#pitch deck consultant
projectwilbur · 1 year
Project Wilbur is a business strategy consulting group based in USA. We help you prepare and operate your high-growth start-ups for investment, acquisition or acceleration. Visit - https://www.projectwilbur.com/
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visual-sculptors · 5 months
Selecting the Right Tools for Effective Presentations
Selecting appropriate tools for presentations is a critical aspect of delivering an impactful message to an audience. A presenter should carefully assess the purpose and objectives of their presentation to determine the most effective tools for conveying information. This could range from traditional slide decks to interactive multimedia presentations, depending on the nature of the content being presented. It is also crucial to take into account the audience's technological proficiency when choosing the tools to ensure seamless communication and engagement.
Moreover, rehearsing and becoming familiar with the selected tools is imperative for a polished and professional delivery that resonates with the audience, making a lasting impression.
By meticulously selecting the right tools, presenters can elevate their presentations and create a memorable experience for their audience. The choice of tools plays a significant role in how information is communicated and perceived by the viewers.
It is essential to strike a balance between technological sophistication and user-friendliness to ensure that the tools enhance rather than distract from the message being conveyed.
A well-prepared presenter who has mastered their tools can captivate their audience, foster engagement, and effectively convey their message with clarity and impact.
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Visual Sculptors Designs – Aligned to Client Branding Guidelines.
To ensure that presentations are in line with a management consulting company's branding and messaging, we adopt various important strategies: After signing an agreement with a firm, we have calls to understand past projects and brand guidelines. We then create a detailed style sheet for approval, usually finalizing after 1-2 iterations. For the initial 10-15 deliveries, the agency prioritizes delivering high quality work with multiple quality checks. This includes ensuring brand consistency in aspects like color scheme, choosing appropriate chart types, and formatting elements. Graphic design process helps familiarize the agency team with the client's brand.
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mssalsathebiz · 7 days
The Secret Weapon for Business Success: A Business Plan
You probably want to act immediately upon a fantastic business idea. You’ll want to get started as soon as possible by searching for suppliers, creating products, and locating clients full of energy and inspiration. I promise you won’t want to sit down and draft a business plan amid all of this excitement. But you might be surprised to learn that skipping this crucial first step before starting…
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filfoxwealth · 4 months
Filfox Wealth offers professional assistance in application for start-up grants consultancy. Our team of experienced consultants will guide you through the process, helping you to secure the funding you need to successfully launch your business.
Visit here: https://www.filfoxwealth.com/
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stellarconsultancy · 6 months
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Elevate your fundraising game with our Investor Ready Pitch Deck services. Our experts at Stellar Consultancy craft compelling pitch decks that captivate investors. Learn more at Stellar Consultancy.
Investor Ready Pitch Deck
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arrowpoint · 11 months
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Pitching for Success: Start-Up Pitch Deck Support
For more details, visit:
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sallytanlingling · 2 years
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felassan · 2 years
some brief thoughts on the recent DA:D news -
key takeaways, from the article at least: the Next Mass Effect is still in pre-production, DA:D is currently being polished, DA:D has been in post-production since September 2022 (they announced completion of the Alpha milestone in October 2022 in a blog post. [link to notes on Scylla Costa's BIG Festival talk where he explained the usual different phases in an AAA game's development cycle]), Mark was the one to approach BioWare about returning (not the other way around, which would feel more worrying), he is returning as a consultant/independent contractor, and his focus will be on helping the team respect (and connect DA:D with) the franchise legacy
the Mass Effect team lending a hand at this point in the DA:D development cycle sounds fairly normal & un-noteworthy. like its just an all hands on deck kind of thing
mark getting the $. in industries consultants often earn more and he's said in the past in one of his videos that he's fairly expensive as a consultant (has fairly expensive rates), & that the money he lives on comes from doing consulting (as opposed to the YouTube revenue)
Mark's area of expertise is also relevant. he has said in the past in one of his vids that he does consulting within the video game industry to a bunch of different companies, both indie and AAA, mostly focused around the beginning or end (👁️) of a project as those time points are where most of his expertise is most applicable - either when the team is very small at the start or at the mass of decision making that's required to "bring the plane down and get it on the tarmac". he also said that he works with companies to help them get their projects ready for pitching or to help them land their projects, with special expertise/focus on RPGs and storytelling games. so DA:D is preparing to land on the tarmac.
has gr*g ell*s been notified ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
waiting to find out more from Mark's video update on the news :>
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netherworldpost · 10 months
I NEED to know about this CMS / Project Management that actually works. But mermaids are also very good.
