#hogwarts legacy confessions
You know those ai kissing videos going around? It's from the apps vidu.studio or lumalabs.ai and both are completely free!
How to do it:
Upload your picture
Enter a random prompt like you would with ai photos
Boom! Smooches!
The only reason I'm telling this is because some people (who claim to be superrrrr against gatekeeping btw), are gatekeeping this for some reason :))))) so spread it around and I hope you all enjoy!
PS. Profiting off of AI is not cool :)) have a wonderful day!
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myokk · 3 months
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They’re holding hands🥹💓
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trappezoider · 9 months
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Dampness cooled the skin of Ominis' neck. He grazed the underside of Sebastian's eye with his thumb and found more moisture there. They hadn't gotten far from Hogsmeade – Ominis could tell by the layout his wand revealed to him. With the exception of someone spewing out their drinks a couple of blocks down into the town, there were hardly any people around. So, Ominis did what he had wanted to do for a long time, for the past six years, in fact. He turned his head, meeting the tip of his nose with Sebastian's, arched himself to the side and finally, at last, he kissed him.
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artebris · 4 months
Sudden Ominis Confession
My tumbrl line suddenly exploding with: Dominis or Ominis?
Me: I am surely just a humble ant, but I have a damn nobody-cares opinion.
Ominis is a shy, good, kindhearted, very mistrustful, closed and highly traumatized young man, afraid to lose dear and close people to him, who are counted to ones, but not that afraid not to do the right thing. He is both timid, just and brave. Not enough from both sides to confidently claim a pure and one-direct description. It is a very complicated character. He experienced great pain and loss. He is not about all that bullshit.
Though. On the other hand, he has his roots. Gaunt’s roots. Which are mixed with this kind and timid personality of a dreamer and trickster. Anger bursts, authority, inheritance of a Gaunt are in his blood, whether everyone likes it or not. He showed it not for once officially, he can be quite dominant, when the situation claims it, usually if he is scared and feels his privacy endangered. Not like it actually has a direct consequence. Ominis is like a fluffy bee, showing his sting, but never actually sting you. He is defending himself, but he can do it.
In a regular situation when Ominis is comforted and keeping easy with a person, he is a shy, kindhearted, timid and playful boy, as we meet him in the Common Room as Slytherins. That meeting tells about him more than it is shown, it is actually his true face. Kind, a bit mischievous and playful, tricky, posh.
He loves a trick, but it is never evil.
If he can dominate someone, it can be done after a very, very long time!
And if it happens, it more than sure, that it is just in a playful type of a thing. A game. A power exchange to let his partner (whoever that is, woman, man, whatever who can make him happy), to relax from the usual role.
To my taste, he prefers to be a bottom most of the time. But he can be dominant, greedy and wild sometimes and with someone’s he trusts wholesome, to also let the one he loves to feel calm and relaxed. To let it all go when needed. Cover with love and demanding, with protection and care, when you need it most. He can do it, but does not prefer it, because usually he is a person, who needs this protection himself.
Perhaps, if it is actually a true love, it is a thing in common, to care about each other, to exchange, not to put up a sign saying “you are this and no other.” I hate signs put up. The world is a flexible thing, the sexual energy is a flexible thing. And as a former worker in the industry of a performance, as a shibari-switch, model and master, I can confirm, that power exchange is hell of a healthy thing. Not even sexually. It helps keeping both, bottom and dominant sane and aware of how the other feels. No matter how much you are in charge, you need a break from time to time, a moment to feel weak.
To conclude. Ominis is a bottom naturally. But if he trusts you, if he needs and loves you, he can serve a dominance you need in a playful, non-serious way, just to make you feel good, wanted and belonged to him.
Because he cares.
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zetadraconis11 · 7 months
HL Incorrect Quote #73
*MC being caught leaving the Undercroft*
Ominis: Hello, Sebastian. ...Wait.
MC, thinking: Crap. Quick, use the Disillusionment! Wait, no, he's BLIND, that won't do anything!
Ominis: You there. I can hear you!
MC: O-oh, hello, Ominis! Nice evening for a stroll, right?
Ominis: I recognize that voice... You're the new fifth-year.
MC, thinking: Play dumb.
MC: Who's new?
MC, thinking: Not THAT dumb!
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Love Confession Blurbs Masterlist
Sebastian Sallow
"don't make me say it. i can't say the words." "there isn't anything i wouldn't do for you/i'm so sorry you found out this way" "i've loved you since the moment i first laid eyes on you." "for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence." "are you really so oblivious?" "please... say something." "i can't pretend anymore." "you are all i can think about/i dream of you. all i do is dream of you." a glance into the future platonic forehead kisses start to give you the feels
Ominis Gaunt
"for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence." "after everything you've done, i still love you. with all i am." "i am so very in love with you." "it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."
it takes a loss to win wanting to do things for them "cut the bullshit, tell me the truth." "were you ever going to tell me?" absent-mindedly playing with their hair them running into your arms
Garreth Weasley
"we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you a lifetime."
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aestheticworld99 · 3 months
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"In the quiet of night, under the moon's watchful eye, the Ravenclaw ponders the mysteries of existence. Curiosity fuels a quest for immortality, a longing to unravel the enigma of life and death."
Request here
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polly-sly · 1 year
The ending 💔🙏🏻
I want to read a fic with this scene *~*
Another TikTok from Azithrael with the backstory for one of her amazing artworks 👏🏻
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witchyafterdark · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Headcanon # 1:
I think people are underestimating, or at least forgetting, that Sebastian and Anne are twins.
The mental and emotional — even physical — connection between the two of them is something that psychologists today have proven to be immense. The bond between twins is really special that sometimes, not even their parents or other siblings can explain or understand.
(If my memory serves me right, there's even a true crime case of twins who didn't speak to anyone else and used special language to communicate with one another)
So, Sebastian's actions and decisions is coming from a place of dread that his twin sister is dying and that through whatever psychological connection, he could probably even feel her pain whenever it strikes.
