#author: crematosis
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profoundbondfanfic · 5 months ago
Take Me Out
Take Me Out by Crematosis (@crematosis) Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 6.6k
Dean had asked Cas to take him out if he ever became a demon. This was not what he had in mind.
This one has a hilarious cracky concept. Dean asks Cas to "take him out" if he ever becomes a demon. Cas misinterprets this to mean "on a date."
The fic is funny, but it also has an underlying sweetness and the resolution at the end is very clever. Dean is petulant and a bit bratty and Cas is extremely stubborn, but they are surprisingly soft together.
It's a light read that had me grinning.
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spnangelbang · 2 years ago
“Angel Academy” - Thursday, August 3
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Author: Crematosis ( @crematosis​​ ) Artist:  DoggoJin  Rating: Teen and Up Featured characters: Castiel, Dean, Gabriel Featured relationships:  Castiel/Dean, Castiel & Gabriel Length: 30,000 words Tags: Canon Adjacent, Alternate Angel Lore, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Meet-ugly, Canon-typical Violence
Summary:  When Castiel is first sent to mentor Dean the demon, he doesn't see how a demon can ever be redeemed into an angel. But the more he spends time working with Dean, the more goodness he sees in him and the more he questions why Dean isn't an angel yet.
Excerpt: Eventually, Dean gave up and flopped down on his back, breathing hard. “Okay, you win.”
Castiel laid down in the grass beside him. “It was a good effort. You certainly gave me a challenge.”
“Don’t lie to make me feel better. I couldn’t keep up with you at all. You’re just so much faster and stronger than me.”
“For the moment. Once you become an angel, I’m sure you’ll regain all your strength and rise up the ranks pretty quickly.”
Dean made a face. “If I become an angel.”
Castiel reached over to pat his shoulder. “You’ll get there in time.”
“How can you be sure of that? It’s taking me longer than it’s taken anybody else. Maybe this just isn’t for me. Maybe I should just give up and accept that I’ll always be a demon.”
“After all this progress you’ve made, do you really think you could go back to committing evil? Torturing humans, trying to corrupt the innocent, sabotaging your group’s attempt to make it as angels?”
Dean shuddered. “I would never do that.”“Then you can’t give up. There’s no going back, only forward.”
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spnangelsanddemons-rb · 10 months ago
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Title: Take Me Out Author: Crematosis (@crematosis) Artist: Golby Moon (@golby-moon) Rating: Teen Warnings: n/a Tags: Demon Dean Winchester, Canon Divergence, Alternate Demon Cure, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Misunderstandings or Maybe Deliberate Misunderstandings Word count: 6,612 Featured characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Balthazar Featured relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean had asked Cas to take him out if he ever became a demon.
This was not what he had in mind.
Link to fic | Link to art
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 6 months ago
@destielomegaversebigbang Art Post
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Author @crematosis
Illustrator @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Summary: As an omega, Dean has always had to work harder than anyone else to be taken seriously as dragon slayer. Castiel might be a bigger dragon than most, but Dean's still confident he can take him down and prove his worth. The whole plan falls apart when Dean discovers Castiel isn't actually interested in fighting him.
Link to fic (ao3)
NSFW Art below the cut
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marvelreversebigbang · 2 years ago
Life In Between Fighting
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Click Here to read and see the art on Ao3
Artist: Crematosis
Author: holistic_alcoholic
Beta: aflour
Word Count: 7,098
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teens and Up
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson
Character(s): Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers
Tags: Pirates, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Strangers to Lovers, First Meetings, Rivalry, Execution, Historical Fantasy, Pirate Steve Rogers, Pirate Sam Wilson, Torres is a teenager in this. Steve Rogers Is Good At Speeches, Sam Wilson is Good at Everything, Plot Twist, Treasure Hunt (in a way, )Sam is way better at flirting than Steve, Happy Ending, Plotty, POV Alternating
“Did you see that guy?” Steve asks, still a little dazed, and turns to Bucky, who stops parrying the guards’ blows to look at Steve’s face with more attention.
After a second of consideration, Bucky changes his expression to a more familiar exasperation.
“Fuck my life,” he says, stabbing the guard who was attacking him from behind in the belly as an afterthought. “Was he even hot?”
