojave for the better was set in motion.
Of course with the little bit of tech knowledge the courier had they helped Yes man with more then an assertive upgrade and was able to make him his own independent person.
I’ll go into more details on it some other time but for now I think these are enough thoughts. :3
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cambridgeskills · 1 year
Unveiling B.Ed Course Details: Why Cambridge Skills College Reigns Supreme
Are you considering a B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) course and seeking comprehensive details to make an informed decision? Look no further. In this article, we'll delve into the specifics of a B.Ed course, shedding light on the key aspects you need to know. Additionally, we'll introduce you to Cambridge Skills College, a renowned institution that stands out as the best choice for pursuing your B.Ed degree.
Understanding B.Ed Course Details
What is B.Ed?
B.Ed, short for Bachelor of Education, is an undergraduate degree program designed for individuals aspiring to become teachers. It equips students with the knowledge, skills, and pedagogical techniques required to excel in the teaching profession.
Duration of B.Ed Course
Typically, a B.Ed course spans over a duration of 2 years. However, this can vary depending on the institution and the specific curriculum they offer.
Eligibility Criteria
To enroll in a B.Ed course, candidates usually need to hold a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university. Some institutions may also require a minimum percentage in the qualifying degree.
Core Subjects
B.Ed programs generally comprise a mix of core and elective subjects. Core subjects often include:
Educational Psychology: Understanding the psychological aspects of teaching and learning.
Pedagogy: Learning effective teaching methods and strategies.
Subject Specialization: Focusing on a particular subject or grade level for in-depth knowledge.
Practical Training
One of the essential components of a B.Ed course is practical training. This involves classroom observations, teaching practice, and internships in schools to gain hands-on experience.
Why Choose Cambridge Skills College for B.Ed?
Now that you have a clear picture of what a B.Ed course entails, let's explore why Cambridge Skills College is your ideal destination for pursuing this degree.
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Don't miss the opportunity to enroll in a B.Ed program that can pave the way for a rewarding and impactful career in education. Choose Cambridge Skills College, where your dreams of becoming an exceptional educator can become a reality.
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
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In this post I will talk about everything to do with requests.
I don’t respond to vague requests meaning ones like “Nikki and a breeding kink” I need some more details especially if I’m going through writers block ykwim 😭
How to request:
Click on the button of my page that says “ask me anything 🤍” and submit an ask either publicly or anonymously. Here you will be able to write and request anything your heart desires.
My favorite people/characters to write for are: Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Kate Bishop, Dwayne and Paul from TLB, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Tom Keifer, Eric Brittingham but I of course love to write for the other people listed below 🩷
Who/what I write for:
Motley Crue (all members)
Tom Keifer
Eric Brittingham
Gene Simmons
Tommy Thayer
Paul Stanley
Guns N Roses (all members)
Blackie Lawless
Kirk Hammett
James Hetfield
Courtney Love
Kurt Cobain
Dave Grohl
Elvis Presley
Joan Jett
Lita Ford
Bret Michaels
Jani Lane
Stephen Pearcy
Robin Crosby
Sebastian Bach
Peter Steele
Kenny Hickey
Dave Mustaine
Actors of the marvel characters I write for
Taylor Swift
Lana Del Rey
Pamela Anderson
Cindy Crawford
Michael B Jordan
Sabrina Carpenter
Chappell Roan
Kacey Musgraves
Marvel men:
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker (Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield only)
Tony Stark
Thor Odinson
Marvel women:
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Carol Danvers
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Kamala Kahn (Platonic only)
Jennifer Walters
Peggy Carter
Daisy Jones and The Six:
Daisy Jones
Billy Dunne
Karen Sirko
Warren Rojas/Rhodes
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
The Lost Boys:
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie)
Misc characters:
Elaine Parks (The Love Witch 2016)
Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark
Nancy Downs (The Craft 1996)
Gloria (Modern Family)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Ken (Barbie 2023)
Count Dracula (Dracula 1931)
Edward/Master Gracey (Haunted Mansion 2003)
Topics/prompts I DON’T write about:
Age regression/play
Piss kink
Suicide (whether that be self harm or the act itself)
Body image/EDs/Body insecurities
Angst without a happy ending
Male reader (female reader only)
OCs (I do not write for any original characters that aren’t mine or reader with a face claim)
