#autism and the workplace
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months ago
Reasonable Adjustments for Autistic People at Work
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Neurodivergent Lou
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months ago
Had a really interesting moment at work earlier this week. I was making myself a cup of tea when I suddenly heard from behind me, "Amy!" I turned around and saw three of my colleagues congregating in one colleague's office with the door open. The colleague whose office it was gestured to me to come over, and then said six words that nearly stopped me cold: "We were just whispering about you."
I say it stopped me cold because I have far too many memories of bullies calling my name in the hallway in high school, and never for a good reason. What made it worse was when I could tell that they had just been whispering about me--again, not for a good reason--and started giggling as I approached. But I went over anyway, because I never felt like I couldn't go over to them, even as the knot of dread in the pit of my stomach steadily grew larger. In this case, though, those six words were immediately followed by, "We love your shoes! We were just over here admiring them and how well you match" (as I was wearing teal-colored heels that happened to coordinate with a sweater of a nearly identical color I had on).
I still don't think I managed to relax from that instinctive freezing feeling until my mind and body had fully processed the interaction afterward, but at least it all worked out well...
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dearinglovebot · 1 month ago
thinking about beautiful claire again and how she has such an autistic way of interacting with people
her version of small talk is stilted and in service of a wider goal (introducing herself to eli, talking with investors). it has the vibe that she spent hours looking in the mirror and smiling while rehearsing Answers To That Question. she does not care about maintaining any level of connection further than what is strictly needed to achieve her Goal. sometimes you can see the Real her slipping out like with masrani where she’s a little snarky but there’s those attempts to reorient herself and get Back On Topic so that she can reach The Goal. there is no interest whatsoever in the social aspect of small talk which is building connection/rapport.
which is completely contrasted to how she acts when there are no expectations set on her (first control room scene, general interactions with owen, dominion opening with zia and franklin). she goes from docile lamb to opinionated wolf in an instant. unmasked claire is deeply argumentative and convinced that she is right and she can prove it (autistic sense of black and white justice)! so much so that she steamrolls relationships that she cares about (karen, owen, franklin). understanding how to truly relate to others is a work in progress even in dominion (autistic misunderstanding of social cues). dominion is truly just Unmasked Claire in her full glory. she gives the rudest introduction to kayla ever and is entirely off-putting as she tries to steamroll her into joining the search party for her daughter but she is also just so earnest that, well, you’ve gotta help the poor woman.
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hoohoobeanie · 11 months ago
and when i said i enjoy shourtney in a way that is deeper and different than everyone else i wasnt lying
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probablyaparadox · 1 year ago
Oh gosh here we go again- the peak of my hyper fixation on something where I finally post a theory... SO CROCODILE- (Y'all love this guy on tumblr-)I'm going to be very truthful, this started out as a head cannon which I found evidence for in this theory to bring my idea's to completion, and really ties up my thought process together.
What are the key takeaways? 1. Crocodile specifically Avoids having a ring on ring finger, and this could be because he has a spouse 2. Him having lost them in some way, and Iva knowing about them. But why Iva? And why do I say them? Y'all already know- I'm saying Crocodile is gay, and has a husband, well somewhere out there. This makes logistic sense because well, why Iva becomes answered, but we also have a subtle hint in crocodiles overall design. Firstly
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Crocodiles Outfit is surprisingly evocative of the victorian dress. Mostly thanks to the vest and cravat look. Additionally, the victorian era began in 1837, very close to when Cigars became popular. I bring this up partially because I think it's cool, and partially because it allows for some implications to come across, as one piece's world spans socially over several decades in terms of atmosphere and acceptance. Mostly that the victorian era was a time where being LGBTQ+ was still considered taboo. So while most of new kama is living in the times of 1970's to modern day, he is very much living in the victorian era. One revolves around being loud and proud, and the other very much around subtleties. What subtleties does he have? Well. For starters, It's a very- Choice colour with the purple vest there. (this is mostly a joke, although purple is associated with signalling, it's usually a different manner as far as I'm aware.) What I actually want to talk about is the earring. Most characters in one piece Wear double earrings if they are wearing them (I.E. Law, bart, Nami, Blackbeard etc.) For those of you unaware, Earring signalling goes like this. Right is gay, left is straight. I could only find three characters wearing a single earring. 1. Zoro on his left. 2. Benn Beckman on his right (Good for him!/hj) and 3. Crocodile on his right. So with this ramble aside. I think his interactions with Iva and the gays TM make much more sense. He's down with the gays because well. He is. They literally give him an entirely new outfit, just like they do for the rest of the LGBTQ+ people they bring in. And why IVA SPECIFICALLY would know that he is married, as per Iva knowing and being all gay peoples parent (/hj). In all seriousness I think it would make sense in this context that he asked Iva to help with his wedding or something of the like, since he (and presumably his husband) likely didn't have many connections to people who could do wedding stuff non-judgementally I.E. a cake or getting someone to do the vows. It's very wholesome, but it's something that I could see as Crocodile wanting to be kept secret, as he's been characterized as someone very secretive. This part is pure speculation/almost definitely false; but. I could definitely see some sort of "held hostage" situation. As Crocodile said "If you want to protect something, do it right." This could be someone who is protecting something, but also someone who lost it. I mean, they've forced the other warlords into similar corners, with the protection of Amazon Lily, or the release of Arlong (and likewise the safe return of all the escaped slaves from the Sun pirates who just wanted to go home.) It makes the "wanting to have a power that can match the WG or any nation in force" goal of his have a much more interesting reason than "KING OF THE PIRATES." We got enough folks aiming for that already, and I feel like if you beat an early antagonist that badly and just keep using him, you gotta have some kind of pay off that doesn't involve him getting beat again.
