#azriel really has it like that fr like WHO is doing it like him
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duskandcobalt · 1 year ago
that part in acowar where azriel says "chain me to a tree, rhys... go ahead. I'll rip it out of the ground and fly with it on my damned back" lives in my head RENT FREEEEEE !!! hottest line in all the books if u ask me
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lidiasloca · 5 months ago
what do you think about reader and nyx being bffs and her having a huge crush on azriel , like nyx and reader have been friends for almost 50 years and she still remembers the first time she saw him. At was first it was a silly girl crush but it developed to her having a fat ass crush on him fr and nyx knows this and teases her relentless, azriel overhears this and confronts her. Fluff or smut pls i cannot handle angst🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
a crush on azriel
azriel x reader
“Do you know who’s coming?” Nyx asks you, and by the way he is smirking, you sure as hell know who is coming.
You try to play it cool, though. “I have no idea.”
But he’s not fooled. He’s known you for years. And he’s known about the crush you have on Azriel. “Oh. You don’t?”
Your eyes narrow into slits, watching him as you pray he will finally let go. But of course he won’t. “Cut the game, Nyx.”
He chuckles at your flustered face. “I swear, I didn’t know he was coming,” he explains, finally more serious. “You know I would have warned you.”
“Would you?” you ask, instantly regretting the anger your tone had taken. It’s not Nyx’s fault you cannot stomach being in the presence of your crush. It was simply your fault.
“Hey,” he says lovingly, taking your hand. “We don’t have to go to the party if you feel uncomfortable.”
“I don’t feel uncomfortable. I’m fine.”
“Liar,” he smiles.
You finally let go, letting a little smile bloom on your lips, relaxing your tense body. This was really becoming a problem — you couldn’t let the thought of Azriel alter you so much. “Shut up.”
“Well well, Ms. Head Over Heels for the Shadowsinger finally smiles,” Nyx mocks, and you seize the opportunity to elbow him playfully in the ribs. “Hey! No violence.”
“Then no teasing,” you remark with a steady voice.
“I’m my father’s son, darling. You ask me for the moon.” You have to laugh at that.
“You are stupid — that’s what you are.”
A grin spreads across his mischievous face. “I might be stupid. But do you know what else I am?”
“What?” you ask, following whatever stupid game he’s playing.
“Azriel’s nephew — sort of. Meaning, your only real chance to approach him.” His smirk is something close to evil. You are planning to elbow him again when someone rather quiet walks in.
“Did you say something? I heard my name.”
Azriel. Right in front of you. In the same room.
You look over to Nyx, but he is just as surprised. And Azriel just stands there awkwardly, waiting for a reply that never comes.
“Well,” he coughs. “The party is ready. If you don’t need anything,” he says as he turns to leave.
But your so-called friend has unfortunately recovered his chatty abilities. “Wait, Az. I have to get changed, and well, Y/N doesn’t know the place very well. Do you think you can accompany her to the living room?”
No way.
Please say no. Or yes. No, no — please say no. Just say yes, please. Say no.
“Of course.” Azriel turns to you with a friendly smile. “Y/N,” he tells you, as if asking you to follow him.
You spare Nyx a quick glance, asking, pleading, threatening him. He gives you an encouraging nod, and your legs finally start moving toward the spymaster. One step after another, trying not to trip.
“Have fun!” you hear Nyx call from his room. “And good luck!” You watch Azriel’s brows rise in confusion.
Little does he know. Tonight, you truly need luck.
next part
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-Charcaters by Sarah J Maas
azriel masterlist
a/n: i loved this request sm, anon. i will for sure write a part two for it. thanku for reading, have a good day :))
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moviesismylife · 1 year ago
Overprotective mate (Azriel x f!reader)
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You offer Azriel a place at your house, to get away from Nesta and Cassian’s lust. You get injured on a mission for Rhys, and Azriel goes all mother hen mode.
Mentions of intimacy
Blood, injury
Mentions of alcohol
Who did this to you?
Friends to lovers
Hey lovelies, this is my first fic on here, so please be nice. I really enjoy writing and drooling over fictional characters, and I know you do too. So let’s feed our delusion together. I know y’all are thirsting over Azriel as much as I am.
Enjoy x
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I knock on Nesta and Cassian’s door, clothed in my fighting leathers.
The door knob twists and the door freaks, as I spot Nesta’s head poking through the door.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” She asks as he opens the door fully.
“Coming to see you, and also to talk to Azriel about something” I tell her.
She steps aside to let me in, and I do. The door closes behind me, and the warmth of the house hits my body.
My back is facing her, so she walks around me to face my front.
“Sorry about the mess, I was going to clean it up, but I got a little distracted” she says, a hint of a smirk on her lips.
“Okay ew, I did not need to know that” I say, making a disgusted face, and she just chuckles in response.
“Nes who’s here” a male voice says, as it enters the hallway we’re standing in.
“Cassian” I say smiling at him.
“Y/n!” He squeals, and runs over to hug me.
He lifts me off the floor easily, and spins me around.
I laugh, as I hug him back.
He lets me down, and stands next to Nesta.
“Where’s Az?” I ask them both.
They look towards the living room, and I take that as a hint.
I leave my weapons in the hallway, and head into the living area.
As I enter I can’t spot him, but I hear some noises coming from the kitchen, so naturally I head towards them.
When I enter, I spot Azriel with his back to me.
He has a towel slung over one of his shoulders, and the water is running in the sink. He’s clothed in his Illyrian fighting leathers, sculpting his body like a god.
“You just got done with your morning workout?” I ask, to make him aware of my presence.
He turns around, not at all startled, and just leans against the counter.
“Y/n. What are you doing here?” He asks, as he sips from the water bottle he must have been filling up.
Fuck he looks insanely good. His hair is damp from his workout, and his cheeks are slightly tinted. His skin is glowing from the sweat, but he still manages to smell absolutely divine.
“I’m actually here to talk to you” I say, as I place my elbows on the kitchen isle in front of me, leaning forward.
“Okay…about what?” He asks me, putting down his water bottle.
“Well I have an offer for you” I tell him.
“What kind of offer?” He questions.
“To come live with me, instead of the two horndogs you’re living with right now” I answer him.
He raises his eyebrows in confusion.
“Look I have a spare room in my little cottage on the edge of the city, and I’m barely ever home. So do you need somewhere private and quiet to stay, my place is open” I explain to him.
“Oh uhm, are you sure?” He asks.
Honestly I’m kind of shocked he’s agree so quickly. I mean I would want to get away from Nesta and Cassian’s fucking too, but I expected him to mull it over more.
“Yeah of course. It’s no trouble. Besides as I said, I’m almost never home, so you’d basically have the place to yourself” I tell him.
“That’s generous of you, but I would have to talk to Nesta and Cassian about it first” he says, as he puts his towel down on the counter.
“Yeah, no of course” I say, and he gives me a slight nod, before walking off to find them.
*about 15 minutes later*
“Why do you have to leave us Az? I liked having you here” Cassian whines, as me and Azriel are standing in the hallway, ready to leave.
“It’s okay babe, we’ll have the house all to ourselves now” Nesta grins at him.
That makes him shut up, and grin back.
I roll my eyes and pick up my weapons.
“You’ll be free to visit anytime” I tell them both, and they nod at me.
“Okay you ready?” I ask Azriel, as I offer up my arm.
He links his in mine, and I winnow us out.
We land in my own hallway, and I let go of his arm.
Again, I put my weapons down, and he does as well.
“Okay, you want me to show you around?” I turn to look at him.
He just nods. Not exactly a man of many words.
I walk left and into the living room.
“Okay, so here is the small living area, and in there is the kitchen” I say, pointing to an archway leading from the living room.
Then I walk back into the hallway.
“That door leads to a small bathroom” I hint to the door on the right.
“Okay that’s everything downstairs, so let me show you upstairs” I start walking up the stairs.
I can hear him following me as I lead us both up to the second floor.
As we reach the top of the stairs, there is a little hallway, with several doors on each side.
“Okay so uhm, this door leads into my room, and a private bathroom that connects with it” I say as I hint for the door on the left.
I walk in a little further, until I reach the first door on the right.
“And it’s basically the same in here, but you can feel free to explore it yourself” I continue.
He just nods in understanding.
I walk further until I reach two glass doors. I open them and walk out into a little balcony.
“So this is just a little comfort place, but I mostly use it for reading, drinking, and a landing spot for when I fly in” I explain to him.
Then I turn around to face him.
He’s just looking around him, studying everything.
“Okay well, I have to leave, but I’ll be back sometime tonight. I’ll try not to make a sound” I say, and he snaps his head to mine.
Again he just nods, and I take that as a hint for me to leave.
I turn around to walk back into the house when he speaks.
I turn around again to face him.
“Thank you” he smiles softly.
“Of course” I smile warmly back, before turning back around again, and walking into the hallway.
*hours later*
I winnow into my room, and land on the floor with a thud. I try to be more quiet as I stumble back steadily on my feet.
The wound on my hipbone is throbbing, and I need to attend to it now.
I promised Azriel I’d be quiet when I returned home, but I’ve not done so well this far.
I make my way over to my bathroom, grabbing some rubbing alcohol and a cloth. Then I stumble back into the bedroom, and take a seat on the bed.
I drop my weapons and every other thing I was carrying on the floor, as I try to unbutton my corset.
Fuck why does it have to be so difficult. I try not to moan out in pain, as my wound keeps on throbbing.
I was attacked by several water wraiths on my mission for Rhys. And I made my way out fine, except for the open wound on my hipbone.
But luckily I achieved what I wanted, and I was able to retrieve the item he sent me for.
Although that would be no help if I couldn’t deliver it to him in the morning. And right now, by the looks of the wound, I needed some serious healing.
There was some kind of poison in my wound and I’d try to extract it with my magic, to no avail.
I’d have to go to a healer tomorrow, but now I just wanted sleep.
I finally pull off my corset, and throw it on the floor, as I lift up my white linen shirt to get better access to the wound.
I grab the cloth and rubbing alcohol, pouring some on it, as I press the cloth to my flesh.
I scream in pain, as the alcohol connects with my open and fresh skin. Blood is already dripping everywhere, and I bite down on my lip to refrain from screaming again.
The last thing I want is to wake up Azriel.
The someone bursts through my door.
“Y/n!” Azriel says panicked, as he flings the door open.
I snap my head to him, and curse myself for waking him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” I apologize as he heads over to me.
“What happened?” He asks, avoiding my apology.
He bends down in front of me, and kneels as he takes a look at my hand pressed firmly on my wound.
“Let me see it” he demands, as he looks up at me.
“No I’m fine. Go back to bed” I argue, as I wave him away.
“There’s no fucking way I’m leaving you like this” he curses, and I’m shocked at his sudden angry tone.
He notices and softens, as he speaks again.
“Just let me help you” he pleads, looking into my eyes, and I give up.
I raise my hand and cloth from the wound, revealing to to him.
“Who did this to you?” He ask as he removes the cloth slowly from my hand.
I let him.
“Water wraiths” I answer, as he moves his hand to my shirt.
He lifts it slightly higher, and I shiver as his fingers grazes my skin lightly.
He looks up into my eyes asking for permission to tend to my wound.
I just give him a slight nod, and he presses the cloth carefully onto my skin again.
I wince, as I grab onto his shoulder in reaction.
He cleans the wound thoroughly, and patches me up. He even uses some of his own magic to soothe out the pain.
As he’s finished I immediately feel relief wash over me.
“You’re gonna have to see a healer tomorrow” he says a he takes the alcohol and cloth into the bathroom.
“I will. After I talk to Rhys” I tell him.
“He sent you on this dangerous mission?” He questions as he turns around to walk back into my bedroom.
I don’t answer him, and use my magic to change from fighting leathers into a simple nightgown.
I let my hair stay in the messy braid it already is, before I crawl into my bed.
“Goodnight Azriel, and thank you” I say as I get comfortable.
He sighs and heads over to my door. He halts before walking out.
“Anytime you need me, I’m here. No matter what it is” he says, and I don’t get to respond before he vanishes out of my room, closing the door behind him.
I try not to think about it, as I close my eyes, waiting for sleep to pull me in. And eventually it does.
*next morning*
I open my eyes to sunlight beaming through my curtains. I shift to sit up in my bed.
As I lift my nightgown, I notice that my wound has worsened overnight. Although the throbbing sensation isn’t as bad as it was last night. Thanks to Azriel.
I get out of bed, and pull on some pants, as well as a red loose linen shirt, also pulling on a pair of simple black boots.