There’s really no need to be that apprehensive about anyone Steve likes.
“He kicked the hangman in the guts,” Steve says with emotion. “And then he flew away.”
Read Here on Ao3
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feedmecookiesnow · 4 years ago
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Title: The Man With the Golden Gauntlet
Word Count: 6970
Archive Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence (canon-typical)
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Clint Barton/Tony Stark
Character(s): Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Obadiah Stane, Natasha Romanov, SHIELD Agents & Staff     
Tags: Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Awesome Clint Barton, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Canon-Typical Violence, Jarvis (Iron Man movies) is a Good Bro, Pre-Slash, First Meetings, Spies & Secret Agents, Obadiah Stane is a shitty father figure, Marvel Reverse Big Bang 2020             Author: squadrickchestopher Art: @crematosis     
“Okay.” Clint sighs. “So, am I jumping out of a window again?”
“Nope.” There’s a smile in her voice. “As per your request, you get to seduce the rich guy.”
Clint blinks. “What?”
“Tony Stark. He’s got a type. You’re it.”
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27657983
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crematosis · 4 years ago
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Title: Tony’s Delivery Service
Link: AO3
Author: @tisfan​
Artist: @crematosis​
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings
Characters: Loki, Tony, Fury, Frigga, Edwin Jarvis
Ship: Loki/Tony
Rating: T
Tags: Witch Tony, Familiar Loki, Cat Loki, Alternate Universe-Witchcraft
Word Count: 5214
Summary: Tony isn't looking forward to finding work with the Mundanes and he isn't thrilled to be assigned a familiar. But he might be willing to change his mind after getting to know Loki a little better.
Created for @marvelreversebigbang
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juuls · 7 years ago
Got any stuckony recs?
YES! Absolutely yes!
My apologies this took until today. I had a busy weekend and had to rest a lot, but I’m here now. :) Also, I don’t have my old bookmarks list (long story) so I’m having to go through and look for my favorites, old and new. Long process! (This took me over four hours, though I was doing a few other things as well. Still, I’m a bit of a slowpoke.)
See below the cut for some of my favorites, and don’t forget to leave kudos and comments (even just an “I liked this!”) for the authors, to let them know their hard work is appreciated!
(If someone knows an author’s Tumblr handle, let me know or tag them so that I can edit this rec list and tag them appropriately!)
Equilateral by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
It was the way Steve had said, “I found him,” the desperate, agonized hope, that had Tony replying with, “Bring him home,” without any hesitation.
But now, now he was hesitating like fuck.
Penny Candy and Sparklers by StrivingArtist @striving-artist
James Buchanan Barnes: formerly the Winter Soldier, formerly Captain America’s right hand man, formerly a sergeant, formerly a dock worker, formerly Stevie’s best friend…. currently a glorified prisoner of Prince T’Challa…. had trouble wrapping his head around all those former selves. He spent too much time thinking about all the bits of him that he kept gluing back together to pretend he was a person anyone would want to keep. He spent even more time picking at the cracks, pointing the flaws out to himself. Only thing he did more than that was make sure no one else noticed how far he was from human.
So, James Buchanan Barnes, who didn’t know what to call himself, who didn’t know how to go forwards, agreed, and moved back into the tower where his best friend lived with a husband orphaned by the Winter Soldier.
Hide A Heart of War by RayShippouUchiha @rayshippouuchiha
“You’ve got war in your heart boy,” Howard sneers, “don’t ever try and pretend to be anything but what you are.”
Tony feels the familiar burn of a flower mark being etched into his skin but he doesn’t look, doesn’t try and check to see what it is. Instead he keeps his eyes on Howard and his hands cupped around his bleeding mouth and nose.
Of Spiders and Super-Soldiers by AuddieAussie (Juulna’s note: I come back and read this all the time when I need some family feels and a smile. :))
After the hell that was Ultron and the Sokovia Accords, Tony doesn’t blame the team for wanting nothing to do with him. To make up for past mistakes, Tony disappears into his lab and focuses on using his money and brains to provide the Avengers with more fancy tech than they’ll ever need. By doing this, he also doesn’t have to worry about Steve’s grim frown, Bucky’s hateful gaze, or everyone else’s cold annoyance.