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meelamiela · 2 months ago
Once again reminded I live an incredibly painful experience where general society loves to not hold neurotypical ppl accountable for their weird ass social behaviors and ppl like me are told to “suck it up and play nice” or else I somehow become the bad guy. One side always gets excused and the other side always has to adjust and “be normal”. When I get worked up, I’m just “being dramatic”. I think we are lucky I haven’t started hitting ppl with cars and ripping heads off instead:)
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autism-unfiltered · 2 years ago
Autism in the Workplace 🏢
Navigating the professional world can present unique challenges and opportunities for individuals with autism. With the right support and understanding, autistic individuals can thrive in the workplace, bringing unique perspectives and strengths.
Let's discuss ways to create more inclusive and supportive work environments. Share your experiences and ideas!
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sevspins · 11 months ago
fired for being autistic
being fired for being autistic a few weeks before autism acceptance month is crazy. people are very evil and they’re still not ready to accommodate autistic people in the work space. they only like us when they can SAY they work with us for brownie points but not when they have to “deal” with our autism.
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lokifantasy · 2 years ago
Hi! I’m a 23 year old with autism and I’m writing a research paper about the lives of autistic people and what it’s like to be you. Going about your daily lives and living in a world not built for autism. Anything about work, school, relationships, positive or negative! I’d love to hear your stories or comments!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
Autistic Employment
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The Statistics
The UK Office of National Statistics for the year 2021 estimated only 29% of Autistic people were working, leaving a staggering 71% of Autistic people unemployed. This is the equivalent of saying 3 in I0 Autistic people are in employment.
Why is this?
The employment rate for Autistic people is this low due to inaccessible work environments and working conditions, in addition to unaccommodating and discriminatory interview processes.
The majority of jobs and workspaces are built for neurotypicals and, therefore, are designed to work against the needs of Autistic & ND people which forces them into unemployment.
The Consequences
For unemployed Autistics, there are various negatives aside from the obvious financial difficulties. This can include insecurities and heightened rejection sensitivity due to not getting a job.
For employed Autistics (unless in an ND-friendly workplace/job) it is likely that heavy masking is occurring, causing severe burnout all day every day which will have detrimental impacts on physical and mental health.
What to do...
As an employer, you can & should make changes:
* Accommodate/accept communication in any preferred way
* Get training by neurodivergent trainers and pay them! (No tokenism or free labour.)
* Time to process in the interview
* Interview questions ahead of time
* Flexible work times/extra breaks
* Ability to work from home when possible
* Quieter/sensory-friendly workspace
* Exemptions from group activities/ meetings
* Mentorship/support check-ins
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borf-borfs · 8 months ago
the thing about tumblr is someone will make a post like ‘autistic/adhd people are stupid and use their disability as an excuse’ and you’re meant to find that funny and not be offended
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blorbou · 2 years ago
Omfg this yoohankim shit is so serious……… if you dont like them you will die and get tortured forever……..
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frostedpuffs · 2 years ago
it is literally so frustrating as an autistic person always struggling with tone and the way people perceive you bc no matter how hard u try people are always just gonna assume the worst and assume ur a huge bitch even though u literally have no idea how you come across 1000% of the time and are never ACTUALLY TRYING TO BE RUDE but THAT IS HOW I SEEm so EUUGUHHHHHHHHHHHH
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somelonelywordmonger · 6 months ago
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Dad, please :sob:
such a dad thing to do LMAO
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marskitteh · 9 months ago
My coworkers summoning the power of my autism to make me do the most monotonous and repetitive tasks in the office (I enjoy it greatly)
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czytling · 4 months ago
You are supposed to lie. In certain situations. Which is way more than anyone will teach you.
You are supposed to lie if you find yourself in danger. Like if an unknown man asks you if you are alone in a foreign city.
But you are also supposed to lie on daily basis. Adjust who you are based on your audience, push the qualities they want to see in you to the foreground. Just make sure they are not completely false and you are golden. And yes this is completely socially acceptable behaviour, expected as well. If you don't do it people will find you weird and won't like you. Being true to yourself is seen as 'asocial' and bending the truth is not seen as 'fake' unless you overdo it, no matter what media try to tell you.
So lie on your interviews and around everyone but your closest friends. Show them the side of you they want to see and not you as you are. Just pick one adorable quirk to add to it so they also feel you are 'real you' with them but don't be your true self or they will abandon you.
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