#auto nachrichten news
trd-blog-magazin · 2 months
Wenn Autoankauf-Kärtchen am Auto stecken
Wenn Autoankauf-Kärtchen am Auto stecken
“ich kaufe Ihr Auto” (TRD/MID)  – Wer kennt sie nicht, die “ich kaufe Ihr Auto”-Kärtchen”, die nach Feierabend ständig an der Windschutz- oder Seitenscheibe des Autos platziert sind. Was viele nicht wissen: Dabei handelt es sich um unlautere Werbung seitens der Händler, die mit einem Bußgeld in Höhe von mindestens 50 Euro bestraft werden kann. Nur geschieht das laut dem Rundfunk Berlin…
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gameforestdach · 6 months
Das mit Spannung erwartete Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) war lange von Geheimnissen umgeben, besonders was die Schauspieler hinter den Protagonisten angeht. Doch die unermüdliche Detektivarbeit der Community könnte sich nun ausgezahlt haben, da Spekulationen über die Stimme hinter dem männlichen Hauptcharakter, der als 'Jason' bekannt ist, entstehen. Spekulationen über den Sprecher von 'Jason' UPDATE: Gregory Connors (suspected Jason actor) removed his “lead” role from a. 2025 Rockstar Games release from his resumé. by u/jericho681 in GTA6 Gregory Connors, ein Schauspieler aus New York, steht kürzlich im Zentrum von Spekulationen. Auffällig war, dass in seinem Lebenslauf kurzzeitig eine 'Hauptrolle' in einem nicht benannten Rockstar-Spiel, vermutlich für das Jahr 2025 geplant, erwähnt wurde. Diese Angabe deckt sich mit dem Zeitplan von Rockstar für GTA 6, obwohl die Liste bald darauf entfernt wurde, was die Gerüchteküche weiter anheizte. Für mehr zu dieser Entwicklung sieh dir die vollständige Geschichte auf GamesRadar an. Rockstars strategische Veröffentlichungspläne Obwohl GTA 6 für eine Veröffentlichung im Jahr 2025 ins Auge gefasst wurde, könnten interne Strategien zu einer Verzögerung bis 2026 führen. Rockstar Games beabsichtigt, ihre Belegschaft für die entscheidende Endphase der Entwicklung zurück ins Büro zu holen, was den Zeitplan beeinträchtigen könnte. Reaktionen aus der Community und der Industrie Der Sprecher von 'Jason' wurde in der Community heiß diskutiert, was dazu führte, dass verschiedene Schauspieler, einschließlich Troy Baker, ihre Nichtbeteiligung klarstellen mussten. Baker, eine prominente Stimme in der Branche, dementierte die Rolle ausdrücklich, zeigte aber Unterstützung für den tatsächlich ausgewählten Schauspieler für diese zentrale Rolle. Bestätigte Updates und Erwartungen Abseits der Spekulationen über die Besetzung wurde die offizielle Fahrzeugliste veröffentlicht, die den Fans einen Einblick in die Arten von Autos gibt, die in GTA 6 zu finden sein werden. Für detaillierte Informationen zu den Fahrzeugen, schau auf den GTA 6 Cars Guide. Weitere Informationen und Community-Engagement Um mit Neuigkeiten zu GTA 6 und anderen Spieleentwicklungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, kann es nützlich sein, Plattformen wie GamesRadar+ zu abonnieren. Sie bieten wöchentliche Updates, Geschichten aus der Community und Einblicke direkt aus der Spieleindustrie. Verwandte Spiele-Updates In verwandten Nachrichten sieht die Spielewelt kontinuierliche Updates wie das Palworld Update v0.2.0.6, das neue Herausforderungen auf Xbox einführt, und Blizzards erneuerte Partnerschaft mit NetEase, die darauf abzielt, den chinesischen Spielemarkt zu beleben. Bleib am Ball bei der sich entwickelnden Geschichte Da mehr Details bekannt werden und Rockstar Games möglicherweise weitere Informationen veröffentlicht, könnte die wahre Identität des Sprechers von 'Jason' bald bestätigt werden, was ein Ende der wilden Spekulationen und Gerüchte in der GTA-Community setzen würde.
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lebenistgeil · 6 months
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Cleveland OH Lokale Nachrichten, Eilmeldungen, Sport
Mann Angefahren, Von Auto Getötet, Nachdem Er Bei Unfall Aus Geländewagen Geschleudert Wurde
Loretta Lynn Tribute, Puscifer, Coldplay, Billy Strings Stehen Ganz Oben Auf Der Liste Der Virtuellen Events Der Woche
Das Wachstum von West Orange County führte zur Neuzeichnung eines Distrikts in der Legislative von Florida, und wie die Wähler über das Rennen um seinen Sitz entscheiden, könnte in den kommenden Jahren ein interessanter politischer Indikator sein. Am ersten vollen Tag, seit die Verantwortlichen des Osceola County die Evakuierungsbefehle für das Kissimmee Village der Good Samaritan Society aufgehoben hatten, kehrten die Bewohner der Seniorenwohngemeinschaft endlich in ihre Häuser zurück. Beamte sagen, ein 14-jähriges Mädchen habe an einer Mittelschule in Nordflorida Aufsehen erregt, als sie mehr als 10.000 Dollar verteilte, die ihr vorgeworfen werden, aus dem Safe ihrer Großmutter gestohlen zu haben. Ein tödlicher Unfall mit mehreren Fahrzeugen hat nach Angaben der Florida Highway Patrol Fahrspuren in Richtung Norden der Interstate 75 in Marion County gesperrt. Die Wähler von Lake County werden bald darüber entscheiden können, ob eine Schulsicherheitssteuer beibehalten werden soll.
Schauen Sie sich The Morning News an, um die neuesten Nachrichten, das Wetter und den Verkehr in Zentralflorida zu erhalten.
Die New Braunfels Police Department hat einen Mann festgenommen, der beschuldigt wird, ein jugendliches Mädchen zum Zwecke des Sex gehandelt zu haben.
Die drei Personen, die beschuldigt werden, die Wendy’s absichtlich in Brand gesteckt zu haben, wo die Polizei im Sommer 2020 Rayshard Brooks erschossen hatte, erschienen am Mittwoch vor Gericht.
Die Wahlaufsichtsbehörden in Florida haben sich mit diesen und anderen Problemen auseinandergesetzt, als sie die Vorwahlen des Staates im August überwachten und sich auf die Parlamentswahlen am 8.
Der Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, ein staatliches Programm, das Sachversicherern eine kritische Sicherungsdeckung bietet, wird auf Schäden in Höhe von 10 Milliarden US-Dollar durch den Hurrikan Ian geschätzt, sagten Beamte am Mittwoch. Schauen Sie sich The Morning News an, um die neuesten Nachrichten, das Wetter und den Verkehr in Zentralflorida zu erhalten. Die Wähler können während der vorzeitigen Stimmabgabe einen der Wahllokale auswählen, aber Daten des Wahlbüros zeigen, dass einige Orte geschäftiger waren als andere.
Mann Angefahren, Von Auto Getötet, Nachdem Er Bei Unfall Aus Geländewagen Geschleudert Wurde
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Ein im Bundesstaat Georgia gesuchter Mann aus Jacksonville wurde am Montagabend festgenommen, nachdem die Abgeordneten von Flagler County mehr als sechs Stunden damit verbracht hatten, nach ihm zu suchen, wie das Büro des Sheriffs mitteilte. Die Polizei sagt, ein Fahrer, der einen leichten Unfall verursacht hat, wird auch des Menschenschmuggels verdächtigt. Sein Pick-up stieß mit einem Geländewagen zusammen, der von einem SWAT-Beamten gefahren wurde, der auf dem Weg zur Arbeit war. Die Polizei von San Antonio veröffentlichte am Mittwoch ein Bodycam-Video eines Beamten, der letzten Monat einen Mann auf der West Side tödlich erschoss. Ein Gerichtsmediziner und ein Mordbeamter wurden am Dienstag vor Gericht gerufen, um zu beschreiben, wie sie die zerstückelten Überreste einer vermissten Mutter aus Detroit in Müllsäcken im Haus ihres Freundes gefunden haben. Eine Frau sprach am Donnerstagabend mit der News 6-Reporterin Treasure Roberts über ihre Begegnung mit einem Mann, der inzwischen des Kindesmissbrauchs beschuldigt wird.
Loretta Lynn Tribute, Puscifer, Coldplay, Billy Strings Stehen Ganz Oben Auf Der Liste Der Virtuellen Events Der Woche
Osceola County hob am Montag den Evakuierungsbefehl für eine Alterssiedlung in Kissimmee auf, die seit dem Hurrikan Ian überflutet wurde. Ein 16-jähriges Mädchen, das am Montagabend tot vor einem Haus in Pine Hills aufgefunden wurde, wurde zuletzt im August beim Verlassen eines Büros des Florida Department of Children and Families gesehen. Die Wahlaufsichtsbehörden in Florida haben sich mit diesen und anderen Problemen auseinandergesetzt, als sie die Vorwahlen des Staates im August überwachten und sich auf die Parlamentswahlen am 8.
Die Stadtführer von Flagler Beach könnten am Donnerstag entscheiden, ob der legendäre Pier nach Schäden durch Hurrikan Ian überhaupt wiedereröffnet wird. Eine Liste der Raketenstarts, auf die Sie in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten achten sollten. Beamte sagen, dass mindestens eine Person bei einem Absturz auf Merritt Island getötet wurde. Sheila Bridegam erinnerte sich, wie untröstlich sie war, nachdem sie die verheerenden Bilder der Jungs gesehen hatte
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1767 offizielle News aus Hamburg 2022
Hamburg ist die Tee
Sommerfest im Strandbad Farmsen
Schlussverkauf im Eisland Farmsen
Dessen Marktanteil habe sich im Juli dieses Jahres im Vergleich zu 2019 mehr als verdoppelt, teilte die Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Nah.SH am Donnerstag (20.10.) mit. Ob Sperrmüll, illegal entsorgter Hausmüll oder überquellende Papierkörbe - die Zahl der Bürger-Beschwerden bei der Stadtreinigung steigt. "Hamburg hat ein Müllproblem", sagt der CDU-Abgeordnete André Trepoll und fordert Konsequenzen. Am Samstagmorgen (22.10.) haben Beamte einen mutmaßlichen Drogendealer auf der Sternschanze festgenommen.
Was ist gestern in Wilhelmshaven passiert?
POL-WHV: Verkehrsunfall mit schwer verletzter Radfahrerin
Vom Norderaltendeich bog er nach links in den Sandweg, Richtungsfahrbahn Minsen, ab. Dabei übersah er eine ihm entgegenkommende Radfahrerin, welche mit dem Pkw kollidierte und in einen angrenzenden Straßengraben rutschte.
Was passiert beim HSV, wie wird das Wetter in den kommenden Tagen und welcher Promi aus Hamburg sorgt gerade für Schlagzeilen? Lasst Euch die News aus dem Norden übersichtlich präsentieren und bleibt auch von unterwegs up to date. Die große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung Hamburgs für Deutschland macht besonders das Bruttoinlandsprodukt von 121.6 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2018 deutlich. Die Hansestadt beherbergt einen der wichtigsten Seehäfen weltweit und ist somit in der Logistikbranche und der maritimen Wirtschaft stark vertreten.
Hamburg ist die Tee
Der 25-jährige soll Angaben zufolge Drogen aus seinem Auto verkauft haben. Während der Herbstferien wurde fleißig gebaut. Von den Bauarbeiten waren die U-Bahnlinien U2 und U4 betroffen. Jetzt fahren die U-Bahnlinien U2 und U4 wieder regulär.
Aktuelle Infos, Bilder und Videos sowie regionale Nachrichten aus der Hansestadt Hamburg bei RTL News.
Dennoch war es an einem Staatsvertrag mit der Stadt beteiligt.
Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck äußerte sich kritisch, Kanzler Scholz will beschwichtigen - und kündigt eine Reise nach China an.
Der fünfte Geburtstag der Elbphilharmonie sollte Ende April dieses Jahres eigentlich mit einer Drohnen-Show an mehreren Tagen gefeiert werden.
Gegen 12 Uhr wurde der 36-Jährige bei der grenzpolizeilichen Einreisekontrolle eines Fluges aus Tiflis/ Georgien vorstellig.
Mit dieser Größe ist die Metropole an der Elbe die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands nach der Hauptstadt Berlin. Die Hansestadt gilt als wichtiger Verkehrsknotenpunkt und gehört zu den größten Logistikstandorten in ganz Europa. Für Nachrichtenseiten wie WirtschaftsWoche Online sind Anzeigen eine wichtige Einnahmequelle. Mit den Werbeerlösen können wir die Arbeit unserer Redaktion bezahlen und Qualitätsartikel kostenfrei veröffentlichen. Natürlich können wir aufgrund von begrenzten Ressourcen nicht Inhalte am laufenden Band publizieren – noch nicht.
Sommerfest im Strandbad Farmsen
Mit rund 1,8 Millionen Einwohnern ist sie nach Berlin die zweitgrößte Stadt der Bundesrepublik. Bekannt ist sie unter anderem durch ihren Hafen, der zu den größten Umschlaghäfen weltweit zählt. Aktuell ist Peter Tschentscher Bürgermeister von Hamburg und folgt damit auf den jetzigen Finanzminister Olaf Scholz. Denn gegen Magdeburg muss jetzt ein Sieg her. Deutschland will wegkommen von fossilen Brennstoffen.
Was gibt es neues in Wilhelmshaven?
POL-WHV: Raub in Wilhelmshaven nach Fahrradsturz
Wilhelmshaven (ots) - Am 18.10.2022 befuhr eine 41-jährige Radfahrerin gegen 20:40 Uhr mit ihrem Fahrrad den Lönsweg in Wilhelmshaven. Wortlos überholte ein weiterer Radfahrer das Opfer und stieß dieses derart stark nach rechts, dass es zum Sturz kam.
Das Geschäftsklima in Hamburg hat sich zum vierten Mal in Folge eingetrübt. Die Handelskammer fordert nun eine „Strategie gegen schleichende Deindustrialisierung“. Dabei käme es besonders auf Veränderungen in zwei Bereichen an. Die Bundesregierung streitet um die Genehmigung für die Beteiligung eines chinesischen Staatskonzernes an einem Containerterminal im Hamburger Hafen. Doch auch in Hamburg ist man uneins – und die Trennlinien verlaufen nicht zwischen Regierung und Opposition. Der geplante Einstieg eines chinesischen Konzerns bei einem Hamburger Containerterminal wird zum Streitthema in der Koalition.
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trdizifilm · 5 years
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Formel 1: Mercedes in Singapur vorne Formel 1: Mercedes in Singapur vorne
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presseonline · 5 years
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Autobauer Fiat Chrysler und PSA erwägen Mega-Fusion Durch Zusammenschluss entstünde Unternehmen mit Wert von 50 Milliarden Dollar Der US-italienische Autokonzern Fiat Chrysler sucht nach der gescheiterten Fusion mit Renault den Zusammenschluss mit der französischen Opel-Mutter PSA.
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bhabegger · 4 years
Dacia Bigster: Eine Klasse bulliger
Dacia Bigster: Eine Klasse bulliger
In der neuen Renault-Strategie spielt Dacia weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle. Die Billigmarke dürfte künftig entsprechend selbstbewusst auftreten, wie ein neues Konzeptfahrzeug zeigt.   Dacia baut sein Modellangebot aus. Mit er der Studie Bigster Concept stößt die rumänische Renault-Tochter künftig in die SUV-Mittelklasse vor. Der bullige Crossover positioniert sich mit rund 4,60 Metern Länge…
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antifainternational · 3 years
2022: A Timeline of Bigoted, Fascist, And  Extreme Right Violence
Since 2017, we’ve been running the International Violent Hate Crimes Research Project, tracking as many incidents of bigoted, fascist, and extreme right violence as we can document (you’ll find our 2021 report here: http://bit.ly/2021ViolentHateCrimesReport). We continue this project in 2021 with this timeline of hate-motivated violence we’ve documented and with an accompanying map (URL HERE) - both of which we will be updating, in real time, throughout the year.   Please help us continue & expand this project by making a donation! https://bit.ly/intlhatecrimesresearch
January 1, 2022: Two boys, aged 12 and 13, are sitting in a Kreuzberg, Berlin snack bar eating when an adult couple approaches their table and ask them if they are Arabs or Turks.  Before they can respond, the man hits them both in the face, then flees with his partner.
January 1, 2022:��Trans woman Amarey "Myara" Lej is found shot to death in the streets of Wilkinsburg, PA. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/01/amarey-lej-myara_wilkinsburg-pennsylvania-usa_da5ad684
January 1, 2022: A 28-year-old Syrian was attacked and seriously injured by an unknown person in central Münich. The Syrian had to be taken to hospital after being knocked to the ground and kicked in the head and body his attacker.
January 1, 2022: Trans woman Joseline Calito is shot to death in Amatitlán, Guatemuala
January 1, 2022: A black Muslim woman is leaving an Edmonton, Canada mosque with her three children when a man approaches their car screaming Islamophobic abuse.  The man spits on her car window before attempting to punch the windows in.  He leaves briefly, returning a moment later with a shovel to continue the attack. 
January 2, 2022: A man approaches a Syrian couple and their adult daughter in a subway station in Munich. He deliberately steps on the mother's foot before spitting on her daughter and insulting them both on the basis of their ethnicity and religion. He then punched the father twice in the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious. The attacker was able to escape and his identity remains unknown.
January 2, 2022: A 26-year-old Hasidic Jewish man is chased through Williamsburg, Brooklyn by two attackers, who bludgeon him in the back of the head with an unknown object.  The man is hospitalized and requires eight staples to close his head wound. 
January 2, 2022: 24-year-old trans woman Duvall Princess is found lying in the parking lot of an apartment block, unresponsive.  She dies later that day in the hospital.  Police are investigating her death as a homicide. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/02/duval-princess_jacksonville-florida-usa_a3639da1
January 2, 2022: A policeman was pulled from his car by far-right covid conspiracy theorists outside of a jail in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and beaten. The attackers were angry about arrests by police at a far-right demonstration against coronavirus measures earlier in the day. The cop had to be treated in the hosipital for his injuries.
January 2, 2022: Trans woman Joseline Calito is shot to death in Amatitlán, Guatemuala
January 2, 2022: 34-year-old trans woman Blenda Schneider is shot dead in the streets of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Brazil.
January 3, 2022: An anti-COVID measures conspiracy march through Lichenstein, Germany turns violent when protestors attack police.  One attempts to grab a police officer's pistol; another bites a police officer.   In total, 14 officers are injured in the melee.
January 4, 2022: A Sikh taxi driver is attacked by another motorist at New York's JFK airport.  The cab driver has his turban knocked off and is punched in the face multiple times by the other man.
January 4, 2022: 31-year-old trans woman Karla Valentina Espinoza Loor is found stabbed to death in her home in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
January 5, 2022: The body of 30-year-old trans woman Dayana Karrington is found in the streets of Cárdenas, Mexico.  She had been beaten and shot.
January 5, 2022:  27-year-old Cristian Nicola is riding a motorcycle in Guayaquil, Ecuador when assassins ram his bike and shoot him nine times before fleeing.  Police apprehend and arrest a teenager for the attack.  Nicola is the 2nd trans person to be shot to death in Guayaquil in as many days.
January 6, 2022:  44-year-old trans woman F.E. Caetano is found shot to death in Santana do Acaraú, Brazil.
January 8, 2022: The body of an unidentified trans person is discovered in the bushes near a Karachi, Pakistan restaurant.  They had been strangled to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/08/name-unknown_karachi-sindh-pakistan_5e278fd5
January 9, 2022: A fascist mob marched through Istanbul's Esenyurt district, attacking Syrian-owned shops and shouting slogans like "This is Turkey, not Syria”. Two people were injured, and police arrested seven attackers. https://www.duvarenglish.com/syrian-businesses-attacked-by-fascist-mob-in-istanbuls-esenyurt-video-60096
January 10, 2022: A man sits beside a Mexican mother and her 14-year-old and 11-year-old sons on a New York City subway.  After telling the mother how much he “hates Mexicans” the man bumps the elder sone and then punches him in the face, injuring him, before fleeing. https://abc7ny.com/racist-attack-anti-mexican-subway-brooklyn-crime/11453163/
January 10, 2022: Thalía Rodríguez, a well-known trans rights activist and community leader, is at her Tegucigalpa, Honduras home when two men enter and shoot her dead. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/10/thalia-rodriguez_tegucigalpa-distrito-central-honduras_f4073028
January 10, 2022: A group of masked men raid the flat where eight refugees from Syria were staying in İstanbul's Bayrampaşa neighbourhood, stabbing 19-year-old Nail Alnaif to death while he was sleeping. The group raided the house at around 1 am and battered the residents with sticks. Then, they stabbed Alnaif in his chest. He was taken to a hospital by his flatmates but lost his life. The victims said that the perpetrators were Turkish people that live in the neighbourhood. https://www.duvarenglish.com/syrian-refugee-killed-by-armed-masked-group-in-istanbul-news-60114
January 12, 2022: A Covid conspiracy theorist is arrested in Del City, Oklahoma, USA, for planning to blow up the headquarters of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Oklahoma City, in protest of mask- and vaccine mandates.
