drpedi07 · 1 year
Azathioprine Drug
Medical information for Azathioprine on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Renal Dose, Hepatic Dose.
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cassandralexxx · 4 days
end of an era…
I’m no longer taking Azathioprine and am instead taking Methotrexate
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macgyvermedical · 7 months
If someone got an organ transplant from an identical twin, would they need immunosuppressants like most transplant recipients?
Like, the reason people need immunosuppressants if they’ve had a transplant is because the transplanted organ has different dna cuz it’s from another person, so the immune system pings it as foreign and attacks it. Right?
But if the organ is from an identical twin, that’s the same dna, so….?
You're right- they would not need immunosuppresant drugs because the body would recognize the tissue as itself and not attack it.
In fact, the first successful kidney transplant was between identical twins in 1954. At the time it was very well studied that homografts (transplants between the same species) were almost universally rejected, and there was no way to suppress immune function or prevent rejection in these cases unless the donor and recipient were identical twins.
The first methods for immunosuppression mostly involved radiation, and while these were occasionally successful, they were much more often not successful. The first successful immunosuppressive drug regimen came out in 1963, a combination of prednisone and azathioprine, increasing the survival rate to 70% at one year post surgery.
In 1976 the first single immunosuppressive drug was introduced- cyclosporine. Even better results occurred when mixed with prednisone. In 1989, tacrolimus became the new standard anti-rejection medication, since it was less toxic and more potent than cyclosporine.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 4 months
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Noodling with something that happens later in the AU (...probably, I'm not actually sure if Kaine sees this outfit in a calm moment or not... valentine's day 2016 in windowverse is the day that everything goes to shit but there's a lot in my notes that is not fully figured out yet especially because not only do I not want to just use the scene from the comics, I actually can't, because of differences in timeline and so on and so forth. so I'm still working on that. )
Compare to an earlier scene (which I have actually written and not just made notes about lmao):
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(og ren fest outfit post: here)
I'm running comparisons and queering the text or whatever the hell—
Recently after many months of not really knowing whether windowverse Kaine ought to be bi or gay or what I had a brainwave which is that, he's probably attracted to masculine presenting people in general, including men, butches and studs. it makes the most sense to me tbh, esp w/ his complicated relationship with his own body, masculinity, manhood, and sexuality in this universe (and 616, arguably). And also because in the comics, Louise was kinda butch or at least not super femme, and so is Terry, and Annabelle dresses however the hell she wants, including in men's clothes sometimes, so I was like. now. hang on. i'm sensing a pattern.
obv zoe and shannon are very feminine but the former is a stalker kaine seems to not actually want to be touched by and the latter was a mind controller so... you know.
really, in windowverse at least, a large facet of kaine's relationships and approach to sexuality is mostly built on this desperation to be loved and therefore taking whatever he can get... for the most part he's essentially doing this responsive, reciprocal thing in addition to trying to be a "real person" by trying to conform to heteronormative standards (but also rebelling against those standards at the same time, thus the skirt) — which is a lot of what his relationship with annabelle ends up being, and a cause of friction as well.
but the suit? actually hot to him.
Annabelle's earrings and purse in the v-day pic were xmas gifts from Kaine btw:
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Kate Spade lol
as an aside wrt not being able to use the comics scene for AU kaine's life in houston crumbling apart: i can't make the Other work for that scene in windowverse specifically because in AU by Feb 2016 Kaine is in a position where if he is mortally wounded he will just die.
the Other happens (in October 2015) because Kaine is off his immune meds for a few weeks because he runs out and keeps putting off finding a new doctor etc. but anyway that means his fucked up (auto)immune system can do its thing and turn him into a monster after he's eaten alive by werewolves.
REALLY i actually don't know how long his immune system should take to start (over)working after he stops taking his azathioprine. Mostly i was like how long do t cells and other immune cells take to repopulate? and the answer is: i don't know. i couldn't find a good answer XD but I figure 2 weeks is probably fine............................? it's not like prednisone where he's technically withdrawing for like... 2 years.... (mmm steroids)
but anyway, in february he's had a new doctor for a few months and has access to all of his prescriptions again so like, spider monster ain't happening because he's immunocompromised on his meds— a state which simultaneously keeps his body from destroying itself but also makes him more vulnerable to dying from normal things. like infections. or bazookas.
i do think it would be fun drama if wally shot him though
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I snagged a last minute virtual appointment with Rheumatology this morning. We’re going to try another round of steroid (Medrol/Methylprednisolone) to see we if we can get this awful multi-month flare under control. Last time I took it for a week and it helped but all the symptoms came back a week later. This time I’m taking a higher dose for a week and then the original dose for a second week. If this doesn’t work then we will add an additional DMARD to my regime (most likely Imuran/Azathioprine)
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Mandana wasn’t sure if she wanted to go shopping with me today. I gave her some time to decide and turns out she just wanted to make sure she could go to the bathroom first. I always give her a chance to go potty before we go but she needed to go a second time so I’m glad she made her needs known.
