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shadowqueenjude · 1 year ago
No bc why doesn't Lorcan have more fans, he fulfills that dark and broody shit y'all bitches love so much while also being fiercely loyal, hot, badass, strong, feminist, and a serious romantic. Is he not toxic enough for you or something-
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Kidnapper: We have your kids.
Aelin: ...I don't have any kids?
Kidnapper: We have something. They call themselves the cadre.
Aelin: Oh, okay. Can you keep them for a bit? I haven't slept in, like, five months.
Kidnapper: Sure. Just pick them up by six. The blond one won't stop talking.
Fenrys, faintly in the background: I AM A FORCE OF NATURE! *crashing noises*
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scarlet742 · 9 months ago
Mystery of Maasverse:
Where is Vaughan!!???
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leonmarie · 1 year ago
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mine de plomb
papier recyclé A4
Marie Léon
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shadowhandss60 · 11 months ago
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Art by me
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acourtofquestions · 4 months ago
"And Aedion will realize, in his own way, that you went to save Aelin not for her sake or Rowan's, but for his. And that you stayed with them, and march in this army, for his sake, too."
The Lion gazed northward, eyes flickering.
"I hope you are right."
No attempt at denial—that all Gavriel had done and would do was for Aedion alone. That he was marching north, into sure hell, for Aedion.
The warrior began to edge his horse past him again, but Chaol found himself saying,
"I wish—I wish I had been so lucky to have you as my father."
Surprise and something far deeper passed across Gavriel's face. His tattooed throat bobbed. "Thank you.
"Perhaps it is our lot—to never have the fathers we wish, but to still hope they might surpass what they are, flaws and all."
Chaol refrained from telling Gavriel he was already more than enough.
Gavriel said quietly, "I shall endeavor to be worthy of my son."
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toutplacid · 3 months ago
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Séduction – acrylique, 1982
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becarefuloflove · 1 year ago
My Roman Empire is wondering what the heck happened to Vaughn after the end of TOG, and will we see him again in the Maasverse crossover extravaganza because I NEED TO KNOW
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 2 years ago
headcanons with Fenrys being your mate
Being mates with Fen
Fenrys would be an amazing mate. Maybe a bit scared at first after everything that happened with Meave but I think showing him the beauty of love would be so powerful.
He would be determined to learn everything about it and I don't mean in a weird way. Knowing what's your favorite breakfast food, what annoys you, what side of the bed you prefer and so on would bring him a sense of ease and allow him to be more attentive.
So you best believe that when you speak he is listening. You could mention the tiniest thing and he would remember it, bringing it up in a conversation after some time, making you stop and stare at him for a moment.
Fenrys loves the sound of your voice so a lot of the time when he's uneasy or had a long day he would just want to listen to you talking. He doesn't care about what. Anything that comes out of your mouth is interesting to him.
He also gets uneasy if you are away from each other for a longer period of time. Bye-bye cheeky Fenrys and hello a grumpy, cocky wolf, who flashes his teeth at any moving thing. Gavriel never fails to say that you had managed to find his soft spot and when Fenrys gets unbearable he always turns to your aid.
Physical touch is required for his existence. Maker, forbid anyone to interrupt your morning or evening cuddles. That is Fenrys time and Fenrys time only. He never really talks while you cuddle, well besides the little, "Your hair is soft", "I love your eyes", and "You're so beautiful". At awe of you and your beautiful heart at all times.
And it would just be him slowly combing his fingers through your hair. Tracing the shape of your face with his fingers or drawing patterns on your skin. After all the pain he still struggles to allow his mind to fully accept that this is real. And when words fail there's always the bond that you would gently stroke, pouring all the love through it to your mate.
But we can't forget his chatty, bubbly self. You can't tell me that he's not the first to pull you up after dinner with the family, dragging you towards the dance floor so he could spin you around. Does he have great moves? You would agree to disagree but who cares. He's there laughing at the top of his lungs while he's twirling you in his arms.
Since quality time is also a part of his love language, he often would take you away from everyone to go on a little walk. Like I bet he knows of some little cave in the woods that has a little crystal-clear waterfall and a direct view of the starry sky. And that would be your spot.
Touching back on the needing to learn everything about it, I think that at some point you two wouldn't need words to know what the other one is feeling or thinking. The bond would just keep on growing.
Oh, and you would be the only one allowed to touch his hair and braid it. And is he rocking those looks? Yes. And he's praising his mate's talent. Because jokes on all the other males, they will never have a mate like this.
His wolf form would be something he would also use freely around you. If it's one of those nights where he feels safest in it, you would just drag a blanket from the bed and nuzzle into his furs. He would fuss slightly because he wouldn't want you to get a sore back but you would just roll your eyes, "Well, I am sleeping with you so deal with it".
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"Far up the hill, as if they had come racing down from the mountains and had not stopped for food or water or sleep, were a towering man, a massive bird, and three of the largest predators she had ever seen.
Five in all.
Answering their friend's desperate call for aid."
if this doesn't have you screaming and kicking your feet and throwing the book across the room I don't know what will.