Male on male sex. I will write MMF threesomes though
Anyways, my requests are always open, so ask away! Also just because my requests are open does not mean I’m going to do your request. It is a request not a demand <3 sometimes I simply just don’t want to write a prompt cause I don’t like it or whatever
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coolmomacchiato · 2 years
Auroras, The Course of Empire, and a HUGE Tiger & Bunny 2 realization
Before I begin, let me start out with a brief art history lesson about a series of 5 paintings by English-American painter Thomas Cole of the Hudson River School movement (mid-1800's). The series depicts the growth and fall of an imaginary city, each taking place at a different time of day to reflect where in its lifecycle it is. The paintings are: "The Savage State" or "Commencement of Empire" (Dawn/sunrise)
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The Arcadian/Pastoral State (morning)
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The Consummation of Empire (Sun's zenith/Day)
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Destruction (Waning day/twilight)
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and finally, Desolation (Sunset)
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Of course even beyond Cole, the different stages of the day/night cycle has widely been used to symbolize the circle of life: Morning/Sunrise being birth/rebirth, Day for "adulthood"/Consummation (completion), Sunset/Twilight for downfall/aging, and Night for death. The SECOND thing we need to establish is the way "Little Aurora" is constantly equated with " hope" - both literally (as in it says the words right there) and figuratively, since she represents hope for not just NEXT, but society as a whole:
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Now - how does this relate to Tiger & Bunny 2, you may ask? If you recall, Sunsets were a visual metaphor in Cour 1, and referenced in the ED AIDA, as well as the OP.
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In Cour 2's ED, we see Kotetsu and Barnaby - each alone - standing under a night sky filled with auroras, surrounded by a broken cityscape. As the sun begins to rise over the desolation, Tiger and Barnaby cross a liminal landscape to find each other again, to face a new day together. Indeed, the ED ends with a visual recall to Cour 1, but at dawn:
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S2 ends with the destruction of the status quo. The last scene takes place at night: the hero system is no more, society is fractured between NEXT/non-NEXT, Kotetsu has lost his powers, and Kotetsu & Barnaby are no longer "Buddy heroes". Even the two symbols of "justice", Sternbild, and Tiger & Barnaby's partnership as a whole - Justice Tower and Mr. Legend's statue - are destroyed in the fray.
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However, as the title of Episode 20 says, The darkest hour is always before dawn. In fact, Episode 25 ends with the hope of a new beginning. The title is "Today is Not Tomorrow's Yesterday", and includes an epilogue scene where we see a snow-flecked museum that looks disturbingly like a mausoleum. The memorial plaque says "The Legend of Buddy Hero", with the starting date of when the first episode of S1 took place - the beginning of their hero partnership - and ending on the day that S2E25 happens on. Underneath that, we see "NEXT". Though this might be the end of the era of Tiger & Bunny as we know it, NEXT is the beginning of a new one.
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So what does this mean for the future of the series? I posit that S2 isn't a conclusion - it's a second act that precedes a 3rd act with a drastic change of status quo - and a new beginning.
Staff have repeatedly spoken about "change" around S2, and now I think I understand what they meant. Bringing back the times of day symbolism, we can imagine that the entire story of Tiger & Bunny could be divided into 3 acts (seasons), with 3 "intermissions"(movies). They are: Intermission 1: The Beginning Movie Season 1: Day (Consummation) (this is a recent visual from S2, but I've always found the choice to frame them against a bright day unusual, compared to the historical treatment of key art):
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Intermission 2: The Rising Season 2: Sunset/Nightfall (Destruction & Desolation) If so, then perhaps during the live audience viewing of Episode 25, which will air on the infamous T&B day of Christmas Eve (Dec 24, 2022), we will get an announcement of the conclusion: Intermission 3: The Fall? Season 3: Sunrise/Dawn (Rebirth. "Tomorrow is not Yesterday's Today.") As many have noticed, there seemed to be several suspended story and character arcs from S2. Foreshadowed events (such as the dinner/drinks date") don't end up happening, and character journeys don't feel complete. I can go into detail on what specific story aspects feel set up for a 3rd arc, but that will be for another post. For now, I will leave you with this last Easter egg. Thank you for reading!
