#avery moore
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letmehaveaurlplease · 1 month ago
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Some sketches of my first oc’s from the first story I created back in middle school
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jonquilyst · 1 month ago
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Day 0 - Introduction
đŸŽ” Dear Mom and Dad, I’m doin’ fine. You guys are on my mind
Welcome to the premiere of the 3rd season of Total Drama Sims: the hottest, freshest reality TV show on simblr! I’m your host jonquilyst, though I'm sure by now you already know that 😜
18 ambitious teenagers have gathered to put their wits, guts, and strength to the test to seek out the ✹ grand prize. ✹ Like the previous two seasons, they will compete in crazy challenges, deal with less-than-perfect living arrangements, and face the judgement of each other!
đŸŽ” You asked me what I wanted to be, and I think the answer is plain to see
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đŸŽ” I wanna live close to the sun. Pack your bags ‘cause I’ve already won
Allow me to give you the grand tour of our portable "camp" for this season: an airplane that totally isn't run-down and hasn't been sitting unused in a hangar for years! We will be using this airplane in our journey across the sims world, and it will be here that our contestants will spend their time between challenges!
Because of our tight quarters, everyone will be sleeping and eating all in one place! No more team separation here! That also means we no longer have a designated place for confessionals; they'll be done in the bathrooms, just like the good ol' outhouse from season one!
However, we were able to designate a room for our elimination ceremonies, of course! The door you see here is where our losing contestants will take the drop-of-shame, out of the airplane and onto wherever we're flying over! (Don't worry, TDS will make sure they'll land safely and have accommodations... maybe...)
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Now, here's the real kicker of this plane: first class.
I did say that everyone would be sleeping together, but that isn't technically true.
Unique to this season, the team that wins a challenge will win a reward along with invincibility. That reward is first class. Complete with quality beds and all the entertainment to satisfy even the most brainrotted teenager, first class is the place to be!
The beds in economy class? Let's just say we assembled the bedframes ourselves and got the bedding from a dump... đŸ€­ There's also no room for games and such, so all the fun stuff is in first class!
So! If contestants want nice beds and all the entertainment they want, they will need to work for it. All they need to do is be on the winning team.
đŸŽ” Everything to prove nothing’s in my way. I’ll get there one day! đŸŽ”
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Now, allow me to formally introduce you to our 18 new contestants!
(from left to right; top to bottom)
ALANNA CASTILLO (she/her) by @lyratea - A writer who wants an unforgettable adventure
AVERY BENNETT (she/her) by @hellogreta - An athletic girl who wants a break from her chaotic family and home life
BRENDAN TOWNSEND (he/him) by @sanitysims - A skilled cook who is nervous to compete on the show
CARSON FOSTER (he/him) by @changingplumbob - A Llamacorn Scout that was convinced to sign up for the show by his new girlfriend
ELIO ALVORETTER (they/he) by @paracosmic-sims - A generous and outgoing person who is representing themselves and their partners in the competition
ESPRESSO BEAN (she/her) by @riverofjazzsims - The twin sister of Season 2 contestant Coffee Bean; competing to get the Total Drama experience for herself
ESTRELLO PYRE (he/him) by @invisiblequeen - A long-time fan of Total Drama Sims who wants to win the show with kindness and friendship
JOSUE SUAREZ (he/him) by @simsinfinitylt - An outdoorsy guy who was unexpectedly signed up for the show by his abuela
LUCIAN BRIGHT (he/him) by @simstagramsomeone - A gaming streamer who is competing on the show to promote viewership on his channel
MAEVE BARGEN (she/her) by @aniraklova - A mischievous party girl who wants to build relationships with others, both friendships and rivalries
MARILYN MOORE (she/her) by @aliengirl - A spoiled popular girl who signed up for the show because she thought it was acting-related
MATTEO PERALTA (he/him) by @matchalovertrait - A musician who wants to make some new friends and get exposure for his band
MINATO MATSUDA (he/him) by @ravingsockmonkey - A loyal party guy who wants to meet new people
NITE CROWE (she/her) by @kissalopa - A nature and animal-loving half-alien who wants to test herself and try new things
RAYLAN K. RODRIGUEZ (he/him) by @bloomingkyras - A highly competitive boy who likes challenging himself; was inspired to sign up for the show by Season 2 winner Liana Morris
TOMIKO MORIYAMA (she/they) by @kari-sims - A staunch bug-lover who wants to travel the world; signed up for the show without her parent's permission
TOUMA REID BEASLEY (he/him) by @nakasumi-sims - A bubbly shrine caretaker who has an array of survival and outdoorsy skills
ZIGGY SKINT (he/him) by @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants - An outdoorsy boy who is relatively shy but has a strong moral compass
So... We're Waiting on Teams Again?