For six long months, this formula worked, but then fate decided to be a Loki-like dick and Tony wasn’t sure how it happened, but in the span of one week, he’d somehow acquired a kid.
and you needed someone to show you the way by SailorChibi @tsuki-chibi
Tony knows what the team really thinks of him. It’s a delicate balance: they tolerate him because of his money and his toys, and he gets to stay on the team and fight with them. He’s okay with that. So long as he hides the fact that Steve’s and Bucky’s names are written on his skin in the most embarrassing act of one-sided love affection ever, everything will be fine.
It just figures that a fantastically stupid villain, a kidnapping plot and a video camera will bring Tony’s well-kept secret out into the open.
The Mechanic, The Soldier, and The Captain by AvocadoLove (Juulna’s note: this is sad)
HYDRA need a replacement for Zola’s genius, and they have years worth of experience breaking and brainwashing a good man into something they can control.
Beware of Super Soldiers And Their Enticing Laps by Confused_Emo
Tony’s eyes shifted back toward the remaining occupants of the room only to realise there was literally no space in the sitting area for him.
This apparently was the best time for Bucky to make suggestive gestures, as the soldier patted his thigh lasciviously, “Why don’t you come sit on my lap, plenty of space right here.”
Just Far Enough by TheSopherFly (Juulna’s note: please read the tags. This is triggering and sad and angsty but fucking phenomenally well done and one of my all-time favorites… And I don’t like angst at all.) 
Tony couldn’t honestly remember how long it had been like this. Probably since the day he’d called T’Challa and offered his help. At first it had just been compulsive self-denial: you can’t eat until you’ve drafted your opening remarks, until you’ve finished your research, until you’ve rewritten every last colon and comma and apostrophe in those Accords so that everyone can come home.
Those goals had been realistic. Lately, they’d become impossible. Until everyone forgives you. Until you forgive yourself. Until you make up for every bad thing you’ve ever caused.
He was fine. He was coasting in a dangerous place, but he was fine. He wasn’t taking it too far - just far enough.
Trinity by cinaea (immediately followed by pt. 2: Volition)
He’s become the kind of monster he all but died trying to stop.
A D/s, soul-bond AU set in modern day. More than two years ago, Bucky Barnes was lost during a Howling Commandos mission and captured by HYDRA. He and fellow prisoners Clint and Natasha—all submissives—are treated as slaves and forced to carry out terrorist attacks for their masters. An attack by the Avengers enables their escape but leaves Bucky with an incomplete soul bond to two superheroes.
Vowing to never be imprisoned again, Bucky and his friends go on the run from HYDRA, from law enforcement, and from the two dominants who will do anything to find him.
Don’t Tell Pepper by Crematosis
Tony convinces Steve that it is totally okay to include Bucky in their relationship because nobody will ever know. They’ll keep it a secret from the team and they’ll absolutely keep it a secret from Pepper because she’ll only yell at them.
Like most of Tony’s good ideas, it comes back to blow up in his face.
Underneath the Mistletoe by DreamcatchersDaughter @dreamcatchersdaughter
5 times Tony gets caught underneath the mistletoe and one time he doesn’t (and thank fuck for that).
and another like it by the same author:
Christmas Kisses (aka Sam is So Done With Your Shit)
Their mutual pining is driving him crazy, but its okay cause Natasha’s got a plan.
The Colors That Bind Us by yasminakohl @stuckonstoney
When Steve Rogers was six a boy saved him from a bully, then sky went from white-gray to brilliant blue.
When Bucky fell, the world stayed colorful and everyone told him it was because of the serum, he believed them.
When he woke from the ice and he finds the black and white he’d expected years ago, sixty-six years ago it seems, he’s crushed.
Now there’s color again, this time it comes with amazing reds and golds.
Until he wakes up and his sky is brilliant and his color mate is trying to kill him, his first color mate.
Will Steve ever be able to have his blue, red and gold?
The Melting, the Spark, and the Suffocation by btBatt @batterology
“So, Bucky,” he said, clapping his hands. “You ready to change the lives of asthmatic little punks everywhere?” Bucky sent a skeptical look Steve’s way.
“It seems to be my calling in life,” he said. Steve just smiled. He looked a little like he was having a moment, one of his oh-my-God-I-have-Bucky-back moments, so Tony smiled too.
