#avada theme examples
aspirebee · 1 year
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firsttuneit · 1 year
How to Design a WordPress Site That Converts Visitors into Customers
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Introduction: WordPress design and creation
In today's digital age, having a website is essential for any business. However, simply having a website is not enough. Your website needs to be designed in a way that converts visitors into customers. This is where conversion-focused design comes in. In this article, we will discuss the importance of WordPress design and creation that converts visitors into customers and provide tips on how to achieve this.
Understanding the Importance of Conversion-Focused Design
Conversion-focused design is the process of designing a website with the goal of converting visitors into customers. This involves creating a user-friendly website that is easy to navigate and provides a seamless user experience. The importance of conversion-focused design cannot be overstated. A well-designed website can increase conversion rates, improve user engagement, and ultimately lead to increased revenue. There are many examples of successful conversion-focused designs. One example is Amazon's website. Amazon's website is designed to make it easy for users to find what they are looking for and make a purchase. The website is user-friendly, with clear navigation and a simple checkout process. Another example is Airbnb's website. Airbnb's website is designed to make it easy for users to find and book accommodations. The website is visually appealing and provides users with all the information they need to make a booking.
Choosing the Right WordPress Theme for Conversion Optimization
Choosing the right WordPress theme is essential for conversion optimization. There are several factors to consider when choosing a theme for conversion optimization, including speed, responsiveness, and design. It is important to choose a theme that is optimized for speed, as slow loading times can lead to high bounce rates and decreased conversion rates. Additionally, it is important to choose a theme that is responsive, as more and more users are accessing websites on mobile devices. There are many conversion-optimized themes available for WordPress. Some popular options include Divi, Avada, and Astra. These themes are designed with conversion optimization in mind and offer a range of features to help improve conversion rates.
Choosing the Right Hosting Plan
Choosing the right hosting plan is also important for conversion optimization. Hosting can affect site speed and conversion rates, so it is important to choose a hosting plan that is optimized for speed and reliability. Factors to consider when choosing a hosting plan include server location, uptime, and customer support. There are many hosting providers available for WordPress. Some popular options include Couldways, Hostinger, and WP Engine. These providers offer a range of hosting plans to suit different needs and budgets.
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Optimizing your site's WordPress speed
Optimizing your site's WordPress speed is essential for conversion optimization. Slow loading times can lead to high bounce rates and decreased conversion rates. There are several tips for optimizing site speed, including optimizing images, minimizing HTTP requests, and using a caching plugin. There are also several tools available for testing site speed. Some popular options include Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom. These tools can help identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations for optimizing site speed.
Optimizing WordPress SEO for Better Search Results
Optimizing WordPress SEO is important for improving search results and driving traffic to your website. There are several tips for optimizing WordPress SEO, including optimizing content, using keywords, and optimizing meta tags. There are also several tools available for tracking SEO performance. Some popular options include Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These tools can help identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations for optimizing SEO.
Leveraging social proof and testimonials
Social proof and testimonials are important for conversion optimization. Social proof refers to the influence that others have on our behavior. Testimonials are a form of social proof that can help build trust and credibility with potential customers. There are several ways to incorporate social proof and testimonials into your design. This may involve displaying customer reviews on your website, showcasing customer success stories, or featuring endorsements from industry experts.
Implementing trust signals and security features
Trust signals and security features are important for conversion optimization. Trust signals refer to the elements on your website that help build trust and credibility with potential customers. Security features refer to the measures you take to protect your website and customer data. There are several ways to incorporate trust signals and security features into your design. This may involve displaying security badges on your website, using SSL encryption, or implementing two-factor authentication.
Using analytics to track and improve conversion rates
Using analytics is important for tracking and improving conversion rates. Analytics can help you identify areas for improvement and provide insights into user behavior. There are several tools available for tracking and analyzing conversion rates, including Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, and Mixpanel.
Continuously testing and refining your design for maximum results
Continuous testing and refinement are important for achieving maximum results. This involves testing different elements of your design and making changes based on the results. There are several tips for testing and refining your design, including A/B testing, user testing, and heat mapping.
Designing a WordPress site that converts visitors into customers is essential for any business. By understanding the importance of conversion-focused design, identifying your target audience and their needs, choosing the right WordPress theme and hosting plan, optimizing site speed and SEO, leveraging social proof and testimonials, implementing trust signals and security features, using analytics to track and improve conversion rates, and continuously testing and refining your design, you can achieve maximum results and drive revenue for your business.
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raillingfarrell · 2 years
13+ Top Shopify Themes for Hair Salons in 2022
Are you seeking for Shopify Hair Salon Themes? You are in the correct place! 13+ Best Shopify Hair Salon Themes have been reviewed and manually selected out by our AVADA Commerce team from website, marketplace such as: Themeforest, Shopify Themes or TemplateMonster. Hair Salon Themes have been collected based on the following criteria: number of sales, reviews, ratings and social analytics. The greatest Hair Salon themes collection is ranked and updated in December 2022
1 Unsen theme by The4
Theme Features Main Demo Layout,30+ Impressive Demos,Flash Page loading speed,Unique Sliders,Ultimate small cart,Full of Necessary Pages,Product Page Optimization. Unsen is the next-generation Shopify theme designed by The4 which is developed with powerful modules like Mega Menu, Default home page, Ajax Filter, Sliders, Mini Cart. Unsen theme has been on Top options for Shopify retailers as it owns simple, clean, and versatile design. This theme also is totally optimized for quick loading speed and is fully responsive, so that Shopify users can navigate their store more simpler. With that said, Unsen is expected as a Powerful Shopify theme that assist you with developing your high-converting business, then producing more sales and customer interaction.
2 Jasper theme by Srcn
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More information: shopify hair store example
Related article: Best facebook store examples
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devlutfar · 2 years
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Hi, my name is Lutfar. I'm a Professional Full Stack Website Designer and Developer and WordPress Website Designer & Developer, Elementor, and Elementor Pro Specialist. who can take care of your website from scratch to the advanced stage? I've worked with clients of all sizes for over 2+ years.
I'm comfortable working with major, Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery Animation, PHP, MySQL, WordPress page builders, including Elementor, Elementor Pro, Wp Bakery, Divi Gutenberg, and WP Page Builder. I am also familiar with several major WordPress Premium themes including Astra, Avada, Divi, and Plugins.
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Feel free to tell me if you have any questions or visit my website: https://developerlutfarrahman.com
Email: [email protected] Phone:+8801738766754 (Whats app)
Committed to your success, Lutfar
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sugargliderowl · 4 years
Thoughts About Remus' Playlist
So as usual, this is my first reaction/rant/analysis about the playlist! This time, it’s Remus’ Playlist. I think it’s going to be cursed. But a... good cursed, if that’s a thing. As usual, feel free to add on to this! It’s good to share thoughts and talk about meanings, even making predictions about the future! 
General Overview Before Listening: I love Yugen_sama ‘s artwork; her style makes me happy! Also, Remus doing that? TOTALLY HIM. Just looking at the choice of songs does mirror Roman’s playlist in a way with their own anthems, Tenacious D, maybe an etc. We’ll have to see on that. His explanation with all the emojis is definitely him, and I think that’s all I can say. Just look at it.
Reminder: Before we go on, a little reminder for your safety. The songs can be quite... a handful. If you know about Remus’ personality and interests but still wanna read the overall analysis, go to the TL:DR at the way bottom without reading the specific song analysis. If you remember the TW from the video, that really applies here. Stay safe. 
Song Analysis:
This Devil’s Workday: Genius told me that this is about a criminal going mad. Yeah. The blazing trumpets and the really radio-like voice in the song is kinda creepy, but that goes with Remus as intrusive thoughts! He’s very obtrusive, and he’s everywhere without any filter. It’s a good intro to his character. The poor sack of puppies in this song goes back to his theme’s lyric, “your pet dog stuffed into a sausage” Also, the repetition of “All the people that you know / Floating on the river are logs” is like what he does to Thomas (repetitively reminding him about the bad things). The  “Oh I am my own da[ng] God” goes along with all the biblical references he makes in his theme (and just the dark sides in general). All in all, this song/introduction just is him screeching, “HI, I’M YOUR INTRUSIVE THOUGHT WITHOUT THE UGH.” 
Forbidden Fruit (the Duke’s Theme): If you are a Fander, you definitely are singing/screaming this on top of your lungs as you listen to this. I did that, and I love that. This song itself has a lot of good analysis online, so check them out! It was the intro song of the Duke with all his motives, thoughts, and everything beyond that, so it’s definitely on here. Also, it mirrors A Gay Disney Prince from Roman’s playlist by both being their own “I want” songs as well as their character role songs. The Creativitwins strike here once.
Double Team: Tenacious D! The Creativitwins strike here again! Wonderboy was on Roman’s playlist, which is also a Tenacious D song, so you can definitely say there are some mirroring going on here (also! YES the artist choice seems like a definite factor in choosing these songs). So this song is about having sex. Okay. And having a threesome. Okay, Remus. This song, even though it’s from the same artist as Roman, has a really different theme. If the Tenacious D selection is about the twins, would this mean that Roman wants them to be a really good team who, even though are opposites, can get along, while Remus wants them both to lose the filter and have fun? Overall, it could mean that the twins both want to get along, just in different ways which contradict one another. I’m not going into the lyric details because oof.
Man: I just noticed that Yeah Yeah Yeahs was on Patton’s and Virgil’s playlists. On Remus? I didn’t really expect that, but that’s a pleasant surprise. This song is really interesting because it’s not like the other two. This song, for me, is about someone who is obsessed with a man who would make her do anything, and she’s just hooking up with him or something. Also, the whole, “You're all gonna burn in hell / I said we're all gonna burn in hell” goes back to the biblical references that the Dark Sides make as well as the lyric of “Cause your head's not in the gutter, pal / It's in Hell.” Who is the man? Thomas, probably. This probably directs back to Remus convincing Thomas to drop the filter.
Freeee: “When man becomes possessor of the knowledge of himself, he becomes the master of his environment“ in the beginning of the song is Remus telling Thomas to learn about himself by possibly accepting Remus. The lyrics “One day they hate you / Next day they love you / I'm still yellin' "F[*]ck 'em" / I could never trust—” show how Remus doesn’t trust the society like Janus, and that’s just one of the main core of the dark sides. They don’t trust people that much. This does include Virgil since he is anxiety, so he can’t trust everything immediately. They all have different ways of showing the distrust. For Remus, it’s the layback, “frick it” attitude. “I don’t feel pain anymore” and “nothin’ hurts me anymore” seems to be a potential for Remus angst of being rejected from all the sides and being the “Evil Twin”. Does he care or not care? No one knows yet.
In The Room Where You Sleep: Sleep from the shorts and Virgil will both react really strongly to this song. Why? “There's something in the shadows / In the corner of your room / A dark heart is beating / And waiting for you” (Telltale Heart reference-). Yeah. Remus listening to this would go back to that end card of Remus being creepy (and eating deodorant). Also, it possibly demonstrates Virgil and Remus’ relationship; Remus scared Virgil because of his thoughts and conjectures. The repetition of “You better run / You better hide” would also contribute to this thought, definitely. But then again, that melancholy keyboard... Why that montage at the end?
No Reason Boner: The song is very catchy and funny. But ASDKLFAJSD. This is definitely Remus’ type of song. That means that the sexual information is given control to Remus, and he probably uses the information for his jokes and intrusive thoughts. This song is what Remus' personality is: goofy yet NSFW. This intrusive thought without the ugh is probably lovable in this fandom because of that. Also, I don’t know why, but he can have that naivete even though he’s the one in charge of stuff like that. A nice juxtaposition right there.
I Told You I Was Freaky: This playlist is a RIDE. VERY MUCH A RIDE. Just all the sexual references in this song are just 1000% Remus. The song itself is quite whispery, and I guess that goes with Remus because he whispers the dirty stuff into Thomas’ ears. Well, whisper is very much an understatement. But I have to admit, if you listen to the lyrics, there are some very creative ways that people don’t think of. It’s usually a bed, a car, or in a club or party, but the lyrics are more than that. Then, we can assume how capable and skilled Remus is as the Dark Creativity; he’s as good as Roman, just in a different category. 
Queef: If you don’t know what a queef is, I didn’t too. I just looked it up while I was typing this. Wait, isn’t Awkwafina in like a movie? This, like that last song, is basically him going off on his creativity and wordplay. In future episodes, I would love to see how Remus can go off with his wordplay because if Roman’s good at all the nicknames, and if Remus is basically him but darker, that means he’s good. Like really good. This song is also very, very catchy, and I kinda jammed through it because of the beat.
Manners: According to genius, this song is a "sexually-charged bad b[*]tch anthem on which Ashnikko displays her “IDGAF”-attitude.” Basically, the vine, “I’M A BAD B*TCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME” would equate to Remus as well as the meme, “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go APESH*T-.” This might connect with his facade in a way because he seems to be naive and goofy at times (although NSFW), but when he drops it, he drops it fast, and he drops it hard. For example, his facade drops when he threatened Logan in DWIT, and his facade can be picked back up quickly, too. This song also has the element of “Frick this world” attitude, which Remus showed in the previous songs, and I stan him. As the fandom did an edit once, he would definitely wear acrylic nails if he wants to. A thing that I did notice though is the lyric “Fight or flight, I’m fighting for my life.” HI VIRGIL!
Ben Bernanke: I don’t know who Spencer is, but a big OOF for him. This song’s structure is really unique because I have no clue where it’s going, and it’s going with Remus’ personality of just randomness and intrusivity (is that a word?). ALSO, the continuing snakes in these songs. So is Spencer Janus in our context? If so, Remus is quite mad at Janus. I do see why though, after that last video implying that he’s the Evil Twin. “Do you think you can mock me, Spencer? / Do you think you can capture my essence / And throw it back at me with / Humor and rhetorical devices?” Gosh, Janus and Remus could have beef with one another. Also, that “Avada Kedavra” and “I’m... a furious magician” could definitely foreshadow something in the future. Additionally, “You're the architect of my dreams, Spencer / You plan them, and build them on blue paper / And hand them to me / And then I dream them, Spencer.” 
Worldwide Torture: “I never come second place / Always been a big disgrace Smell the fear, I know you see / High achiever (Yeah, that's me!)” Welcome to Remus’ angst that we do not know much about yet. It’s great. It’s just like Roman, but in a more “I’m a disappointment” way! However, what’s quite different is that Remus is pissed. Beyond pissed about it, so he acts up unlike Roman who tries to mask it. Because he knows that he’s not regarded nicely with any of the sides, he wants to molest them and destroy the world, shown by the lyrics “A pure violation of God's great creation / It’s an infestation, it’s world domination.” I think this issue might pop up more frequently as more episodes come out, but for now, this is my assumption. Out of context, “The highest score” goes with that last episode, since Remus was present as the 80085. 
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na): I DIDN’T EXPECT THIS TO BE HERE, BUT I LOVE IT. THANK YOU. WOOOOOO YASSSS. This is actually one of the “pump me up” songs. First, “Eight legs to the wall, hit the gas, kill them all” is, obviously, a spider in the song, but in our context, we can also call it an octopus because Remus’ animal is an octopus, which has 8 tentacles (6 legs and 2 arms). Second, Remus is PISSED. He definitely has a punk aesthetic, shown by all the songs about flipping the world. The lyrics “I’d rather to to Hell / Than be in purgatory” definitely shows his determination of doing so since he’s saying that he won’t sit back. Somehow, for me it’s a growth from the beginning of “I don’t care” to “I actually care, and I’m fighting for that sh*t”. Pissed off Remus is scary Remus.