While murder will never be justified, I think it's important to note that in Sebastian's mind, he most likely had tunnel-visioned the way to Anne's cure, and that Solomon was in the way of that; thus, he needed to be eliminated.
He even said it himself, "I won't let her suffer."
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acciomorningstar · 1 year
Drunk love confession (Poppy Sweeting x Reader)
Found myself in a silly mood during my break and decided to write this out on a whim. Enjoy <3
Poppy didn’t need to smell the Firewhisky on your breath to know that you were absolutely mullered. You were swaying on your feet, smiling at her with a stupid grin on your face as you pointed at her. “Pop-py!”
“Merlin’s Beard, have you been swimming in that stuff?” she muttered under her breath as she ushered you out of the Three Broomsticks. She was glad to have caught wind of your little get-together in time, lest you would have become the subject of even greater embarrassment.
“I’m so glad you came, ya know,” you slurred to her, nearly hanging onto the small Hufflepuff with all of your weight. “I have a really important confession to make –”
“I’m sure you do. Why don’t you tell me all about it when we’re back at the castle?” she asked kindly. Even when you were stupidly drunk, she still couldn’t bring herself to be mad at you. If anything, it was even a little endearing.
“No,” you said stubbornly, “I need to tell you now. I think you’re really pretty, Poppy.”
She slowed her step a bit, though she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “My, you’ve suddenly become quite the charmer, haven’t you?”
You made some frustrated noises before trying to stand up, nearly causing both of you to trip. “You’re not listening. The reason why I always forget my brush in Beasts Class is because I like the way your hand touches mine when you give me yours. It makes me feel happy.”
By now Poppy realised it wasn’t just the whisky making you say these things and she could feel her cheeks starting to burn. This couldn’t really be how you felt about her, right? You’ve always been just friends, content with each other’s company, but nothing more than that…
You hummed to yourself, clearly oblivious to what you were actually saying. “It’s so weird you haven’t noticed. During class I’m always looking when you’re not looking, you know. And then I think about you, and I wonder if I should tell you…”
“T-tell me what?” she asked, the words passing through her dry lips. She knew what you would say, but she still wanted to hear it.
You turned to look at her with a frown, as if you couldn’t believe that she couldn’t figure it out. “That I fancy you, pretty Poppy.”
Poppy could feel her head starting to spin. She’d always harboured similar feelings for you, but she’d forced herself to push them away, too afraid of the potential ramifications for your friendship. To now hear you outright confess your love to her gave her a sense of euphoria unlike anything she’d ever experienced.
“Y/N –” she said, but at that point your head slumped on her shoulder, a light snoring coming from your mouth. She chuckled to herself, gently lowering you to the ground. For now it would probably be best to let you sleep it off. Hopefully, by the next morning, you wouldn’t be too hung-over to remember what you’d said.
And if you were? Well – she could think of one or two ways to remind you.
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bloofinntoona · 1 year
Okay, so I had a bad experience with the Sebastian AI before I tried this one.
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sebastian the rizzard sallow
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slightly suggestive below
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I'm really scared to say this out loud since I feel that I will be crucified for this opinion...but, I really wish people would post more about their MCs as their own person/character than simply being a love interest to the NPCs. Sure yeah, NPCs like Seb and Omi are insanely popular that everyone wants a piece of them but I found it super duper frustrating to come across posts of an MC I found cute but said MC's existence is practically defined as being a NPC's love interest. Give me more screenshots/artworks/fics/posts of your MC being the absolute menace to the Highlands. Show me your MCs in action shot like the powerful untempered legend they would have become with years, experience and practice. Let me read your MC incorrect quotes showing their life at Hogwarts. Show me their fashion preference and why they prefer those. What do they do when visiting Hogsmeade (that is not a date with a NPC)? They can't be 24/7 joint to the hips with the NPCs no? Feed me word vomit/short snippets of your MC. Tell me their personality/character studies/hobby/zodiac sign/history that has no relation what so ever to any NPC.
To me, HL giving us all a 'blank slate MC' has provided us unlimited paths to develop an interesting character unique to the player controlling them. No MC should ever be the same. They could be the good ol' honourably wholesome one. They could be the prequel to a Dark Lord of their time. Or they could be on the fence, a dark magic user who use the magic simply because they have to/survival sake. Not even the sky could be our limit to create our MC and showcase them to the world like the precious, unique darlings each of them actually are.
I just wish more MC I found while scrolling could be anything else that is not Sebastian/Ominis/Garreth/Amit's girl, really.
It just frustrates me that almost all posts I came across is mainly simping for the NPCs. I appreciate all those posts, but I crave more posts of your MC as their own person. Show me your MC. Let me simp for them. Let me get to know them as their own character. Let me internally ship your MC with mine because your MC is so interesting on their own, I want them in my household. Your MC is the protagonist, the literal MAIN CHARACTER.
Their existence should not be defined by their popular love interest.
I'm sorry but I'm practically sobbing inside wishing for more MC appreciation blogs. There's so little of you unhinged creative fuckers who is passionate about your MCs more than the NPCs. I want more pretty and powerful MCs to ship with my Murder Children but most of the MCs out there has no personality other than being a NPC's love interest. 😭😭
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thatslytherinqueen · 19 days
Well, whilst it is blocked 🚫 and they have me blocked, someone has told me a while ago someone targeted a confession about me. Now I'm telling you, if you're one of the people following me on my blog just to backstab me, then please kindly Go fuck off!!! And don't let the door hit you on your way out because It may knock you tf out.
I am not one to mess about with or talk shit about, I've had a shit life anyways and my tolerance for more shit is lowest now.
At this point the HL fandom does not deserve the posts I put out or anything...if it "bothers" people so much. I will not be bullied!!! Or ridiculed!. End of! So I'm giving you the option to leave! Before I find out whom has said it which I will not repeat btw because I can't be bothered. So just warning ⚠️ I do not put up with shit!
Urgh I might aswell just go to another fandom 🙄 this is becoming toxic af 😤 I mean I'll keep this blog but don't expect me to post regularly now... now that you've made it out to be a fucking issue of what I say or do. GROW TF UP AND ACT RIGHT! in future.