”He was opposed to it and stated he wasn’t going to do it and that he would blow up the OSHA building and kill himself.” According to an arrest warrant, the man detailed how he would carry out his intentions. He attempted to withdraw money from his savings account. “He was going to rent a flatbed truck load it up with gasoline, pull it up to the building and blow it up”
January 12, 2022: A group of fascist coronavirus conspiracy theorists attack a small anti-fascist counter-demonstration while police look on, in Utrecht, the Netherlands. SOURCE: https://krapuul.nl/verslag-demonstratie-tegen-de-fascistische-fakkeltocht-utrecht-12-januari-2022/
January 13, 2022: The decomposing corpse of an unidentified trans woman is discovered in her Béccar,, Argentina home.  She had been stabbed to death.https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/13/name-unknown_beccar-buenos-aires-argentina_fcb2f910 January 14, 2022:  A Muslim man and Hindu woman traveling together to Ajmer, India are forcibly removed from the train by members of the Hindu extremist group Bajrang Dal, who accuse the Muslim man of "love jihad" (pretending to be in love with a Hindu woman in order to convert her to Islam). https://hindutvawatch.org/bajrang-dal-workers-assault-drag-muslim-man-off-train-for-travelling-with-hindu-woman-in-madhya-pradesh/
January 15, 2022: After flying from the UK to the US, 44-year-old Islamic extremist Malik Faisal Akram storms a Colleyville, Texas synagogue, taking the rabbi and three others hostage for several hours, demanding the release of a Pakistani scientist in prison for attacking US soldiers in Afghanistan. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/16/us/colleyville-texas-hostage-situation-sunday/index.html 
January 16, 2022: The mutiliated bodies of a lesbian couple living in El Paso, TX are found stuffed into garbage bags and dumped along a highway in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.  The couple, who were married and had three children, had been tortured, shot, and then dismembered. https://diario.mx/el-paso/descuartizan-a-pareja-de-pasenas-en-valle-de-juarez-20220117-1887366.html
January 16, 2022: 48-year-old trans woman Günay Özyıldız is stabbed to death by two attackers at the entrance to her Izmir, Turkey apartment. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/16/gunay-ozyldz_zmir-turkey_d2eaf70b
January 16, 2022: NYPD officer Riggs Kwong was fired from the force, and is facing multiple charges, including a hate crime charge, for brutally beating another motorist in what started as a road rage incident in Brooklyn. While off-duty, Kwong used Islamaphobic language directed towards Abdul Motalab who he then beat unconscouis.   https://www.audacy.com/1010wins/news/local/nypd-officer-charged-with-hate-crimes-in-road-rage-assault
January 16, 2022: Trans rights activist Natalia Lane is attacked by a group of men at a Mexico City motel.  One of the men pulls a knife and stabs her in the face and hand, as well as three motel employees.  28-year-old Alejandro "N" is arrested later that month and charged with the attack. https://today.in-24.com/News/890066.html
January 17, 2022: Two Muslim teens walking through Gadag, India are attacked by 10-15 members of the Hindu extremist group  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), who stab 19-year-old Sameer Shahpur to death. https://hindutvawatch.org/muslim-youth-allegedly-lynched-by-rss-members-in-karnataka/ January 17, 2022: The body of Pérola "Steffany Melody" Almeida - a 22-year-old trans woman in Boa Vista, Brazil, is found lying in the street near a vacant lot.  She had been stabbed to death.https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/17/perola-almeida-steffany-melody_boa-vista-roraima-brazil_c0c716cc 
January 18, 2022: Yelling "stop speaking Spanish, you Spanish bitch!" 43-year-old Lamont Dinkins attacks a 72-year-old LatinX woman in a Bronx subway station, punching her repeatedly in the head and face before fleeing. https://www.wlfi.com/news/national/bronx-man-indicted-for-hate-crimes-after-allegedly-punching-hispanic-woman-in-face-and-yelling/article_3a7cbf7e-247a-5645-ade0-f1dd07573aec.html
January 19, 2022: A 43-year-old man riding a Bronx subway is assaulted by another passenger, who punches him several times in the face while calling him "Mexican garbage" and yelling homophobic taunts.  The attacker then flashes a knife at the victim before fleeing. https://abc7ny.com/anti-gay-anti-mexican-hate-crime-subway/11485827/
January 19, 2022: A 67-year-old Asian-American woman is walking in her Brooklyn neighbourhood when she hears someone yelling at her. She turns and is confronted by 52-year-old Mercel Jackson, who punches her repeatedly in the face.  After being apprehended by police, he tells them that "Chinese people are not supposed to be in this country" and that they "look like measles." https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-york/articles/2022-02-18/nyc-man-charged-with-hate-crimes-in-attack-on-asian-woman
January 20, 2022: 20-year-old Wille Johansson, a member of Sweden’s nazi NMR group, is arrested in Tyresö, Sweden by police, who accuse him of plotting a bombing campaign and for possessing bomb-making materials.
January 20, 2022: 42-year-old trans woman Wendy Espinosa is standing outside of her home with her brother-in-law when gunmen pull up on a motorcycle and open fire, killing Esponosa and wounding her brother-in-law. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/20/wendy-espinosa_la-mana-cotopaxi-ecuador_e6e20ee5
January 21, 2022: Seven Israeli human rights activists were injured following an attack by illegal settlers near the Palestinian village of Burin in the West Bank. Footage from the scene depicts a group of masked settlers attacking activists, who had come to help Palestinian farmers plant trees, with clubs, hurling stones at them and setting one of their cars on fire. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/settlers-attack-activists-in-west-bank-set-their-car-ablaze-1.10555798
January 21, 2022: The National Butterfly Center, in Mission, TX, USA, which lies on the border with Mexico, is visited by a far-right congressional candidate from Virginia. She appears with a friend, who claims to be a Secret Service agent, and demands access to the river so they could "see the rafts with the illegal crossing" from Mexico onto the property of the Butterfly Center. The conspiracy nuts are asked to leave, and they get violent when the director of the center starts filming them, pushing her to the ground before running away with her phone. As the intruders flee the center, they attempt to run over the director’s son who is trying to close the front gate to prevent the candidate and her friend from leaving with the director’s phone. https://mailchi.mp/nationalbutterflycenter/v4jla7bmp9-5505325?e=15f8f8f2a5
January 22, 2022: A 21-year-old Hasidic Jewish man walking down the street in Brooklyn is intercepted by another man who runs across the street to punch him in the face. https://pix11.com/news/local-news/brooklyn/attacker-slugs-man-in-hassidic-clothing-in-brooklyn/
January 22, 2022: A 12-year old Jewish boy is hit on the head, kicked, and insulted by other teenagers in a park near his home, in Campiglia Marittima, Italy. The attackers yell anti-semitic insults, including saying that the boy “you should die in the oven”. https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/jewish-boy-attacked-in-tuscany-on-eve-of-holocaust-memorial-day-1.10568082
January 20-25, 2022: Multiple Daesh suicide bombers detonate explosives outside of the Gweiran prison in Al-Hasakah, Syria, kicking off a coordinated assault by the terror group & its members being held prisoner inside.  Over six days of fighting, 117 SDF fighters are killed, alongside 374 Daesh members, before the SDF is able to regain control of the prisoner.  800 Daesh members manage to escape. https://observatorioterrorismo.com/analisis/observatorio-de-atentados-yihadistas-de-enero-de-2022/ January 22, 2022: 24-year-old Ciudad de Mexico resident and trans woman Ximena García is stabbed, dying hours later from her wounds in hospital. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/22/ximena-garcia_ciudad-de-mexico-mexico_26672c18
January 23, 2022: Paulinha Ferrara, a 31 trans woman who sold plants in Timon, Brazil, is found dead after being stoned to death and stabbed.  A 30-year-old man is in custody for her murder. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/23/paulinha-ferrara_timon-maranhao-brazil_5a7f679f
January 23, 2022: Worshippers at a mosque in Halle, Germany, are shot at by a 55-year old neighbour. All the shots miss, and the man is arrested.  https://taz.de/Schuesse-auf-Moschee-in-Halle/!5830052/
January 24, 2022: Nikolai G, an 18-year-old university student in Heidelberg, Germany, walks into class with a rifle, shotgun, and 100 rounds of ammunition and opens fire on his fellow students, killing a 23-year-old woman and injuring three others.  Police later discover his name on an internal member list of the neo-nazi group Der Dritte Weg.  https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkpzkz/heidelberg-university-shooting-nikolai-g-the-third-path
January 24, 2022: A Black FedEx delivery driver in Brookhaven, MS. is cut off by a pickup truck with two men in it.  One of the men points a gun at the driver and fires, missing him but hitting the van.  The FedEx driver speeds away, with the pickup truck in pursuit.  The FedEx driver manages to elude them. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-02-10/hate-crime-probe-sought-in-mississippi-attempted-shooting
January 24, 2022: Three Palestinians are injured in the West Bank town of Hawara, after a convoy of cars of Israeli settlers, protected by an Israeli military vehicle, passes through the village and passengers hurl stones at vehicles and shops. Seventeen Israeli settlers are later arrested. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-17-arrested-on-suspicion-of-assaulting-palestinians-in-west-bank-last-month-1.10614747
January 26, 2022: 18-year-old Malaki Thorpe is faces hate crime and assault charges after attacking two Jewish men in London's Tottenham neighbourhood as they were closing their shop for the day.  Surveillance footage shows Thorpe punching the men repeatedly until both collapsed to the ground.  Both men suffered numerous injuries in the attack. https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/man-charged-for-hate-crime-attack-on-two-jewish-men-in-north-london/article_2537ec2e-813a-518c-bb47-883e88a3f4ee.html
January 26, 2022: After leaving a hockey game at Denver's Ball Arena, a man is a taunted by three men supporting the rival team, who quickly knock him to the ground, punching and kicking him while yelling homophobic abuse at him. https://kdvr.com/news/local/denver-police-investigating-ball-arena-attack/
January 28, 2022: 23-year-old trans woman Doski Azad is murdered by her own brother in Duhok, Iraq. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/28/doski-azad_duhok-iraq_11f5ea68
January 29, 2022: COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in Ottawa, Canada to protest public health measures storm a local homeless shelter and soup kitchen,  stealing food meant for the homeless and intimidating volunteers.  They assault a homeless man and racially abuse a security guard who comes to his aid. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-homeless-shelter-staff-harassed-by-convoy-protesters-demanding-food-1.5760423
January 29, 2022: Gunmen force a bus in Tilalles, Ecuador to stop, then board it and shoot 35-year-old trans man León Pindo Cuenca to death in what appears to be a targeted assassination. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/29/leon-pindo-cuenca_tilalles-el-oro-ecuador_3a52940a
January 29, 2022:  A 40-year-old member of the Hindu extremist group RSS is seriously injured when a bomb he was making explodes in his home in Alakode, India. The man was previously accused of murdering a member of the rival CPI(M) party in 2016. https://hindutvawatch.org/rss-leader-injured-while-making-bomb-at-home/
January 29-30, 2022: Using a sledgehammer, 38-year-old avowed white supremacist Kory Dean Boyd & an accomplice break into a Portland, OR. pawn shop, stealing 47 guns.  After searching his house, police recovered seven of the guns, but 35 remained unaccounted for.  Boyd previously served time in a federal prison for attacking a Black man in a bar, encouraging his friends to stab the. man as he beat him. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2022/02/avowed-white-supremacist-is-one-of-five-who-busted-through-portland-pawn-shop-with-sledgehammer-stole-47-guns-feds-say.html
January 30, 2022: Nazis from the National Social Movement hold a rally in Orlando, Florida.  When a passerby heckles them, several nazis grab him and punch him repeatedly. https://twitter.com/Imposter_Edits/status/1487563639099957249
January 30, 2022: The body of an unidentified trans woman is discovered near an abandoned construction site in Cabo Frio, Brazil.  Her head had been crushed in with bricks. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/30/name-unknown_cabo-frio-rio-de-janeiro-brazil_0b825582
January 31, 2022: A gunman chases an unidentified trans woman and cisgender man down the street in Porta da Fohla, Brazil, shooting and killing both of them. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/01/31/name-unknown_porto-da-folha-sergipe-brazil_4c57abbb
January 31-February 1, 2022: Bethune-Cookman University & almost two dozen other historically-black colleges in the US receive bomb threats on the eve of Black History Month.  The caller threatening Bethune-Cookman University claims to be a member of Atomwaffen Division. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/hbcu-bomb-threat-caller-florida-described-elaborate-plot-involving-bombs-duffle-bags/U6NV476M6JBUFMDVUKODESE25M/
February 3, 2022: A driver who blocks a COVID conspiracy truck convoy protest in Sylvan Lake, Canada is assaulted by the leader of the convoy protest. https://www.newsweek.com/canada-freedom-convoy-leader-charged-assault-rally-1677286 February 3, 2022: After  leaving a campaign event in Meerut, India, the motorcade of AIMIM MP Asaduddin Owaisi comes under fire from 3-4 would-be assassins. Police arrest two men, one of him is a BJP member whose social media is filled with photos of him posing with high-ranking BJP leaders. https://hindutvawatch.org/man-arrested-for-owaisi-assassination-attempt-flaunted-bjp-membership-photos-with-top-leaders/
February 4, 2022: An ice cream store employee is walking to work in Ottawa, Canada when two men from the COVID conspiracy "freedom convoy" protest begin screaming racial abuse at them for wearing a mask. "They were yelling racially charged slurs at me and asking me if the reason that I had my mask on was because I was an anti-Asian slur," they said.  The men then beat the employee to the ground and flee. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/moo-shu-ice-cream-employee-assaulted-ottawa-1.6341207
February 4, 2022: A man runs up behind a Hasidic Jewish couple walking through a Brooklyn neighbourhood and hits the man in the back of the head before immediately fleeing. https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-york-polices-hate-crimes-unit-investigating-2-alleged-assaults-against-jews/
February 4, 2022: A man and a woman driving through Manaus, Brazil call a trans woman over to their vehicle.  The trans woman gets in and the couple garrote  her to death with a wire, then get out of the car and walk away. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/04/name-unknown_manaus-amazonas-brazil_545b2cda
February 5, 2022: A 17-year old girl is beaten by a group of six racists, three men and three women, in a train in Berlin, Germany. https://taz.de/Angriff-auf-junge-Berlinerin/!5834436/
February 6, 2022: After residents loudly voiced their opposition to a COVID conspiracy truck protest blockading their neighbourhood for days, two men enter the lobby of an Ottawa apartment building, duct-tape the front doors shut, dump firestarter on the lobby floor, then slight it alight before fleeing through a side exit.  Before fleeing the men are suprised by a resident who asks if they are from "the convoy" which they confirm.  A passerby sees the flames, breaks through the barred doors, and puts the fire out before anyone is killed. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-police-investigating-attempted-arson-in-centretown-high-rise-1.5771579
February 7, 2022: A 16-year old antifascist counter-protester to a far-right corona conspiracy demonstration in Flensburg, Germany, is attacked and beaten severely.  She is hospitalized with serious injuries from the attack. https://twitter.com/RadioFratz/status/1491102756475912194
February 8, 2022: An 8-year old boy from Iraq is racially insulted and physically attacked by a 71-year old German man in a spa in Mühlhausen, Germany. https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/thueringen/nord-thueringen/unstrut-hainich/rassismus-angriff-therme-kind-muehlhausen-100.html
February 8, 2022: A group of students assaulted a transgender teen after a basketball game between North Attleboro and Foxboro high schools, in North Attleborough, MA, USA. It is reported that a group of Foxboro students assaulted the North Attleboro student and called her hateful slurs relating to her trans identity. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/02/12/trans-north-attleboro-massachusetts-basketball/
February 9, 2022: A man travelling on a Toronto city bus begins racially abusing other passengers, then follows another passenger exiting the bus, racially abusing the passenger off the bus, then punching him repeatedly in the face before fleeing. https://www.cp24.com/news/suspect-sought-after-hate-motivated-assault-in-toronto-1.5813134
February 9, 2022: A 52-year old South Korean diplomat is punched in the face in an unprovoked attack in New York City, USA. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/593699-south-korean-diplomat-attacked-in-new-york-city-police
February 9, 2022: A 33-year old man is arrested in Schouwen-Duiveland, the Netherlands, for possession of an illegal 3D-printed gun. Police confiscated the 3D-printed gun, gun parts, ammunition and far-right propaganda, including swastika flags.  https://www.crimesite.nl/man-opgepakt-met-3d-geprint-vuurwapen-video/
February 9, 2022: A 17-year old Dunedin, New Zealand, schoolgirl ended up in hospital with a concussion after three other pupils ripped her hijab off and beat her. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300519013/otago-girls-high-school-pupil-attacked-hijab-ripped-off-by-fellow-students
February 10, 2022: After being missing for a full week, the body of 33-year-old trans woman Loren Guzmán is discovered in Irapuato, Mexico.  She had been murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/10/loren-guzman_irapuato-guanajuato-mexico_aa8e3f5c
February 10, 2022: A member of the communist CPI-M was beaten to death by far-right BJP supporters in Belonia, Tripura, India.  https://news8plus.com/bjp-goons-attack-and-kill-cpi-m-activist-in-tripura/
February 10, 2022: The naked, lifeless body of Bunty, a trans woman living in Taxila, Pakistan, is found in her room.  She had been sexually assaulted and then stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/10/bunty_taxila-punjab-pakistan_c740117d
February 10, 2022: Two assassins arrive by motorcycle to the Teixeira de Freitas, Brazil home of 27-year-old trans woman Priscila Santos, where they shoot and kill both her and her partner. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/10/priscila-santos_teixeira-de-freitas-bahia-brazil_501cde2f February 10, 2022: 32-year-old Joseph Paul Berger, host of the extreme right-wing podcast "The Alt-Right Armory" (which he hosted under the name "GlockDoctor1488"), and his 67-year-old father Joseph Raymond Berger are charged after the FBI raid their home and discover over a dozen fully-automatic machine guns and twelve silencers. The younger Berger, who once threatened to attack a library that was hosting a "Drag Queen Story Time" children's event, was also an active member of the American Identity Movement. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/lehigh-county-father-and-son-charged-unlawful-possession-more-dozen-machine-guns-and
February 11, 2022: 23-year-old trans woman Júlia dos Santos Silva is shot dead in the streets of Palmares, Brazil.
February 11, 2022: A stranger approaches a Jewish man on Brooklyn's Avenue L to ask for directions.  After he's given directions, he punches the Jewish man in the face before fleeing in a vehicle.  Ten minutes later and less than a mile away, a 14-year-old Jewish boy is yelled at by a strange man, thought to be the same perpetrator.  In the latter case, the boy managed to run away before being attacked. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/14/us/new-york-city-hate-crimes-investigation-anti-semitism/index.html
February 11, 2022: FBI agents raid the Waterville, ME. apartment of 18-year-old Xavier Pelkey, confiscating three bombs he had constructed after two juveniles had told police he was planning to use them to bomb three mosques in Chicago. https://www.centralmaine.com/2022/02/24/waterville-man-allegedly-planned-mass-murder-of-chicago-mosque-with-explosives-prosecutors-say/
February 11, 2022: 22-year-old trans woman Sofia Gisely is found murdered in Fortaleza, Brazil.  She had been stoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/11/sofia-gisely_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_9396057d
February 12, 2022: Two men target trans women C. de Azevedo Soares and J. L. da Silva in São Bento do Una, Brazil, shooting and killing both of them in an unprovoked attack. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/12/c-de-azevedo-soares_sao-bento-do-una-pernambuco-brazil_79782e8f
February 13, 2022: 25-year-old Assamad Nash follows 35-year-old Christina Yuna Lee into her Chinatown, Manhattan apartment building and into her apartment, grabbing a knife from her kitchen and stabbing her to death. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/02/14/nyc-woman-stabbed-chinatown-apartment/6783347001/ February 13, 2022: Far-right corona conspiracy theorists holding a march in Dresden, Germany, attack a group of journalists and antifascists, causing several injuries. https://twitter.com/vuecritique/status/1504533617531408384 February 14, 2022: At a blockade of the Canada-US border in Coutts, Alberta by anti-public health measures protestors, police arrest 13 people after seizing 13 firearms, body armour, and thousands of rounds of ammunition from three trucks.  The arrestees face conspiracy to murder and weapons charges. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/coutts-protest-charges-laid-court-appearance-bail-1.6352482?cmp=rss
February 14, 2022: Trans woman Larissa Correia is shot and killed while walking through a residential neighbourhood in Vitória da Conquista, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/14/larissa-correia_vitoria-da-conquista-bahia-brazil_d4262a77
February 16, 2022: 46-year-old trans woman Johana Sánchez is stabbed to death in Armenia, Colombia. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/16/johana-sanchez_armenia-quindio-colombia_6efc7bdf
February 16, 2022: An Asian man leaving an Eden Prairie, MN. Costco is racially abused by 51-year-old David Christian Schmeisser, who tells the man to "go back to China" and "go home."  Schmeisser then uses his car to block the man from driving out of the parking lot.  When the man swerves around Schmeisser's vehicle, Schmeisser pursues the man, ramming his car, then fleeing. https://www.eplocalnews.org/2022/03/02/eden-prairie-man-charged-with-bias-motivated-assault/
February 18, 2022: Two white college-age men assault an unidentified person in a homophobic attack at Corvallis' Oregon State University in what campus police are investigating as a possible hate crime. https://www.kezi.com/news/possible-hate-crime-on-osu-campus-under-investigation/article_465c6708-93a3-11ec-b8e4-8bc656f0c8bb.html
February 18, 2022: Police arrest a suspect for an unprovoked anti-Muslim subway assault hate-crime against a 17-year-old girl at the Queensboro Plaza station in Queens, NY.  The suspect started berating the teenager as she was boarding the N train and proceeded to hit her upper back and neck. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/police-arrest-suspect-for-queens-anti-muslim-hate-crime-subway-assault-against-17-year-old/ar-AA11QlRK February 19, 2022: A Black Lives Matter march in Portland, OR. is the scene of a mass shooting when 43-year-old far right extremist Benjamin Smith approaches five women doing traffic safety for the march, opening fire on them with a handgun, injuring five and killing one. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/20/us/portland-shooting/index.html
February 19, 2022: Trans woman R.J. Vargas is stabbed to death in a home in Manizales, Colombia. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/19/r-j-vargas_manizales-caldas-colombia_0c50e443
February 19, 2022: 42-year-old Tremaine Jatari Sowell threatens a man in Huntington Beach, CA. with a stun gun while racially abusing him. https://www.ocregister.com/2022/02/23/man-charged-accused-of-race-motivated-stun-gun-threat-in-huntington-beach/
February 19, 2022: 17-year-old trans teen Gabi Mattos is chased down the street by a gunman in Aracaju, Brazil, who shoots her in the head, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/19/gabi-mattos_aracaju-sergipe-brazil_581b9183
February 20, 2022: 24-year-old trans woman Tifany Meneses is shot in the head and killed in Puerto Tejada, Colombia. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/20/tifany-meneses_puerto-tejada-cauca-colombia_75247a80
February 21, 2022:  A CPI(M) worker and his brother are attacked by four RSS/BJP Hindu ultranationalists in the town of Thalassery, India. The CPI(M) worker is beaten to death and is brother is hospitalized with injuries. https://hindutvawatch.org/four-kerala-rss-bjp-workers-arrested-for-killing-cpim-worker-in-kannur/
February 22, 2022: Trans woman Gabrielly Monteiro is found stabbed to death in a São Luís, Brazil apartment. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/22/gabrielly-monteiro_sao-luis-maranhao-brazil_5cbbfa20
February 22, 2022: Well-known LGBTQ+ activist Avaz Hafizli is stabbed to death near Baku, Azerbaijan: https://www.ilga-europe.org/blog/the-timeline-leading-from-anti-lgbti-instagram-posts-to-the-honour-killing-of-an-lgbti-activist-in-azerbaijan/
