#automated api creation
projectwilbur · 1 year
Benefits of integrating custom API solutions
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is essentially a software intermediary that enables two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API allows different software systems to communicate and exchange data with each other.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Mickey Haslavsky, CEO & Founder of enso – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mickey-haslavsky-ceo-founder-of-enso-interview-series/
Mickey Haslavsky, CEO & Founder of enso – Interview Series
Mickey Haslavsky is the CEO & Founder of enso, a platform designed for non-technical users, enso introduces the world’s first experience where AI bots deliver premium-quality services directly at a fraction of the cost. enso chooses to work with operational non-tech businesses to help them make a significant leap ahead in their business endeavors.
Can you share the journey from your first venture, RapidAPI, to launching enso?
The journey from RapidAPI to enso has been quite an adventure. When we started RapidAPI, the goal was to create a platform where developers could easily access and connect to APIs to build innovative applications faster. We wanted to speed up execution for developers and make it easier for them to integrate complex functionalities into their products. That experience taught us a lot about the power of connectivity and the importance of making technology accessible.
After Rapid, I became fascinated by another problem: the plight of the small business owner and how underserved they are by technology. While AI was exploding across the enterprise, I quickly realized small businesses were risking being left behind by this wave of innovation. That’s where the idea for enso came in. We wanted to create a platform that offered AI agents as a service, making it possible for small businesses to leverage the power of AI without the need for a huge budget or a team of developers.
What inspired you to move from APIs to AI agents?
The inspiration to shift from APIs to AI agents really came from observing the challenges that small businesses face every day. APIs are fantastic for enabling developers to build incredible applications, but many small business owners don’t have the technical expertise to develop their own solutions from scratch. They need tools that can help them manage their operations more efficiently and allow them to focus on what they do best—serving their customers.
AI agents present an opportunity to provide these businesses with the capabilities they need in a straightforward, user-friendly package. We wanted to move beyond just providing the building blocks and actually deliver a complete solution that could make a real difference. The idea was to empower small businesses by giving them access to tools that level the playing field with larger corporations, allowing them to be competitive in today’s fast-paced market.
How do enso’s AI agents differ from traditional AI solutions available to small businesses?
enso’s AI agents are designed with the specific needs of small businesses in mind. Traditional AI solutions can be quite powerful, but they’re often built with larger enterprises in mind and can be complex to implement. They also tend to be costly, which can put them out of reach for many small businesses.
What sets enso apart is our focus on Guided AI Agents. These are pre-programmed agents that are fine-tuned for specific industries and tasks. They combine the predictability of traditional automation with the creativity of AI, providing reliable and consistent results. By focusing on industry-specific needs, we can offer over 1,000 different agents across 70 industries, ensuring that there’s a solution for just about every challenge a small business might face. This makes enso not just powerful, but also practical and accessible.
Can you explain the concept of ‘Guided AI Agents’ and how it ensures reliability and consistency?
Guided AI Agents are all about combining the best of both worlds: the reliability of traditional workflows and the creative potential of AI. In many AI solutions, the autonomy given to AI can lead to unpredictable results, which isn’t ideal for businesses that need consistent and dependable performance.
With Guided AI Agents, we’ve taken a different approach. These agents are designed to follow a set sequence of tasks, ensuring that they perform consistently every time. For instance, if you’re using an agent to manage your social media presence, it will have predefined tasks like posting at specific times, engaging with followers, and analyzing performance metrics. The creativity comes into play with content creation, where AI can generate engaging posts or design elements, but within a framework that ensures reliability.
This approach not only provides high-quality results but also builds trust with our users, as they can rely on the agents to perform tasks accurately and efficiently, time after time.
What specific tasks can enso’s AI agents perform for small businesses?
enso’s AI agents are incredibly versatile and can handle a wide array of tasks tailored to the needs of small businesses. For example, we have agents that can manage SEO efforts, ensuring that your business ranks well on search engines and reaches the right audience. Other agents focus on social media management, helping to engage with followers, create content, and track performance across platforms.
We also offer agents that can assist with financial tasks, such as managing invoices or optimizing e-commerce platforms like Amazon stores. These agents are designed to save business owners time and effort, allowing them to focus on growing their business rather than getting bogged down in routine tasks.
By offering such a diverse range of capabilities, enso provides small businesses with the tools they need to enhance productivity and efficiency across their operations.
Can you share examples of industries that benefit the most from enso’s AI agents?
While our agents are designed to be broadly applicable, there are certain industries where they can have an especially significant impact. For example, in the retail sector, our agents can help manage inventory and improve customer engagement by personalizing marketing efforts and streamlining sales processes.
In healthcare, AI agents can assist with patient scheduling, billing, and even managing electronic health records, freeing up valuable time for healthcare professionals to focus on patient care. The marketing industry also benefits greatly, as agents can handle tasks like content creation, campaign management, and performance analysis, enabling marketers to craft more effective strategies without being overwhelmed by data.
These are just a few examples, but the versatility of our agents means that they can be beneficial across a wide range of industries, providing tailored solutions to meet the specific challenges faced by each sector.
How easy is it to integrate enso’s AI agents into existing business workflows?
Integration with enso’s AI agents is designed to be as seamless as possible. We’ve developed a platform that is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with pre-built connectors that simplify the integration process. This means that businesses can start using our agents with minimal disruption to their existing systems.
We understand that small business owners don’t have the time or resources to spend weeks setting up new technology, so we’ve made it a priority to ensure that our solutions can be quickly adopted and deliver immediate benefits. Whether you’re a tech-savvy business owner or someone who is less familiar with digital tools, enso is designed to be accessible to everyone.
What support options are available for businesses implementing enso’s AI agents?
We offer a comprehensive range of support options to ensure that our customers get the most out of their enso experience. Our team provides onboarding assistance to help businesses get up and running quickly. We also offer a wealth of training resources and documentation to help users make the most of our platform.
In addition, we have a dedicated support team available to assist with any technical issues or questions that may arise. Our goal is to provide ongoing support and guidance, ensuring that our customers can fully leverage the capabilities of our AI agents to drive their business success.
How does enso’s Guided AI Agent Builder work, and what opportunities does it offer to developers?
The Guided AI Agent Builder is a powerful tool that allows developers to create and customize AI agents using low-code/no-code interfaces. This makes it easy for developers to design tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of different businesses.
By offering this builder, we’re enabling developers to innovate and expand the range of services available to SMBs. They can build new agents that address specific challenges or enhance existing workflows, and even market these solutions within the enso ecosystem. This opens up a world of possibilities for developers and businesses alike, fostering a community of innovation and collaboration.
How does enso’s platform help SMBs compete with larger enterprises in terms of efficiency and productivity?
enso’s platform is designed to democratize access to advanced AI technology, allowing small businesses to automate routine tasks and streamline their operations. By reducing the cost and complexity of adopting AI solutions, we’re enabling SMBs to achieve efficiencies that were once only available to larger enterprises.
Our agents help businesses optimize their workflows, manage resources more effectively, and focus on strategic growth initiatives. This not only enhances productivity but also allows small businesses to compete on a level playing field with larger companies. By providing the tools they need to thrive, enso is empowering SMBs to succeed in an increasingly competitive market.
These responses aim to convey a deeper understanding of Enso’s mission and offerings, showcasing how the platform addresses the specific needs of small businesses while remaining conversational and engaging.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit enso.