“There are worse things,” Tony mused.
“Hear, hear,” Natasha said.
The Limitations of Wax by RayShippouUchiha @rayshippouuchiha (Juulna’s note: This has been untouched for quite a while but there are separate WiPs being written and branched off of this – and completed – that are fantastic, and the core character study in this fic is fantastic so I still recommend it.)
Toni Stark grows up with the tale of Icarus swirling in the back of her mind. Instead of taking it as a precautionary tale about hubris and overreaching she decides it’s more about the limitations of wax.
Years later when she builds herself wings of her own she makes sure to build them out of better material.
Difficult Conversations by yumekuimono @yumekuimono
HYDRA had brainwashed their Asset into silence, and then muzzled him to boot. It’s not that surprising that Bucky no longer considers talking to be one of his strong suits. So why does he keep having to have difficult conversations?
Or, the road to loving Tony Stark is never an easy one. (Juulna’s note: Eventual/Pre-OT3)
Strip it Down by Batfink
“Think about who you’re talking to Bucky. I am the technology king. What you’re asking me to do goes against everything I hold dear.” Tony looked positively distraught.
Bucky slid his hand onto Tony’s cheek, tilting his head until their eyes met. “Crying, Tony. Over the fucking washing machine.”
Giving a Friend a Hand by neunundneunzig (seasidesunset)
Bucky gets Tony’s help dealing with… anatomy malfunctions, and it turns into much more.
Operation: Knuckleheads by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
Bucky is enjoying his new, post-Winter Soldier life at Avengers Tower, until he discovers that the constant tension between Steve and Tony was caused by a recent (and mysterious) breakup. Determined to make his friends happy, Bucky gives himself a new mission: figure out what went wrong, and get these two idiots in love back together again.
Compass Heading by antigrav_vector @disco-pinecone
So… It’s complicated. Steve went and got himself killed on a mission, and, somehow, in the aftermath, Tony ended up getting together with Barnes. He’s still not entirely sure how that happened, really, but he’s not about to question it too hard. He’s enjoying it too much.
Then, because the universe loves turning his life upside down, they find Steve. It’s been two years, and things have changed, but Tony still cares about the asshole, and that, right there, is a problem.
Too Damn Short by MrShyRockstar
“I’m too short for this shit.”
This literally sums up this little ficlet. Tony’s too short, Steve is clearly (to anyone with eyes *coughnottonycough*) pining, and Bucky is just watching everything with exasperated amusement. That is all.
Put Your Arms Around Me, Hold Me Tight by StarSpangledBucky
Tony and Bucky desperately need to sort out the kink in their relationship, before they both lose Steve, or one of them does. It isn’t until the second week Steve is away on a mission that Tony goes through a nightmare, and Bucky decides to comfort him. From there, it gives them a chance to talk. And by the time Steve comes back, he’s more than satisfied by the results.
Minefields by arianapeterson19 (Juulna’s note: Please heed the tags! Content is triggering for abusive relationships.)
Being in an abusive relationship was a bit like needing glasses. He didn’t realize it until the damage was done.
Funny how people assume only men can be abusive.
And a new fic by a new author I would like to recommend to people to read:
Lonely Boy by thereddame @the-red-dame
Tony gets a visit from a Tony from a different universe and she needs him to help keep her children safe until Girl-Tony can kick some HYDRA ass. She’s being pretty tight-lipped about the father but he’s got a sneaking suspicion it’s Steve. Hey, maybe he can get ‘best babysitter in the universe’ award after this? 
I’m sure since you are sending me an ask you know about my fics (though maybe not my oneshot), but I’ll list them anyway. ;)
Necrosis by Juulna
Necrosis (from the Greek νέκρωσις “death, the stage of dying, the act of killing” from νεκρός “dead”)
Tony always thought he’d die first, of the three of them. He’d accepted it, even. Hell, he wasn’t even sure that Steve or Bucky coulddie. Shows how much he knew.
Hanging From a Cross of Iron by Juulna
Toni Stark never - not even once - had a soulmark appear. Not one she can remember, at any rate. But when one finally appears, and the date of her rendezvous seems impossible to meet, does she decide to move on with her life, and forget the words written upon her skin?
