#more romantic than even a KISS😇
myokk · 4 months
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They’re holding hands🥹💓
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astrologylunadream · 11 months
Kiss asteroid in synastry💋 house overlays
Hii it's Lunadream💫 This is my first completely astrology based post! This asteroid is exactly what is sounds like, how someone kisses and kissing styles depending on the sign and placement <3
I wish there was more info on this asteroid😭 It's so interesting!! I could hardly find enough on synastry overlays with asteroid kiss so I'll help you guys out with this one!🥰
Check your Kiss (8267) and see where it falls in eachother's charts <3
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🔥Kiss in 1st house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 1st house, the way they kiss the house person is intense and passionate. They might really be into the shape of the person's lips and stare at them too. There is a dangerous attraction to the kiss, the asteroid person finds the house person very kissable and they want to kiss them so badly. They kiss them roughly and almost aggressively. They might kiss the house person out of impulse rather than thinking it through, and if conflict arises it is highly likely a passionate kiss will occur. Pushing, pulling, shoving into the kiss. The house person's kiss is like a prize to the asteroid native, they want to win their kiss. This could also be a kiss that is very physical and touchy, they might be very dominant while kissing the house person and the house person is always left wanting more.💥❤
🌻Kiss in 2nd house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 2nd house, the way they kiss the house person is slow and steady. They most likely won't budge if they kiss them, like they're moving lol. They have a sweet kiss with the house person and their way of kissing them is delicate and strong, really beautiful and romantic type of kiss with them. They may kiss the house person's neck often or hold it tight while kissing their lips gently. Gentle grabbing for a kiss. They may kiss the house person when they're eating or after dinner, and they are likely to kiss their nose and ears too. They want to taste the house person's lips, and just know they're so loyal with their kiss. They aren't sharing it with anyone else and they get extremely possessive over the house person's kiss. They kiss them in a slow and passionate way, sweet yet all in at the same time. They consume the house person's kiss completely.💐💕
👄Kiss in 3rd house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 3rd house, the way they kiss the house person is hyper and fun. They think about kissing the house person a lot and they probably talk about it too. The house person may think about it aswell, and their kiss together may get lots of gossip. Hand kissing. They want to kiss in front of people, They kiss the house person in cute funny ways, they just want to see the house person loosen up a bit in their kiss. They may have another side come out when they kiss them, a persona they put on to please the house person. They're most likely the kind to pretend the two of them hadn't kissed even if they did. The 3rd house rules the mouth so they kiss the house person so good like with them, they're a great kisser. They might kiss the house person a bit chaotically and they talk in between kisses with them.💖🌈
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🏠Kiss in 4th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 4th house, the way they kiss the house person is comforting and soft. They kiss them in a delicate and caring nature, they want to keep their kiss protected. They may kiss the house person as a way to defend themselves, and if they have an argument they will kiss the house person to make them feel better. The house person will feel healed and comforted by their kiss, and the two will most likely keep their kisses private in a comfortable and safe environment. They may kiss and cuddle, chest kisses are also likely, as well as the skin and cheeks. Hugging before the kiss, during the kiss or after, soft touches during kiss. Their kiss is like taking care of the house person, making them feel cared for and comfy. Soft feel good kisses with them.🧸😇
🌹Kiss in 5th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 5th house, the way they kiss the house person is playful and romantic. They kiss them in the most flirty way lol, lovely dramatic kisses that spoil you rotten. The house person might not want to kiss anyone else after kissing them, the kisses are filled with charms and beauty. They put on a bold perfomance for the house person, and they may bite their lips too. Kissing their shoulders and back as well as their hair. They kiss them whenever they want attention and they can be very needy of the house person's kiss. It is likely that they will kiss them during a date or after a date, or any specific romantic moments. They are very loyal with their house person's lips, and they want to be praised for the way they kiss them. They have perfect timing of kissing the house person, like they're in a movie omg.🌹🧡
🩹Kiss in 6th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 6th house, the way they kiss the house person is thoughtful and precise. They will most likely wait until the perfect moment to kiss the house person, and they overthink when it comes to kissing the house person like they worry about everything being just right for them.💕 Even if the asteroid person isn't normally neat or well put together they will try so hard just to impress the house person in terms of kissing. They may kiss them often or it may be on their mind even daily. They can be very strict about the house person and who they kiss, also how they do so and sometimes it can lead to the asteroid person becoming controlling over the house person's way of kissing. Once they know exactly what the house person likes, they better watch out because they will replicate it perfectly. This is also the house of service so do with that information as you will~👀🛎
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💗Kiss in 7th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 7th house, the way they kiss the house person is balanced and delicate. House person will feel as if they found the love of their life after kissing asteroid person <3 The way the asteroid person kisses them is everything they want in a romantic partner too! The two may have very different ways of kissing, but together it feels complete. The house person may feel very drawn to the asteroid person's kiss and it will feel so good omg they will probably love kissing or being kissed by them my lovelies~ Cutest kisses!! The asteroid person has so many charms when they kiss the house person, they probably have the sweetest kiss these two🍨 With some of this overlay it can be very push and pull dynamic aswell, house person could dislike the asteroid person's kiss but love it at the same time. But it's more likely the two will both enjoy it very much.💕
🖤Kiss in 8th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 8th house, the way they kiss the house person is deep and consuming (omg😳). Kisses are so powerful and moving, the house person will feel an unexplainable pull toward their kiss. Close and Intimate kisses, making out, suffocating and intoxicating kind of feel, kissing in the dark, kissing when you know you shouldn't... The asteroid person kisses the house person in a way that has so much meaning and intensity. They give everything in their kiss, if they are betrayed by their kiss it will not be pretty. Jealous kisses are common with this overlay, and they can get aggressive even. Kissing when alone with the house person, their kisses will be private and a deep bond shared between the two of them. This overlay is hot seriously, there will be more than just kissing with this one.😈
🏹Kiss in 9th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 9th house, the way they kiss the house person is adventurous and bold. They have a curious mind when it comes to kissing the house person, and they will have a thirst for knowing every way about house person's kiss! It will be fun and exhilarating, the house person won't be able to contain their excitement either. Kisses will feel like a new journey, a maze to unravel and a new puzzle to solve. The two will giggle about it for a long time, their kisses will be their little inside joke shared between them.❤ They can kiss the house person in an almost wild untamed way since they tend to be daring and explore to the fullest, trying out new techniques and ways of kissing them. Surprise kisses, little smirks while kissing, laughing and fooling around. House person will never get bored, because they will be very surprised and unexpected of what the asteroid person has to offer!🌋
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💼Kiss in 10th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 10th house, the way they kiss the house person is authoritative and structured. They might only allow themselves to kiss house person after some time together, and they will not jump into things easily. The asteroid person is very mature when it comes to kissing the house person, they have a very sensual and heavy kiss with them. Jawbone kisses, strong kisses you can't pull away from easily, the kisses that make the house person feel secure and in place. The asteroid person can be very intimidating in a kiss with the house person, kissing them in a way that commands respect or admiration towards them. Kisses where they lean house person's head up, grab their neck, and kiss them tightly. Degrading kisses is another possibility, may say harsh things to the house person while making out with them passionately.🍷
⚡Kiss in 11th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 11th house, the way they kiss the house person is Innovative and unique. The kind of kiss between friends to lovers, they will kiss the house person in the weirdest yet most amazing ways. "Friends with benefits" type of kiss. Kisses that drive you mad, because of how special they are. Making out in strange places, kissing upside down, joking around with a kiss. The house person will feel a friendly outgoing vibe from the asteroid person's kiss, it will make them feel happy and inclusive. Might be the "friendzone" kiss, but also could be a kiss to rebel against those who said they couldn't! Blowing kisses, kiss attacks. Might kiss house person in a way that is said unusual, they may have a kiss that shifts perspective on what kissing should be.💡
☁️Kiss in 12th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 12th house, the way they kiss the house person is Illusive and dreamy, their kiss is like a fairytale true love's kiss. The happy ending kiss. They kiss them in a mysterious and soft way, and the house person can feel high off this kiss as they both do. The kiss feels surreal and beyond physical, it can feel like their souls are connecting. And the house person may fantasize about the kiss, aswell as dream about it a lot. Drunk kisses are common, kisses when the others asleep or unconcious (think sleeping beauty💏) Bedtime kisses. Can be a secret kiss or a kiss that goes unnoticed, mysterious type of kiss. The asteroid person kisses the house person in an almost sacrificial way, devoted and absorbed in their lips. Tired kisses. Spaced out thinking about kissing eachother, in another reality when they kiss. "Did we kiss or is it all in my head"?? Type of thoughts, wondering what the kiss really means.🌊🌠
Wanna see more astro notes like this? Check out my tumblr for more astrology info for you!💗🌊🌸
If you found this helpful don't forget to tap the heart!💖 That's all for now!! Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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mins-fins · 5 months
&&. unfortunately you aren't as slick as you thought you were.
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pairing: lee jeno x gn!reader
genre: fluffity fluff fluff fluff
warnings: sexual jokes, thats it 😚
word count: 1.2k
notes: jj spread the jeno bias disease i literally cant believe this 😭😭 hes so……….im abt to draft another long jeno fic + an smau + another stupid drabble and all of that fun stuff!! dont get it twisted jisung is still my ult though 😒 no ones ever replacing him, anyway this came from a prompt someone sent me, smth about "kissing someone on a ferris wheel" which i just LOVEEEED hello??? okay ik none of you care abt my words, love jeno, love nct dream, pray i get park jisung pcs 😇 good night now <33
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you are going to murder na jaemin.
the moment you get off this ferris wheel your throwing up your guts all over his shirt, or punching him in his face, or strangling him to death, whatever. the moment you step off this ride you're making sure he doesn't open his eyes to see the rest of his fellow human beings ever again.
maybe if you were less awkward you'd actually be thanking him, but you take one side glance at the boy beside you and want to smash your head against the glass.
jeno doesn't notice your side glance (and thank goodness he doesn't because you probably would've died if he took so much as a glance at you), he's much too busy glancing at the view from the height your at. you assume that jeno likes ferris wheels, he probably likes them more than you do.
"are you alright?"
you mentally prepare yourself for the voice crack you know might escape your lips. just talk to him like a normal human being, y/n, yeah you're into him and shit but that doesn't mean you can be a weirdo.
"yeah" you finally respond, thank goodness the voice cracks don't come out. "just feeling a little nauseous".
jeno raises an eyebrow. "scared of heights?"
you only manage a curt nod, a nod that makes jeno scoot closer to you, his lips stretching into a smile. "it's alright, i'll protect you".
fuck you lee jeno, fuck you, fuck you, fuck yo—
your somehow able to chuckle, amused by his words. "it's not like i'm dying or anything".
jeno frowns. "so you don't want my protection?"
you pretend to think about it, pressing your lips together as your eyebrows furrow, avoiding eye contact with jeno at all costs. if you look at him, your going to fall and never get up. "i wouldn't be entirely against it".
jeno's shoulder nudges yours, nothing but a small touch that drives you crazy. you wonder if the mini breakdown your having is noticeable, if maybe, he's doing it on purpose, making your heart race to get a kick out of it.
but when you think about it further, it makes you giggle, because this is lee jeno, you could get down on one knee and propose to him yet he'd still be confused by how you feel for him.
if lee jeno knew how you felt for him really, you probably wouldn't have resisted the urge to make out with him on this fucking ride or already.
that was a strange thought, a stupid one even, but it's one manifested from your deepest desires.
when you think about it, though, you wouldn't exactly mind it.
"that's good" jeno snickers at you, eyes examining your face as if it's an interesting exhibit at an art museum. "you need me".
you feign a sigh of irritation. "of course, what would i do without you?"