February 23, 2022: A group of white students at a high school in Whiteland, IN. begin filming their harassment of Punjabi students in the school cafeteria.  The abuse quickly escalates into a physical assault of a Sikh student, who is punched and kicked and has his turban knocked off his head while his attackers shout racist abuse at him.  After being treated by the school nurse for his injuries, the Sikh student is suspended for five days. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2022/02/25/whiteland-high-school-indiana-sikh-coalition-attack-religion/6943340001/
February 23, 2022: The body of trans woman Britney Spears is dumped on a riverbank in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.  She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/23/britney-spears_belo-horizonte-minas-gerais-brazil_cbc836f1
February 24, 2022: 27-year-old trans woman Brunna Kimberlly is gunned down in the streets of Aparecida de Goiânia, Brazil by two gunmen who approached her on a motorcycle, shooting her multiple times before fleeing. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/24/brunna-kimberlly_aparecida-de-goiania-goias-brazil_2925afb8
February 24, 2022: Trans man Samuel Hoffman is murdered in Billesholm, Sweden. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/24/samuel-hoffmann_billesholm-skane-sweden_41a7ba31
February 25, 2022:  A Christian pastor going to meet a friend in South Dehli, India is stopped by a mob of local Hindu nationalists, who beat him, force him to chant "Jai Sri Ram," then tie him to a streetlamp and encourage passerby to beat him. The pastor is beaten for several more minutes before he is able to break his bonds and flee. https://scroll.in/latest/1018560/christian-pastor-alleges-assault-by-delhi-mob-claiming-he-was-involved-in-religious-conversions
February 26, 2022: 29-year-old trans woman Paloma Vazquez is found shot to death in her Houston, TX. apartment. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/02/26/paloma-vazquez_houston-texas-usa_f096e42f
February 27, 2022: 28-year-old Steven Zajonc is accused of going on a hate crime spree, walking around south Manhattan attacking Asian women.  Over the course of two hours, Zajonc punched seven different women in random assaults.  https://nypost.com/2022/03/02/nypd-hunts-hate-crime-suspect-accused-of-assaulting-7-asian-women/ February 27, 2022:  26-year-old Akron OH. Proud Boy Andrew Walls crosses paths with two Black women, racially abuses one of them, and then punches both of the women, splitting one woman's lip and giving her a concussion and then dragging her into the street by her hair. Bystanders saw a pistol tucked into Walls' belt. https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2022/02/27/video-racial-slur-fist-hurled-black-woman-akron-highland-square/6966802001/
March 3, 2022: The body of 31-year-old Brent Wood, who identified as nonbinary, is found near dumpsters beside a Seattle, WA. drugstore.  They had been beaten to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/03/brent-wood_seattle-washington-usa_282fa01b
March 4, 2022: The body of an unidentified trans woman is found dumped in a vacant lot in Aparecida de Goiânia, Brazil.  She appeared to have been strangled and sexually abused.  She is the 2nd trans person to be murdered in Aparecida de Goiânia so far this year. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/04/name-unknown_aparecida-de-goiania-goias-brazil_c686997e
March 6, 2022: A 41-year-old Asian man is slashed in the face with a knife as he exits a Brooklyn subway station.  39-year-old Brendan Dowling is charged in the attack. https://www.audacy.com/1010wins/news/local/subway-attack-on-asian-commuter-investigated-as-hate-crime
March 8, 2022: 47-year-old Christian Jeffers enters a Manhattan subway station carrying six knives, an imitation pistol, and a hammer.  He then attacks a 29-year-old Asian man in the station with the hammer, after threatening the man's wife.  The man sustains head injuries in the attack. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/09/us/asian-attack-subway-nypd/index.html
March 9, 2022: Five middle school students in Coconut Creek, FL. single out and attack four of their white classmates, punching them and hitting them with cell phone chargers, cables, and a stick while yelling "it's opposite day!" "brown power!" and telling them they were being attacked as revenge for slavery. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/five-students-charged-hate-crimes-racially-motivated-incident-police-s-rcna19640
March 9, 2022: 19-year-old trans woman Kathryn Newhouse is shot and killed by her own father in their Canton, GA. home.  After murdering his child, Newhouse's father then turned the gun on himself, committing suicide. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/09/kathryn-newhouse_canton-georgia-usa_3dfd3601
March 9, 2022: A 15-year-old high school student in Houma, LA. is charged with hate crimes after throwing cotton balls at a black classmate and then whipping him with a belt. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana/articles/2022-03-16/hate-crime-charge-for-teen-recorded-whipping-classmate
March 9, 2022: Luo, a 21-year-old trans woman, is stabbed to death after attempting to use a public washroom in Wuhan, China shopping mall. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/09/luo_wuhan-hubei-china_02bba92b 
March 10, 2022:  A  53-year-old transgender woman was walking her dog in Inglewood, CA., when another woman punched her and attacked her with a box cutter.  Ana Luz Vazquez is arrested and charged.  https://da.lacounty.gov/media/news/woman-charged-hate-crime-attack-transgender-woman-inglewood
March 11, 2022: A 67-year-old Asian woman returning to her Yonkers, NY apartment is called as "Asian bitch" by 42-year-old Tammel Esco.  She ignores him and enters her building, followed by Esco who punches her in the head from behind, knocking to the ground, before launching a sustained attack of punches and stomps on her for several minutes, until a neighbour intervenes. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/asian-woman-punched-125-new-york-attack-suspect-charged-attempted-murd-rcna19984
March 11, 2022: Trans activist La Leona is discovered stabbed to death in the Bucaramanga, Colombia hair salon where she worked. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/11/la-leona_bucaramanga-santander-colombia_fae6c840
March 13, 2022: Armed men storm a home in Mansehra, Pakistan occupied by a group of trans women.  They shoot five of the residents, killing one. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/21/sameer-iftikhar_mansehra-khyber-pakhtunkhwa-pakistan_cc6fca2c
March 15, 2022: 49-year-old nazi Jeremy Wayne Jones, his 42-year-old girlfriend Christina Lyn Garner, and 52-year-old Christopher Dimenco are charged with hate crimes after shooting and stabbing a 30-year-old Black man at a Tracy, California gas station, killing him. https://sfbayca.com/2022/03/20/white-couple-charged-with-murder-hate-crimes-in-killing-of-stockton-man/
March 15, 2022: After weeks of verbal harassment and threats, 31-year-old Andrew Higine-Rios deliberately misgenders  his 20-year-old trans employee, threatens to beat him up hurls transphobic abuse at him, and finally attempts to run him over with a semi-trailer truck. https://www.greeleytribune.com/2022/04/26/weld-county-da-files-bias-motivated-charge-against-man-who-allegedly-assaulted-trans-employee-for-his-identity/
March 18, 2022: Four racialized film students traveling to a rented cabin outside of Denver, CO. for a weekend shoot get their vehicle stuck on a snowy road. Local man Jon Spencer arrives on scene, demanding that they leave and racially abusing the group, calling them "dumb black bastards," and "black bitches" before punching and choking one of the students while yelling that he was going to kill all of them. Moments later, a second man arrived on-scene, armed with an assault rifle, who also threatened the students and then assisted Spencer in assaulting one of the students.  When police arrive, they charge Spencer with misdemeanor assault, refuse to charge the 2nd man, do not treat the assault student for obvious head injuries, and initially treat the students as if they were armed. https://sentinelcolorado.com/orecent-headlines/aurora-film-students-struggle-for-justice-after-they-were-attacked-on-a-quiet-mountain-road/
March 19, 2022: The body of 33-year-old trans woman Tatiana "Tee Tee" Labelle is found stuffed into a garbage bin in Chicago, IL. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/19/tatiana-labelle-tee-tee_chicago-illinois-usa_3c26f7c2
March 19, 2022: A 24-year-old man armed with a hatchet and bear spray walks into a mosque in Mississauga, Canada during morning prayers and sprays several people.  Before he can continue his attack, 20 congregants subdue him. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/20/canadian-mosque-worshippers-attacked-with-bear-spray
March 22, 2022: The decomposed corpse of 29-year-old trans woman Priscila "Diva" Santos is found near a dam in Mairipora, Brazil dam.  She had been murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/22/priscila-santos-priscila-diva_mairipora-sao-paulo-brazil_34232d69
March 22, 2022: 38-year-old trans woman Estrelita Saltos Robalino and her partner Néstor Fabián González Mero  are both shot dead by gunmen near their Guyaquil, Ecuador home.  Robalino is the 3rd trans person to be murdered in Guayaquil so far this year. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/22/estrellita-saltos-robalino_guayaquil-guayas-ecuador_6aee4be6
March 23, 2022: A 34-year-old trans woman, identified only by the initials V.R.V., is shot dead in the streets of Matías Romero, Mexico, by gunmen who flee on a motorcycle. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/23/v-r-v_matias-romero-oaxaca-mexico_4c32622b
March 24, 2022: The handcuffed body of 27-year-old trans woman Yessi Montero is found dumped beside a highway in Nautla, Mexico.  She had been tortured and sexually mutilated before being shot to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/24/yessi-montero_nautla-veracruz-mexico_855dc690
March 26, 2022: A gay college student is harassed and subjected to homophobic abuse by four other men at a hous party in Nanaimo, Canada before one of the men sexually assaults him and a second man punches him in the face. Immediately after, several men pounced on the student, beating him while screaming homophobic abuse.  The student was hospitalized to have his injuries treated. SOURCE: https://globalnews.ca/news/8723068/bc-hate-crime-homophobic-assault-nanaimo/
March 26, 2022: A transgender person identified only as "S." is shot and killed in Peshawar, Pakistan.  A companion of S is also shot,  but survives. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/26/s_peshawar-khyber-pakhtunkhwa-pakistan_bef609d3
March 26, 2022: 19 year old Tomos Wilson was arrested and charged for assaulting Ebehitale Igene 3 weeks in a row at a Bangor, Wales nightclub. On 3/12 Mr. Igene (who is Black) was followed into the bathroom, and told to, "Go back home." Similar verbal abuse took place on 3/19, but during the culminating incident of 3/26 Wilson wanted Igene to pose for a picture, he threatened him with a closed fist, and when Igene did not comply Wilson choked him. https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/man-admits-most-disgusting-racial-25111201
March 26, 2022: Coconut, a trans woman living in Mardan, Pakistan, is shot and killed when gunmen on motorcyles open fire on a car she and another trans woman are traveling in. The other woman is injured but survives the attack. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/26/coconut_mardan-khyber-pakhtunkhwa-pakistan_77991bd0
March 27, 2022: A woman standing outside of her Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn home is approached by a man yelling anti-gay slurs at her. The man then produces a mop handle, beating the woman with it, before fleeing. The woman is treated in the hospital for a concussion and lacerations to her forehead. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/woman-beaten-with-mop-handle-on-nyc-street-in-possible-hate-attack-cops/3684740/
March 28, 2022: M. Sheikh, 32-year-old transgender person living in Guragram, India, is stoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/28/m-shiekh_gurugram-haryana-india_9f1ded2c
March 28, 2022:  A Native American woman walking her dog in Eugene, OR. is confronted by a young white man who throws a cup of acid on her while marking disparging remarks about her ethnicity. Two weeks later, this same man would attempt to break into her home a month later; on June 19th, someone breaks into her home and tries to light her on fire while she is sleeping; on June 28th, the woman opened her door only to have acid thrown in her face a 2nd time. In both acid attacks, she had to be treated for chemical burns in hospital.  https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/2022/06/29/native-american-woman-attacked-with-acid-for-third-time-eugene-oregon-possible-hate-crime-suspected/65364827007/
March 29, 2022: Corbin Maverick Riley and John Segovia Calderon, both 21, attack a homeless person in downtown Calgary, knocking him to the ground and repeating kicking him in the face and ribs, in what police are describing as a hate-motivated assault.  The victim required medical attention for injuries to his faces and ribs after the assault. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-homeless-man-beating-charges-1.6435024
March 30, 2022: A 31-year-old unidentified trans woman is shot to death in the streets of Pacatuba, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/30/name-unknown_pacatuba-ceara-brazil_70e9d84e
March 30, 2022: Five members of the Bajrang Da Hindu extremist group, out trying to persuade the public to boycott halal meat in Old Town, India, are confronted by a man. The five chase the man into a hotel lobby and beat him. https://hindutvawatch.org/one-assaulted-over-halal-meat-row-in-bhadravati/
March 30, 2022: The body of 33-year-old trans woman Fernanda López Somer is found lying in the street in Concordia, Argentina.  She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/03/30/fernanda-lopez-somer_concordia-entre-rios-argentina_4d7e0a26
March 31, 2022: Five people enter a halal butcher shop in Hosamane, India, demanding halal meat. When the shopkeeper tries to explain that the establishment is halal, the five beat him and forcibly close the shop down. https://hindutvawatch.org/bajrang-dal-activists-held-for-attacking-muslim-meat-sellers-as-cm-appeals-for-peaceful-ugadi/
April 1, 2022: Trans woman Miia Love Parker is shot to death in her own car after she parks on a residential street in Chester, PA. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/01/miia-love-parker_chester-pennsylvania-usa_864b2798
April 1, 2022: 22-year-old trans woman Shelony Viloria is shot in the face after returning to her hometown of El Bagre, Colombia, which she had fled from a year earlier after receiving transphobic death threats.  She dies from her injuries two days later. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/03/shelony-viloria-riqui-pa-riqui_el-bagre-antioquia-colombia_5b18cba9
April 1, 2022: 18-year-old Staten Island youth Logan Jones and four others knock a 21-year-old Jewish man to the ground in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn before proceeding to kick and beat him, forcing the man to roll under a parked truck to escape the attack. https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2022/06/03/staten-island-teen-indicted-for-assault-as-hate-crime-for-attacking-jewish-man/
April 2, 2022: A group of teenagers attack a 21-year-old Hasidic Jewish man in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighbourhood, beating him to the ground in an unprovoked assault.  The man sustained injuries to his face in the attack. SOURCE: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/hate-crimes-task-force-probes-wordless-unprovoked-street-attack-in-brooklyn/3627649/
April 2, 2022: Three teenagers approach six Jewish children on Manhattan's Upper West Side and, armed with a crowbar, a sword, and a knife, threaten the children, yelling “You’re Jewish, we’re going to come get you,”  and “We fight dirty. We don’t fight clean!”  The teen with the sword lunged at the children but failed to make contact. SOURCE: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-manhattan-teens-threaten-jewish-children-sword-knife-crowbar-20220406-w74lpyj6rnfqzcvgrai45mox4y-story.html
April 2, 2022: Carrying an assault rifle, 19-year-old Jimmy Leshawn Williams enters a party in Hampton, VA and asks 17-year-old trans person Ariyanna Mitchell what their gender is before shooting them multiple times, killing them. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/02/ariyanna-mitchell_hampton-virginia-usa_4525fe12
April 2, 2022: A man in Mesa County, CO. is arrested after coming on to his neighbour's property brandishing a handgun in reaction to the neighbour flying a Mexican flag during a birthday party. https://www.gjsentinel.com/news/western_colorado/man-accused-of-hate-crimes-arrested-again-charged-with-bribery/article_b887dfe8-bf53-11ec-bbed-7fd6a2119914.htmla
April 3, 2022: Just two weeks into a visit to New York City, 70-year-old Sikh man Nirmal Singh is punched in the face in an unprovoked attack while walking home from a Sikh temple in Queens, NY. The attack knocks Singh to the ground, leaving him with a broken nose and other injuries. SOURCE: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/04/us/sikh-man-attack-new-york-hate-crime/index.html
April 3, 2022: 45-year-old trans woman Crislaine dos Santos dies after being shot in the face on the streets of Serra, Brazil.   https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/03/crislaine-dos-santos_serra-espirito-santo-brazil_a59436e1
April 3, 2022: Hundreds of attendees of an anti-Islam rally in Burari, India turn on journalists covering the event, attacking five of them (four of whom were Muslim) and seizing their equipment as they were beaten. https://hindutvawatch.org/journalists-attacked-during-burari-hindu-mahapanchayat-where-anti-muslim-speeches-were-made/
April 3, 2022: A man walks into a popular Brooklyn gay bar, pours kerosene on the floor, and lights it on fire before immediately fleeing.  Two bar staff are injured in the subsequent blaze and several people living in apartments above the bar are displaced. SOURCE: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-man-douses-lgbtq-bar-gasoline-20220405-3ook7nmcfjf4zocsxll5vzbgom-story.html
April 3, 2022: Gunmen on motorcycles arrive at the Colima, Mexico home of 22-year-old trans woman Yaneth.  They enter her home, shoot her to death, and then flee. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/03/yaneth_colima-mexico_f9a3736a
April 5, 2022: A 39-year-old activist in the nazi Nordic Resistance Movement is accused of beating his partner to death in their Noresund, Norway home. SOURCE: https://antifa.tk/2022/04/05/tidligere-redesjef-i-den-nordiske-motstandsbevegelsen-pagrepet-for-drap-pa-samboer/ April 6, 2022: Police in Eisenach, Germany arrest four neo-nazis accused of leading a nazi street fighting group responsible for several attacks conducted in an effort to make a neighbourhood in the town a no-go area for non-white people.  SOURCE: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/germany-arrests-investigation-groups-83904901
April 7, 2022: 56-year-old Tunbridge Wells, UK resident Kevin Davis racially abuses a traffic officer, then assaults him, then racially abuses officers and medical staff as he's being treated for injuries in a local hospital afterwards. SOURCE: https://www.kentonline.co.uk/tunbridge-wells/news/man-charged-with-hate-crime-265290/ 
April 8, 2022: 27-year-old New Jersey resident Dion March assaults a Hasidic Jewish man, then steals his car.  Hours later, he uses the stolen car to run over another Hasidic Jewish pedestrian.  Fleeing, Marsh pops up on police radar soon after when he stabs a third Hasidic Jewish person in the chest, then runs over another Hasidic Jewish person minutes later. https://www.fox29.com/news/nj-man-charged-with-federal-hate-crimes-for-attacks-against-orthodox-jewish-community-in-lakewood-jackson
April 8, 2022: The body of an unidentified trans woman is found in a motel room in Guadalajara, Mexico.  She had been murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/08/name-unknown_guadalajara-jalisco-mexico_7519649a
April 9, 2022: An unidentified trans woman is found strangled to death in a Fortaleza, Brazil parking lot.  She is the second trans woman to be found murdered in the city in the past two months. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/09/name-unknown_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_2775a609
April 10, 2022: Members of the right-wing student group ABVP attack students found eating meat at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Dehli, injuring at least three students. https://hindutvawatch.org/jnu-violence-2-firs-filed-after-students-hurt-in-clashes-over-non-veg-food/ April 11-12, 2022: After two gay men are found murdered and mutilated in their Sligo, Ireland homes, police arrest a man in his twenties, accusing him of befriending gay man on a dating app in order to make a kill list and intending to kill more gay men. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/04/14/sligo-murders-suspect-ireland-police-gay-homophobia/
April 12, 2022: While riding a New York subway, 62-year-old Frank James dons a gas mask, sets off two smoke grenades, and then proceeds to shoot other passengers in the train, injuring 22 people. In his  many online videos and social media posts, James referred to himself as a "victim" of New York's mental health system, spoke of his desire to kill people, called for increased racial profiling and the forcible sterilization of black women, predicted a "race war" between whites and blacks, called racialized people "turds in the toilet," referred to September 11, 2001 as "the most beautiful day in the country" and made numerous bigoted remarks against all manner of ethnic, racial, and religious groups. SOURCE: https://globalnews.ca/news/8757772/frank-james-brooklyn-subway-shooting-youtube-videos/
April 12, 2022: 20-year-old Hezekiah Coleman is arrested after he and another assailant assaulted and robbed two Sikh men, aged 64 and 74, in Queens, NY.  The attacker beat both men with a club, stripped them of their turbans, punched them, and stole their money. SOURCE: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hezekiah-coleman-sikh-men-assault-new-york-city-hate-crime-charges/
April 12, 2022: The body of a trans woman is found dumped alongside a Juárez, Mexico highway.  She appeared to have been suffocated to death with a black plastic bag. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/12/name-unknown_ciudad-juarez-chihuahua-mexico_96f67e7e April 12, 2022: Evan Berryhill-Jewell is arrested on assault and hate crime charges in San Angelo, TX after reportedly approaching a transgender man and his boyfriend making homophobic and trans-phobic comments, then putting hands on them.   https://news.yahoo.com/texas-boutique-owner-arrested-charged-200626988.html
April 13, 2022: 29-year-old trans woman R. da Silva Franco is shot to death in the doorway of a business in Resende, Brazil by two gunmen who flee on a motorcycle. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/13/r-da-silva-franco_resende-rio-de-janeiro-brazil_793c8162
April 14, 2022:  A religious procession for members of the Dalit/Buddhist Ambedkarite faith is attacked by members of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal organization, armed with clubs, knives, and swords, in Bargarh, India. Four Ambedkarites are injured and 25 vehicles damaged in the attack. https://hindutvawatch.org/odisha-no-arrests-yet-of-bajrang-dal-members-who-attacked-ambedkar-jayanti-rally/
April 15, 2022: An unidentified man in midtown Manhattan approaches another man, makes derogatory comments about his perceived nationality, then stabs him. SOURCE: https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/midtown-manhattan-stabbing-hate-crime-investigation/
April 15, 2022: An SDPI worker is hacked to death by members of the Hindu extremist group RSS in Elappully, India.   https://hindutvawatch.org/three-more-rss-men-apprehended-in-subair-murder/
April 15, 2022: An unidentified trans woman dies when she is shot in the back on the beach of Vila Velha, Brazil by an unidentified man she had just had a brief argument with. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/15/name-unknown_vila-velha-espirito-santo-brazil_de698340
April 16, 2022: As they are leaving evening prayers at a Toronto mosque, five Muslim men are shot by an assailant in a drive-by shooting. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/toronto/article-five-injured-in-drive-by-shooting-outside-toronto-mosque/
April 16, 2022: A group of teens racially abuse a 16-year-old Black girl in San Diego, CA. before one of them stabs her twice in the back. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2022-04-18/deputies-searching-for-teen-who-stabbed-16-year-old-black-girl-in-back-after-making-racial-taunts
April 17, 2022: While out walking his dog in Miami, James Garcia is approached by another man who asks him if he is gay.  When Garcia doesn't respond, the man punches him in the face. https://miami.cbslocal.com/2022/04/19/fort-lauderdale-hate-crime-gay-attack/
April 17, 2022: As 32-year-old trans woman Kelly Keyze Rosa leaves a bar in Caeté, Brazil with her brother, they are confronted by a group of six men, one of whom pulls a pistol and shoots Rosa 11 times before fleeing. Rosa dies at the scene. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/17/kelly-keyze-rosa_caete-minas-gerais-brazil_33921519
April 17, 2022: 34 year old Dylan Kesterson was yelling racial slurs and chasing a teenage boy in Portland, OR. when he saw a Filipino woman. He hit her coffee out of her hand, grabbed her by the head, threw her against a car, and kept yanking her around, which resulted in chunks of her hair being ripped out. He continued until bystanders intervened.  https://www.kptv.com/2022/07/09/exclusive-portland-man-has-history-racially-motivated-attacks/
April 17, 2022:  Self-proclaimed "incel" Johnny Deven Young was charged for pepper spraying three women and a man in Costa Mesa.  Young is charged with four counts of assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury, four counts of illegal use of tear gas, and four misdemeanor counts of violation of civil rights. He also faces sentencing enhancements for hate crime and personal use of a  deadly weapon. https://abc7.com/incel-hate-attack-johnny-deven-young-costa-mesa/12273895/
