#duckvember 2024
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iamsweetcrow · 3 months ago
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Duckvember Day 25: Animated Duck A young Della Duck, looking at the stars before falling asleep. But the stars call her attention more than the tiredness of her body.
I'm sorry it's so simple, but I've done another drawing that I didn't like and I started from scratch with this one.
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ljlsfanarts · 3 months ago
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Duckvember, day 30: nostalgic duck
old crossover drawings I drew last year of the triplets meeting their 1996 teen versions
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boingodigitalart · 3 months ago
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Duckvember 2024 Day 24: Tenacious Duck
Hang on Tight as I clearly got inspired by Broken Karoke and Ninja Warriors for this prompt.
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stephdecidedtoart · 4 months ago
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Donald Duck featuring Gus Goose
For Duckvember day 7
Torpid Duck
*forgive my tree. I messed up and was too lazy to do it again
I took it literally and had them being just lethargic...lazy...asleep.
This is my first time drawing Gus, i like he is a cozy guy. I like to think Don would like to share moments of peace along side his cousin at the farm.
No Scrooge yelling at him, so Gladstone showing off his newest raffle win, no Fethry with a crazy project.
Just Donald, a hammock, Gus, and eventually Gradma duck's cooking.
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toonqueen · 4 months ago
Duckvember Day 1: Occult Duck
This takes place in my headcanon 87/comic universe. No beta gotta get out this stuff fast EVERY DAY I GOTTA WRITE *cries* When posted later on AO3 will be beta-ed and have better descs I swear. 
It wasn’t the first time Gladstone had been in Magica’s old family home. She had taken him here more times than he could count on his fingers now. He wondered why she just didn’t live here and not the shack by that volcano. Instead, she seemed to treat this place like a safe house whenever they were in trouble with another magical being. 
From the living room Gladstone could hear Magica and Poe upstairs arguing about what to do next with the current problem. From what Gladstone had gathered, another witch had been trying to get his Uncle’s dime. So technically the sibling duo was working on a plan to protect the dime from this third party. They were also trying to figure out who the third party was. 
Gladstone wasn’t too worried about it. He had been dragged into the whole situation because he may have seen the would-be thief. Though the information he had wasn’t much help to the De Spells, they still made him tag along. 
He was able to get the ancient TV working in the living room. The machine had been covered in a thick layer of dust. It was built with a wooden box around it and had a bulbous glass screen. Gladstone figured it had never been used in ages because dust was on the knobs as well. With just a few turns though it had turned on for him. The black and white screen showed modern news on it. The news was in italian though, so it wasn’t something he understood. It didn’t hold his attention long. 
The goose realized that every time he was here, Magica never said he couldn’t wander around. She never said there wasn’t anywhere he couldn’t go in the house. When he got up off the couch he did a big stretch before walking out to the entryway of the home. Gladstone made a mental map of the house in his head. The estate wasn’t huge, but he knew he had only seen half of the upstairs. He had also never seen the kitchen.
He didn’t expect there to be any food in the kitchen. Gladstone had already assumed Magica did not stay here for long periods of time. From what he had seen of the house, some rooms were kept up. Then there were a majority of rooms that have covers over the furniture with layers of dust.  The only consistent thing through the house was the dark wood trim every room had. 
Gladstone had three doors in the entryway to choose from. He didn’t want to go upstairs since the two siblings were still half arguing over the dime thief situation. There was a doorway to the right, one to the left, and one that was in the middle, tucked in the side of the large staircase going up. The goose went to the left, most logical for a kitchen to be.
He was right, it was a kitchen. However, it was clearly not in use. There was an empty gap in the cabinets where a fridge would normally be plugged in. It also looked like it used to have a center island cabinet that had been torn out. An outline was left on the off white stone tile where it used to be. All the surfaces were covered in dust except for the sink. The sink looked like it had been used more recently, maybe for a quick hand wash. 
Out of curiosity, Gladstone still went over to the large double doors in the abandoned kitchen. He assumed they were doors to a pantry. Swinging the doors open, he found he was correct. The dark wood shelves were bare though. About to close the doors, Gladstone noticed some books in the far left corner shelf. 
He made a face at the dust that rose when he picked one up. It did not stop him though. What he found was just some very old cook books. The goose wondered if he was expecting spell books instead. It was a kitchen after all. As he looked through the covers of the books, there was disappointment that none of  them had funny pun titles. 
The last book in the pile had no title. It was a different darker leather bound than the others as well. Gladstone shrugged and opened to find it was not a cookbook at all. Instead, it was a photo album. The page he opened to no one looked familiar. It was more to the front of the book and the photos were old matte brown and white. He flipped through more to the back where the photos were still not colored, but a black and white glossy finish.
