inesvazquezart · 2 years
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Day 28 of creatuanary
Azeban, or mischievous raccon spirit from Abenaki people mythology. He decided to become a fire bender to cook the food he steals. Now he can make s’mores 
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they’re lesbians, harold
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le-shabz · 2 years
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Creatuanary 2023 - Day 28 Azeban
IG: @shhabrak
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azreonn · 2 years
Creatuanary 28 - Azeban
The trickster raccoon
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mytherbalegwladys · 2 years
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Nom, Prénom: Rex Saito Identité secrète: Kappa Age: 19 Sexe: masculin Yeux: vert clair Habitat: Oklahoma City (États-Unis) Lieu de naissance: Kyoto (Japon) Équipe: les Core Blazing, la Suicide Squad, les Titans East Ses alliés: les Core Blazing (son équipe), les Blade Moonstorm et les anti-héros. Ses rivaux: les Aero Firetail et les Wave Blossom. Ses ennemis: Général Akuma, Dame Chie, les jupitiens et les super vilains. Univers: DC Comics Premier apparition: Aero Firetail #10 Apparition Movies & TV: La Ligue des Justiciers: Nouvelle Génération, The Flash (Série TV 2014) Apparition dans les jeux vidéos: Aero Firetail Voix: VO - Shameik Moore & VF - Stéphane Bak Thème principal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG7X62ULlTs Capacités: Kappa a les pouvoirs du monstre de la créature; Il se camoufle dans l'eau et les plante, maitrise la nature, et il a une force colossale. Il peut aussi creuser au sol. Sa passion: les sports, les jardins, l'environnement et les animaux. Histoire: Rex Saito alias Kappa est le leader le plus fort des Core Blazing. Il est têtu, un peu colérique et calme. Né de l'union entre un roi kappa et une humaine, Rex a préféré garder son humanité au lieu de suivre les traces de son père monstrueux, mais il lui a volé son masque. Il quitte le Japon pour trouver sa place à l'université de Oklahoma City. Lorsqu'il teste le masque de son père, il réveille ses capacités de kappa et se nomme "Kappa". En rencontrant Magnolia Quesada, Janie Chanthara et Spike Turner qui sont aussi des hybrides, Rex forme une équipe nommé les "Core Blazing". Ensemble, ils affrontent le général Akuma et les jupitiens. Ils deviennent aussi les rivaux des Wave Blossom.
Nom, Prénom: Magnolia Quesada Identité secrète: Zotz Age: 18 Sexe: féminin Yeux: rose pastel Habitat: Oklahoma City (États-Unis) Lieu de naissance: Oaxaca (Mexique) Équipe: les Core Blazing, la Suicide Squad, les Titans East, la Bat Family Ses alliés: les Core Blazing (son équipe), les Blade Moonstorm et les anti-héros. Ses rivaux: les Aero Firetail, les Wave Blossom et Man-Bat. Ses ennemis: Général Akuma, Dame Chie, les jupitiens et les super vilains. Univers: DC Comics Premier apparition: Aero Firetail #10 Apparition Movies & TV: La Ligue des Justiciers: Nouvelle Génération, The Flash (Série TV 2014) Apparition dans les jeux vidéos: Aero Firetail Voix: VO - Dorah Fine & VF - Caroline Pascal Capacités: Zotz peut transformer ses bras en ailes géantes et émettre un chant aigu. Sa passion: Le rock, la tradition mexicaine et les histoires effrayantes. Histoire: Magnolia Quesada alias Zotz est une descendante des Zapotèques. Elle est calme, rebelle et attentive. Liée à ses ancêtres, Magnolia est choisie pour obtenir les pouvoirs du dieu chauve-souris, Camazotz. Lors du rituel, elle a reçu également un masque spirituel pour utiliser ses capacités. Entrant à l'université d'Oklahoma City, elle rencontre Rex Saito, Janie Chanthara et Spike Turner qui ont des pouvoirs surnaturels. Devenue membre des Core Blazing, Magnolia se nomme "Zotz" pour combattre les jupitiens. Et elle rejoint aussi la Bat Family.
