#autograph party
gotankgo · 2 months
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Billy Jack Goes to Washington (1977)
2h 35m never seemed so long and very little of that runtime is devoted to Billy Jack kicking small minded racists with his bare feet, instead focusing on speeches and committee meetings. Only been able to sit through this one a couple times. The first of the series, Born Losers, remains my favorite of them all
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asteriskemily · 4 months
The fact that Ruben doesn’t remember what happened is absolutely sending me.
Like, imagine your name is Ruben Hopclap. You wake up in front of a ruined school gym wearing clothes you don’t recognize and missing your favorite necklace. You don’t remember falling asleep. Your chest hurts.
Uncle Henry is there talking to principal Auegfort over scraps of a robot. For a moment he looks at you like you’re a ghost before wrapping you in a tight hug. He asks what you remember. You tell him you remember packing your bag to go to the mountains of chaos for your spring break quest. You don’t remember anything after that. He hugs you again.
Your party’s there too. Most of them at least. Along with another party that you recognize as the Bad Kids, the most infamous party in your grade, maybe in the whole school. You tamp down any jealousy you might feel about that when you see the way that Mary Ann Almost-but-not-quite smiles at their barbarian. Instead you go to where Oisin and Ivy are huddle together, speaking softly to each other.
You ask where Kipperlily is. They look uncomfortable. For a moment you think about asking after Buddy, but then you realize you don’t know who that is. They keep avoiding answering the question, so you walk away. You almost go to talk to Lucy, but you see how uncomfortable she looks, how she flinches away when you start to move towards her. You decide to leave her alone.
Eventually Henry takes you home. On the drive home he turns on the radio and you hear yourself singing a song you’ve never heard. It’s loud and chaotic and so so angry. The sound of it makes you want to throw up. You turn it off and ride in silence back to the house.
The walls of your bedroom have been painted a deep, bloody red. There’s an electric guitar that you don’t know how to play leaning against the wall. Your desk is covered in notes and plans, some of it written in codes you can’t decipher. That doesn’t really matter because you don’t understand the stuff that’s not in code either.
Your parents look almost scared of you when you ask where your normal clothes are. They tell you that you got rid of them. They keep apologizing, like they think you’ll get mad at them. You tell them it’s okay, but still search your closet for something a bit more your style. You find a box shoved into a corner, under some clothes. Inside is your puka shell necklace and your ukulele. The string on the necklace is broken like it had been ripped off. The body of the ukulele is cracked like it had been thrown to the ground. You decide to deal with that in the morning.
You fall asleep and you dream of a girl. She’s a tiefling with red and black raccoon streaks in her hair. She smiles at you with lips painted black. If you stare at her for too long you can see blood dripping out of those lips and a crossbow bolt lodged in her side. You look at her and feel longing, feel grief, feel betrayal. You want to stop dreaming of her, but some part of you knows that any other dream would be filled with blood and crystals and rage. You accept that you are doomed to Wanda.
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myvinylplaylist · 6 months
The Last Dinner Party: Prelude To Ecstasy (2024)
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Signed copy of the “Midnight Black” variant of “Prelude to Ecstasy.” Signed by all 5 band members.
Island Records
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asylumdream · 4 months
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diangelosdays · 1 year
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i had the opportunity to meet jack wolfe at ASOCAS2 and gave him some of my art and he recognised it and was so insanely lovely
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seagullcharmer · 4 months
well, so far, momocon is huge. my feet hurt. so much. kirk thornton was lovely. my horns broke right before the homestuck photoshoot, which channelled 2017 me at my first con where, again, i did not have terezi's horns. hopefully the xenoblade and owl house shoots will go better tomorrow.
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tomwambsgans · 5 months
some sick and twisted part of me wants to read a succession fic that features taylor swift as a character. i just know she'd fit right in
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beeholyshit · 3 months
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thinking about baby Pastelito wiwiw...
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demonologue · 7 months
I come bearing bloodweave
This fits the week 3 prompt: Sugar, but it doesn't fit Tavuary. Tav's just an observer here... I guess it could fit day 27 of the Faerunian 29 Days Writing Challenge: Choose any scene in the game and rewrite it with your headcanon (but that's going to be literally 99% of my fics)
Characters: Astarion, Tav, Gale, Lae'zel, Shadowheart
Pairings: part 1 of the set-up, really
Rating: G
A/N: Literally the first time I added Gale to my party, Astarion ran up and asked him this. It made me…very suspicious of his motives. I hadn’t really thought of Bloodweave before that. Some ships sail themselves... Blush
It had been less than a day since they’d found the wizard’s arm grasping for help through an arcane waypoint. Since then, Tav had been keeping quiet to let Gale show his personality and begin to get used to the group. 
