#australian folk music awards
assenavlp · 7 days
Oprah and AI
I watched this primetime ABC propaganda sh¡tshow so you all don't have to.
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I hadn't heard or seen any press for this show, and just happened to see the listing as I was trying to find something to watch, a few nights ago, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to watch it or not - lol - so I scheduled it to record, just in case. Finally bit the bullet, yesterday.
The recording caught the last bit of a political ad, before the show began. It warned that "Biden & Harris want to force you to buy an electric car". LMAO And awayyyy we go…
The show (and segment one, of five) cynically begins with a group of everymen/women expressing confusion, doubt, ambivalence, and suspicion. All the better to commence giving you the soft sell, my dears…
Oprah: "I was Bedazzled, Fascinated, Curious, and also Concerned. But there is no doubt, it is Here."
She began by breezing through a very basic timeline of the notion and progress of AI, over the last 70 years, and promised, a couple of times, that the show would be "not so technical".
It should be noted that in this hour and four minute-long programme, at no time do they speak of the mass theft of art, music, or literary works (let alone personal data and images shared on social media). 'Cuz who cares about them highfalutin artistic types? Gatekeeping snobs and weirdos, man. 'Ah don't know anything about art, but Ah know what Ah like.' They don't even touch on the issue of likeness theft. They do speak of it, in regards to fraud, later on, but not in regards to creative works, for which there was that whole actor's strike. I see you going to the SAG Awards, Ms. Winfrey. [Buh Gok!] Nor do they speak on the mass of false advertising. They also don't get into the massively detrimental environmental impact. Shocking.
Meta admits scraping every adult Australian’s public post to train AI, no opt-out https://www.diyphotography.net/meta-admits-scraping-every-adult-australians-public-post-to-train-ai-no-opt-out/
Without further ado, the woman who brought us all such greats [chuckle] as Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and the book, "A Million Little Pieces", now brings (to the general public) the so-called Effective Altruist*, OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman.
At about 7 minutes in, in the most earnest, pandering tone, he says, "the most important thing that will happen here is, everyone in the world will be able to create at a level that is still hard for us to imagine. This is gonna be an enabler of human ability to create, to flourish, to make new things, to create new companies and services like we've never seen, and we want eeeeverybody to get to do that, not just the white dudes", as he stares directly at Oprah. LOL
Oh, the sweet, sweet 'democratization of art', you bad, bad, racist and ableist anti-AI folks. [rolling eyes]
Of course they allow him to express concern as he pays lip service to safety and regulations, as fellow sociopaths Elon, Jeff, and Mark, all grace our screens, and he speaks of regularly working with the Executive Branch. Mm hmmm. The folks who love their corporate donors. Okay. Go on.
Oprah: "How do we know we can trust you?"
Sam: "The bar on this is clearly extremely high, um, the best thing that we can do is to put this technology in the hands of people, talk about what it is capable of, what it's not, what we think is gonna come, what we think might come, give our best advice about how society should decide to use this. Um, say when we think it's important to not release something, which we also might get wrong, and build up that trust over time. But it is clear that this is going to be a very impactful technology, and I think a lot of scrutiny is thus super warranted."
Oprah: "I actually saw a headline, that said you were the most powerful, and perhaps most dangerous man on the planet, and I'm wondering how that sits with you."
Sam (holding back tears - really): "I…. It's definitely strange to hear you say that. It doesn't… I don't feel like the most powerful person or anything even close to that, uh, like I feel the opportunity, the responsibility in a positive way to get to nudge this in a direction that I think can be really good for people. And that is, like, that's like a serious… exciting, somewhat nerve-racking thing, um, but it's something that I feel very deeply, and I, and I, and I, and I realise how I'll never get to touch anything this important again."
We really needed some violins, here.
Oprah goes on to express her "concern" over the "nefarious" ways some have already used the technology, but then goes on to gush how "calllm" and "relatablllle" he is, and thus, "it seems like everything is okay"…. And he, in turn, replies that he doesn't want to give anyone "a false sense of security", that "there will be bad, too", and that they'll "mitigate, as much as we can" [whewwww, lol] acknowledging full well that "this technology will be misused"… Then he quickly slips in another one for everyone's AI-Bro Bingo card: "like every technology before it…"
Oh, how they love that canard.
*Effective Altruism: letting billionaires amass their fortunes, untaxed and unregulated, so that they can 'benefit' society the way THEY, alone, see fit. Yeah, no.
Then there's a commercial break and they bring back the common folks, for segment two, gushing about their kids using AI to "draw" (yeah, no) dinosaurs, and using the simplified AI filters on TikTok (See? Folks are already using AI, no biggie, lol), using it to generate 'reference' material for sermons, but "never" actually using the raw product (no, of coooourse not), and their fears, shock of all shocks, are slowly being allayed. Apprehensions of "how it will eat you alive" now gone, by "talking to it". Who could have seen this miraculous reversal coming? LOL
HOLY S*** (Their asterisks, not mine.)
Next on the docket is Marques Brownlee, YouTube tech-expert, displaying the exponential improvement of fake videos, in just the past year - of course to Oprah's shock and disbelief - explaining how they're generated by referencing millions of photos. He did explain that "there really isn't any good set of rules" despite some embedding watermarks or meta data so that those who know how to look deeper will know it's fake. i.e. maybe 5% of the people looking at this crap, and at the moment, those folks can tell just by looking anyway.
Then Oprah plays at being the everyman, too, by expressing real concern, especially after he demonstrates a voice generator with his own voice, but of course, she gives him the opportunity to allay those fears; going back down the well-worn 'we've seen this before with new technology' trail that every tech-bro loves to travel, including Sam, in the previous segment. Am I sensing a pattern?
Marques: "I'll say I've seen this story before. Cars, in general, went through this; smartphones, of course, went through this; computers went through this; the Internet went through this; where at their very formative years, they're really, really confusing and potentially amazing but potentially horrible, and eventually, you know, humans sort themselves out, to lay the rules down in a way that we can actually trust that will be better than it is bad. So I've seen this story before and I'm hoping it plays out the way it's played out before."
Oh, that makes me feel so much better, because this all-encompassing technology is absolutely no different than any other technological advance we've seen throughout all of recorded history. No, not at all. [cough]
Next up are Tristan Harris, Technology Ethicist, and Aza Raskin, creator of the Infinite Scroll, talking about the incredible speed of the tech, the ills of "social media addiction, doom-scrolling, and polarization", and how he, Aza, "learned the hard way" that his "good intentions as an inventor just wasn't enough". Ya don't say. He did challenge the aforementioned "every tech" narrative by pointing out that the various problems of cars (eg. seatbelts) took decades to resolve. Of course he doesn't mention that cars, even still, are killing us every day, from their planned obsolescent over-production and resultant waste, to the continued fossil fuel dependency and pollution (or all the rare earth mineral mining devastation that electric alternatives will incur)….
Aza: "Once AI can do anything, people start to use it to do everything."
Tristan: "That's what's so confusing about AI, is it's going to give us all these benefits at the same time that it's undermining the foundations that we depend on, and you can't separate the promise from the peril, so I think instead of getting caught up in the question, "is AI gonna be good or is it gonna be bad", it's about, "is it happening at a pace that our society can respond appropriately."
Oprah: "But guys, it's here. It's why I started this programme by saying it is here."
Tristan: "Open AI's stated goal is to be able to build systems of AI that are even smarter than humans because there's trillions of dollars to be made on the other side…."
Oprah: "What do you want to see happen, now?"
Tristan: "OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, they need to be held accountable for the harms that they would create so that they're all incentivized to pull back, and go at the pace that they can help society be prepared and not be overwhelmed."
Oprah: "And who is holding them accountable?"
Tristan: "We need laws."
Back with some more everyfolks, segment three begins with the spectre of real life scams and the harm they cause.
FBI director Christopher Wray is trundled out to talk more about deepfakes and scams, and ch¡ldp0rn and sext0rt¡on using faked images.
Oprah: "Do you think we have the laws or regulations in place, now, to keep Americans safe from all that's coming, all the AI threats?"
Christopher: "I would probably leave legislating to the legislators, but what I will tell you from an FBI director's perspective, um, is that this is a type of technology that we see manifesting itself in more and more situations, more and more types of crimes, more and more types of threats, uh, and there's a degree to which, overall, our laws haven't kept pace with the technology."
Oprah: "Does that frustrate you?"
Christopher: "Sure, yeah, sure. What I worry about is the day, which is coming, it's not here but it's coming faster than we would like, where those, um, elite bad guys will find AI sophisticated enough to take their game to a-whole-nother level."
Oprah: "And the elite bad guys are doing what?"
Christopher: "So the elite bad guys are the ones, you know, for example, conducting the most sophisticated cyber intrusions. To me no country, no country represents a broader, more severe, more comprehensive threat to American innovation, American ideas, to our Economic Security, and ultimately our national security, than the Chinese government. China has a bigger hacking programme, already, than that of every major nation combined, and has stolen more of Americans' personal and corporate data than every nation, big or small combined. The scale of the threat is significant. If you took the FBI's programme, and just said forget Russia, forget Iran, just do nothing but China, the Chinese government's hacking programme, they would outnumber us 50 to 1.