April 19, 2022: The body of 16-year-old trans teen Renata Cavalcante/Renata Ferraz is found dumped in a ditch in São José de Espinharas, Brazil after leaving home to go to a party with friends. She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/19/renata-cavalcante-renata-ferraz_sao-jose-de-espinharas-paraiba-brazil_337719a0
April 20, 2022:  The body of 30-year-old stylist and trans woman Karla Michelle Chavira Chávez is found in the streets of Panuco, Mexico. She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/20/karla-michelle-chavira-chavez_panuco-veracruz-mexico_89fa3683
April 20, 2022:  Police in Karnataka, India uncover a plot by HIndu extremists to murder a Muslim youth in revenge for the killing of a Bajrang Dal party member earlier this year. 13 people are charged in the conspiracy. https://hindutvawatch.org/karnataka-six-arrested-for-planning-to-kill-youth-to-avenge-shivamogga-bajrang-dal-workers-murder/
April 21, 2022: Two Edmonton, Canada mosques receive packages containing an unidentified white powder. Hazardous materials crews are called in to analyze the substances, which turn out to be coffee creamer. https://globalnews.ca/news/8776754/edmonton-mosques-white-powder-hate-crime-investigation/
April 22, 2022: Gunmen arrive at the La Libertad, Ecuador home of Roxy Tumbaco Orrala, a 35-year-old trans woman, shooting and killing her in front of her relatives before fleeing. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/22/roxy-tumbaco-orrala_la-libertad-ecuador_92b52382
April 23, 2022: A gay couple walking their dog in Santa Cruz, CA. cross paths with a straight couple walking their dog.  The two dogs start fighting and this quickly leads to the straight couple assaulting the gay men while screaming homophobic abuse. https://kion546.com/news/2022/04/24/santa-cruz-couple-faces-hate-crime-charges-after-dog-fight/
April 24, 2022: A 69-year-old Asian woman walking through Chelsea in Manhattan is approached by a strange man who punches her in the face before fleeing.  The woman is hospitalized for her injuries. https://nypost.com/2022/04/24/69-year-old-asian-woman-randomly-punched-in-the-stomach-in-nyc-cops/
April 26, 2022:  Trans rights and feminist activist Mariana Jaramillo is found dead in a rural area near Santa Elena, Colombia. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/04/26/mariana-jaramillo_santa-elena-valle-del-cauca-colombia_d2e326c1
April 27, 2022:  A Muslim woman walking home with her calf in  Nelyadi, India is confronted by ten men belonging to the BJP and Bajrang Dal Hindu extremist gangs. The men beat her and tear her clothing. Police refuse to investigate. https://hindutvawatch.org/nelyadi-woman-alleges-assault-by-banjrang-dal-while-taking-her-calf-back-home-video-viral/
April 30, 2022: Two young Muslim teens getting manicures in a Clifton, NJ nail salon are confronted by a white woman who accuses them of staring at her, tells them to "go back to your fucking country" because "they do not belong here," before hitting the 13-year-old teen in the head https://www.cair.com/press_releases/cair-nj-condemns-assault-on-muslim-girls-at-nail-salon-welcomes-investigation/ 
May 2, 2022: 22-year-old Samuel D. Vandeusen sets a vehicle belonging to two Mormons who lived in his Torrington, CT. building on fire, telling police that he had a problem with Mormons and wanted to see their vehicle "blow up." https://www.deseret.com/faith/2022/5/13/23057415/2-men-face-hate-crime-charges-for-separately-setting-fire-to-a-latter-day-saint-mission-car-church
May 2, 2022: Three men sitting in their Kurai, India home are attacked by a mob of 20 Bajrang Dal members burst into their home and beat them on suspicion that they were consuming beef. Two of the men die from their injuries while the third, who is severely injured, survives. https://hindutvawatch.org/bajrang-dal-activists-lynch-2-tribals-over-cow-slaughter-suspicion/
May 2, 2022:  30-year-old trans woman Michele "Mona" Marques is shot to death in the streets of Contagem, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/02/michele-marques-mona_contagem-minas-gerais-brazil_1bba347b
May 3, 2022: 34-year-old Michael Bivins pours accelerant on a Portland, OR. mosque while worshippers are inside and attempts to light it on fire.  Bivins, a self-described "independent journalist" that had previously livestreamed political demonstrations in Portland, is also charged with a string of vandalism attacks that occurred on the same week, targeting three synagogues. SOURCE: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/news/read.cfm
May 3, 2022:  39-year-old trans woman Carla Cris is found beaten to death in Lagerto, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/03/carla-cris_lagarto-sergipe-brazil_ff630f0b
May 7, 2022:  The body of 50-year-old trans woman Adiela García Castaño is discovered on the banks of a river in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia. She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/07/adiela-garcia-castano_santa-rosa-de-cabal-risaralda-colombia_9d479149
May 8, 2022: 40-year-old Derrick Johnson approaches two Asian woman in Manhattan's Rockefeller Center station. "You fucking Chinese, I don't know why you're here in  America," Johnson tells the two before lunging at them, knocking one of the women to the ground and spitting on her while she lay on the ground, injured.  Johnson has assaulted two NYPD police officers the month before.  https://nypost.com/2022/07/13/man-indicted-on-hate-crime-in-midtown-attack-of-asian-women/
May 8, 2022: A former activist with the HIndu extremist group RSS and an accomplice enter a Kozhikode, India supermarket and demand non-halal meat. Matters quickly devolve and the two men assault supermarket staff, injuring three of them. https://hindutvawatch.org/man-arrested-for-assaulting-supermarket-staff-over-halal-beef/
May 11, 2022: A masked gunman walks into a hair salon in Dallas' Koreatown and shoots three Korean women working there with a rifle before fleeing. All three women are treated at hospital for gunshot injuries. Authorities believe the incident is connected to two earlier drive-by shootings targeting Asian-owned businesses in the Dallas area on April 2nd and May 10th. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-search-gunman-shot-three-korean-women-texas-hair-salon-rcna28470
May 13, 2022:  Jason Edward Lucas follows two Black shoppers in a Dearborn, MI. shopping mall, racially abusing them, then follows them into the parking lot, attempting to run over them with his car and then threatening to beat them with a baseball bat he was brandishing. https://atlantablackstar.com/2022/05/28/such-reprehensible-behavior-man-allegedly-tries-to-run-down-trail-black-shoppers-with-baseball-bat-at-michigan-mall/
May 13, 2022:  A Filipino family in their car in a North Hollywood McDonald's drive-thru are rear-ended by the car behind them. The driver of that vehicle, 31-year-old Nicolas Weber, then pulls out of the line and stops beside their car to yell anti-Asian abuse that them. Weber then attempts to force his way into the family's car and shoves the 62-year-old father to the ground when he tries to intervene, then chokes the 47-year-old mother - all recorded on video by their 19-year-old daughter. Weber is arrested three weeks later. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-22/suspect-in-north-hollywood-anti-asian-attack-is-arrested-charged   
May 13, 2022:  Bruna, a trans woman living in Lagoa Grande, Brazil, is shot to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/13/bruna_lagoa-grande-pernambuco-brazil_f9df8daa May 14, 2022: An 18-year-old white supremacist opens fire in a supermarket in a black neighbourhood in Buffalo, NY, killing ten customers and wounding three others while livestreaming the attack. https://apnews.com/article/buffalo-supermarket-shooting-442c6d97a073f39f99d006dbba40f64b
May 15, 2022: The body of 50-year-old trans woman Nedra Sequence Morris is found dumped in the streets of Opa-Locka, FL.  She had been shot to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/14/nedra-sequence-morris-sequence_opa-locka-florida-usa_9941ea7b
May 15, 2022:  68-year-old David Wenwei Chou is charged with hate crimes after storming a Taiwanese church in Laguna Woods, CA. and shooting parishoners, killing one and injuring five others. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-17/taiwanese-church-shooting-suspect-is-charged-with-hate-crimes
May 16, 2022: A 47-year-old Latino man is opening up his shop in Rochester, NY, when 35-year-old Brady Robinson starts yelling racial abuse at him from across the street. Moments later, Robinson dashes across the street with a hammer in one hand and a metal pip in the other., accusing the man of being a child rapist and demanding that he "go back to (his) country," then swinging at the man's head with the hammer, narrowly missing him. Robinson now faces assault and hate crimes charges. https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-man-arrested-for-racially-motivated-assault-monday
May 16, 2022: Police in Winnipeg, Canada find the partial remains of Rebecca Contois, a 24-year-old Indigenous woman, in an apartment building and charge 35-year-old white supremacist Jeremy Skibicki with the murder. Skibicki, who frequently posted racist, white supremacist, anti-semitic, and misogynist content on Facebook, was previously charged in 2021 for assaulting his wife with a weapon and threatening to kill her. Later in the year, Skibicki will be charged with the murders of three other Indigenous women in 2022.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/rebecca-contois-homicide-jeremy-skibicki-neo-nazi-holy-europe-1.6462730
May 17, 2022:  The body of trans woman Khay Abdulgajir is discovered in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/17/khay-abdulgajir_tawi-tawi-bangsamoro-philippines_ba987b03
May 22, 2022:  After going missing two weeks before, the body of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico nurse and drag artist Miguel Ángel Peréz Leal is found dumped in the desert outside of town. They were tortured and asphyxiated. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/22/miguel-angel-perez-leal_san-luis-rio-colorado-sonora-mexico_73bb8bef
May 25, 2022: An arsonist sets fire to an abortion clinic in Casper, Wyoming, destroying it. https://trib.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/abortion-clinic-founder-after-fire-this-world-seems-to-be-encased-in-violence/article%c2%bf6a39e6cc-dc47-11ec-8301-df888b5e4f6f.html
May 25, 2022: 21-year-old UberEats delivery courier Kyle McLeod decides to cut through the grounds of a Toronto yeshiva.  He then gets into a verbal confrontation with students, declares that he wants to "kill all Jews," and then threatened and assault a school staff member.  McLeod now faces assault, assault with a weapon, and hate crimes charges. https://www.cp24.com/news/police-investigating-suspected-hate-motivated-incident-involving-armed-man-at-jewish-school-1.5921830
May 26, 2022:  60-year-old Orlando Cruz approaches a 18-year-old Jewish man on a Brooklyn street. Shouting that he is "going to get rid of all you Jews," Cruz takes a swing at the man but misses. https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-man-charged-hate-crime-20220627-kmymphy4pfabzlq65v3lggomoy-story.html May 26, 2022:  Trans woman La Flaca is shot and killed in a Pereira, Colombia park by an assassin as she sits in the park, selling sweets. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/26/la-flaca_pereira-risaralda-colombia_9c59114a May 28, 2022: 26-year-old Phillip James Alexander faces multiple charges after racially abusing his Latinx neighbours before shooting a firearm. Alexander repeatedly told the family "how much he hated them," that they "should not be here," and that "they should not be able to speak to American people." He then pulled a gun, shot it into the ground and warned the family against calling the police. https://www.cbs42.com/regional/louisiana-news/louisiana-man-charged-with-hate-crime-after-allegedly-threatening-hispanic-neighbors-firing-weapon/
May 28, 2022: 33-year-old Daixin Neill Quan walks into a Mountain View, CA. Starbucks, screams at the manager to "go back to his country," then assaults another customer she hears speaking with an accent before attempting to assault a young girl. She now faces hate crime and battery charges. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/woman-arrested-following-racist-attack-at-mountain-view-starbucks-police/2909445/
May 28, 2022: 25-year-old Nepalese immigrant Sagar "Ocean" Tamang is attacked from behind outside of Oakland's Fox Theater before being dragged into an alley where he is beaten unconscious, robbed, and stripped down to his underwear. Tamang is hospitalized with severe trauma. https://www.ktvu.com/news/asian-man-allegedly-beaten-in-front-of-oaklands-fox-theater
May 28, 2022:  The naked body of trans woman Kristian Elías Martínez Martínez (aka "Amy Winehouse") is found under a bridge in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. She had been tortured to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/28/amy-winehouse_tegucigalpa-distrito-central-honduras_98678e50 May 28, 2022: The naked body of trans woman Camila is found floating in a river in Manaus, Brazil. Her skull had been crushed. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/28/camila_manaus-amazonas-brazil_8333ac0f
May 30, 2022:  The body of 19-year-old trans woman Rany Fada is discovered in  Belém do São Francisco, Brazil. She had been stoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/30/rany-fada_belem-do-sao-francisco-pernambuco-brazil_292e526d
May 31, 2022:  Trans woman Chanelika Y'Ella Dior Hemingway (aka "Sid") is found murdered in her Albany, NY apartment by police conducting a welfare check. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/05/31/chanelika-yella-dior-hemingway-sid_albany-new-york-usa_a711aabb
June 1, 2022:  Arsonists break into a Black-owned hair salon on the ground floor of a Brooklyn apartment building housing several Jewish residents, spray-paint swastikas on the walls and then set it on fire, completely gutting the building. Luckily, no one was hurt. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/brooklyn-hair-salon-fire-swastikas-hate-crime-salon-rhed/
June 1, 2022: 61-year-old Clifford Stewart throws a sign from a Cupertino, CA. T-Mobile shop into the street. When two employees - a Latina woman and an Asian man - leave the store to retrieve the sign, Stewart yells racial abuse at them before punching the woman in the stomach and face with enough force to render her temporarily blind in one eye. When placed under arrest, Stewart called one of the officer "A Mexican fuck," stated that "all you people sneak into this country, have a baby, and get a free apartment" before threatening to kill him. https://www.sanjoseinside.com/news/arrests-made-in-separate-hate-crime-attacks-in-cupertino-and-mountain-view/ June 1, 2022: As a northbound 2 train pulls into a Manhattan subway station, 52-year-old Runadieo Jordan because hurling homophobic abuse at a 33-year-old passenger before stabbing him in his arm and then fleeing. https://nypost.com/2022/06/04/runadieo-jordan-charged-with-hate-crime-in-nyc-train-stabbing/
June 1, 2022: 61-year-old pastor Leon McCray gets into an argument with two people in the parking lot of an Edinburg, VA. apartment building he owns. The pair leave, but return shortly afterwards with three other people, who racially abuse him, tell him that "black lives don't matter in this country,"  threaten to kill him, and assault him until he pulls a gun on the group. When  police arrive on-scene, they arrest McCray and let the five people who assaulted him go but several days later drop the charges against McCray and file hate crimes charges against the five.
June 4, 2022:  Carla Machado Noya, a trans woman in El Banco, Colomia, is shot to death alongside a cis man. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/04/carla-machado-noya_el-banco-magdalena-colombia_64e07bd2
June 4, 2022: A Mission, Canada march supporting survivors of the country's genocidal residential schools encounters a furious man in a pickup truck, who threatens to "run everybody down on this highway" before stepping on the gas and driving through the march, hitting four marchers, two of whom had to be treated in hospital for injuries.  Despite having the truck's licence plate number, police have so far failed to identify the driver but are considering hate crimes charges. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/mission-driver-injures-residential-school-marchers
June 5, 2022:  Three people attempt to break up a fistfight between a man and woman in Salt Lake City, UT., the man involved turns on them, screaming homophobic abuse and punching all three, injuring them. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2022/06/06/salt-lake-city-police/
June 5, 2022:  As Muslims in East Grand Forks, MN. gather at a local mosque for morning prayer, 57-year-old Suzette Gay Thompson arrives and starts a fire inside the mosque, then flees. https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/woman-charged-with-first-degree-arson-in-connection-to-fire-at-east-grand-forks-islamic-center
June 8, 2022:  Lu Henrique, a 22-year-old trans woman, is shot to death in a public square in Manaus, Brazil. She is the 3rd trans woman to be murdered in the city so far this year. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/08/lu-henrique_manaus-amazonas-brazil_27bcc966
June 8, 2022: 42-year-old Tremaine Jatari Sowell goes on a hate crime spree in Huntington Beach, CA., randomly assaulting a man while abusing him, then randomly attacking a woman while spewing homophobic vitirol, then threatening others in the area with a knife. Sowell had previously been arrested in a hate crime for threatening a man with a stun gun while racially abusing him. https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/story/2022-07-07/man-pleads-not-guilty-in-multiple-huntington-beach-hate-crimes
June 9, 2022:  Marcelo Arruda was celebrating his 50th birthday at an event in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil when Bolsonaro supporter and prison guard Jorge Jose da Rocha Guaranho interrupted the event, yelling Bolsonaro's name and threatening to kill everyone at the party. After leaving briefly, Guaranho returned with a gun and shot Marcelo, who was able to return fire before being killed. It is reported that Jorge survived the exchange.                                                             https://peoplesdispatch.org/2022/07/11/bolsonaro-supporter-murders-workers-party-member-at-birthday-party/
June 10, 2022:  A woman waiting for a bus in Peterborough, Canada is approached by a group of men. At one point, one of the men begins racially abusing her before trying to bludgeon her with a skateboard, before he and the other men flee. https://globalnews.ca/news/8916336/hate-crime-peterborough/
June 10, 2022: Adrien LaSalle (aka Adrien R.) - a leader of the white supremacist Identitaire Lyonnais, travels with companions to a leftist neighbourhood in Lyon, where he provokes a fight with two men, stabbing one in the throat and the other in the arm, before fleeing.  When police find him in a local restaurant moments later, LaSalle attacks them as well. https://www.rue89lyon.fr/2022/06/12/lyon-qui-est-leader-identitaire-accuse-avoir-poignarde-deux-personnes/
June 10, 2022:  Both HIndu extremists in the BJP and police fire on Muslim protestors in Ranchi, India, shooting and killing two young Muslim men. https://hindutvawatch.org/gunshots-fired-from-temple-in-ranchi-where-two-muslim-boys-died/ June 10, 2022:  The body of 24-year-old trans woman Vergel Catalonia Tumicad is discovered dumped in a cornfield outside of Ilagan, Philippines. She had been bludgeoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/10/vergel-catalonia-tumicad_ilagan-isabela-philippines_30dbd658
June 11, 2022: 47-year-old Madeline Barker is arrested by NYPD after getting into an argument with four Asian women in Chelsea, Manhattan during which she racially abused the four and then pepper-sprayed them. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-woman-madeline-barker-arrested-hate-crimes-pepper-spray-asian-women-new-york-city/
June 11, 2022:  Members of the Proud Boys gang storm a public library in San Lorenzo, CA. that is hosting a Drag Queen Story Time Hour. They disrupt the event shouting homophobic and transphobic slurs in front of the room full of children and threaten the performer to the point that library staff have to usher the performer into a locked room for their safety. Local police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2022/06/12/authorities-investigating-potential-hate-crime-after-drag-queen-story-hour-disrupted-at-san-lorenzo-library/
June 11, 2022:  Haitian migrant Jean Stanley is found shot to death behind the counter of his workplace in Tiajuana, Mexico. https://www.borderreport.com/immigration/border-crime/hate-crime-racism-ruled-out-in-recent-murders-of-haitian-migrants-in-tijuana-immigration-official-says/
June 11, 2022:  A San Franciso city councillor out hiking in a city park with his family when two men drop a cement block on his head, knocking him down and injuring him badly enough that his scalp has to be stapled back together in hospital. The councillor reports that he was attack because he's Asian. https://www.thedailybeast.com/anders-fung-bay-area-councilman-has-skull-smashed-in-apparent-hate-crime June 11, 2022:  Estefanía "Betty" Fernández, a trans woman living in Santa Marta, Colombia, is shot to death by an assassin on a motorcycle. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/11/estefania-fernandez-betty_santa-marta-magdalena-colombia_067b02f5
June 12, 2022:  After filing multiple reports with police in San Pedro Sula about being harassed and threatened because she was a trans woman, 31-year-old Suany Maradiaga is shot several times in the streets and then intentionally run over by a vehicle, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/12/suany-maradiaga_san-pedro-sula-cortes-honduras_da426390
June 12, 2022:  The body of 19-year-old trans woman Atena Queiroz da Silva is found dumped on the streets of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Brazil, with her hands tied behind her back. She had been stabbed and then stoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/12/atena-queiroz-da-silva_santa-cruz-do-capibaribe-pernambuco-brazil_914961d5
June 13, 2022:  After going missing for several days, the body of trans woman Vianey Navarrete is discovered in her Cancun, Mexico apartment. She had been tortured to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/13/vianey-navarrete_cancun-quintana-roo-mexico_cbdf029e
June 15, 2022:  28-year-old trans woman Brazil Johnson is found shot to death in her Milwaukee, WI. apartment. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/15/brazil-johnson_milwaukee-wisconsin-usa_b69b6884
June 17, 2022: 33-year-old Tenzin Norbu boards a Toronto city bus, douses an Asian woman passenger on the same bus with a flammable liquid, and sets her on fire in what police are describing as a hate-motivated attempted murder.  The woman dies from her injuries in hospital days later. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2022/06/19/toronto-man-charged-with-attempted-murder-after-woman-set-on-fire-on-ttc-bus.html
June 18, 2022:  26-year-old trans woman F. C. Ferreira Lima is shot to death in the streets of Casimiro de Abreu, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/18/f-c-ferreira-lima_casimiro-de-abreu-rio-de-janeiro-brazil_57249370
June 19, 2022:  A group of men in Manhattan's Greenwich Village taunt a 27-year-old man with homophobic slurs before two of the men in the group punch him multiple times in his face and body before fleeing. https://www.metroweekly.com/2022/06/nypd-searching-for-two-male-assailants-in-anti-gay-attack/
June 19, 2022:  Someone breaks into the Eugene, OR. home of a Native American woman, pours a liquid on her while she is asleep, and lights her on fire. She manages to douse the flames before injury.  Three months previously, a man threw acid on her while racially abusing her as she walked her dog.  On June 28th, the woman opened her door only to have acid thrown in her face a 2nd time. In both acid attacks, she had to be treated for chemical burns in hospital.  https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/2022/06/29/native-american-woman-attacked-with-acid-for-third-time-eugene-oregon-possible-hate-crime-suspected/65364827007/ June 19, 2022:  An unidentified trans woman is found shot to death in Ectatepec, Mexico. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/19/name-unknown_ecatepec-estado-de-mexico-mexico_40a3f2f9
June 24, 2022:  22-year-old trans woman Estrellita Martínez Correa is shot to death shortly after leaving a party in Fonseca, Colombia https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/24/estrellita-martinez-correa_fonseca-la-guajira-colombia_5810fd63
June 25, 2022:  A women enters an Aurora, CO. 7-11 and begins racially abusing the cashier. When another woman shopping there attempts to intervene, the first woman racially abuses her as well before assaulting her. https://kdvr.com/news/local/woman-wanted-for-assault-use-of-racial-slurs-in-bias-motivated-crime/
June 25, 2022:  While attending a street festival in Maringá, Brazil, 25-year-old trans woman Victoria de Lima is shot four times. Family members rush her to the hospital but hospital staff claim that there are no doctors in the hospital available to care for her and she dies. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/25/victoria-de-lima_maringa-parana-brazil_0d0c9d82
June 26, 2022: Four men attack a gay man walking down Oxford Street in Sydney, Australia, beating him unconscious and leaving him severely injured. https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/8/22/gay-artist-victim-brutal-alleged-hate-crime-queer-neighborhood
June 27, 2022: Cromada, a 32-year-old trans woman in Fortaleza, Brazil, is shot to death while sitting outside of a bar. She is the 3rd trans woman to be murdered in the city so far this year. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/06/27/cromada_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_e8b9680b
June 28, 2022: A Native American woman in Eugene, OR. is attacked for the third time by a man when she opens her door and he throws acid in her face while racially abusing her.  The man has previously broken into her home and tried to light her on fire as she slept a few days before; in March, he had thrown acid on her while she was out walking her dog. 