Yep! Like last season, our contestants will remain teamless until the first challenge, but the unique part about this season is that the first challenge itself will be determining which teams contestants are placed on. And remember, there will be 3 TEAMS this season!
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vodnoebalo · 3 months ago
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WEIGHT OF SILENCE by Jessica Ren Vaughan
Sweater and skirt by Moschino. Shoes by Tamara Mellon. Jewellery by Shiny Squirrel
Styled by Niambi Moore with fashion from Moschino, Versace, Stella McCartney, Dsquared2 and Quine Li
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viktorgf · 7 months ago
tagged by @bloodskinandteeth 💛 + @red-nightskies đŸ–€
pick an image of one of your ocs that best fits each category, you can even have multiple characters on one category, or even repeat a character for multiple categories. here is a link to the blank template.
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from top to bottom, left to right—
elvira | mildred | avalon
andie | odette | faustina
nicole | mags | oslo
lottie | sibyl | tai
tagging— @confidentandgood đŸ«¶đŸ» @kanos đŸ«¶đŸ» @florbelles đŸ«¶đŸ» @unholymilf đŸ«¶đŸ» @statichvm đŸ«¶đŸ»
@rosayoro đŸŸ @elvves đŸŸ @bearsgrove đŸŸ @pitchmoss @teamhawkeye đŸŸ
@kyberinfinitygems 💛 @jendoe 💛 @leviiackrman 💛 @socially-awkward-skeleton 💛 @thedeadthree 💛
@jackiesarch đŸ· @pinkfey đŸ· @shellibisshe đŸ· @scalpelsister đŸ· @ghostfvcker
@a-treides 💎 @elgaravel 💎 @bloodofvalyria 💎 @moonflowcr 💎 @firstaidspray 💎
@tacticalhimbo ☀ @loriane-elmuerto ☀ @imogenkol ☀ @bigbywlf ☀ @oc-musings ☀
and you!
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lavnderkiwi · 7 months ago
ahh still my favorite photos:
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likeafantasy · 2 years ago
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FROM (2022-) — 2.10 Once Upon a Time?
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aphrmoosun · 5 months ago
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frantastichenrik · 6 months ago
Why have y'all been gatekeeping FROM. I'm trying to catch up for the next season. So good!
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blurrypxls · 9 months ago
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So many of these pics have absolutely zero context to them.
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omegaremix · 1 year ago
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Omega Radio for January 16, 2021; #252.
Daniel Avery & Alessandro Cortini: “Sun”
Bad Tracking: “Vessels”
Salac: “The Pit”
Container: “Nozzle” + “Queaser”
Filth: “The Crucial Point”
Nghtly: “Pay With The Blood”
Teste: “Depraved Human Indifference”
Wisecrack: “Flesh”
Laudanum: “Memory Wall”
Girl Pusher: “Where The Fuck Is My Ambulance?”
The 83rd: selections from The Resurrection + Again I
Half Nelson: “Sweet Sensation”
BLXPLTN: “ZZEERROO (Dying For You To Get Rich)”
Special Interest: “Don’t Kiss Me In Public”
Debby Friday: “Stay Up” + “Treason” (f. Lana Del Rabies)
Lana Del Rabies: ”I’m Afraid Of Americans” + ”Darcy” (Lav Andula RMX)
NGHTCRWLR: “Firestarter”
Moor Mother: “The Motionless Present”
Zonal: “System Error”(f. Moor Mother)
JK Flesh: “In Your Pit”
Ciarra Black: “Machine Wash” (f. Hiro Kone & Drew McDowall)
Darkness, electronics, industrial, and hard hits.