I look in the mirror to spot my hair a mess, so I take out the braid, and twist my hair into a messy bun, using a large hair pin to secure it.
Then I decide to head downstairs.
As I walk down, I hear some grumbling and clinking of metal, sounding from the kitchen.
I walk into the living room, and further into the kitchen, where I spot Azriel, cooking food.
That’s something I never thought I’d see.
He must notice my presence, because he turns his head slightly to the side, sliding his eyes over my body.
I can’t help but feel tingles as he roams his gaze over me.
“You feeling better?” He asks as he turns his head back around.
I debate whether I should tell him about the spreading of the wound or not. But I do, as he’s probably gonna demand to see it anyways.
“A little yeah, your magic helped a lot with the pain. But the poison has spread” I say, sitting down at the small kitchen table.
“Let me see it” he demands as expected, turning his full body around to face me.
I sigh, and lift up my shirt to the expose the infected wound.
He curses under his breath, and strides over to where I’m sitting.
“I’m gonna kill Rhys for letting this happen to you” he says angrily.
“Az it’s fine. I chose to go. Rhys didn’t force me” I explain to him.
“You got hurt y/n. Badly” he looks into my eyes.
He’s standing in front of me, making me look up at him.
“I told you, I’m fine” I say again.
He lifts my chin up slightly, placing a hand under it.
“I’m coming with you to the town house” he says and walks away, back to whatever he’s cooking.
I sigh, knowing I won’t be able to stop him. If he wants to come, he’s gonna come.
Me and Az are standing in the living room in the town house with Rhys.
“Why did you let her leave when you knew how dangerous it was?” Azriel asks Rhys mad.
He’s been cursing out Rhys for the past five minutes now, for letting me go on a mission with him. I’ve been trying to stop Az but he won’t listen to me.
“Azriel. She wanted to go herself. And I’m sorry she got hurt. But you can’t put this on me” Rhys says calmly, trying to reason with Az.
“I don’t fucking care! This IS your fault! If it was Feyre that got hurt, how would you have reacted then huh?” Az argues, but Rhys is just standing with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Do not bring Feyre into this” Rhys warns.
“Bring me into what?” A soft voice asks from behind.
We all turn our heads to spot Feyre, Mor, Nesta and Cassian all standing in the hallway, looking at us.
“It’s nothing guys…” I try to tell them.
“Then why does Azriel look like he’s gonna rip Rhys’s head off?” Cassian asks confused.
I sigh heavily, taking a deep breath.
“Rhys sent y/n on a dangerous mission and almost got her killed. And then he doesn’t even care” Azriel explains to them, and they all turn their heads to Rhys.
“He’s being over dramatic. Y/n wanted to go herself” Rhys tries to explain calmly to the others.
“Over dramatic? Have you seen her fucking wound?” Azriel curses, very angry.
Everyone looks shocked at Azriel’s swearing. He’s the quiet type, and rarely gets angry in front of others. Especially angry with us.
“Az…please calm down..” I say breaking the silence.
“I won’t calm down when you could have died y/n” he yells at me.
“Why are you yelling at me? I’m just trying to talk to you” I answer a little annoyed at him for yelling at me, when it’s Rhys he’s actually angry with.
He doesn’t answer and just tries to steady his breathing instead. Then Cassian walks over to me.
“Let me see your injury y/n…” he tells me quietly, to not trigger Azriel.
I lift up my shirt to show the infected wound, spreading more and more over my body.
He slaps his hand over his mouth, as he looks at it, and the girls run over to see how bad it is. They too look scared as they inspect the wound.
“Rhys this is not a normal wound. I think she’s been poisoned” Feyre says as she looks at her mate.
He walks over to me to see it for himself, and raises his eyebrows in shock as he sees it.
“Fuck. I’m sorry y/n. I shouldn’t have let you go on that mission for me” he apologizes.
“No it’s fine, I wanted to myself” I tell him, and he gives me an apologetic smile.
“Azriel please don’t be mad at him for this…” I say as I look over at him.
“Az come on man…we’ll take her to a healer” Cassian adds as well, trying to get his attention.
I sigh, moving away from the others and walking over to him.
He’s standing with his arms crossed over his chest, and I move my hands to them, to untuck his tight grip.
As I touch his arms, he rests a little into me, letting me touch him.
“You promised you’d go with me to the healer…” I say at a desperate attempt to get his attention.
Finally he looks up at me.
“Fine. But we’re leaving now” he agrees, but doesn’t show any emotion.
The others don’t say anything as he strides to the front door to leave as fast as he can.
I wait to follow him, turning my attention to the others.
“I’ll talk to him alright? He’ll be fine, he just needs to calm down” I tell them.
They nod their heads, and I move the front door, to leave with Az.
We arrive at the healer, and a kind fae named Victoria inspects my wound.
I am sitting on a medical bed, while Azriel is standing in the corner, arms crossed over his chest.
“Your wound has been poisoned” Victoria says as she touches my skin slightly.
“Yeah we kind of figured that part out ourselves” I joke slightly.
She touches my wound and I wince.
“I’m sorry” she says, pulling away.
“It’s fine, just help me please” I say, stealing a quick glance over at Azriel.
His face is blank, watching every movement.
Victoria walks over to a little table, grabbing some herbs and medicine, before walking back over to me.
“I’ll put these herbs on your wound, and it should heal in about a week. I will also give you these pills for the pain. And I would highly advise you to take it slow, and not do anything to livid, so it can heal faster” she tells me, putting the herbs on the infected wound.
I nod my head in understanding.
“I’ll be careful, and postpone any energetic exercises until it’s fully healed” I tell her.
She smiles warmly at me.
“Should anything go wrong, you come to me alright?” She asks as she bandages up my wound again.
“Of course” I smile at her, standing up from the bed.
I walk over to the door and Azriel follows me.
“Oh and remember to change your bandage daily” she adds quickly, and I nod again, before walking out of her little office.
Me and Azriel walk into the sunny streets of Velaris, and a light breeze blows by.
“See I told you it was fine” I say, trying to lighten Azriel’s mood.
“You got lucky” he answers coldly, and I roll my eyes.
“Are you still in a mood? Stop being so over dramatic” I say as I turn to look at him.
“I’m not over dramatic. I’m just being protective. I hate seeing you hurt” he tells me and I feel my heart jump a beat at his words.
“Well I’m glad you care about me Az, but I don’t want you to flip out on everyone because I got hurt” I say, as I cross my arms over my chest.
He doesn’t say anything, and just looks down at the ground in silence.
I sigh.
“Can we go back to the town house now? And can you please promise me that you won’t stay mad at Rhys?” I ask him, and he looks up at me.
“I promise to try” he answers me, and I sigh in defeat, knowing that’s the best answer I’ll get.
Then we walk back, heading towards the town house.
“We’re back!” I yell as we enter the town house.
I take off my shoes and coat and walk into the living room, where I find all of them chatting amongst themselves.
“Y/n how’d it go?” Rhys asks as Azriel comes up behind me.
“It went fine actually. The nurse put some herbs on my wound to kill the poison, and some pills for the pain. But it should be healed in about a week” I say smiling softly at him.
“That’s great y/n” Feyre tells me, and I smile at her too.
Rhys looks at Azriel staring behind me, and guilt flashes his face.
“Az…can we please squash it. It’s my fault I know. I shouldn’t have sent y/n on that mission” he says, looking at Azriel.
I hear Az sighing behind me, placing a gentle hand on my back, before speaking.
“Just don’t do it again” he says, accepting Rhys’s apology.
Rhys smiles contently.
Then I spit Cassian looking at the hand Azriel’s placed on my back, and he smirks.
Azriel notices Cassian too, and immediately pulls his hand back.
Cassian just chuckles at his reaction.
“Why don’t we go to Rita’s tonight? I think we all need it” I suggest.
“Can you drink with your injury?” Mor asks looking at me.
“Yeah as long as I don’t drink too much I should be fine. Tell you what I’ll be the responsible parent tonight” I answer.
“You know I could actually get down for that” Feyre agrees.
“Me too” Nesta adds.
“Me three” Cassian says, agreeing with everything his mate says.
The others nod in agreement as well.
“Okay great. We leave in thirty” I say, and walk towards the stairs, to go upstairs and get ready.
I’m wearing a short, black, backless glitter dress, with some black heels. I’ve got my hair hanging down in loose waves, and some golden hoops in my ears.
I head downstairs to where the others are standing. Mor is wearing a red, satin, slit dress. Feyre is wearing a midnight blue, strapless dress. And Nesta is wearing an all black one, with long sleeves.
All the guys are clothed in the same black dress pants and shirts. The top buttons undone to show their muscular chests.
”Mor I love your dress” I smile at her.
“Thanks babes. You look hot ” she winks back.
“Yeah you look beautiful y/n” Azriel adds as well.
I look at him, kind of surprised at this sudden compliment. The others have the same reaction, as they look between us.
“Thanks Az…” I say awkwardly.
Feyre spots the obvious tension, and decides to interfere”
“Let’s go shall we?”
Rhys nods his head and opens the door, and we all leave.
I watch y/n as she dances and laughs with the other girls. She looks absolutely stunning, I can’t tear my eyes away from her.
I should have never anything earlier, although she didn’t seem to bother.
“Hey Az…you might wanna avert your gaze somewhere else for a while” Rhys says from beside me, in our little booth.
“What” I turn to look at him.
“You’ve been watching y/n like a hawk for the last thirty minutes now” he answers, smirking a little.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, even though I know he’s right.
“Az you’re completely eye fucking her” Cassian says as well, and I roll my eyes.
“I am not” I snap at him.
“Whatever you say” he grins.
I roll my eyes at him again, standing up.
“Where are you going?” Rhys asks confused.
“To get a drink” I answer shortly, and stride for the bar.
“I’m tired can we sit down?” Feyre asks as another song comes on.
“Yeah I’m tired too” Mor adds.
“Yeah okay” I say, and we walk out of the crowd.
I head towards our little booth, where Cassian and Rhys are both sitting. No Azriel though.
“Hey, you guys done already?” Cassian asks as Nesta sits down next to him.
“You try to dance for an hour straight” she snaps at him, and he just laughs, placing a hand on her thigh.
“Hey where’s Azriel?” Feyre asks, taking a seat next to her mate.
Mor moves next to Feyre and I move next to Nesta.
“He said he was getting a drink, but he’s been gone for a while now” Rhys answers, looking out in the crowd for him.
“Azriel never drinks” I say, as I take a sip of Cassian’s from the table.
“Hey” he snaps at me, but I just glare at him.
“Maybe you should go looking for him y/n” Nesta says, looking at me.
“Why me?” I ask her.
“Because no one else wants to” she answers shortly.
“Fine…” I sigh, and get up.
I walk over to the crowd again to see if I spot him. I try to look over all the dancing bodies, but I can’t see him. Instead I take a quick look over at the bar, but I don’t find him there either.
I stand up on my tiptoes, searching for him, when I feel a pair of two large hands on my waist.
I turn around quickly, to find two drunken hazel eyes staring at me.
“Azriel” I say in surprise, as he’s standing very close.
We’re in the middle of the crowd, with several sweaty bodies pressed up against each other, making very little space for us.
He keeps his hands on my waist, while trailing his eyes all over my body. I blush slightly at his gaze, but try to hide it.
His grip tightens, and he pulls me into him, making my hands go to his chest in support.
Then he angels his head, moving his gaze to my lips. His fingers trace the bare back that’s not covered by my dress, and I slightly shiver.
“Azriel what are you doing…” I say lowly, as his fingers trail over my bare skin.
He doesn’t respond and instead moves his head to my ear, whispering.
“You look beautiful my love…”
I feel heat rise to my cheeks again at his words.
“You’re drunk” I respond slowly.
“I still think you’re absolutely divine” he speaks again and I don’t move.
He moves away from my ear, only for his face to be inches from mine.
My breathing gets heavy and I struggle to keep eye contact. What is happening to me?
“We should head back to the others…” I tell him.
“Should we?” He questions, looking at my lips again.
“Yes…” I breathe out, pulling away from him hesitantly.
He lets go of me, and I turn away, walking away from the crowd once again.
I can feel him following me, so I don’t stop.
As we reach our booth, the others turn to look at me. And Azriel, who comes up next to me, placing a hand on my waist.
“I see you found him” Rhys says, gazing towards the hand on my waist.
“Uh yes I did” I respond, moving to sit next to Nesta again.
“I can’t believe I’m even saying this. But is Azriel drunk?” Mor asks, grinning a little, as she looks at him.