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She was super good as always. We went to the pharmacy and then grabbed a few groceries.
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My knees and back are hurting bad today. I put Mandana on a tie out in the front yard with some water and scattered kibble while I slowly brought the groceries in a little at a time.
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primarining · 8 months
at least i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. probably going to be going back on steroids and azathioprine while my doctors handle whatever is holding up my meds
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contentwithit · 5 months
Crohn's disease. My story.
I'm 42 and was diagnosed at 8 years old. The time up until diagnosis was troubling as an 8 year old I would eat something and in ten minutes it would have moved through me; I lost 20 pounds. At 8 years old you lose 20 pounds and you can see most of your bones, you look like the starving kids the show on the tv when they ask for money. My parents were grasping for anything to help all along, natural path experts did allergy tests, doctor said "oh he's just lactose intolerant" finally threatening lawsuit they referred me to the children's hospital, after tests and more tests they decided on crohn's and started with pednizone.
Pednizone is a steroid, it has side effects aggression, increased appetite, and healing. I remember coming home from school one day and eating 5 Hotdogs with buns and everything, and I clearly remember still being hungry but we were just out and that was an after school snack not dinner which I also ate. I remember just wanting to wrestle and fight which was a new energy for me after being so sick that all I was doing was laying down and thinking I'd eventually die. Harsh thoughts for an 8 year old.
At the time I was also taking Sulfasalazine a 5mg folic acid supplement as Sulfasalazine robs your body of folic acid or so I remember them telling me. Sulfur drugs were the goto treatment at the time early 1990's
About 8 years of treatment later things went south again, though having diagnosis mean it didn't go so drastic before they switched things up, immuran or Azathioprine and I believe Mesalamine was my second treatment. It held me until 19/20 when I had my first and so far only resection done. Taking about a foot or so totally between my large and small intestine they also took my appendix because they were in there might as well. I have a 10 inch scar up my stomach.
That was my first true remission I felt right, I pooped solid, I was a real person for a good 2 or 3 years it was magical. Then the back slide happened, as time went on things got worse again but still manageable.
I went vegetarian and it helped to, it was good for me as I kind of was a picky eater as a kid so the only thing I don't eat now for the most part is tomatoes osyters and olives.
Things started getting bad again but humira was something that started it didn't feel like it helped much but it probably kept me from backsliding more and then I developed immunities.
Started remicade and was a couple years not much help then immunities developed, after going off that my joints all seized for 6 months by the end of a day I couldn't close my hands everyday and I was hardly able to walk normally but I powered through.
Currently stelara. It's been a rough year and as you may see I'm trying restrictive diet of less meals to hopefully turn things around, which is helping me enjoy my days but is not really sustainable but fasting isn't meant to be permanent but it's still helpful.
That's most of my crohn's story 34 years and still alive, still working a full time job, still waking up everyday, I have a family of my own.
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
Dealing With a Doctor
Madara knows how to do his job.
He'd just prefer if it didn't involve doctors.
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara Word Count: 382 (Complete)
Part of Prompts for Pride 2023, this story was written for @dawen​ who requested humorous fluff and coming out via puns.
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Madara turns the prescription in his hands around, squinting at it from every angle.
No matter how he looks at it, it still doesn't make any sense.
He's pretty sure that's 'D/C', but is that AZT or AST? And if it is AZT does that mean this patient is currently taking zidovudine? Or azathioprine?
"I could scan this thing in upside down and nobody would be able to tell the difference," he waves the paper at the doctor on the other side of his pharmacy counter. "Why can you never write straight?!"
Read the rest on AO3.
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bethiniancorpuscle · 1 year
Causes of Acute Pancreatitis
In the UK and US, the main causes are gallstones and alcohol.