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jonquilyst · 22 days ago
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Day 4 - Maeve Bargen
Tonight, we say goodbye to our first contestant: Maeve. Unfortunately, the stars did not align for her. Being on the losing team straight away was bad enough, but with everyone (except Carson) having negative first impressions of her, a hurt sentiment from Espresso after Maeve glared at her, and a not-so-great challenge performance, all of that culminated into Maeve receiving the votes and becoming the first out of the season.
@aniraklova, I really hoped your sim wouldn't be out first again (I feel terrible), but TDS is TDS and to be fair, it was a close vote. At least Maeve spent a little more time on the show than her season 2 predecessor Brody 😉 I decided to make the first challenge non-elimination so whoever would be out first after the second challenge would have had more screen time.
The comeback challenge will return this season, and Maeve will definitely be someone I'm gonna root for! Will she come back to the show like her season 1 predecessor Terrance? We'll find out...
17 contestants remain...
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@lyratea @hellogreta @sanitysims @changingplumbob @paracosmic-sims
@riverofjazzsims @invisiblequeen @simsinfinitylt @simstagramsomeone @aniraklova
@aliengirl @matchalovertrait @kissalopa @bloomingkyras @kari-sims
@ravingsockmonkey  @nakasumi-sims @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants
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vodnoebalo · 3 months ago
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WEIGHT OF SILENCE by Jessica Ren Vaughan
Dress by Stella McCartney. Shoes by Dolce & Gabbana
Styled by Niambi Moore with fashion from Moschino, Versace, Stella McCartney, Dsquared2 and Quine Li
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viktorgf · 1 year ago
hey what’s up you guys welcome back to my channel— i did this post on my old blog ages ago which is unfortunately lost to time now and i wanted to do it again. so this has gotta be like, the third time some of y’all are seeing this but. fuck it we ball.
born from a post made by @unholymilf a loooong time ago that as more or less a question of if ur oc was a boss fight, what song would be playing and it struck me so here is ALL of my brain worms, including some new ones from the last post!
ANDIE— le soleil est prùs de moi; air.
POV: you’re bleeding out as andie is standing over you, burning white hot, hotter than the sun setting behind her. she is passionate and
 reckless, and will swear this was self-defense. even if she struck first. even if she didn’t blink. even as she watches the life leave your body.
BIANCA— tricycle express; gaspard augĂ©, mr. oizo.
POV: bianca is white knuckling her steering wheel, swiping her car against the side of your own for miles down the freeway. she is gonna run you off the road. she absolutely will; it’s unavoidable, and she’s gonna laugh while she’s doing it. this is the song she’s listening to.
CELESTE— vision; m83.
POV: “you will die soon. sooner than you were supposed to, now.” celeste deadpans as she hovers her hand over your forehead and waves. she makes a show of it, though her clairvoyance doesn’t require as much. you wish you had listened to her and thought better of asking in the first place. “it will be violent, and painful. give ares my best. leave my temple.” but you didn’t, and now it’s too late. your fate is sealed.
ELVIRA— old river; orville peck.
POV: you’re stiff, hairs on the back of your neck standing up. you’re being watched. this is a different kind of observation than the one you’re used to— the seeds constantly run surveillance on you, but this doesn’t feel as passive. you’re being hunted. and when you dare to turn on your heels to see elvira standing behind you with a crossbow bolt nocked with your name on it, you almost wish jacob was here to kill you instead. somehow, you know it would be more merciful.
OSLO— pennsylvania furnace; lingua ignota.
POV: oslo isn’t the deputy anymore. they’re the judge. eden’s gate is up a member who is worth a million and the resistance mourns a million more.
FAUSTINA— beyond the horizon; olivier deriviere.