Gladstone recognized a young Magica in the photos. He also assumed the other duckling of the same age was Poe in the pictures as well. It had been mentioned in passing that the two were twins. There was also two teenagers in some pictures with the young Magica and Poe. The older girl Gladstone knew he had seen in other pictures in the house before. Magica had told him it was her older sister that unfortunately was killed in an altercation with witch hunters.
With the  older boy in the pictures, Gladstone had never seen anything around the house before. He kept flipping through the pages closer to the back of the  photo album. The older sister and the older boy looked to be around the same age. Gladstone thought to himself that maybe they were twins like the two De Spells he always had to deal with now? The older siblings looked like they had black feathers around their eyes with a thin line of black going from the far corners of their eyes down the side of their face. 
There was a point where the older boy wasn’t in any of the pictures. The very last picture in the book was the older sister looking fully adult with Magica and Poe, probably around early teens. The picture was in color. After that there were no more photos but plenty of blank pages to fill. No more photos were added after that. 
“Looking for a snack?” Poe’s voice interrupted the goose before he could have any deep thoughts. Gladstone  was surprised he didn’t hear the raven’s wings before hearing his voice
“Huh? Oh! No! I was just- looking around. I found this,” Gladstone lifted up the open book in his hands. The goose had no shame to hide that he was technically snooping around. And after all, it was Poe’s family album. He wasn’t going to keep it from the raven.
Poe landed on Gladstone’s shoulder before the goose turned to walk out of the pantry. Gladstone was used to the raven sitting on his shoulder, especially when his sister wasn’t around to perch on instead. He flipped the pages on the photo album a few pages back for the raven to see.
“I found this with the cook books. That’s your older sister right? Magica mentioned her before. Nestra?” Gladstone didn’t ask brashly. He had been told their sister had died, but he asked in a delicate tone. He was curious about their family. In the back of his goose brain he also thought the photos would bring back good memories. 
Luckily, Gladstone was right, and Poe’s raven head perked up at the images, “Oh yes! That's right! I didn’t even know this was here! In with the cookbooks! That’s strange. Well, I guess out of all of us she cooked the most. Maybe she left it here.”
The green clad flipped through a few more pages slowly so Poe could see the pictures. Gladstone’s curiosity got the best of him and he had to ask, “So who’s the other kid in the pictures?”
“Oh, that’s Castor,” Poe didn’t seem to have any problems spilling the dirt. It wasn’t a touchy subject for him, it seemed, “We kinda had a falling out with him a long time ago.”
“I noticed there weren't any pictures of him around the house too,” Gladstone stated.
“Magica took them all down when we started coming here more often. She holds more of a grudge against him,” Poe gave a shrug with his wings, “I’m still mad at him but at the same time, it was all stuff out of his control.”
“Do you want to elaborate on that?” Gladstone tried to pry.
“I don’t know how much my sister wants you to know,” Poe replied. 
“Alright, alright, I get it. I don’t want to cause any trouble between you two. You seem to have enough already,” the goose added. Poe made an ‘ugh’ noise in reply. 
“She’s busy calling up witches she thinks may be encroaching on her territory. One of the calls would be an ex-girlfriend of mine so I wasn't too thrilled,” the raven explained before preening one of his wing feathers. 
“You know, sometimes my luck helps me stumble upon clues like this. Could there be a possibility it’s your older brother that is trying to steal the dime?” the goose speculated. 
“Oh no, Castor isn’t interested in magic in general. He’s off being a lawyer somewhere. Last I heard he’s never lost a case either. He was always really smart,” Poe stated. 
“He got named Castor and then couldn’t do magic?” Gladstone asked before putting the photo album down open on the nearest kitchen counters. He flipped back to the beginning so Poe could look over his shoulder at the much older pictures. 
“He can do magic, he just chose not to. Ironic since I would LOVE to do it but I can’t,” Poe muttered as his eyes still followed the old photo album, “You know, after my sister is done making her calls, you should show this to her too. I don’t think it would make her mad, she’d like to see pictures of Nestra and our parents too. She might be happy that you found it.”
Gladstone hadn’t even registered the pictures of the twin’s parents. In that moment it reminded him that Poe and Magica were orphans as kids, like him too, “Alright- well let me know when she is in a better mood.”
Right then as if on cue Magica could be heard yelling from upstairs for her brother, “POE! I NEED YOU TO HELP ME FIND MY YEARBOOK. MAYBE ONE OF THEM IS THE CULPRIT!”
“Aheh- welp, back to the mines,” Poe said with a half laugh before taking off from Gladstone’s shoulder and out of the kitchen,  “talk to you later!”