Oprah: "We've got an election coming. Do you think this election cycle will be compromised by disinformation?"
Christopher: "I fully expect to see, um, disinformation by foreign adversaries. We are finding, all too often, that something on social media that looks like Bill from Topeka or Mary from Dayton is actually, you know, some Russian or Chinese intelligence officer on the outskirts of Beijing or Moscow."
Don't worry about the homegrown stuff. [shhhh]
Oprah: "What should we be on the lookout for?"
Christopher: "All Americans should try to be, you know, more discerning consumers of information. It is incumbent on everyone in America to bring an intensified sense of focus and caution to the use of AI, and how AI can be used by bad guys against all of us, but not to panic I don't think this is a time for panic."
So, in sum: Chinese and Russian AI, baaaaad. [furrows brow] American AI, goooood. [thumbs up] Nothing to see, here!
Back to the everypeople, and the fear of job losses, immediately followed by the old 'but there will be newwww jobs' cliché, and then the folks who were suspicious but they looove it, now, and the folks who aren't worried because they're "irreplaceable".
Oh! Bill Gates! Quell surprise.
Microsoft's Hypocrisy on AI https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/09/microsoft-ai-oil-contracts/679804/
Long story short: medicine is going to be sooo much better. And education, too!
Bill: "We can see it's already working pretty well."
Oh, really?
Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests Researchers compare math progress of almost 1,000 high school students. https://www.popsci.com/technology/kids-who-use-chatgpt-as-a-study-assistant-do-worse-on-tests/
And robots can do the blue collar jobs, too! (Including fruit-picking, on all that farmland he's been buying up.) Yayyyy, replicants! [facepalm]
Oprah: "What are the jobs that you believe are going to be undisturbed? What skills are going to persist in these, in this new world?"
Bill: "Yeah, that's very hard to make a prediction. I mean there'll be aspects of creativity, there'll be aspects of appreciating, uh, people [said as if under duress, lol], you know, social work, the teacher really engaging that student in the rich way. Even then I can't guarantee that software won't eventually get good at that, but you know, for the next generation, the more human, the more engaged you are with other people [so, not artists], that is a skillset that is in such short supply, whether it's mental health or education, that we can never have enough of that."
I dread to imagine what his visions for future mental health services are.
Oprah: "I mean I've expressed several of my concerns, but do you have none, do you have no…"
Bill: "I have significant fears about the risks. This is the first technology that is happening faster than even the insiders expected."
Oprah: "It's happening faster than you guys thought?"
Bill: "Absolutely."
Oprah: "Do you think that your company, that, that Microsoft, and other companies that are gonna make a lot of money off of AI have an obligation to help us manage and navigate through this change?"
Bill: "Absolutely. The fact that there will have to be regulation, that the way we think about taxes will have to change quite a bit. If the companies are working with the government, then at least we can craft something that's, that's not just profit-driven."
Regulations that you and your lobbyists craft? [chortle]
Oprah: "But what did we miss with the Internet and social media that we can use to apply now, to this moment of AI?"
Bill: "Well, I, I would say, speaking for myself, personally, and, I think, many others, that we were a bit naïve."
Ya don't say.
Stephen Fry: Musk and Zuckerberg have 'polluted culture' ""I’m the chump who thought social media could change the world," he told his audience at the Digital Futures Institute." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ceq5q3jlnz3o
Bill: "We thought the Internet, the availability of information would make us all a lot more factual. The fact that people would seek out kind of a niche of misinformation, we were a bit naïve."
Okay, then.
Back to the everyones… and what it is to be "human". HA! "As a religious person, one of the things that I reflect on is "be careful about comfort because too much comfort is actually going to make your life worse, not better, because it'll decrease your over all capacity." (An actual good point.)
The final guest, Marilynne Robinson, novelist, is the lone 'creative' on the show.
Marilynne: "The impulse behind it seems to be to eliminate the human hand, the human eye in the making of the reality that we inhabit to the farthest extent possible. With the effect of, of, um, concentrating power in the sense of the control of this strange fantasy, uh, within very few people's hands and consolidating masses of capital, and masses of natural resources devoted to this very dubious project. It's just a human impulse to escape from its humanity, which is something that happens over and over again, historically. The impulse to say, uh, that there's nothing intrinsic about a human person, that cannot, in theory, be replicated by something that, frankly, works cheaper, works faster. I don't know why it is but it's part of our human lot to be uncomfortable with our humanity, and to mechanize it, you know, out of existence in some way. We're not enough in love with our own existence, and we're not enough in love with everyone else's existence, and I think that's very dangerous." [chef's kiss]
The same reason transhumanists are so obsessed with living longer and more artificially. They don't love - or respect - the time they have here. They want more, more, more.
Oprah: "What is the thing that concerns you the most?"
Marilynne: "I'm afraid that there will be so much investment of every kind into this project, that it will have its consequences before it really deserves them, and so there will be all kinds of cutting back on all kinds of employment and so on, anticipating this insurgence of, of AI, and then it will turn out that it's a, it's a bad project, you know, that it's more dangerous than it is valuable, and so on, and so we will have a disrupted economy on the one hand, and an unusable technology on the other."
Mic drop!
Oprah, ignoring the words of the preacher before the segment, persists…
Oprah: "But it's also going to, no question about it, it's going to make life a lot easier for a lot of people, so what's wrong with that?"
Marilynne: "American schools ask for a lot of written work from students, and that's a very good thing. It's an autonomy-creating exercise, you know. But what we don't do, we don't tell them that this is a discipline, like an athletic discipline that they have undertaken to strengthen themselves, not just to bring themselves over some arbitrary line of sufficiency."
Never mind the physical process of writing, learning cursive, etc., which too many deemed unnecessary, despite all the literature demonstrating otherwise.
Oprah: "That it's the discipline of doing the work and the thinking process."
Marilynne: "Exactly. And students say writing is difficult, which of course it is."
Oprah: "It is."
Marilynne: "But difficulty is the point."
Oprah: "And so if you were in charge of this whole AI movement, what would you be doing or what would you advise?"
Marilynne: "I would advise that it be used for, you know, the kind of research that produces drugs and immunizations and so on."
Sure. With MUCH oversight. But then again…
Revolution, interrupted One of the promises of machine learning was better drugs, faster. A decade in, AI has failed to live up to the hype https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-artificial-intelligence-drug-research-hype/
Marilynne: "I would, uh, I would make a fantastic library. I would use it very, very judiciously to replace work that is drudgery without the arrogance of replacing the work of people who, you know, who are of very great value, you know, just because they are the substance of our ordinary interactions with the world."
Oof. There's MY personal sticking point. "Eliminating the drudgery." She was careful to make a distinction but I fear that nuance will be lost on most of the people already sharing that hackneyed meme. Everyone wants a replicant to do the stuff they think they're above doing. Doesn't end well.
Oprah was still desperately trying to make the case, though, retreating to the same old "fear of the new" and "nostalgia" arguments, asking how this time is different. Sometimes I thought, maybe she's just playing Devil's Advocate, with some of these questions? It was interesting that she gave the final word to someone who had the most philosophical viewpoint. But nahhh. Marilynne then compared it to The Manhattan Project. HA! Another mic drop.
And then Oprah's final thoughts, on this peak Boomer TV:
"A special thank you to everyone who spoke with us, tonight. I hope that they have left you with a clearer picture of what is coming. Artificial intelligence is still beyond our control, and to a great extent our understanding, but it is here. We're going to be living with technology that can be our ally as well as our rival. It is something that no other generation has ever experienced. This moment requires a different level of alertness, awareness, about who we are, and where we're going, what's real, and what's not, what's artificial intelligence and what is human wisdom, authentic intelligence earned through study and experience. We are this planet's most adaptable creatures. We will adapt again but keep your eyes on what's real. The stakes for all of us could not…..
