#avengers infinity war rp
undeadmagpie · 3 months
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In the SOURCE you will find 74 gifs of ROCKET RACCOON in Avengers: Infinity War, 2018.  
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jackiequick · 3 months
—Timeline Wise For The Couples 🎞 💌🍿
-> Very similar to this post
Stevella ~ Steve Rogers & Estella Strange 🩺🇺🇸☕️
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2012 — Meet Cute in NYC, bumping into each other a couple of times and eventually exchange numbers
2013 — Steve got settled into a decent rhythm, going out a bit more and living at Avengers Tower. That’s when he bumps into Stella one day at the park, yeah sure they text one another and even have some phone calls, but this was different. While chatting, Steve somehow managed to ask her out for a cup of coffee and Stella said ‘yes’ as the two went to a coffee shop afterwards.
2014 — (Captain America: The Winter Soldier Era), the two are actually going out together. Having dates, texts, calling one another and flying out to see each other. They decided to keep their relationship private. But of course, their relationship slowly comes to the surface due to their friends. Natasha spent days and weeks trying to set Steve up on a date, teasing him and everything as he kept shooting her down with each option until they were driving to New Jersey…
“Was that your first kiss since 1945?” Natasha asked him, playing with her necklace Clint bought her.
Steve was driving and answered, “That bad huh?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Well kinda sounds like you did.”
“No, I-i didn’t, I’m just wondering how much practice you had?”
“You don’t need practice.”
“Everybody needs practice.”
“It’s not my first kiss since 1945. I’m 95, I’m not dead.”
Natasha just chuckled then asked, “Nobody special though?”
He scoffed chuckling, “Believe it or not..um, there is.”
That caused Natasha to gasp and smiled, teasing him for the rest of the time being trying to figure out who it is that Steve was seeing. She was genuinely curious and wanted tidbits on who’s the lucky lady was. Steve just rolled his eyes regretting he told her anything but honestly smiled appreciating that she actually cared about this fact.
When they got to Sam Wilson’s house for shelter, Natasha wasn’t the only one curious. Since Steve used the phone to call a certain someone, as Sam was making breakfast he heard the name ‘Stella’, as he smirked. Sam has been friends with Stella Strange since 2011, he was surprised he didn’t know about this. However he stayed quiet and pretended like he didn’t hear anything as he was more focused on helping Cap and Natasha to tease his new friend.
At the end of the film, as Steve was in the hospital recovering from the damage he suffered during the fight. He woke up to music softly playing and Sam smiling at him saying “On your left.” Steve tiredly cracked a little smile. A few seconds later, Sam said he called her. That’s when Stella walked in two fresh cups of coffee, giving them both a soft smile.
2015 — The two were now living in New York. Stella mainly worked at the hospital meanwhile Steve was being an Avenger with his teammates and Young Avengers. He often picked her up from work and took them to her apartment to rest, if not he invited her to stay at The Tower. Yes, he finally let most of his teammates and friends met his girlfriend! It was about damn time too, as a few people got more curious about things and became a little family oriented group. Hell, Steve was trying to afford a place in Brooklyn too!
The two were pretty much spotted together at restaurants, the park, Avengers Tower and other locations. Hell, according to Tony, he was surprised Captain America scored such a lovely women to keep him on his toes as Steve lightly glared at him. Stella just told her boyfriend to not mind Stark’s remarks, he’s just annoyed Pepper won’t let him buy a new car or something.
Things went on (Age Of Ultron hit), as Stella spent her time more often at Avengers Tower and even help patch up the heroes every once in a while. She was honestly pretty skilled and tech with a gun too! Which came in handy the night of The Party, things were going well of course. But Ultron struck hard, as everyone was fighting bots and protecting one another. Some got a little hurt too, mainly upset with Tony.
Later on, at Clint’s house, everyone was a little out of it. Whatever Wanda showed them had a couple of them beaten and bruised. Clint called in Stella and a few others to help everyone out. Tension was still in the air through, as Steve seemed a little off and unable to talk about it, until he found his girlfriend holding up a cup of warm tea for him on the front porch…
“What you doing up? It’s late.” Steve said, sipping the tea and wrapped an arm around her.
“I couldn’t sleep…are you okay?” She asked, rubbing her hands.
“I will be..uh, Wanda showed me something back there..”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Only if you tell me what she showed you..”
It was only fair. She nodded and went on to explain the horrors Wanda showed her, how helpless and vulnerable she felt as she remained stuck in a hopeless position at the hospital after her very brutal accident. Even if she looked at her physical scars and condition, it haunts her. Steve listened providing comfort to her. He then went on to share his own thoughts and feelings onto Wanda showed him, feeling scared and anxious about it all as he was thrown out into another era, the life was gone and a part of him stayed stuck there. Stella provided him comfort as she listened.
Everything went on kinda crazy after that as The Avengers, Young Avengers, SHIELD and whatever others assets helped to fight off Ultron and his bots. To save and protect as many people as they can. They won but lost a few things along the way.
The Avengers moved their location upstate. Steve and Tony talked about their life choices before going their separate ways. Steve said that family, stability and whatnot post-war times, that man died when he went into the ice 75 years ago. Someone else came out, feeling a sense of mourning and comfort that his life has changed forever. He had The Avengers to watch out for, a girlfriend now who he cared deeply and unlikely friendships. But the idea of having a wife and children stayed stuck in the back of his mind.