"you'd die, clearly" jeno replies, tilting his head and reaching over to lace your fingers with his. the cold rings on his fingers feel like glass shards against your fingers, but his soft hands contrast his stabbing rings. "isn't this sort of romantic?"
you choke on your spit.
"romantic? roma— hah! what are you talking about? what is romantic about this?"
soooo natural, y/n.
jeno simply shrugs, suddenly very interested in the view of the carnival from the ferris wheel. "were on a ferris wheel together, stars before us, just the two of us, this would be like.. the perfect date".
you blink, the words making you pause and your head spin. is he serious? is he really serious?
"is this your way of asking me out?"
you manage to ask that without sounding like a pathetic idiot who wanted to hear those exact words, and your response gets the same reaction out of jeno, flushed cheeks with an awkward chuckle accompanying the sight. you would've thought you were a genius if you weren't as flustered as he was.
jeno is speechless, and he fumbles through his speech like someone's holding him at gunpoint or something. "i— no! no! ..maybe? kinda?"
you pause, all your former confidence suddenly withering away, the blood rushing to your cheeks in full force. you laugh, taking his words as a joke, but jeno keeps silent, and so do you.
"are you serious?"
jeno can't speak, so he just nods wordlessly.
you blink, glancing from side to side, this ferris wheel won't be on the ground soon, but at least this makes it a little more bearable. "did you just confess your feelings for me like that?"
"well to be fair—"
"i was supposed to do it first!" you yell in another fit of feigned irritation, your cheeks a color reminiscent of jeno's cherry red shirt. "that's not fair! you beat me to it!"
"well how was i supposed to know you liked me back?"
you scoff, and jeno goes silent again, embarrassed by the question he just asked.
"you're such an idiot lee jeno.."
"can i kiss you?"
the question is a blurt of pure desperation, pure honesty from the deepest corners of jeno's mind, an inquiry he's been dying to ask you ever since he found himself interested in staring at your lips.
you hope you don't faint from the scorching heat radiating off your face.
"it's romantic" he laughs, his best excuse for that random inquiry. "i've always wanted to kiss someone in a ferris wheel, unless you don't want to then—"
you (in the most cliche turn of events) cut jeno off with a kiss. though you'd love to keep your fingers intertwined, you let go of his hand to find purchase on his shoulder, then tug him closer to you with a light jerk. a small squeak emits from him, but he quickly relaxes into the kiss, giggling at your enthusiasm.
though he giggles, he isn't much better off. it's nothing but a small press of the lips, it's not intense or anything, but jeno feels his heart soar. hie face heats to overwhelming heights, and he loops his arm around your waist, pressing you against him, as if the idea of not feeling every part of you would be maddening.
you both are just as desperate as each other, there's no push, just pull. it's a playful competition, your waiting for the other to pull away, stop the kiss because they need breath, it's stubborn in an idiotic way.
but jeno loses your little battle, because he pulls away for air, as red as the sunset in the early morning.
and though you laugh at the sight, you aren't much better off yourself (if the heat continuing to permeate from your face is enough).
"was that romantic enough for you?"
even with how breathless he is, jeno still manages a stupid question.
he squeals when you land a slap on his shoulder.
and while you thought you two were slick about it, considering you were like five feet in the air with nobody to see you, your equally red faces and intertwined hands were enough to get feigned vomits from your friends.
jaemin snickers as he looks between you two, and you glare as you see him open his mouth.
"so what happened up there?"
"clearly they got it on".
upon hearing the words, you let go of jeno's hand to yell and chase after lee donghyuck, who squeals and sprints away, shouting for renjun to help him.
jaemin just sends jeno a knowing look, a look that the older pretends he isn't bothered by.
for once, one of his ploys finally worked.
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#52: The Ring Finger (1.06)
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gif cred: @machonnes
We’ve arrived at the TOWL finale. 🥹🥳
And y’all, the way this finale kicks off with that opening scene...🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Episode 6 hit the ground running by starting with one of Richonne's greatest moments. I love how in the first episode of TOWL, Rick essentially gave his hand for the marriage. And now in the final episode, Michonne gives her hand in marriage. 🥰
Thanks to this gorgeous wedding ring scene and their parting kiss in the woods, this teaser is top tier. Also, Richonne + candle-lit scenes stayed a blessing to the end 🕯😍...
Sometimes there are scenes that make me want to know exactly who came up with the idea so I can thank them personally. And this right here is one of those scenes. 😋 Whoever’s idea it was to have Rick put the ring on Michonne’s finger while making love surrounded by candles needs a medal lol. 👌🏽🏅
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So diving into these finale revelings, I noted that the episode description for The Last Time says “Rick and Michonne have to perform a near impossible miracle” And well, since Richonne is blessed and highly favored of course they pull off a miracle. 😇
The episode begins with Rick saying, “I remember it all. What it was like. Who we were. Who we are now.”
If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think we’d heard Rick say this line before this episode. Like the following sound bites from different characters are all lines previously said throughout the miniseries, but I think this opening line from Rick is new. And it hit me on the rewatch that he’s talking about him and Michonne specifically rather than a broader ‘we’.
Like I interpret this as Rick saying how, after all their years apart, he still remembers everything about the life and the love he and Michonne had before and who they were together. You know that man has an excellent memory. Especially when it comes to Michonne. 😋
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And I like that he says ‘who we are now’ because even after all they’ve been through apart, after all the ways they’ve grown and changed, who Rick and Michonne are now is still so compatible and connected. Still soulmates. 😌
Also, the episode after Rick left TWD was called 'Who Are You Now' and I love that years later, this miniseries so beautifully illustrated that who Rick and Michonne are now are still wholly each others.
The first shot as Rick says this is a shot of mountains as the helicopter flies over the terrain. And then I adore that when he says “Who we are now” we get to see Richonne in the now as they lay in this setting that always gives me regal medieval vibes fit for TWD's royal couple. 🤩
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Now, I always smile when I think about my first time watching this scene. I knew this episode had an S rating going in but I didn’t know what that would entail since I thought Episode 4 would probably be the last time Richonne had a bedroom scene. And so when they cut to this scene, I remember my eyes immediately focused on what items were left on top of the table because it’s the finale so I thought certainly the stuff on the table was intentionally placed.
But then...my eyes started picking up on some motion going on in the background - and I was gagged. 🫠
I quickly realized that the most important thing going on in this scene is those two lovebirds in the back re-consummating the marriage. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @nobleriver
I love everything about this. 🥰 The sensual setting with the abundance of candles. (And I just know it was that true blue romantic Rick that lit all those candles for their special 'wedding night.' 😋)
The rich colors, the lighting, the literal and figurative smokiness coming off this scene, the way the camera slowly glides over the table and inches closer to Richonne fully in their element together. 👩🏽‍🍳💋
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gif cred: @nobleriver
After Rick had to watch the memory of Michonne burn away in the premiere, it’s beautiful that in the finale Rick gets to be truly back with Michonne surrounded by the far more romantic and uplifting flames of all those candles. 🕯👌🏽
Whenever I see this scene now, Richonne is all I see. 😋 But the items shown really are intentionally placed and all tell the story of their travels: the noodles, the whiskey, the soda, the map and notes, the CRM uniforms and thread. And the sound bites that play from the characters also tell the story of Richonne’s TOWL journey.
At first, I thought the sound bites were simply recapping the journey, but on rewatch I see they have even more intention in both shaping the story thus far and setting up what's to come in this finale. 
First Michonne says, “My name is Michonne. I lost someone. Years ago.” And in the background it’s so sweet seeing all the caressing going on between Rick and Michonne. Once again, it’s a canon fact that he loves being on top of her. And I love the way they’re holding onto each other and the way he’s tenderly touching her face. 🥹
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Then Okafor says, “You both possess something I believe the CRM needs to become what it needs to be.” And while Okafor was originally saying that to Rick and Pearl, the line is reiterated here because it’s Richonne who truly possesses something that can change the CRM for good.
(Side note: Y'all, I must admit it's a true challenge for me to try and write and pay attention to what these characters are saying right now when Richonne is back there like that making me distracted. 😋 I keep having to rewind and refocus.🤭
Like I know we all see the way Rick has Michonne's legs hiked up in the air during this part. These talented actors are very good at selling these scenes, that’s all I gotta say lol) 
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Then it’s a bit of an audible jump scare when Jadis says, “People are a resource.” Didn’t quite want to hear a snake at a blissful moment like this lol.
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But I'm pretty sure that corpse's line was used because Rick and Michonne are about to protect the people from the people with their plan to expose the CRM higher-ups.
Then we get a palette cleanser from hearing Jadis when we hear the best bestie Nat say, “I know how to build things and I know how to burn things, but it takes more than that at the end of the world.” And the intentionality behind using that line here is definitely because Richonne will end up employing Nat’s techniques to take down the CRM's leaders and also because the concept of building vs. burning was explored throughout the show and led to the answer that sometimes you have to do both. 
As Nat says this, we see Richonne’s backpacks and other things spread out on the ground. The way all their stuff is sprawled out...it seems like the second the mood hit and the candles were lit they threw everything off and got down to business lol.
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I like how the most significant items are closest to Richonne’s bed. There’s a bloody sword and ax which feel like they pay homage to some of Richonne’s signature weapons. And I like how the blood on the sword and hatchet just adds to the fact that this stunning love story takes place in an apocalypse of all places, between two apocalyptic all-stars.
Along with the weapons, there’s Rick’s prosthetic, the meaningful iPhone, and the Danger lighter.
And best of all, y’all...there’s the wedding ring. 💍😏
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
As Beale’s voice says, “You tried to escape four times. Why are you here?” Rick slowly grabs the wedding ring, serving as a visual answer to why he’s here - He’s here because of Mrs. Grimes.
And y’all, when I tell you I nearly passed out just seeing that he was slowly grabbing the wedding ring. 🤭 I did not know that this epic love story was going to get this good. #BoundlesslyBlessed.
Along with the visual answer, there's then a verbal answer to why Rick and Michonne are here when Thorne says, “There’s someone you love out there.” I love hearing that play over this visual of Richonne, because truly Rick and Michonne are the one for each other and their love has fueled them to keep going. 
As this is said, Rick proceeds to do the most romantic thing ever when he slowly slides the wedding ring onto Michonne’s ring finger. Just 🫠…our ship is goated for a reason. It just don’t get any better. 👏🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
I love the way Michonne is looking up at him with her hand on his chest and then when she realizes what Rick’s up to she holds up her hand and watches as he puts the ring on her finger all slow and sexy. And Rick is locked in during this moment, honey. 🔥
I adore how honored Rick is to be able to put this ring on Michonne and to be her forever husband and to have her as his wife. She’s Mrs. Grimes...
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And I just love that he wanted her to wear the wedding ring for this intimate moment that gives such wedding night vibes. Like there’s something so sacred and majestic about this scene, especially with the lux colors, lush blanket and pillows, and the candlelight glow. 😍
Not only does Rick feel that Michonne deserves the world - he makes it his personal job to give it to her. And he does a damn good job, doesn't he? 👏🏽👏🏽😊
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gif cred: @lousolversons
Rick is also very good at making things a moment and this crowning moment very clearly had an affect on Michonne. Because as Rick so tenderly slides his hand down Michonne’s arm and then looks in her eyes, Michonne looks up at her husband like she thinks he is truly the sexiest man on planet earth.
And you know what we always say…Michonne is always right. 😇
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
I love that Michonne’s journey took her from one; looking quite taken by Rick in their pre-canon seasons of TWD.
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To two; lying down alone fiddling with Rick's ring on her finger in her final TWD episode. (Which I've always loved that after Rick's season 9 departure, Michonne wore that ring because she knew that who she and Rick were to each other was 100% husband and wife).