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wickworks · 2 months
Crescent Loom & genetic algorithms
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I recently got an email about Crescent Loom asking about opening it up with an API or something to fine-tune the parameter space of its bodies & neurons, and I put enough thought into writing a response I thought it'd be worth sharing here too:
The idea of incorporating a genetic algo came up enough during development that I actually made this graphic to respond with:
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In short, as a biologist, I've found myself more interested in making a game about intelligent design than evolution (lol). My thoughts have evolved somewhat since the initial "scope" issue — my party line for years has been that I'm making this thing in order to let people get their hands into the guts of biological nervous systems, not to let them press a button and have the computer give them a funny animal. Crescent Loom as a game already struggles with being too close to being a fishbowl screensaver maker (you make your little guy… and then what?) and trying to automate more of the creation process only worsens that problem. I also think that "evolution" games that use genetic algorithms as their primary mechanic are honeypots that trap developers working in this field but never produce compelling gameplay because of a fundamentally cursed problem that the most interesting thing the program is doing is not directly visible to the playe. "It's getting better at doing stuff? I guess?" — it's a fun mechanic to program, not play. And weirdly people almost always only think of doing it for biology-themed games, not ones like Kerbal that are doing the same damn thing but the idea of evolution isn't as close at hand (though there's been some cool demos done for driving games). But I hear where the idea is coming from that searching the parameter space is not a fun process, and the story that "centaurs" of humans running things with a computer taking care of the details outperforming either working alone is an alluring one. Getting an open API with CL handling the UI of weaving a nervous system and allowing it to be modified or plugged into whatever you want would open up a lotta possibilities — genetic algos, sure, but also stuff like CL-made networks driving robots or something. And if you had emailed me like two months ago, that's where my email would have ended, but I recently connected with someone who's done basically that: check out FEAGI and Neurorobotics. Mohammad's been working on a very much more implementation-agnostic neural-net-genetic-algorithm series of projects. Definitely less "pick up and play" than CL, but it's about as close to that open API idea that I think we're ever going to see. He's doing it better than I could ever do with CL, so it's kind of nice to be able to say that that dream's taken care of so I can focus on education & accessibility rather than making it a general-purpose tool.
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hostpyters · 3 months
Omniconvert is a comprehensive conversion rate optimization (CRO) platform designed to help businesses improve their online performance through A/B testing, personalization, and customer segmentation. It provides a suite of tools to optimize user experience, increase conversions, and gather valuable customer insights. Below is a detailed review of Omniconvert's features and functionalities:
Key Features
A/B Testing:
Easy Test Creation: Users can create and launch A/B tests without requiring extensive coding knowledge. The platform offers a visual editor to make changes directly on the website. Multivariate Testing: Allows testing multiple variations of elements simultaneously to identify the most effective combinations. Real-Time Results: Provides real-time analytics and reporting on test performance, helping users make data-driven decisions quickly.
Dynamic Content: Omniconvert enables the delivery of personalized content to different segments of visitors based on their behavior, demographics, and other criteria. Personalized Popups and Overlays: Create targeted popups and overlays to engage specific visitor segments and improve conversion rates. Behavioral Targeting: Use behavioral data to create personalized experiences that resonate with individual users, increasing engagement and conversions.
Customer Segmentation:
Advanced Segmentation: The platform offers robust segmentation capabilities, allowing users to create detailed customer segments based on various attributes and behaviors. Real-Time Segmentation: Segments are updated in real-time, ensuring that personalized experiences and tests are always relevant to the current visitor context. RFM Segmentation: Omniconvert includes Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) analysis to segment customers based on their purchase behavior.
Surveys and Feedback:
On-Site Surveys: Deploy on-site surveys to gather direct feedback from visitors, helping to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. Exit Intent Surveys: Capture feedback from visitors who are about to leave the site, providing insights into why they did not convert. NPS Surveys: Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty through Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys.
Analytics and Reporting:
Comprehensive Analytics: Detailed analytics on test performance, customer segments, and personalization campaigns provide actionable insights. Custom Reports: Users can create custom reports to track specific metrics and KPIs relevant to their business goals. Integration with Analytics Tools: Omniconvert integrates with popular analytics tools like Google Analytics, enabling seamless data synchronization and deeper insights.
Integration and API:
Third-Party Integrations: Integrates with various third-party platforms, including e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, email marketing tools, and more, enhancing its functionality. API Access: Provides API access for advanced users to create custom integrations and automate workflows.
Pros Comprehensive CRO Suite: Omniconvert offers a wide range of tools for A/B testing, personalization, and customer segmentation, making it a one-stop solution for conversion rate optimization. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with a visual editor and intuitive dashboards that make it accessible even to non-technical users. Real-Time Data: Real-time analytics and segmentation ensure that optimizations and personalizations are always relevant and up-to-date. Robust Segmentation: Advanced segmentation capabilities allow for highly targeted campaigns, improving the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with other tools and platforms enhances the overall functionality and value of Omniconvert.
Cons Cost: The pricing may be high for small businesses or startups, especially for advanced features and higher usage tiers. Learning Curve: While the interface is user-friendly, the extensive features and capabilities might require some time for new users to fully understand and utilize effectively. Variable Results: The effectiveness of A/B tests and personalization efforts can vary depending on the specific business and industry, which may require ongoing experimentation and adjustment.
Omniconvert is a powerful CRO platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools for optimizing website performance and increasing conversions. Its features for A/B testing, personalization, and customer segmentation are robust and user-friendly, making it a valuable asset for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and drive growth. While the cost and potential learning curve are considerations, the platform’s overall benefits in terms of real-time data, advanced segmentation, and integration capabilities make Omniconvert a highly recommended solution for conversion rate optimization.
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mulemasters · 4 months
Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst - Tosca
Model-Based Test Automation (MBTA):
Tosca uses a model-based approach to automate test cases, which allows for greater reusability and easier maintenance.
Scriptless Testing:
Tosca offers a scriptless testing environment, enabling testers with minimal programming knowledge to create complex test cases using a drag-and-drop interface.
Risk-Based Testing (RBT):
Tosca helps prioritize testing efforts by identifying and focusing on high-risk areas of the application, improving test coverage and efficiency.
Continuous Integration and DevOps:
Integration with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, and Azure DevOps enables automated testing within the software development pipeline.
Cross-Technology Testing:
Tosca supports testing across various technologies, including web, mobile, APIs, and desktop applications.
Service Virtualization:
Tosca allows the simulation of external services, enabling testing in isolated environments without dependency on external systems.
Tosca Testing Process
Requirements Management:
Define and manage test requirements within Tosca, linking them to test cases to ensure comprehensive coverage.
Test Case Design:
Create test cases using Tosca’s model-based approach, focusing on functional flows and data variations.
Test Data Management:
Manage and manipulate test data within Tosca to support different testing scenarios and ensure data-driven testing.
Test Execution:
Execute test cases automatically or manually, tracking progress and results in real-time.
Defect Management:
Identify, log, and track defects through Tosca’s integration with various bug-tracking tools like JIRA and Bugzilla.
Reporting and Analytics:
Generate detailed reports and analytics on test coverage, execution results, and defect trends to inform decision-making.
Benefits of Using Tosca for QA Analysts
Efficiency: Automation and model-based testing significantly reduce the time and effort required for test case creation and maintenance.
Accuracy: Reduces human error by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistent execution of test cases.
Scalability: Easily scales to accommodate large and complex testing environments, supporting continuous testing in agile and DevOps processes.
Integration: Seamlessly integrates with various tools and platforms, enhancing collaboration across development, testing, and operations teams.
Skills Required for QA Analysts Using Tosca
Understanding of Testing Principles: Fundamental knowledge of manual and automated testing principles and methodologies.
Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with Tosca and other testing tools, along with basic understanding of programming/scripting languages.
Analytical Skills: Ability to analyze requirements, design test cases, and identify potential issues effectively.
Attention to Detail: Keen eye for detail to ensure comprehensive test coverage and accurate defect identification.
Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills to document findings and collaborate with team members.
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marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
ShopBuildr AI Review – Create Amazon Affiliate Store In 60 Seconds!
Welcome to my ShopBuildr AI Review Post, This is a genuine user-based ShopBuildr AI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how ShopBuildr AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. This is brand new automated AI software that creates 100% done-for-you and ready-to-profit affiliate stores in just minutes no Amazon APIs needed, and no content creation needed.
If you want to earn more affiliate commissions, then you are going to love this new tool. It automatically finds your products to promote, creates the posts for you, inserts content for you, and even adds your affiliate link for you! Affiliate marketing remains a popular way to generate income. It allows you to promote other companies’ products and earn commissions for each sale you make. However, building and maintaining a successful affiliate store can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. This is where ShopBuilder AI steps in. Claiming to be an all-in-one solution, ShopBuildr AI promises to automate the entire process of creating and managing an affiliate store.