Trash People: Trash rat boiiiii. But this song is more than that. It’s showing that trash people aren’t really... trash people. “ Art is love and love is sloppy / Nothing is all pure / Nothing is all dirty” really shows the whole duality aspect in the entire series. Everything is gray. And that’s what Roman and Remus need to work on since they were divided by the black and white mentality. If Remus is okay with the gray morality, then who would be the one that he’s directing this song to? Roman. “Wearing a smile and a heart on my sleeve” though. I don’t get this lyric, but then again, tell me what you guys think! Does this mean that Remus is actually trying to be like this, or is he mocking Roman... The “no time to start over” also sounds really ominous.
Tranz: Gorillaz! Same album as Roma-OKAY THIS IS GETTING REAL. The last one with this artist had the lyrics, “I’m the lonely twin, the left hand... I don’t want this isolation.” People were screaming about this because, of course, this refers to Remus, but who knew that this was going to pop up again! That’s why I loved the artist connections during these analysis. Anyways, this goes back to the twin duality, but more of an angry tune. Take a look at this: “Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? / Do you turn into your effigy? / Do you dance like this forever?” Remember Roman’s whole monologue about Remus as someone he sees in the mirror with all the things he doesn’t want to be? This song is Remus asking Roman about that statement. Keep in mind that effigy is a sculpture that is usually used to mock or burn and is used as a negative connotation (thank you my English teacher). Remus doesn’t like that comparison at all, and I’m more concerned for him now than I was ever before after Janus saying that too. 
Death as a Fetish: Wow, this is sad. “And I will never be good enough, quietly / And you will never be good enough, just like me.” If the twins have the time to reconcile, this is probably the first thing they need to help out on each other. Remus knows more about his twin than we all thought, and he knows that both of them have problems about that. On the other hand, this song, when I looked at some of the annotations on genius, has a sad connotation. Life is so short, and it ends, and you know for sure that death is there at all times with that repetition of “death as a fetish” after everything we find positive. For Remus, I guess he knows about this. He’s a deeper character than we credit him as.
Don’t Stop Me Now: TONIIIIGHT IM GONNA HAVE MYSEEEELF A GOOD TIIME- okay. This song is something I scream my lyrics to. I also didn’t expect this, but in a calmer manner (because I wasn’t calm when this was on), yes please. Basically, DON’T STOP ME NOWWW! I don’t know how to explain this in a deeper way. Yeah. I LOVE THIS SONG THOUGH!
Things I Don’t Remember: “Things I don't remember / How the hell'd we get here? / How the hell did we get here?” This can be interpreted in a lot of ways. It could either be how all the sides came to be, how Roman and Remus came to be by both having the role of creativity, or just where Thomas is mentally since they are all Thomas. I think that’s depending on how you want to go about it. The last point is the strongest for me because of this one phrase of  “There were endless conversations / No one's mouths were really moving” maybe referring to the sides’ conversations around Thomas’ dilemmas. They sometimes only make it worse until someone has to kick in to change the viewpoint around, and that’s the reason why it feels like nobody’s mouths were really moving. Also, dressed up alligators? Okay, Remus.
F*ck It!: (Censored by yours truly with her notecard of “note your language”) The album name of taxidermy... fitting. Back to the song. “Why abstain? Why jump in line?” and “They say don't take the risk you're sure to fail... But what's the worst that could happen, end up in a coffin? / Isn't that where we're all headed anyway?” really highlights Remus’ spontaneity, which is a big factor in intrusive thoughts. This is back to the “frick this”, but more a “frick it I’m doing that sh*t, and I don’t care about the consequences” (going back to Na Na Na on that). Also, “'Cause it's easier to lie to yourself than to face reality” reminded me of Janus, but does this also apply to Remus in a way? Or does this apply to all the sides who are lying to themselves, especially Roman? Anyways, Remus’ spontaneity is something to kinda look up to at times. Not... not all the time. 
fReAkY 4 Life: Dorian Electra... the one behind Flamboyant from ROMAN’S PLAYLIST! The Creativitwins music solidarity number I-forgot-to-count. To the lyrics! “They just don't understand me / I'm not like them, I'm freaky” does go to all the other sides and Thomas because Remus really stands out from all the other sides. Silly yet NSFW, weird, and very new. Also, he seems to want some attention from all the sides with “ I like to be in the spotlight / Step on the scene ’cause it feels right / I freakin' scream, baby, all night / I do it, I do it, do it all the time,” but is it a distraction or legitimate attention? I love how this song is the finale because this song is the fireworks that says Remus. All the lyrics really match him, and especially with the “I hear what they call me / I hear what they say / I'm not very cool, yeah / But I'll never change,” it cements how Remus thinks. 
Remus is a character deeper than we already know him as. There are a lot of him that hasn’t been introduced to us since he’s pretty new. He has been on for about 2-3 episodes (only 1 with his full participation), and he never really interacted with Roman nor Janus, both who has a history with our little gremlin. Yes, Remus is the Duke of Dark Creativity and intrusive thoughts; there are so many references that are R-rated in this playlist, but in the end, he is another side. He more than the trash boi who gleefully talks about sensitive topics. 
He still has a connection with Roman with all the overlaps in their insecurities and artists, and he’s probably the one who’s more knowledgeable about their relationship as a twin. He could even want to reconcile with his twin, but in a way that Roman would not approve. That doesn’t mean that Remus is kinda mad at Roman. A fun house mirror.
Next, He doesn’t want to change himself in the sake of others although he knows that the others hate him for being him, and he’s actively going against it, not caring about the consequences. That’s what drives him to be really good at his job. He’s as good as Roman on doing his job. Along with that, he wants Thomas to embrace him as one of the sides and come over to the dark side of creativity. It’s one of Remus’ biggest dreams: acceptance. I want to see how this plays out with him and especially him.
Finally, he’s pissed. Very pissed. After all the berating at his back from all the other sides, including Janus, he’s PISSED. He’s ready to throw hands and wreck the world. I’m starting to be worried for how his character would develop. If he goes apesh*t, I’m getting popcorn and coke. Maybe drink every time we see him go feral. Eat a popcorn every time someone is disgusted by Remus. 
Overall, I love him more than I ever did because of this playlist since music is the window to the soul. It’s like knowing a person and learning about them. Also, by doing this, it really develops the character and lets the people look inside the character’s deepest thoughts and desires. I don’t know if there will be any additions to these, but if not, I really want to thank the entire group who made this happen! I found some songs that I really love now, and it’s such a good way for the fanders to have fun! (also, the content inspired from this is going to be very interesting)(the ANGST) 
Thanks for reading if you came til here, and feel free to add on to this! I would love to see how you guys think about this playlist!
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negativereader · 6 years
My Critique of Harry Potter
So, there are people asking why I get critical, so I’ll explain. So, first of all, I’m not saying I hate the series. It’s an immensely important one, and I maintain the fact that we can thank if for the fact that YA is the monster genre that it became. Prior to it, YA was mostly coming of age stories (mostly about boys) and stupid drama. 
So, why am I critical of some elements of the story? 
My issues with the series can be wrapped up in Snape, Dumbledore and Harry himself.
Note: I’m not taking any of Rowling’s later revelations into account. I didn’t keep up with them.
So, I would argue that one of them major themes of Harry Potter is to trust the schools. Yes, there are themes of love, tolerance, growing as a culture and accepting change. However, the one I want to focus on is this one, and how Dumbledore is wrapped in it. 
This is not a critique of Dumbledore himself. I have less issues with the character than many, what I do have issues with is how the narrative treats him.
Throughout the book, we learn that the Ministry of Magic is corrupt. It’s thoroughly compromised by blood purists, and filled with incompetents who only care about furthering their own power. Harry, understandably, grows to distrust and dislike their ideals. 
Hogwarts, on the other hand, is different. Hogwarts is treated like it’s nearly perfect, other than the exception of the Slytherins who are conveniently sectioned off into the dungeons so that we know that they are bad people and a few bad teachers who are the exception to the rule. This is wrapped up in Dumbledore himself. 
While Dumbledore is acknowledged as being morally ambiguous, having had an involvement in his sister’s death, and a friendship with Wizard Hitler 1.0, his actions, beliefs and behaviors are always portrayed as the enlightened ones, the progressive ones, the ones that we are expected to admire and approve of, and Harry never questions Dumbledore. 
Throughout all of Deathly Hallows, Harry might distrust everyone else, but never Dumbledore’s instructions. He is, as he admits, Dumbledore’s man through and through. 
This leads to a theme that I honestly don’t like: “Don’t trust the government, but completely trust the intellectual elite. They will never steer you wrong.”
There is no critique of Dumbledore’s frankly isolationist policy towards the Muggles, nor is Dumbledore forced to explain his actions, and the narrative never seems to expect the reader to have anything but complete faith in Dumbledore. This isn’t Harry calling into question what he’d believed about the man and then accepting that, while flawed and broken, Dumbledore was actively trying to make up for his mistakes. While the Hat is unsure about the Sorting System, it remains, and is thus justified. Dumbledore and the system of Hogwarts itself (which arguably allows blood purism to fester given that Slytherins are never forced to work with Muggleborns in a friendly sense) goes unquestioned.
Harry is rewarded for this complete faith, and the world continues as it was, separated from Muggles, Hogwarts in tact, with no sign of anything other than the government having changed.
 What’s more, the Wizards are given no reason to change their opinion of the Muggles, so therefore, blood purism is going to be able to fester until someone else rises. Because Rowling, at least in the books, gives us no Muggle who is any better than the Dursleys, or the Prime Minister, who seems incompetent.
So, Snape is another character that I have little against personally. While I think that his fans tend to ignore his flaws, he’s a fine example of a character with a failed character arc, or who does good things for the wrong reason.
However, the narrative treats Snape in a very strange way.
Now, we all know Snape’s backstory, how he comes from an abusive home, suffered bullying, had a crush on Lily that eventually developed into an obsession that left her and her husband dead, and how, in repentance for her death, he turned spy. However, there are things about him that the narrative doesn’t tell.
We see everything from Snape’s perspective, so naturally we see him as a victim of circumstance. However, we never see if Snape actually gave up his blood purist views or if he retained them (as his treatment of Hermione could be argued to imply) and remained against Voldemort purely for Lily’s sake. We know that he despises Harry for being James’ son, but that’s it.
We don’t see what he did as a Death Eater, though it’s implied through his curses that it wasn’t good. Maybe that would make him less sympathetic, but that’s part of the problem. 
The narrative and Harry, treat him as a complete hero by the end. And, again, we are expected to agree with how brave Snape was. We are supposed to see his obsession with and idealization of Lily as romantic.
What’s more, Lily and James are weirdly voiceless characters despite being so important. We never really hear Lily’s point of view, and Snape’s perspective makes her seem unrealistically perfect. We never see just what is meant by James ‘deflating his head’. It’s all Snape.
And for a character Rowling argues as being wrong, she certainly does her best to justify him.
So, I don’t have the issues with Harry that most people do. I don’t think that he should ‘just rebel’. I don’t think that he was ‘rude’. I think that he was a deeply traumatized boy who latched on to the first adult who acted in a kind way towards him and refused to allow that to be shaken. 
However, I do have questions about some of his actions in Deathly Hallows. Particularly with how free he was with Unforgivable curses and how the narrative treated it.
It’s clear that what makes the unforgivable curses so, well, unforgivable is the intent behind them. You have to want to torture someone when you cast Crucio. You have to want to dominate someone when you cast Imperio. And you have to want someone dead to cast Avada Kadavra. However, when Harry casts Crucio, we’re supposed to cheer him on in Deathly Hallows. We’re supposed to see the fact that our hero cast a torture curse as a good thing, because it was against a bad person and not to consider it further.
Now, I have no objection to the scene with Bellatrix. Because Harry is angry, hurt, grieving and is reacting. He is also faintly horrified once he does it. That’s fine. Heroes doing questionable things is fine, but I want to see it acknowledged that it was a questionable action, rather than completely justified so don’t think about it.
The narrative, again, expects us to not even question if Harry throwing Crucio around is really a good thing for him. 
Now, some of this could be attributed to Hype Backlash, and the fact that people I know tend to treat the series like it is completely flawless, but I think I do have grounds for a critique. I’m not saying that it’s not a good series, with a lot of good ideas. I just feel that it’s not the perfection that people tend to make it into nowadays.
I have other critiques, but those are mostly nitpicks.
67 notes · View notes
navicosoft11 · 3 years
PSD to WordPress: What it is and Where to Get it?
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Okay, you are looking for a company that delivers PSD to WordPress Service? Well, you are on the right blog.
This blog will let you know what PSD to WordPress Conversion Service is, step by step guide, what to think from a company while purchasing it, where to purchase this service, and how to guarantee you will get accurate as per your needs.
What Exactly is PSD to WordPress?
WordPress is one of the leading widespread CMS-based platforms. Its flexibility and adaptability help website developers to generate powerful and active websites efficiently. At the same time, Photoshop is the World’s utmost used designing tool to create PSD files.
In simple words, PSD to WordPress Theme Service is a procedure when your service provider receives the PSD design file of your website and changes that into an efficient and approachable WordPress theme.
Step by Step Guide about PSD to WordPress Conversion Services.
Slice your PSD Designs
The first step in altering your PSD to WP Service is slicing PSD designs into pictures. The WordPress designer slices every segment and component of the design and encrypt it as the CMS level component. Your WordPress developer requires to part the images, designs, icons, background, or any additional infographic.
Encrypting the Slices
Subsequently slicing PSD designs, the resulting step is encrypting the slices. In this phase, your WordPress developer will encrypt the parts into three pieces; index.html, style.css, and SQL database.
It uses to make the header, footer, and body of the website and convert it into the index.html file.
It uses to design the website and convert it in the style.css file to embrace it properly.
SQL database
The most significant part of a WordPress website is its robust database; always ask your WordPress developer to create a protected and scalable database structure.
Making the Right Templates
It is one of the most critical steps in PSD to WordPress Services. In this phase, the coder requires to duplicate the WordPress template orders. Again, WordPress.org is the best place to analyze the orders.
The code inscribes with recognized rules, and your developer requires adopting them for the WordPress theme to work appropriately. Postulate your developer to make custom templates created on your website and content features.
Additional Extras
In this phase, you require to increase the essential functionality of your website, not enclosed under PSD. WordPress permits you to use different specifications as per your requirements.
Functionality and Testing
After encrypting and customization, the last and the utmost significant phase is testing. Here, you require to confirm that website works efficiently with all browsers on all devices.
When is the Best Time to Get PSD to WordPress Service?
If your objective is to have a good website, then there are numerous ways to get it. Firstly, you can go by yourself. It means preliminary from scratch by WordPress as the engine to live your site from scrape to complete. But that is just going to eat your time and money, leaving you unsatisfied and unhappy.
As WordPress is the utmost widespread website engine now, for example, more than 32% of the websites are successively running on WordPress, which brands WordPress a reliable and consistent platform.
While creating a website by yourself is a challenging task. So, you can hire a company to support you build your site.
And then PSD to WordPress originates. So, a PSD to WordPress Service will only be valuable to you previously have a website or a complete design completed for it.
Afterward, you require to hire a designer to design your website as per your criteria to have the final PSD file.
Once you have that PSD file, it is time to go for a PSD to WordPress Service. And fortunately, you’re not the only one in this World challenged by this problem. 3,600+ people search Google every month for excellent services, whether PSD to WordPress Conversion Service or Website Development Service.
What can you expect when you get this service?