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To three; now lying down with Rick over her so lovingly placing her wedding ring on her finger. 🙌🏽🥳
Rick always wants Michonne to know, in every way that he can express, how much he loves her. 🥹 And the abundant love Michonne continuously has for Rick is always written so clearly on her face. 🥹
Also, with Rick not having a ring finger himself it feels like placing this wedding ring on Michonne during a moment where they’re this one and interconnected is almost like placing the ring on them. 
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
As they have this eye contact moment that is just chemistry on another level, it’s paired with Michonne’s heartrending line from the masterpiece Episode 4 when she asks Rick, “Do you still love me?” And Rick passionately answers, “Always.”
Those are fitting lines to include because this TOWL journey had Richonne having to navigate what their love looks like now and officially see that they truly have always loved each other and always will.
And now here they are in this beautifully intimate moment, one in every way, letting their undying love just fill the entire atmosphere. 🥰
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
And truly, Rick looks at Michonne like she’s the most beautiful treasure in the world. At this moment, he's looking at her like he’s again thinking “I love you always.” And in all ways. Amen. 👌🏽
I adore how, after he puts the ring on, both Rick and Michonne look like they've somehow managed to fall even deeper in love by the second.
Michonne softly places her ring-clad hand back on Rick's chest and then he leans in as they share another very passionate kiss. And y’all, the only beef I have with this teaser is with that fade-to-black. It comes in too quick lol. 🤭The fade-to-black could’ve waited just a second or two more, because you know some of us be greedy. 😂
But regardless, it’s a great hot-and-heavy kiss and just shows yet again that Rick and Michonne are each other's strongest craving. This whole Richonne ring moment was perfect. 🤩
TOWL really said 'I now pronounce Richonne the hottest husband and wife on television.' 🔥👏🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
Ages ago, I was really eager for Richonne to have rings of their own, and little did I know I’d just have to wait about eight years and then Rick would put a ring on Michonne in a stunning lovemaking scene like this. And once again, it was entirely worth the years-long wait. 😇
I appreciate the way this opening scene just immediately set the tone of how TOWL started as an epic love story and would conclude as an epic love story. What a dream. 👏🏽
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And because we’re spoiled, y’all, the teaser doesn’t even end there. 
They then cut to the woods with Rick and Michonne looking like the baddest to ever do it in their black CRM uniforms as they walk forward with the helicopter in the back. Move over Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this is Mr. and Mrs. Grimes on a mission. 🔥
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gif cred: @nerd4music
And then as Rick and Michonne walk, they stop and turn to each other and immediately kiss like their life depends on it and I’m always here for it. Like I’ll forever be elated over the fact that there were kisses in every single episode of this 6 episode miniseries, and not just that but most episodes had multiple kissing scenes too. Richonne kissed more in 6 episodes than they did in their four seasons on canon on TWD.
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And truly, not even just from a shipper perspective but from a story perspective, it makes perfect sense for these characters who are madly in love and haven’t been able to express it for over eight years to be kissing all the time like this. Cuz I mean...
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And now that they’re back together, of course these soulmates are going to make up for that lost time every chance they get. It's just realistic. 😌👌🏽
So I love that our goated captains came back to make this 6-episode miniseries and said guess how many episodes we can fit kisses into...
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All 6, baby. 😋 This particular kiss in the woods is meaningful too because Rick and Michonne are about to part for the first time since agreeing to go home together and you know for magnets going their separate ways isn’t easy or ideal, especially when what they’re parting to do is dangerous.
But I love that because their kisses are communication, this kiss was the two making it so clear to each other that no matter what the CRM tries to do, they are each other's ultimate choice and they’re in it together.
Like I love the reassuring vibe of this passionate kiss and the way Rick holds her face and then the way they stare into each other's eyes afterward and nod, again communicating so much. 🥰 They’re about to reenter the lion's den and this moment just felt like them giving each other the strength to do so. 
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gif cred: @nerd4music
And y’all, you know I stay getting distracted by Richonne so I forgot Michonne's voiceover is actually saying something in this scene lol. Lemme go happily rewind a sec. ⏮😋
Okay, so while they share this golden kiss, Michonne gives insight into their plan when she says, “It sounds simple, right? We go in. You get the briefing. I get the dossier she left behind. We bring what we know to the city, then go home. Together.”
As this is said, Michonne holds Rick’s arm until the last second as he turns to go which is sweet. They are really each other's baby, y'all. 🥲And as she watches him, we hear her say, “It’s never that simple.” 
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gif cred: @msanonships
I know that this last line is meant to be ominous but one thing I'm grateful for about how TWD & TOWL approached Richonne is that it's not like other relationships and things in the show that have to ultimately end in tragedy. Richonne was built to last and be an actual lasting win for Rick and Michonne in this series, which is why I never feared that the two would split up or die because the love they found with each other is the one thing this franchise allows to be unbreakable and triumphant.
So next, Rick slowly walks up to the gates with his hands up as his voiceover says, “I’m Sergeant Major Rick Grimes. You probably think I’m dead.” I like that line because as we know TOWL was a whole journey of Rick dying and coming back to life through Michonne. So now, for the first time in a long time, it’s Alive Rick rolling up to the CRM. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @sowhumpful
Then as the CRM soldiers slowly open the gate for him, the teaser ends with Rick recalling his father's words saying, “He said I didn’t need to be scared. That it was just ‘the burning.’” Then the scene fades to black just like how this teaser started and y’all, I just gotta clap it up for that teaser. That ring moment alone had me overjoyed and then the kiss in the matching uniforms and Rick's fine gait up to the gate was the cherry on top. 👏🏽👏🏽
We were already feasting and the finale was just beginning. I appreciate that since this is ‘the last time,’ this show let Richonne do what they do best one last time and just put their love and chemistry on full display. 👌🏽😌
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k0yaz · 3 months
hi there ! i’ve never requested anyone before but i saw that you like taking wlw requests so i caved 😭
as a hi3 player my raiden mei obsession has extended to acheron, and i’d love to see some general dating hcs. maybe what her preferences are (even sexual preferences huhuhrheheheh), how she shows love and affection, or whatever you feel like adding!
i have a severe acheron addiction so if you suddenly get an influx of acheron asks it’s probably me 😇
acheron general dating hcs
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Pairings: acheron x fem!reader
CW: sfw and nsfw, female reader, afab reader, nsfw below the second cut, one hc is angst, strap on mention, cunnilingus, face sitting, praise kink, slight mention of degradation, bondage, romantic sex, fingering, biting, slicey slicey white hair acheron yay (both in a kinky way and in a scary way), um I love tea :3
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I’m just gonna be completely honest Acheron is such a sweetheart when you’re dating her.
She shows affection in the most random ways it’s genuinely adorable- like she’ll buy you a random piece of food from Penacony’s golden hour or something or hug you from behind while resting her chin on your shoulder with a soft hum.
Really enjoys it when you kiss her face all over, it makes her feel loved and special.
That being said I feel like she’d be a fan of the lipstick trend too.
I feel like she’d enjoy recording things on her phone instead of yours. Like whenever you guys take a selfie or record a memory, she always pulls her phone out before you can get yours. Probably cause she’ll remember them if they’re on her phone.
No worries she still forwards them to you <3
Acheron absolutely loves it when you sit in her lap or snake yourself under her arm while leaning against her side to cuddle. She’d always wrap her arm around you with a soft smile and pull you close against her.
Whenever you two are on dates, and she gets up to use the restroom, she frequently forgets where she’s going or loses her way to it. So often times, you usually tail her as a companion because she ends up doing a whole side quest lmao-
Not very talkative in your relationship, but shows her affection when she usually just stays calm and prefers to hold you in silence, leaning against your chest to remind herself that you’re here with her whenever she hears your hearbeat.
Completely random but she probably somehow accidentally caught a fish and brought it home to you. To which you just raised an eyebrow out of disappointment and confusion, but it’s ok because it’s Acheron and you love her. <3
She may not show it, but she gets really happy when you buy her peaches or something peach flavored, since it’s one of the few things she can taste :( [the way I started violently sobbing after writing this bullet]
One time when she accidentally showed you her slicey slicey form you ended up being a little terrified, and she feels awful for it. She tried so hard to make it up to you, literally bought you anything she wanted, showered you with kisses, took you out on a romantic date, almost everything.
Sometimes you have to tell Acheron to loosen her grip, since when you two sleep she hugs you WAY too tight. Like, this woman can accidentally kill someone out of affection.
she’s like a cat with a resting bitch face, but is really sweet tbh…or maybe I just love cats too much.
Smells like peaches and rainwater and you can’t change my mind, maybe a hint of cherry blossom perfume :)
Someone get her google maps I love her sm
nsfw below the cut.
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Contrary to what everyone says—Acheron is NOT a top in my opinion. She’s a switch. A MASSIVE FUCKING SWITCH ‼️
Her strap game go crazy though trust
Nothing more this woman loves than digging her fingers into your thighs and parting them to eat you out like you were her last meal she would have in centuries. <3
I feel like she’d love face sitting, giving or receiving.
Screamer? Nah she groans and it sounds unbelievably hot. Like-?
A lot of people believe that she’s into degrading BUT I DONT THINK SO AHAHA I feel like she prefers praise, since she doesn’t like the idea of degrading you and making you seem like you’re less than her :(
Even if you’re into that, it takes a lot to convince her that you really want to and even then she’s super hesitant and barely even tries to degrade you. Probably switches back to praise midway since she can’t shit talk you at all. She’s too sweet for that.
Seriously into romantic sex over kinky sex, but isn’t afraid to throw in some crazy kinks every once in a while, bondage being one of her favorites.
Acheron would absolutely love it when you whisper how much you love her into her ear, and whine out how you don’t want her to leave. It makes her feel all warm and fuzzy as she reassures you she’s yours forever, and how you’re hers.
You whisper that stuff while she’s topping? Great, your legs aren’t gonna work tomorrow as she’s buried in your cunt and your moans are muffled by her lips smashed against yours. When she’s bottoming? Congrats, you made her even wetter as she’s trying to bite her lip to control the filthy groans from her throat and grinding down against your fingers or strap.
Biter. Like hold her as close as you can and she’ll bite down onto you HARD. Still licks the area in case it hurts though. Along with that, she loves it when you bite her back—she just thinks they look pretty.
I feel she’s ripped your clothing off on multiple occasions. Especially when she’s in her other form and wants to have sex with you. Afterwards or before, she apologizes and promises to buy you a brand new one.
Speaking of which she has DEFINITELY fucked you real good when she goes white hair and slicey slicey
She adores the idea of just towering over you with her hands planted beside your head, bonus points if she gets to hold your hands.
Her aftercare is immaculate mwah
Constantly checks up on you and showers you with praise and kisses wawawawawa while helping you clean up, and probably puts on a movie or something while cuddling up to you.
If you’re the one giving aftercare please hug her as tight as possible and reassure her she did good, just hold her hand with your fingers laced between hers as you promise against her skin that you’ll stay with her. Literally do it or else I’m going to eat your cupcakes omg
Falls asleep in your arms 3 out of 4 times everytime you guys have sex late at night.