And then the recording cuts out. [GUFFAW]
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newmusicradionetwork · 2 months
A New Summer Country Hit “Drink Em Down” by Robert Ross
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Robert Ross, a Canadian/Australian singer-songwriter, was born and raised in the small towns of New Brunswick, Canada, where the spirit of folk songs and heartfelt music thrived. His passion for music was ignited early, listening to his mother, Betty, sing classic country tunes around the house. This early exposure to the rich tradition of country music laid the foundation for his artistic journey. The weekends in New Brunswick, filled with local dances and socials, were a melting pot of country music that heavily influenced Robert’s musical style. Robert’s life took a turn when he joined the Canadian Army, serving for 11 and a half years, which included 3 and a half years overseas. His time in the military not only exposed him to diverse cultures and experiences but also deepened his understanding of life’s complexities, enriching his music with authenticity and depth. After his military service, Robert relocated to Australia in 2009, becoming an Australian citizen in 2014. Robert’s music is a heartfelt blend of traditional country and rock ‘n’ roll, influenced by legends like Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Randy Travis, and bands like Sawyer Brown. His songs resonate with themes from life’s joys and struggles, embodying a genuine connection with his audience. As one fan poignantly noted, “You know who you are; you sing from the inside out. That is your soul talking with your music.” On his debut album, “It’s Never Too Late,” Robert showcased his songwriting prowess with ten original tracks. Singles like “I Will Rise,” “Jack Daniels,” “Don’t You Cry,” “Baby Don’t Go,” “Golden Band,” and “Driving Me Insane” have achieved remarkable success on both Australian and international indie charts. Notably, “Jack Daniels” and “Driving Me Insane” soared to #1 in Australia and on the world indie charts, while “Don’t You Cry” topped the world indie charts and earned a nomination for Single of the Year at the Josie Music Awards in Nashville. “Jack Daniels” also secured a spot in the top 40 radio play for 2021 in Australia. In November 2023, Robert moved to Nashville to work on his second album, collaborating with award-winning Canadian artist and producer Gil Grand. This new chapter in his career reflects his commitment to evolving as an artist while staying true to his roots. His upcoming album, “Better With Time,” is a testament to his growth, featuring ten original songs that capture the essence of his life experiences. The first single from this album is set for release on July 26, 2024. Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: Robert Ross Song Title: Drink Em Down Publishing: Robert Ross Music Publishing Affiliation: Other Album Title: It’s Never Too Late Record Label: MTS Record Label: MTS Michael Stover 3236587449 [email protected] Radio Promotion: National Record Promotion Larry Weir 3236587449 [email protected] Read the full article
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musicarenagh · 1 year
The Short Fall: Reflecting on Music, Migration, and the Future Welcome to our interview with The Short Fall, an Australian-Filipino indie rock singer-songwriter, known for his latest single "Looking Over My Shoulder." In this interview, we delve into his musical journey, inspirations, and future plans. The Short Fall, whose stage name was inspired by a fortunate turn of events, reflects on his experience as a migrant growing up in Australia. "Looking Over My Shoulder" serves as a poignant reflection on the struggles faced by migrants worldwide, longing for a better life while being unable to escape their past. The single boasts a captivating rock sound, an energetic chorus, and an undeniable catchiness. The artist's early exposure to music, influenced by his Filipino heritage, shaped his deep connection to the art form. He found inspiration in various musicians, events around him, and his own songwriting process, which involves guitar melodies and meticulous lyric crafting. When asked about his musical style, The Short Fall describes it as guitar-driven indie rock, characterized by rich vocal harmonies, infectious hooks, and a touch of melancholy. His creative process involves hours of guitar exploration until he discovers a melody and a memorable hook, followed by an extensive period of refining the lyrics. The Short Fall draws inspiration from a diverse range of artists, including Oasis, Powderfinger, Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, and many more. While he admires fellow musicians, he doesn't see them as competitors, as each artist has a unique story to share with listeners. Join us in celebrating the talent and passion of The Short Fall, and don't forget to support independent artists like him on their musical journeys. Listen to Looking Over My Shoulder Follow The Short Fall below on Facebook Spotify Youtube Instagram   What is your stage name: The Short Fall Is there a story behind your stage name? It was many years ago (maybe 2007?) – we won a radio competition to support INXS in our home town of Rockhampton – our old band name sucked so our bass player at the time suggested it, and it’s stuck ever since. Where do you find inspiration? Listening to music, artists that I like, events that happen around me. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Being half Filipino, music plays a huge role in that culture. There was always music playing in the house growing up, and I got into playing guitar at a young age. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Once I started writing songs I knew I always wanted to be involved with music somehow. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I’ve always been able to sing, but I feel like after many years of writing songs I’m still learning and getting better at it. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I think it was The Butterfly Effect in Rockhampton, Queensland in 2005. How could you describe your music? Guitar driven indie-rock featuring rich vocal harmonies, catchy hooks and a hint of melancholy Describe your creative process. Noodling around on the guitar until I find a melody and a hook-line I like and then agonising over the rest of the lyrics for days/weeks/months. What is your main inspiration? Probably the bands I’m listening to at any point in time. For my recent songs it was Oasis, Powderfinger, Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, The 1975, City & Colour, Fleetwood Mac and Crowded House. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? In 2013 we won an Australian Independent Music award for best Folk song with our debut single, The Meadow. This shaped our sound for the next 5 – 8 years. My brother left the band in 2022 and I decided to shed the indie-folk rock for a more alternative/indie/rock sound. Who do you see as your main competitor? I don’t feel like I’m competing with other musicians as we all have a story to tell and it’s up to the listener to decide if they want to come along for the r
ide. Maybe musicians who are signed to big labels and have a big marketing budget perhaps? It’s a struggle as an indie musician to get heard amongst the sea of other music out there. What are your interests outside of music? Family time with my wife and daughter, travelling, red wine & watching the cricket. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I own a graphic & web design studio as my day job! What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Getting any financial returns on the money you invest in recording & marketing new music. It’s a real slog and you really need to want to do it because you love it and believe in your music. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? Increasing the revenue payout from streaming   https://open.spotify.com/artist/77Hnn7yHmQOA9Y3zRqXOyp?si=QCc6f7WwTBudArr6onMBTw Why did you choose this as the title of this project? The chorus of Looking Over my Shoulder was written in about 5 minutes – the main line in the chorus just came from nowhere and was what I built the song around. What are your plans for the coming months? The band have got shows in regional Queensland and I just want to keep promoting the song on digital platforms as much as possible to grow my listeners. I’ve got 2 more singles to release this year too. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans. Nothing as of yet. What message would you like to give to your fans? Thanks for listening – supporting indie artists is so appreciated. The Short Fall have more new music coming out this year so stay tuned on our socials!  
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Biggest Festival and Celebration in Australia for International Students
Biggest Festival and Celebration in Australia for International Students
Australia is famous for its rich and diverse wildlife and landscapes. It boasts vibrant cultural and traditional scenes. It boasts vibrant cultural and traditional scenes. Australia is one of the world’s most enjoyable countries. International students will find plenty of places to hang out and events to attend, but most importantly, there will be plenty of festivals to attend during their time studying in Australia.
Australia offers wonderful food, good music, and an unforgettable experience, in addition to well-known universities and a diverse range of courses. It provides endless pleasure and intriguing festivals all around the region.
Here are some of Australia’s most important festivals and celebrations for overseas students that you should not miss.
Australia Day
Australia Day is celebrated on 26th January. It is a national holiday. It is celebrated in every corner of Australia. Outdoor concerts, BBQ, sports competitions and fireworks are being held across Australia. These events are presented by the National Australia Day Council. In Sydney, boat races like ferry races and tall ship races are held and in Adelaide, they call it “Australia Day in the City” that holds parades, concerts and firework displays.
Adelaide Festival
It is one of the most significant international festivals of arts that is held in March. This festival takes place in Adelaide in southern Australia. It is considered one of the leading cultural festivals. Various renowned town artists from fields such as theatre, dance, opera, visual arts as well as new media. This festival lasts for two weeks and attracts tourists from the state as well as from abroad. In recent years, this festival has got very famous. It also subsumed other city cultural festivals like WOMADelaide and Adalaide’s Writer’s Week.
Melbourne International Comedy Festival
This festival features stand-up comics that range from hilarious to beautiful stage art. This festival runs for 4 weeks in Melbourne from March to April, every year. It is organized for the local musician and it features talent shows, performances, discussions, improvisational theatre, musical events and art expositions. Town Hall is the place in Melbourne where this festival takes place. To enjoy the festival in the fullest way pick any random shows that are marked on the dusty big blackboard outside. If you want to attend the big shows then you have to book for it in advance. The mainstream of the festival is stand-up comedy and cabaret. The most important agenda of the event is the establishment of popular comics in the world.
New Year Eve
Just like other parts of the world, Australia celebrates New Year Eve on a large scale. Many major cities of Australia hosts parade, music and entertainment. Celebrities are also being invited as a guest of honour or for being a host for a large New Year’s Eve event. Australia’s New Year is famous for balls. It has various themes like glamour, black-tie and formal wear, tropical, gangster and masquerades. People with best-dressed outfits are awarded at this event. Many people celebrate New Year’s Eve on urban parklands, beaches or boat cruises. Others hold parties or arrange barbecues at their places. It is not a public holiday in Australia but schools and colleges are closed on this day as it is in the school holiday period. Sydney’s New Year’s Eve is globally known for its firework.
Byron Bay Bluesfest
Byron Bay Bluesfest is the annual Australian Music festival. It is held on a long weekend of Easter in the Byron Bay area since 1990. It is called the East Coast International Blues and Roots Music Festival. The festival features a large number of blues and roots performers from Australia as well as around the world. It is one world’s famous contemporary music festivals.
Woordford Folk Festival
This festival is celebrated annually for over 6 days and 6 nights. It is one of the best festivals in Australia. It features a diverse variety of people like musicians, artists, presenters from local, national and international. They put on over 438 acts to an audience. This festival showcases one of the most popular Australian traditions. This day is counted as a cultural holiday in Australia.
For further assistance or queries related to Study in Australia, Study in Ireland, Study in the UK, Study in the USA, etc. you can contact us at OEVS, and avail of our wide range of services for students on destinations.
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lovejustforaday · 2 years
2022 Year End List - #14
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Angel in Realtime - Gang of Youths
Main Genres: Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, Chamber Pop
A decent sampling of: Adult-Alternative, Heartland Rock, Art Rock, Maori Music, The Big Sound
Next on my 2022 year end list is a band from the opposite side of the world, who I’m told (by the internet as per usual) have been making a lot of waves on their side of the globe, and even won the J Award for Australian Album of the Year.