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ShopBuildr AI Review: What Is ShopBuildr AI?
ShopBuildr AI is a cloud-based software designed to simplify the process of building and managing affiliate websites. It utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to automate several key tasks, including product selection, content creation, store design, and even content spinning (rewriting) for legal compliance.
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ShopBuildr AI integrates with various platforms like Amazon and allows you to import product listings directly. It boasts features that streamline content creation, helping you generate product descriptions and reviews with minimal effort. Additionally, ShopBuildr AI offers built-in social media integration to promote your store and generate traffic.
ShopBuildr AI Review: Overview
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Creator: Kurt Chrisler
Product: ShopBuildr AI
Date Of Launch: 2024-May-20
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Rating: 9.3/10
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ShopBuildr AI Discount Price Here <<>>
ShopBuildr AI Review: Features
Create Your First Affiliate Store In Just Minutes!
100+ DFY Affiliate Products
Offer Unlimited Products For More Commissions
Integrated with ChatGPT
Newbie Friendly, No Experience Required
No Amazon API is Needed!
Automated Free updates
Unlimited support
ShopBuildr AI Review: How Does It Work?
Creating Your Affiliate Store Has Never Been This Easy!
STEP #1: Install the Software
Simply upload the Shopbuildr AI WordPress Plugin to your WordPress site.
STEP #2: Upload Your Products
Simply upload the 100+ DFY Products we provide to get started fast!
STEP #3: Let ShopBuildr AI Take Over
Click “Post” and ShopBuildr AI will build your site for you! Everything is completely done for you.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ShopBuildr AI Discount Price Here <<>>
ShopBuildr AI Review: Can Do For You
Automatically Creates An Affiliate Store
Automatically Insert the Product Name
Automatically Inserts Content
Automatically Inserts Product Images
Automatically Inserts Your Affiliate Link
Automatically Inserts Custom Ads
Add Your Optin Box to Each Page
Integrated with ChatGPT
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ShopBuildr AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Content Creators
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Product Creators
Personal Brands
And Many Others
ShopBuildr AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: ShopBuildr AI ($17)
OTO1: ShopBuildr AI PRO ($37)
OTO2: ShopBuildr AI Unlimited ($47)
OTO3: Done For You Option ($67)
OTO4: iMarketers Hosting ($39/$59 per year)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ShopBuildr AI Discount Price Here <<>>
ShopBuildr AI Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest ShopBuildr AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
ShopBuildr AI Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: Azon Affiliate Bar Plugin
With this WordPress plugin, you can display a “sticky bar” at the top of your site promoting any Amazon product you want. This plugin makes it incredibly easy to start making more commissions from the Amazon Affiliate program in just a couple of minutes!
Bonus #2: FB Affiliate Alert Box Plugin
This WordPress plugin allows you to use the familiarity of Facebook to increase your affiliate commissions on all your websites. It will create pop-up boxes that resemble those from Facebook and allow you to insert affiliate products into them.
Bonus #3: WP Traffic Domination Training
You can’t make money online without traffic! The Traffic Domination course will show you how to start generating free traffic to all your websites and how to do it the right way to avoid penalties. If you need more traffic. then you need this course!
ShopBuildr AI Review: Demo Video
Just Watch The ShopBuildr AI Demo Video Down Below To Get All The Details:
>>For More Details Click Here<<
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ShopBuildr AI Discount Price Here <<>>
ShopBuildr AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
30 day money back guarantee
ShopBuilder AI is backed by a 30-day warranty. If you are having trouble setting up your first affiliate site and our support staff is unable to assist you. Send us an email and we’ll refund your purchase.
That’s it!
ShopBuildr AI Review: Pros and Cons
Saves time with automated product selection and content creation.
Beginner-friendly interface for easy website setup.
Built-in social media integration for wider reach.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems withShopBuildr AI.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. How many sites can I create?
With the standard version you can create 1 site. However, after you purchase you will have the option to upgrade your account to unlimited, which will allow you to create as many sites as you want.
Q. Do I need to purchase anything else?
You will need to have your own domain name and website that is using WordPress on it
Q. Is ShopBuildr AI completely free?
ShopBuildr AI typically offers a base product at a lower price, with additional features locked behind upsells. There might also be free trials available, so check their website for current pricing details.
Q. Can ShopBuildr AI guarantee my affiliate marketing success?
ShopBuildr AI is a tool to help build your website, but success in affiliate marketing depends on various factors like ongoing content creation, audience engagement, and marketing strategies.
Q. Is the content generated by ShopBuildr AI good enough?
AI-generated content can be a starting point, but it might require editing to ensure quality and uniqueness for optimal SEO impact.
ShopBuildr AI Review: My Recommendation
ShopBuildr AI offers a compelling solution for beginners or those short on time. It streamlines website creation and content generation, but it’s important to remember it’s a tool, not a magic solution. Long-term success requires ongoing effort in content creation, audience engagement, and SEO optimization. Weigh the potential benefits against the limitations to determine if ShopBuildr AI can be a stepping stone on your affiliate marketing journey.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ShopBuildr AI Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: IntelliVid AI Studio Review, CB Ninja Review, AI Employees Review, OverLap AI Review, AI CaptureFlow Review, FlexiSitesAI Review, WP Defense Review, HostDaddy Review.
Thank for reading my ShopBuildr AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This ShopBuildr AI review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.
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mattriffle47 · 10 months
2024's Finest: The Top 6 eSignature Software for Seamless Online Document Signing
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In the fast-paced digital landscape of 2024, the way we conduct business and handle official paperwork has evolved significantly. The days of traditional ink-on-paper signatures are dwindling, making way for the era of electronic signatures. From signing contracts to validating legal documents, the world of eSignature software has become a pivotal aspect of modern business operations. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the top 6 eSignature software that are reshaping the landscape of online document signing, offering seamless experiences and advanced features that set them apart in 2024. SimpliciSign: Streamlining eDocument Signing with Precision SimpliciSign joins the ranks of the top eSignature software by offering precision and efficiency in eDocument signing. Explore the features that make SimpliciSign stand out, including its seamless integration capabilities and user-friendly interface. With SimpliciSign, experience a streamlined approach to electronic signatures that enhances your overall document signing process. SimpliciSign offers cheapest rates in the market of eSignature softwares. Free Trial is also available. SimpliciSign has features like: -With the subscription of : $4.99 per user /month + $0.50/per invite, Unlimited once you are billed $35 in a month. 
