#and itd be sorta. like it means nothing
othercrossee · 1 year
Well Azazel and their partner wasn't exactly in love in the traditional sense
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ppnuggie · 1 year
slides in,, claps hands together,, crosses legs,,
hello tumblr user ppnuggie i say ominously
i have a tarn request for you 🦀
first contact au where they dock on earth to snag a run away thats posing as reader's truck!! reader livin their best life pampering their old truck and driving on the beach and then theirs just a massive ass space ship on the beach and then giant ass robots come out and reader "nopes" the fuck outta there but when she gets to the parking lot her trUCK DUMPED HER and now shes having a very awkward staring competition with some purple man thats like "what is that thing?? its so small and squishy?? what do we do with it??" but also "its so cute,, it sounds adorable,, i like it,, i like this thing" and just fuckin,, nabs her
itd be absolutely delicious of you if there was a language barrier
      TARN x fem reader
    『 tarn ,, female reader 』
  -> first contact au w/ tarn
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, lil crack ,, kidnapping
  — kaon takes reader ,, lmk if you want another part to continue w/ this 🙏
        " are you sure he's here kaon ? i don't remember this planet or sector ." voice gruff and questioning the smaller bot . the red mech nodded ,, optics dark and empty as he smiled . " i'm sure of it , tarn ." he replied . the mech known as tarn nodded in return ,, looking at the scanners aboard the ship known as the peaceful tyranny . there was barely any trace of a cybertronian signal . barely ,, that is . there was a faint dot on the screen ,, showing one life signal .
        " prepare yourselves for departure . lets make this quick ,," tarn said to his crew ,, the djd ,, or better known as the decepticon justice division . " watch out for the life here ,, theyre .... organic ." he said slowly ,, disgust dripping from his words .
        thankfully there werent a lot of people here today . not exactly hot enough for a beach day ,, per say ,, but you didnt mind that one bit . resting in the driver's seat of your old truck ,, you smothered your face with sunscreen . just because it was 70 degrees out didnt mean you were gonna risk getting toasted by the sun .
        glad there werent too many little kids around ,, you were able to enjoy your little day off without many interruptions . or so you thought ,, when all the sudden a gigantic ass space ship came outta nowhere . aint no way in hell you were gonna let this moment go though ,, knowing the ufos exist and the government was keeping those aliens locked up and away from public . fishing for your phone in your bag ,, you quickly drew it out and snapped your camera app open .
        switching to video ,, you got out your truck and starting to tape the spaceship . this was something outta star wars because aint no way this was government property and a thing for a movie . or maybe it was ? you werent too sure ,, busy being in awe of this majestic ship . until it had landed and out popped its crewmates .
        this had to be for a movie ,, it had to be . nothing like just happens on a wednesday . the most that happens is that commercial with the camel saying its hump day . this sorta thing happens on a friday or sunday . one of the robotic beings opened their mouth ,, static and chirps coming out . you werent too sure what it was saying though .
        it was all fine until they started looking around and one spotted you . it was quite big ,, purple with tank treads maybe ? it surely didnt look like something from the government ,, but it did look like it was some sort of military machine . a shorter yet more lanky one stomped forward ,, water splashing up against its legs as its hands wrapped around your body .
        your phone slipped from your hand ,, eyes wide with shock and jaw dropped open . " hey !" you yelled ,, pointing accusingly at it . " put me down this instant ! who do you think you are ?!" you spat at it . the being looked curious ,, chirping at the purple one you were just looking at .
        " boss ! look ! its one of those organice you told us about !" kaon exclaimed ,, vos coming up beside him and looking at the creature . " it even gave me its goo ! that must mean we've bonded ! oh boss ,, can i keep it ?" kaok rushed excitedly towards tarn . he shoved the creature up at him ,," just look how cute it is ! please boss ! i promise to take care of it !"
        tarn backed away a bit ,, leaning down slightly to get a better look at it . " fine fine ,, just focus on the task at hand . as long as you keep it in your habsuite only ." the mech grunted ,, waving kaon away as he pulled up his internal scanners .
        tarn would later question his decision . the bot they were looking for had gone into hiding and with night falling ,, the leader had become quite irritated . he would just have to wait ,, it would seem .
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pwnyta · 1 month
I was thinking about if LOST characters had powers... sorta like HEROES or XMEN or something... So heres what I got-
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Jack- Healing touch. Obviously. Its not like super POWERFUL healing but it does fluctuate with his emotions. Like the more stressed he gets the better his healing is. I think that fits Jack real well. Also its only his hands & he cant heal himself if he cant properly reach the spot (like his back)).
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Kate- Shapeshifting! OBVIOUSLY. At first its limited to people similar to herself (thin white women) but as time goes on she starts learning to go crazy. But its still limited to humans.
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Sawyer- Anger Empowerment! Hulk-like but without the cool transformation.
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Juliet- Time Acceleration (by touch). Hear me out... she CAN heal as a doctor but if she's not paying attention the time acceleration could go so far as to even ROT whats in her hands. So shes mostly scared to use her powers.
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John- Danger Detection. The trouble is hes more confident in his power than himself which causes problems(see Ben).
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Ben- Mental Manipulation (voice activated, sorta like the persuasion power from HEROES). OBVIOUSLY. Ben's mental manipulation can also override Johns Danger Detection which is why John keeps getting clowned on by that gremlin. However he has a far harder time dealing with people with stronger wills.
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Hurley- Empathetic Mimicry. He can use others powers with an associated feeling. Like Hurley getting pissed at Sawyer and kicking the shit outta him using his own rage based power enhancement.
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Sayid- Absolute Superpower Opposition. From defending himself against Sawyer, to surviving all of Rousseaus nonsense to outplaying Ben... I think it works for him. However he can be hurt by like... guns and be regular manipulated by Ben if hes sad. But since the mundane is still a threat itd give a reason why hes still the hyper prepared little freak he is.
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Sun- Mental Pressure. Her power can cause paranoia and such things. She didnt use it basically at all before the crash... but after returning home without Jin she started exercising that power. Freaking her father out and even screwing with Ben.
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Jin- Enhanced Durability. Nothing has ever happened to him. Hes fine guys and if hes fine Suns fine. Guys believe me.
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Charlie- Inaudibility (can be completely silent (in an AOE). Ironically (since hes a bloody rock GOD). He hated it before his addiction but then he found it to be quite useful for sneaking around.
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Claire- Enhanced Survivability. She was in a house when it fuckin EXPLODED. And also lived in the woods all by herself. Shes just a creature.