2016 — Things changed for the couple once again living in a new location. Stella was starting to take up magic, having been resistant to being a magic-user, as her brothers were more into that kind of stuff. She knew magic and spells, but she wasn’t one to really used that very often. But she decided it would be helpful. Steve was becoming more of a team leader, busy with meetings, creating a new team alongside the one he already had and making sure everyone was able to handle themselves. When neither of them were working, the couple was hanging out a lot more and wanted to take a larger step into their relationship such as officially moving in together.
Steve also had big plans in mind, he knew he wanted to one day marry his girlfriend. He wanted to put a ring on her finger and have her become a bigger part of the family. Hell, he hadn’t picked out a ring yet but he knew.
One morning, he suddenly found himself popping the question. Saying ‘Marry me?’ As Stella was looking for a new set of cups, she heard the words come out of his mouth and accidentally bumped her head on the kitchen cabinet. He winced asking if she was alright as she nodded turning around wanting to clear what he said clearly, he repeated his question and she just smiled. That’s all Steve needed to see to know her answer was ‘Yes.’ That, and the fact that she pressed a kiss to his lips and nodded softly.
As we know Civil War happened, which caused a major disruption to the team and family. It caused a rift between Steve and Stella, a mixture of screams, cries, tears and anger ran through them. Despite it all, they still managed to deeply love one another. However Steve had to leave with Sam and Natasha, not having much contact with her for over a year!
2017–2018 — Just rough time in general for the couple. They had limited access to talking or texting, however still managed to communicate and spend mail to one another. But it just hurt. It wasn’t easy! Stella was heartbroken and Steve wasn’t exactly feeling happy about this either. He was devastated and hurt that he left his fiancé.
When Thanos made his appearance, it wasn’t pretty. As Stella followed Bruce and a few others to The Avengers Compound, to talk to Rhodey and that’s when Steve, Nat and the rest of the crew appeared. To say Stella had a million thoughts running through her mind the moment she saw Steve was an understatement, but it didn’t all make sense to start bickering with him.
Especially after he pulled her into a thigh embrace the moment he saw her and kissed her face apologizing for everything he did, saying how she had ready right to be upset with him. She just wrapped her arms around him and cried a little, apologizing for not calling earlier as she was fighting Thanos children in New York.
He just chuckled and nodded, knowing they had bigger things at stake.
You know what happened, Thanos kicked ass despite everything the teams gave. They still lost.
2019–2023 — Post Thanos things went quiet. But they tried to make the best of it, just luck neither one of dusted. Steve thanked the heavens he didn’t have to watch his fiancé dust away. The two just spent a couple of days making up for the lost time, catching up and apologizing for everything. When they realize they couldn’t afford to fix the damage due to Thanos destroying the damn stones. Steve and half of the team returned to earth silently. It pained everyone.
But like I said, they tried to make the best of things, try to move on. In 2022, Steve decided to not wait any longer than he should’ve and asked Stella to actually marry him. He waited so long to make her his wife and he wasn’t even going to waste any longer, as Stella grinned that morning agreeing to the idea. A private little day for the two of them, as the couple went to the court house and filed for a marriage certificate, getting married right then and there. They knew one day they would have a grand ol’ wedding but a quiet little day to themselves is all they needed.
They were married, had an apartment together and were doing their best to help others feel comfortable in the world. Hosting support groups, going to food drives, heading out on smaller projects and making sure their friends were alright. Stella often visited Pepper meanwhile Steve went to Natasha.
But in 2023, Scott Lang showed up to change things for the better. You know what happened time heist, get back the gang together and fix things. And no, Steve didn’t leave his wife, Sam or Bucky for Peggy Carter when he returned the damn stones! He returned the stones to where they belong, saw Peggy happily with her spouse and family, went back to his old apartment in Brooklyn where he found a certain item then returned back to 2023. The item you may ask was an old leather brown jacket that he lost during The Battle a few days earlier that held a ring looped around his dog tags.
Phase 4 (2023–2024) — Steve and Stella were living in a different household in a similar neighborhood, helping to rebuild The Avengers Compound after it was destroyed and supporting families with the new changes. The two even considered on finally having a family of their own, the pair already had a dog. Might as well have a kid or two!
Which they did! Having adopted two beautiful children, a young teenager who has been in their radar for a while now as they foster and develop a relationship before two years prior. And another one, being a gorgeous little girl.
And I know what you’re asking, did Steve retire? Yes, yes he did. Steve knew for a while that he did not want to be Captain America forever, wanting to stay put and start a new project in his life. Of course he gave the opportunity to Sam Wilson to become Captain America and when he saw that John Walker was holding his shield and not Sam, the man was already to to pick a bone with his friends. Hell, he was ready to try and take down Walker himself after having gone through the five stages of grief watching the news.
“Honey! Have you seen my navy blue jacket and guns? That ones with the faded red stripe around the handle. ” Steve yelled from the closet as he went searching for his things.
“I think so! In the—wait why do you need your guns?!” Stella yelled from upstairs, as she untangled her curls.
“Just asking!”
“Steve what are you planning?!”
“Don’t worry about it!”
It took Stella to hold him down and hide his stuff in the basement, getting Kendall and their youngest to keep things in order or else Steve would’ve driven to get his hands on the man.