-Biometric Authentication-Optical Character Recognition(OCR) -Multi-signing Capability-Overlay Forms-Assign Sign Order-Fully Legal Binding Agreements DocuSign: Pioneering Excellence in eSignature Technology DocuSign, a pioneer in the eSignature industry, has maintained its prominent role as a key player for an extended period. Delve into the reasons behind DocuSign's leadership in the electronic signatures sector, exploring its intuitive interface and cutting-edge features that have firmly established its reputation. With a focus on robust security measures and seamless compatibility across diverse document types, businesses globally place their trust in DocuSign to fulfill their online document signing requirements. Key features of DocuSign: -Pricing Starts from $15 /month -Global Reach-Workflow Automation-Integration Adobe Sign: Unleashing the Power of Digital Signatures Adobe Sign harnesses the influence of the renowned Adobe brand in the realm of eSignatures. Immerse yourself in the realm of digital signatures and uncover how Adobe Sign seamlessly merges with widely-used document creation tools such as Adobe Acrobat. Discover the distinctive attributes that position Adobe Sign as a premier option for those seeking to enhance their online document signing journey, seamlessly combining convenience with the reliability associated with Adobe's trusted name in the industry of eSignatures. Key features of Adobe Sign: -Plans start from $22.99/month -Integration with Adobe Products-Mobile Accessibility-Compliance
Dropbox/HelloSign: Simplifying Signatures for Modern Businesses In the pursuit of a straightforward approach without sacrificing functionality, HelloSign stands out as a leading choice. This eSignature application prioritizes user-friendly interfaces and intuitive workflows, catering to businesses of varying sizes. Delve into how HelloSign simplifies the electronic signing process for contracts and legal documents, highlighting its commitment to efficiency and delivering a seamless and hassle-free signing experience. Key features of Dropbox/HelloSign: -Plans start from $19.99/month -User-Friendly API-Team Collaboration-Audit Trail
SignEasy: Redefining Convenience in Online Document Signing
SignEasy has established itself as a niche player by placing a premium on convenience. Explore the distinctive features that position SignEasy as a standout option for individuals and businesses in search of a direct solution for electronic signatures. With its design optimized for mobile use and seamless integrations with well-known cloud storage platforms, SignEasy is reshaping our approach to online document signing in the digital age. Key features of SignEasy: -Pricing Starts from $20 per user/month -Cross-Platform Availability:-Offline Signing-Intuitive Interface OneSpan Sign: Elevating Security in the eSignature Landscape
In the domain of electronic signatures, prioritizing security is of utmost importance, and OneSpan Sign excels in this regard. Investigate how this eSignature application incorporates advanced security measures to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of each digital signature. From robust encryption to multi-factor authentication, uncover the reasons why organizations opt for OneSpan Sign when emphasizing the highest standards of security in their processes for online document signing. Key features of SignEasy: -Professional Plan starts with $22 Per User/month -Advanced Security Features-Compliance-Mobile Capabilities
Conclusion:As we navigate the dynamic landscape of 2024, the demand for efficient, secure, and user-friendly eSignature software continues to rise. From the pioneering technology of SimpliciSign to the simplicity of HelloSign and the security-focused approach of OneSpan Sign, these top 6 eSignature software are leading the way in reshaping how we sign contracts and legal documents electronically. Embrace the future of online document signing with these innovative solutions, and stay ahead of the curve in 2024.
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digvijay00 · 11 months
Unveiling the Ultimate Handbook for Aspiring Full Stack Developers
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In the ever-evolving realm of technology, the role of a full-stack developer has undeniably gained prominence. Full-stack developers epitomize versatility and are an indispensable asset to any enterprise or endeavor. They wield a comprehensive array of competencies that empower them to navigate the intricate landscape of both front-end and back-end web development. In this exhaustive compendium, we shall delve into the intricacies of transforming into a proficient full-stack developer, dissecting the requisite skills, indispensable tools, and strategies for excellence in this domain.
Deciphering the Full Stack Developer Persona
A full-stack developer stands as a connoisseur of both front-end and back-end web development. Their mastery extends across the entire spectrum of web development, rendering them highly coveted entities within the tech sector. The front end of a website is the facet accessible to users, while the back end operates stealthily behind the scenes, handling the intricacies of databases and server management. You can learn it from Uncodemy which is the Best Full stack Developer Institute in Delhi.
The Requisite Competencies
To embark on a successful journey as a full-stack developer, one must amass a diverse skill set. These proficiencies can be broadly categorized into front-end and back-end development, coupled with other quintessential talents:
Front-End Development
Markup Linguistics and Style Sheets: Cultivating an in-depth grasp of markup linguistics and style sheets like HTML and CSS is fundamental to crafting visually captivating and responsive user interfaces.
JavaScript Mastery: JavaScript constitutes the linchpin of front-end development. Proficiency in this language is the linchpin for crafting dynamic web applications.
Frameworks and Libraries: Familiarization with popular front-end frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js is indispensable as they streamline the development process and elevate the user experience.
Back-End Development
Server-Side Linguistics: Proficiency in server-side languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or Java is imperative as these languages fuel the back-end functionalities of websites.
Database Dexterity: Acquiring proficiency in the manipulation of databases, including SQL and NoSQL variants like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, is paramount.
API Expertise: Comprehending the creation and consumption of APIs is essential, serving as the conduit for data interchange between the front-end and back-end facets.
Supplementary Competencies
Version Control Proficiency: Mastery in version control systems such as Git assumes monumental significance for collaborative code management.
Embracing DevOps: Familiarity with DevOps practices is instrumental in automating and streamlining the development and deployment processes.
Problem-Solving Prowess: Full-stack developers necessitate robust problem-solving acumen to diagnose issues and optimize code for enhanced efficiency.
The Instruments of the Craft
Full-stack developers wield an arsenal of tools and technologies to conceive, validate, and deploy web applications. The following are indispensable tools that merit assimilation:
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
Visual Studio Code: This open-source code editor, hailed for its customizability, enjoys widespread adoption within the development fraternity.
Sublime Text: A lightweight and efficient code editor replete with an extensive repository of extensions.
Version Control
Git: As the preeminent version control system, Git is indispensable for tracking code modifications and facilitating collaborative efforts.
GitHub: A web-based platform dedicated to hosting Git repositories and fostering collaboration among developers.
Front-End Frameworks
React A potent JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces with finesse.
Angular: A comprehensive front-end framework catering to the construction of dynamic web applications.
Back-End Technologies
Node.js: A favored server-side runtime that facilitates the development of scalable, high-performance applications.
Express.js: A web application framework tailor-made for Node.js, simplifying back-end development endeavors.
MongoDB: A NoSQL database perfectly suited for managing copious amounts of unstructured data.
PostgreSQL: A potent open-source relational database management system.
Elevating Your Proficiency as a Full-Stack Developer
True excellence as a full-stack developer transcends mere technical acumen. Here are some strategies to help you distinguish yourself in this competitive sphere:
Continual Learning: Given the rapid evolution of technology, it's imperative to remain abreast of the latest trends and tools.
Embark on Personal Projects: Forge your path by creating bespoke web applications to showcase your skills and amass a portfolio.
Collaboration and Networking: Participation in developer communities, attendance at conferences, and collaborative ventures with fellow professionals are key to growth.
A Problem-Solving Mindset: Cultivate a robust ability to navigate complex challenges and optimize code for enhanced efficiency.
Embracing Soft Skills: Effective communication, collaborative teamwork, and adaptability are indispensable in a professional milieu.
In Closing
Becoming a full-stack developer is a gratifying odyssey that demands unwavering dedication and a resolute commitment to perpetual learning. Armed with the right skill set, tools, and mindset, one can truly shine in this dynamic domain. Full-stack developers are in high demand, and as you embark on this voyage, you'll discover a plethora of opportunities beckoning you.
So, if you aspire to join the echelons of full-stack developers and etch your name in the annals of the tech world, commence your journey by honing your skills and laying a robust foundation in both front-end and back-end development. Your odyssey to becoming an adept full-stack developer commences now.
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yassnews · 1 year
What is Merch Dominator ?
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 Merch Dominator is a software tool designed for Amazon sellers who create and sell merchandise through Amazon's print-on-demand service, Merch by Amazon. It helps sellers in conducting market research, product analysis, and keyword research to optimize their merch listings and increase their sales. The tool provides valuable data such as sales numbers, pricing trends, competition analysis, and popular keywords to help sellers identify profitable niches and make informed decisions.
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How to use Merch Dominator ?
1. Sign up and Set up Account: Go to the Merch Dominator website and sign up for an account. Once you have registered, you will need to set up your account by providing relevant details such as your Amazon Merch API credentials.
2. Keyword Research: Use the Keyword Research feature of Merch Dominator to find profitable niches and keywords. This will help you identify popular topics and trends that can potentially lead to successful designs.
3. Design Creation: Create innovative and appealing designs based on the keywords and niches you have identified using the Design Creation tool. Merch Dominator provides various templates, clip arts, fonts, and design elements to help you craft attractive designs.
4. Upload Designs to Amazon Merch: Once you have finalized your designs, use Merch Dominator to bulk upload them to your Amazon Merch account. This feature saves a significant amount of time and effort by automating the upload process.
5. Manage and Track Listings: Track and manage your listings efficiently using the Listings Manager provided by Merch Dominator. You can monitor sales, rankings, and inventory levels of your products. Additionally, you can adjust prices and update listings when needed.