Of course not. She’s Toni fucking Stark. Making the impossible possible is practically her family motto.
Well… there we go! I hope that that suffices for recommendations? If you want some more, I’m happy to provide them! Happy reading, and don’t forget:
Leave the authors your love in the form of a kudos and/or comment!
MUAH! xoxo
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spnangelbang · 2 years ago
Angel Academy
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Author: Crematosis (@crematosis) Artist: DoggoJin Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Featured characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Crowley Featured relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Gabriel Length: 29,423 words Tags:  Alternate Angel Lore, Canon Adjacent, Canon-Typical Violence, Meet-Ugly, Demon Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Summary:  When Castiel is first sent to mentor Dean, he doesn't see how a demon can ever be redeemed into an angel. But the more he spends time working with Dean, the more goodness he sees in him and the more he questions why Dean isn't an angel yet.
Link to Fic & Art
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spnangelsanddemons-rb · 9 months ago
2024 Reverse Bang Master List
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Thank you to all the artists, authors and betas who contributed to this year's Angels & Demons Reverse Bang!
What an amazing and varied collection and fic and art you all created. Please be sure to check everyone's work out for yourself and share some love, reblogs, and comments with our creators.
The complete list of posted stories & art is as follows:
The Angel Next Door (and the Zombie Squirrel) - art by @jollyrolls, story by @friendofcarlotta
Blood Stained Gold - art by @katfixation, story by @12gittens
Paradise Lost - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @adunaphel-the-quiet
Almost Home - at by @jollyrolls, story by @tragidean
Parousia - art by @myimmanence, story by @panthera-dei
By the Grace of an Archangel - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @celestialstarlight27
On the Anti-Christ's Altar - art by @diminuel, story by @butterflyslinky
She's Trying to Make a Devil Out of Me - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @doctorprofessorsong
Sunflowers and Pussywillows - art by @sidewinder, story by @mbqnoyolo
Sirens, Bells, Heaven, Hell - art by @rezal-art, story by @arlington-chamber-of-gay
The Righteous Side of Hell - art by @midnightsilver, story by @samanddean76
The Bees Say - art by @sketcheun, story by @bleuzombie
To Play The Part - art by @bakh-meliorism, story by @michaelmilligan
The Fourth Archangel - art by @free-to-be-impaled, story by @pyoyobell
Red Motel Reprised - art by @midnightsilver, story by @pregstiel
The Mortal Angel and The Devil's Prisoner - art by @hawkland, story by @avalonsilver
Desperation Breeds Madness - art by @katfixation, story by @xx-blueboy-xx
A Domesticated Demon - art by @sketcheun, story by @mbqnoyolo
Take Me Out - art by @golby-moon, story by @crematosis
Late Night Visitor - art by @ladyknightskye, story by TwinOne
not him/not her/not me - art by @hawkland, story by @autisticandroids
Walk Away: I Will Follow - art by @hawkland, story by @mercurialkitty
Salvation - art by @coydahlia, story by @elsasigyn
This is Our Get-Along Impala - art by @cowerandprey, story by @ladyknightskye
His Unicorn - art by @midnightsilver, story by @samanddean76
Devil's Best Friend - art by @coydahlia, story by @12gittens
The Fool's Journey - art by @demonicsoulmates-art, story by @ladyknightskye
To Be Forgiven For Your Sins - art by @espressosaur, story by @arlington-chamber-of-gay
Something Borrowed - art by @ladyknightskye, story by @hawkland
Crowley, Bobby and Juliette - art by @midnightsilver
In about a month's time I'll be getting ready to announce the next round of the bang, which will be a regular (non-reverse) angels and demons mini + big bang. So stay tuned for details, once I've had the chance to plot out the schedule and make preparations.
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spnangelbang · 2 years ago
SPN Angel Bang: Posting Schedule Released
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Thank you to all of our writers and artists who has been working hard to bring together what’s going to be an AMAZING collection of new fic this summer! Below is our planned posting schedule. Keep your angel radio tuned in right here, because promo posts will start tomorrow for our first upcoming story.