Use the mnemonic 'I GET SMASHED':
Mumps / Malignancy
Scorpion stings
Hypercalcaemia / Hypertriglyceridaemia / Hypothermia
Drugs (including azathioprine, mesalazine, bendroflumethiazide, furosemide, steroids, sodium valproate)
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svartsvan · 2 years
My autoimmune hepatitis does not respond to corticosteroid and Azathioprine treatment. Every time we lower the methylprednisolone dose, I have a flare up. I'm exhausted. This time the flare hit hard.
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cassandralexxx · 10 months
bro this is like the second time I’ve thrown up post taking my meds. I have got to start separating them and taking them twice a day bc this isn’t working 💀💀💀
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Types of immunity and immunosuppressant drugs
Immune system is a group of organs, tissues, cells, molecules that help defend the body against harmful invaders these substances include bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses and other foreign macromolecules.
Functions of immune system: Destroy pathogens, detect and kill abnormal cells, remove dead cells and cell debris from the body.
Basic types of immunity are Adaptive immunity and Innate immunity.
Innate immunity: Protection against infection before it exists it has first line defense and second line defense.
first line defense:skin, mucous, genitourinary tract, saliva, lacrimal apparatus.
Chemical: sebum, perspiration, gastric juice urine.
Second line defense: phagocytosis, inflammation, interron.
Adaptive immunity: Adaptive immunity involves specialized immune cells and antibodies that attack and destroy foreign invaders and are able to prevent disease in the future. 
Parts of immune system: Primary and Secondary.
Cells of immune system: lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells.
Auto-immune diseases: type 1diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythema tosus, inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, celiac disease.
Autoimmune diseases can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen and immune suppressing drugs.
In some cases, the immunity of a body has to supress for that immunosuppressant drugs are recommended Immunosuppressants stop your immune system from damaging healthy cells and tissues. People with organ transplants and stem cell transplants take these medicines to prevent transplant rejections. immunosuppressant drugs which are commonly used are corticosteroids: prednisolone, prednisone, budesonide. calcineurin inhibitors: cyclosporine, tacrolimus. IMDH inhibitors are Azathioprine, mycoplate. Monoclonal antibodies are basiliximab, daclizumab.
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petfurri · 1 day
Is Your Dog's Skin Condition Untreated? Azathioprine May Be the Solution
Skin conditions in dogs can be frustrating for both pets and their owners. Conditions such as allergies, autoimmune disorders, and infections can lead to discomfort, itching, and inflammation. If your dog is suffering from a persistent skin issue that isn’t responding to conventional treatments, Azathioprine might offer a solution. This article will explore how Azathioprine can help manage skin conditions in dogs and improve their overall quality of life.
Understanding Skin Conditions in Dogs
Dogs can experience a variety of skin conditions, including:
Allergic Dermatitis: Often caused by environmental allergens, food sensitivities, or flea bites, this condition leads to itching, redness, and inflammation.
Autoimmune Skin Diseases: Conditions like pemphigus and lupus can cause the immune system to attack the skin, resulting in painful lesions and infections.
Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can also lead to skin issues, causing discomfort and requiring specific treatments.
Seborrhea: This condition causes flaky, greasy skin and can be related to other underlying issues.
Symptoms of skin conditions may include:
Excessive scratching or biting
Red, inflamed skin
Hair loss
Lesions or sores
Foul odor from the skin
If your dog is exhibiting these symptoms, it’s important to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Traditional Treatments for Skin Conditions
Common treatments for skin conditions in dogs include:
Antihistamines: These can help relieve mild allergic reactions but may not be sufficient for more severe cases.
Corticosteroids: Often prescribed for inflammation and itching, steroids can effectively manage symptoms. However, long-term use can lead to significant side effects, such as weight gain, increased thirst, and susceptibility to infections.
Topical Treatments: Creams and shampoos may be used to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation but often provide only temporary relief.
Immunotherapy: Allergy shots can help desensitize dogs to specific allergens, but this approach can take time and may not work for every dog.
While these treatments can be effective, they may not provide sufficient relief for dogs with severe or chronic skin conditions.
How Azathioprine Works
Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive medication that inhibits the activity of immune cells. By suppressing the immune response, Azathioprine can help reduce inflammation and alleviate the symptoms associated with autoimmune skin conditions. It is particularly beneficial for conditions where the immune system is overactive and attacking the skin.