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dia-oro · 7 months
playing hogwarts legacy but only going to everywhere looking for puzzles, and getting lost at it to.
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
My collection of writings
Why read just one fanfic, when there’s more…
So far I’ve written about Hogwarts Legacy, Slytherin boys and the Marauders' era. English is not my mother tongue, so you’re bound to find some weird phrases or grammatical errors. I’m a sweet Slytherin so you can definitely reach out and tell me if I made a mistake somewhere.
I have a few requests waiting in my inbox. When I’ll write these depends entirely on my inspiration and time. So it might take a crazy long time, but know I’m not ignoring you.
Requests waiting: 1
Currently working on: bad girl request (Mattheo and Theo)
To be published next: More or less this order, but don't kill me if I change it
(1) I don't need space, I need you (Draco and Enzo version)
(2) Nightmares (Blaise and Mattheo)
(3) I want him back (Mattheo)
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Marauders' Era
Wear my name, be my girl
About the Slytherin boys and Regulus
When friends help you get the girl
About Remus
Lily's Potion
About Regulus ! Slight smut !
“No, I did not ruin the piano”
Request about Sirius Black ! smut !
I dare you to steal his clothes
About James Potter ! Slight smut !
It was no mistake
Request about James (part two of I dare you to steal his clothes) ! smut !
Not into you
Request about Regulus (part two of Lily's Potion) !suggestive!
Slytherin boys
Apologies and love confessions
About Theo, Blaise, Enzo, Draco and Mattheo ! Smut !
He had it coming, you had it coming
About Mattheo and Theo ! Smut !
Christmas saviours
About Blaise, Draco, Enzo, Theo and Mattheo
Boyfriend material (part 1) ! Smut !
About Mattheo (part 2), Blaise (part 2) , Theo (part 2) and Enzo (part 2) ! Smut !
The death eater drabbles I
About Mattheo, Theo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise
Pansy’s interrogation
About Theo and Mattheo
“I dare you to steal his clothes”
About Mattheo, Enzo, Blaise and Theo ! Smut !
It started with a book
Request about Mattheo
The day after the dare
About Mattheo and Theo ! Smut !
Part 2 of “I dare you to steal his clothes”
The death eater drabbles II
About Mattheo, Theo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise
Pansy’s Interrogation II
About Enzo, Blaise, Mattheo, Draco and Theo
Tutoring first years
Request about Theo, based on Pansy’s interrogation
No fights, no girls, no smokes
Request about Mattheo, based on Pansy’s interrogation
Toxicity (part 2)
About Theo and Mattheo (toxic!reader) ! Smut !
Sharing a bed (part 2)
About Enzo ! Smut !
Sleeping with a prefect
About Mattheo ! Smut !
The Death Eater Drabbles III
About Mattheo, Theo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise
I think it was love at first sight
Request about Mattheo, Theo, Blaise, Draco and Enzo
“I dare you to steal his clothes”
About Draco and Tom ! Smut !
A good morning
Request about Draco, Mattheo, Enzo, Theo and Blaise ! Smut !
The Death Eater Drabbles IV
About Mattheo, Theo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise
Revenge of a simp
About Mattheo and Theodore Nott
You can safely read until the smut warning
Another good morning
Request about Draco, Mattheo, Enzo, Theo and Blaise ! Smut !
Insecurities and second chances
About Mattheo
How would YOU feel if I banged you against the table
About Mattheo and Tom ! Smut !
An unintentional double date
About Draco and Theo
A good excuse to kiss
About Enzo and Blaise
If you had known, would you’ve come
About Tom II
Wear my name, be my girl
About Theo, Blaise, Draco, Enzo, Mattheo and Regulus
Summer vibes and slytherins
About Tom II, Mattheo, Blaise and Enzo
Quiet a night
About Mattheo and Enzo ! Smut !
A fair chance
About Tom II Riddle
I don’t want you to be my girlfriend
Request about Blaise, Mattheo, Enzo, Tom, Draco and Theo
You're uninvited
Request about Draco
The better argument
Request about Enzo, Mattheo, Theo and Blaise ! Smut !
Pansy's Potion
About Blaise, Draco, Mattheo, Enzo and Theo ! Smut !
As the world caves in
Request about Mattheo
Pansy's Prediction
Part 2 of Pansy's Potion, about Blaise, Matt, Draco and Theo + Enzo ! Smut !
Whipped for their tutor
Request about Mattheo, Theo and Enzo ! Slight Smut !
Muffins and Fireworks
Request about Mattheo
I don't need space, I need you
Request about Mattheo and Theo
Whipped for their tutor II: A Reward
Mattheo, Theo and Enzo ! smut !
Two idiots in love
Request about Theo
A+ for Blaise Zabini
Request about Blaise ! smut !
With you
Request about Mattheo, Enzo and Theo
About Tom
A good excuse to kiss
Requested Theo and Mattheo version
Listening in and panicking
Request about Matt, Tom, Theo, Enzo, Blaise and Draco
What we could've been
Request about Mattheo and Tom
No smoke, only love in the air
Request about Mattheo and Theo
Get him back
Mattheo Riddle imagine
Whipped for their tutor
Request about Blaise, Draco and Tom
No date for the bully
Request about Enzo and Mattheo
Hogwarts Legacy
Duelling during Hecat’s class
About Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt and Garrath Weasley
Convincing you to trust him
About Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow
Nifflers steal money, Ominis steals hearts
About Ominis Gaunt
The headmaster’s special assignment: you
About Sebastian Sallow ! Smut !
The Slytherin and the Gryffindor(k)
About Garreth Weasley
A fine husband
About Sebastian Sallow ! Smut !