In most situations, while getting this service, WordPress Developers will enquire you to offer your PSD design files and your wants for the final and best product.
Thing’s companies asked while PSD to WordPress Service:
The project design file must be mobile reactive
It must use only “copyright-free images.”
The project file must contain Retina-Standard Visuals
The encryption must be clean and constructed with a recognized and top     WordPress frameworks like Avada, Divi, Genesis, and many more.
After your service, you’ll get the best set of WordPress theme files that you prepare to fix on your website.
Who to Select for PSD to WordPress Service?
Okay, now you recognize what you want but do not see where to get it.
We have the best reference for you; PSD to WordPress Theme Expert. Noticeably, one of the establishments online that will, fortunately, offer you the best service: A company in the web development industry for years and has a great portfolio with clients globally in comprehensive niches and businesses. Check out their portfolio here before placing an order.
We are looking forward to seeing your reply. Let us tell your opinions about the blog in the comments.
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buddingquest · 3 years
Avada WordPress Theme Review 2021 – Is It Worth It Or Not?
Avada is the number one bestseller theme all the time in the ThemeForest marketplace.
If you are familiar with ThemeForest then you probably noticed that they provide premium quality themes and in the WordPress section, Avada has the top position.
Here we see the Avada WordPress review by considering all its features, pros, and cons and see if it’s worth it or not to buy.
Avada theme is designed for the WordPress platform only, and it is created by ThemeFusion. This WP theme Avada has been available in the ThemeForest marketplace since 16 August 2012.
This theme stays at the top position for a long time in the best-selling WordPress theme. Avada has more than 668K+ sales since it is available in the market.
In this WordPress theme Avada review we will see why Avada is the best-selling theme for all these years and how It is useful for creating a professional-looking WordPress site. Is it worth buying this best-selling theme or not?
What features this theme offers and what types of websites you can build with the Avada theme.
So let’s start our Avada WordPress Theme Review.
Avada WordPress Theme Review 2021
Overview of Avada Theme Review
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Avada is a multipurpose theme that is useful for creating different types of websites. If you are a professional WordPress user then you probably saw that many developers use the Avada theme to build a website.
It has its own website builder, Which is called fusion builder. This website builder is a drag & drop visual builder, that does not require any coding skills to make a website.
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It has some amazing pre-designed templates which are available to use. You can customize those templates or add extra modules to them.
This template has full control over the page, you can customize each element as you like.
These theme designs are elegant and minimal which made this website more attractive. Also, it has some additional premium theme modules which made this Avada theme best-selling. We’ll see more details in this Avada Theme Review.
Detailed Features of Avada Theme
Fusion Builder
If you are familiar with the elementor website builder then you can build a site easily with the Avada theme.
Avada does not support the elementor theme builder but it has its own theme builder which is similar to other page builders like elementor or beaver builder. It has the same functionality.
Unlike other page builders which work on WordPress dashboard, Fusion builder operates the same.
You can import the pre-build templates if you don’t understand how to work with them. After that, you can change the template according to your need.
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Fusion Builder and Shortcodes
This fusion builder comes with the Avada theme for free. This builder is specially built for the Avada theme. With the help of this builder, you can design web pages and edit pre-built Avada templates.
This builder has an inbuilt shortcodes generator that you can use. You can also use the fusion slider and mega menu option to create a custom menu.
These all elements inserted with fusion builder are available with standard WordPress editors like Gutenberg. You can edit those or and add new ones with a normal WordPress editor.
Furthermore, You can make changes in how it will look or function. Here is a few examples of those shortcode options are maps, countdown timer, custom layouts, videos, tables, posts, etc
If you practice this Fusion builder perfectly then you can easily create dynamic pages with it.  Recently Avada theme added 8 new dynamic layouts which are easy to use.
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These elements are Archives, Author, Comment, Content, Featured image, Pagination, Project Details, and Related posts.
Theme Options
For these options, you need to go to the Avada option on the left side of the menu and then go To the Theme options.
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Here in the theme option, you can make changes to the entire theme. Customizing the theme with this theme panel is easy.
Using this panel you can make changes to the entire theme and you have full control. From the typography to changing colors of the website. You can make changes according to different category types.
Here I’ll list some of options you can change with this Avada theme panel.
Layout Options
Page Title
There are many other options with this theme panel you can explore more in the Avada Fusion Theme option.
Avada has more features you can read full features, price, pro & cons on my blog here.... 
0 notes
themepluginpro · 3 years
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Download RnB - WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin on Codecanyon
Description RnB - WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin :
Download RnB - WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin. The theme releases on Thursday 11th February 2016 By The author redqteam on Codecanyon. It’s uses with booking,booking calendar,car booking,car rental,google calendar,hotel booking,property booking,rent,rent a taxi,rental,reservation,seasonal booking,woocommerce booking,wordpress booking plugin,wp booking pricing. Item Title: RnB - WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin Category: wordpress/ecommerce/woocommerce/products Price: $29 Author: redqteam Published Date: Thursday 11th February 2016 05:34:51 AM More Info / DownloadDemo
WooCommerce Booking and Rental Plugin help you to build your booking business, it’s super easy to install and setup. You will able to rent like cars, bike, dress, tools, gadgets, etc. This is one of the best selling WooCommerce Booking Plugin. This allows you to add unlimited rental products, gives you the option to set your own pricing along with maintaining & blocking calendar. It has “request for quote” section too. Where the user will able to negotiate and you will able to set custom pricing for that person. It brings so many features like Hourly range pricing, Inventory management & variations, Unlimited payable resources, and persons. This Plugin is fully compatible with latest WooCommerce and WordPress version. A lot of options/settings are provided in the backend for example: block rental days and hours, set minimum & maximum booking days, single day booking, maximum time penalty, date format settings, daily basis opening & closing time and many more. This Booking plugin is WPML supported which allows your website to become multilingual.
Plugin is fully compatible with with latest wooCommerce and WordPress version.
Check Our Others Portfolio Items
It creates a new WooCommerce product type , its called Rental product , Where user can set product with various options, such as
Google calendar order report
Day basis price configuration
Monthly price configuration (Seasonal pricing)
Day ranges price configuration
General price configuration
Hourly price configuration
Discount on general pricing plan depending on rental days
Discount on daily pricing plan depending on rental days
Discount on monthly pricing plan depending on rental days
Discount on day ranges pricing plan depending on rental days
Car availability control
Date blocking
Unlimited payable resources
Unlimited payable person.
Three type of date format.
Add unlimited product attributes.
Add unlimited product features.
pickup and return location added.
Add pickup and return location cost
Admin email notification during new order
Set PrePayment during booking
Payment due feature
Customers email notification during complete order, cancel order, or refund order
Product local and global settings
Order processing , complete , on-hold, cancel email notification to customers
PayPal, Direct Bank Transer, Credit Card payment system
Invoice system
Email confirmation
Full calendar order report for site admin
v10.0.9 – 11 March 21
- Fixed monthly pricing reset issue.
v10.0.8 – 02 March 21
- Fixed double click issue - Fixed backend pricing translation issue - Fixed layout two css issue - Updated datejs package - Fixed generic categories quantity issue - Fixed categories quantity issue for Avada theme - Added support email Unicode blog name
v10.0.7 – 11 Jan 21
- Fixed price conflict issue
v10.0.6 – 28 Dec 20
- Added GDPR option for RFQ form - Fixed compatibility issue for WP 5.6
v10.0.5 – 12 Nov 20
- RFQ email issue solved - Default price sorting issue fixed
v10.0.4 – 06 Nov 20
- Price breakdown control added - RFQ issues fixed
v10.0.3 – 28 July 20
- Time picker issue fixed - RFQ email content issue fixed
v10.0.2 – 22 June 20
- UI updated - CSS updated - Modal layout issues fixed - Demo updated
v10.0.1 – 20 April 20
- Adult option fixed - Child option fixed - Zero price based booking issue fixed - Translation issues fixed
v10.0.0 – 2 April 20
- Console error fixed - Category issue fixed - Settings issue fixed
v9.0.9 – 3 March 20
- Mobile date blocking issue solved
v9.0.8 – 22 Feb 20
- Modal layout validation issue fixed - Deposit clickable / non-clickable issue fixed - Back-end day range pricing, discount, and hour range pricing default type added
v9.0.7 – 30 Jan 20
- Modal Layout issue fixed - Quantity not available issue fixed - Backend date blocking issue - code restructuring
v9.0.6 – 03 Dec 19
- Quantity validation issue fixed - Location validation issue fixed - RnB extension page broken image issue fixed - Price showing issue fixed
v9.0.3 – 16 Nov 19
- Deposit issue fixed - Server site validation checking - RnB Add-ons page - Max and Min days booking message changed - Wrong payment due issue fixed on cart page - Pickup time issue - Admin booking fields validation issue fixed
v9.0.2 – 16 Oct 19
- Shipping & Tax issue solved on cart page
v8.0.9 – 03 Oct 19
- Price breakdown - Make deposit non-taxable - RFQ total price 0 issues - RFQ form submit redirect issue - Validation issues solved - Foreign key issues solved on custom table - Improved settings panel
v8.0.8 – 4 September 19
- Validation issue fixed - O price issue fixed - Error message issue fixed - Conditional price bugs
v8.0.7- 23 July 2019
- Reactive pro plugin searching issues fixed - Inventory table issue fixed
v8.0.6 – 18 April 2019
- Flat hours pricing plans - Extra hours pricing plans
v8.0.5 – 09 April 2019
- Hourly Range pricing plan - 12-hour time format issue fixed - Pricing info CSS issue fixed - Code optimized
v8.0.2- 19 March 2019
- Feature & Attributes tab issue fixed - Mysql custom availability table prefix issue solved - 12-hour time format issue fixed - Date blocking issue fixed
v8.0.0- 04 March 2019
- Multiple inventory with multiple quantity - Hourly blocking depending on inventories - Inventory data structure changed - Documentation updated
v7.0.2- 29 Jan 2019
- Category quantity issue fixed - WPML tab issue fixed - RNB & Google Calendar 1 more day issue fixed - Modal layout placeholder issue fixed - Modal layout locations required issue fixed - Total price NaN issue fixed - Next, Previous, and Finish button translation issue fixed - Current date previous time issue fixed - Quantity field not showing in pre selected data issue fixed
v7.0.1- 18 Dec 2018
- RFQ form placeholder customizable - Translation issue solved - .po files updated - RFQ wanted data removed - Rentable and unlimited booking issue fixed
v6.0.8- 31 October 2018
- 12-hour time format issue solved - Quantity box input field fixed - Google calendar issue solved - Conditional fields documented - Option panel data translate issue fixed
v6.0.7- 17 September 2018
- Request For Quote - My account issue fix - Uber Like Layout update - Settings panel control update - New design implementation
v6.0.6- 29 July 2018
- Validation message added - Time based booking quantity issue solved - .pot file updated
v6.0.4- 15 July 2018
- Holidays blocking on calendar - Start of of the week day select from option panel - Validation issue - Total price currency format according to the wooCommerce currency settings
v6.0.3- 30 June 2018
- Quantity and total price calculation issue fixed - Pre-block and post block days issue fixed - RFQ modal email sent successful notification issue fixed - RFQ button disable issue with error message issue fixed
v6.0.1- 04 June 2018
- RnB Calendar translation issue fixed - Show inventory reference on rnb calendar and order details page - Map icon change - am/pm time format - Request for quote without username and password - Global label issue - Quantity and price update issue fixed - Quantity validation - Cancel / Trash orders and date availability feature modified - Google map console error fixed
v6.0.1- 04 June 2018
- RnB Calendar translation issue fixed - Show inventory reference on rnb calendar and order details page - Map icon change - am/pm time format - Request for quote without username and password - Global label issue - Quantity and price update issue fixed - Quantity validation - Cancel / Trash orders and date availability feature modified - Google map console error fixed
v6.0.0 – 28 April 2018
- Location choose from google map - Map distance count and price update - Modal layout added in booking page - Fixed checkout page bug with quantity for other produtcs - Buffer days added - Google map api key added
v5.0.8 – 02 April 2018
- Google calendar description added - Global & Local settings for quantity label - Quantity field on/off
v5.0.7 – 29 Mar 2018
- Quantity Feature [New feature] - Inventory and availability checking before place order [bug fixing] - Code Refactoring [Enhancement]
v5.0.6- 16 Jan 2018
- Order cancellation and date availability fixed - Product blocked issue fixed for cart page - Shop page rental product button label change option
v5.0.3 & v5.0.4- 18 Nov 2017
- Available time fixed for all date format - RnB calendar order issue fixed for multiple item - RnB calendar issue fixed for single day booking - Request for quote improvement - Instance payment issues fixed
v5.0.2- 08 Nov 2017
- Solved Multiple item in single order issue on rnb calendar - Select2 jQuery plugin added - Instance payment issue solved - Request for quote email improved with customer details - Some JS and CSS issues solved
v5.0.0- 12 Sept 2017
- Order status update issue - Total days, Total hours, instance pay string changing option - Person string changing option - Image showing issue for attribute tab - Label changing options for attributes and features
v4.0.9- 08 August 2017
- Global settings issues fixed - Cancel order and date blocking issues solved
v4.0.8- 29 July 2017
- Global settings issues solved for flipbox, date and time field display - Global options link issue solved - Date block issues improved
v4.0.7- 19 July 2017
- WPML issues fixed - Global settings default value fixed - Price flipbox issue solved - General tab dummy text removed - Data saving issue fixed
v4.0.5- 13 July 2017
- Local & Global Settings Fixed - Some CSS issues Fixed - Some JS issues Fixed
v4.0.2- 08 May 2017
- Internal Server issue solved
v4.0.1- 02 May 2017
- Google Calendar Integration
v4.0.0 – 24 May 2017
- Included category taxonomy - Quantity feature on category taxonomy - Set min block days on calendar from today - Set extra block days on calendar after a booking - RnB calendar css issues fixed - Select2 issues solved on back-end - Set person as Adult and child from back-end - During dummy data importing inventory date blocking issues is solved - Some CSS issues fixed - Some JS issues fixed
v3.0.8- 30 April 2017
- Select issue solved in back-end - Internal Server issues solved
v3.0.7- 12 April 2017
- Make compatible with wooCommerce 3.0.1
v3.0.6 – 07 April 2017
- Make compatible with wooCommerce 3.0
v3.0.4 – 20 March 2017
- WPML issues solved - WooCommerce order cancel and product availability checking - Weekend booking issues solved - Day basis opening & closing times setting options - Single day price calculation issues solved - Show Pricing dynamic text from setting tab - Pricing plan dynamic text from setting tab - Instance pay dynamic text from setting tab - Total cost dynamic text from setting tab - Discount dynamic text from setting tab - All .po and .mo files udpated
v3.0.3 – 19 Feb 2017
- Rnb calendar issue fixed - Code Restructure
v3.0.2 – 28 Jan 2017
- Request For Quote - Rnb calendar issue fixed - Shop manager can access rnb calendar
v2.1.8 + v2.1.9 – 12 Nov 2016
- Fixed and per day price calculation in day ranges pricing - Provided option to set pickup date & time name in cart, checkout and order page - Provided option to set return date & time name in cart, checkout and order page - Provided options to set resource name in cart, checkout and order page - Provided options to set person name in cart, checkout , and order page - Provided options to set deposit name in cart, checkout, and order page - Provided options to set pickup location name in cart, checkout, and order page - Provided options to set return location name in cart, checkout, and order page - Email translation issues fixed - All pre-attached .po files updated - Some CSS issues fixed - Some JS issues fixed - Single day booking issue fixed
v2.1.7 – 02 Nov 2016
- Translation issues fixed - PO and .MO files updated - Front-end price , currency issues fixed
v2.1.6 – 17 Sept 2016
- Fixed Inventory and date availability issue
v2.1.5 – 13 Oct 2016
- German language file updated - Spanish language file updated - Italian language file updated - Dutch language file updated - redq-rental.pot file updated - Pickup-date placeholder issue solved - Pickup-time placeholder issue solved - Dropoff-date placeholder issue solved - Dropoff-time placeholder issue solved - Tuesday spelling issue solved - Thursday spelling issue solved - Cart page per day and one-time translation issue solved - Check out page per day and one-time translation issue solved - Book now button text changes from product backend - Person placeholder issue solved
v2.1.3 – 05 Sept 2016
- Delete some unwanted files
v2.1.2 – 30 Aug 2016
- Full calendar order show issue solved - Payment due issue solved on cart page
v2.1.1 – 23 July 2016
- Single day booking option added - Day ranges price showing issue solved
v2.1.0 – 2 June 16
In this version we also add some languages for multi-lingual support. We use po edit auto translation and google translation for that. So this might not 100% translation ready. But for now its just a start. You can help us to fix those issues, so that we can edit to our next version. Let us know if you find any issues.
