#azazel is so little
cockworkangels · 10 months
like dean didn't even know the names of his grandparents. like. he didn't even know he was named after his grandmother
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dreamytfw · 4 months
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Question for y'all: is this fic any good? Can't decide if I should I read it or sell it to a 2nd hand book store.
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paula-gio · 1 year
Redesigned Ameri cause I think her original outfit is so ugly. Godbless 🙏
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rraakkee · 2 years
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various marker doodles
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wizardnuke · 4 months
now a dnd party with a strong bond and synergy is great and all and i'm confident that my party will get there but as of right now only about 5-6 sessions in we've had multiple shouting fights, countless threats, and one instance of pvp. now. i hope this changes. me and one guy are sort of working to fix that. but it's so fun don't discount the joys of you and your friends pretending to hate each other
#william is arlocks apprentice no one has an issue with william other than that he's a giant gecko and we dont know if he needs pants or not#arlock is. arlock is a giant situation of a human soul that was beamed into a robot body in a failed ritual to put a god in there#old enough to be avalon's dad. likes to think he's intimidating (he IS avalon just doesn't CARE)#he and avalon have an uneasy truce because they realized they have similar situations#azazel is possibly not of this realm but very sweet and told us what he knows so he's okay. similarly alister seems to be pretty up front#id say they're the normalest but that is extremely situational. they know how to communicate. alister is a bloodhunter/cleric so. shrugs#hanari is jester if jester was a mad scientist. arlock Liked hanari and then got put off by their tricks and riddles#meanwhile avalon thinks hanari is the funniest mf in the world (also i'm just super close to hanari's player and i think she's hilarious)#saint/mav the rogue-barbarian jekyll/hyde normal man and infernal patron in a human body that's a little nuked#he turns into the hulk when he's mad. saint is also very nice. maz is. maz sure is. he likes hanari and azazel#arlock and azazel got into a fistfight but it was my fault 👍 i wasn't At Fault tho. me and arlock talked afterwards hes essentially a vet#avalon's just a rat bastard. unreliable narrator#there is so much potential in here we just need to learn how to not put each other on edge#thinks about last session where we spent an hour yelling at each other on how to handle an imp that wasn't supposed to be there for that#long. our poor dm. we keep catching little demons and trying to befriend them#me and arlock are gonna kill that thing when maz and hanari aren't looking tho
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Still bothered by Azazel possessing a reaper. How tf did you do that, old man.
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soulsxng · 8 months
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"It was nothing but a joke, Ellie, no need to take it so seriously." Elijah meant well, of course, but if he decided to start viewing the former Watchers as threats again, Enoch would be decidedly upset...
Not that he could say as much, of course, considering the fact that he'd told his family that he was against them now, and had dealt with them. At the time, it had been the only way to keep his siblings from trying to kill Ouza and Azazel, or from finding out the truth about Tabbris. Or from finding Ysa at all...
Perhaps it was foolish of him to try to keep them same even now, when Ouza had openly tried to kill him many times even in the past year or two. But Enoch did have the situation closely monitored and under control. It wasn't much of a threat, in the long run.
And if that was what he had to tell himself as an excuse when he knew that he was really being sentimental? Well...he didn't really allow himself the opportunity for this sort of thing often. It was fine.
"Just forget that I said anything, mm?"
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ourladyoflight · 1 year
Have you always been an Angel? Or were you once someone else in a past life?
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There's a moment of quiet contemplation that follows the question. It lingers in the air for a moment, as she sifts through memories that often sit on one of the higher shelves in her mind. It had been a while since she'd reached up to pull them down, and they'd gotten rather dusty.
"As far as I know," she begins, "I've always been the way that I am."
She'd been born, and she was she. It had all begun when she'd stepped into herself, and out of nothing. There had been no childhood, nor nurture under a gentle parent's touch; she was Angel amongst humans, and a different name entirely amongst her siblings. They had been the first ones she could remember alongside her. They'd been born grown together, for there was no need for infancy- which the art of nurture had been learned through observings, and tryings, and persistent self-teachings.
It left the question of what she was for unanswered. But that was a query Angel liked to answer in her own time, and through her own actions. She would write that part herself.
"I've been many someones here on Earth," she continues, smiling faintly at the memory. "So I suppose I've lived plenty of past lives, haven't I?"
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luvdisease · 6 months
hshdgskdgs dont look at me
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united-as-one · 6 months
/I've been productive, please give me gifts in inbox or random stuff :3
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acesammy · 1 year
The people who say Sam is a boring character apparently just don’t have whatever gene it is that causes you to start ripping up drywall when you think about ‘Sam winchester this is your life’
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othercrossee · 1 year
Well Azazel and their partner wasn't exactly in love in the traditional sense
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starkdevotee · 2 years
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His favourite sleeping position on my couch. Second only to sleeping belly up on my bed as I give him tummy rubs.