Date: “Title” Author | Artist July 3: "Devotion" FriendofCarlotta | Bees July 4: "You Promised" anyrei and queerwerewolf | PetraAmia July 5: "What We Deserve" butterflyslinky | Klayr De Gall July 6: "An Act of Humanity" seidenapfel | xfancyfranart July 7: "Loki Spake" mukur0 | bakh_meliorism July 8: "doors unlocked and open" sidewinder | fluffsnake July 9: "Casifer's Deception" Kinetic-Passion | Keikakudom July 10: "Take me out" TheLadyKeira | Dimitri Evans July 11: "A Light Above Descending" Hedderstheowl | enigmaticNeurologist July 12: "Plan B" Akajed | golby-moon July 13: "The Law of Entanglement" AngelEyz4ever | anyrei July 14: "escaping the labyrinth" Kyra_Maximoff | Slurpy Natural July 15: "Time Enough For Counting" angelshotgun | kingdumbass July 16: "A Gift of Penance for Your Sins" Swirlycloud | Babyhorseshoecrabe July 17: "Apple Pie and the Apocalypse" LadyKnightSkye | sidewinder July 18: "circle, broken" autisticandroids | sketcheun July 19: "True Colours" angelofthequeers | comfycowboy July 20: "creation myth" howldean | angel July 21: "What Sacred Game" prettydizzeed | Hectatess July 22: "The angel with the scared face" Dimiti Evans | Atlas_Pie July 23: "Jack's Angels" MercurialKitty | sidewinder July 24: "Ethereal Feathers" Atlas_Pie | seidenapfel July 25: "The Garden’s Keeper" Gitten | Dimitri Evans July 26: "Birds of a Feather" CathiesCreations | sketcheun July 27: "A Cupid's Work" Redamber79 | LadyRandomBox July 28: "Earth Angel" Eyes_of_a_Tragedy, tfw_cas | rezal July 29: "Consumption" Angel | Emmatheslayer July 30: "Dialogues of the Undead" occasionally_always | spn-fanfic-reblog-writes July 31: "How to Break a Colt" myguardianangel-ina-trenchcoat | As-lost-as-sams-shoe August 1: "Wings" Lyconite | Atlas_Pie August 2: "Unraveling the Past" Avalon Silver | As-lost-as-sams-shoe August 3: "Angel Academy" Crematosis | DoggoJin August 4: "Instrumental" Restlesshush | ThePlaidFox August 5: "Heaven is a Place on Earth" ArthursKnight | bakh_meliorism
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 2 years ago
🎨📝🧛🧟🦄 Bangs and Fests 🐦‍🔥🐲🧚🏾🧜‍♀️🧞‍♂️
2025 || Artist/Illustrator
Nothing, so far.
2025 || Author/Writer 📝
Nothing, so far.
2024 || Moderator
@spnsabrielbang || Supernatural Sabriel REVERSE Bang 2024 || 2024 Masterpost || Completed
2024 || Artist/Illustrator 🎨
@fobnatura1 A Fall Out Boy Multifandom Bang || Partner: @celestialstarlight27 || Art Post || Story || Completed
@rewritetheages History [REDACTED]: Rewrite the Ages (Big bang and mini bang) || Partner: @friendofcarlotta || Art Post || Story || Completed
@cdrcrossoverbang Cas Dean Reverse Crossover Bang || Partner: @hectatess || Art Post || Masterpost || Story || Completed
@destielsoulmatebang Destiel Soulmate Bang || Artist || Partners: @anyreiart & @queerwolfsstuff || Art Post || Story || Complete
@dadstielminibang Dadstiel Mini Bang || Artist || Partner: @valandrawrites || Art Post || Story || Complete
@deancasbigbang Dean Cas Big Bang 2024 || Partner: @teeparadigm67 || Artist || Story || Art Post || Complete
@destielomegaversebigbang Destiel Omegaverse Big Bang 2024, Round 1 (mini and big bang) || Artist || Partners: #1 @crematosis & #2 @spnisthewayoflife (ao3 mydestielbabies_67) (2 fics) || #1 Art Post || #1 Story || #2 Art Post || #2 Story || Complete
@dcbtv Dean Cas Bang (Taylor’s Version) 2024 || Artist || Partner @hectatess || Art Post https://www.tumblr.com/spn-fanfic-reblog-writes/762264766302584832/dcbtv-art-post-title-death-doth-us-bond-author || Fic || Complete
2024 || Author/Writer 📝
@destielvalentineexchange2024 Destiel Valentine Exchange (SFW)|| Story || Complete
(Discord/Ao3) Artsy (Streamer) Summer Exchange (SFW) || Author (1k word min.) || Fic || Complete
@spnsabrielbang SPN Sabriel Reverse Bang || Author (2K word min.) || Partner: @bakh_meliorism || Masterpost || Complete