But someone else in the party seemed eager for the wizard’s attention. And it was a surprise, as this certain someone had been acting as though he’d been doing them a great favor by joining the party at all, offering nothing but complaints and smart remarks at every turn. If Tav didn’t know better, he’d say Astarion was almost…giddy. Every few minutes, he would dance forward in the marching order to attempt to engage Gale in conversation. And perhaps to his credit, the wizard didn’t seem particularly interested.
But Astarion was tenacious. Tav watched as he tried yet again. “So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?” 
Shadowheart made a face. “You mean just waiting, like a lovesick puppy? Short term amusements are much less hassle.” 
Tav nearly tripped and fell face-first into the dirt. He had not thought…well. Shadowheart was a grown woman. He just…didn’t think of her…as having those experiences. But, wait, there was something else. 
Why in the hells would Astarion ask such an intimate question of a complete stranger? Well, apart from the fact he was Astarion. But still. Why had he been acting so peculiar today? If Tav didn’t know better, he would say… “Wait, do you two know each other?” 
“We do not,” Gale said, clearly put off by the question, but doing his best to stay amicable. 
“What?” Astarion offered breathless laughter and clutched his pearls. “I don’t have to know a man to know of him. Wait.” He fixed Tav with his judgmental stare. “Do you mean you actually don’t know who this is?” 
Now Tav felt bad. Should he know who this man was? “I–’m, sorry, I–”
“Pay no attention to him,” the vampire cut him off, leaning close to Gale as if they were already fast friends. “I think he was literally raised by wolves.” 
“Nothing wrong with that,” Gale said, squashing Astarion’s attempt to bond with him as an elitist. “Some great figures in history were raised by wolves.”
“Well, tell us, shka’keth,” Lae’zel growled. “Since you seem so eager to do so.”
“Darlings, this is Gale Dekarios. The Gale of Waterdeep.” Astarion looked around as if that was supposed to mean something to the rest of them. Now Tav remembered Gale introducing himself that way. But at the time, he’d just assumed it was a standard style of introduction. The way a druid would mention his enclave. 
When no one showed recognition of Gale’s name, Astarion sighed and turned back to apologize to the wizard. “You’ll have to forgive them. I’m honestly not sure any of them can even read.” 
Lae’zel drew her longsword to give him a good thrashing, but Gale held up one hand for her to refrain and gently placed the other hand on Astarion’s shoulder to keep him from making things worse. “I think what this young man is hinting at–”
As Gale spoke, Tav kept his eyes on Astarion. Because he could have sworn there was suddenly more color in his cheeks than there had been a moment ago. 
“Young!?” Astarion protested, but he sounded quite flattered. And there was a definite living hue to his cheeks now.
“--is that I was once the subject of several dozen bardic tales, and the odd chapter of arcane lore, but I fear those days are long behind me now.” 
“Nonsense!” Astarion protested. “He’s one of the most famous wizards in the history of Faerun!” 
“He’s being kind,” Gale protested. 
“Kind!? How dare you accuse me of such a thing!” 
Tav couldn’t stifle a laugh. The vampire looked so genuinely offended. “Astarion aspires to be a great villain someday,” Tav explained. “So we try not to draw attention to it when he does something good.” 
Tav could tell from the look on Astarion’s face, he was about to tell him to go take a flying leap. Fortunately, Gale cut in before he could. “But a good villain has layers. A history of the man he was before he rose to villainy, what traumatic life events drove him to desperate ends. Not to mention there’s nothing like a little genuine kindness to throw a hero off your track.” His warm, amused smile put Tav at ease. It looked like they’d found their group dynamic with the new guy.
“Et tu, Gale?!” Astarion accused, hurt, and ran off to scout ahead–or perhaps hide his feelings. 
Tav and Shadowheart exchanged a look. “I’ve genuinely never seen him that way. He’s usually…just…”
“Summarily unpleasant,” Shadowheart finished. 
“A complete shka'keth,” Lae’zel agreed. 