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applythaivisa · 3 months
Thai 90-Day Nonimmigrant Visa
For those seeking a more immersive experience in Thailand beyond the typical tourist visa allows, the 90-Day Nonimmigrant Visa presents an attractive option. This visa category unlocks the door to a longer stay in the Land of Smiles, but with some key distinctions to understand.
Understanding the Nuances:
There are two primary ways the term "Thai 90-Day Nonimmigrant Visa" is used:
Single Entry Tourist Visa with Extension: This is the most common interpretation. It allows a single entry into Thailand with a validity period of 60 days. However, you can apply for a one-time extension for an additional 30 days while in Thailand, reaching the total of 90 days.
Specific Non-Immigrant Visa Categories: Certain non-immigrant visa categories, like those for education (ED visa) or business purposes (single-entry B visa), might have a validity period of 90 days. These visas often come with different conditions and extension possibilities compared to the tourist visa with extension.
Who Can Benefit?
The 90-Day Nonimmigrant Visa caters to travelers seeking a longer stay in Thailand for various purposes:
In-depth Exploration: Travelers yearning for a more extended vacation to delve deeper into Thailand's rich culture, historical sites, and stunning natural beauty.
Educational Pursuits: Individuals enrolled in long-term courses, workshops, or volunteering programs in Thailand.
Business Activities (with limitations): Business visitors requiring a more extended stay for meetings, project work, or exploring business opportunities. It's crucial to note that working for a Thai company is not permitted on this visa.
Important Considerations:
Entry and Extension: Ensure you understand the single entry limitations of the tourist visa with extension. Apply for the extension before your initial 60 days expire to avoid overstay fines.
Visa Requirements: The requirements for a tourist visa extension and specific non-immigrant visas can differ. Research the necessary documents beforehand to avoid delays.
Activities: Tourist visas are not meant for full-time work or business activities that generate income in Thailand. Explore alternative visa options if your purpose extends beyond tourism.
Multiple Entries: If you desire multiple entries during your stay, consider a multiple-entry tourist visa or a specific visa catering to your needs, such as a business visa with multiple entries.
The Application Process:
Tourist Visa with Extension: Apply for the visa at a Thai embassy or consulate in your home country. Once in Thailand, submit the extension application at a Bureau of Immigration office.
Specific Non-Immigrant Visas: The application process varies depending on the visa type. Consult the Thai embassy or consulate for details on specific requirements and procedures.
Visa regulations can change. Double-check current requirements with Thai authorities or a visa consultant before your trip.
Consider consulting a lawyer or visa consultant for personalized advice on your situation and the most suitable visa option for your goals.
With careful planning and the appropriate visa, the 90-Day Thai Nonimmigrant Visa can unlock a door to a rich and rewarding experience in Thailand. So, pack your bags, embrace the opportunity for a longer stay, and embark on your unforgettable Thai adventure!
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Just read a Hazbin/Helluva x Owl House fanfic you made and IT WAS AWSOME!!! Honestly I like seeing Amity, Edric, and Emira adopted by M&M, who we know are better parents than Odalia even though Alador is trying to be better, but it's still an amazing idea. Is there still some fanfic ideas based around it, if so could you share some details about the AU?
Ah those fics, it's been a while since I thought of them but I'm glad some people still stumble across them and enjoy them so much. I must admit though that the original asker for those fics @beastkeeper91 gave me that idea even though I took my own spin and wrote em, as well as a few others, but yes I suppose there are a few other ideas I didn't explore in either, some theirs, some my own and I'm happy to share a few.
But first since you just said fic, I'm gonna be safe and assume you only read one, and put both here, please read both before you go further cause I'm going to assume you've read both as I discuss the new stuff
(Note those are their reblogs of the fics, cause they were kind enough to send them to me so I could find them easier since this was a while ago, now the new stuff!)
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First of all, since the Owl House has since wrapped up I guess I'll speak on M&Ms status during season 3, most likely they'd end up collected like everyone else, sad but that means Amity gets three parents to lovingly greet after everything is done, and Odalia isn't just the third wheel now, she's the fifth wheel! Cause she deserves it :3
Also Stolas and Blitz would probably be right with them, a little bitter but the whole crew gets the collector is a child and all, and if Amity thinks there okay, they'll listen to their daughter/niece. Speaking of daughters I still don't know what to do Octavia and Loona, sorry ladies XP
And since this is a somewhat M&M centric AU, I certainly can't just not mention the episode that most focuses on them and their relationship, Yep Exes and Oohs.
