#avery ambrosia
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nightbloated · 1 year ago
Happy Christmas eve! This is inspired by the Wonka 2023 clip where the candy is tainted and ruins the grand opening of the factory.
Avery puts up a business dinner party, claiming to celebrate the achievements of her many rivals, debuting her new fantastic wine. In reality, her main goal was to take some enemies out of the picture, and gain some nice wine kegs in the process.
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idle-identity-ocs · 4 months ago
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oc doodles
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pupsmailbox · 6 months ago
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NAMES︰ adeline. agatha. alastair. alex. alexander. alexandria. alisa. amber. ambrose. ambrosia. amorette. andrew. annabel. annabeth. annalise. anya. arden. artemis. arthur. ash. ashford. aspen. athena. atlas. atreus. augustus. avery. beatrix. blair. blake. blythe. bram. bronwyn. caspian. charles. charlotte. christopher. circe. claude. coraline. crimson. damian. damien. damon. daphne. darcy. demeter. diana. dorian. durant. ebony. eden. edgar. eleanor. elenor. elizabeth. elvira. emberl. enid. eris. everett. fantine. felix. fern. genevieve. george. grey. griffin. haven. hazel. hecate. henry. hester. holmes. hyde. inkesse. inkette. inkie. inky. isolde. ivie. ivy. james. jane. journalle. julian. julius. juno. kane. killian. lenore. lilith. lorelei. luna. magnus. malachi. mallory. maude. meredith. naomi. narissa. nicodem. nightesse. nightwing. nimue. noire. noiresse. noirette. odessa. odette. oliver. ophelia. orion. percy. persephone. peyton. phineas. phoebe. quill. quille. quinn. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravenne. remus. romero. rory. rosalind. rose. rowan. rowena. rufus. salem. scriptesse. sebastian. stoker. sylvain. tanith. theo. theodore. theodosia. trista. tristan. victor. victoria. vincent. virgil. wilhelmine. willow. wynona. xanthe. zoltan.
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PRONOUNS︰ acade/academia. amber/amber. an/antique. arch/architectself. arch/archive. art/art. art/artist. arti/article. arti/fact. artifact/artifact. baro/baroque. bea/beauty. bis/bisque. book/book. bookworm/bookworm. calligraphy/calligraphy. can/vas. candle/candle. cer/ceramic. char/charcoal. chess/chess. clas/classic. clay/clay. clock/clock. co/collect. coco/coco. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. coffee/coffee. col/color. coll/collection. collage/collage. con/cept. crea/cream. crow/crow. cur/curate. dra/drama. dust/dust. essay/essay. fea/feather. feather/feather. fig/figure. fil/film. flicker/flicker. gal/gallery. glaze/glaze. globe/globe. gold/gold. hazel/hazel. his/history. history/history. hon/honey. hue/hue. hypo/hypothesis. illus/illustrate. ink/ink. journal/journal. ki/kiln. knowledge/knowledge. le/letter. learn/learn. letter/letter. li/library. lig/ligature. lit/literature. mar/marble. mur/mural. murder/murder. muse/muse. muse/museum. night/night. no/note. novel/novel. page/page. paint/brush. paint/paint. paint/painting. paper/paper. para/dox. pen/pen. pho/photo. pi/pigment. piano/piano. poe/poet. poem/poem. por/trait. porcel/porcelain. print/print. qui/quill. quill/quill. raven/raven. rea/read. read/read. ren/renaissance. rev/revolution. scrapbook/scrapbook. script/scripts. scroll/scroll. sculp/sculptor. sculp/sculpture. sketch/sketch. speci/specimen. spine/spine. sta/stamp. stai/stain. stamp/stamp. statue/statue. story/story. stu/dy. study/studie. study/study. surreal/surrealism. tea/tea. theo/theory. theory/theory. thes/thesis. time/time. tweed/tweed. violin/violin. wheel/wheel. ⌛/⌛. ⌛︎/⌛︎. ☕/☕. ✒︎/✒︎. ✒️/✒️. 🏛️/🏛️. 🏺/🏺. 📜/📜. 🕯️/🕯️. 🖼️/🖼️.
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the-name-stealer · 3 months ago
Yooo i got a big one for you, many names with permission :3
Oh gods. This is long. I’m on it.
NAME TAKEN! My name is Fionna, Talia, Mable, Boa, Egg, Clise, Pancake, Hypnos, Elysia, Seraphina, Agnes, Marceline, Claire, Noelle, butterscotch, frigg, soup, strawberry, marsia, beate, makoto, sock, bug, Florian, bea, Rosalina, marinella, Finka, nada, Yuri, sky, Olivia, fischl, cinnamon, amity, Ada, Lenora, Aida, Romy, Lys, Eliana, Cherie, océane, Esther, marcille, Astrid, Clara, Lacey, flowers, natsuki, sayori, Petra, Aphrodite, hatsune, crimson, viola, Jenny, juniper, Annie, marie,Tina, kanaya, Callie, Bonnie, Velma, Phoebe, Sabrina, Tori, Natalie, Kim, love, Corey, Courtney, misty, Yasmin, Laika, Tabitha, primrose, Beatrice, circe, johnette, temmie, gumi, himiko, Anne, nessa, Sonia, akane, Diane, Miku, merlin, adagia, miyu, aradia, Illya, azure, maya, Mira, marina, Andromeda, Alya, Stella, celestia, Celeste, nova, Lyra, hope, April, pearl, amber, violet, Kirra, clover, iris, calliope, blossom, Millie, tulip, Bibi, amy, Reyna, ambrosia, page, Leah, Charlie, Lilith, ellsee, maki, edeustus, ellie, Samantha, Amelia, Tiffany, Alyssa, Luna, caoimhe, Judith, Natalie, kumatora, aurelie, Kate, moon, nerisse, serenity, Lara, Sarina, Vanessa, Monica, cherry, Helena, Sophia, tiki, luzia, Laura, Juliette, aurora, corrin, annette, Hilda, madalena, Anna, ivy, Cynthia, byleth, caeda, Alexandrea, chell, Maria, mia, Katie, Veronica, Susie, comet, Jessica, eve, Eva, vivisection, heather, Donna, winona, guinivere, Roxanne, Lillian, Octavia, étolie, Marnie, Gaia, daisy, desura, amnesia, sunny, clementine, bocchi, Cara, Agatha, Evelyn, angèle, Louisa, Camila, roseline, louane, Averie, Melina, Lena, minthe, Emma, acorn, Cassandra, bread, willow, raven, kali, Sappho, harmony, mango, Hellan, Katelyn, aria, Elyse, Marnie, blanche, frasie, Freya, Charlotte, amandine,  Vivian, Sylvia, Sarah, Jane, Ashley, Mongolia, Alice, Sydney, pikachu, Michelle, Gowan, Madeline, Ellen, Marissa, Lana, Lilly, Ella, rose, may, Ramona, melody. :3
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romance-club-daily · 2 years ago
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Romance Club MC's as Greek deities:
Theodora Avery as Hebe:
Goddess of Youth ♾
Hebe (also called Ganymeda), is the Olympian goddess of youth, prime of life and the former cupbearer of the gods according to Greek Mythology, serving their nectar and ambrosia. She also was worshipped as the goddess of forgiveness or mercy at Sicyon. As a Goddess, she has the unique ability to return youthfulness to mortals. She was also the first cup-bearer and besides that, she helped them maintain their youthfulness.  Theodora was chosen as Hebe due to her status as an immortal. Her clothes are simpler but accentuate her youthfulness, just like Hebe.
File Source | BeautifulCome | cr.nana
Another skin colors under the cut:
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achillestheartist · 1 year ago
Finally, we’re here. It’s the final
Protagonist Portrait
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Thank you for joining me as I introduce you to my fellas. If you want to go back to see anyone specific, here they are in order of when I posted about them.