- Full calendar integration in the wp-admin panel for viewing the booking orders. - All resources, person, security deposit , locations term delete issue solved - folder languages: - added: German Language files - added: Italian Language files - added: Russian Language files - added: Spanish Language files - added: French Language files - added: Dutch Language files
v2.0.4 – 25 May 2016
- Pickup and dropoff location name modify - Js dependency added depend on taxonomies input value
v2.0.3 – 20 May 2016
- Some CSS issue solved - PHP warning solved during term creation - SecurityDeposit taxonomy changed to Deposit
v2.0.2 – 16 May 2016
- Make compatiable with PHP V 5.3 or less
v2.0.1 – 16 May 2016
- PHP warning issue solved - CSS design improved in backend
v2.0.0 – 13 May 2016
- Inventory management system - Max booking days option added - Min booking days option added - Resources, person, security deposite, locations auto sugesstion - Select weekend
v1.0.7- 16 April 16
- Fixed issues with woocommerce default type products
v1.0.6 – 09 April 16
- Issues fixed with firefox browser
v1.0.5 – 05 April 16
- Fixed some typography mistakes
v1.0.4 – 27 March 16
- Make full compatible with others woo-commerce product types
v1.0.3 – 23 March 16
- Discount on general pricing plan depending on rental days - Discount on daily pricing plan depending on rental days - Discount on monthly pricing plan depending on rental days - Discount on day ranges pricing plan depending on rental days - Local and global setting to show on/off pickup date and pickup time - Local and global setting to show on/off return date and return time - Local and global setting to show on/off pricing flip box
v1.0.2 – 17 March 16
- Set price as floating point value
v1.0.1 – 13 March 2016
- Discount on daily pricing plan (major) - Set (in percentage) prepayment during booking (major) - Payment due feature added - Global setting added in woo-commerce->setting tab - Show location cost in cart and checkout and order page - Show resources cost in cart , checkout and order page - Show deposit cost in cart, checkout and order page - Global and local setting added for pickup location title change - Global and local setting added for drop-off location title change - Global and local setting added for pickup date title change - Global and local setting added for drop-off date title change - Global and local setting added for resources title change - Global and local setting added for person title change - Global and local setting added for deposit title change
v1.0.0 – 11 February 16
- initial release.
So far you can use this plugin for multiple uses. Such as car rent, hotel booking, property rent and lot more. LISTS OF YOU CAN USE THIS PLUGIN AS:
Hotel booking
Auto rent
Rent a taxi
Vehicle booking
Accessories booking
Property booking
Boat trip booking
Rent a car booking
Book anything in the world
Rent everything in this planet
Checkout Our Other Plugins
FireMobile – WordPress & WooCommerce firebase mobile OTP authentication
Reactive Pro – Advance WP search, filter & grid
Alike – Any post comparison WordPress
Checkout Our Site Templates
Glimpse Multipurpose Directory Template
Turbo – Car Rental HTML Template
More Info / DownloadDemo #RnB #WooCommerce #Booking #Rental #Plugin
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niladri123 · 3 years
10 most popular best multipurpose WordPress themes of ThemeForest
Do you want to make your own blog website, want to open your own eCommerce store, or looking for a simple website for your online or offline product or services? Before buying any website theme, this is important to know about the theme features, whether that theme is suitable for your website or not.
What is Envato market?
Envato Market is the world’s largest online community for creative assets, tools, and talent. Millions of people around the world are visiting the Envato market every day to buy themes, plugins, codes, newsletters and landing page templates, and many more things.
What is ThemeForest?
ThemeForest is a sector or a part of the Envato marketplace. At ThemeForest, you can find lots of HTML templates as well as themes for the most common CMS items such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, etc. Items price depends on the quality of the product. Themeforest is a website from where you can buy website themes without any hesitation, as this is a very good market reputation so far.
In today’s article, we will discuss a  few most popular WordPress themes from ThemeForest. You can choose any one of the websites below which is closely related to your niche. Anyway whatever the website theme you will use, you are going to build an amazing website for yourself.
1. Avada
Avada is the topmost best-selling WordPress theme in the Themeforest marketplace of all the time. Inside Themeforest if you go to WordPress themes and hit popular items, the first website shows are Aveda. In this huge marketplace, there are thousands of WordPress themes available. But Aveda still maintains the number one position in respect of selling quantity.
Avada is the most flexible, clean, and easy multi-purpose WordPress theme on the ThemeForest marketplace now. This is suitable for beginners and as well as professionals, any kind of business and agencies. No need for coding knowledge to design your website. If you want to stay one step of your competitors, you must choose Aveda.
This theme consists of drag & drop graphic editor, its header builder, layout builder, footer builder, etc. Avada website builder has the ultimate web design toolkit for designing your website. The toolkits allow you to work quickly and efficiently, you can design and create unlimited designs and layouts for your website projects with less effort.
Here I want to mention some pros that make the theme Aveda a unique one.
This is an elegant and fresh, multi-purpose design that can be customized and used for any type of website design.
Aveda is an extremely developed theme for easy to work for required changes without any coding knowledge.
This theme is every time compatible with the most recent version of WordPress and incorporates plugins of the third party.
This is an SEO optimized theme and fully compatible with the Yoast plugin.
Responsive for any device, mobile, tab, laptop, desktop, etc. Also can control content area, sidebar, and total width.
HTML5 and CSS3 are used to build the theme.
Options for limitless color and design available.
Custom widgets are designed in an organized way.
So Avada is an obvious choice for any business and any individual website creation.
Check more features and pricing of Avada
2. Salient
This is also a multi-purpose theme for WordPress. The main benefit is, you can edit the theme on the front and you can build your pages even faster with your desired designs. There are 330 elegant templates available directly in your page builder. You can use the templates, mix and match those to build your required one. This theme definitely makes your first impression good. There are animations, sliders, and carousels which makes your website stunning and one step ahead of others.
If your website is on a personal blog or any kind of magazine, you can easily explore your knowledge here in a beautiful way. If you want to market your product or services or want to create your organization’s brand, or if you are looking to scale your business, this theme is perfect for you. Also suitable for a startup business.
Here I want to mention some key advantages which will help you to choose this amazing theme.
Even though there are a lot of features available here with elegant designs, you don’t need to compromise with your website speed. This theme is extremely fast and light.
The theme is fully SEO optimized. With good content, you can rank on google fast.
Header layout is most important for any website. This theme will provide you many headers to choose from as per your business requirement.
Awesome easy to navigate documentation available.
This theme is very much responsive to all devices.
Here you can transform your page builder rows into full-screen sections.
Easy create your online store by Woocommerce integration which is premium. Their advanced layout, AJAX cart, and custom gallery option available.
Product quick view option also available in Woocommerce.
Many more exclusive features are available in this theme Salient. Purchasing this theme for designing the website for any kind of business will be a real value for money.
Check more features and pricing of Salient
3. Uncode
This WordPress theme can be used for multipurpose and Woocommerce integration. Among the creative themes in ThemeForest, this is one of the top seller WordPress themes. Frontend editor with 400+ wireframes layouts and 65+ demo layouts available.
Its extremely desired font editor allows you to edit the website in the front end and make the design process easier and faster.
The features are really exciting and impressive. Here I mentioned a few positive points for your better understanding of the theme.
You can import anyone from 70+ amazing concepts, also you can create your own.
This top-selling theme crossed 75K sales on ThemeForest.
This theme is appreciated by many technical magazines and various top web design and development blogs, like forbes, inspirationfeed, speckyboy, etc.
You can build any single-page website with an amazing presentation.
The theme is light and website speed also high on any device.
Possible to create contents, header, footer, with its unique content block. Also can do custom archives with the page builder.
There are different kinds of module variations you can choose. All beautiful design options are available like the carousel, grid, metro, masonry, etc.
In its page builder, you will get an all-in-one solution including the best plugins like Woocommers, layerslider, revolution slider, wpml certified, wpbakery pagebuilder, etc.
There will be flexible product pages, unique layouts in its Woocommerce design.
They consist of an adaptive image system, which rescales visitors’ screen size and scales the image to make it responsive.
So Uncode is a perfect solution for all your website design needs. Easy website building with all required options. This is definitely a very good choice for a stunning website building.
Check more features and pricing of Uncode
4. Massive dynamic
This is a multi-use WordPress theme with different layouts and the most required demos. It is compatible with WooCommerce and enables the website to be turned into an entire online store. Themeforest provides Jenga Builder especially in this theme, massive dynamic. Jenga builder is a front end website builder where you have to arrange the block with your proper setting. The rest of the things will do this Jangra builder.
Some basic and exclusive features I want to mention here about this, which makes it an amazing theme for WordPress.
This theme consists of the plugin bookly. This plugin is the number one plugin for appointment booking for any kind of business.
It’s a responsive website theme for any device and consists of the most powerful visual website builder.
There are 6 powerful plugins included in this theme which will save you money.
Support provided for 24 hours and 7 days a week.
There are 70 pro made demos available.
In its drag and drop website builder, there are more than 50 hand-picked sections available which make it easy to create your website.
The speed score of the theme is 100% on google. Which is a good reason to choose the theme.
The theme importer is intelligent, simple, and fast.
Various live options available which are really dynamic. Ex. Drag & drop header and footer, unlimited layouts, flexible grids, float options, etc.
This theme is SEO friendly.
70+ easy to use elements are available, which will allow you to build any type of website fast.
There are many more awesome features available in this theme which makes it exclusive.
Check more features and pricing of Massive Dynamic
5. Phlox Pro
This is a multipurpose WordPress theme supported by Elementor page builder. The theme consists of some stunning demos that anyone you can select. There are some premium plugins included, which will save you both time and money. The plugins are Element pack, Visual composer, Master slider, Yellow pencil, Ultimate addon, Slider Revolution, Convert plus, Go pricing, Layer slider, etc. There are more than 100 Elementor website templates available.
Here I want to mention a few key features which make the theme amazing.
If you want an Elementor page builder, then Phlox Pro is the number one recommended theme for you. Elementor is one of the leading page builders for WordPress.
There are more than 100 interactive modern demos available. With just one click, you can easily import any demo and your website will be getting ready.
There is no coding knowledge required with this user-friendly visual page builder. There are undo and redo features, reversion features, and the page builder is extremely fast.
Few tools are extremely powerful for visual editing. Examples are drag & drop features, visual animation manager, live CSS editor, resize elements live, etc.
There are different layouts available for header, footer, title bar, etc.
You can create an extremely stunning online store by using Woocommerce in phlox.
By using this theme your blog will be looking stylish.
Google speed performance is very high.
So, Phlox Pro is a theme that can meet your all criteria for making a professional and amazing website. I truly recommend this theme.
Check more features and pricing of Phlox Pro
6. Jupiter
This is also a multipurpose theme with an Elementor page builder. You can create a fast and easy pixel perfect website. Here you will get all in one platform to build your perfect website for any niche. You can easily build a website that generates leads and makes conversions.
Before purchasing the theme just go through the below features which will make it easy to take the decision.
More than 420+ ready to use website available based on different niches, like education, events, food, travel, health and beauty, service, sport, online store, news, and many more.
You will get a 100% visual editor to customize everything.
After including various plugins and features, the website theme is light and the website speed is high.
Making your own online shop is easy. You can customize every single detail and can see the results simultaneously.
You can customize any kind of header you want for your website. There are more than 15 header templates available.
Also, customize your footer with the visual editor and various devices.
Make your blog design unique by using the blog customizer.
Build your gorgeous blog magazines by news and magazine website builder. Use unique layouts, video playlists, and more.
You can customize your portfolio by portfolio customizer. There you will find lots of portfolio styles.
There are more than 100 pre-made blocks available. Examples are testimonials, pricing table, service, clients, contact, and more.
Easy to create custom single pages and can create the listing and directory website like real estate, car rentals, hotels, events, school, etc.
Make excellent pop-ups.
So, Jupiter is a theme that is a really good choice for small and medium businesses, shop owners, and enterprises.
Check more features and pricing of Jupiter
7. Bridge
This is also a multipurpose creative WordPress theme. In this theme, you can choose any one of the page builders between Elementor and WPBakery page builder. The bridge is one of the best-selling creative themes which has more than 530 demos and more than 150K happy customers. Let’s discuss a few features of this theme, that may helpful for you while choosing the best theme for your WordPress website.
The first thing I want to mention here is its professional support, called the Qode help center. You will get all the solutions and in-depth knowledge from the support team.
The second best thing is its video tutorial. You can learn step by step procedure of creating your website through its video tutorial.
The theme is compatible with Woocommerce and you can build a beautiful online store easily.
You can create any kind of module like magazine, liting, music, travel, education, etc. These modules are completely integrated with the theme bridge.
Whatever the demos you want to import, it is possible to search and filter them out.
There are more than 200 beautiful elements available, those are fully customizable.
By using the theme you can create a perfect blog platform, where you can find an exclusive blog list and awesome single post.
There are some powerful key features available. Ex:- comprehensive admin panel, fully optimized for SEO, integrated search functionality, social media integration, infographic elements, etc.
You will get some premium plugins with the theme, like contact form 7, Woocommerce, WPML, yith, etc.
So, the bridge is a multipurpose WordPress theme for everyone. Whether you are a creative blogger, an enterprise owner, a lawyer, a physician, or a freelance person looking for a new website or a personal blog, the theme bridge is the right choice.
Check more features and pricing of Bridge
8. Houzez
This is basically a real estate WordPress theme. This theme is useful for a real estate company or even suitable for real estate agents. If you want to create a top design for your real estate company website, you can choose this exclusive theme. This consists of more than 20000 satisfied customers and more than 1300 five star review. I will highlight here a few useful features of this theme.
Here you will get more than 30 Elementor widgets with responsive property detail pages.
Also, you will get a drag and drop search builder based on Elementor. So, you can design the search system visually and create an advanced search engine for your website.
For your presentations, infographics, and page layouts you can use grid builder to draw grids. You will get modern and clean grid layouts.
You can control the size of the widget to create the perfect design.
The theme is responsive for any device.
To increase sales, manage your leads, tracking activities and, improving efficiency there is an advanced CRM system that exists for real estate and that is integrated on WordPress.
There you will find the modern search system with radius search on geolocation, and multi-select option. Advanced search system features are search builder, search radius, geolocation, advance filters, multi-select option, autocomplete, etc.