June 28, 2022: A Seattle woman assaults a Black woman in the city's Belltown neighbourhood while screaming racial slurs at her.  https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-man-charged-with-hate-crime-after-assaulting-asian-woman-prosecutors-say/ June 28, 2022: Two people enter Kanhaiya Lal Teli's tailor shop in Udaipur, India and beat him to death. They record the whole attack and post it online, claiming they did it in retribution for Islamophobic comments made by BJC politician Nupur Sharma.https://www.outlookindia.com/national/fanaticism-terror-or-hate-crime-neighbours-of-kanhaiya-lal-s-murderers-seek-answers-news-208280 July 1, 2022: A 43-year-old woman in Mountain View, CA. faces hate crime charges for attacking a young woman wearing a hijab, and calling her a terrorist. The 18 year old was walking by herself when the woman grabbed her hijab and began pulling it. She then pushed the 18 year old against a wall, and grabbed her by the neck. Two witnesses intervened, and the woman fled.      https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/hate-crime-hijab-mountain-view/2990143/
July 2, 2022: Portland, OR resident Dylan Kesterson - who three months prior assaulted a Filipino woman in an unprovoked attack - is charged with a hate crime for attacking a father and daughter who are Japanese. He punched the father in the head, and punched the 5 year old girl in the head as well. Due to her bike helmet, the child did not suffer any serious injuries. The father was hospitalized, and diagnosed with a concussion.                                                    https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2022/07/06/portland-man-accused-of-racist-attack-on-family-doesnt-show-up-to-court-hearing/   
July 2, 2022: Nancy Sacul Tut, a Q'eqchi' trans woman living in la ciudad de Guatemala, is shot to death in the streets by an unidentified man.  https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/02/nancy-sacul-tut_ciudad-de-guatemala-guatemala_17cc7a38 July 2, 2022:  A man leaving a pub in Camborne, UK after a Pride event is attacked by a man screaming homophobic abuse at him while punching and kicking him. He describes homophobic slurs being used, and being punched and kicked.   https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-63283798    July 4, 2022: Trans woman C. A. Castillo Morales is killed when a speeding vehicle deliberately runs her over in Cuernavaca, Mexico. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/04/c-a-castillo-morales_cuernavaca-morelos-mexico_db51bcef
July 5, 2022: 30-year-old Los Angeles Eric Antonio Sanchez shoots and kills a 48-year-old homeless person, who Sanchez allegedly targeted due to Bush's gender identity and sexual orientation.  https://da.lacounty.gov/media/news/man-charged-hate-crime-murder
July 8, 2022: Jimmie "Jay" Lee - a 20-year-old gay man known for dressing in women's clothing, is murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/08/jimmie-jay-lee_lafayette-county-mississippi-usa_348b20a4
July 8, 2022: The body of an unidentified trans woman is found lying in the streets of Guadalajara, Mexico. She had been murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/08/name-unknown_guadalajara-jalisco-mexico_e40817a5
July 9, 2022:  49 year old Brett Forsell, a self-identified libertarian, was arrested for threatening US representative Pramila Jayapal after shouting threats and sexist abuse outside of her while armed with a handgun.                                      https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/08/congress-pramila-jayapal-threats-stalking/
July 9, 2022: The United Methodist Church in Bathesda, MD. is set on fire. Over the weekend, a nearby Catholic church will also suffer an arson attack and a Baptist church and cemetary will be vandalized.  https://www.fox5dc.com/news/investigations-underway-after-fires-vandalism-at-3-montgomery-county-churches
July 10, 2022:  Rafael Ponce, 59 calls another man in a Mountain View, CA. dollar store a homophobic slur before punching him in the face. Ponce is charged with a hate crime for the attack. https://www.rawstory.com/rafael-ponce/
July 10, 2022: The St. Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic church in Bathesda, MD. is set on fire. A nearby Methodist church is lit on fire the night before, and a local Baptist church and cemetary is also vandalized. https://www.fox5dc.com/news/investigations-underway-after-fires-vandalism-at-3-montgomery-county-churches
July 11, 2022: 40-year-old Michael John Allen targets two Asian women walking down Seattle's Olive Way, telling the two to "go back to China" before punching one of them.  https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-man-charged-with-hate-crime-after-assaulting-asian-woman-prosecutors-say/
July 12, 2022:  Rudy Coslopez, 41, approaches an Asian person in New York City, saying, "You Asians are the reason I can't get a job. You Chinese are scum." He then headbutted the person, chipping their tooth.    https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/nyc-man-charged-hate-crimes-173934055.html July 12, 2022: A visibly Jewish woman out shopping in east London is closely followed by a man who shouts "dirty Jew!" before ripping her shopping bag from her hands, spilling its contents onto the street while laughing. https://twitter.com/Shomrim/status/1600603531161276416?s=20&t=bdwTz_VTFaCcz_ZKlhzA3g
July 13, 2022: 31-year-old Orthodox Jewish man Yosef Hershkop is driving through Crown Heights, Brooklyn with his 5-year-old son when four man approach his vehicle. Claiming that he hit their car, the four demand money, then one man punches Hershkop repeatedly in the face until Hershkop gives him $100, at which point the men flee.  https://www.audacy.com/1010wins/news/local/cops-searching-for-suspect-who-attacked-orthodox-jewish-man
July 13, 2022: The body of 34-year-old trans woman Tamara Campos is found floating in a river in Piedras Negras, Mexico. She had been murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/13/tamara-campos_piedras-negras-coahuila-mexico_57e44635
July 15, 2022:  An 18-year-old Filipino tourist in Manhattan is repeatedly punched in the face by a man screaming anti-Asian slurs at him.  The tourist suffers several facial injuries before his attacker is subdued by passerby. https://globalnation.inquirer.net/205327/filipino-tourist-from-cebu-assaulted-in-new-york July 15, 2022: A 57-year-old Asian woman was kicked in the hip after being yelled at with the words "get out of this country, bitch" in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood.   https://nextshark.com/asian-woman-attacked-chelsea/
July 15, 2022: The body of 25-year-old trans woman Kelly Romero Hernández is found dumped in a clandestine mass grave, along with 14 other cadavers, all of whom had been murdered. Hernández had gone missing on July 8th. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/08/kelly-romero-hernandez_santa-ana-atzacan-veracruz-mexico_6c9d115f
July 16, 2022: Three women get into an argument with a 57-year-old white woman on an MTA bus in Brooklyn, NY. Yelling, "I hate white people, I hate they way they talk!" one of the three hits the woman over the head with an object, seriously injuring her. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/07/17/nypd-seeks-trio-who-brazenly-attacked-woman-on-bus-shouted-i-hate-white-people-1262586/
July 16, 2022: Ana Paula Albino Lovera - a 36-year-old trans woman living in Armenia, Colombia, is found stabbed to death in her home. She is the 2nd trans woman found stabbed to death in the town so far this year.  https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/16/ana-paula-albino-lovera_armenia-quindio-colombia_aa7937a0
July 16, 2022: A man driving a white pickup truck adorned with Canadian flags circles a London, Canada Pride march, honking his horn continuously before jumping out of the truck and physically assaulting participants, punching one person and hitting another with a flag pole. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/hate-crime-unit-investigates-after-disturbance-at-pride-event-in-london-1.6523502
July 17, 2022: Trans woman Renatinha is found murdered in her home in Londrina, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/17/renatinha_londrina-parana-brazil_faaf8281
July 18, 2022: Kristopher Glenn Brown, 35, is charged with assaulting Laura Van Burkleo after approaching her while she was walking her dogs, and yelling homophobic abuse, then punching her numerous times while threatening to kill her. Van Burkleo suffers facial lacerations and broken teeth in the attack.              https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/man-suspect-assault-women-seattle-center-competency-evaluation/281-7388b41f-f2e8-41b4-8b86-022241629345 July 20, 2022:  A 76-year-old was punched in the back of the head by a man who spewed an anti-Asian statement at her in East Harlem in an unprovoked attack.  “I hate Koreans!” the attacker yelled as he punched the woman in the head with a closed fist around 10:45 a.m. at 112th Street and Third Avenue in East Harlem.  https://nypost.com/2022/07/20/76-year-old-attacked-by-anti-asian-spouting-woman-in-nyc/
July 23, 2022:  Riny Kosam is arrested after he approaching customers at an Aurora, CO. gas station who were speaking Spanish. The man told them that they aren't welcome here, and to get out, and doused them in gasoline. He looked for a lighter to ignite the gas, but did not succeed. He then threw a rock through their car window and stole their keys.                                                  https://kdvr.com/news/local/arrest-made-in-bias-motivated-attack-at-gas-station/    July 23, 2022: 23 year old Chris Hood, who is the founder of the neo-nazi group NSC-131, is arrested after assaulting a counter protester when he and other members of NSC-131 protest a Drag Queen Story Hour.                                       https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/07/26/drag-queen-story-hour-neo-nazi-protest-boston-massachusetts/
July 25, 2022:  29--year-old Kamila Marie "Dee Dee" Swann, a trans woman living in Kansas City, MO., is stabbed to death in an apartment block. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/25/kamila-marie-swann-dee-dee-kandii-redd_kansas-city-missouri-usa_5b651923
July 25, 2022: 28-year-old trans woman Hayden Nevah Davis jumps out of a moving car in Detroit, MI. only to be chased down by the vehicle's other occupants and shot several times, then left for dead on the street.  https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/25/hayden-nevah-davis_detroit-michigan-usa_191ffa07
July 28, 2022: A Jewish woman was hit over the head with a stick outside Seven Sisters station in London, UK.  Her attacker reportedly shouted: "I am doing it because you are a Jew" - before throwing a liquid over the victim.   https://www.mylondon.news/news/north-london-news/jewish-woman-hit-over-head-24630311
July 29, 2022: Marisela Castro, a 39-year-old trans woman, is shot to death as she exits a car in Houston, TX. The shooter then gets back into the car and drives away. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/29/marisela-castro_houston-texas-usa_d652ef0c July 29, 2022:  A woman wielding a wooden stick in South Tottenham, London hits a Jewish woman over the head and pours an unidentifed liquid onto the woman's baby, then gives chase to them before the mother and child outrun her. The same woman attacked another Jewish woman in a similar manner the previous day. https://twitter.com/Shomrim/status/1553073286912811009?s=20&t=2IUGo_lTkrUenBW00G66tg
July 29, 2022:  39-year-old disabled Nigerian street vendor Alika Ogorchukwu is beaten to death with his own crutches by 32-year-old Filippo Ferlazzo in Civitanova Marche, Italy while dozens of onlookers watch and record the murder on their phones, but fail to intervene. https://video.corriere.it/cronaca/video-nigeriano-ucciso-civitanova-marche-passanti-riprendono-senza-intervenire/b2a63286-0fdb-11ed-a2fd-aa9adf96677a
July 30, 2022: 20-year-old trans woman Isabella Yanka is stabbed three times in the neck after leaving a party in Ceilândia, Brazil. She bleeds to death an an alley. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/30/isabella-yanka_ceilandia-distrito-federal-brazil_493209f9 July 30, 2022: A teenager in Sandy, UT. is charged with a hate crime for yelling homophobic slurs at Christian Peacock and his boyfriend, and then punching Peacock in the face.                                              https://www.qsaltlake.com/news/2022/10/05/teen-sentenced-for-hate-crime-in-sandy-utah/
July 31, 2022: A 42 year old man is beaten outside a Vancouver convenience store by three people yelling homophobic slurs, while two others look on (one of whom had thrown a beer at the victim to begin with) https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1908373/police-crime-haineux-homphobie-vancouver
July 31, 2022:  A 59-year-old Asian woman is hospitalized after being slashed with a box cutter in an unprovoked attack in Manhattan.  She was pulling a shopping cart when a man suddenly slashed her across the hand and then took off on foot. The NYPD Hate Crimes Unit is looking suspect 30-year-old Anthony Evans.  https://abc7ny.com/nyc-crime-slashing-midtown-attack/12089762/
August 3, 2022: A mob attacks 26-year-old trans woman Ignacia Palma in Valparaiso, Chile, stabbing her and then setting her on fire.  She burns to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/03/ignacia-palma_valparaiso-chile_fad6e5bb
August 4, 2022: Chicago police arrest 29 year old Alexander Podgorny for firing a shotgun into a park located in a Black community. Police said a search of Podgorny and his minivan turned up a shotgun, three handguns, an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a hatchet. In addition, police recovered a "large number of handwritten notes" that allegedly contained "incoherent rants about references to mass shooting events," the report said. No injuries were reported. https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shooting-police-englewood-shots-fired/12110440/
August 7, 2022: Washington DC police are searching for suspects in a beating of two gay men by a group of seven people. Both men were punched several times, and called, "monkey pox f*gg*ts." Both men were injured, on seriously enough to require hospitalization.  https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/crime/men-attacked-beaten-in-shaw-police-investigating-potential-bias-motivated-crime/65-40380cb5-0a70-4b88-a173-a053cf217a73 August 8, 2022: A 41-year-old woman boards a NYC subway.  Moments later, another woman sits next to her, then stands back up and begis punching the first woman. When asked why she responded, "I hate Mexicans."        https://nypost.com/2022/08/09/racist-attacker-pummels-woman-on-nyc-subway/
August 8, 2022: An unidentified trans woman is shot five times in the streets of Tlaquepaque, Mexico, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/08/name-unknown_tlaquepaque-jalisco-mexico_64b6f511
August 9, 2022: A 44-year-old Jewish woman is attacked by an unidentified man in Manhattan. The man made anti-semitic remarks towards the woman before choking her. The woman was taken to the hospital, and treated for injuries.                 https://www.jewishpress.com/news/police-news/new-york-police-search-for-attacker-who-tried-to-choke-jewish-woman-at-subway/2022/08/13/
August 9, 2022:  Three teens attack a transgender teenager in Pompano Beach, FL, jumping her from behind and then kicking and punching her.  https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/08/12/florida-trans-teen-attacked-chad-sanford/ August 9, 2022: While helping a shopper to jump-start a car in a Macon, GA. Wal-Mart parking lot, Jerome Alexander and his friends - all of whom are Black - are subjected to racial abuse by a man who pulls over to call them n*gg*rs, and accuse them of “stealing copper.” The man then pulls a gun and begins shooting at the friends, who jump in their own car and drive off. The man chases them for a short until one of the vehicles crashes. Police refuse to press charges.  https://wgxa.tv/news/local/macon-man-claims-him-and-friends-were-targets-of-a-hate-crime
August 9, 2022: An unidentified trans woman is shot to death in the streets of Manaus, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/09/name-unknown_manaus-amazonas-brazil_3491f012 August 10, 2022: 58-year-old John Borzumato pulls a knife on three Black men on Staten Island, NYC, racially abusing them and threatening to stab them. He dropped the knife when witnesses intervened.                                                       https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-york-man-charged-hate-crime-pulling-knife-black-men-yelling-racial-rcna43368
August 11, 2022: 42 year old Ricky Shiffer attempts to break into the FBI field office in Cinncinatti with a nail gun and an AR-15. A participant in the January 6th siege on the US capital, Shiffer also has ties to the Proud Boys. He was killed by law enforcement after a standoff.                                                                        Source:  https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/12/us/fbi-cincinnati-office-armed-suspect-what-we-know/index.html August 11, 2022: Police in San Antonio, TX. arrest 19-year-old Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez for planning to attack the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa. Gomez is an incel who also has ties to “groyper” leader Nick Fuentes. The attack was in retribution for Fuentes not being allowed into another TPUSA event. Gomez is also being charged with child pornography for some images police found on his phone when they arrested him.      https://www.thedailybeast.com/incel-and-nick-fuentes-fan-alejandro-richard-velasquez-gomez-threatened-attack-on-tpusa-event-feds-say August 13, 2022: Authorities in Sheffield, UK, are looking for suspects after two men were called homophobic slurs and then punched and kicked to the ground.  https://www.southyorks.police.uk/find-out/news-and-appeals/2022/september-2022/witnesses-sought-to-hate-crime-in-sheffield-city-centre/
August 14, 2022: The body of an unidentified trans woman is found floating in a reservoir in Reynosa, Mexico. Her hands and feet were tied and she had been murdered. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/14/name-unknown_reynosa-tamaulipas-mexico_bc4d5e48
August 15, 2022: An unidentified trans woman is found dead in her home by her partner. She had been beaten and stabbed to death, approximately 48 hours before. She is the 2nd trans woman to be found murdered in Reynosa, Mexico in a 24-hour period. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/15/name-unknown_reynosa-tamaulipas-mexico_f2aa7b98 August 18, 2022:  A 43 year old man approached a group of people in Washington, DC. After abusing them with anti-Asian slurs, he pulls a knife and threatens to stab them.  The group fled to their car, and the man followed. When they got in their car the man threw a brick into their window, injuring two of the people.            https://rafu.com/2022/08/cair-condemns-anti-asian-hate-attack-in-d-c/
August 19, 2022: 32-year-old trans woman Danna Alejandra Navas Corredor is shot several times in a downtown Bogotá, Colombia bar after a brawl breaks out. She dies in hospital hours later. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/19/danna-alejandra-navas-corredor_bogota-distrito-capital-colombia_b2dead5b
August 21, 2022:  Acey D. Morrison, a trans woman living in Rapid City, SD., is murdered in a mobile home. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/21/acey-d-morrison_rapid-city-south-dakota-usa_cde90a75
August 21, 2022: An unidentified suspect threw an object at a 22 year old man before following him into a Manhattan coffee shop, making homophobic remarks to him, and slapping him in the face.        https://nypost.com/2022/09/28/attacker-calls-man-homophobic-slaps-him-in-nyc-assault/ August 21, 2022: A transgender person in Berkeley, CA. is choked and hit by a group of three people. Police arrested one suspect, while the other two remain at large. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment.                                   https://www.ktvu.com/news/hate-crime-assault-arson-reported-at-park-in-berkeley
August 22, 2022: 31-year-old Carrington Maddox runs up to an Orthodox Jewish man in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, slaps him hard across his face, then flees. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/manhattan/public-safety/2022/08/29/arrests-made-in-connection-to-attacks-against-hasidic-jewish-men--nypd
August 24, 2022: As four South Asian women leave a Plano, TX. restaurant, they are confronted in the parking lot by 58-year-old Esmerelda Upton, who racially abuses them , questioned their right to be in America, tells them to "go back to your country," threatened to shoot them, and then assaulting one of the women when she started to record the outburst on her phone. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-08-26/woman-arrested-after-racist-rant-assault-in-restaurant-lot
August 26, 2022: 26-year-old Violeta Marujoz is beaten to death in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/26/violeta-marujoz_san-luis-potosi-mexico_c43c2ee8
August 27, 2022: When a 20-year-old man in Münster, Germany begins verbally abusing participant’s in the city’s Pride parade, a trans man intervenes, only to be beaten unconscious by the homophobe. The trans man dies from head injuries sustained in the attack a week later.   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/02/transgender-man-dies-after-pride-parade-assault-in-germany
August 27, 2022: The corpse of 27-year-old Marimar "Estrallita" Santiago, a teacher, muxe, and trans woman, is found shot to death and dumped on a dirt road in Salina Cruz, Mexico. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/27/marimar-santiago-estrellita_salina-cruz-oaxaca-mexico_5003a64d
August 27, 2022: 33-year-old trans woman Dede Ricks is found shot to death in the streets of Detroit, MI. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/27/dede-ricks_detroit-michigan-usa_18f30a0c
August 27, 2022: Members of ABVP, the student wing of the Hindu ultranationalist RSS, attack a CPI(M) officei n Thampanoor, India, injuring a leftist party councillor. Police arrest the three in a nearby hospital, where they sought refuge after being injured by CPI(M) members responding to their attack. https://hindutvawatch.org/cpim-leaders-home-attacked-in-kerala-third-attack-against-party-in-weeks-the-news-minute/
August 28, 2022: Trans woman Zoya is strangled to death by Noor Muhammad after Muhammad discovers she is trans. Muhammad then dismembered her corpse, disposing of part of it by throwing it off of an overpass and hiding the remainder in a box in his house. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/30/zoya_indore-madhya-pradesh-india_8b0a04e3 August 29, 2022: A Houston trans woman was pistol-whipped, robbed at gunpoint, and stomped on, having clearly identified herself as a trans woman to the man she agreed to meet up with through Grindr. She was left with multiple injuries to her face and arms. https://abc13.com/hate-crime-investigation-man-beats-trans-woman-salih-alhemoud-arrested-houston-road-rage/12216902/
August 31, 2022:  Trans woman Carina Guzman is found beaten to death in her home General Güemes, Argentina. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/08/31/carina-guzman_general-guemes-salta-argentina_1c722047
August 31, 2022: A group of teens approach a 72-year-old Orthodox Jewish man off the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn and spray him with a fire extinguisher, covering him in a white chemical spray. The group then travel to the north side of the bridge and attack a 66-year-old Orthodox Jewish man, punching him in the face. Police arrest a 14-year-old boy. https://www.silive.com/crime-safety/2022/08/teen-arrested-in-attacks-on-orthodox-men-in-brooklyn-hate-crimes-up-in-nyc-staten-island.html September 1, 2022: 25-year-old Andre Pitts was arrested for assaulting Phong Tran, who was found unconscious outside a bar. Tran's family believes the unprovoked attack was racially motivated. Tran suffered a traumatic brain injury, and has undergone surgery. It is still unclear if he will survive.                               https://www.yahoo.com/news/vietnamese-american-nail-tech-5-194542625.html
September 2, 2022: Journalists covering a public discussion in  Neukirch/Lausitz, Germany regarding an increase in energy prices were confronted and shoved by a man with neo-nazi tattoos and a neo-nazi t-shirt. When the journalists went to their car they were followed by two people with their faces covered. These people continued to make threats, tried to open the car door, and broke their side mirror. The journalists were able to drive away without being injured.                      https://cpj.org/2022/09/attendees-attack-insult-2-german-reporters-covering-public-political-discussion-about-energy-prices/
September 2, 2022: Argentinian Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner survives an assassination attempt by a neo-nazi when the nazi’s gun jams.       https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-62762421
September 3, 2022:  A Latino man in New Haven, CT. is assaulted by a group of white men shouting racial slurs. The man had to undergo surgery due to his injuries. https://www.theday.com/nation/20220909/police-new-haven-assault-near-yale-campus-a-possible-hate-crime/
September 3, 2022:  Police charged four men for assault in Abram-Village, Prince Edward Island. Two men were injured and were taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.  Local groups said the victims were immigrants from Algeria who had settled in the area, and called the attack racially motivated.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-abram-village-assault-charges-1.6664185
September 3, 2022:  Authorities in Great Yarmouth, UK are investigating an assault on a 13-year-old boy by a group during a pride event as a hate crime, as the youth was wearing a pride flag at the time.    https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-norfolk-62793125
September 4, 2022: A 19-year-old man in Vijayapura, India, is forced by members of his girlfriend’s family to eat rat poison. He is then thrown into a river by the family and dies. The family commited the murder because the man came from a lower caste and they disapproved of his relationship with their relative.  https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/3-booked-for-killing-19-year-old-man-in-karnataka-hate-crime-police-101665857529423.html