His wife had to distract him and take his mind off things to stop him from going to find his friends and get shit done himself. Luckily with two kids, a dog, housework to be done, groceries to buy and activities to do Steve was very much occupied. Thanks to Sam and Bucky they were able to get updates on how things were going, and finally once they got The Shield back, that’s when Stella gave Steve the opportunity to help out.
However thankfully Sam, Jason, Bucky and Liz handled the situation better than expected. Hell, Steve was able to sneak off in the background in his dark navy blue stealth suit to help and support them in the fight. He was even standing in the background when Sam appeared in the Captain America suit and shield, along with a pair of sleek wings to match grinning like an idiot.
Everyone and their mothers were watching on television when Sam Wilson made his flying debut in the Stars and Stripes, and they couldn’t be more prouder. Stella remembered how she was crying happy tears as she sat on the couch with her friends and family to watch everything go down. It was freaking amazing.
Ahhh! That was a lot, anyway I hope you guys like it. Pls let me know what you guys think 💭
Keep the chain going! Which couple is next? 💘
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @cherrysft @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @eliohasmyheart @terry-perry @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @parisparker269 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @fluffystevefest @savemewattpad @daughter-of-melpomene
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hersheysmcboom · 1 month
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untoldtalesrp · 1 year
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Harry spun hard as a girl came out of nowhere, grabbed his arm, sloshing his drink slightly over the rim as he spun and found himself stumbling behind her.  "Blasted? Nice. I'm Harry. How blasted did you get him? Like a drink over the head?" Harry half-jogged as they went, slowing slightly to get another sip. 
Go back! Crush him!
"You say something? Harry looked at her concerned for a moment, but she seemed to still be in a rush and energized. "Nevermind. Noisy as hell out here with all our barfly peers. What brought you out tonight Ali?" Harry felt ... felt a sneering presence over his shoulder and looked back quickly. His vision swam for a second, but he still saw nothing. 
Read More Here.
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Ironman: This is not the end
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lost-in-liquid-nights · 7 months
Roleplay Ad
Update: Due to not wanting to overwhelm myself. While also providing my current rp partners with quality and relatively consistent rp, my request for rp partners is currently closed! Still feel free to reach out if you like and I'll keep you in mind for if things open up.
Ah, hello Tumblr roleplayers, it has been a while! I am one of many who was left adrift after Omegle shut down and am on the search for rp partners.
I am looking for rp partners in a variety of fandoms, genres, ships, etc. I’ll have all of them listed in a hopefully organized manner below and will do my best to keep this list accurate. If you’re interested, feel free to shoot me a DM or interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you. But please do read through this post fully before doing so, thanks!
A Little About Myself:
-Age: 20+
-Pronouns: She/They
-Experience: I’ve been roleplaying off and on in a variety of fandoms and styles for around 10+ years
What I’m Looking For In A Roleplay Partner:
-Age: Roleplayers who are at least 20+ as well
-Style: I’m open to a variety of styles, I roleplay everything from one sentence “text message” style to multi-paragraph advanced lit. Though my preferences tend to lean towards lit/advanced lit.
-Location: I’d prefer someone who’s comfortable transitioning to Discord, once we agree on what we want to rp
-Expectations: One of the things I loved about Omegle were the casual vibes when it came to when an rp needed to end. So, while I hope for some long term rps, I’m looking for people who will be okay with rps ending when interest dissipates. Without the need for big explanations as to why. This goes both ways! I won’t expect such explanations from you either if we start any sort of storyline and you end up wanting to drop out. The way I see it, this is meant to be a fun pass time and ideally shouldn’t feel like a stressful obligation for either of us.
My Current Fandoms & Ships:
Fandom: Avengers (Films)
Ships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Fandom: Captain America (Films)
Ships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes
Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy (Films)
Ships: Peter Quill/Rocket Racoon
Fandom: Venom (Films)
Ships: Eddie Brock/Venom
Fandom: X-Men (Films)
Ships: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Fandom: Star Wars (Films)
Ships: Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Poe Dameron/Finn
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Ships: Hermann Gottlieb/Newton Geiszler
Fandom: Star Trek (Original Series, Original Films, and Modern Films)
Ships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk/Leonard McCoy
Fandom: It (Films, 2017) & It (Mini Series, 1990)
Ships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough
Fandom: Spiderman (Films & Comics)
Ships: Johnny Storm/Peter Parker, Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Fandom: Nimona (Film & Comic)
Ships: Ambrosius Goldenloin/Ballister Blackheart
Fandom: Loki (Series)
Ships: Morbius/Loki
Fandom: Moon Knight (Mini-Series)
Ships: Marc/Steven, Marc/Jake, Steven/Jake
Fandom: Daredevil (Series)
Ships: Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Fandom: Infinity Train (Series)
Ships: Min-Gi Park/Ryan Akagi
Fandom: Merlin (Series)
Ships: Merlin Emrys/Arthur Pendragon 
Fandom: Stranger Things (Series)
Ships: Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington, Mike Wheeler/Will Byers
Fandom: Supernatural (Series)
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester/Gabriel
Fandom: Hannibal
Ships: Hannibal Lector/Will Graham
Fandom: The Witcher (Series & Games)