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Michael- Drawing Creation. Its not something hes ever thought to push. He just creates little animated cards for his son but later uses his creations to torment the people on the boat till they take themselves out.
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Desmond- Precognition. Obviously. But his powers are pretty scrambled and especially so after he gets to the island. Weirdly his precog works weirdly on Sayid sometimes he gets absolutely nothing, sometimes he gets visions so clear its suspicious. He doesnt ask(it depends on whether his vision might hurt or help Sayid due Sayids ability. It either completely blocks it or enhances it).
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Rousseau- Improbable Weapon Proficiency. DUH. All her weird little traps. Let her cook.
...I could do others but... I think this is good enough. I mean most are either very obvious or... like I HAVE NO IDEA. Frank has flight. Miles can talk to ghosts. Shannon... IDFK? BOONE? Honestly who cares.
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aridavid · 2 years
the loona songs i think every queendom group should have done if they each got their way and were able to pick them for round 2:
Brave Girls: Why Not do you know what a fucking missed opportunity this was. like im telling you this would have led to a permanent peace treaty between fearless and orbits we would have been BROTHERS. oh the production would have gone crazy and no one can convince me otherwise we suffered a cultural LOSS here. it would have been a crazy fucking club remix Song for Loona: We Ride, as much as i would die for a loona city pop track, they would do something insane like make it jazz, or trot (think their love battery cover)
Kep1er: Hula Hoop (a hypothetical Korean ver, sorry j line) ive made my stance on kep1er clear, i think they are a DANCE group above all else. i dont think they suit strong concepts either and although i think rookies in general carry the right energy for something like hi high, i dont think they would have been able to offer anything interesting taking that route. but something fun could have come out of hula hoop Song for Loona: i mean the only real option is MVSK. though if anyone could make WA DA DA good itd be loona, they could make it more intense with that stronger nct(superhuman, not sticker) sound that kep was sorta going for but didnt quite get in the original
Hyolyn: Love Cherry Motion, or Eclipse, or Sweet Crazy Love OR-- (i think she would suit a lot of the solos tbh but she was probably pushed towards ot12 by directors. if i HAD to pick an ot12 song, stylish) and listen LISTEN i know she actually did cover loona but she squandered it. like so what is not a vocally impressive song aside from like. the adlibs..which were the only parts she sang anyway so LCM works for her Song for Loona: no notes they fucking nailed it, i wouldnt give up shake it for anything
VIVIZ: Colors, or favOriTe the likelihood of them actually choosing a b side if they got to choose a loona song is extremely low, they prob would have gone with so what or why not BUT i think they would have been able to pull off colors...to some degree of success. im remembering now how consistently let down i was by viviz in queendom. moving on. Song for Loona: Navillera. they would have been able to do a stronger concept with that song more successfully than wjsn and without having to add a fucking rap verse. sorry
WJSN: Voice im reluctant to give them this opportunity even hypothetically. i dont know. i guess it could be fun if they somehow incorporated their typical strings into it. i live in fear of the rap verse exy would inject into it Song for Loona: Unnatural, which i promise has NOTHING to do with viviz like before queendom started airing and we only had the lineups i was genuinely excited about the possibility of loona covering unnatural. how naive i was then...
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tryhardgwen · 7 months
rs archive 02/12/2024:
hello! reader with intense ‘all my love’ universe brainrot, I’m pretty sure your work actually changed my life lowkey HAHA I explored the music that you put into it and I can now say I’m listening to more 80s’ rock/alt and the song from the title was my top Spotify song for the last few weeks! (along with the 80s’ stuff heh) I literally made a playlist dedicated to this fic and I even was able to sorta reconnect a little with my older brother over the music which.. has shaped aspects of our siblingship..? (lol) now but I can’t thank you even more, I feel like the title itself reflects the amount of care and love you yourself put into this, anyways (sorry about the rambling LOL) I just wanted to reach out with a lowkey very angsty headcanon I had LMAO basically, and maybe because it was like semi recent idk I’m terrible with time HAHA, I was wondering/exploring how wooje’s birthdays were celebrated while he was still in his no-contact era away from home. I thought that it would be a day everyone would always remember and it would be this unspoken heavy weight that intensified the almost-family’s longing for their baby, I was like maybe minseok would bake his favorite flavor of cake or whatever and just have it sit on their dining table untouched, staring at it and spacing out till minhyung brought him back, or maybe all of them would meet up and just do something as a collective that reminded them of wooje without saying anything but would kinda wait to see who would be the first to say his name out loud. at the same time wooje celebrating with jojo, the idea of jojo just failing to attempt to bake smth for wooje and somehow trying to incorporate mayonnaise into it (ew I’m sorry HAHA) always makes me smile (cause I don’t wanna dump too much angst LOL) but anyways those were just some thoughts I had circulating my head along with ones just regarding more deeply on what the almost family had experienced and felt during this distance (ofc feel free to give your input), as always I’m so thankful for your amazing writing and I’m always supporting and heavily admiring your work, take care of yourself! <3
okay i think you blew my mind with this submit um. thank you. you're welcome? im so happy you loved the music and i am so. SO happy/glad/astonished that you managed to reconnect with your older brother. bonding over music>>> (also um wow.)
as for the headcanon ih my GOD just stab me through the heart will you?? THATS SO ANGSTY... HELP MEEE... tho minseok in aml universe is such an interesting character because like... while wooje is no functioning/low functioning depression, minseok is definitely high functioning depression. he pretends nothings wrong but he's still falling apart on the inside. during the four years he mainly focuses on starting his business and working every day. hes a people pleaser. i think really the only person he would ever open up to would be minhyung, really. everything he does is unspoken from caring for woojes grandpa to cleaning woojes house when it became vacant. he'll do things and not talk about the reasoning or emotions behind them. he bottles stuff up until he explodes. while this headcanon is so good and sad i honestly think they wouldnt do anything in particular..? i mean, itd be a harder day for them. they miss him, so any time of year wooje would typically be in--birthdays, halloween, christmas--would be hard. rather than an outward display of their heartache i think it'd be more internal. they feel lonelier than usual, so minhyung and minseok would have each other, and hyunjoon would probably go to sanghyeok's and seongwoong's for dinner. they just cant be alone, because theres a wooje-shaped hole there. but all that being sad, four years is a long time. it gets a little easier each year. it hurts a little more each milestone. i think, when woojes gone, they do talk about him in passing, though its a tough subject at times. you know, sometimes its cheery and "i wonder how woojes doing!" and other times its.. "i wonder how hes doing." back and forth. some have healed more from it than others. i think its a partly healed scar until he arrives back home, and he sort of rips them open again (but thats sort of necessary to properly patch it back up. like they were wonky and badly fitted stitches that didnt allow for proper healing.) whew that was an accidental paragraph im so sorry.
as for jojo he is so low effort he probably buys a safeway cake and they eat it with their hands. cutie pies :> i love them
again, thank you soo much for the comment and the headcanon i loved them so much and brainrotted and though abt it bc... i never really thought about how they would treat woojes birthdays before this!! im so glad and so touched you like this fic so much. i hope you have an amazing day <3
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cielospeaks · 5 months
-dv livestream!