Duelling during Hecat’s class II
About Nathan Onai, Imelda Reyes and Poppy Sweeting
You are the prize
About Sebastian Sallow
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mochroialainn · 6 months
Despite everything
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Title: Despite Everything Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy Characters: Sebastian Sallow x reader Plot: Despite everything he did, despite everything he said to you, the months of pain caused he caused you. Some part of you still saw the good, saw the kind and the caring and the protective. Most of all you still saw the hurt and the pain he suffered, so despite everything you gave him back the one thing he loved most in the world. His sister . Themes: Angst, hurt/comfort Warnings: Asshole Sebastian, mild hurt/comfort, love confessions, fem!reader. Word count: 6,769 Notes: This is based in 7th year, all characters are ages up to 18. I also have yet to finish the game, so please excuse any errors! This also got very out of hand very quickly and I apologise for the length
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Golden light filtered through the windows of the Sallow home in Feldcroft illuminating everything inside in a warm honey glow that gave Anne a feeling of hope as she watched the person who had slowly became her best friend over the past year and a half, fiddle with her wand, twirling it between her fingers and twisting and turning it absentmindedly as her eyes scanned over the piece of parchment in her hands. 
It was an unlikely friendship, but one that was true and ran deep. It was a friendship built on trust and love and seeing every part of the other. For too long all people saw in Anne was her illness, the dreadful curse that had taken over her life too long. They pittied her and feared her at the same time, they didn’t want the same thing to happen to them and even though it wasn’t contagious people tended to stay clear of her. But [name] wasn’t like that, she saw Anne wholly for who she was. She saw her as a person rather than her illness, 
She saw the Anne that many thought was lost the day she was cursed, she saw the daring adventurous girl she once was. [Name] always revelled in reading and hearing the stories of Anne and Sebastian when they were children, their mischieviousness and the trouble they would get into, she proclaimed one day that Anne and Sebastian were probably the reason Solomon had grey hairs, causing the two girls to fall into a fit of giggles. 
And Anne saw [name] as more than the Hero of Hogwarts, she saw past the facade of strength and courage to see the crumbling girl beneath who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. The girl who was suddenly whisked into a world of magic and was the only one with the power to stop it from crumbling. She saw the vulnerability and the fear hidden deep below the mask. But she also saw the kindness and the protectiveness, saw it in the way she spoke of her friends. Of Ominis and Sebastian and how she would have burned the world to the ground if anything were to happen to them, and those two boys were the most important people in her life and as soon as she saw how [name] cared for them she was quickly added to the list. 
Since their initial meeting, the girls had sent each other countless owls back and forth and [Name] would visit Anne any time she could, though her visits became less frequent towards the end of their 5th year. Anne had asked about in her letters, saying she missed [Name] and even tried to sweeten it by saying that even Solomon missed her because he loved the way Anne’s eyes would light up anytime [Name] was around and he was happy she had a friend like her. Something had changed,she just didn’t know what and though [Name] never divulged the information she had a feeling it was to do with her stubborn, hard-headed brother who couldn’t see a good thing if it him in the face with same force as a bludger. 
It was during the summer of their sixth year that Anne finally pulled the information from Ominis who had come to see her and Sebastian. Sebastian and Solomon had gone off to do some shopping, the pair slowly mending bridges together, and Anne had asked Ominis about [Name]. She had noticed the way he fidgeted uncomfortably, pulling on his sleeves and chewing on hislips nervously. After much pestering from Anne’s side, Ominis had finally relented and told her what happened. 
About her working with a goblin and Sebastians reaction, him calling her ignorant and icing her out as if she had never meant anything to him. To how he was treating her like she meant nothing to him, like she didn’t even exist. And Anne swore if she could she was going to beat her brother black and blue because she was simply the best thing to ever happen to him. Ominis had sensed her getting worked up, the tension and heat in the room rising, and he had let her know that Imelda Reyes already landed a punch on Sebastian that landed him in the hospital wing with a broken nose and Gareth Weasley had accidentally spilled a potion on him that made him smell like sour milk for 2 whole weeks. That had got a chuckle out of her and Ominis promised to tell [name] that she should come visit and that was enough for Anne. 
So [Name] did just that, she and Ominis conspired with Anne and Solomon to have her go over when Sebastian wasn’t around so the girls could talk. It was during one of these visits that [Name] revealed she hadn’t stopped looking for something to help Anne, even if she couldn’t find a cure she wanted to find something that could illviate the pain and make it so Anne could return to Hogwarts. Anne was gobsmacked when she said it, not wanting her to loose herself in the dark magic the same way Sebastian had. 
That was when [name] explained to Anne that she wasn’t going anywhere near dark magic ever again, her use of it had left her scarred and broken and she was still putting herself back together with the help of her friends, and she revealed her connection to ancient magic and how she could wield it. She told her of Isidora taking the pain away from her father and how Sebastian had damn near lost her mind when she refused to do it. She explained to Anne she simply didn’t know enough, she had seen what happened to Isidora and those she claimed to help by taking away their pain and she was not prepared to take Anne out of one torment to throw her straight into another. She had to study it more and she didn’t care how long it took but she would find a way to help Anne that didn’t involve dark magic or Isidora’s method. 
[Name] always kept Anne informed of her research, telling her what she had learned and the progress she had made even if she was only half a step closer, she also told her stories of Hogwarts and the spells they were learning how the more she researched healing the more she wanted to become a healer. This continued for over a year, the two becoming best friends and sneaking around Sebastian but never mentioning him, both recognising the pain he had caused [Name], and to now. 
It was two weeks before the end of summer and [name] returning to Hogwarts for the 7th and final year. She had spent most of her summer researching and working and perfection and finally, finally she found the last bit she needed and as soon as she had confirmation from Anne that Sebastian was out of their home and would be gone for a few hours she used floo powder to travel to the Sallow home where had been pacing and re-reading for the last hour as Anne watched on amusedly, hope blooming in her chest. 
Finally [Name] folded the parchment that had been in her hand up and returned it to her pocket and faced Anne with a smile. “Are you ready?”
Anne nodded and whispered a quiet “yes” just loud enough to [Name] to hear, but it was all she needed to hear. If Anne was ready, so was she. She stood beside Anne’s bed, the point of her wand nearly touching her hair line, she spoke a soft encatation the tip of her wand glowing blue, the familiar surge of ancient magic flowing through her and making her feel feather light. 
