#oc: faustina
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viktorgf · 1 month ago
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— i prayed first to god and then to you, then to you and next to god, then just to you.
i have no words outside of excited sounds and my jaw hitting the floor for this one, emma @red-nightskies knocked my ass on the ground w this piece of faustina and the grave statue of her deified gf perpetua. genuinely unbelievable i love you wemma ❤️
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scourgiez · 1 year ago
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the dark urge
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oopsalltieflings · 1 year ago
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Faustina, Osiria's younger (but much taller) sister. She's a druid from a family of warlocks and wizards, who would be happy to wander the world if not for the mindflayer tadpole in her brain.
some more screenshots I took:
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Everyone in their clan has the same horn shape, though yellow eyes are only common in her direct bloodline.
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oopsalltieflings · 11 months ago
This is Faustina! I love seeing your drawings, even if you don't get around to her <3
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Uhhh OK, reblog this with a picture of your Tav/Durge and I'll quick sketch/ doodle a few of them. I may tap out after 2 or 3 so pleaaaase don't get hopes up 🥲
I just need quick-sketch practice
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kit-williams · 1 year ago
Moral Support
Male Lead: Perturabo Female Lead: Faustina Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/D&D au Canon Status: Yeah just made me realize something
Note: This has made me realize I need to rework my D&D headcanons and maybe rewrite them in a way that I'm more comfortable writing.
Perturabo paused his tinkering as he could hear both Martel and Faustina talking rapidly... quite loudly too. Martel was mad... and a young woman from Zazzal... which were considered a passionate people... an analytical type of people who could almost out contract a devil if they tried.
"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!" He could hear his daughter yell before storming off.
His ears could pick up the soft sighs from Faustina.
Martel was very much like her elder brothers Piero and Ignazio as they all followed in his footsteps of tinkering and experimenting and other artistic pursuits. Piero was proof that he could make Astartes if he wanted to as the extensive alchemical sciences and surgeries on both of his eldest two boys mixed with the magical armor they were able to forge and they were a close approximation. Strong enough to handle threats that would pop up in such a city.
However... Perturabo wasn't willing to put Martel through all of what her brothers went through... as well as his thoughts on what an Astartes is suppose to be and do and give up. Perhaps he had fibbed a bit... he really didn't know if what he engineered would be rejected by her body. He wasn't willing to do that to Faustina and take away all their children to be proof of his genius. Piero was enough... Ignazio wanted to go through it as well... and so did Martel.
He rubs his forehead as Faustina sets a plate down next to him with some food. "She is unhappy with what I've said." He says plainly as he sets down his tools.
"Have you seen her log book?" She simply says.
"Yes she has been working on plans for her armor."
"Working on it for years now. They would make a good suit." He says looking at his beloved.
Faustina sighs, "I don't like seeing her so upset. I just was trying..."
Perturabo just grabs her hands and gives her one of his rare smiles as he kisses her knuckles, "I know you were. But Martel is your daughter and is passionate."
"Oh please Perty she takes after your stubbornness and drive and she just couldn't handle not..."
"Succeeding?" Perturabo says having the ghost of a feeling of that bitterness bubble up when he was snubbed by Father so... many... times... He tries his best to let his children know how proud he is of them but it is hard to express it at times... he's gotten better of course and praised for his ability to do better than his father.
"Perty?" Faustina says looking at him stand up as he looks to the door.
"I'm going to go talk to Martel."
He could see the stewing Twelve year old girl with his signature scowl on her face as she was hugging her knees tightly just looking at the fish in the waterway near their villa.
"Calliphone." He says as he prefers to use their 'business' or middle name given that they honor people he actually cares about.
"Go away. I don't want to talk to you." At least she didn't bottle it up like he tended to do.
Perturabo chuckles as he walks closer, "Really last I remember you proclaimed that you were my favorite child."
"No that is clearly Rogal and Vulkan are." He could hear her start to sniffle as he walks over and sits besides the small willowy child.
She looked up at him with her brow furrowed but tears threatening to flow out of her eyes as she scowled at him... her bottom lip still quivering as her cheeks were red and he could see her knuckles were white as she shook her tiny fists in this rage against a universe that seemed to deny her what her tiny heart desired... his continued approval. "N-no I'm mad at you."
He holds up an open hand and feels her tiny fists punch his palm. He couldn't feel her tiny strikes of rage as those tears flowed down her cheek and chin, "I want to be Iron! I wanna be Iron! Wanna be Ibron." She soon dissolves into crying as her words turn into unintelligible sobbing all slurring together.
He tilts his head as he pulls her against him with a small smile as he pets her head. "Who told you that you wouldn't be Iron?"
He waits for her to calm down a bit to coherently reply as he draws shapes on her shoulder distracting her, "No one..." She finally replies after a minute.
"Did Rogal or Vulkan tell you that?"
"Noooo." She sniffles hard wiping her nose.
"So who would dare go against what the Lord of the fourth... the Lord of Iron has decreed?" He says poking her forehead looking at her green eyes with his own blue green ones as her blonde hair is a start contrast to the black of her brothers.
"Me..." She sits on his knee as she wipes her eyes.