-so first of all, mY ABSOLUTE MADLADS HOLY SHIT JOSEPH JOESTAR VOICE RICKY BOI IS GOING TO WIN THE DEDUCTION STAR OH MY GOSHHhhhh ok. i am normal abt this. i would really like it if he wins but im terrified at what sorta skin they will give him.
neutral ending: he gets like. a chopin biopic theme outfit (or even another composer. monteverdi maybe if they want to hammer in the references to orfeo or whatever). playing it safe but thats fine tbh. you want me to suffer (affectionate) ending: its amadeus the movie and idk if ricky would be mozboi or sal but either way im screaming and crying on the ground. bad ending: its none of these options and its something predictable/boring/shipping related and im like. angery face. expanded galaxy brain it will not happen but i can hope: any of my shitpost rickys. music man ricky. froderick fronkensteen ricky. beet from batea ricky. ricky wearing a nightgown and nothing else absolutely losing it ricky (that being said i have no idea but a jekyll and hyde ricky would be a bit goated)
-and for the actual livestream stuff. the three new characters are neat. i think im more attached to them than other ones- memory and adaemil were very lore heavy, lily and friends were fine but i dont feel so invested (esp when operas backstory was just a more marketable rehash of antonios -angry face emoji- ). i like the gambler lady. shes fancy yes but shes got an air of like. elegance and politeness i dont get from other characters in the series. idk i just think shes pretty and shes got them gantsby vibes -pacha hand-. goatman seems nice, like bane or burk or someone. knight seems like a cool guy or could be just the "polite guy villified for plot" and i guess that means either way ill prolly like him -le shrug-. that being said i hope hes well written and isnt a character i wont end up liking. itd be cool if he and ricky can be bros. he gives me those vibes. also gambler lady and antonio being gambling buds would be so cute. the friend he deserves. everyone can be buds with goat man bc he seems nice too.
-not so interested in the crossovers/events besides the holmes one which is big interest omg. the new lady seems like shed be a cool irene adler if shes added. detective as holmes pls. (its prlly gonna b novelist or maybe mercenary bc of mr inference? but listen cone boi is detective so holmes should be too, since his apprentice is lol)
-sept the first school au hunter gets revealed. im like :| bc this series hasnt had any faves yet but it also seems mostly harmless and gives less popular characters skins occasionally so tbh im fine w it. itll prolly be a popular hunter and not my boi antonio but whatever. -shrug emoji-
-rest of lore: ok this is fine. like tbh id rather they dont focus on the journalist plot bc i really dont like it lmao. i find the animation kinda ugly and the characters are all really unlikeable. its also just impossible to talk abt the plot to anyone since everyone has such different takes on it lol
-that being said i am looking forward to maybe the next essence/season (w gambler lady? antonio a/b tier pls he needs it. pretty lady who is also gambler i think he needs this)
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steel--fairy · 11 months
also, ive been thinking about who to make the protag of jirachific and have come to a conundrum
on one hand, i want it to be available to anyone who hasnt read blue skies ahead bc its not meant to be a sequel. on the other, i want it to fit into my specific verse.
and thats the problem. my choices are
brendan protag (wont work bc brendan is not a battler in my verse and thats kinda important)
may protag (not as fun bc if she exists in my verse (still deciding on that lol) she doesnt know any of the people who have ancestors and its therefore less impactful)
ivy protag (oc protag comes with more baggage and again i didnt concieve of this story as a sequel to her story)
I've considered wally being the protag but it sorta runs into the same thing as may. altho there is the nice parallel between him and ken both having illnesses (tho wallys asthma is obvs very different from kens cancer) but im also just ehhh
ig i could go with ivy? i mean, even if i did have a more generic brendan/may, id still have to allude to how their first adventure around hoenn went and ig its better to have an already made story than come up with something thats slightly different
or i could also just pull a 'this is totally my verse but the brendan/may here is from another universe' but that feels cheap djnsjs i mean, itd mean nothing to the readers probably but *I* wouldn't like it jsnsjsn
plbbbthh idk
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dragscore · 3 years
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up above, there resides a god; sitting all alone, they’re whispering words; // “please don’t cry, only feel happiness; there is not enough time to think of these things.”
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chips-leftlol · 4 years
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
hypmic boys and their charm point
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this is just another rambling post courtesy of yours truly lol, simply me sharing my thoughts and hcs that I've cried about to my friend in informal fashion lmao. These are my thoughts about what the hypmic boys' charm points would be or what their fans in universe (im sure theyre treated as idols and have a large fanbase) would say is like their most attractive feature lol. Again, purely based on my thoughts and their physical traits that pop out to me the most so it's not written well at all lol; just a stream of my thoughts. But i decided to share these with the rest of the class. Put under the cut for length and also quite a bit of thirst maybe (nothing specific though)? lol beware!
Ichiro's charm point, in my eyes, are probably his muscles? lmao. Ofc, I think with all the buster bros, they're prob also their moles/beauty marks or heterochromic eyes, but for ichiro individually, it'd prob be his muscles. I mean, in the manga too or in official art, i feel like there's emphasis (well, not like emphasis emphasis or whatever lol) and they kinda just pop out to me, especially when he rolled up his sleeves in that one poster for the 1st round of the drb lmao. Can def see fans posting thirst tweets of him since he's pretty muscular too, but like same. Heart eyes galore
Jiro's i wanna say is his dorky/goofy smile, like the type where he just grins and rubs his nose. It's just so endearing and cute! I think he unconciously does it though but his fans find it rather adorable and go !!! each time he shoots that dorky grin haha.