Moving the wand slowly down Anne’s forehead a trail of light followed from the first point, she stopped at point below between Anne’s eyebrows she repeated the incantation again and another pool of light followed as she repeated the steps again moving her wand down Anne's body, stopping at her throat, the center of her chest just slightly right of her heart, at the base of her strernum, at her belly button, and finally at her feet, the trail of light following the path. 
Once she finished the last incantation, he moved her wand once again, placing it directly above Anne’s heart a repeated another incantation this one different can causing the magic to spread out around Anne until every inch of her body was covered in the brilliant blue of ancient magic. The tip of [Name]’s wand dug into the soft flesh of Anne’s chest, not hard enough to cause pain but enough for it to be felt and for her to control the magic working its way through Anne’s body with a lot more precision and she closed her eyes. 
It was an intense feeling, being able to move and see the magic rolling  through someone's body. Being able to locate the curse that had buried itself deep inside Anne. She found it quite quickly, seeing it as dark, throned vines that had twisted itself around Anne’s nervous system and rooted right in her heart. Slowly, [Name] started untangling the vines using her magic to weaken their grip on Anne’s body, pulling them away and covering them in the light of ancient magic causing them to wither and wilt away, she started with the vines twisted around ther nerves slowly killing them all before moving on to the organs and then the muscles and finally to the root of the dark magic lodged inside her heart. This one was a little trickier and required a lot more care and patience, slowly she pulled at the roots, pulling them out one by one and killing them until only one remained and then until none remained. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes and and removed her wand from Anne’s chest, the light at the end extinguishing as the ancient magic around Anne faded. The golden light that had been shining in the room previously had gone, now the room was illuminated in a silver hue the full moon outside the window shining on the two girls and providing the only light in the room. 
“How do you feel?” [Name]’s voice was soft, exhaustion making its home in her body as her muscles started to feel heavy and her brain started to fog. She knew the magic would take it out of her, knew it would leave her exhausted but she wouldn’t let Anne see that, she would only worry [Name] had done too much at once and fuss over her. 
“I feel… good.” Anne smiled, the pain she usually felt gone, the tension in her muscles easing. Breathing was easier and her chest felt light for the first time in years, she took a deep breath and reveled in the fact that it didn’t hurt. A smile quickly came to her lips as she sat herself up, back leaning against the headboard, tears pricked at her eyes as the joy took over and she couldn’t help but let a few slips past and a joyous laugh feel from her lips. [Name] started tearing up as well, reaching out to take Anne’s hand as she mumbled out ‘thank yous’ between the tears. 
“What are you doing here?” An angry voice cuts through the sobs of Anne and causes both girls to whip their head to the door to see Sebastian standing here his face red and nostrils flared as he glared directly at [Name]. The girls eyes widened as she stood in shock, she knew there was always a risk he would come home but she thought she had enough time to leave before he did but the spell must have took much longer than she thought. She wanted to apperate out there and then, to disappear and not face the angry face of the boy she still cared so deeply for despite everything. Beside him Ominis stood, his hand outstretched across Sebastians chest to stop him from charging forward. 
“Sebastian…” Ominis’ voice was a stern. It was a warning to his friend not to do anything stupid or in anger. Sebastian simply growled in response placing his hand on Ominis’ and pushing his friends hand away as he stalked towards [Name].He was taller than her now, she remember being able to look him in his eyes in 5th year but he had shot up in 6th year and now he towered over her, eyes cold and harsh as he glared. 
“What.are.you.doing.here?” His voice was harsher than his glare, the sound of it actually struck fear into [Name]’s heart as she strugged to come up with a response. The exhaustion had fully sank in now, her muscles were giving in on her and she could feel her legs shaking, barely holding her weight up and her head felt like it had been submerged underwater and everything seemed so far away and so close all at once. Her chest constricted, breathing hard to do as every breath felt like a sharp pain. Her body was starting to shut down, she needed to rest and if she didn’t leave soon she was going to collapse. 
Anne’s hand left hers and instead grabbed Sebastians, drawing his gaze away from [Name] just in time as she tumbled slightly backwards. Anne saw it happened from her periphery, the way [Name] was struggling to standing and seemed to sway from side to side, but she knew she needed to calm Sebastian down before she could help her friend.Sebastian’s glare softened slightly when he turned to his sister and the hand she wasn’t holding closed over the top of hers in comfort. “Sebastian, she was helping me. She found a cure.”
Sebastians eyes widened at her words, the harshness melting away and making room for shock instead as his eyes darted between Anne and [Name]. “What?” His words caught in his throat,a lump forming and stopping any more words from coming out as he eyed his sister up and down and reached out to cup her cheek and rub it gently with his thumb. Anne nodded her head as a confirmation that it was true, “I’m cured Sebastian.” 
That was the last thing [Name] heard before she hit the floor, the exhaustion finally taking over her body and rendering her unconscious. Ominis jumped at the sound, eyes immediately landing on the spot where [Name] had fallen, his hand was in his hand leading him to hear before Sebastian could even mutter a word or get close to her. His hands were gentle as he felt for her arm, fingers moving slowly down until he reached her wrist he pressed into it gently a relieved sigh leaving his lips as he felt the her pulse. “Sebastian, go get Solomon.” 
Sebastian nodded and released Anne’s hand and face, rushing down to get his uncle. Anne slowly moved from her place on the bed, so used to being careful with her body to join Ominis on the floor and placing [Name]’s head in her lap as she ran a hand through her hair gently and placed her forehead against hers as a silent thank you for what she had done through she knew [Name] couldn’t feel it. Sebastian and Solomon quickly returned, Solomon’s shock of seeing Anne up and not in pain quickly being replaced with mild panic at the sight of the unconscious witch in her lab. 
“We need to get her to a healer, now”. 