POV: faustina is the last line of defense between you and the mother church. she’s a penitent, too, you must understand. the consecrated red ribbons she’s wrapped in are suffocating her the longer she takes to excommunicate you and she will try every prayer at her disposal to stop it—to stop you.
JEN— krack; soulwax.
POV: jen is chasing you through the fib building after she snitches on your whole operation to the iaa. you are an enemy of the state, but more importantly— you’re an enemy to agent jennifer daniels. she wants you dead, and you will be soon enough. especially if it’s up to her. and as of right now, she has you cornered in an interrogation room with nowhere to go and a gun to your head.
LOTTIE— arsonist’s lullabye; hozier.
POV: hawkins is ablaze, and lottie is at the scene of the crime staring into the flames.
LINDY— señor (tales of yankee power); jerry garcia.
POV: there’s barely anyone left to call a gang, and dutch knows as much. but he won’t admit it— that would require him admitting guilt for the losses, too. and he should be so lucky he’s still breathing; lindy wants to empty an entire revolver clip into his thick skull but knows she wouldn’t live long enough to feel the satisfaction. so she does the next best thing, and turns her back. there isn’t anything left for her, anyway. she would risk a lifetime of looking over her shoulder over having to look at him.
MAGS— change (in the house of flies); deftones.
POV: you’re being experimented on in an umbrella sanctioned lab and in walks mags— who you thought was on your side. after all, well fed devils behave better than famished saints. but not this one, she’s much worse.
MILDRED— god unbounded; uboa.
POV: you have just returned from the dead because some weirdo with a god complex and a proficiency in reanimating corpses decided that she needed the practice. and now that’s your problem, because you definitely have come back Wrong. but you’re back! surprise!
NICOLE— heart in a cage; the strokes.
POV: you’re witness to an absolute bloodbath as nicole goes crazy on the field. she’s completely lost herself, she isn’t in control anymore. she was always dangerous but now she’s lethal. she’s already gotten some of her own killed, and somebody needs to take her out before it gets worse. she’s a wild animal. and to her, you’re fresh meat.
SIBYL— summit song; nicole dollanganger.
POV: she drowns you in her scrying pool and you are never heard from again. it’s your own fault, really— anna henrietta told you to leave her be and you didn’t listen.
ROSALIND— goodbye; soap&skin, apparat.
POV: she begs mike for the coordinates of where it happened and he doesn’t budge. he never will. he doesn’t trust her not to take a shovel to the earth and dig him up. so in her state of delirium, she walks through the desert and screams and cries and repents. and becomes her own biggest villain.
ODETTE— graveyard; midnight syndicate.
POV: odette quite literally haunts her family estate, left to fall into disrepair. she’s a grief stricken wraith born of despair who brutally attacks anyone who dares step into her tomb. she’s a master illusionist even in death, so if you choose to fight her instead of just leaving, just make sure you first remove the mirrors from the wall.
okay whew that was a TASK but i’m gonna make this a tag game cs i wanna see Y’ALL make ur ocs evil and give them a soundtrack so hehe @florbelles @unholymilf @shellibisshe @ghostfvcker @benwishaw @loriane-elmuerto @leviiackrman @jackiesarch @rosayoro @statichvm @teamhawkeye @bloodofvalyria @red-nightskies @confidentandgood @simply-jason @scalpelsister @devilbrakers @lxmbert and you!
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lavnderkiwi · 9 months ago
Vanessa Ryder - Streetkid
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"Always been a trouble maker. Always will be. I grew up in NC...what did you expect?"
Ivan Moore - Corpo
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"Sometimes, the ends do justify the means for me. It is what it is."
Avery Smith - Nomad
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"Freedom means more to me than anyone will ever know."
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toonytoodles · 4 months ago
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These are all my current favorite OCs! Most of them are from my fantasy, "renaissance faire eqse," universe, but the ones on the last slide are fandom ocs for star wars: the clone wars
I just think they're all neat! :]
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aphrmoosun · 5 months ago
[S3E3] (2024)
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