To know better about your customer, you can generate analytics and effective property data.
There are many more features available in this theme, which makes the theme an exclusive one for your property business.
Check more features and pricing of Houzez
9. Newspaper
This is a WordPress theme that allows you to write articles and blog posts for newspaper, magazine, publishing, or review sites. You can create a quality news website with this newspaper theme. This theme is very useful for fashion, food, lifestyle, cryptocurrency, travel, luxury, and many other niches.
The theme is very light, thus it is very fast. So, your website loading time will be very less if you choose this theme.
There are 39 pro-pre-build websites for free and all the templates are fully customizable.
This is an all-time best news website theme where you will find more than 100 pre-built websites, and you can design everything on the frontend. No need for any coding knowledge.
Excellent support available, that is the reason more than 1 lac happy customer is there.
This theme includes 8 numbers of premium plugins with free lifetime updates.
There is a special site builder called tagDiv Composer, which is specially designed for newspaper theme. You will get access to all the tools to this site builder to make your website easily.
Powerful header builder available, also for footer you will get footer manager magic tool.
Thousands of companies are already successful by using the theme newspaper. Examples are United Nations, Shareamerica, Bitcoin.com, stevivor, Ubar, etc.
You can create unlimited articles and posts, change layouts, add and remove elements, everything is customizable.
There are many more features and options that are available to make your website stunning and beautiful. Finally, coding knowledge is not required at all.
Check more features and pricing of Newspaper
1o. Woodmart
This is a premium theme designed to create WooCommerce online business websites that provides the best experience for users with a super-fast interface.
The theme is compatible with the plugin Elementor, which is the most popular page builder.
There are more than 60 demos available to choose from as per your niche. Examples are grocery, color, tools, etc. You can create a grocery and food market easily by using a grocery demo. For construction and tools store you can choose tools demo.
This theme is responsive to any device.
By drag and drop header builder you can visualize and build your header very fast. Also various header layouts available.
For your Woocommerce store, AJAX technology is used. There is an option to filter size, color, etc.
There is a hidden sidebar option for the shop page.
You can customize your content by a built-in mega menu, where you find pages with different layouts and styles of different products.
You can choose and easily import your demo with just one click.
The theme is compatible with different plugins, like Elementor, Woocommerce, WPBakery Builder, Revolution slider, Dokan, WPML, and more.
So, Woodmart is an awesome and best theme for your online store.
Check more features and pricing of Woodmart
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herokita · 4 years
WordPress is all about plugins and themes. These extensions create possibilities that the platform alone can’t provide. Think of WooCommerce, which turns a standard website into an online store. That’s “just” a plugin! There’s no shortage of examples in the world of themes as well: think of Avada, one of the most – if not the most – famous premium WordPress theme. It comes with a plethora of functionality that can provide you with hundreds of different combinations to address a wide spectrum of needs. From a business perspective, a challenge you might be facing – or have already faced – is finding a plugin or theme specialist. But how are WordPress specialists different from “standard” WordPress developers? WordPress developer vs WordPress specialist Let’s start with a visual explanation: In this slide from Gartner about IT professionals, you can clearly see the difference between a generalist and a specialist relies on two aspects: Depth of expertise Breadth of knowledge/scope If applying this to WordPress developers, you’ll see a specialist as a WordPress developer who has extensive experience and thorough knowledge in a very specific area or scope. On the other hand, a generalist is a WordPress developer who’s experienced in a broader scope of work yet is lacking that extreme in-depth knowledge that generates from a narrower scope. Finding WordPress specialists for your theme or your plugin A WordPress plugin or theme specialist is a professional who knows all the knicks and knacks around a plugin or theme. They know all the best practices of how to update, extend, and customize such components more than anyone else. Because of their distinct expertise, they’re able to identify issues or anticipate them in a shorter time. To give you an example, here at Codeable we have many developers who specilize in a theme or plugin: Divi: 56Avada: 58Enfold: 34Visual Composer: 36Contact Form 7 : 57Gravity Forms: 111 The number beside each item shows how many WordPress developers are specialists on that product. The list is not exhaustive of all the different specialists and area of specialization you could find on Codeable. But that’s another aspect, which isn’t important for the topic we’re discussing. Back to the main story now… How do you find a theme or plugin specialist out of the many developers “out there in the world”? How to find a WordPress Specialist: an example looking for a Divi developer If you’re looking for a specialist, you need to be sure they’re not just selling themselves as “specialists”, rather you have to collect proof about their specialist status. How come? Because anyone can say they’re a developer online. But you can’t have your business rely on that uncertainty so here are some of the ways to garner proof of a developer’s experience, not matter whether you have a technical background. Let’s use Divi as the object of our research. Proof #1: Their portfolio You might be wondering that this is one of the most general solutions anyone can ever give in this regard but hang on a second. The real investigation is a little complex. With plugins and themes, the most vital element to check a developer’s experience is to look at their portfolio. That’s the most convenient and easier step to start your research from. If you’re trying to understand whether the developer you’re looking at is a specialist, in our example a developer experienced with Divi, you should check: Did they showcase a list of past clients using Divi? Did they build a child theme for Divi? Did they build a plugin for Divi? This is a test of the actual understanding that the developer has about the specialization that they claim to be proficient with. Any developer can read documentation. Any developer can deliver minor edits to a theme or plugin. But to really understand the core functionality of the theme or plugin, and to build a product for that theme/plugin, which is what a specialist should provide, the developer needs to go deeper than that. They need to understand the core functionality of that theme/plugin, in this examples Divi, and dig into the code, how it fits together, how it works. As WordPress developer and Codeable expert Jonathan Bossenger explains: When you find a developer who’s built plugins to extend some of the core functionalities of Divi, or a Divi child theme, it means they’ve dug into the code quite deeply and understand on a very deep level how all fits together. It might be the case that a portfolio isn’t up-to-date, though. That shouldn’t discourage you, as there are many other ways to continue with your research. Proof #2: Their GitHub repo A code repository, usually known as “code repo”, is a window on a developer’s work. These repos are pages where developers can host their code either publicly or privately. By looking at a developer’s repo, you can have the chance to see whether they’re specialists by looking at what they created: In the example here, you’ll notice how the developer has developed both Divi child theme and plugins. If you have the required technical background, you could even look at their code quality and grasp a better understanding of their work. If you’re lacking that technical background, you could have another developer do a code review and report to you. Proof #3: Their profile on WordPress.org Divi, Avada, Enfold, Gravity Forms, and so on are all part of the same ecosystem: WordPress. That’s why you have an additional way to check on a developer’s specialties by looking at their WordPress.org public profile: When you are on that profile page, you have the opportunity to further understand who your developer is by reading their bio and seeing how they’ve contributed in any way to the WordPress community. Specifically, you’re able to see which plugins they’ve released on the WordPress repository. Even though such information might not be related directly to your research, it sure is a great way to understand how active and engaged the developer is as a WordPress professional. Proof #4: Read reviews from previous clients Another powerful tool you have in your hands to assess how a developer is specialized in a theme or plugin, it’s client reviews. Reading through them doesn’t only give you an overview on how happy (or not) previous clients are but also provides you with insights on a specific plugin or theme. What you should do is paying attention to keywords you deem important. Let me give you some good examples: Here’s an example about Gravity Forms: Here’s one about WooCommerce: Here’s another one for a non-tech client: If site-specific reviews (like these above) didn’t provide you with enough clarity and information on your specialist, you might want to check also: LinkedIn profile reviews Facebook Reviews (they need to have a Facebook page, which is different from a personal Facebook account) Google+ Proof #5: Gather more resources by using advanced Google queries Client reviews are a very good starting point, but if you want to know more about the developer you’re considering working with, there’s an effective way to really take your research to the next level. And when we talk about research, Google always comes into play, right? This time you might want to take advantage of Google search operators which will uncover juicy additional information: intext:"jonathan bossenger" AND "Divi"This Google operator searches for results that have both words/phrases in quotes but only in the body of the page. intitle:"jonathan bossenger AND Divi"This Google operator searches only in the page’s title for both words/phrases in quotes. This will return only results related to both X and Y. Here’s what I found with those Google queries: The developer I’m considering has products built on the plugin/theme I started my research for (in this example is Divi). And… Other developers refer to him for his work and knowledge around Divi. That means he’s a subject matter expert within the Divi universe… Bingo! Do you need to go through all these steps every time? No! These steps have to be used as additional tools you might want to leverage when engaging, or even before that, with a new developer who states they’re specialists of that plugin, theme, aspect of WordPress, framework. It should be said that the quality of the outsourcing platform through which you’ll be looking for WordPress developers and specialists plays a key role in the success of your research. If you don’t want to go through all the research process each time you need a theme or plugin specialist, there’s a convenient way to save you time without compromising on quality and still getting the WordPress specialist you need. You should take advantage of platforms such as Codeable where all developers go through a thorough vetting process and scrutiny phase and when they’re no longer able to provide quality work, they get kicked out. If you want to know more, download “The Quality Promise”. Wrapping up With the online world, anyone can say they’ve extensive experience with this or that and are WordPress specialists. Proving they actually are, though, is a different story. You should stay away from these self-proclaimed specialists – you have the right tools now – and look for real professionals, with a proven track of their work and their specialized skill set. A WordPress specialist turns their deep experience and subject matter knowledge into value for their client’s business. Not theirs. This blog post features Jonathan Bossenger, a freelance web consultant, developer, writer and podcaster. He is a big supporter of open source software due to its ability to change the world around it. For the past 13 years, he has gathered expertise in all facets of the software development lifecycle, from devops to project management, and everything in between. HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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vwwordpressthemes · 4 years
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                       Top WordPress Theme Bundle in USA
Wordpress is a wide and most effective website developing platform on internet.Not only in developed, but the developing countries also have made use of this marvelous platform to make their mark on World Wide Web.
But operating Wordpress is not child’s play. If you don’t know much about coding and programming, Wordpress will be a hardest exam that you didn’t applied for. It has a lot of good functions, but if you don’t know how to access it, it’ll just be a waste of time.
So there are two options left for you. Either you hire a coder or programmer to do the job, or you find a best Wordpress Theme developing company to buy a ready-made theme for you.The themes come for individual profession or in bundle. Which is called ‘Wordpress Theme Bundle’.You can install any theme you like on one click with one time payment option. Its most important advantage is that you don’t need to know about coding or programming for installing or managing the website. The theme developer companies also provide customer service so you can access them whenever you face any difficulty.
WordPress themes or Wordpress Theme bundles are the best option for any person or business to invest their money in. When it comes to building a well-functioning website, you can’t leave a chance for mistake.
What’s Wordpress Theme Bundle?
In the universe of the internet, Wordpress is just a galaxy with little solar systems of themes. Each theme has its own variety and each system has its own bunch of various Wordpress themes. These bunches are called the ‘Wordpress Theme Bundle’. You just have to choose a high rated company and best WP Theme bundle for your website.
The companies who make the WP themes for you also create a bundle of themes so that you can get various themes in one bundle and in single price. These WP theme bundles contain multipurpose Wordpress themes that can be used for any profession. For example, the companies have made such multipurpose themes, that you can use a construction based theme for interior design or bakery too. Wordpress theme bundle is like buying a whole tool kit instead of each different tool Or having a beauty package with facial to full body massage. Now that’s an offer every keen customer is looking for.
Wordpress Theme Bundle comes with an exciting price. All the companies provide special offer when it comes to WP theme bundle. These companies have a wide range of customers. From beginners to experts, they serve everyone who comes to them with money. As for Wordpress, it’s a website developing platform and also a blogging stop too. So you can’t expect each customer to be well studied about this alternate universe. That’s why they pay these companies to get rid the technical stuff. But with these bundle of joy, they can explore more with their business and do a lot better. And that’s the sole purpose of this Wordpress Theme Bundle!
Wordpress Themes Market in USA
Before getting into the list of popular Wordpress Theme bundle companies in USA, let’s take a brief look at the market of these themes. Why is it important? Because the rank of these companies depend upon the demand in US market. More demand=More business=High rank in the list.
Wordpress obtains 35% of the space on the Internet. Which means a very big part of the world population trust Wordpress for their websites and blogs.
According to recent data, it obtains 50-60% shares in CMS market. It’s the most popular CMS and has been for last 7 years. It made a great start with being a website developing platform from merely a blogging site and is growing fast each day. More than 500 new sites are build on this platform.
Wordpress has a big hold on market. Almost 14.7%  of top 100 websites in the world are powered by Wordpress. To specify the point more precisely, the word Wordpress is searched 37 million times per month on global search engines. That’s right! If you make a site on Wordpress, it has a high chances of improved ranking on searches. To tell in numbers, over 19 million websites use Wordpress. To talk about USA, New York Observer, New York Post, TED, Thought Catalog, CNN, Times.com, Fortune.com, USA Today, Spotify all the leading brands use Wordpress for their site. According to data from year 2014, over 22% of the domains in US are run by Wordpress. Almost half of the population in US prefer Wordpress than other site making companies.
As for the Wordpress themes, there are thousands of companies around the world that create themes for Wordpress. In the Theme Forest, you can find 11 thousand Wordpress themes for your website. The top theme developing companies hold 17% of the market share. Wordpress Themes have a big business in the market. And its fastest growing business due to increasing demand.
Now, let’s take a look on some Top Wordpress Theme Bundle companies in the market of USA:-
1.DIVI It’s a most popular Wordpress theme builder company in the market. Along with the themes for different businesses, it has a marvelous collection of  WP Theme Bundle. This company provides drag and drop builder for you to make it all easy. Due to this feature you don’t have to worry about coding or programming. You can make changes in the layout as you want. It has customizable child themes too. Its build with strong coding and user friendly too.
2.AVADA Avada is a number one WP Theme builder company in the industry. It has versatile multipurpose themes with more than 255 pre made webpage designs and 41 pre made fully featured websites. The demo installer of this company, makes it easy to install and run the website. It has all the plugins that you want in your site to make it more functional. The WP theme bundle from Avada contains all the multipurpose themes that you are looking for.
3.HESTIA This WP theme making company has free and premium themes for you. All these themes are multipurpose and well-functioning. The Wordpress Theme Bundle of this company provides you easy to use themes for various professions. They are SEO optimized and loaded with plugins like Woocommerce to increase your online business. WP theme bundle from this company can make your job easy and ready to go.
4.VWThemes VWThemes is one of the fastest growing company in last 3-4 years. It has all the features that the companies above provide. Plus its multilingual with RTL and WPML support which increases its reach on global scale. The WP theme bundle from VWThemes can give you all the features in mere price.
The bundle comes with a price of 99$ in which you can get 98 professionally build themes. All of the themes in this WP Theme bundle are SEO optimized, which makes your website rank high on search engines. What makes VWThemes special than other companies is that it gives constant customer
support for over a year and updates of themes for free. So you get an update according to latest Wordpress version for free.While buying a single theme or a bundle of WP themes, you have to make sure that you are investing money on right place. The companies above are preferred by thousands of Wordpress users in the United States of America. What you prefer is dependent on your choice!
For more details: Phone: +91-0712-205-6070 Skype Id: Vw Theme Email: [email protected] https://www.vwthemes.com/contact/    
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amithasan2019 · 4 years
100+ The Best Most Popular Wordpress Themes 2020 ( New Version Themes )
Best Wordpress Popular Themes 2020
With more than 10,000 WordPress subjects accessible, it's difficult for fledglings to locate the best WordPress topic for their requirements. Clients are frequently inquired as to whether there is a solitary WordPress subject that fits all utilization. The appropriate response is yes. You can utilize a mainstream flexible WordPress topic about any site. Having the correct subject can have an enormous effect in the development of your blog/site. In this article, we have caught the best WordPress subjects of 2020. 