I’m too gay for her it’s not even funny anymore atp
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anon I’m encouraging this behavior please request me more acheron and acheron oneshots I’m begging u I’m totally normal about her
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
HEYYYY first time giving a request can you write about ellie and reader having sex for the first time
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! unexperienced!reader, soft!dom!ellie, strap (r!receiving), pretty romantic tbh😇😇
writers note: another person trusting me with their first request??😓😓 omgomg guys ily
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"just lay down and relax, 'kay?" ellie asked, knowing it's your first time and wanting to make sure you're fine.
you enthusiastically nodded, the nervousness getting replaced by excitement as your girlfriend started working her way down on you.
ellie gently rolled back the sheet covering you. your stomach fluttered, your excitement almost overpowering your nerves. she moved slowly, a light touch at first. that quickly changed - her fingers started gliding across your skin in slow, sensual circles. her mouth hovered close by your ear, her breath warming you.
you wanted to speak, but could only moan in response. her soft laughter rang out, her tongue caressing your neck.
ellie's fingers left your body, replaced by an even sweeter sensation. her lips. a passionate kiss that sent you spinning, your nerves finally giving in to the arousal. your tongue met hers, slowly, tentatively. she pulled away, teasingly, and let out another laugh.
your muscles tightened as ellie kissed her way down your body - all thoughts of your unexperience long forgotten to the sensations she was sending through you.
ellie's soft lips brushed against your chest, sending a wave of pleasure through to your fingertips. she placed her mouth over your sensitive skin, sucking softly, leaving a mark that would linger long after she was gone from your bed. you grabbed her by the hair, holding her close, not wanting her to leave.
her eyes locked with yours, her expression showing how much she was enjoying your reaction.
her hands were playing with her belt before unfastening it and throwing on the floor. the lower her mouth was on your body, the lower her jeans were sliding down. finally, the rustling of clothes met your ears, and your heart skipped a beat.
ellie's gaze didn't leave yours, her mouth leaving a trail of soft kisses down your body as her jeans hit the floor. her expression remained the same, her eyes saying much more than words could.
you didn't even have the chance to catch your breath when her lips found the source of the pulsating, soothing it with each gentle suck.
ellie's eyes widened for a moment as you tugged on her hair, her lips still on your skin. she looked up at you, a smile showing through.
she gave one final kiss to your body, before looking down, her expression changing slightly. she pulled away, her hands holding the sheet out of your vision.
"just close your eyes, alright? you'll like this." she whispered, her eyes glowing with excitement.
and after a quarter of an hour or so, you ended up filled by her purple strap. her hips thrusted in a much gentler way than you imagined, probably not wanting to hurt you by being too rough, at least not today. still, it was enough to make you feel like a mess. your nails either dug into her back or left dozens of bloody red scratches. your hair mixed with your sweat was glued to her pillow and you knew there'll be a lot of knots in them as soon as you wake up.
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a small smile played across ellie's lips as she noticed the damage. not even a single mark bothered her as she knew it means you love every second of it.
she took a hold of your chin, gently bringing your eyes to her. her fingers traced your face lovingly, her voice was tender, warm, caring but also raspy and a little tired.
she told you how much she loved you, how lucky she feels to have you. your mind was already blank, completely overwhelmed by your body's reactions. you just... nodded.
she lightly chuckled at your shy reaction and placed a kiss on your forehead, nose, and finally lips, not stopping what she was doing before.
the sensations she made you feel were unlike anything you ever experienced, and your body reacted accordingly - your lips clinging to hers, your fingers digging into her back, soft gasps or moans escaping your throat. her mouth moved slowly once more, a smile still playing across her lips. she took hold of your chin again, her expression suddenly serious.
"how do you feel?" she whispered, looking deep into your eyes, waiting patiently for your answer. she cared about you, she needed to know.
'like in heaven', you thought, and with difficulty and struggle, you choked out these words.
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ilypaigebuckets · 5 months
i’m listening to ts rn so u guys are getting this 😇 hope you like it i think we need more cc fluff
plot: it’s the morning after a new year’s eve party with the team, hosted at your and caitlin’s apartment. you guys are cleaning up and caitlin tells you how grateful she is for you.
New Year’s Day - Caitlin Clark x Reader
15. 14. 13. 12. 11.…the entirety of the Iowa women’s basketball team watched the tv waiting in anticipation for the ball on the screen to drop, signifying the new year. You were in your junior year at Iowa, and had loved it thus far. While watching the clock your mind wandered to all the things that had happened that year.
10. 9. 8… Women’s college basketball’s popularity had grown exponentially, and so had your team’s success. You had gotten closer with your teammates.
7. 6… You’d injured your knee and had to be out for almost a month, but you had a great support system behind you.
5. 4… You looked next to you and there she was. Your favorite thing that happened to you all year; your girlfriend, Caitlin Clark. She had been your teammate all throughout your college career, but the two of you had only started to explore the romantic tension that lingered between the two of you this past year. It was the best thing you’d ever done. Caitlin noticed your eyes on her and stared back at you. She smirked and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“See something you like?” You rolled your eyes are your overly-cocky girlfriend, but leaned into her touch. You were still staring at her, and she was staring back. Her smile took you to another planet. It was almost like time froze and nobody else was there. Nobody else mattered when you locked eyes with her. It was you and her against the world. Alas, the noise grew louder the lower the numbers counted down to. Before you knew it everyone was chanting, “3! 2! 1!”
“Happy New Year!” Everyone cheered as the ball on the glowing television dropped. You grabbed the side of Caitlin’s face and turned it back to you, colliding your lips together. It was a sweet, but passionate kiss that definitely lasted a little longer than appropriate for a public setting. When you finally released her face from your grasp she looked at you stunned.
“What?” You looked at her with doe eyes, “I thought that’s what couples were supposed to do on New Year’s?” Caitlin smiled at you and pulled you closer to her, at a loss for words. She had definitely hit the jackpot. Soon enough, everyone said their ‘goodbyes’ and goodnights’ and you and Caitlin were left alone in your apartment. You looked over and her fondly, then looked back at the mess on the floor and grimaced. There were beer cans, bottles, confetti, anything you could imagine it was on your floor. You started to groan at the thought of having to pick it all up and Caitlin pulled you into her chest, resting her chin on top of her head.
“Let’s go to bed baby, we can clean up in the morning,” and just like that, she was leading you to your bedroom.
The next morning you woke up in Caitlin’s arms, just like usual. The light peered in throw the blinds in rays that accentuated the green in her eyes. You buried your head into her neck trying to avoid looking directly into the light and breathed in the faint smell of her perfume she wore last night. Caitlin stirred and held you even tighter.
Since it was the first day of the new year, you wanted to start things off on the right foot. You got out of bed and got ready, throwing on some sweatpants and one of your girlfriend’s hoodies, then headed to the kitchen to make the two of you some breakfast. Caitlin followed suit closely behind you, and after breakfast you got to work picking up the remains of last night’s party.
You swept glitter off the floor while Caitlin started picking up bottles. Every once in a while, Caitlin stole glances at you. Everytime Caitlin wasn’t looking at you, you were stealing glances at her. You walked past Caitlin on your way to dump the glitter in the trash and brushed past her arm, desperate for her touch. Feeling sentimental after thinking about how grateful you were for everything that happened in the part year, you walked back to where she was and rubbed her arm. You looked down and saw she had a polaroid in her hand. After further inspection, you saw it was the two of you mid-kiss. She turned to you, “this is so cute, Y/n, who took it?” You simply shrugged. You had no idea, but it sure was cute!
“Cait I-“
“I love you so much babe. I’m so happy I get to go into another year with you!” She cut you off, but it was okay because she was adorable and what you had to say was pretty much exactly what she said. You wrapped your arms around her neck, holding onto your memories and onto her. You pecked her on the lips, leaving her wanted more. “That better not be the last New Year’s kiss I ever get from you.” She laughed and kissed your forehead, “trust me, it was the first of many. Wanna take a break? You know my resolution was actually to spend some more quality time with you this year!” She winked and you knew exactly what she meant.
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spikeandset · 4 months
Their wedding/first dance songs
This is because I’ve been obsessed with weddings and am a hopeless romantic, let me know if there are anymore you’d like to know 😇
Hinata - Absolutely something like accidentally in love by counting crows. He’s definitely ready to be more silly than serious when it comes to your first dance because you guys just got married! That’s an exciting thing why NOT be crazy and happy? I feel like he would be the type to prefer a last dance to a slow song (something like nothing by Bruno Major) once everyone’s left to make it a more intimate moment and to allow his excitement to melt away into just pure joy. (Plus the pictures came so sweet for your last dance, he was basically giving you heart eyes the entire time and you had the biggest smile on your face.)
Your now husband smiles as he shoos the last guest into their uber and waves them off. Coming back into the venue he nods at the DJ to give him the okay to play the last song as he makes his way over to you and smiles at you. The whole day had been filled with tears of joy and happiness as he takes one of your hands, interlocking your fingers and pressing his forehead to yours.
“I love you, so so so much.” His whispers quietly to you as you smile at him, almost too stunned for words.
You can’t even really hear the song, you’re so infatuated with him as you rest your head on his shoulder, hearing the soft clicks of the photographers camera. Eventually you can hear the song slowing down, and you look up at him, eyes watery out of the sheer flood of emotion you feel.
“I love you more-“ you say shakily as you smile, pressing your lips to his, and for dramatic and the most romantic effect he could think of, he dips you down.
Eventually bringing you back up to your feet, he grins at you, “you’re stuck with me for life now, babe, you ready?” He laughs out, wiping the few tears that had fallen down your cheek.
Kageyama - Something like How would you feel (Paean) by Ed Sheeran, I think the song that you guys pick really focuses on words that are sometimes difficult to get out to each other. It’s not that you guys don’t say ‘I love you’ to each other! I think that Kageyama may have a harder time talking about his feelings, so he prefers to choose songs that convey them, and then show them to you. So, any song that centers on saying ‘I love you’ or how much love you feel for this person, I think it’s likely you’d agree for it to be your wedding song. As for the time of dance? Similar to hinata I think he would prefer a private moment with you, I think that he would do a last dance after everyone has left the reception with you rather than a first. He knows he wants to be able to have one moment with you completely alone all day, so this was going to be his chance to have it.
Kageyama smiles at you as he holds his hand out to you.
“One last dance?” He asks you with a hesitant smile on his face.
If we’re being honest he was terrified of stepping on your now bare feet (you’d taken your shoes off halfway through the reception because your feet hurt). Smiling at him, you bow down, “Why of course, my husband.” You smile at him as you take his hand, starting to dance.
For the first time today, you felt so relaxed that you could fall asleep standing up in his arms. Yawning you hum the song quietly, and mumble an “I love you so much-“ to him sleepily.
He smiles to himself and kisses your temple, “I love you too, y/n” he says as he was still watching your feet nervously.
He eventually relaxed into the song, humming along with you.
“Ice cream after?” He mumbles in your ear, even during his wedding, food was always on the forefront of his mind, and you didn’t mind one bit, “duh, only if I’m in sweats”
“You’ll look just as amazing” he says as he kisses your forehead, hearing the song come to an end.
Tsukki - You cannot convince me Tsukki is not a cigarettes after sex lover. He definitely listened to them to get homework done both in high school and college. He’s been wanting the song apocalypse to be played at his wedding for so long. So, when it came time to choose a song you both knew exactly what song it would be. I think Tsukki is more traditional in the sense that he would want you guys to do a first dance, but really only for immediate family. The only reason either of you allowed anyone to watch was because of the constant pestering about it that was driving the pair of you beyond crazy. However you decided you would allow other guests in after the first dance is over, he’s not a super flashy guy, so too many people would probably annoy him, as long as you’re okay with it of course.
First Dance
You smile up at your now husband as the song starts to play, both of you slow dancing almost like a middle school dance. It was only a little awkward at first, but it was more because you were nervous about messing up by stepping on his feet.
“Y/n you know I’ll still love you even if you step on my feet…..right?” He mumbles into your ear.
Of course you almost instantly relax and laugh a little up at him.
“You sure? You seemed like you were gonna cry when we practiced-“ you smile at him and for once, he gives the same smile back.
Absolutely anything for you.
The pair of you had parents and siblings in tears as you danced, not paying any mind to the small crowd around you watching, only having eyes for each other. Towards the end of the dance, he gives you a small smile, almost like it was only for you, as he spun you around once and held you in his arms for one extra moment at the end of the song.