Nom, Prénom: Janie Chanthara Identité secrète: Léviathan Age: 16 Sexe: féminin Yeux: pale (aveugle) Habitat: Oklahoma City (États-Unis) Lieu de naissance: Bangkok (Thaïlande) Équipe: les Core Blazing, la Suicide Squad, les Titans East Ses alliés: les Core Blazing (son équipe), les Blade Moonstorm et les anti-héros. Ses rivaux: les Aero Firetail et les Wave Blossom. Ses ennemis: Général Akuma, Dame Chie, les jupitiens et les super vilains. Univers: DC Comics Premier apparition: Aero Firetail #10 Apparition Movies & TV: La Ligue des Justiciers: Nouvelle Génération, The Flash (Série TV 2014) Apparition dans les jeux vidéos: Aero Firetail Voix: VO - Kayli Mills & VF - Laëtitia Godès Capacités: Léviathan capable de nager, de respirer longtemps sous l'eau et de créer des boules de poison. Sa passion: La natation, les poissons, la médecine, le bouddhisme et l'alchimie. Histoire: Janie Chanthara alias Léviathan est la fille de serpent de mer légendaire. Elle est intelligente, un peu froide et autonome. Janie est née de l'union entre le léviathan et une humaine. Elle pratique le bouddhisme pour sa mère. Avant de partir à l'université d'Oklahoma City, elle a reçu un masque de la part de son père.En réveillant les pouvoirs du serpent de mer, Janie devient Léviathan et rejoint les Core Blazing.
Nom, Prénom: Spike Turner Identité secrète: Azeban Age: 17 Sexe: masculin Yeux: jaune Habitat: Oklahoma City (États-Unis) Lieu de naissance: Boston (Nouvelle-Angleterre) Équipe: les Core Blazing, la Suicide Squad, les Titans East Ses alliés: les Core Blazing (son équipe), les Blade Moonstorm et les anti-héros. Ses rivaux: les Aero Firetail et les Wave Blossom. Ses ennemis: Général Akuma, Dame Chie, les jupitiens et les super vilains. Univers: DC Comics Premier apparition: Aero Firetail #10 Apparition Movies & TV: La Ligue des Justiciers: Nouvelle Génération, The Flash (Série TV 2014) Apparition dans les jeux vidéos: Aero Firetail Voix: VO - Sean Chiplock & VF - Donald Reignoux Capacités: Azeban possède les pouvoirs mythiques du raton-laveur divin et utilise le sable pour se téléporter ou se camoufler. Sa passion: La tradition amérindienne, la nature, les animaux et le sport. Histoire: Spike Turner alias Azeban est un fier descendant des Abénaquis. Il est pacifique, attentif et un peu têtu. Spike et sa famille vénèrent le raton-laveur divin nommé Az-ban. Il a reçu pendant le rituel, un masque de raton-laveur qui lui permet de se transformer en hybride moitié homme, moitié raton-laveur. En rencontrant Rex Saito, Magnolia Quesada et Janie Chanthara à l'université d'Oklahoma City, il rejoint les Core Blazing pour se battre contre les yokais et les jupitiens.
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unagidevi · 7 months
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whimsical dreamswap meme squad but this is the first time they started drawing therapy
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isame-allen · 4 months
Would you draw whimsicial dream swap? (✿◠‿◠) -🌸
Yes I would Sakura anon
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darklightsworld · 2 years
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Tagged by @airisu7425 😘
Reality was too difficult, so I ended up with a twinky foxy boy 🦊
Link for those who want to play~
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Tried to do a SBURB Session Simulator using the Alabaster cast.
It was Vamuin, Ginneo, Batori, Crossover, Renart, Sectra, Copycat, Ophiuchus, and Mnevia as the players.
It went like shockingly well, considering my previous game with my OCs (who are all mostly nice, semi-stable people) was an endless game of going insane, murder and the grim reaper killing you over and over and over again.
This went like, shockingly well.
Perhaps the funniest part was Renart just instantly stopping being a serial killer.
Probably the biggest piece of drama was that Ophiuchus and Batori dated for a while but then Batori cheated on Ophiuchus with Copycat.