“Mhm…” I nod in reply.
Her grin turns even wider, and I see the others mouths turning up as well.
Then Azriel decides to move next to me, despite the also empty spot next to Mor, and sits down.
He doesn’t seem embarrassed, as he moves as close as possible to me.
I shift in my seat nervously, as his body heat and scent radiates onto my own.
“Hey buddy, why are you clinging to y/n so much huh?” Cassian asks, a wide smirk plastered on his face, and I glare at him.
“Yeah Az, please elaborate on this sudden infatuation with our dear friend y/n here” Mor adds, and I shoot her a glare too.
“What do you mean sudden…” Azriel responds shortly, as he turns his head to her.
Feyre and Mor gasp in shock, and Nesta chuckles as I blush badly.
“She’s so beautiful…” he mumbles, pushing some hair off my shoulder.
I sit completely still, as I feel his piercing gaze on me.
I hear Cassian struggle not to laugh his ass off, and I see the others grinning like hell.
“Hey Az…maybe we should go back” I say, turning to look at him.
“No don’t leave yet” Mor whines.
“No it’s fine, I’ll take him with me to my cottage. I promised to be the responsible parent right?” I say smiling a little.
“Maybe she’s right. I think Azriel needs to go to bed” Rhys agrees.
“Fine…” Mor sighs in defeat, and I smile a little.
Then I turn to Azriel again, moving to stand up. He rises from his seat, and I follow.
“Come on big guy…” I say as I link my arm in his and walk for the exit.
“Have fun!” Cassian winks and I flip him off.
The others laugh as I lead Azriel out of Rita’s.
We arrive at my small cottage and I stumble us inside.
I flip off my heels and drag Azriel with me upstairs. Then I lead him into his bedroom and sit him on the bed.
As I try to walk away, he grabs my waist, pulling me in between his legs. I steady my hands on his shoulders in response.
He then rubs circles with his thumbs in soothing motion, and I tug my hair behind my ears.
His hands move up to my waist and up to my bare back again, pushing me closer to him. My thighs are touching his, and my hands have moved to rest comfortably on his neck and shoulders.
“I’m sorry for making you angry” he apologizes.
“I’m not angry Az” I answer him.
“You’re not?” He questions.
“No. I was annoyed with you, but not anymore” I tell him, as I move a hand to stroke his cheek.
He smiles slightly.
One of his hands move to my neck, pulling it down towards his face. I follow his lead, leaning down.
He moves my face slowly towards his, before brining his lips to mine softly.
I’m taken back by surprise, but don’t hold back, as I get more comfortable. I decide to sit on his lap, and he immediately places his hands on my waist to keep me in place.
I kiss him passionately, keeping my hands on his face, to cup his cheeks.
But then I realize what I’m doing and pull away.
“Shit I shouldn’t have done that” I say, standing up from his lap.
“No y/n wait-“
“No you need to go to bed Azriel” I cut him off, striding towards the door.
“Y/n please” I hear him beg behind me, but I continue to walk out and into my own room.
When I get into my own bedroom, I shut the door closed, and throw myself on the bed.
I slip off my dress, and put an oversized t-shirt to sleep in. Then I force myself to go to sleep, pushing away all my feelings. And also the fact that Azriel is my fucking mate.
I wake up and walk down into the kitchen. Azriel hasn’t woken up yet luckily.
I decide to grab some juice from the fridge, and drink straight from the bottle, before I hear steps entering the kitchen.
I don’t even turn around as his presence fills the room.
“Good morning…” he says quietly, heading over to where I’m standing.
“Morning” I respond shortly, not turning around.
He reaches the fridge and I turn around to face the counter, as he moves past me.
“Y/n about last night…I’m sorry” he starts to apologize.
“For what?” I ask boldly, my back still facing him.
“For leading you on, and making you kiss me. It was foolish of me” he admits, and I can feel him standing close.
“I wanted to kiss you” I say turning around, and leaning my back against the counter.
He only raises his eyebrows in shock and confusion.
“You were drunk, I just didn’t wanna take advantage of you” I continue, sitting up on the counter, my feet dangling off the edge.
My t-shirt is only long enough to cover my ass, so when I sit, it rises up my thighs. Azriel takes a notice of this and steals a glance at the bare skin of my thighs, before speaking.
“Well I appreciate that but uhm…actually I…” he stutters as he talks. Unusual.
“You what…” I urge for him to keep going.
He only walks closer to me, placing his hands on my thighs. I shiver at his touch, knowing his shadows can sense it.
“Say it Azriel…” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck.
“You’re my…” he hesitates.
I pull him closer to me, so our noses are barely touching.
“Mate” I finish for him, smashing my lips onto his.
He doesn’t think twice as his hands move to my waist, pulling me closer to him.
I keep my hands on his neck, running my fingers through his hair, as I kiss him passionately.
He’s so fucking good at this. His hands dig into my sides, and he opens his mouth, so I can slide my tongue in. And I do.
He kisses me more roughly, pulling and tugging at my shirt. His teeth graze my bottom lip as he slightly nibbles.
I pull away to catch my breath, only for him to crash his lips onto my neck instead.
I push my hair to one side, as he trails his tongue over my skin. Then he decides to start sucking instead. I let out a silent moan as he bites into my neck.
With that he pushes into me even more, making our lower abdomens graze each other.
“Y/n…” he groans, and I wrap my legs around his torso.
I pull his head up from my neck, so we’re face to face.
We make eye contact, and I move my hand to push some hair out of his face. Then I cup his cheeks, and lean in to place my forehead on his.
I close my eyes, and breathe in his scent and presence.
His hands rest on my hips, with my legs still wrapped loosely around him.
“I’m sorry…” he whispers.
I raise my head and open my eyes.
“For what?” I ask confused.
“For being such an idiot. I shouldn’t have let you get hurt, but I definitely shouldn’t have lashed out like I did. It’s just that you mean the world to me. If you get hurt, I get hurt. If you die, I die” he answers.
I can’t help but feel bad for him. He’s genuinely hurting because of this.
“Azriel…you mean the world to me too. Believe me, I wouldn’t have held back if you got inured either. It just upset me that you didn’t listen to me when I told you it was fine” I say, stroking his cheek soothingly with my thumb.
“I know love…and I promise I’ll listen you next time. Can you forgive me?” He asks, regret shining his eyes.
“There is nothing to forgive…” I answer, leaning in slowly to give his lips a comforting kiss.
He doesn’t stop me as I kiss him. This time the kiss is not filled with lust and hunger, but pure love and longing.
As I pull away again, I keep my hands on his neck, and he keeps mine on my hips.
“Breakfast?” I ask him softly, trailing fingers through his hair.
“Mhm” he nods, and leans in to give another quick and loving kiss.
We both smile through the kiss, and I feel every part of my body relaxing at his touch.
“You know we’re gonna get bullied for centuries for this?” I say, as I take a bite of my fried egg toast.
“Oh trust me I know…Cassian is going to be a big pain in the ass to say the least” Azriel replies, as he eats too.
“As long as I get to have you all for mysel” I say, a hint of seduction in my voice.
He just cocks an eyebrow at me knowingly, and I take another bite of my food.
“We don’t have anything important planned today right…” he asks, not looking up at me, as he sips his juice.
“No I don’t think so…why?” I ask curiously.
He just shrugs, and I give him a playful look.
“I’m glad you moved in here with me…” I say, finishing my food.
“Me too…” he trails off as he also finishes up.
I grab my plate and cup, heading over to the sink to wash it. I hear Azriel following me from behind.
As I wash my dishes, he comes up behind me, placing his own in the sink. I wash his too, as his hands start to roam my body.
Still wearing my t-shirt, he presses into my back, running his hands up my thighs. I can already fell my body aching for him.
I truly underestimated the whole mating thing. When Rhys and Feyre told me they basically fucked each other with no breaks for a week, I only laughed at them. But now I want nothing more than to let Azriel do the same to me.
As his hands smoothes over my bare skin, a shiver runs down my spine. He lifts my t-shirt up to my waist, exposing my underwear.
One of his hands trail under my shirt, up towards my breast, while the other goes to my ass.
I lean my head slightly back, closing my eyes. His lips move to the bare skin of my neck, licking and kissing.
When his hand finally reaches my breast, he cups it, running his finger smoothly over the already hardened nipple.
I let out a slight moan, as he touches the sensitive spot. He just smirks into my neck, as he starts to suck it.
My hands find their way to the counter, grabbing it harshly, my knuckles turning white.
I continue to let out several whimpers and slight moans, as his hand and tongue devour me.
Then his hips grind into my backside. His bulge grazing into my ass. With that we both let out loud moans.
“I thought we had nothing planned today…” I breathe out as Azriel’s head in between my legs.
“We didn’t. But apparently Rhys did…” he murmurs into my skin.
“I’m gonna kill him” I say, thinking about the dinner we have to attend in one hour.
“Me and you both” Azriel agrees, before sliding his tongue into me, earning a loud moan.
“Geez I can practically smell what you’ve been doing from over here” Cassian says, putting a hand over his nose jokingly.
Me and Azriel just landed in the front veranda of the House of Wind, all dressed up for the dinner Rhys insisted we have.
I shoot Cassian a death glare, bumping into him on purpose as I walk past him.
“For your own sake. Keep your mouth shut Cass” I hear Azriel tell him as he follows me inside.
Everyone is seated at the dinner table, all dressed up. I take a seat next to Nesta, Azriel sitting next to me. Cassian comes in a moment later, sitting himself beside his mate.
I suddenly notice everyone staring and grinning at me and Azriel. Of course they know. They’re our family.
“You enjoyed yourself today?” Rhys smirks widely.
“I will literally murder you” I threaten him, but he just laughs.
“Your bond is really fucking strong. It almost makes me dizzy” Mor adds, looking over at me and Azriel.
I knew the mating bond was strong, but not as strong as they’re implying.
“It enhances itself once it’s been fulfilled. That’s why we can sense it so easily” Amren explains, looking between me and Az.
“Well I wanna say congratulations y/n and Azriel. You both deserve it” Feyre smiles at us both.
She is way too kind to be mated with the arrogant, baby high lord, Rhys.
“Thank you” Azriel smiles slightly at her.
“So how did it all happen? What made you finally give in?” Rhys asks, as he pours himself some wine.
“Do you need to know all the details?” I raise my eyebrows at him.
He just smirks at me, taking a sip of his drink.
“It was me” Azriel speaks up from beside me.
Everyone turns their heads to him, including me.
“What do you mean Az?” Mor questions.
“My stupid drunken ass kissed her when we got home from Rita’s” he tells everyone.
Several gasps echoes through the room. I myself let out a little sound of surprise.
“Damn Az…I don’t expect that. How did you handle that y/n?” Cassian asks me.
They’re all looking at me. Awaiting my response.
“I kissed him back. Only for a few seconds though until I got my shit together” I say.
“And then you just went to sleep?” Nesta ask confused.
I nod my head at her.
The other seem kind of confused as well, looking at us weirdly.
“And then when I woke up, I kissed her again. But she didn’t resist me that time” Azriel smiles proudly.
I roll my eyes, and hit him in the arm playfully. He just stifles a laugh.
“And then what…” Feyre asks intrigued.
Rhys raises his eyebrows at his mate’s sudden interest. But she just keeps her gaze on me and Azriel.
“And then the bond snapped together. I think you know what happens next…” I say, grinning a bit at the last part.
Azriel goes red out of embarrassment at my slight exposing. Cassian just throws his head back with laughter, and the others snicker as well.
“Well I just lost my appetite” Amren says, pushing her plate away.
“Please like you were gonna eat any of that anyways” Mor tells her, still kind of laughing.
Amren just rolls her eyes and glares at her, but Mor doesn’t seem a tiny bit bothered.
As the laughter quiets down, everyone starts pouring food onto their plates. Except for Amren. And the conversation flows back to other things.
Azriel puts his hand on my thigh, letting it rest there. And I don’t feel a tiny bit uncomfortable, as I let it stay there for the rest of the dinner.
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thehighladywrites · 8 months ago
Hiiii love <3
Hmmm, I have a question too!!
Do you think bimbo!reader was ever shy or nervous to ride Azriel when they first started dating. In fear of her not being good at it? Or do you think she’s always had that confidence!🤔
i don’t think she was tbhh. when i write for bimbo, i see someone confident who is so far away from the worlds insecurities that she doesn’t think about if she’s good or not.
bimbo does stuff and always thinks she does them perfectly. If she’s picking an outfit, perfect. if she’s choosing a restaurant to eat at, perfect. if she’s fucking on top of azriel, absolute perfection.
bimbo is so confident in herself and has never once doubted herself because of the way she was raised. Her parents are sweethearts like literal angels who support her through everything.