Gang of Youths are an Australian rock band fronted by David Le'aupepe, a baritone vocalist with that smooth, down-to-earth kind of voice that makes him a perfect fit for heartland rock and the rock radio format in general.
Everything about this band’s sound is utterly feel-good, which will definitely put some sad-boy hipsters off of their sound. I however, as a sometimes sad-boy hipster myself, fucking love the band’s unabashedly life-affirming ethos, and I think it is something severely needed in these troubling times.
On their third LP Angel in Realtime, Gang of Youths revive new sincerity with a bombastic concept album about Pasifika heritage and identity, guardian angels, lost family ties, and most importantly, David’s father and the secrets that David learned about him after his death.
The record plays out like a cinematic vignette of a son coming to terms with his own origins and everything he thought he knew about his father’s life story, set to the soundtrack of chamber-rock ballads and arena rock anthems, with elements of Maori folk music and chanting inter-weaved throughout. It’s a fresh and compelling concept, and the band makes the subject matter very approachable with their style of music, regardless of how heavy the concept may look on paper.
Honestly, it’s pretty wild to think that this is a record that came out in 2022. This album would sit very comfortably in the established canon of acclaimed noughties anthemic indie rock, among big names like Broken Social Scene and Arcade Fire. I can also imagine this record playing alongside the aforementioned artists at your local millennial craft beer bar. And I mean all of this as a compliment; I’m a sucker for that BIG, sentimental millennial rock sound.
“you in everything” is a tear-jerking opener that swells into a sublime dawn of chamber pop, as sincere as it is breath-taking in the same way that opening shots to nature documentaries about giant landforms are. “in the wake of your leave” is a song to shout drunkenly at the top of your lungs, with it’s killer chorus and bright melodic riffs, though it masks painfully bittersweet reflections on death and funerals.
My favourite cut is “tend the garden”, a track which sees David Le’aupepe directly taking on the perspective and headspace of his father, telling much of his life story through lyrics based on his son’s own interpretation. Musically, it’s particularly reminiscent of Broken Social Scene, with a very sonically rich and metropolitan sound, somehow both laidback yet meticulously crafted.
Then there’s “the kingdom is within you”, which blends 2-step dance beats with bold piano lines, alternative rock, and layered, encompassing production, all to create a track that is both enormous and stratospheric.
Things wind down with “brothers”, an introspective six minute piano ballad that largely gives context to the album’s subject matter, as David Le’aupepe explains how he came to learn about his half-brothers after his father’s death. Its the emotional linchpin of the album and, though its composition is quite simple and repetitious for its length, ends up working quite effectively and became a track I wanted to revisit often. This is all thanks to David’s performance, which he absolutely nails with his wistful but frank lyrics and soothing voice that was tailor-made for this kind of balladry.
All that being said, the record is a bit long for its own good in my opinion. The massive arena rock sound can start to wear down on some of the b-side tracks. But then part of me also understands that this is meant to be an album of epic proportions, and the band probably wanted a length to match that.
In one way, it feels more like a concert experience than an album experience, and to some people that’s a definite plus. I can definitely imagine that Gang of Youths absolutely tears it up at a live concert.
Either way, I’m very happy for the success of this band and this record. Angel in Realtime is one of the most uplifting artistic expressions of the year, and it has an profound and touching story to boot. I’m glad that there are artists like Gang of Youths that are still able to find good in the bad, and capture some of the joyous beauty that exists in this world; a very large amount of indie rock these days is about depressive reflections on an idyllic past. So here’s to more albums like this in 2023.
Highlights: “tend the garden”, “brothers”, “you in everything”, “the kingdom is within you”, “in the wake of your leave”
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in the looooonngggg running world of music…
September 29th
2020 - Mac Davis
American country music singer, songwriter, and actor Mac Davis died age 78. During his early career he wrote for Elvis Presley, providing him with the hits 'Memories", "In the Ghetto', 'Don't Cry Daddy', and 'A Little Less Conversation'. A subsequent solo career in the 1970s produced hits such as 'Baby, Don't Get Hooked on Me'. Davis also starred in his own variety show, a Broadway musical, and various films and TV shows.
2020 - Helen Reddy
Australian-American singer, songwriter Helen Reddy died age 78. During the 1970s she placed 15 singles on the top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100. Six made the top 10 and three reached number one, including her signature hit 'I Am Woman'.
2012 - Lisa Marie Presley
The UK press reported that there really was a girl who works down the chip shop and swears she's Elvis' daughter, after Lisa Marie Presley was spotted serving up deep-fried treats on a mobile motor called Mr Chippy. The 44-year-old, offspring of Elvis and actress Priscilla, donned an apron and cooked battered cod for the locals. Kim Scales, who owned the business, said: "Lisa Marie likes to see how we live and experience British life. We were laughing because the customers didn't know who she was. She really enjoyed it." The singer, had moved to the quaint village of Rotherfield, East Sussex, two years ago from Los Angeles.
1992 - Paul Jabara
American singer, songwriter Paul Jabara died from lymphoma related to AIDS at the age of 44. He wrote Donna Summer's Oscar and Grammy Award-winning hit ‘Last Dance’ and Barbra Streisand's ‘The Main Event/Fight’ and co-wrote the Weather Girls hit, ‘It's Raining Men’ with Paul Shaffer.
1973 - Grand Funk Railroad
Grand Funk Railroad went to No.1 on the US singles chart with 'We're An American Band', the group's first of two US chart toppers.
1971 - Led Zeppelin
On the last night of their first ever Japanese tour Led Zeppelin appeared at Osaka Festival Hall. Near the end of the set the group played a medley of songs during an extended version of 'Whole Lotta Love', including 'Let That Boy Boogie', 'I Gotta Know', 'Twist and Shout', 'Fortune Teller', 'Good Times Bad Times' and 'You Shook Me'.
1967 - The Beatles
Working at Abbey Road in London, The Beatles mixed the new John Lennon song ‘I Am The Walrus’, which included the sound of a radio being tuned through numerous stations, coming to rest on a BBC production of William Shakespeare's "King Lear". Lennon composed the song by combining three songs he had been working on. When he learned that a teacher at his old primary school was having his students analyse Beatles' lyrics, he added a verse of nonsense words.
1961 - Bob Dylan
Robert Shelton, wrote a glowing review of Bob Dylan's support slot at Gerde's Folk City in the New York Times, calling him ‘One of the most distinctive stylists to play Manhattan in months’. On the same day Dylan played harmonica at a recording session produced by John Hammond.
1960 - Ricky Valance
Ricky Valance was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Tell Laura I Love Her', making him the first Welsh singer to top the charts, and a One-hit Wonder.
1959 - The Miracles
Berry Gordy's third release on the newly established Motown Records, 'Bad Girl' by The Miracles, entered the Billboard Pop chart.
1956 - Bill Haley
Bill Haley had five songs in the UK Top 30; 'Rockin Through The Rye', 'Saints Rock n' Roll', 'Rock Around the Clock', 'Razzle Dazzle', and 'See You Later Alligator'.
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linghxr · 4 years
Chinese Music Recs: My Favorite Artists
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Hi all! In the past, I’ve made two posts sharing some of my favorite Chinese songs at the time. Now that I’ve been listening to mostly Chinese music for 6+ months, I thought it would be fun to look back and reflect on the artists, albums, and songs that have really stuck with me and become some of my all-time favorites. Some of these songs/artists have been featured on my blog previously. But let’s get started!