Benefits of Using Azathioprine for Skin Conditions
Effective Symptom Control: Azathioprine has been shown to be effective in managing the symptoms of autoimmune skin diseases, leading to improved skin health and reduced discomfort.
Reduced Need for Steroids: By utilizing Azathioprine, pet owners may be able to minimize or eliminate the use of corticosteroids, reducing the risk of long-term side effects.
Long-Term Management: Azathioprine can be used as a long-term treatment option for chronic skin conditions, allowing for consistent management of symptoms.
Improved Quality of Life: By effectively managing skin conditions, Azathioprine can help your dog feel more comfortable and active, enhancing their overall well-being.
Potential Side Effects
While Azathioprine is generally safe, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects:
Bone Marrow Suppression: Azathioprine can decrease the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, increasing the risk of anemia and infections.
Gastrointestinal Distress: Some dogs may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, particularly during the initial stages of treatment.
Increased Susceptibility to Infections: Due to its immunosuppressive nature, dogs on Azathioprine may be more prone to infections.
Liver Toxicity: In rare cases, Azathioprine can cause liver damage, necessitating regular monitoring of liver enzyme levels during treatment.
Pancreatitis: There is a potential risk of pancreatitis, which can result in severe abdominal pain and vomiting.
Monitoring and Follow-Up
If your veterinarian prescribes Azathioprine for your dog’s skin condition, regular monitoring is crucial:
Blood Tests: Routine blood tests will help monitor your dog’s blood cell counts and liver function, allowing for early detection of any potential issues.
Veterinary Check-Ups: Regular visits will help assess the effectiveness of the medication and determine whether any adjustments are needed.
Observing for Side Effects: Be vigilant for any signs of side effects, such as lethargy, vomiting, or unusual bleeding, and report these to your veterinarian immediately.
If your dog is suffering from a persistent skin condition that hasn’t responded to traditional treatments, Azathioprine may provide the relief they need. By effectively controlling the immune response and reducing inflammation, Azathioprine can help your dog regain their comfort and quality of life.
Consult your veterinarian to discuss whether Azathioprine is a suitable treatment option for your dog’s specific skin condition. With the right care and monitoring, you can help your furry friend lead a happier, healthier life, free from the discomfort of skin issues. Understanding your dog’s health needs empowers you to make informed decisions that positively impact their well-being.
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colinwilson11 · 4 days
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Bullous pemphigoid is a rare autoimmune disorder which causes painful fluid-filled blisters on the skin. It is caused due to the presence of autoantibodies against two cutaneous proteins known as BP180 and BP230. Symptoms include intense itching, redness and swelling around the affected area along with tightness of skin. Currently, oral corticosteroids drugs such as prednisone are used along with immunosuppressants like azathioprine to control disease progression. However, targeted therapies targeting specific components of the immune system have provided promising results.
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coherentmicom · 11 days
Bullous Pemphigoid: An Autoimmune Skin Disorder Affecting Elderly Population
What is BP?
BP is a chronic, autoimmune, blistering disease of the skin that affects the elderly population predominantly. It causes the formation of large, fluid-filled blisters on areas of skin that appear normal at first but upon blistering can cause immense discomfort and pain. The blisters usually form on the skin surface, just above the basement membrane. Causes and Risk Factors
InBullous pemphigoid, the immune system mistakenly attacks proteins in the basement membrane of the skin called BP180 and BP230. This results in inflammation and antibody creation against these proteins. When antibodies attach to these proteins under the skin surface, it causes the skin layer above to separate from the deeper skin layer leading to blister formation. While the exact cause of BP is unknown, certain factors increase the risk of developing this disease like advanced age (over 60 years), family history of autoimmune disorders and physical trauma or injury to the skin. Other potential causes under investigation include genetic predisposition, medications and underlying medical conditions like cancer, neurological disorders and infectious agents. Elderly adults above 80 years have the highest prevalence rate of BP.
Signs and Symptoms
The most common initial symptoms of bullous pemphigoid include red, itchy patches or blisters on the skin which may appear on parts of the body like abdomen, thighs, arms or trunk. The blisters range from half a centimeter to several centimeters in diameter and appear in groups or clusters. As the blisters rupture, they leave behind painful, shallow erosions or raw areas. There may also be associated symptoms like burning sensation or pain at the affected sites. Diagnosis To diagnose BP, the doctor examines the lesions and takes a skin biopsy to view the area under the microscope. The diagnostic hallmarks are presence of inflammation around blood vessels in the upper dermis and separation between the epidermis and dermis layers. Immunological tests are often done to detect high levels of BP180 and BP230 antibodies in blood which supports the diagnosis. Other skin conditions with similar appearance like dermatitis herpetiformis are ruled out through testing.