6. Analytics and Optimization: Utilize the powerful analytics tools offered by Merch Dominator to analyze the performance of your designs. This includes monitoring sales, revenue, and customer feedback. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your product offerings for better results.
7. Research Competitors: Gain insights into your competition by exploring the Competition Research feature of Merch Dominator. This helps you identify successful sellers, evaluate their strategies, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
8. Automate and Schedule: Automate routine tasks using the Automation and Scheduler features offered by Merch Dominator. This includes tasks like design creation, keyword research, and listing management. Scheduling allows you to set specific times for these tasks to execute automatically. Remember, Merch Dominator is a tool meant to enhance your Amazon Merch business. To succeed, it is also important to stay updated with the latest market trends, maintain quality designs, and provide excellent customer service.
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Merch Dominator is an incredibly powerful and effective tool for anyone seeking success in the world of merchandising. Its exceptional features, such as market analysis, keyword optimization, and product tracking, provide users with invaluable insights and strategies to maximize their sales and profits. With Merch Dominator, users can easily identify trending products, stay ahead of their competition, and make informed decisions to drive their business forward. Whether you're a seasoned merchandiser or just starting out, Merch Dominator equips you with the right tools to dominate the merchandising game. So, if you're looking to take your merchandising business to new heights, Merch Dominator is definitely the go-to solution for you.
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bulksmsbymsgclub · 1 year
Verified WhatsApp For Restaurants, Hotels & Cafe’s
WhatsApp Business, WhatsApp Business API, Verified WhatsApp
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In the restaurant business, it’s all about convenience, speed, and quality. You have already won half the battle if you can find a customer support avenue that guarantees these three. This is the rationale behind the creation of a brand-new WhatsApp meal ordering and delivery system.
It’s a wise move for your F&B business to try to reach out on platforms that your customers already frequently use. It facilitates relationships and creates a channel that serves as both a marketing tool and a channel for customer assistance. One such tool that can assist you in achieving all these without significantly depleting your money is WhatsApp Business for restaurants.
On your Android or iPhone, you can download WhatsApp Business without charge. To reach your intended customers, just register a business account and fill it out with pertinent information (such as contact information, your company’s name, and logo, opening hours, etc.). This service can be very helpful to small Businesses.
The opportunity: How WhatsApp Business can revolutionize your restaurant operations through AI
An app like WhatsApp has limitless market potential. WhatsApp is used by more than two billion people worldwide. Within a year of its 2018 launch, WhatsApp Business had amassed more than five million subscribers. 
This is a very well-liked method of accessing services, scheduling appointments, ordering home delivery, and other things in the current market. Restaurants may make good use of these related traits. You can guarantee quicker customer service and more reach by allowing WhatsApp ordering at your restaurant.
You provide clients with a simple way to contact you with WhatsApp Business for restaurants so they can place orders, reserve tables, plan events, and contact you with any questions or issues. This can greatly benefit your local business and expand your customer base.
The issue WhatsApp Business can address
Due to rising competition, business owners of restaurants and home delivery services are seeking strategies to expand their customer base without spending a lot of money on advertising. Given that more users now prefer to order takeaway, this is now more crucial. 
Research by the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association found that 24% of Gen-Z and 21% of millennials each order home delivery three to four times each week. The post-pandemic world is, to put it mildly, much more on-demand friendly.
Additionally, because they run on-demand or with a tiny staff, small businesses cannot afford to invest in advertising, billboards, or even outside food delivery services.
Such enterprises require a low-cost avenue to:
Promote their goods
Performing service deliveries
Actively interact with consumers
broadcasting offers and availability
The tools that WhatsApp for small businesses offers enable users to perform all these tasks and more. 
Conversational AI is the solution.
A platform that provides the following can help restaurant businesses with their reachability issue:
automated customer service and problem solving
Lead generation and conversion
interaction with customers using their preferred medium
CSAT (customer satisfaction) and NPS (net promoter score) improvement
Personalized and prompt customer service
Affordable and widely accessible service
Learn more about why: Why is Everyone Talking about WhatsApp Chatbots for Food Tech?
One of the most popular apps in the world is WhatsApp. WhatsApp is used by 96% of all smartphone users in India alone. For a sizable portion of people in nations like the US, UAE, etc., WhatsApp is the main platform for online communication. As a result, it is a fantastic marketing tool for restaurant owners.
If a customer can get food and drinks through WhatsApp, they are more likely to do so than if they had to call a business and deal with waiting times or network problems.
Restaurants’ WhatsApp Business use cases
In just a few seconds, WhatsApp Business links companies with potential clients. It moves customer service beyond making an online purchase and has effectively supplanted antiquated methods like calling in orders.
This is the best route a company can offer its clients for tailored responses, requests, and query resolutions.
We will trace a customer’s path through a restaurant company’ sales funnel using the use cases that follow. 
1. Generate, evaluate, and qualify leads quickly for smoother online-ordering 
Lead generation is the first stage in every sales funnel. In the online restaurant sector, conversion cycles are frequently brief and quick. As a result, it’s critical for restaurants to review and validate leads as soon as possible customers present themselves.
Once a client messages your company on WhatsApp, you can get their name and phone number. additional information, including location, preferences, and email ID. You can also direct customers to WhatsApp and increase your lead generation by including a “click to chat” link on your website or in your ads.
After the initial message, you can chat with the client via the WhatsApp API for 24 hours. After that, you’ll need the customer’s opt-in consent to continue talking to them. 
2. Quickly respond to inquiries during the ordering process or afterward
People who are hungry want answers now, please!
That is what an AI chatbot for WhatsApp can achieve! They could inquire about the location of your restaurant, the menu, the services, the return procedures, and the customization possibilities.
While assisting customers with placing food orders on WhatsApp, you can instantly respond to these questions.
3. Immediately acknowledge and validate placed orders
After addressing the FAQs, placing orders is the next step. The procedure for placing an order should be straightforward and comprise as few stages as feasible. This keeps the customer’s interaction light and enjoyable.
If this stage has too many obstacles, the customer can decide not to place an order from your restaurant.
Making an order also involves submitting requests for things like event and table reservations. There must be a customized response for each request.
4. Enable quick payment for orders from your users.
Recently, WhatsApp unveiled its payment tool, which your users can also use for companies. As an alternative, you can address any problems customers might be having paying for the order while simultaneously pointing them to additional payment alternatives over WhatsApp. For streamlined checkouts, you can link a variety of payment gateways with your chatbot.
Here’s how to seamlessly accept payments by integrating Platform with MsgClub.
5. Provide them with order tracking in real-time to ease their minds.
The importance of delivery updates in ensuring a good customer experience cannot be overstated. When the food is ready for delivery, providing an estimated time of arrival, and communicating the delivery person’s contact information are all necessary steps. You may also use a WhatsApp chatbot and the WhatsApp API to send automatic push alerts for the same.
6. Bad food? Inaccurate items? Refunds and returns that have been validated
Refunds and returns play a significant role in the restaurant business as well. The customer must have a platform to ask for returns or refunds if they decide they don’t like the food or run into other issues.
You may arrange returns, start refunds, and take additional actions to help a dissatisfied customer using WhatsApp Business.
7. Your user loved a dish or a restaurant? Let them place repeat orders
Your customers can order their preferred items from their preferred eateries. Giving your users discounts and vouchers is one way to thank them for their loyalty. This may encourage them to make more frequent orders from you.
By allowing users to gain discounts through a slot machine game each time they finish placing an order from one location, for instance, Swiggy recently made food ordering much more involved and exciting. Users are drawn back to their service to place more orders thanks to a sizable 30% discount on the following order.
8. “How did your order go?” Gather comments and ratings
The gathering of client feedback improves the customer experience. As soon as a sale is over, make sure to quickly gather feedback over WhatsApp so that your customers are more inclined to submit their most recent feedback. Your customers are more likely to reply to requests for feedback on WhatsApp than on SMS or emails because more people use chat apps.
9. How did the food delivery go? Encourage your users to recommend their friends
Having a satisfied stomach encourages positive word of mouth.