Saburo's is prob his three moles/beauty marks since that's what pops out to me the most when i see him personally. Obvi hes still young and all but he could also be called like the young beauty or something? Idk if that makes any sense lol. Feel like he sees such comments saying how pretty the moles are and gets self conscious about them but not in like a bad way? More like how he knows people are seeing them maybe. so he prob tries to like discreetly hide it by turning his cheek or something which I'm sure the fans catch on to lol, which makes him more flustered
Samatoki's entire being is his charm point lmao. On a more serious note though, I'd say that his charm point is certainly his ruby eyes. They're one of the first things that stand out when I see him. His eyes are really captivating, especially with the way they're drawn sometimes, so I think it's his main charm point (i mean, let's be real, he's simply a charm lol). Can def see them being compared to like ruby gemstones or something like when they glimmer in the sunlight? or his fans fawning over them, especially when he glares. It becomes sorta iconic ig lol
Jyuto's charm point are prob his eyes or his devilish/cocky smirk he does I think. His eyes do have a unique color that stand out imo, so they could def be a contender. But i also think that his cocky smirk does become his charm point amongst his fans. Feel like whenever he shoots that smirk in battle or whatever his fans get more hyped since they know what's coming or just love that cocky attitude of his, as if he knows he's going to win
Rio's charm point was kinda hard for me to pinpoint since he's usually quite quiet or just doesnt speak much, but I think it'd prob also be his muscles maybe? Or maybe his hair idk (or freckles as a hc lol). But since he was part of the military and is rather fit, i feel like itd mostly be his muscles since i feel that theyre pretty hard to miss lol. Can def fawn over them since hes attractive too haha
Ramuda was also tricky for me because I personally don't see him as someone charming whatsoever lmao. Can't really think of anything besides maybe his unique hair and eye color? It's pretty, certainly, and his sky blue eyes are the first things that stand out to me, but idk lol. Prob his eyes and hair then since i feel like theyre the most unique out of the entire cast? I mean the ombre in his hair matched with his blue eyes are def eye candy. Guess his carefree and flirty persona could fit in too but not too sure. Don't really have anything to say about him
Gentaro is prob his face lmao. I mean, he's a pretty boy, that's what i think when i see him. He has a pretty face with the way his messy brown hair frames his face and his green eyes. Feel like he truly captures the essence of the word pretty lol. His nickname amongst his fans could be something like a prince or something like that since he's just pretty?? Def the visual of fp i feel like and has charming features. Don't know how else to describe it or what else to say honestly oops
Dice ahh it's for sure his tiny fang or that ear piece he always wears, though I'm leaning more towards his lone fang that sometime sticks out in the art lol. It's pretty for sure and captivating! Can def see thirst tweets about it too maybe idk. Honestly i see it and just go kakfkejakxks, a bit feral. I think that best describes it haha. That tiny fang just drives his fans crazy for sure
Jakurai ah jakurai. Was also hard to think of one but ill say it's prob his long fingers or like his tired smile?? I genuinely have no idea. Idk why his slender fingers were what popped out to me first lol, but feel like those are also his charm points and prob the subject of many, many thirst tweets (i can picture it now haha). They do have their own charm though certainly. And maybe his like smile because i think he also smiles with his eyes when he smiles but it also has a hint of fatigue which i can def sense in the pics. But i think its also very warm and reassuring and comforting, so his smile could also be his charm point. Feel like his fans feel much better and warmer when they see him smile, especially towards his teammates
Oh man, Hifumi's is most definitely his smile. Literally nothing else has to be said. His smile is so freaking warm and just !!! Gah, i see his smile and feel butterflies (well, metaphorically that is). Feel like everyone, fan or not, falls for him instantly when they see that large, warm grin of his. His fans def nickname him as the sun or the one that shines just as brightly. It's just so charming! And adorable!! Everyone fawns over it and loves to see him smile. I think it speaks for itself tbh. Am also gonna throw in his collarbone courtesy of my sis lol. She watched the anime and saw hifumi and told me that it was attractive when she saw that necklace and collarbone lmao. Can def picture it though, especially when he takes off his jacket or something lol
Doppo's charm point i feel like is more about his aggression? Like when he blows up in battle and goes berserk, from somewhat quiet and timid to just absolutely insane and rapping really quickly. Like his fans wait for that moment in battle, waiting for when he loses it and just goes off. It blows the entire area off guard but its so entertaining! And his fans always tell new watchers or whatever "its him you should keep an eye on" and they just eat it up lol. Def can see fancams or vids of it and doppo prob sees them and gets so embarrassed but is also lowkey happy on the inside haha
Feel like Kuko's charm point are also his feline-like smirk or his fangs or his like cocky laugh idk. I mean, those are what stand out to me the most and also what makes me go jskcjrjakxks all the time haha. Def feel his laugh in my soul lmao. But i think it's also attractive in a way as quirky (?) as it may seem, so it's his charm point. All hearts skip a beat when they hear that cocky laugh lol
Jyushi's is prob also his fingers i think. They stood out to me first, especially with his painted nails or how long and slender they seem. They're beautiful imo and i can also see many thirst tweets about it lol. Maybe he also gets hand modeling offers since hes also like a huge idol/figure? Idk lol. Dont think theres much else to say? Feel like his duality could also be his charm point, like how he changes from his normal self to his vkei persona. I think his normal relaxed self among his teammates become a thing that melts many hearts and just overall heartwarming haha
Ngl, i couldn't think of anything for Hitoya, as much as i truly love that man. Feel like it could also be his attitude somewhat, like how hes always so direct and could seem a little rude and standoffish? at first glance, but really, hes a bit of a sweetheart and truly cares for his teammates and is soft for them. Could def see compilation vids of him being soft towards his teammates and hitoya sees them and denies it or something haha. I think the fact that he hides this side of him or that its discreet is his main charm point maybe and is what many of his fans find to be heartwarming idk
Sasara's charm points are def his jokes and smile (specifically his eye smile maybe). I mean i feel like his jokes could be obvious? Especially his lame dad jokes and puns backstage. Very lighthearted and gives a good small smile or chuckle. But i think his main charm point would be his eye smile. Although we always see him with his eyes closed, i feel like when he genuinely smiles, you can also see him smile in his eyes? Idk if that makes sense but like personally, whenever i see him genuinely smile in the manga, i get the feeling too that hes smiling with his eyes as well even if they look the same on the outside? It's charming certainly
Rosho's was also difficult for me (ik so many of them are) but feel like it could be his sharp glare he naturally has without his glasses or maybe his like timid nature? Idk. Well, we know in canon that his timidness is found to be somewhat cute by others so that could be it maybe? But i feel like his glare could also be a charm point idk. Not much to say
Also not much to say about Rei lol. I personally dont find him charming too, so i really dont know haha. Hard to think of anything thats charming despite maybe his carefree attitude somewhat? Idk lol
Anyway, that was long lol and prob wrong or stupid or something. Hope you enjoyed my conscious stream of thoughts though and ny rambling haha
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gayspock · 2 years
OK assorted black sails thoughts bc i didnt wanna make a billion individual posts
- first of all i find starz funny bc for real i swear ive never freaking heard of it before, except for torchwood: miracle day which.... literally i never finished but thats a whole ramble for another time (bc despite torchwood being VERY bumpy, i found a lot of value in it, but miracle day was just. give us nothing! to me...help)
- the women on the show are kind of a shame i mean. im not fuming its more of a (dejected sighhhh) lies back do you know what i mean bc its hardly worse than anything else but help... theyre all gorgeous models thus far do you know what i mean. i dont know. i think its just odd sometimes to look at it when the men are all fucking foul looking, mucky type of guys (<3!) and then the girlies are just like hiii<3 like okay LOL. max is rlly pretty tho (as is the lass in the hat- whose name i didnt atch..) so i shant be mad but its also likehelp... even just an OLDER? woman. not even one? sniffy sniffy? okayyy i'll settle
- the gentleman do have some wonderful haircuts i will say. rackham's stoner transmasc that hangs about in unique trousers round the back of spoons.... i mentioned it already but help. your rat tail... and flints pathetic and limp little ponytail. shrimptastic it is.... and johnny silver. (twirls his hair for him)
- i love a woman with daddy issues. i cant relate to any of them. not to eleanor, or to shiv or helena or any of the fine women with father problems despite having many of my own. but its very fun to watch them. like girlies (twirls my hair) just give him a slap.... who cares<3
- btw im screaming... john is sooo funny. what a silly little guy. i think hes going to get himself killed he is like a looney tunes character who should have been dead 5 scenes ago but he keeps defying all sense and falling pianos. the very definition of a rapscallion. he is a problem to us all
- whent hey just state their names and theit ships at each other. okay so cute girlies i bet you'd write that in your tinder bios huh<3?