Conventionally, BP is treated with oral corticosteroids like prednisone as the first line therapy to suppress the immune system and stop blister formation. Topical corticosteroid creams are also prescribed for localized involvement. Other immunosuppressants like azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil may be used in cases where high dose steroids cannot be gradually tapered off. Anti-inflammatory drugs like dapsone or tetracyclines also provide relief in mild cases. Laser therapy and corticosteroid injections directly in blisters helps treat localized areas. Proper wound care to prevent infections in eroded areas along with topical antiseptics, antibiotics and dressing is important.
Prognosis With appropriate long-term treatment, the outlook for patients with bullous pemphigoid is generally good. The disease activity declines gradually over several months to years in most cases until it is well controlled. However, complete remission is rare and flare-ups can occur due to varying severity. With immunosuppressive drugs, the risk of life-threatening infections also increases, needing close medical monitoring. Refractory cases unresponsive to conventional therapy carry poorer prognosis. Proper diligent management of nutritional and hydration status in elderly patients helps speedy recovery.
Impact on Business
BP predominantly affects the geriatric population above 60 years. As populations across the world continue to age at an accelerated rate, the prevalence of this autoimmune blistering disease is expected to rise proportionately in the coming decades. This posses significant economic and social burden both for affected families and healthcare systems. The direct treatment costs related to medications, wound care products, long term follow up visits and potential hospitalizations add up substantially over the chronic course of the disease.  From a pharmaceutical business perspective, bullous pemphigoid represents a growing therapeutic area and market opportunity. With advancements in immunology and targeted therapies, newer treatment options are being explored besides conventional steroids. Biologic agents modulating specific pathogenic immune pathways show promise. Skin care product companies can capitalize on increasing demands for special dressings, ointments, antiseptics and moisturizers catered for BP patients. Healthcare service providers will require to boost capacity and expertise in geriatric dermatology management to handle rising caseloads. Overall, BP highlights ageing as a critical risk factor businesses must reckon with from multiple angles. Proactive preparedness to face future implications of this condition can provide both opportunities and advantages.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.newsanalyticspro.com/understanding-the-rare-autoimmune-skin-condition-called-bullous-pemphigoid/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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amberlifesciences · 18 days
Azathioprine Demystified How It Fights Autoimmune Disorders
How its Stealthy Attack on Autoimmunity
According to a Trusted Seller of Azathioprine 50 mg Tablets in India, this treatment operates discreetly within the intricate pathways of autoimmune disorders, employing a nuanced strategy to disrupt disease progression. As a purine analog, it quietly intervenes in DNA synthesis, specifically targeting rapidly dividing immune cells like lymphocytes. By inhibiting key enzymes crucial for purine metabolism, such as hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, it effectively curtails the hyperactive immune response characteristic of autoimmune conditions. This approach allows the therapy to mitigate inflammation and tissue damage without drawing undue attention, offering a sophisticated solution to autoimmune diseases.
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The Medicine’s Global Impact in Autoimmune Therapy
Top Exporters of Azathioprine Tablets in India say that this medication’s influence transcends geographical boundaries, serving as a cornerstone in the treatment of various autoimmune disorders worldwide. From rheumatoid arthritis to systemic lupus erythematosus, its broad spectrum of applications underscores its versatility and reliability in clinical practice. Across continents, patients benefit from its immunosuppressive properties, which not only alleviate symptoms but also improve long-term outcomes. Its widespread adoption highlights medicament's pivotal role in global healthcare, providing essential relief and hope to countless individuals grappling with autoimmune challenges.
The Evolution of Autoimmune Care with This Treatment
As the therapy progresses, this medication stays at the forefront of ongoing research to optimize its therapeutic potential. Through refined dosing and personalized approaches, clinicians aim to enhance efficacy while minimizing side effects. By identifying biomarkers, the medicament promises tailored care to meet individual patient needs. Its enduring presence underscores its pivotal role in advancing treatment, promising continued progress and improved outcomes in clinical practice. Buy Online Azathioprine Tablets in India.
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