周笔畅/Bibi Zhou 周笔畅 is probably my favorite artist right now. She’s been in the industry for a while, and her style has changed from pop/pop-rock to electric/indie (not sure how describe it?). I love both her latest albums and many of her earlier works. Favorite album: Lunar (2019) Essential songs: 叛逆的缪斯、七分钟好女孩 七分钟坏女孩、时光机与流浪者、对嘴、用尽我的一切奔向你
邓紫棋/G.E.M. I think pretty much everyone knows pop princess G.E.M. She’s a very accessible artist for Westerners, so I’ve known her music for years, but she’s stuck with me! She mostly sings in Mandarin now, but many of her older songs are in Cantonese. Favorite album: 新的心跳 (2015) Essential songs: 盲点、那一夜、倒数、我的秘密、毒苹果
郭顶/Guo Ding This man is so unbelievably talented. I know I’ve mentioned songs from his third album before (which is a smooth rock masterpiece) but his more pop-rock second album《微微》is also top-notch. I really hope he has more music in the works! Favorite album: 飞行机的执行周期 (2016) Essential songs: 情歌两三首、凄美地、在云端、不要想太多、水星记
任然/Ren Ran  任然 seems to dominate my Youtube homepage, and the number of views some lyrics videos for her songs have is mind-blowing. Her music is subtle, slow pop--not the kind of pop I tend to like, but she has so many songs that I adore. She releases music as an endless stream of singles, so I’m not recommending an album. Essential songs: 刚好、走不出的回忆、毁灭、后继者、空空如也
陈粒/Chen Li You may have already heard of 陈粒 because her songs have been covered on a few survival shows and by stars like 华晨宇. Her 2016 album 《小梦大半》can only be described as a masterpiece. She’s such a talented songwriter, too. I’d describe her music as indie/folk/pop. Favorite album: 小梦大半 (2016) Essential songs: 芳草地、小半、怪不得、情景剧、剧烈
阿肆/A Si I would describe 阿肆’s music as “delightfully quirky.” Her unique pop sound is bouncy and light and just so much fun. She is probably best known for her duet with Yoga Lin/林宥嘉 (the 5th song I list below). It’s been a while since she released an album, and I really hope another is coming soon. Favorite album: 预谋邂逅 (2013) Essential songs: 我在人民广场吃炸鸡、不想回家、我愚蠢的理想主义、缺乏、致姗姗来迟的你
孙盛希/Shi Shi 孙盛希 is a Taiwanese singer who grew up in South Korea before returning to Taiwan in pursuit of a music career. I would describe her music as passionate and whimsical pop, but she also has a “darker” more rock sound at times. And she really pulls off both! Favorite album: 希游记 (2018) Essential songs: 是他不配、内疚、暧、梦游、Don’t Panic
原子邦妮/Astro Bunny 原子邦妮 is an electronic music duo from Taiwan. I don’t really find myself listening to their full albums, but the standout songs from each album are really, really great electronic pop that will definitely get stuck in your head. Favorite album: 谢谢你曾经让我悲伤 (2017) Essential songs: 逃生口、忽然想你的时候、#imissyousobad、我无所谓、谢谢你曾经让我悲伤
持修/Chih Siou 持修 is a newcomer who recently won Best New Artist at the 2020 Golden Melody Awards. And it was sooooo deserved! He’s only released one album and a single so far, but it’s a fantastic album that I listen to on repeat. I would describe his sound spunky electronic pop. Favorite album: 房间里的大象 (2019) Essential songs: 根本不是我对手、胆小鬼、你能不哭了吗、你想去哪、到底你是要不要我啦
吴卓源/Julia Wu Julia Wu is an Australian Chinese singer now based in Taiwan. She sings in Chinese and English and has a signature R&B sound. Her style has evolved over the past few years, so you should check out her older and newer songs. Favorite album: 5 am (2019) Essential songs: 万年、Fever、全世界的朋友都让我失望、夜晚、Gameboy
黄龄/Isabelle Huang  黄龄, who sometimes calls herself “Yellow Zero,” also has a really entertaining Youtube/Bilibili channel where she posts song covers that she records in her bathroom. Her music is so eccentric and brimming with creativity! A lot of her songs sound like a wild dream or hallucination. Favorite album: 醉 (2019) Essential songs: 漂白、天涯歌女、谎言、天空中划过一道星光、繁华梦
蔡健雅/Tanya Chua I’m still exploring Tanya Chua’s music (she has released many albums), but I can tell her music is going to stay with me. So far I prefer her newer musical style, but she has so many classic hits, too. Her music is pretty standard pop music but with a lot of heart and soul. Favorite album: 我要给世界醉悠长的湿吻 Essential songs: 半途、红色高跟鞋、失语者、被驯服的象、我要给世界最悠长的湿吻
JADE I only discovered this Taiwanese band very recently, but I feel like their style of rock music is everything I’ve been wanting!!! It’s smooth, vibrant, effortless rock. I’m really excited to follow them and see what they release in the future. They only have 1 album so far. Favorite album: NEMO (2019) Essential songs: All Right、玻璃屋、不密集恐惧症、森林人、塞
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moremusic · 2 years
I heard this weeks guest on a Podcast. His music tells stories of what it is like living in this great country. Here is my interview with the great Matt Scullion.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Matt Scullion and I’m a well traveled Australiana-Folk singer/songwriter. As an artist I have two albums and a Golden Guitar award to my name.
As a co-writer I’ve written with everybody from Lee Kernaghan to Cold Chisel and have had 25 number one songs to date.
I grew up on the South Coast of NSW in a little town called Ulladulla and have pretty much been infatuated with music since I can remember.
What/who inspired you to get into music?
My Mother’s record collection and our next door neighbours who were a very arty/hippie family. My first instrument was the Bass guitar which I bought off the fella next door. He gave me a couple lessons and I caught a bad case of the music bug which I still have.
How, if at all did the pandemic change your approach to your music?
It’s definitely forced me to think outside the box as far as where I book my shows. It also gave me time to learn the Banjo.
Have you got any new releases due to come out?
I have one more single to release called “From The Ashes” a song about resilience after the 2019/20 bushfires. It’s the 5th single off my current album Aussie As Vol II.
I also have a new album in the pipeline. I’ll be heading into the studio this February to record with Shane Nicolson. Shane has produced my last two albums and I totally trust him with my songs.
When you record, how does the process develop? Drums first followed by guitar etc?
We always start with me putting down a guide instrument/vocal track. Shane then builds the music around my groove. We tend to go for a more percussive approach than a full drum kit, so it’s quite a fun process finding things to bang on in the studio to come up with new sounds.
What is your career highlight so far?
Performing at the SCG. I got to sing my song “1868” to a sea of faces. It’s the story of the first Australian sporting side to tour internationally which was an all Indigenous cricket team.
Any upcoming gigs you want to promote?
I’m looking forward to all the shows I have lined up this year, but I’ll give a shout out to The Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival, Oct 14-16. It’s a wonderful festival with a top line up.
What do you think of the Australian/Adelaide music scene?
I can’t speak for the whole Australian music scene, but the circuit I tour in is alive and well. The Aussie Country Music scene has always been really well supported by community radio which is a great way to reach the rural areas, which is where I do most of my shows.
What are\were some of your favourite venues to play?
I haven’t really got a favourite, but I definitely have a soft spot for the Tamworth Country Music Festival.
Who are some other upcoming bands we should have a look at?
An Aussie Folk singer/songwriter named Michael Waugh and a wonderful traditional Irish group called Lynched.
What venues or tours are still on your bucket list?
I’d love to perform at the Sydney Opera House, it’s a beautiful intimate setting with amazing acoustics. Also the Big Red Bash out in Birdsville QLD, I’ve heard it’s a fantastic festival to perform at.
What are your long and short term goals?
Just to keep making music that matters and writing songs that connect with everyday Australians.
If you could only keep one album, what would it be?
That’s not fair!! Can I have two please? John Williamson (Warragul) and Paul Kelly (Greatest Hits).
Finally, where can people find you? Socials etc?
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New Free Australian Folk Music Streaming Service - Trad&Now Live!