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eliteprepsat · 9 months ago
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Pronunciation: [ ka-drey, kah-drey ]
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shadowqueenjude · 1 year ago
I'm not even a Gwynriel but how can you read the line "You're the new ribbon, Az" and not immediately realize something is brewing? I wasn't here for the TOG ship wars. I read the series and in Heir of Fire I was almost certain Rowaelin was endgame. I was salty about it, but I knew it would be endgame because I'd already recognized how SJM writes her stories by that point. Imagine my surprise when I found out there had been an insane debate about it before Rowaelin became endgame. I'm not even salty about it anymore; imo Yrene is a way better fit for Chaol and honestly the cadre is 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️(especially their former commander 🥵). Imo, the Aelin/Chaol/Rowan dynamic is similar to the Elain/Azriel/Lucien dynamic. Every Ewriel "moment" has been nullified by something else happening in the text. But by the end of ACOSF, several things are still true: 1. Rhysand stopped Azriel from kissing Elain. Azriel then rejected her and Elain returned the necklace. Azriel went to the library with the intention that Gwyn receive it, even if he didn't hand it to her directly. 2. Lucien and Elain are still mates. You can argue all you want that it's a spell, but SJM uses the same mating language to describe their bond as she does with any true mating pair. Besides, do you really think SJM is going to make Lucien spend decades convinced his first love was his mate only to hand him a fake mate? Pls be fr. The only fake mating bond SJM created was with Rowan and Lyria because of the dark powers of Maeve, but Lyria was Rowan's FIRST love, fake mating bond or no. Lyria is somewhat like the Jesminda in this situation, not Elain. 3. Azriel ended the bonus chapter thinking of Gwyn. No he didn't express sexual thoughts yet, I'd be disturbed if he had. But he was at ease with her in a way he wasn't with anyone else, his shadows danced with her as opposed to the skittering it does with Elain and Mor. Secret, lovely beauty. 4. Elain is bothered by the cruelty of the Hewn City. She also was "ridiculous" in black, which is CLEAR foreshadowing. The Spring Court was described as being "made for someone like her." You're always talking about foreshadowing and shit but then ignore the foreshadowing that Elain will be leaving the Night Court. 5. Feyre WANTED Elain to get to know Lucien. She may have doubted the Cauldron's decision initially, but the fact that she was supporting Lucien and encouraging Elain to interact with him shows that at the very least she's CONSIDERING the possibility that the Cauldron IS right. To be honest, I don't give a shit who Azriel ends up with. I'm here for Lucien's story. But I read that bonus chapter and I instantly knew Gwynriel was endgame. Gwyn is not going to be used as an obstacle between Azriel and Elain; she's part of Nesta's chosen family and has been through enough, she deserves better than being the girl in the middle. And SJM doesn't even write love triangles, which is honestly a relief, because love triangles are so cringey. I don't think Elain and Azriel are going to get "closure," because honestly they barely had a relationship to begin with. They didn't even kiss.
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jayktoralldaylong · 1 year ago
The Six Cadre/Never Love An Anchor - Crane Wives.
On some level, I think I always understood. That a ship could never really love an anchor.
(Watching Fenrys shine leap and dance like the shining golden sun yet still held down by the chain that passes through Connall's chest to Maeve)
So, I did the only thing that I could
(Connall grips the chain)
and severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor.
(Fenrys' howl of despair)
On some level, I think I always understood. That these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever.
(Always getting scolded by everyone for being too reckless, but Fenrys' low-key admiring Connall for always being levelheaded.)
And I tried to do the best that I could.
(Giving his all to protect Connall)
But try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to hold you.
(Rowan watching Aelin but thinking of Lyria)
It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest, with this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful.
There is love that doesn't have a place to rest.
(Aelin smiles at him and he turns away, ignoring the heartbreak in her eyes).
But it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders.
(Gavriel watching Aedion with pride)
There are times when I still wonder about you. You are someone I have loved, but never known.
(Aedion glares so Gavriel turns away sadly)
And you'll never see the reasons I had.
(Gavriel leaves dragging the chains of Maeve far away from Aedion).
For keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you.
I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel.
(Elide's eyes widen as she registers Lorcan sitting before her covered in blood)
I am all the things they might have said to you.
Do you ever think of me and my two hands?
(Lorcan's strong scarred hands of a killer)
And wonder why they never soothed your fevers?
(Lorcan still doing everything possible to protect Elide in the ways he can, carrying her, being her crutch, providing cycle pads)
And wonder why they never tied your shoes? And wonder why they never held you gently?
And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?
(Vaughan, flies away into the horizon....free)
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scarlet742 · 9 months ago
Mysteries of Maasverse 2:
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marienoellepecarrere · 8 months ago
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We Got A Date i need your head, Huile sur Toile, 40x50 cm,
D'après, Previtalli, Andrea - Memento Mori (verso1502), cadre Montparnasse, bois, stuc, laqué noir, 50 x 65 cm.
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lerefugedeluza · 1 year ago
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