Ships: Jaskier/Geralt, Eskel/Lambert, Eskel/Aiden
Fandom: Phoenix: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Games)
Ships: Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgworth
Frandom: Disco Elysium (Game) 
Ships: Kim Kitsuragi/Harry Du Bois,  Jean Vicquemare/Harry Du Bois
Fandom: Modern Warfare (Games)
Ships: Simon Riley/Johnny “Soap” McTavish
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Game)
Ships: Connor/Hank Anderson, RK900/Gavin Reed
Fandom: Dragon Age
Ships: Anders/Hawke, Fenris/Hawke
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Ships: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims/Timothy Stoker, Martin Blackwood/Timothy Stoker, Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley
Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast)
Ships: John/Arthur Lester
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List of all of the fandoms that have had fics submitted so far under the cut
Marvel and DC:
Captain America and the Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Young Justice
The Flash
Minecraft rp:
Dream SMP
SMP Earth
Pokemon and RWBY
The Owl House and Supernatural
The Magnus Archives and the Mechanisms
His Dark Materials and Welcome to Night Vale
My Hero Academia and Persona 5
Mario and Worm
Big Hero 6 and Worm
Avatar the Last Airbender and My Hero Academia
Avatar the Last Airbender and Stargate SG-1
Marvel and Miraculous Ladybug
The Dresden Files and Welcome to Night Vale
Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist
The 100
Ace Attorney
The Adventure Zone
Alex Rider
All For The Game
Avatar the Last Airbender
BanG Dream
Danny Phantom
Doki Doki Literature Club
Downton Abbey
Fantastic Children
Final Fantasy XV
Fire Emblem
Game of Thrones
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
House M.D.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Jurassic Park
Legend of Zelda
The LEGO Movie
LEGO Ninjago
Les Misérables
The Locked Tomb
Lockwood & Co
Lord of the Rings
Miraculous Ladybug
My Hero Academia
Once Upon A Time
One Piece
Persona Series (3, 5, and a bit of 4)
Twisted Wonderland
Sanders Sides
Sherlock (BBC)
Sk8 the Infinity
Star Trek
Star Wars
Sword Art Online
The Untamed
Wings of Fire
Yuri!!! on Ice
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pinkevilwriter · 4 days
You’ve mentioned Marvel RP a couple of times, but which Marvel RPS did you do?
The Marvel RPS I’ve done are:
The Avengers (Countless times)
Thor: The Dark World (Countless times)
Thor: Ragnarok (I think twice, but I usually end up putting the characters from that movie into the other Marvel RPS.)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Twice) g
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (Twice)
The Avengers: Infinity War (Once)
The Avengers: EndGame (Once)
Loki series (Twice)
My Love interests, depending how the RP is ran, are: Loki, Thor, MaleKith, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner.
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quinnsstacy · 2 years
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Use this link or the source link to be redirected. Included you will find 130 gifs of Elizabeth Olsen as her portrayal of Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch in the Avengers Infinity War & End Game. There is a slight TW for flashing lights as well as violence and gore. All gifs were made by me from scratch so I ask you not to claim them as your own. Feel free to use them for RP purposes as long as credit is given. All I ask is that you do not repost them in other gif hunts or gif sets. If you found this gif pack useful, please reblog or like this post!
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silverjetsystm · 8 months
He holds his tongue. When Moon Knight’s on a team, he tries to mind his manners. Reputations like his bring a lot of assumptions. The cryptic phrasing, sarcasm, and commentary is shelved. Leave his own baggage, the need for control in his personal life and solo operations, at the door. Do what had to be done. Serve. Cap had seen what Jake-and-Marc-Moon Knight had been doing since they came back from Mexico. [Commentary for this entire post, please, only enough space in the ask box. :P]
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Pick any passage of 500 words or less from any fanfic I’ve written, and stick that selection in my ask/fan mail. I will then give you the equivalent of a DVD commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what’s going on in the character’s heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic, lots of awful puns, and anything else that you’d expect to find on a DVD commentary track. | Accepting! [what is rp]
The post in question!
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Darn ask box and their limits. I'm also slapping a read more on this because wow so many images, so little time.
Aight. From the top. Secret Avengers is an interesting time in Marc's life. This is him 'on parole' and finally what should be hope after the grimdark days of the aughts.
Marc's mostly familiar with Hank and the then current X-Men stuff by whispers and rumors. MK (1980) #35 has MK reach out to the X-Men for advice on how to handle a mutant who was dedicated to murdering dancers who defected the Soviet Union (as one does). But that was, shall we say, years ago.
Y'know. Events where MK hangs out in the background happened. So Marc doesn't really know much besides him, Hank, and the rest of the Secret Avengers are hanging out because Cap trusts them enough. To Marc, yeah, Hank's big blue and brilliant but Hank also doesn't have the same background as the rest of this merry band. Hank isn't a spy, or a soldier, or a thief. Normal people don't really exist in Marc's orbit like they do in Steven and Jake's.
Speaking of those events where Marc hangs out in the background, Marc never really knows what's going on. He's usually the last to know, doesn't keep track of everything at large, and is just there to punch people and give ??? looks. (see @/age-of-moon-knight's "where's moony" tag). A lot of those bigshot writers aren't really familiar with MK so they either lean on ableist language, reference Marc tearing faces off, or give him a sort of 'Deadpool in white' characterization. Here's some good ones.