When [Name] awoke she was in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, Matron Blainey standing over her with wand in hand as she did some basic checks on her body. “Ah, look who’s awake” 
“Matron Blainey? How did I get here?” Confusion clouded [Name]’s mind, the last thing she remembered was Sebastian towering over her, his icy glare piercing through her entire body. It hurt to try and remember anything else, she tried to sit up but Matron Blainey placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her head gently.
“You’re exhausted dear, you’ve been unconscious for two days. Solomon Sallow brought you in alongside a very healthy looking Anne Sallow who explained you had used ancient magic to cure her.” [Name] lay back down, head hiting the pillow with a soft ‘thump’ as she out an exacerbated sigh, she hated being confined to a bed and not being able to move. More than that she wanted to see Anne and make sure she was still okay. Matron Blainey placed a hand atop her forehead as she continued speaking, “the magic you used exhausted you and caused you to collapse in the middle of Anne’s bedroom. Solomon tried to find a healer in Feldcroft but they were of gathering supplies and so he apperated you here, he was just lucky I was doing some final checks before the new school year started” 
[Name] nodded her head gently, the movement causing immense pain in her head as her body finally registered the aches flowing through it, including the migraine that was now blaring right behind her head. “And Anne?” Matron Blainey took out a wiggenweld potion and gently had [Name] drink it, “For the pain” 
She capped the empty potion bottle before turning back to the station beside the bed and lifting a hot towel and laying it gently against [Name]’s head. “She’s good, I checked her over myself and she seems to be in tip-top shape thanks to you. In fact I believe they are currently speaking to Professor Black about her returning to Hogwarts after the summer.” A smile broke out onto [Name]’s lips which Matron Blainey returned, “Now rest. Your parents have been informed of what has happened but I want to keep you here for observation for a bit longer”
Relief filled [Name]’s body, it had worked and Anne was okay with that, she closed her eyes and feel into a deep slumber. 
[Name] spent 3 more days in the hospital wing, most of it she spent sleeping and recovering under the careful eye of Matron Blainey who informed she had quite a few visitors, Anne for one was coming almost daily alongside Ominis and they spoke to her as she slept. Talking about how excited Anne was to get back to Hogwarts and how she would have extra assignments to do to catch up, she might have to do an extra year to complete bother her O.W.L.S and her N.E.W.T.S but she didn’t mind as long as she was back. Matron Blainey told her Ominis usually just watched Anne talk but joined in occasionally mostly just to vent about his summer had been terrible with his family and catching up with Anne. She had also said Solomon had visited a few times and when asked about the flower at her bedside, the matron had informed her that Sebastian had left them it was beautiful bouquet of blue hyacinths and daffodils. 
[Name] was shocked Sebastian had came, he hadn’t spoke to her in over a year and a half and openly spoke bad about her to friends, berating her and undermining her skills and efforts and yet here he was visiting her and leaving flowers. When Matron Blainey commented on the blue hyacinths and daffodils being an unusual combination, [Name] had simply replied, “In the language of flowers, blue hyacinths are a symbol of remorse and sincerity and daffodils mean forgiveness and hope” 
The flower choice was deliberated, Sebastian knew [Name] had a small fascination with the language of flowers and had spent time in her 6th year learning it with Professor Garlick, she assumed he had gone to either her or Ominis for advice on the flowers to use. But she appreciated the sentiment all the same. Matron Blainey had simply nodded her head and commented that he must be trying to apologise for something incredibly bad if he was going to such length. Though she didn’t verbalise it, [Name] definitely thought ‘you can say that again’. 
After the 3rd day in the Hostpial Wing, [Name] was allowed to return home and get ready for the upcoming school year, it was only a week and a half away after all. Her parents fussed over her a little, making sure she was okay before scolding her softly for beingso reckless with such a powerful spell and then they told her how proud they were of her for what she did. 
The week and a half leading up to school was uneventful, she got owls from Imelda, Poppy, Garteth and Anne about the upcoming year and she answered them all as quickly as she could. She was excited to start the new year, learning new spells and polishing up all her other spells and skills but yet one thing niggled in the back of her mind, a constant thought that never seemed to disappear no matter how hard she tried to push it away. That thought was simply Sebastian Sallow. 
She didn’t know what to think, didn’t know what to do about the curly haired boy. She had loved him since 5th year, even after he called her ignorant and began ignoring her. Began speaking bad of her to anyone who would listen, he had broke her with that. She thought he had cared about it, at one point thought he loved her like she loved him but that didn’t seem to be the case. And then he goes and sends her a bouquet of forgiveness and turned her mind upside down once again with thoughts of him. Whatever thoughts she had of him and wanting to forgive him though were pushed to the side, she had spoke to Imelda and Poppy in her letters about what happened and they both had the same sentiment that flowers were not enough and an apology and they would want more, well Imelda would want him to beg for forgiveness while Poppy would want more of a show of remorse and though she might not agree with how they want the forgiveness to be asked for, she agreed he need to earn her forgiveness and the flowers were simply not enough for him breaking her heart. So as she boarded the Hogwarts express, she pushed all thoughts of him to the side and joined her friends in a carriage to have a proper catch up of what they did over the summer. 
It was two weeks into the new term and Sebastian still hadn’t made a move to properly apologise to [Name], instead he just stared longingly at her across the tables in the Great Hall and in classes watching as she laughed and smiled with her other friends, with Gareth Weasley. The sight of the red-head making her laugh filled him with jealousy, jealousy that was undeserved mind you and he knew it. He knew he had no right to be jealous,[Name]  wast his and she never was  no matter how much his heart called out to her . He was the one that pushed her away, he was the one who couldn’t see past his anger and his stubbornness to see she was only trying to help and by the time that word got to him that it was Rockwood who had cursed Anne and not goblins it was too late, the damage was already done. He didn’t think there was anything he could say now that could make her forgive him, even if Matron Blainey had told him she adored the flowers and took them home with her, somewhere deep in his mind told him she would never forgive him and that part of him always won over the side that told him to at least try. 