September 5, 2022: Lacey Township, NJ, 62-year-old John Vinciniti tails an Amazon driver as they were making deliveries in Lacey Township, NJ. When the driver stops Vincinit asks him if he knew he was in a "racist neighborhood," and threatens to shoot him.     https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jersey-shore-man-vile-attack-161034331.html September 6, 2022: An unidentified trans woman is found stabbed to death on the streets of Caucaia, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/06/name-unknown_caucaia-ceara-brazil_e609036a
September 6, 2022: 42-year-old trans man Renato Estrada is shot to death in a Ciudad de Guatemala bar in what his partner described as a hate crime. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/06/renato-estrada_ciudad-de-guatemala-guatemala_be57ffcf
September 7, 2022:  A 52 year old New York City woman offers to call the police when witnessing a fight between two men. Instead one of the men attacks her while using anti-black statements. The woman was hit multiple times, but not hospitalized.            https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/spitting-pedi-cab-driver-beats-woman-uses-slurs-after-she-offers-help-in-midtown-fight-cops/3871089/
September 7, 2022: A 24 year old supporter of Bolsonaro gets into a political argument with 42-year-old Benedito Cardosa in Confresa, Brazil. The argument quickly escalates into a fist fight, escalating further when the  unamed Bolsonaro supporter struck Cardos 15 times with an axe, killing him.                                      https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/lula-supporter-murdered-by-bolsonaro-fan-with-an-axe:-police
September 9, 2022:  Long Beach, CA. police arrested 56 year old Michael Smalls for stabbing two gay men outside of a gay bar. Both men were taken to the hospital. 28 year old Christopher Finley died from his wounds.                         https://sigtrib.com/man-arrested-in-fatal-stabbing-in-long-beach/
September 9, 2022: Trans woman Teresa Montaño is stabbed to death in a Tecomán, Mexico hotel. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/09/teresa-montano_tecoman-colima-mexico_185b5a49
September 10, 2022:  61 year old Jan Stawovy was arrested without incident after entering a Westmoreland Co., PA.  Dairy Queen brandishing a handgun and threatening to “kill all the democrats” in order to “restore Trump as president.”       https://thehill.com/homenews/3643095-armed-man-in-wig-trying-to-restore-trump-as-president-arrested-at-dairy-queen/
September 11, 2022: Occupants of a black pickup truck in Parauapebas, Brazil roll down the window and fire several shots at two trans women, injuring one and killing the other, Vitória Magalhães. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/11/vitoria-magalhaes_parauapebas-para-brazil_0523b6ab
September 11, 2022: 53-year-old Igor Lanis' obsession with QAnon, InfoWars, and other right-wing extremist conspiracy propagandists comes to a head when guns down his wife, his 25-year-old daughter, and the family dog, before turning his shotgun on responding police, who shoot him dead. Only his daughter survives the attack. https://www.thedailybeast.com/igor-lanis-murdered-wife-shot-daughter-after-being-sucked-down-qanon-rabbit-hole-family-says September 12, 2022: A day after she was reported missing, the body of 25-year-old trans woman Carolina de León Montaño is found in the central market in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. She had been shot in the head, execution-style. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/12/carolina-de-leon-montano_esmeraldas-ecuador_0f519e6d
September 12, 2022: An Orthodox Jewish woman in Williamsburg, Brooklyn is shot from a car. The rounds - described as beads by police - struck her in her wig, worn for religious reasons. This absorbed the blow and she was not hurt. The attack happens just over a week after a Jewish woman and her son were similarly-targeted a few blocks away.  https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/wig-saves-nyc-woman-shot-in-head/3860733/
September 13, 2022: 33 year old Jose Manuel Quezada is charged with attempted murder and a hate crime in connection to the beating of an elderly Black man working as a security guard in Pomona, CA. He made racist remarks towards the 74 year old before attacking him. The incident is still under investigation, so authorities aren't releasing all the details.                                     https://ktla.com/news/local-news/man-charged-with-hate-crime-in-attempted-murder-of-pomona-security-guard/
September 13, 2022:  New York City resident James Purcell, 34, is charged with assault as a hate crime for approaching a 58 year old Jewish man, punching him in the face, and continuing to beat him as he made antisemitic statements.           https://www.jns.org/new-york-man-charged-with-hate-crime-for-anti-semitic-assault/ September 13, 2022: Renata Garcia, a trans woman living in Porto Allegre, Brazil, is beaten to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/13/renata-garcia_porto-alegre-rio-grande-do-sul-brazil_d6e4cc5a
September 14, 2022: Susana "Susy" Villareal, an actress and trans woman in Durango, Mexico, is found stabbed to death in her home. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/14/susana-villarreal-susy_durango-mexico_ca09c74f
September 17, 2022:  Hanover, NH, police are not releasing the identity of the man they arrested for attacking Abubakar Khan, a Pakistani student. The assailant, described as an older white man, approached Khan and 3 other students while making racist comments. Khan began recording the incident after the man began throwing food and a newspaper at him. The man then rushed Khan and attempted to get his phone. He put Khan in a choke hold with one of his arms behind his back. The man ran off when other people came to intervene. Khan did not suffer any major injuries.  Source: https://darik.news/newhampshire/graduate-student-attacked-on-main-street-as-part-of-hate-crime-investigation-say-police/607266.html
September 19, 2022: An Asian person in Berkeley, CA. is pelted with rocks by an unidentified person in what police describe as a hate crime.  https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-09-20/anti-asian-hate-crime-uc-berkeley
September 20, 2022: A non-binary member of the fire department in Ottawa, Canada reported to police that they were subjected to slurs by their coworkers, and that someone came up behind them, grabbed their neck, and lifted them off the ground. They were taken to the hospital after the assault. The perpetrator is facing charges of hate motivated assault and aggravated assault.                        https://ca.news.yahoo.com/2-ottawa-fire-services-employees-183327652.html
September 21, 2022:  Westminster, CA, police arrested 36 year old Danh Thanh Nguyen. He is charged with attacking a man while using anti-latinx epithets. He threw a cup of gasoline on the man, and tried to ignite it. The man was able to drive away without sustaining any injuries.                                 https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2022/09/22/man-arrested-on-suspicion-of-attempt-murder-hate-crime-after-allegedly-trying-to-set-a-man-on-fire-in-westminster/ September 21, 2022: 33-year-old trans man Semaj Sincere Billingslea is found shot to death in a hotel parking lot in Jacksonville, FL. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/21/semaj-sincere-billingslea_jackonville-florida-usa_ba06ad2a
September 22, 2022:  Four right-wing extremists in Kopavogur & Mosfellsbr, Iceland are arrested in police raids that uncover dozens of 3-D printed weapons, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and right-wing extremist materials. Police, who say they were monitoring the group for weeks, believe the four were planning a series of terrorist attacks on government buildings. https://grapevine.is/news/2022/09/23/terrorist-suspects-possible-far-right-ties-justice-minister-proposes-pre-emptive-investigations/ September 22, 2022: An 18-year-old is arrested in Kingston, Canada for an unprovoked attack that resulted in minor injuries. It is being treated as a bias motivated attack due to the hate remarks the individual made during the attack.  https://www.kingstonist.com/news/18-year-old-arrested-in-kingston-after-hate-based-assault-at-library/
September 23, 2022: Carmen Parisi is arrested for beating two owners of a Norwalk, CT. gay bar. He used homophobic slurs, and beat one person so badly he required 50 stitches in his face.        https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/attorney-demands-hate-crime-charges-be-filed-in-brutal-attack-on-owners-of-ct-gay-bar/3907222/
September 26, 2022:  A gunman wearing a balaclava and a t-shirt with a swastika emblazoned on it enters an elementary school in Izhevsk, Russia, killing 15 people - 11 of them children - and wounding another 39 before turning the gun on himself. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/6-dead-20-wounded-school-shooting-russia-rcna49367
September 26, 2022: 23-year-old trans woman Milena is stabbed by the occupant of a car and then run over by the same car, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/26/milena_serra-espirito-santo-brazil_75d89bf8
September 27, 2022:  A 19-year-old Asian student walking to her classes in Vancouver, BC is racially abused and then hit in the head by 35-year-old Mohammed Majidpour with a pole in a random attack. https://globalnews.ca/news/9179904/canada-wide-warrant-vancouver-random-attack/
September 27, 2022: Brothers Mark and Michael Sheppard (one of whom was a warden at a detention center) are charged with manslaughter for opening fire on a group of migrants who were getting water near Hudspeth County, TX. One victim died from gunshot wounds, and one is recovering at an El Paso hospital.  https://www.kens5.com/article/news/crime/texas-lawmakers-call-on-doj-to-investigate-deadly-migrant-shooting/273-478ffb1e-3929-4e0f-9092-9f1fe732a27f
September 28, 2022: Two trans women walking alongside a highway in Caldas Brandão, Brazil are shot at by occupants of a passing vehicle. One of the pair, 24-year-old Rauany, is hit and dies instantly. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/28/rauany_caldas-brandao-paraiba-brazil_ee8067b1
September 29, 2022: Gunmen shoot down Valeria, a trans woman in Almoloya de Juárez, Mexico, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/29/valeria_almoloya-de-juarez-estado-de-mexico-mexico_36c968c7 September 29, 2022: The driver of a truck in Palo Alto, CA. screams racial abuse at a Black cyclist, spits on him, and then swerves his truck into the bike, running it over and injuring the cyclist’s leg before driving off.  https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/palo-alto-vehicle-assault-hate-crime/3020944/
September 29, 2022: Gunmen invade the Pinotepa, Mexico bar of 50-year-old trans woman Rosa Salvaje, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/29/rosa-salvaje_pinotepa-nacional-oaxaca-mexico_2da84c3b
September 29, 2022:  After missing work at a León, Mexico parcel company, co-workers of trans woman Isabella "Bella" Álvarez go to her apartment only to find her dead. She had been strangled to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/29/isabella-alvarez-bella_leon-guanajuato-mexico_5fff4df6
September 30, 2022: A 22 year old man and a 17 year old girl in Bevinamatti, India were murdered by members of the girl's family who opposed their inter- caste relationship. Thus far, 3 people have been arrested, but authorities are still investigating. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/hate-crime-3-of-family-held-for-killing-couple-in-k-taka-district-101666118321747.html
September 30, 2022: Two teenagers are arrested in Dhaka, Bangladesh for stabbing Nila, a 24-year-old trans woman, in the throat, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/09/30/nila_dhaka-bangladesh_27cd6708
October 1, 2022:  25-year-old trans woman Tiffany Banks is shot and killed in Miami, FL. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/01/tiffany-banks_miami-florida-usa_2ede94ce    October 3, 2022:  Shawn Anthony Beaudrault, 42, is arrested for assaulting a  Black and queer bus driver in Aspen, CO. Beaudrault made racist and homophobic comments, threats, and then threw a full can of soda at the man's genitals.                                                  https://www.aspentimes.com/news/man-charged-as-rfta-driver-recovers-from-alleged-bias-motivated-crime/ October 8, 2022:  Alyssa Holmberg, 33, is accused of threatening to kill a Somali family in Waite Point, MN. Holmberg broke into the family's home, yelling racist remarks, and threatened to kill them. She threw an object at their daughter. She also chased a man on the sidewalk while screaming, "Somali move." She threw a bottle at the man which hit him in the back. When police were arresting her she yelled about Somalis being on the police force, and kicked an officer.                      https://apnews.com/article/police-minnesota-st-cloud-a8083dec4c3ddb7dcd08d3d9ea238fb3 October 8, 2022: 31-year-old Matthew Lehigh screams homophobic abuse at a person before punching them in the arm and fleeing. A security guard who witnessed the incident follows Lehigh into the parking lot, only to be nearly killed when Lehigh attempts to run them over with his car. Four days later, Lehigh will be arrested for a similar incident, where he tried to run over two women in a parking lot after screaming homophobic slurs at them.  https://www.eastidahonews.com/2022/10/suspect-allegedly-drove-car-at-two-women-yelled-homophobic-slurs-in-boise-police-say/
October 9, 2022: Trans rights leader Mayté Mejía is found stabbed to death in the streets of Calaraca, Colombia, days after receiving death threats for publicly exposing violent threats to members of the local trans community. She is the third trans woman in the area to be stabbed to death so far this year.   https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/09/mayte-mejia_calaraca-quindio-colombia_80184efb
October 9, 2022:  Natasha, a 27-year-old trans woman in Forquilha, Brazil, is shot to death in the street. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/09/natasha_forquilha-ceara-brazil_d6640351    October 12, 2022: After posting an online manifesto against Jewish and LGBTQ+ people, a teenager in Bratislava, Slovakia travels to a local gay bar and shoots three people outside, killing two and wounding the third person before fleeing. The suspect was found dead the next day.          https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/slovak-pm-condemns-shooting-that-killed-two-outside-gay-bar-2022-10-13/ October 12, 2022:  The mutilated body of 15-year-old trans girl Ester da Silva is discovered in Natal, Brazil. She had been stabbed to death, her pinky finger had been severed, and she was decapitated. Authorities did not recover her head for another month. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/12/ester-da-silva_natal-rio-grande-do-norte-brazil_4f489259
October 12, 2022: 31-year-old Matthew Lehigh is arrested for screaming homophobic abuse at two women in Boise, ID. before attempting to run over them with his car. Both women managed to jump out of the way, leaving Lehigh to crash into their vehicle.  Lehigh was wanted for a similar incident on the 8th in which he also used homophobic slurs and hit someone in the arm then tried to run over a pursuing security officer.      https://www.eastidahonews.com/2022/10/suspect-allegedly-drove-car-at-two-women-yelled-homophobic-slurs-in-boise-police-say/
October 14, 2022:  Fresno, CA, police are searching for a suspect in an attack on a gay couple. The two men were walking down the street when they were confronted by another person who attacked and injured the men.                         https://abc30.com/hate-crime-investigation-central-fresno-police-tower-district-boys-walking/12344373/
October 14, 2022:  26-year-old trans woman Danieli Medeiros Gonçalves is run over and killing by two vehicles in Cabo Frio, Brazil, both of which flee the scene. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/14/danieli-medeiros-goncalves_cabo-frio-rio-de-janeiro-brazil_f9ebb61b
October 17, 2022:  An unidentified trans woman is found dead in her Cancun, Mexico apartment. She had been bludgeoned to death with a hammer. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/17/name-unknown_cancun-quintana-roo-mexico_96e9cd9a   
October 17, 2022: 20-year-old trans woman Daniella "Danny" Santos is shot twice near a Senhor do Bonfim, Brazil bus station. She dies in hospital the following day. Her friend Audrey is shot and wounded the same day at Danny's wake. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/18/daniella-santos-danny_senhor-do-bonfim-bahia-brazil_92859050
October 18, 2022:  37-year-old trans woman Victoria Jackson is stabbed to death while waiting for a bus in Presidente Epitaco, Brazil. Her assailant also stabs and wounds a bystander who tries to stop the attack. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/18/victoria-jakson_presidente-epitacio-sao-paulo-brazil_98d29b09 October 18, 2022:  42-year-old trans rights activist Melissa Núñez is shot and killed by gunmen near her home in Moroceli, Honduras. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/18/melissa-nunez_moroceli-el-paraiso-honduras_607eb271 October 19, 2022: A building housing Ukrainian refugees in Gross Stromkendorf, Germany, is set on fire and burns to the ground. None of the 14 refugees living there at the time were injured. Police suspect that neo-nazis are responsible due to a swastika being painted on the door of the building over the weekend.        https://www.trtworld.com/europe/suspected-neo-nazi-s-arson-attack-burns-down-refugee-shelter-in-germany-61812 October 22, 2022: An 18 year old Hasidic Jewish man in Brooklyn is hit in the back of the head by an assailant who rode past him on a bike.     https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-williamsburg-brooklyn-antisemitic-hate-crime-teen-punch-yarmulke-20221025-vxx6p5hkkjcwppwjxql4aw7hv4-story.html
October 22, 2022: Gurvinder Singh is standing outside his  Tooele, UT home when a man in a truck drives by and tells him to go back to his country before shooting him with a pellet gun. Singh had to have the pellet removed from his leg at the hospital.                         https://ksltv.com/509862/tooele-police-investigate-pellet-gun-shooting-as-potential-hate-crime/
October 23, 2022:  A gunman arrives on motorcyle at the Ecatepic, Mexico home of trans woman Jessica "Yulia" Zoe. He shoots Yulia dead, then flees. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/23/jessica-zoe-yulia_ecatepec-estado-de-mexico-mexico_fd03ad55
October 24, 2022: Proud Boy founder Gavin McGinnes, and far right troll Alex Stein, attempt to hold an event at Penn State University . Proud Boys in attendance attacked counter protesters and journalists. They engaged in physical fights, and used pepper spray.                                                       https://www.huffpost.com/entry/penn-state-proud-boys-gavin-mcinnes_n_6357e1d2e4b051268c58e50b
October 27, 2022:  Police in Puglia, Italy arrest a 23 year old member of the neo-nazi group The Base. Authorities said the man had weapons in his home and had made declarations of being prepared to make "an extreme sacrifice to defend the white race," and that he was ready to "move on to action." The nazi had engraved the names of other nazi terrorists on his weapons, including Brenton Tarrant and Anders Breivik. They added that there were alarming similarities between the materials found in his home, and those used by Payton Gendron, who murdered 10 people in Buffalo, NY.                                                https://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2022/10/27/italian-white-supremacist-arrested-on-terror-charges_6d06460a-530a-470f-a4ab-f7e1e8e39098.html
October 28, 2022:  A 29 year old man was arrested for assaulting a 70 year old Jewish man in Toronto, while yelling anti-semitic slurs and stomping on the man’s kippah.                        https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/police-hate-crime-investigation-toronto-1.6634228
October 28, 2022:  An unidentified trans woman is shot to death in the streets of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. She is the fourth LGBTQ+ person to be murdered in the city so far this year. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/10/28/name-unknown_ciudad-juarez-chihuahua-mexico_73cf30e6
October 28, 2022:  A man on a bicycle roams the Stamford Hill neighbourhood of London, attacking Jews. The man attempts to knock yarmulkes off of two Jewish men and punches one of them in the face. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-722121
October 29, 2022: 42-year-old David DePape arrives at the home of Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi armed with a hammer. Shortly after Pelosi' husband answers the door, DePape attacks him with a hammer before being subdued by the police, fracturing Paul Pelosi's skull and injuring him badly enough that he requires surgery. DePape had frequently posted online support for QAnon and other far-right and anti-semitic conspiracy theories, in addition to his activities as a pro-nudity activist. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/29/politics/paul-pelosi-attack-david-depape
October 31, 2022: A Tulsa OK doughnut shop that hosted an art event run by drag queens was firebombed. Surveillance video shows a man in a red hat. Police say he left a note on a nearby business with bible verses and hateful rhetoric. There were no injuries.                                                                     https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-doughnut-shop-molotov-cocktail-drag-queen-art-show_n_6363d054e4b05786da5ed353 November 1, 2022:  A white man driving a pickup truck is wanted by Denver, CO. police for what they describe as a hate-motivated assault. https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/police-search-suspect-vehicle-bias-motivated-assault-west-evans-south-sheridan/
November 3, 2022: The body of trans woman Jessy Silva is found dumped in the zoo in Fortaleza, Brazil. She had been stabbed to death. She is the 6th trans woman murdered in the area so far this year. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/03/jessy-silva_fortaleza-ceara-brazil_5d514b5b
November 3, 2022:  Sayreville, NJ, police arrest 18 year old Omar Alkattoul for making online threats against Jewish people, and threatening to "curb-stomp" LGBTQ+ people. The teen used social media to share a manifesto, which contained a threat to attack a synagogue. He was also allegedly a fan of Dylan Roof, because Roof killed Christians. He said his attack would, "involve bombings, shootings, and maybe a beheading."                                https://www.vice.com/en/article/88qbxb/new-jersey-synagogue-threats-omar-alkattoul November 3, 2022: 16-year-old trans teenager Kauana Vasconcelos is kidnapped and held in an apartment in Ibicarai, Brazil by three men who stab her and attempt to drown her. Neighbours, hearing the commotion, manage to rescue her and take her to hospital, where she succumbs to her injuries. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/03/kauana-vasconcelos_ibicarai-bahia-brazil_eae9fcfe
November 4, 2022: The bodies of trans women Kimberly Fernanda Mendoza Sevilla and Renata Nicole Duarte Reyes are found handcuffed and dumped on calle Pradera in Cuautla, Mexico. Both women had been shot in the head, execution-style. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/04/kimberly-fernanda-mendoza-sevilla_cuautla-morelos-mexico_92a56ac1
November 5, 2022:  Okeana, OH resident Austin Combs, 26, admits to murdering his neighbor because he “thought he was a democrat.”  43 year old Anthony King died from multiple gunshot wounds.                               https://www.journal-news.com/crime/court-docs-man-charged-in-okeana-homicide-admitted-to-shooting-neighbor/R4FEIMGN6BEBVPN2DBWI4XCGR4/
November 6, 2022: Sophia Rossing, 22, a white student at Univ. of Kentucky in Lexington racially abuses Kylah Spring - a Black student working the front desk of the dorm. She also strikes Spring, tries to kick her, and punches another Black student as they try to subdue her. During her arrest she also kicked and bit the officer.            https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-university-kentucky-student-assaulted-black-students-will-withdr-rcna56171
November 8, 2022:  A Hasidic woman and her son were shot with a pellet gun by three men driving by in a car in Brooklyn, NY. The driver of the vehicle was identified as 38 year old Jacob Hernandez.                                                            https://nypost.com/2022/11/09/three-busted-in-the-latest-gel-gun-attack-and-get-hit-with-a-hate-crime-rap/
November 8, 2022: The body of an unidentified homeless woman is found in a Santiago, Chile park. She had been stabbed to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/08/name-unknown_santiago-chile_0f47847a
November 10, 2022:  Troy and Brandy Pertuset are charged with a hate crime after pulling up to a house in Weston, WV yelling anti-Black slurs from their car at the Black man who lives there, then shotting him with a paintball gun. Police apprehended the couple after getting called to a nearby gas station 12 minutes later where the pair were threatening another Black man. Troy told him, "I got a (expletive) pistol, and I'm going to (expletive) shoot you for talking to my wife."     https://www.wdtv.com/2022/11/14/police-jane-lew-couple-charged-with-hate-crime-allegedly-shot-black-man-with-paint-ball-gun/
November 10, 2022:  18 year old Jeffson Ventura Rodriguez is arrested and charged with assault and a hate crime for attacking a 16 year old from Afghanistan at the Houston, TX. school they both attend. The 16 year old was attacked from behind by five people. He was punched, hit with a laptop, and kicked once he fell to the ground.                                                    https://abc13.com/hate-crime-in-houston-hisd-student-arrested-jeffson-ventura-rodriguez-wisdom-high-school-fight/12460557/
November 10, 2022: 45-year-old trans woman Jerry Rodrigues is shot dead while sitting outside of her family's home in Coreau, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/10/jerry-rodrigues_coreau-ceara-brazil_2c457128
November 10, 2022: 22-year-old trans woman Chepina Arteaga Morante is shot in her home in Chone, Ecuador and dies from her injuries enroute to the hospital. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/10/chepina-arteaga-morante_chone-manabi-ecuador_930812b2