Achilles Pendragon
First Row, left to right:
Aurora Hallow
Willow Winterwood
Puck Nox
Percy M. Raine and Wolfie
Heather Ambrosia and Pumpkin
Second Row, right to left:
Piper Fuoco AKA- Phoenix
Ace Abbott AKA- Monarch
Jake River and Apollo
Andromeda “Andi” Hemmingway
Ren DiAngelo and Holly Hawthorne
Avery Jones
Prince Pisces and Prince Andreas
Row Three, left to right:
Juniper and Friend Robin
Hayden Sterling, Adrian Azure AKA- Blue Jay, and Thalia Vale AKA- Sapphire Spirit
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444namesplus · 9 months ago
Aad Aadje Aafje Aagje Aagtje Aalbert Aalbrecht Aalderik Aaldert Aaldrik Aalrik Aard Aardse Aarnout Aart Aat Abby Abdimsstork Abe Abel Abellio Abelone Abeltje Abilene Abnoba Abraham Abuja Acaciapiedbarbet Acadianflycatcher Acco Acevedo Achiel Acorn Acornwoodpecker Acosta Ad Ada Adaemkin Adalmar Adam Adamawaturtledove Adams Adamstown Adana Addisababa Adelaide Adelheid Adeliepenguin Adelmar Adelwijn Adelwin Adkins Admirablehummingbird Adolf Adri Adriaan Adrian Adrie Adrienne Adsullata Aericura Afeppigeon Afghansnowfinch Africa Agnes Agnès Agra Agrona Aguilar Aguirre Ahmedabad Akron Alain Alan Alashankou Alaska Alaunus Albacore Albania Albatross Albert Alberta Alberto Albuquerque Aldemar Aleppo Aleutiantern Alewife Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexandre Alexandria Alexis Alfons Alfonsino Alford Alfred Alfredo Algaeeater Algeria Algiers Alice Alicia Alida Aline Alisanos Alison Allahabad Allan Allen Allensgallinule Allenshummingbird Allentown Alligator Alligatorfish Allison Allium Allspice Alma Almar Almaty Aloe Alonso Alonzo Alpineaccentor Alpinechough Alpineswift Alston Altay Alvarado Alvarez Alvin Alyssa Alyssum Amanda Amandine Amarillo Amaryllis Amber Amberjack Ambisagrus Ambrosia Amelia Amethyst Amman Amsterdam Amy Amélie Ana Anaheim Ancamna Ancasta Anchorage Anchovy Anda Andarta Anderson Andong Andorra Andraste Andre Andrea Andreas Andrew Andrews Andries André Andrée Andy Anemone Anemonefish Anextiomarus Angel Angela Angelfish Angelica Angelina Angie Angler Anglerfish Angola Anguo Angélique Aniseed Anita Ankang Ankara Ankou Anlu Ann Anna Annarbor Anne Anneke Annelies Annemarie Annemieke Annette Annick Annie Anning Anouk Anqing Anqiu Anshan Anshun Antananarivo Antbird Anthony Antigua Antioch Antlia Antoine Antoinette Antonia Antonio Antoon Anyang Apostlebird Apple Apricot April Apus Aquamarine Aquarius Aquila Ara Arabia Aral Arapaima Arausio Arbutis Archerfish Arduinna Arend Argentina Arie Aries Arizona Arkansas Arlene Arlette Armando Armenia Armorhead Armstrong Arnaud Arnemetia Arnold Arnoud
Arnout Arowana Arrowtooth Artemisia Arthur Artio Artux Aruana Arvada Arvernus Arxan Asansol Ascension Ashley Ashyfacedowl Ashyheadedgoose Ashyheadedgreenpigeon Ashywoodpecker Asmara Astana Aster Astilbe Astrid Asuncion Atepomarus Athens Atkins Atkinson Atlanta Auckland Audrey Aufaniae Augusta Auriga Aurora Aurore Aurélie Aurélien Austin Australia Austria Aventia Avery Aveta Avila Avocet Ayala Ayers Ayu Azalea Azure Aäron Babyblue Baghdad Bahamas Bahrain Baicheng Baikal Bailey Baird Baise Baishan Baiyin Baker Bakersfield Baku Bala Baldwin Ball Ballan Ballard Balloonflower Baltimore Bamako Bandedkestrel Bandedkingfisher Bandedlapwing Bandedstilt Bandedwoodpecker Bandfish Bandung Bangalore Bangkok Bangladesh Bangus Banjo Banks Baoding Baoji Baoshan Baotou Baptiste Barb Barbados Barbara Barbel Barber Barbet Barbthroat Barcelona Barfish Barheadedgoose Barinthus Barkam Barker Barkingowl Barlow Barnaclegoose Barneckedcuckoodove Barnes Barnett Barnswallow Barr Barracuda Barracudina Barramundi Barranquilla Barredowlet Barreleye Barrera Barrett Barron Barry Bartlett Barton Basiel Basil Baskingshark Bass Basseterre Basslet Bastiaan Bates Batfalcon Batfish Bathawk Batonrouge Batray Battle Bauer Baxter Bayannur Bayleaf Bazhong Bazhou Beach Beachkingfisher Beachsalmon Bean Beard Beardedreedling Beardedscreechowl Beardedvulture Beardfish Beasley Beatrice Beatrijs Beaumont Beck Becker Becky Beebalm Beeeater Beehummingbird Begonia Beian Beige Beihai Beijing Beiliu Beining Beipiao Beirut Beitun Beizhen Belarus Belatucadros Belenus Belgium Belgrade Belinda Belisama Belize Bell Bellbird Bellevue Bellflower Belém Ben Bender Bengbu Benjamin Bennett Benoît Benson Bentley Benton Benxi Bep Berg Berger Berkeley Berlin Bermuda Bern Bernadette Bernard Bernice Berry Bert Bertha Bertrand Bessie Best Beth Bethany Betsy Betta Betty Beulah Beverly Bhopal Bichir Bigeye Bigscale Bijie Bill Billfish Billie Billings Billy Binzhou Bird Birmingham Bishop Bitterling Bittern Black Blackburn Blackchin Blackduck Blackfish Blackgrouse Blackheadedoriole
Blackheron Blackswan Blackswift Blacktern Blackwell Blair Blake Blanca Blanchard Blanche Blankenship Blanketflower Bleak Bleedingheart Blenny Blevins Blobfish Bloemfontein Blowfish Blue Bluebell Bluebilledduck Blueeye Bluefin Bluefish Bluegill Bluegreen Bluejay Bluequail Bluethroat Bluetit Blush Bo Boafish Boarfish Bob Bobbie Bobby Bocaccio Boga Bogota Boise Bole Bolivia Bolton Bond Bonefish Bonito Bonn Bonner Bonnetmouth Bonnie Bonytongue Booker Boone Booth Borage Borrum Borvo Bosnia Boston Botou Botswana Boudewijn Boulder Bowen Bowers Bowfin Bowman Boxfish Boyd Boyer Boyle Bozhou Boötes Brad Bradford Bradley Bradshaw Brady Bram Branch Brandi Brandon Brandy Brasilia Bratislava Bray Brazil Brazzaville Bream Brenda Brennan Brent Brett Brewer Brian Bridgeport Bridges Bridget Bridgetown Brigantia Briggs Bright Brigitte Brill Brisbane Bristlemouth Bristlenose Britain Britannia Britt Brittany Broadbill Brock Brokenarrow Bronze
Bronzewing Brooder Brooke Brooks Broom Brotula Brown Browndove Browning Brownsville Bruce Brunei Bruno Brushturkey Brussels Bryan Bryant Buchanan Bucharest Buck Buckley Buckner Budapest Buenosaires Buffalo Buffalofish Bulgaria Bullhead Bullheadshark Bullock Bullshark Bulltrout Burbank Burbot Burch Burgess Burgundy Buri Burke Burks Burmadanio Burnet Burnett Burns Burrfish Burris Bursa Burt Burton Burundi Busan Bush Bustard Butler Buttercup Butterflybush Butterflyfish Butterflyray Butterflyweed Buttonquail Buxenus Buzzard Byers Byrd Byron Byzantium Béatrice Cabrera Cactus Caelum Cain Cairo Calderon Caldwell Calendula Calgary Calhoun Cali California Callahan Caloocan Calvijn Calvin Camacho Cambodia Cambridge Camellia Camelopardalis Cameron Cameroon Camille Campbell Campestres Campinas Campos Camulus Canada Canberra Cancer Candace Candice Candiru Candlefish Candytuft Canesvenatici Canetonnessis Cangzhou Canismajor Canisminor Cannon Cantrell Cantu Capecoral Capelin Capetown Capricornus Caracas Cardenas Cardinalfish Cardinaltetra Carey Carina Carl Carla Carlos Carlsbad Carlson Carmen Carmine Carnation Carney Carol Carole Caroline Carolyn Carp Carpenter Carpetshark Carpsucker Carr Carrie Carrillo Carroll Carrollton Carson Carter Carver Cary Casablanca Case Casey Cash Cassandra Cassiopeia Castaneda Castillo Castro Catalufa Catfish Catharijne Catherine Cathy Catla Catmint Catshark Cattail Cavefish Cayenne Cecelia Cecil Cecilia Celia Centaurus Centennial Cenxi
Cepheus Cerise Cernunnos Cerulean Cervantes Cetus Chad Chamaeleon Chambers Chamdo Chamomile Champagne Chan Chandler Chaney Chang Changchun Changde Changge Changji Changle Changning Changsha Changshu Changyi Changzhi Changzhou Channelbass Channelcatfish Chantal Chaohu Chaoyang Chaozhou Chapman Char Charlene Charles Charleston Charlie Charlotte Chase Chattanooga Chavez Chelsea Chelyabinsk Chen Chengde Chengdu Chennai Chenzhou Cherry Cherrysalmon Cherubfish Cheryl Chesapeake Chester Chibi Chicago Chickadee Chifeng Chile Chimaera China Chinooksalmon Chishui Chittagong Chizhou Chloé Chocolate Chongqing Chongzhou Chongzuo Chris Christelle Christensen Christiaan Christian Christiane Christie Christina Christine Christoffel Christophe Christopher Christy Chrysanthemum Chub Chubsucker Chulavista Chumsalmon Church Chuxiong Chuzhou Cichlid Cicolluis Cimbrianus Cincinnati Cindy Circinus Cisco Cissonius Cixi Claire Clara Clarence Clark Clarke Clarksville Claude Claudia Claudine Clay Clayton Clearwater Clematis Clements Clemons Cleveland Clifford Clifton Cline Clingfish Clinton Clota Clover Clovis Clownfish Clyde Clémence Clément Co Cobaltblue Cobb Cobbler Cobia Cochran Cocidius Cockburn Cockoftherock Cod Codlet Codling Cody Coelacanth Coffee Coffey Coffinfish Cohen Cohosalmon Coimbatore Cole Coleman Colette Coley Collareddove Colleen Collegestation Collier Collins Colombia Colombo Colon Colorado Columba Columbia Columbine Columbus Coma Combfish Combs Compton Conakry Concord Condatis Condor Coneflower Conger Congo Conley Connecticut Conner Connie Conrad Constance Constantijn Contrebis Contreras Conway Cook Cooke Cookiecutter Cooley Coolieloach Cooper Coot Copeland Copenhagen Copper Cor Cora Coral Coralbells Coralie Coreopsis Corey Coriander Corinne Cormorant Cornelia Cornelis Cornetfish Corona Corpuschristi Corrie Cortez Corvus Cory Corydoras Cosmos