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Crimson exists in this AU, but luckily Moxxie has of course cut ties with him, he still sucks essentially, and I don't hate Moxxie enough to have him dragged back. Not sure what he runs in this AU, cause I don't think the boiling isles has a straight up mob, but it's something Moxxie wants no part of. He's aware of his 'grandchildren' and I'm only air quoting that cause this man hardly deserves children, let alone grandchildren, he's never met them though, he is a little impressed with Amity after the brawl so he's intriqued.
Now that I think of it imagine the tension if while he's taking over running the company, Alador get's involved with Crimson, unaware of his shady dealings, and Moxxie just wants to explode right there when seeing him again. Oh lord the drama... And the possible bonding with his kids when they find out that just like them he had a bad parent like they did in Odalia
On a lighter note, how about we talk about some funny scenarios with the funny shark man?
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Chaz in this AU, is on much better terms with his exes, and kinda acts like an unwanted uncle to the blight kids, often joking he might just get back together with M&M to become their dad. Ed and Em find him amusing, and kinda get their sense of humor from him at times, and Amity can't stand him one bit, though she is nicer in this AU to start so she's at least cordial with him, agree with who you like.
Moxxie and Millie however, kinda keep him on a short leash when around their kids, none of his usual horn dog behavior as you'd expect, and Moxxie says he'll just steal Chaz's voice if he ever does it in front of em. Which is usual successful, so the kids just see him as the weird uncle, who just acts very awkward round their parents.
Speaking of magic, Chaz is a bard, just like Moxxie in this AU, though Chaz uses his voice for his magic, while Moxxie and say Raine use instruments, his magic looks like green and teal sound waves. Not sure what or if he'd branch off into other stuff after the sigils removed, maybe illusions for like stage effects but that's just me XP Still figuring stuff out for him.
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Now this is an idea completely given to me by good ol beastkeeper. Now in this AU I.M.P doesn't exist as we know it, which I felt was for the best not only cause portals are a much more serious thing in TOH, but also not exactly a great career to have when your daughter ends up with a human girlfriend. XP
My original idea was that they kinda had a club during their hexside days and that's kinda how they got so close, but after graduating they all kinda ended up doing different things while staying in touch, Moxxie became a Bard, Mille an Abomination expert, and Blitz a beastkeeper, but then Beastkeeper proposed I used an idea there using in their own Helluvaverse/TOH AU, check it out, it's a little dark but still neat I think.
Anyway they proposed a new company, I.A.S. Imp Appreciation Soceity, essentially activists for equal treatment, now in my AU Imps are just a type of biped demon, same with Goetias, Shark Demons etc. But I reason that Belos, in his puritan head, ended up getting Imps considered lesser and more "wild" then other types, mainly cause they resemble classic ideas of demons the most, cause Belos is an asshole, no surprise there.
Anyway that means they still technichally work together. That's about as much as I've explored it in my head. Either way I find it cool.
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The last thing I wanna mention is a few miscellaneous ideas I have thought up but don't feel have enough layed out to say much about, I want a little plot of Blitz and Luz working together and bonding, protagonist solidarity and all. Also of course figure out what Loona and Octavia are like in this.
Also figuring out a ton of hexside time stuff, how they all met, how they interacted, how the parents possibly did. tons of stuff, but I hope for now this is a good bit of information for this AU, maybe ask later and I'll say even more who knows XP
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Youre corrupt horrors universe. More please?
Absolutely! Thank you for asking, dear anon, and I’m so sorry I didn’t get to answer this sooner!
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Here’s some designs and some info and lore! Once again, this is gonna be a long one so strap in and get ready /lh
Bakugou and Deku (I am not used to drawing them I hope they look okay!):
So, these two are interns, training to be security guards for the warehouse. (warehouse makes the androids, and stores the corrupt ones under the facility)
They are training under Aizawa, and also follow and take notes from the other head security guards like Ectoplasm, Snipe, All Might.
They joined because a) they needed money and b) they heard about the corruptions and both decided to check it all out.