November 11, 2022: Two gay men waiting for a train in Calgary, Canada are singled out by two other men who punch and beat both of them.                           https://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/police-look-to-identify-suspects-in-suspected-ctrain-hate-crime
November 12, 2022: A group of men between the ages of 13 and 24 in Tangier, Morocco, are caught on video beating someone in a dress. They can be heard making homophobic and transphobic comments like, "He is gay. This is what he deserves." They repeatedly hit this person. No bystanders intervene.           https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2022/11/352370/tangier-person-brutally-assaulted-in-hate-crime
November 12, 2022: 21-year-old trans woman Karen Sanchez is shot to death outside of a bus station in Toluca, Mexico. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/12/karen-sanchez_toluca-estado-de-mexico-mexico_42462b58 November 15, 2022: Police in Naples, Italy arrest four neo-nazis who are members of the group Order of Hagal. Authorities say they were ready to take "violent action" against citizens and police. Police seized propaganda, bullets, air soft guns, tactical gear, and other 'important circumstantial elements."      https://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2022/11/15/four-neo-nazis-arrested-by-anti-terror-cops_6ddcaf4b-d451-4254-8891-6e64b2b96241.html
November 18, 2022: The mutilated corpse of 24-year-old trans woman Bruninha da Silva is found in Belo Jardim, Brazil. She had been stoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/18/bruninha-da-silva_belo-jardim-pernambuco-brazil_fbc68281
November 19, 2022: 22-year-old Anderson Lee Aldrich walks into a gay bar in Colorado Springs, CO. armed with an AR-15 and another gun and opens fire, killing five people and injuring another 18. On June 17th, Aldrich barricaded himself in his home and got in a standoff with police after reporting that he had a bomb and firearms and was charged with felony menacing and 1st-degree kidnapping in that incident.  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63693310; https://krdo.com/news/top-stories/2021/06/19/bomb-threat-in-lorson-ranch-neighborhood-friday-night/
November 19, 2022: 19-year-old Dream Commisso and a 17-year-old boy approach an Asian couple on a Manhattan subway and demand the couple give up their seats. When the couple refuse, Dream Commisso calls the man an "Asian pig" and the pair punch and kick the couple while screaming more racial abuse. https://nypost.com/2022/12/01/nyc-teen-charged-with-hate-crime-for-asian-pig-subway-attack/    November 19, 2022: Eight Proud Boys gang members drive into Montgomery State Park to attack anti-fascists protesting a white supremacist event being held in the park's conference center. One of the Proud Boys hits an anti-fascist in the head with a steel baton while another strikes him in the head. The anti-fascist is hospitalized with injuries. When police and park rangers eventually arrive on-scene, they refuse to make arrests.https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/11/20/presumed-proud-boys-attack-protesters-outside-white-nationalist-conference
November 19, 2022:  Christopher Brown and Matthew Mahrer, both 22 years old, are arrested in Manhattan’s Pennsylvania Station  in connection to threats made against area synagogues. Authorities seize a Glock 17 handgun, a 30 round magazine, and a large hunting knife. Brown is wearing a nazi swastika armband at the time of his arrest.                                                                          https://news.yahoo.com/man-wearing-nazi-armband-arrested-234420797.html 
November 19, 2022:  Christian M. Lynch attempts to abduct an Asian woman from a transit stop in Quincy, MA. and fails. Minutes after, he succeeds in abducting another woman - a 60-year-old Asian woman on her way to work. Lynch spends hours torturing and raping the woman before dumping her in a parking lot in Brockton, MA. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/11/16/metro/wollaston-rape-should-be-charged-hate-crime/  
November 22, 2022:  27-year-old trans woman Brenda is set on fire in her San Martin, Argentina apartment. She dies from her injuries in hospital, six weeks later. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/22/brenda_san-martin-buenos-aires-argentina_71a06a83 November 24, 2022: Police in Brantford, Canada arrest a 38-year-old woman after she screamed discriminatory abuse at another woman and then punched her multiple times in the face. https://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/news/local-news/police-blotter-woman-charged-with-assault-public-incitement-of-hatred November 24, 2022: 27-year-old trans woman Diamond Jackson-McDonald is found shot to death in her mother's apartment in Germantown, Philadelphia. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/27/diamond-jackson-mcdonald_philadelphia-pennsylvania-usa_0a5281aa
November 24, 2022:  Olvin Osorio Doroteo, a trans man living in Oluta, Mexico, is stabbed to death in his home. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/24/olvin-osorio-doroteo_oluta-veracruz-mexico_aa6a328b    November 25, 2022: A 16-year-old former student storms two schools in Aracruz, Brazil, armed with two pistols and wearing a bulletproof vest emblazoned with a swastika. The teen shoots 16 people in the rampage, killing three of them.https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/brazil-shooter-wore-swastika-had-planned-attack-for-2-years-1.6170026
November 27, 2022: 32-year-old trans woman Ana Paula dos Santos is at her Jaciara, Brazil home when one or more assailants break the door down, beat her, stab her multiple times, and crush her skull in with a piece of concrete, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/27/ana-paula-dos-santos_jaciara-mato-grosso-brazil_6b6bdf9b
November 28, 2022:  32-year-old trans woman Ana Paula dos Santos is at her Jaciara, Brazil home when one or more assailants break the door down, beat her, stab her multiple times, and crush her skull in with a piece of concrete, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/11/27/ana-paula-dos-santos_jaciara-mato-grosso-brazil_6b6bdf9b
November 30, 2022:  BJP supporters assault a group of CPI(M) party activists when they attempt to re-open a party office in Tripura, India that had previously been destroyed in a 2018 attack. The BJP goons kill a 65-year-old man and injure 12 others, including a former finance minister, in the asaault. https://hindutvawatch.org/cpim-worker-killed-in-bjp-violence-in-tripura-12-including-left-mla-seriously-injured-maktoob-media/    December 1, 2022:  Students campaigning for the release of a Dehli university professor from custody as attacked by armed members of khil Bharti Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), who beat them with clubs and whipped them with belts. Five of the students as well as two of the attackers are injured. https://hindutvawatch.org/delhi-student-activists-campaigning-for-g-n-saibabas-release-allegedly-attacked-by-abvp-members-the-wire/
December 2, 2022: 77-year-old Quincy, MA. resident John Sullivan gets in an argument with a group of pedestrians before yelling at a 38-year-old Asian man to "go back to  China!" and then ramming his car into the man, who was thrown up onto the hood of Sullivan's car. Sullivan then drove off with the man trapped on the hood of his car, braked hard about 50 yards later, then hit the man a second time after he fell off the car, yelling "go back to China" a second time as the man fell into a construction ditch. This was the 2nd violent attack against Asians in Quincy so far this  year. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/massachusetts/articles/2022-12-08/man-charged-with-hate-crime-released-with-conditions December 3, 2022: A man in downtown Brooklyn made anti-Asian remarks towards a 35-year-old man before threatening to kill them and then hitting him in the head with an umbrella, leaving him with minor injuries. https://brooklyn.news12.com/police-suspect-wanted-for-anti-asian-hate-crime-in-downtown-brooklyn
December 4, 2022:  Occupants of a black Mustang drive by a kosher food shop in Long Island, NY, firing pellet guns at a Jewish father and his seven-year-old son leaving the store, hitting and injuring both of them. https://nypost.com/2022/12/05/video-shows-moment-boy-7-and-dad-struck-by-bb-pellets-in-possible-hate-crime/ December 4, 2022: Hooded assassins smash their way into the home of trans woman Jossi Córdova Macas in Arenillas, Ecuador, shooting her in her bed while she slept, killing her. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/04/jossi-cordova-macas_arenillas-el-oro-ecuador_edb8e815
December 7, 2022:  German police arrest 25 members of the far-right Reichsbürger movement in Berlin and dozens of other locations throughout Germany, including a former judge & AfD lawmaker and a member of the German military's special forces, after discovering an elaborate plot to kidnap parliamentarians, sabotage the electrical grid, and use arms they had stockpiled to overthrow the German government, replacing it with a monarchy headed by  72-year-old "Prince Heinrich." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/07/reichsburger-the-german-conspiracy-theorists-at-heart-of-alleged-coup-plot
December 10, 2022: A Black woman leaving a business in Edmonton, Canada is approached by two men who demand to see the contents of her bag and then follow her down the street, screaming racist abuse at her before pepper spraying her. https://globalnews.ca/news/9359690/edmonton-police-investigate-hate-motivated-assault-after-woman-bear-sprayed-harassed/
December 10, 2022:  Members of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal organizing beat two Muslim youth after catching them in public with two Hindu girls. https://hindutvawatch.org/vigilante-violence-on-streets-of-mangalore-telegraph-india/    December 11, 2022: Felipe Garzon, aged 22, a member of the LGBTI+ community, found dead: gagged, bound, with signs of asphyxiation and torture. May be linked to murders using dating apps. https://www.noticiasrcn.com/bogota/muerte-de-felipe-garzon-tendria-relacion-con-homicidios-436337 https://news.dayfr.com/nouvelles/1448530.html
December 11, 2022: 73-year-old trans woman and trans rights activist Claudia Díaz is discovered bludgeoned to death in her home in Cartanegra, Chile. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/11/claudia-diaz_cartagena-san-antonio-chile_6529a7a7
December 13, 2022: Four members of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal dragged a Muslim man out of the Mangalore, India jewelry store he works in and beat him in the street, accusing him of attempting to start a romantic relationship with a Hindu woman. The four attackers are accompanied by the woman's parents and a police officer, who stands by and does nothing to intervene in the attack. https://hindutvawatch.org/vigilante-violence-on-streets-of-mangalore-telegraph-india/    December 14, 2022: The body of 33-year-old trans man Mar’Quis ‘MJ’ Jackson is found in a Philadelphia, PA. backyard. He had been bludgeoned to death. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/14/marquis-mj-jackson_philadelphia-pennsylvania-usa_0c41780e
December 16, 2022: 42-year-old trans woman and Peruvian national Ariana Diaz Chavez is found strangled to death in her apartment in La Plata, Argentina. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/16/ariana-diaz-chavez_la-plata-buenos-aires-argentina_23e447f3
December 16, 2022: An unidentified trans woman is shot in Tijuana, Mexico and left to die on the street. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/16/name-unknown_tijuana-baja-california-mexico_f19e702a
December 17, 2022:  René Estrada is found murdered in his apartment. He had been stabbed, strangled, and tortured. Estrada is the LGBTQI+ person in the Colombian department of Atlantico murdered this year.  https://news.dayfr.com/nouvelles/1448530.htmlhttps://www.bluradio.com/blu360/caribe/asesinan-a-integrante-de-la-comunidad-lgbti-en-barranquilla-se-trata-de-la-quinta-victima-en-2022-rg10
December 17, 2022:  Eduardo Navarro Perez, 31, was arrested for making antisemetic remarks towards a 30 year old male before hitting him with his skateboard. The victim was treated on the scene by medics. https://www.thesfnews.com/sfpd-arrest-eduardo-navarro-perez-for-hayes-valley-assault/84899 December 17, 2022: 19-year-old trans woman Lully Pimentel is shot to death in the streets of Vitória de Santo Antão, Brazil. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/17/lully-pimentel_vitoria-de-santo-antao-pernambuco-brazil_d1c5a8e2 December 17, 2022: 27-year-old Latina and trans woman Caelee Love-Light is shot and killed while sitting in a car in Phoenix, AZ. Her killer is found by police in the car with her, suffering from stab wounds that he succumbs to hours later, leading to the theory that Love-Light managed to defend herself in a physical altercation before being shot. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/17/caelee-love-light_phoenix-arizona-usa_00fb4dfd
December 18, 2022:  A 3-week-old was attacked in Scarborough Park in Christchurch. The baby was taken to hospital and the mother injured after a man allegedly jumped on them as they lay in a tent. The man made racist comments to the family afterwards including "go back to your country" and told them they "can't even speak English". Police told a witness the perpetrator would be charged with a "hate crime with intentions to harm a baby".  An 18-year-old was taken into custody. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/481004/newborn-baby-taken-to-hospital-after-suspected-hate-crime-at-christchurch-park
December 23, 2022: The body of murdered trans woman Sheyla is found dumped on a dirt road outside of Tehuantepec, Mexico. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/23/sheyla_tehuantepec-oaxaca-mexico_7e5ff56c December 23, 2022: A gunman opened fire in central Paris, killing three Kurdish people and wounding three others. The 69-year-old attacker deliberately targeted a Kurdish cultural centre and shot members of the local community in a plan to "kill non-European foreigners," stemming from his self-described "pathological hatred of migrants."  The attacker had just been released from prison after attacking migrants in Paris with a sword the year before. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64091557 December 23, 2022: 27-year-old trans woman Brauny Alcántara is beaten and drowned in a Santiago, Dominican Republic hotel room. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/23/brauny-alcantara_santiago-dominican-republic_43de2a4b December 24, 2022: The corpse of an unidentified 40-year-old trans woman is found weighted down at the bottom of a river in Bilbao, Spain. She had been suffocated before being disposed of in the river. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/24/name-unknown_bilbao-biscay-spain_a281ffc7 December 24, 2022: 41-year-old trans woman and trans rights activist Patricia Ramírez is deliberately run over by a vehicle in Corrientes, Argentina in a hit-and-run. She dies from her injuries hours later in hospital. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/12/24/patricia-ramirez_corrientes-argentina_1e8ecaa8
December 30, 2022:  A Jewish family walking in Stamford Hill, London are accosted by a man who shouts "move fucking Jew! I will stab you and kill you" at their one-year-old son before shoving him to the ground and slashing his father in his face and hand with a sharp object. https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/01/02/jewish-londoner-slashed-while-walking-with-wife-and-infant-child/
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lebenistgeil · 6 months
0 notes
Hey Melle,
ich bin’s. Du kennst mich sicher noch, oder? Jasmin. Jasmin, die die dich so manches mal wirklich hätte verfluchen können. Verfluchen können, dafür dass du so ein kleiner Trottel warst und trotzdem so unendlich wichtig für mich warst. Wichtig bist du mir immer noch, ehrlich. Und das wirst du immer sein. Egal was passiert und egal, wer kommt. Du bist etwas besonderes und das was wir hatten, war’s auch.
Heute ist der Tag. Ein wirklich sehr schlimmer Tag seit langem für mich. Du bist nicht mehr da, das nicht erst seit gestern. Nein, seit einem ganzen Jahr nun. Seit einem Jahr, bekomme ich keine Nachrichten mehr, keine Bilder, keine News, nichts. Weil du nicht mehr bei uns bist. Du bist nicht mehr hier, aber immer noch da. Das merke ich jeden Tag. Ich denke so oft an dich. Vorallem heute, denke ich an unsere Momente. Der Moment, als wir anfingen zu schreiben und ich dich so cool fand. Dann unser erstes Treffen, nachdem du mich nicht nur einmal versetzt hast. Du bist mit dem Bus aus Rendsburg hergefahren. Wir sind mit dem Hund gegangen und die Sonne hat geschien. Es war warm, trotzdem hattest du eine dünne Jacke an, eine graue. Und eine beige Hose. Sie saß locker. Du hattest eine Cap auf und deine Brillengläser waren definitiv sauberer als meine, so war es übrigens immer.
Und was soll ich sagen? Ich hab mich in dich verliebt und wie ich das habe. Doch das Schicksal meinte es nicht gut mit uns. Es gab viele Hindernisse, aber das weißt du ja. Und dann, immer wenn die Chancen gut standen, haben wir es trotzdem nie auf die Reihe bekommen. Nie. Das ging viele Jahre so, wie du weißt. Irgendwann haben wir uns damit abgefunden, dass es wohl nicht so sein sollte und das wir als Freunde wohl doch besser harmonieren. Trotzallem wusste ich ganz genau, dass ich dir nicht egal bin. Ich wusste immer, dass ich für dich etwas besonderes bin, so wie du für mich. Gott, wie sehr war ich verliebt. Immer. Und du kannst es nicht leugnen und konntest es nicht leugnen, dass auch ich in dir etwas ausgelöst habe. Erinnerst du dich? Du sagtest „Jasmin, ich kann dir nicht in die Augen sehen, dann müsste ich dich küssen, das geht nicht“. Wir wissen ja beide, dass es, trotz vermiedenem Augenkontakt deinerseits, dazu gekommen ist. Immer.
Und dann war es endlich soweit. Wir haben es geschafft uns voneinander zu lösen. Dann kam Aliena und ich habe mich so für dich gefreut, ehrlich. Es war manchmal auch schwer. Aber sie hat dir gut getan, auch wenn du nach außen das immer nicht so gezeigt hast. Sie hat dir gut getan und das war mir das Wichtigste. Es war mir wichtig, dass jemand dich so nimmt wie du bist und dich auch mal in die Schranken weist, wenn du mal wieder ein bisschen frech warst.
Ich bin stolz auf dich. So stolz auf das was du erreicht hast. Du hattest am Ende eine ganz tolle Freundin, ein schönes Auto und einen wirklich tollen Job bei einer großen Firma, du warst glücklich.
Ich weiß, es fiel dir schwer deine Gefühle zu zeigen, aber ab und an wurdest du dann doch mal weich. Du hast mir gesagt, dass du mich lieb hast. Ich höre das noch heute in meinen Ohren. Ich höre auch dein Lachen heute noch in meinen Ohren.Vor allem das Lachen, dass du immer drauf hattest, wenn du mal wieder etwas fieses, aber deiner Meinung nach lustiges, zu mir gesagt hast. Du hast dann immer deine Zunge über die Unterlippe gestrichen und ich hätte dich verprügeln können. Du wusstest das, du wusstest genau, was du machen musst, um mich zu provozieren. Und ich wusste das auch. Jedenfalls wollte ich dich nur sagen, dass ich dich niemals vergessen werde, ich hoffe das weißt du. Du hast mein Leben bereichert. 6 Jahre lang warst du da. Du hast mich stark gemacht, mich zum Lachen gebracht, mich etwas fühlen lassen.
Es ist so schwer hier zu sitzen und zu wissen, dass du letztes Jahr um diese Zeit noch unter uns warst und nicht wusstest, was passieren wird ...
und wir wussten das auch nicht. Keiner hätte sich dieses Schicksal vorstellen können.
Ich war da.. heute.. an deinem Unfallort. Was soll ich sagen.. es war grauenvoll. Ich hätte dich so gerne vor diesem schrecklichen Schicksal bewahrt. Wärst du doch an diesem Tag erst gar nicht ins Auto gestiegen. Es macht mich so kaputt, zu realisieren, dass du nicht mehr hier bist! Ich vermisse dich unheimlich und das werde ich immer tun.
Malcolm? Ich denke an dich und ich wünsche mir so sehr, dass du das sehen kannst. Ich hoffe du siehst, wie oft ich von dir erzähle. Ich hoffe du siehst, wie ich mein Leben lebe und ich hoffe, dass auch du stolz auf mich bist.
Du bist für mich immer einer der wichtigsten Menschen, die ich habe.
Für immer.
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frobiworld · 5 years
Faszination Australien… Aus der Traum!
Da auf der Welt in letzter Zeit sehr viel passiert ist, und wir es einfach nicht geschafft haben unsere Eindrücke festzuhalten, holen wir dies jetzt nach, bevor alles verschwimmt.
Wir springen nun also etwas in der Zeit zurück und setzen unsere Erzählungen ab dem 09. März fort.
Nach unserer letzten langen Busfahrt kamen wir bei strömendem Regen in Noosa an und verkrochen uns für den restlichen Tag vorerst in unserem Airbnb. Der Wetterbericht für die nächsten Tage war nicht sonderlich motivierend und auch von anderen Reisenden in unserer Unterkunft wurde uns mitgeteilt, sie hätten aufgrund des starken Regens die letzten drei Tage das Haus nicht verlassen.
Somit machten wir uns am nächsten Morgen wenig Hoffnungen als wir in unsere Regenjacken eingepackt in Richtung Innenstadt liefen. Noosa bzw. Noosa Heads ist ein sehr beliebter Urlaubsort der Australier und ein wirklich schönes Städtchen mit viel Leben, Läden, Cafés, Strand und vielen Surfern - es gefiel uns auf Anhieb sehr gut. Zu unserer Überraschung ließ sich auch recht schnell die Sonne blicken und es wurde wunderbar warm, sodass unsere kleine Erkundungstour ein voller Erfolg wurde und den ganzen Tag anhielt.
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Der nächste Morgen begrüßte uns dann wieder mit strömendem Regen. Da wir dies aber schon vom Vortag kannten, ließen wir uns einfach ein wenig mehr Zeit am Morgen und als wir losgingen, um eine Wanderung durch den bekannten Noosa Nationalpark zu unternehmen, wurde das Wetter auch an diesem Tag wieder schön.  Der Wanderweg im Noosa Nationalpark ist wirklich lohnend! Einzige Herausforderung ist der Weg dorthin. Dieser befindet sich direkt an der Küste, ist toll ausgebaut und bietet einem die perfekte Sicht auf die Küste, den Strand und die vielen Surfspots, allerdings ist er auch gesäumt von unzähligen Riesen-Spinnen, die ihre Netzte neben und über dem Weg spannen… Es war also recht aufregend 😉.
Der Weg durch den Nationalpark bis zum Aussichtspunkt „Hells Gate“ verläuft ebenfalls direkt am Wasser (nur aufgrund der Vegetation hier ohne Riesen-Spinnen – dafür haben wir auf dem Rückweg einen Koala beim Schlummern im Baum entdeckt 😊). Da der Wanderweg direkt am Strand beginnt und endet und wir (gut vorbereitet wie wir sind) natürlich unsere Badesachen mithatten, ließen wir den Tag am Strand ausklingen.
Von Noosa aus ging es für uns dann weiter nach Brisbane und somit warteten wir am Folgetag ein letztes Mal auf unseren Bus. Wir hatten in Neuseeland die Freiheit mit dem Camper sehr genossen und fühlten uns per Bus doch sehr unflexibel und eingeschränkt. Somit hatten wir uns im Laufe der Woche für einen günstigen Mietwagen ab Brisbane entschieden um zukünftig auch etwas abseits der Touristenpfade reisen zu können.
Da unser Bus erst am frühen Nachmittag losfuhr, schlugen wir die Zeit bis dahin mit warten tot, denn mit all unserem Gepäck dabei, macht Bummeln auch keinen Spaß…
Nachdem wir an unserem Ankunftstag in Brisbane erst einmal nur die normalen alltäglichen Dinge wie einkaufen etc. erledigen mussten, schauten wir uns also einen Tag später die Stadt an.
Auch Brisbane überzeugte uns wieder mit der lockeren Atmosphäre, viel Platz für schöne Dinge und einfach der Liebe zum Detail. Zu Fuß ging es zunächst auf Erkundung durch Southbank (direkt am Wasser liegt hier eine riesengroße Parkanlage mit Allerlei zu bieten). Im Anschluss fuhren wir mit der kostenfreien Touristenfähre nach Kangaroopoint von wo aus wir einen tollen Blick auf die Skyline hatten und liefen am Fluss entlang zurück in die Stadt um diese weiter zu entdecken (zu Lucas Freude war auch dieser Weg, wie schon in Noosa, von unzähligen Spinnen bewohnt). Nach einem Schlenker durch den Botanischen Garten sowie den Central Business District, machten wir uns dann noch auf die Suche nach ein paar der coolen Laneways die Brisbane bieten sollte – ein wenig Genuss darf ja auch sein. Gesagt getan, wurden wir auch schnell fündig und gönnten uns in der Bakery Lane super leckeren Kuchen und endlich auch mal einen guten Kaffee (das kommt hier nicht allzu häufig vor).
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Am zweiten Tag sollte eigentlich in Brisbane die große St. Patricks Day Parade stattfinden, diese wurde jedoch kurzfristig aufgrund des Coronavirus abgesagt. Hier spürten wir zum ersten Mal, das sich auch in Australien eventuell bald etwas ändern könnte, jedoch schien sich noch niemand wirklich Sorgen zu machen.
Anstatt Parade, gab es somit für uns einen weiteren Ausflug mit der Fähre. Dieses Mal noch ein Stück weiter den Fluss entlang bis zur Endstation in den Stadtteil New Farm. Abgesehen von den vielen ansehnlichen Villen am Ufer bietet die Gegend auch eine riesige Parkanlage, welche von den Einheimischen für Picknicks und Familientreffen genutzt wird (das ist hier unten ein Riesen-Ding und es macht echt Spaß mit anzuschauen wie sorgfältig hier alle auf ein Picknick vorbereitet sind, welch große Geburtstagsfeste mitten im Park organisiert werden und vor allem, dass die Leute es verstanden haben die Ihnen gebotenen Freizeitflächen zu schönen Anlässen zu nutzen und auch sauber wieder zu verlassen). Von hier aus liefen wir am Wasser entlang (in Brisbane kann man gefühlt überall abseits der Straße direkt am/auf dem Fluss laufen) und gönnten uns in einer hippen Brauerei ein kühles Cidre.
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Auf der Dachterrasse unseres Hostels genossen wir dann an unserem Abreisetag ein weiteres Frühstück bei Sonnenschein mit Blick auf die Stadt bevor wir unseren Mietwagen abholten.
Wir hatten das günstigste verfügbare Angebot gebucht und waren dann doch etwas überrascht als wir einen Mitsubishi Lancer bekamen – irgendwie fühlte sich dieses neue, sportliche, intakte Gefährt gar nicht so nach Abenteuer und Reise an (ab und zu fragen wir uns immer noch was Uwe jetzt wohl so macht). Naja, sich jetzt über ein zu gutes Auto zu beschweren wäre auch ein wenig übertrieben… Wir fuhren also (endlich wieder flexibel) los und nutzten unsere neu gewonnene Freiheit direkt um auf dem Weg nach Byron Bay ein paar wirklich schöne Stopps entlang der Strecke (u.a. in Paradise Point und Burleigh Heads – hier wurden wir keine 5 Minuten am Strand von einem ordentlichen Schauer überrascht…) einzulegen.