Yamaguchi - Glue song by beabadoobee. I just KNOW he makes playlists for you for every occasion ever and always includes this song as an ‘I love you’. It could not fit the playlist completely, but when it comes on in shuffle you never skip it because it means so much to the two of you. Even when you’re in the car with friends you make them leave it and explain why that song means so much to you. I think the timing of the dance would be an actual first dance, and I don’t think he would mind everyone watching. Of course if you would prefer it to be more private, he wouldn’t mind that at all. He just wanted some nice pictures of the two of you dressed up and dancing, he didn’t care who was in the background of them.
First dance
Giving you a smile as the song starts, Yams takes your hands, the ballroom dancing lessons you guys took together finally paying off. The two of you made up the routine as you went, but were sure to include many picturesque moments through the dance. Such as Yamaguchi twirling you and dipping you down and kissing you. But the most important thing to the two of you was the song. As you danced, the two of you sang it quietly together, as if this just came on the radio and it was just the two of you. Because right now it was, even in a room of people it felt like just the two of you together. By the end of the song, your foreheads were pressed together and he mutters, “I love you so much, I can’t wait to do life with you, honey.”
You don’t think you’ve ever smiled bigger than in that moment.
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smart sexy lacy | c55 and c16
Description: Three years after that horrible breakup with Charles Leclerc; now you're dating his teammate. What happens when certain deals are levied upon you? Will you follow through or go back to what you're used to?
Author's Note: Yes, I'm going through something. SEMI INSPIRED BY THAT ONE TIKTOK WITH THE GIRL THAT LOOKED LIKE YOUNG SALMA HAYEK. A little angsty and sad and toxic. But that's life and this happens in real life.
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yourusername: Aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist? #YOURNAME in Vogue AUS' new cover. ✨
liked by carlossainz55 and 1,283,192 others
carlossainz55: Beautiful ❤️ - yourusername: Handsome ❤️
oliviarodrigo: dazzling starlet... 😇
bellaciao9: It's so weird seeing her be romantic wit Carlos
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carlossainz55: She blesses Mallorca. ❤️🇪🇸
liked by yourusername, Charles_Leclerc and 1,293,192 others
livonce0: is it just me or do they look good together?
holypolly: LOVE FROM BRAZIL 🇧🇷
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yourusername: when your boyfriend posts an ugly picture of u so u have to remind everyone that u look good. 💥😮
liked by carlossainz55 and 4,129,192 others
carlossainz55: It's called 'gatekeeping' 🤣
carlosandynfanbase: MOMMY...MOMMY...SORRY?
ynforever: the way that there's 4m likes 💀
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A small exhale exited your mouth - oh, you always swore that you were over him, but seeing him walk past you. He's just standing there, breathing beside you - all the while your heart heaves in pain. You wonder if he still wears the same perfume - if he still wears the same lucky pants during race day. Or has he changed?
"Nice weather today," he smiled, gently settling down beside Carlos. You promised that you were over him - but now that he was sitting across from you - fuck, was it hard.
How could ever get over him? How could you ever get over a man who brought two umbrellas just to keep you dry? "It'll be easier to race, right?" you placed a hand on Carlos' chin in an effort to rid that man from your periphery. "Depends on how Max behaves," Carlos chuckles while pressing a kiss to your lips.
"Oh, a little decorum for the minors here." Charles chuckled while pointing at Oscar. "Oscar, this is what true love looks like." your eyes narrowed teasingly at the younger man and he rolled his eyes. Yep, this was true love. "Congrats on the engagement, by the way!" Lando congratulates while raising his champagne glass.
You exchange a side-glance with Charles. He wasn't smiling - and that somehow made you feel better.
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yourusername: pinon and carlito ✨ 2 dawgs, 1 frame.
liked by carlossainz55 and 912,839 others
carlossainz55: ❤️
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"How much did you pay for your engagement ring?" a street-interviewer suddenly invades your privacy. Carlos gives you a soft glance and you nod, seeing that you had time and there wasn't anything wrong with a little interviewing. "I paid for less than what she's worth," he chuckled - not taking his eyes off you. "Well how much do you think she's worth?" the man asked and he shrugs.
"I'd say all of the jewels in the world - then multiply it by infinity." he laughed while muttering the last word. Carlos absolutely adored you. "He's just bluffing because of the cameras, do you really think that?" your eyebrows merged into each other - he's only said 'i love you' as much as there were fingers in your hands.
You weren't aware that his love was this deep.
"I haven't said it enough - but yeah." he played with the plastic bag on his right hand. To your surprise, the man suddenly turns in your direction. "Do you think that you're worth that much?" he placed the microphone a few inches away from your lips but Carlos interrupts him. "I think that I can answer this one," he glanced at you - and you silently nodded.
"She's worth so much more than that, and this engagement ring is not even a fraction of what I feel for her."
"But if you're spending this much money, what do you get in return?" the interviewer bitterly asked and Carlos couldn't help but laugh a little. He's had years of experience in media training. He could explain his side as eloquently as this man asked his question rudely. "What do I get in return?" Carlos repeated the question. "Yep."
"I get a partner that is loyal to me - a partner that would choose me everyday when there are thousands of men much better than me. I get the mother of my children and a woman that'll be beside me until I die - and this engagement ring is absolutely nothing compared to whatever precious gift she gives me everyday." he smiled at you.
Your eyes twinkled a little bit - you were falling in love with him for the second time. Carlos was even more deeper than what you initially thought - so much more sensible and polite. "Okay, but are you saying that everyone has to spend so much money just to have the bare minimum?" the man inquires and Carlos shakes his head.
"I'll be clear and say that what she gives me is beyond the bare minimum, and it really depends on how much a person makes." he answers and you nod. "It's all about the feelings that come with giving a present," you bite your lower lip and the man frowned. "How much do you earn?" he turned towards Carlos.
"Okay, thank you for interviewing us." he pulled you away - quickly fading into the packed New York crowd.
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You weren't prepared to face him alone.
It was a stormy night - a few minutes before your spontaneous engagement dinner with Carlos and the Grid began. The other drivers were in the other room - belting their asses off to singing 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion while you prepared your signature drinks. You were the only person inside the kitchen - until Charles decided to make his way.
"So, are you really going to marry him?" he inquired in a nonchalant tone. A decade ago, you wouldn't even entertain the thought of dating Carlos Sainz - but now, all you wanted to do was marry him. "What's that supposed to mean?" you asked, eyebrows merging into each other. That tone implied something else.
He placed his hands on the counter, staring deep into your eyes. "Let's not do this, please." he pleaded, searching for something behind your face. A hidden longing. Wishful thinking, maybe?
"We always broke up then got back with each other. This is the nature of our relationship, please don't make the wrong decision by marrying someone that cannot handle you." he proposed and you couldn't help but be offended in behalf of your fiancee. "You cannot handle him - he's boring and simple. You are someone that's so fucking explosive. You need someone interesting." he begged.
"Boring? My relationship with Carlos is not exciting - I must admit. It started off in the most boring way - as acquaintances. And our love may be different from what we shared. It's not exciting, or explosive - but it's so fucking sure. I know that I'll choose him everyday and he'll do the same. Something that I cannot guarantee with anyone else." you breathed, lifting the tray off the table and making your way towards the karaoke room.
You'd always choose Carlos, because he was your true love.
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yourusername: slaybells, boots dows, houston i'm deceased. 🎄
liked by carlossainz55 and 1,293,291 others
carlossainz55: te amo y mas - yourusername: te amo tanto
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luimagines · 10 months
Ahahaha… erm- perhaps?
getting caught (kissing/being romantic with) their crush or S/O? By the rest of the chain of course😇
Ily🫶 if not a taken request, than some food for excellent thought 🥰
Yes!!!! You got it Anti! I'm going full menece!!
Part 1 will include Wild, Four and Hyrule.
Content under the cut!
"Do you think anyone is going to find us here?" You whispered, holding onto the hand of your boyfriend.
He snorted and shook his head. "Not a chance."
He had the kind of confidence that, were you anyone else, would quickly gather that it was foreshadowing. However, since you weren't willing to read between the lines the universe was trying to send you, you happily held onto his hand a little tighter and continued following him where ever he led you.
"So where are we going anyway?" You swung your conjoined hands and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Hmmm.... I don't know!"
"I just wanted to spend time with you... alone. Is that so much to ask?" Wild laughs, poking your forehead gently.
You huff and puff but you can't find it in yourself to be mad. He was such a sweetheart that it was hard to bother with any sort of annoyances. "Do you have a plan?"
"I just wanted to love on you." He laughs, pulling you closer and kissing your cheek. His arms keep you in an iron grip. Even though you try to push yourself away to get in a more comfortable angle, he's adamant in keeping you right where you are.
"Hey!" You laugh back, try to move away. "That's not fair! I wasn't ready!"
"Well I was. Should have been paying more attention." He smirks, trailing his kisses from the innocent spots on your face to a more heated location.
It's starts off chaste. A peck on the lips, a caress of your cheek- gentle repositioning of your hair- then he shifts. You find your back against the wall of the rock beside you. Wild kisses your chin, your jaw, trialing heated kisses to you neck.
You jump out of your skin, blood freezing in your veins as your stomach drops to the floor.
Wild gently drops his head to your shoulder, not bother to look up. "So we've been caught."
"No kidding." Sky tries his best to keep his face neutral. A slight blush begins to seep through his defenses, much to everyone's chagrin. "...Um.... We were looking for you."
"What?" Wild looks up finally, disbelief on his face. "Impossible. We haven't even been gone for more than fifteen minutes."
Sky coughs a bit, shuffling on his feet. "Bad timing on your part then. You were asked for the second you left, I guess."
Wild deadpans before turning around, kissing you square on the lips once more. "We'll continue where we left off another time."
You feel breathless and dizzy. You nod. Are you embarrassed or charmed? Horrified or smitten? Sky certainly wants to erase the past ten seconds from his mind.
Wild takes your hand, lookin victorious. "Let's go."
"Follow me. Quickly." Four took your hand and begin dragging you along without any forewarning.
You stumbled after him, trying your hardest to keep up with his faster (and shorter) strides. "Wait, wait, wait, where are we going?"
"Shh!" Four put a finger to his lip, pulling you aside and into a dark alley way. He looked around the corner, as if checking if you were being followed before he relaxed. "Alright. This way."
"Four-!" He started pulling you away again, but at a much slower pace, merely walking to where it was he had in mind. "Link. Can you tell me what this is about? Is there anything I should be made aware of?"
"Nope!" Four grinned, stepping aside and gesturing to a small shop on the corner. "Just wanted to treat my sweet to something."
Your heart flutters and you can't help but smile. "So you had to capture me like a runaway criminal?"
"It was that or have eight other busy bodies with nothing better to do breathing down our necks."
You grin and bend down to kiss his cheek. Four beams and leads you into the shop. You both order something small to eat and warm drink, quickly securing spot by the window where you both could sit in peace.
"How did you find this place anyway? Have you been here before?" You ask Four, putting you hands on the table and lean close to him.
Four snorts and shakes his head. "I passed it while we were gathering information yesterday. I figure it would be nice to get away for a little bit."
"I doubt it would be for long." You grin but reach over to take his hand. "But thank you, I already love it."
Four grins and holds your hand gently, pulling it close to leave a tender kiss on your knuckles. "Let's make the most of it then."
A worker comes around with both of your orders and places them in front of you. Not about to be blocked by food of all things, Four moves from his spot in front of you to sit beside you instead.
You both grin, thanking the lady before going right back to looking at each other. The woman doesn't say much.
Before you both know it, you're both giggling, whispering sweet nothing about each other. Your sharing stories, compliments, kisses, innocent touches. Before you know it your lips are on his and your hands are in his hair.
Someone taps on the glass window next you.
You both jump and look over.
The entire chain is there.
You explode in a blush and look away hiding your face. Four glares at them and makes a rude gesture. You think you hear some of them laughing from the other side.