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Combining your asks, and no worries. It works because the dryad is married to a mermaid ;)
So the big issue is I do... a lot of stuff.
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Which is both why Netherworld Post hasn't launched yet, but is also why we haven't gone bankrupt even though we are "behind" schedule.
I'm putting "behind" in quotes because I am the singular wallet behind this + I am the one who set the schedule -- so it matters, but, also, it'll be fine
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It's a big traffic system. I historically name all of my tech after Scooby-Doo because delight is necessary.
Project 01: Do this, then this, and then this.
If Project 01 is delayed because Project 01 : Question 01 arrises, then move to Project 02.
Project 02 : Section 01 is painting a canvas in preparation for Project 02 : Section 05. Base prep time is estimated to be 1 hour including buffer.
Does today have 1 hour available? If so, do Project 02 : Section 01 and prepare Project 02 : Section 02 as 'on deck' for when it is ready.
Does today have 1 hour available? If not, reschedule Project 02 : Section 01 - 05. Move to Project 03 : Section 01, which should take 20 minutes. Unless Project 01 : Question 01 gets answered, then revert back to Project 01 to complete because from start to finish it should take 3 hours and has only one section.
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On one hand it seems very intense. It's not. I don't work 24/7. I work very reasonable hours, but I'm also experimenting with a lot of things at once, so hobby time and work time blends a lot.
My comments about making a Super Mario Brothers chapbook of poetry are lighthearted but accurate (I don't know how to write poetry) (yet ;)
I used to paint a million years ago but haven't in years and years, so I'm relearning painting with acrylic on paper, acrylic on models, and watercolor on paper
Illustrations for products and comics
Writing comics, stories, web content, brushing up on current marketing trends, tinkering with programming for the systems in place...
Animating. That's a whole thing.
Dealing with printers and web hosts
-- and and and and and and and and --
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Plus back office client work which is lots of research and writing and designing and production brokering. There are a lot of feedback loops -- "I found PRODUCTION THING for a client, I can use that to reduce costs for Netherworld Post"
"Hey client I'm writing a story about mermaids, you expressed interest in MERMAID CULTURE THING, here is a sales pitch for you to fund it. I get THIS PART and you get THAT PART."
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When I was consulting, I called it the rocket ship fuel problem.
To launch a rocket into space, you need fuel -- the heavier the rocket, the more fuel you need -- but within the equation to figure out how much fuel you need, you also must accommodate the weight of the fuel you use to launch the rocket.
I should rename it "wind sail fan problem" for this post maybe.
I could scale up Netherworld Post's back office (client-facing)
This would allow me to more tightly focus on singular aspects -- maybe instead of re-learning how to animate + becoming acquainted with modern animation software, I hire freelancers to handle this.
I would have to scale up our back office income enough to ensure the Post could invest in animation experiments and partnerships. It is a huge unknown if silly little commercials will help the Post grow or if it'll be a cash-sink (albeit a fun one). So that investment may be worth it! Or not!
So everything has to be really carefully balanced.
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The Big Goals are to decrease dependency on any single social media platform (in progress)
to have a lot of fun (daily achievement)
to make a lot of stuff (I am, most of it is private, in time it'll be half-and-half public/private)
I am not built, as a person, to be an influencer. So all cash has to come from products sold and/or back office clients, which is fine, I'm not concerned about this.
What I am concerned about is we are watching Twitter or X or whatever it is called now implode. I'm not up on their latest style guide and I've grown repulsed by the program.
We're watching Automattic say "...hm."
We're watching Meta... be... Meta.
Various content curators who call themselves content creators say "this is mine now" and just outright steal content.
In an environment with rapidly rising interest rates (good, bad, and/or indifferent) making business-cash aggressively more expensive today than it was just a few years ago.
Which is going to add more and more pressure on social media networks to make a profit (or a larger profit)
The conceivable arc in the next 5+ years is launch the shop, continue making small experimental things to help it become known, and if cash rolls in, use that to make larger experimental things to help the shop become known.
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It is a tight balance.
It is an amazing amount of fun.
If the shop launches and never makes a penny, it'll still be worth it.
Thank you. I recognize this is maybe more than you were looking for, but by your excitement, I think there is a 50% chance it's close to what you're looking for?
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stimpunks · 4 months
The nonprofit professionals who consult us tell us we’re unique. They tell us we’re tearing down walls in philanthropy.
Your donations directly assist some of the most marginalized people in our society. We handle the vetting. We handle the legal and tax compliance.