You can urge clients to tell their friends and family about your company. According to research, if a friend recommends a new restaurant, consumers are four times more likely to try it.
10. Discover what your users enjoy by gathering customer information.
The meal delivery option for WhatsApp Business makes long-term customer information collection simpler. This also holds true for clients who may have recently changed their phone number or other contact information.
Only from MsgClub, your all-in-one WhatsApp chatbot for your restaurant business
So it turns out there are a tonne of things a WhatsApp chatbot can do for your restaurant! A capable WhatsApp chatbot delivers a wide range of functions that can automate and expedite the majority of your customer communication, from accepting orders to making payments.
At MsgClub, we work hard to maintain a high standard when it comes to providing your clients with positive support experiences. We are an authorized WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, therefore we know exactly what it takes to launch your company on WhatsApp successfully. We’d like to provide you access to our free in-depth guide to WhatsApp customer support to give you a head start.
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projectwilbur · 1 year
Project Wilbur is a business strategy consulting group based in USA. We help you prepare and operate your high-growth start-ups for investment, acquisition or acceleration. Visit - https://www.projectwilbur.com/
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Pocket-Sized Powerhouse: Unveiling Microsoft’s Phi-3, the Language Model That Fits in Your Phone
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/pocket-sized-powerhouse-unveiling-microsofts-phi-3-the-language-model-that-fits-in-your-phone/
Pocket-Sized Powerhouse: Unveiling Microsoft’s Phi-3, the Language Model That Fits in Your Phone
In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, while the trend has often leaned towards larger and more complex models, Microsoft is adopting a different approach with its Phi-3 Mini. This small language model (SLM), now in its third generation, packs the robust capabilities of larger models into a framework that fits within the stringent resource constraints of smartphones. With 3.8 billion parameters, the Phi-3 Mini matches the performance of large language models (LLMs) across various tasks including language processing, reasoning, coding, and math, and is tailored for efficient operation on mobile devices through quantization.
Challenges of Large Language Models
The development of Microsoft’s Phi SLMs is in response to the significant challenges posed by LLMs, which require more computational power than typically available on consumer devices. This high demand complicates their use on standard computers and mobile devices, raises environmental concerns due to their energy consumption during training and operation, and risks perpetuating biases with their large and complex training datasets. These factors can also impair the models’ responsiveness in real-time applications and make updates more challenging.
Phi-3 Mini: Streamlining AI on Personal Devices for Enhanced Privacy and Efficiency
The Phi-3 Mini is strategically designed to offer a cost-effective and efficient alternative for integrating advanced AI directly onto personal devices such as phones and laptops. This design facilitates faster, more immediate responses, enhancing user interaction with technology in everyday scenarios.
Phi-3 Mini enables sophisticated AI functionalities to be directly processed on mobile devices, which reduces reliance on cloud services and enhances real-time data handling. This capability is pivotal for applications that require immediate data processing, such as mobile healthcare, real-time language translation, and personalized education, facilitating advancements in these fields. The model’s cost-efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also expands the potential for AI integration across various industries, including emerging markets like wearable technology and home automation. Phi-3 Mini enables data processing directly on local devices which boosts user privacy. This could be vital for managing sensitive information in fields such as personal health and financial services. Moreover, the low energy requirements of the model contribute to environmentally sustainable AI operations, aligning with global sustainability efforts.
Design Philosophy and Evolution of Phi
Phi’s design philosophy is based on the concept of curriculum learning, which draws inspiration from the educational approach where children learn through progressively more challenging examples. The main idea is to start the training of AI with easier examples and gradually increase the complexity of the training data as the learning process progresses. Microsoft has implemented this educational strategy by building a dataset from textbooks, as detailed in their study “Textbooks Are All You Need.” The Phi series was launched in June 2023, beginning with Phi-1, a compact model boasting 1.3 billion parameters. This model quickly demonstrated its efficacy, particularly in Python coding tasks, where it outperformed larger, more complex models. Building on this success, Microsoft latterly developed Phi-1.5, which maintained the same number of parameters but broadened its capabilities in areas like common sense reasoning and language understanding. The series outshined with the release of Phi-2 in December 2023. With 2.7 billion parameters, Phi-2 showcased impressive skills in reasoning and language comprehension, positioning it as a strong competitor against significantly larger models.
Phi-3 vs. Other Small Language Models
Expanding upon its predecessors, Phi-3 Mini extends the advancements of Phi-2 by surpassing other SLMs, such as Google’s Gemma, Mistral’s Mistral, Meta’s Llama3-Instruct, and GPT 3.5, in a variety of industrial applications. These applications include language understanding and inference, general knowledge, common sense reasoning, grade school math word problems, and medical question answering, showcasing superior performance compared to these models. The Phi-3 Mini has also undergone offline testing on an iPhone 14 for various tasks, including content creation and providing activity suggestions tailored to specific locations. For this purpose, Phi-3 Mini has been condensed to 1.8GB using a process called quantization, which optimizes the model for limited-resource devices by converting the model’s numerical data from 32-bit floating-point numbers to more compact formats like 4-bit integers. This not only reduces the model’s memory footprint but also improves processing speed and power efficiency, which is vital for mobile devices. Developers typically utilize frameworks such as TensorFlow Lite or PyTorch Mobile, incorporating built-in quantization tools to automate and refine this process.
Feature Comparison: Phi-3 Mini vs. Phi-2 Mini
Below, we compare some of the features of Phi-3 with its predecessor Phi-2.
Model Architecture: Phi-2 operates on a transformer-based architecture designed to predict the next word. Phi-3 Mini also employs a transformer decoder architecture but aligns more closely with the Llama-2 model structure, using the same tokenizer with a vocabulary size of 320,641. This compatibility ensures that tools developed for Llama-2 can be easily adapted for use with Phi-3 Mini.
Context Length: Phi-3 Mini supports a context length of 8,000 tokens, which is considerably larger than Phi-2’s 2,048 tokens. This increase allows Phi-3 Mini to manage more detailed interactions and process longer stretches of text.
Running Locally on Mobile Devices: Phi-3 Mini can be compressed to 4-bits, occupying about 1.8GB of memory, similar to Phi-2. It was tested running offline on an iPhone 14 with an A16 Bionic chip, where it achieved a processing speed of more than 12 tokens per second, matching the performance of Phi-2 under similar conditions.
Model Size: With 3.8 billion parameters, Phi-3 Mini has a larger scale than Phi-2, which has 2.7 billion parameters. This reflects its increased capabilities.
Training Data: Unlike Phi-2, which was trained on 1.4 trillion tokens, Phi-3 Mini has been trained on a much larger set of 3.3 trillion tokens, allowing it to achieve a better grasp of complex language patterns.
Addressing Phi-3 Mini’s Limitations
While the Phi-3 Mini demonstrates significant advancements in the realm of small language models, it is not without its limitations. A primary constraint of the Phi-3 Mini, given its smaller size compared to massive language models, is its limited capacity to store extensive factual knowledge. This can impact its ability to independently handle queries that require a depth of specific factual data or detailed expert knowledge. This however can be mitigated by integrating Phi-3 Mini with a search engine. This way the model can access a broader range of information in real-time, effectively compensating for its inherent knowledge limitations. This integration enables the Phi-3 Mini to function like a highly capable conversationalist who, despite a comprehensive grasp of language and context, may occasionally need to “look up” information to provide accurate and up-to-date responses.
Phi-3 is now available on several platforms, including Microsoft Azure AI Studio, Hugging Face, and Ollama. On Azure AI, the model incorporates a deploy-evaluate-finetune workflow, and on Ollama, it can be run locally on laptops. The model has been tailored for ONNX Runtime and supports Windows DirectML, ensuring it works well across various hardware types such as GPUs, CPUs, and mobile devices. Additionally, Phi-3 is offered as a microservice via NVIDIA NIM, equipped with a standard API for easy deployment across different environments and optimized specifically for NVIDIA GPUs. Microsoft plans to further expand the Phi-3 series in the near future by adding the Phi-3-small (7B) and Phi-3-medium (14B) models, providing users with additional choices to balance quality and cost.