Her daddy spoils her rotten but still keeps her humble and kind. Her mommy is her guide throughout life and makes sure she knows her value.
Bimbo has never felt insecurity bc she has never been around it and has never heard of it, that’s why she does crazy shit in public and doesn’t get why azriel shy’s away.
When it comes to love, i imagine that bimbo has never been in a super serious relationship like the one she’s in rn. The only one she was in before Azriel, was her bum boyfriend in the first chapters. But sex comes naturally to her, she didn’t enjoy it so much w her old bf but she loves it with azriel because she is inlove with him and she knows he loves her back.
Bimbo learned all sex stuff either from the internet or from fanfictions, and yes she reads fanfiction. This girl will lie in her stupidly huge and fluffy bed, read ghost and könig fanfics and giggle and kick her feet. So whatever she sees in fanfics, she asks az to recreate. She even sends him some links sometimes of shit she wants to try, she’s really experimental fr
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elainsgirl · 3 months ago
I tried to get myself to like gwyn and azriel but I just couldnt. Ill look at fanarts and stuff but I just cant SEE it.
I fear they would be boring. People call elain and azriel boring and cliche but be fr... thats literally gwyn and az. you can literally see how their story would develop. it would literally give feysand and nessian.... im tired of seeing the same stuff.
Hey anon 🫶
You’re so right. At one point, earlier on in the fandom, I too tried to get myself to see where gwynriels were coming from and what the appeal about Gwyn and Az were. It’s nothing special. There is nothing unique or interesting about Gwynriel.
I promise this is related to my poimt. Lately, there’s this discourse going on about the decline in individuality and quality of books. After 2020, people have started to notice that recent books are no longer as intricate as books once were. Every book within a genre feels the same. The plots, characters, dynamics, tropes etc - are all mirrors of each other. There isn’t individuality anymore when it comes to books within a set genre. Now, a genre that rlly increased in popularity was romantasy. Over the last few years, which trope has become increasingly more prominent? Enemies to lovers. Which fmc character type is more favoured? The sassy, “I can do it all”, powerful warrior who is the best at everything and is great at wielding a sword type. Almost every single book thats comes out will be advertised as enemies to lovers. The fmcs themselves have all become similar. Another point I would like to add in: when it comes to these sort of books, there will be lots of banter between the couple and the fmc always proving the mmc wrong - sometimes even challenging him. Aside from acotar: many of us are also readers who consume other genres and books/series. I think its fair enough to say, many of us consume all types of “popular” books. I can guarantee that many of us have read enemies to lovers books or even have it as a favourite trope. When you are constantly consuming a specific type of media, as a reader, you will want more of whatever you are consuming, limiting your mind to other possibilities. As an example, if you constantly are reading enemies to lovers books’ -> you won’t really like anything that is not enemies to lovers. Obviously, we all have our favourite genres and tropes we love to consume BUT we should always be open minded to try new things. Ok, slightly of course but back to my point:
Gwynriel fits in the checklist for your standard couple: in a fantasy, “enemies to lovers”, book. . Girlboss FMC that can do it all and shoves it to do the dark, broody MMC.
. “Banter”. The couple “challenging” each other
. MMC’s dark trauma and past that only the FMC can help him to heal
you get my point. People love gwynriel and it is so popular due to its lack of originality. They are such cardboard copies of a typical EtL book + we have literally gotten not much scenes on them -> it is so easy for their stans to self-insert and virtually put on any HC they want onto gwynriel.
Now compare that too elriel? There are not many “soft”, “feminine” fmcs. The recent one I can think of is “Evangeline Fox” from once upon a broken heart. So you already have Elain Archeron that stands out as an fmc from the norm - people aren’t used to her character type therefore view her as weak and boring. Elriel is far from enemies to lovers. They do not banter. They’re not the type of characters to draw attention to themselves or their relationship. Their dynamic is more mature instead of fun and childish. They have more dangerous stakes then anything gwynriel can have. Their story is more unique -> people aren’t used to that as it isn’t often potrayed in books anymore therefore they are disliked and people find them uninteresting.
Gwynriel is popular as it lacks originality. Elriel is hated due to their unique dynamic.
When I see gwynriel fanarts, the concept is lovely but knowing that Gwyn and Az don’t even like each other romantically and Az was ready to beg for another woman, it usually puts me off. I can’t view them as a couple since the books do not potray them as potential LIs.
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infiniteetcetera · 7 months ago
Something I would actually love to see in an Azriel book is Az getting a “second family” sort of situation outside the inner circle, i.e. a group of friends he hangs out with where he can actually just relax, laugh, and be himself. Don’t get me wrong, Azriel obviously loves the IC and they love him, but we’re told from basically every single one of them in their POV that they don’t understand him and he won’t talk about himself/his feelings with them (as he should honestly, Rhys and Cassian canonically used to beat conversation out of him and Mor’s been messing with his head for centuries) and one of the very first things we’re told by Az directly is that he doesn’t feel like he belongs (with them).
I just think it’s sad that Az is often written off as so private/quiet because of his personality even though we see there’s so much more to him than that. I love that he is our occasionally awkward introverted boy, but he’s also canonically like the most charismatic of the IC??? Feyre points out how fun/charming he is the first time she hangs out with him outside the IC, he’s the only one Elain feels comfortable with in all of ACOMAF and brings her out of her shell, and he’s literally the only one who gets along with Nesta and they actually form such a normal sweet friendship??? He operates so sweetly and openly with everyone outside the IC (I use the Archerons as examples bc that’s most of what we’re shown but we’re also told even like the valkyries in training all crush on him) I can’t help but feel like the IC hold him back and after the way he was raised Azriel really deserves a true family where he feels like he “belongs” and doesn’t have to hide and isolate himself.
This is why I care less who he winds up with and more that it’s done well and leaves him genuinely happy, not just because one person suddenly “fixes” everything, but because they help him be himself and let others in and feel comfortable with who he is. I feel like that’s what he really needs and he’s not getting it from most people in the Night Court (like I swear the Archeron sisters already know him better than his supposed family in the IC. what do you mean Feyre and Nesta both clock Elriel and Rhys/Cassian are oblivious??? what do you mean he’s terribly depressed on Solstice and Nesta is the only one who reaches out and when she brings it up Cassians like ‘nah that’s just how Az is’??? what do you mean Mor gets him awful gifts every year but Elain has him dying on the floor laughing with her present after knowing him a few weeks???)
In conclusion, please let Azriel find not only a happily ever after with his LI but some awesome new friends too ❤️ (or let him help the Archeron girlies escape the NC fr even if he just drops them off with their autumn court LIs, IDC I just love his relationship with all of them)
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shadowqueenjude · 1 year ago
I'm not even a Gwynriel but how can you read the line "You're the new ribbon, Az" and not immediately realize something is brewing? I wasn't here for the TOG ship wars. I read the series and in Heir of Fire I was almost certain Rowaelin was endgame. I was salty about it, but I knew it would be endgame because I'd already recognized how SJM writes her stories by that point. Imagine my surprise when I found out there had been an insane debate about it before Rowaelin became endgame. I'm not even salty about it anymore; imo Yrene is a way better fit for Chaol and honestly the cadre is 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️(especially their former commander 🥵). Imo, the Aelin/Chaol/Rowan dynamic is similar to the Elain/Azriel/Lucien dynamic. Every Ewriel "moment" has been nullified by something else happening in the text. But by the end of ACOSF, several things are still true: 1. Rhysand stopped Azriel from kissing Elain. Azriel then rejected her and Elain returned the necklace. Azriel went to the library with the intention that Gwyn receive it, even if he didn't hand it to her directly. 2. Lucien and Elain are still mates. You can argue all you want that it's a spell, but SJM uses the same mating language to describe their bond as she does with any true mating pair. Besides, do you really think SJM is going to make Lucien spend decades convinced his first love was his mate only to hand him a fake mate? Pls be fr. The only fake mating bond SJM created was with Rowan and Lyria because of the dark powers of Maeve, but Lyria was Rowan's FIRST love, fake mating bond or no. Lyria is somewhat like the Jesminda in this situation, not Elain. 3. Azriel ended the bonus chapter thinking of Gwyn. No he didn't express sexual thoughts yet, I'd be disturbed if he had. But he was at ease with her in a way he wasn't with anyone else, his shadows danced with her as opposed to the skittering it does with Elain and Mor. Secret, lovely beauty. 4. Elain is bothered by the cruelty of the Hewn City. She also was "ridiculous" in black, which is CLEAR foreshadowing. The Spring Court was described as being "made for someone like her." You're always talking about foreshadowing and shit but then ignore the foreshadowing that Elain will be leaving the Night Court. 5. Feyre WANTED Elain to get to know Lucien. She may have doubted the Cauldron's decision initially, but the fact that she was supporting Lucien and encouraging Elain to interact with him shows that at the very least she's CONSIDERING the possibility that the Cauldron IS right. To be honest, I don't give a shit who Azriel ends up with. I'm here for Lucien's story. But I read that bonus chapter and I instantly knew Gwynriel was endgame. Gwyn is not going to be used as an obstacle between Azriel and Elain; she's part of Nesta's chosen family and has been through enough, she deserves better than being the girl in the middle. And SJM doesn't even write love triangles, which is honestly a relief, because love triangles are so cringey. I don't think Elain and Azriel are going to get "closure," because honestly they barely had a relationship to begin with. They didn't even kiss.
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yaralulu · 2 months ago
2024 Fic Writer End of Year Roundup
Thank you for the mention @olenvasynyt <33. A whole lot of yapping is ahead lol.
1. How many words did you publish on AO3 in 2024? 
2. How many fics did you complete this year?
3. How many in progress or ongoing fics did you start this year?
I started a multi chapter wip this year but everything on my ao3 is complete 🙂‍↕️.
4. What was your favorite thing you wrote?
In the last two months I feel like I’ve written a lot of things that I’m really proud of. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten more comfortable with myself and I have a little more confidence or I’ve just genuinely improved who knows lol. But Am I making you feel sick? is probably my favorite. It was such a self indulgent fic that was just everything I look for in tamcien fics. I got to explore tamlin’s feelings on lucien’s betrayal whilst also making him very deliciously mean. And I was very experimental with the smut and just my writing voice in general. Most of all I just really enjoyed writing it; it all came so easy to me because I was really excited and passionate about the idea. I think I did a good job portraying the angst and it was just exactly what I had imagined in my head.
End of Beginning is also one I’m really proud of. There were a lot of big feelings with Lucien coming back to Autumn that I was definitely worried I wouldn’t do justice but I think i did!! It was well received too which soothed my worries lol. There was a bunch of scenery descriptions of the Autumn court that were fun to figure out and really challenged me. This fic definitely pushed my skills and it has a special place in my heart for sure.
5. What piece was your most experimental or different from your usual style?
Am I making you feel sick? and My Heart did A Thing for every different reasons. Am I making you feel sick?, like I said, was me trying out a new writing voice and experimenting a lot with smut. It was by far the most kinky and explicit thing I’d written and it’s definitely a lot 😅. Made me a lot more comfortable with writing smut though.
My Heart did A Thing was a challenge because it was so warm and fluffy. I’m not used to writing tamcien being all cute and romantic. It’s either angst or they wanna devour each other, no in between, so this was a change and I really enjoyed it which I wasnt expecting!! Writing the slow burn, their innocent crushes on one another, their first kiss—it was all very tender stuff that I wasn’t used to but I think I developed a liking for soft tamcien after it. Maybe i’ll stop torturing them so much lol.
6. Did any fics surprise you - either while writing or their reception?
Want By Proxy being my most well received fic is insane work to me even now. I remembered when it hit a 100 kudos I was just in disbelief 😭. I was not expecting people to be into this at ALL. It’s a lucien/azriel fic which is like the rarest of rare pairs and holy shit it exceeded my every expectation. Is it my best work? no I could probably execute it better now but I still enjoy rereading it and the love for it means everything.
7. Do you have a fic you wrote and loved that went under the radar? (This is your sign to reblog/repost it!)
I don’t check my stats so I wouldn’t know lol but my quietest fic is One Bloody Interview. A vampire tamcien au I wrote for lucienweek that’s just all biting and blood and everything 13y/o me would have adored as a vampire fanatic.