There isn't much else except that Jeanist thinks Bakugou is a funky lil human and watches over him a lot, and All might teaches Deku how to work the security cameras.
(I rarely ever think about the main characters so this is kinda new to me!! The only other AUs i have with bakugou are single parent au and little mermaid au)
They unfortunately got lost on their first shift and bumped into jeanist but luckily Ecto saved them and took them to Aizawa to get their gear.
So. Shouta is in charge of training most of the new interns
He had been friends with Hizashi -who is a scientist at the warehouse- before the corruptions started and joined as a security guard.
He lost his eye on his first shift and likes to tell the new interns it was from a corruption.
It was actually from him running down a flight of stairs and tripping while trying to hide from one of the corruptions there. His eye got taken out by the railing.
The corruptions tend to leave him be, except for Midnight and Edgeshot, who like to make his evening hell by throwing things at him for fun.
Okay, so under the cut are my ectoloader and edgejeanist designs and info (because they are kinda the whole center focus of this au) The reason they're under the cut is for these following warnings.
CW: talk of grief and loss, body horror, dismemberment, rather graphic depictions of death, terminal illness, suicide. ((I will not be going into **major** detail, but will go into enough for these warnings. Please take notice of them.))
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I’ll do ectoloader first:
ahh my favourite lil guy...im gonna put him through hell /lh
So, Higari was one of the top scientists and developers at the warehouse.
While I'm here, I'd like to mention that the warehouse is called UA and all the canon faculty staff work(ed) as scientists/developers there.
(And another thing: the Commission is the secret government organisation behind the entire android thing. And they are the reason for the corruptions, disappearances and deaths of scientists.)
(They wanted to make the androids more sentient and make people want them more but it backfired and they developed corruptions.)
(Any scientists that knew about it were killed, but then they started experiments to turn these scientists into androids/replace them so that no one knew they were missing. They hired more scientists to do this. The cycle repeats.)
Higari was secretly helping to develop the androids for these experiments and was starting to figure out more of what was happening deeper.
One day, they decided that he was a) too smart to be kept alive and b) a perfect test subject since he already had his own AI.
He had uploaded his thoughts and all of his personal and work stuff into an AI version of himself as a backup. Many of them did that.
That night, he went to the Commission hq and they locked him in a room with his AI and some physical robot parts
They proceeded to forcefully corrupt his AI, and made him record a few voice messages to be inputted after his death.
(he was being threatened with Ecto's life, so of course he does as he is told)
He then proceeds to get torn apart limb from limb and discarded by his own AI.
A replacement android had been made and the AI installed, this was going to take his place. and so the new android higari is taken to the warehouse to be planted in his office as if he had simply 'been attacked and passed out all night'
Android!Higari does not have a voice box. Even after they try to install it, he can't/refuses to talk.
This is a mix of his AI and actual ghost Higari not wanting anyone to find out what happened and get into danger.
Corrupt!Higari is incredibly hostile and dangerous but also switches to completely docile within seconds.
Dear old Ecto goes through a lot
He is the head of security and lost his legs in an accident the first few corruptions.
He has to deal with the fact that most of the interns that train with them. Don't make the night.
He also, very often, has to clean up the...well...remains of these said interns. He is desensitised to it at this point.
One day Higari doesn't come home after a late night shift. They find him in the morning. He seems shaken and can't speak. That's okay.
A few days pass and Ecto is desperately looking into the security footage to find out what exactly happened and why his husband seems so out of it.
He finds something. He finds footage of Higari at his desk, everything seeming normal until he gets up and walks off, taking his voice recorder that he used for development notes.
No footage after this. So obviously he digs around quietly, having a strange feeling something is off.
That's when he finds the notes. The last messages Higari pleaded to be able to record just in case. Him explaining that he knows Ecto will find out and him begging him not to come looking.
And unfortunately, his brutal death was also recorded. And so Ecto stood there in pure shock, horror and realisation as he listens to everything.
He turns around to see Android!Higari standing there, very obviously corrupted, and he just can't bring himself to do anything and he gets attacked and almost killed!
Higari stops and just kinda shuts down. (his ghost self stopped himself...if that makes sense) And Ecto is found by the others and all the reveals are made and Corrupt!Higari is locked away in the warehouse.