Costamesa Costarica Cote Cotton Coucal Courtney Coventina Cowbird Cowfish Cownose Cowshark Cowslip Cox Craft Craig Crake Crane Crappie Crater Crawford Crestedhummingbird Crestfish Crimson Cristina Croaker Croatia Crocodileshark Crocus Crosby Cross Crow Crux Cruz Crystal Cuba Cuckoo Cuckoodove Cuckoohawk Cuckooshrike Cuckoowrasse Cummings Cunningham Curitiba Curry Curtis Cusk Cuskeel Cutlassfish Cutthroateel Cutthroattrout Cyan Cyclamen Cygnus Cynthia Cyprus Cyrenaica Cyril Czech Cécile Cédric Céline Córdoba Daan Daas Dab Dace Daegu Daejeon Daffodil Daggertooth Dahlia Daisy Dakar Dale Dali Dalian Dallas Dalton Damara Damascus Damien Damona Damselfish Dan Dana Dandelion Dandong Dangyang Daniel Danielle Daniels Danio Danièle Daniël Danjiangkou Danny Danyang Danzhou Daqing Darla Darlene Darrell Darren Darryl Darter Dartfish Daryl Dashiqiao Datong Daugherty Davao Dave Davenport David Davidson Davis Dawn Dawson Daxian Day Daye Daylily Dayong Dayton Dazhou
Dealfish Dean Deanna Debbie Deborah Debra Decker Dehui Dejesus Delacruz Delaney Delaware Deleon Delgado Delhi Delia Delingha Della Delores Delphine Delphinium Delphinus Demoiselle Dengfeng Dengta Dengzhou Denis Denise Denmark Dennis Denver Derek Derrick Desertsand Desiree Detroit Devario Devilray Dexing Deyang Dezhou Dhaka Dhanbad Dhufish Diana Diane Dianna Dianne Diaobingshan Diaz Dickerson Dickson Didier Dihua Dillard Dillon Dingxi Dingzhou Dipper Dirk Dirkje Discus Diver Dixie Dixon Djibouti Dodson Dogfish Dogteeth Doha Dollarbird Dolores Dolphinfish Dominguez Dominique Don Donald Donaldson Dongfang Donggang Dongguan Dongning Dongtai Dongxing Dongyang Dongying Donna Donovan Dora Dorab Dorado Doreen Doris Dorothy Dorsey Dory Dotson Dottyback Douala Douglas Dowitcher Downey Downs Doyle Draco Dragonet Dragonfish Dragongoby Drake Driftfish Drum Duane Dubai Dublin Duckbill Dudley Duffy Dujiangyan Duke Dukou Duncan
Dunhua Dunhuang Dunlap Dunn Duran Durban Durham Dushanbe Duskygrouper Dustin Duyun Dwarfkingfisher Dwayne Dwight Dyer Dylan Eagleowl Eagleray Earl Eaton Ebony Ecuador Eddie Edgar Edison Edith Edmonton Edna Eduard Eduardo Edward Edwards Edwin Eel Eelgoby Eelpout Eeltailcatfish Egypt Eileen Ekaterinoburg El-jadida Elaine Elasmobranch Eleanor Electricblue Electriceel Elena Elephantnose Elgin Eliene Eline Elisa Elizabeth Elkgrove Ella Ellen Elliott Ellis Ellison Elmer Elmonte Eloise Elsa Elsie Elver Elvira Emeishan Emerald Emeraldcuckoo Emerson Emily Emirates Emma Emmanuel Emmanuelle Emperor England English Enping Enrique Enshi Enzo Equuleus Erenhot Ergun Eric Erica Erickson Eridanus Erik Erika Erin Eritrea Erma Ernest Ernestine Escolar Esfahan Esmée Espinoza Essen Essie Estelle Estes Esther Estonia Estrada Esus Ethel Ethiopia Eucalyptus Eugene Eula Eulachon Eunice Eva Evans Evansville Evelyn Everett Evert Ewing Ezhou Fabien Fabienne Fabrice Fagus Fairfield Fairybluebird Faisalabad Faith Falcon Falklands Fangchenggang Fangtooth Fannie Fanny Fargo Faridabad Farley Farmer Farrell Faulkner Faye Featherback Feicheng Felicia Felix Fengcheng Fenghua Fengzhen Fennel Fenyang Ferguson Fern Fernandez Fernando Ferrell Fields Fierasfer Figueroa Filefish Finch Finfoot Fingerfish Finland Finley Firefish Fischer Fisheagle Fisher Fishowl Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Flagblenny Flagfin Flagfish Flagtail Flameback Flamingo Flashlightfish Flatfish Flathead Fleming Fletcher Flicker Flier Flora Florence Florent Flores Florian Florican Florida Flounder Flowers Floyd Flufftail Flyingfish Flynn Foley Folkert Footballfish Forbes Ford Foreman Forestfalcon Forgetmenot Fornax Forsythia Fortaleza Fortcollins Fortlauderdale Fortwayne Fortworth Foshan Foster Fowler Fox Foxglove France Frances Francine Francis Francisco Franck Franco Francolin Frank Franklin Franks Frans François Françoise Frazier Fred Freda Freddie Frederick Frederik Freeman Freetown Fremont French Fresno Frigatebird Fringehead
Frisco Frogfish Frost Fruitdove Fruiteater Fry Frye Frédéric Fuan Fuding Fuentes Fujin Fukang Fukuoka Fuller Fullerton Fulton Funafuti Fuqing Fuquan Fushun Fusilier Fuxin Fuyang Fuyu Fuyuan Fuzhou Fès Gaborone Gabriel Gail Gaines Gaizhou Galjoen Gallagher Gallegos Galloway Gambia Gamble Gangesshark Gannet Ganzhou Gaoan Gaobeidian Gaomi Gaoping Gaoyou Gaozhou Gar Garcia Gardenia Gardner Garibaldi Garland Garlic Garner Garpike Garrett Garrison Gary Garza Gates Gay Gayfeather Gayle Gaétan Gaëlle Gejiu Gemini Gene Geneva Genevieve Geneviève Genhe Gentry George Georges Georgetown Georgette Georgia Gerald Geraldine Geranium Gerard Gerardus Germaine Germany Gerrit Gert Gertrude Ghana Ghislaine Ghostfish Ghostflathead Ghostknifefish Ghostpipefish Ghostshark Ghoul Gibberfish Gibbs Gibraltar Gibson Gijs Gilbert Giles Gill Gilles Gillespie Gilliam Gilmore Gina Ginette Ginger Gisèle Giza Gladiolus Gladys Glass Glassfish Glen Glenda Glendale Glenn Globeflower Gloria Glossystarling Glover Gnatcatcher Goatfish Goawaybird Goby Godelieve Goedele Goele Goff Goiânia Gold Golden Goldeneye Goldenplover Goldensparrow Goldentrout Goldeye Goldfinch Goldfish Golmud Gombessa Gomez Gongqingcheng Gongyi Gongzhuling Gonzales Gonzalez Good Goodman Goodwin Goose Goosefish Gordon Goshawk Gould Gourami Grace Graham Grandprairie Grandrapids Grannus Grant Grass Grassowl Graveldiver Graves Gray Grayling Greece Green Greenbay Greene Greeneye
Greenland Greenling Greenpigeon Greensboro Greer Greg Gregory Grenada Grenadier Gresham Gretchen Greyhornbill Greywoodpecker Griffin Griffith Grimes Gross Groundcuckoo Grounddove Groundshark Grouper Grozny Grunion Grunt Grunter Gruntsculpin Grus Grégory Guadalajara Guadalupe Guam Guan Guangan Guanghan Guangshui Guangyuan Guangzhou Guarulhos Guatemala Guayaquil Gudgeon Gudula Guernsey Guerra Guerrero Guigang Guilin Guillaume Guinea Guineafowl Guiping Guisui Guitarfish Guixi Guiyang Gujiao Gujranwala Gull Gulper Gunnel Guppy Gurnard Gustaaf Gustavia Guthrie Gutierrez Guy Guyuan Guzman Gwangju Gwen Gwendolyn Gérard Haddock Hagfish Hahn Haicheng Haidong Haikou Hailin Hailun Haimen Haining Hairtail Haiti Haiyang Hake Hale Haley Halfbeak Halfmoon Halibut Hall Halosaur Hama Hamburg Hami Hamilton Hamlet Hammerhead Hammerjaw Hammond Hampton Hancheng Hanchuan Hancock Handan Handfish Haney Hangzhou Hannah Hanoi Hans Hansen Hanson Hanzhong Harare Harbin Hardhead Hardin Harding Hardy Harelip Hargeisa Harlequin Harm Harmon Harold Harper Harrell Harrier Harrierhawk Harriet Harrington Harris Harrison Harry Hart Hartman Harvey Hatchetfish Hatfield Hattie Havana Hawaii Hawkeagle Hawkfish Hawkins Hawkowl Hayden Hayes Haynes Hays Hazel Head Heath Heather Hebert Hebi Hechi Hechuan Hector Hefei Hegang Heidi Heihe Hejian Hejin Helen Helena Helong Helsinki Henderson Hendrick Hendricks
Hendrix Hengshui Hengyang Henri Henrietta Henriette Henry Hensley Henson Herbert Hercules Herman Hernandez Heron Herrera Herring Herringgull Hervé Heshan Hess Hester Hewitt Heyuan Heze Hezhou Hezuo Hibiscus Hickman Hicks Higgins Hilda Hill Hillsboro Hillstar Hines Hinton Hiroshima Hobbs Hobby Hodge Hodges Hoffman Hogan Hogsucker Hohhot Hoki Holcomb Holden Holder Holingol Holland Holloway Holly Hollyhock Hollywood Holman Holmes Holt Homs Honeybird Honeybuzzard Honeysuckle Honghu Hongjiang Hongkong Honiara Honolulu Hood Hooper Hoopoe Hoover Hope Hopkins Hopper Horn Hornbill Horne Hornshark Horologium Horsefish Horsemackerel Horton Hosta Hotan Houma Houndshark House Houston Howard Howe Howell Huadian Huaian Huaibei Huaihua Huainan Huaiyin Huanggang Huanghua Huangshan Huangshi Huayin Huaying Huazhou Hubbard Huber Huberta Huchen Hudson Hueteris Huetiris Huff Huffman Hugh Hughes Hugo Huguette Huhehaote Huixian Huizhou Hulin Hull Huludao Hulunbuir Hummingbird Humphrey Hunchun Hungary Hunjiang Hunt Hunter Huntingtonbeach Huntsville Huozhou Hurley Hurst Hussar Hutchinson Huzhou Hyacinth Hyde Hyderabad Hydra Hydrangea Hydrus Hyssop Hànoi Hélène Ian Ibadan Icefish Iceland Ida Idaho Ide Ieneke Ienje Ilisha Illinois Impatien Imperialpigeon Inanga Incheon Inconnu Independence India Indiana Indianapolis Indigo Indonesia Indore Indus Ineke Ines Inez Inglewood Ingram Intarabus Inès Iovantucarus Iowa Iran Iraq Ireland Irene Iris Irma Irvine Irving Irwin Irène Isaac Isabel Isabelle Islamabad Israel Istanbul Italy Ivan Ivory Ivy Izmir Jaap Jabalpur Jacamar Jacana Jack Jackfish Jackie Jackson Jacksonville Jacob Jacoba Jacobs Jacobson Jacobus Jacqueline Jacquelyn Jacques Jade Jaime Jaipur Jakarta Jakob Jamaica James Jamestown Jamie Jamshedpur Jan Jana Jane Janet Janice Janie Janine Janis Jannetje Jannie Japan Jared Jarvis Jasmijn Jasmine Jason Javelin Javier Jawfish Jay Jean Jeanclaude Jeanette