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Byron Bay… Was sollen wir sagen…? Wir würden nicht zögern und direkt hinziehen, wenn wir dort gute Perspektiven hätten (mal sehen…). Unser Hostel (direkt am Strand) war eine mehr als positive Überraschung und der Ort selbst sprüht nur so vor Charme. Der Surfer-Flair ist hier an allen Ecken voll und ganz zu spüren und die Einheimischen einfach super entspannt. Ein Ort um das Leben zu genießen!
Nach einem Bummel-Erkundungs-Strandtag mit Wanderung zum nahegelegenen Leuchtturm und dem östlichsten Punkt Australiens, starteten wir den zweiten Tag mit einem weiteren Surf Kurs 😊. Uns hatte das Surfen in Neuseeland so viel Spaß bereitet, dass wir uns für Byron Bay einen zweitägigen Kurs gebucht hatten um unser neues Hobby noch ein bisschen zu vertiefen. Vor allem aber auch, weil hier für Amateur bis Profi die mit unter besten Surf-Spots in Australien angesiedelt sind.
Das Meer allerdings war an diesem ersten Tag sehr rau und für Anfänger zum Surfen leider gar nicht geeignet, also brachten uns die Trainer an eine Flussmündung in welcher wir bei kleineren Wellen immerhin sehr gut üben konnten – etwas enttäuscht waren wir trotzdem, da das Meer ja bei dieser Sportart eigentlich einen Teil der Faszination ausmacht. Da der Kurs zum Mittag endet (länger als 2-3 Stunden im Wasser ist auch echt anstrengend!) hatten wir noch den halben Tag Zeit und beschlossen auf der nahegelegenen Scenic Route noch etwas auf und ab zu fahren und den ein oder anderen Ort im sogenannten „Hinterland“ (ja auch in Australien heißt das so) zu besuchen. Eines der Highlights dabei – Bungalow. Hier haben wir nicht nur die erste Pasta-Packung seit Tagen im Supermarkt gefunden, sondern sind auch zufällig in einem kleinen, etwas versteckten Café gelandet – UNGLAUBLICH! Alles war selbst gemacht und wir hatten unfassbar leckere Doughnuts sowie den mit Abstand besten Kaffee der bisherigen Reise! Da wir kurz vor Ladenschluss dort waren, bekamen wir – wir hatten den Fuß schon in der Tür – noch ein Schokoladengebäck und ein Plundergebäck mit Pudding und frischen Pfirsichen geschenkt. Tolle Geste und unfassbar lecker. Um ehrlich zu sein haben wir bis dato noch nie ein so gutes Plundergebäck gegessen (ganz anders als diese pappigen Teile sämtlicher großindustriellen Bäckereibetriebe)
Die zweite Surf-Stunde sollte besser werden und entschädigte allemal für den ersten Tag. Zwar wurden wir wieder an den gleichen Spot gebracht, jedoch wurden die Gruppen neu eingeteilt und da wir anscheinend am Vortag keine allzu schlechte Figur gemacht hatten, durften wir als Fortgeschrittene mit aufs Meer 😊 Es hat einen unfassbaren Spaß gemacht! Wir sind zum ersten Mal einige größere und lange Wellen geritten. Das Gefühl dabei auf dem Brett zu stehen und die Kraft des Wassers zu spüren ist einfach unbeschreiblich. Und vor allem vergisst man während man auf dem Wasser ist alles um sich herum, beste Medizin also gegen die sich immer breiter machenden Sorgen. Den grandiosen Start in den Tag besiegelten wir dann noch mit einem leckeren Burrito und düsten anschließend mit unserem Freiheitsmobil weiter die Ostküste runter nach Coffs Harbour.
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Auf der Fahrt stellte sich diesmal allerdings weniger das erhoffte Freiheitsgefühl ein, vielmehr kam die Beklemmung – im Radio liefen die Nachrichten zum Thema Pandemie rauf und runter und wir kamen (wie zuvor die Tage auch schon) nicht drum herum uns mit dem Thema Reiseabbruch zu beschäftigen - In Byron Bay hatten wir bereits erfahren, dass unsere Weiterreise in die USA aufgrund der dortigen Lage ins Wasser fallen wird.
In Coffs Harbour hatten wir dann einen weiteren Schreckens-Moment, denn Jessi hatte in der ganzen Aufregung unser Hostel für den falschen Monat gebucht (als erfahrene Rezeptionistin kann einem so etwas tatsächlich auch passieren). Die nette Dame am Empfang hat unsere Buchung aber zum Glück kostenfrei geändert und hatte auch noch ein Zimmer frei – ob man hier nun wirklich von Glück sprechen möchte… Wir hatten so ziemlich die schlimmste Nacht unserer Reise, da wir unser super dreckiges Zimmer zusätzlich mit einem sehr unerwünschten Mitbewohner (einer Kakerlake) teilen mussten. Wir sperrten das Krabbeltier kurzerhand in einem umgedrehten Mülleimer ein und wurden dafür die ganze Nacht über mit seinen permanenten Krabbelgeräuschen bestraft.
In Coffs Harbour ist an und für sich nicht viel los, jedoch unternahmen wir am nächsten Morgen einen kurzen Spaziergang zum Hafen und einem nahegelegenen Aussichtspunkt. Fast mitten auf dem Meer und im Genuss einzig der starken Brandung lauschen zu können, ist unsere Anspannung nochmals für einen Moment in den Hintergrund gerückt.  Von dort aus ging die Fahrt dann weiter nach Port Macquarie – über Nambucca Heads (mit viel Entspannung am fast einsamen Strand) und South West Rocks (mit leckerer Eiscreme und überraschender Känguru-Begegnung).
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In Port Macquarie angekommen, bezogen wir dann unseren kleinen Bungalow auf einem Campingplatz und freuten uns über die jüngst ergatterte Pasta (zu diesen Tagen schon eine Rarität in den Supermärkten).
Am nächsten Morgen starteten wir mit einem Besuch im lokalen Koala-Hospital, welches uns einen guten Einblick in die Pflege und Auswilderung verwundeter und wieder genesener Koalas gab – und die kleinen Kerlchen sind auch wirklich putzig anzusehen. Nach vielen Recherchen hatten wir uns gegen den Besuch eines der vielen Koala-Sanctuaries entschieden, da diese uns mehr wie Zoos vorkamen und wir dem ganzen Koala-Knuddeln doch etwas skeptisch gegenüberstehen.
Nach dem Abstecher zu den Fellknäueln suchten wir ein weiteres Mal etwas Entspannung am Strand und versuchten mal nicht über das inzwischen omnipräsente Thema Coronavirus nachzudenken – hat geklappt.
Leider müssen wir rückblickend sagen, dass unsere Reise spätestens nach diesem Tag gefühlstechnisch vorbei war… es galt nun sich voll und ganz dem mittlerweile unausweichlichen Thema Coronavirus zu widmen.
Unser Krisenmanagement…
Nachdem wir uns schon einige Tage mit dem Thema Rückflug und Reiseabbruch beschäftigt hatten, fuhren wir von Port Macquarie aus nach Tuncurry, da wir eine Unterkunft mit vernünftig funktionierendem Internet benötigten (das ging in unserem Bungalow so gut wie gar nicht) und buchten uns in ein Motel ein.
Zwar waren wir uns auch schon vorher der Lage in China, Europa und den USA bewusst, jedoch hatten wir bis Byron Bay und den ersten Einschränkungen in den Supermärkten das Gefühl in Australien wäre die Lage noch nicht so bedrohlich und durch die frühzeitig getroffenen Maßnahmen ganz gut unter Kontrolle und somit hatten wir gehofft, unsere Reise wenigstens hier noch wie geplant bis 1. April unter normal Umständen fortsetzten zu können und dann nach Deutschland zurück zu kehren. Zumal die Lage in Deutschland nicht unbedingt verlockend ist.
Da dies nun nicht mehr realistisch war, entschlossen wir uns noch am selben Abend in Tuncurry einen extrem teuren Heimflug für den 27.03. mit Emirates zu buchen. Wir wissen, die Pandemie trifft irgendwie jeden und es gibt unendlich viele Schicksale die momentan davon bestimmt werden. Nichts desto trotz waren auch wir am Boden zerstört, denn aus war der große Traum auf den wir so lange hingearbeitet und hingefiebert hatten. Mit einem Mal sollte all das zu Ende sein.
Bereits am nächsten Morgen kam dann die nächste schlechte Nachricht – unser Flug wurde nur wenige Stunden nach Buchung wieder storniert! Die Hotlines bei Emirates waren natürlich überlastet und auf der Internetseite waren keine hilfreichen Informationen zu finden.
Im Radio wurde zudem berichtet, dass Australien jetzt richtig ernst macht und demnächst auch die bundesstaatlichen Grenzen geschlossen werden (ist mittlerweile passiert – keine Reise mehr in andere Bundesstaaten möglich, Grenzkontrollen durch Polizei und Militär) und noch weitere Restriktionen folgen werden.
Immerhin haben wir es an diesem Morgen geschafft, also nur Jessi, uns auf der ELEFAND-Liste des Auswärtigen Amtes zu registrieren. Dies war vorher nicht möglich gewesen, da die Server überlastet waren – Luca konnten wir bis jetzt nicht registrieren.
Als wir uns wenig später im Auto sitzend widerfanden und an all den von uns vorher so sorgfältig ausgewählten Zwischenstopps vorbeirauschten, ohne anzuhalten/abzubiegen, um schnellstmöglich nach Sydney zu kommen, war uns beiden klar – jetzt ist die Reise wirklich zu Ende.
Wir hatten die Hoffnung, man könne uns am Flughafen in Sydney bei Emirates Auskunft geben oder vielleicht den gestrichenen Flug auf ein früheres Datum umbuchen – leider wurden wir nur auf die Website und das Callcenter verwiesen. Am Flughafen wollte uns leider auch keine weitere Airline helfen. Der Verweis auf Website und Callcenter wirkte nun schon fast lächerlich.
Also buchten wir uns am Flughafen stehend noch schnell eine Unterkunft und beendeten diesen grausamen Tag in Sydney – das hatten wir beim Aufstehen am Morgen nicht erwartet.
Am nächsten Tag fuhren wir in der Hoffnung auf Auskünfte zum deutschen Konsulat, denn inzwischen hatten fast alle Airlines Flüge storniert oder Länder ihre Einreisebestimmungen selbst für den Transitbereich geändert bzw. verschärft und wir wussten nicht, woher wir noch an verlässliche Aussagen kommen sollen. Das Konsulat war allerdings auch nicht sehr hilfreich und wir wurden bereits an der Türschwelle abgefertigt. Im Übrigen haben alle deutschen Konsulate sowie die Botschaft in Australien geschlossen und man bekommt nur noch ein paar Kurzinfos an der Tür.
Uns wurde nur der dringende Hinweis gegeben, so schnell wie möglich aus Australien auszureisen – als ob wir das nicht schon wüssten.
Ein bisschen mehr Kompetenz erhofften wir uns dann im Flight Center und fanden diese auch in der zauberhaften Jane.
Jane konnte uns natürlich auch nicht sagen, welche Airline noch wie lange über welchen Flughafen fliegen kann, denn die Bedingungen ändern sich momentan stündlich, aber sie behandelte uns mit vollstem Verständnis, hat mit vollem Einsatz ihr Bestes gegeben um uns einen bezahlbaren Flug rauszusuchen und hat uns ihre persönliche Einschätzung der Lage mitgeteilt.
Wir buchten also schließlich einen weiteren Flug, dieses Mal mit Etihad (auch nicht gerade zum Schnäppchenpreis).
Inzwischen völlig fertig mit der Welt, wollten wir den Nachmittag einfach in der Unterkunft verbringen und den zu kurz gekommenen Schlaf der letzten aufregenden Tage nachholen – bis Jessi in den Nachrichten las, dass die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate sich komplett abriegeln und die Flughäfen auch für den Transit schließen. Somit war auch unser Etihad Flug erledigt.
Da die Bekanntgabe der neuen Einschränkung allerdings am selben Tag erfolgte wie unsere Buchung, konnte Jane den Flug für uns wieder stornieren und das zurückerstattete Geld vorerst beim Flight Center für uns „parken“ um mit diesem Geld eventuell noch wieder einen neuen Flug zu buchen.
Vorerst hatten wir aber die Hoffnung auf einen erschwinglichen Flug aufgegeben. Und uns war das Risiko nun auch zu hoch, da weitere Einschränkungen im Flugverkehr zu erwarten sind.
Außerdem war die Gefühlsachterbahn so zehrend, dass wir einfach für den Moment keine Entscheidung mehr treffen konnten.
Etwas Glück war uns dann doch noch vergönnt, denn wie sich herausstellte sollten wir auch eine Chance haben bei Emirates den vollständigen Flugpreis zurück zu bekommen. Formular ist ausgefüllt und abgeschickt, nun heißt es warten.
Nichts destotrotz legen wir nun noch einmal alles auf eine Karte und haben auf Anraten des Auswärtigen Amtes (und aufgrund mangelnder Alternativen – wir stehen zwar auf der sog. „Rückholliste“, diese dient aber nur der Datenerfassung und geplant hat das Auswärtige Amt trotz tausender Deutscher hier immer noch nichts) einen weiteren Flug gebucht und hoffen, dass aller guten Dinge drei sind und wir bald endlich wieder Zuhause sind.
Bisweilen versuchen wir uns die Zeit halbwegs sinnvoll in unserer Unterkunft zu vertreiben und nicht so viel darüber nachzudenken, dass wir gerade in Sydney sind und noch nichts von dieser Stadt gesehen haben (wir sitzen mittlerweile seit 7 Tagen in Isolation) und wohl auch bis zu unserer nächsten Reise hierher nicht sehen werden.
Inzwischen sind alle Läden, Restaurants, Einrichtungen, etc. geschlossen worden und es gibt auch hier den Aufruf Zuhause zu bleiben und soziale Distanzen einzuhalten. Derzeit berät das Land noch darüber ob nun auch Stufe 3 des Krisenplans gelten soll – also eine absolute Ausgangssperre. Es bleibt also angespannt.
Für den Moment können wir nur abwarten und das Beste hoffen…
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ollies-studyblr · 5 years
German III B: 1.5-1.10
ab und zu
now and then
 der Artikel, -
*die Ausgabe, -n
*der Außerirdische, -n
der Bericht, -e
*die Boulevardzeitung, -en
die Fortsetzung, -en
die Gesellschaft, -en
die Informationen (pl.)
die Nachrichten (pl.)
der Roman, -e
*die Schlagzeile, -n
schließen, o, o
conclude, figure out
die Tatsache, -n
die Unterhaltung, -en
der Unterschied, -e
der Vergleich, -e
various, assorted, different
*die Wirtschaft
die Art, -en means type and can be used before a word or as a suffix
eine Art Kuchen or eine Kuchenart
diese Arten von Autos or diese Autoarten
eine neue Art Musik or eine neue Musikart
meine Art Sprechen or meine Sprechensart
seine Art Kleidung or seine Kleidungsart
viele Arten von Kunst or viele Kunstarten
Somethings and Nothings:
if you want to say things like "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" or "nothing new, nothing unusual," the adjective that comes after etwas (or nichts) is capitalized and adds an –es (–em in the dative, which is rare)
something beautiful ---> etwas Schönes
nothing expensive ---> nichts Teueres
nothing unusual ---> nichts Ungewöhnliches
something fantastic ---> etwas Fantastisches
something good ---> etwas Gutes
nothing bad ---> nichts Schlechtes
Subjunctive: things that would happen
I would eat
ich würde essen
you would work
du würdest arbeiten
he would buy
er würde kaufen
she would swim
sie würde schwimmen
it would go
es würde gehen
we would fly
wir würden fliegen
you (pl) would sing
ihr würdet singen
they would write
sie würden schreiben
you (formal) would say
Sie würden sagen
Common verbs:
hätte ---> would have, if he had...
Wir hätten genug Zeit.
wäre ---> would be, if he were...
Wenn er hier wäre...
könnte ---> would be able to, could
Könntest du mir helfen?
müsste ---> would have to
Er müsste nach Hause gehen.
dürfte ---> would be allowed to, might
Dürfte ich jetzt sprechen? (quite formal)
möchte ---> would like to
wollte ---> would want to
sollte ---> would be supposed to, should
Sie sollte das nicht sagen.
es gäbe... ---> there would be...
Es gäbe acht Frauen, wenn meine ganze Familie hier wäre.
Fun Facts:
German-language newspapers are not much different from American newspapers. They mostly have a edition every day, although some only have a combined weekend edition for Saturday and Sunday. The large national newspapers have different issues for different regions.
In German-language newspapers you can also find big headlines and current articles and reports with facts on various topics: politics, culture, the economy, entertainment, the weather, society, sports and of course local news.
But there are small differences. Most of the time, there are no comics in German-language newspapers, although there is sometimes a political cartoon. (But you may find more comic books in European kiosks than in American ones.) You can also read a short story or even an entire novel in many newspapers. (Of course there is a sequel every day so you always have to buy the next newspaper to know how the story goes on.)
There is a very well-known tabloid, Die Bild newspaper. As you can conclude from its name, it has many pictures. These pictures are often pretty or even very sensational (especially when compared to American newspapers), but the articles bring normal news, not information about extraterrestrials, etc. In the subways and buses you can see very "normal" business people and intellectuals a picture newspaper.
You can buy newspapers and magazines at the kiosk, but then they are usually quite expensive and the kiosks don't like it if you just flip through the magazine and don't buy it. If you want to read something regularly, you can subscribe to it. Then the magazine or newspaper comes directly into the house and a subscription costs much less than buying each copy at the kiosk. Sometimes you can even test a newspaper for free. Here is a sentence from a newspaper advertisement.
"Free sample: Read your daily newspaper for a trial - completely free of charge and without obligation. The delivery ends automatically."
Sometimes there is also a bonus if you subscribe to a newspaper yourself or win a new subscriber. From the same advertisement: "Reward subscription: gain a new subscriber and choose from over 400 attractive rewards."
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medienmixer · 6 years
Algorithmen und Anabolika
Brauchen Medien Facebook wirklich? Und wofür denn nun eigentlich? Eine Provokation.
Als Mark Zuckerbergs redundante Erzählung von Facebook als gesellschaftlichem Trigger einer besseren, weil vernetzteren Welt kürzlich im Zuge des Skandals um Cambridge Analytica ein paar unschöne inhaltliche Kratzer abzubekommen drohte, ließ der Facebook-Chef als Teil seines Krisenmanagements einige Inserate schalten: in Tageszeitungen, etwa der Süddeutschen Zeitung oder der Frankfurter Allgemeinen in Deutschland wie auch in britischen Zeitungen.
Gewiss braucht Facebook die Reichweite der vergleichsweise lächerlich kleinen Zeitungen überhaupt nicht, um seine Argumentation darzulegen. Um diese Reichweite ging es selbstverständlich auch nicht. Was Zuckerberg mit den paar hunderttausend Euro für diese Kampagne eingekauft hat, war die Glaubwürdigkeit des redaktionellen Umfelds in diesen Medien, die auch seine Entschuldigung vertrauenswürdiger erschienen ließ, als hätte er sie einfach in den Newsfeed jedes der mehr als zwei Milliarden Nutzer von Facebook implantiert.
Unter Umständen könnte diese kleine Episode für traditionelle Medien ein Impuls sein, über deren Nutzung von Facebook nachzudenken und für sich die Frage zu wälzen, ob der diabolische Deal, den Medien mit Facebook geschlossen haben, indem sie auf dem Netzwerk ihre Nachrichten deponieren, um ihre Reichweite aufzupumpen, wirklich immer und ausschließlich eine Entscheidung im Sinne ihres langfristigen Geschäfts ist. Es gibt da nämlich so einige Indizien, die den Eindruck erwecken könnten, dass Facebook eher ein medialer Seelenverkäufer als ein vertrauenswürdiges Vehikel zum Transport der eigenen Nachrichten und Storys ist.
Da wäre zuerst einmal jener Aspekt, auf den die Episode mit den Facebook-Inseraten anspielt. Wenn Facebook weiß, dass die eigene Reputation derart verbrannt ist, dass man besser etwas Geld für etwas Reichweite in Tageszeitungen ausgibt statt gar kein Geld für viel Reichweite auf der eigenen Plattform, dann könnten umgekehrt Medien durchaus Nähe zur Überlegung gewinnen, dass es ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit nicht ausschließlich nützt, wenn sie auf einer Plattform ihre Inhalte darbieten, um deren Glaubwürdigkeit es wiederum nicht allzu gut bestellt zu sein scheint. Gute Marken halten sich von schlechten Werbeträgern fern, die ihrem Image zu schaden drohen. Medien dagegen scheint es überraschenderweise egal zu sein, sich in einem Milieu zu präsentieren, das weitgehend konstituiert ist aus Fake News, Hatespeech und Belanglosigkeiten. Der aktuelle Edelman Trust Report zeigt, wie rasant die großen Plattformen wie Facebook an Vertrauen verlieren.
Was freilich gegen diese These vom Reputationsrisiko spricht, aber leider auch kein Trost sein kann, ist der Verdacht, dass jede Marke, die auf Facebook präsent ist, irgendwann zu einem Teil von Facebook wird — und das gilt für Medien mehr als für Turnschuhe, Autos, Smoothies oder Sitzsäcke. Gerade junge Menschen, die ihren Tag im Mediensilo Facebook verbringen, fensterlos und abgedunkelt, wissen nichts von den Medienmarken da draussen, von der “Süddeutschen”, vom “Standard” oder anderen zu bezahlenden Informationsgütern. Medien haben ihre Präsenz am Kiosk eingetauscht gegen die Perspektive, vom gefälligen Gleichschaltungsinstrument Newsfeed verdaut zu werden.
“Aber die Reichweite! Die Reichweite! Die Reichweite!”, werden jetzt Medienexperten einwenden; diese Reichweite, sie rechtfertige doch die Bemühungen im medialen Mordor Facebook. Stimmt. Die Reichweite von Facebook ist für Medien, was das Anabolikum für Bodybuilder ist: macht schöne Muskeln, aber trotzdem ein bisschen kraftlos und eigentlich weiß man in vielen Fällen auch nicht so richtig, wofür man diese spezielle Art von Muskeln vulgo Reichweite nutzen soll. Eine tragfähige Leserbindung entsteht ja selten daraus, weil: siehe oben. Das Verfluchte daran ist ja auch, dass umgekehrt Facebook von dieser Reichweite wesentlich mehr profitieren kann als es die Medien tun, wenn sie ihre Inhalte dort versenken. Der Markt für Online-Werbung wächst. Richtig. Aber das Wachstum kommt beinahe ausschließlich von Facebook und — in geringerem Umfang — von Google, keineswegs von Medien. Und mit der Algorithmus-Änderung, die Facebook Anfang des Jahres angestoßen hat, wird diese Imbalance noch stärker werden. Um das ganz schmucklos auszudrücken: während manche Medien mit zweifelhaft tauglichen Mitteln um Reichweite kämpfen, hat Facebook die schon längst und kann sich als Zaungast dieses Kampfes um die Werbegelder bemühen. Facebook zu nutzen und dabei nicht nur Facebook zu nutzen, ist eben verdammt schwer.
Werfen wir doch nochmal einen Blick auf den Edelman Trust Report. Dort steht auf Seite 23 eine hübsche Statistik: Rund 66 Prozent der befragten Medienkonsumenten glauben, dass Medien ihren Fokus zu sehr darauf richten, ihre Reichweite zu erhöhen, statt sich auf die Inhalte zu konzentrieren. Wohl keine ganz haltlose Unterstellung.
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trdizifilm · 5 years
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Sidney Hoffmann auf der IAA Sidney Hoffmann auf der IAA
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