I think Ophiuchus's hope powers helped a lot, he basically stopped the other characters from freaking out by existing, which I think helped. Also there were no outside threats like the first one where the Invincible Grim Reaper showed up in the first 10 minutes of the session :p
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clvricsin · 1 year
i’ll never forget when i had to have eavari seduce an azeban in order for her and the party to claim his bounty and i shared this exchange
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @cetra , @sleepsvessel & @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster thank you ^_^
Afhiri sea slugs, isopods (dairy cow and zebra), geckos and other various reptiles, cats, small birds, musteloids (particularly raccoons and red pandas), viverrids, japanese raccoon dogs, opossums Candor lions, various eagles (wedge-tailed, golden, crowned), hawks, swans and geese, bighorn rams, crocodillians, sea turtles, elephants, animals that use sun compass orientation Cirok corvids (raven, crow), dogs (rottweiler, doberman, pinscher, greyhound), venomous black snakes, scorpions, spiders (particularly trapdoor spiders and sicarius), bats, black caiman, sharks
Afhiri pastels! pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, white, black Candor changes depending on form but in general purple, blue, red, yellow, orange, gold, brown, white, black Cirok black, grey, white - absolutely no Colour (thanks to booboo i now think of like toxic waste green when i think of cirok too)
Afhiri September Candor August Cirok November
Afhiri tapi tapi - tempura kidz fear. moe shop and fun - sir sly. sir sly's vibe is way off for afhiri but the lyrics were written for her Candor a sun coloured shaker - yndi halda and (spring) this was your place - sunlight ascending Cirok jouska - evenS (probably favourite song of all time btw) and i come with knives - IAMX
Afhiri two/2 Candor three/3 Cirok four/4
Afhiri celandine, sunflower, pink tulip, daisy Candor bay tree, gladiolus, heliotrope, rose Cirok chives, anemone, begonia, deadly nightshade
Afhiri fresh morning, grass, dirt, cotton candy, bubblegum Candor cedar, musk, sandalwood, the ocean, burning  Cirok decay, death, rot, overwhelmingly of resin
Afhiri tugtupite Candor meliphanite Cirok magnetite
Time of day
Afhiri sunrise Candor midday Cirok night
Afhiri summer Candor summer Cirok winter
Afhiri taverns, meadows, by rivers and lakes Candor monasteries, temples, places of worship Cirok the dank, cold and forgotten, the forbidden
Afhiri sweet things, nothing good for you Candor warm meals Cirok raw meat
Afhiri sugary sweet drinks, energy drinks Candor various teas (green, oolong, herbal, black) Cirok piping hot black coffee
Afhiri air Candor fire Cirok water
Afhiri garlic, ginger, cinnamon Candor paprika, turmeric, bay leaves Cirok dried chives, cloves, saffron
Afhiri the most beautiful sunny cloudless summer sky Candor a colourful golden orange, red, and purple with light cloud cover Cirok stratus clouds, grey, calm and quiet
Afhiri warm day with lots of sun and a gentle breeze Candor blazing hot summers day with minimal to no wind Cirok cold winters day with fog and light snow
Magical power
Afhiri manipulative magic that makes someone act against their own will, anything that makes them laugh or dance. also the magical power of Insults Candor holy smites, blinding lights and divine energy Cirok phasing into the realm of the dead to walk partly as a ghost
Afhiri shortsword and dagger combo, dual hand crossbows Candor mace and shield, longbow, floating/flying greatsword Cirok dual daggers, throwing knives, poisons and venoms
Afhiri cotton candy, bubblegum, and i designed her with fruit salad in mind! Candor spicy roasted pecans, maple roasted sweet potatoes, sea salt dark chocolate Cirok liquorice, black jack, toxic waste
Method of long distance travel
Afhiri roadtrip in a classic volkswagen camper van Candor flying Cirok underground trains
Afhiri impressionism, abstract expressionism, street art, dadaism, CoBrA and fauvism Candor baroque and classicism Cirok optical art and minimalism
Afhiri of the self, of emotional pain, of returning home Candor of imperfection, of failure, of not being worthy Cirok of being seen, of death, of vulnerability