- also i know i keep mocking and also fawning over flints stupid little ponytail but i think he for real deserves long gorgeous beautiful hair. like it would only make sense.
- theres so many guys in here from other things but only a little bit. i know i mentioned billy bones (SO FUNNY STILL) who keeeepsss following me but everyone else is sorta recogniseable. charles was in the 100 ik this. but like hi eeryone hii LOL
- also i dont know treausre island that well . do you guys think itd be worth a read at some point. not even wrt the show here just idk ik these guys are those guys <3
- i will say also tho btw. u know that reminds me of. i love it when ppl get rlly mad abt, like, funny re-imaginings of old stories, myth and folklore like this. SORRY. JUST SAYING. i remember of all the issues there were bbc merlin, ppl fucking fuming bc it disgraces arthurian legend. girlie i dont think colin morgan made patheitc little fuck me eyes for 5 seasons for authenticity.
- speaking of. sir percival billy bones is so funny. its like theyre keeping him around just to take the piss of their big strapping guy arent they.
- i also love gates. one like to slap his bald head
- ANNE? IS THAT HER NAME? I WANT HER CREEPY CRAWLY PUSSY SO BADLY. i realise thats her name. i think. shes also like... insanely fucking hot. im like obsessed with her a bit. its the hat. and the voice. i would not give a shit otherwise- i do admit.
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- RIGHT UH- this is one of the issues of just putting uncollected thoughts into a post like this, ehrm. im approaching the scene i was warned about
- i had a feeling.... with vane. i was worried he was going to force himself on eleanor after the warnings- because certainly, his character is portrayed in a particular way thus far, to the point where it was like... well had i not been warned, i wouldnt think it, but yeah. ehrm. i guessed.. him - or at least, he would have sth to do with it, as he has here- but god. i forgot about max and i was just thinking: they wouldnt let her go, surely that makes no sense with how early we are into the show, unless its one of THOSE shows where characters are brought in and out like theres a fucking rotating door, with no rhyme or reason- but no ehrm.. yeah. :(
- and now jesus. eleanor girlie i know he ha slong hair but jesus dont just mount him cmon... cmon!!
- sighhh... ok!! end of ep 3. really sombre way to end but <3 there we go... I'LL drop this now. idk if i'll watch more tonight orrrr wht! :3 love and light
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
IDEA: Okay, so, what if the first few times Jamack starts attempting to show physical affection towards Keat and Harris, it actually kinda startles them and makes them tense up. I mean, after spending their entire lives not knowing physical affection, and whatever touch they do get most likely being in an attempt to hurt them in a fight, itd be understandable if the idea of being touched without it being an attack would make them nervous.
Oh yea most definitely. You cant just switch from no contact at all to fluffy stuff over night. you gotta build that stuff up.
That’s why he starts with playfully punching Harris, it’s contact but not ~quite~ openly affectionate. He can play it off y’know? But it doesn’t actually hurt. It’s sorta the gateway in that it helps Harris associate Jamack’s touch with Not Harm. Once he can do it with Harris and get a few playful punches back that also don’t hurt, it shows the whole trio that there are touches that don’t hurt. If anything, I think it’ll spark more healthy rivalries to get those playful touches.
But that’s so close to what couldve been acceptable that from that to just a simple touch would probably still throw the others off. No matter what I think there’s gotta be some conversation/confrontation about it.
It starts when it’s Kwat and Jamack talking while the group walks. First about nothing, but it circles back to something a tad more personal. If not the emotions on being exiled, maybe just a rough patch that they went through while they were separated.
Kwat actually talking about it is miles from where they were at back in the Mod Frogs. She starts stalling her words, not use to having to find the vocabulary for this sorta thing, and she feels something and it nearly makes her jump. It’s Jamack, his hand is on her upper arm. He’s still looking down but doesn’t seem to react like she does. She stares at him. He looks up with a “why did you-” only to be cut off with the puzzled expression on her face and the realization it’s because he was trying to comfort her with touch.
He takes his hand off her and gives a mumble of some attempt of a “sorry” and they continue walking in silence. Kwat just shares a look with Harris. He shrugs, she shrugs, they can kinda guess as to why but they’re still puzzled by it.
They don’t bring it up and neither does Jamack. He’s probably just cursing himself out internally for picking up the dumb stuff Kipo and her friends do. But when they have to settle down for the night and sleep, maybe Kwat and Jamack can talk about it then.
Yea! Once Harris falls asleep (probably in a tree branch or smth) she makes her way over to Jamack. Halfway through his attempt to question her is when she interrupts him with
“So what was that?”
“What? What was what?”
“Your hand on my arm earlier?”
“I-I dunno.” He flushes bright. “It’s suppose to be a way of comfort- er, understanding y’know?”
“But with touch?” She knows better than to buy his words at face value.
“But with touch.” He tries to hold it up anyways.
“And where’d you learn that?”