You can never show your face again. This is it, you're done for.
Four kisses once more for good measure. "Can't have anything in Hyrule."
You had managed to sneak away with Hyrule for a little time alone. It wasn't for anything special.
You both were lying on your backs in the grass next to each other. Between you, your hands were laced together. You rolled over and smiled, looking at your boyfriends features in silence.
His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful. If it weren't for the fact that he smiles softly when you rolled over, you could have sworn he was sleeping.
"Hey." You called out softly.
Hyrule opened his eyes and rolled over to look at you as well. "Yes?"
"I love you." You whispered, unable to keep the smile off of your face. Your impulses are rewards when you see his ears twitch as he flushes softly.
He grins after a beat and reaches over with his free hand, carding it through your hair softly and tucking it away form your face. He brings your hands up and kisses your knuckles, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "I love you too."
"I know." You whisper again and scoot closer.
Hyrule lets go of your hand and moves his arm to cushion your head as move closer. His arm wraps around your shoulders, tracing lazy nonsensical patterns on your back. His other stay by your face, running his fingertips over your cheek with light butterfly touches.
It's so soft. Your heart feels as if it's about to burst with affection.
You lean up, aiming to kiss him before he can move away. You get close. Your hand entangles itself into his hair as you angle him a little to the side to make it easier on yourself. Your breathes begin to mingle with his. Your lips are only a hairbreadth away from contact.
"Found them!"
You jolt away from each other, faces aflame.
Wind tilts his head, jogging to where you both were. "What are you doing?"
"NothINg!" Your voice cracks and you cough to clear it. "You startled us."
Hyrule ruffles his hair, sitting up with a disgruntled look on his face. "Did they send you to look for us?"
"You snuck off again." Wind pouts.
"Did not!" You fire back. "It hasn't even even thirty minutes!"
Wind rolls his eyes but turns around to leave. Sure enough, you can already hear the footsteps of the rest of the group making their way towards your location, no doubt wondering if there was anything they needed to do. Heal, lecture, defend- ect...
You turn around, kissing Hyrule's cheek before they can get closer. "Another time."
Hyrule smiles boyishly at you, ignoring the questioning looks from the upcoming boys. "I'll be waiting then."
Part 2
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cartierre · 2 years
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU mick schumacher x fem!curvy!russell!reader
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♡ liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, lewishamilton and 23,193 others
tagged: georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1
y/n_russell thanks george for inviting me to my first grand prix at the last fucking grand prix of the season
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georgerussell63 i can only do so much ⤷ y/n_russell do more
user1 i didn't know george had such a baddie as his sister ⤷ user2 maybe she'd be a baddie if she hit the gym ⤷ y/n_russell jail
user3 y/n defending herself against fatphobic comments makes my day
mercedesamgf1 we got you, your name is already on the guestlist for the bahrain gp next season!
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♡ liked by mercedesamgf1, alex_albon, mickschumacher and 28,984 others
tagged: georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1
y/n_russell hola😇 🏆🔙😇 (sadly i couldn't attend the bahrain gp but mercedes was so nice and allowed me to come to jeddah instead)
view all 673 comments
user4 y/n taking the piss out of the whole george/fernando fiasco has me on my knees for this girl ⤷ user5 this is peak sibling behaviour ⤷ user6 george not liking and commenting the post makes it even funnier
mickschumacher you should come more often, you're good company ⤷ y/n_russell ik i'm funny like that
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♡ liked by lilymhe, mickschumacher and 19,392 others
y/n_russell switzerland would definitely be more enjoyable if the prices weren't skyrocketing
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lilymhe and what is my precious lady doing in switzerland? ⤷ y/n_russell a lady doesn't kiss and tell
user7 are we all seeing this? ⤷ user8 y/n's comment... i'm sensing some love in the air
user9 y'all are telling me mick invited y/n to spend some time with him in switzerland at his home after they spent one weekend together in jeddah where they met for the first time? ⤷ user10 he's so romantic ⤷ user11 never settle for anything less than mick schumacher
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♡ liked by y/n_russell, georgerussell63, lance_stroll and 374,296 others
mickschumacher she couldn't just pick one bouquet, so i had to buy them all
view all 1,938 comments
user12 damn she's a lucky girl ⤷ user13 i just know it's y/n because she posted a picture of flowers and was wearing blue jeans as well ⤷ user14 okay sherlock
y/n_russell a woman of taste comment liked by mickschumacher ⤷ user15 obviously if you picked mick out of all the drivers
georgerussell63 🫥🫥 ⤷ user16 why is this so funny to me
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♡ liked by lilymhe, mickschumacher and 24,392 others
tagged: mickschumacher
y/n_russell i know this makes me look like a ferrari fan, but i promise i'm loyal to mercedes. the last slide is my proof!
view all 683 comments
mercedesamgf1 that proof is enough to secure you a ticket for the australian gp ⤷ y/n_russell see, that's why you're my favourite
user17 did we just get hard launched like that ⤷ user18 i mean they've been kind of hinting at it... ⤷ user20 yeah but like... it's been what? a week of them knowing each other? ⤷ user21 they don't have to be dating yet, they're probably just enjoying some time together
user22 i just want to yell at mick "you can do better!" ⤷ y/n_russell sucks that you can't huh?
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♡ liked by y/n_russell, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 438,394 others
tagged: y/n_russell
mickschumacher new country, new flowers, same girl
view all 1,736 comments
y/n_russell yeah i made some right choices coming to australia ⤷ georgerussell63 to support your older brother ⤷ y/n_russell yeah... of course that
user23 i'm so jealous
user24 damn, and my boyfriend couldn't even text me back ⤷ user25 same girl same
user26 still questioning how someone like y/n bagged my boy mick ⤷ user27 because she's pretty? and funny? and an absolute legend?
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infiniteeight8 · 6 months
Lets keep it a secret.
ironstrange 😇
With special thanks to @airas-story for helping me hammer out this idea. 😀
As he rides the elevator up to his penthouse, Tony slips a hand into his pocket and touches the box there. Not a ring box, of course, even Tony knows it’s much too soon for that. It might be too soon for any gift at all. God knows Pepper had chided him more than once for gestures all out of proportion to the occasion in question. But one month with Stephen feels important, and once the idea came to him Tony hadn’t been able to resist working on it.
Tony’s not entirely sure that Stephen knows that tonight marks one month together. Most people, he is reliably informed, don’t keep track this early on. Stephen had been the one to suggest they have dinner tonight, but they have dinner pretty frequently now, it could just be a coincidence. You don’t have to give it to him, Tony reminds himself. It’s not going to go bad. If this is a regular dinner, it’ll keep until six months. 
The thought reassures Tony enough that he stops fiddling with the box. The elevator reaches the penthouse, but when Tony emerges there’s no sign of Stephen in the living room or kitchen areas. The dining room has long since been repurposed, so he can’t be there.
“Tony, out here,” Stephen calls, and Tony turns toward the terrace.
Stephen is standing over a table for two set out under the fading sunlight. There are candles, and a proper place setting on some very nice dishes that Tony doesn’t recognize. It’s definitely fancier than their usual fare, even on those nights when they don’t eat out of take out boxes, and Tony finds himself smiling as he meets Stephen’s gaze.
Stepping outside, Tony pulls Stephen into a soft kiss. “Happy one month,” he murmurs when they part.
Stephen lets out a relieved breath and smiles. “I was worried you might think it was silly.”
Tony laughs softly. “So was I,” he admits. “I, ah, made you something.” He pulls the box out of his pocket and hands it over.
Stephen opens it and his breath catches. Slowly, he lifts the watch out of the box and examines it more closely. His face lights up and he traces a finger lightly over the watch face and then around the edges of the dial. “These are my favorite complications.” 
“You mentioned once that you’d never found a piece that had all of them and nothing extra,” Tony says, bouncing on his toes a little.
Stephen slips the band over his wrist and secures it before leaning in to kiss Tony again. “It’s perfect,” he says. “And…” Trailing off, he turns and picks something up from one of the place settings and turns to hand it to Tony.
It’s a rose, painstakingly folded out of beautifully textured and colored paper. Turning it slowly, Tony realizes that the petals form a perfect golden spiral. He smiles, and then his smile softens when he realizes: Stephen would never have asked anyone to make this for him. “You folded it yourself, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” Stephen says, blushing slightly. “Every petal.”
Tony rests the rose against his lower lip and shoots Stephen a teasing look. “Stephen Strange, a romantic. Who would have guessed?”
Stephen ducks his head. “Let’s keep that a secret, shall we?”
“I have no intention of sharing,” Tony promises, smiling.
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velvethopewrites · 1 year
Happy destiel/castiel day! Here, have a drabble of warm fluffy fluff to start your week off right! September 18th, baby! (I’m a dork, especially for that angel!) 🤗🤓😇
Just Cas
“You know, I remember it like it was yesterday.”
Cas stops rinsing out his coffee cup and glances over at Dean, sure that the confusion is clear on his face.
“You walking into that barn. Changing my life. Making me doubt all the life choices that led to me being unable to tell you how smokin’ hot you were.”
Cas turns back and drops his head, smiling. He finishes the remaining few cups and turns around as he dries his hands. He takes a deep breath and leans back against the kitchen counter, making sure to keep his expression neutral. This is the same dance they do every year and Cas loves it.
“You didn’t think I was “hot”, Dean. You were scared, confused, and more than a little pissed off, as a matter of fact.”
Dean smirks as he stands up from the table, a knowing look on his face. “Okay, yeah. Fair. But later on, every time I replayed that scene in my head you only got hotter and hotter, babe.”
Dean moves forward and wraps his arms around Cas’s waist, smelling of sunshine and leather. Basically he smells like Baby after he’s given her a nice cleaning and long drive to ‘stretch her legs’. Unsurprisingly, it is also one of Cas’s favorite scents. Dean leans forward, heat and mischief in his eyes.
“We could do a reenactment today, in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. We could dig out the old trench from the back of the closet, light some sparklers and go to town.” As if to prove his point, Dean leans in even closer, bringing their bodies into contact.
Cas snorts before he can stop himself, his neutrality over the subject disappearing like the soap bubbles down the drain behind him. “Really? You want to be intimate while I’m wearing that coat and you’re…what? Holding cheap and dubious pyrotechnics behind me? Dean.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to re-capture the romantic moment we met, Cas. Nothing wrong about that. If you want, I could pretend to stab you again.”
“With a knife or with something else?” Cas deadpans, hearing his voice go deeper even as Dean’s eyes dilate in reaction.
“Hmm, we’ll leave that part open for discussion.” Dean moves in again and they’re suddenly kissing. Cas thinks how glad he is that he gets to have this. Gets to have Dean. Oh, if only his younger, angelic self could see him now…
Dean eventually breaks their kiss and waggles his eyebrows, making his handsome face look silly and playful. Yet he’s still beautiful. “Well, what do you say? Up for some hanky-panky in the middle of the day to celebrate the anniversary of your entrance into my life, O’ Angel of Mine?”
Cas bites his lip and doesn’t say anything, tilting his head for old time’s sake as though he’s debating his next move. He gently takes Dean’s hand and turns him around to lead him from the kitchen. Yes. He will take this time to be with Dean. As a present to himself. As a present to both of them.
And later, when they are both sated, naked, and still tangled in the sheets of their bed, he will tell Dean anew all the ways that he’s changed him - from that blunt, cold unfeeling angel into this, whatever he is - a flawed, no-longer-bound-with-celestial-intent being that somehow loves his simple life. Just as it is. Dean is still Dean and he is finally, just Cas. Loved and known, at last.