@profoundnet PB Exchange, Round 11 || Author (Destiel & Jack; 500 word min.)|| Story || Complete
Previous Years (below)
2023 || Artist/Illustrator
@spnmusicalbang Supernatural:the Musical, Musical Theatre Bang Fic #1 Fic #2 || Completed
@deancasbigbang Dean Cas Big Bang || Assigned (1) an Author || Art Post || Link to fic || Completed
@dcbtv Dean Cas Bang (Taylor’s Version) || Assigned Two (2) Authors/Partners || Art Post #1 || Story #1 || Art Post #2 || Story #2 || Completed
@spnangelbang Spn Angel (Mini) Bang || Assigned (1) Author/Partner || Art Post Only || Completed
@monsterfluffersrus Monsterfluffers R Us Fest || Assigned (2) Author/Partner || #1 Art Post || #2 Art Post|| Completed
@spnproshipbang SPN Pro-Ship Bang || Rules || Art Post || Story || Completed
2023 || Writer/Author
(Discord/ao3) Xmes Exchange Quicky, A Detroit: Become Human + Spn + Genish Impact Mash up Event || Author/Writer || ao3 link || Completish (still need to finish the third chapter)
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crematosis · 5 years ago
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Story Title: Friends With Fangs 
 Author: @crematosis
 Artists:  @menatiera & @starksnack
 Relationships: Bucky/Steve/Tony, minor Clint/Natasha
 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
 Rating: M
Word count: 19681
Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Vampires, Vampire Steve Rogers, Vampire Bucky Barnes, Vampire Natasha Romanov, Vampire Hunters, Blood Drinking, Teenage Tony Stark, Character Turned Into Vampire
Summary: Tony never expected to enjoy poetry. He never expected to fall in love with a poet either. But he's drawn to Steve in a way he can't explain. But there's a lot more to Steve than meets the eye and his suspiciously intense best friend is just the beginning.
Read on AO3: Link
 Art by @starksnack
Moodboards by @menatiera
 A collaboration for the Iron Man Big Bang 2019 @ironmanbigbang
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crematosis · 5 years ago
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Author: @crematosis
Artist: @nonexistenz
Beta: @hogwartstoalexandria
Title: Courtly Love
Word Count: 16432
Rating: T
Pairing: Loki/Tony
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki, Thor, Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton
Tags: Courtship rituals, Team as family, Thor is a good bro
Created for @marvelreversebigbang
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crematosis · 5 years ago
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Two of a Kind
Author: @crematosis
Art: @menatiera
Rating: T
Relationships: Bruce/Natasha, Bruce & Tony
Word Count: 15k
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Asexual Bruce, Asexual Natasha, First Dates, Awkwardness and Misunderstandings, Tony Being Tony, Bruce and Tony Friendship
Summary: Bruce's love life is a disaster and he's almost ready to give up on dating altogether. But Tony convinces him to give it one last try.
A collaboration for the @cabigbang
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marvelreversebigbang · 2 years ago
We've had so many amazing pieces in this year's Marvel Reverse Big Bang! Here are the first five pieces posted!
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Aw, Balcony, No!
Artist: VexedBeverage
Author: buckyismybicycle
Beta: buckyismyconstant
Word Count: 7,342
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton
Character(s): James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson
Tags: Light Angst with Happy Ending, Competent but Clumsy Clint Barton, Avenger Clint Barton, Non-Avenger Bucky, Fluff, Love Confessions, Misunderstandings, AU - No Powers
Summary: Fury sends Clint to tail someone with the codename: Winter Soldier, assassin for hire, and put an end to his long, alleged hit list. Somewhere amongst the intel gathering and stakeouts, Clint thinks he falls in love instead.