"You? My princess of the fourth? Why would you go against my decree?" He pulls her into a hug lying back as he has gotten better at comforting his children... Faustina has helped him so much... going with what feels right hardly steers him wrong.
"Because I can't be an Iron Warrior."
"Do you know who I named you after?" He sees her shake her head, "My adopted sister. I loved her dearly and... I might have had a few regrets on being a terrible brother to her." He pauses as a violent memory flashes behind his eyes and he hugs his daughter tighter. "She was so strong. And you my Calliphone will be strong."
"Thank you papa." She smiles
------- (10 years later)------
Perturabo lumbers into the training yard as he was in his full regalia and at his full height. He could hear his nieces and nephews cheering her on as he could see Perio and Ignazio standing besides mother as Fabrizio holding her skirt and she holding Andrea.
"Tell me the Litany." Perturabo's voice booms out.
From Iron Cometh Strength... From Strength Cometh Will... From Will Cometh Faith... From Faith Cometh Honor... From Honor Cometh Iron... This is the Unbreakable Litany. May it forever be so!
Martel shouts back to her father as she pours magic into her war hammer making it larger and lightning crackles about the head. "Show me your skills Calliphone!"
"IRON WITHIN IRON WITHOUT!" She shouts as her magical armor slides over her form.
Though the helmet was on hiding his face but Perturabo was smiling and proud of his little girl. He could see the craftsmanship in her armor as each piece was made by her hands in the style of his warriors. She was an Iron Warrior... she was Iron... and he knows his sister would have loved to have meet her. He did his best to make up for his sins against her by being a good father.
He watches her rush towards him as the hammer rushes at him in a healthy arc. He smiles looking at her handywork up close it will be a shame that he will have to put her in her place. She was only just a Princess of the Fourth for a reason while he was the Lord.
taglist (SORRY FOR FORGETTING YOU GUYS I DIDNT MEAN IT BABY NEARLY YEETED HIMSELF OUT OF HIS BASSINET) @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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witchedcorpse · 4 months ago
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Holy trinity (they've never met since they're from different games but also I cannot imagine them in the same room)
Do not comment on ANY character design changes let me cook, you'll find out soon...............
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winniebell · 4 months ago
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my beautiful girl, plagued by visions
(@junebug-m4a @ssusua-blog @peppermint-pearl thought to tag yall in this)
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tes-summer-fest · 2 years ago
[image: A digital drawing of a human couple sleeping on the grass in an embrace. The one in the front has light skin and ginger hair and is laying on her back. Her wife is resting on her chest, she has light skin and dark brown hair with white streaks. A campfire is flickering in the lower right corner of the image, behind their heads. The background is a meadow at night, with tall grass faintly visible around them and small yellow torchbugs flying around.]
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My late submission for @tes-summer-fest ! August 6th-beloved or and ritual
My Last Dragonborn, Faustina, lays by the campfire with her wife, (butch!)Brynjolf while on the way home to Lakeside Manor after checking in on the Thieves Guild in Riften. The journey is long, but they’ve grown accustomed to it, so they’ve learned the best places to set up camp for the night. On warm nights at home, they will also sleep outside with a campfire to hear the trees rustling and watch the lightning bugs flicker. Rest is easy like this.
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lexxieannie · 1 year ago
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some oc stuff!!! new character dropped >:)
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drakonovisny · 6 months ago
one positive of working in a call centre is the oc names inspirations
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bosmermage · 2 years ago
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viktorgf · 7 months ago
tagged by @bloodskinandteeth 💛 + @red-nightskies 🖤
pick an image of one of your ocs that best fits each category, you can even have multiple characters on one category, or even repeat a character for multiple categories. here is a link to the blank template.
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from top to bottom, left to right—
elvira | mildred | avalon
andie | odette | faustina
nicole | mags | oslo
lottie | sibyl | tai
tagging— @confidentandgood 🫶🏻 @kanos 🫶🏻 @florbelles 🫶🏻 @unholymilf 🫶🏻 @statichvm 🫶🏻
@rosayoro 🍾 @elvves 🍾 @bearsgrove 🍾 @pitchmoss @teamhawkeye 🍾
@kyberinfinitygems 💛 @jendoe 💛 @leviiackrman 💛 @socially-awkward-skeleton 💛 @thedeadthree 💛
@jackiesarch 🍷 @pinkfey 🍷 @shellibisshe 🍷 @scalpelsister 🍷 @ghostfvcker
@a-treides 💎 @elgaravel 💎 @bloodofvalyria 💎 @moonflowcr 💎 @firstaidspray 💎
@tacticalhimbo ☀️ @loriane-elmuerto ☀️ @imogenkol ☀️ @bigbywlf ☀️ @oc-musings ☀️
and you!
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starsfic · 4 months ago
Missing Meeting
Summary: Frankie's missing a meeting to throw stuff at the Contestant.
Notes: Introducing my first workplace comedy OC, Maddy Faustina! Her name was randomly generated. She's Frankie's secretary.
Maddy Faustina was a simple woman.