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Strange (2022), #5. Writer: MacKay; Penciler: Ferreira; Inker: Poggi; Colorist: Tartaglia; Letterer: Petit
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Infinity Wars (2018), #3. Writer: Duggan; Penciler and Inker: Deodato Jr.; Colorist: Martin Jr.; Letterer: Petit
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Original Sin (2014), #1. Writer: Aaron; Penciler and Inker: Deodato; Colorist: Martin Jr.; Letterer: Eliopoulos
Annnnnd now the era we're focusing on! -_-
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Secret Avengers (2010), #16. Writer: Ellis; Penciler and Inker: McKelvie; Colorist: Wilson; Letterer: Lanphear
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Secret Avengers (2010), #19. Writer: Ellis; Penciler: Lark; Inkers: Gaudiano and Thies; Colorist: Villarrubia; Letterer: Lanphear
He is glib. Usually. During Secret Avengers, he's rather….subdued. Taking the remarks as they come and keeping his head down. Trust, it does come back later. Part of it is because well, let's look at how from 2006 to 2011 went:
MK tore Bushman's face off in a mix of vengeance, fear, rage, and disgust. Between the horror of what he did and the extensive injuries, he took a comic two year break. 'Khonshu' as "The One Who Lives on Hearts" (I treat him like an introject) wearing faceless Bushman form, feeding Marc's aggression as he makes it back into street level.
Staying on the sidelines during Civil War.
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MK (2006), #8. Writer: Huston; Penciler: Finch; Inkers: Miki and Crimelab Studios; Colorist: D’Armata; Letterer: Caramagna
Marc's had a need to micromanage his entire operation since the early days. Steven and Jake would do their information gathering. MK would either be separate from any of them or Marc clearly would take the wheel and do his own thing. Marlene would invite herself along (and be vital in saving the day). Frenchie would fly the mooncopter. They'd deal with Marc's anger. Later on, this leads to Marc suppressing or requesting Steven and Jake go dormant in order to handle their life that gets increasingly dedicated to His Duty.
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MK (2021), #14. Writer: MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Cappuccio; Colorist: Rosenberg; Letterer: Petit
Sure, Jan. The longer Marc keeps his hands and only his hands on the wheel, the harder the struggle is. Steven and Jake poke holes and tear down Marc's internalized ableism (as they have before).
Ironically, Frenchie was once more cavalier, saying MK should kill people or they should run out the mooncopter cannons on muggers.
Marlene starts off by saying Marc shouldn't kill people (that Marc is the past and Steven/MK is the future). She then switches positions in the 90s. 90s!Marlene thinks Marc should have killed Bushman and is frustrated he won't kill because of his merc past. 'I hope you grow up before someone kills you.' People change. I can see her like. She used to think Bushman didn't need to die and that MK was Better Than That. She's also been afraid MK was a "benign monster." And now this. I think part of it is how she helped shape MK as much as the system and Frenchie and Bushman did and is eating at her. Plus, obviously, she doesn't want Marc to get hurt or die. By 2006's run, they've had enough of it. While they come back around to supporting him, they also have big problems with how he's operating.
This is the run where Marc carves moons into people's foreheads. Steven and Jake appear in one issue; they hadn't popped up since.... Ehhh. After volume 1 of MK, they show up in West Coast Avengers, in Moench's mini-series after the disaster that was MS: MK, and sometimes in other books like Black Panther, Hulk, etc.
In the end, Marc's big bad tries to control the city and Marc shoves him off a building, killing him. This leads S.H.I.E.L.D. et al. after Marc. Eminem is played. Marc almost dies.
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(classic Moon K.night-Core)
Marc fakes his death and Jake goes to Mexico. However, this version of Jake is written like a 'clean slate' MK who feels more like Marc than Jake. I treat it as co-con, where Jake and Marc share control and skills rather than New Jake.
Jake comes back from Mexico and starts to clean up the MK reputation. He doesn't carve moons in faces. 'Khonshu' becomes tiny and impotent. Marlene comes back around. She proposes to Jake. A baby on the way…. Cap sees the progress Jake-Marc have made and offers him a spot on the Secret Avengers team.
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Secret Avengers (2010), #1. Writer: Brubaker; Penciler and Inker: Deodato Jr.; Colorist: Beredo; Letterer: Lanpheare
Which leads to things like this...
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Secret Avengers (2010), #21. Writer: Ellis; Penciler: Immonen; Inker: von Grawbadger; Colorist: Sotomayor; Letterer: Lanphear
Fucking Randall ruins a nice personal life. Marlene leaves for good. Which sends Marc further down the spiral into self-isolation, need for control, and neither Steven nor Jake pop up until 2022.
Marc's had A Lot of Bad Doctors. (And we haven't gotten to the doctor in 2014 who tried to take Khonshu from him and try to kill him yet!). He's a terrible patient. 2016 opens with him in an asylum, which isn't quite in reality. But the threat and the fear is very real for Marc. He's trying to behave, get good grades in superhero rehabilitation.
Anyway. At this point where Hank easily makes a car a nuclear weapon, Marc picks up on the moral event horizon nature of it all. Because he's been there. MK's whole thing is Second Chances because Spector died when a seed of compassion sprouted during the merc days.
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riverthunder · 3 months
Looking for people to RP IronStrange plots with!! Mostly looking for RPs on Tumblr, Discord, or over email. (If on Discord I will make a private server so if we lose interest in one plot we can start another and switch between them more freely).