Mythological creature
Afhiri azeban, mujina, nymph Candor chalkydri, phoenix, psychopomp Cirok tsuchigumo, black dog, gargoyle
Piece of stationery
Afhiri a childs box of crayons, dairy Candor fountain pen, ruler Cirok ink, letter opener
Three Emojis
Afhiri 🤡🍀🪈 Candor ☄️🎇🪽 Cirok 🕷️♟️🔪
Celestial body
Afhiri the moon Candor the sun Cirok black dwarf
THIS TOOK ME FOREVER GUYS... TWO DAYS. I WORKED ON IT FOR HOURS. i hope........ its worth it <3
tagging @cetra @dekariosgale @courierseis @euryalex @hibernationsuit @jerichoes @vanoefucks @captaintiny @gwynbleidd @arduath @rcpunzel @avallachs @fuckitwebhaal @hexdruid @sovereign-spaw @galesgrandad @thefathersbride @dandeyrain @doggybone @swanfey @voerman @full---ofstarlight @chaos-storm @covenscribe @raphaelsboudoir @simtalics @kymal @graynstairs @neonbutchery @hungryblackbird @moxley @thlix @isayashai @darlinghowl @astarionsfordf150 @moon-jun @lovaboy @ratscrap @picklepals @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @rigaudon @neosunbrella @sternenstaub28 @centipisde @kirkwall @lusus--naturae
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kiwicopia · 1 year
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Synopsis: When getting shipwrecked on a strange, uninhibited island, you start to realize that this lost isle isn't as devoid of life as you thought. Monsters of myth roam the land and surrounding sea, lying in wait for a beauty like you. Will you survive, or will the slightest indulgence of carnal desire be your downfall?
Contents: female reader, yandere characters, monster fucking, blood and gore, slight gaslighting, manipulation, use of creature ability, mate-like mannerisms and intentions, cursing, kidnapping, slight Stockholm syndrome.
Notes: Main parts flow into one another like usual chapters. Part two is basically endgame with that specified character. The reader kind of sleeps her way around the island. Titles suck, but bear with me.
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1. The Cat's Meow (Nekomata!Itadori) | Part Two
2. Exquisite Equine (Qilin!Yuta) | Part Two
3. Screams of Satisfaction (Banshee!Inumaki) | Part Two
4. A Little Bit of Mischief (Azeban!Shiu) | Part Two
5. Man's Best Friend (Werewolf!Megumi) | Part Two
6. Fiendish Fantasies (Ghoul!Mahito) | Part Two
7. The Sweetest Melody (Adarna Bird!Gojo) | Part Two
8. Dark Luck (Black Stag!Geto) | Part Two
9. Shiny Little Trinkets (Dragon!Nanami) | Part Two
10. Sinister Stallion (Kelpie!Choso) | Part Two
11. Sinful Succulence (Naga!Higuruma) | Part Two
12. Grizzly Encounters (Werebear!Toji) | Part Two
13. Water Panther (Mishipeshu!Ino) | Part Two
14. Maze of Madness (Minotaur!Hakari) | Part Two
15. A Chance with God (Oni!Trueform!Sukuna) | Part Two
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♥️ Divider by benkeibear ♥️
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bowlcereal · 3 months
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Hey guys art fight haul for the week HEAUCHEHHGH
First one with two ocs belongs to https://artfight.net/~pastasaugce
-Plaque Flocker #4801172
-Nerdnyan #4299035
Second one with the rainbow belongs to https://artfight.net/~GreedyForCandy
-Caroline #4809318
Third next to the rainbow belongs to https://artfight.net/~sahnd
-Azeban #4604193
Fourth one cat butterfly belongs to https://artfight.net/~Clymentine
-Kali Heart #4421794
Fifth and last next to the cat butterfly belongs to https://artfight.net/~Cozmikbrowniez
-Illusion #4784612
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icarus-incarn8 · 10 months
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azeban the trickster raccoon :) he's pretty chill with his mutation all things considered
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shooting-star2609 · 1 year
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So... I know he looks a lot like green, yes I know, but I promise you his personality is different. I'm still figuring it out tho sooo :3. His name is Azeban, and I'm still writing his storyline and personality
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unagidevi · 7 months
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gift for @saranootnoot, whimsical dreamswap
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