8. Who is an artist that inspired you
So many lovely artists in this fandom I could go on forever!! @geniemillies @copypastus @thrumbolt for carrying the pro tamlin side of the fandom. @works-of-heart @jennastokesart @dimalry have some of the most gorgeous art styles I’ve ever seen fr.
9. Who is an author that inspired you?
It’s still insane to me that I’m mutuals/friends with so many authors that I literally used to fangirl over before making this blog. @zenkindoflove @crazy-ache obviously I have to mention these two, act surprised. Literally got me back into my fanfic phase and it all just spiraled from there. @achaotichuman for starting my tamcien obsession no joke. Was feeding me on ao3 when there was a total of like 50 tamcien fics. @highlordofkrypton everything she does inspires me. I’m in awe of anything she does.
10. Who is a new author you discovered?
I’ve been slacking in reading fics lately but @olenvasynyt has me completely enamored with her Lucien backstory fic. If you’re not reading what are you doing!!
11. Did you do any collaborations? How did it start?
No, way too anxious for that 😅.
12. What accomplishments are you proudest of?
Honestly just sharing my work online is a really big deal for me. Even now, six months later, I’m still really weird about posting on ao3 like I just have a complex surrounding it😭. Sharing my work is very vulnerable and makes me very anxious, more than what’s necessary. The second I post my fics I just start hating them and I get this urge to delete everything and disappear for 3 months?? Sometimes I can’t even read comments bc I hate the idea of being perceived. It’s weird ik but I’m working on it. It’s why I’m really proud of myself for posting anyways and not letting that get to me or ruining writing for me.
13. What did you learn about writing or creating this year?
When I decided to start writing this summer I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Hell I still have no idea what I’m doing. I learned so much about writing this year and I still am and will continue to learn. But probably the biggest thing I learned was that it’s really difficult to be objective about your own writing and I think it’s especially harder when you’re very self critical and have confidence issues. I’ve learned that I need to be kinder to myself and that writing should be fun and something I enjoy and want to do. I’ve learned to stop thinking as my writing as something that will be seen by other ppl and more just something for me. I write because I enjoy seeing my ideas come to life and it’s something that fills my time and gives me purpose. I like having something to do, an end goal. Removing that pressure of posting and being perceived has made me a better writer. Yes I usually end up sharing my writing but a lot of the times when I’m writing, I genuinely have no interest in posting them; I’m just working on fics because I want to. For me.
14. Any advice you’d like to share with new or aspiring writers?
Progress takes time. No one wants to hear it but it’s true. The more you write the better you’ll get and the easier it’ll be. Read books and other’s people’s works and write your own stuff. Don’t compare yourself to more seasoned authors when you’re still starting out, it’s simply not fair to you. Just enjoy what you’re writing and before you know it , you will be improving and getting better.
15. What are your creative goals for 2025?
Write. Literally that’s it, I just want to write without the endless procrastination and self doubt. I just want to keep writing and improving and having fun.
WAY too much yapping but this all happened in a span of like six months so yk. I’m processing LOL. No pressure tags: @highlordofkrypton @the-darkestminds @achaotichuman and anybody who’d like to join!!
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zeeverseconfession · 7 months ago
hello. it's me. (no, this is not fantasy au stuff.. i wish it was 🙁)
its just about the serious topics in zeeverse from the top of my head.. some of my stuff here might be wrong
Death & Grief: Seen when Box had died — their death affecting Globe, sending her into a sense of grief. From what we saw (or what i remember), it was like she had lost a piece of herself, and found it difficult to do certain things
Alcoholism: Debit Card. Recently just introduced, but we can see that Debit Card is a heavy drinker, supposedly due to stress? To get away from any memories of her (purse). It's used as a coping mechanism.
Stalking & Obsession: As much as you may like Globe, she's a stalker. Yeah, hate to break it to you — she's got an unhealthy obsession with a married man, and has stalked him.. creepy.
Depression: I think multiple characters have this, but the one that comes to mind in specific is Box (also because it's on their wiki). Depression can lead to things like suicidal tendencies, and that's been seen once before in them (when Azriel had offered for them to sell their soul, they agreed in a heartbeat.)
Along with her backstory, which could be part of the reason why he's depressed. Box is probably one of the.. few? many? characters who have depression.
Anxiety & Panic Attacks: .. not sure, possibly Grenade? When stressed, they seem to feel like their losing control over the situation, along with a tremble (voice or body, can differ). These two examples can be linked as symptoms of a panic attack.
From what we see, they struggle to put their thoughts into words. Making it hard to express what exactly they're feelings at the moment.
Crime: Literally, almost everyone in New County has committed some sort of crime.. I think. Can't think of any from the top of my head, but the only person I can think of who went to jail was Mug.. (pot & globe, almost)
ill do the rest when i FEEL like it
what about dynamite for crime…. :(
i feel personally attacked by grenades, not because it happens to me all the time, but because it never happens to me ever. yeah contrary to popular bwlief i have never had a panic or anxiety attack i think. im just a really nervous guy lol. i tend to exaggerate grenades nervousness a lot, its something i did in the beginning before the roleplay got more serious, and then i realize i didnt exactly characterize grenade right at all. or atleast not to my liking. whatever. :(
i feel personally attacked by the last part tho again not because it doesnt happen to me at all but because it happens to me all the time. okay giys class dismissed /j also anxiety like ACTUAL anxiety rapier i think bcuz it was in his bio…though its kinda puzzling cuz rapiers shown to be very nervous at times and then also really nonchalant and calm at others???? man. idk.
stalking and obsession is obviously globe shes basically the mascot of it all. mollie too but tbh compared to globe you could call mollies just an interest, or something. augh globes just like me fr i hate it
ive said this before but i NEVER ever couldve seen DC as an alcoholic coming. out of every unhealthy coping mechanism ever…drinking? it just doesnt seem so debit card-y. infact DC striked me as the type to be against this kind of stuff. so it just baffles me a lot.
ill tag this later im @ the beach and used my phone too much for this
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writingsbychlo · 2 years ago
Okay I was thinking about this the other day but how do we feel about a tamlin redemption arc? I personally think sjm has so much potential with him as a character but I also know what he did was messed up so it’s just something I think about a lot and always want other people’s inputs
what he did was messed up yeah but my guy was also fucking traumatised himself after 50 years of being responsible for literally every single person in prythian. HE was the one who was supposed to break that curse. EVERYONE was waiting for him. HE was the one who spent 50 years sending his friends to die and trying to fall in love with their killers to save everyone.
he didn’t handle it well, but like, who could he expected to? honestly like yeah it was wrong but it was a trauma response, all he ever wanted was to keep feyre safe and alive and protect her.
my real beef is the fact that for personal revenge feyre destroyed an entire court because someone gave her a panic attack. babygirl we’ve all been pushed to the point of panic attacks but we don’t actually ruin the lives of thousands of innocent people as a result.
like the people of the spring court? who just wanted to rebuild their homes and recover from the poverty? and she ruined every chance they had. she destroyed their economy and infrastructure and reputation for what? she left them vulnerable to attack and conquer for what? ridiculous behaviour. far more villainous than anything tamlin ever did.
and that nonsense about the tithe? like yeah okay it’s a shitty old tradition that needs changing. but hello where was rhys changing shitty traditions when he kept Velaris a secret from the majority of people in the night court who might’ve needed it? “the people from hewn city are savages though” right but did Mor not come from there? and we’re just gonna overlook entirely the fact that she’s supposedly the only acceptable one with absolutely no explanation for that? alright. and the Illyrians are brutes. but we’re just gonna overlook cassian and azriel and emerie and barth because it’s convenient? like all I’m saying is that these reputations are obviously generalisations and he’s in the wrong too.
if I’m being so for real right now, and I say this as somebody who fucking loves rhys, he’s not even top three best high lords.
helion, thesan and tarquin. no fucking cap these three genuinely wanted what was best for the continent at any given time. thesan hosted the high lords meeting and was pulling up ready to share technology and antidotes?? he fixed luciens eye after he saw what happened and I’ve never seen even a speck of debt for that.
tarquin really got manipulated and robbed when he would’ve been willing to help had they just asked and been honest and willing to trust, and still he didn’t declare war or march across borders which he was entitled to, he sent blood rubies. it was basically a text that said ‘hands on sight if i see u again bro’ and called it a day. he fr didn’t want beef. he opened his home to spring court people instantly after feyre had her petty revenge moment.
helion lives for the vibes and i stand by it the man was ready to fight ready to help ready to show up and show out. perfection. an angel. i see where lucien gets it. an unbothered king.
so like, tamlin. yeah. I think he got done dirty for what happened. all in all what did he really do? accidentally played a role in killing rhys’ family by spilling a location detail? alright but rhys and his father intentionally killed tamlin’s family.
locked feyre up? yeah after being abused for 50 years himself those 5 months he didn’t handle his trauma right, damn yeah he really got what he deserved 🙄
that comment at the high lord’s meeting? he was a man wounded and scarred and embarrassed and tbh it wasn’t even that bad. rhys and feyre fr overracted. azriels lil comment was quite enough. they wonder why he keeps acting up like they don’t keep making a mockery of him??? like??? I KNOW we’ve all said and done mean/petty things like that when we’re hurt, don’t deny. I’ve never brought an entire kingdom to its knees but pop off ig.
so yeah. I still love all the characters. feyre is still great. I still adore rhys. I still like tamlin.
I just think tamlin gets the most insane amount of hate compared to the actions of the other characters. he deserves his redemption arc massively.
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aho-dapa · 2 years ago
Illyria and Night Court Fancast
was gonna just do the bat boys but well yeah that didn’t happen
the recent bat boys sjm pinterest boards got me bawling gimme a second 
(also this all come from my fancast list from MY rewrite so yeah this is how I see them specifically in my rewrite lest I get anons again trying to throw gloves to duel over white men apparently)
*I have my names for them to the side because sjm hasn’t named them yet (note on names: ap or fern means son or daughter of) 
young tyson ballou as rhysand (rhys ap arthur)
(man has gotta be slightly white-ish because canon is lies + no offense but I cannot find another rhys flavored photo of this man maybe I need to rethink but either way this is who rhys is in my mind rn)
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or yknow, if i wanted to be petty, wang hedi as rhys 
(@ae-neon​ i will never forget)
throws at you throws at you throws at you
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okay anyway, seriously
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roman reigns as cassian 
(because muscle and he suits the vibes plus it’s a moot recommendation + hey, here’s a challenge, try to find a pic of this man not sweaty and dodge all the horny comments while you at it thanks)
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yoesry detre as azriel
(do I even need to speak on this? be in awe)
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bonus, tre samuels as balthazar 
(he’s described in the wiki to have a boyishly charming face)
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older tyson ballou as rhysand’s father (arthur ap ythyr)
(please do imagine him with a knitted shirt + I like the idea of rhy’s father being a funky little man)
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chiara scelsi as rhysand’s mother (tamaris fern stana)
(crying sobbing rolling on floor)
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yael shelbia as rhysand’s sister (rhiannon fern tamaris)
(the way I struggled with this one)
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raven lyn as emerie
(she’s just... so beautiful cries)
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sophia piccirilli as gwyn
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kennedy walsh as mor 
(I really wanted a soft yet sharp + bubbly vibe and that was actually so difficult to find?? quick rant but every time I was like, yes that’s mor, its was either AI?? or the rabbit hole I went down in a turkish author’s character parody acc?? anyway)
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xu jiaqi as amren 
(fr, like, it’s her)
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bonus, an oc of mine, golshifteh farahani as stana 
(*chanting* stana stana stana stana stana stana stana)
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raspberrysunshinebby · 2 years ago
Two Choices
Chapter 10
Pairing: Eris x reader x Azriel (not rlly)
Summary: The future wife of Eris never cared much for mating bonds, she had spent years in love with Eris and when Beron finally died they could be together. He has full intention to make his love into his High Lady until at a party meant to celebrate Eris’ reign the girl finds herself finding her mate, Azriel.
Warnings: none in this chapter.
A/N: I finally finished it, imma be so fr and start another wip too cause I feel like it. I will finish this series though dw I’m so close to it.
Word Count: 3580
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The Inn we’d stayed at was a bit run down, but nothing that bothered me much. I’d stayed at places like this before when Eris and I would sneak around, sometimes meeting up in cabins we’d both owned were difficult considering they technically weren’t ours but our families. Sometimes when we’d felt like Beron was onto us we’d find Inns slightly far away and meet there for whatever. The Inn we’d ended staying at was okay, i mean it wasn’t filled with rats or anything but it wasn’t top-tier. As long as there were no rats I didn’t mind, though.