1. 18+ Partners ONLY! I am 20+ and while I’m not really looking to RP NSFW I’m not comfortable RPing with minors.
2. Paragraph over script style- I just prefer treating things more like a potential fanfic than a potential movie script if that makes sense?? I feel like I get to enjoy more creativity that way too.
3. Preferably varied reply lengths- doesn’t have to be 3-4 paragraphs consistently, just preferably more than one or two sentences every time.
4. IRONSTRANGE as the main focus!! More than happy to add in Supreme Family, other Avengers as family members or friends, other ships, etc. but I prefer to RP these two
I have multiple ideas to choose from- Parent AUs, Alternate Infinity War/Endgame AUs, Slave AUs, Dragon AUs, Pirate AUs, a Beauty and the Beast AU, Mob AU, Soulmate AUs, Arranged Marriage AUs, etc. Omegaverse prompts are also lots of fun and can be applied to basically any of these!
I’m down for RPing either Tony or Stephen, but right now I’m mostly RPing Stephen.
Feel free to DM me here on tumblr if you’re interested in discussing any RP ideas!
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astromechs · 2 years
2022 year in review
thank you for the tag @seek--rest
Number of stories posted to AO3:
2. Word count this year:
64,281 (this doesn't include things I didn't publish, and this doesn't include things I wrote in private rps with friends, so I have no idea what the actual word count is, that's just what AO3 told me from what I've posted lol, but I would imagine with all that put together it might be close to 100k)
3. Fandoms I wrote for:
taking the list from AO3 (in alphabetical order):
Captain America/Avengers (movies)
Daredevil (comics/TV)
Goncharov (1973)
Guardians of the Galaxy (comics/movies)
Jessica Jones (TV)
Moon Knight (TV)
Nova (comics)
Peacemaker (2022)
Scarlet Witch (comics)
She-Hulk (TV)
The Boys (TV/2019)
X-Men (comics)
4. Pairings:
ok so the list of all the pairings that got stuff posted to AO3:
Adrian Chase/Christopher Smith (Peacemaker)
Jean Grey/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel unless otherwise noted)
Gamora/Peter Quill
Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff
Gamora/Richard Rider
Matt Murdock/Marc Spector
Matt Murdock/Jennifer Walters
Matt Murdock/Peter Quill
Jessica Jones/Matt Murdock
Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios
Queen Maeve/Starlight (Annie January) (The Boys)
Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock/Richard Rider
Katya/Sofia (Goncharov lol)
Wanda Maximoff/Matt Murdock/Richard Rider
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: this might be all i ever wanted (all i ever wanted to happen to me) — got right in at the She-Hulk finale hype so I think that helped to boost it
Bookmarks: same as above; people were really loving that one at the time it dropped!
Comment threads: whatever happens (happens to the both of us) — my first Peacemaker fic, and I think the timing of this hit when a lot of people were finishing up the show, but I'm really flattered and honored!
Word count: ghost behind my eyes
6. Work I'm most proud of (and why): I'm going to cheat and pick a few:
ghost behind my eyes — at 10,143 words, it remains my longest self-contained one shot, and I'm really proud of the character work I did here. Christopher Smith and his character development are really important to me, and here's to hoping that will continue in Peacemaker season 2!
standing at a broken altar (asking if we feel relief) — represented a whole new creative venture for me, featuring characters I (at least at the time) had never written into fic before, and I'm someone who's... honestly pretty lapsed, religion-wise, and writing this made me think about faith, how it's questioned, tested, and found again, in a way I haven't in a while. That's a theme I'd like to explore more in future writing — and I'm planning to do more of this through Matt.
almost paradise — the story that's been a long time coming for me. Gamora is literally one of my favorite characters of all time, and to say I... did not handle Infinity War well is putting it very, very mildly; that movie came out not that extremely long after a big personal loss in my real life, so losing a character that dear to me at that time was something I took really hard. This is the first time I've actually acknowledged her death in a piece of writing, and I'm proud of myself that I did.
7. Work I'm least proud of (and why): none of them? I don't usually post something unless I feel pretty good about it.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
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cannot express how much this comment made my year. yes, I do. when women.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: Honestly, my biggest challenge surrounding writing is just... working around my own chronic illness (which involves episodic fatigue) and mental health struggles. For one of those reasons or both at the same time, there were periods of the year that made writing more difficult than others. I'm working on incorporating smaller, more manageable writing goals during those periods so that I can still keep working without exhausting myself.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I wasn't expecting Matt Murdock Slut Era to extend for as long as it did, and yet here we are.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: from almost paradise:
What he deserves, he thinks, is to be left here, alone with ghosts because that’s all he’s fit to provide company for — maybe until he becomes one himself. Because, yeah, if Ego had been telling the truth, for all his words had been worth, with the destruction of his planet, Peter can do that now. That might actually be better for everyone involved, because all he does, clearly, is pull people into a total shitstorm or get them killed. Sometimes both.
But people don’t ever really get what they deserve, do they? His mom, the kindest person the universe would probably ever know, hadn’t deserved to die from a tumor in her brain, put there by an evil man she’d chosen to give her huge heart to.
And he doesn’t deserve a hand reaching toward him, pulling him up from the floor.