“Well...” He stares down at the ground. “It’s something Kipo and her friends do. To like... Comfort and be close to each other?”
She quiet because she knows itll make him talk more.
“.... It’s just suppose to be a nice gesture is all.”
“And since do we do nice gestures? It’s not like that was ever acceptable back at the pond.”
“....Well we’re not at the pond anymore. So why not?” He still looks at the ground, continuing to mentally curse himself out.
“Okay.” And she drops it and goes back to her spot.
At least she knows Jamack is trying to be nice and friendly. It’ll take time before she figures out how much/if she likes it and how she’ll be in response, but it’s a start y’know?
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chikkou · 4 years
like I'm still sorta processing the whole mess with ryan. I haven't seen rt stuff in forever and it's maybe sad that someone I watched for years is leaving but knowing that some of the others knew even a little of what he was doing makes it so so gross 'cause of how many young fans there are/were then and now like rip to him throw him out
i agree completely, and yeah i think that this is the time to do a big sweep of the company and figure out who knew and didnt say anything. in my opinion, i think at least one of the founders (probably geoff) and/or at least one of the people in achievement hunter had to know, as they did talk on that podcast about ryan always leaving their work trips a day later than everyone else, so the pattern was noticed and its not hard to guesstimate why - after all, how many times can a person say “sorry i missed my flight” or “oh i just wanted an extra day away from home” before people get suspicious?
i will be fair though and say that if anyone who was “under” ryan in terms of hierarchy knew, theres basically no way they could tell anyone without severely risking their own livelihood. we know rt has covered up a great deal of wrongdoing, and probably wouldve done so here too if it hadnt gotten so huge, so if anyone in an “expendable” role tried to report this, i can almost guarantee theyd be fired so fast itd make their head spin. im not saying its right to keep this sort of thing a secret, but if anyone like an EA or an intern knew, there was basically nothing they could do without fucking themselves over, as itd be more likely that the higher ups would rather quash the truth and fire the person responsible for telling it instead of actually dealing with the problem (meaning ryan)
so like. yeah. it really just sucks all around lmao
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suumekoi · 4 years
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hdsfjdsf helo i am Back 2 ramble abt my ideas :] uhh this might b a bit more scattered then last time bc i dont have as solid of an idea for the rest of the story so this might b more just talking abt concepts more then anything else sweats (i have ideas involving gameplay and all here too so i might fit that in somewhere)
SO we left off w/ divinus telling yuelia and the protag that he figured out lava lamp dragon (hdxkgfdg thats its name now i have decided everyone settled on calling it lava lamp dragon) can go poof between dimensions w/e it wants and theyre all just there like "well fuck this aint good" bc this means the drago can now go w/e it wants basically to get itself more energy, and the protag is just like "ok well i can go chase after i-" but then divinus shuts the protag down saying that they still dont know what this drago is abt or where it came from or even what it wants to Do exactly and that its too dangerous for a human like them 2 go after
after that the protag is walking back 2 castele with their arms crossed all >:[ bc Divinus Wont Let Them Chase After Lava Lamp Dragon, and yuelia notices and says "hey, it's nothing personal [player]... not even me and lili could stand up to that thing. i think he's just trying to look out for you." and thats not. Extremely relevant or anything i just had the idea for that dialogue in my head
yuelia splits up w/ the protag once they get back 2 town 2 go uh. Do Stuff and the protag just stands there for like 2 seconds before thinking 'ok im gonna find a way to travel 2 a different dimension Myself if nobody else is gonna help' so uhhh Commence Research Montague (i dont actually know how they figure out this thing yet ok just pretend they found an old book on it or somethin) and after looking around they find a source talking abt some sealed up treasure that probably has the kind of thing theyre lookin for oh boy!!!! but they dont recognize the location, and so they ask around 2 a few other ppl who end up suggesting they ask lili since she travels around a lot and might recognize it
and lili's doin mostly ok by this point, shes awake and can move around fine and all but ppl still want her 2 rest 2 regain Al her strength before goin out adventuring again or anythin (despite her protests otherwise jfgkdfg) so the protag goes up and asks lili if she knows abt the location they found, and lili thinks for a moment before responding that she recognized the description where what theyre lookin for might be and has a vague idea where she might b able 2 find it, and then looks at the protag all like "why are you so curious about this place?" so the protag ends up explaining what happened with divinus and how they think if they find the Thing in this Place that itll make them able 2 help stop lava lamp dragon, and lili goes like 'hm' and sits there for a minute before going "you know im going to come with you, right?"
dsjsdkf and even if the protag tries 2 argue w/ lili shes like Set on coming bc she wants to see what the fuck this thing is too, so lili gathers her gear and her and the protag sneak out of town 2 go explore spooky place ooo!!!!! so after making it thru the Place (i um. havent decided what it is yet maybe a sort of ruins or cave) at the end u notice that there Is somethin at the end there, so u go up and investigate and it turns out its some kind of funky lookin gauntlet and the protag just goes 'oh cool!' and puts it on immediately and um side note this gauntlet May be slightly cursed and you May not be able to take it off once u put it on but ykno still thinkin on that part
so ANYWAYS the protag puts on the gauntlet and lili goes "oh wow we actually Found something here! we just, uh.... need to find out what it does now, i guess." so the protag thinks for a moment, before deciding to see what happens if they hit something w/ the gauntlet, so they smack the wall w/ their hand and BOOM the wall cracks open 2 make way 2 a portal 2 an unknown world that the protag and lili end up getting pulled into
and um. this is the part where most of my concrete ideas for Story kinda end but my idea for this world was sorta like what reveria would look like if celestia hadnt come in 2 help everyone by creating lives so like. mostly nature and not much of civilization to see except for the occasional ragtag group of survivors but also ofc not just reveria itll also b its own world w/ its own unique stuff 2 it and all, i just thought itd b interesting 2 explore what would have happened if celestia never came 2 help reveria in the first place
so basically then its just lili and the protag exploring this new world, meeting a group of survivors that explain everything that happened in this world and all and u try 2 help them out before u head back (considering having something of a Lava Lamp Dragon Encounter here, not rlly a fight persay but you might spot it from afar and try 2 chase before it escapes)
after u make it back 2 castele Not Dead lili mentions to the protag she wants to look into that gauntlet they found more mostly bc shes never seen or heard of it before (and shes been a lot of places) and wants to be sure it doesnt have like Sinister Origins or anything