Jeanfrançois Jeanlouis Jeanluc Jeanmarc Jeanmarie Jeanmichel Jeanne Jeannette Jeannie Jeannine Jeanpaul Jeanpierre Jeddah Jeff Jefferson Jeffery Jeffrey Jellynose Jenkins Jenna Jennie Jennifer Jennings Jenny Jensen Jeremy Jeroen Jerome Jerry Jerseycity Jerusalem Jesse Jessica Jessie Jesus Jet Jewel Jewelbabbler Jewelfish Jewfish Jiamusi Jian Jiande Jiangdu Jiangjin Jiangmen Jiangshan Jiangyin Jiangyou Jianou Jianyang Jiaohe Jiaozhou Jiaozuo Jiaxing Jiayuguan Jieshou Jiexiu Jieyang Jilin Jill Jim Jimenez Jimmie Jimmy Jimo Jinan Jinchang Jincheng Jingdezhen Jinggangshan Jinghong Jingjiang Jingmen Jingsha Jingxi Jingzhou Jinhua Jining Jinjiang Jinshi Jinxi Jinzhong Jinzhou Jishou Jiujiang Jiuquan Jixi Jiyuan Jo Joachim Joan Joann Joanna Joanne Jocelyne Jochem Jodi Jody Joe Joel Johan Johanna Johannes Johannesburg John Johndory Johnnie Johnny Johns Johnson Johnston Joke Joliet Jon Jonathan Jones Jonquil Joost Jordan Jorge Joris Jose Josefien Josefina Joseph Josepha Josephine Josette Joshua Josian Josien Josina José Joy Joyce Joyner Joël Joëlle Juan Juana Juanita Juarez Juba Judith Judy Julia Julian Julie Julien Juliette Julio June Junglegreen Juniper Jurong Justice Justin Justine Juárez Jérôme Kabul Kafue Kahawai Kaifeng Kaili Kaiping Kaiyuan Kalookan Kaluga Kalyan Kampala Kane Kangding Kano Kanpur Kansas Kansascity Kanyu Kaohsiung Kara Karachi Karaj Karamay Karel Karen Kari Karine Karl Karla Kashgar Kashmir Kate Katherine Kathleen Kathmandu Kathryn Kathy Katie Katowice Katrina Kaufman Kawasaki Kay Kayes Kayla Kazan Kees Keith Keller Kelley Kelli Kellie Kelly Kelpfish Kelpperch Kemp Ken
Kendra Kennedy Kenneth Kent Kentucky Kenya Kerr Kerria Kerry Kestrel Kevin Key Kharkiv Khartoum Khorgas Kidd Kiev Killeen Killifish Kim Kimberly King Kingfish Kingfisher Kingofthesalmon Kingston Kingstown Kinney Kinshasa Kirby Kirk Kirkland Klein Kline Knapp Knifefish Knifejaw Knight Knowles Knox Knoxville Kobe Koch Kochi Koenraad Koi Kokanee Kokdala Kokopu Kolkata Korea Korla Kosovo Koulikoro Kramer Krista Kristen Kristi Kristie Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristy Krystal Kualalumpur Kumasi Kunming Kunshan Kunyu Kurdistan Kurt Kuwait Kuwaitcity Kuytun Kyle Kyoto Labyrinthfish Lacerta Ladyfish Laetitia Lafayette Lagena Lagos Lahore Laibin Laiwu Laixi Laiyang Laizhou Lakeland Lakewood Lamb Lambert Lamium Lampfish Lamprey Lana Lancaster Lance Lancetfish Landry Lane Lang Langfang Langley Langzhong Lansing Lantana Lanternfish Lanternshark Lanxi Lanzhou Laohekou Laos Lapwing Lara Laredo Largemouth Lark Larkspur Larry Larsen Larson Lascruces Lasvegas Latobius Latoya Latvia Laura Laure Lauren Laurence Laurens Laurent Laurie Lavender Laverne Lawrence Lawson Le Leach Leaffish Leah Leatherjacket Lebanon Leblanc Lechang Lee Leendert Leentje Lefteyeflounder Leigh Leiyang Leizhou Lela Leling Lemon Lemonshark Lemonsole Lena Lengshuijiang Lenok Lenus Leo Leominor Leon Leona Leonard Leopard Leping Lepus Leqing Leroy Leshan Leslie Lester Leticia Leucetios Levine Levy Lewis Lewisville Lexington León Lhasa Lia
Lianjiang Lianyuan Lianyungang Lianzhou Liaocheng Liaoyang Liaoyuan Libra Libreville Libya Lichuan Lidewij Liechtenstein Lies Lieve Lieven Lightfish Lijiang Lila Lilac Liliane Liling Lillian Lillie Lily Lilyofthevalley Lima Lime Limia Linan Lincang Lincoln Linda Lindsay Lindsey Linedsole Linfen Ling Lingbao Lingcod Linghai Lingwu Lingyuan Linhai Linjiang Linqing Linxia Linxiang Linyi Linzhou Lionel Lionfish Lisa Lisbon Lishui Lithuania Little Littlerock Liuan Liupanshui Liuyang Liuzhou Livebearer Livingston Liyang Lizardfish Lloyd Loach Lobelia Lodewijk Loes Logan Logrunner Lois Lola London Long Longbeach Longfin Longhai Longjing Longkou Longnan Longquan Longyan Lonnie Loosejaw Loosestrife Lopez Lora Lore Lorena Lorene Loretta Lori Lorraine Losangeles Lott Lotte Loudi Louis Louise Louisiana Louvar Love Lowe Lowell Lowery Loïc Luan Luanda Lubbock Luc Lucas Lucheng Lucia Lucie Lucien Lucienne Lucille Lucknow Lucy Luderick Ludhiana Ludovic Lufeng Lugus Luis Luk Lula Lumpsucker Luna Lungfish Luoding Luohe Luoyang Lupine Lupus Lusaka Lushan Lushui Luuk Luxembourg Luxi Luxovius Luz Luzhou Lydia Lydie Lynch Lynda Lynette Lynn Lynne Lynx Lyons Lyra Léa Lüda Lüliang Maanshan Maarten Maartje Mabel Mable Macau Macdonald Macedonia Macheng Macias Mack Mackerel Mackerelshark Macon Madagascar Madden Maddox Madeleine Madelief Madeline Madison Madrid Madtom Madurai Mae Magali Magenta Magentarose Maggie Magnolia Magpie
Mahseer Maine Makasar Makkah Makoshark Malaysia Maldives Maldonado Mali Malone Malta Mamie Manaus Manchester Mandy Manefish Mang Mango Manila Mann Manning Manofwar Manon Mantaray Manuel Manzhouli Maoming Maponos Maponus Maputo Maracaibo Marblefish Marc Marcel Marcella Marcelle Marcia Marcus Margaret Margarita Margie Margreet Margriet Marguerite Maria Marian Marianne Marie Mariechristine Marieclaude Mariethérèse Marietje Marigold Marigot Marilyn Marine Mario Marion Maritje Mariëlle Marjoram Marjorie Mark Marks Marlene Marlin Maroon Marquez Marrakech Marsh Marsha Marshall Marshharrier Marta Martha Martijn Martin Martine Martinez Martinus Marvin Mary Maryann Maryland Maseru Mashhad Maskedowl Mason Massachusetts Massey Masu Mathew Mathews Mathieu Mathilde Mathis Matthew Matthews Matthieu Matthijs Mattie Maureen Maurice Maurits Mauve Max Maxime Maximiliaan Maxine Maxwell May Mayer Maynard Mayo Mays Mcallen Mcbride Mccall Mccarthy Mccarty Mcclain Mcclure Mcconnell Mccormick Mccoy Mccray Mccullough Mcdaniel Mcdonald Mcdowell Mcfadden Mcfarland Mcgee Mcgowan Mcguire Mcintosh Mcintyre Mckay Mckee Mckenzie Mckinney Mcknight Mclaughlin Mclean Mcleod Mcmahon Mcmillan Mcneil Mcpherson Meadows Medaka Medan Medellín Medina Medusafish Meerut Meeuwis Megamouthshark Megan Meghan Meihekou Meishan Meixian Meizhou Mejia Melanie Melba
Melbourne Melendez Melinda Melissa Melody Melton Melvin Memphis Mendez Mendoza Mengzhou Mengzi Menhaden Menno Mensa Mercado Mercedes Mercer Meredith Merrill Merritt Mesa Mesquite Metaltail Mexico Mexicocity Meyer Meyers Miami Miamigardens Mianyang Mianzhu Michael Michaël Micheal Michel Michele Micheline Michelle Michigan Michèle Mickaël Micronesia Microscopium Middleton Midland Mie Miek Mieke Miep Mies Miguel Mike Milan Mildred Mile Miles Milkfish Miller Mills Milton Miluo Milwaukee Mindy Mingguang Minneapolis Minnesota Minnie Minnow Minnowofthedeep Minsk Mint Miranda Mireille Miriam Mirjam Mishan Mississippi Missouri Mistletoe Misty Mitchell Mobile Modocsucker Mogadishu Moguns Mohamed Mojarra Mola Molina Molly Mona Monaco Monarchbird Mongolia Monica Monique Monkfish Monkshood Monoceros Monroe Monrovia Montana Monterrey Montevideo Montgomery Montoya Montréal Moody Moon Mooney Mooneye Moonfish Moonflower Moore Mopti Mora Morales Moran Moray Moreno Morgan Morgane Morid Morin Moritasgus Morningglory Morocco Morris Morrison Morrow Morse Morton Morwong Moscow Moses Mosley Mosquitofish Moss Mountaintoucan Mouthbrooder Mozambique Mrigal Mudanjiang Mudcat Mudfish Mudminnow Mudskipper Mudsucker Mueller Muling Mullen Mullet Mullins Mullo Multan Mumbai Mummichog Munoz Murfreesboro Muriel Murphy Murray Murraycod Murrelet
Murrieta Musca Muscat Muskellunge Mustardeel Myers Myra Myriam Myrtle Mélanie Mélissa München Nadia Nadine Nagoya Nagpur Nairobi Nakuru Nan'an Nanan Nanchang Nanchong Nancy Nangong Nanhai Nanjing Nanning Nanping Nantong Nanxiong Nanyang Nanzheng Naomi Naperville Naples Narcissus Nase Nash Nashik Nashville Nassau Nasturtium Natalie Natasha Nathalie Nathan Nathaniel Nativehen Navarro Navyblue Neal Nebraska Needlefish Needletail Neeltje Nehe Neijiang Neil Nel Nellie Nelson Nemausus Nepal Nerius Netherlands Nettie Nevada Newhampshire Newjersey Newman Newmexico Neworleans Newportnews Newton Newyork Nguyen Nibblefish Nicaragua Nicholas Nichole Nichols Nicholson Nicolaas Nicolas Nicole Nicosia Nicotiana Nielsen Nienke Nieves Niger Nigeria Nighthawk Nightheron Nightjar Nina Ningan Ningbo Ningde Ningguo Nixon Noble Nodens Noel Nolan Noodlefish Nora Norfolk Norma Norman Norris Northcarolina Northcharleston Northdakota Northlasvegas Norton Norwalk Norway Novosibirsk Noémie Nunbird Nunez Nurseryfish Nurseshark Nyingchi Oakland Oarfish Obrien Oceanside Ocher Ochoa Oconnor Octans Océane Odessa Odette Odile Odom Odonnell Ogmios Ohio Oilfish Oklahoma Oklahomacity Olathe Oldwife Oleander Olga Olive Olivepigeon Oliver Olivia Olivier Ollie Olsen Olson Omaha Oman Omdurman Omsk Oneal Oneil Oneill Ontario Opah Opal Opaleye Openbill Ophiuchus Ora Orange Orangetree Orchid Ordos Oregon Orion Orlando Orr Ortega Ortiz Osaka Osborn Osborne Oscar Oslo Ottawa Ouagadougou Overlandpark Owen Owens Owlet Oystercatcher Pace Pacheco Paddlefish Padilla Page Paintedsnipe Pakistan Palembang Palestine Palm Palmbay Palmdale Palmer Palmswift Pam Pamela Panama Panga Panjin Panshi Pansy Panzhihua Paradisefish Paradiseflycatcher Paraguay Paris Park Parker Parks Parore Parrish Parrotfish Parsons Partridge Pasadena Pascal Pascale Passionflower Pat Pate Patel Paterson Patrice Patricia Patrick Patsy Patterson Patti
