tubbyrowboat · 2 years
I'm going out to dinner for a friend's birthday which means unavoidable eating. I'm wearing this so I feel slightly uncomfortable while eating. It'll mean healthier choices and a reminder to not finish the whole thing.
Just imagine how nice it would look if I wasn't 117.4kg.
I weighed in at about 120kg last week to which I was so embarrassed. The only consolation is that I'm back on track now and I even had to find a smaller belt to keep my pants up so at least there's some progress.
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
what app do you use to track all your stuff?
There's a variety as I have smart scales which require their own app however, I share all the data to Samsung Health.
I use Skimble's workout trainer app to create and log workouts.
Life sum for calorie counting and BodyFast for tracking fasting periods. BodyFast is good because one can set custom fasting periods or use their intermittent fasting plans.
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
Saturday 24th September.
I was disappointed to jump on the scale to see that I'd gained. Logically I know weight fluctuates however, it still stings a little.
While my overall weight increased, my body fat percentage and mass has decreased. The reason for weight game is muscle mass which is a good sign. I'm getting stronger and losing fat!
I've always been super self conscious about my stomach size, even when I was skinny. Now it's worse because when I went through ED recovery the first time I wound up with stretch marks (guess where the water retention sat).
On the food side of things, I was going really well until I had to eat dinner with the family tonight not only did it take me from 700cals consumed to 1450cals for today, its triggered the physical hunger signals. Desperately trying to avoid a binge right now!
While m3ansp0 is welcome, any form of motivation or distraction is welcome!
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
Body and weight check-in.
I'm eating 1 meal a day and then 2 snacks/smaller meals.
I'm keeping at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast and minimum 4 hours between eating.
For breakfast I had a hand full of grapes and 250ml of Strawberry milk and then at lunch time I just had 250ml of milk. For dinner I'll have some Thai red curry.
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
Today's weigh in yeilded slightly better results with a loss of 1.5kg. this week. Unfortunately still a long long way to go! And doesn't make up for the initial weight gain or the binge I had this week.
I've attached the workout I did yesterday which I will do again today. The more aware of my stomach the less likely I am to eat.
Plus I deserve sore abs with how fat I allowed myself to become during recovery and lockdown.
If you've got any m34nsp∅ to throw my way go ahead! You're also more than welcome to provide a difficult ab workout that will make me regret being this out of shape!
Would love if someone could help hold me accountable for fasting and what I'm eating!
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
Weight Check this morning. I've gained 1.5kg.
I did 120 crunches and a 2 minute kneeling elbow plank hold to try and make my abs sore. I'm also 11 hours into a 36h fast.
Meanspo and ab workouts that serve as pun¡$hm3nt welcome.
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
I'm in need of some m3@nsp0! I've been attempting to restrict however have had some food and I feel like I'm about to binge.
The photo of me in the red top is at my lighted which is 75kg. Unfortunately, after highschool I started gaining weight (turquoise sports bra, 2018) and then I went through ED recovery in 2020/2021 and it only got worse. I've had a relapse with my ED so I'm hoping 1 day I'll look like the 1st photo again 🤞
Today's food so far apple pure (approx. 50 cal) and a muesli bar (180 cal) and some chocolate milk (160 cal).
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tubbyrowboat · 2 years
Despite having a restrictive ED this is what I look like.
I weigh 118kg and am currently eating 1-2 small meals a day however, skipping food completely where possible.
All kinds of motivation welcome.
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