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normalbrothershow · 18 days
sam memory fuckery is so crazy actually like...
he was alone in a timeloop and spent extra 6 months of life and had to remember it, interwining with his "real life", but only He remembers. trials sam suddenly remembering seemingly little childhood events, but they make him find out things that change his self view and make him question his own beliefs and thoughts. soulless sam being erased in his mind at first, but then he suddenly Has To remember, knowing he didnt actually live through those events, but has to claim them as his own actions and life anyway. 160+ years worth of memories from the cage (first erased and then thrown back as well), knowing lucifer is able to alter memories/dreams in any way he wants to. are sams current memories actually his real ones, or did he mix them up along the way, remembering a made up version of them? he has over 200 years worth of memories before even hitting 30. sam finding out how many of the people he knew in the past had actually been azazels demons, that its not things that just happened by chance, but that those friendships/relationships/mentorships were demons acting in a play. that these memories were made for him. that he didn't know about that for Years, and now he has to work every single one of them over in his head. when he remembers someone from his past, does he wonder if they were human or were they just another of azazels demons? was that random event planned and directed for him? is this good memory actually a bad one? who even is he, at this point?
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dollhousemary · 2 years
@ the people in the notes of that post being like “oh my god just make people up 🙄 it’s annoying/it doesn’t make sense for blah blah blah” why do you hate fun?
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bamfkeeper · 13 days
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RQ: 'Hello! I adored you Dad!Nightcrawler story! And wanted to know if you could make this possible headcanon since it seemed funny. So Kurt's parents are Azazel&Mystique so what if his kid gets traits/mutations from them? (Like it skipped a gen) Like red skin from Azazel or Mystiques abilities/scales. It may be humorous to see/for Kurt to handle' -@aphrodite4lover
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x F!Reader // Warnings: None I think lol.
A/N: I love this, actually. I know his parents were re-written as Mystique & Destiny, but for the sake of this, Kurt's parents are originally Azazel & Mystique. Yes ofc here's some hcs. Added a few things to make it interesting. Also I know that's a red bamf not a baby just pretend it is okay 😭
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When your little one came out you were both surprised to see that they weren't blue like expected...but red.
As you held your little one, you were a bit confused, of course. You looked at the red infant, their little body soft but lacking Kurt's fuzz and instead had carefully placed soft scales. They adorned the baby's shoulders and upper arms, cheeks, a little on the forehead, down the spine and shoulder blades, and of course the thighs.
The signature spaded tail was there, and the baby did have three digits like Kurt, but nothing else resembled him at all.
You loved your baby, but you were just a little worried. Kurt wasn't sure what to think either. He knew you hadn't cheated, heavens no. Plus...mutations are random.
Azazel would have a field day if he heard that Kurt's child ended up red instead of blue. The asshole might even make a comment about mating you but...that's a whole other scenario.
The baby always favored you too, which he sort of understood since you were the mother, but your child always cried and he could never soothe them. "Ach, bitte....calm down, you have food and you are clean...why do you cry?" he tries to hard, rocking, bouncing, cradling.
He gets a little jealous when your baby calms instantly when in your arms. "They do not like me, liebling..." he frowns and pouts.
As your little baby grew, they proved themselves to be a little devil indeed. Kurt felt himself being run rampant, the toddler ran after him and Kurt could barely keep up. Your child was slippery and extremely cunning for a toddler.
Kurt tried to help them teleport, assuming your child inherited his mutant ability, but as they watched him disappear and reappear, they instead shifted from a red toddler to a blue one, taking on Kurt's appearance if he were a toddler again.
So...great. No teleporting, red skin, and his mother's ability?
He wasn't upset, just...very surprised. His shock made your baby laugh, giggling in amusement as they continued to shift into different appearances.
Not only people, but they could also shift into animals.
The baby did inherit his wall-crawling. You often found them hanging out on the ceiling, hanging from it and chasing each other around on the walls.
You felt a little insecure or worried, thinking Kurt might have some resentment towards you, even though you had zero control over the development and outcome of your child's mutation. Kurt could tell you felt bad, and he always reassured you.
"Mutations are so strange, liebe...please do not fret. I love unser Kind...they certainly were a chock when they came into the world." he teased lightly, kissing your cheek.
Your child was just as mischevious and troublesome during their teenage years. Very rebellious and the complete opposite of Kurt. It was rather entertaining, the two literally opposites in appearance and interests.
Your child took on a lot of bad habits, displaying both Mystique and Azazel's personality more than your own or Kurt's. It was hard to deal with at first, but you figured they were just trying to find themselves.
Your child struggled with identity, (take with that what you will it can be implied with whatever you like!), the shapeshifting and everything else was hard on them. Also the fact that they looked nothing like either of you made it hard. They felt like a red black sheep, and their behavior was just them trying to deal with it.
After you both sat down and spoke to them, you got to the bottom of why. It was an emotional night for you, Kurt, and your child, but it ended in tearful hugs and many 'I love you's.'
Kurt loves your child no matter what they look like and who they decide to me. They will always come home to you and Kurt.
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
Cover Image: Amazing X-Men (2014) #1
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