and basically after u unlock another world thru Story Progression ur essentially free 2 stop at any time and go back 2 explore that place, u can like go there 2 complete quests and theres also somewhat of a Side Story in each world where u can learn more abt the world and also help the ppl solve some other issue they got going on in their world Aside from the lava lamp dragon that might b planning on destroying everything (so for example in the first world their issue would be that uh. theres a lot of monsters everywhere)
the second world ive been thinkin could b somethin of a steampunk world with legally required scrappy mechanic and a tiny robot friend named beep bop bip (bip for short) and uh. the third world is the one ive thought out the least but i wanna go for some kind of Mythical foresty place, maybe with non human inhabitants like bird ppl or somethin
and then the 4th world (the final one u unlock) i want 2 b all spooky and ominous, bc thats the world that the final boss is going to happen in where u fight Lava Lamp Dragon for the last time
so that sorta. all i have in terms of ideas for now i think?? unless im forgetting something jdfgkdg but i definitely think i wanna go w/ the whole celestias sister being behind this thing bc that would be a very interesting thing 2 explore........ at the end i feel like celestias sister would b like trying 2 command lava lamp dragon but it has gone cazy w/ power and ends up not listening 2 celestias sister so the protag is just (pulls out sword) "guess im gonna have to save you from your own hubris" and UM another side note but i also do wanna include the guys from the first fl game too jdfgkd there is just a Lot and it is kinda complicated 2 try and fit everyone in when the story is sorta still a wip so they are There. Somehow
im thinkin abt that cursed gauntlet idea atm and idk if thats like. Generic or not but i feel like it would be interesting if the protag somehow just forcibly got themselves involved in this whole thing w/ celestias sister and Lava Lamp Dragon just by getting this gauntlet stuck on them jdfgdlgk but yea either way im donw now woo!! no more ramble
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The protagonist sounds quite lively in your story xD putting on the gauntlet just because it looks cool. I think the gauntlet should jump at the protag instead, or maybe it could be alive, like it came from the other dimension to search for a hero/chosen one and our protag happens to be there. It would be like yuelia/flutter and dogu.... But a gauntlet I guess xD
(Also it would cool if the gauntlet can control the protag too, like once you reach the final boss battle, the protag lost control and we have to play as our old protagonist, lili in this case. Or the other way round. I just love it when games makes us battle our previous protag. ❤️❤️)
But a dimension where celestia didn't come to reveria sounds interesting! ... there's so much you can make of it! The current characters in reveria would still exist in the other dimension but living their life differently!
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bmpmp3 · 4 years
God so for the past three weeks I had this insatiable urge to rewatch the 1998 animated movie Quest For Camelot which was a movie I absolutely ADORED as a kid despite its reputation for being bad but I never found time to watch it until like an hour and a half ago so I just rewatched it for the first time in Actually A Decade and like yeah the animation is wonk as FUCK and the pacing is weird and some characters and comedic relief moments and songs can be.....a lot..... And like all the songs sound a little bit like bargain bin Phil Collins and the differences between the characters speaking voices and their singing voices is often Very Jarring but honestly.....it's not the worst movie lol for most people it'd just be a mediocre but inoffensive lil animated movie for kids I think folks are really too harsh on it lol
NOW don't get it twisted I Adore It Still even ten years after I last saw it xbxjdn I'm just trying to explain it from the point of view of someone who has okay taste unlike me orz BUT god so I was watching it and I was thinking about how much I loved it as a kid and how much I was enjoying it now at 21 years of age and I realized that it's because the main character and her love interest (the highlights of the movie) are written so much like mid 2000s shoujo manga and every thing made sense........the lovable and spunky but absolutely brainless main character (shes so stupid I love her...).......the handsome edgy loner dude who has Feelings...... The way their relationship develops.....classic shoujo manga....every time they were on screen I could Feel The Shoujo Bubbles........
Also okay goofin aside the handling of Garret as a disabled main character was not half bad (take my opinion with many grains of salts tho cause I'm not blind) like his blindness doesn't get magicked away or anything and it didn't treat his disability as the problem, the actual problem was the townfolks ableism which I thought like......bro that's a good message for a kids movie y'know? Itd be nice if more movies were like "hey kids don't be weird and shitty to disabled people" y'know......of course the movie probably wasn't perfect about it I mean it is an animated movie from the 90s where I'm pretty sure most of the budget went to getting big name actors and musicians and Nothing Else but it wasn't half bad......it was sorta good.......
Shame everyone looks super fucked up every three frames bdhfebbdbfb
Edit: also I KNOW the rescuing damsels line was no-homo'd like immediately after but I choose to believe Kayley is bi because I want to and I am bi and I like Kayley and I'm sexy and cool and no one can stop me
#feeling talky#like it wasnt perfect....it had many many flaws....but i dunno it was just nice#nice to see a disabled character where the framing wasnt based on 'usefulness'#like garrets skilled at wilderness survival but the framing wasnt like#'wow ur so good despite ur disability'#and it wasn't 'ur good because ur disability is useful' either which is nice i think#again i cant speak for blind people or any physical disabilities#but i do always think its a lil shitty when the message of a story about disability is all about like the 'usefulness' of it#ive got like....symptoms disorder.....been diagnosed with like all the adhd symptons but like#okay im about to say something real weird#growing up i lied to psychologists but only about one symptom???? i didnt lie about anything else but i did lie about my ability to focus#i cant control my focus for shit but some combination of adults constantly berating my entire gender or age group because of my own failing#(like yknow when folks are like kids these days have no attention span when u cant pay attention and ur like no its not kids these days)#(its just a me problem)#as well as like teachers in spec ed areas always talking about kids who were spec ed like us but at least cause they had specific talents#when ur a 14 year old who doesnt think she has any useful traits those kinds of sentiments dont feel good yknow....#anyway i would lie about my ability to focus as if i could control my hyper focus modes#cause i had to figure out something that could maybe be useful? does that make sense? am i making sense? gomenasai#so yeah now ive got all this documentation that i have like all the symptoms of adhd except some confusing stuff about focus djzjdhfhjems#now im an adult and i dont feel the need to lie tho!!! it wasnt until a few years back when to my psychiatrist i was like#bro i cant focus but i can focus so much but j cant control it and it sucks whats the deal with that is it insomnia#and he was like 'bruh i think u had adhd'#wasnt really in a place to pursue that line of questioning at the time but someday....ill be able to talk with a professional..........#anyway yeah i dunno qwq i got symptoms disorder and i dont like stories that are like 'disabilities are only okay if theyre useful to us' !#am i making sense!!! im incomprehensible!!!! quest for camelot is an okay movie and i love it a lot!!!!!!!!
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bard-dadsquared · 5 years
In other news, I do need validation. Long angry rant is about to happen.