“Sure,” Gladstone replied softly, the ‘orphan’ thought still lingered on his mind. He shook his head hard and closed the photo album. He walked out of the kitchen to see Poe already gone. The goose held the album under his arm.
He came back out to the entryway. He eyed the door to the right to be his next place to explore. Or, he could hunker down back in the living room and go through the photo album more slowly. At that moment he noticed the door under the stairs was open. It had not been open before. He could still hear the siblings upstairs talking  to each other, so they weren’t in whatever room that door led to. 
Gladstone didn’t think much of it.Though the setting of the house others may consider spooky, he had grown quite comfortable with it. If anything, it was the old wood of the house settling that made boards creak and doors open. The other option he thought to himself was that his luck may be leading to that yearbook Magica was looking for.
He was sure that was it. The goose headed to the open door to find it had stairs going down. With blind confidence he headed down the stairs in hopes to impress the twins with his book finding luck. 
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ducktoonsfanart · 27 days ago
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My artworks during 2024. - My drawings and my most viewed works over the months of the past 2024
Once again, I wish you all the best in 2025 and a Happy New Year 2025 as well as the upcoming Chinese New Year!
Sorry for my delay in posting this last month, because I had a lot of troubles and commitments and simply didn't have time to post my most viewed works by month. I did post about my drawings I did last year and my description of my experiences over the past year. See this: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/771518951479967745/summary-of-my-art-in-2024-i-wish-everyone-a-happy
Although I already have my retrospective from my post here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/771397567733022720/2024-tumblr-top-10
Without going into too much detail, I'll just say thank you very much for the support you gave me last year because I wouldn't have done this without you. Of course, like every year, this year I will publish my drawings that I did last year and which received the most views with the most likes and reblogs. The only thing that will count is the review of my drawings during January 2025.
January 2024 - Happy New Year! - Celebrating New Years in Brazil or some tropical place with Donald Duck, his family and his friends - The Three Caballeros - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse (my version) - 52 notes (likes, reblogs and comments)
Also Duck Dodgers and Duck Avenger - Green Dodgers and Green Avenger - Ducks crossover - Meme - My version - 43 notes
February 2024 - John D. Rockerduck and Jeeves (Lusky) with Rockerduck’s family plus Donald and Scrooge - Duckverse - Gift for my friends - 39 notes
Also Donald and Daffy Duck with their wives and children in China - Happy New Chinese Year - Year of the Dragon - Crossover Duckverse and Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons - 38 notes
March 2024 - Donald Duck and his family mourn the dead in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack and bombing - Donald Duck and his family in Moscow (Russia) and Belgrade (Serbia) - Duck comics - Duckverse - 46 notes
April 2024 - Foghoron Leghorn with Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner - Pepe Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat - Looney Tunes - Cartoons - 46 notes
May 2024 - The Three Caballeros Together Again - My Redraw - The Three Caballeros and Saludos Amigos Movies - Duckverse - 45 notes
June 2024 - Birthday party for Donald, Daisy and Della Duck! - Happy Birthday Donald, Daisy and Della Duck - Ducktales 2017 - Duckverse June - Week 1 - My Version - Gift for my friends - 70 notes
July 2024 - Happy 90th Birthday Donald Duck! - Donald Duck and his family and friends - Tribute to Don Rosa (Happy belated birthday to Don Rosa) - The Duck Who Never Was - My redraw - Duck comics - Duckverse - 58 notes
August 2024 - Quack Pack Summer - Huey, Dewey and Louie vacationing with their sisters, cousins, brothers and friends and girlfriends in Hawaii - Quack Pack AU - Summer - Duckverse - Quack Pack - My version - Gift for my friend - 42 notes
September 2024 - I have 6 sides - Cartoon and Comic Edition - Meme - Crossover - Donald Duck and The Three Caballeros, Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Woody Woodpecker, Sponge Bob Squarepants, Tom and Jerry and Garfield - My version - 43 notes
October 2024 - José Carioca (also known as Zé Carioca) celebrates his birthday and the holiday of his country (Brazil) with his family and friends - Ze Carioca Comics - The Three Caballeros Month - Feriado - Día Festivo - Holiday - Família - Familia - Family - Duckverse AU - My version - 27 notes
November 2024 - Quack Pack Kids (Preteens and Teenagers) and Young Adults (Boys and Girls) - My sketches -Game, Well-To-Do-Duck, Wild, Friend(s), Cultured, Emotional, Obscure and Nostalgic Duck (s) and FREE SPACE DUCKS (plus geese, parrots, rooster and pigeon) - Duckvember - Quack Pack AU and Duckverse (Donald Duck and Ze Carioca comics, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and Quack Pack) - My style - 35 notes
December 2024 - Quack Pack and Goof Troop (A Goofy Movie) together again - Donald Duck meets Goofy - Max Goof comforts Louie - Max Goof with Huey, Dewey and Louie as teenagers - Duckverse and Goofyverse (Dogverse) - My style - 37 notes
And finally my most viewed drawing is:
Darkwing Duck and Duck Avenger (PKNA) with their families as superheroes in action (redraw) - Darkwing Duck, Duck comics and Quack Pack AU - Duckverse - Happy my birthday! - 78 notes
Of course, anyone who is interested can check out my art blog here and thank you all for this.