“I think it’s charming,” Gale said, smiling pleasantly and leaning on his staff as they continued to walk down the path. “It’s usually only children who react to me that way.” 
“So you are famous,” Tav said. “I’m sorry for not recognizing your name.” 
“Honestly, I prefer it that way.” He was still smiling when his eyes met Tav’s gaze, but there was a sadness within. “Things being what they are now…I would rather be judged for the man I am, not the legend I used to be.” 
“I think I can do that,” Tav offered a hesitant smile. 
“I will judge you by your deeds, and your deeds only,” Lae’zel announced. 
“And I’m going to tease Astarion about this until he dies a second time,” Shadowheart said. 
“No, don’t,” Gale said. “Let’s leave him a little dignity, at least. We wouldn’t want to become part of his villain origin story, after all.” 
But Shadowheart seemed to have her own agenda. “Astarion!” she called, running ahead. “Gale is telling us all about his many lovers! Don’t you want to hear?” 
The wizard just chuckled and shook his head. 
“I fear I may already be part of his villain origin story,” Tav said with a grimace. 
“I think you’re a fine leader,” Gale said, smiling kindly. “You’re doing your best, and that may be all we can do at this point.” He walked on, and Tav caught Lae’zel’s eye. There seemed more to the wizard’s story. Hopefully they would find out what it was before it came back to bite them all in the arse.
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cuddleswinchester · 2 years
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*arrives at mashblr a few years late but eager to show off my collection*
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housefullofnuns · 7 months
If you guys want to win a drum head like the one I got and support a small band you should go make a bid one of these!
They're both drawn by chaney and autographed by all three members of house parties!!
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rickchung · 1 month
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The Victor x The Douglas Hotel x Parq Vancouver x False Creek.
Summer Rooftop Oasis BBQ & party with Blue Note Saké.
"Afternoon in Nara": Bombay Sapphire gin, Brewmaster's Choice sake, Lillet Blanc apertif, yuzu, thyme, and lime.
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skelebagels · 11 months
So like Moon has toys and statues and is a mascot in his own right but as far as I can tell they don’t really let him around kiddos anymore
So what does Sun do when Moon has a fan? 🧐
Was thinking of Kelek just being a pleb and visiting the Mega Pizzaplex as a normy. Maybe he thinks Moons funny because of how spooky he is.
So he goes up to Sun despite feeling like a bby (he is an adult don’t u judge him lmao) and is like “:O so when’s Moon come out? Oh… Not today? Okay… :( will you tell him I think he’s cool?”
Probably has a little moony stuffy he got from the prize corner. Gives Sun a kiss on the cheek bc gosh what a nice robo man.
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connabeth · 14 days
the liberty annabeth has been given to be deeply unserious and true to her character in the new “pjo” books while being deprived of that aspect of her character elsewhere is so personal to me because what do you mean she wants to duet with percy on shallow, cheerfully bon voyages her boyfriend off a cliff, carries around a backpack of mystery mouskatools including herbal tea and snake treats just in case, instructs percy “don’t stop skipping, skippy” when he has the rainbow staff for absolutely no other reason aside from shits and giggles, breaks into his bedroom for no reason besides the fact that she simply likes the challenge, apparently regularly signs autographs and is fawned over up on olympus, and keeps suggesting cute and dumb shit to get magically scribed into percy’s diy college rec letter. and now she’s giggling with her architecture friends about glass and marshmallows and wants to throw a haunted house party in a scary goddess’s mansion (a goddess scary enough to make her boyfriend literally piss his boxers) because she’s too self-assured to believe they can’t evade the consequences and too excited to experience something she’s never gotten to throughout her childhood and adolescence. not to mention the callback to her love of animals, no matter how demonic, and how she misses playing fetch with cerberus…oh annabeth chase, the woman that you are. like yes let her be impulsive and unserious and excited and batshit and a troll because she’s just a girl trying to have fun in a miserable fucking world godammit!! rick riordan, they could never make me like you, but i’ll give you this one thing—the whimsy has been restored and its name is annabeth chase
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partyoptions · 1 year
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nopeferatu · 1 year
:( the audiences for the bbm play have been lining up so much for autographs afterwards that they didnt have time to take pics w people....WHYYY AM I SEEING IT THE LAST DAY 😭 I WANTED PICS AND AUTOGRAPHS DAMNIT
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