12: How did you grow as a writer this year: My writing got a lot smuttier LMAO But it also just... reflected a "fuck it, we ball" type of attitude that I'd been slowly embracing. Inventing ships, writing whatever the fuck I want. I've grown a lot, and I feel really liberated.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I hope to continue just... following my bliss. I've come a really long way in not caring as much about an invisible audience and just writing whatever I want, and I aim to keep doing that. I aim to keep believing in myself in that way and going the distance with my screwball ideas.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): Would like to thank the discographies of Massive Attack, CHVRCHES, and Taylor Swift for fueling my writing. Also anyone when I said "I'm gonna put these blorbos together" who said "do it".
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I mentioned it before, but almost paradise was written during a depressive episode and I've joked it was me flinging out all my unresolved grief issues onto the page instead of going to therapy in December (using, you know, one beloved character of mine grieving another beloved character's death as a proxy), so. yes.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Don't write to cater to an audience; write to cater to yourself. If you love what you do, readers can see that love, and they'll believe in it, too. Readers are really good at telling what is and isn't genuine, so the best thing to do is just... be yourself.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I have an existing WIP to finish, and a few more ideas in the can! Featuring: more Vigilmaker, more self-indulgent blorbo ships I invented (featuring either Matt Murdock or Rich Rider or both likely), and GOTG Vol 3 about to wreck my life, so of course I would imagine a good bulk of my writing this year will be related to it. This is all I'll say.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
(no obligation!) @paperprinc3 @literatigeek @sgtjamesrogers @mari--lace @quillsmora
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musicudio · 1 year
Joe Russo Net Worth 2023, Bio, Wife, Cars, House, Career
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Russo has $12 million. American director Joe Russo has won many honors for his work. He is a talented filmmaker, producer, and author. Joe Russo was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. He endures several hardships in his career but never gives up. He began his career as a producer on Arrested Development, a 2003–2006 smash.
To know more about Joe Russo, Read the complete article “Joe Russo Net Worth 2023, Bio, Wife, Cars, House, Career” we describe everything about Russo.
Joe Russo Net Worth Growth
Net Worth in 2023$12.0 MillionNet Worth in 2022$11.0 MillionNet Worth in 2021$10.0 MillionNet Worth in 2020$9.2 MillionNet Worth in 2019$8.4 MillionNet Worth in 2018$7.6 Million
Joe is well-known because he directs Marvel flicks. He directed Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, and Endgame.
Both Joe and his brother Anthony contributed to these films. With over $2.79 billion in worldwide ticket sales, Avengers: Endgame easily surpassed all previous box office records. He has won numerous honors and prizes in addition to producing a large number of TV shows.
Also, Read: Aliko Dangote Net Worth 2023, Bio, Wife, Childrens, Car’s, House, Yacht, Jet and Career
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Who are Russo Brothers?
Read more: https://musicudio.com/joe-russo-net-worth-2023-bio-wife-cars-house-career/
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girlsofthemcu · 1 year
A Bit of Meta: Rogers the Musical (as it would appear in the world of RP)
So I think I have this MOSTLY figured out. The only thing I can’t really figure is how you would fit in the whole Winter Soldier / Civil War thing... But we’ll get there. So far I have... (Hidden under a cut because it’s looooooong)
1. A Pre War Montage: Introduces Steve along with Bucky and Bex. Shows them growing up and ends right as Bucky departs for the war.
2. A Short Number where Steve and Bex are shown dancing around their feelings for one another.
3. Project Rebirth number which would introduce Peggy.
4. “Star Spangled Man” aka the USO Tour
5. Azzano and a catchy number introducing the Howling Commandos.
6. Reprise of Steve and Bex dancing around their feelings -- would end with Peggy and either Dugan or Jack literally pushing them together. And a kiss, of course.
7. Montage to sum up the rest of the War
8. The Valkyrie and Steve and Bex’s goodbyes. Instead of a date, Steve makes her promise to marry him when they get back home.
9. Bex Solo/Ballad that would show the passage of time and hint at the formation of SHIELD. (If you’ve seen If/Then it would kind of be similar to “Learn to Live Without” or “Always Starting Over”). This would end with the announcement the Valkyrie was found.
10. Steve wakes up. Times Square. Reunion with Bex. BIG EPIC LOVE SONG. (aka the song Reb and Junior like to torment her with).
END OF ACT ONE. On Steve and Bex kissing in Times Square, of course.
1. Fury Introduces the idea of the Avengers / recruits Steve
2. “Save the City” aka the Battle of New York
3. INSERT REST OF MCU HERE...like how do you summarize Winter Soldier, AoU, and Civil War...
4. Big epic preparing for Battle Number as they go to fight Thanos
5. Steve, post Infinity War, having a solo similar to Bex’s in the first act where he and the ones left talk about reclaiming those who fell.
6. Defeat of Thanos. 
7. Reunion #2. REPRISE OF BIG EPIC LOVE SONG. (Also this, like Antman being at the Battle of NY would be hysterical...in a tragic way, because I don’t think Bex was snapped. So her sitting in the audience like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK).