Patton Patty Paul Paula Paulette Pauline Pavo Payne Peach Peacockflounder Peacockpheasant Peamouth Pear Pearl Pearland Pearleye Pearlfish Pearson Peck Pedro Pegasus Peggy Pelicaneel Pembrokepines Pena Pencilfish Pencilsmelt Penglai Penguin Pengzhou Penh Pennington Pennsylvania Penny Peony Peoria Perch Perez Periwinkle Perkins Perry Perseus Persianblue Perth Peru Peter Peters Petersen Peterson Petrel Petty Petunia Petunias Pheasant Phelps Philadelphia Philip Philippe Philippines Philipsburg Phillip Phillips Phnom Phnompenh Phoenix Phyllis Pickerel Pickett Pictor Piculet Piedhornbill Pien Pierce Pierre Pierrette Piet Pieter Pigfish Pike Pikeblenny Pikeconger Pikeperch Pilchard Pilotfish Pim Pine Pineapplefish Pineconefish Pingdingshan Pingdu Pinghu Pingliang Pingxiang Pink Pinks Pinksalmon Pipefish Piranha Pirarucu Pirateperch Pisces Pittman Pitts Pittsburgh Pizhou Plaice Plano Platy Platyfish Pleco Plownose Plum Plymouth Poacher Pol Poland Pollard Pollock Pollyfish Pomfret Pomona Pompano Pompanobeach Ponyfish Poole Pope Poppy Porbeagle Porcupinefish Porgy Porter Portland Portoalegre Portugal Potter Potts Powell Powen Powers Prague Praia Pratt Preston Pretoria Price Prickleback Pricklefish Pricklypear Pricklyshark Primrose Prince Priscilla Pristina Providence Prowfish Pruitt Prussianblue Puce Puckett Pueblo Puer Puffbird Puffer Pufferfish Puffin Puffleg Pugh Pumpkinseed Pune Puning Pupfish Puppis Puqi Purple Putian Puyang Pygmyfalcon Pygmygoose Pygmykingfisher Pygmyowl Pyongyang Pyxis Píntano Qianan Qianjiang Qidong Qingdao Qingtongxia Qingyang Qingyuan Qingzhen Qingzhou Qinhuangdao Qinyang Qinzhou Qionghai Qionglai Qiqihaer Qiqihar Qitaihe Qixia Quanzhou Quentin Qufu Quillback Quillfish Quinn Quito Qujing Quzhou Rabat Rabbitfish Rachael Rachel Rafael Ragfish Rail Rainbowfish Rainbowtrout Raleigh Ralph Ramallah Ramirez Ramon Ramona Ramos Ramsey Ranchocucamonga Randall Randolph Randy Raphaël Raquel
Rasbora Rasmussen Raspberry Ratfish Ratliff Rattail Raul Rawalpindi Ray Raymond Raymonde Razorfish Rebecca Recife Red Redfin Redfish Redlip Redmouth Redsalmon Redsnapper Redstart Redviolet Reed Reedfish Reedwarbler Reefshark Reese Reeves Regina Reginald Reid Reilly Remora Renaat Renate Rene Renee Renhuai Reno Renqiu René Renée Requiemshark Reticulum Reyes Reykjavik Reynolds Rhode Rhodes Rhododendron Rhonda Rialto Ribboneel Ribbonfish Ricardo Rice Riceeel Ricefish Rich Richard Richards Richardson Richmond Rick Ricky Riddle Ridgehead Rie Riga Riggs Rik Riley Rinus Riodejaneiro Rios Rita Rivas Rivera Rivers Riverside Rivuline Riyadh Rizhao Roach Roadtown Roanokebass Robbins Roberson Robert Roberta Roberto Roberts Robertson Robin Robinson Robles Robor Robyn Rocha Rochelle Rockbass Rockbeauty Rockcod Rockfish Rockford Rockjumper Rockling Rockpigeon Rodgers Rodney Rodriguez Rodriquez Roger Rogers Rogier Rohu Rojas Roland Rollins Romaan Romain Roman Romania Rome Romero Ron Ronald Rongcheng Ronnie Ronquil Roosterfish Ropefish Rosa Rosales Rosalie Rosario Rose Roseau Rosemarie Rosemary Rosie Ross Roth Rotterdam Roughscad Roughsculpin Roughy Roundhead Roundrock Rowe Rowland Roxanne Roy Ruben Ruby Rudd Rudderfish Rudianos Ruffe Rugao Ruian Ruichang Ruijin Ruili Ruiz Rush Rushan Russell Russia Russo Ruth Rutledge Ruud Ruzhou Rwanda Ryan Régine Régis Rémi Rémy Sabertooth Sabertoothfish Sabine Sablefish Sabrina Sacramento Sacredibis Sadie Sage Sagitta Sagittarius Sailfish Saintpaul Saintpetersburg Saipan Saitama Salamanderfish Salas Salazar Salem Salinas Sally Salmon Salmonshark Saltlakecity Salvador Salvia Sam Samantha Samara Sampson Samuel Sanantonio Sanchez Sandbarshark Sandburrower Sanddab Sanddiver Sandeel Sander Sanders Sandfish Sandgoby Sandgrouse Sandiego Sandknifefish Sandlance Sandoval Sandperch Sandra Sandrine Sandroller Sandstargazer Sandtiger Sandtilefish
Sandy Sandysprings Sanford Sanfrancisco Sangria Sanhe Sanjose Sanjuan Sanmarino Sanmateo Sanmenxia Sanming Sanne Sansalvador Sansha Santa Santaana Santaclara Santaclarita Santamaria Santana Santarosa Santiago Santodomingo Santos Sanya Saopaulo Saotome Sapphire Sapporo Sara Sarah Sarajevo Sardine Sargassumfish Sargent Saskia Satinbird Saudi Sauger Saunders Saury Savage Sawfish Sawshark Sawyer Scabbardfish Scabiosa Scalyfin Scarlet Scat Schmidt Schneider Schroeder Schultz Schwartz Scilla Scimitarbill Scissortail Scopsowl Scorpionfish Scorpius Scott Scottsdale Screechowl Scrubfowl Sculpin Sculptor Scup Scurassow Scutum Seabass Seabream Seacatfish Seachub Seadevil Seadragon Seahorse Sealamprey Seamoth Sean Searaven Searobin Sears Seasnail Seatoad Seattle Sebastiaan Sedatus Sedum Segomo Sellers Semarang Sendai Seoul Serbia Serge Sergio Serpens Serpenteagle Serrano Seth Sextans Sexton Seychelles Shad Shaffer Shag Shahe Shane Shanghai Shangluo Shangqiu Shangrao Shangrila Shangzhi Shannan Shannon Shantou Shanwei Shaoguan Shaoshan Shaowu Shaoxing Shaoyang Shari Shark Sharksucker Sharon Sharp Sharpe Sharpnose Shaw Shawn Shawna Sheartail Shearwater Sheatfish Sheathbill Sheepshead Sheila Shelduck Shelia Shelley Shelly Shelton Shengzhou Shenyang Shenzhen Shenzhou Shepard Shepherd Sheppard Sheri Sherman Sherri Sherry Sheryl Shields Shifang Shigatse Shihezi Shijiazhuang Shiner Shiraz Shirley Shishi Shishou Shiyan Shizuishan Short Shouguang Shoveler Shrimpfish Shrubroses Shuanghe Shuangliao Shuangyashan Shulan Shunde
Shuozhou Siamesefightingfish Sicklebill Sidney Sieme Sihui Sikasso Sillago Silva Silver Silverlacevine Silverside Silvia Simao Simivalley Simmons Simon Simone Simpson Sims Singapore Singleton Siouxfalls Siping Sixgillray Sixgillshark Sjaak Skate Skilfish Skimmer Skinner Skipjacktuna Skopje Slategray Slater Sleeper Sleepershark Slickhead Slimehead Slipmouth Sloan Slovakia Slovenia Small Smelt Smeltwhiting Smertrios Smilax Smith Snailfish Snakeeel Snakehead Snapdragon Snapper Snider Snipe Snipeeel Snipefish Snoek Snook Snow Snowballbush Snowcock Snowdrops Snubnose Snyder Sofia Solange Soldierfish Sole Solis Solomon Somalia Songyuan Songzi Sonia Sonja Sonya Sophia Sophie Sosa Soto Southbend Southcarolina Southdakota Spadefish Spaghettieel Spain Sparks Sparrow Sparrowhawk Spearfish Spears Speckledtrout Spence Spencer Spiderfish Spiderflower Spikefish Spinefoot Spinetail Spinyfin Splitfin Spookfish Spoonbill Sprat Springbud Springfield Springfish Springgreen Spurfowl Squaretail Squawfish Squeaker Squirrelfish Stacey Stacy Stafford Stamford Stanley Stanton Starfrontlet Stargazer Stark Starling Steele Steelhead Stefan Stein Stella Stephanie Stephanotis Stephen Stephens Stephenson Steve Steven Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stickleback Stingfish Stingray Stock Stockholm Stockton Stokes Stone Stonecat Stonefish Stoneroller Stork Stormpetrel Stout Strawberry Streamertail Strickland Strong Stuart Sturgeon Stéphane Stéphanie Suarez