A ‘smack’ to the back of his head brought him out of reprieve and he turns to his sister in shock, eyes wide and a look of ‘what the fuck was that for’ flitted accross his face. Anne simply huffed and crossed her arms over her chest and she stared at her brother incredously, “You can’t be serious?”  
The look of shock turned to a questioning one as he looked at his sister, “What?” Beside Anne, sat Ominis who rolled his eyes at his friends denseness, the action was almost in synch with Anne’s as she face palmed and rolled her own eyes. “You are such a dumb ass Sebastian Sallow”
“What for?” Sebastian knew he did a lot of stupid things, a lot, but he genuinely did not know what his sister was talking about until she motioned towards [Name] and raised an eyebrow, “You still haven’t talked to her?”
Anne knew he hadn’t, [Name] had told her as much the night before as she, [Name], and Imelda sat in around the fire in their dorm rooms gossipping. Imelda made a comment about how he didn’t deserve forgiveness anyway which caused the other two girls to roll their eyes, Anne knew where Imelda was coming from. She knew [Name] didn’t solely rely on her for female friendship and Sebsatian was her brother so she didn’t want to bring her problems about him to Anne and Imedla had stayed up many nights holding a crying [Name] in her arms as she got through the heartbreak that was loosing Sebastian Sallow, she was the one who helped her pick up the pieces of her broken heart and slowly glue it back together. 
But Anne knew her brother, knew he wanted to apologise. Wanted to fix things. He was just stupid and stubborn and an absolute fool when it came to manners of the heart. Sebastian cast his eyes down to his hands, fingers fiddling together as he avoided Anne’s intense gaze and shook his head. It was strange to see him so demure, so shy, he was usually so confident about everything. Thats when Anne knew he didn’t know what to do. 
She let out a sigh and dropped her hand to his, prompting him to look up at her through his eye lashes, “Just tell her how you feel Sebastian before you loose your chance.” As she said that, his eyes looked up at your again just in time to see Gareth tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and subtly glance down at your lips as if he wanted to kiss you. A pit formed in Sebastians stomach, the jealousy now turning into something tangible and real and dangerous, he couldn’t loose you. Not to Weasley, not to anybody. He stood from his spot at the table quickly, and abruptly stormed out of the room the dramatics of his actions drawing attention from the other slytherins near him. 
“What’s gotten into him?” Imelda asked as she eyed his back, Ominis’ simple response was “he finally grew a pair” causing a chuckle to leave the mouths of the surrounding slytherins, including Anne. 
A haggard sigh slips through [Name]’s slips as she walked into her dorm room, the light of the lanterns illuminating the space in such a way it feels homely and welcoming, it's a comfort of a home away from home to come back to at thend of a long school day, Imelda sits on her bed, booked surrounding her as she studies and scribbles away on her parchment. It seemed the only time the quidditch captain and prefect had to study as in the early morning dawn before the sun even kissed the sky before quidditch practive  and at dusk as the moons silvery moon starts to illuminate the black lake in an etheral light before she has to attend her prefect duties. She glances up at [Name] briefly offering a small smile and pointing to the other girls bed with her head, “There’s something on your bed”
Confused, [Name] turns towards her bed and walks towards it cautiously afraid one of the other slytherins had got the wrong idea and thought she was an easy target for a prank. Instead of an ill-fated prank on her bed there is a bouquet of flowers, a plain velvet box and a note. Her fingers trail over the bouqert gently, this one is fuller than the one at the hospital wing full of wisteria (her favourite flower), carnations, and tulips. She smiles gently and lifts the bouquet, taking a smell of the flowers and letting out a content smile. The flowers were symbolic once again, wisteria is associated with long life and love, carnations meant deep affectionate love, and the red tuplips were usually conveyed that a person was your one true love. 
Conjuring a vase, she places the flowers inside them as her heart hammers inside her chest, feelings she thought long forgotten bubbling to the surface as she turns back to her bed and lifts the velvet box and opens it. She gasps gently as she pulls out a gold chain with a beautiful moissante heart, she turns it over in her hands admiring the beauty and craftsmanship of the piece and an inscription catches her eye, ‘tuum in aeternum’, her heart beat quickens once again as her latin lessons finally come in handy as she quickly translates the phrase in her mind to ‘yours forever’. 
Tears start forming in her eyes as she places the necklace back in its box and slips it into her pocket before reaching for the note, its simple and reads ‘im sorry. Please meet me in the undercroft tonight at 12 - S.S’. She lets out a shuttering breath and blinks the tears back, she didn’t know what to expect if she went. Didn’t know how she would react to him. To speaking to him again, with the way her heart was beating and how touch she was at the gifts he gave her she didn’t know if she could stop herself from immediately throwing herself into his arms. 
Imelda’s voice pulls her out of her rolling thoughts, “Who’s it from?”
Clearing her throat, she turns to Imelda and looks back down at the card her voice coming out as barely a whisper, “Sebastian…” Imelda doesn’t ask for more information, she knows she doesn’t have to instead she just raises and eyebrow and waits for her friend to continue, “He wants to meet tonight at 12.”
At this Imelda rolls her eyes and placed her quill down, she was going to chastise her friend for breaking curfew and going back to Sebastian when he didn’t deserve it but the look on [Name]’s face as she stared at the small piece of paper has her biting her tongue. She see’s the hope in her eyes that this might be their chance at reconciliation, that they could make up and she sees the love there as well. The love her friend had pushed so far down inside of her Imelda worried she had stopped herself from feeling the motion ever again and she lets out a sigh. “Let me know what corridor you need clear and I’ll keep the other prefects away”
[Name] would have to thank Imelda a million times over for this, she knew her friend didn’t hold Sebastian in high regard after everything that had happened in 5th year and she still held the memory of Imelda turning round and socking him right in the nose when she heard him speak badly of [Name] for the first time. It shows that Imelda cared, despite how prickly she could be. As Imelda promised, the corridor leading to the UnderCroft was clear, giving her a clear path without the risk of any prefect seeing through her disillusionment charm. Standing before the entryway to the UnderCroft [Name] takes a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves bundling up inside of her and turning her stomach into knots. 