The Inn didn’t have enough rooms for us all to have our own and we ended up rooming with one person each. I thought about rooming with Corbin but felt like that might be inappropriate, so I instead ended up rooming with Wren. I quite liked Wren, she was strongly opinionated and protective, all qualities I can respect.
When we walked in there were two beds (thank the mother) and a simple bathroom, the one that Wren immediately called. I couldn’t blame her as I couldn’t even imagine what it was like to fly around all day in a court you didn’t know trying to find places to stay and eat, especially in one so fucking hot. I quickly realized she went into there without any clothes, and I didn’t wanna be rude, but I really didn’t want to see her naked. I knocked on the door to ask her if it was okay for me to do it, once I earned her approval I snooped through her bags, grabbing pajamas she’d packed some toiletries and underclothes before passing it to her in the bath. I also quickly realized, I in fact, did not have any extra clothes or anything. I groaned before knocking on the bathroom again, “Hey does Fern have any extra clothes? Or like anything? I really dont wanna get back into these clothes after bathing.”
I think its pretty obvious why I didn’t ask Wren if she had any clothes, you know with all of her clothes having holes for her wings, “Ummmm,” Wren thought for a second, “probably not, just ask Blythe for some money cause Corbin probably needs some too.”
“K bet, I’ll be back in a bit.”
I left the room to head towards Blythes, who was rooming with Corbin thankfully. I was told he’d normally room with Auden in this type of situation but Blythe is still a little mad. I quickly banged on it before Corbin opened the door.
“Hey,” he said looking confused, “whats up?”
I pushed past him to get myself into the room before opening my mouth, “Do you need clothes and stuff? Cause I do.”
Corbin thought for a moment, “Yea I guess so, but I was just gonna borrow from Blythe and Auden.” 
“Yea well I can't really do that and I also don't wanna go alone so you're coming, and I need Blythe to give us money for it. Where is Blythe?” I asked.
“Over here.” I heard his deep voice in the corner of the room. I went toward him to see him sharpening a knife in a chair that sat in the corner of the room, “Blythe wanna come with us?” I asked, mainly just wanting to be polite but I couldn’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy his company, because I had never been able to enjoy the comfortable silence I had with him, then with Corbin something about him made me extremely comfortable. Probably because he was the one to get me out of the Night Court and probably saved my life, if not my life than both my mental and physical wellbeing.
“Grab the bag of money in my bag,” Blythe said, carefully wrapping his knife back up and placing it in his pocket. He leaned down to fix his shoelaces as I jumped on one of the beds and went to his bag, while I was digging through it I tried to ignore everything else I found inside it but I quickly noticed a journal in it, I didn’t look into it, just noted it before I grabbed the bag of money and closed the bag. I leaped off the bed and walked over to Corbin, lifting the bag in my hand while shaking it around causing him to giggle a bit, Blythe followed closely behind as we left all together.
Thankfully it wasn’t too late so many shops were still open, well it wasn’t too late here in the Day Court. The day was longer than the night here, around three hours shorter which left more places open for longer, thankfully for us. We entered a shop that had some traveling clothes sitting in the front of it, Corbin went straight to the clothes sitting on the male side, clearly excited to get clothes that are only his and I went toward the female section and searched through different pants and shirts, I didn’t care too much for looks as it wasn’t my money that was being spent and I just wanted something comfortable and able to put up with weather that we’d come across. As I looked and felt a presence behind me, one I quickly realized was Blythe, I turned to acknowledge him before continuing to look. 
“You should go for that red one, since you're from Autumn Court it should look good on you,” Blythe said.
I scoffed, “Red looks amazing on me, thank you.” I took a good look at the red one he’d pointed out to me, it was a white lace top under it with a dark red corset and red jacket, black pants and I could just wear the boots I already had with it. “The top looks kind of flimsy though. “ I said, examining it.
“Yeah, but it’ll be good for the warmer courts.” I nodded in agreement to that, “Get a few anyway, different climates and stuff, plus wearing the same clothes everyday sucks.” He said, as he looked at a few outfits for me as well.
I grabbed the one he’d pointed out and continued looking. I felt weird getting multiple and spending his money but he was right. Plus I was paying him to get me to the Winter Court. 
My stomach began to feel weird, like anxiety creeping up at me, before my stomach completely turned and my heart began to pound. I gripped onto Blythe to steady myself from the sudden feeling which almost knocked me off my feet. I did my best to steady my breathing as Blythe gripped onto me himself. I'm not sure how Corbin was alerted but he ended up rushing toward me as well. I heard them asking me if I was okay, I tried to respond but I couldn’t and then I finally understood what was happening, I could feel a tug on the bond and then I could smell him.
That fucker was here, probably looking for me. I gripped my shirt with my free handover my heart before looking at Corbin, “He’s here,” I couldn’t bring myself to say Azriel’s name. I heard Blythe say ‘shit’ before pushing me into the back of the store.
“Look at me,” Blythe told me, I looked him in the eyes, “is your side of the bond on?” He asked me, I shook my head no.
“Okay good.” Then he reached for his knife and cut open his hand, which made me want to vomit. He grabbed my neck and covered it with his blood. I allowed him to do it without any protest, mainly because I was doing my best to not ball my eyes out and vomit all over the floor of this poor shop.
Blythe tucked up into a corner as he continued bleeding over my neck while Corbin peaked over some racks to watch the window. Blythe used his non bleeding hand to hold onto my own shaking one, he used his thumb to rub over it while trying to calm me. Corbin ducked from his spot, I could only assume Azriel stood in front of the store, fuck I hoped his shadows wouldn’t find me. Corbin peeked up once more and let out a breath, signaling that Azriel had walked away.
We sat there until I could no longer smell or feel him, it took about ten minutes before it was completely gone and I allowed myself to let go of Blythe's hand, which I now realized I was crutching onto so hard it looked red, and cower myself into a ball. I didn’t hear exactly what was said, only Blythe telling Corbin to go buy the things I picked out and his things and to go buy pajamas for me as well before grabbing me to put me on his back and leaving the store. 
I basically just spaced out the whole way, physically I was there but I mentally wasn’t. All I could remember from that night was Wren helping me bathe to get the blood off me and Corbin coming with pajamas. When I opened my eyes I layed in the bed in the hotel room. Instead of it only being me and Wren I sat up and saw Blythe laying on the floor, Corbin laying with him on the floor. I reached my hand to my neck to touch it, well more wipe it, I wanted to see if the blood was still there. I knew they had bathed me but part of me still wanted to check.
I'm not sure why I was surprised when my hand came back clean. Part of me expected that blood would be fresh on my neck and covering my clothes when I woke up. I don't know, maybe my brain just wasn't working properly at the moment. 
I got up from the bed as carefully as I could to not wake anyone up. I noticed how I stumbled a bit like my body had grown weaker but I ignored it and pushed through to go into the bathroom. I quietly closed the door before allowing myself to fully breath, I looked in the mirror and saw myself as well, when I looked at myself I was shocked. My eyes were sunken, my face was gaunt, my skin paler than snow and my body skinnier than it's ever been. The part that shocked me the most was the black nightgown I wore, one that reminded me of the night court.
There was no way Corbin would buy me a black nightgown, especially not one so night court. Not when he knew what the night court had done to me and his friends. I stumbled to the door, my body feeling weaker than it's already had, when I put my hand on the door knob I smelt one thing. Blood. I smelt blood.
Panic surged through my body as I opened the door knob, I rushed out of the bathroom almost tripping into the mainroom to make sure the three were okay. “Guys!” I yelled out, not receiving a response.
I saw three bodies lining the floor, the floor covered in blood. I wanted to scream and cry but instead I began hyperventilating, I couldn’t think, I couldn't move. I felt tears falling down my face and my body weaken. I wanted to fall and cry my eyes out but I needed to know the rest were okay, I needed to know Auden, Fern and Oliver were okay, that whatever went through here didn’t take them too. I began to back up, my hands and body shaking before I turned, mother I wish I never turned.
Azriel’s face looked loomed over by shadow, and he stood there bloody, a knife in his hand and his wings sparted out. I choked out a sob and tried to find words, any words, but none came out. Instead I could do nothing but sob.
I looked down at the floor, I realized my dress had changed, a black gown similar to the one I wore in the Court of Nightmares except puffer and baggier, it covered every crevice of my body, every inch of it hidden away. It was obvious who picked it out. I couldn’t move, not my feet, not my arms, nothing. 
I felt Azriel’s hand reach to grip the back of my neck and pull me into him as I sobbed, I could hear him making those “shh” noises you make to toddlers when they cry to comfort them, somehow it didn’t comfort me, it only made me cry harder.
“You killed them, you fucking killed them.” I sobbed into his chest, not that I had much of a choice to sob anywhere else. “You slaughtered them, you fucking monster.”
He gripped my hair to make me look up to him, his face was still loomed over, not clear, “They took you, I know they took you. Cause you’d never leave me, right? You’d never leave me right, my pretty mate?” I sobbed harder hearing this, I felt my body give out and if he wasn’t holding me I knew I’d fall onto the ground.
I could feel myself hyperventilating, I couldn't breath and I could barely see from the tears in my eyes. I was pushed onto a bed and when my eyes cleared enough I realized I sat on Azriel’s bed, in Azriel’s room. I looked over to the fire and saw something burning, something red, I looked closer and realized it was multiple things. I gained enough strength to pick myself up and walk toward the fire, my dress felt lighter than the one I wore just a few moments ago. I noticed I now wore a lacy, short nightgown. One that was sheer everywhere except my breasts and the area where my lower body was. 
I wrapped my arms around myself and walked to the fire place, I looked at it cautiously before taking note as to what was burning.
I saw articles of clothing, books, accessories and other items all burning inside it, all items were of Autumn Court, all articles were mine. I realized they were all things I’d broughten from the Autumn Court when I moved, all things I’d given to Leilani and her family. I rushed myself toward the fire in some stupid attempt to stop it, even though I wasn’t sure how. I found myself sitting in front of the fire, watching all my things burn.
Tears continued to fall out of my eyes as I reached my hand toward it, slipping my hand into the fire. I tried my best to grab my things, nothing going through my mind but the need to have something so precious toward me back, almost a child-like thought. I could hear Azriel screaming behind me. It sounded like he was begging me to stop but I couldn’t hear it very well as the sound of the flame spreading to everywhere on my body filled my ears. I could hear Azriel’s voice come closer and I thought of attempting to grab me, but at this point I’d been too far in the flames, my body began to melt under it and I could feel my flesh burning. I’d heard stories of how bad it is to burn to death, how painful it was, how you feel utter terror and how you not only die from the fire, but from suffocation. I couldn’t believe how ironic it was that a girl from the Autumn Court would die like this, it almost being unheard of for someone in the Autumn Court to die by fire. 
I ignored Azriel’s voice until I couldn’t anymore, and the only reason I couldn’t was because it wasn’t his voice, it was Eris’. I heard Eris’ voice screaming my name, yelling for someone to help me, yelling for a healer as I could feel myself suffocate, the suffocation only got worse now that Eris’ was here, now that he had to see me like this. I moved my hand out of the fire and turned my body to where I heard Eris’ voice. I wished I could see him pass the flames but I couldn’t. Instead all my body could do was collapse onto the ground as my body shriveled up into a burnt mess.
Waking up in the bed of the Inn we’d stayed at was unreal, I felt tears streaming down my face and myself hyperventilating. I pushed myself out of bed and checked the ground, noticing Blythe and Corbin weren’t there like in what I could now assume was a dream. I rushed myself toward the second bed in the room where Wren slept, I didn’t want to wake her and only stood over her to watcher her chest rise up and down from her breathing which ended up helping me calm down some, but the pit in my stomach and my rushing mind didn’t go away, I had stopped crying though.
I rushed myself out of the room and brought myself to the first room where Auden, Oliver and Fern slept. I peered in and saw Auden snoring on a couch in the room. Oliver slept soundly and I could see Fern drooling onto her pillow. I left the room, closing the door carefullying before moving toward the room where Corbin and Blythe slept. I only had to step a few feet before I was at the door and doing my best to quietly open the door.
I peeked my head into the dark room to see if I could see them breathing but their room was much darker than the other one had been causing me to need to step into the room to clear my racing mind and tell it they were all okay. Walking into the room I was painfully aware of my bare feet but pushed through the cold floor to reach them. Corbin's bed was closer to me so I checked his first. Not wanting to wake him I only paid close attention to his chest and watched his chest go up and down. I stayed there for a minute just watching him breathe, something about it calmed me a little bit and then I finally moved on to the last person. 