Ecto mourns hard. Very hard. He stops taking breaks, he stops looking after himself, he just takes every single nightshift he can and buries himself in work.
The first few nights he is incredibly aggressive with any corruptions that come up to him and he just. he sad :(
time passes and he just becomes numb and used to everything and more corruptions come in and he learns how to deal with them all.
Higari's ghost comes back to haunt and possess his own android self in a sense of protection and watching over the others.
His ghost is also the thing that makes the corruption go docile and also is the reason why No one can get any info.
AI!Higari develops feelings of guilt. Genuine feelings of guilt. Also attacks any corruptions that try to hurt Ecto, even when almost lashing out at him himself.
Ecto is a tiny bit unhinged and often will entertain the Corruptions wants or needs to play.
He memorises their "off-switches", so things that he has found out make them docile or manageable.
No one else takes the job of cleaning up "accidents" so he just does it. He even has a special mop. He often will find severed limbs and just chuck them at some of the androids that like to chomp on them (despite not having stomachs...where does it go?!)
Higari stays in his cell most of the time because he can't be bothered to get out. His AI has access to the same knowledge and things he did in life. He just can't be bothered to do anything about it.
Corrupt!Higari will sometimes wander up to Ecto and just look at him sadly and then leave. That is if it is his AI in charge. If it is the android, he'll just run up to him and chuck random useful parts at him and then leave.
If ghost Higari is mostly present, he may go up and ask for a hug.
Over time, Ecto has learnt what this is and is slowly warming up to it, after being incredibly sad and defensive at first.
Higaari's "off-switch" is just Ecto.
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Okay, oh boy, here we go:
Shinya was a lead scientist. He was known for making some of the smartest and strongest AI. He developed medical AI and androids.
His work unintentionally and unknowingly went to the development of the corruptions. He didn't know this at all.
He loved Tsunagu. But they couldn't be together because of work, though it was mostly on Tsunagu's side. He didn't understand this, but accepted it as it was.
One day, he feels feverish. He collapses at work.
Everyone is concerned, but he simply brushes it off and gets sent home to rest. He is certain that it is just a fever.
Tsunagu instantly comes to take care of him and the few days of fever turns into a few weeks, Tsunagu begs him to go see a doctor and eventually he does.
He finds out that he is terminally ill, and that his body is slowly shutting down on him.
He doesn't tell anyone and goes back to work. That is until he passes out again and this time, Tsunagu takes him home and they kinda argue a little until the truth comes out and Shinya just knows that everything gets sadder from then.
He gradually breaks the news to everyone and starts completing his personal AI, finishing it and perfecting it.
Tsunagu takes constant care of him since he has no immediate family, and they have their bittersweet moments. Multiple already known confessions, wishes that they could've at least been together through life and not just because of a looming death.
One day, however, Tsunagu doesn't come. Shinya gets a call from him. He is saying words that are so final and Shinya is panicking, knowing what he is doing, begging him not to.
Shinya drags himself out of bed rest, physically clawing his way to the door... but passes out before he can even leave his house.
When he wakes up, he cries and receives the news that Tsunagu had in fact killed himself for unknown reasons, leaving him a final note as his goodbye.
This grief plummets Shinya's health even further.
His final creation was a personal commission that he had chosen to make for Tsunagu's family: a replacement android of Tsunagu.
(replacement androids for grief work more as robots to help face grief and they know themselves that they aren't the original. They are for grieving purposes - but Shinya made a proper Android out of his own grief)
He creates the most intelligent and strong AI, integrating all of who he knew Tsunagu to be -and also Tsunagu's own AI drive- and he crafted the android using the image of how he saw him. which is why the android has all of his best features.
Unfortunately, Shinya passed away before he could finish the last finishing touches. Tsunagu's left eye, which was covered by his hair by the family because they didn't want to change any of Shinya's work.
Shinya died holding Android!Tsunagu's head, knowing he couldn't finish it and slipping away with the knowledge it was incomplete.
Tsunagu was one of the main designers for the androids and worked closely with Shinya. (the smartest AI + the strongest androids = good match)
However, he was entirely tied up in the Commission's doings and worked for them, not being able to leave or say anything.
He loved Shinya. He refused to be in a relationship because he knew that his work would put him in danger, and he couldn't risk that.