Our concentration with this article is to feature the best and most well known WordPress subjects in their individual classes. Our rundown incorporates specialty explicit WordPress subjects just as top WordPress multi-reason topics. 
Contingent upon your utilization, you can pick the one that suits your requirements.
01. Avada ! Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce
This significant update for the Avada WordPress topic presents to you a variety of phenomenal highlights, running from a Footer Builder to the alternative plan and fabricate custom single post, Portfolio post, chronicle, search, and 404 page formats. Close by, new Design and Layout Elements, huge amounts of upgrades, and subject manufacturer developments.
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02. The7 !  Multi-Purpose Website Building Toolkit for WordPress
The7 ! the Most customizable WordPress Theme on the Market!
The7 features full and seamless integration with WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) and Ultimate Addons. Most our buyers agree that The7 is the best theme to be used with these plugins, up to date!
Its 1000+ Theme Options allows to craft almost any imaginable design. And Design Wizard feature lets you create a boutique-grade website design in mere minutes.
Both Wizard and advanced Theme Options can work in visual WP Theme Customizer-like and old-school backend editing modes.
The7 comes bundled with WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer), Ultimate Addons, Slider Revolution, The7 Elements, Go Pricing Tables and ConvertPlus. It is also fully compatible with most popular plugins like WooCommerce, WPML, Yoast SEO, All in One WP Migration, W3 Total Cache and many others.
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Compatible with WordPress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.1.
GDPR ready.
Full WordPress 5 compatibility.
Full Elementor compatibility.
Full WooCommerce compatibility.
Full Gutenberg compatibility.
03. Flatsome ! Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
Flatsome WooCommerce Theme is a chic and responsive WordPress topic which contains modern highlights and alternatives to arrangement your own eCommerce shop quickly. The topic is WordPress 3.6+ prepared, WooCommerce 2.0+ prepared and furthermore underpins the WPML module so as to help various dialects (.po and .mo documents included). The Flat Responsive WooCommerce Theme needs your shop to be found in Google rankings – that is the reason this WooCommerce topic is as of now search engine optimization streamlined. To give you a magnificent client experience and help you with the subject arrangement, the topic accompanies demo content (xml record), youngster topic documents and furthermore PSD and SCSS records, which you may require on the off chance that you need to adjust the structure of the topic.
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04. BeTheme - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
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05. Bridge ! Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
BRIDGE is a responsive retina multipurpose WordPress theme perfect for just about anyone. Whether you are a creative, a corporate team, a lawyer, a medical doctor or a freelancer looking for a modern portfolio website or a personal blog, Bridge is your best option. Build with WPBakery or Elementor – it’s your choice! Need a 1-page gallery, a coming soon or an app landing page? Own a restaurant, a bar or a pizza parlor? A gym or a fitness studio? You have a wellness or a spa center, or promote healthy lifestyle? We got you! Bridge is here if you need a superb website for your hotel, travel tour, church, wedding, shop, seo digital marketing agency, or if you are into photography, architecture, fashion, design, organic food, music or offer any type of service out there. Bridge is not just a theme, it’s a collection of amazing examples with tons of features. The possibilities are truly endless.
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06. Uncode - Creative Multiuse WordPress Theme
Uncode is the Pixel Perfect Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme based on the appropriate and enhanced version of the famous WBBecker Page Builder. It's clean, modern and suitable for every need: agency, freelance, designer, web designer, developer, business, services, marketing, startup, blog, magazine, portfolio, photography, architect, corporate, event, artist, music, restaurant, and ECommerce.
Import and modify over 70 professionally designed demo layouts. Additionally, with the Uncode Wireframes plugin, you can also import 400+ category templates that can be combined to create a complete website or individual landing pages. Anything you can think of can be created without touching a single line of code.
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07. Enfold ! Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress theme (try resizing your browser), suitable for business websites, shop websites and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The theme is built on top of the fantastic Avia framework and provides support for the WPML multi-language plugin, if you need it;)
It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layouts, styling, colors and fonts directly from the backend. Create your own clean skin or use 18 predefined skins from your WordPress admin panel. Dynamic template builder along with font, background and color options will help you create a website you don't need. In addition to global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo
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08. Newspaper Wordpress Themes
Newspaper is a WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. We offer great support and friendly help! Create a great news website with our newspaper template. This bestseller theme is perfect for blogging and excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It supports videos from YouTube. AMP and mobile ready. GDPR compliant, the theme is fast, simple, and easy to use for a cryptocurrency, fashion, food, lifestyle, modern, personal, travel, luxury, viral, minimal, minimalist projects, web development and more. Integrated with Instagram, bbPress Forum, BuddyPress and WooCommerce, it uses the best clean SEO practices. Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense.
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09. Porto ! Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme
Porto Wordpress is an ultimate business & woocommerce wordpress theme that is suitable for any business and woocommerce sites. Porto provides plenty elements and powerful features that can configure all you want. Compared to other multi-purpose themes’ general ecommerce features, Porto provides ultimate woocommerce features with exclusive skins & layouts and features. Porto guarantees super fast performance which is essential for your business & woocommerce shops. Please check below to see more features from Porto. Enjoy Porto Business & Woocommerce Theme!
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10. Jupiter ! Elementor Multi-Purpose Theme
Jupiter X is your all-in-one platform to create pixel perfect websites, fast & easy. It comes with Elementor page builder, the world’s leading WordPress page builder. You can customise Jupiter X globally using WordPress customiser. The brand new shop customiser helps you customise every aspect of your online shop including checkout and cart page. Moreover, you can now build your own headers and footers easily with visual editors. Jupiter X also makes it possible to customise your blog and portfolio list and single pages. It doesn’t stop there though! You can now easily customise your custom posts archive and single pages which allows creating any listing/directory websites such as hotels, car rentals, real estate, library, recipe, job boards and much more.
Jupiter X comes not only with over 250 pre-made website templates, but also hundreds of page block templates to save your time and help you get inspired. We deliver new website and block templates every month.
Jupiter X promises an unprecedented technical support which includes Live chat and hundreds of in-depth tutorial articles and videos.
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11. Salient ! Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
Broadened Feature List 
Front-end and Back-end Page Builder – Create and deal with your site effortlessly. Notable incorporates an exceptionally custom fitted adaptation of the well known WPbakery Page Builder module with a new interface structure. 
Numerous Available Demos – Salient gives ultra top notch demos all accessible to import with a single tick. Regardless of whether you're a picture taker, office or anything in the middle of, Salient has will take your online nearness to another level. 
World Class, Award Winning Design – Each component and format accessible in Salient is fastidiously arranged and intended to guarantee the most noteworthy conceivable degree of detail. 
Lifetime Updates, Proven Track Record – Salient has been reliably conveying highlight stuffed updates for more than 6 years. Possessing a solitary permit gives you access to free updates forever. 
Shape Dividers – Take your structure to the following level with our select shape dividers. Effectively control estimating, position, shading and substantially more. 
Falling Images – Impress your crowd with another Salient elite element. Cover pictures effortlessly by utilizing our falling pictures component and even alternatively permit them to parallax on scroll! 
Page Transitions – Choose between numerous page changes accessible for an excellent and liquid client experience or turn them off all together whenever wanted. 
4 Icon Packs – Salient has one of the most complete symbol sets accessible on all of ThemeForest. Accessible families include: Iconminds ($59 esteem), FontAwesome, Steadysets and Linea. 
Multi Layer Mouse Based Parallax – Wow your clients by making a surprising parallax scene which is vivified by means of the clients mouse development. Luxurious execution and deals with versatile too dependent on tilting the gadget. 
Brick work Image Galleries – Create delightful displays easily! Appreciate the entirety of the styles accessible for portfolio things, however with drag and drop requesting and simple mass transferring. 
Megamenu Built In – No compelling reason to depend on modules. Pick your sections and show your megamenu full width or boxed inside the site compartment. 
Fullscreen Rows – An uncommonly ground-breaking and selective element that changes your page developer columns into an energizing story in a single tick. Energized between your lines with elite changes that additionally take a shot at versatile. 
Off Canvas Menu – Salient gives an incredible off canvas menu choice with 4 unique styles that can be utilized on work area/versatile showcases 
Elite Animations – Say farewell to obsolete rough movements. Observe the casing rate at which the subject livelinesss show at – your clients will value the time spent on execution improvement. It's plush. 
Selective Sliders – Get access to different sliders exceptionally custom-made/made only for Salient. You'll appreciate selective highlights, for example, smooth parallax looking over, picture/video foundations and wonderful usefulness, for example, having your every one of your slides adjust the header route shading from light to dull. 
Propelled Typography – Currently offering more than 800 textual style families all with exactness alternatives accessible, for example, line stature, letter separating, textual style weight, text style, text dimension and content change. Live text style reviews are likewise accessible right in the choices board. 
Various Blog Styles – Salient offers huge amounts of blog designs to browse. Every one of the styles seen underneath can likewise be shown full width or with a sidebar.
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12. X ! The Theme
Stacks – X incorporates various novel plans within one amazing WordPress subject, and we allude to these structures as "Stacks." There are at present four Stacks accessible in X. It resembles getting one topic and continually gaining admittance to new plans constantly! We have made different remarkable demos so make certain to look at them all. Expansions – Easily expand upon the firm establishment X has just given a mind blowing lineup of extra modules. Inside the X environment, Extensions are contained modules worked by our staff to work consistently with X, just as outsider modules by designers we've joined forces with to bring you extraordinary highlights that we've incorporated firmly into the subject. This keeps X lean for the individuals who probably won't need a specific element and as effective as workable for the individuals who do! Make certain to look at a full rundown of our Extensions for more data on these astonishing highlights that are incorporated for nothing with every novel buy just as this FAQ clarifying how the authorizing functions. Specialists – X was based upon the contribution of industry-driving specialists. We counseled various people and solicited them what sort from highlights they needed to find in a subject from a SEO point of view, structure, include set, and so on, and incorporated their recommendations directly with the topic. Disregard the advertising speak, X really conveys on what it guarantees. Subject Options Panel – Being on the forefront of WordPress advancement is something we needed to do from the beginning. Thus, we ensured that we maintained a strategic distance from the utilization of inconvenient extra administrator boards and rather, selected to use an incredible, as of late remade subject alternatives board. With this arrangement, you can review the entirety of the progressions you make to your site live with no compelling reason to switch windows or invigorate the program notwithstanding scanning for precisely what you need. At the point when you're content with your changes, select "Spare" and your updates will go live.
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13.XStore ! Responsive Multi-Purpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme
XStore makes web based business simple.  This exquisite and natural internet business subject is deliberately evolved and incorporates that arrangement of pages, devices and settings that will assist you with making an expert looking and reliable online shop. You can without much of a stretch import by means of the most natural installer demo for gadgets, design, furniture, specialty store, garments, glasses, watches, sport, shoes, adornments, corrective, commercial center, clinical, food, automobile parts, natural, greeting page, music shop and other. Additionally, XStore accompanies a few gadgets that will assist you with improving the client's view of your shop.The Theme Options is easy to understand and requires no extraordinary information, enhancing a perfectly responsive subject. Join our 50,000+ happy customers and begin encountering online business structure as it ought to be. Basic.
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14. WoodMart ! Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Business, Marketplace, Retail 
"On the off chance that you manufacture it, they will come" 
'WoodMart' is a premium WordPress theme​ structured from the beginning for building preeminent WooCommerce online stores​ of any sort. Focussed on client experience​ first WoodMart utilizes an amazing AJAX tech​ to give clients a quick and consistent web based shopping interface​ without the need to continually invigorate pages. 
Manufacture any sort of online store ​you can envision and begin winning that inactive income stream​ you have been contemplating with 'WoodMart' for WordPress​ and never think back. 
Subject Settings Panel 
With an amazing Theme Settings Panel ​that permits you to change a plenty of Theme Settings with a solitary click​, you needn't bother with any coding experience​. Without the requirement for various modules to control it WoodMart is brilliant, lean and fast,​ so you can continue ahead with business. The Theme Settings board gives you a graphical interface to roll out basic improvements rapidly and without any problem. 
Completely Customizable 
Everything has been changed and created to react to your customization requests​ with at least complain so what you are left with is a profoundly adjustable site that can adjust to your change requests​ effectively and rapidly. 
Switch up your text styles, update your shading palette ​to you meet your image guidelines​, update your samples to show various item variations​ – it's all open from the nature of the instinctive WordPress dashboard​. 
Responsive Design 
Obviously WoodMart highlights a totally responsive design​ that controls itself​ to best suit the gadget it is being seen on. This implies you can continue with the best part like posting things for sale​, making an executioner shop​ and surrendering the specialized stuff over to the designers. 
We ensure that your site will show smoothly over each device​ type you can consider with no additional exertion on your part – workstations, PCs, smartphones​ and tablets​ – have been deliberately considered and remembered for this brilliant site topic design​. 
Retina Ready 
We've likewise ensured that your new website​ will show with the most noteworthy conceivable pixel density​ according to clients gadget. On the off chance that that happens to be a retina prepared device​, at that point that show will illuminate with hues that are just amazing. 
Benefit as much as possible from your photography with this retina prepared topic for WordPress​, you will love it. 
Website Optimization 
Web optimization resembles the most sultry buzzword​ of the decade yet set forth plainly it implies that your site should be coded a specific way with the goal that Search Engines like Google and Bing​ can locate the secret sauce it needs to, to rank your page correctly​. 
This implies clean code​, very much structured, and backing for practically all well known SEO modules that give you more authority over utilization of the privilege metadata​ in the perfect spot, and being liberated from bloat​. 
Amazing AJAX 
AJAX​ or Asynchronous Javascript and XML​, is a gathering of strategies utilized in web improvement which permits a page to speak with a server without reloading the page. This is best seen while looking through items. You realize you haven't got an AJAX fueled site​ when each classification change or item sample update you make the entire page flashes and reloads. 
Not with WoodMart. Utilizing the best tech accessible we have escaped from that issue with exhibitions of results of any sort with piles of potential sorts and sorts that basically update as you select them. It furnishes your clients with the sort of experience you'd expect in a main commercial center online today​. Satisfy their hopes with WoodMart for WordPress​ – straightforward. 
More than 35 Demo Layouts 
An extraordinary website​ ought to have a decent gracefully of demo formats to kick you off and we perceived this from the start and went out hard from the entryway with more than 35 shocking designs for you to look over. You can utilize our subject for any sort of store including furniture, style, garments, gadgets, watches, glasses, sport, shoes, gems, beautifiers and a great deal of others. Our topic is additionally reasonable for corporate and magazine sites and you can utilize it without WooCommerce. 
Propelled Variable Products 
Having the option to apply numerous item factors and patterns to products​ in your store is an unquestionable requirement. WoodMart is streamlined by permitting you to make them list yet show numerous colours​ for occasions, or a specific item that has various sizes, types, styles, purposes. 
This gives your shop a great deal more depth​ with each item having the option to have different traits and variations​, and when they are added to your Cart they show up, no page reloads, no revive fundamental. When you've attempted it there's no thinking back. 
Drag and Drop Header Builder! 
An incredible client experience frequently begins with a great header plan, and as senseless as that may sound to some it is regularly ignored. With the following emphasis of WoodMart we discharge an amazing 'Drag and Drop' header manufacturer that gives you unlimited authority over planning your headers. Drag obstructs into place, mark them, update foundation pictures, hues, outskirts, cushioning and so on. All with a straightforward GUI that anybody can use to manufacture something extremely one of a kind.