New Australian Folk Music Stream Charm of Finches, Australian Folk Music Awards 2022 – Photo: LTTL Trad & Now Magazine Launches Trad&Now Live! Australia’s first streaming service for Australian recorded folk music Free and 24/7 Continue reading Untitled
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Helen Townsend ‘Is This Love’
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Australian Americana artist Helen Townsend is that rare artist who can make large venues feel like lounge rooms. Get comfy and lean into her richly lyrical songs, get up and dance, sing along because she’s singing about you, fall in love with the stagecraft — whatever your desire, it’s all good because it’s just you and Helen. When the lights go up no one will ever know. Townsend’s new single, ‘Is This Love’, asks the age-old question, the one we’ve all wanted answered sometime or another. Dressed up in irresistible honky tonk blues, ‘Is This Love’ is an instant dance-floor filler and the first leg of a musical oeuvre that has Townsend at the peak of her powers and will have audiences beaming and calling out for more. Helen Townsend may have been late in picking up the tools of her trade but in a short time she has shown herself to be a master craftsman in a field too often crowded with cowboy-booted jacks and jills of all trades. Her sweet voice and tender picking rubs against songs that are filled with characters living with the costly results of impulsive choices and memories that just won’t let go. Her music takes you on a journey through beautiful valleys, coastal plains and soaring over mountains with a few deep, dark tunnels to keep you grounded. She has carved out a reputation for edgy Americana music – one that has pushed the genre’s boundaries from roots-rock through blues and country to folk – with her upcoming album, Helen has broadened her style and flair even more so with catchy new melodies, tight harmonies and personal stories and lyrics that hook into your heart and tear up your soul. The new album builds from her previous 2 EP’s and her debut album, which scored her multiple awards and nominations including winner of WA Country Music Award for Best Emerging Artist and Song of the year. Townsend has continued to extend her musical influence with her recent US shows and was part of the Sounds Australia Showcase at the coveted Americanafest in Nashville.  All this on top of the US launch of her EP “Love, Lies ‘n’ Leaving” which found its way into the FAI top 10 Folk albums chart in the US for September 2022 has increased Helens popularity in Australia and abroad. The video for the single is pure Americana nostalgia with Townsend and band arriving via a classic car to tear things up at a swinging rock ‘n’ roll bar. Through out it, we see Townsend question ‘Is This Love’ with her partner and fellow Australian musician Shannon Smith, as they share a dance, cocktails and eventually make plans to meet again. Much of Townsend’s forthcoming new album has been inspired by her new relationship with Shannon Smith, who has also channelled their love for each other in his own upcoming music project, both albums being written respectively from their different sides of the relationship, as these two musicians forged their bond. Helen Townsend releases ‘Is This Love’ on 26th September 2023.  Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: Helen Townsend Song Title: Is This Love Publishing: Helen Townsend Publishing Affiliation: APRA Album Title: Is This Love Record Label: Helen Townsend Music Publicity/PR: Cannonball PR Terry Emm 44 078 7191 7774 [email protected] Manager: Towns End Events Jo Brown 61 476 383 386 [email protected] Booking Agent: Towns End Events Jo Brown 61 476 383 386 [email protected] Read the full article
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Kim Yang
Well, it’s a fact. You can’t go anywhere that involves music without hearing the name Kim Yang. She’s the talk of the town right now and it really is well deserved. Kim was born in Taiwan and has called Australia home for many years; and how lucky we are to have her. Kim writes from the heart and tells stories from her life. Her music is soft, gentle and enchanting. Beautiful high notes and subtle harmonies create a special magic in her songs. She explores themes of living away from family and the importance of parental love, putting yourself first and the idea of people pleasing. To compliment the songs, there are music videos that are beautiful to watch as they showcase dance movements in vast outdoor settings. A lot of Kim’s shows have been her performing just with her guitar which is vulnerable and not everyone can pull it off. When watching her, it appears she does it with such ease. Now you can often catch her with a backing band. Kim is a kind and bubbly person with such genuinity. She’s just one of those people that you feel relaxed around. This busy lady has performed at some of Canberra’s biggest events such as the National Folk Festival, Enlighten, Australia Day concert and Australian of the Year award ceremony where she also sang the national anthem. Kim sold out her first EP launch which tells us her fans are eager to get their hands on new music. More recently, she released her latest EP ‘Brave’ in September and has been touring; performing her new stories for Australia. If you haven’t seen Kim Yang live yet, stop missing out and get to a show! Watch ‘Brave’ music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMbkuyk9gZM Kim’s Linktree: https://linktr.ee/kimyangmusic Instagram: http://instagram.com/kimyangmusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/kim013523 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimyangmusic Photo credit: Harry Chalker
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
🎸 Tues 13 Oct ‘20 🎫
Niall's big announcement is here and great news guys, it's neither a new golf initiative nor a perfume, it's a LIVE SHOW!! “I’m going to put on a show for you and I promise you will love it,” says Niall. First Heartbreak Weather live show? I'm very certain he's right about that! He's playing a livestream concert, with his full band, from the beautiful Royal Albert Hall (seen in his announcement pic) on Nov 7. The ticket prices are not high and in any case are for a good cause-- proceeds are to go to Niall's own out of work touring crew and any surplus to WeNeedCrew, an initiative (founded by a former 1D crew member!) that provides financial relief to UK based live music touring crews. Niall says, “I’m putting on this gig to try and raise awareness of the immense value [crew] bring to an industry enjoyed by so many, and do something to help them and their families. I ask all you guys to support them with me and buy a ticket if you can, and I encourage all artists to do the same⁣” because “I'm obviously one of the lucky ones but not everyone is as lucky as me.” He talks about some of the jobs his crew members are currently working to survive-- construction, grocery store staff-- and says, “I felt it was absolutely the least I could do” and that he hopes to sell enough tickets to “pay all of my crew.” The event will be viewable 'live only', but also the streams will be staggered for time zones which seems to suggest to me it's not what I would call a 'live' stream but semantic nitpicking aside the point is you can't watch it later, only when broadcast. Tickets go on sale Friday but they aren't capping sales, so no rush no stress. Niall has added another radio slot tomorrow morning on RTE, and while he had everyone's attention today he posted to urge young American voters to get registered and to vote, saying “This election is gonna dictate what happens for the next two generations. So make sure you’re there.” He doesn't specify that he means to vote Trump out but we all get that he means that right? I think he's made his feelings very clear on that matter!
Official Golden single release news at last!! According to All Access (the radio database) the song will “impact” Oct 26! I've been around here too long to expect that to stop people being certain it'll drop at some random midnight anyway (spoiler: it won't), but a girl can dream. Five more Don’t Worry Darling cast members have been announced, including Douglas Smith who folks are eyeballing as bearing a resemblance to Harry, and H was nominated for the fan voted Best International Artist Aria. I think expecting him to show up and accept the Australian award in person is right out this year but I have no doubt voters will give it their all anyway. And yesterday's fan pic of Harry taking a distanced fan pic was shortly followed by the fan pics he was taking, and more; the most, er, committed, cadre of Harry's LA followers, previously seen in various LA parking lots with him and other lucky celebs over the last five years, are on the job tracking him down. They found him (and Jeff) yesterday in, yes, a parking lot, where they got Harry to take pics and somewhat unenthusiastically sign their records and... birth control packaging? I want to think that's funny, well I DO think it's funny, like between his gayness and his baby fever is there anything LESS Harry, but I fear it may have been intended to be... sexy?? Anyway at least one of the crew sells their autographed hauls on depop so hey maybe that birth control packet will soon be for sale to the highest bidder.
Meanwhile, Zayn stirred from the deep to like some 'Stream Better' tweets and post spotify and amazon playlist covers ft his own pretty face before presumably breathing a an exhausted sigh and returning to his preferred life of petting animals and looking at boxing stats or whatever boxing stans do.
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onejazztrackaday · 4 years
Archie Roach – Little by Little
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In two weeks time, indigenous musician Archie Roach will be inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame as part of this year’s ARIA awards. When Archie’s induction was announced, he reflected on changes for local First Nations people during his career.
People have grown, they understand a bit more about things, about First Peoples in particular. I feel more Australian now, I feel more part of the broader community rather than a sub-group or a subculture.
His album Tell Me Why, from which today’s Aussie Friday track is taken, is nominated for the three ARIA awards; Best Male Artist, Best Adult Contemporary Album, and Best Independent Release. The album also won Album of the Year in the 2020 National Indigenous Music Awards.
Tell Me Why is a companion album to Archie's memoir of the same name. It re-imagines 11 songs that have defined Roach's career, together with two songs that were written and never recorded, two songs of early influence, and three brand new recordings.
The house Archie is building in his song Little by Little is his life. It’s a proud and positive reflection on adversity, perseverance, resilience and love. A child of the stolen generation, Archie was taken from his family at the age of three, along with two sisters, and sent to a Salvation Army orphanage. At eleven he asked the couple he believed to be his parents why he was black and they were white; they told him his parents had died. At the age of fifteen, he was contacted by his natural sister, who told him their mother had just died. He spent the next fourteen years on the streets, battling alcoholism. He met his lifelong partner, the late Ruby Hunter, who became a great singer / songwriter in her own right, when she was sixteen.
While Roach is known for folk, blues, and alternative rock, this album is full of jazz cred. It is produced by Australian jazz icon Paul Grabowsky, who also takes his place at the piano, and is joined by Stephen Magnusson on guitar,  Sam Anning on bass, and Dave Beck on drums.
The whole album is worth a listen. I particularly liked the duet with Emma Donovan, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, which was Roach's favourite childhood hymn. The performance is a tribute to the magic of Louis Armstrong and Mahalia Jackson's version.
Happy First Aussie’s Friday
– Bozzie 🎷 🇦🇺 
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* unfortunately there is no unicode emoji for an aboriginal flag
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mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
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Instead of doing replies, here’s this massive hc post that nobody needed or wanted lmao ayyy
Seoul Hanoi'd
  Genre: The Wikipedia page describes them as an indie rock alt-rock group, with the genres listed under the main box being indie rock, alternative rock, and some forrays into indietronica. 
  The group is described as genre-bending, as they will stick mainly with an indie rock vibe/folk punk (think violent femmes with that term), but they’ll pull elements from a wide range of genres. Seoul Hanoi’d is made up of singers and musicians whose wheelhouses include jazz, country/bluegrass/Americana, folk rock, indie rock, glam rock, garage rock revival, pop rock, classical, traditional Eastern, and R&B, so it isn’t unusual for a song to feature a cleverly placed jazzy bass throughout (like Ladies’ Code, Galaxy) or a mandolin. 
Background: Seoul Hanoi’d was founded in 2010 when a “joke in a conversation” between American-Cambodian singer, song-writer, and musician Franny Sor Robinson and Scottish drummer Max Jin-ho Cho came to life. The group currently consists of ethnic Korean, Vietnamese, Bhutanese, Cambodian, Lao, Hmong, Malaysian, Indonesian, Mongolian, Kazakh, Chinese, Nepalese, and Thai diaspora who rotate out for live shows as their schedules permit. All members of Seoul Hanoi’d have either their own solo music careers, or are primarily involved in acting, or have a primary band they are active in. There are four founding members and eight other members, totaling twelve. In addition to the twelve official members of Seoul Hanoi’d, other guest musicians have played with them when none of the twelve in the official lineup could fill a role. 
  The "core” members are almost all at every performance. Of the core members, Franny is absent the most because of her wildly busy schedule. She has a hand in composing almost every original song, arranging most of the covers, writing a huge chunk of their lyrics, and is the common thread between most of the other musicians, so she is considered the leader of the group.