The Bottom Line
Microsoft’s Phi-3 Mini is making significant strides in the field of artificial intelligence by adapting the power of large language models for mobile use. This model improves user interaction with devices through faster, real-time processing and enhanced privacy features. It minimizes the need for cloud-based services, reducing operational costs and widening the scope for AI applications in areas such as healthcare and home automation. With a focus on reducing bias through curriculum learning and maintaining competitive performance, the Phi-3 Mini is evolving into a key tool for efficient and sustainable mobile AI, subtly transforming how we interact with technology daily.
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Electro AI Writer - Bulk AI Blog Generator
Generate fully SEO Optimized Blogs with an Introduction, Multiple Headings, AI Images, FAQs and More.
Electro Bulk AI Blogs Generator – Generate fully SEO Optimised Blogs with an Introduction, Multiple Headings, AI Images, FAQs and a Conclusion in one Click
Introducing the world’s most UNIQUE AI writing tool with a fully automated bulk articles generator in one attempt.
Electro can generate multiple full blogs with just one click. A bulk AI Blogs Generator is never introduced, even at this price. 
It is now easier than ever to create professional content quickly and effectively by creating full AI articles and blog posts by generating informative and engaging introduction AI headings with their content, AI Art images, AI questions and answers, and a detailed AI conclusion.
ELECTRO is a powerful AI Powered Article Generator that revolutionizes the world of professional audience content creation and makes it fast, easy and enjoyable.
All content is generated with a creative and engaging tone of voice, even though you can select audience, tone of voice and many more controls over bulk article generation.
Features of Electro
Keywords Generators
Find Short keywords
Find Long keywords
Article Generators
Full Blog Article
HTML Full Blog Article
Short Blog Article
Image ART Generators
Generate Images
Article Elements Generators
Blog Post Outline
Blog Post Topic Ideas
Blog Post Intro Paragraph
Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph
FAQs Generator
Paragraph Generator
Custom Commands
Custom Commands
Text Helpers
Content Improver
Text Summarizer
Tone Detector
SEO Helpers
SEO – Title and Meta Descriptions
Marketing Frameworks
AIDA Framework
PAS Framework
BAB Framework
Business Helpers
Business Startup Pitch
Brand Name Suggestions
Product Helpers
Amazon Product Description Paragraph
Amazon Product Features
Feature to Benefit
What’s the potential of this tool?​
It is now easier than ever to create content by creating full AI articles and blog posts by generating informative and engaging introduction AI headings with their content, AI Art images, AI questions and answers, and a detailed AI conclusion.
You can build a whole site with just one click. Only feed Electro with all topics.
Requirements to run the software​.
It would be best if you had a working OpenAI API key to use in the software.
It is a desktop-based software that works with Windows 10 only.
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Refund Policy This software allows you to generate Unlimited AI content, which is instant results. So I can offer a 15-day money-back guarantee.
For more info contact us via Facebook today.
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hostpyters · 4 months
Murf AI is a text-to-speech (TTS) platform that leverages advanced AI technology to generate high-quality, natural-sounding voices for a variety of applications. It is designed to cater to the needs of content creators, marketers, educators, and businesses looking to produce audio content efficiently. Below is a detailed review of its features and functionalities:
Key Features
Voice Variety and Quality:
Voice Options: Murf AI offers a wide selection of voices across different languages, accents, and tones, allowing users to choose the most appropriate voice for their content.
Natural Sounding: The voices generated by Murf AI are known for their natural and human-like quality, which enhances the listening experience.
Customization and Control:
Voice Customization: Users can adjust pitch, speed, and volume to tailor the voice output to their specific needs.
Pronunciation Control: The platform allows for fine-tuning of pronunciation, ensuring accurate and context-appropriate speech.
Ease of Use:
User-Friendly Interface: The platform features an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to input text, select voices, and adjust settings.
Script Import: Users can import scripts in various formats (such as text, PDF, or Word documents), streamlining the process of generating voiceovers.
Advanced Editing Tools:
Voice Cloning: Murf AI offers voice cloning capabilities, allowing users to create custom voices that mimic specific individuals (subject to appropriate permissions and ethical considerations).
Multi-Voice Projects: Users can create projects that use multiple voices, enabling complex dialogues and varied presentations within a single piece of content.
Integration and API:
API Access: The platform provides API access for developers, enabling integration with other applications and workflows for automated TTS generation.
Third-Party Integrations: Murf AI integrates with various tools and platforms, such as video editing software and content management systems, enhancing its functionality and ease of use.
Applications and Use Cases:
Content Creation: Ideal for creating voiceovers for videos, podcasts, audiobooks, and e-learning materials. Marketing and Advertising: Used for creating engaging audio advertisements and promotional content.
Accessibility: Helps in generating audio content for visually impaired individuals and making digital content more accessible. Pros
High-Quality Voices: The natural and human-like voices make audio content more engaging and professional.
Wide Range of Voices: The variety of voices and languages caters to a global audience and diverse content needs.
Customization Features: Advanced customization options allow for precise control over voice output.
User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive design makes it easy to create and edit audio content without technical expertise.
Integration Capabilities: API access and third-party integrations enhance workflow efficiency and automation.
Cost: The pricing for premium features and extensive usage can be higher compared to some other TTS platforms, which may be a consideration for small businesses or individual users.
Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While basic features are easy to use, mastering advanced features like voice cloning and multi-voice projects may require some learning and experimentation.
Limited Free Tier: The free tier offers limited access to voices and features, which may not be sufficient for users needing more extensive capabilities.
Murf AI is a robust and versatile text-to-speech platform that excels in generating high-quality, natural-sounding voices. Its extensive customization options, wide range of voices, and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for content creators, marketers, educators, and businesses. While the cost and learning curve for advanced features may pose challenges for some users, the overall functionality and integration capabilities provide significant value. Murf AI stands out as a powerful tool for producing professional and engaging audio content.
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avocodedigital · 6 hours
OpenAI's $5B Loss - Revenue at $3.7B
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Overview of OpenAI's Financial Performance in 2024
In a surprising turn of events, OpenAI, the renowned artificial intelligence research organization, is projected to post a $5 billion loss in 2024 despite generating a significant revenue of $3.7 billion. This financial outcome, which was first reported by CNBC, has raised eyebrows in the tech world and ignited discussions about the sustainability and financial strategies of the company.
Revenue Generation Strategies
At first glance, OpenAI's ability to generate $3.7 billion in revenue appears quite impressive. This formidable figure can be attributed to a few key revenue streams:
API Services: OpenAI's advanced AI models, particularly GPT-3 and GPT-4, have seen widespread adoption across various industries for tasks such as natural language processing, automated content creation, and more.
Enterprise Solutions: The company has been actively partnering with enterprises to integrate AI solutions tailored to specific business needs. These partnerships not only drive revenue but also place OpenAI at the forefront of commercial AI innovation.
Licensing and Royalties: OpenAI's technologies are being licensed out to other tech firms and developers, providing a steady stream of royalties and licensing fees.
Nevertheless, the substantial revenue hasn't been enough to offset the operational and developmental expenses, leading to the considerable financial loss.
The Gap Between Revenue and Expenses
One of the most pressing questions is: What could have caused such a significant disparity between revenue and expenses? Here are some critical factors:
Research and Development Costs: OpenAI pours an immense amount of resources into cutting-edge research to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence. R&D is often a massive expenditure for tech companies, and OpenAI is no exception.
Infrastructure Investments: Developing and maintaining powerful AI models require extensive computational power and cloud-based infrastructure, which are both very costly. Cloud services, server maintenance, and energy costs contribute heavily to operational expenses.
Talent Acquisition: Hiring top talent in the field of AI and machine learning is both competitive and expensive. OpenAI aims to attract and retain world-class researchers and engineers, which adds to personnel expenses.
Regulatory and Compliance Costs: As AI becomes more integrated into different sectors, compliance with regulatory standards and ensuring ethical considerations also add to the cost burden.