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Our Boyfriend's Back
Artist: Call_Me_Kayyyy
Author: BuckyBarnesDeservesToBeHappy
Beta: Lou2
Word Count: 3,833
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Explicit
Pairing(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers
Character(s): James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Tags: Canon Divergence, Implied Torture and Kidnapping, Threesome (F/M/M), Reunions, Reunion Sex, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Captain America Steve Rogers, Captain Carter Peggy Carter, Guilt, Established Relationships, Developing Relationships, NSFW Art
Summary: Months after Steve Rogers disappears, his best friend and lover Bucky Barnes has accepted that he’s not coming back. In a new relationship with his former rival for Steve’s affections, Bucky is happy with Peggy Carter, and they work well together as Captain Carter and the Winter Soldier. Then, an unexpected knock on the door upends everything and threatens Bucky’s fragile happiness. Thankfully, Peggy’s much more pragmatic than emotional, and she soothes hurt feelings and bruised egos that allows for three wounded people to find love and acceptance in a way Bucky never expected, Steve always wanted, and Peggy knows is right.
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Artist: Wolfsdrache
Author: aimmyarrowshigh
Word Count: 3,035
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing(s): Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov
Character(s): Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton
Tags: Drabble Sequence, Canon Compliant, Pre-Iron Man 2, Pre-Avengers (2012), Red Room (Marvel), Japan, Japanese Culture, Japanese Character(s), SHIELD Agent Clint Barton, SHIELD Agent Natasha Romanov, Food as a Metaphor for Love, But In This Case It's Self-Love, Not The Dirty Kind Sorry, Survivor Guilt, Trust Issues, Trust
Summary: The plane touches down at the Haneda Airport long after night has fallen outside the airplane windows. Clint leans over and presses his face against the glass as they glide and touch down, watching the sparkling colored lights of Tokyo grow closer and closer. Natasha does not: she has seen cities from the air before. She stares at the back of Clint’s head, instead, at the way his hair is mussed from sleeping in the seat upright.
This trip was his idea, and that means that it’s a test.
“Welcome to Japan, Nat,” Clint says. “Vacay time.”
Everything’s a test.
Or, Natasha has been free of the Red Room for two months. Clint decides it's time for her to experience freedom in Japan.
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Life In Between Fighting
Artist: Crematosis
Author: holistic_alcoholic
Beta: aflour
Word Count: 7,098
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teens and Up
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson
Character(s): Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers
Tags: Pirates, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Strangers to Lovers, First Meetings, Rivalry, Execution, Historical Fantasy, Pirate Steve Rogers, Pirate Sam Wilson, Torres is a teenager in this. Steve Rogers Is Good At Speeches, Sam Wilson is Good at Everything, Plot Twist, Treasure Hunt (in a way, )Sam is way better at flirting than Steve, Happy Ending, Plotty, POV Alternating
“Did you see that guy?” Steve asks, still a little dazed, and turns to Bucky, who stops parrying the guards’ blows to look at Steve’s face with more attention.
After a second of consideration, Bucky changes his expression to a more familiar exasperation.
“Fuck my life,” he says, stabbing the guard who was attacking him from behind in the belly as an afterthought. “Was he even hot?”
There’s really no need to be that apprehensive about anyone Steve likes.
“He kicked the hangman in the guts,” Steve says with emotion. “And then he flew away.”
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Wing Me Back
Artist: 22strs
Author: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
Beta: Lou2
Word Count: 3,170
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teens and Up
Pairing(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Character(s): James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Tags: Canon Compliant, Wingfic, POV Bucky Barnes, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Angels, Guardian Angels, Angel/Demon Relationship, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Allegory, Captain America Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Implied/Referenced Torture, Hydra (Marvel), Best Friends, Jealousy, Anger, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Recovered Memories, Healing, Protectiveness, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Bucky Barnes, Pre-War, Post-War, Embedded Images, Inspired by Fanart
Summary: Steve Rogers has always looked like a member of the heavenly host, while Bucky Barnes is firmly earthbound. Despite being opposites, they’re best friends, two men who love and protect each other at all costs. As far as he’s concerned, Steve’s an angel, but Bucky wrestles with demons every day. At night, he’s haunted. Thankfully, the flutter of wings soothes his soul and keeps him safe.
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