  The band has won Grammy Awards, and since many of the band members are British they’ve won awards in Britain too, and because of the two Canadian members they’ve been nominated for awards in Canada. The band is labeled British-American-Canadian on the Wikipedia page. Though, one member is from Australia, and one from New Zealand. They joke that since Canada, the US, and UK all have at least two members, they get to be on the Wikipedia page.They have been given numerous honors from various Asian cultural organizations in The United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, France, New Zealand, and Canada.
  Because of Seoul Hanoi’d’s unique structure, any touring is done in small legs and there’s usually a live lineup switcheroo from leg to leg. The band has a massive online following -- even when they don’t do live shows for a while they pump out content on their YouTube channel including covers, performances of their original content, charity livestreams, Learn [Language] with [Member], and occasional vlogs where the members teach you about their culture(s) by showing the viewer around a cultural festival or a traditional wedding or something.
  Founding members: Franny Sor Robinson (Cambodian-American), Vanessa Pham (Vietnamese-American folk indie singer-songwriter and guitarist), Max Jin-ho Cho (Korean-Scottish singer-songwriter, drummer, and pianist), Mary Xiong (Hmong-American indie rock singer and musician)
  Other members: Pangfoua Zangkai (Hmong-Canadian actress, singer,  and guitarist), Lawrence Hardjono (Indonesian-Australian bassist, lyricist, singer), Roslan Ali (Malaysian-New Zealand glam/indie rock singer, director, musician, song-writer, and author), Souksakhone “Holly” Rasavong (Laotian-Canadian pianist/keyboardist, composer, producer, drummer), Aisulu Niyazova-Li (Kazakh-Chinese-English actress, singer, and musician), Jodie Batbayar (Mongolian-English musician, singer, violinist, activist, and producer), Andrew “Andy” Chaiyaporn (Thai-American drummer, guitarist, singer, and violinist), Hannah Sadutsang (Nepalese-Bhutanese-English musician, lyricist)
  Main singer on album recordings: Franny Sor Robinson, songs v personal to the other singers are sometimes recorded by them, the main male vocalist is Roslan Ali
  Main singer live: Generally Franny Robinson for Europe shows, but of the core members she’s absent most and in her absence Aisulu Niyazova-Li, Vanessa Pham, or Mary Xiong typically will take lead
  Core live members: Franny Robinson (singer, main lyricist), Max Cho (drummer),Vanessa Pham (backing vocals, lead guitar), Pangfoua Zangkai (rhythm guitar, harmony lines), Roslan Ali (main male vocalist, lyricist, assorted instruments, directs most music videos), Lawrence Hardjono (bassist), Holly Rasavong (piano, keyboard), Andy Chaiyaporn (violinist, stringed instrument god)
  Most common live substitutes: 
  Franny Robinson (singer) may be replaced with Aisulu Niyazova-Li, Vanessa Pham, or Mary Xiong 
Max Cho (drummer) may be replaced with Andy Chaiyaporn who is usually in charge of string instruments or Holly Rasavong
Andy Chaiyaporn (string god) can be replaced with Jodie Batbayar
Vanessa Pham (lead guitar, backing vocals) can be replaced with Mary Xiong, Aisulu Niyazova-Li, or Jodie Batbayar
Pangfoua Zangkai (rhythm guitar, some harmonies) can be replaced with Hannah Sadutsang or Mary Xiong
 Roslan Ali (male singer, various instruments) can be replaced with Andy Chaiyaporn, or Lawrence Hardjono will sing and play bass
Lawrence Hardjono (bassist) can be replaced with Mary Xiong, Aisulu Niyazova-Li, Jodie Batbayar, or Hannah Sadutsang
Holly Rasavong (piano, keyboard) can be replaced by Hannah Sadutsang, Jodie Batbayar, or Aisulu Niyazova-Li
  Franny was friends with all of the members individually before most of them knew each other, Franny is the common thread. 
  Vanessa Pham is an American solo artist that Franny went to NYU with
Max Jin-ho Cho is a Scottish drummer, pianist, and singer that Franny met during a song-writing session with a mutual friend who is in Max’s main band, a Scottish rock band called Glasgow Gravedigger Society
Mary Xiong is the frontwoman of an American glam rock band called Borrowing Sally’s Mascara that Franny met when they performed at the same music festival that Daniel Maitland’s main band was (an alternative female-fronted  rock band called Venus and The Flytraps; he’s the other half of the bluegrass/indie country/americana duo Dara & Danny that Franny does) and Franny was there to support him, and a mutual friend introduced them to Mary
Pangfoua Zangkai is a Canadian actress that Franny met in 2008 when they were actually co-starring in an indie comedy movie directed by a mutual friend. The film was about two first-generation American women nearing the end of their final year of university, and deals with the pressure children of immigrant parents often deal with regarding their families hopes and dreams, and the feelings of not feeling American “enough” and not feeling Hmong or Cambodian “enough” through a comedic lens. The film won several awards from different organizations in the West meant to promote Asian/Southeast Asian culture and art, and has become pretty important to many people in Southeast Asian diaspora groups. Pangfoua is primarily an actress, but can sing and play guitar.
Lawrence Hardjono is an Australian singer and musician who is mostly known for his solo career primarily across Australia, New Zealand, and in his parents’ native Indonesia. Franny met him when they were both speakers at a Southeast Asian cultural event in Australia
Roslan Ali is a New Zealand rock singer, musician, and author that had been friends with Lawrence Hardjono for a while. He fronts an all Asian-New Zealander and Maori band called Kiwaisa Pacific
Holly Rasavong is a Canadian musician and producer that has produced several of Venus and The Flytraps’ albums, so she’s someone else that Franny met through her connection to Daniel Maitland.
Aisulu Niyazova-Li is one of the youngest members of Seoul Hanoi’d, at twenty-nine. She is an English actress, singer, and musician that Franny met when Aisulu reached out to Franny via her publicist about coming to speak at her (Aisulu’s) university. Aisulu was the president of the Asian Student Union at the time. Franny thought Aisulu was pretty damn great and kept in touch with her, even hooking her up with an audition for a record label. She has a solo R&B singing career under the name Niya Li.
Jodie Batbayar is an English singer, violinist, and activist most known for her violin skill. She can play classical style and fiddle style. She met Franny when the two of them were speaking at an event about Asian women’s empowerment
 Andrew “Andy” Chaiyaporn is an American drummer, guitarist, singer, and violinist. He typically plays violin in an American indie folk band called Maggie Creek, named after a stream in his native Nevada. He met Franny through a Facebook group for Southeast Asian-American creatives.
Hannah Sadutsang is English musician and lyricist most famous for writing the lyrics for many popular songs in the UK. Hannah is actually the youngest and most recent official member of Seoul Hanoi’d. She’s a former student of Franny Robinson’s at Pride University.
  Inspiration playlist: Link 
  Seoul Hanoi’d experiments with both live instruments and some elements of electronic music, but it’s always meant to accompany live instrumentation. 
  They have an entire album that’s explicitly political, aptly named The Political One, and a couple other songs subtly so. 
Awards, iconic performances, etc:
  Seoul Hanoi’d has won Grammys
Main songwriter, Franny Sor Robinson, was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2019 at the age of thirty-nine
Their Glastonbury 2016 performance, fronted by Franny Sor Robinson, has been heralded as one of the best live shows of the Festival in the last decade
Seoul Hanoi’d has performed at SXSW almost every year since 2013 
They have been invited to perform in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Mongolia, Bhutan, Korea, Nepal, Malaysia, and Indonesia by important figures either in entertainment or government to thank them for promoting and educating about their various cultures abroad
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hiitandsarcasm · 5 years
Emily Ratajkowski Before and After
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There have been numerous plastic surgery rumours surrounding Emily Ratajkowski with critics claiming the fairly British-American model and celebrity have needed a boob job, nose job and lip shots to improve her beauty.
But the actual question is...how did Emily go undetected for so long with this gorgeous face and stunning body?
Produced in Westminister, London, but increased in the USA. Shortly after settling in the nations, she became obsessed with theatre and finally got into modelling after she attended the University of California at Los Angeles. But she did not get anywhere... The best celebrity blog here!
Sure, she has done a couple of non-scripted picture roles and appeared in Nickelodeon's iCarly for two mere episodes. Nevertheless, it was only when she took off her clothes and introduced for an art magazine, Heal! , that she'ultimately' became famous and won her a part in Pharell William's 2013 songs movie, Blurred Lines.
Guess what they say about Hollywood is authentic...if you wish to make it; then you have to reveal it!
For Emily, celebrity came with a great deal of sound, judgment and criticisms, particularly when your audience cares about one thing: Your Looks! Many folks say she has fake breasts, although some are sure that she has had cosmetic procedures done on her lips, nose, and buttocks.
So how much of them are true?
Emily's Beauty Growing
The year 2006
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This was Emily if she was only 15 years old. Even though the picture is somewhat fuzzy, you can see she has huge eyes, beautiful eyebrows, and complete pudgy lips.
The year 2009
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Emily appeared in two episodes of the 3rd year in Nickelodeon's iCarly playing the use of Gibby's girlfriend, Tasha.