Blythes bed was tucked into the corner of the cozy room and the walk felt so long there, something about the length of it and trying to keep quiet made my heart race. After a few seconds I made it over to his side of the bed where because of how he was positioned I could not see or hear him breathing, which scared the shit out of me. My heart was pounding in my chest. I did something probably stupid. I reached my hand over to his wrist that sat out of the sheets on top of him, I needed to find his pulse to make sure he was okay. I wasn’t sure exactly where it was but I knew it’d be there. I braced myself to touch his wrist, but before I could he grabbed mine and gripped onto it hard, probably assuming I was someone trying to kill him.
I yelped when he gripped onto it, I quickly moved my hand over my mouth and turned to look at Corbin hoping that I didn’t wake him up. Once I saw that he only stirred in his sleep I looked back over to Blythe who looked nothing but confused, “What are you doing?” He asked me, a mix of a question and concern in his voice, his grip on my wrist lightened.
I swallowed, “I just- I wanted to make sure everyone was okay. I’m sorry.” I felt like I looked like a child, looking down at my feet like I’d just broken a window with a ball and was fessing up. 
Blythe let go of my wrist and patted the bed to invite me to sit, I followed suit and sat down. “Why did you need to check?” He asked, ”What’s wrong?”
I shrugged my shoulders, looking down at the floor like a child.I played with my fingers as I heard Blythe sigh before he rested one arm around my shoulder. He ruffled my hair a bit before getting up and heading toward the bathroom and quickly coming back with a glass of water, he handed the glass to me before reaching into his bag to grab something that looked like an oil. He walked over to me with it in his hand, “Lay down, just for a second.” He said, I followed, a little confused.
I realized it wasn’t an oil but more of a lotion sort, he rubbed the lotion around my shoulders and added some under my nose, “Oliver sometimes has a hard time sleeping and this is what we like to use on him, sometimes it works on the others too.” He told me, his voice sounding softer. I realized how tense I actually was as my muscles lighten up, once he was down I sat up again, my eyelids felt heavy and I leaned on Blythe’s body. “Just go to bed, okay? We’ll all be here in the morning.” Blythe told me, I nodded to him and moved under his sheets. I felt him tuck me into the bed before moving Corbin’s body over, I heard Corbin groan before Blythe moved into his bed and I’d already passed out.
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acourtofthought · 2 years ago
I agree with you and dear anon. I also like to add some things:
Mor and Elain are similar and soo many ways while Lucien and Azriel couldn't be more different than they already are. Azriel loved Mor for over 500 years! That's something the fandom, specifically El/riels, should stop underestimate, especially when throughout the books, even with Elain on his left, his eyes catch Mor quite often on his right. The sudden interest that Azriel took in Elain has always been questionable to me because where did it come from? It all started when Azriel volunteered to show Elain the garden, even though before that he rather wanted to go out in the City than "babysit" her. Didn't think much of it at first because it looked more like a friendly gesture, until Feyre decided to be weird and talk about how they'd be a good couple. I was genuinly confused because where did that come from? She'd seen them 2-3 times together and she already thought they'd be great as mates and that's all because... they're both quite? Feyre's comment on how Elain would enjoy the quite around him, because Azriel isn't as loud as the rest of the IC, made me think like "Girl, you fr? Do you even know your sister?". Elain isn't actually quite and definitely not introverted like Azriel. We've seen that from book 1. Trauma, depression and the people around you can change you. So, the only good explaination as to why he takes such an interest in her is because 1. 3 brothers + 3 sisters, which also leads to -> 2. Jealousy: Azriel didn't do anything for Elain the time Feyre was in the Spring court. There's no mentioning of him being worried for her or taking care of her.. In fact, we get a little scene of Azriel and Cassian playing a stick game because both of them didn't want to guard Elain and Azriel literally clapped Cassian on the back as if to say "Good luck" and just flew off to the city. But then, after Lucien made it clear of what Elain needed and what her sisters needed to do, which was to take her out of the house, just then Azriel volunteered? Why? I truly see it all as him realizing that he's the one left behind without a mate, specifially an archeron, and thinking about the fact that the guy he can't stand got the girl he thinks the third bat boy should've gotten. My Interpretation doesn't seem to be wrong, considering Azriel's bonus chapter.
I see it as Azriel trying to rebound. That, because his first love doesn't feel the same for him, he's basically going after someone who is almost like Mor, so he can use his second chance right and know what it feels like to be loved by Mor, even if it's... Mor 2.0
It makes sense to me as to why he isn't paying attention to Gwyn, who is completely different from Mor and Elain, while possible mating bond and his shadows are. I don't think I need to go into detail of how different they are since we all can tell, but another thing is for sure, that we haven't discussed: Gwyn doesn't benefit him in any way. Certainly not as a Mor 3.0, not as someone who has relations to the archerons or bat boys, and not as someone who's part of the IC because she simply isn't all that. It gives him the chance to view Gwyn as a person and then actually fall in love with HER, instead of a version he created of her, of which she gives him the HEA he wanted.
And as for Elain: We've already discussed of how different Lucien and Azriel are. To me it seems like, while Azriel is still trying to be with Mor in some way, Elain wants to be further away from Lucien and anything that he's related to. His very much fae- like appearance reminds Elain of the future that she refuses to want while Azriel's human- like appearance reminds her of the past she mourns. Of what she had and could've had, if it weren't for the sudden change that Ianthe and the Hybern King had forced upon her. It really doesn't help for Lucien that Azriel has managed to be a comfort to her and hide everything that would be too dark for her while Lucien has found himself in situations in which he stood in a very bad light. Azriel has the chance to see her everyday, Lucien needs approval first and even then he's being watched like a hawk. Lucien is at a complete disadvantage, given that his looks alone is something Elain had been raised to fear and hate. Azriel, the only human looking in the IC, is the perfect person to seek comfort from.
In conclusion: Azriel is looking for ways to still be with his first love, even if it's not exactly her, while also looking for ways to be included in his family (even though he is). Elain is searching for every memory that takes her back to the life that she had and could've had, which also means staying away from every direction that leads to the future she was raised to stay away from.
Then there's that problem for El/riel: Despite the sexual attraction and interest, Azriel and Elain are also very different. From their personalities to their likes and dislikes, to their wants, needs and plans... Attraction is certainly not enough. Being on good terms for a long time isn't enough.
Yup. Yes. All of that.
I do think the that when Az helped out Elain in ACOWAR or even offered her TT, it was as a reflex to seeing Cassian and the others step in first. Lucien is the one to tell them to take her to a garden since they won't let him near her? Convenient that moments after Feyre communicates to Rhys what her plan is and Rhys sends Cassian / Az to move the sisters, Az offers to take Elain.....to the garden!
Feyre asks Elain if she can take her to see how her seeds are coming in after asking a favor of Cassian? Az jumps in and offers help so he can feel like he's doing something!
Cassian tells a hysterical Nesta that they'll get Elain back from being kidnapped but Nesta tells him he can't because he's too injured and Az is sitting here watching this whole thing knowing his shadows can get him in and out? Az offers to get Elain back! Also, it just occurred to me that Nesta saying "then you will die" might not be as dramatic as some try to make it. It sort of feels like Nesta is convincing herself of the worst case scenario (sort of like when a kid tries to ride a bike for the first time and says, "It's impossible! I'll never do it!". We know that's not the truth and is just their fear and anxiety overwhelming them. Every single thing the IC does has the risk of dying. Feyre going into the Weavers cottage had the risk of dying. Feyre entering the Spring Court as a spy could have resulted in her dying. Lucien and Feyre traveling through Autumn to get back to Rhys and Elain came with the risk of dying. So her saying to Az, "then you will die" and him saying, "I'm getting her back" is really no different than any other thing the characters do throughout the series. And there was less risk for Az than anyone considering he can turn himself into shadows.
Cassian offers Elain a dagger which she's uncomfortable taking? Az to the rescue, offering TT, but only after Cassian offered first!
In the entirety of ACOWAR, Az is helping out Elain only after everyone else points him in the direction of what to do and every second in between he's fixated on Mor who pushes him further and further away.
Then in ACOFAS we have Az even more irritated with Lucien for the fact that the IC has grown to depend on him for information. He continues to look at Mor with heat and yearning though she still shows no interest and then......Elain gets him a gift and he feels guilty that she's serving them because it reminds him of his mother.
In SF, Mor is no longer around much but when she is, he still has a few moments that show he's not completely over her. The rest of the time, he's fixated on the fact that his brothers got bonds but he didn't. That Elain shies away from Lucien so making them mates was (in Az's opinion), a wasted bond and why was Lucien worthy of a bond that matched his brothers bonds (three brothers with three sisters) while Az wasn't? Hot, seemingly available sister who doesn't want her bond and makes him feel noticed, what with her Solstice gift and all the times he got to jump in and play hero to the damsel in distress Elain appeared to him in ACOWAR....he's the available brother who couldn't have the female he wanted so why not gravitate towards the other option?
And Elain was super human of the three sisters. More human than Nesta ever was even when Nesta was human. She was engaged and in love when she was given a freaky fae mating bond with an arched eared, long red hair, mechanical eye'd male who is struggling to control himself around her because of the bond even though we know Lucien is the most well mannered and polite of any of the characters. One who is not usually driven by emotions. She was raised to fear the fae yet now she's bonded to one of them on a level that defies logic? And, when she's always been in control of her emotions, being near Lucien probably makes her feel out of control and it's unsettling for her.
Being around Az is easy. There's no pull, there's nothing making her feel crazy around him, she can sit there and continue being the polite and proper well mannered lady she was raised to be and not animalistic over someone who is basically a stranger to her. And he looks human with his ears and lack of shadows and he behaves very human around her even though we know he's the farthest thing from it and it's tricked Elain into this belief that she can go in his direction and she can feel like human Elain. I'm not saying she wants to be human again but I don't think she's fully ready to say goodbye to her humanity (similar to Nesta).
But I think if Elain and Az had kissed there would have been no spark.
You can be attracted to someone and want to see what it's like to be with them but that doesn't mean when you're physical, there's actually chemistry. Sometimes the anticipation is more exciting than getting what you want.
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autumnshighlady · 1 year ago
ok this is so stupid but i really want to see neris and reader interactions,, like the small things, the comfort, the protectiveness,,,, ughh love what you've done w the story man, desperately waiting for the next part fr. (go on your own pace tho) glad to know i've shifted you a little bit on a azriel thing (devious smile) - ithink he's a good character for most people because he barely had a personality in the books and so we can usually make up stuff yk, like he's mostly just broody in the books and we're told stuff abt his personality but not shown it. can't wait to see what happens next! ohh also the dragon interactions!!! i wanna see those too!!! eris has hounds right,,, it wld be cute for them to protect nes and r tooo,,,, ahhh sorry this is literally just me ranting lol, obv feel free to ignore the reqs,,, i really want to let you know that your writing is good bc you seem to get less interactions than you should!! and a weird amt of hate lmao like whats w the people being rude about ialtpwf and wanting guys my age so badly, like i enjoyed it despite not particularly liking the daddy kink partbut like. really,, why so rude??? want to see how reader fares in front of beron too, i assume word of her power will reach him too/. anyway, how long are you planning on pushing the beron overthrowal thing (im being curious not being like ugh when are u plannign on ending it,, in case thats what it sounded like,, idk man im overthinking). oh also! want to see court relations with all of them after berons gone. before berons gone. all of it, i want them to be better leaders/people to the court people yk. oh!! also lucien-reader friendship!!! love that!! we havent seen much of it but hes def the kind of guy to tease r abt eris when they start actually flirting and getting near a relationship yk. eris-lucien brotherhood too tho, obviously. also the lady of the autumn court!! watching them bond w her!!! ahh jfoisfkjmdofikndfvg ium sorry have a great day today1!! hope you rest well after that long ass shift. oh yeah i agree w you on the feyre thing, she's def just mostly like a pawn to rhys yk, i think she was better as a char when she was w tamlin tbh, altho obviously i dont want her to be with someone who kind of abused her without any groveling at least/ cant wait to see more interactions fr!!!! oh when i said in the story, i meant the actual books, well and yourss but the actual books mainly! anyway i think you've managed to be realistic w all of them in a way that is good. bye! oh same anon as last time. should i give myself a name, is that fine,, i'll choose * anon. sure.
i can’t wait for you to see more of the neris x reader interactions! you’ll love it. i feel like i’ve done a decent job of their dynamic so i’m super proud of it so far.