Tagging @fellshish and @canonblastedships @clarkenting for some reblogs, help a strange sad writer girl bestie out. 😇🥰
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#42: The Fuel (1.04)
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Even when everything crashes down around them, Richonne's love always prevails. 🥹
And now that they’ve recentered on what truly fuels them, Richonne then gets every type of fuel they need to finally go home. So we gotta close out this masterpiece of an episode with the breakdown of ep 4's final glorious moments. 👌🏽😇
The fact that we were really spoiled from literally minute one to the final seconds of Episode 4 - I have to thank Danai one million times for writing this thoughtful Richonne love letter episode and forever thank Andy & Danai for performing every part impeccably 🙏🏽💐...
After deciding to go home together in such a well-earned way—which, that's another thing - the fact that Danai didn’t even need an extended episode to convincingly craft an arc where Richonne could start off more at odds than they’ve ever been, and then not just beautifully, but also believably and organically, bring them back together by the end, leaving them feeling more bonded than ever before. She’s an illustrious talent. 🤩
So now Richonne is ready to head out because this building is on its last legs. And as they walk, Rick is finally out of the CRM gear and in casual apparel for the first time with Michonne. And I loved seeing that. The hold the CRM had on him is finally removed. 😌
The temp controller announces another malfunction and says the elevator only has ten minutes of reserve power left. Which hearing that...it’s wild Rick and Michonne still used that elevator…even tho I’m glad they did. 😏
As they make their way to the door, they stop for a moment and I love the way it’s filmed with us being able to see them between the panels. Rick gets his blade ready and then he looks at the real source of his strength Michonne.
And then you already know I absolutely adore that Rick leans in for them to share a kiss before they head out of this place. It’s the sweetest thing. 🥰And it immediately lets you know Richonne really is back.
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That kiss is pure gold and highly ranked for me, y'all. Like as quick as this moment is, it’s still so special and romantic. I appreciate any and every reminder that Rick and Michonne are each other's baby and that kiss was definitely giving that.
Also, I just have to reiterate that Danai wrote such a quality episode of television. I love how at the top of the ep we see Michonne first exit the apartment alone and in pain, and then later Rick exits the apartment alone and panicked, and then at the end they show Richonne leaving the apartment together and healed because they’re finally operating like the honest unit they’re meant to be.
And again, it’s impressive how earned it all feels with Richonne starting the ep more at odds than ever and then truly being on one accord and one being again by the end of the hour.
It's sweet that as they’re about to re-enter the walker-infested world they want this reassuring and comforting moment of connection as this kiss just communicates that they’re in it together no matter what they face outside these walls.
Then he whispers ready and she nods and Rick opens the door for Michonne to go through first. Bye, Apartment 👋🏽, you were very very good to us, chile. But now it’s time for Richonne to go home. Won’t He do it. 🙌🏽
So then once they enter the hall they have one of my favorite action sequences. I love the way it's choreographed for them to be so in sync through this whole thing. This action sequence said let us remind you who are the two baddest to ever do it. 😌
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I love the way it really is like they’re killing these walkers as one in the way they’re tag-teaming. Michonne steps out the hall first but then Rick is ready to get the first one and then they just take them down like only they can and it’s a great sight.
And Rick loves the sight of Richonne in action too the way he takes a moment to look at Michonne as they walk forward. I love that it's always clear Rick is invigorated by the fact that he and Michonne are a power couple. And again, the merging of the red and blue light as it comes together to make purple is great and gives TOWL a fresh different vibe than TWD. Seeing Richonne walk in the purple light just feels like they too have blended back into one again. 😌
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And then that elevator...😏
Y’all, let me express some gratitude for this elevator right here. It gave us some absolute gold, honey. 😇
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They approach the elevator and work together to get a walker out of the way. And then once they enter, Rick kicks the walker's arm, and Michonne, serving with her stance, realizes hey we have some time while this elevator goes down so naturally she looks over at Rick with that 'my man, my man, my man' look.
Then Michonne grabs the strap of Rick's backpack and pulls her into him and we can see him rushing into her just as the blood-stained elevator doors close. I love it. 😋 Look at frisky Michonne wanting a piece of her man right now lol. 🤭 Who can blame her?
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And when I first watched I thought that was gonna be it. Like they were just going to imply that they make out in the elevator. But no being a Richonne stan means being hella spoiled and so we actually get to see this all play out. 😊
They cut to Richonne making out inside the elevator and it’s just so good.❤️‍🔥 Also, it's funny how you’d never guess that Michonne was the one who initiated this the way Rick so quickly matches the energy and throws her against that wall. Rick can't quite be outhungered when it comes to Richonne kisses lol.
Like Michonne's always on the same page with that intense immense love but Rick's always going to be the more extra one by a little bit. Here for it. 😋
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They were real into it in that elevator and had themselves another moanversation. I love that they are always on the same timing and both crazy enough to be so unconcerned with the fact that this building is about to come toppling down. Like they are just passionately present in this hot moment and it’s great. 👌🏽😋
Richonne are really and truly irresistible to each other and I love how their desire is always on display. And you can just tell Michonne loves Rick’s assertive affection as he practically consumes her and she slides her finger down his face. And as for Rick...he's addicted to his wife in the best way. 😊
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Also, I always like seeing that “Failure is never an option” sign because I be needing that reminder in life and also it just feels like a thesis statement or something as to why Richonne is always able to win. When they refuse to fantasize about failing they always come out on top together. 👌🏽
So they manage to pull themselves off each other enough to run and kill more walkers and make it out of the building as they make a run for the vehicle. I remember in 2023 there were those set pics from this outdoor running moment and it felt so nice to now get to see what that all was from. Little did we know it was filmed for the greatest Richonne episode of all time. 🤩
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With Richonne outside we continue to get insight into the destruction going on inside the apartment, including the death of the temp controller I believe. RIP, to the narrator of Richonne's ep 4 journey. 
And then Richonne make it to that yellow truck and let me tell you Richonne + cars is undefeated. 👌🏽 It’s always going to make for a golden moment and this one here of course is no exception. 😏
They run into the car and I adore the detail of Rick holding that book that Michonne said Judith would love. A whole FATHER. 😭🙌🏽 And this just goes to show that everything Michonne said to Rick when he had those walls up at the top of the ep was absolutely resonating with him even if he wasn’t fully letting on at first.
I mean, Rick always hangs on Michonne’s every word so of course everything she said stuck, especially about their children. (Also, it just hit me that that’s likely part of why Rick was thinking about getting a gift for RJ in the next episode since he knew they’re bringing the book as a gift for their daughter. 🥲)
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So they get in the car but then Rick realizes there’s a slight complication as he tells Michonne it’s a “Stick shift.” I love the way Michonne looks at him and smiles when she realizes that means her little amputee cutie won't be able to drive this particular vehicle.
And y’all, since she has to drive that means Rick and Michonne have to switch seats. 😏 It's great how even a car being a stick shift can lead to Richonne gold, because this next moment is top tier. 🤩 Richonne stans, we ate good with TOWL, honey. 😇 Practically every second in this miniseries is rooted in Richonne’s romance. 🙌🏽
Also, I heard it was the episode's director Michael Slovis who had the idea for this next golden part, and I gotta take a moment to give Slovis his tens too. He did an outstanding job directing this Richonne love letter episode. 👏🏽💐
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So Rick and Michonne have to switch seats and they’re not gonna just get out of the car and do that - no, instead they attempt to just quickly climb over each other but, I’ve said it once I’ll say it 1000 times…Richonne are magnets. 🧲 So of course they couldn’t be that close to each other and not just start going to town again and making out. I love our hungry little couple that stays starving for each other. 😋
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When Michonne is on top of him you can see the determination on Rick’s face to turn this into something lol. And of course she’s on the same timing as they start making out. Like this building is really going to fall in mere seconds and they don’t give a damn. 🤭
They’re so happily distracted by their love and I’m here for it. They said that whole ‘love on each other as hard as we can while we can thing’ starts effective immediately. Also, only Richonne could make switching seats hot lol. 🔥
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Then it’s sweet to see the Roomba still going til it can’t go anymore. It’s resilient like Richonne. 
Also, it was really smart to put a sort of timer in the episode, and a high stakes timer at that, with the fact that the ep took place in a building on the verge of collapse. It's symbolic of how Richonne had to come the closest they’ve ever come to wondering if perhaps their relationship is on the verge of collapse as well. But of course like the Roomba that just won’t quit, they emerge from the building together and stronger. Richonne isn't the building, they’re the Roomba.
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And then y’all. Y’ALL. You already know what I’m about to address. It is now wonderfully canon to know 🗣 MICHONNE CALLS RICK 'BABY.'
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I know I was previously in the camp that heard Michonne call Rick 'baby' earlier in the bedroom scene but that one I didn't hear on my first watch. This 'baby' right here in this blessed yellow truck tho - undeniably clear. And so great. 🤩
They cut to the two still making out like it’s the only thing on the agenda, but then Michonne knows that it actually is coming down to the wire with the building about to fall. So she whispers to Rick, “Baby, I gotta drive.” 🫠🤩🫠🤩🫠🤩
From “You want to drive?” to “Baby, I gotta drive.” What a journey. 😭🎁
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I didn’t know how much I needed to hear Michonne call Rick 'baby' but when I heard it I was like oh I’ve needed to hear this all my life lol.
So y’all, can I happy dance one time? Because hearing Michonne call Rick 'baby' makes me ridiculously happy. 😋
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Now whenever I see any pre-canon TWD moments between Rick and Michonne I just stop and think wow one day she’ll call that man her baby. 😭 Like that’ll just be their norm because the way she says it and the way he responds, it’s clear he’s used to that. It’s so sweet and fitting. 🥰
I know we often like to wonder about Richonne pet names and I think it’s so cute that she calls Rick baby because really that is her baby. When I first heard this, y'all, I rewound it so much to make sure I didn't just imagine it lol. It was perfect. 😇
(Also since this kissing moment wasn't scripted and it was something Slovis suggested they do while filming, I'm assuming that would mean the 'baby, i gotta drive' was improvised as well. If so, I love that these talented creatives know just what to do and say with these characters 🙌🏽😊)
And I love that Michonne has to remind him that she has to drive because if she didn’t Rick would have been down to make RJ #2 up in that car. Like he’s lost in her yet again while their making out and of course, the moaning has returned. The man can’t help it. 😊
This whole lovely kissing moment further proves that for Rick the world can wait when he’s with Michonne. And the way Michonne says the line you can tell that the only reason she’s stopping is cuz they literally need to go. If they didn’t have to book it out of here right now…she’d be down for whatever too. You already know. 😋
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I love how Richonne’s favorite thing is kissing each other breathlessly and how they prove time and time again that the magnet thing might as well be literal. Also, the fact that they kiss during every phase of this exit - at the apartment door, in the elevator, and in the car. Real lovers are back. 😍
And they are never beating the adrenaline kink allegations, y’all. But I love how they, like us, are very cognizant of the fact that Richonne in fight mode is a sexy thing. 
And then I love that after she tells him 'Baby I gotta drive' they both laugh a little knowing how easily they get caught up. And then Rick is so refreshingly looser and more himself as he says, “Right. They made a stick shift electric car” and then he looks back and sees they left tanks of ethanol in the backseat.
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Let me repeat - The universe is a Richonner. 😋 The second Richonne got it together the universe was like here we’ll provide the fuel (and the food 🍜😉) and all the logistics.
I love how they both get excited learning the car is a hybrid. It reminds me when they were excited about those MREs in Say Yes. 