Sucellos Sucheng Sucker Sudan Sue Sugarbird Suifenhe Suihua Suining Suixi Suizhou Sukhumi Sullivan Summers Sunbeam Sunfish Sunflower Sunnyvale Suqian Surabaya Surat Surfperch Surgeonfish Surprise Susan Susie Sutton Suva Suzanne Suzhou Svalbard Swallower Swampeel Swampfish Swamphen Swanson Sweden Sweeney Sweeper Sweet Sweetpea Swift Swiftlet Switzerland Swordfish Swordtail Sydney Sykes Sylvain Sylvia Sylvie Syracuse Syria Sábalo Sébastien Ségou Séverine Tabitha Tabriz Tacheng Tadpolefish Taian Taicang Taichung Tailor Taimen Taipei Taishan Taiwan Taixing Taiyuan Taizhou Tallahassee Talley Tallinn Tamara Tami Tammy Tampa Tan Tang Tangerang Tangshan Tanner Tanya Taonan Tapetail Tara Taranis Tarpon Tarwhine Tasha Tashkent Tate Taupe Taurus Taylor Tbilisi Teal Ted Tehran Telescopefish Telescopium Temecula Tempe Tench Tengchong Tengzhou Tennessee Tenpounder Tenuis Teresa Teri Tern Terrance Terrell Terrence Terri Terry Tessa Tetra Texas Thailand Thane Thelma Theo Theodore Theresa Thierry Thijs Thomas Thompson Thornfish Thorntail Thornton Threadfin Threadtail Threetoedwoodpecker Thresher Throatedmountaingem Throatedsunangel Thyme Théo Thérèse Tianchang Tianjin Tianmen Tianshui Tiefa Tieli Tieling Tiemenguan Tiffany Tigerbarb Tigerheron Tigerperch Tigershark Tijn Tijuana Tilapia Tilefish Tillman Tim Timo Timor Timothy Tina Toadfish Tobago Todd Tokyo Toledo Tom Tomas Tommy Tommyruff Tompot Tongcheng Tongchuan Tonghua Tongjiang Tongliao Tongling Tongren Tongshi Tonguefish Tongxiang Tongzhou Toni Tonny Tony Tonya Tope Topeka Topminnow Toronto Torpedo Torrance Torres Toutatis Town Townsend Tracey Traci Tracy Trahira Tran Travis Treecreeper Treefish Trees Trevally Trevino Triangulum Tricia Tridamos Triggerfish Trijntje Trinidad Triplefin Triplespine Tripletail Tripoli Trogon Trout Troutperch Troy Trujillo Trumpeter Trumpetfish Trumpetvine Trunkfish Truus Tubeblenny Tubeeye Tubeshoulder Tubesnout Tucana Tucker Tucson Tulip Tulsa
Tumen Tumxuk Tuna Tunis Tunisia Tunny Turbot Turkey Turkeyfish Turkmenistan Turner Turpan Turquoise Tyler Tyrone Tyson Uaru Uganda Ukraine Ulanhot Ulanqab Ulsan Underwood Unicornfish Unitedkingdom Ursamajor Ursaminor Uruguay Urumqi Utah Uzbekistan Vadodara Vaduz Valdez Valencia Valentijn Valentin Valentine Valenzuela Valerie Vallejo Valletta Valérie Vance Vancouver Vanessa Vang Vanjaram Vanuatu Varanasi Vargas Vasquez Vatican Vaticancity Vaughan Vaughn Vazquez Veerle Veerletje Vega Vela Velasquez Velazquez Velez Velma Velvetfish Vendace Venezuela Vera Vermont Verna Vernon Veronica Veteris Vheteris Vicki Vickie Vicky Victor Victoria Victorville Vienna Vientiane Vietnam Villarreal Vilnius Vimba Vinca Vincent Vindonnus Vinotonus Vinson Viola Violet Viperfish Virgil Virginia Virginiabeach Virginie Virgo Viridian Virotutis Visakhapatnam Viscaria Vista Visucius Vitiris Vivian Volans Volgograd Vosegusabudhabi Vulpeculaafghanistan Véronique Wade
Wafangdian Wagner Wahoo Walker Wall Wallace Wallago Waller Walleye Walls Walsh Walter Walters Walton Walu Wanda Wanning Wanyuan Warbler Ward Ware Warmouth Warner Warren Warsaw Wartyangler Waryfish Washington Waspfish Waterbury Waters Watkins Watson Wattledlapwing Wattleeye Watts Waxbill Wayne Weaselshark Weatherfish Weaver Webb Weber Webster Weeks Weever Weeverfish Weifang Weihai Weihaiwei Weihui Weinan Weiss Welch Wellington Wells Wenchang Wendy Wenling Wenzhou Wesley West Westjordan Westminster Westpalmbeach Westvalleycity Westvirginia Whalefish Whaleshark Wheeler Whiff Whistlingduck Whitaker White Whitebait Whitecroaker Whiteeye Whitefish Whitehead Whiteibis Whitemarlin Whitepelican Whiteshark Whitetip Whitetipshark Whitfield Whiting Whitley Whitney Wichita Wichitfalls Wiebrand Wigeon Wiggins Wilcox Wilder Wiley Wilhelmina Wilkerson Wilkins Wilkinson Willard Willem Willemijn William Williams Williamson Willie Willis Wilma Wilmington Wilson Wim Windhoek Winifred Winstonsalem Winters Wisconsin Wise Wisteria Witt Wobbegong Wolf Wolfe Wolfeel Wolffish Wolfherring Wong Wood Woodard Woodbridge Woodcock Woodowl Woodpecker Woodpigeon Woodquail Woodruff Woods Woodstarabandinus Woodward Wooten Workman Wormeel Wormfish Wouder Wouteralbacore Wrasse Wright Wrymouth Wuan Wuchang Wuchuan Wudalianchi Wugang Wuhai Wuhan Wuhu Wujiaqu Wujin Wusu Wuwei Wuxi Wuxian Wuxue Wuyishan Wuzhishan Wuzhong Wuzhou Wyatt Wynn Wyomingabbott Xavier Xiamen Xian Xiangcheng Xiangfan Xiangtan Xiangxiang Xiangyang Xianning Xiantao Xianyang Xiaogan Xiaoshan Xiaoyi Xichang Xilinhot Xingcheng Xinghua Xingning Xingping Xingshan Xingtai Xingyang Xingyi Xinhailian Xining Xinji Xinle Xinmi Xinmin Xintai Xinxiang Xinyang Xinyi Xinyu Xinzheng Xinzhou Xishan Xuancheng Xuanwei Xuchang Xuzhou Yaan Yakeshi Yanan Yancheng Yang Yangchun Yangjiang Yangon Yangquan Yangzhong Yangzhou Yanji Yann Yannick Yanshi Yantai Yaounde Yarrow Yates
Yellowandromeda Yellowbass Yellowhead Yellowjack Yellowmargin Yellowtail Yemen Yerevan Yibin Yichang Yicheng Yichun Yidu Yima Yinchuan Yingcheng Yingde Yingkou Yingtan Yining Yiwu Yixing Yiyang Yizheng Yizhou Yokohama Yolanda Yongan Yongcheng Yongchuan Yongji Yongkang Yongzhou Yonkersaaron York Young Yuanjiang Yuanping Yucheng Yueqing Yueyang Yulin Yumen Yuncheng Yunfu Yushu Yuxi Yuyao Yuzhou Yves Yvette Yvonne Zacharyalabama Zagrebaksu Zamora Zander Zaoyang Zaozhuang Zealand Zebrafish Zebraloach Zebrashark Zhalantun Zhangjiagang Zhangjiajie Zhangjiakou Zhangping Zhangqiu Zhangshu Zhangye Zhangzhou Zhanjiang Zhaodong Zhaoqing Zhaotong Zhaoyuan Zhengzhou Zhenjiang Zhicheng Zhijiang Zhongshan Zhongwei Zhongxiang Zhoukou Zhoushan Zhuanghe Zhucheng Zhuhai Zhuji Zhumadian Zhuozhou Zhuzhou Zibo Ziege Zigong Zimbabweaad Zimmermanabbottsbooby Zingelacacia Zinniaadrien Zixing Ziyang Zoucheng Zunhua Zunyiabidjan Zürichamaranth Éliane Élisabeth Élise Élodie Émilie Éric Étienne Évelyne
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batking-lich · 8 months ago
book descriptions under the cut. ps here's a post i keep updated with links to all my liveblog tags in case you wanna look at past ones or if you miss one
Blood Price by Tanya Huff
Vicky Nelson is a private investigator. She used to be one heck of a murder detective for the Toronto police, but deteriorating eyesight and her stubborn-ness led her to leave her true calling. A killer is stalking Toronto and the first victim's girlfriend hired Vicky to find the killer, since she doesn't believe the police are looking in the right places. Vicky's ex-partner (and ex-lover) Mike Celluci is in charge of the investigation and does not appreciate her "help". A chance encounter pairs Vicky with Henry FitzRoy--Romance Writer, Vampire and bastard son of Henry VIII as they hunt what appears, despite the impossiblity, to be a demon.
this is the first book in the series that the show blood ties is based on, which i recently started watching on tubi. the show is fun so maybe the books will be too lol
also why did they change henry from a romance writer to a graphic novelist? especially since this is a lifetime show lol
Haunted Homicide by Lucy Ness
Avery Morgan has been hired to breathe new life into the Portage Path Women's Club, but first she'll have to deal with a dead body and a meddling ghost. Avery Morgan has had a harrowing first week on the job as manager of the Portage Path Woman's Club. Not only is she in charge of a grand old home with a mountain of maintenance problems and scheduling nightmares--thanks to a recent fire in the Marigold meeting room--but she's also got Muriel Sadler to deal with. Muriel is the current president of the club, the one "nay" vote when the rest of the board voted "aye" to hiring Avery. After a morning of dealing with another one of Muriel's snits and a meeting with the delicious and delightfully unsettling Ben Harkness, who will be handling renovations in the fire-damaged portions of the house, the last thing Avery needs is for one of the fuses to blow. Again. She grabs her handy flashlight and heads into the basement, where she stumbles across Muriel's body. She also stumbles across an unexpected helper, Clemmie Bow, the ghost of a young woman who was accidentally killed in the building almost a hundred years ago. Together Clemmie and Avery are determined to solve Muriel's murder before the killer sends Avery to join Clemmie on the other side.
The Deep by Nick Cutter
From the acclaimed author of The Troop—which Stephen King raved “scared the hell out of me and I couldn’t put it down.…old-school horror at its best”—comes this utterly terrifying novel where The Abyss meets The Shining. A strange plague called the ’Gets is decimating humanity on a global scale. It causes people to forget—small things at first, like where they left their keys…then the not-so-small things like how to drive, or the letters of the alphabet. Then their bodies forget how to function involuntarily…and there is no cure. But now, far below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, deep in the Marianas Trench, an heretofore unknown substance hailed as “ambrosia” has been discovered—a universal healer, from initial reports. It may just be the key to a universal cure. In order to study this phenomenon, a special research lab, the Trieste, has been built eight miles under the sea’s surface. But now the station is incommunicado, and it’s up to a brave few to descend through the lightless fathoms in hopes of unraveling the mysteries lurking at those crushing depths…and perhaps to encounter an evil blacker than anything one could possibly imagine.