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15. Impreza ! Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Impreza + WooCommerce Impreza effectively controls thousands online stores, both little and HUGE. Pre-Built Shop Demo. Begin selling rapidly by bringing in the very much idea online shop demo. Item Page Builder. Redo your item pages as you need. Item Grid Builder. Grandstand the item postings the manner in which you need. Index Mode. Not taking care of requests on the web? Transform your shop into an inventory with 1 snap. Incredible For News/Magazine Websites Impreza effectively controls countless news/magazine locales. Post Template Builder. Alter your magazine posts the manner in which you need. Post Grid Builder. Feature the posts postings the manner in which you need. Classification Page Builder. Tweak posts classes pages the manner in which you need. Creator Page Builder. Redo how creator pages look and feel. Worked In Text Sharing. Draw in more guests with the advantageous sharing apparatuses. $210-Worth Premium Addons Included WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer). (Spare $64.) Insurgency Slider (Save $26.) Extreme Addons (Save $26.) Textual style Awesome Pro (Save $99/yr.) Clean from "buy me" notices. A single tick updates to the most recent adaptations. Flawlessly incorporated with the topic. Brought together help center.
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16. TheGem ! Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme
Extreme Creative Power  The principle aim for TheGem was to make a WordPress Theme for business, offices, online shops, picture takers, bloggers and originators that would give a most extreme innovative opportunity for clients not profoundly associated with plan and coding. The outcome is noteworthy: with in excess of 200 styles for beyond what 50 substance components you can make totally one of a kind plans in minutes. It's a wordpress onestop hardware store, and really simple to utilize. Future-Proof Design and Features  TheGem's structure depends on intensive examination of 2016 Web Designs by UX Pin. This subject reflects present day patterns of UI/UX structure in the one of a kind way, liberated from irritating standard methodologies. TheGem is a new plan understanding, planned to satisfy both downplayed and insane thoughts in a moderate, or unreasonable way – at last the decision is yours. TheGem has more than 40 complete structure ideas, every single one including its own style and character. These are not straightforward reskins; each demo has been altogether looked into and includes painstakingly considered plan ideas, with a bunch of business types secured. TheGem has been created for superior and completely improved for current gadgets, including PCs, work areas, cell phones and tablets, just as acing SEO best practice. That is the reason when purchasing TheGem you can be certain that you get the drawn out winning site. Secure, No Bloat, Focussed Usefulness  TheGem concentrates just on addons and highlights which are required for making an assorted, one of a kind site. Diminishing the modules reliance and improving the code, we have accomplished a considerably more steady and secure topic than numerous other multi-reason subjects available today. You can have confidence that with TheGem your new site is secure, future-confirmation, rapid yet still pressed with natural, magnificent highlights without the swell. Wide Plugin Compatibility  By focussing on what clients require and expect with a multi-reason topic, TheGem has been advanced for similarity with the most mainstream modules from the WordPress module registry. This gives true serenity to the end client that similarity with industry bestpractise has just been accomplished for you, no untidy clashes we guarantee.
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16. Phlox Pro ! Elementor MultiPurpose WordPress Theme
Phlox Pro, Elementor Ultimate Multipurpose WordPress subject for all kind of sites! Phlox is the best Elementor multipurpose topic that you have ever observed. It has more than 80 Compelete Elementor demos that can essentially import and alter on Elementor. Have your webpage the manner in which you like it, considerably more adaptable with elementor page manufacturer than any adjustable WordPress topic accessible available, there are 160 components avaiable for Elementor and there is possibilities for everything, you have full control on any pixels of your site. Phlox has more than 90 Elementor layouts
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17. Education WordPress Theme ! Eduma
Complete Education WordPress Theme  In view of our experience of building LMS with our past topic eLearning WP – Education WP is the people to come and extraordinary compared to other training WordPress subjects around, containing all the quality of eLearning WP yet with a superior UI/UX. This WordPress instructive subject has been created dependent on the #1 LMS module on the authority WordPress Plugins registry LearnPress (additionally created by ThimPress). Training WP subject offers you the best LMS experience ever, with an excessively benevolent UX and complete eLearning highlights. 20+ Education pre-fabricated demos + #1 Official WordPress LMS + WPBakery Page Builder and SiteOrigin Drag n Drop Page Builder + Data Portability + Really Pixel Perfection + UX improved for Education reason + Easy for marking + Events Management w/Booking + Ultra SEO Optimization + Highly Performance Optimization + Multilingual Ready + Professional Mega Menu + Mobile-Friendly + WooCommerce Support + bbPress Support + BuddyPress Support + Frequently Updated + 5 STAR Customer Service + More at a Glance.
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18. Education WordPress Theme Masterstudy
Training WordPress Theme for Learning Management System (LMS) has been uncommonly structured as the ideal answer for your instruction business. 
Masterstudy Education WordPress Theme for Learning Management System (LMS) is controlled by MasterStudy Pro module. No additional expenses! MasterStudy Pro module is now included with this subject. 
Regardless of whether you represent considerable authority in neighborhood workshops or online courses – MasterStudy is the main topic you have to construct a lively and convincing learning center point. 
In light of broad investigation into the training and learning industry, we have built up a scope of top of the line includes that will make your life simpler – sparing you time and conveying brilliant outcomes. Download today The Best Education WordPress topic! 
As a definitive Education WordPress topic, Masterstudy makes it straightforward and bother allowed to construct, redo and deal with your site. The Visual Composer module is incorporated, so you can fabricate pages in minutes with simple simplified apparatuses. Boundless skin hues and a tremendous assortment of Google Fonts give you much more extension to customize the look and feel of your site. Your Masterstudy training WordPress topic is completely responsive, so you can be certain that your substance looks immaculate on any gadget. 
Masterstudy is created as a Learning Management System for Courses Listing Platform like Udemy, Training Center, Courses Hub, eLearning Business, College, Academy, University or School. 
Masterstudy is the Revolutionary Education WordPress Theme for Learning Management System (LMS) on Vue.js
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19. Soledad ! Multi-Concept Blog Magazine WordPress Theme
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20. ListingPro ! WordPress Directory Theme
ListingPro 2.5 is live! Our latest release includes integration with Elementor, built-in Appointment Booking, Events Calendar, Directory Admin Dashboard among many new amazing features and improvements. Learn What’s New in 2.5.
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21. Ekko ! Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme with Page Builder
Ekko – WordPress Theme with Page Builder by KeyDesign Themes Ekko offers an energizing and a la mode structure – ideal for a business with a cutting edge standpoint. Setting up a decent initial introduction with your clients is vital for your business site. Ekko gives a strong determination of helpful alternatives, more than 50 demos worked in light of your particular industry or specialty and is sufficiently amazing to help any private companies or corporate organizations. The packaged WPBakery Page Builder gives you more noteworthy structure adaptability and permits to make your own designs. You can likewise use more than 200 pre-populated format structures and effectively trade in your own pictures and substance without contacting a solitary line of code. You would now be able to center your time and vitality to make the correct messages to draw in your site crowd. On the off chance that your business needs a push forward, Ekko WordPress Theme is directly for you. A single tick demo shipper Import the demo information with a solitary snap. By following the straightforward a single tick establishment process, you can recreate any demo landing page variety and begin taking a shot at your site immediately while never composing a solitary line of code. Instinctive page developer WPBakery Page Builder accompanies both front-end and back-end editors, making content altering fast and simple. Your substance will adjust to any gadget paying little mind to its screen goals. More than 200 pre-fabricated layout squares Blend and match components of the demo forms so as to fabricate your own structure, or make your site starting from the earliest stage. With more than 200 unique structured layout obstructs that you can peruse through and import straightforwardly onto your page, Ekko permits you to configuration shocking pages toward the front of your site progressively. The layout squares can be additionally altered and orchestrated in any number of ways. Each shortcode accompanies its own settings tab where you can undoubtedly alter the substance and plan without contacting a solitary line of code. Likewise, you can get a live review of changes you are making directly inside the front-end editorial manager.
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22. Pixwell ! Modern Magazine
Pixwell is an incredible, multipurpose and present day WordPress magazine topic with pixel impeccable plan, remarkable highlights, completely responsive and portable neighborly. It is a truly adaptable and appropriate for formula, design, travel, innovation, individual or some other amazing magazine and blog sites. 
The subject is good and enhanced to work with Elementor, Cooked (Recipe module), WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, AMP, W3 Total Cache, Yoast SEO, and numerous other famous WordPress modules. 
Pixwell is SEO well disposed with Schema perfect structure. Supports association, site joins search box, breadcrumbs bar, open diagram. That will make web crawlers love your site. 
Pixwell is likewise improved for the database and quick burden. Pixwell is worked to work for huge sites, utilizes only one meta to put away all extra post information, Almost works are as separately and possibly load when required. 
Pixwell underpins worked in Ruby Composer and Elementor manufacturer. That will make this topic is anything but difficult to use for another WP client. Be that as it may, It gets adaptable, can fabricate anything and come boundless If you are an expert. 
This will be the last subject you will ever need to utilize. It is such a great amount of better than anything you have seen.
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23. REHub - Price Comparison, Multi Vendor Marketplace, Affiliate Marketing, Community Theme
REHub – Hybrid wordpress format with improved across the board mix of gainful highlights. We made numerous one of a kind Affiliate, Coupon, Directory, Social, SEO, Comparison and multi Store highlights. REHub is a cutting edge multipurpose half breed subject. Topic covers numerous advanced Business models for gainful sites. Each part can be arranged and utilized independently or you can join them across the board site. We utilized most real patterns and best novel website design enhancement instruments to assemble progressed wordpress capacities which you won't find in different topics. Models are: Social Community with submit alternative Professional resource with Locators, Custom Search channels and custom particulars Cost or item correlation subject with dynamic value refreshes (with assistance of Content Egg or mass import device) Item correlations (upheld dynamic examinations for multi class locales) Surveys with expanded client audits and table constructors, top survey constructors Most elevated Conversion pages (versus pages, detail examination, Offer center point, Top set pages, Price extend pages) Multi Vendor shops and straightforward shops, support for multi merchant per item Arrangement destinations and arrangement networks Magazines and News destinations
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24. Ohio ! Creative Portfolio & Agency WordPress Theme
Ohio – is a carefully crafted multi-purpose, minimalist, gorgeous, versatile portfolio and creative showcase theme with sharp user experience you need to building a modern and functional website, and start selling your products and services. It comes with the most popular WordPress page builder WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) plugin and ACF Pro for theme settings. Create slick, modern and fast WooCommerce, shop, portfolio, blog website fast and without coding.
Ohio has professional, pixel perfect and clean modern layouts for almost any website need:
Food, Adventure Blogger WordPress Theme;
Digital, Creative, Corporate agency WordPress Theme;
Clean, Minimal and Outstanding Creative Portfolio with Gallery for Illustrator, Photographer, Freelancer, Designer, Architecture;
Personal, Masonry and Minimal Blog for Blogger, Blogging, Editorial, Journalist, Magazine News, Newspaper, Writer, Writing;
Modern Fully Responsive Retina Ready WooCommerce Shop for Apparel, Electronics, Furniture, Accessories, Watches;
Parallax and Retina Ready Corporate Business Theme;
Awesome one page website and Landing Page to launch your Startup, Software Service or Application;
Modern Gym Club and Sports Fitness Center for Yoga, Swimming, Tennis, Pilates, Football, Soccer, Boxing, TRX, CrossFit;
Ohio theme was created with passion by the Colabrio, trusted and experienced Elite Author.
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25. Martfury ! WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress Theme
Ground-breaking eCommerce Functionality 
The subject was worked for WooCommerce, the most well known eCommerce answer for WordPress, which causes you sell anything on the web, shippable merchandise, virtual or computerized records. 
Sell Simple or Variable Products 
Sell Digital/Downloadable Products 
Sell External/Affiliate Products 
Worked all together Tracking System 
Multifaceted Tax and Shipping Options 
Clients can Rate/Review Products 
Unlimted Categories and Sub-Categories 
Channel Products (eg by size, shading, brands, classes, and so on.) 
Ground-breaking Store Management 
Worked in Coupon System 
Addition Insights from the Store Reports 
Simple Shipping Calculator 
Discretionary Wishlist and Compare 
Multi Vendor Marketplace 
Item Deals 
Progressed Live Search 
Search Products by SKU 
Display lightbox for item pictures 
Item Image Zoom 
Shading, Label and Image Swatches 
Highlighted item video 
Item 360 Degree 
Item Quick View 
Instagram Product Photos 
As of late Viewed Products 
Oftentimes Bought Together 
Propelled Typography 
Super menu bolstered: vertical and flat menu 
Boundless Color Scheme 
Soical Login(eg by Facebook, Google, Twitter, Windows Live, and so on)
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26. ekommart - All-in-one eCommerce WordPress Theme
Ekommart is All in one eCommerce WordPress Theme. On the off chance that you as of now have arranged the specialty you're going to pick for your single item business, you can pick the most appropriate subject from these single item WordPress topics. You can utilize the layout for toys and kids, hardware and PCs, food and Grocery, apparatuses and parts, magnificence and wellbeing, apparel, watch and gems, home and furniture, commercial center, sports and outside. 
It accompanies 20+ helpful prebuilt landing pages that are installable in a single tick. Constructed utilizing the most recent web innovation which incorporates HTML5, CSS3 this topic is prepared to improve your business to another level. Planning to improve its exhibition, ekommart is stuffed with highlights that will assist you with passing on your item adequately. Its WPML module and RTL bolster helps the pages of your site meant different dialects nearly without exertion.
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27. Houzez ! Real Estate WordPress Theme
Welcome to Houzez 2.0 The worldwide popular WordPress theme for real estate agents and companies. Houzez is a super flexible starting point for professional designers to create top-notch designs. It has features that your client – a real estate agent or company – might not even have dreamt about.
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28. Electro Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme
Electro is a strong and adaptable WordPress Electronics Store WooCommerce subject, worked by a similar group that created MediaCenter – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme to assist you with making the most out of utilizing WooCommerce to control your online store. The plan is appropriate for Electronics Store, seller based commercial centers, member sites. It is assembled and comes packaged with the greater part of the propelled highlights accessible in most well known eCommerce sites like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, walmart, alibaba, aliexpress, and so on. So on the off chance that you are an amazon partner or need a multi-merchant commercial center for your specialty advertise or a storekeeper, this topic is for you. 
The subject is based on Underscores system. The code is lean and extensible. This will permit designers to effortlessly add usefulness to your side by means of youngster subject or potentially custom plugin(s). 
It includes profound combination with WooCommerce center in addition to a few of the most well known augmentations: 
Visual Composer 
Slider Revolution 
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 
YITH WooCompare
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29. Brooklyn ! Creative Multi-Purpose Responsive WordPress Theme
Brooklyn a drag and drop visual page developer and no coding required format for: little open air exhibition neighborhood strong computer game inn engineering resume modern planner legal counselor money inside structure negligible development individual exercise center counseling strategic landing versatile sushi pizza advertising startup burger transport yoga wedding resume ico craftsman music application bistro vehicle food café hairdresser hair dental specialist natural jerk commitment architect auto watch store hair salon bread kitchen innovation bitcoin rental seller parallax unrest slider car paper coming soon good cause persuasive orator keynote instructing mentor coach advisor preparing theater Notable Design Brooklyn thought outside the box with Hero Pages before Jumbotron was even conceived. Brooklyn's underlying foundations are established in momentous plan and it keeps on pushing the limits of what is conceivable with incredible structure and WordPress. Get lovely, swooshy website composition in a one stop shop bundle that won't break the spending plan, accompanies a lifetime of free updates, extraordinary individual help and Theme that remaining parts in the Top 3 top of the line innovative Themes ever. 30,000 clients can't not be right!