So then Michonne notes how they have to thank the innovators for the hybrid and how those people clearly thought they could do anything and Rick says, “Yep but we can. ‘We can make this whole world ours if we want to.’” Do you know how much of a loverboy you have to be to quote your wife’s words from a DREAM? 🫠 Most swoon-worthy thing ever and I’m so here for it. 🙌🏽
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I love that Rick is back to believing in Richonne. 🥰 Also I always laugh when I think back to when I first watched this because I remember just being like 'Aw he’s quoting her from the proposal dream ☺️' and then I gasped and was like 'oh that is a clear sign that he’s going to give her a ring in TOWL 🫢.' Like Rick quoting Dream Michonne in this car made me know for sure a wedding ring was coming cuz he's thinking about that particular '5 Pizzas & a Wedding Ring' dream. 👌🏽
I love seeing playful Rick again and Michonne brings that out of him so often and so naturally. And Michonne’s reaction is great when she looks at him like 'I agree but also...what??' I love that she affirms it tho saying, “Yes we can. That sounds like something I’d say.”
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And then Rick all contently says, “It is.” Y'all, i'm crying. 🥹 What a touching, lighthearted, and meaningful way to close out this episode's dialogue. 👏🏽
I love that Michonne knows she’d say that phrase and that Rick knows it full well too. He’s like baby, my dreams of you are extremely accurate, trust me. And the way he studies that woman of course they are. 😊
It’s just so special that those dreams at one point were all Rick really had of her and now here he gets to refer to them with the woman herself after she’s loved him back to life.
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As they get the car going there’s a little jump scare when a walker hits Rick’s window, and seeing them both jump and then be like okay let’s go - if they got any cuter my heart would not be able to take it lol. And the fact that Andy improvised that jumpscare reaction. Love it.
Rick and Michonne were just so back. Like they’re back to being the Richonne that’s playful, and flirty, and fully connected. A clear weight has been lifted off them and they're so in tune with each other again and it fills my heart with joy. 🥰
They drive and then it feels very poetic to see the building finally fall. I love the way Danai described the building as a cocoon that would determine if Richonne really can come out butterflies. And they soared out beautifully. 😭🦋
It also feels very symbolic of the way the walls Richonne had up around their hearts at the start of the episode have also officially fallen as they're back to being one in every way.
So having served its purpose of helping Richonne reconnect and bloom, the building could now come down. It’s almost like all the hard things they expressed and went through get to tumble down with the building as they head into a brighter horizon.
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Having made it out just in time, Michonne watches the building fall from the rearview mirror and just smiles knowing she and Rick are finally back on track and on their way home like she's long been wanting.
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Then as Michonne smiles she has this loving look over to Rick and of course he’s already looking her way. 🥰 I love how his look over at her was such a loud and clear 'I love you.'
You just know that as he looks at her he knows he’s gonna be getting down on one knee with a ring the second he has a chance.
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And then the way he looks down with a smile. 😭 At this moment I really think ‘I’m so in love with her’ is the direct quote from his mind. That and “How’d I get so lucky finding you again.” 
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And Michonne can feel the love as she has her own 'I love you' smile at Rick and looks forward. That's the smile of a woman who knows good things can happen when you and your husband take a plunge out of a helicopter. 👌🏽
That’s also the smile of a writer who just knocked it all the way out of the park writing this brilliant episode. 🔥👏🏽
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And a surefire way to make me happy is to see Richonne happy, so I absolutely adore that this stunning episode ends with Richonne’s smiles. They’re together. They’re happy. They’re in love. All is well. 😌
As they drive off, I adore the Asibe Happy song they use. I love that it feels like a homage to Danai to have it be music from the motherland. And just the lyrics are so fitting saying We're happy/We're in love/They tried to come between us but they failed. The vibe is so different from TWD in a really cool way and it’s just a great choice. 👌🏽
It’s funny tho because my extra self had this song stuck in my head for a few days after the episode aired and despite it having a positive vibe I could not stop getting choked up when hearing it. 🥲 Like now for me the song represents Richonne overcoming and driving off into the sunset and it’s so beautiful and feels so much like a happily ever after ending that the music was constantly making me want to shed tears. 
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But while it could have easily felt like this was the end of the story and Richonne was driving off into the sunset for good as this masterful episode faded to black…we still weren’t done yet. 😌
TOWL still had two more episodes of Richonne gold to give us with some very wonderful developments in their relationship. 👌🏽
But before we head into the final two episodes of TOWL, let me just conclude the 'What We' posts by saying Wow. This is how you do a moving, meaningful, and masterful episode of television.
What Danai so thoughtfully created with this episode exceeded expectations and truly shined the brightest light on why Richonne is so very special. Why it’s my Roman Empire. Why it’s my favorite depiction of love of all time. 😍
Never have I written so much about one TV episode, but I knew I’d have to go all out for Episode 4 because it’s what this important experience deserves. Every emotion, every scene, every choice, was pure excellence. 👏🏽
Andy and Danai have some of their greatest performances ever and I love that this episode was so packed with riveting dialogue and so focused solely on the two fascinating characters of Rick and Michonne and their extremely compelling relationship. It really gave Andy and Danai the space to again solidify why they're the best in the business and why Richonne is the greatest TV couple of all. 👑
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I’m so grateful to them for giving their all as the people who bring Richonne to life and to Danai for writing something so inspiring and exceptional. 🔥
I’ll thank her 1000 times for lovingly and diligently crafting a Richonne episode that is food for the soul and delves into love, pain, trauma, and triumph with such honesty, creativity, and care.
This franchise and fandom are so fortunate to have such an astronomically gifted actress and writer share her gifts this way. 💯
Episode 4 was immensely heartfelt, hot, humurous, healing and profoundly human. It'll stick with me forever. It's embedded in my heart and I wouldn’t have it any other way.🥹
It's not every day you get to see your favorite thing reach its peak of perfection but that's what this episode was for me - capturing the mesmerizing depth and beauty of Richonne at its absolute best. So I'll cherish this shining treasure of an episode always.👌🏽😌
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bloggingboutburgers · 29 days
I'm here to bonce back on the "non tagging x reader content" when... Shippers do the EXACT same thing and get no flacks in returns?
ESPECIALLY mlm ones?
I mean why even bother? You either drool over those two men kissing or you're just a raging homophobe! Simple as that ! 😌 😇
You have no idea of the numbers of shipper accounts i had to block because they posted content for that ship that i hate without tagging it as shipping. And nobody bats an eye, everyone is cool with that because everyone ASSUMES you're into this.
And then they say shits like "Wow x reader is such a HATE CRIME am I right?" And everyone's agreed with them and you can't say shit in response because all the fandom back them up. (True story, i wish i made that one up)
And as a sex/romance repulsed aroace woman who's only comfortable with x reader fanfics to safely explore those complicated feeling the fuck am I supposed to do? I would get gutted on the street by the entire fandom.
And before everyone slash my throat : everyone should tag their content. No matter what it is. Shipping, x reader, whatever...
But why everyone is so comfortable shitting on the x reader community while the shippers get to do everything they want without any pushback????
Like idk how to say it, all the goods the x reader community gave me. Its the only community who accepted me in ANY fandoms i have been as an aroace woman, all the rest of the fandoms bullied me and tried to chase me away because i """"shipped myself""""" with male characters i saw as aroace coded too. The x reader community welcomed me and helped me carve my own space while the rest gave me fucking slack because I saw those characters as aroace instead of gay. (Because it is apparently the only valid queer interprétation ever)
Like fuck man...
This community is the only one who accepted to listen to me rambling about how those character were aroace coded and cheered for me writing about them while i was bullied off my first account because i did not agree with the popular ship.
I met more aroace people writing nsfw/romantic fics (YES I TAG THEM ALL) about those characters than i ever met in my entire life. HELL, each and every single Friend I made on this site came to me to thank me for my writing and they ALL turned out to be sex/romance repulsed aroace people.
TLDR : why is it always the x reader community that get flacked for doing something the shippers do since the very begining of fandoms without any repercussion?
Its getting old.
Sincerely an aroace sex/romance woman that will never let go of her x reader fanfics.
...OK ima be honest on that one
Personally I don't dig shipping OR xreader, I kinda put them in a "nope don't wanna read it" same bag
So yeah I don't get why people wouldn't see them on a same scale of value.
Literally people like different things and some would rather read different things and some wouldn't and everything's fine let's seriously just tag stuff to make our life easier and stop judging each other.
The absolute state of all of this. Jeeeeesus. That's part of why I don't even bother in fanfiction spaces anymore. That and the fac there's hardly ever anything that'd interest me anyway, I guess.
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nicka-nell · 1 month
Hi ^O^ I like your angst hcs, can you do suna rockstar sm-au with reader as singer? So maybe they started as school band or as a dream of a band? Smt where mc gets kicked out of the band because the agency wants it because fans give mean comments about mc? And they have to chose reader or the fans and suna has the final saying and maybe says mean things to reader like nobody likes your voice anyway? Is that possible? Tyty <33
Hi! Actually I like that. 🥹 I'll do a small smau then. A angsty one! 😇
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Pairing: Suna x reader, Semi x reader, best friend Atsumu x reader
Note: Rockstar/Band-AU, angst, hurt, mdni, SMAU, mild nsfw
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Next
Summary: Suna and you have known each other since your school days, dreaming about the silly idea of a band since then. But this silly thought later becomes a successful reality. Yet not everything that shines is perfect. The string between you breaks and you grow apart. Will Suna manage to make up for his mistakes? Or is the string between you beyond repair?
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The story of you and Suna is actually like something out of a romantic webtoon. You met at school when Suna moved to Hyōgo. First you just exchanged glances, then you happened to be doing the same group work. And by pure coincidence, you were both always in the library at the same time to study. Really like a typical slice-of-life webtoon.
Your time in the library often ended with the two of you just sitting with open books in front of you, yet talking about so many other things. For example, that you really want to be a singer, that Suna wants to support you and back you up with your vocals and play the guitar at the same time. The two of you would write the lyrics together. At least he would help you with that. You even talk about who you want to add to your band. Osamu as bassist, Kita on the rhythm guitar, Atsumu as a drummer.
Actually, it all started as a little joke, but your dreamy idea of a band soon became reality and after graduation you all decided to form the band ‘Crimson Veil’. With you and Suna as the main founders, of course. Kita was the first to agree to join you. The two Miya brothers joined a few weeks later. Yuki, a girl you met at a gig in a bar, came in a year later to support you on the keyboard.
At first you only had smaller gigs. A bit of a gig in a bar here, a show at a rocker wedding there. Once you had a gig as the support act for a big band. That’s when your journey as a successful band really began. People loved you. Everyone wanted to know who is behind Crimson Veil and when your next gigs will take place. At some point, your requests had increased so much that you decided together to contact an agency for bands to support you and manage requests with you. Your career was perfect, and that’s not the only thing.
Two years after your graduation, an after-show party with your fans led to something more than just a relaxed get-together between you and Suna. You’d both had a little too much to drink and wanted to go to your rooms, but the moment the elevator closed to take you to the hotel rooms on the top floor, you felt Suna’s hands on your hips, how he pressed you against the cold elevator wall and how his body pressed against yours. How you couldn’t even get a word out before his lips were on yours.
The kiss was wild, passionate and you don’t remember how you got from the elevator to Suna’s room. But you remember how he pulled your clothes off your body step by step, how you both ended up completely bare on his bed and how Suna kissed your whole body, gave you probably one of the best orgasms you ever had up to that point and how hungry he looked at you while your legs lay on his shoulders. How he moaned your name and your body squirmed with need under him. The way he wailed out the words “Fuck, I love you” as if it was the most natural thing ever and how you both woke up the next morning, sober and naked next to each other.
But it wasn’t a mistake. Quite the opposite. Suna hugged you, kissed your neck and said sleepily, “Well, I thought it was just a wet dream. But luckily, the marks tell me otherwise, and so do you.” Since then, you two have had a relationship. At first it was secret, then very quickly public. And the two of you were really in love. Suna had always looked at you with so much love and affection. Fans were great, but you were always his number one next to the band. Everything was absolutely perfect. The love, the band, the fame. It was too perfect… But with fame comes greed... greed that can ruin a lot of things.
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