She liked knowing what was going on and how it affected the schedule. Having her boss overthrown by a cartoon AI that had the attitude of an angry, sadistic toddler and the following death games had thrown her life off-balance, but, strangely, things didn't change much for her personally in her work life at Frankie's. Mr. Ellie looked like a wreck at every staff meeting, but considering his arrogant personality before, it was a nice change. Hey, they were even doing good for the first time in a while!
"Uh, Miss Faustina? Do you happen to know where Frankie is?" Mr. Ellie had poked his head out of the small side office he had been booted to after the takeover. "We were supposed to have a meeting fifteen minutes ago."
"Huh, that's strange." For all her complaints about Frankie's attitude and overall hatred of humanity, he was at least punctual. "I'm afraid I haven't seen him, Mr. Ellie."
He frowned, the nerves disappearing from his face. "I wonder if he's at the parkour palace. Call them up."
Several questions popped up. The first one was there's working phones there? She knew that there was toy phones in Henry Hotline's section, but an actual phone? "Uh...may I ask what he would be doing over there?"
Mr. Ellie shrugged as he retreated back into his office. "Throwing stuff at the Contestant, most likely."
Ah. Right. The reason why they weren't going bankrupt was also the thorn on Frankie's side. Maddy wasn't exactly sure why they were such a big thorn, but Maddy wasn't paid to dwell on that.
It took a few minutes to hunt down the number. Maddy typed it in and waited as it rang...and it rang...and it rang...
"Hello, this is Frankie's Parkour Palace, the largest indoor trampoline, water, and parkour park! How may I help you?"
It took her a second to realize that the voice wasn't a recording of her boss talking. To be fair, not many people had known about "Real" Frankie until the 57th season. "Um, hello? This is Maddy Faustina from the main corporate building. I was wondering if Mr. Frankie is there? He's late for a meeting with Mr. Ellie."
There was a pause and then there was a faintly muffled "I knew things had been too quiet." Before she could ask him to speak up, the cheerful, bordering on maniac, voice grew louder. "Apologies! I believe he's here, but I'm not quite sure where...ah!" There was a pause and then a sigh. "They're throwing stuff at each other...please give me a moment. Unfortunately, the intercom has not been installed in that space, so I will have to take you directly to him!"
"No worries," Maddy said, unsure of what else to say. She didn't expect Mr. Ellie's guess to be literal.
There was a long silence, filled with the sounds of shuffling and an elevator. Faint music soon met her ears, and then louder noises.
Swooshing. Faint growling. A loud cackle, followed by a BANG that made her jump.
"Is everyone alright?" she called.
"Oh, everyone is perfectly fine, our dear contestants are just playing a little rough." The "Real" Frankie assured her before pulling away from the phone. "EXCUSE ME! There's a call for you!"
The noises paused, followed by talking that was too hushed to make out before a similarly cheerfully maniac voice spoke, echoing off whatever room they were in. "Hellooo, Miss Faustina! How can I help you?"
"Uh, Mr. Ellie requested that I call since you are running late for you two's three o'clock meeting."
There was a chuckle. "Oh dear," Frankie said, not even bothering to hide the delight in his voice. "I'm so sorry! I'll buzz over right now since he's so concerned. Thank you, my dear, you're such a doll!"
"...You're welcome?"
The other side went silent and in the office next door, there was a screech. There was some more shuffling on the other side of the call and a voice she did not recognize spoke. "Uh, he left. Hope you have a good day?"
Oh. This must be...
"You too." Maddy hung up and sat there for a second, staring at the email she had been drafting.
She wondered if the Contestant would be interested in joining the employee game nights.
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janetkwallace · 7 months ago
Artfight 2024: Fillyjonks
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Some cute Fillyjonk OCs I drew for artfight. From left to right, the characters and their creators:
Elijas by @casmiick;
Faustina Vilijonkka by @rattschmooze;
Venla by @alien-bottle
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clemswalkietalkie · 2 months ago
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I’m back from my stint of being an adult in a PhD program to post an updated profile of my Skyrim oc 🫡
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toonqueen · 4 months ago
Duckvember Day 6: Voracious Duck
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Faustina De Spell is one of my OCs.  She is technically the daughter of Negaverse Gladstone and Nega Magica but there is a little bit of shenanigans with that, that is a whole other story. With Negaverse Gladstone’s family line I have it that they are ‘consumption cursed.’ It’s an idea I got based on Paddywhack’s existence in Darkwing Universe. He was a demon that seemed to feed off people’s fear/negative emotions. In Faustina’s case her great great great great great grand ancestor made a demonic deal to be consumption cursed and was given a choice of what to consume, which they had chosen luck. (See how it ties into a negaverse version of Gladstone lol)
With the choice of the consumable being ‘luck’ though it left a loophole that benefited the family line when dealing with the curse. 1. The have luck for themselves since hey, they’re eating it. And 2. Stuff like fear/negative emotions to consume can be defeated. Like someone could not be scared or fight back on that. With luck though though, when feeding, they could tell the most unluckist person that “you are so lucky because I am going to let you live,” thereby making any victim lucky enough to feed from AND allow them to live if they didn’t really wanna kill them. Such a good loophole that a consumption demon after that deal was not allowed to let a mortal pick luck to feed off of ever again.
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