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via Blogger https://ift.tt/35VBB6o
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I am here to help your business. I will make your business website using WordPress themes like Avada, Betheme, Divi, etc. If you want to see any previous example, please visit the link below
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webbygraphic001 · 4 years
14 WordPress Themes You Should Start Using in 2020
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Even web designers who prefer to design websites from scratch eventually look for frameworks, past work, or shortcuts. That way they speed up their workflow.
And there are also those times when it’s hard to find the right template. You need help to create a special page and you feel compelled to build it from scratch.
It only makes sense to take full advantage of drag and drop, front-end editing, design modules, customizable demos, and other shortcuts. They will save you time. Also, they produce a quite similar quality and performance to the one you could achieve by building a website from scratch.
Another example of not wanting to start from scratch is when the website you want to build addresses a function or area that you’re not particularly familiar with. It could be a directory website, adding a knowledge base feature to an existing one, or even a performance feature like SEO.
If you can find a theme that promises to do the heavy lifting for you – grab it!
Just so you don’t get burned in the process, make sure the chosen theme is tops in its class – like the 14 presented here.
1. ListingPro
Perhaps building directory websites is your thing. But this is a design area in which most web designers aren’t all that familiar. And even if you’re quite good at it, ListingPro might just make your efforts that much more satisfying, and save you time while doing so.
And, if you’ve been relying on plugins to patch a design together, ListingPro is the only all-in-one WordPress directory solution on the market. It lets you get the job done without needing additional plugins, or any coding knowledge for that matter.
This #1 best-seller offers a comprehensive set of directory features and functions including –
Advanced Search
Ratings and Reviews
Front-end Listing Submission
Events and Ads Management
Pricing Plans including Stripe and PayPal
Built in Checkout that does not require WooCommerce
Listing Owner Dashboards
API support for autofill listing submissions
ListingPro is Elementor and WPBakery supported, and offers total design flexibility. It also provides 3 pre-built directory websites to kickstart a project.
Fantastic Theme and excellent customer service. Recently interacted with the support team member. All issues resolved quickly.Very fast turnaround.
– somymon80
Click here to learn even more about ListingPro.
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2. BeTheme – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
One way to save design time is to have the necessary tools right at your fingertips. Another is a special feature that does much of the heavy lifting for you to get a website design project off the ground.
BeTheme does both; and it usually doesn’t matter what the purpose of your website is.
BeTheme, the biggest WordPress theme of them all is an ideal choice whether you’re planning your first website design project or you’re and advanced web designer.
As for the tools, BeTheme’s 40 core features supply everything you’ll need. They include:
Muffin Builder drag and drop page builder
Administration Panel for unlimited design options
Shortcode Generator and shortcodes
Layout Generator – create a page almost from scratch
As for the heavy lifting there’s the library of 500+ pre-built websites covering 30 industry sectors, all website types, and multiple business and personal niches.
These pre-built websites
are professionally crafted and attractive
are responsive and customizable
contain basic UX functionality
i.e., everything needed to get any project off to a lightning fast start
This Theme has great design quality and is very easy to get around. No technical skills needed in web development.
– syllabus
Click here; see if BeTheme is the time-saver you’re looking for.
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3. Kalium
One way to build a website quickly and without unnecessary hassle is to import the content you need. Perhaps starting with a demo. Then, doing the necessary customizing and tweaking to get what you want.
Kalium provides a helpful selection of high-quality pre-made concept demos you can import. Plus you can import theme options, pages, sliders, widgets, or whatever else you need.
In addition to the pre-made concept demos the package includes
WPBakery, Revolution Slider, and Layer Slider
Product Filter Plugins
A large and comprehensive font library
A powerful header builder
30+ portfolio types and unique styles
Full eCommerce support
16+ languages and RTL support
This top-selling theme offers free lifetime updates and excellent customer support. Plus it is fully responsive and GDPR compliant.
I’ve been using this theme for years now and it has been so flexible and adaptable as my business grows and my style evolves. There are lots of great themes like this that offer easy and quick customization but what I think really sets this one apart is the CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! The support team is beyond amazing – always answers questions promptly and are extremely helpful, saving me hours of time and headaches! Can’t say enough good things about this theme!
– itsmemissyxo
Click here to learn more.
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4. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme
When you apply your creative talents to building a website from scratch it still takes time. When you have an assortment of tools to help, it takes less time. If you have the ultimate toolbox at your fingertips, i.e. TheGem, you might surprise yourself how easily your workflow speeds up. With the release of TheGem 4.0 it gets even better. 40,000 customers agree.
Awesome and fast Support! :) Thank You!
– Nhecker
Click here to check out this awesome toolbox.
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5. Total Theme
Plugins can boost you up or drag you down. It often depends on your site’s needs. Total will definitely boost you up and never drag you down. Total does not require a ton of 3rd party plugins to use all of the theme’s features, including:
Over 40 premade demos together with a one-click importer
More than 500 built-in styling options and 100+ drag and drop WPBakery modules
More than 41,000 happy customers will attest to this.
I work with TOTAL for years now and I’m still impressed by its support and documentation. If you have a theme to choose, TOTAL is the one (and only)! ;)
– spotmedias
Click here to learn more about Total.
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6. Uncode – Creative Multiuse WordPress Theme
60,000+ sales to date make Uncode an Envato top seller. When this creative, pixel-perfect theme was designed, it was done so with an extraordinary amount of attention to detail.
Uncode is ideal for agencies, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. It is also ideal for building magazine and portfolio websites.
The best way to see what this WordPress theme could do for you is to visit the site and browse Uncode’s showcase of user-designed websites. You’ll be impressed.
Best Customer Support experience I have ever had. I had a hard time understanding the mobile and tablet customizations and have been helped out by their customer support team dozens of times. They are always friendly and helpful, and I love my site.
– oximedical
Browse the user-designed websites, and enjoy.
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7. Schema
This fully responsive, ultra-fast theme has all the tools and elements to qualify as a “perfect” theme. Perfect or not, but certainly close to it, Schema has a feature that is lacking in most themes. This feature resolves a problem most web designers have and can save you a ton of time.
It’s the ability to make a website more SEO friendly than you might have thought possible.
Schema even guides the search engines through your site to show it off and get the best ratings.
Schema is one of the fastest themes around, I highly recommend it.
– Rashmi
Click here if SEO has become a constant challenge for you.
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8. KnowAll
One way to make a good website a great one and drive up conversions is to replace a run-of-the-mill FAQ section with a knowledge base. It is a resource which most visitors will find extremely helpful.
With KnowAll, you can implement
Live search that provides instant answers and suggests related content
Feedback and action analytics that enable continuous improvement of the site
And you don’t have to do it from scratch.
Click here to learn more about this premium knowledge base solution.
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9. Avada
When you invest in the #1 top selling theme of all time you can be pretty sure you’ve made a good decision. Avada’s collection of pre-built websites, demos, partial demos, and a huge array of supporting design elements ensures you have the material you need to build a top-quality website rather quickly.
Avada’s Fusion Builder is drag and drop.
The Dynamic Content System gives you unparalleled flexibility.
This premium theme integrates flawlessly with WooCommerce.
Everything works great with this theme!
– SiliconWaelder
Click here to learn more.
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10. Neve
Neve is a multi-purpose theme that comes with ready-made designs for for startups, agencies, eCommerce shops, blogs and more. Other good reasons to check Neve out:
Neve loads crazy-fast and receives top scores on Page Speed Insights and GT Matrix performance tests
It is compatible with most popular page builders (Elementor, Brizy, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin, Divi), including Gutenberg
It comes with +50 ready-made starter sites
Neve is AMP optimized, responsive and 100% mobile ready
This theme is just great, totally customizable and perfectly integrated with Gutenberg.
aless81 (@aless81) on WordPress.org
Click here to discover even more about Neve.
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11. Movedo
This premium quality theme by a top-rated author features a clean, modern design, amazing responsive options, great flexibility, and more than a few out-of-this-world automations and parallax effects.
They include mouse move, scrolling move, and column move. Movedo also features a Knowledge Base with a quick search option, plus it is designed for easy browsing.
To sum it up – Movedo rocks!
Great theme, overall astonishing functions and page builder, also the support is tremendous.
– cedzufrei
To see what dynamic parallax can do for your websites simply click here.
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12. XStore | Responsive Multi-Purpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme
If you’re in an eCommerce frame of mind, don’t bother to look further for a solution. Describing XStore’s features can be short and sweet.
First, there is the single product page builder, a powerful header builder, and $300+ worth of premium plugins.
Second, there are 80 good-to-go shops.
Building your own eCommerce store could hardly be easier.
Fast response! Polite! Work hard! Thank you! You should definitely choose! This template is the best of many themes!!!
Click here to see all the details.
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13. Pofo – Creative Portfolio, Blog and eCommerce WordPress Theme
If you have building a portfolio website in mind, Pofo is the right choice. This modern and creative design theme is the ideal tool for creating business, agency, and personal portfolio websites.
This is especially true if you wish to incorporate blogging and eCommerce into your sites.
Pofo is fast, flexible, and customizable with 200+ demo pages, 25+ homepages, and 150 pre-built elements to work with.
While everything is great about this theme, from Design Quality to Flexibility. The main reason why I’m using this theme for 5 websites, is the Customer Support. This is absolutely perfect. Within time, friendly, professional. Sending CSS codes. I love working with this Pofo theme.
– studiojas
Click here to learn more.
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14. Hongo – Modern & Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme
This modern, multi-purpose theme was specially created with WooCommerce stores, blogs, and company websites in mind. Hongo’s package includes WPBakery, Revolution Slider, and an impressive collection of out of the box premium features. The collection includes comparing products, quick view, product videos, and 11 ready store demos.
Hongo also provides users with quality online documentation. Its customer support enjoys high ratings.
Simply the great designs and best theme for WooCommerce, loading fast, customizable and easy to use with the detailed documentation. Their support team is technically sound and very kind to guide wherever needed. We have bought some other themes from ThemeZaa now and they have never let us down, thanks!
– diyaatps
Click here to learn more about this new and modern theme.
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Now that you’ve seen 14 possible ways to make your website building adventures easier, we hope you’ve been able to drill down to one or more that makes perfect sense to you.
We would appreciate it if you would share this article with a friend or with your social media group.
  [– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BawMedia –]
Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/311V6HZ from Blogger https://ift.tt/2RTxIbz
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t-baba · 4 years
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15 Top WordPress Themes to Use in 2020
This sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.
Overworked, overstressed, and flat out fed up with starting every website design from scratch? Here are some WordPress theme solutions you’ll appreciate.
Maybe you need to switch to an easy-to-use theme — a WordPress theme that’s crazy-fast and gives you reliable performance may be your cup of tea.
Tired of having to build your websites from scratch? It’s totally unnecessary unless for some reason you absolutely want to.
Before you blame yourself for the situation you find yourself in, consider this: maybe it’s the tools you’re using. You may be trying to build a house without the use of power tools, scaffolding, or helpful aids.
One of the following 15 top WordPress themes should prove to be the solution to your problem. In fact, more than one of them could probably serve quite nicely.
Grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started.
1. BeTheme: Responsive, Multi-purpose WordPress Theme
This biggest-of-them-all multipurpose WordPress theme can’t be beaten in terms of the huge array of “power” tools and design elements it places at your disposal. BeTheme is fast and flexible. It’s easy for beginners to work with. If trying to satisfy multiple clients has become more stressful than rewarding, BeTheme has a solution for that as well.
Be’s selection of 500+ customizable, responsive pre-built websites is the highlight and a proven stress reducer. These professionally crafted, pre-built websites cover 30 industry sectors, all the common websites, and an impressive range of business niches.
They also have UX features and functionalities built into them, potentially saving you a ton of design time.
BeTheme uses the popular Muffin Builder 3 page builder, with WPBakery as an option.
There’s a Layouts Configurator if you really want to, or absolutely have to, build a page from scratch.
It has a Shortcode Generator and a large selection of shortcodes that, together with Be’s drag and drop features, eliminates the need for coding.
Be’s powerful Admin Panel provides unmatched flexibility.
I have purchased 4 of these themes at this point. Love the speed and build of them. Only wish list item would be a way to categorize and tag pages like you can with posts. — sharkyh2o
Click here and browse Be’s impressive collection of pre-built websites.
2. Total Theme
Total is another stress-reducing theme. This flexible and easy-to-use WordPress theme has been around for a while and has amassed a user base of 41,000 happy customers.
Total is drag and drop and it doesn’t require coding to build exactly the type of website you have in mind.
Total is also developer friendly thanks to its system of hooks, filters, and snippets.
There are more than 500 advanced customizing options available, plus 100+ page-builder elements and design modules to work with and 40+ pre-built demos to get any project off to a solid start.
You won’t be burdened by third-party plugins either, since this WooCommerce-ready theme is compatible with all WordPress plugins.
Very Friendly
Very Simple
Clean Code
Good Flexibility
Cool Elements
Excelent custom panel
Good integration with WooCommerce
Love this theme, it can do everything I need including shops, in a very good and easy way. — soswebdesign
Click here to discover if Total is the solution you’ve been looking for.
3. Avada
If you choose a best-selling theme, chances are it’s going to relieve rather than add to any stress you may be encountering. Avada is such a theme.
Its Dynamic Content System provides unmatched flexibility.
Avada integrates totally with WooCommerce and includes product design drag and drop capabilities.
55+ pre-built websites are included to get you off to a fast start.
Great theme! As my first WordPress theme, it offers many options and continues to improve! — nwilger
Click here to find out more about this best-seller.
4. TheGem: Creative, Multi-Purpose, High-Performance WordPress Theme
Featuring the most beautiful designs for WordPress is what many web designers will tell you about TheGem. What really gets them excited, however, are the tools that come with the package.
Those same designers will tell you that TheGem is the ultimate WordPress toolbox. To name but just a few of the goodies, you’ll find:
plenty of pre-built, one-click installable websites
over 400 modern and trendy design templates
a ready-to-go fashion store
Great theme and great service. — bepreoo
Your very own ultimate toolbox is just a click or two away.
5. Uncode: Creative, Multiuse WordPress Theme
Bloggers, freelancers, and creatives of all types, plus small businesses and agencies, will benefit from making this ThemeForest bestseller with its 60K+ sales their theme of choice. This is doubly true if you need to create a portfolio or magazine-style website or any type or style of a page.
Features include:
a powerful front-end editor
adaptive image and advanced grid systems
WooCommerce compatibility and single product design and display features.
The star of the show is Uncode’s showcase of user-created websites. They tell a story of what Uncode could do for you, plus they are a source of inspiration.
Nice code, good support, design possibilities are endless. — zoutmedia
Visit Uncode and browse its showcase of user-built websites.
6. Houzez: Highly Customizable Real Estate WordPress Theme
There are some website types that a multi-purpose theme simply can’t help you with — usually because of unique and special features that are required. For the realestate sector, as an example, using a theme like Houzez is a must. Houzez’ unique functionalities include:
advanced property searching
flexible property listings formatting
a property management system
In addition, this drag and drop theme can easily be customized to match a realtor’s business model.
I really love the function and the appearance of the theme. — stuffmartusa2
If you happen to have a realtor for a client, look no further.
The post 15 Top WordPress Themes to Use in 2020 appeared first on SitePoint.
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