So when it turned out that Shinya was already dying, he felt guilty, as if he had stopped them from being together and making the most of it while he still lived.
He struggled with his mental health and the fact that he had to face scientists being killed and experimented on and corruptions being created, did not help.
He lived with his sister temporarily and had a very close relationship with his niece. He loved her to bits and she loved playing hide and seek with him.
She was a happy little ray of sunshine in his dark little world, and Shinya was the stars.
He tried to spend as much time as he could, with them, knowing that he was most likely at the end of his own life too (by the hands of the commission)
One day, everything got too much -paranoia, depression, etc- and he decided to take his own life.
He left messages and phoned Shinya as the last person he wanted to hear from, and he destroyed his phone, took the step, and died.
He gave Shinya access to his AI archive so that the commission couldn't get to it before he did.
Android!Tsunagu gets brought to life and resumes the life at the family's house. Helping settle the grief and also learning things himself as a sentient Android. (this was accidental. Shinya managed to achieve an almost fully sentient robot without corruption and it was bc of grief)
He played with his niece and instantly feels familiar with her. (ghosty stuff also)
But corruption reaches him and he lashes out one night, killing the family that once belonged to the original version of himself.
But he couldn't harm the niece. She managed to call authorities and had him taken to the warehouse, where he begins his new life as a corruption :)
Both Shinya and Tsunagu's ghosts merged and attached themselves to their own AIs, creating a further sense of sentience within them.
This is also what makes them click immediately and get on so well as corruptions.
Tsunagu accidentally electrocuted himself with cables during his death, leading him to his cable-like corruption.
Shinya dealt with the whole "mind too big, body not strong enough" thing in life and the same thing applies in corruption.
His AI (when corrupted) chose a random android and bonded to it. But this figure is weak and breaks easily.
This is why he's so obsessed with tearing himself apart and giving himself upgrades.
When Shinya was ill, Tsunagu would read him any of the good feedback he had gotten from his AI work. He also made sure Shinya cleaned up and stayed cleanly shaven.
Android!Tsunagu cannot remember the reasons behind the corruptions during the day, and cannot express it at night. This is due to the whole "don't tell anyone, if they find out, they will get hurt" thing.
Shinya's "off-switch" is either a shiny distraction, or being poked in the center of his back.
This is because, in life, Tsunagu always used to poke him in the back when he walked past.
Tsunagu's is a bonk to the head because a) his important stuff is in there
and b), Shinya used to flick him in the forehead whenever they were talking and he lost focus.
They may not have gotten to be together in life, but hey. Now they can be gay haunted horror robots together.
Thank you again!! This au has. A lot more lore than I initially planned it to have but oh well!!
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I'll be cutting it here because of spoilers (duh) and that it is kinda long. Also, this is played for laughs while also being my genuine reactions. I went back and added pictures so it will be a little easier to know which scene I'm talking about. Tried not to add too many pictures, too. I wrote this on my phone, okay?
Also, here is where you can view the OP & ED!
-> OP
-> ED
Thanks for the recap, Midoriya! Actually, that's one thing I do like about the recaps and narration is that Midoriya is doing it. It reminds the audience (at least for me) that this is still his story.
Also want to appreciate this scene right here. I love the colors. The pinks, blues and purples are so beautiful here.
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Of course, opening is a banger as always. Gonna add that to the playlist!
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It hurts to be a manga reader... Twice, how I adore you!!!
Oh shit, Giran! Dude! How have you been!
Skeptic! Drop that hair routine!
I just want everyone to know that whenever the Doctor shows up on screen, I wanna fight him. "No quirk", my ass. YOU AIN'T INNOCENT!!!
Oh! Ectoplasm is there!!
*accidentally pauses on close-up of tiny Nomu* The hell is that?! It's so weird-ugly-cute. OMG, the little guy has on shoes!!!
Pixie-Bob's reaction! 🤣🤣🤣
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"It wouldn't be hard to arrest Kyudai Garaki." That's right, lock his ass up. Throw away the key. I don't care.
I love that Present Mic has throat spray just how Eraser Head has eye drops. Small detail, but it makes sense! Kinda always figured he would have that because of his quirk... he has to have a lot on hand. So many occupations that requires his voice.