8. Steve done. Ready to move on. Live his life with Bex. Passes the shield on to Sam. A new era begins.
9. Finale.
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amischiefofdeets · 2 months
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Former account: ReclaimedAsset Former World War II hero who was brainwashed to be a weapon, a supersoldier to be used whenever HYDRA pleased. Since escaping their clutches he's been figuring himself out, trying to reclaim his sense of self - and perhaps discover who he will become now that he has the freedom to explore. Note: I am not the biggest fan of Infinity war/End Game in general, my Bucky is heavily canon-divergent post Civil War and I will not be changing that. If off-canon muses bother you, you won't like my Bucky as I focus a lot on his recovery and trauma while trying to make himself feel like a person again as I feel that is too often glossed over with characters like himself.
Name: James Buchanan Barnes Nicknames: Bucky, Buck, Winter Soldier. Race: Human (super soldier) Born: 10th March 1917, Brooklyn, New York, America Age: 30 (Physically) 100 (in age) Height: 6'0 Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual - Panromantic Location: Varies on verse Occupation: Avenger, of sorts. Abilities: Has a supersoldier serum like Steve Rogers but less potent - this gives him heightened strength, speed, endurance, stamina, ect. Also things such as poisons, drugs and alcohol don't really affect him. Prosthetic metal arm is extremely durable and dangerous. Reputation: As Bucky Barnes, he is seen as a war hero. A man who had died for his country alongside Captain America. As the Winter Soldier, he's seen as a dangerous weapon, a legendary assassin who always gets his target. Among friends, however, he's seen as a friendly - if distant - companion. A guy who just kinda keeps to himself for the most part.
Scars: Left arm completely replaced with prosthetic, there's a great deal of scarring where the metal meets his body. Tattoos: N/A Alignment: Neutral Good Goals: Find a sense of safety and comfort, try to do some good in the world, catch up on everything he's missed. Hobbies: Dancing (relearning), trying new food places, looking after strays. Likes: Food in general, warm blankets, peaceful moments while somewhere safe. Dislikes: Rain and the cold, trying to sleep, people assuming he doesn't know how modern things work when it's simple. Mental state: Coping would probably best describe it. A lot of his past still weighs on him and in moments of peace tend to creep into his mind. Disabilities: Seriously bad PTSD. Family: George M. Barnes - Father -[Deceased] Winifred C. Barnes - Mother -[Deceased] Rebecca Barnes - Sister - [Unknown] Mary Barnes - Sister - [Unknown] Alice Barnes - Sister - [Unknown] Florence Barnes - Sister - [Unknown]
#AVENGED - Set after a lot of healing, post civil war.
This verse is after Bucky is certain he can no longer be made compliant by his trigger words to become the weapon he once was, he is still likely to lash out at anyone who tries to use them, however. At this point he is working alongside Steve and the other Avengers against whatever threat they need to face. Please keep in mind that my Bucky is entirely divergent post this point and I will not do anything Infinity War/End Game based. Thank you!
#RETRY - Set between Captain America: The Winter Soldier to the end of Captain America: Civil War.
This Bucky is lost, skipping through memories that slip through his grasp like water through fingers, feeling no real attachment to them. The man in the Smithsonian, laughing with Steve Rogers, isn't him. Not this him. That man was wiped away and he feels no true connection with those memories. They seem foreign. The smile on his own face, the life in his eyes. That is not his face.Slowly clambering to make some sense of his own mind, Bucky is living in Romania, making a living as he can. I am also willing to rp with him in America, likely living as a vagrant, though this will be early on and he'll be very withdrawn because he's still learning how to cope with his new freedom. This also includes while he's on the run during Civil War, trying to evade capture and possibly imprisonment for the rest of his life.
#WINTER - Set between Bucky's fall in CA:TFA up until the end of CA:TWS.
It is assumed that his blank expression means that he isn't thinking, that he is only obeying orders but he is a perpetually confused creature. The memories aren't gone, they're just flitting about in the recesses of his mind so fast that he can make no sense of them, the only things that ever make sense are the missions. Thus, he does the only thing he knows how to do. Obey. From time to time there is a lapse, a handler pushing him too far and he will snap, only to be retaught that his only option is to do as he is told.This is purely for the era between Bucky's fall until the end of CA:TWS or any AUs in which he is only Winter. This verse is not used for any time when Bucky has had his conditioning re-triggered.
#HOWLING - Set after Bucky was saved by Steve, during his time as one of the howling commandos.
In this verse, he will be his old cocky self but he knows something is wrong. Zola did something to him while he was laying on that table, he put something in him and Bucky doesn't know what it is. He just knows that he feels wrong and that he can't let Steve know. Please note that this will be set back in the 40s, thus, even though he has feelings for Steve, he isn't likely to outright act on them without Steve directly telling him that he's interested in men too. He's worked hard for years to ensure he's seen as a ladies man to ensure his friendship with Steve can't be questioned by people (if both of them didn't have ladies, people would question) and he wouldn't break that just for a chance with Steve. Especially when the man could end up disgusted with him.
Main tag - Headcanons - Ask tag Likes - Aesthetics - Musings - Wardrobe
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394hq · 1 year
what timeline is this currently?
The date is IRL day/month/year, but in terms of the plot's timeline -- We're set about a year after The Battle of New York. Only the first Avengers movie is canon, and slightly modified as Loki was freed from Thanos' control before the battle in our canon. This means Civil War, Infinity War, Endgame, the Snap/Blip haven't happened yet. Superheroes are still kind of new to the world. Our RP is canon-divergent, so we're essentially starting at the beginning and playing around with things, and we encourage our members to do the same!
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