Not positive if you noticed, however, Ratajkowski's jawline seems to be pretty broad here along with her chin appears fairly significant also, it is almost like she has had a chin augmentation. Thus, we believe she'd have had a chin contouring and maybe a chin reduction surgery in the future in life to change her face form.
The year 2012
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By taking a look at her waist, we highly doubt that this had anything to do with a tummy tuck. It looks like she has put in a great deal of work into her work out and stuck into her diet program.
This was the year she obtained showcased in the"Heal!"
The year 2013
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This was the breakthrough season for Emily when she appeared at the MTV to get Robin Thicke's T.I., but that which caught the nation's soul was her amazing performance in Pharrell Williams's 2013 movie, "Blurred Lines." She was hot, sexy, flirting and dancing during the video. Her busty body became the conversation in the city, and suddenly, everybody wanted to know the Blurred Lines woman with the big boobs had been.
Emily Ratajkowski's breast size was below a great deal of scrutiny with several people asserting that the England born version had breast implants to boost her overall bra size.
The year 2014
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This was another terrific season for Emily because she had been awarded the supporting character enjoying the mistress of Ben Affleck from the hit film,"Gone Girl." Shortly after, she turned into the leading cover version for its Cosmopolitan 2014 issue.
The year 2015
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In the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Celebration in New York, Emily was looking excellent in this red dress. Her skin is sleek, smooth, and her eye makeup stunning, fitting perfectly with her pink lips. No wonder why folks keep saying that she has had lip injection, but after seeing her sooner photographs, we dismissed the claim.
The year 2016
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Ratajkowski stunned the audience at the Vanity Fair Oscars celebration in Beverly Hills wearing a strapless black bodysuit paired with an Italian embroidered tulle skirt by Australian programmer Steven Khalil. Unsurprisingly, her breasts and breasts size became the middle of focus because the ensemble and rumours of a boob job began circling again.
In this calendar year, Emily got her first top role alongside Zac Efron at a musical play, "We're Your Friends."
The year 2017
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It is not often we get to observe that the traditional side of Emily wearing eyeglasses, and in case you did not understand, she is quite a feminist in nature. Here she's currently attending the New York Fashion Week after dealing several harsh criticisms for the pasta video for Love magazine. In case you haven't seen it. Do an internet search on youtubYouTubebr>2017 also been shown to be a hectic year for her since she has done different cover shoots for Vogue, US Instyle, and American Marie Claire. Now lets something...does her nose seem to be more significant for you? Have a peek at the nose bridge, and you will understand what we intended. Maybe she did not have a nose job after all, and it was only makeup all combined...
The year 2018
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The pink-red eye makeup appears utterly chic while the remainder of her face stayed astonishingly minimalist, complimenting superbly with her naked pink lip shine.
At only 26 years old, she has got a very long way to go before we see any ageing wrinkles or signs. So there is no need for her to consider any botox injeBotox, facelift or brow lift....at not at another 10-20 decades.
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findasongblog · 5 years
Still looking for Christmas presents? What about one (or all 😉) of these EPs?
Jericho Noguera - Get It By The Feel
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Jericho’s Noguera’s first full band record ‘Get It by the Feel’ has been over a year in the making, the track listing ‘​Future Project’,​ ​‘What Do You Really Mean’, ​‘High’​, ‘​The Moon Against the Black Sky’​, and ​‘The Sun’ll Come Up’ ​features a unique blend of jazz, soul, and psychedelia. The EP was recorded and produced by Jericho at home in Birmingham.
‘With the new songs on the EP I’d been worrying that they might take some patience to catch. ‘High’ f​ or example is nearly six minutes long, and builds up slowly over two repeating chords. ‘The Moon Against the Black Sky’​ is another one you kind of have to sink into, I think I'm asking the listener to give a lot to the songs, and that’s something I don’t expect everyone to do. I kept things sparse as a result of the limitations I had with recording, most of the songs have full unedited takes on each instrument, so it’s not one hundred percent perfect either. But ultimately I think that’s what’s given the songs their character. As cliche of a realisation as it is, I think it’s the imperfections that have given the songs life. These days people are compressing the shit out of their audio, among other mainstream habits, so I struggled with the idea of sacrificing a competitive mix against one that the songs really need. But I'm over it now, so here’s the record. (press release)
A Kind Of Man - A Kind Of Man
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Danish A Kind of Man is Bjørn Rosenquist’s solo project and his self titled debut EP was released November 29th.
A Kind of Man’s first single ‘Teddy Love’ achieved airplay on Danish national radio. Following this Bjørn and his band - A Kind of Band - have played several shows in Denmark, also as supporting act for Australian POND. Shortly after, Bjørn was contacted by renowned director Meeto who created a stunning music video for ‘Teddy Love’. This video was nominated for Best Music Video at The True Award 2019.
In February 2020 another music video by Meeto will be released for the track ‘FLIP’ off the debut EP.
Acclaimed artist Nicolai Bruun has made an animation video for A Kind of Man’s latest single ‘Franceen’. Bjørn stars as “Franceen” - an androgynous figure who represents the offbeat emotions in the song. The singles ‘Teddy Love’ and ‘Franceen’ have both been included in the soundtrack for Kaspar Astrud Scrøders documentary ‘Don’t Give A Fox’ which revolves around a group of urban skater girls.
“Hopefully my music sounds like lightly moisted cotton panties on a woman lying half asleep in the sand on a stinking hot beach.”- A Kind of Man (press release)
Junodream - Isn’t It Lovely (To Be Alone)
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While the track’s atmospherics vary dramatically on ‘Isn’t It Lovely (To Be Alone)’, the songs are all thematically linked. They’re a collection of vignettes in the life of an ordinary young man, whose dedication to making the best of his position in life masks the turmoil that lies just under the surface. Think Gregor Samsa from Kafka’s The Metamorphosis dropped into a modern metropolis. The topics that Junodream address are drawn from the band’s personal experiences. But they’re frustrations which are common amongst people in their early twenties: anxiety; the financial demands of debt and rent; lack of fulfillment at work; insecurity in relationships; and an overwhelming lack of control.  Junodream like to see the funny side in things, and these themes are injected with a wry sense of humour. It becomes a catch-22 situation: you’re constrained by the very things that you want to escape. Ed explains the meaning behind the EP’s title track ‘Isn’t It Lovely (To Be Alone), “The track is about a failed relationship in free-fall. It’s centred round a sordid night out where things break down, hidden tensions come out the woodwork and you just want to go home”.  (press release)
The Hollow Ends - The EP II
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St. Louis gypsy-folk act The Hollow Ends announced on October 28 the release of “THE EP II,” a brand-new 5-song album.
The new EP features 5 previously unreleased songs, including the first single “What,” a gypsy folk tune you might hear at a creepy carnival plucked out of the 1930s that you don't feel entirely safe at, which was released on October 30. Kick drum, tambourine, upright bass and gypsy jazz-influenced guitars drive the song forward, and Vaudevillian 3-part harmonies and a Django-style guitar solo add to the circus vibe of this rickety Ferris Wheel tune.
The EP also features “Little Devil,” an indulgent gypsy/folk/rock/punk track from a traveling Tim Burton-on-MDMA circus, and “Annie Pardami,” a twangy alt-folk romp with upright bass and melodica.  These, the 2nd and 3rd singles from the record, were released on November 19 and 28, respectively. The record was tracked and produced by Zachary Schwartz, the brains of The Hollow Ends operation.  Ben Majchrzak of St. Louis-based Native Sound mixed and mastered the record. (press release)
Chavez Cartel - Confidence Is All I’m Taking Home
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Confidence Is All I'm Taking Home is an assertive representation of the Chavez Cartel spirit of self belief and persistence to overcome obstacles, doubts and negativecriticism; pushing themselves beyond their limits to continue evolving as individuals and collectively as a band. Chavez Cartel wear their hearts on their sleeves with this EP,expressing genuine emotion on each track.
Teaming up again with producer Govinda Doyle; the EP comprises of 5 new songs, including the recent single 'Love On The Run'.
The title of the EP derives from lyrics of the first track 'Scum and Fears'; "Confidence is all I'm taking home. Hard earned like ya fathers gold. I'd pay for pain but you bring so much for free." To grow we must accept who we are, flaws and all; embrace every opportunity we're given, make mistakes to learn harsh lessons and become a better version of ourselves.
''Different Underneath' is a battle between doubt and self belief wrestling it out for pole position. Overall it's an encouragement to stop doubting yourself, bite the bullet and pursue your aspirations with confidence. "I know you're weary, I know you're teary. But wipe an eye and have a wonder underneath."
The track 'For Better Or Worse' is a love song about making it through all the ups and downs that come with a romantic relationship and the commitment associated with the vow 'till death do us part'. "Her heart and soul belong to him and his belongs to her. It's written in the stars and in his words. For better or worse." "She's everywhere, he's all around, she's in the air, he's on the ground."
To bring the EP to an end is the live acoustic track 'See You Again'. A dark and gothic take on relationships, focusing on broken promises and empty words. Are you guilty of saying things and failing to follow them through?
Chavez Cartel are proud of their achievement to bridge gaps this year despite the knock-backs. They have proven to themselves that self confidence is paramount to achieve success and to celebrate all wins in the right direction, positive progress is key. (press release)
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