*Miruko appears with that grin of her* MY QUEEN, MY GODDESS, MY HERO, HER!! HER!! HEEEERRR!!! 💜💜💜🐇🐇🐇🌙🌙🌙
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WASH!! I want his backstory.
SNIPE!!! I'm telling you if he had a bigger part...
*Manual appears on screen* Aaaand my crush is back, I have no shame.
Sansa is there and I just want to hug him!
Tsukauchi gotta be one of the most stressed out people in the series. I just know it.
That one shot of the Pros. THEY'RE ABOUT TO DROP AN ALBUM!!
On that note, I love how everyone is walking and then there's Miruko that is hopping. Damn it, I just love her!
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*shows Edgeshot and his team* Again, the pain of being a manga reader...oh, but Fatgum is patting Amajiki's head to calm him down. Oh, that is just so sweet! How can you hate Fatgum?
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*shows Midnight* It's actually been a while since I seen you! ... again... manga reader...
Oh, hi, Cementos! Mt. Lady! Kamui Woods!
*shows Edgeshot again* Why are you so pretty?
Oh, Ms. Joke is there! Been a while since I seen you!!!
1-B got some screen time!! Komori!! Honenuki!!
Midnight comforting Komori, aaaawww!!
Kaminari realizing his position in the mission. Honestly, same. He has the funniest reactions though!!! 🤣
"I miss Class A!" Kaminari, sweetie... Tokoyami is right there!
*shows the Rear Guard of Team Edgeshot* Oh, look! They're about to drop their album, too!!! Who is the big cat guy next to Sato???
I love it when 1A hype each other up! I WANT THEM HAPPY!!!
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*shows Sansa* I'm sorry, he's just so damn adorable. He's a cat man with a cute cat face. The hell do you want from me?!
*shows Slidin' Go* Look, sir, please. Unclench your cheeks. And fight me!
Never mind, Death Arms got him! GOOD!!!
Katsuki, gremlin son of mine, I love you, but please! 😭 We all know no matter how much you express something you don't like, you're still going to go through with it!
"Bakugo, we only have our Provisional Licenses." Todoroki! 😆
*shows Koda* BABY!
The heroes really pulled up in the hospital.
In said scene, there is a kid wearing gloves and a mask while everyone isn't. I feel like that kid.
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"Miruko, to the morgue." Her - hops to it!...again I love her.
*The Doctor shows up* Ooooh, I just wanna.👊
Endeavor spooking him. Okay, that was funny!
Oh, new halftime cut? Midoriya looks so good!! You can tell this is the turn of the series.
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Hi, Natsuo! Hi, Fuyumi!
Eraser Head grabbing him and erasing his quirk. Me - 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Damn... he looks straight outta a horror movie. The Doctor when he ages.
Bruh, how Tsukauchi is looking down at him. It's the "you ain't nothing" look.
When Present Mic approached him... oh my inner Present Mic Fangirl is coming out! Look, he is my favorite Hero next to Miruko and Rock Lock, okay?
Oooh, Present Mic is scary... marry me.
Nosy ass people, the Doctor ain't a sweet man, get your asses out of there!
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I love the patient just beaming in joy as Tiger is carrying him. Same, buddy, same.
*Miruko shows again* 💜💜💜💜💜 LOOK I LOVE MIRUKO!!
*shows Rooftop Trio* Don't make me cry right now.
Oh, you're begging for forgiveness?! MY GUY, YOU...!!! ARGH!!
I love how Miruko said "Endeavor". You just know she is ready to wreck some crap up. You go, girl!
Real quick, I just want to applaud the VAs though. Like amazing!!!
Hold up... I want that chair...
"The bloodshed and happy days I shared with All For One!" I swear, they're married. It's unbelievable.
Johnny has on shoes, too! Okay, listen, the tiny Nomus are kinda cute... I want better for them.
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Oh shit... I'm sorry, Johnny. You did deserve better though.
The Doctor reacting to seeing Miruko! 🤣
Okay, it left off on a beautiful shot of Miruko's gorgeous face. Blessed! Ooh, just wait when I make icons out of that shot!!
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The ending song... it put me in my feels. The animation, beautiful. Yep, putting that in my playlist, too.
Ooh, I'm excited for the next episode!!
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