The other day I called my Ex on fb so he could talk to our son. I made a comment later that day how he looked like he hadnt been sleeping and how he seemed like he may be depressed, and the person i was talking to was just like
"Poor guy :(("
To which I just shrugged and told them that I didnt feel bad for him, everything he's feeling, he brought on himself.
They said "I feel kinds bad for him because I know he loves you!"
And I'm just???
Maybe he did?? Maybe he does?? But that doesn't negate all the shit he did to drive me the fuck away. I loved him too once. But then everything I said, everything I felt, everything I tried to ask for fell on deaf ears.
I don't feel bad for him because when we moved to the duplex in Texas, he left all the loading and packing to me. It was up to me to find people to help me move stuff to the new place and make sure everything was packed and ready to go. All he worried about was his PC and his desk. Hell even my brother and I had to put my bed frame together because he hadn't done it.
He was an asshole everytime we had to go back to the other house to help clean up too and got mad once because my mom asked us to bring something and he didnt bring it.
But things settled down mostly. I hated how i was expected to do almost everything but it was manageable.
Then he wanted to move and find a new job, which was fine, he sorta?? Let me know what kind of jobs he was applying for and where. But when he got an offer, he accepted it without even talking to me about it. The job he took he was going to start in two months and I had less than a months notice to pack all of our shit and leave not only that but they didn't offer relocation and he was going to be getting a little less in pay. We had less than a month to move Which again- he barely helped with. All the sorting through shit and packing was left up to me once again. I ended up leaving almost all of our stuff behind because I couldnt fucking take it with me to my moms.
I gave Virginia a shot and i was more miserable than I've been ever. I was expected to do everything. EVERYTHING. I decided to go to California. I had originally hoped that in doing so we could save some money and he could use the money we saved to get stuff for the apartment to make it more comfortable.
Which didnt really happen until April. After being with Family in Cali for a while, seeing how well lucian was doing and stuff, I honestly didn't wanna go back. I went back to sign the lease and then again a couple months after my aunt died because of how tense things were at the house, i figured it'd be a last ditch effort to save things.
But no. I tried to tell him how I felt. I tried to tell him what bothered me, why i was so depressed. I told him I felt lonely, I told him I felt like i was expected to do everything. And it always. always felt like I was talking to a wall
I told him I wished wed go out and do things more, that itd be nice and I might meet people. He wanted me to meet people online first and then meet them in person. Which totally defeated the purpose of getting me out of the. House to socialize, and even if indidnt make any friends then at least I got out and was productive. But he doesnt like leaving the house.
I told him countless times that I felt like it was unfair that he expected me to do so much work around then house with minimal help, but nothing changed. He thought helping more meant cleaning the kitchen and making easy dinners.
And while I appreciated it in wished hed help more with the living room too, or the laundry, or anything else literally. The most recent time I brought it up he managed to turn it around to finances and told me that he doesnt spend money on himself because he spends it all on me and Lucian. He told me that if i didnt get what I wanted I essentially acted like it was the end of the world.
Granted yes, I'd get disappointed and my displays depending on my mood or whether or not the item was seasonal or limited edition varried from minor to being a little mopey (i really tried not to be, most of the time i was usually more upset about the ungodly cost than anything.)
Then he invades my privacy, not once but twice I found out. This son of a bitch logged on to my discord, TWICE.
The first time he did it was a day I cleaned the whole apartment. Like I vacuumed, shampooed, cleaned the kitchen counters the best in could, did the dishes, took out the trash, wiped counters and the stove, did several loads of laundry, picked up in the bedroom.
As soon as he got home i went to my room and I guess thats when he did it. He logged onto my account on the computer and opened discord, and went through my messages.
That's literally the only reason he asked me for a divorce. Was because he had seen I've been thinking about it for a while.
And then for whatever reason he did it a second fucking time.
The irony? The first time he did it?? If hed just fucking come to me, I was gonna ask him for a divorce myself. But then he did it, and while it was a huge relief at the time, it would have taken every ounce of willpower not to slap him if I had known then that he was only asking because he went through my messages.
We managed to work things out to maintain some civility for Lucian's sake, and i was okay with that! I was glad we seemed to have cleared the air a little bit.
But then I thought about it more, he never actually apologized to me for anything. He never actually apologized for the messed up stuff he did or said, and he doesnt think he did anything wrong by going through my messages. In fact he thinks he was justified because "I needed to know how they really felt."
And then when I admitted some things I did or said was messed up, he didnt even actually own up to his bullshit. He had to lump me in with him
"Cant we bith admit that we both did and said fucked up shit?"
Then on my way to CO I find out??? He tried to say he does everything himself??? Inwas looking into the requirements to fly with my cat and dog because originally i was going to fly to Colorado. I dont remember which airline I checked, but I checked the requirements for the airline he was gonna send me on, and then he tells my step dad hes tired of doing everything himself.
I looked it up!! I thought I was gonna fly with a certain airline so that's who I fucking looked it up for!!! And hes trying to say he did all the footwork HIMSELF?! If I'd known he was considering another airline I WOULD HAVE LOOKED THAT UP TOO, BUT I DIDNT. Then He has the audacity to say hes tired of being the only one doing all the work??
Are you fucking kidding me????
No, nuh uh. Fuck him. I dont think I hate him surprisingly but FUCK IM LIVID.
I should by all rights hate his fucking guts, but dont, if I did the sight of him would send me into fits of rage as would the mention of his name.
But God damn I am PISSED OFF at him. So fucking pissed off. I mean for all I know hes hacked my account and is reading this right fucking now.
If you are Alex, FUCK YOU for everything you've put me through these last couple years.
fuck him. I don't feel bad for him in the least. I know I'm not fucking perfect, but I fucking tried. I gave him more chances than he fucking deserved. He held me to unfair standards, he expected me to clean house in 2 hours or less, expected me to cook every fucking night, constantly tried to tell me my mental health is harder for him than it is for me, tried to tell my family that he does all the fucking work (okay I cant make phone calls but I can do fucking research you fuck), made me out to be the bad guy constantly, doesn't own up to his bullshit, put me through all this and EXPECTED ME TO APOLOGIZE FOR GOING TO CALIFORNIA, went through my fucking discord, and countless other bullshit.
Yeah no I don't feel bad for him. Not at all, he had plenty of chances to work with me to avoid all this and he chose to ignore it. The only attempts seemed to be when I wasn't with him.
I have a lot of baggage and issues, but I fucking deserve better than that.
If hes in emotional turmoil because of what happened. He brought it on himself. I fuckin tried.
If me not feeling even a little sorry for him makes me a bad person
Then get me my fucking demon costume.
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