I'm in Love with Mothman by Paige Lavoie
22-year-old Heather is suffering from an epic case of burnout. So, just like any other young influencer, she abandons her social platforms. Check! gathers up her best flowy dresses. Check! and moves to a desolate cabin. Check! Heather imagines spending her #unplugged days traipsing through the woods and tending to her garden. However, her cottagecore fantasy is turned upside down when a wounded cryptid crashes into her roof—and her heart. With no help from her internet followers, and the local monster-hunter growing suspicious, Heather’s quiet life in the wilderness has suddenly become a little more complicated. To make matters worse, she thinks she might be falling in love with the brooding winged man in her living room.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 1 year ago
only 4.5 halloween month edits left to plan and drawing a complete and total blank so this is one more call for anyone to help me choose ocs to use 😭 (most of the ones that I still need to plan are for halloween costumes so truly any ocs work for that 👀 I just feel all idead out for the moment rip)
Edit: so far I have used the following ocs, but I'm entirely open to repeats and some of them (namely Gilmore Girls & Gossip Girl) are being used in group edits as opposed to each getting a separate project
Spencer Hargrove, Ophelia Wayne, Greer Collier, Cassia Potter, Stacey Byers, Rosabelle Legume, Verona Rosier, Hollis Everdeen, Mercy Correira, Coco Bates, Kyla Keller, Valentina Wolfe, Colette Gerard-Waldorf, Autumn Ambrosia, Paris Rothschild, Kirsty Gilmore, Sophie Dugray, Vicki St James, Avery Stiles, Sage Hall, possibly Jacqueline Grant & Viviana Lozano, Arianne Martin, Nikki Rogers, Colton & Cece Cartwright, Sidney Hopper, Betty Fabray, Laura Hyde, Ilsa Gilmore-Danes, Ivy Knight, Abi Claremont-Diaz, Jo Berry & Camilo Ayers, and I have a plan for a supernatural OC but I’m undecided between Elle, Isla, and Deborah for it
Edit 2: plan done!!
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loosesodamarble · 2 years ago
BC Next Gen OCs Favorite Foods
Yeah I have so many next gen ocs for BC that they needed their own post for this.
-Sterling: tempura with udon -Dawn: rabbit stew (with a bone broth and vinegar added in) -Dusk: rabbit stew (with a cream-based broth) -Sirius: tomato soup with grilled ham and cheese sandwich -Merel: clam chowder (extra potatoes) -Vivian: sōmen with ginger in the mentsuyu
-Caelum: scotch egg (prefers beef sausage) -Raphael: spaghetti carbonara
-Silver: chicken noodle soup -Clara: clam chowder (extra clam)
-Aecor: spinach and feta salad -Fleuriana: fish and chips -Chalivas: stuffed quail -Soleil: garlic herb butter and cheese popcorn -Skylar: pulled pork sandwiches -Elana: eggs benedict -Eirlys: beef wellington -Ferro: tatoes au gratin -Aimee: baked tatoes -Naru: tato croquette -Filomina: seafood paella
-Maris: savory salmon crepes -Neave: pesto chicken sandwich -Petrus: chicken tacos (soft shell)
-Remus: club sandwich on toasted bread -Romulus: hamburger with avocado -Fantasia: roasted tomato and bell pepper quiche
-Saki: omurice with vegetables -Ann: onigiri with umeboshi -Kenzou: anything flavored with wasabi -Kai'ichi: ramen with miso based broth -Shigehiro: sōmen with wasabi in the mentsuyu
-Daniel: roasted vegetables (typically squashes) -Jill: granola bars with raisins
-Avery: ambrosia salad -Elfrieda: stuffed bell peppers -Alfred: cream of mushroom soup
-Leoray Vermillion: ghost pepper chicken wings -Cynthia Enoteca: barbecue baby back ribs -Jesse Voltia-Swing: chicken casserole with tabasco sause -Kohaku Shirazaki: ginger marinated pork over rice
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thechaosmuses · 11 months ago
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Below the cut is a list of all my original characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as a canon muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson Roman Ryker Mikaelson Erik Flynn Mikaelson Kareena Dawn Mikaelson Thyra Selene Mikaelson Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson Serenity Faye Mikaelson Sawyer Finch Mikaelson Aurelia Nova Mikaelson Felix Ares Mikaelson Willow Luna Mikaelson Tobias Floyd Mikaelson Zephyr Raven Parker Zariyah Dove Parker Kennedy Taylor Parker Myles Zane Parker Mariana Joy Parker Paisley Juniper Parker Braeden Talia Salvatore Holden Atlas Salvatore Ezra Grant Salvatore Liberty Faye Salvatore Jensen Graham Gilbert Easton Reed Gilbert Jesse Jonathan Gilbert Elias Rhodes Gilbert Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert Atlas Rowan Petrova Titus Izaiah Petrova Kamen Maverick Pierce Natalie Adrianna Pierce Eleanor Marie Bennett Salem Elijah Bennett Gabriel Graham Gustin Belladonna Sharie Bennett Seraphina Rose Ward Theodore Joseph Brickenden Kaia Asherah Halloran Carter William Forbes Cameron Myles Lawrence Jameson Tyler Rosza Tatum Jaxson Lockwood Tatiana Jade Lockwood Taylor Jacob Lockwood Axel Madden Hughes Ashton Malik Hughes Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe Niall Nash Novak Montgomery Felix Langston Ophelia Esme Lovell Sapphire Lee McGuire Rami Calder McGuire Warren Jaxon Kingsley Jeremiah Michael Kenner Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair Rosemary Belle Whitlock Hadley Kamryn Fuller Kamryn Avery Marshall Lorella Diane St. John Andrew Kolton Rogers Blair Lilith Walsh Zachariah Cole Norwood Matthias Lucien Delacour Matias Camilo Garcia Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins (tw to tvdu)
Jubilee Fawn Ellison Carson Elijah Mayes Maddox Rhett Lancaster Malia Rayne Lancaster Makai Reid Lancaster Delilah Anne Malone Austin Blake Coleman Damian James Taylor
Teen Wolf
Aspen Bella Stilinski Adrian Archer Argent Addison Athena Argent Lyla Sage Martin Amaia Tala Alexander Malik Elias Hale Madelaine Emery Hale Isaiah Parker Lahey Amadora Constance Sharpe Callum Tate Raeken Dawson Cole Reynolds Jared Taylor Parrish Stephen Ezekiel Hemming
Amelia Mae Allen Melody Athena Hayes Lucilla Marie Nightstar Eden Faith Cruz Elijah Luke Cruz Valentina Rosalie Hart Adaliah Ember Darhk Alexandria Skye Earp Lillian Dahlia Campbell Adriel Xavier Grant Talon Colt Ashford Silas Kai Parker Josephina Jazmyn Walker Elyza Alice Pierson (tvdu to spn)
DC Comics
Kiera Jaylin Davis
Kailee Elizabeth Holtz (hero and villain verse) Kaiden Edward Holtz (villain and hero verse) Camelia Waverly Maximoff Kaleb Jonas Barnes Maxine Josephine Rogers Melody Elizabeth Young Anastasia Sloane Lenkov Wren Nika Volkov Wynter Nadia Volkov Cordelia Ara Odinsdottir Amora Delphine Brantley Celeste Juliet Livingston Nikolai Nathaniel Novak (tvdu to mcu) Charmeine Ayla Hanlon (spn to mcu)
Stranger Things
Stella Blake Russell Scarlet Ember Ward Valerie Mae Henderson Mitchell Elliot Mayfield Meredith Eleanor Mayfield
Ambrosia Nyx Tartarus Acacius Nile Tartarus Duncan David Dalveron Damien Dawson Dalveron Brantley Cole Kline Rosalie Grace Anderson Rowena Greyson Andrews Ryker Grant Andrews Aviana Summer Archer Dylan Bryce Thatcher Sterling Atlas Ward
Evelyn June Buckley Ethan Jace Buckley Hazel Jayne Walker Hayes Jesse Walker Izaiah Edison Hendrix Waverly Chloe Hendrix Matilda Iris Monroe Fallon Pierce Richards
Book Babes
Cyra Lux Vespara Wilder Blaze Hawthorne Dion Ignis Vanserra Pyralis Jax Vanserra Warren Forrest Hayward Solana Aruna Meridian Anatole Cyrus Solari Althea Zaria Cadlawon Tynan Kerrell Visita Kirsi Gwyneira Nieves Lyall Colden Whittaker Caspian Calder Conway Maribelle Aelia Sommer
Wyatt Keegan aka Aries Kianni Phoenix aka Sagittarius Leon Cyrus aka Leo River Mira aka Cancer Dylan Lucas aka Pisces Josephine Nova aka Scorpio Conrad Atlas aka Taurus Kailynn Amelia aka Capricorn Taron Sage aka Virgo Alice Skye aka Libra Aaron Micah aka Aquarius Adelaide June aka Gemini Arianna Rose aka Gemini
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nightbloated · 1 year ago
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Her name is Avery Ambrosia, Owner of Ambrosia industries, well, technically Industry, most of the work is done within her massive chocolate factory.
She's the main villain in this Wonka ripoff universe, swelling up many that are invited to her factory or are subjected to experiments in public. All instances of public experimentation tend to be covered up, who knows what crazy lawsuits would be sent her way if they weren't.
None know the secret to her perfectly tasting sweets and snacks, and many, mainly candy monopolies try to seek it out by whatever means they can.
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paniniwitharugula · 8 months ago
the month-long boycott is in response to the continuing price hikes by Loblaw, whose profits are soaring.
The two main guidelines for shoppers are: • Don't shop at Loblaw and Loblaw-owned stores for the entire month of May 2024 • If shopping is taking place at Loblaw stores, focus on purchasing loss leaders
a loss leader is a product the store is willing to sell at a low price to get you to buy extras, or to bring in more shoppers. the example given is a comment from the organizer's reddit post:
butter has been on sale 4.99 down from like 7.99…so I'll go to shoppers, buy 4, collect my points and leave with nothing else. Only buying the loss leader.
May 12th especially is the day to buy from small, local grocers and avoid the "Big 5" Grocers - Loblaws, Metro, Sobeys (Empire), Walmart, and Costco
Loblaw stores:
Atlantic Cash and Carry
Atlantic Supervalu
Dominion Stores
Entrepôts Presto / Club Entrepôt
Esso Gas
Extra Foods
Lucky Dollar Foods
NG Cash & Carry
No Frills
No Name
President's Choice
President's Choice Financial
Real Canadian Liquorstore
Real Canadian Superstore
Red & White Food Stores
SaveEasy (formerly Atlantic SaveEasy)
Shop Easy Foods
Shoppers Drug Mart / Pharmaprix
T & T Supermarket
Wholesale Club
Your Independent Grocer
Zehrs Markets
Loblaw brands:
President's Choice
No Name
Blue Menu
Joe Fresh
J± (electronics)
Teddy's Choice
PC Splendido
Bella Tavola
PC Premium Black Label
Joe Pet Catz & Dawgz
PC Organic
The Health Clinic by Shoppers
Life Works
Life @ Home
i live in a food desert, so pretty much every store "nearby" is on that list except for one single Giant Tiger. the reddit post has a helpful list of potential alternatives you could shop at instead, organized by province (copied below) as well as three apps that should be helpful in finding loss leaders and other alternatives:
Basha Foods International
Calgary Co-op
Earth’s General Store
Freestone Produce
Freson Bros.