Once again, happy holidays to everyone and a happy new year 2025!
If you have any impression of what you liked the most and what you didn’t like about these drawings, feel free to say so.
Feel free to like and reblog this! And keep following me! :D
Just don't copy my ideas and my designs of these characters without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you!
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emilylorange · 3 months ago
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Day 28 - FREE Day 29 - Obscure Day 30 - Nostalgic
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iamsweetcrow · 4 months ago
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Duckvember Day 13: Otherworldly Duck
I can imagine Duck Dodgers and Duck Avenger having the craziest adventures in the universe and beyond.
But nothing stops them from watching the movie of their comic book idol, Tremendous Terence. Sure, it would be great if it weren't for the fact that Uno is giving away so many spoilers before entering the theater.
PS: I don't know how to make movie posters hehe
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iamsweetcrow · 3 months ago
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Duckvember Day 16: Macho Duck
"And he launched an attack in the most macho way possible, riding a shark and covered in dynamite"
There were many possibilities with this day and the craziest one occurred to me. This is what happens when I'm left alone on the computer haha
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iamsweetcrow · 3 months ago
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Duckvember Day 27: Cultured Duck
"The sea is a mysterious and dangerous place, whose depths hide great secrets. Fethry knows this perfectly well, as his little sea friends have told him a few things. Although Donald remains somewhat skeptical."
I've already drawn two of Donald's cousins, at this rate I'll end up putting together a family tree of the duck family haha
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iamsweetcrow · 4 months ago
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Duckvember Day 11: Mechanical Duck
Little B.O.Y.D. has had some minor glitches in his system. But kind and sweet Lyla Lay has decided to help him, after all she is a very advanced android.
But nothing is free in this life. So in exchange for helping him, she hopes that the sweet boy will actually give her the location of the famous hero: Duck Avenger (Paperinik).
I need to be able to read more of the Ducks' comics, they have some amazing universes. Especially the super hero version of Donald.
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iamsweetcrow · 4 months ago
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Duckvember Day 09: Placid Duck
What if we pretend for a moment that we are not responsible for others? No kingdom, no people, no family, no job, no problems. Just the two of them accompanied by the warm fireplace with a simple guitar melody.
I have only read a couple of Reginella's comics, but it hurts my heart that she can't stay together with Donald. I would like to have her comics and know Italian to understand them haha
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iamsweetcrow · 3 months ago
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Duckvember Day 23: Parallel Duck "There is no duck prouder of his family than Scrooge McDuck. But even he doesn't know much about his history beyond what he's been told.
In every family there is a bad apple, and this one is no exception in the Mcduck clan. For in centuries past, Rory gave up his mortal life to become a vampire at the hands of a Duckula. Thus changing his last name and his history."
This is part of my headcanon with these two characters. Being both Scottish ducks and with a similar last name, I came up with this madness.
These old ducks are going to beat each other to death!
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iamsweetcrow · 3 months ago
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Duckvember Day 29: Obscure Duck
"Donald knew that his uncle Scrooge kept many magical objects in his mansion. But when he heard that the children mentioned a certain "Dolan", who was summoned if you said his name three times in front of a mirror, he fixed the sleeves of his suit to prove that he wasn't real, too bad bad luck always follows him."
I had this idea for the 23rd "Parallel Duck", but I wanted to draw McDukula. So I moved it to this date and I think it suits him well. Seeing Dolan is remembering a past of memes that seems so far away.
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ljlsfanarts · 3 months ago
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Duckvember, day 20: emotional duck
whoever created that AU where Dewey suddenly needs glasses is a genius
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iamsweetcrow · 3 months ago
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Duckvember Day 14: impish Duck
Alessia still doesn't fully understand the world around her, so she has a habit of getting into trouble when Magica loses sight of her.
Luckily her friend Vanessa always comes to the rescue. And she turns the little disaster into a moment of fun. And if someone asks what happened? Her answer will be that they found a joke book by a certain Quackerjack.
Vanessa Conner is part of the Italian Disney comics. She is friends with Louie Duck and other children. Her club is called: Area 15.
Alessia is my Oc crow and is a creation of Magica De Spell. She is a small golem at first and looks like a normal child.
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