After removing her disillusionment charm, she  takes a few before she feels fully confident in going down and as she descends her hands roughly card through her hair and they start picking at the skin around her nails in nervousness. They let out another shuddering breath as the doors open to the UnderCroft, their heart feels like it's about to beat out of their chest as they take the first step out and the knots in their stomach seems to deepen to the point that they feel nauseous and that feeling only intensifies when she see’s Sebastian leaning against on the pillars with his arms crossed over his chest and his head facing the ceiling, eyes closed in contemplation. 
He looked so handsome, he had always been handsome but something about him was different. She realised she hand’t really looked at him since that day in 5th year, after all she had been avoiding him, but his jawline had gotten sharper and there was an air of maturity around him that she hadn’t seen before. She knew he was taller, he had towered over her in the Sallow home in Feldrcoft after all, but he was broader too. He had well and truly grown into himself and he was so devestaingly handsome it almost killed her. 
His eyes opened and his head snapped towards her, his gaze was piercing but not the way it was in his home. Then it was full of anger and it had scared it. This time, it was different. It was as if he was looking right through her, like he was staring straight into her very being and could see how nervous she was. His eyes also held something else, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on but it was gentle and kind and as his gaze went over her entire body she felt like she was being draped in warmth and comfort, the same kind of feeling she got on a stormy day and she wrapped herself up in blankets with hot chocolate and a good book. 
She takes a step closer to him and he does the same, they stay silent as their eyes take each other in fully for the first time in a year and a half. Sebastian wasn’t the only one who changed, she had too. She had changed her hair style, courtesy of Poppy’s advise, and it shaped her face beautiful and accentuated her features, the shape of her eyes, the slope of nose, the plumpness of her lips and he wanted to reach out and kiss her. And though she didn’t grow quite as tall as he did, she had grown some and with that growth came other changes that he would be ashamed to admit he noticed, the plumpness of her hips and thighs, it made her hip dips more noticeable and made her look even more beautiful. 
He would never admit it to anyone, he barely admitted it to himself but he had spent many nights dreaming of how her body would feel in his hands, her silk skin against his and her bare thighs pressing against his, her bare chest pressing against his. He had spent many sleepless nights fantasising about having her because he believed it would never really happen. 
They take a few more steps towards each other until their standing toe to toe, they stand in silence for a bit the only sound being their breathing and they don’t move, they simply bask in each others presence. Sebastian is the first to move, he takes one of her hands in her own and presses a gentle kiss to knuckles before muttering “You’re absolutely beautiful.” 
Blush quickly seeps over [Name]’s face, dusting her cheeks rosy pink, “And I am an absolute fool.” His other hand comes up to cup at her cheek and he rubs gentle circles into the apple of hit as he continues, “I couldn’t bear the thought of loosing you to goblins. Of falling into their schemes and traps I thought you were abandoning me for them, I thought you had given up on me.” 
A sad smile form on [Name]’s face as she reached her own hand up to cup the one Sebastian has on her cheek, “I never would have abandoned you Sebastian”
“I know. But I’m stubborn and hardheaded and a complete and utter asshole.I felt betrayed and I was hurt and angry and I thought by hurting you I would hurt less. I thought if I could convince you to hate me it would be easier for me to hate you for betraying me. But it wasn’t.”
He lets out a shuttering breath, his words soft as he speaks them. Almost as if someone else will here them and his words are only means for you, “It was the hardest damn thing I ever had to do. Acting like I hate you. Like I hated the ground your walked one, when in actuality I wanted to worship it. I wanted to worship you.” 
[Name] turns her head slightly and kisses the palm of the hand holding her cheek, urgin him to continue, “You are simply amazing, a powerful witch in your own right who could kick my ass in a duel anytime. But you are also sweet, and kind and compassionate, you are the most courageous peson I know and you protect and care for those you love. You are better than I am in every way and I am so undeserving of you and your love. But I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. I have loved you since your first day in Defense Against the Dark Arts when you kicked my ass in your first every duel, that was the day I gladly ripped my heart and placed it in your hands for safekeeping and I thank Merlin every second of every minute of every hour or day that you decided not to crush it. My heart is and always be your eternally”
“Tuum in aeternum” [Name]’s whisper is soft and finally she recognises the look in his eyes, the one that felt like warmth and comfor and home, it was love. Sebastian always kept a mask on, acting cool and collected and calm, his true emotions rarely shining through his carefully built facade to keep people from getting too close, but for her, for her, he dropped the mask and his walls he had built to keep his emotions to himself were crumbling before her very eyes. 
His eyes brightened at the recognition of the phrase and he can’t stop his excitement seeping through, “You got the necklace?”
[Name] nodded her head and pulled the velvet box from her pocket and opened it, the moissonite twinkling below the torches in the UnderCroft. “I did. Will you help me put it on?” He quickly nods and she hands him the box as she turns and pulls her hair out of the way, his hands are gentle as he places the necklac against her chests and clasps it at the back of her neck. She turns back to him and cups his face gently in her hands. 
“Despite everything, despite the pain you put me through this past year and a half, I still and always will love you Sebastian Sallow. My heart has been yours since you took the fall for me with Scribner. I have seen the dark sides of you but I have also seen the light.I have seen the kind and caring person you are, how much you love and care for Anne and Ominis and how you would burn the world down to protect them. You are not wholly bad Sebastian, you are good too and you are deserving of love and more. I am still hurting from what you did to me, but I forgive you”
Shock covers his features and Sebastian is quick to wrap [Name] in a tight embrace,pulling her close against his chest and leaning his head into her shoulder, “I will spend every minute of every day making it up to you, I promise you that.”
Sebastian pulls away from the hug and quickly ducks down to place a chaste kiss on [Name]’s lips, testing the waters for how far he can go. He goes to pull back but she is wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him back for more, their lips crash together in a passionate kiss and as they pull apart again they both whisper the same words “Tuum in aeternum”, their solemn vow to one another to love each other, eternally.
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