Giant Tiger
Italian Centre Shop
The Italian Store
K&K Foodliner
London Drugs
Lucky 97
Mike Dean Local Grocer
Quality Foods
Sunterra Market
British Columbia:
49th Parallel Grocery
Ambrosia Natural Foods
Avril (Health Supermarket)
Bruno’s Fine Foods
Castlegar - Kootenay Market
Coppa's Fresh Market
Crescent Valley - Evergreen Market
Fairway Markets
Fresh St. Market
Goodness Me!
Galleria Supermarkets
IGA / MarketPlace IGA in British Columbia only
London Drugs
Nature's Emporium
Nelson - Kootenay Co-op
New Denver - New Market Food's
Pomme Natural Market
Quality Foods
Silverton - Silverton General Store
Slocan - Slocan Village Market
Sungiven Foods
Vince's Market
Winlaw - Gaia Tree Whole foods
Family Foods
Federated Co-operatives Ltd.
Giant Tiger
Heritage Co-op (Western Manitoba)
North Central Co-op
Red River Co-op
New Brunswick:
Co-op Atlantic (It has been brought to my attention this may be operating under the Sobeys umbrella, so if anyone on the East coast can verify this for me, that would be appreciated so we can update the list!)
Dieppe Food Express
Giant Tiger
Harvest To Home Organic Delivery
Jolly Farmer
Lone Pine Farm Nubians
Northumberland Cooperative Ltd.
Norm’s Butcher Block and Grocery Store
Sunden Farms
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Nova Scotia:
Arthur's Urban Market
Avery's Farm Market
Dave's Market
Giant Tiger
Kingswood Market
Stirling Farm Market
Ambrosia Natural Foods
Askew's Foods
Asian Food Centre
Bruno’s Fine Foods
Centra Food Market
Coppa's Fresh Market
Cousin’s Market
Fairway Markets
Family Foods
Fiesta Farms
Fresh City Market
Galleria Supermarkets
Georgia Main Food Group
Goodness Me
Giant Tiger
Grocery Outlet (formerly Almost Perfect)
Healthy Planet
Highland Farms
Karma Coop
Kim Phat
Lalumière Bonanza
L&M Markets (Hometown Grocers Co-op)
Le Jardin Mobile
Lucky Supermarket
Mike Dean Local Grocer
Nations Fresh Food
Odd Bunch
Organic Garage
Panchvati Supermarket
P.A.T. Mart
Rabba Fine Foods
Starsky Fine Foods
Supermarché PA (5 stores)
Vince's Market
Yummy Market
Prince Edward Island:
The ADL Store
Atlantic Grown Organics
Charlottetown Farmers’ Market Coop
Giant Tiger
Harvest Wholesale
Julio’s Seafood Market
Kensington Food Basket
Lezeen Store (Formerly Grain Essence Garden)
MacKenzie Produce Inc.
Monaghan Farms
Montrose Meats PEI Ltd.
MR Seafoods
Nabuurs Gardens
Pure Island Market
Riverview Country Market and Cafe
Summerside Farmers’ Market
Sunshine Farm
Avril (Health Supermarket)
Coppa's Fresh Market
Giant Tiger
Kim Phat
Le Marché Esposito
Le Marche Fu-Tai
Le Marché Végétarien/Les Arpents Verts
Organic Garage
Panchvati Supermarket
P.A.T. Mart
Planet Organic
Supermarché PA (5 stores)
TaiKo Supermarket
Vince's Market
Yummy Market
Federated Co-operatives Ltd.
Giant Tiger
North Central Co-op
Prairie Roads Market
Saskatoon Co-op
Red River Co-op
The Wandering Market
Northwest Territories:
The North West Company
The North West Company
Bigway Foods
Bonanza Market
Dawson City General Store
The Gourmet
The Little Green Apple
Porter Creek Super
Riverside Grocery
Yukon Asian Market
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nia1sworld · 3 years ago
Can you tell which one of my Ocs kill Jaylah and Sarah?
Pop Baca
Sakira Jones
Leia Avery
Angie Jontette
Evelyn and Ella Nazaki (The Nazaki twins)
Quarry Griffin
Graciela Griffin
Victoria Ambrosia
Reblog it
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Pairing: Regulus Black x Female!OC
Warnings: swearing, smut, vague trauma references, I think that’s it???
Iris Avery didn’t do romance. “It’s just too much effort,” she’d complain to her best friend, Ariadne Greengrass. The pining and falling and talking and going out — nope. None of these thoughts run through her mind as her body writhed on top of Regulus Black. The usually quiet, brooding young wizard held onto her hips as he gazed up at her with a dazed look of awe and lust. Regulus brings his bottom lip from between his teeth, moaning aloud as his hands grip tighter on her, stilling her movements. He flattens his feet on the mattress and snaps his hips with hers in quick thrusts. They both let out a string of whimpers and moans. Iris grips hard onto Regulus’ shoulders, eyes rolling back as she loses control. Regulus isn’t far behind her as his fingers dig into the skin of her backside. He pulls his bottom lip back between his teeth, leans his head into the crook of Iris’ shoulder and lets out a series of grunts and groans.
Their glistening bodies come to rest. Blue-green light from the stained-glass windows shines onto Iris’ back, which rises and falls in rhythm with Regulus’ chest. Regulus’ eyes move from her body to the bed’s canopy. The fabric, having been grabbed and pulled at so many times by a certain young witch, was restitching itself. Perhaps the Room of Requirement wasn’t too shabby after all, Regulus thought to himself.
The silence is broken with the creaks of the wooden bed. Iris begins to pull herself from the sheets. Regulus gently grabs her arm.
“Wait, what’s the rush?”
“Don’t you have quidditch in like an hour?” Iris snakes her arm out of his grip before getting up and searching for her emerald and onyx robes. “Plus, I promised Slughorn I’d help tutor some of the third years…” She slips her bra straps over her shoulders before fastening it.
“Since when have you been interested in potions?
“Oh, alright Mr. Slug Club! Will you just drop it?” Iris yells as she pulls on her panties.
“Why do you always do this?”
“Do what?”
“Shut me out! Every Thursday we meet up here, kissing and touching and fucking, but outside of these four walls, we’re strangers. You…You put up all these walls and I just don’t know how to… The only time I feel like I actually know you is when we’re like this,” he motions around them, “when I’m inside of you.”
“That��s crude,” Iris retorts. Regulus frowns.
“Why won’t you open up to me? If something’s the matter—"
“Nothing’s the matter! Okay?” Iris looks down at her hands she’s wringing together. Regulus just looks back at her. She stops, realizing her tick, and crouches down to pull her white button-up from the cold, stone floor. She succeeds in pulling it on and buttoning the shirt halfway before a tear falls onto the fabric. She’s crying. The remaining buttons are abandoned as she collapses to the floor. Regulus rushes cautiously over to the sobbing witch, attempting to embrace her. She fights the wizard’s comfort, pushing at his chest, before she gives in and lets him hold her.
“Shhh,” he coos. Regulus sits silent, rocking Iris as her cries echo off the room’s high ceiling. Iris slows pulls her hands from her face, raising her head up to Regulus.
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” Iris admits.
“Okay.” Regulus stands then pulls Iris up with both hands. “
“You know, I don’t like that we act like we don’t know each other. When we’re walking down the same corridor or having dinner in the Great Hall. I fucking hate it when we sit across the room from each other in Divination and act like we aren’t stealing glances at each other. Hell, even Trelawney notices and you know how she is!” Iris struggles to look the wizard in the eyes. “I like you, Reg. I want you… I think I love you.” She meets his eyes.
“Iris,” Regulus starts.
“I know. You and Ambrosia Parkinson.” Iris rolls her eyes.
“I see the way you are with her. The way you put your hand on the small of her back when you’re walking through the courtyard. The way you look at her when she laughs at some lame shit Evan or Barty said. In fact, it’s one of the few times I’ve actually seen a Parkinson do anything other than smirk and scowl—"
“Bloody hell, Iris! Would you let me speak?” he huffs. “There’s nothing between me and Ambrosia. I’ve only been hanging around her because if I’m not with her then I can’t stop thinking of… I can’t take my mind off of you. Iris, you’re…you’re wonderful-- Iris scoffs as she rolls her eyes. “And I know you don’t believe that, but to me… Look, I see you, when you’re the last to leave the library practically every night, when you piss off Evan in DADA after casting a better Impedimenta than him, the way you furrow your brow when you’re brewing a potion, how sweet you look all bundled up in the stands during a particularly chilly quidditch match.” Regulus shakes his head. “Iris, you’re everything.” He looks at her earnestly, searching her eyes.
“Reg... Ugh I feel so stupid!” Iris shakes her head as she covers her face with her hands. Regulus pulls her hands from her face.
“Iris, talk to me,” he practically begs.
“I just…um… I know how I feel about you—have known for a while, I suppose. But I don’t really do…that anymore.”
“How do you mean?”
“I don’t know how to do this—to love you!”
“You just said it yourself—”
“Regulus,” she drops her head, a few more tears making their way down her cheeks. “I’m scared. I don’t know if I can be in another relationship again. Not after everything with Theo.” Regulus wipes a tear with his thumb.
“Hey. Look at me.” He runs his hand along her jawline coaxing her gaze back to him. “I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep, but this is now, okay? A fresh start. A new person. Let’s just take it one day at a time, eh?” He smiles up at her.
Regulus grabs Iris’ hand and leads her back to the bed. He sits on the side, pulling Iris between his parted legs. His hands gracefully work at the buttons on her shirt. She shrugs off the garment. Regulus studies the witch while he reaches behind her and unhooks her bra. The wizard’s eyes slowly travel back down her body. He grabs onto the fabric on her hips and tugs her panties down to her ankles. As she steps out of them, Iris grabs onto Regulus’ shoulder for balance.
He pulls her with him further onto the bed. Iris ends up climbing over the boy to nestle into his side. Regulus puts an arm around her as he watches her relaxed form, her head resting on his chest.
“You sure you’re alright?” he probes. She keeps her eyes closed but snuggles further into him.
“Let’s just stay like this for a little longer.”
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emilyccfinds · 3 years ago
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Aura Dress by Sifix
Created for: The Sims 4
A short party dress available in 18 colors, including ombres and solid colors, for teen, young adult and adult sims.  
Ambrosia Dress | Avery Dress
Celastrina Gown
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