Azriel’s journey is one i have planned out - it’s going to be complicated because yk he’s been loyal to rhys for 500 years and that’s not suddenly going to change, but he will continue to play a role.
you’ll see more of the dragons for sure! and the hounds will be involved too so fear not ;)
yeah idk why people got so weird about guys my age like i’m glad they enjoyed it of course but i kinda did everything i wanted to do with that fic so i don’t feel i have anything else to add to it if that makes sense
beron will play a bigger role soon! as far as them overthrowing him, prob within a couple chapters maybe a bit longer. im still playing around w the details of how exactly it’s going to happen
expect a LOT more lucien and lady of autumn in the later chapters! i love love love writing for lucien so i’ve got special stuff for him planned hehe
tons more interactions to come. more lucien, azriel, gwyn and emerie, cassian, etc. thank you for your message angel and NEVER apologize for rambling - nobody has taken the time to say this much about my fic so far in one go so i LOVE reading these. send as many as you want <3
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yaralulu · 9 months ago
Thanks for the tag @the-darkestminds @achaotichuman <33
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
My man Lucien Vanserra.
Who's your least favourite character?
I know everybody is saying amren but like…amren.She’s genuinely just so unlikable.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
Her boyfriend is hot🫡.
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Tamlin!! He’s my second favorite character in general.I adore that man.
Favourite MINOR character?
Lady of Autumn ☹️.Her story is so tragic and every time I remember she basically lost 3 of her sons all in one day I feel like dying fr.
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
Elucien and tamcien for sure.Azris is up there too.
Favourite court and why?
Spring court.I adore the whimsical old timey vibe it has going on and I just know the scenery there is absolutely beautiful and the weather is probably perfect,sunny but still relatively chilly. Their community also seems really close and their celebrations go hard (calanmai 🤗).
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
Court of rainbows.Just a bunch of gay people slowly taking over.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
Tamlin and lucien is obviously a very big one for me.I really believe what we’ve seen of them is barely a sliver of their relationship and I wish we got more.More information about their relationship pre-amarntha,more scenes of them just talking and being there for each other.I wanna know everything.
I’m also curious about eris and lucien,what their dynamic was like and if they ever had even a semblance of a normal sibling relationship.The vanserra family as a whole are just so interesting to me.
What's your unpopular opinion?
I don’t think rhys was out of pocket in the az bonus chapter 🤷.Azriel and elain trying to kiss in the middle of the hallway was reckless especially with lucien literally being upstairs.From a political standpoint rhys was valid in his actions.Could he have been more understanding? Yeah but azriel literally gave him no reason to believe he was actually serious about elain and the minute he started questioning mating bonds infront of his mated brother I think rhys just stopped listening.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
Tamlin shapeshifting lucien into a fox and both of them just going wild in the forest whenever they wanted to let off some team.Andras also joining them as a wolf.(Whoever came up with that hc your brain is so big and beautiful.)
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
I’d wanna experience flying.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Daemati powers .Look I just wanna know what other people think of me.
No pressure tags:@tamlindair @ennawrite @rin-u-pos and anyone else who wants to join!!
ACOTAR tag game 💕
thanks for tagging me @mathiwrites ! I don't normally do these even when tagged because i never know who to tag, a lot of times everyone i think of is already tagged LOL, but i figured id start today!
I don't think I've seen one around, and figured this might be fun to do!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
My boy tamlin!!
Who's your least favourite character?
Hm....hmmmm...oh Amren for sure.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
She has a cool character concept and i thought it was really sweet and endearing when she gave feyre the bracelet (necklace?) to help her get through the Prison trip without panicking
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Oooh hm not to be a copycat but I loved tarquin from the moment he was introduced, he was an instant fav and i was kind of sad that he didn't have more involvement later on that didn't have to do with the whole feyre and rhys betraying his trust thing
Favourite MINOR character?
ooh i dont know if this is minor enough but i've come to really like jurian. i didn't really have much of an opinion on him for most of the series and then for some reason in silver flames when he was in it for like 2 seconds i was like wait a minute why haven't i been more into this guy he kinda fucks
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
tamsand by far. though azris is becoming a close second.
Favourite court and why?
well i loved the spring court aesthetic from the first book, but at this point in the series I think I'd say maybe actually dawn. it just sounded so pretty, and i think it would be one of the subtler, less overwhelming courts while still being awe-inspiring.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
oh shoot um okay court of clouds?? people who specialize in wind manipulation, likely populated by a race related to the Peregryns or Drakon's race? an actual cloud court like in the sky could be a vibe I think. perhaps it would be more removed from the politics of prythian--they'd still have a High Lord, but maybe it would be more of a military government or something.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
oh wow i mean i am always here for more rhys and tamlin content obviously, but i would have also loved to see more of like stories and stuff about the sentries from the spring court that went over the wall, like Andras. andras and lucien's relationship in particular would be one I would have liked to know more about. I also really want to see Azriel and his mom.
What's your unpopular opinion?
god what ISN'T my unpopular opinion. hm. i think feyre's whole reasoning for wanting a baby out of seemingly nowhere is dumb. like i get it, yolo, life can be cut short, but like i really do not feel like she picked a good time to have a baby, nor do i think she is remotely ready to be a mother. when she realized she wanted kids in acofas, it wasn't a strong enough argument for me to actually like get behind her decision.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
omg i have so many I literally started a list lol. the first one on it is kind of silly, it's that Helion is actually the faerie romance author sellyn drake that nesta, emerie, and gwyn like
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
go to a festival! not necessarily something as crazy as calanmai, but i would love to go to some sort of celebration. maybe starfall?
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
shapeshifting without a doubt
thanks again for the tag! ill tag @cheap-spirits @achaotichuman @thedickgraysons @wingsdippedingold @hugevanserrass @lady-of-sevenwaters @the-darkestminds @msbrownwithacrown @tamlinsnailtech and anyone else who wants to contribute!! if were mutuals and i didnt tag u im sorry i tried to think of as many as possible LOL but yeah definitely feel free to contribute if you want to! this was fun
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elainsgirl · 2 months ago
no cause im tired of everything.
I'm sick of people talking about gwyn like shes the most important character ever. like yall don't actually care about her. they only like her cause shes involved with a batboy which is ridiculous. ("pro gwyneth" like be so fr... we barely know anything about her??? Like I like gwyn but stop making stuff up about her and saying shes saving the world.) that girl didn't show any romantic feelings towards him, so stop forcing it. (not to mention they never talk about emerie... interesting)
why is azriel getting shipped with everyone?? "gwyn is azriel's mate!" "no, its eris" "no, its bryce" "no, its mor" "no, its rhys dead sister" I LAUGH SO HARD AT THESE CAUSE WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THIS FROM???? I bet if azriel breathes next to anyone, they will automatically assume its his mate! leave the guy alone, my gosh.
"his shadows hate elain" just shut up. like fr.
"elain can go to the spring court and be with tamlin while az gets with gwyn and lucien gets with vassa" BAHAHAHAHAH. bro i cant even say anything to this because its ridiculous.
"if az finds his real mate, he will leave elain in a hurry" BRO. why do you guys think this man world revolves around wanting a mate so badly???? yall think so low of him its weird. if he wanted a mate oh so badly... he wouldnt go for elain! get that in your dumb heads!
now with the bonus chapter (elain and az part) im iffy about it. its good at the start but rhys and az argument gave me the ick but I understand what he meant either way. I can see why people didnt like azriel here. but to call him entitled is just WILD! he wasnt wrong questioning the cauldron. like why is he having all these mate behaviors towards elain when she has a mate??? I'd question the cauldron, too. feyre was so real when she said "why not make them mates" because they lowk fit no matter what anyone says.
now this was really irks me. "3 brothers and 3 sisters is so cliche" cliche??? bestie- do you see what we are reading??? the answer to the riddle was "love" out of all things. shut up with that dumb excuse. we have never seen 3 brothers and 3 sisters yet- well I havent. im pretty sure most of you havent either. if you read the BOOKS, you will understand that sjm uses the word 3 a lot. this is just common sense, people love to twist stuff.
Now dont get me wrong, I'll go for elucien or elriel. I dont care. but these gwynriels made me dislike az and gwyn together. like I used to go along with it but now they force it so badly "READ THE BONUS CHAPTER" "DID YOU READ THE BONUS CHAPTER" "maKe suRe yOu rEad iT cArEfuLly" "he chuckled with her" "they glance at eachother" "az and gwyn are going to save the world together" "i hope nesta, emerie, gwyn and az leave and make their own court" < (I fr saw someone say something like this) sister... I literally cringe! just please stop.
btw elriels gwyn isnt evil. stop saying that.
im so sorry for this rant. it just had to be said.
lmfao the need to vent is so real. This fandom TESTS your patience at times.
I think one of my biggest annoyances with Gwynriel is the fact that Gwyn doesn’t even like Azriel that way. Instead of focusing on how far she’s come, her accomplishments etc everything seems to go back to Azriel. If you ever truly look At gwynriel theories and headcanons the focus is always on Az and Gwyn doesn’t have much of a story by herself, she doesn’t lead a story. She is a follower/tag along. I will always say this again and again: If she was that important to the point of having anything to do with the prisons, trove, TT/Gwydion she would have been introduced earlier on in the series. It’s that simple. She has nothing to do w the prison, Koshei or even the daggers/made objects. Everything about gwynriel is forced - from Gwyn and Az having feelings for each other to their plot. Barely anything of that ship makes sense when you truly start to unravel it.
Az is getting shipped with everyone except who he truly wants and thats just comical. I guarantee you, If Az interacted with any other woman - gwynriel shippers would split so fast and some will start shipping him with the new woman.
“His shadows hate elain” … why were they ready to strike Nesta all because she insulted elain? They also speak so can’t they literally just tell Az “hey man, we dont like elain”. Then part of this claim comes from the fact Elain made his shadows skitter which is something Az does himself.
I so want Elain to go to Spring and mention how she finds it stiffling/claustrophobic. Elain going to spring to live there is ignoring everything about her character and only focusing on the fact she likes flowers and by their own logic, Nesta should go to Day and Feyre to a more artistic court.
If Az soley wanted a mate and was so desperate for one - why on earth is he pining for someone WITH A MATE. It literally defeats the purpose of him getting a mate. Also its such a stilt to his character for him to want a mate and then get one. It doesn’t allow character growth and makes the idea of “mates” seem as a prize instead of this romantic connection. If he wanted a mate so badly, this man would be going after women with no mates. Not one that has a mate. The logic behind this arguement is so stupid,
Azriel’s bonus to me parallels Feyre’s whole scene where she questioned the cauldron because of Azriel. It was Sjms way of bringing it back and reminding us of it. Telling us “look! Another character is doubting elucien’s bond! Why is Az questioning the cauldron” etc. The only part of Azriel’s bonus where I got the ick aside from his and gwyns’ awkward conversation- is when he said Lucien doesn’t deserve Elain. I get where that statement was coming from but he isn’t someone to decide who deserves who. This is what doesn’t make sense: antis call Az entitled for simply WONDERING why Elain was given to Lucien, he hs made no move to break elucien up. He hs not forced anything onto Elain. He doesn’t dictate or control her interactions with Lucien, the fact he hadn’t planned a future for them either all show he is far from acting entitled. But eluciens needed a way to make Az seem bad and lucien better hence why latched onto this argument when it doesn’t make sense given what we know about Azriels character, his thoughts, actions and what he said in the bonus.
“3 sisters and 3 brothers is cliche” whilst reading a romantasy series ( a genre filled with repetitive cliches) by an author who claims to be the queen of cliches. Every single fated mates ending up together? Cliche. Omg the trainer and his trainee fell in love? How unique. Its not like that is also a popular trope. I cannot give you any book/s in which 3 sisters end w 3 brothers, I however can pull out multiple books with the fated mates/warriors/trainerxtrainee tropes.
Too bad. Mass loves the IC - There is no reason why Nesta/valkryies and Az would go to another court. Wait - but the night court is Azriels home. Its where he belongs, unlike Elain who has to leave…but now they want Az to leave too? One thing you can trust antis to do is be consistent with their inconsistencies. Honestly, I was open to the idea of gwynriel but genuinely none of their theories or HCs make sense. In a general sense gwynriel is a good ship sure but you can generally ship any two characters together from the series. It doesn’t mean it’s happening & they’ll be endgame.
Gwyn definitely isn’t evil. However I do think she has the potential to become morally grey which im all here for.
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