Your donations help us serve our loved people so we can keep on living through the onslaught.
Here’s our pitch deck.
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rplayford02 · 5 months
KEEPER: Production
The shoot ran fairly smoothly. Here’s a run down day by day!
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Friday - Changing Rooms
The prep we did during the tech recce really helped here. I was able to tell Tom exactly where he should boom from without having to consult camera. We did eventually need to consult camera to check exact edge of frame, but the prep definitely streamlined our communication.
Saturday - day off!
Talked about the shoot with Ben.
Sunday - Will’s Bedroom
A lot of time spent basking in the sun on the decking at Jake’s, waiting for the light to change. It was an indoor location where we had full control so it was fairly easy for sound. Only challenge was space. The room wasn’t very large and we (Tom and I) had to hide in a corner behind camera. When I wasn’t soaking up the sun, I was hiding in a cupboard next to an unnerving pillow of Jake’s face.
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Monday - 1st Pitch Day
So rainy! The weather made communicating anything ten times harder, and it was our first day out on the pitch so we were still settling into the environment. To make it all just slightly more complicated, we switched around the schedule so we were basically shooting in sequence. It was necessary to move all of scene 5 onto this day to minimise continuity errors, however it did create some confusion. I hadn’t really prepped to shoot those scenes on that day so it kind of put us on the back foot. This being said, we still got everything shot and only wrapped slightly late.
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Tuesday - also a day off!
Had crew dinner at Nando’s and conversations with Ben about the direction of the film so far - what beats we were already hitting, what might need adapted. With our style of shooting, there was room for some flexibility. Was also able to speak with Zoe at SAS about how sound was going. Came up with a strategy with Alex and Ben for how we would better communicate over the next two days on set.
I’ve never been able to reflect on a shoot whilst it was happening before and I was surprised at how valuable I found this day off. Such a shame that I’ll probably never have the luxury again!
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Wednesday - 2nd Pitch Day
Ran much smoother. No huge issues, except that Monday’s shoot had made me ill. :((
Slightly concerned about the sound for water break 2 - the boom couldn’t be close at all and I couldn’t get LAVs on them, since it’s a continuous take from the scene before.
Tom continued to be an incredible boom op through very, very long takes in the freezing cold! I was very grateful!
Thursday - 3rd Pitch Day
Last day ever on a set in uni! People cried! Unusually, not me!
Also ran smoothly. Re-shot the walkout shot from Monday. Sound was good, probably the best of the three days. Had a chance to get some extra field tracks of the ambience.
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In the end, sound wasn’t actually forced to compromise much at all. There were a lot of factors which we couldn’t always control and that was scary, for sure. The improvised dialogue, improvised movements, the loud, inconsistent, constant background noise, the weather, the broken/missing kit (two crackly radio mics and no waist bands!) - it was all against us and yet there were no real catastrophes, which shows how much my sound recording has improved in the past two years.
At times the stress got the better of us (mainly me, maybe Alex) but on the whole, the set was extremely professional and well run. I really enjoyed being able to focus entirely on sound recording, which never really seems to happen on student projects. I just loved working with this team! Everyone was firing on all cylinders and I could trust that everyone was doing their jobs amazingly and just focus on my own sound shit. I still had my overstepping, control-freak moments but they were significantly reduced.
It was so cool to see it all come together from pre-production. I’m so proud of everyone and grateful for all the work they put into this film!
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visual-sculptors · 10 months
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Distinguish yourself through our exceptional design solutions - presentations that eloquently convey their message - Visual Sculptors
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filfoxwealth · 4 months
Unlock the full potential of your startup's financial strategy with Filfox Wealth. Our specialized services focus on leveraging government schemes for startups in India to drive business growth and profitability. Let us help you navigate the complex world of finance and investments with tailored solutions.
Visit here: https://www.filfoxwealth.com/
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stellarconsultancy · 6 months
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Seeking professional guidance for your pitch deck? Explore our Pitch Deck Consulting Services at Stellar Consultancy. We specialize in refining your presentation to make it investor-ready. Discover more at Stellar Consultancy.
Pitch Deck Consulting Services
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arrowpoint · 11 months
We are specialized in providing Research & Consulting solutions across sectors, verticals, industries and markets. Our end-to-end Market Research solutions also include field work, field research and data collection solutions.
Our clients keep us supplied with a challenging stream of material to help us keep up the mental acrobatics. But that’s not enough for us. We do our homework too. That’s why we’re constantly looking across the entire marketing cycle and along the value chain to make sure that we’re always up to date with what’s happening in our client’s markets.
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