Implications for Stakeholders
The financial loss has various implications for OpenAI's stakeholders, including investors, employees, and partners. For investors, this loss may raise concerns about the long-term viability and financial health of the company. However, it is essential to note that heavy initial investments are typical in tech development cycles, especially for breakthrough technologies.
Employees and Innovation
For employees, a financial loss might initially appear concerning, yet it also signifies the company's commitment to innovation and long-term growth. OpenAI's investments in research and infrastructure are likely paving the way for future advancements that could potentially shift the AI landscape.
Partner Organizations
For partner organizations, understanding OpenAI's financial strategy could help recalibrate their expectations and long-term collaborations. Companies partnering with OpenAI might also need to consider adapting their strategies to align with OpenAI's current financial reality.
Investors' Perspective
Investment in high-growth sectors like AI typically comes with high risks and high rewards. For investors, the current loss could be viewed as a necessary step toward achieving a technological breakthrough. The $3.7 billion revenue is a positive indicator that the market is already recognizing the value of OpenAI's contributions to the AI field.
Future Outlook and Strategic Considerations
Despite the substantial loss, OpenAI's future outlook remains promising with several strategic considerations that could enhance their financial stability:
Efficiency Improvements
One of the primary areas where OpenAI could improve is operational efficiency. Streamlining processes and optimizing resource allocation can help reduce unnecessary expenditures and improve the bottom line.
Diversification of Revenue Streams
While current revenue streams are lucrative, diversifying them further could help mitigate risks. Exploring additional market segments and regions, or developing new products and services, could provide more stable and predictable income.
Public-Private Partnerships
Forging alliances with public institutions and government bodies could offer new funding opportunities and enhance credibility. These partnerships can also facilitate technology adoption in public sectors, opening new avenues for revenue.
Focus on ROI
A sharper focus on Return on Investment (ROI) for each project can ensure that resources are invested in areas that bring the highest returns, thus enhancing financial outcomes.
OpenAI's $5 billion loss juxtaposed with a $3.7 billion revenue serves as a complex case study in the high-stakes world of advanced technology development. The figures underscore the significant challenges and immense potential of AI research and commercialization. For stakeholders, especially investors, the financial details offer a glimpse into the intrinsic risks, but also the lucrative prospects that ground-breaking AI technology can yield. As OpenAI continues to innovate and refine its strategies, the road forward promises both challenges and unprecedented opportunities for growth and impact in the technological realm. Want more? Join the newsletter: https://avocode.digital/newsletter/
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nous-infosystems · 2 days
Mastering API Testing with SmartBear: Best Practices and Essential Tools
API (Application Programming Interface) testing has become a cornerstone of modern software development. As systems grow more complex and interconnected, ensuring the reliability and performance of APIs is critical. One company at the forefront of API testing solutions is SmartBear. With a suite of powerful tools designed to streamline and enhance testing processes, SmartBear is an invaluable asset for developers and QA teams. This blog will delve into the best practices for API testing and how SmartBear’s tools can help you implement them effectively.
What is SmartBear?
SmartBear is a leading provider of software quality tools for development, testing, and monitoring. The company offers a range of products that cater to different aspects of the software lifecycle, ensuring that applications are robust, efficient, and reliable. SmartBear’s tools are widely recognized for their ease of use, integration capabilities, and comprehensive features, making them a favorite among software professionals.
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Ready API – A Key SmartBear Testing Tool
ReadyAPI is an advanced API testing suite developed by SmartBear that is designed to cater to complex testing scenarios beyond the capabilities of SoapUI alone. Here’s a detailed look at what ReadyAPI offers:
Key Features of ReadyAPI:
Comprehensive API Testing:
ReadyAPI builds on the foundation of SoapUI, offering robust capabilities for testing both REST and SOAP APIs. It allows testers to create functional, regression, and load tests easily.
Enhanced Security Testing:
It includes features for security testing of APIs, helping teams identify vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS attacks, and more. This ensures that APIs are secure against potential threats.
Data-Driven Testing:
ReadyAPI supports data-driven testing, allowing testers to parameterize their tests with data from external sources like databases, spreadsheets, or files. This helps them efficiently test various data scenarios.
API Performance Testing:
Apart from functional testing, ReadyAPI provides capabilities for performance testing of APIs. This includes load testing to simulate multiple users and stress testing to evaluate API performance under high loads.
Integration with CI/CD Pipelines:
ReadyAPI seamlessly integrates into Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines, enabling automated testing as part of the software delivery process. This integration helps detect issues early.
Advanced Reporting and Analytics:
It offers comprehensive reporting features that provide insights into test results, performance metrics, and trends over time. This helps teams in making data-driven decisions for optimization and improvement.
Swagger and OpenAPI Support:
ReadyAPI supports Swagger and OpenAPI specifications, allowing testers to import API definitions easily. This facilitates quicker test creation and ensures alignment with API documentation.
User-Friendly Interface:
Despite its advanced capabilities, ReadyAPI maintains a user-friendly interface that caters to testers of varying skill levels. It provides intuitive tools for test creation, execution, and result analysis.
Who Should Use ReadyAPI?
ReadyAPI is particularly beneficial for teams and individuals involved in:
API Testing Specialists: Testers who focus on API testing and require advanced features like security testing and performance testing.
Automation Engineers: Professionals looking to automate API tests as part of their CI/CD processes.
Development Teams: These teams ensure API functionality and performance meet expected standards before deployment.
API Testing Best Practices
Understand the API Specifications
Before you start testing, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the API’s specifications. This includes knowing the endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and expected behavior. Comprehensive documentation is essential for effective testing.
Create Comprehensive Test Cases
Ensure your test cases cover all possible scenarios, including positive, negative, edge, and boundary conditions. This helps identify any issues or inconsistencies in the API’s behavior.
Automate Your Tests
Automation is key to efficient API testing. Automated tests can be run frequently and consistently, reducing the risk of human error and freeing up time for more complex testing activities. Tools like ReadyAPI and TestComplete offer powerful automation capabilities.
Data-Driven Testing
Using different datasets to validate API responses ensures your API handles various inputs correctly. This can help identify issues related to data handling and processing. ReadyAPI supports data-driven testing, making it easy to test with multiple datasets.
Error Handling and Reporting
Effective error handling and reporting are crucial for identifying and resolving issues quickly. Ensure that your tests include checks for error conditions and that your testing tools provide detailed, actionable reports. SmartBear tools are known for their robust reporting capabilities.
Security Testing
APIs are often the gateway to sensitive data and functionality, making security testing a critical aspect of the testing process. Ensure that your API is protected against threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common vulnerabilities. ReadyAPI includes security testing features that can help identify and mitigate these risks.
Performance Testing
Evaluate the performance and load handling of your APIs to ensure they can handle expected traffic and usage patterns. Load testing tools like LoadNinja provide insights into how your API performs under stress, helping you identify and address performance bottlenecks.
How SmartBear Tools Facilitate API Testing
Ease of Use
SmartBear tools are designed with usability in mind, featuring intuitive interfaces that make it easy for testers of all skill levels to get started. This reduces the learning curve and allows teams to start testing quickly and effectively.
Integration Capabilities
SmartBear tools integrate seamlessly with a wide range of software and services, including CI/CD pipelines, version control systems, and other testing tools. This ensures that testing is integral to the development workflow, enhancing efficiency and collaboration.
Robust Reporting
Generating comprehensive and actionable test reports is essential for effective testing. SmartBear tools provide detailed reports that highlight test results, performance metrics, and potential issues, making it easier for teams to identify and address problems.
Community and Support
SmartBear has a strong community of users and provides extensive documentation, forums, and customer support. This ensures that users can access the resources and assistance needed to get the most out of their testing tools.
API testing is a critical component of modern software development, ensuring that APIs are reliable, secure, and perform well under load. By following best practices and leveraging the powerful tools offered by SmartBear, teams can enhance their testing processes and deliver high-quality software. Ready to take your API testing to the next level? Explore Nous' SmartBear tools today and see how they can help streamline the testing processes and improve your software quality.
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